INTER Paper 49-05-01
INTER Paper 49-05-01
INTER Paper 49-05-01
1 Introduction
Like in several other Central European countries, the share of European beech wood
(Fagus sylvatica L.) in the Swiss forests is very high and steadily growing due to forest
policy and the progressing climate change. Nowadays, European beech is primarily
used in furniture industry and for heating purposes, but not in the construction in‐
dustry. The best way to process beech logs for structural purposes is still being dis‐
cussed around the question: To peel or not to peel? For veneered products such as
LVL, strength grading is of minor importance due to the high degree of homogeniza‐
tion in the final product; however, grading of the raw material is a key step in the
production of glued laminated timber (GLT) and cross laminated timber (CLT).
Previous studies by Frühwald & Schickhofer (2004) and Blass et al. (2005) have out‐
lined the great potential of European beech timber in terms of strength and stiffness.
High mean values of tensile strength ft,0,mean between 62 and 75 N/mm2
(ft,max ≈ 120 N/mm2) and mean values of the modulus of elasticity (MOE) Et,0,mean of
approximately 13300‐14000 N/mm2 (Et,0,max ≈ 20000 N/mm2) were found. However,
the studies also report a large scatter of results, i.e. coefficient of variation COV of up
to 0.50 for ft,0 and 0.25 for Et,0.
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The parameters to be accounted for and the limits for visual strength grading of
hardwood – including European beech – are specified in DIN 4074‐5 (2008). The
highest visual strength grade LS 13 corresponds, according to DIN EN 1912 (2012), to
the strength grade D 40 (valid for beech wood from Germany). The mechanical and
physical properties of D 40 are listed in EN 338 (2016) (selected values in Table 1).
Table 1 Selected mechanical and phyiscal properties according to EN 338 (2016)
fm,k ft,0,k Em,0,mean Em,0,05 ρmean ρk
Strength grade
[N/mm2] [N/mm2] [N/mm2] [N/mm2] [kg/m3] [kg/m3]
D 40 40 24 13000 10900 660 550
The requirements for the production of GLT are defined in EN 14080 (2013), however
this standard is restricted to softwood species and poplar. According to EN 14080,
the lamellas used for the production of GLT need to be of a certain T‐class, i.e. re‐
quirements with regard to the 5% fractile value of tensile strength ft,0,l,k, the mean
value of tensile MOE Et,0,l,mean and the 5% fractile value of density ρl,k have to be met.
Regarding CLT, production requirements are defined in EN 16351 (2015), again lim‐
ited to softwood species and poplar. So far, there are no European standards availa‐
ble for the production of GLT or CLT made from hardwood (except for poplar).
In Germany, the technical approval Z‐9.1‐768 (2009) regulates the production of
beech GLT for strength classes up to GL 48c. This technical approval represents a ma‐
jor step towards a practical application of beech GLT. However, besides the bending
strength, the other prescribed strength‐ and stiffness properties seem to have been
limited to a rather conservative level and hence, do not encourage designers to apply
beech GLT in practice.
The present study is part of a research project with the objective of providing the
technical basis for the market implementation of high strength GLT made from Euro‐
pean beech timber. Strength grading – especially regarding high strength grades – is
considered to be of utmost importance for the whole project and therefore is fo‐
cused on in the first stage.
In order to facilitate the production of GLT of the strength classes GL 40 (= fm,g,05 of
GLT), GL 48 and GL 55, reliable limits and rules for strength grading of European
beech lamellas into the tensile strength grades T 33 (= ft,0,k of the T‐class), T 42 and
T 50 have to be specified.
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Figure 1 Location of the sawmills in the Swiss Cantons Bern, Jura, Aargau and Zurich
The primary use of GLT and CLT products made from beech is considered to be in
service class 1 according to Eurocode 5 (2004), due to the unfavourable behaviour of
beech when subjected to changes in humidity. Thus, a moisture content (MC) of
8 ± 2% was defined in this study in order to, at least partially, avoid shrinkage effects.
Frühwald et al. (2003) and Ohnesorg & Becker (2006) reported preferable delamina‐
tion behaviour for thinner lamellas. Therefore, compared to GLT from softwood
where lamella thicknesses up to 45 mm are common, a rather low thickness
t = 25 mm of the lamellas was chosen as default value for the whole project.
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2.2 Methods
2.2.1 Grading criteria
Based on findings by Frühwald & Schickhofer (2004) and Blass et al. (2005), the fol‐
lowing visual indicators were identified in Ehrhart et al. (2016) to have a major influ‐
ence on the tensile strength and stiffness of beech lamellas, and were therefore used
in the present study in order to optimize the grading rules.
Knots and bark inclusions quantified by the total knot area ratio (tKAR).
Obvious fibre deviation in lamellas with rift or half rift grain.
Wavelike annual ring pattern.
Discolouration decreasing the surface hardness.
Lamellas containing wane, rot, fissures through the thickness, pith and insect damage
were rejected. The presence of redheart was documented but not used in the
strength grading process.
According to Görlacher (1990), the dynamic MOE Edyn was used as physical indicator
when optimising the grading process. Based on the first eigenfrequency f1 for excita‐
tion in the longitudinal direction, the length l and the bulk density ρu at a MC of u %,
Edyn was calculated:
4∙ ∙ ∙
According to findings by Frühwald & Schickhofer (2004), Blass et al. (2005) and
Ehrhart et al. (2016), density does not influence ft,0 and Et,0 markedly. Thus, density
was not considered as indicator in the strength grading process.
For investigations concerning strength grading (see Chapter 3), only characteristics
located within the tested length (free length between the clamping jaws of the test‐
ing machine) were taken into account. However, the entire lamella (l = 3000 mm) and
all present characteristics were considered in questions of economical yield. For both
issues, the chosen approach can be considered as conservative.
2.2.2 Definition of pre‐grades
In order to simplify the testing process, all lamellas were initially assigned to a pre‐
grade (A = highest estimated strengths, B, C or Rejects) based on several visual indi‐
cators and Edyn. In Ehrhart et al. (2016), the requirements and limits for each pre‐
grade are described in detail. Destructive tensile tests were performed on the ran‐
domly selected batches of lamellas listed in Table 2.
Table 2 Number of tested lamellas of the pre‐grades A, B, C and Reject
Pre‐grade A B C Rejects
Number of tested lamellas 50 150 50 47
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40 30
n = 294 n = 147
COV = 0.48 COV = 0.13
20 15
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
ft,0 [N/mm2] Et,0,8 [kN/mm2]
Figure 2 Distribution of the tensile strength ft,0 (left) and MOE Et,0,8 (right) of the tested European
beech lamellas (MC = 8%)
Regarding Et,0,8, minimum, mean and maximum values of 10100, 15200 and
20500 N/mm2 were found (COV = 0.13). These values are just above the values re‐
ported by Frühwald & Schickhofer (2004) and Blass et al. (2005) when adjusting Et,0 to
the standard reference MC of 12%.
3.2 Single indicator grading (tKAR or Edyn): maximum potential and limits
For the identification of high‐strength and stiff lamellas, combined visual and me‐
chanical grading procedures are required as already reported in Frese & Blass (2006).
The influence of varying limits for Edyn (lower limit) and tKAR (upper limit) on the 5%
fractile value of the tensile strength ft,0,05 can be seen in Table 3 (only lamellas tested
with lt = 2060 mm (n = 194) are considered). The bottom row (Edyn,8 = all) represents a
visual grading method exclusively based on the tKAR‐value. The far right column
(tKAR = all) represents mechanical grading using Edyn only.
Both approaches lead to unsatisfactory results: Even for the strictest possible visual
limit (tKAR = 0), ft,0,05 of 50 N/mm2 cannot be achieved. Regarding the exclusive me‐
chanical grading approach, the requirements for the strength grade T 50 are reached
for Edyn,8 ≥ 19000 N/mm2. However, only 16 out of 194 lamellas (8%) exceed this limit.
In contrast, a grading approach combining both visual and mechanical grading meth‐
ods leads to significantly better yield especially for high strength levels. A sample of
94 lamellas (= 70 + 64 ‐ 48 + 54 ‐ 48 + 16 ‐ 14, Table 3) with a characteristic tensile
strength ft,0,05 > 50 N/mm2 can be found and assigned to the strength grade T 50.
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Table 3 Number of specimens and level of characteristic tensile strength ft,0,05 depending on the
maximum tKAR value and the dynamic MOE Edyn,8 (MC = 8%)
≥ 50 42 ‐ 50 33 ‐ 42 26 ‐ 33 < 26
ft,0,05 [N/mm2]
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Table 4 Limits for the visual and mechanical grading into strength grades T 33, T 42 and T 50
Visual grade
Criterion Visual 1 Visual 2 Visual 3
Knots or bark inclusions tKAR ≤ 0.05 tKAR ≤ 0.1 tKAR ≤ 0.2
Obvious fibre deviation ‐ Unlimited Unlimited
Wavelike annual ring pattern ‐ Unlimited Unlimited
Redheart Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Surface hardness not reduced Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Surface hardness reduced ‐ ‐ Unlimited
Insect damage ‐ ‐ ‐
Pith ‐ ‐ ‐
Required Edyn,8 T 33 T 42 T 50
Visual 1 ≥ 12000 ≥ 14000 ≥ 16500
Visual 2 ≥ 14000 ≥ 16500 ‐
Visual 3 ≥ 16500 ≥ 18000 ‐
The large gap of ft,0 between the rejected sample and the T‐classes shows that the
applied grading criteria are efficient to identify weak lamellas (Figure 3, left). Fur‐
thermore, ft,0 of less than 20% of the Rejects exceeded 40 N/mm2. The clear separa‐
tion between the T‐classes indicates that the chosen grading approach leads to satis‐
factory results.
Regarding Et,0,8, also a clear separation between the T‐classes is found (Figure 3,
right). The distribution of Et,0,8 can be controlled quite precisely due to the high corre‐
lation with Edyn (a coefficient of determination R2 = 0.84 was reported by
Ehrhart et al. (2016)).
cdf [‐]
cdf [‐]
T‐class T‐class
T 50 T 50
T 42 T 42
T 33 T 33
Rejects Rejects
Figure 3 Cumulated distribution (cdf) of tensile strength ft,0 (left) and MOE Et,0,8 (right) for the
resulting T classes T 33, T 42 and T 50 (MC = 8%)
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In Table 5, the mechanical properties and densities of the resulting T‐classes and Re‐
jects are summarized. Values of ft,0,05 slightly higher than targeted resulted when ap‐
plying the specified grading rules. As no explicit provision concerning the density is
made in the grading process, ρmean and ρk of all T‐classes is on a similar level.
Table 5 Mechanical properties and density of the resulting T‐classes and Rejects for specimens with
a test length of 2060 mm (MC = 8%)
T 33 T 42 T 50 Rejects All
Et,0,8,mean N/mm 14200 15400 16900 13200 15200
Et,0,8,05* N/mm2 12300 12900 15500 10400 12100
COV ‐ 0.09 0.11 0.07 0.13 0.13
n ‐ 26 49 41 31 147
ft,0,mean N/mm2 59.7 70.6 89.3 28.7 56.2
ft,0,05** N/mm2 34.7 45.9 54.8 11.0 16.3
COV ‐ 0.30 0.24 0.25 0.44 0.53
n ‐ 26 49 41 78 194
ρ8,mean kg/m3 714 722 739 720 724
ρ8,05* kg/m3 651 683 673 668 668
COV ‐ 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05
n ‐ 26 49 41 78 194
Normal distribution, ** Lognormal distribution
30 lt = 2060 mm
lt = 1580 mm
lt = 1100 mm
cdf [‐]
lt [mm]
20 40 60 80 100 120 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
ft,0 [N/mm2] tkar [‐]
Figure 4 Distribution of tensile strength ft,0 (left) and tKAR‐values (right) for samples subjected to
tensile tests with different test lengths lt
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The mean values of tensile strength of the samples with test lengths of lt = 2060 mm
(ft,0mean = 66.7 N/mm2) and lt = 1580 mm (ft,0mean = 67.4 N/mm2) were found to be al‐
most equal. However, ft,0mean of lt = 1100 mm is about 13% higher
(ft,0mean = 75.8 N/mm2). This can be due to the different distribution of tKAR‐values of
the groups, i.e. considerably more lamellas of the lt = 1100 mm sample showed tKAR‐
values < 0.05 (78%) compared to lt = 1580 mm (66%) and lt = 2060 mm (71%) (Figure
4, right).
Regarding the general adequacy of a test length lt ≥ 9·w, as prescribed in EN 408, two
contradictory conclusions (i & ii) can be drawn. (i) As the number of obvious weak
points like knots or bark inclusions is much lower in European beech timber com‐
pared to most softwoods (see also Chapter 3.5), the location of failure can usually be
predicted with high reliability if such a weak point is present. Local failure restricted
to a short section of a lamella is observed in many of these cases (Figure 5). Thus, the
actual lt has negligible influence on the tensile strength of lamellas of low visual quali‐
ty as long as weak points are positioned within the tested length of a lamella.
Increasing lengths l of the lamellas, of course, have also impact on the likelihood of
the presence of weak points.
Figure 6 Shear failure over large parts of a lamella reaching and stopping at the clamping jaws
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Yield [m1]
20 150
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 2.5 2 1.5
Number of knots or knot clusters Minimum accepted length lmin [m]
Figure 7 Number of knots or knot clusters per lamella (left) and influence of the minimum accepted
length lmin on the yield (right)
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Figure 7 (right) shows the influence of varying lmin on the yield (in running metre m1).
The group of Rejects is split into definitive and other (see above). Regarding the ac‐
cepted material, a distinction is made between the different visual grades (Visual 1, 2
and 3) according to Table 4. Starting from lmin = 3 m, the significant reduction of ma‐
terial assigned to the group of Rejects for decreasing lmin is obvious. For lmin = 1.5 m,
more than 50% of the initially rejected material can be used in almost equal parts for
the visual grades 1, 2 and 3. Due to the mechanical potential of European beech tim‐
ber, specification of even shorter lengths could be reasonable in order to achieve
higher yield in the strength grades T 42 and T 50.
3.6 Potential mechanical properties of GLT
Numerous models for the derivation of bending strength of GLT (fm,g,k) from the la‐
mellas’ characteristic tensile strength (ft,l,k) and the characteristic strength of finger
joints in bending or tension (fm,j,k or ft,j,k) are available (Brandner & Schickhofer, 2008).
However, the use of most of these models is restricted to softwoods and only limited
findings regarding the laminating effect of beech GLT on a high strength level are re‐
ported in literature. One exception is Frese & Blass (2006), presenting a quadratic
equation for the estimation of fm,g,k of beech GLT.
According to EN 14080 (2012), fm,g,k, the mean value of MOE of GLT (E0,g,mean) and its
density (ρg,mean) can be calculated based on the lamellas’ properties. Although the ap‐
plication of EN 14080 is restricted to softwoods and poplar, it is used at this point to
estimate the properties of beech GLT.
Based on the material properties presented in this study and the above‐mentioned
models it seems realistic to reach the target GLT strength grades. For GL 40, GL 48
and GL 55, expected properties are E0,g,mean ≈ 14300 / 15500 / 17000 N/mm2 and
ρg,mean ≈ 730 / 740 / 750 kg/m3, respectively (MC = 12%). Due to the small variations
between the strength grades, a differentiation regarding the density does not seem
to be appropriate.
4 Conclusions
Characteristic tensile strength values ft,0,k of 33, 42 and 50 N/mm2 can be exceeded
when applying the grading rules presented in this paper. Consequently, the investi‐
gated European beech lamellas can be assigned to the strength grades T 33, T 42 and
T 50. Regarding the mean value of MOE, clear separation between the strength
grades was found, i.e. Et,0,8,mean = 14200, 15400 and 16900 N/mm2, respectively, at
the project’s reference MC of 8%. The density of all grades is on a very similar level
(ρmean,8 ≈ 720 kg/m3) as it is not considered as a strength or stiffness indicator in the
grading process.
The proposed grading strategy bases on two main parameters – the total knot area
ratio (tKAR) and the dynamic MOE (Edyn). Obvious fibre deviation, wavelike annual
ring pattern and discolouration are used as complementing visual indicators to fur‐
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ther improve the strength grading process. It is shown that a combined grading ap‐
proach is essential for efficient strength grading, i.e. neither a pure visual nor a pure
mechanical grading approach allow reaching the target strength levels.
If single obvious weak points are present, provision of a minimum test length of 9·w
is not necessary, as failures occur in very restricted areas. In beech lamellas of higher
strength grades, shear failure occurs frequently. The propagation of shear failure is
stopped, or at least influenced, at the clamping jaws. Thus, maintaining a minimum
test length is clearly necessary.
Strict requirements regarding the maximum size of knots and bark inclusions are es‐
sential to reach the target strength classes. In questions of material efficiency, the
minimum accepted length lmin of lamellas has significant impact on the achievable
yield, as the number of knots in European beech timber is substantially lower com‐
pared to most softwoods. The reduction of lmin from 3 m to 1.5 m approximately
halves the volume of rejected material and hence, markedly increases the yield.
Based on the results presented in this study, the target strength classes GL 40, GL 48
and GL 55 appear realistic and reachable. Due to the lack of appropriate models for
the observed strength level and/or timber species, the estimated strength and stiff‐
ness properties for GLT are subjected to uncertainty.
5 Acknowledgement
The authors acknowledge the support of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment
FOEN within the framework of Aktionsplan Holz.
6 References
Blass, HJ; Denzler, J; Frese, M; Glos, P; Linsenmann, P (2005): Biegefestigkeit von
Brettschichtholz aus Buche; Band 1 der Reihe Karlsruher Berichte zum Ingenieurholz‐
bau; Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe; Karlsruhe, Germany.
Brandner, R; Schickhofer, G (2008): Glued laminated timber in bending: new aspects
concerning modelling; Wood Sci Technol (2008) 42:401‐425; Springer.
Ehrhart, T; Fink, G; Steiger, R; Frangi, A (2016): Experimental investigation of tensile
strength and stiffness indicators regarding European beech timber; Proceedings of
14th World Conference on Timber Engineering WCTE, 2016; Vienna, Austria.
Frese, M; Blass, HJ (2006): Characteristic bending strength of beech glulam; Materials
and Structures (2006) 40:3‐13; RILEM.
Frühwald, A; Ressel, JB; Bernasconi, A (2003): Hochwertiges Brettschichtholz aus Bu‐
chenholz; Abschlussbericht; Universität Hamburg & Bundesforschungsanstalt für
Forst‐ und Holzwirtschaft; Hamburg, Germany.
Frühwald, K; Schickhofer, G (2004): Strength grading of hardwoods; 8th World Con‐
ference on Timber Engineering; Lahti, Finland.
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