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Inc Junior Model-B Physics Npyq

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JR_*CO-SC(MODEL-B) Date: 07-08-22

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 240
PHYSICS: PRESENT WEEK (80%): Circular motion: Kinematics of Circular
Motion, Angular Velocity, Angular Acceleration, Dynamics of Circular
Motion, Banking Of Road, Radius of Curvature, Centrifugal Force
(Exclude: Vertical Circular Motion)
PREVIOUS WEEK (20%): Contact Force and its components, Dry
Friction, Static and Dynamic Friction, Laws of Friction, Angle of
Friction & Repose, Rolling Friction
CHEMISTRY: PRESENT WEEK EEK (80%): Limitations of first law of thermodynamics;
Second law of Therm
hermodynamics; Carnot cycle, efficiency of
thermodynamic system, Entropy -physical
- significance , expressions
in all types of processes, Gibb's free energy - physical significance,
spontneity of processes
PREVIOUS WEEK EEK (20%): Thermodynamics-I: Terms involved ed in
thermodynamics - System & Surrounding, Extensive and Intensiventensive
, Specific heat,
Latent heat, Cp, Cv,, Types of procesess and
a first law,, Work, Internal
energy change, Enthalpy change - expressions for reversible,
irreversible isothermal and adiabatic processes,, (Exclude:
Exclude: DH, Du, W
of vanderwaal's equation, Joule thomson effect))
MATHEMATICS: PRESENT WEEK EEK (80%): Conditional Identities, Summation of
Trigonometric series,, Miscellaneous problems on Transformation
PREVIOUS WEEK EEK (20%): TRIGINOMETRY: Measurement of Angles,
Trigonometric Ratios & Identities, T- Ratio of Compound angle,, T-Ratio
of Multiple, sub-multiple
-multiple angles (Excluding graph, periodicity and
extreme values),T-Ratio
),T-Ratio of some special angles, Transformation
formulae ((Except
cept Summation)
Narayana IIT Academy 07-08-22_INC.JR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-B)_JEE-ADV_WAT-6_Q’P
PHYSICS Max Marks : 80
This section contains 8 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
1. Figure shows a man of mass M=65kg standing stationary with respect to a horizontal
conveyor belt , if the coefficient of static friction between the man’s shoes and the belt
is 0.2, upto what acceleration, in ms 2 , of the belt can the man continue to be stationary
relative to the belt ? take g  10ms 2 .

2. What is the minimum radius of a circle along which a cyclist can ride with a velocity
18 km/hr if the coefficient of friction between the tyres and the road is
  0.5  take g  10 m / s 2 

3. Two moving particles P and Q are 10 m apart certain instant. The velocity of P is 8 m/s
making an angle 300 with the line joining P and Q and that of Q is 6 m / s making an
angle 300 with PQ as shown in the figure. Then angular velocity of P with respect to Q
is Y rad/sec. Find the value of 10Y?

4. A particle is moving in a circular path of radius 1 m. It starts from rest and its
tangential acceleration is 3 t . The time after which the acceleration of the particle

makes an angle of 300 with centripetal acceleration is  n  seconds. Find the value of


5. A small block slides on a frictionless table. It is constrained to move inside a ring of

radius 1 m fixed to the table. At t = 0, the block is moving along circumference inside
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the ring with speed v0  10 m / s . The coefficient of friction between block and ring is
  0.1 . Find the velocity of the block (in m/s) at t = 1 s.


6. A vehicle of mass m starts moving along a horizontal circle without slipping , so that
centripetal acceleration is a r  bt 2 , where b is constant. At t  t 0 , the vehicle skids. The
friction on the car as function of time t   t 0  is nm b 2 t 4  bR . Find the value of n.

7. A bead of mass m rests on a vertical smooth parabola x 2  cy at  a, b  as shown in the

figure. The required value of angular velocity  is . Find n.

8. A small block m1 of mass 10 gram is fastened to one end of a light string and a second
block m 2 of mass 20 gram to the middle point, the other end of the string fastened to a
fixed point on a smooth horizontal table. The blocks are then projected such that the
two portions of the string are always in the same straight line and the blocks describe
horizontal circles on the table as shown in the figure below.

Tension in the string portion between blocks is T1 and tension between point O and the
block of mass m 2 is T2 . The value of is

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This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all other cases.
9. Three particles describes circular path of radii r1r2 and r3 with constant speed such that
all the particles take same time to complete the revolution. If 1 , 2 , 3 be the angular
velocity v1 , v2 , v3 be linear velocities, a1 , a2 , a3 are linear acceleration of three particles
respectively than
A) 1 : 2 : 3  1:1:1 B) v1 : v2 : v3  r1 : r2 : r3
C) a1 : a2 : a3  1:1:1 D) a1 : a2 : a3  r1 : r2 : r3
10. Block A is kept on block B as shown in figure. It is known that acceleration of block A
is A is 2 m/s2 towards right and acceleration of block B is 3 m/s2 towards right under
the effect of unknown forces. The friction force acting on A by B   AB  0.3

(A) Is necessarily towards right (B) May be towards right

(C) May be towards left (D) May be zero
11 Figure shows a rod of length L pivoted near an end and which is made to rotate in a
horizontal plane with a constant angular speed. A ball of mass m is suspended by a
string also of length L from the other end of the rod. If the  is steady angle made by
string with the vertical, then

A) T sin   m 2 L 1  sin   B) T cos   mg

 2 L 1  sin  
C) tan   D) None of above

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12 In the arrangement shown W1  200 N ,W2  100 N ,   0.25 for all surface in contact. The
block W1 just slides under the block W2

(A) A pull of 50 N is to be applied on W1 . (B) A pull of 90 N is to be applied on W1 .

(C) Tension in the string AB is 10 2 N . (D) Tension in the string AB is 20 2 N .

13 A boy of mass m kg slides down a light rope attached to a fixed spring balance, with an
acceleration a. The reading of the spring balance is M kg.

(A) The tension in the rope is T=Mg N

 a
(B) m  M 1  

g 

(C) m 
g a

(D)The force of friction exerted by the rope on the boy is f  m  g  a  N

14. A particle is acted upon by a force of constant magnitude which is always

perpendicular to the velocity of the particle. The motion of the particle takes place in a
plane. It follows that

(A) its velocity is constant

(B) its acceleration is constant

(C) its kinetic energy is constant

(D) it moves in a circular path

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15. A single wire ACB passes through a ring C of mass ‘m’, which revolves at a constant
speed in the horizontal circle of radius ‘r’?

(A) The angular speed of revolution is

 2mg 
(B) The tension in the wire is  
 3 1 

(C) The tension in the wire may be zero

(D) In vertical direction, net force is zero

16. Two particles A and B separated by a distance 2R are moving clockwise along the
same circular path of radius R each with a uniform speed ‘V’. At time t = 0, A is given
32V 2
a constant tangential acceleration of magnitude a  in the same direction of initial
velocity. Then

(A) The time laps for the two bodies to collide is

(B) Angle covered by ‘B’ in this time is

32V 2
(C) Angular acceleration of ‘A’ is
25R 2

(D) Tangential acceleration of ‘B’ is zero

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This section contains 2 groups of questions. Each group has 2 multiple choice questions based on a
paragraph. Each question has 4 choices A), B), C) and D) for its answer, out of which ONE OR MORE is/are
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all other cases.
Paragraph for Question Nos. 17 to 18:
The coin is rotating with a plate without sliding. If the coefficient of friction between
the coin and plate is  = 0.75, the friction between the coin and plate is

17. If the angular frequency of the rotation of the plate is   , The friction force

acting on coin is

3 mg mg mg
(A) mg  (B)  (C)  (D) 
4 4 2 2

18. If the plate is rotating alone and the coin is gently placed on the rotating plate, the
frictional force on the coin is

3 mg 3
(A)mg (B) mg (C) (D) mg
2 2 4

Paragraph for Question Nos. 19 to 20:

At the turn a track is banked for optimum speed of 40 km/h. At the instant shown in the
figure, a car is traveling out of the plate of the figure.

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19. If the car travels at 60 km/h, the net frictional force acting on the wheels must be

(A) static in nature and point downward along the bank of the track for safe driving.

(B) static in nature and points upward along the bank of the track for safe driving.

(C) kinetic in nature and points upward along the bank of the track for safe driving.

(D) kinetic in nature and points downwards along the bank of the track for safe driving.

20. When the car is on the turn the driver realizes that his speed is reaching the maximum
safe limit so he applies brakes to reduce the speed till the car reaches the optimum
speed. While he is applying the brake, the frictional force acting on the wheels of the
car must be

(A) Static in nature and directed somewhere in between downward along bank of the
track and into the plane of the figure.

(B) Static in nature and directed somewhere in between upward along bank of the track
and into the plane the figure.

(C) Static in nature and directed somewhere in between downward along bank of the
track and out of the plane of the figure.

(D) Static in nature and directed somewhere in between upward along bank of the track
and out of the plane of the figure.

1 2 2 5 3 7 4 2 5 5
6 1 7 2 8 2 9 ABD 10 BCD
11 ABC 12 BD 13 ACD 14 CD 15 ABD
16 ABCD 17 3 18 4 19 1 20 1

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Narayana IIT Academy 07-08-22_INC.JR.IIT_*COSC(MODEL-B)_WAT-6_Key&Sol’s
1. Since the man is standing stationary w.r.t the belt , so Acceleration of the man =Acceleration of the
belt =  a  1 ms 2
Net force on the man is Fnet  Ma  65 1  65 N
Limiting friction is
  mg
Let the man remains stationary with respect to the belt for maximum acceleration a0 , then
ma0   mg
 a0   g   0.2 10   2 ms 2
v2 5 5
2. R   5m
 g 0.5 10
 r .component of velocity of P w.r.t Q
3. w
8sin 30  6sin 30
0 0
 
10 10
4. a cos 30  a r and a sin 300  a t

at 3t
 tan 300  
ar ar
a r  3t or  3t
 v 2  3t
But a t   3t
v t
3 2
or  dv  3  tdt or v  t
0 0
t 4

Given t  22 / 3 s
mv 2
5. Centroipetal acceleration is provided by normal contact force thus, we can write, N 
dv mv dv
Also, N  m or   m
dt R dt

t v
dv   v 21 
or   dt   2 or  t   
R0 v0
v R  2  1  v 0

 v 
2 1
t  1 1 
or  t  or      
R  2  1  v0 R  v v0 

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1 1 t
or  
v v0 R
v0 R 10  1
or v    5m / s
R  tv 0 1  0.1 1 10
6. a r  bt 2
or  bt 2 or v  bRt 2
or v  bRt or a t   bR
the required acceleration for vehicle is provided by friction
 f  ma  m a12  a12  m b 2 t 4  bR
 n 1
7. Here, N cos   mg

and N sin   ma2

or tan  
x 2  cy
 2x  c
dy 2x
or 
dx c
 tan  
a 2
or 
g c
 
8. From free body diagram

T2  T1  m 2 2
and T1  m1 2gw 2
or T2   2m1  m 2  2

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T1 m1 2 2
 
T2  2m1  m 2  2
2m1 2 10 20
    0.5
2m1  m 2 20  20 40

10. The direction of friction force depends on the relative motion of the surfaces. Here at the instant
asked the directions of motion has not been mentioned so various cases may exist.
11. conceptual

For W2 :
N 2  T sin 45  W2  100 ….(1)
T cos 45  0.25 N 2 …..(2)

For W1 :
P  0.25  N1  N 2  …..(3)
N 2  W1  N1 ……(4)
Solving , we get P=90N, T  20 2 N
13. Reading of the spring balance is equal to the tension in the rope which equals the force of friction
between the rope and the boy as well as the force exerted by the rope and the boy on each other
Hence (A,C,D) are correct

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14. When force is perpendicular to velocity, work done by force is zero or F v = 0. The force then
produces an acceleration by changing direction of velocity and it produces a centripetal acceleration
which rotates the particle is circular path.
15. In vertical direction T cos 300  T cos 600  mg

mg 2mg
T 
cos 30  cos 60
0 0

3 1 
and T sin 300  T sin 600  mr2 (towards centre)

 3 1 T  mr 2


or 
 
3  1  2mg
  mr2
 2  3 1
 
Hence, option (a,b) and (d) are correct
16. SAB  u AB t  a AB t 2
1  32V 2  2
R   t
2  25R 
5 R
4 V
 a t  R  For A
 t
 B  t for B
V 5
 t  
R 4
17. f  m R 2

g mg
m R  
2R 2
18. If coin is gently placed on the rotating plate, initially the coin with slide with respect to plate and
friction will be kinetic in nature.
f  N  mg  mg
19. The car moves at speed greater than the optimum speed. SO it has outward sliding tendency.
20. To retard the car, a tangential force in backward direction is required and to compensate outward
sliping tendency, a tangential force down the plate is required.
These two are the components of the force of static friction.
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PHYSICS Max. Marks: 61
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
1. Four particles P1, P2 , P3 , P4 are moving in a plane. At t = 0, they are at the four corners of
a square ABCD of edge length l. Each of the particles has a constant speed v. The
velocity of P1 is always directed towards P2 , that of P2 is always directed towards P3 ,
that of P3 is always directed P4 , and that of P4 is always directed towards P1 . All the
four particles collide at the point O at time t = T.Magnitude of angular acceleration of
the line joining O and particle P1 at t = T/2 is
4v 2 2v 2 v2 v2
A) B) C) D)
l2 l2 2l2 4l2

2. A stone is projected from level ground at t = 0 sec such that its horizontal and vertical
components of initial velocity are 10 m/s and 20 m/s respectively. Then the instant of
time at which tangential and normal components of acceleration of stone are same is :
(neglect air resistance) g  10 m / s 2 .
1 3
A) sec B) sec C) 3 sec D) 4 sec
2 2
3. What is the radius of curvature of the parabola traced out by the projectile. Projected
with a speed u  30 m/s at angle   60o with the horizontal at a point where the
particle velocity makes an angle  / 2 with the horizontal? (take g=10 m/sec2)
1 2 3 3
A) B) C) D)
2 3 2 2

4. Two particles A,B are moving on two concentric circles of radii R1 and R2 with equal
angular speed  . At t  0, their positions and direction of motion are shown in the

The relative velocity vector VA  VB at t  is given by:
A)   R1  R2  iˆ C)   R1  R2  iˆ C)   R1  R2  iˆ D)   R2  R1  iˆ

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5. A bead of mass m rests on a vertical smooth parabola x 2  cy at (-a,b) as shown in the
figure. The required value of angular velocity  is

2g 2g 2g 2gc
A) B) C) D)
a c b ab

6. A toy car is moving on a circular path of radius 10 m on an inclined plane of

inclination 30o . The coefficient of friction between the tyres and the inclined plane is
 . Find maximum constant speed of car such that car does not slip. Assume that

the width of a car is negligible with respect to radius of circular path.(g=10 m/s2)

A) 5 2 m / s B) 10 m / s C) 15 m / s D) 10 2 m / s

7. A particle moves in a circle of radius 4cm clockwise at constant speed 2cm/sec/ If x

and y are unit acceleration vectors along x and y-axis respectively (in cm/sec2), the
acceleration of the particle at the instant halfway between P and Q is given by

A) 4 x  y  
B) 4 x  y   
C)  x  y
 
D) x  y 4

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This section contains 7 multiple choice equations. Each question has four choices (A) (B),(C) and (D) out of
which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases.
8. A particle is acted upon by a force of constant magnitude which is always
perpendicular to the velocity of the particle. The motion of the particle takes place in a
plane. It follows that

A) Velocity is constant B) Acceleration is constant

C) Kinetic energy is constant D) It moves in a circular path

9. As shown in figure ‘AB’ represents an infinite wall tangential to a horizontal semi

circular track. O is a point source of light on the ground at the centre of the circle. A
block moves along the circular track with speed ‘v’ starting from the point where the
wall touches the circle. If the velocity and acceleration of shadow along the length of
the wall is respectively ‘V’ and ‘a’ then

B) V  v sec 2  
vt vt
A) V  v cos
R R

C) a  sec2   tan    vt   vt 
v2 vt vt 2v 2
D) a  sec2   tan  
R R R R R R

10. A smooth semicircular wire track of radius R is fixed in a vertical plane as shown in
the figure below. One end of a massless spring of natural length 3R/4 is attached to the
lowest point O of the wire track. A small ring of mass m which can slide on the track
is attached to the other end of the spring. The ring is held stationary at point P such
that the spring makes an angle 60o with the vertical. The spring constant k = mg/R.
Consider the instant when the ring is making an angle 60o with the vertical. The spring
is released

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Determine the tangential acceleration  at  of the ring and the normal reaction N.

g 3 5 3 5 3
A)  2   B) g C) mg D) mg
4 2  8 8 8

11. A single wire ACB passes through a ring C, which revolves at a constant speed in the
horizontal circle of radius as shown.Which of the following statement/s is/are correct

A) The angular speed of revolution is .

 2mg 
B) The tension in the wire is  .
 3 1 

C) The tension in the wire may be zero.

D) In vertical direction, net force is zero.

12. A car of mass m starts from rest and is moving circular path of radius R. Such that its

angular velocity  varies with angular displacement  of car as   b , where b is

constant. If the friction acting on the car as function of  is b x y  , then

A) x  3 B) y  2 C) z  4 D) y  4

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13. A particle is moving along a circular path of radius R such that radial acceleration of
particle is proportional to t2 then

A) Speed of particle is constant

B) Magnitude of tangential acceleration of particle is constant

C) Speed of particle is proportional time

D) Magnitude of tangential acceleration is variable

14. A particle 'A' moves along a circle with a velocity v = at, where a = 0.50 m/s2. Another
particle B moves along a diameter OO of the circle with the velocity v = at. Both the
particles start simultaneously at t = 0 from the point O on the circle. For these
particles, (the radius of circle = 1m).

A) The velocity of B relative of A at the instant when A is at the point 'O' is zero
B) The velocity of B relative to A when A is at P for the first time is zero.
C) The velocity vector of A with respect to B has zero component along the vector
direction OO' at all times.
D) The distances moved by A and B in their respectively paths are the same at all
This section contains 2 groups of questions. Each group has 2 multiple choice questions based on a paragraph.
Each question has 4 choices A), B), C) and D) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
Paragraph for Questions 15 and 16:
A rod AB is moving on a fixed circle of radius R with constant velocity ‘v’ as shown
in figure. P is the point of intersection of the rod and the circle. At an instant the rod is
at a distance x  from centre of the circle. (The velocity of the rod is perpendicular
to the rod and the rod is always parallel to the diameter CD).

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15. Find the speed of point of intersection P.

3v 5v 4v 5v
A) B) C) D)
5 4 5 3

16. Find the angular speed of point of intersection P with respect to centre of the circle.

5v 4v 3v 5v
A) B) C) D)
3R 5R 5R 4R

Paragraph For Questions 17 and 18:

In the adjacent figure, X-axis has been taken down the inclined plane. The coefficient

of friction varies with x as   kx , where k  tan  . A block is released at O.

17. The maximum velocity of block will be :

A) g B) g sin  C) g cos D) g tan 

18. Maximum distance traveled by the block, is

A) 1 m B) 2 m C) 3 m D) m

1 A 2 C 3 B 4 D 5 B
6 A 7 C 8 CD 9 BD 10 BC
11 ABD 12 BC 13 BC 14 BD 15 B
16 D 17 B 18 B

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1. Vtan gential  r  v sin 45 
d v  dr  v 2
    2 ,
dt 2r 2  dt  2r
T l
At t  , r 
2 2 2
  2
2. Tangential acceleration  at  g sin 
Normal acceleration  an  g cos 
 at  an
g sin   g cos     45o
 v y  vx  u y  g t  u x
20  (10)t  10  t  1sec

During downward motion

at  an  v y  vx
20  10t  10  t  3sec

3. As velocity along horizontal remains constant U cos   V cos
v2 10 2
Radius of curvature r   
ar 10  3 / 2 3
5. Here, N cos   mg
And N sin   ma 2
a 2
Or tan  
x  cy

 2x  c
dy 2 x
Or 
dx c
2 x 2(  a )
 tan   
c c

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 tan  
a 2
Or 
g c
 
6. From figure,

mv 2
f  mg sin  
Or  N  mg sin  
Or  mg cos   mg sin  
Or  g cos   g sin   (here   30o )
 vmax  gr (  cos   sin  )  gr (  cos 30o  sin 30o )
 2 3 1  10
 10  10      5 2m/s
 3 2 2 2
8. In the given condition, the particle undergoes uniform circular motion and for uniform circular
motion the velocity and acceleration vector changes continuously but kinetic energy is constant at
every point.
9. tan   ; y  R tan 

dy  d 
v  R sec 2     R sec 

dt  dt 
 vt 
 v sec 2  
Acceleration of the shadow:
dv 2v 2  vt   vt 
a  sec2   tan  
dt R R R
10. From the diagram shown below, we have
CP  CO  CPO  POC  60o
OCP is an equilaterial triangle.

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Natural length of spring is
3R R
Extension in spring, x  R  
4 4
mg  R  mg
Spring force, kx   
R 4 4

Ring will move towards point O when released.

 Ft  kx sin 60o  mg sin 60o
mg  3   3 5 3
   mg    mg
4  2   2  8
Tangential acceleration of the ring
F 5 3
ar  t  g
m 8
Net force along radial direction on ring just after release will be zero.
 Ft  0 or N  kx cos 60o  mg cos 60o
3 mg
 N
11. (a, b, d) in vertical direction, T cos30o  T cos 60o  mg

mg 2mg
 T 
cos30  cos 60
o o
( 3  1)
And T sin 30  T sin 60  mr 2
o o
(towards centre)
( 3  1)
Or T  mr 2
 3  1  2mg
Or    mr 2
 2  ( 3  1)
 
Hence, options (a, b) and (d) are correct.
12. Here, frictional force provides the acceleration in the car.
 f  m ar2  at2  m  R    R 
2 2 2

b2 d b 2 b2
Here,  2   or 2  or  
R d R 2R

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2 4 2
Rb 2 4
b 4
f  2
 2
 b 4 2 
R 4R 4
Comparing the above expression with b   we get
x y

 y  2, z  4
15. As a rod AB moves, the point ‘P’ will always lie on the circle.
Hence its velocity will be along the circle as shown by ‘ VP ’ in the figure.

If the point P has to lie on the rod ‘AB’ also then it should have
Component in ‘x’ direction as ‘V’.
VP sin   V  VP  V cos ec
x 1 3R 3
Here cos    . 
R R 5 5
4 5
 sin    cos ec 
5 4
 VP  V
V 5V
16. Angular velocity   P 
R 4R
17. At any position
a  g sin    g cos 
 g (sin   kx cos  )
As k  tan 
a  g sin  (1  x),  g sin  (1  x)
v x
v2  x2 
  vdv   g sin(1  x)dx ,  g sin   x  
0 0
2  2
Vmax 1
v will max when a = 0  x  1   g sin  
2 2
vmax  g sin 
18. V 0 x 0
x  2m

Narayana IIT Academy 06-07-19_Jr.IIT_SC-60_JEE-Adv_2017-P1_WTA-10_Q'P

PHYSICS Max. Marks: 61

This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out of
which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases
1. The length of a pendulum is L and it is moving as a conical pendulum. What is the
minimum angular velocity w.r.t the centre of the horizontal circle in which the bob of
conical pendulum is moving ?
g 2g g
A) zero B) C) D) 2
2. Two particles A and B separated by a distance 2R are moving clockwise along the
same circular path of radius R each with a uniform speed ‘V’. At time t = 0, A is given
32V 2
a constant tangential acceleration of magnitude a  in the same direction of initial
velocity. Then
A) The time laps for the two bodies to collide is
B) Angle covered by ‘B’ in this time is
32V 2
C) Angular acceleration of ‘A’ is
25R 2
D) Tangential acceleration of ‘B’ is zero

3. An object is projected with a velocity 10 m/s at an angle 600 with the horizontal. Then
 Take g  10 m / s 

A) Tangential acceleration at the point of projection is 5 3 m / s 2

B) Radial acceleration at the highest point of the path is 5 m / s 2
C) Radius of curvature for the path at the point of projection is 20 m
D) Radius of curvature for the path at the maximum height is 2.5
4. A particle of mass ‘m’ is moving in a circular path of constant radius ‘r’ such that its
centripetal acceleration a c  kt , where ‘k’ is a constant with necessary dimension. Then
at this instant
1 kr
A) Tangential acceleration of the particle is
2 t
B) Speed of the particle is  krt  2
C) Angular velocity of the particle is
1 k
D) Angular acceleration of the particle is
2 rt
Narayana IIT Academy 06-07-19_Jr.IIT_SC-60_JEE-Adv_2017-P1_WTA-10_Q'P

5. A car of mass 1000 kg is travelling through a banked circular turn of radius 4m. The
road has a width of 4 m and an elevation of 1m. Normal reaction acting on the vehicle
is sufficient to provide the necessary centripetal force. Then
A) Angle of banking is tan 1  
B) Safe velocity of the vehicle is 10 m / s
C) normal reaction of the vehicle is 1030 N
D) Frictional force on the vehicle is not zero

6. A plane mirror is moving with velocity 4iˆ  4 ˆj  8kˆ . A point object in front of the mirror
moves with a velocity 3iˆ  4 ˆj  5kˆ . Here k̂ is along the normal to the plane mirror and
facing towards the object. The velocity of the image is
A) 3iˆ  4 ˆj  5kˆ B) 3iˆ  4 ˆj  11kˆ C) 4iˆ  5 ˆj  11kˆ D) 7iˆ  9 ˆj  3kˆ

7. Two balls are thrown from an inclined plane at angle of projection  with the plane one
up the incline plane and other down the incline as shown in the figure. If R1 & R2 be
their respective ranges, then [here T1 & T2 are times of flight in the two cases

A) h1  h2 B) R2  R1  T12 C) R2  R1  g sin  T22 D) R2  R1  g sin  T12

This section contains 5 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.

8. The rear side of a truck is open and a box of 40 kg mass is placed 8 m away from the
open end as shown in figure. The coefficient of friction between the box and the
surface below it is   0.1 . On a straight road, the truck starts from rest and moves
with acceleration 2 ms 2 . Find the time when box falls off the truck. Take g  10 ms 2
Narayana IIT Academy 06-07-19_Jr.IIT_SC-60_JEE-Adv_2017-P1_WTA-10_Q'P

9. A particle P is moving in a circle of radius ‘a’ with a uniform speed v. C is the centre
of the circle and AB is a diameter. When passing through B the angular velocity of P
about A and C are in the ratio

10. An automobile moving with a speed of 10 m/s enters an unbanked curve of radius
r = 50 m. If g = 10 m/s², the maximum value of  so as to safely negotiate the curve is
1/x. Then x =
11. A particle is moving in a circular path of radius 1 m. It starts from rest and its
tangential acceleration is 3 t . The time after which the acceleration of the particle
makes an angle of 300 with centripetal acceleration is  n  seconds. Find the value of

12. A vehicle of mass m starts moving along a horizontal circle without slipping , so that
centripetal acceleration is a r  bt 2 , where b is constant. At t  t 0 , the vehicle skids. The
friction on the car as function of time t   t 0  is nm b 2 t 4  bR . Find the value of n.

This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer, out of which ONLY
ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
Answer Q,13, Q,14 and Q,15 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table.
A block of mass m = 15 kg is suspended in an elevator with the help of three identical
light elastic cords(spring constant k = 100 N/m each)attached vectically one of them
cord 1 is tied to the ceiling of the elevator and the other two cords 2 and 3 are tied to
the elevator floor as shown in the figure. When the elevator is stationary the tension
force in each of the lower cords is T = 7.5 N. Take g = 10m/s². Now the elevator starts
moving with given four accelerations shown in column I. Column II given the
displacement of the block with respect to elevator when it is accelerating, Column III
gives tension in the cords when elevator is accelerating
Narayana IIT Academy 06-07-19_Jr.IIT_SC-60_JEE-Adv_2017-P1_WTA-10_Q'P

Column-I Column-II Column-III

(acceleration of the (displacement of the block with (Tension in the cord)
elevator in different cases) respect to the elevator up to new
equilibrium position
(I) 1 m/s² upward (i) 7.5 cm downward (P) 2.5 N
(II) 1.5 m/s² upward (ii) 2.5 cm downward (Q) 5N
(III) 2 m/s² upward (iii) 15 cm downward (R) 172.5 N
(IV) 33 m/s² downward (iv) 5 cm downward (S) 0N

13. Tension in cord-1

(A) (I) (i) (S) (B) (II) (i) (R) (C) (II) (ii) (P) (D) (IV) (iii) (Q)
14. Tension in cord-2
(A) (I) (iv) (P) (B) (II) (i) (Q) (C) (III) (iii) (R) (D) (IV) (ii) (S)
15. Tension in cord -3
(A) (I) (i) (P) (B) (II) (ii) (P) (C) (III) (iii) (S) (D) (IV) (iii) (R)
Answer Q,16, Q,17 and Q,18 by appropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the
following table.
In the arrangement shown in the figure the coefficient between 1 kg and 2 kg block is
  0.4 , and that between 2 kg block and ground is 0.6 match the following

Column –I Column-II Column-III

(A) Absolute acceleration of (i) 1 kg (P) 11
(B) Relative acceleration of (ii) 2 kg (Q) 22
(C) Net force on (iii) 1 and 2 kg (R) 4
(D) Frictional force on (S) 15
Answer the following questions regarding the matching of the above three columns

16. Which one of the following options is CORRECT combination

(A) A ii Q (B) B iii S (C) C i Q (D) D ii P
17. Which one of the following option is IN CORRECT combination
(A) A ii P (B) B iii S (C) C ii Q (D) C i Q
18. Which one of the following options is CORRECT combination
(A) C i R (B) C ii P (C) D i S (D) A ii S
Narayana IIT Academy 06-07-19_SUPER CHAINA_JEE-ADV_2017-P1_JR'S_WTA-10_Key&Sol’s
1. B
mg sin   mL sin   2 cos 
g g
 
L cos L
SAB  u AB t  a AB t 2
1  32V 2  2
R   t
2  25R 
5 R
4 V
 a t  R  For A
 t
B  t for B
V 5
 t  
R 4

3. ACD
At point of projection ‘O’

a t  g sin 
a c  g cos 
g cos 
At the highest point
ac  g
 u cos  

Given  a c  kt
 kt
V  krt
dv 1 kr
 at  
dt 2 t
 P  FV  ma t V
 at  r 


Narayana IIT Academy 06-07-19_SUPER CHAINA_JEE-ADV_2017-P1_JR'S_WTA-10_Key&Sol’s
5. ABC
Here N cos   mg
N cos 

N sin  m
 mg


mV 2
N sin  
tan  
V  rg tan 
Also, tan  
 N  m g2 
6. B
  
vOM  vO  vM  iˆ  3kˆ  
  
vIM  vI  vM  iˆ  3kˆ  

 3iˆ  4 ˆj  11kˆ 
7. (A), (C), (D)
24 sin  cos    
242 sin  cos    
R1   R 
g cos 2  g cos 2 

R1  R2  g sin  T22  R1  R2  g sin  T12

8. (4)
abox  atrox   k g
S abox t 2
9. (2)
Angular velocity of P about A,  A 
Angular velocity of P about C C 

mv 2
10. (5)  N  and N =mg

11. (2) a cos 300  a r and a sin 300  a t


Narayana IIT Academy 06-07-19_SUPER CHAINA_JEE-ADV_2017-P1_JR'S_WTA-10_Key&Sol’s
at 3t
 tan 300  
ar ar
a r  3t or  3t
 v 2  3t
But a t   3t
v t
3 2
or  dv  3  tdt or v  t
0 0
t 43

Given t  2 2 / 3 s

12. (1) a r  bt

or  bt 2 or v  bRt 2
or v  bR t or a t   bR
the required acceleration for vehicle is provided by friction
 f  ma  m a12  a12  m b 2 t 4  bR
 n 1
13. (B)
For elevator acceleration 1.5 m/s², tension in cord 2 and cord 3 is zero so,
T1 –150 = (15) (1.5)  tention in cord 1, T1 = 172.5 N
14. (A)
For elevator acceleration 1m /s², tension in cord 2 and cord 3 decreases. So,
165  T  2   7.5  T   150  151  T  5 N
 Tension in cord 2, T2 = 2.5 N
15. (C)
For elevator acceleration 2 m/s², tension in cord 2 and cord 3 is zero
So, T1– 150 = (15) (2)
 Tension in cord 1, T1 = 180 N
So displacement of block = 15 cm downward
16 – 18


Narayana IIT Academy 06-07-19_SUPER CHAINA_JEE-ADV_2017-P1_JR'S_WTA-10_Key&Sol’s

19. AgCl  Ag  Cll , K sp  1010
 

Ag   2 NH 3   Agg ( NH 3 ) 2  , k sp   108

AgCl( s )  2 NH 3   Ag   C l , keq   102

At 1equilibrium:0.22 x
x2 x
 102   00.02
2  0.02  x
6  
0.2 B2 7 0.2ACD 8 4 9 2 10 5
x  0.02 2
11 2  12 1 13 B 14 A 15 C
  Ag  NH 3 2   Cl   2  10
 2

16 B 17
k sp  AgCl  10D10 18 A
  Ag  

 2
 5  109
Cl 2  10
 Ag  NH 3   Ag ( NH 3 )  , K f  103
 

 Ag ( NH 3 )  NH 3   Ag ( NH 3 ) 2  , K f  105
 

2  102
  Ag ( NH
H 3 )   106

105 
 Ag ( NH 3 )  0.2

20. T f  ik f m
21. Conceptual
22. Conceptual
23. p  i.c
ps1  ps2  ps3 , C1  C2  C3 , c.p
24. Conceptual
25. 2K 4  Fe  CN 6   H 2SO 4  H 2O 2 
 2K 3  Fe  CN 6   K 2SO 4  2H 2O

3moles 1moles 6moles

26. 3I 2( s )  6OH  aq.  5I aq.  1.I 03 aq.  3H 2 0,
G o    G f 0     G f 0   2.303RT log K eq
p R

 5  1
 I   IO 
K eq    
 6
OH 


Narayana IIT Academy 19-07-20_Incoming.Jr.IIT_*CO-SC _JEE-ADV_WAT-8_Q’P
PHYSICS Max Marks: 88
This section contains 8 questions. The answer is a single digit integer ranging from 0 to 9 (both inclusive).
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
1. A 1500 kg car enters a section of curved road in the horizontal plane and slows down
at a uniform rate from a speed of 100 km/hr at A to a speed of 50 km/hr as it passes C.
The radius of curvature of the road at A is 400 m and at C is 80 m. The total horizontal
force exerted by the road on tyres at position C is 1000(X) N. Find the value of X
rounded off to closest integer
r = 400 m
200 m C

r = 80 m

2. What is the minimum radius of a circle along which a cyclist can ride with a velocity
18 km/hr if the coefficient of friction between the tyres and the road is  = 0.5 (take g
= 10 m/s2)

3. ABCD is a smooth horizontal fixed plane on which mass m1 = 0.1 kg is moving in a

circular path of radius r = 1 m. It is connected by an ideal string which is passing
through a smooth hole and connects to mass m2 = kg at the other end as shown. m2

also moves in a horizontal circle of same radius of 1 m with a speed of 10 m/s. If g =

10 m/s2 then the speed of m1 is 2v m/s. Find v ?



4. A particle moves in x-y plane. The position vector of particle at any time t is

r  {( 2 t )î  (2 t 2 ) ĵ} m. The rate of change of  at time t = 2s. (where  is the angle which its
velocity vector makes with positive x-axis ) is (A/34)rad/s. Find A ?

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Narayana IIT Academy 19-07-20_Incoming.Jr.IIT_*CO-SC _JEE-ADV_WAT-8_Q’P
5. A point moves along a circle with velocity v = at where a = 0.5 m/sec2. Then the total
acceleration of the point at the moment when it covered (1/10)th of the circle after
beginning of motion is B m/sec2. Find the value of 5B ?

6. A racing car is travelling along a track at a constant speed of 40 m/s. A T.V. camera
men is recording the event from a distance of 30m directly away from the track as
shown in figure. In order to keep the car under view in the position shown, the angular
speed with which the camera should be rotated, is X rad/sec. Find the value of 8X ?
40 m/s

30 m


T.V Camera

7. Two moving particles P and Q are 10 m apart at a certain instant. The velocity of P is
8m/s making an angle 30º with the line joining P and Q and that of Q is 6m/s making
an angle 30º with PQ as shown in the figure. Then angular velocity of P with respect
to Q is Y rad/sec. Find the value of 10Y ?
6 m/s

10 m 30º
P 30º Q

8 m/s

8. A car begins to move at time t = 0 and then accelerates along a straight track with a
velocity given by V(t) = 2t2 ms–1 for 0  t  2, where t is time in second. After the end
of acceleration, the car continues to move at a constant speed. A small block initially
at rest on the floor of the car begins to slip at t = 1 s and stops slipping at t = 3 s. The
coefficient of static and kinetic friction between the block and the floor are s and k
3 s
respectively. Find the value of

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Narayana IIT Academy 19-07-20_Incoming.Jr.IIT_*CO-SC _JEE-ADV_WAT-8_Q’P
This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all other cases.
9. A body moves in a circular path of radius R with deceleration so that at any moment
of time its tangential and normal acceleration are equal in magnitude. At the initial
moment t = 0, the velocity of body is v0 then the velocity of body at any time will be –
v0 
A) v = at time t B) v = v 0 e R after it has moved S meter
 v0t 
1  
 R 

C) v = v0e–SR after it has moved S meter D) None of these

10. Which of the following statements are true for a moving body ?

A) if its speed changes, its velocity must change and it must have some acceleration

B) if its velocity changes, its speed must change and it must have some acceleration

C) if its velocity changes, its speed may or may not change, and it must have some

D) if its speed changes, but direction of motion does not change, its velocity may
remain constant

11. Figure shows a rod of length L pivoted near an end and which is made to rotate in a
horizontal plane with a constant angular speed. A ball of mass m is suspended by a
string also of length L from the other end of the rod. If the  is made by string with
the vertical, then

 L

A) T sin = m2L(1 + sin) B) T cos = mg

 2 L(1  sin )
C) tan  = D) None of above

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Narayana IIT Academy 19-07-20_Incoming.Jr.IIT_*CO-SC _JEE-ADV_WAT-8_Q’P
12. A car of mass M is moving on a horizontal circular path of radius r. At an instant its
speed is v and is increasing at a rate a
A) the acceleration of the car is towards the centre of the path
B) the magnitude of the frictional force on the car is greater than mv2/R
C) the friction coefficient between the ground and the car is not less than a/g
D) the friction coefficient between the ground and the car is µ = tan–1v2/Rg
13. A circular road of radius r is banked for a speed of v = 40 km/h. A car of mass m
attempts to go on the circular road. The friction coefficient between the tyre and the
road is negligible. Then-
A) the car cannot make a turn without skidding
B) if the car turn at a speed less than 40 km/h, it will slip down.
C) if the car turn at the correct speed of 40 km/h the force by the road on the car is
equal to mv2/r
D) if the car turn at the correct speed of 40 km/h, the force by the road on the car is
greater than mg as well as greater than mv2/r

14. A person applies a constant force F on a particle of mass m and finds that the particle
move in a circle of radius r with a uniform speed v.
A) this is not possible
B) there are other forces also on the particle
C) the resultant of other forces is mv2/r towards centre
D) the resultant of the other forces varies in magnitude as well as direction
15. A body is moving with constant velocity on the path shown.

A) Normal reaction exerted on body by path is greatest at NB

B) Normal reaction exerted on body by path is least at NC
C) Normal fore is greater than weight at B
D) Normal force is lesser than weight at A, D

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Narayana IIT Academy 19-07-20_Incoming.Jr.IIT_*CO-SC _JEE-ADV_WAT-8_Q’P
16. A wheel is subjected to uniform angular acceleration about its axis. Initially its angular
velocity is zero. In the first 2 sec, it rotates through an angle ; in the next 2 sec, it

rotates through an additional angle 2. The ratio of 2 /1 is-

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 5

17. A uniform chain of length 1 m is placed on a rough horizontal table with a part of it
hanging over the edge of the table. It is found that if the length of the hanging part is
25 cm or more, the chain starts sliding downwards. Which of the following is/are
correct ?

A) The coefficient of friction between the table and the chain is 1/3

B) The coefficient of friction between the table and the chain is ¼

C) The chain will move with a uniform acceleration

D) The acceleration of the chain will increase till it loses contact with the table

18. As shown in figure the horizontal surface of block M0 is smooth and its vertical
surface is rough with a coefficient of friction . Then

F M0 m2


A) If F = 0 the blocks can not remain stationary

m 2 ( M 0  m1  m 2 ) g
B) For F = , blocks m1 and m2 remain stationary with respect to M0
m1 – m 2

(M 0  m1  m 2 ) .m g
C) For F = 2 , blocks m1 and m2 remain stationary with respect to M0
m1  m 2

D) The limiting friction between m2 and M0 is independent of F

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Narayana IIT Academy 19-07-20_Incoming.Jr.IIT_*CO-SC _JEE-ADV_WAT-8_Q’P
This section contains 2 questions. Each question has four statements (A, B, C and D) given in Column I and four statements (P, Q, R
and S) in Column II. Any given statement in Column I can have correct matching with ONE or MORE statement(s) given in Column II.
For example, if for a given question, statement B matches with the statements given in Q and R, then for the particular question
darken the bubbles corresponding to Q and R in the OMR sheet. For each correct matching will be awarded +2 marks ONLY and
0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
19. A car of mass 500 kg is moving in a circular road of radius 35 / 3 . Angle of banking of
road is 30º. Coefficient of friction between road and tyres is  = 1 . Match the
2 3
following (take g = 10 m/s ):
A Maximum speed (in m/s) of car for safe P 5 2
B Minimum speed (in m/s) of car for safe Q 12.50
C Speed (in m/s) at which friction force R 210
between tyres and road is zero
D Friction force (in 102 Newton) between tyres S 350
350 3
and road if speed is m/s

20. For the situation shown in the figure given below, match the entries of column I with
the entries of column II.

A If F = 13 N, then P relative motion between A and B is there
B If F = 15 N, then Q relative motion between B and C is there
C If F = 25 N, then R relative motion between C and the
ground is there
D If F = 40 N, then S relative motion is not there at any of the

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Sec: INCOMING JR.IIT_*CO SC WAT-8 Date: 19-07-20
Time: 3HRS 2015_P1 Max.Marks: 264

1 4 2 5 3 5 4 4 5 4

6 8 7 7 8 4 9 AB 10 AC

11 ABC 12 BC 13 BD 14 BD 15 ABC
16 C 17 AD 18 ABC 19 20
Narayana IIT Academy 19-07-20_INCOMIG JR.IIT_*COSC_JEE-ADV_WTA-8_Key&Sol’s
1. v C2  v 2A  2a t S
Tangential acceleration :
v C2  v 2A
at  = 1.447 m/s2
Normal acceleration at C is
an = = 2.41 m/s2
Tangential force at C
Ft = mat
= 1500 × 1.447
= 2170 N
Normal force at C
Fn = man
= 1500 (2.41)
= 3620 N
Total force at C
F = Fn2  Ft2
F = (2170 ) 2  (3620 ) 2
F = 4220 N
v 2
5 5
2. R= = =5m
g 0.5  10
3. Conceptual
4. x = 2t  Vx = =2
y = 2t2  vy = = 4t
vy 4t
 tan  = = = 2t
vx 2
Differentiating with respect to time we get,
(sec2) =2
or (1 + tan2) =2
or (1 + 4t2) =2
d 2
or =
dt 1  4t 2
d d 2 2
at t = 2 s is = = rad/s
dt dt 1  4( 2) 2 17
5. Conceptual
6. Conceptual
7. Conceptual

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Narayana IIT Academy 19-07-20_INCOMIG JR.IIT_*COSC_JEE-ADV_WTA-8_Key&Sol’s
8. V = 2t
a = 4t



at t = 1 sec, slipping occure

ma = smg
4t = sg
s = 0.4
t = 1 t =3 slipping occur
b/wt = 1 & t = 2sec
(4t – kg) =

v  2 t 2   k gt 
1 , v = 2 × 3 – kg
3 s
k = 0.3 , 4
9. Given ar = at
 at
at =
dv v2
dt R
dv = – dt
v t


or 2
=– dt
v R
v0 0

at 
dv v2
v =–
dS R
v S


=– dS
v R
v0 0

10. Conceptual
11. Conceptual
12. Conceptual
13. Conceptual
14. Conceptual
15. At A :


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Narayana IIT Academy 19-07-20_INCOMIG JR.IIT_*COSC_JEE-ADV_WTA-8_Key&Sol’s
mg – NA =

mv 2
NA = mg –
At B :

mv 2
NB – mg =

mv 2
NB = mg +
At C :
mv 2
NC = mg –
At D :
mv 2
ND = mg +
From figure rB < rD
hence NB > ND
Hence NB is greatest
rC < rA
Hence NC is least
At A & C ; NA < mg
NC < mg
At B & D ; NB > mg
ND > mg

16. Conceptual
17. Conceptual
18. Observe in reference frame attached to M0
M 0  m1  m 2
(B,C) Pseudo = m1a = m2g ± m2a , for no relative motion
(D) fl.s. = m2a
19. Conceptual
20. Let f1, f2 and f3 represent the friction forces between three contact surface A – B, B – C and C –
ground respectively. Limiting values of friction force at three surface are 8N, 15 N and 10N
For relative motion between C and ground, the minimum force needed is f = 10 N.
For F = 12 N
All the three blocks move together with same acceleration
i.e. a1 = a2 = a3 = a

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Narayana IIT Academy 19-07-20_INCOMIG JR.IIT_*COSC_JEE-ADV_WTA-8_Key&Sol’s
F – f3 = (2 + 3 + 5)a
12 – 10 2
 a= = m/s2
10 10
f1= 2a = N
f2 = 12 – f1 – 3a = 11N
f3 = 10 N

f1 a2 f1
f2 F
For F = 15 N : The situation is similar.
For relative motion to start between B and C, f2  f12
or F – f3 = 10 a and dF – f2 = 5a
F  f3
or f2 = F – 5a = F – 5 
F – f3 
 =
 10  2
F  10
or > 15 or F > 20 N
[condition for relative motion to start between B and C].
For relative motion to start between A and B.
f1  f L1 = 8 N
F – f1 – f2 = 3a and f1 = 2a
f1 = 2 
F – 15 
 >8
 5 
or f > 35 N [condition for relative motion between A and B].

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