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Knbs Statistical Abstract 2021

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Kenya National Bureau of Statistics

Price: KSh 1000 i



Kenya National Bureau of Statistics



The Statistical Abstract is published annually by the Kenya National

Bureau of Statistics, Nairobi. Any enquiries relating to this publication
should be addressed to the Director General, Real Towers, Upper Hill
along Hospital Road. Subscription correspondence may be addressed
directly to the Head Librarian in the same building.

Copyright © Kenya National Bureau of Statis-

tics (KNBS) All rights reserved

Extracts may be used or published if the source is duly ac-



A Statistical Abstract is a single source of data covering a series of years. The Abstract
enables you to get complete time series data of the Kenyan Economy from one SINGLE
official source. The current Abstract therefore contains a comprehensive set of informa-
tion that is useful for any form of analytical work.


To become a centre of excellence in production and management of quality statistics


To develop, provide and promote quality statistical information for evidence-based decision making

The Organization

The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics comprises of five director-

ates; namely

Production Statis-

tics Statistical Coordina-

tion and Methods


Services Mac-

ro- Economic

Population and Social Statistics


Together with users and producers of data, and development partners we are commit-
ted to face challenges and opportunities of the 21st Century.

Director General
Kenya National Bureau
of Statistics

This Abstract has been prepared by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics. The tables
have been compiled partly from statistics collected directly by the Bureau through Surveys
and Censuses and also from statistics compiled by other Ministries, Departments and Agen-
cies (MDAs) including county Governments. The source of the statistical data is shown under
each table.

The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics is also responsible for the preparation of the Economic
Survey and Leading Economic Indicators in which emphasis is placed on current statistics
for which monthly and quarterly series are available. In addition, reports are published on the
various regular and ad hoc statistical surveys undertaken by the Bureau.

Whereas these publications aim at providing statistical coverage of the important fields
of economic, financial and social activity in Kenya, the published material may not meet
detailed requirements of all users. Additional information, whenever available, will be supplied
by the Bureau on request, although in certain circumstances, depending on the amount of
work involved in extracting the required particulars, it may be necessary to make a charge. All
enquiries relating to statistical matters should be addressed to:-


STATISTICS P.O. BOX 30266-00100
TEL: +254 - 020 2911000 / 0202911001
E-mail: directorgener-
[email protected] Website:

The following symbols have been used in

this publication “ “ Means nil or negligible (less than
half the final digit shown).

“..” Means figures

not available. “ * “
Means provisional
“ + “ Means revised

“|” between consecutive figures means they have been compiled on a different basis and
are not strictly comparable. The nature of the difference is usually indicated in a foot-

Rounding of Figures: - In tables where figures have been rounded to the nearest final digit,
there may be an apparent slight discrepancy between the sum of the constituent items
South Sudan



Uganda WAJIR












Tanzania KWALE


Data Quality Declaration
The Statistical Abstract report is an annual publication prepared by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics that
provides socio-economic statistical information covering a five-to eight-year period. Statistics presented in
Statistical Abstract reports are produced in line with internationally sound and scientific methods that are
anchored on the fundamental principles of producing official statistics.

Data Sources
The statistics published in the Statistical Abstract reports are based on a wide variety of sources including own
surveys and censuses, studies carried out by other institutions and administrative data collected by Ministries,
Departments and Agencies; County Governments; and establishments. The sources of data are always

Accuracy and Reliability

All censuses and surveys conducted by the Bureau are based on international standards and methods. Sampling
and non-sampling errors that may occur in a census or survey are always disclosed. Data from administrative
sources are subject to international best practices on statistics and are verified and validated through sectoral
Technical Working Groups.

Although the Statistical Abstract report is an annual publication, data may also be presented on quarterly and
monthly basis for the review period.

The Bureau maintains a compendium of statistical definitions. The Bureau has endeavoured to provide the same
format of statistical tables as in previous years to enable consistency and trend comparison over time.

KNBS reports are disseminated by various platforms. The platforms include the KNBS website: www.knbs.or.ke,
publications, press releases and social media. More information is also available from both at the headquarter,
and the county offices.

The report is produced annually, by the end of September of the review year.

Administrative Units
Administrative Units (Cont')

Administrative Units (Cont')








Table of Contents
Kenya Counties Map..........................................................................................................................................................v
Administrative Units........................................................................................................................................................viii
Political Units....................................................................................................................................................................xii
Constitution of Kenya........................................................................................................................................................1
Table 1.1: Land and Water Area by County .........................................................................................................................3
Table 1.2: Lakes, Mountains and National Parks.................................................................................................................3
Table 2.1: Annual Production Accounts by Industry, 2014-2020...........................................................................................8
Table 2.2: Gross Domestic Product by Activity, 2014 - 2020..............................................................................................10
Table 2.3: Contribution to Gross Domestic Product by Activity, 2014 - 2020......................................................................11
Table 2.4: Gross Domestic Product by Activity, 2014- 2020...............................................................................................12
Table 2.5: Growth of Gross Domestic Product by Activity at Constant Prices, 2014 - 2020...............................................13
Table 2.6(a): Expenditure on the Gross Domestic Product, 2014 - 2020...........................................................................14
Table 2.6(b): Expenditure on the Gross Domestic Product, 2014 - 2020...........................................................................14
Table 2.6(c): Expenditure on the Gross Domestic Product, 2014 - 2020...........................................................................14
Table 2.6(d): Growth in Expenditure on the Gross Domestic Product at Constant 2010 Prices, 2014 - 2020...................14
Table 2.7(a) Gross Fixed Capital Formation, 2014 - 2020..................................................................................................15
Table 2.7(b) Share of Gross Fixed Capital Formation, 2014 - 2020...................................................................................15
Table 2.7(c) Gross Fixed Capital Formation, 2014 - 2020..................................................................................................15
Table 2.7(d) Growth in Gross Fixed Capital Formation, 2014 - 2020.................................................................................15
Table 2.8: Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Income, 2014 - 2020..................................................................16
Table 2.9: National Disposable Income and Saving, 2014 - 2020......................................................................................16
Table 3.1: Number of Employees* by Industry and Employment Groups, 2020.................................................................18
Table 3.2: Business Opening and Closing, 2016 - 2020.....................................................................................................23
Table 3.3a: Wage Employment by Sector, 2016 - 2020.....................................................................................................24
Table 3.3b: Wage Employment by Sector, 2016 - 2020.....................................................................................................24
Table 3.4: Wage Employment by Industry, 2016 - 2020.....................................................................................................25
Table 3.5: Wage Employment in the Public Sector by Industry+, 2016 - 2020...................................................................30
Table 3.6: Earnings by Sector, 2016 - 2020........................................................................................................................34
Table 3.7: Earnings by Industry, 2016 - 2020.....................................................................................................................35
Table 3.8: Earnings in the Public Sector by Industry, 2016 - 2020.....................................................................................40
Table 3.9: Distribution of Wage Employment1 by Sector and Monthly Income (KSh) Groups, 2016 - 2020......................44
Table 3.10(a): Distribution of Wage Employment by Sector and Monthly Income (KSh) Groups, 2018.............................45
Table 3.10(b): Distribution of Wage Employment by Sector and Monthly Income (KSh) Groups, 2020*...........................46
Table 3.11: Distribution of Wage Employment by Sex and Monthly Income (KSh) Groups1, 2016 - 2020........................47
Table 3.12: Gazetted Monthly, Daily and Hourly Basic Minimum Wages by Regions, as at 2020*....................................48
Table 3.13: Stoppages of Work Caused by Industrial Disputes, 2016 - 2020....................................................................49
Table 3.14: National Social Security Fund1, 2014/15 - 2018/19.........................................................................................50
Table 3.15: Trade Test Passes, 2016 - 2020......................................................................................................................50
Table 3.16(a): 12-COICOP Division Weights for the old Kenya CPI..................................................................................52
Table 3.16(b): 13-COICOP Division Weights for the new Kenya CPI.................................................................................52
Table 3.17: Elementary Aggregates’ Weights in the CPI Baskets......................................................................................53
Table 3.18 (a): Consumer Price Index - Nairobi Lower Income Group 2018- 2020............................................................57
Table 3.18 (b): Consumer Price Index - Nairobi Middle Income Group 2018- 2020...........................................................58
Table 3.18 (c): Consumer Price Index - Nairobi Upper Income Group 2018- 2020............................................................59
Table 3.18 (d): Consumer Price Index - Nairobi Combined 2018- 2020.............................................................................60
Table 3.19: Consumer Price Index - Rest of Urban Areas 2018- 2020...............................................................................61
Table 3.20: Consumer Price Index - Kenya 2018- 2020.....................................................................................................62
Table 3.21: Annual Average Retail Prices of Certain Consumer Goods in Kenya Included in the Consumer Price Index,
2011 - 2020.........................................................................................................................................................................63
Table 4.1: Currency in Circulation, 2014 - 2020.................................................................................................................65
Table 4.2: Central Bank of Kenya Assets and Liabilities, 2014 - 2020...............................................................................65
Table 4.3: Central Monetary Authorities: Foreign Exchange Reserves, 2011 - 2020.........................................................66
Table 4.4: Foreign Exchange Rates1 of Kenya Shilling for Selected Currencies, 2014 - 2020..........................................67
Table 4.5: Nominal Principal Interest Rates, 2014 - 2020..................................................................................................67
Table 4.6 (a): Assets and Liabilities, 2012 - 2020...............................................................................................................68
Table 4.6(b): Commercial Banks Deposit Liabilities and Liquid Assets, 2007 - 2020.........................................................68
Table 4.6(c): Commercial Banks’ Bills, Loans and Advances3, 2014 - 2020......................................................................69
Table 4.7: Money and Quasi-Money Supply, 2016 - 2020..................................................................................................69
Table 4.8: Consolidated Accounts of the Banking System, 2014 - 2020............................................................................70
Table 4.9: Agricultural Finance Corporation- Assets and Liabilities as at 30th June, 2010 - 2020.....................................71
Table 4.10: Kenya Post office Savings Bank, 2014-2020...................................................................................................72
Table 4.11(a): Life Insurance-Assets, 2016 - 2020.............................................................................................................73
Table 4.11(b): Life Insurance-Liabilities, 2016 - 2020.........................................................................................................73
Table 4.12(a):Non-Life Insurance-Assets, 2014- 2020.......................................................................................................74
Table 4.13(a): Life Insurance - Analysis Of Loans and Advances1, 2016 - 2020...............................................................75
Table 4.13(b): Non-Life Insurance - Analysis Of Loans And Advances1, 2016 - 2020.......................................................75
Table 4.14(a): Trend in Some Key Insurance Business Indicators , 2014 - 2020...............................................................76
Table 4.14(b): Key Performance Indicators for Long-Term Insurance Business, 2014 - 2020 ..........................................76
Table 4.14(c) Performance of long term insurance business by class, 2014 - 2020..........................................................76
Table 4.14:(d) Life Assurance, Group Life And Pensions - Income And Out-Goings, 2014 - 2020....................................76
Table 4.15: Non-Life Insurance-Income and Out-Goings, 2016- 2020...............................................................................77
Table 4.16: Hire Purchase Credit: number of agreements, settlements and values, 2020.................................................78
Table 4.17: Nairobi Stock Exchange 20-Share Index, 2003 - 2020....................................................................................79
Table 5.1: Statement of National Government Operations, 2016/17- 2020/20...................................................................83
Table 5.2: Excise Revenue by Commodity 1, 2016 - 2020.................................................................................................83
Table 5.3: National Government Gross Receipts on the Recurrent Account, 2016/17 - 2020/20.......................................84
Table 5.4: Economic Analysis of Expense, 2016/17 - 2020/20...........................................................................................85
Table 5.5: Economic Analysis of Capital Revenue, 2016/17 - 2020/20..............................................................................86
Table 5.6: Economic Analysis of Capital Expenditure, 2016/17 - 2020/20.........................................................................86
Table 5.7: Functional and Economic Analysis of Expenditure - Summary, 2016/17- 2020/2020........................................87
Table 5.9: Cross Classification of Functional And Economic Expenditure, FY 2018/19.....................................................89
Table 5.10: Annual Debt Servicing Charges, 2014/15 - 2018/19........................................................................................91
Table 5.11: National Government Outstanding Debt by Source as at end of June, 2016-2020.........................................92
Table 5.12: Debt Service Charges on External Debt related to Export of Goods and Services, 2016-2020......................92
Table 5.13: Annual County Governments Revenue, FY 2018/19-2020/20.........................................................................93
Table 5.14: Consolidated County Governments Budget Allocation, FY 2020/20+.............................................................94
Table 5.15: Economic classification of County Governments Expenditure, 2016/17 - 2020/20.........................................95
Table 5.16: Classification of Expenditure by Functions of County Governments (COFOG), 2016/17 - 2020/20...............96
Table 5.17: Economic Classification of County Governments Expenditure, As at end of 2018/19.....................................96
Table 5.18: General Government Statement of Operations, FY 2018/19*.........................................................................98
Table 5.19(a) Public Sector Institutions..............................................................................................................................99
Table 5.19(b) Public Sector Institutions............................................................................................................................100
Table 5.19(b) Public Sector Institutions............................................................................................................................101
Table 5.19(c) Public Sector Institutions............................................................................................................................102
Table 5.19(c) Public Sector Institutions............................................................................................................................103
Table 6.1: Balance of Payments, 2011 - 2020..................................................................................................................106
Table 6.2: Volume and Balance of Trade, 2011 - 2020.....................................................................................................107
Table 6.3: Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), 2011 - 2020...................................................108
Table 6.4:Trade Balance by Geographical Area and Country, 2014 - 2020......................................................................108
Table 6.5: Values of Principal Commodities, 2011 - 2020................................................................................................110
Table 6.6: Quantities of Principal Commodities, 2011- 2020 ...........................................................................................112
Table 6.7: Principal Commodities, percentage of total value , 2011 - 2020......................................................................113
Table 6.8: Domestic Export Value of Principal Commodities by Destination, 2020..........................................................114
Table 6.9: Value by Country of Destination, 2011- 2020...................................................................................................115
Table 6.10: Principal Commodities to the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), 2020.............118
Table 6.11: Domestic Exports1 by Broad Economic Category, 2011 - 2020.....................................................................120
Table 6.12: Section Values by Destination, 2011 - 2020..................................................................................................121
Table 6.13: Value of Principal Articles, 2014 - 2020.........................................................................................................124
Table 6.14: Quantity of Principal Articles, 2014 - 2020.....................................................................................................126
Table 6.15: Value by Country of Origin, 2011 - 2020........................................................................................................128
Table 6.16: Import Values by Section and Country of Origin, 2010 - 2020.......................................................................131
Table 6.17: Amount Of Import Duty Compiled by Division, 2010- 2020............................................................................134
Table 6.18: Import Values of Principal Commodities from The Common Market for East and Southern Africa, 2020.....135
Table 6.19: Total Imports1 by Broad Economic Category, 2011 -2020.............................................................................136
Table 6.20: Price Indices, 2012- 2020..............................................................................................................................137
Table 6.21: Quantum Indices, 2011- 2020........................................................................................................................137
Table 6.22: Domestic Export Price, 2011-2020................................................................................................................140
Table 6.23: Unit Prices of Selected Imports C.I.F, 2011 - 2020........................................................................................140
Table 7.1: Categories of Agricultural Land (As of 2014)...................................................................................................142
Table 7.2(a): Gross Marketed Production at Current Prices, 2014 - 2020........................................................................143
Table 7.2(b): Gross Marketed Production at Constant (2001) Prices, 2014- 2020...........................................................144
Table 7.3: Gross Marketed Production from Large and Small Farms, 2014- 2020..........................................................145
Table 7.4: Agricultural Value Added, 2014 - 2020.............................................................................................................145
Table 7.5: Production for Sale, 2014 - 2020.....................................................................................................................146
Table 7.6: Average Prices to Producers, 2014 - 2020* ....................................................................................................146
Table 7.7: Purchases for Slaughter by Licensed Abattoirs, 2014 - 2020*.........................................................................146
Table 7.8: Dairy Production, 2011- 2020..........................................................................................................................147
Table 7.9: Price to Producers for Meat and Whole Milk, 2011- 2020................................................................................147
Table 7.10: Value of Agricultural Inputs, 2012- 2020 .......................................................................................................148
Table 7.11: Chemical, Medicinal and Feed Inputs, 2012 - 2020.......................................................................................149
Table 7.12: Irrigation Schemes, 2014/14- 2018/19...........................................................................................................150
Table 7.13: Membership of Cooperative Societies by Type of Society, 2012 - 2020........................................................151
Table 7.14: Number of Societies and Unions by Type, 2012 - 2020.................................................................................151
Table 7.15: Total Turnover (Income) of Societies and Unions, 2011 - 2020.....................................................................152
Table 7.16: Total Share Capital, 2011-2020......................................................................................................................153
Table 8.1: Forest Coverage by Category, 2016 - 2020.....................................................................................................154
Table 8.2: Government Forest Plantation Stocking, 2016 - 2020.....................................................................................154
Table 8.3: Recorded Sale of State Forests Products, 2016- 2020...................................................................................154
Table 8.4: Quantity and Value of Fish Landed, 2016 - 2020.............................................................................................155
Table 8.5: Wildlife Population Estimates1 in the Kenya Rangelands, 2016 – 2020.........................................................156
Table 8.6: Quantity and Value of Mineral Production, 2016 - 2020..................................................................................157
Table 9.1: Installed Capacity by Type of Power, 2011 - 2020...........................................................................................159
Table 9.2: Generation of Power by Type and Imports, 2011 - 2020.................................................................................159
Table 9.3: Electricity Sales by Area1, 2010/10 - 2018/19.................................................................................................159
Table 9.4: Electricity Sales by Type of User, 2011-2020...................................................................................................160
Table 9.5: Electricity Sales by Type of User and Area, 2018/19* .....................................................................................160
Table 9.6: Number of Customers connected to Electricity as at 30th June, 2011 - 2020.................................................161
Table 9.7: Fuel Sales, 2011-2020.....................................................................................................................................162
Table 9.8: Production, Trade and Consumption of energy1 by Primary Sources, 2020...................................................163
Table 10.1: Quantum Indices for Manufacturing Production, 2016 - 2020.......................................................................165
Table 10.2: Quarterly Producer Price Indices, 2020.........................................................................................................166
Table 10.3: Compensation of Employees and Value Added in Manufacturing Sector, 2016-2020...................................167
Table 10.4: Value of Inputs and Outputs in Manufacturing Sector, 2016-2020.................................................................168
Table 10.5: Production of Selected Commodities, 2014 - 2020........................................................................................169
Table 10.6: Consumption of Selected Commodities, 2014 - 2020....................................................................................169
Table 10.7: Production of Selected Food Commodities, 2014 - 2020..............................................................................170
Table 10.8: Production of Selected Industrial Commodities, 2014 - 2020........................................................................170
Table 11.1: Compensation of Employees, Gross Value Added, Inputs and Output in Construction, 2016-2020..............172
Table 11.2: Reported Number of New Private buildings completed, Floor Area and Cost of Construction in Nairobi County,
Table 11.3 (a): Reported Number of New Private Buildings completed, Floor Area and Cost of Construction in Selected
Counties, 2018.................................................................................................................................................................173
Table 11.3 (b): Reported Number of New Private Buildings completed, Floor Area and Cost of Construction in Selected
Counties, 2020.................................................................................................................................................................174
Table 11.4: Reported Number of New Residential Buildings by Number of Habitable Rooms in Nairobi City, 2016 - 2020...
Table 11.5: Number and Cost of Construction of Public Residential Houses Completed by National Housing Corporation
and State Department for Housing in Selected Counties2016-2020................................................................................175
Table 11.6: Private Building Plans Approved by Nairobi City County, 2016-2020............................................................175
Table 11.7: Production and Consumption of Cement, 2016- 2020...................................................................................176
Table 11.8: National Government Expenditure on Roads, 2016/17 - 2020/20.................................................................176
Table 11.9: Kilometres of Roads by Type and Classification, as at 30th June 2016 - 2020.............................................177
Table 11.11: Quarterly Residential Building Cost Index, 2016 - 2020...............................................................................178
Table 11.12: Quarterly Non-Residential Building Cost Index, 2016-2020.........................................................................179
Table 11.13: Quarterly Building Cost Index, 2016-2018...................................................................................................180
Table 11.14: Quarterly Civil Engineering Cost Index, 2016-2020.....................................................................................181
Table 11.15: Overall Quarterly Construction Cost Index, 2016-2020...............................................................................182
Table 12.1: Reported Visitor Arrivals+ by Purpose, 2012- 2020.......................................................................................187
Table 12.2: Reported Visitor Departures+ by Purpose, 2012 - 2020................................................................................187
Table 12.3: Reported Visitor Arrivals and Departures+ by Mode of Travel, 2012 - 2020..................................................187
Table 12.4: Number of Reported Visitor Arrivals and Departures+ by Continent of Residence and Mode of Travel, 2016-
Table 12.5: Number of Reported Visitor Arrivals and Departures, 2016- 2020.................................................................189
Table 12.6: Total Length of Stay1 of Departing Visitors by Purpose and Country of Residence, 2016 - 2020.................190
Table 12.7: Average Length of Stay1 of Departing Visitors+ by Purpose and Country of Residence, 2016- 2020..........191
Table 12.8: Visitor Departures+ by Purpose and Country of Residence1, 2016- 2020....................................................192
Table 12.9: Hotel Rooms, Beds Available and Occupied, 2016 - 2020............................................................................193
Table 12.10: Hotel Beds Occupied by Foreign and East African (EA) Residents, 2016 - 2020 .......................................194
Table 12.11a: Hotel Rooms and Beds Available and Occupied by Zone, 2018................................................................195
Table 12.11b: Hotel Rooms and Beds Available and Occupied by Zone, 2020................................................................196
Table 12.12a: Hotel Guest-Nights by Area and Country of Residence, 2016...................................................................196
Table 12.12b: Hotel Guest-Nights by Area and Country of Residence, 2017...................................................................197
Table 12.12c: Hotel Guest-Nights by Area and Country of Residence, 2018...................................................................198
Table 12.12d: Hotel Guest-Nights by Area and Country of Residence, 2020...................................................................199
Table 12.13: Hotel Bed Occupancy, 2016-2020...............................................................................................................200
Table 12.14: Number of Visitors to Parks and Game Reserves, 2014- 2020...................................................................201
Table 12.15: Number of Visitors to Parks and Game Reserves, 2018 - 2020..................................................................202
Table 12.16: Visitors to Museums, Snake Park and Sites, 2012 - 2020...........................................................................203
Table 12.17: Game Lodge1 Occupancy, 2017- 2020.......................................................................................................204
Table 13.1: Transport and Storage - Value of Output, 2011 - 2020..................................................................................206
Table 13.2: Road Transport - Value of Output, 2011-2020...............................................................................................206
Table 13.3: Earnings from Railway Traffic, 2011-2020.....................................................................................................206
Table 13.4: Kilometres of Lines Open for Traffic, 2016 - 2020.........................................................................................207
Table 13.5: Railway Traffic, 2016 - 2020..........................................................................................................................207
Table 13.6: Stocks for Transport Equipment, 2016 - 2020...............................................................................................207
Table 13.7: Registered Vehicles, 2016-2020....................................................................................................................208
Table 13.8: New Registration of Vehicles, 2016 - 2020....................................................................................................208
Table 13.9: Licenses issued to Public Service Vehicles, 2016-2020................................................................................208
Table 13.10: Traffic Accidents, 2011-2020........................................................................................................................209
Table 13.11: Value of Imports of Road Transport Equipment , 2016-2020.......................................................................210
Table 13.12: Quantity of Imports of Road Transport Equipment , 2016-2020..................................................................210
Table 13.13: Road Network by Type and Classification1, 2016 - 2020............................................................................211
Table 13.14: Traffic Handled at Mombasa Port, 2016-2020.............................................................................................212
Table 13.15: Port Cargo Traffic, 2016-2020......................................................................................................................212
Table 13.16: Principal Commodities Shipped1, 2016-2020..............................................................................................213
Table 13.17: Traffic Handled at Main Airports, 2011-2020................................................................................................214
Table 13.18a: Commercial International Air Traffic Handled at Nairobi (JKIA) and Mombasa (MIA) Arrivals, 2011-2020......
Table 13.18b: Commercial International Air Traffic Handled at Nairobi (JKIA) and Mombasa (MIA) Departures, 2011-
Table 13.19: Total Number of Post Offices/Couriers, 2011 - 2020....................................................................................217
Table 13.20: Articles Handled, 2011-2020........................................................................................................................217
Table 13.21: Money Orders, 2011-2020...........................................................................................................................218
Table 14.1: Output, Intermediate Consumption and Value added from the ICT Sector, 2014-2020.................................220
Table 14.2: Fixed and Mobile Network Services, 2014-2020...........................................................................................220
Table 14.3: Phone calls and SMS Traffic, 2014-2020.......................................................................................................221
Table 14.4: Internet Providers, Users and Subscriptions, 2014 - 2020............................................................................222
Table 14.5: Broadband Services, 2014 - 2020.................................................................................................................222
Table 14.6: Registered Domains, 2014 - 2020.................................................................................................................223
Table 14.7: Local Daily/ Weekly Newspapers copies in Circulation, 2014-2020..............................................................223
Table 14.8: Media Frequencies and Mobile Transceivers, 2014 - 2020...........................................................................223
Table 14.9: Key Indicators Measuring Information Society, 2014-2020............................................................................224
Table 14.10: Trade on ICT Equipments, 2014 - 2020.......................................................................................................225
Table 15.1: Educational Institutions by Category/Type, 2014 – 2020...............................................................................227
Table 15.2: Primary and Secondary Schools Enrolment, Teacher Trainees and TVET Students by Type of Schools and
Colleges, 2014 -...............................................................................................................................................................227
Table 15.3: Teachers in Service by Type of School, 2014 - 2020.....................................................................................227
Table 15.4: Primary School Enrolment by County, 2014 - 2020.......................................................................................228
Table 15.5: Secondary School Enrolment by Class and Sex, 2014 - 2020......................................................................229
Table 15.6: Secondary Schools Enrolment by County, 2014 - 2020................................................................................230
Table 15.7: Candidates by Sex and Mean Grade in KCSE, 2018 - 2020.........................................................................231
Table 15.8: Enrolment in Teachers Training Colleges, 2014 - 2020.................................................................................232
Table 15.9: Technical University of Kenya - Student Distribution by Faculty, 2014/14 - 2020/2020.................................233
Table 15.10: Technical University of Mombasa - Student Distribution by Faculty, 2014/14 - 2020/2020.........................233
Table 15.11: University of Eldoret - Student Distribution by Faculty, 2014/14 - 2020/2020..............................................234
Table 15.12: University of Nairobi - Student Distribution by Faculty1, 2014/14 - 2020/2020............................................235
Table 15.13: Moi University - Student Distribution by Faculty, 2014/14 - 2020/2020.......................................................236
Table 15.14: Kenyatta University - Student Distribution by Faculty, 2014/14 - 2020/2020...............................................236
Table 15.15: Egerton University - Student Distribution by Faculty, 2014/14 - 2020/2020.................................................237
Table 15.16: Maseno University - Student Distribution by Faculty, 2014/14 - 2020/2020................................................237
Table 15.17(a): Student Enrolment in Public Universities, 2014/14 - 2020/2020.............................................................238
Table 15.17(b): Student Enrolment in Private Universities, 2014/14 - 2020/2020............................................................238
Table 15.41: Kenyatta University - Student Distribution by Faculty, 2014/14 - 2020/2020...............................................228
Table 16.1: Population Distribution by Sex, Number of Households, Area, Density and County.....................................242
Table 16.2: Registered Births by Sex, 2016 - 2020..........................................................................................................243
Table 16.3: Registered Births by Place of Occurrence, 2016 - 2020................................................................................243
Table 16.4: Coverage Rates of Births, 2016 - 2020..........................................................................................................244
Table 16.5: Registered Births by County, 2016 - 2020.....................................................................................................245
Table 16.6: Registered Births by Marital Status of Mother, 2016 - 2020..........................................................................246
Table 16.7: Registered Births by Age of the Mother, 2016 - 2020....................................................................................246
Table 16.8: Hospital births by birth weight, gestation period and county, 2016 - 2020.....................................................247
Table 16.9: Registered Deaths by Sex, 2016 - 2020........................................................................................................248
Table 16.10: Registered Deaths by Place of Occurrence, 2016 - 2020............................................................................248
Table 16.11: Coverage Rates of Deaths, 2016 - 2020......................................................................................................248
Table 16.12: Deaths by Age and Sex of the Deceased, 2016 - 2020...............................................................................249
Table 16.13: Registered Deaths by County, 2016 - 2020.................................................................................................250
Table 16.15: Outpatient Morbidity for Children Below Age 5 Years by County, 2020*......................................................251
Table 16.16:Outpatient Morbidity for Persons of Age 5 Years and Above by County, 2020*............................................257
Table 16.17: Registered Health Personnel by Cadre, 2016 - 2020..................................................................................262
Table 16.18: Registered Medical Laboratories by Class and County, 2016 - 2020..........................................................263
Table 16.19: HIV/AIDS Prevalence Rate for Adults Aged 15-49 by Sex and County, 2020.............................................264
Table 17.1: Prison Population, 2011 - 2020......................................................................................................................267
Table 17.2: Crimes Reported to the Police, 2011 - 2020..................................................................................................268
Table 17.3: Convicted Prisoners by Type of Offence and Sex, 2014 - 2020....................................................................269
Table 17.4: Offenders Serving Probation Sentence by Sex and Type of Offence, 2016 - 2020.......................................270
Table 17.5: Offenders Serving Community Service Order by Sex and Type of Offence, 2016 - 2020.............................271
Table 17.6: Offenders Serving Community Aftercare Rehabilitation by Sex and Type of Offence, 2016-2020................272
Table 17.7. Convicted Persons Committed to Prison by Age and Sex, 2016-2020..........................................................273
Table 17.8. Cases Handled by Various Courts, 2014/15– 2018/19..................................................................................274
Table 17.9: Persons Reported to Have Committed Crimes by Type of Offence and Sex, 2014-2020.............................275
Table 17.10: Persons Reported to the Police to have Committed Offences by Sex and Command Stations, 2014 – 2020..
Table 17.11: Registered Voters by County, 2020..............................................................................................................277
Table 17.12: Identity Cards Applications (NPR) Made, Produced and Collected, 2016-2020..........................................278
Table 17.13: New Identity Card Applications Made, Produced and Collected by County, 2016-2020..............................279
Table 18.1: Tenders Awarded to Special Group under AGPO by Public Procuring Entities, 2016/17-2020/20................281
Table 18.2: Amount Reserved and Awarded by Procuring Entities under AGPO, 2016/17 -2020/20...............................282
Table 18.3: Participation in Selected Public Decision Making Positions by Sex in Public Service, 2018-2020................283
Table 18.4: Members of the County Assemblies by Sex, 2017 - 2020.............................................................................284
Table 18.5: County Executive Committee Members by Sex, 2018 and 2020...................................................................285

Kenya’s current constitution was enacted on 27th August 2010 replacing the previous one that
had been in place since Kenya’s Independence in 1963. It provides the Structure of Government
of Kenya to consist of The Executive, The Legislature, The Judiciary and The Devolved Gov-

The Executive

The President, the Deputy President, and the cabinet constitute the executive arm of the Kenyan
government. The President is the Head of State and Government, Commander-in-Chief of the
Kenya Defence Forces, and the chairperson of the National Security Council.

The President is elected directly by all registered voters for a five year term. For a person to be
declared winner of the presidential vote, the candidate must receive more than 50 per cent of the
total votes cast, plus at least 25 per cent of the votes cast in more than half of the counties. One
can only serve as president for a maximum of two terms.
The Deputy President is the President’s principal assistant. During the presidential election, each
presidential candidate nominates a running mate. Upon election, this running mate becomes the
Deputy President.

The cabinet comprises of the President, the Deputy President, the Attorney General, and 14 to 22
cabinet secretaries. The President appoints the cabinet secretaries, but the appointments must be
approved by the National Assembly.

Cabinet Secretaries (as at 8th April, 2013)………......................................……………...…………


In the Constitution 2010, Cabinet Secretaries are appointed from outside Parliament and the
President and the Deputy President are no longer Members of the Parliament.

The Legislature (Parliament)

As per Article 93 of the Constitution 2010, the Parliament consists of the National Assembly and
the Senate with membership of 418 including the speakers of the two Houses.

(a) The National Assembly

Article 97 of Constitution of Kenya provides for the membership of the National Assembly com-
prising of the Elected and nominated Members as follows:

Ex-officio- Speaker .........................................................................................................................

Elected Members from single Member Constituen-
Elected Women from each County Constituting a single member Constituen-
Nominated Member

1 The National Assembly consists of twelve members nominated by parliamentary political

parties according to their proportion of members of the National Assembly in accordance with Arti-
cle 90, to represent special interests including the youth, persons with disabilities and workers.
(b) The Senate

Article 98 of Constitution of Kenya provides for the membership of the Senate consisting of the
Elected and nominated Senators as follows:-
Ex-officio- Speaker………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
Elected Senators from each of the 47 Counties………………………………………………….. 47
Nominated Women Senators………………………………………………………………………. 16
Nominated Senators (one man and woman) representing the youth……………………………..2
Nominated Senators representing persons with disabilities……………………………………….2

The Judiciary

The constitution creates an independent judiciary consisting of the courts of law and tribunals. The
Chief Justice is the head of the judiciary, and is appointed by the President on the recommendation
of the Judicial Service Commission. This is subject to the approval of the National Assembly.

Under the Kenya constitution, the Supreme Court is the highest court in Kenya. The Chief Jus-
tice is the President of the Supreme Court. This court also comprises the Deputy Chief Justice and
five other judges.

The Court of Appeal is the second highest court in Kenya. It comprises of at least 12 judges
and is headed by a President of the Court of Appeal. The court only has appellate jurisdiction over
appeals from the High Court and other courts and tribunals.

The third highest court in Kenya is the High Court. The High Court has unlimited original juris-
diction in criminal and civil matters. The court also has supervisory powers over the subordinate

The constitution mandates Parliament to establish special courts to determine disputes related
to employment and labour relations, land and environmental matters. These special courts have
equal status with the High Court. The High Court does not have any jurisdiction over matters han-
dled exclusively by these special courts.

The Devolved Governments

The Kenya constitution establishes 47 counties, each with its own government. County govern-
ments consist of a county assembly and a county executive. The county assembly is made up of
members elected from different wards in the county.

The county governor is the head of the county executive. Voters in each county elect their governor
and deputy governor directly. The governor then appoints other members of the county executive
committee, with the approval of the county assembly.

Table 1.1: Land and Water Area by County
(Sq Km)
County Land Area Water Area Total Area County Land Area Water Area Total Area
Kilifi.................. 12,396 109 12,505 Nakuru........................ 7,287 202 7,489
Kwale............... 8,165 65 8,230 Nandi.......................... 2,847 - 2,847
Lamu............... 5,832 308 6,140 Kericho........................ 2,617 - 2,617
Mombasa......... 151 65 216 Elgeyo/Marakwet......... 3,018 - 3,018
Taita/Taveta..... 17,090 30 17,120 Bomet......................... 2,355 - 2,355
Tana River....... 39,153 - 39,153 Baringo........................ 10,717 195 10,912
Garissa............ 43,591 - 43,591 Turkana....................... 68,307 2,279 70,586
Wajir................ 56,649 - 56,649 Samburu..................... 21,024 - 21,024
Mandera.......... 25,986 - 25,986 Trans-Nzoia................ 2,496 - 2,496
Machakos........ 6,016 - 6,016 Uasin Gishu................ 3,407 - 3,407
Kitui................. 30,437 - 30,437 West Pokot.................. 9,108 - 9,108
Embu............... 2,828 - 2,828 Laikipia........................ 9,544 - 9,544
Isiolo................ 25,382 - 25,382 Kisii............................. 1,321 - 1,321
Marsabit........... 71,905 4,126 76,031 Kisumu........................ 2,110 567 2,677
Makueni........... 8,172 - 8,172 Siaya........................... 2,453 1,089 3,542
Meru................ 7,057 - 7,057 Homa Bay................... 2,696 2,064 4,760
Tharaka Nithi... 2,514 - 2,514 Migori.......................... 3,165 - 3,165
Nyeri................ 3,336 - 3,336 Nyamira....................... 901 - 901
Murang'a.......... 2,527 - 2,527 Kakamega................... 3,023 - 3,023
Kirinyaga.......... 1,475 - 1,475 Bungoma..................... 3,033 - 3,033
Kiambu............ 2,569 - 2,569 Vihiga.......................... 563 - 563
Nyandarua....... 3,267 3 3,270 Busia........................... 1,686 144 1,830
Nairobi............. 707 - 707 Total Area.................. 580,609 11,362 591,971
Narok............... 17,943 - 17,943 Terrestrial Waters...... - 18,029 18,029
Kajiado............. 21,783 116 21,899 Total Area Kenya ...... 580,609 29,391 610,000
Source: Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning

Table 1.2: Lakes1, Mountains and National Parks

Area Height Area National Parks Area

Lakes (Sq. Km) Mountains (Metres) National Parks (Sq. Km) cont'd (Sq. Km)
Victoria............. 3,855 Mount Kenya......... 5,199 Tsavo.......................... 20,430 Marsabit.............. 360
Turkana........... 6,405 Mount Elgon.......... 4,310 Aberdares................... 766 Ruma.................. 120
Naivasha.......... 149 Aberdare Ranges... 3,999 Mount Kenya............... 715 Saiwa Swamp..... 2
Baringo............ 155 Cheranganyi Hills... 3,370 Mount Elgon................ 169 Chyulu................. 734
Bogoria............ 40 Mau Escarpment... 3,098 Nairobi......................... 117 Mombasa............ 10
Nakuru............. 32 Lake Nakuru................ 188 Malindi Marine..... 6
Elementaita...... 21 Oldonyo Sabuk............ 18 Ndere Island........ 4
Jipe.................. 25 Watamu Marine........... 10 Arabuko Sokoke.. 6
Magadi............. 110 Meru............................ 870 Malika Mari.......... 876
Bolossat........... 3 Amboseli..................... 392 Kora.................... 1,787
Chala............... 5 Sibiloi.......................... 1,570 Fourteen Falls..... 2
Kabongo.......... 3 Hells Gate................... 68 Mau..................... 304
Kanyaboli......... 9 Longonot..................... 52 Total................... 29,648
Logipi............... 24 Kisita Marina............... 28
Loongojit.......... 3 South Island................ 39
Total................ 10,839 Central Island.............. 5
Source: Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning
All lakes except Lake Victoria have no outlet, and therefore level and area fluctuate.

Notes on Compilation of National Accounts
In Kenya, national accounts are compiled in line with the international guidelines as prescribed by the United
Nations’ System of National Accounts agreed in 2008 (the 2008 SNA). The constant prices are measured using
2016 base year prices, and included use of various data sources.

These are new estimates that resulted from revision and rebasing of the national accounts from 2009 base year
prices to the current 2016 base year. The revision process was undertaken with the view of ensuring the
statistics, in terms of concepts and definitions followed the 2008 SNA guideline as closely as possible.

The scope of the national accounts majorly meets the recommendations of the 2008 SNA. The
following is part of what is compiled on regular basis (annually)

• value added by activity (current and constant prices)

• expenditures on GDP (current and constant prices)
• value added components by activity (current and constant prices)
• production and generation of income accounts (for total economy and also by activity)
• quarterly Gross Domestic Product (current and constant prices)

The revision process involved estimation and inclusion of output of some activities in underground economy.
At the moment the following SNA recommendations are not included;
illegal output; trade in illicit drugs, illegal weapon trafficking etc.

Classification of transactions as recorded in the accounts broadly follows the 2008 SNA. Classification
of economic activities and products is done according to ISIC rev. 41 but there are a few deviations
while COICOP2 is used for classifying household final consumption.

International Standard of Industrial Classification Revision 4 of all economic activities
Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose


Transaction Valuation
Flows and stock Market prices
Market output Basic prices
Output for own-use Market prices
Non-market output At cost of production
Imports Free on board (f.o.b)
Exports Free on board (f.o.b)

Recording is done on accrual basis except for the government’s accounts which are on cash basis. Work-in-
progress is recorded in the period when it is produced.

The production account has been split into two – the production account and the generation of income accounts.
The contribution to the GDP by a producer – its value added – is derived in the production account, while the
components of value added are recorded in the generation of income account. The components of value added
are taxes on production and imports, compensation of employees and operating surplus/mixed income. In the
revised series, production and generation accounts are compiled separately for general government.

The term “mixed income” is used for the surplus generated by unincorporated household enterprises (“Jua kali”
or informal sector activities). The reason is that the surplus generated by such enterprises includes both
remuneration for the labor of the owner and a return to the entrepreneurship and capital employed.

The 2008 SNA has further clarified and slightly extended the production boundary through defining all own-
account production of goods by households, cultivated natural growth, and production from illegal activities as
output. However, in practice it is very difficult, if not impossible, to measure production from illegal activities.

The 2008 SNA makes it clear that the economic territory of a country must also include economic free zones
that are exempt from taxes and customs duties. Thus, Kenya’s Export Processing Zones are included in the
calculation of GDP and no exports to or imports from the Zones are recorded.

Taxes on products include the excise and import duties, the road maintenance levy, the insurance premium tax
and the value added tax. Other taxes on production consist of taxes on the ownership of land, buildings or other
assets used in production or on labor employed. In Kenya this includes various business or professional licenses
to the central government and rates, licenses and cesses to the local authorities.

Value added is valued at basic prices as follows:

Gross value added at basic prices = Output at basic prices - Intermediate consumption at purchasers’ prices

Basic prices exclude any taxes payable on products and include any subsidies receivable on products while
purchasers’ prices include such taxes as well as trade and transport margins.

Factor cost is not favored by the 2008 SNA, nevertheless, it can still be computed as:

Gross value added at factor cost= Gross value added at basic prices - Other taxes on production + Subsidies

In practice, however, the difference between factor cost and basic prices is negligible because other taxes on
production constitute a very small proportion of taxes in Kenya.

As was the case with the 1993 SNA, the 2008 SNA defines only GDP at market prices and does not make any
reference to GDP at factor cost. In order to derive the GDP at market prices, taxes less subsidies on products
must be added to total gross value added at basic prices. Thus, GDP at market prices is derived as:

GDP at market prices=Sum of gross value added of all economic activities at basic prices + Taxes on
products - Subsidies on products

Gross national income (GNI) replaces gross national product (GNP). The rationale behind the change is that
this aggregate is a concept of income rather than a concept of production.

In the revised national accounts, FISIM is calculated according to the 2008 SNA with separate estimates
of FISIM on loans and deposits as follows:

FISIM on loans = L x (RL – RR)

FISIM on deposits = D x (RR – RD)
Total FISIM = FISIM on loans + FISIM on deposits

L = stock of loans;
D = stock of deposits;
RL = interest rate on loans;
RD = interest rate on deposits;
RR = reference interest rate (the “SNA-interest”)

The interest rates on loans and deposits have been derived as the implicit rate (interest payable/receivable
divided by stock of loans/deposits).The reference rate has been calculated as the average of the interest rates
on loans and deposits. There is no recommendation for deflation of FISIM, and the approach used in the Kenya
national accounts is to deflate current price values with the CPI all items.

Key additions as per the recommendations of the 2008 SNA include; adoption of work-in-progress technique in
crops, livestock and construction; compilation of estimates of research and development (R&D);
recommendation for the calculation of the output of banks and insurance companies; and military expenditures.
Base Year
In order to analyse the behaviour of the GDP over time independently of the influence of price changes,
calculations are made at constant prices. In loose terms, constant price measures inform about the volume of
goods and services produced, independent of changes in prices. The GDP series at constant prices are
calculated by selecting a reference period, called the base year, and valuing current supply of goods and
services in the prices of that year. The base year for the national accounts estimates at constant prices is 2016.

Commodity Flow
A systematic commodity flow technique is largely employed in the compilation of national accounts estimates.
This technique entails a systematic confrontation of supply and use data for products at as detailed a level as
possible. The format is as follows:

+ Output at basic prices + Intermediate consumption
+ Imports + Final consumption expenditure
+ Trade and transport margins + Gross fixed capital formation
+ Taxes on products + Changes in inventories
+ Exports
= Total supply at purchasers’ = Total use at purchasers’ prices

Separate commodity flows are compiled for output from domestic producers and for imports. A commodity flow
is attached to each production account at the most detailed level and output is allocated to the use categories
listed above except that changes in inventories are not estimated. Exports are available from the foreign trade
statistics (goods) and the balance of payments (services). The allocation of supply for domestic use to final and
intermediate consumption is often guided by the nature of the products produced.
Separate commodity flows have been compiled for imports of goods and services. The allocation of goods to
uses is based on the classification of imports by Broad Economic Categories, which approximately identifies
goods for intermediate consumption, goods for final consumption and capital goods.

Margins and taxes on production are added to calculate uses at purchasers’ prices. Information on taxes – tax
rates and total tax income by category – is available while the estimates of margins are based on reasonable

GDP by Activity

GDP is calculated from the production side as the sum of values added.

General Government

General government
comprises National
Non-Market Public corporations
County governments
Social security funds

Non-market producers form the major part of general government. They produce services that are supplied
free or at prices that are not economically significant. In general, there are no suitable market prices for this
kind of services, and the output is valued as the sum of its costs of production. Thus;

+ Intermediate consumption
+ Compensation of employees
+ Consumption of fixed capital
+ Other taxes on production
= Gross output

The net operating surplus is by convention assumed to be zero. With the exception of the Airports Authority,
the government producers are considered non-market producers with output calculated as explained above.
Consumption of fixed capital is calculated in total for general government and allocated to the major
economic activities (ISIC-categories).

The source data from government financial statistics are on a cash basis. This is used as an approximation
of accrual data assuming that the difference between cash and accrual recording is fairly stable. The
financial year for general government ends on June 30. Calendar years are calculated as the average of two
financial years.
Table 2.1: Annual Production Accounts by Industry+, 2009-2020
KSh Million
Industry 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Output at basic prices............................................................ 682,874 797,064 982,631 1,105,068 1,232,530 1,357,117 1,648,743 1,861,293 2,161,306 2,299,660 2,619,312 2,990,506
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 150,419 165,041 196,136 207,419 243,745 255,543 308,393 339,860 388,816 402,185 448,241 512,203
Gross value added at basic prices......................................... 532,455 632,023 786,495 897,649 988,785 1,101,574 1,340,350 1,521,434 1,772,490 1,897,475 2,171,071 2,478,303
Compensation of employees................................................. 53,060 62,518 80,895 90,657 97,096 103,278 119,473 129,754 153,173 163,855 184,196 206,633
Gross operating surplus/mixed income.................................. 479,395 569,505 705,600 806,991 891,688 998,296 1,220,877 1,391,680 1,619,317 1,733,620 1,986,875 2,271,670
Mining and quarrying
Output at basic prices............................................................ 52,031 70,836 85,573 117,748 138,404 191,502 158,453 139,628 141,012 136,425 141,313 151,610
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 23,258 31,555 39,623 49,910 64,433 95,086 70,698 58,348 69,337 67,517 68,568 74,063
Gross value added at basic prices......................................... 28,773 39,280 45,949 67,837 73,972 96,415 87,755 81,280 71,675 68,909 72,745 77,547
Compensation of employees................................................. 4,550 4,547 4,588 4,956 6,749 14,146 12,750 1,941 14,475 15,471 17,004 15,593
Gross operating surplus/mixed income.................................. 24,223 34,733 41,361 62,882 67,223 82,270 75,005 79,339 57,200 53,437 55,741 61,955
Output at basic prices............................................................ 1,079,612 1,219,075 1,534,601 1,560,162 1,674,339 1,750,555 1,928,897 2,003,566 2,109,602 2,216,547 2,309,175 2,374,234
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 703,144 817,566 1,033,111 1,031,798 1,094,925 1,146,268 1,242,174 1,295,686 1,368,227 1,431,178 1,501,360 1,555,880
Gross value added at basic prices......................................... 376,468 401,509 501,490 528,364 579,413 604,288 686,723 707,880 741,376 785,369 807,814 818,353
Compensation of employees................................................. 90,831 94,326 100,665 108,962 126,448 142,282 160,182 172,208 190,339 206,420 218,349 215,564
Gross operating surplus/mixed income.................................. 285,637 307,184 400,825 419,402 452,966 462,006 526,541 535,673 551,037 578,949 589,465 602,790
Electricity, gas and water supply
Output at basic prices............................................................ 107,716 117,468 135,725 156,913 170,528 199,704 221,873 249,704 267,454 270,645 276,385 276,063
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 22,246 27,993 33,613 36,192 39,029 42,118 43,457 48,869 51,447 53,475 54,702 54,832
Gross value added at basic prices......................................... 85,470 89,475 102,112 120,721 131,499 157,586 178,416 200,835 216,008 217,169 221,683 221,231
Compensation of employees................................................. 18,949 24,031 26,934 24,204 27,841 29,637 31,067 34,482 38,664 41,687 44,467 45,197
Gross operating surplus/mixed income.................................. 66,521 65,444 75,178 96,516 103,658 127,949 147,350 166,354 177,344 175,483 177,216 176,034
Output at basic prices............................................................ 326,383 399,788 469,813 557,677 624,078 763,662 881,854 957,493 1,074,221 1,229,130 1,366,986 1,625,939
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 214,814 261,804 300,893 356,364 395,547 479,060 534,023 568,242 618,388 683,476 752,261 874,535
Gross value added at basic prices......................................... 111,569 137,984 168,920 201,313 228,530 284,603 347,832 389,251 455,833 545,654 614,725 751,404
Compensation of employees................................................. 37,511 46,334 55,920 64,459 72,555 88,310 106,737 249,680 294,488 352,677 397,694 467,263
Gross operating surplus/mixed income.................................. 74,058 91,651 113,000 136,854 155,975 196,292 241,095 139,571 161,345 192,977 217,031 284,141
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicle
Output at basic prices............................................................ 662,995 724,747 783,129 833,905 903,424 1,021,036 1,127,825 1,210,257 1,342,702 1,465,228 1,604,748 1,646,666
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 325,267 355,573 384,256 408,976 442,524 502,121 544,363 581,841 629,142 702,261 763,484 777,741
Gross value added at basic prices......................................... 337,728 369,174 398,873 424,929 460,900 518,915 583,462 628,416 713,561 762,968 841,264 868,926
Compensation of employees................................................. 115,416 119,381 130,135 136,459 148,008 167,246 183,618 194,981 219,946 275,818 306,541 257,590
Gross operating surplus/mixed income.................................. 222,311 249,793 268,738 288,470 312,892 351,669 399,844 433,435 493,615 487,150 534,723 611,336
Transport and storage
Output at basic prices............................................................ 654,857 716,920 873,301 965,624 1,092,240 1,251,158 1,340,197 1,465,950 1,625,039 1,880,797 2,082,170 1,973,314
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 395,162 440,844 536,386 526,156 544,242 568,668 622,063 692,098 762,083 824,533 879,288 808,653
Gross value added at basic prices......................................... 259,695 276,076 336,915 439,468 547,998 682,490 718,135 773,852 862,956 1,056,264 1,202,882 1,164,661
Compensation of employees................................................. 80,972 85,391 95,545 103,276 118,140 139,166 156,329 168,813 191,132 212,354 259,888 255,831
Gross operating surplus/mixed income.................................. 178,723 190,685 241,371 336,192 429,858 543,323 561,806 605,039 671,825 843,909 942,994 908,830
Accommodation and food service activities
Output at basic prices............................................................ 146,002 149,131 164,408 180,243 176,289 153,504 172,069 195,168 229,019 277,731 346,939 171,968
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 90,390 96,699 114,241 121,970 114,541 97,872 111,651 124,918 143,766 177,712 227,477 93,916
Gross value added at basic prices......................................... 55,612 52,432 50,167 58,274 61,748 55,632 60,418 70,250 85,252 100,019 119,462 78,052
Compensation of employees................................................. 22,052 22,704 23,528 24,206 28,156 29,282 32,069 33,659 36,388 39,639 43,274 28,816
Gross operating surplus/mixed income.................................. 33,559 29,728 26,640 34,068 33,592 26,351 28,349 36,591 48,864 60,380 76,188 49,235
Information and communication
Output at basic prices............................................................ 211,956 226,194 249,214 272,242 311,027 344,686 390,008 432,139 462,013 494,269 522,622 535,514
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 102,745 119,606 146,318 156,740 173,187 186,254 206,994 225,384 238,516 254,149 263,809 262,813
Gross value added at basic prices......................................... 109,212 106,588 102,896 115,502 137,840 158,432 183,015 206,755 223,497 240,120 258,813 272,702
Compensation of employees................................................. 35,630 38,150 39,781 42,673 51,455 58,988 65,247 74,563 83,750 95,133 101,835 97,309
Gross operating surplus/mixed income.................................. 73,582 68,438 63,115 72,829 86,385 99,443 117,767 132,192 139,747 144,987 156,978 175,392
Financial and insurance activities
Output at basic prices............................................................ 291,508 337,809 387,923 461,368 510,825 596,839 700,701 802,729 865,756 864,482 910,492 939,630
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 101,384 115,747 125,645 143,494 158,127 183,456 208,825 213,806 231,667 241,858 256,559 242,842
Gross value added at basic prices......................................... 190,124 222,062 262,278 317,874 352,699 413,383 491,876 588,924 634,089 622,625 653,933 696,788
Compensation of employees................................................. 61,962 71,720 78,412 87,378 100,152 109,435 116,113 124,345 135,322 136,427 147,642 153,758
Gross operating surplus/mixed income.................................. 128,162 150,342 183,866 230,496 252,546 303,948 375,763 464,579 498,767 486,198 506,290 543,030

Table 2.1: Annual Production Accounts by Industry, 2009 - 2020 - Cont'.

Industry 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Real estate
Output at basic prices............................................................ 351,597 374,777 428,735 486,711 528,409 589,301 677,327 774,891 864,898 962,638 1,035,989 1,092,311
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 31,495 33,788 38,796 42,177 44,746 51,259 57,600 69,014 72,383 81,016 89,129 96,260
Gross value added at basic prices......................................... 320,103 340,989 389,939 444,534 483,662 538,042 619,728 705,877 792,515 881,622 946,860 996,051
Compensation of employees................................................. 28,113 30,210 34,837 40,315 43,800 48,830 56,066 64,030 71,424 79,475 85,478 90,172
Gross operating surplus/mixed income.................................. 291,990 310,778 355,102 404,220 439,863 489,211 563,661 641,847 721,092 802,147 861,382 905,878
Professional, scientific and technical activities
Output at basic prices............................................................ 112,417 124,783 136,955 150,997 166,319 180,465 198,104 211,855 226,977 244,043 262,730 231,614
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 36,149 40,558 44,527 48,855 52,807 56,902 61,907 65,230 72,656 80,084 86,644 75,519
Gross value added at basic prices......................................... 76,268 84,225 92,428 102,142 113,512 123,564 136,197 146,624 154,320 163,959 176,085 156,095
Compensation of employees................................................. 16,168 17,385 18,765 21,299 27,065 29,359 35,060 38,388 41,550 44,352 49,319 44,601
Gross operating surplus/mixed income.................................. 60,100 66,840 73,662 80,843 86,447 94,205 101,137 108,236 112,770 119,607 126,767 111,494
Administrative and support service activities
Output at basic prices............................................................ 69,633 73,199 80,053 87,411 92,908 100,293 105,524 113,022 120,522 139,970 155,697 132,645
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 20,658 21,991 24,873 26,630 28,565 30,834 32,681 35,197 37,093 42,468 46,814 39,860
Gross value added at basic prices......................................... 48,975 51,208 55,180 60,782 64,344 69,459 72,843 77,825 83,429 97,502 108,884 92,785
Compensation of employees................................................. 18,886 19,850 21,387 23,911 30,706 34,046 38,137 41,487 47,152 52,843 59,424 50,296
Gross operating surplus/mixed income.................................. 30,089 31,357 33,793 36,871 33,637 35,413 34,706 36,338 36,277 44,660 49,460 42,489
Public administration and defence
Output at basic prices............................................................ 277,311 307,399 352,434 400,699 415,779 474,711 591,772 641,838 705,300 776,606 854,487 910,132
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 103,236 116,858 132,829 143,879 148,237 170,441 208,624 231,739 262,338 283,425 305,270 318,058
Gross value added at basic prices......................................... 174,075 190,541 219,605 256,819 267,542 304,271 383,147 410,099 442,962 493,180 549,217 592,075
Compensation of employees................................................. 145,176 155,515 174,666 199,615 200,641 224,774 294,061 316,324 334,221 367,384 403,599 428,602
Gross operating surplus/mixed income.................................. 28,899 35,026 44,939 57,204 66,901 79,497 89,086 93,775 108,741 125,797 145,618 163,473
Output at basic prices............................................................ 253,257 263,893 298,464 340,354 384,724 428,041 472,016 510,767 550,958 603,676 648,450 578,296
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 73,254 84,268 97,029 112,425 126,110 141,621 157,653 172,756 185,481 204,161 217,751 171,385
Gross value added at basic prices......................................... 180,003 179,625 201,435 227,929 258,614 286,420 314,363 338,011 365,477 399,515 430,699 406,911
Compensation of employees................................................. 143,763 142,679 160,191 179,236 206,166 230,297 257,614 279,235 314,695 358,634 383,250 372,786
Gross operating surplus/mixed income.................................. 36,240 36,945 41,244 48,694 52,448 56,123 56,749 58,775 50,783 40,881 47,449 34,125
Health and social work
Output at basic prices............................................................ 110,178 120,406 131,479 149,004 180,293 204,804 230,161 258,388 285,712 300,200 320,008 348,597
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 37,901 38,954 48,843 64,526 81,345 83,447 93,937 101,541 109,901 111,422 120,615 131,744
Gross value added at basic prices......................................... 72,277 81,452 82,635 84,478 98,948 121,358 136,224 156,846 175,811 188,778 199,393 216,853
Compensation of employees................................................. 64,325 70,573 70,062 69,366 81,531 97,244 103,999 115,224 126,234 138,350 150,824 167,971
Gross operating surplus/mixed income.................................. 7,952 10,879 12,574 15,112 17,417 24,114 32,226 41,622 49,577 50,427 48,569 48,882
Other service activities
Output at basic prices............................................................ 112,394 121,577 134,290 150,998 163,331 184,511 204,426 228,131 253,783 278,112 296,898 266,048
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 23,018 25,362 28,356 30,801 32,510 37,001 39,572 45,025 49,328 52,323 55,933 48,479
Gross value added at basic prices......................................... 89,375 96,215 105,935 120,197 130,820 147,509 164,854 183,105 204,455 225,790 240,966 217,569
Compensation of employees................................................. 46,047 49,932 54,636 60,875 66,359 75,463 84,892 92,703 103,213 114,218 122,783 123,475
Gross operating surplus/mixed income.................................. 43,329 46,284 51,299 59,321 64,461 72,046 79,962 90,402 101,242 111,571 118,183 94,094
Less: Financial services indirectly measured
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 70,956 85,916 108,379 133,340 148,895 180,962 216,100 260,609 241,384 215,414 226,631 214,117
Gross value added at basic prices......................................... -70,956 -85,916 -108,379 -133,340 -148,895 -180,962 -216,100 -260,609 -241,384 -215,414 -226,631 -214,117
All industries at basic prices
Output at basic prices............................................................ 5,502,720 6,145,067 7,228,727 7,977,123 8,765,447 9,791,890 11,049,952 12,056,820 13,286,275 14,440,159 15,754,400 16,245,086
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 2,525,495 2,880,125 3,433,855 3,641,652 3,933,516 4,308,912 4,760,715 5,130,165 5,531,952 5,908,657 6,364,535 6,352,899
Gross value added at basic prices......................................... 2,977,225 3,264,942 3,794,872 4,335,471 4,831,931 5,482,978 6,289,237 6,926,656 7,754,323 8,531,502 9,389,865 9,892,187
Other taxes on production...................................................... 111,607 120,812 117,510 122,158 135,610 144,893 174,712 211,532 224,819 246,468 260,333 277,595
Less: Subsidies......................................................................
Compensation of employees................................................. 983,411 1,055,245 1,170,946 1,281,846 1,432,869 1,621,784 1,853,414 2,131,816 2,396,166 2,694,738 2,975,566 3,021,458
Gross operating surplus/mixed income.................................. 1,882,207 2,088,885 2,506,416 2,931,466 3,263,452 3,716,300 4,261,111 4,583,307 5,133,338 5,590,296 6,153,965 6,593,134
Total economy
Output at basic prices............................................................ 5,502,720 6,145,067 7,228,727 7,977,123 8,765,447 9,791,890 11,049,952 12,056,820 13,286,275 14,440,159 15,754,400 16,245,086
Taxes on products................................................................. 298,418 332,688 367,642 431,721 479,390 520,857 595,080 667,408 729,074 808,805 865,790 860,805
Intermediate consumption...................................................... 2,525,495 2,880,125 3,433,855 3,641,652 3,933,516 4,308,912 4,760,715 5,130,165 5,531,952 5,908,657 6,364,535 6,352,899
GDP at market prices............................................................. 3,275,642 3,597,630 4,162,514 4,767,191 5,311,322 6,003,835 6,884,317 7,594,064 8,483,397 9,340,307 10,255,654 10,752,992
Other taxes on production...................................................... 111,607 120,812 117,510 122,158 135,610 144,893 174,712 211,532 224,819 246,468 260,333 277,595
Less: Subsidies......................................................................
Compensation of employees................................................. 983,411 1,055,245 1,170,946 1,281,846 1,432,869 1,621,784 1,853,414 2,131,816 2,396,166 2,694,738 2,975,566 3,021,458
Gross operating surplus/mixed income.................................. 1,882,207 2,088,885 2,506,416 2,931,466 3,263,452 3,716,300 4,261,111 4,583,307 5,133,338 5,590,296 6,153,965 6,593,134
* Provisional

Table 2.2: Gross Domestic Product by Activity+, 2009 - 2020
Current Prices - KSh Million
Industry 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Agriculture, forestry and fishing...................................................................... 532,455 632,023 786,495 897,649 988,785 1,101,574 1,340,350 1,521,434 1,772,490 1,897,475 2,171,071 2,478,303
Growing of crops..................................................................................... 355,275 417,592 539,976 602,644 664,228 752,229 930,956 1,072,482 1,293,474 1,356,544 1,543,999 1,782,191
Animal production................................................................................... 121,727 149,135 167,297 195,121 210,981 219,702 277,771 307,167 314,308 341,275 354,702 383,014
Support activities to agriculture................................................................ 8,567 10,116 12,988 15,902 14,698 14,211 17,174 16,627 19,403 22,643 24,985 25,618
Forestry & logging................................................................................... 33,258 39,060 46,991 59,507 68,639 79,489 83,842 94,562 102,617 125,979 189,816 224,688
Fishing & aquaculture.............................................................................. 13,628 16,120 19,243 24,475 30,239 35,943 30,608 30,595 42,687 51,034 57,569 62,792
Mining and quarrying...................................................................................... 28,773 39,280 45,949 67,837 73,972 96,415 87,755 81,280 71,675 68,909 72,745 77,547
Manufacturing................................................................................................ 376,468 401,509 501,490 528,364 579,413 604,288 686,723 707,880 741,376 785,369 807,814 818,353
Manufacture of food, beverages and tobacco........................................... 160,210 181,824 230,175 254,167 292,862 310,227 365,056 390,145 424,039 452,182 466,178 471,061
All other manufacturing............................................................................ 216,258 219,686 271,315 274,197 286,551 294,061 321,667 317,736 317,337 333,186 341,636 347,293
Electricity supply............................................................................................ 57,847 56,757 64,775 78,590 84,053 108,096 123,733 142,630 156,737 157,521 161,317 160,468
Water supply; sewerage, waste management................................................. 27,623 32,718 37,337 42,131 47,446 49,491 54,684 58,206 59,271 59,648 60,366 60,763
Construction................................................................................................... 111,569 137,984 168,920 201,313 228,530 284,603 347,831 389,251 455,833 545,654 614,725 751,404
Wholesale and retail trade, repairs.................................................................. 337,728 369,174 398,873 424,929 460,900 518,915 583,462 628,416 713,561 762,968 841,264 868,926
Transport and storage.................................................................................... 259,695 276,076 336,915 439,468 547,998 682,490 718,135 773,852 862,956 1,056,264 1,202,882 1,164,661
Accommodation and food service activities.................................................... 55,612 52,432 50,167 58,274 61,748 55,632 60,418 70,250 85,252 100,019 119,462 78,052
Information communication technology........................................................... 109,212 106,588 102,896 115,502 137,840 158,432 183,015 206,755 223,497 240,120 258,813 272,702
Telecommunications............................................................................... 72,403 66,298 59,035 66,569 85,102 101,344 118,056 134,032 147,279 157,667 173,043 189,728
Publishing, broadcasting, other IT and information activities..................... 36,809 40,290 43,861 48,933 52,738 57,088 64,958 72,723 76,218 82,452 85,770 82,974
Financial and insurance activities................................................................... 190,124 222,062 262,278 317,874 352,699 413,383 491,876 588,924 634,089 622,625 653,933 696,788
Real estate.................................................................................................... 320,103 340,989 389,939 444,534 483,662 538,042 619,728 705,877 792,515 881,622 946,860 996,051
Professional, scientific and technical activities................................................ 76,268 84,225 92,428 102,142 113,512 123,564 136,197 146,624 154,320 163,959 176,085 156,095
Administrative and support service activities................................................... 48,975 51,208 55,180 60,782 64,344 69,459 72,843 77,825 83,429 97,502 108,884 92,785
Public administration and defence.................................................................. 174,075 190,541 219,605 256,819 267,542 304,271 383,147 410,099 442,962 493,180 549,217 592,075
Education....................................................................................................... 180,003 179,625 201,435 227,929 258,614 286,420 314,363 338,011 365,477 399,515 430,699 406,911
Human health and social work activities......................................................... 72,277 81,452 82,635 84,478 98,948 121,358 136,224 156,846 175,811 188,778 199,393 216,853
Arts, entertainment and recreation.................................................................. 7,652 9,215 10,631 11,542 11,047 13,902 15,259 18,281 22,440 24,541 27,184 21,170
Other service activities................................................................................... 54,062 57,393 61,843 70,243 78,685 87,478 98,264 109,694 122,146 135,539 144,865 124,335
Activities of households as employers;........................................................... 27,661 29,607 33,461 38,412 41,088 46,129 51,332 55,130 59,870 65,710 68,917 72,064

Less: Financial intermediation services indirectly measured............................ (70,956) (85,916) (108,379) (133,340) (148,895) (180,962) (216,100) (260,609) (241,384) (215,414) (226,631) (214,117)

All industries 2,977,225 3,264,942 3,794,872 4,335,471 4,831,931 5,482,978 6,289,237 6,926,656 7,754,323 8,531,502 9,389,865 9,892,187
Taxes less subsidies on products................................................................... 298,418 332,688 367,642 431,721 479,390 520,857 595,080 667,408 729,074 808,805 865,790 860,805
GDP at market prices................................................................................... 3,275,642 3,597,630 4,162,514 4,767,191 5,311,322 6,003,835 6,884,317 7,594,064 8,483,396 9,340,307 10,255,654 10,752,992
* Provisional

Table 2.3: Contribution to Gross Domestic Product by Activity +, 2009 - 2020
Industry 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Agriculture, forestry and fishing.......................................................... 16.3 17.6 18.9 18.8 18.6 18.3 19.5 20.0 20.9 20.3 21.2 23.0
Growing of crops........................................................................... 10.8 11.6 13.0 12.6 12.5 12.5 13.5 14.1 15.2 14.5 15.1 16.6
Animal production......................................................................... 3.7 4.1 4.0 4.1 4.0 3.7 4.0 4.0 3.7 3.7 3.5 3.6
Support activities to agriculture..................................................... 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Forestry & logging......................................................................... 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.9 2.1
Fishing & aquaculture................................................................... 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6
Mining and quarrying.......................................................................... 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.3 1.1 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7
Manufacturing..................................................................................... 11.5 11.2 12.0 11.1 10.9 10.1 10.0 9.3 8.7 8.4 7.9 7.6
Manufacture of food, beverages and tobacco............................... 4.9 5.1 5.5 5.3 5.5 5.2 5.3 5.1 5.0 4.8 4.5 4.4
All other manufacturing................................................................. 6.6 6.1 6.5 5.8 5.4 4.9 4.7 4.2 3.7 3.6 3.3 3.2
Electricity supply................................................................................. 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5
Water supply; sewerage, waste management.................................... 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6
Construction....................................................................................... 3.4 3.8 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.7 5.1 5.1 5.4 5.8 6.0 7.0
Wholesale and retail trade, repairs..................................................... 10.3 10.3 9.6 8.9 8.7 8.6 8.5 8.3 8.4 8.2 8.2 8.1
Transport and storage........................................................................ 7.9 7.7 8.1 9.2 10.3 11.4 10.4 10.2 10.2 11.3 11.7 10.8
Accommodation and food service activities....................................... 1.7 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 0.7
Information communication technology.............................................. 3.3 3.0 2.5 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.5
Telecommunications..................................................................... 2.2 1.8 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.8
Publishing, broadcasting, other IT and information activities....... 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8
Financial and insurance activities....................................................... 5.8 6.2 6.3 6.7 6.6 6.9 7.1 7.8 7.5 6.7 6.4 6.5
Real estate......................................................................................... 9.8 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.1 9.0 9.0 9.3 9.3 9.4 9.2 9.3
Professional, scientific and technical activities................................... 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.5
Administrative and support service activities...................................... 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.9
Public administration and defence...................................................... 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.4 5.0 5.1 5.6 5.4 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5
Education............................................................................................ 5.5 5.0 4.8 4.8 4.9 4.8 4.6 4.5 4.3 4.3 4.2 3.8
Human health and social work activities............................................ 2.2 2.3 2.0 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.0 1.9 2.0
Arts, entertainment and recreation..................................................... 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2
Other service activities....................................................................... 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.2
Activities of households as employers;.............................................. 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Less: Financial intermediation services indirectly measured............. -2.2 -2.4 -2.6 -2.8 -2.8 -3.0 -3.1 -3.4 -2.8 -2.3 -2.2 -2.0
All industries at basic prices.......................................................... 90.9 90.8 91.2 90.9 91.0 91.3 91.4 91.2 91.4 91.3 91.6 92.0
Taxes less subsidies on products...................................................... 9.1 9.2 8.8 9.1 9.0 8.7 8.6 8.8 8.6 8.7 8.4 8.0
GDP at market prices....................................................................... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
* Provisional

Table 2.4: Gross Domestic Product by Activity+, 2009- 2020
Constant 2016 Prices - KSh Million
Industry 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Agriculture, forestry and fishing...................................................... 1,177,461 1,299,331 1,330,198 1,362,784 1,417,977 1,437,538 1,500,584 1,521,433 1,501,817 1,587,784 1,629,733 1,707,611
Growing of crops..................................................................... 814,540 911,907 931,407 951,788 1,007,908 1,035,605 1,072,744 1,072,482 1,061,320 1,129,072 1,164,824 1,234,262
Animal production................................................................... 241,370 258,861 260,062 264,605 262,624 249,936 287,515 307,167 286,095 299,210 304,550 315,407
Support activities to agriculture................................................ 15,188 16,910 19,667 21,722 17,970 15,964 17,926 16,627 18,753 21,269 23,139 23,343
Forestry & logging................................................................... 72,253 74,674 78,421 82,117 84,698 90,134 88,450 94,562 97,686 96,678 93,941 91,219
Fishing & aquaculture.............................................................. 34,111 36,979 40,642 42,552 44,777 45,898 33,949 30,595 37,963 41,554 43,280 43,380
Mining and quarrying...................................................................... 41,715 52,377 59,249 71,694 83,048 106,146 89,426 81,280 83,907 79,986 83,386 88,984
Manufacturing................................................................................ 537,567 567,444 611,342 613,592 644,156 656,257 694,698 707,880 712,807 738,305 756,711 756,149
Manufacture of food, beverages and tobacco.......................... 271,311 290,585 308,086 325,538 347,316 358,422 381,658 390,145 395,912 417,709 428,625 424,175
All other manufacturing........................................................... 266,256 276,859 303,256 288,053 296,840 297,835 313,040 317,736 316,895 320,597 328,086 331,974
Electricity supply............................................................................ 95,593 100,698 109,643 116,333 123,431 134,015 137,050 142,630 150,627 156,679 159,283 158,442
Water supply; sewerage, waste management................................. 48,137 53,272 55,183 55,091 55,265 55,466 56,623 58,206 56,323 57,743 58,840 59,987
Construction.................................................................................. 203,266 235,174 257,334 295,668 311,854 341,233 367,844 389,251 413,717 438,962 463,626 518,532
Wholesale and retail trade, repairs................................................. 408,241 446,134 481,932 513,155 540,578 588,862 614,193 628,416 655,259 694,215 730,684 727,833
Transport and storage.................................................................... 530,336 558,889 589,200 607,488 626,458 673,425 714,658 773,852 801,274 849,165 902,904 832,527
Accommodation and food service activities.................................... 77,431 76,948 80,454 83,240 76,751 62,367 65,719 70,250 76,883 88,863 101,584 53,114
Information communication technology........................................... 92,014 105,195 122,330 131,237 152,457 168,661 187,646 206,755 223,445 241,178 259,279 271,804
Telecommunications............................................................... 33,853 40,893 52,846 64,321 85,980 103,784 118,447 134,032 150,030 163,634 178,567 197,232
Publishing, broadcasting, other IT and information activities.... 58,161 64,302 69,484 66,916 66,477 64,878 69,199 72,723 73,415 77,544 80,712 74,572
Financial and insurance activities................................................... 332,172 385,434 394,398 418,611 461,651 508,591 568,450 588,924 612,981 629,731 673,042 710,594
Real estate.................................................................................... 498,768 523,710 550,043 571,882 580,230 609,275 642,901 705,877 753,420 802,728 856,588 891,574
Professional, scientific and technical activities................................ 110,509 119,126 124,206 127,316 134,360 137,219 142,222 146,624 152,058 160,325 171,469 148,249
Administrative and support service activities.................................. 66,847 68,813 70,606 72,259 73,076 74,508 75,244 77,825 79,064 86,819 92,731 76,362
Public administration and defence.................................................. 326,058 333,263 343,676 357,007 329,994 344,086 386,981 410,099 426,049 459,667 505,329 532,340
Education...................................................................................... 252,550 278,711 295,171 320,827 326,614 328,975 333,144 338,011 365,689 389,114 407,579 363,618
Human health and social work activities......................................... 118,082 127,326 121,544 114,916 120,731 136,568 143,273 156,846 166,956 176,043 187,037 199,637
Arts, entertainment and recreation.................................................. 12,299 14,121 14,837 14,545 13,034 15,330 15,906 18,281 21,292 22,089 23,979 18,154
Other service activities................................................................... 85,456 88,374 90,405 93,616 97,252 100,949 104,331 109,694 114,000 118,593 124,449 100,205
Activities of households as employers;........................................... 49,674 50,419 51,175 51,943 52,722 53,513 54,316 55,130 55,957 56,797 57,649 58,513
Less: Financial intermediation services indirectly measured........... -130,960 -151,812 -165,597 -182,298 -205,688 -231,442 -260,075 -260,609 -245,063 -254,198 -278,418 -272,958
All industries at basic prices....................................................... 4,933,217 5,332,946 5,587,330 5,810,907 6,015,951 6,301,542 6,635,135 6,926,656 7,178,460 7,580,588 7,967,464 8,001,274
All industries excl. agriculture and forestry...................................... 3,755,755 4,033,615 4,257,132 4,448,123 4,597,974 4,864,004 5,134,551 5,405,222 5,676,643 5,992,804 6,337,731 6,293,663
Taxes less subsidies on products............................................... 428,246 460,568 502,876 557,541 594,361 640,615 651,890 667,408 705,356 747,016 774,949 713,498
GDP at market prices................................................................... 5,361,462 5,793,514 6,090,206 6,368,448 6,610,312 6,942,157 7,287,024 7,594,064 7,883,816 8,327,604 8,742,413 8,714,771
* Provisional

Table 2.5: Growth of Gross Domestic Product by Activity at Constant Prices +, 2009 - 2020
Per cent
Industry 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Agriculture, forestry and fishing...................................................... 10.4 2.4 2.4 4.1 1.4 4.4 1.4 -1.3 5.7 2.6 4.8
Growing of crops...................................................................... 12.0 2.1 2.2 5.9 2.7 3.6 0.0 -1.0 6.4 3.2 6.0
Animal production..................................................................... 7.2 0.5 1.7 -0.7 -4.8 15.0 6.8 -6.9 4.6 1.8 3.6
Support activities to agriculture................................................. 11.3 16.3 10.5 -17.3 -11.2 12.3 -7.2 12.8 13.4 8.8 0.9
Forestry & logging.................................................................... 3.4 5.0 4.7 3.1 6.4 -1.9 6.9 3.3 -1.0 -2.8 -2.9
Fishing & aquaculture............................................................... 8.4 9.9 4.7 5.2 2.5 -26.0 -9.9 24.1 9.5 4.2 0.2
Mining and quarrying..................................................................... 25.6 13.1 21.0 15.8 27.8 -15.8 -9.1 3.2 -4.7 4.3 6.7
Manufacturing................................................................................ 5.6 7.7 0.4 5.0 1.9 5.9 1.9 0.7 3.6 2.5 -0.1
Manufacture of food, beverages and tobacco........................... 7.1 6.0 5.7 6.7 3.2 6.5 2.2 1.5 5.5 2.6 -1.0
All other manufacturing............................................................. 4.0 9.5 -5.0 3.1 0.3 5.1 1.5 -0.3 1.2 2.3 1.2
Electricity supply............................................................................ 5.3 8.9 6.1 6.1 8.6 2.3 4.1 5.6 4.0 1.7 -0.5
Water supply; sewerage, waste management................................ 10.7 3.6 -0.2 0.3 0.4 2.1 2.8 -3.2 2.5 1.9 2.0
Construction.................................................................................. 15.7 9.4 14.9 5.5 9.4 7.8 5.8 6.3 6.1 5.6 11.8
Wholesale and retail trade, repairs................................................. 9.3 8.0 6.5 5.3 8.9 4.3 2.3 4.3 5.9 5.3 -0.4
Transport and storage.................................................................... 5.4 5.4 3.1 3.1 7.5 6.1 8.3 3.5 6.0 6.3 -7.8
Accommodation and food service activities.................................... -0.6 4.6 3.5 -7.8 -18.7 5.4 6.9 9.4 15.6 14.3 -47.7
Information communication technology.......................................... 14.3 16.3 7.3 16.2 10.6 11.3 10.2 8.1 7.9 7.5 4.8
Telecommunications................................................................. 20.8 29.2 21.7 33.7 20.7 14.1 13.2 11.9 9.1 9.1 10.5
Publishing, broadcasting, other IT and information activities..... 10.6 8.1 -3.7 -0.7 -2.4 6.7 5.1 1.0 5.6 4.1 -7.6
Financial and insurance activities................................................... 16.0 2.3 6.1 10.3 10.2 11.8 3.6 4.1 2.7 6.9 5.6
Real estate.................................................................................... 5.0 5.0 4.0 1.5 5.0 5.5 9.8 6.7 6.5 6.7 4.1
Professional, scientific and technical activities................................ 7.8 4.3 2.5 5.5 2.1 3.6 3.1 3.7 5.4 7.0 -13.5
Administrative and support service activities.................................. 2.9 2.6 2.3 1.1 2.0 1.0 3.4 1.6 9.8 6.8 -17.7
Public administration and defence.................................................. 2.2 3.1 3.9 -7.6 4.3 12.5 6.0 3.9 7.9 9.9 5.3
Education...................................................................................... 10.4 5.9 8.7 1.8 0.7 1.3 1.5 8.2 6.4 4.7 -10.8
Human health and social work activities......................................... 7.8 -4.5 -5.5 5.1 13.1 4.9 9.5 6.4 5.4 6.2 6.7
Arts, entertainment and recreation................................................. 14.8 5.1 -2.0 -10.4 17.6 3.8 14.9 16.5 3.7 8.6 -24.3
Other service activities................................................................... 3.4 2.3 3.6 3.9 3.8 3.4 5.1 3.9 4.0 4.9 -19.5
Activities of households as employers;........................................... 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Less: Financial intermediation services indirectly measured........... 15.9 9.1 10.1 12.8 12.5 12.4 0.2 -6.0 3.7 9.5 -2.0
All industries at basic prices...................................................... 8.1 4.8 4.0 3.5 7.8 1.8 2.4 5.7 5.9 3.7 -7.9
All industries excl. agriculture and forestry..................................... 7.4 5.5 4.5 3.4 5.8 5.6 5.3 5.0 5.6 5.8 -0.7
Taxes less subsidies on products.............................................. 7.5 9.2 10.9 6.6 7.8 1.8 2.4 5.7 5.9 3.7 -7.9
GDP at market prices................................................................... 8.1 5.1 4.6 3.8 5.0 5.0 4.2 3.8 5.6 5.0 -0.3
* Provisional

Table 2.6(a): Expenditure on the Gross Domestic Product , 2009 - 2020
Current Prices - KSh Million
Expenditure category 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Government final consumption expenditure................. 443,522 466,050 528,077 585,096 628,666 704,840 876,145 957,594 1,046,434 1,153,406 1,261,505 1,369,787
Private final consumption expenditure......................... 2,314,554 2,556,959 3,093,669 3,505,994 3,973,201 4,470,695 5,104,892 5,704,205 6,495,722 7,099,419 7,839,415 8,003,647
Final consumption expenditure by NPISH................... 58,556 63,214 69,823 79,203 89,606 96,429 93,921 98,216 113,943 102,229 107,460 115,512
Gross fixed capital formation....................................... 598,698 750,138 862,110 1,028,639 1,104,152 1,434,133 1,520,817 1,472,621 1,687,833 1,783,811 1,920,885 2,079,760
Changes in inventories................................................ 23,702 14,855 48,959 29,290 86,347 64,134 851 -3,288 65,133 25,965 38,930 35,358
Gross domestic expenditure.................................... 3,439,031 3,851,216 4,602,638 5,228,221 5,881,972 6,770,231 7,596,626 8,229,347 9,409,065 10,164,830 11,168,194 11,604,064
Exports of goods and services..................................... 615,295 724,214 897,409 947,190 945,478 988,521 1,041,510 1,006,194 1,080,501 1,171,459 1,169,967 1,040,674
Imports of goods and services..................................... 889,525 1,088,906 1,534,207 1,514,394 1,575,731 1,782,945 1,734,755 1,641,478 1,973,102 2,042,985 2,081,481 1,900,598
Discrepancy ……………………………………….. 110,841 111,106 196,675 106,174 59,603 28,028 -19,063 0 -33,068 47,002 -1,027 8,852
Gross domestic product at market prices................ 3,275,643 3,597,630 4,162,514 4,767,192 5,311,322 6,003,835 6,884,318 7,594,064 8,483,396 9,340,307 10,255,654 10,752,992
Difference between GDP production approach and GDP expenditure approach
* Provisional

Table 2.6(b): Expenditure on the Gross Domestic Product+, 2009 - 2020

Percentage Contribution to GDP
Expenditure category 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Government final consumption expenditure................. 13.5 13.0 12.7 12.3 11.8 11.7 12.7 12.6 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.7
Private final consumption expenditure......................... 70.7 71.1 74.3 73.5 74.8 74.5 74.2 75.1 76.6 76.0 76.4 74.4
Final consumption expenditure by NPISH................... 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.1
Gross fixed capital formation....................................... 18.3 20.9 20.7 21.6 20.8 23.9 22.1 19.4 19.9 19.1 18.7 19.3
Changes in inventories................................................ 0.7 0.4 1.2 0.6 1.6 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.3
Gross domestic expenditure.................................... 105.0 107.0 110.6 109.7 110.7 112.8 110.3 108.4 110.9 108.8 108.9 107.9
Exports of goods and services..................................... 18.8 20.1 21.6 19.9 17.8 16.5 15.1 13.2 12.7 12.5 11.4 9.7
Imports of goods and services..................................... 27.2 30.3 36.9 31.8 29.7 29.7 25.2 21.6 23.3 21.9 20.3 17.7
Discrepancy 1 ……………………………………….. 3.4 3.1 4.7 2.2 1.1 0.5 -0.3 0.0 -0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1
Gross domestic product at market prices................ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Discrepancy expressed as a percentage of GDP
* Provisional

Table 2.6(c): Expenditure on the Gross Domestic Product+, 2009 - 2020

Constant 2016 Prices - KSh Million
Expenditure category 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Government final consumption expenditure................. 642,363 678,404 696,414 789,619 770,747 800,274 909,472 957,594 1,017,294 1,088,333 1,164,135 1,214,499
Private final consumption expenditure......................... 4,030,816 4,230,011 4,441,863 4,635,009 4,925,672 5,137,764 5,453,345 5,704,205 5,977,927 6,281,580 6,588,723 6,406,640
Final consumption expenditure by NPISH................... 94,060 100,006 102,000 106,872 110,013 109,776 99,005 98,216 109,419 93,682 97,098 101,245
Gross fixed capital formation....................................... 927,306 1,083,318 1,105,112 1,244,929 1,274,623 1,528,415 1,530,261 1,472,621 1,590,555 1,584,335 1,644,959 1,701,435
Changes in inventories................................................ 23,702 12,023 25,246 32,971 85,757 66,171 -1,298 -3,288 54,910 22,633 35,704 35,259
Gross domestic expenditure.................................... 5,718,247 6,103,763 6,370,635 6,809,400 7,166,812 7,642,399 7,990,786 8,229,347 8,750,105 9,070,564 9,530,619 9,459,077
Exports of goods and services..................................... 857,421 979,611 1,062,246 1,086,497 1,080,839 1,101,266 1,076,940 1,006,194 995,954 1,063,401 1,029,823 945,289
Imports of goods and services..................................... 1,298,002 1,431,673 1,628,646 1,635,615 1,669,471 1,858,716 1,772,842 1,641,478 1,845,375 1,871,835 1,905,652 1,744,076
Discrepancy 1 ……………………………………….. 83,796 141,813 285,972 108,165 32,132 57,208 -7,860 1 -16,868 65,474 87,623 54,481
Gross domestic product at market prices................ 5,361,463 5,793,514 6,090,207 6,368,448 6,610,312 6,942,157 7,287,024 7,594,064 7,883,816 8,327,604 8,742,413 8,714,771
Difference between GDP production approach and GDP expenditure approach
* Provisional

Table 2.6(d): Growth in Expenditure on the Gross Domestic Product at Constant 2016 Prices +, 2009 - 2020
Percentage Change
Expenditure category 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Government final consumption expenditure................. 5.6 2.7 13.4 -2.4 3.8 13.6 5.3 6.2 7.0 7.0 4.3
Private final consumption expenditure......................... 4.9 5.0 4.3 6.3 4.3 6.1 4.6 4.8 5.1 4.9 -2.8
Final consumption expenditure by NPISH................... 6 2 5 3 0 -10 -1 11 -14 4 4
Gross fixed capital formation....................................... 16.8 2.0 12.7 2.4 19.9 0.1 -3.8 8.0 -0.4 3.8 3.4
Gross domestic expenditure.................................... 6.7 4.4 6.9 5.2 6.6 4.6 3.0 6.3 3.7 5.1 -0.8
Exports of goods and services..................................... 14.3 8.4 2.3 -0.5 1.9 -2.2 -6.6 -1.0 6.8 -3.2 -8.2
Imports of goods and services..................................... 10.3 13.8 0.4 2.1 11.3 -4.6 -7.4 12.4 1.4 1.8 -8.5
Gross domestic product at market prices................ 8.1 5.1 4.6 3.8 5.0 5.0 4.2 3.8 5.6 5.0 -0.3
* Provisional

Table 2.7(a) Gross Fixed Capital Formation+, 2009 - 2020
Current Prices - KSh Million
Purpose 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Dwellings................................................................................. 134,619 169,544 195,271 228,752 258,668 322,671 371,357 401,847 438,881 494,867 544,310 673,102
Buildings other than dwellings................................................. 43,334 55,962 63,759 76,015 85,790 106,493 122,422 134,091 144,429 162,595 178,415 218,724
Other structures...................................................................... 111,707 126,108 155,423 187,091 197,994 222,873 243,354 331,930 424,861 483,791 541,021 602,998
Transport equipment............................................................... 125,687 143,677 164,048 210,927 208,142 351,800 356,295 208,995 257,057 242,356 273,876 218,784
ICT equipment......................................................................... 60,527 82,672 79,802 90,883 87,836 72,907 89,351 95,100 108,146 88,813 95,563 92,961
Other machinery and equipment............................................. 110,980 133,260 162,834 184,124 197,173 257,232 266,124 246,478 270,778 270,493 259,353 237,643
Animal resources yielding repeat products............................. (4,149) 18,090 11,691 14,890 8,847 1,500 14,356 17,498 8,741 13,624 8,728 17,829
Tree, crop and plant resources yielding repeat products........ 4,945 5,193 5,707 6,266 6,660 7,445 7,866 8,269 8,922 9,615 10,001 10,410
Intellectual property products.................................................. 11,048 15,631 23,574 29,690 53,042 91,211 49,690 28,414 26,018 17,657 9,617 7,309
Total 598,698 750,138 862,110 1,028,639 1,104,152 1,434,133 1,520,817 1,472,621 1,687,833 1,783,811 1,920,884 2,079,760
* Provisional
Table 2.7(b) Share of Gross Fixed Capital Formation+, 2009 - 2020
Percentage Share
Expenditure category 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Dwellings................................................................................. 22.5 22.6 22.7 22.2 23.4 22.5 24.4 27.3 26.0 27.7 28.3 32.4
Buildings other than dwellings................................................. 7.2 7.5 7.4 7.4 7.8 7.4 8.0 9.1 8.6 9.1 9.3 10.5
Other structures...................................................................... 18.7 16.8 18.0 18.2 17.9 15.5 16.0 22.5 25.2 27.1 28.2 29.0
Transport equipment............................................................... 21.0 19.2 19.0 20.5 18.9 24.5 23.4 14.2 15.2 13.6 14.3 10.5
ICT equipment......................................................................... 10.1 11.0 9.3 8.8 8.0 5.1 5.9 6.5 6.4 5.0 5.0 4.5
Other machinery and equipment............................................. 18.5 17.8 18.9 17.9 17.9 17.9 17.5 16.7 16.0 15.2 13.5 11.4
Animal resources yielding repeat products............................. (0.7) 2.4 1.4 1.4 0.8 0.1 0.9 1.2 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.9
Tree, crop and plant resources yielding repeat products........ 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Intellectual property products.................................................. 1.8 2.1 2.7 2.9 4.8 6.4 3.3 1.9 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.4
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
* Provisional
Table 2.7(c) Gross Fixed Capital Formation , 2009 - 2020
Constant 2016 Prices - KSh Million
Purpose 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Dwellings................................................................................. 212,904 250,813 259,473 298,344 318,919 356,756 380,835 401,847 419,096 441,612 464,650 541,283
Buildings other than dwellings................................................. 68,444 82,629 84,501 98,990 105,943 118,649 126,869 134,091 139,951 147,587 155,436 181,253
Other structures...................................................................... 162,443 172,277 191,685 225,550 227,049 227,712 228,845 331,930 373,632 392,377 414,507 440,321
Transport equipment............................................................... 201,148 227,867 250,622 253,578 224,571 368,436 357,127 208,995 249,659 232,650 259,773 206,323
ICT equipment......................................................................... 89,389 108,780 98,410 106,429 99,649 79,419 92,880 95,100 103,509 80,869 87,676 86,015
Other machinery and equipment............................................. 171,676 183,163 163,609 197,102 212,370 265,694 268,461 246,478 261,448 250,929 237,184 214,960
Animal resources yielding repeat products............................. (2,747) 27,437 16,920 19,316 11,049 1,696 15,128 17,498 8,390 12,428 8,017 15,707
Tree, crop and plant resources yielding repeat products........ 7,413 7,604 7,823 8,013 8,001 8,444 8,336 8,269 8,406 8,623 8,670 8,701
Intellectual property products.................................................. 16,638 22,748 32,069 37,608 67,071 101,609 51,781 28,414 26,462 17,260 9,047 6,871
Total 927,306 1,083,318 1,105,112 1,244,929 1,274,623 1,528,415 1,530,261 1,472,621 1,590,555 1,584,335 1,644,959 1,701,435
* Provisional
Table 2.7(d) Growth in Gross Fixed Capital Formation , 2009 - 2020
Percentage Change
Expenditure category 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Dwellings................................................................................. 17.8 3.5 15.0 6.9 11.9 6.7 5.5 4.3 5.4 5.2 16.5
Buildings other than dwellings................................................. 20.7 2.3 17.1 7.0 12.0 6.9 5.7 4.4 5.5 5.3 16.6
Other structures...................................................................... 6.1 11.3 17.7 0.7 0.3 0.5 45.0 12.6 5.0 5.6 6.2
Transport equipment............................................................... 13.3 10.0 1.2 (11.4) 64.1 (3.1) (41.5) 19.5 (6.8) 11.7 (20.6)
ICT equipment......................................................................... 21.7 (9.5) 8.1 (6.4) (20.3) 17.0 2.4 8.8 (21.9) 8.4 (1.9)
Other machinery and equipment............................................. 6.7 (10.7) 20.5 7.7 25.1 1.0 (8.2) 6.1 (4.0) (5.5) (9.4)
Animal resources yielding repeat products............................. (1,098.7) (38.3) 14.2 (42.8) (84.7) 792.1 15.7 (52.0) 48.1 (35.5) 95.9
Tree, crop and plant resources yielding repeat products........ 2.6 2.9 2.4 (0.1) 5.5 (1.3) (0.8) 1.7 2.6 0.5 0.4
Intellectual property products.................................................. 36.7 41.0 17.3 78.3 51.5 (49.0) (45.1) (6.9) (34.8) (47.6) (24.1)
Total 16.8 2.0 12.7 2.4 19.9 0.1 (3.8) 8.0 (0.4) 3.8 3.4
* Provisional

Table 2.8: Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Income , 2009 - 2020 Current Prices - KSh Million
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Current Prices, KSh Million
Compensation of employees.............................................................. 983,411 1,055,245 1,170,946 1,281,847 1,432,869 1,621,784 1,853,415 2,131,816 2,396,166 2,694,738 2,975,566 3,021,458
Consumption of fixed capital............................................................... 377,947 415,754 482,110 542,578 628,928 755,710 870,288 940,837 1,095,186 1,246,988 1,365,851 1,496,078
Net operating surplus.......................................................................... 1,613,493 1,791,667 2,138,152 2,507,847 2,766,635 3,101,533 3,561,734 3,849,753 4,258,020 4,584,776 5,043,447 5,369,651
Gross domestic product at factor cost................................................ 2,974,852 3,262,666 3,791,208 4,332,271 4,828,432 5,479,028 6,285,437 6,922,406 7,749,372 8,526,502 9,384,864 9,887,187
Taxes on products............................................................................... 300,791 334,964 371,307 434,921 482,890 524,807 598,880 671,658 734,024 813,805 870,790 865,805
Gross domestic product at market prices, KSh Million 3,275,643 3,597,630 4,162,514 4,767,192 5,311,322 6,003,835 6,884,318 7,594,064 8,483,396 9,340,307 10,255,654 10,752,992
Primary incomes
Receivable from the rest of the world.......................................... 5,464 6,487 8,541 6,715 6,246 4,999 7,859 10,099 14,563 20,135 22,273 15,197
Payable to rest of the world.......................................................... -32,569 -49,571 -55,941 -51,177 -58,167 -82,563 -87,643 -112,651 -170,568 -161,135 -186,410 -194,892
Gross national income at market prices, KSh Million 3,248,538 3,554,546 4,115,115 4,722,729 5,259,400 5,926,271 6,804,533 7,491,511 8,327,391 9,199,307 10,091,517 10,573,297
Current transfers
Receivable from the rest of the world.......................................... 181,107 187,816 241,348 240,850 268,925 327,853 345,218 333,477 466,248 511,848 544,457 535,311
Payable to rest of the world.......................................................... -3,254 -3,423 -4,121 -3,352 -4,020 -17,853 -6,217 -5,192 -5,787 -4,850 -5,574 -8,203
Gross national disposable income, KSh Million 3,426,390 3,738,939 4,352,342 4,960,227 5,524,305 6,236,272 7,143,534 7,819,797 8,787,851 9,706,304 10,630,400 11,100,405
Per capita
Per capita, Gross domestic product at market prices ( KSh)............ 85,276 93,508 105,260 117,269 127,088 139,750 159,049 171,472 187,271 201,300 215,455 220,891
Per capita, Gross national income at market prices ( KSh)............. 84,571 92,389 104,061 116,175 125,845 137,945 157,206 169,156 183,828 198,261 212,007 217,200
Constant Prices
GDP at market prices, KSh Million............................................... 5,361,463 5,793,514 6,090,207 6,368,448 6,610,312 6,942,157 7,287,024 7,594,064 7,883,816 8,327,604 8,742,413 8,714,771
Per capita GDP at market prices, KSh........................................ 139,577 150,583 154,007 156,659 158,170 161,591 168,353 171,472 174,036 179,474 183,664 179,022
Annual percentage change.......................................................... 7.9 2.3 1.7 1.0 2.2 4.2 1.9 1.5 3.1 2.3 -2.5
* Provisional

Table 2.9: National Disposable Income and Saving+, 2009 - 2020

Current Prices - KSh Million
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Disposable income and saving
Gross national disposable income................................................. 3,426,390 3,738,939 4,352,342 4,960,227 5,524,305 6,236,272 7,143,534 7,819,797 8,787,851 9,706,304 10,630,400 11,100,405
Consumption of fixed capital............................................................... 377,947 415,754 482,110 542,578 628,928 755,710 870,288 940,837 1,095,186 1,246,988 1,365,851 1,496,078
Net national disposable income..................................................... 3,048,443 3,323,184 3,870,232 4,417,650 4,895,377 5,480,561 6,273,245 6,878,960 7,692,665 8,459,316 9,264,549 9,604,327
Final consumption expenditure........................................................... 2,816,631 3,086,223 3,691,568 4,170,293 4,691,473 5,271,964 6,074,958 6,760,015 7,656,099 8,355,054 9,208,380 9,488,946
General government..................................................................... 443,522 466,050 528,077 585,096 628,666 704,840 876,145 957,594 1,046,434 1,153,406 1,261,505 1,369,787
Private............................................................................................ 2,314,554 2,556,959 3,093,669 3,505,994 3,973,201 4,470,695 5,104,892 5,704,205 6,495,722 7,099,419 7,839,415 8,003,647
Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households (NPISH).................. 58,556 63,214 69,823 79,203 89,606 96,429 93,921 98,216 113,943 102,229 107,460 115,512
Saving, net........................................................................................... 231,812 236,961 178,663 247,357 203,904 208,598 198,287 118,945 36,566 104,262 56,169 115,381
Financing of capital formation
Saving, net........................................................................................... 231,812 236,961 178,663 247,357 203,904 208,598 198,287 118,945 36,566 104,262 56,169 115,381
Capital transfers, receivable from abroad, net................................... 20,178 19,030 20,861 19,890 13,644 24,204 25,718 20,878 19,046 26,593 21,146 14,023
Total..................................................................................................... 251,989 255,991 199,524 267,247 217,548 232,802 224,005 139,823 55,612 130,855 77,315 129,404
Gross fixed capital formation.............................................................. 598,698 750,138 862,110 1,028,639 1,104,152 1,434,133 1,520,817 1,472,621 1,687,833 1,783,811 1,920,885 2,079,760
Consumption of fixed capital............................................................... -377,947 -415,754 -482,110 -542,578 -628,928 -755,710 -870,288 -940,837 -1,095,186 -1,246,988 -1,365,851 -1,496,078
Changes in inventories....................................................................... 23,702 14,855 48,959 29,290 86,347 64,134 851 -3,288 65,133 25,965 38,930 35,358
Net lending (+) / Net borrowing(-)....................................................... 7,537 -93,247 -229,435 -248,104 -344,023 -509,755 -427,374 -388,673 -602,167 -431,933 -516,649 -489,636
Total..................................................................................................... 251,989 255,991 199,524 267,247 217,548 232,802 224,005 139,823 55,612 130,855 77,315 129,404
* Provisional


Notes, Definitions and Coverage

Most tables in this section have been derived from the Annual Enumeration of Employees and Self-
employed Persons, which takes place every year at the end of June. The annual wage bill is estimated from
monthly data - the reported earnings for the month of June being multiplied by twelve.

Wage employment figures as shown in this section may not compare with those shown elsewhere in the
Abstract, e.g. in the Industrial Statistics. This is due to differences in coverage, timing, etc. between the
annual enumeration of employees and the other enquiries in which information on employment is also

Public services include National Government, Parastatal Bodies, and County Governments.

All private establishments in urban areas, large-scale farmers and other large-scale enterprises located in
the rural areas as well as the public sector establishments which are engaged in industrial, commercial,
agricultural and other activities are asked to state their main activity. This forms the basis of industrial

Wage employment figures include casual employees, part-time workers, directors and partners serving on a
regular basic salary contract. Self-employed persons and family workers who do not receive regular wages
or salaries are excluded. Employment in the informal sector of the economy is not included in the Abstract.
Also excluded are employment figures for rural small-scale agriculture and pastoralists activities.

Earnings or wages cover all cash payments, including basic salary, cost of living allowances, profit bonus,
together with the value of rations and free board, and an estimate of the employer's contribution towards
housing. Earnings as shown in this section are lower than the estimate of factor income going to employees
because they exclude pensions, employers’ contributions to the National Social Security Fund or private
provident funds and personal emoluments for the armed forces. Earnings in informal sector, rural small scale
agriculture and pastoralists activities are excluded.

The economic classification used in this chapter is a slightly modified version of the United Nations' 4-digit
international Standard industrial Classification Revision 4.

Table 3.1: Number of Employees* by Industry and Employment Groups, 2020
Establishment Size
Activity <5 5-9 10 -19 20 - 49 > 49 Total
Growing of beverage crops (Coffee) 409 97 2,913 6,890 55,637 65,946
Growing of beverage crops (Tea) 275 794 2,809 3,115 71,717 78,709
Growing of sugar cane 206 - 901 2,411 27,191 30,709
Growing of fibre crops (Sisal) - - - - 13,956 13,956
Mixed farming 1,999 2,571 3,898 10,597 22,331 41,397
Raising of cattle and buffaloes (Ranches) 616 1,481 3,695 5,569 11,102 22,464
Support activities for animal production 2,165 825 4,228 4,032 7,375 18,624
Post-harvest crop activities 560 1,095 2,193 9,241 17,030 30,119
Support activities for crop production 112 196 621 965 7,352 9,246
Hunting, trapping and related service activities - - - 3,313 - 3,313
Silviculture and other forestry activities - - - 5,895 - 5,895
Logging - - - - 1,153 1,153
Marine fishing (Ocean and coastal fishing) - 73 287 - - 360
Freshwater fishing (Inland water fishing) - 174 229 - - 403
Total 6,343 7,306 21,774 52,028 234,844 322,294
Quarrying of stone, sand and clay 47 - - 471 5,049 5,567
Mining of chemical and fertilizer minerals - - - 1,372 1,707 3,079
Other mining and quarrying n.e.c. 237 74 817 283 4,305 5,716
Total 284 74 817 2,127 11,060 14,362
Processing and preserving of meat - - - 1,939 2,145 4,084
Manufacture of dairy products 68 150 692 3,226 6,905 11,041
Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables 70 - - 4,219 7,017 11,306
Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs - - - - 303 303
Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats - - - - 4,553 4,553
Manufacture of grain mill products 454 544 452 992 5,704 8,146
Manufacture of bakery products - 125 212 1,906 9,223 11,466
Manufacture of sugar - - - 1,596 11,504 13,100
Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery - - - - 1,856 1,856
Manufacture of other food products n.e.c. 543 682 6,156 6,465 28,598 42,444
Manufacture of prepared animal feeds - - - 3,878 - 3,878
Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits - - - 200 1,967 2,167
Manufacture of malt liquors and malt - - - 315 3,086 3,400
Manufacture of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and - - 81 1,089 5,900 7,069
Manufacture of tobacco products - - - 132 1,291 1,423
Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel 2,691 1,868 2,832 9,152 13,537 30,081
Preparation and spinning of textile fibres - - - 183 5,623 5,806
Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics 15 78 52 103 4,404 4,651
Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and netting - - - 942 1,391 2,333
Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c. - - - - 3,743 3,743
Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparel - - - - 23,882 23,882
* Excluding Private households and dormant establishments.

Table 3.1 (cont')
Establishment Size
Activity <5 5-9 10 -19 20 - 49 > 49 Total

Tanning and dressing of leather; dressing and dyeing of fur - - - 1,242 - 1,242
Manufacture of luggage, handbags and the like, saddlery
and harness - - - - 454 454
Manufacture of footwear - 70 168 1,853 2,107 4,198
Sawmilling and planing of wood 63 75 1,180 2,359 4,266 7,943
Manufacture of wooden containers - - - 190 - 190
Manufacture of other products of wood; manufacture of
articles of cork, straw and plaiting materials - - - 71 - 71
Manufacture of furniture 394 375 604 2,307 2,863 6,543
Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard - - - - 5,050 5,050
Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard 30 23 241 288 2,515 3,096
Printing 106 257 982 2,269 2,599 6,212
Manufacture of basic chemicals 4 24 82 653 874 1,636

Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products - - 155 311 609 1,075
Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings,
printing ink and mastics - - - - 3,638 3,638
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and
botanical products - - - 1,432 4,184 5,616
Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing
preparations, perfumes and toilet preparations 84 228 249 1,575 2,902 5,039
Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c. 5 6 28 302 119 461
Manufacture of refined petroleum products - - - - 238 238
Manufacture of other rubber products 23 19 98 234 521 896
Manufacture of plastics products 66 116 1,120 3,522 14,419 19,243
Manufacture of other porcelain and ceramic products - - - - 361 361
Manufacture of glass and glass products - - - 313 946 1,259
Manufacture of refractory products - - - - 1,013 1,013
Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster - - - - 4,564 4,564
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c. 4 72 471 282 1,150 1,979
Manufacture of basic iron and steel 51 104 209 1,498 9,267 11,129
Manufacture of cutlery, hand tools and general hardware 5 - 55 32 88 180
Manufacture of structural metal products 24 112 130 524 1,622 2,413
Manufacture of other fabricated metal products n.e.c. 211 227 864 1,438 3,756 6,496
Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery - - - 1,052 565 1,617
Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers
and electricity distribution and control apparatus 23 114 229 455 1,390 2,211
Building of ships and floating structures - - - - 114 114
Manufacture of motor vehicles 56 362 325 1,766 2,679 5,188
Manufacture of motorcycles
Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery
Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic
equipment 5 - - 59 100 164
Other manufacturing n.e.c. 495 502 1,372 2,233 4,031 8,632
Total 5,490 6,131 19,039 64,600 221,634 316,893
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 255 1,064 3,415 9,185 8,644 22,563
Total 255 1,064 3,415 9,185 8,644 22,563
* Excluding Private households and dormant establishments.

Table 3.1 (cont')
Establishment Size
Activity <5 5-9 10 -19 20 - 49 > 49 Total
Water collection, treatment and supply - 1,900 - - 12,664 14,564
Total - 1,900 - - 12,664 14,564
Electrical installation 214 1,395 1,315 1,419 2,707 7,050
Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation 515 177 1,471 728 3,238 6,128
Other specialized construction activities - - - - 6,921 6,921
Building completion and finishing 188 1,022 886 1,112 777 3,985
Construction of utility projects - - 3,737 3,212 5,332 12,281
Construction of buildings 3,425 9,268 16,132 25,316 27,127 81,269
Other specialized construction activities 2,324 2,225 16,966 31,287 51,036 103,837
Total 6,665 14,086 40,507 63,075 97,138 221,471
Sale of motor vehicles 125 258 995 2,147 4,901 8,426
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles 494 1,016 3,919 8,458 19,307 33,194
Wholesale of other machinery and equipment 768 1,546 2,748 3,552 3,133 11,746
Wholesale of other machinery and equipment 487 550 1,051 523 1,831 4,441
Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco 893 1,321 1,402 1,402 962 5,979
Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals 2,286 1,309 8,782 14,377 9,649 36,403
Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related
products 61 318 871 1,192 1,245 3,686
Wholesale of textiles, clothing and footwear - 75 76 94 832 1,076
Wholesale of construction materials, hardware, plumbing 548 669 1,040 1,631 1,232 5,121
Wholesale of other household goods 674 245 - - - 919
Whole sale of pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetic
and toilet articles in specialized stores - 239 970 953 - 2,162
Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products n.e.c. 317 953 927 3,317 2,444 7,958
Non-specialized wholesale trade 406 297 631 3,815 9,855 15,004
Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products n.e.c. 521 682 1,302 731 1,523 4,759
Retail sale via stalls and markets of other goods - - 11,656 9,314 15,483 36,453
Retail sale of food in specialized stores - - - 1,251 2,085 3,336
Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialized stores 140 699 8,525 10,396 1,887 21,647
Retail sale of clothing, footwear and leather articles in
specialized stores 957 1,440 1,658 751 324 5,130
Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialized
stores 1,890 1,407 1,842 3,278 222 8,639
Retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetic
and toilet articles in specialized stores 1,179 1,096 1,333 1,806 431 5,845
Retail sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages
or tobacco predominating 1,017 456 1,443 967 821 4,705
Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets 5,710 3,267 5,946 4,271 5,371 24,566
Total 18,232 17,864 56,276 74,260 84,563 251,195
Passenger rail transport, interurban 754 823 566 1,140 1,731 5,014
Urban and suburban passenger land transport 393 734 3,587 - - 4,713
Other passenger land transport 409 1,083 923 1,842 3,975 8,232
* Excluding Private households and dormant establishments.

Table 3.1 (cont')
Establishment Size
Activity <5 5-9 10 -19 20 - 49 > 49 Total
Freight transport by road 369 2,788 3,987 3,442 3,668 14,254
Transport via pipeline - - - - 1,784 1,784
Service activities incidental to land transportation - 120 - - 520 640
Sea and coastal passenger water transport - - - 399 494 893
Inland passenger water transport - 8 12 36 79 136
Service activities incidental to water transportation - - - 3,288 5,484 8,772
Passenger air transport - - - 1,834 3,056 4,890
Service activities incidental to air transportation - 330 663 1,322 3,229 5,544
Other transportation support activities 190 295 847 1,148 1,389 3,869
Postal activities 266 456 1,434 1,275 1,488 4,919
Warehousing and storage 1,040 647 3,631 - 7,715 13,034
Total 3,421 7,284 15,648 15,726 34,614 76,694
Restaurants and mobile food service activities 317 2,037 1,862 6,672 1,637 12,526
Short term accommodation activities 1,031 826 3,855 11,447 21,871 39,031
Total 1,348 2,864 5,717 18,119 23,508 51,557
Other telecommunications activities 3,285 18,980 24,848 24,848 33,618 105,578
Data processing, hosting and related activities - - - 1,422 5,530 6,952
Publishing 132 199 575 625 2,792 4,322
Motion picture, video and television programme production
activities 71 106 307 334 1,491 2,308
Total 3,490 19,338 25,775 27,259 43,298 119,160
Monetary intermediation 125 416 5,142 15,916 18,423 40,023
Other credit granting 2,027 911 5,084 4,517 5,356 17,895
Trusts, funds and similar financial entities 40 - - 2,974 - 3,014
Activities of holding companies 7 59 52 106 402 626
Insurance 459 808 808 2,805 8,267 13,146

Other activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding - - 983 1,964 - 2,947
Total 2,592 2,179 11,946 28,391 32,542 77,651
Real estate activities with own or leased property 983 251 184 701 615 2,735
Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 350 172 132 322 - 976
Total 1,334 418 313 1,019 627 3,711
Legal activities 551 1,138 884 2,490 - 5,063
Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax
consultancy 75 318 915 2,332 2,464 6,103
Architectural and engineering activities and related
technical consultancy 1,245 1,492 1,642 1,692 3,482 9,553
Veterinary activities 14 25 38 - 2,545 2,622
Advertising - - - 451 752 1,203
Management consultancy activities 2,039 2,442 4,370 5,553 23,135 37,538
Photographic activities 294 220 - - 1,069 1,583
Total 4,217 5,634 7,849 12,518 33,446 63,665
* Excluding Private households and dormant establishments.

Table 3.1 (cont')
Number of Employees by Employment Size
Activity <5 5-9 10 -19 20 - 49 > 49 Total


Travel agency activities - - - 3,146 - 3,146
Renting and leasing of recreational and sports goods 7 - - 278 465 750
Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and
tangible goods 8 - - 331 554 893
Total 14 - - 3,756 1,019 4,789
General public administration activities 21 - 586 7,983 88,224 96,814
Public order and safety activities 326 2,720 2,720 43,489 127,838 177,092
Regulation of the activities of providing health care,
education, cultural services and other social services,
excluding social security 72 564 552 8,854 26,126 36,168
Total 419 3,286 3,859 60,351 242,159 310,074
Higher education 38 312 312 4,993 14,701 20,358
Educational support activities 1,039 8,305 8,360 133,094 391,912 542,710
Total 1,078 8,617 8,672 138,088 406,613 563,068
Medical and dental practice activities 742 1,278 4,859 14,581 115,587 137,047
Other social work activities without accommodation 1,279 1,033 2,706 3,517 3,899 12,434
Total 2,021 2,311 7,565 18,099 119,486 149,481
Museums activities and operation of historical sites and
buildings - - - 3,139 - 3,139
Other amusement and recreation activities n.e.c. - - - 3,707 - 3,707
Total - - - 6,846 - 6,846
Activities of business and employers membership
organizations - 460 919 2,415 1,954 5,747
Activities of religious organizations 1,915 1,464 1,090 2,175 1,207 7,851
Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c. 155 133 819 942 1,279 3,329
Repair of footwear and leather goods 2,062 485 970 2,425 - 5,942
Repair of consumer electronics 28 7 11 - - 46
Repair of other personal and household goods 21 108 85 174 236 625
Repair of other personal and household goods 527 68 - - - 595
Washing and (dry-) cleaning of textile and fur products - - - 1,743 4,406 6,149
Hairdressing and other beauty treatment 631 1,881 - - - 2,512
Total 5,339 4,605 3,895 9,875 9,082 32,796
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies - - - 306 996 1,382
Total - - - 306 996 1,382
Grand Total 62,541 103,060 233,070 598,780 1,605,275 2,602,806
* Excluding Private households and dormant establishments.


Unit 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

Companies Registered
Local Companies
Public Number 35 52 66 77 103
Private " 33,034 37,733 44,381 42,085 49,037
Total registered** .. " 33,069 37,785 44,447 42,162 49,140
Foreign Companies
Registered " 100 153 176 165 153
Total registered** .. " 100 153 176 165 153
Companies limited by guarantee 76 170 235 369 622
Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) - 302 380 414 472
Business Names Registered
New names " 52,484 54,639 60,347 60,312 94,115
Total names registered** " 52,484 54,639 60,347 60,312 94,115
Source: Business Registration Services
* Including increases of capital.

Table 3.3a: Wage Employment by Sector, 2016 - 2020
Number '000
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Private agriculture and forestry 294.5 289.8 294.3 296.7 280.6
Rest of private sector 1,613.9 1,669.3 1,722.7 1,766.4 1,575.9
Public service 774.7 833.1 842.9 865.2 884.6
Total 2,683.1 2,792.2 2,859.9 2,928.3 2,741.1
Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
* Provisional

Table 3.3b: Wage Employment by Sector, 2016 - 2020

Number '000
Sector 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Minority shareholding by the public sector.. 133.1 136.7 140.7 143.9 129.5
Incorporated Companies
Local public.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 185.0 189.9 195.1 200.0 179.9
Local private .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 718.0 737.1 758.9 776.2 698.4
Foreign public .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 161.1 165.4 170.3 174.1 156.7
Foreign private .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 190.5 195.6 201.4 205.9 185.3
Co-operatives .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 138.5 142.2 146.4 149.8 134.8
Other private sector .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 382.3 392.6 404.1 413.3 371.9
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,908.5 1,959.5 2,016.9 2,063.2 1,856.5
National Government .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 179.7 197.6 206.4 207.2 206.1
TSC .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 297.8 302.9 313.6 324.5 331.1
Parastatal Bodies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 94.5 110.1 96.7 96.2 95.7
Majority Control by the public sector .. .. .. .. 45.4 47.0 47.5 47.3 47.1
County Government .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 157.3 175.5 178.7 190.0 204.6
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 774.7 833.1 842.9 865.2 884.6
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,683.2 2,792.6 2,859.8 2,928.4 2,741.1
Source : Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
Refers to wholly owned state co-orporations.
* Provisional

Table 3.4: Wage Employment by Industry, 2016 - 2020
ACTIVITY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Growing of beverage crops (Coffee) 72,798 71,739 72,959 73,683 65,946
Growing of beverage crops (Tea) 83,868 81,958 83,329 83,015 78,709
Growing of sugar cane 32,815 32,614 32,622 31,976 30,709
Growing of fibre crops (Sisal) 14,752 14,551 14,842 14,768 13,956
Mixed farming 42,355 41,676 42,346 43,965 41,397
Raising of cattle and buffaloes (Ranches) 21,829 21,651 21,907 22,232 22,464
Support activities for crop production 17,745 17,600 17,855 18,439 18,624
Support activities for animal production 29,982 29,659 30,020 30,080 30,119
Post-harvest crop activities 9,007 8,946 9,062 9,178 9,246
Hunting, trapping and related service activities 3,536 3,450 3,405 3,362 3,313
Silviculture and other forestry activities 6,226 6,420 6,411 5,993 5,895
Logging 1,183 1,173 1,154 1,156 1,153
Marine fishing (Ocean and coastal fishing) 315 322 332 348 360
Freshwater fishing (Inland water fishing) 335 346 363 381 403
Total .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 336,746 332,105 336,607 338,576 322,294


Mining of other non-ferrous metal ores 1,110 1,112 1,131 1,168.0 1,085.0
Quarrying of stone, sand and clay 4,961 4,991 5,066 5,371.0 5,567.0
Mining of chemical and fertilizer minerals 3,689 3,595 3,657 3,778.0 3,079.0
Other mining and quarrying n.e.c. 5,105 5,049 5,124 5,288 4,404
Support activities for other mining and quarrying 262 258 262 270 227
Total .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 15,127 15,006 15,240 15,875 14,362
Processing and preserving of meat 4,296 4,322 4,383 4,317 4,084
Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs 365 343 338 335 303
Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables 12,682 12,421 12,272 12,493 11,306
Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats 4,210 4,274 4,342 4,442 4,553
Manufacture of dairy products 10,096 10,271 10,528 10,560 11,041
Manufacture of grain mill products 8,648 8,462 8,327 8,602 8,146
Manufacture of bakery products 13,613 13,793 14,055 14,350 11,466
Manufacture of sugar 16,066 15,891 15,780 14,786 13,100
Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery 1,961 1,971 1,961 2,204 1,856
Manufacture of other food products n.e.c. 47,956 48,004 48,052 46,130 42,444
Manufacture of prepared animal feeds 3,828 3,863 3,929 4,086 3,878
Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits 2,153 2,111 2,240 2,482 2,167
Manufacture of malt liquors and malt 3,778 3,759 3,778 3,736 3,400
Manufacture of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and other
bottled waters 7,822 7,814 7,830 8,386 7,069
Manufacture of tobacco products 1,519 1,466 1,448 1,432 1,423
Preparation and spinning of textile fibres 7,425 7,485 7,552 7,680 5,806
Weaving of textiles 3,187 3,213 3,242 3,297 2,493
Finishing of textiles 1,759 1,773 1,789 1,819 1,375
Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics 840 818 803 796 783
Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparel 21,712 23,574 25,531 27,778 23,882
Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and netting 2,549 2,544 2,549 2,564 2,333
Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c. 180 189 198 209 190
Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel 30,437 31,640 32,842 35,141 30,081
Tanning and dressing of leather; dressing and dyeing of fur 1,872 1,870 1,887 1,902 1,242
497 497 498 502 454
Manufacture of luggage, handbags and the like, saddlery and harness
Manufacture of footwear 4,686.0 4,649.0 4,630.0 4,639.0 4,198.0
Sawmilling and planing of wood 1,429 1,404 1,389 1,379 1,366

Table 3.4: Wage Employment by Industry, 2016 - 2020 cont'd
ACTIVITY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panels 6,884 6,762 6,688 6,641 6,577
Manufacture of builders' carpentry and joinery 872 857 848 842 834
Manufacture of wooden containers 198 202 206 209 209
Manufacture of other products of wood; manufacture of articles of cork, straw
and plaiting materials 88 87 85 86 71
Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard 5,459 5,492 5,558 5,636 5,050
Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard 3,800 3,823 3,850 3,904 3,096
Printing 8,088 8,064 7,999 7,967 6,212
Manufacture of refined petroleum products 274 253 240 246 238
Manufacture of basic chemicals 1,506 1,523 1,535 1,552 1,636
Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products 1,174 1,162 1,160 1,208 1,075

Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and mastics 3,512 3,544 3,633 3,735 3,638
Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations,
perfumes and toilet preparations 5,803 5,661 5,576 5,537 5,039
Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c. 438 437 437 440 461
Manufacture of man-made fibres 3,527 3,516 3,520 3,545 3,553
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 5,651 5,714 5,788 5,881 5,616

Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres 627 634 642 652 619
Manufacture of other rubber products 263 281 287 292 277
Manufacture of plastics products 20,041 19,706 19,489 20,385 19,243
Manufacture of glass and glass products 1,287 1,295 1,309 1,327 1,259
Manufacture of refractory products 1,204 1,179 1,162 1,154 1,013
Manufacture of other porcelain and ceramic products 387 385 382 380 361
Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster 4,549 4,586 4,646 4,497 4,564
Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plaster 1,866 1,867 1,891 1,830 1,737
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c. 243 246 250 255 242
Manufacture of basic iron and steel 11,555 11,498 11,567 11,625 10,637
Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals 515 512 515 518 492
Manufacture of structural metal products 2,544 2,577 2,603 2,637 2,413
Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal 667 670 677 686 593
Manufacture of cutlery, hand tools and general hardware 200 196 192 190 180
Manufacture of other fabricated metal products n.e.c. 7,224 7,147 7,154 7,287 5,903
Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment 174 173 173 173 164
Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity
distribution and control apparatus 189 197 206 216 205
Manufacture of batteries and accumulators 636 664 695 730 693
Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cables 1,226 1,259 1,318 1,374 1,313
Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery 1,721 1,738 1,762 1,794 1,617
Manufacture of motor vehicles 1,046 1,049 1,055 1,066 996
Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles; manufacture of trailers
and semi-trailers 3,387 3,397 3,417 3,451 3,051
Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles 1,040 1,043 1,049 1,059 1,141
Building of ships and floating structures 123 123 122 122 114
Manufacture of other transport equipment n.e.c. 2,962 2,968 3,001 3,055 3,290
Manufacture of furniture 7,281 7,274 7,289 7,347 5,709
Other manufacturing n.e.c. 3,678 3,656 3,663 3,674 3,207
Repair of transport equipment, except motor vehicles 1,066 1,060 1,062 1,065 969
Repair of other equipment 860 855 857 860 961
Installation of industrial machinery and equipment 167 166 166 166 186
Total .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 341,568 343,919 347,897 353,343 316,893

Table 3.4: Wage Employment by Industry, 2016 - 2020 cont'd
ACTIVITY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 20,809 22,968 23,175 23,824 22,523
Total .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 20,809 22,968 23,175 23,824 22,523
Water collection, treatment and supply 9,232 10,194 11,145 11,389 10,872
Collection of non-hazardous waste 3,224 3,672 3,868 3,964 3,692
Total .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 12,456 13,866 15,013 15,353 14,564
Construction of buildings 78,010 76,480 78,468 80,925 81,269
Construction of roads and railways 63,743 68,837 69,801 69,168 69,445
Construction of utility projects 11,212 11,257 11,471 11,839 12,281
Construction of other civil engineering projects 31,738 34,274 34,754 34,439 34,392
Electrical installation 7,072 7,079 7,143 7,622 7,050
Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation 5,937 6,303 6,889 7,019 6,128
Building completion and finishing 3,809 3,753 3,854 4,001 3,985
Other specialized construction activities 5,524 5,379 5,928 6,532 6,921
Total .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 207,045 213,362 218,308 221,546 221,471
Sale of motor vehicles 8,528 8,910 9,305 9,770 8,667
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles 33,957 35,687 37,194 37,974 34,145
Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories 10,975 11,545 12,160 12,862 12,082
Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals 37,031 38,519 39,685 40,874 37,446
Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco 7,029 7,295 7,573 7,901 6,150
Wholesale of textiles, clothing and footwear 1,116 1,158 1,193 1,243 1,107
Wholesale of other household goods 1,005 1,019 1,031 1,050 945
Wholesale of other machinery and equipment 4,442 4,629 4,876 5,121 4,568
Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 3,853 3,968 4,099 4,296 3,792
Wholesale of construction materials, hardware, plumbing and heating equipment
and supplies 4,731 4,876 5,004 5,180 5,268
Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products n.e.c. 10,783 11,085 11,364 11,756 11,878
Non-specialized wholesale trade 16,697 17,525 18,175 18,575 15,434
Retail sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages or tobacco
predominating 35,089 35,504 35,891 36,521 36,346
Retail sale of food in specialized stores 3,489 3,653 3,803 3,945 3,432
Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialized stores 20,060 21,567 22,890 23,856 22,267
Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialized stores 7,951 8,195 8,377 8,679 8,886
Retail sale of clothing, footwear and leather articles in specialized stores 5,388 5,586 5,788 6,031 5,277
Retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetic and toilet articles in
specialized stores 5,080 5,559 5,822 6,326 6,012
Other retail sale of new goods in specialized stores 2,017 2,108 2,207 2,321 2,224
Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets 20,613 22,370 23,989 24,851 25,270
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 239,834 250,758 260,426 269,131 251,195
Passenger rail transport, interurban 458 464 475 489 473
Urban and suburban passenger land transport 10,621 10,448 10,404 10,795 9,254
Other passenger land transport 15,086 15,449 16,021 16,687 8,232
Freight transport by road 14,028 14,174 14,457 14,848 14,254
Transport via pipeline 1,982 2,014 2,097 1,868 1,784
Service activities incidental to land transportation 595 603 623 656 640
Sea and coastal passenger water transport 854 858 864 881 893
Inland passenger water transport 122 127 130 133 136
Service activities incidental to water transportation 10,043 10,265 10,301 9,852 8,772
Passenger air transport 6,036 5,919 5,874 5,863 4,890
Service activities incidental to air transportation 5,588 5,803 5,983 5,958 5,544
Other transportation support activities 4,388 4,382 4,414 4,466 3,869
Postal activities 4,386 4,850 5,248 4,912 4,919
Warehousing and storage 11,594 12,539 13,756 15,128 13,034
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 85,781 87,895 90,647 92,536 76,694
Accommodation and food service activities
Restaurants and mobile food service activities 21,512 22,511 23,379 23,970 12,516
Short term accommodation activities 55,851 57,269 58,164 58,886 39,031
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 77,363 79,780 81,543 82,856 51,547
Information and communication
Other telecommunications activities 104,601 110,982 116,967 117,673 105,578
Data processing, hosting and related activities 6,478 7,176 7,886 7,665 6,952
Publishing 3,693 3,785 3,919 4,534 4,322
Motion picture, video and television programme production activities 2,310 2,366 2,404 2,458 2,308
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 117,082 124,309 131,176 132,330 119,160

Table 3.4: Wage Employment by Industry, 2016 - 2020 cont'd
ACTIVITY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*


Monetary intermediation 43,109 40,753 39,926 40,550 40,013
Other credit granting 15,990 15,906 16,706 17,175 17,895
Trusts, funds and similar financial entities 2,651 2,750 2,907 3,080 3,014
Activities of holding companies 445 483 528 573 626
Insurance 11,669 12,299 13,003 13,540 13,146
Other activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding 2,489 2,659 2,856 3,048 2,947
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 76,353 74,849 75,926 77,966 77,641
Real estate activities with own or leased property 3,025 3,134 3,237 3,292 2,735
Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 1,071 1,086 1,099 1,087 976
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,096 4,220 4,336 4,379 3,711
Legal activities 4,580 4,821 5,014 5,211 5,063
Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy 6,072 6,253 6,342 6,423 6,103
Architectural and engineering activities and related technical
consultancy 9,757 10,156 10,475 10,766 9,553
Veterinary activities 2,266 2,391 2,507 2,624 2,622
Advertising 1,201 1,255 1,305 1,355 1,203
Management consultancy activities 38,717 40,149 41,392 42,638 37,538
Photographic activities 1,583 1,622 1,687 1,743 1,583
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 64,176 66,647 68,722 70,760 63,665
Travel agency activities 3,895 4,098 4,295 4,507 3,146
Renting and leasing of recreational and sports goods 752 792 834 877 750

Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods 795 864 938 1,018 893
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,442 5,754 6,067 6,402 4,789
General public administration activities 72,132 90,306 92,110 94,952 96,814
Public order and safety activities 143,244 169,601 169,988 174,094 177,092
Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education, cultural
services and other social services, excluding social security 32,245 34,187 34,411 35,571 36,168
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 247,621 294,094 296,509 304,617 310,074
Higher education 19,558 21,267 21,483 21,496 20,357
Educational support activities 526,765 540,441 557,268 576,263 542,689
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 546,323 561,708 578,751 597,759 563,046
Medical and dental practice activities 118,459 131,344 136,965 145,870 137,047
Other social work activities without accommodation 11,181 11,415 11,780 12,100 12,434
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 129,640 142,759 148,745 157,970 149,481

Table 3.4: Wage Employment by Industry, 2016 - 2020 cont'd
ACTIVITY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Museums activities and operation of historical sites and buildings 3,034 2,993 2,966 3,096 3,139
Other amusement and recreation activities n.e.c. 3,992 4,136 4,277 4,341 3,707
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,026 7,129 7,243 7,437 6,846
Activities of business and employers membership organizations 5,423 5,798 6,221 6,652 5,747
Activities of religious organizations 8,948 9,126 9,299 9,471 7,851
Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c. 3,027 3,081 3,130 3,180 3,329
Repair of consumer electronics 5,582 6,041 6,542 7,074 5,942
Repair of footwear and leather goods 54 55 56 57 46
Repair of furniture and home furnishings 598 616 634 652 625
Repair of other personal and household goods 691 699 719 731 595
Washing and (dry-) cleaning of textile and fur products 6,115 6,488 6,877 7,285 6,149
Hairdressing and other beauty treatment 2,719 2,787 2,854 2,921 2,512
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 33,157 34,691 36,332 38,023 32,796
Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel 114,355 115,365 115,836 116,414 116,996
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 114,355 115,365 115,836 116,414 116,996
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies 1,217 1,276 1,345 1,375 1,382
Activities not adequately defined
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,217 1,276 1,345 1,375 1,382
Grand Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,683,217 2,792,459 2,859,844 2,928,472 2,741,130
* Provisional

Table 3.5: Wage Employment in the Public Sector by Industry+, 2016 - 2020 cont'd
ACTIVITY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Growing of beverage crops (Coffee) - - - - -
Growing of beverage crops (Tea) 4,182 4,363 4,415 4,574 4,661
Growing of sugar cane 9,614 9,705 9,598 8,830 8,651
Growing of fibre crops (Sisal) - - - - -
Mixed farming 5,539 5,432 5,486 5,631 5,631
Raising of cattle and buffaloes (Ranches) 1,854 1,734 1,691 1,711 1,671
Support activities for crop production 9,365 9,235 9,281 9,708 9,746
Support activities for animal production 2,394 2,472 2,534 2,545 2,565
Post-harvest crop activities - - - - -
Hunting, trapping and related service activities 3,247 3,154 3,097 3,054 2,993
Silviculture and other forestry activities 6,006 6,203 6,197 5,782 5,687
Marine fishing (Ocean and coastal fishing) 37 40 42 43 45
Freshwater fishing (Inland water fishing) - - - - -
Total .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 42,238 42,338 42,341 41,878 41,650
Mining of other non-ferrous metal ores - - - - -
Quarrying of stone, sand and clay - - - - -
Mining of chemical and fertilizer minerals - - - - -
Other mining and quarrying n.e.c. 629 643 648 665 673
Support activities for other mining and quarrying -
Total .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 629 643 648 665 673
Processing and preserving of meat 377 326 320 288 273
Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs - - - - -
Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables - - - - -
Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats - - - - -
Manufacture of dairy products 1,899 1,856 1,925 1,775 1,975
Manufacture of grain mill products - - - - -
Manufacture of bakery products - - - - -
Manufacture of sugar 13,874 13,680 13,530 12,349 11,114
Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery - - - - -
Manufacture of other food products n.e.c. 6,500 6,781 6,930 6,376 6,347
Manufacture of prepared animal feeds - - - - -
Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits 251 232 318 310 327
Manufacture of malt liquors and malt - - - - -
Manufacture of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and other bottled
waters - - - - -
Manufacture of tobacco products - - - - -
Preparation and spinning of textile fibres - - - - -
Weaving of textiles -
Finishing of textiles -
Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics - - - - -
Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparel 613 621 632 705 735
Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and netting - - - - -
Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c. - - - - -
Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel - - - - -
Tanning and dressing of leather; dressing and dyeing of fur - - - - -
Manufacture of luggage, handbags and the like, saddlery and harness - - - - -
Manufacture of footwear - - - - -
Sawmilling and planing of wood - - - - -

Table 3.5: Wage Employment in the Public Sector by Industry+, 2016 - 2020 cont'd
ACTIVITY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panels - - - - -
Manufacture of builders' carpentry and joinery - - - - -
Manufacture of wooden containers - - - - -
Manufacture of other products of wood; manufacture of articles of cork, straw
and plaiting materials - - - - -
Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard - - - - -
Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard 48 50 51 52 53
Printing 600 620 627 644 654
Manufacture of refined petroleum products 274 253 240 246 238
Manufacture of basic chemicals 329 351 361 371 381
Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products 201 179 144 148 124

Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and mastics - - - - -
Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations,
perfumes and toilet preparations - - - - -
Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c. - - - - -
Manufacture of man-made fibres -
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 173 195 221 227 250

Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres -
Manufacture of other rubber products - - - - -
Manufacture of plastics products - - - - -
Manufacture of glass and glass products - - - - -
Manufacture of refractory products - - - - -
Manufacture of other porcelain and ceramic products - - - - -
Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster 1,282 1,256 1,243 784 561
Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plaster -
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c. - - - - -
Manufacture of basic iron and steel - - - - -
Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals -
Manufacture of structural metal products - - - - -
Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal -
Manufacture of cutlery, hand tools and general hardware - - - - -
Manufacture of other fabricated metal products n.e.c. - - - - -
Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment - - - - -
Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity
distribution and control apparatus - - - - -
Manufacture of batteries and accumulators -
Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cables -
Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery 44 45 46 47 48
Manufacture of motor vehicles - - - - -
Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles; manufacture of trailers
and semi-trailers -
Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles -
Building of ships and floating structures - - - - -
Manufacture of other transport equipment n.e.c. - - - - -
Manufacture of furniture - - - - -
Other manufacturing n.e.c. - - - - -
Repair of transport equipment, except motor vehicles -
Repair of other equipment -
Installation of industrial machinery and equipment -
Total .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 26,465 26,445 26,588 24,322 23,080

Table 3.5: Wage Employment in the Public Sector by Industry+, 2016 - 2020 cont'd
ACTIVITY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 16,349 17,908 18,015 18,492 17,530
Total .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 16,349 17,908 18,015 18,492 17,530
Water collection, treatment and supply 7,866 9,281 9,374 9,452 9,093
Collection of non-hazardous waste -
Total .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,866 9,281 9,374 9,452 9,093
Construction of buildings - - - - -
Construction of roads and railways -
Construction of utility projects - - - - -
Construction of other civil engineering projects 7,955 8,465 8,558 8,832 9,093
Electrical installation - - - - -
Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation - - - - -
Building completion and finishing - - - - -
Other specialized construction activities - - - - -
Total .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,955 8,465 8,558 8,832 9,093
Sale of motor vehicles - - - - -
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles - - - - -
Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories - - - - -
Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals 965 1,047 1,078 1,054 1,071
Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco - - - - -
Wholesale of textiles, clothing and footwear - - - - -
Wholesale of other household goods - - - - -
Wholesale of other machinery and equipment - - - - -
Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 259 299 335 314 335
Wholesale of construction materials, hardware, plumbing and heating equipment
and supplies - - - - -
Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products n.e.c. - - - - -
Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products n.e.c. - - - - -
Non-specialized wholesale trade 104 104 106 107 109
Retail sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages or tobacco
predominating - - - - -
Retail sale of food in specialized stores - - - - -
Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialized stores - - - - -
Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialized stores - - - - -
Retail sale of clothing, footwear and leather articles in specialized stores - - - - -
Retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetic and toilet articles in
specialized stores - - - - -
Other retail sale of new goods in specialized stores - - - - -
Retail sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages or tobacco
predominating - - - - -
Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets - - - - -
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,328 1,450 1,519 1,475 1,515
Passenger rail transport, interurban - - - - 1,658
Urban and suburban passenger land transport 414 432 438 450 -
Other passenger land transport - - - - -
Freight transport by road - - - - -
Transport via pipeline 1,982 2,014 2,097 1,868 1,784
Service activities incidental to land transportation 76 65 56 57 51
Sea and coastal passenger water transport 162 164 163 167 167
Inland passenger water transport 122 127 130 133 136
Service activities incidental to water transportation 7,050 7,282 7,282 6,790 5,672
Passenger air transport 92 92 94 96 98
Service activities incidental to air transportation 3,064 3,292 3,447 3,389 3,499
Other transportation support activities 647 675 681 699 708
Postal activities 4,386 4,850 5,248 4,912 4,919
Warehousing and storage 29 33 37 38 42
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18,024 19,026 19,673 18,599 18,734

Table 3.5: Wage Employment in the Public Sector by Industry+, 2016 - 2020 cont'd
ACTIVITY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Restaurants and mobile food service activities - - - - -
Short term accommodation activities 1,459 1,552 1,611 1,654 1,716
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,459 1,552 1,611 1,654 1,716
Other telecommunications activities 226 234 239 245 245
Data processing, hosting and related activities - - - - -
Publishing 376 368 362 372 372
Motion picture, video and television programme production
activities 1,263 1,304 1,322 1,331 1,331
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,865 1,906 1,923 1,948 1,948
Monetary intermediation 4,554 4,123 4,321 4,297 4,525
Other credit granting 3,057 3,267 3,617 3,713 3,975
Trusts, funds and similar financial entities 1,686 1,669 1,696 1,729 1,731
Activities of holding companies - - - - -
Insurance 2,023 2,195 2,307 2,295 2,385
Other activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding - - - - -
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,320 11,254 11,941 12,034 12,616


Legal activities 1,243 1,361 1,436 1,522 1,614
Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy 2,298 2,397 2,428 2,451 2,481
Architectural and engineering activities and related technical
consultancy 1,830 1,928 1,959 1,975 2,002
Veterinary activities 402 415 420 424 429
Advertising - - - - -
Management consultancy activities 116 121 123 124 126
Photographic activities - - - - -
Photographic activities - - - - -
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,889 6,222 6,366 6,496 6,652
General public administration activities 72,132 90,306 92,110 94,952 96,814
Public order and safety activities 143,244 169,601 169,988 174,094 177,092
Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education,
cultural services and other social services, excluding social 32,245 34,187 34,411 35,571 36,168
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 247,621 294,094 296,509 304,617 310,074
Higher education 17,983 19,608 19,736 19,658 18,866
Educational support activities 331,430 329,992 335,175 349,490 363,065
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 349,413 349,600 354,911 369,148 381,931
Medical and dental practice activities 30,100 36,919 37,073 39,754 42,392
Other social work activities without accommodation 3,819 3,669 3,662 3,599 3,525
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 33,919 40,588 40,735 43,353 45,917
Museums activities and operation of historical sites and buildings 2,390 2,310 2,043 2,245 2,425
Other amusement and recreation activities n.e.c. - - - - -
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,390 2,310 2,043 2,245 2,425
Grand Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 774,730 833,082 842,755 865,210 884,647
* Provisional

Table 3.6: Earnings by Sector, 2016 - 2020
KSh Million
Sector 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Minority shareholding by Public sector .. 77,805.0 86,347.8 95,647.3 105,821.8 98,858.9
Local Public ... .... ...... ...... 122,938.1 136,436.4 151,130.3 167,206.9 156,205.0
Local Private .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 409,217.6 454,148.6 503,059.6 556,572.7 519,951.3
Foreign Public ................. . . 102,142.2 113,357.1 125,565.5 138,922.6 129,781.7
Foreign Private .. ................. 151,302.5 167,915.1 185,999.3 205,785.0 192,244.7
Co-operatives ..................... 56,433.4 62,629.6 69,374.7 76,754.5 71,704.2
Other . ......................... 263,528.0 292,462.7 323,960.4 358,421.7 334,838.3
Total .............. 1,183,366.8 1,313,297.3 1,454,737.0 1,609,485.1 1,503,584.1
National Government ...................... 95,402.6 107,989.0 121,088.3 143,290.7 152,461.6
Teachers Service Commission .................................
173,721.1 180,901.3 202,176.4 229,191.2 241,142.1
Parastatal Bodies1................... 84,350.7 91,521.0 93,830.4 92,878.5 92,451.2
Majority Control by the Public Sector .. .. ... 53,648.3 60,322.4 60,951.4 60,333.0 60,055.4
County Government .................. 96,378.3 114,299.4 126,282.9 143,859.0 147,935.6
Total ............. 503,501.1 555,033.2 604,329.3 669,552.3 694,045.9
Total ............. 1,686,867.9 1,868,330.5 2,059,066.3 2,279,037.4 2,197,630.0
* Provisional.
Refers to Government wholly-owned corporations.
Refers to institutions where the Government has over 50 per cent shareholding but does not fully own them.

Table 3.7: Earnings by Industry, 2016 - 2020
KSh Million
ACTIVITY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Agriculture and Forestry
Growing of beverage crops (Coffee) 14,273.1 14,881.3 15,966.6 17,029.6 15,134.7
Growing of beverage crops (Tea) 20,190.2 20,837.1 22,240.5 23,522.9 22,758.3
Growing of sugar cane 10,859.4 11,285.8 11,821.5 12,418.1 12,692.7
Growing of fibre crops (Sisal) 3,283.0 3,377.5 3,586.3 3,720.9 3,650.6
Mixed farming 8,743.2 9,217.7 10,038.5 11,287.8 10,677.4
Raising of cattle and buffaloes (Ranches) 6,181.7 6,618.0 7,228.3 7,994.8 7,999.1
Support activities for crop production 20,583.3 24,686.9 29,887.6 36,730.8 36,368.5
Support activities for animal production 5,161.3 5,327.9 5,623.7 5,932.8 6,203.6
Post-harvest crop activities 3,544.8 3,872.8 4,287.9 4,749.4 4,784.6
Hunting, trapping and related service activities 2,158.8 2,191.7 2,310.3 2,584.3 2,792.5
Silviculture and other forestry activities 2,832.3 2,958.8 3,063.6 3,176.6 3,341.3
Logging 322.9 336.2 330.7 343.3 315.3
Marine fishing (Ocean and coastal fishing) 73.8 77.9 83.0 90.9 97.5
Freshwater fishing (Inland water fishing) 74.3 79.3 85.8 93.0 101.2
Total .. ... .. .. 98,282.1 105,748.9 116,554.3 129,675.2 126,917.3
Mining and Quarrying
Mining of other non-ferrous metal ores 869.6 996.7 996.7 1,295.3 1,251.4
Quarrying of stone, sand and clay 1,827.4 2,065.7 2,065.7 2,730.7 2,935.1
Mining of chemical and fertilizer minerals 2,889.9 3,222.2 3,222.2 4,189.7 3,551.1
Other mining and quarrying n.e.c. 1,201.0 1,289.7 1,828.0 1,627.6 1,439.4
Support activities for other mining and quarrying 55.3 60.2 60.2 76.4 68.6
Total .. ... .. .. 6,843.2 7,634.5 8,172.8 9,919.7 9,245.6
Processing and preserving of meat 1,208.8 1,282.5 1,388.5 1,470.1 1,491.6
Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs 278.8 301.3 336.1 377.7 351.9
Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables 8,425.4 9,456.7 10,530.0 12,095.0 11,230.4
Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats 3,330.3 3,681.9 4,028.5 4,450.2 4,899.7
Manufacture of dairy products 4,151.7 4,365.0 4,775.4 5,091.0 5,893.5
Manufacture of grain mill products 1,408.3 1,475.8 1,539.4 1,691.0 1,693.1
Manufacture of bakery products 6,895.2 7,810.6 8,778.9 9,902.1 8,434.2
Manufacture of sugar 12,745.5 12,284.3 12,261.1 12,048.3 11,178.1
Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery 2,887.2 3,876.9 4,906.4 7,056.8 6,465.5
Processing of coffee - - - - -
Processing of Tea - - - - -
Manufacture of other food products n.e.c. 14,099.2 15,515.8 17,008.1 18,038.6 18,512.3
Manufacture of prepared animal feeds 1,371.3 1,543.0 1,734.1 1,996.7 2,035.3
Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits 1,179.2 1,224.5 1,436.4 1,697.0 1,636.9
Manufacture of malt liquors and malt 5,053.0 5,349.3 5,666.7 5,930.2 5,674.9
Manufacture of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and other bottled waters
5,808.8 6,418.0 6,990.6 8,150.7 7,462.5
Manufacture of tobacco products 1,333.9 1,412.3 1,491.2 1,580.3 1,683.4
Preparation and spinning of textile fibres 1,538.3 1,743.0 1,950.3 2,202.2 1,723.1
Weaving of textiles 660.3 748.2 837.3 945.4 722.7
Finishing of textiles 364.4 412.9 462.0 521.6 398.6
Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics 467.7 523.8 581.0 651.6 659.5
Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparel 7,811.8 9,648.7 11,643.6 14,132.2 12,306.2
Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and netting 738.1 824.3 911.8 1,014.1 924.5
Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c. 42.4 48.8 55.5 63.6 62.5
Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel 6,359.2 7,218.7 8,062.4 9,302.5 8,555.6
Tanning and dressing of leather; dressing and dyeing of fur 244.3 254.8 266.6 281.2 186.0
Manufacture of luggage, handbags and the like, saddlery and harness 105.1 113.0 120.5 129.6 124.4
Manufacture of footwear 1,341.7 1,448.3 1,550.5 1,675.3 1,625.7
Sawmilling and planing of wood 475.2 513.6 554.8 602.8 649.2

Table 3.7: Earnings by Industry, 2016 - 2020 cont'd
KSh Million
ACTIVITY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panels 2,289.1 2,473.4 2,671.4 2,902.8 2,874.8
Manufacture of builders' carpentry and joinery 290.0 313.5 338.7 368.0 364.5
Manufacture of wooden containers 103.3 116.3 129.4 143.5 156.1
Manufacture of other products of wood; manufacture of articles of cork, straw
and plaiting materials 19.9 20.6 21.0 22.2 19.0
Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard 2,990.0 3,411.2 3,856.1 4,372.2 4,062.5
Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard 2,435.8 2,738.1 3,041.9 3,411.6 2,846.7
Printing 3,545.1 3,865.9 4,166.7 4,574.1 4,010.3
Manufacture of refined petroleum products 637.9 595.4 585.5 666.4 689.9
Manufacture of basic chemicals 777.9 831.2 882.7 972.8 1,079.0
Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products 1,162.0 1,151.3 1,150.9 1,220.5 1,088.0

Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and mastics 809.4 887.8 996.5 1,129.4 1,193.9
Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations,
perfumes and toilet preparations 1,986.0 2,078.8 2,174.5 2,301.1 2,218.0
Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c. 56.8 58.4 59.6 61.8 66.1
Manufacture of man-made fibres 457.8 470.0 480.0 498.0 499.1
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 1,731.0 1,894.6 2,060.9 2,256.6 2,311.9

Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres 188.0 206.3 224.3 245.2 232.8
Manufacture of other rubber products 92.8 106.6 116.0 126.1 127.0
Manufacture of plastics products 4,171.0 4,404.8 4,630.7 5,166.0 5,169.8
Manufacture of glass and glass products 1,054.7 1,148.3 1,243.1 1,353.0 1,370.5
Manufacture of refractory products 518.5 570.7 623.2 686.7 657.0
Manufacture of other porcelain and ceramic products 267.6 305.9 342.6 385.3 376.3
Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster 5,416.0 6,037.5 6,760.8 7,304.3 7,576.4
Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plaster 2,078.6 2,378.3 2,690.7 2,913.1 2,781.6
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c. 374.4 437.8 504.5 584.3 572.8
Manufacture of basic iron and steel 3,001.1 3,255.1 3,546.4 3,871.1 3,818.9
Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals 133.8 144.9 157.9 172.5 163.8
Manufacture of structural metal products 1,690.6 1,901.4 2,120.3 2,374.3 2,393.7
Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal 439.2 494.3 551.5 617.8 534.0
Manufacture of cutlery, hand tools and general hardware 129.8 144.5 158.3 175.4 185.5
Manufacture of other fabricated metal products n.e.c. 3,363.2 3,693.6 4,063.2 4,564.7 4,039.9
Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment 94.1 106.0 118.3 132.2 133.2
Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity
distribution and control apparatus 132.0 147.0 162.4 180.8 180.9
Manufacture of batteries and accumulators 444.3 495.4 548.1 611.0 580.0
Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cables 842.5 939.3 1,039.3 1,158.3 1,098.9
Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery 548.9 604.3 665.5 747.1 754.8
Manufacture of motor vehicles 594.1 637.5 679.0 729.4 720.0
Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles; manufacture of trailers
and semi-trailers 1,923.7 2,064.4 2,199.1 2,361.2 2,087.7
Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles 590.7 633.8 675.1 724.6 780.7
Building of ships and floating structures 125.4 139.9 152.8 168.5 173.0
Manufacture of other transport equipment n.e.c. 889.7 938.8 990.0 1,056.7 1,184.4
Manufacture of furniture 5,383.7 5,997.0 6,610.3 7,342.3 6,262.3
Other manufacturing n.e.c. 2,350.9 2,610.2 2,889.8 3,208.9 2,952.2
Repair of transport equipment, except motor vehicles 681.4 756.8 837.8 930.2 846.3
Repair of other equipment 549.7 610.4 676.1 751.1 839.3
Installation of industrial machinery and equipment 106.7 118.5 131.0 145.0 162.5
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 147,794.2 162,431.8 178,591.6 198,785.9 188,817.3

Table 3.7: Earnings by Industry, 2016 - 2020 cont'd
KSh Million
ACTIVITY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 28,549.3 31,838.0 33,250.9 37,075.4 36,957.5
Total .. ... ... 28,549.3 31,838.0 33,250.9 37,075.4 36,957.5
Water collection, treatment and supply 5,378.9 6,054.7 6,280.1 6,715.7 6,631.6
Collection of non-hazardous waste 674.0 864.3 994.2 1,114.5 1,042.1
Total .. ... ... 6,052.9 6,919.0 7,274.3 7,830.2 7,673.7
Construction of buildings 54,495.0 60,211.3 68,386.6 78,695.1 87,032.6
Construction of roads and railways 38,765.7 39,937.9 41,793.1 41,910.2 42,078.1
Construction of utility projects 3,645.2 3,857.4 4,115.5 4,442.1 4,761.1
Construction of other civil engineering projects 20,133.6 21,146.9 21,935.4 22,677.2 23,139.0
Electrical installation 4,430.3 4,652.0 4,816.1 5,377.9 5,129.9
Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation 1,817.2 2,039.2 2,331.3 2,481.2 2,236.5
Building completion and finishing 1,146.3 1,193.9 1,282.4 1,390.9 1,430.8
Other specialized construction activities 2,196.0 2,256.0 2,503.6 2,877.8 3,132.7
Total .. ... ... 126,629.3 135,294.6 147,164.0 159,852.4 168,940.7
Sale of motor vehicles 3,983.10 4,374.0 4,808.5 5,280.1 4,916.9
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles 12,586.00 14,270.6 16,041.7 17,542.4 16,969.4
Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories 4,435.80 4,802.3 5,219.0 5,660.0 5,471.3
Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals 12,421.10 13,567.8 14,704.0 15,876.1 15,404.3
Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco 4,669.70 5,195.1 5,779.4 6,419.6 5,343.3
Wholesale of textiles, clothing and footwear 340.30 363.6 382.9 405.3 369.8
Wholesale of other household goods 1,379.10 1,543.0 1,718.3 1,913.8 1,738.3
Wholesale of other machinery and equipment 2,279.30 2,543.7 2,764.5 3,058.5 2,879.8
Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 6,924.90 7,196.9 7,487.8 7,874.4 7,103.1
Wholesale of construction materials, hardware, plumbing and heating
equipment and supplies 2,857.00 3,285.5 3,747.1 4,281.3 4,402.3
Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products n.e.c. 10,724.10 12,477.5 14,294.4 16,513.0 17,401.2
Non-specialized wholesale trade 5,888.80 6,337.4 6,759.9 7,065.7 6,031.1
Retail sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages or tobacco
predominating 35,357.00 41,787.6 48,901.5 59,782.5 62,628.3
Retail sale of food in specialized stores 1,898.50 2,417.0 3,002.5 3,696.7 3,277.3
Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialized stores 8,912.00 10,804.8 12,858.6 14,927.7 14,171.8
Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialized stores 7,848.60 9,146.1 10,511.6 12,162.1 13,087.2
Retail sale of clothing, footwear and leather articles in specialized
stores 1,540.80 1,668.0 1,809.0 1,959.8 1,789.2
Retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetic and toilet
articles in specialized stores 5,742.10 6,617.2 7,308.6 8,321.9 8,319.3
Other retail sale of new goods in specialized stores 2,670.50 2,938.8 3,246.0 3,576.0 3,605.3
Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets 16,487.30 19,588.8 22,970.1 25,839.6 26,113.0
Total .. .... .. .... 148,946.0 170,925.7 194,315.4 222,156.5 221,022.2
Passenger rail transport, interurban 409.9 2,880.2 3,626.7 3,696.7 3,646.6
Urban and suburban passenger land transport 7,062.1 6,383.7 6,651.1 7,333.1 3,843.7
Other passenger land transport 11,903.2 11,172.2 11,900.6 12,748.7 7,009.4
Freight transport by road 19,816.6 22,545.7 25,318.5 28,758.2 27,949.1
Transport via pipeline 5,263.0 5,289.8 5,643.3 5,481.6 5,414.2
Service activities incidental to land transportation 749.7 843.2 952.2 1,104.3 1,157.2
Sea and coastal passenger water transport 1,084.4 1,041.1 1,056.0 1,090.3 1,080.0
Inland passenger water transport 110.1 119.9 132.2 155.5 173.7
Service activities incidental to water transportation 16,740.2 17,785.5 16,687.0 17,469.6 18,342.1
Passenger air transport 12,238.4 12,735.7 13,164.0 13,862.1 9,283.9
Service activities incidental to air transportation 8,445.3 9,137.3 10,098.1 11,201.4 11,816.0
Other transportation support activities 6,043.5 6,470.3 6,906.4 7,497.6 6,193.6
Postal activities 2,543.2 2,834.8 2,980.5 3,124.3 3,445.9
Warehousing and storage 17,985.4 21,665.6 25,931.2 31,267.6 23,637.4
Total .. .. ... ... . 110,395.0 120,905.0 131,047.8 144,791.0 122,992.8

Table 3.7: Earnings by Industry, 2016 - 2020 cont'd
KSh Million
ACTIVITY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Restaurants and mobile food service activities 8,993.3 9,966.2 10,903.7 11,786.7 5,724.1
Short term accommodation activities 23,240.6 25,036.3 26,645.5 28,583.5 19,613.6
Total .. .. ... ... . 32,233.9 35,002.5 37,549.2 40,370.2 25,337.7
Other telecommunications activities 93,496.3 105,930.2 120,115.9 130,050.7 125,670.7
Data processing, hosting and related activities 3,212.2 3,747.0 4,323.6 4,419.0 4,196.1
Publishing 1,729.6 1,928.3 2,194.0 2,807.9 2,996.5

Motion picture, video and television programme production activities 1,247.4 1,305.2 1,383.4 1,530.3 1,482.7
Total .. .. ... ... . 99,685.5 112,910.7 128,016.9 138,807.9 134,346.0
Monetary intermediation 88,002.6 86,045.3 88,204.6 93,970.1 96,781.9
Other credit granting 15,314.1 15,983.6 17,924.2 19,822.9 22,061.9
Trusts, funds and similar financial entities 4,319.6 4,500.1 5,006.0 5,711.9 5,947.0
Activities of holding companies 573.9 668.8 787.6 919.0 1,077.2
Insurance 17,114.8 19,799.7 23,099.2 26,799.9 28,531.1
Other activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding 2,590.9 3,000.3 3,499.8 4,049.6 4,237.4
Total ... ... .......... 127,915.9 129,997.8 138,521.4 151,273.4 158,636.5
Real estate activities with own or leased property 834.2 917.0 992.6 1,064.6 925.4
Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 253.9 270.6 284.5 294.6 274.5
Total ... ... .......... 1,088.1 1,187.6 1,277.1 1,359.2 1,199.9


Legal activities 3,255.8 4,698.1 5,231.0 5,928.0 6,909.6
Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy 4,562.9 4,760.2 4,908.5 5,198.8 5,121.7
Architectural and engineering activities and related technical
consultancy 18,691.4 20,861.2 23,107.8 25,693.5 23,947.9
Veterinary activities 783.8 841.9 891.7 956.5 976.2
Advertising 603.6 644.6 683.7 726.3 653.8
Management consultancy activities 36,615.8 41,948.2 47,438.1 53,643.1 51,481.0
Photographic activities 707.8 777.4 863.6 953.6 918.1
Total ... ... .......... 65,221.1 74,531.6 83,124.4 93,099.8 90,008.2
Travel agency activities 6,373.4 7,235.3 8,060.8 9,039.7 6,692.2
Renting and leasing of recreational and sports goods 473.9 531.6 587.8 653.4 585.8
Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible
738.2 773.4 847.2 926.9 807.2
Total ... ... .......... 7,585.5 8,540.3 9,495.8 10,620.0 8,085.2
General public administration activities 35,586.4 45,751.1 50,353.8 54,554.6 51,880.1
Public order and safety activities 73,138.0 89,338.5 97,271.3 105,268.6 100,107.8

Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education, 19,548.7 21,263.7 23,005.9 24,871.6 23,652.3
cultural services and other social services, excluding social security
Total ... ... .......... 128,273.1 156,353.3 170,631.0 184,694.8 175,640.2
Higher education 14,545.5 16,261.0 17,775.6 18,801.9 18,610.4
Educational support activities 366,068.8 392,512.3 432,993.8 471,883.0 423,485.3
Total ... ... .......... 380,614.3 408,773.3 450,769.4 490,684.9 442,095.7
Medical and dental practice activities 101,402.1 120,934.8 135,813.3 159,639.2 166,210.2
Other social work activities without accommodation 10,407.6 12,203.0 13,831.4 16,106.9 18,570.9
Total ... ... .......... 111,809.7 133,137.8 149,644.7 175,746.1 184,781.1

Table 3.7: Earnings by Industry, 2016 - 2020 cont'd
KSh Million
ACTIVITY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Museums activities and operation of historical sites and
buildings 2,365.9 2,375.8 2,454.9 2,804.8 2,993.6
Other amusement and recreation activities n.e.c. 2,270.5 2,500.6 2,738.4 2,968.1 2,658.7
Total ... ... .......... 4,636.4 4,876.4 5,193.3 5,772.9 5,652.3
Activities of business and employers membership
organizations 6,291.3 7,647.9 9,149.5 10,931.6 10,077.2
Activities of religious organizations 8,785.1 10,035.1 11,237.6 12,619.9 11,474.4
Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c. 2,960.9 3,351.3 3,721.2 4,145.1 4,731.2
Repair of consumer electronics 4,374.7 5,222.0 6,130.1 7,214.6 6,555.0
Repair of footwear and leather goods 35.5 41.0 46.5 52.7 40.6
Repair of furniture and home furnishings 201.1 225.0 248.0 274.2 280.7
Repair of other personal and household goods 308.1 351.6 387.3 432.8 384.6
Washing and (dry-) cleaning of textile and fur products 1,105.5 1,252.6 1,396.8 1,567.4 1,279.4
Hairdressing and other beauty treatment 1,920.0 2,206.2 2,485.1 2,807.0 2,409.1
Other personal service activities n.e.c. - - - - -
Total ... ... .......... 25,982.2 30,332.7 34,802.1 40,045.3 37,232.2
Activities of households as employers of domestic
personnel 24,687.6 26,952.8 29,185.5 31,637.8 34,173.3
Total ... ... .......... 24,687.6 26,952.8 29,185.5 31,637.8 34,173.3
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies 3,642.2 4,036.4 4,484.4 4,838.7 5,113.3
Total ... ... .......... 3,642.2 4,036.4 4,484.4 4,838.7 5,113.3
Grand Total ... ... .......... 1,686,867.9 1,868,330.5 2,059,066.3 2,279,037.4 2,197,630.0
* Provisional

Table 3.8: Earnings in the Public Sector by Industry, 2016 - 2020
KSh Million
ACTIVITY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Agriculture and Forestry
Growing of beverage crops (Coffee) - - - - -
Growing of beverage crops (Tea) 1,848.6 1,958.7 1,985.1 2,271.6 2,456.5
Growing of sugar cane 4,338.7 4,390.1 4,426.8 4,478.6 4,641.1
Growing of fibre crops (Sisal) - - - - -
Mixed farming 1,332.6 1,353.2 1,456.4 1,701.2 1,867.2
Raising of cattle and buffaloes (Ranches) 799.8 779.5 816.2 946.2 1,021.4
Support activities for crop production 3,955.4 3,906.0 3,986.7 4,576.6 4,850.0
Support activities for animal production 607.3 629.2 659.6 729.2 778.8
Post-harvest crop activities - - - - -
Hunting, trapping and related service activities 1,979.0 1,988.7 2,079.0 2,330.9 2,504.7
Silviculture and other forestry activities 2,698.7 2,814.9 2,909.5 3,011.4 3,164.9
Logging (Charcoal burning) - - - - -
Logging - - - - -
Marine fishing (Ocean and coastal fishing) 12.3 13.4 14.4 16.3 18.1
Freshwater fishing (Inland water fishing) - - - - -
Total .. ... .. .. 17,572.4 17,833.7 18,333.7 20,062.0 21,302.7
Mining and Quarrying
Mining of other non-ferrous metal ores - - - - -
Quarrying of stone, sand and clay - - - - -
Mining of chemical and fertilizer minerals - - - - -
Other mining and quarrying n.e.c. 250.0 261.4 276.8 319.0 349.5
Support activities for other mining and quarrying - - - - -
Total .. ... .. .. 250.0 261.4 276.8 319.0 349.5
Processing and preserving of meat 242.8 208.9 211.7 209.4 209.8
Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs - - - - -
Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables - - - - -
Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats - - - - -
Manufacture of dairy products 2,218.9 2,253.7 2,500.4 2,632.6 3,226.3
Manufacture of grain mill products - - - - -
Manufacture of bakery products - - - - -
Manufacture of sugar 12,445.8 11,975.7 11,946.1 11,706.1 10,896.8
Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery - - - - -
Processing of coffee - - - - -
Processing of Tea - - - - -
Manufacture of other food products n.e.c. 4,162.1 4,557.6 5,038.2 5,348.3 5,928.1
Manufacture of prepared animal feeds - - - - -
Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits 294.0 275.7 394.1 429.2 487.1
Manufacture of malt liquors and malt - - - - -
Manufacture of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and other
bottled waters - - - - -
Manufacture of tobacco products - - - - -
Preparation and spinning of textile fibres - - - - -
Weaving of textiles - - - - -
Finishing of textiles - - - - -
Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics - - - - -
Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparel 139.7 133.8 135.2 159.3 168.4
Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and netting - - - - -
Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c. - - - - -
Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel - - - - -
Tanning and dressing of leather; dressing and dyeing of fur - - - - -
Manufacture of luggage, handbags and the like, saddlery and
harness - - - - -
Manufacture of footwear - - - - -
Sawmilling and planing of wood - - - - -

Table 3.8: Earnings in The Public Sector by Industry, 2016 - 2020 cont'd
KSh Million
ACTIVITY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panels - - - - -
Manufacture of builders' carpentry and joinery - - - - -
Manufacture of wooden containers - - - - -
Manufacture of other products of wood; manufacture of articles of cork,
straw and plaiting materials - - - - -
Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard - - - - -
Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard 44.0 49.1 55.5 66.7 77.4
Printing 626.3 668.2 718.1 837.1 930.4
Manufacture of refined petroleum products 637.9 595.4 585.5 666.4 689.9
Manufacture of basic chemicals 360.6 390.7 419.0 480.6 530.7
Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products 228.6 208.3 176.2 203.6 184.9
Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and
mastics - - - - -
Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations,
perfumes and toilet preparations - - - - -
Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c. - - - - -
Manufacture of man-made fibres - - - - -
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical
products 88.4 99.1 115.7 130.4 151.7
Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of
rubber tyres - - - - -
Manufacture of other rubber products - - - - -
Manufacture of plastics products - - - - -
Manufacture of glass and glass products - - - - -
Manufacture of refractory products - - - - -
Manufacture of other porcelain and ceramic products - - - - -
Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster 1,749.3 1,795.6 1,918.7 1,393.8 1,108.7
Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plaster - - - - -
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c. - - - - -
Manufacture of basic iron and steel - - - - -
Manufacture of basic precious and other non-ferrous metals - - - - -
Manufacture of structural metal products - - - - -
Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal - - - - -
Manufacture of cutlery, hand tools and general hardware - - - - -
Manufacture of other fabricated metal products n.e.c. - - - - -
Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment - - - - -
Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and electricity
distribution and control apparatus - - - - -
Manufacture of batteries and accumulators - - - - -
Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cables - - - - -
Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery 101.2 113.0 130.2 159.6 189.1
Manufacture of motor vehicles - - - - -
Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles; manufacture of
trailers and semi-trailers - - - - -
Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles - - - - -
Building of ships and floating structures - - - - -
Manufacture of other transport equipment n.e.c. - - - - -
Manufacture of furniture - - - - -
Other manufacturing n.e.c. - - - - -
Repair of transport equipment, except motor vehicles - - - - -
Repair of other equipment - - - - -
Installation of industrial machinery and equipment - - - - -
Total .. .. .. 23,339.6 23,324.8 24,344.6 24,423.1 24,779.3

Table 3.8: Earnings in the Public Sector by Industry, 2016 - 2020 cont'd
KSh Million
ACTIVITY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 22,019.9 23,674.7 24,235.3 26,945.6 26,627.3
Total .. ... ... 22,019.9 23,674.7 24,235.3 26,945.6 26,627.3
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and
remediation activities
Water collection, treatment and supply 5,091.6 5,839.8 5,824.9 6,171.8 6,084.5
Collection of non-hazardous waste - - - - -
Total .. ... ... 5,091.6 5,839.8 5,824.9 6,171.8 6,084.5
Construction of buildings - - - - -
Construction of roads and railways - - - - -
Construction of utility projects - - - - -
Construction of other civil engineering projects 5,669.8 6,173.1 6,250.7 7,161.6 7,861.9
Electrical installation - - - - -
Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation - - - - -
Building completion and finishing - - - - -
Other specialized construction activities - - - - -
Total .. ... ... 5,669.8 6,173.1 6,250.7 7,161.6 7,861.9

Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles

Sale of motor vehicles - - - - -
Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles - - - - -
Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories - - - - -
Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals - - - - -
Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco 904.0 1,028.50 1,144.5 1,290.3 1,460.2
Wholesale of textiles, clothing and footwear - - - - -
Wholesale of other household goods - - - - -
Wholesale of other machinery and equipment - - - - -
Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products - - - - -
Wholesale of construction materials, hardware, plumbing and heating
equipment and supplies 615.5 730.4 865.6 916.2 1,064.9
Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products n.e.c. - - - - -
Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products n.e.c. - - - - -
Non-specialized wholesale trade - - - - -
Retail sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages or tobacco
predominating 70.1 68.7 70.7 76.5 80.9
Retail sale of food in specialized stores - - - - -
Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialized stores - - - - -
Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialized stores - - - - -
Retail sale of clothing, footwear and leather articles in specialized stores - - - - -
Retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetic and toilet articles
in specialized stores - - - -
Other retail sale of new goods in specialized stores - - - - -
Retail sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages or tobacco
predominating - - - -
Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets - - - - -
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,589.6 1,827.6 2,080.8 2,283.0 2,605.9
Passenger rail transport, interurban - - 712.0 752.4 739.6
Urban and suburban passenger land transport 164.9 - - - -
Other passenger land transport - - - - -
Freight transport by road - - - - -
Transport via pipeline 5,263.0 5,289.8 5,643.3 5,481.6 5,185.2
Service activities incidental to land transportation 87.9 79.7 75.0 89.0 84.4
Sea and coastal passenger water transport 131.8 128.6 127.9 139.6 135.0
Inland passenger water transport 110.1 119.9 132.2 155.5 166.4
Service activities incidental to water transportation 13,975.6 14,947.2 13,754.4 14,435.8 14,645.0
Passenger air transport 91.8 89.9 93.3 103.0 103.2
Service activities incidental to air transportation 5,899.8 6,683.4 7,604.9 8,663.2 9,434.3
Other transportation support activities 533.0 562.1 587.9 670.2 684.9
Postal activities 2,543.2 2,834.8 2,980.5 3,124.3 3,480.4
Warehousing and storage 53.1 63.7 77.6 92.2 113.3
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28,854.2 30,799.1 31,789.0 33,706.8 34,771.6

Table 3.8: Earnings in The Public Sector by Industry, 2016 - 2020 cont'd
KSh Million
ACTIVITY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Accommodation and food service activities
Restaurants and mobile food service activities - - - - -
Short term accommodation activities 2,133.8 2,464.0 2,864.0 3,507.8 3,964.4
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,133.8 2,464.0 2,864.0 3,507.8 3,964.4
Information and communication
Other telecommunications activities 245.4 257.3 272.2 309.2 330.8
Data processing, hosting and related activities - - - - -
Publishing 392.5 396.6 414.6 483.6 529.2

Motion picture, video and television programme production activities 786.1 803.6 831.4 909.1 952.8
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,424.0 1,457.5 1,518.2 1,701.9 1,812.8


Monetary intermediation 10,036.1 9,018.4 9,953.5 10,815.9 11,369.9
Other credit granting 3,857.9 4,288.6 5,202.2 6,100.0 6,823.2
Trusts, funds and similar financial entities 3,099.4 3,045.6 3,256.0 3,624.7 3,622.0
Activities of holding companies - - - - -
Insurance 1,828.6 1,986.8 2,120.8 2,316.0 2,401.5
Other activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding - - - - -
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18,822.0 18,339.4 20,532.5 22,856.6 24,216.6


Legal activities - 1,042.1 1,159.2 1,402.2 2,270.7
Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy 1,708.8 1,823.7 1,942.7 2,205.0 2,293.7
Architectural and engineering activities and related technical
consultancy 1,840.3 1,970.9 2,090.0 2,354.0 2,435.2
Veterinary activities 199.6 204.6 213.2 235.8 238.6
Advertising - - - - -
Management consultancy activities 137.3 149.4 163.2 188.6 200.9
Photographic activities - - - - -
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,886.0 5,190.7 5,568.3 6,385.6 7,439.1
General public administration activities 35,586.4 45,751.1 50,353.8 54,554.6 51,880.1
Public order and safety activities 73,138.0 89,338.5 97,271.3 105,268.6 100,107.8

Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education,

cultural services and other social services, excluding social security 19,548.7 21,263.7 23,005.9 24,871.6 23,652.3
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 128,273.1 156,353.3 170,631.0 184,694.8 175,640.2
Higher education 13,313.7 14,920.6 16,343.2 17,272.0 18,312.9
Educational support activities 190,772.5 196,336.2 219,202.5 245,516.1 260,311.2
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 204,086.2 211,256.8 235,545.7 262,788.1 278,624.1
Medical and dental practice activities 35,228.1 44,436.4 48,402.8 59,376.6 69,866.6
Other social work activities without accommodation 3,410.9 4,016.9 4,351.3 5,132.6 5,877.4
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38,639.0 48,453.3 52,754.1 64,509.2 75,744.0
Museums activities and operation of historical sites and buildings 1,850.0 1,783.8 1,779.9 2,035.2 2,222.1
Other amusement and recreation activities n.e.c. - - - - -
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,850.0 1,783.8 1,779.9 2,035.2 2,222.1
Grand Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 503,501.1 555,033.2 604,329.3 669,552.3 694,045.9
* Provisional

Table 3.9: Distribution of Wage Employment 1 by Sector and Monthly Income (KSh) Groups, 2016 - 2020

0 - 9,999 10,000 - 14,999 15,000 - 19,999 20,000 - 24,999 25,000 - 29,999 30,000 - 49,999 50,000 - 99,999 100,000 + TOTAL
National Goverment.. .. .. 1,094 2,285 27,958 41,614 27,105 56,277 19,432 3,935 179,700
Other public sector.. 1,660 3,468 42,415 101,220 120,574 188,084 130,917 6,693 595,030
Private sector .. ... 21,288 41,108 124,818 296,941 386,734 511,386 458,799 67,413 1,908,487
Total .. .. ... 24,042 46,861 195,190 439,774 534,412 755,748 609,148 78,042 2,683,217
National Goverment.. .. .. 1,203 2,512 30,743 45,759 29,805 61,883 21,368 4,327 197,600
Other public sector.. 1,773 3,704 45,298 108,101 128,771 200,871 139,817 7,148 635,482
Private sector .. ... 21,479 41,466 132,636 310,822 390,101 520,916 474,066 67,977 1,959,463
Total .. .. ... 24,454 47,682 208,677 464,682 548,676 783,670 635,251 79,453 2,792,545
National Goverment.. .. .. 1,248 2,595 32,054 47,663 31,616 64,577 22,139 4,506 206,400

Other public sector.. 1,714 3,569 44,041 104,994 125,126 205,459 144,682 6,950 636,535
Private sector .. ... 21,476 42,704 129,774 319,050 407,319 541,289 484,180 71,116 2,016,909
Total .. .. ... 24,438 48,868 205,869 471,707 564,062 811,325 651,002 82,573 2,859,844
National Goverment.. .. .. 1,252 2,604 32,163 47,824 31,724 64,796 22,215 4,522 207,100
Other public sector.. 1,773 3,690 45,535 108,557 129,371 212,430 149,591 7,186 658,133
Private sector .. ... 21,821 43,501 132,301 326,213 418,152 553,463 494,627 73,162 2,063,239
Total .. .. ... 24,846 49,795 209,999 482,594 579,247 830,689 666,433 84,870 2,928,472
National Goverment.. .. .. 1,246 2,592 32,008 47,593 31,571 64,483 22,107 4,500 206,100
Other public sector.. 1,828 3,804 46,947 111,924 133,384 219,019 154,231 7,409 678,547
Private sector .. ... 20,221 40,756 121,641 296,322 373,928 490,965 444,650 68,000 1,856,483
Total .. .. ... 23,295 47,152 200,597 455,839 538,882 774,468 620,989 79,909 2,741,130
Excluding unpaid family workers and unpaid directors.
Table 3.10(b): Distribution of Wage Employment by Sector and Monthly Income (KSh) Groups, 2019
10,000 - 15,000 - 20,000 - 25,000 - 30,000 - 50,000 -
INDUSTRY 0 - 9,999 14,999 19,999 24,999 29,999 49,999 99,999 100,000 + TOTAL
Agriculture, Forestry And Fishing 11,239 17,930 88,226 86,099 45,483 53,378 33,273 2,948 338,576
Mining And Quarrying 272 261 4,719 1,864 2,932 3,331 2,496 - 15,875
Manufacturing 1,264 1,523 16,315 58,310 73,713 100,084 95,107 7,027 353,343
Electricity, Gas, Steam And Air Conditioning Supply - 113 213 5,292 1,410 2,987 12,161 1,648 23,824
Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management And Remediation Activities - - - 4,593 3,748 4,527 1,552 933 15,353
Construction - 7,036 5,752 43,914 23,612 71,247 63,598 6,387 221,546
Wholesale And Retail Trade; Repair Of Motor Vehicles And Motorcycles 565 2,502 5,270 31,493 44,431 92,083 81,513 11,274 269,131
Transportation And Storage 1,084 617 1,003 11,296 21,255 32,422 23,247 1,611 92,536
Accommodation And Food Service Activities 247 163 634 10,044 16,802 30,482 22,100 2,384 82,856
Information And Communication 1,071 1,097 1,685 8,003 15,058 59,562 41,676 4,178 132,330

Financial And Insurance Activities - - 1,973 8,282 4,038 10,379 41,337 11,958 77,966
Real Estate Activities 253 349 207 383 740 1,265 1,048 135 4,379
Professional, Scientific And Technical Activities 2,817 4,822 1,011 6,495 18,825 19,646 15,504 1,639 70,760
Administrative And Support Service Activities 127 227 629 949 1,928 1,451 875 215 6,402
Public Administration And Defence; Compulsory Social Security 3,494 3,075 40,078 64,435 46,006 100,057 39,542 7,930 304,617
Education 2,411 8,115 24,928 88,857 159,788 157,436 137,770 18,454 597,759
Human Health And Social Work Activities - 1,020 13,745 29,533 54,996 37,600 16,523 4,553 157,970
Arts, Entertainment And Recreation - 48 880 1,485 2,338 1,220 902 565 7,437
Other Service Activities - 578 1,815 4,699 11,794 11,775 6,606 756 38,023
Activities Of Households As Employers; Undifferentiated Goods- And Services-
Producing Activities Of Households For Own Use - 318 915 16,326 30,232 39,395 29,228 - 116,414
Activities Of Extraterritorial Organizations And Bodies - - - 244 119 362 375 276 1,375
Grand Total 24,846 49,795 209,999 482,594 579,247 830,689 666,433 84,870 2,928,472
Table 3.10(b): Distribution of Wage Employment by Sector and Monthly Income (KSh) Groups, 2020*
10,000 - 15,000 - 20,000 - 25,000 - 30,000 - 50,000 -
INDUSTRY 0 - 9,999 14,999 19,999 24,999 29,999 49,999 99,999 100,000 + TOTAL
Agriculture, Forestry And Fishing 10,699 17,068 83,983 81,959 43,295 50,812 31,673 2,806 322,294
Mining And Quarrying 246 236 4,269 1,686 2,653 3,014 2,258 - 14,362
Manufacturing 1,133 1,366 14,632 52,295 66,109 89,760 85,296 6,302 316,893
Electricity, Gas, Steam And Air Conditioning Supply - 107 202 5,003 1,333 2,824 11,497 1,558 22,523
Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management And Remediation Activities - - - 4,357 3,556 4,294 1,472 885 14,564
Construction - 7,034 5,750 43,899 23,604 71,222 63,577 6,384 221,471
Wholesale And Retail Trade; Repair Of Motor Vehicles And Motorcycles 528 2,335 4,919 29,394 41,470 85,946 76,081 10,522 251,195
Transportation And Storage 899 512 831 9,362 17,617 26,871 19,268 1,335 76,694
Accommodation And Food Service Activities 154 101 394 6,249 10,453 18,964 13,749 1,483 51,547
Information And Communication 964 988 1,517 7,206 13,560 53,634 37,529 3,762 119,160

Financial And Insurance Activities - - 1,965 8,247 4,021 10,336 41,164 11,908 77,641
Real Estate Activities 215 295 176 324 627 1,072 888 114 3,711
Professional, Scientific And Technical Activities 2,535 4,339 909 5,844 16,938 17,677 13,950 1,475 63,665
Administrative And Support Service Activities 95 170 471 710 1,442 1,085 655 161 4,789
Public Administration And Defence; Compulsory Social Security 3,557 3,131 40,796 65,589 46,830 101,849 40,250 8,072 310,074
Education 2,271 7,644 23,480 83,697 150,508 148,293 129,770 17,383 563,046
Human Health And Social Work Activities - 965 13,007 27,946 52,040 35,580 15,635 4,308 149,481
Arts, Entertainment And Recreation - 44 810 1,367 2,152 1,123 830 520 6,846
Other Service Activities - 499 1,566 4,053 10,173 10,156 5,698 652 32,796
Activities Of Households As Employers; Undifferentiated Goods- And Services-
Producing Activities Of Households For Own Use - 319 920 16,407 30,384 39,592 29,374 - 116,996
Activities Of Extraterritorial Organizations And Bodies - - - 245 119 363 377 277 1,382
Grand Total 23,295 47,152 200,597 455,839 538,882 774,468 620,989 79,909 2,741,130
* Provisional
Table 3.11: Distribution of Wage Employment by Sex and Monthly Income (KSh) Groups1, 2016 - 2020

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

Monthly Income
Groups Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
0 - 9,999 15,255 8,787 24,042 15,001 9,453 24,454 15,767 8,672 24,438 15,288 9,557 24,846 14,680 8,615 23,295
10,000 - 14,999 29,733 17,127 46,861 29,249 18,433 47,682 31,528 17,340 48,868 30,641 19,154 49,795 29,423 17,730 47,152
15,000 - 19,999 123,849 71,341 195,190 128,008 80,669 208,677 132,819 73,050 205,869 129,221 80,778 209,999 124,076 76,520 200,597
20,000 - 24,999 279,038 160,736 439,774 285,047 179,634 464,682 304,328 167,379 471,707 296,960 185,634 482,594 285,114 170,725 455,839
25,000 - 29,999 339,086 195,326 534,412 336,572 212,105 548,676 363,992 200,070 564,062 356,435 222,812 579,247 342,262 196,620 538,882
30,000 - 49,999 479,525 276,223 755,748 480,723 302,947 783,670 523,437 287,888 811,325 511,158 319,531 830,689 490,783 283,684 774,468
50,000 - 99,999 386,506 222,641 609,148 389,679 245,572 635,251 420,002 231,000 651,002 410,084 256,349 666,433 393,638 227,351 620,989
100,000 + 49,518 28,524 78,042 48,738 30,714 79,453 53,273 29,300 82,573 52,224 32,646 84,870 50,102 29,807 79,909
Total .. .. ... 1,702,510 980,707 2,683,217 1,713,017 1,079,528 2,792,545 1,845,145 1,014,699 2,859,844 1,802,011 1,126,461 2,928,472 1,730,078 1,011,052 2,741,130
Excluding unpaid family workers and unpaid directors
* Provisional

Table 3.12: Gazetted Monthly, Daily and Hourly Basic Minimum Wages by Regions, as at 2020
All former municipalities and Town
councils of Mavoko, Ruiru and
Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu cities Limuru All other areas
Monthly contract Daily Hourly Monthly contract Daily Hourly Monthly contract Daily Hourly
Occupation per month Rate rate per month Rate rate per month Rate rate
General labourer including cleaner, sweeper, gardener, children’s ayah, house
servant, day watchman, messenger 13,572.90 653.10 121.30 12,522.70 600.00 110.90 7,240.95 367.00 67.80

Miner, stone cutter, turnboy waiter, cook, logger line cutter................................ 14,658.85 704.60 132.10 13,005.70 623.10 112.40 8,366.35 413.60 75.60
Night watchman................................................................................................. 15,141.95 726.55 136.55 14,038.00 677.10 124.30 8,636.30 416.70 79.65
Machine attendant, sawmill sawyer, machine assistant, mass production
machinist, shoe cutter, bakery worker, bakery assistant, tailors assistant 15,383.45 739.05 141.75 14,315.30 692.20 125.50 11,602.90 560.40 104.30

Machinist (made to measure) shoe upper preparer, chapllis maker, vehicle

service worker (petrol and service stations), bakery plant hand, laundry
17,561.00 846.25 157.60 16,428.30 790.90 132.10 13,431.30 649.60 121.30

operator, junior clerk, wheel tractor driver (light)

Printing machine operator, bakery machine operator, plywood machine

operator, sawmill dresser, shop assistant, machine tool operator, dough
maker, table hand baker or confectioner y, copy typist, driver (cars and light 18,319.50 880.30 164.90 16,907.90 812.55 150.40 13,975.30 18,319.50 880.30

Pattern designer (draughts- man) garment and dress cutter, single hand oven
man, charge-hand baker, general clerk, telephone operator, receptionist,
20,904.90 1,005.10 188.30 19,112.05 919.20 151.40 16,295.95 781.20 146.30

Tailor, driver (medium sized vehicle).................................................................. 23,039.40 1,108.80 205.10 21,175.15 1,019.80 188.60 18,881.21 921.90 169.25
Dryer, crawler tractor driver, sales man.............................................................. 25,435.20 1,219.80 228.60 23,731.80 1,142.00 212.60 21,418.50 1,028.50 188.85
Saw doctor, caretaker (buildings)....................................................................... 28,147.60 1,355.45 253.25 26,283.30 1,265.50 235.80 24,485.10 1,176.95 218.90
Cashier, driver (heavy commercial vehicles) sales-man driver........................... 30,627.45 1,474.50 275.95 28,822.10 1,387.40 260.55 27,023.95 1,299.00 243.05
Ungraded artisan............................................................................................... 18,319.50 880.95 164.90 16,907.90 812.55 150.40 13,975.55 671.50 124.05
Artisan Grade III................................................................................................ 23,039.45 1,108.80 205.05 21,175.15 1,019.80 188.60 18,845.55 921.95 169.35
Artisan Grade II................................................................................................. 24,884.05 1,219.80 228.60 23,731.80 1,236.00 212.60 21,418.50 1,028.10 189.05
Artisan Grade I.................................................................................................. 30,627.45 1,474.50 275.95 28,822.10 1,387.40 260.55 27,024.00 1,298.95 243.10
Source:Ministry of Labour
Excluding Housing Allowance
Table 3.13: Stoppages of Work Caused by Industrial Disputes, 2016 - 2020

Industrial Group 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Man-Days Lost
Private sector:
Agriculture and Forestry.... .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. ... .... ... 1,418 .... ... ... ....450 .... .... ... - 360 1,840
Mining and Quarrying .. .. .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...- ... ... ... ... .- ... ... ... ..- - -
Manufacturing .. .. . .. ... .. .. ... ... .... ... ... . .. ..4,100 . ... ... ... ...2,100 ... ... ... ...1,680 .. . 16,000 3,271
Electricity and water .. .. .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... -... ... .... .... .... - .... .... ... - - -
Construction .. .. .. .. .. ... ... .. .... .... .... ..... ..... .....966
.... .... .... ....2,275
.... .... .... ....49,960
...... 9,392 3,033
Commerce .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. - - - - -
Transport (other than docks) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ..231.. .. .. .. .. -.. .. .. .. ..- - -
Docks .. .. .. . .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. - - - - -
Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ..2,250 .. ... ... ... .. ... ....
- .... ... .. ... ..- 42 -
Total .. .. ... .. .. .... ... ... ... .. .. .. .. .. ..8,965
.. .. .. . . 4,825 51,640 25,794 8,144
Public Sector .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..12,300 ... . .. ..3,615,366
.. .. ..... 5,394,944 48,360 402,595
Grand Total .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..21,265 .. .. .. .. 3,620,191
.. .. . 5,446,584 74,154 410,739

Number of Strikes .. .. . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 16 12 8 7 8

Number of Workers involved .. .. ... . ... ... .... .... .... .. . 9,737 27,405 9,883 4,548 11,412
Source: Ministry of Labour Social Security & Services

Table 3.14: National Social Security Fund 1, 2014/15 - 2018/19

2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020*

Employers registered ‘000’ (Cumulative) 37,509.0 37,084.0 46,180.0 41,479.0 43,993.0
Employees registered ‘000’ (Cumulative) 831,285.0 43,038.0 550,743.0 375,947.0 311,478.0
No. of Members paid out during the year. 28,838.0 53,858.0 43,613.0 85,610 70,881
Annual contribution (KSh Million) 12,874.7 13,546.0 14,044.2 15,102.4 14,240.6
Annual benefits paid (KSh Million)2 3,121.0 3,661.0 3,788.8 4,939.1 5,889.0
Investment NSSF Portfolio (KSh Million) 172,086.3 196,574.5 221,726.6 235,070.8 286,577.9
Source: Board of Trustees, National Social Security Fund
The figures are as at the close of each Financial Year
From contribution, investment income and bank interest.

Table 3.15: Trade Test Passes, 2016 - 2020
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Dress making............................................ Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .215
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .202 195 199 60
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .753
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .677 734 773 164
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. ..5,724
. . .. . .. .. .. .. ..4,983
. 5,610 5,406 716
Tailoring.................................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .163
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .126 130 102 21
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .394
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .291 271 327 65
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. ..2,179
. . .. . .. .. .. .. ..1,813
. 2,139 1,521 234
Motor vehicle Mechanic........................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .270
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .197 205 177 141
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. ..1,080
. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .914 805 1,208 456
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. ..3,307
. . .. . .. .. .. .. ..4,744
. 5,501 6,103 889
Carpently and Joinery.............................. Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .262
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .252 275 215 15
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .602
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .567 479 398 43
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. ..1,848
. . .. . .. .. .. .. ..1,483
. 1,483 1,321 115
Masonry..................................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .253
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .167 162 125 36
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .671
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .510 534 514 81
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. ..3,400
. . .. . .. .. .. .. ..3,588
. 4,095 4,066 324
Electrical Wireman.................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .427
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .289 277 328 115
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. ..1,332
. . .. . .. .. .. .. ..1,022
. 1,196 1,414 431
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. ..4,184
. . .. . .. .. .. .. ..4,118
. 5,605 6,226 1,049
Gas Welding.............................................. Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ..3. .. .. .. .. .. . 3 2 - -
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ..3. .. .. .. .. .. . 2 13 3 -
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 35
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 63 - 18 1
Plumber Pipe Fitter................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .142
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .102 120 143 115
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .453
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .384 548 834 393
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. ..1,345
. . .. . .. .. .. .. ..1,782
. 2,957 3,501 919
General Fitter ........................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 21
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 10 12 13 2
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 57
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 50 46 44 7
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .169
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .155 136 136 20
Motor Vehicle Electrician......................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 20
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 25 60 28 35
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .194
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .238 150 228 155
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .745
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .693 739 812 153
Panel Beater.............................................. Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ..1. .. .. .. .. .. . 1 25 6 18
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 10
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 49 30 68 39
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 70
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 56 60 141 15
Spray Painter............................................ Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ..5. .. .. .. .. .. . 4 1 4 1
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 11
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 19 17 50 22
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 33
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 27 27 94 18
Sign Writer................................................ Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ..7. .. .. .. .. .. . 4 9 5 -
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 17
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 21 18 17 -
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 72
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 36 54 39 1
Painter/Decorator...................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 19
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 26 22 12 1
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 80
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 64 31 35 -
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .189
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .123 170 163 14
Leather Work............................................. Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 10
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 9 1 3 1
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 12
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 7 3 5 1
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 22
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 8 12 13 2
Shoe Maker............................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 15
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 13 6 12 4
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 35
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 23 22 31 1
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 57
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 61 55 84 4

Table 3.15: Trade Test Passes, 2016 - 2020
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Upholstery................................................. Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 58
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 72 57 46 2
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .116
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .109 77 93 3
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .178
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .108 165 99 2
Sheet Metal................................................ Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ..8. .. .. .. .. .. . 4 5 3 -
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ..3. .. .. .. .. .. . 3 5 1 -
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 26
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 29 9 8 2
Black-Smith............................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .-.. . .. .. .. .. .. .- - - -
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .-.. . .. .. .. .. .. .- - - -
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .-.. . .. .. .. .. .. .- - - -
Beauty Therapy......................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 17
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 15 27 36 13
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 65
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 70 97 157 106
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. ..1,113
. . .. . .. .. .. .. ..1,534
. 1,840 2,100 692
Cabinet Maker........................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ..4. .. -.. .. .. .. . 4 3 -
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ..5. .. .. .. .. .. . 5 3 3 1
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 31
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 32 19 14 -
Polishing................................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 34
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 34 39 30 -
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 73
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 80 58 47 -
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .172
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .116 125 102 1
Plant Mechanic.......................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 25
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 32 30 44 12
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .293
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .488 567 887 577
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .710
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .791 1,296 1,301 167
Turner........................................................ Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ..4. .. .. .. .. .. . 4 1 3 1
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 11
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 8 8 14 2
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 55
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 54 92 40 18
Wood Machinist........................................ Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ..4. .. .. .. .. .. .- - 6 -
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .-.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 1 7 1 -
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .-.. . .. .. .. .. .. .- - - -
Electric Fitter............................................. Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ..5. .. .. .. .. .. . 10 1 2 1
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 12
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 8 13 3 1
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 76
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 61 107 58 16
Joiner......................................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .-.. . .. .. .. .. .. .- - 215 -
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .-.. . .. .. .. .. .. .- - 398 -
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .-.. . .. .. .. .. .. .- - 1,321 -
Moulder..................................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .-.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 1 - - -
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ..1. .. .. .. .. .. .- 1 - -
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ..8. .. .. .. .. .. .- 4 - -
Electric Welder.......................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 93
.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 84 87 80 22
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .309
.. . .. .. .. .. .. .271 292 301 66
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. ..1,726
. . .. . .. .. .. .. ..1,831
. 2,297 1,967 232
Wood Carver............................................. Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .-.. . .. .. .. .. .. .- 1 3 -
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ..2. .. .. .. .. .. . 1 11 2 -
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ..6. .. .. .. .. .. . 11 3 1 -
Armour...................................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .-.. . .. .. .. .. .. .- 23 11 4
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .-.. . .. .. .. .. .. .- 5 5 -
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .-.. . .. .. .. .. .. .- - - 1

Table 3.15: Trade Test Passes, 2016 - 2020
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Computer Operator................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. . - - - - -
Grade 2.. ... .. . - - - - -
Grade 3.. ... .. - - - - 157
Electronic Mechanic................................. Grade 1.. ... .. .. . - - - - 115
Grade 2.. ... .. . - - - - 431
Grade 3.. ... .. - - - - 1,049
Floor Tiling................................................ Grade 1.. ... .. .. . - - - - -
Grade 2.. ... .. . - - - - -
Grade 3.. ... .. - - - - 5
Food and beverage production............... Grade 1.. ... .. .. . - - - - -
Grade 2.. ... .. . - - - - 4
Grade 3.. ... .. - - - - 176
Food and beverage services.................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. . - - - - -
Grade 2.. ... .. . - - - - -
Grade 3.. ... .. - - - - 47
Hair Dressing............................................ Grade 1.. ... .. .. . - - - - 31
Grade 2.. ... .. . - - - - 151
Grade 3.. ... .. - - - - 1,150
Machine Knitter......................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. . - - - - -
Grade 2.. ... .. . - - - - 2
Grade 3.. ... .. - - - - 2
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning......... Grade 1.. ... .. .. . - - - - 3
Grade 2.. ... .. . - - - - 5
Grade 3.. ... .. - - - - 46
Solar Photovoltaic.................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. . - - - - -
Grade 2.. ... .. . - - - - 6
Grade 3.. ... .. - - - - 53
Total........................................................... Grade 1.. ... .. .. .. .. .. ..2,085
. . .. . .. .. .. .. 1,686
.. . 1,777 1,854 620
Grade 2.. ... .. .. .. .. .. ..6,592
. . .. . .. .. .. .. 5,882
.. . 6,041 7,861 2,614
Grade 3.. ... .. .. .. .. .. 27,480
.. . . .. . .. .. .. ..28,300
.. . 34,600 36,655 5,605
Source: National Industrial Training Authority (NITA)


Notes and Definitions

(a) Table 3.16 (a) presents the weights used for the outgoing Kenya Consumer Price Indices which were derived from the 2005/06
Kenya Integrated Household Budget Survey (KIHBS). This old CPI had a base period of February 2009=100 and were compiled and
published from February 2009 to January 2020. Nairobi Lower Income CPI was designed to measure changes in retail prices of goods
and services consumed by households with monthly income of up to KSh 23,671 per month. Middle income ranged from KSh 23,671 to
KSh 120,000 while upper income were households with income of over KSh 120,000.Rest of Urban areas refer to those urban areas
representing each of the regions outside Nairobi .
(b) Table 3.16 (b) presents the weights used for the new Kenya Consumer Price Indices which were derived from the 2015/16 Kenya
Integrated Household Budget Survey (KIHBS). The new CPI has a base period of February 2019=100 and has been compiled and
published from March 2020. In the new CPI, Nairobi Lower Income constitute households with monthly income of up to KSh 46,355 per
month. The Middle Income ranges from KSh 46,356 to KSh 185,394 while Upper Income constitutes households with income of over
KSh 185,395. The Rest of Urban areas refers to those urban areas representing each of the regions outside Nairobi .

Table 3.16(a): Group Weights for Kenya CPI

(Base period : February 2009=100)
Rest of
Description Lower Middle Upper Urban Areas All Kenya
Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages………………………………….. 42.535 22.015 6.974 35.876 36.038
Alcohol Beverages, Tobacco and Narcotics………………………………….. 1.578 1.404 1.349 2.436 2.062
Clothing and Footware………………………………….. 4.932 6.586 7.725 8.820 7.428
Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas, and Other
Fuels………………………………….. 18.172 23.605 19.785 17.425 18.295
Furnishing, Household Equipment and Routine Household
7.249 5.060 5.638 5.809 6.164
Health………………………………….. 2.388 3.052 4.341 3.484 3.130
Transport………………………………….. 6.944 12.432 27.911 8.394 8.659
Communication………………………………….. 3.447 6.404 4.793 3.552 3.824
Recreation and Culture………………………………….. 1.620 3.217 3.898 2.365 2.252
Education………………………………….. 1.614 5.734 5.842 3.410 3.144
Restaurants and Hotels………………………………….. 5.756 4.560 6.571 3.779 4.483
Miscellaneous Goods and Services………………………………….. 3.763 5.932 5.172 4.649 4.521
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table 3.16(b): Group Weights for Kenya CPI

(Base period : February 2019=100)
Rest of
Description Lower Middle Upper Urban Areas All Kenya
Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages........................................................ 36.316 21.646 16.805 35.476 32.909
Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco and Narcotics........................................ 2.375 4.739 1.807 3.513 3.329
Clothing and Footwear............................................................................ 3.385 2.045 1.628 3.165 2.991
Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels.................................. 16.952 15.400 13.018 13.632 14.612
Furnishings, Household Equipment and Routine Household
Maintenance ….............................................................. 3.112 3.484 5.123 3.929 3.737
Health....................................................................................................... 1.901 2.885 8.214 2.878 2.912
Transport.................................................................................................. 9.254 14.140 17.630 8.107 9.647
Information and Communication............................................................. 8.569 8.316 7.608 7.364 7.784
Recreation, Sport and Culture................................................................. 1.702 0.869 1.345 1.957 1.722
Education Services.................................................................................. 4.922 7.608 3.251 5.542 5.562
Restaurants and Accommodation Services............................................ 4.624 11.618 14.542 8.140 8.099
Insurance and Financial Services........................................................... 1.896 3.688 5.087 1.812 2.242
Personal Care, Social Protection and Miscellaneous Goods and
4.993 3.561 3.942 4.485 4.453
Services …..............................................................
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Table 3.17: Elementary Aggregates' Weights in the CPI Baskets
Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi Rest of
COICOP Code Elementary Aggregate Name Lower Income Middle Income Upper Income Urban Areas Kenya Aromatic Unbroken Rice (Pishori/Basmati e.t.c) 0.5217 0.4961 0.5582 0.5902 0.5601 Non Aromatic (Unbroken) White Rice 1.4739 0.6400 0.5469 1.1919 1.1522 Broken white rice (Aromatic or Non Aromatic) 0.2053 - - 0.5584 0.3743 Brown Rice - - - 0.0663 0.0388 Maize Grain - Loose 0.4257 - - 0.8620 0.6031 Green Maize 0.1561 - - 0.0692 0.0768 Green Maize- Loose - - - 0.0321 0.0188 Wimbi (Grain and Flour) - - - 0.0763 0.0446 Sorghum (Grain and Flour) - - - 0.0038 0.0022 Maize Flour - Loose 0.2596 0.2184 - 0.5896 0.4344 Maize Flour - Sifted 0.9913 0.4064 - 0.7682 0.7343 Fortified Maize flour 0.8424 0.3492 0.4298 0.7841 0.7222 Mixed and fortified Porridge Flour joined 0.4030 0.2233 - 0.2056 0.2441 Wheat Flour-White 0.8317 0.3594 0.2387 1.0989 0.8960 Wheat Flour-Brown - - - 0.0028 0.0017 White bread 1.9351 1.0814 0.6169 1.7825 1.6674 Brown Bread 0.2934 0.4601 - 0.2030 0.2487 Wheat Buns /Scones 0.5773 0.3389 - 0.3427 0.3800 Cakes 0.5152 0.3619 0.1908 0.2857 0.3446 Biscuits … - 0.1668 - 0.0394 0.0454 Breakfast Cereal/Oats - 0.1116 0.5350 0.0162 0.0505 Pasta (Spaghetti, Macaroni, Noodles e.g. Indomie) 0.2084 0.2016 0.4489 0.2183 0.2250 Beef - With Bones 3.3236 1.8760 0.4100 3.0107 2.8046 Beef - Without Bones 0.1729 0.3989 0.8330 0.1730 0.2354 Pork 0.1271 0.1346 0.2026 0.0415 0.0818 Mutton/Goat Meat 0.2381 0.1880 0.5628 0.8428 0.6006 Chicken Meat (Broiler, Kienyeji) 0.7243 0.5750 0.5741 0.5605 0.6014 Camel Meat - - - 0.0479 0.0280 Offals (Matumbo, Liver and Kidney) 0.3937 0.1456 0.2251 0.3248 0.3119 Sausages/Smokies/Hot dog 0.1819 0.2119 0.4838 0.0331 0.1137 Fresh Fish 0.6720 0.2612 0.1351 0.9001 0.7242 Frozen Fish Fillets - - - 0.0115 0.0067 Dried/Smoked Fish (Excluding Omena) 0.6114 0.1815 0.2274 0.2095 0.3001 Omena 0.2566 0.1240 - 0.3577 0.2853 Tinned Fish - - - 0.0015 0.0009 Fresh unpacketed cow milk / Fresh Cream 1.4675 0.6667 - 2.1686 1.6985 Goat Milk - - - 0.0607 0.0355 Camel Milk - - - 0.0111 0.0065 Fresh packeted cow milk 3.0881 2.1114 1.4815 1.3735 1.8758 UHT- long life Milk 0.1219 - 0.2510 0.2842 0.2068 Fresh Flavoured Packeted cow milk - - - 0.0124 0.0072 Condensed/Powder Milk - - 0.3470 0.1358 0.0963 Yoghurt 0.4190 0.2832 0.4466 0.1944 0.2708 Milk Sour - Mala 0.1836 0.1849 - 0.1990 0.1838 Eggs - Exotic/Kienyenji 0.7897 0.5352 0.2485 0.5313 0.5787 Cooking Fat 0.3773 0.1586 0.6654 0.4024 0.3443 Cooking Oil (Salad) 1.1971 0.7553 - 1.2640 1.1512 Margarine 0.3542 0.1447 - 0.2399 0.2421 Ripe Bananas 0.5528 0.4413 0.2548 0.5169 0.5025 Mangoes 0.1893 0.1438 - 0.1889 0.1738 Avocado 0.3492 0.1970 0.2792 0.2204 0.2499 Paw paws - - - 0.0304 0.0177 Pineapples - - - 0.0289 0.0169 Passion - - - 0.0057 0.0033 Tree Tomato - - - 0.0022 0.0013 Coconut - - - 0.0595 0.0348 Oranges 0.3978 0.2729 0.2222 0.3521 0.3459 Lemons - - - 0.0060 0.0035 Apples 0.2270 0.2278 0.2201 0.1290 0.1693 Melons 0.5072 0.3362 0.3974 0.3158 0.3670 Groundnuts 0.1218 0.1888 0.3526 0.0819 0.1188 Spinach 0.3878 0.1727 0.4994 0.1857 0.2465 Kale-Sukuma Wiki 0.6330 0.2879 - 0.6644 0.5742 Traditional Vegetables 0.5625 0.3479 - 0.3854 0.4028 Cabbages 0.3544 0.2615 0.1709 0.4228 0.3730 Tomatoes 1.3924 1.0384 0.8761 1.3680 1.3058 Capsicums (Pilipili Hoho) - - - 0.0524 0.0306 Pumpkins/Butter Nut - - - 0.0029 0.0017 Peas (Garden, Snap, Snow) - - - 0.0378 0.0221 Carrots 0.2385 0.1638 0.1151 0.1497 0.1705
COICOP1 Classification Of Individual Consumption according to Purpose

Table 3.17: Elementary Aggregates' Weights in the CPI Baskets (Cont'd)
Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi Rest of
COICOP1 Code Elementary Aggregate Name Lower Income Middle Income Upper Income Urban Areas Kenya Onion -Leeks and Bulbs 0.6424 0.4732 0.2020 0.7232 0.6458 Cooking bananas 0.2194 - - 0.2050 0.1711 Potatoes (Irish) 0.8059 0.3604 0.4364 0.8401 0.7482 Sweet Potato 0.3042 - - 0.1749 0.1731 Arrow Roots-Nduma - - - 0.1251 0.0731 Cassava - - - 0.0012 0.0007 Beans 0.5445 0.3739 0.2995 0.8984 0.7163 Green grams 0.3041 0.3110 0.2565 0.2937 0.2967 Dolicos (Njahi) - - - 0.0447 0.0261 Peas 0.2016 - - 0.1211 0.1178 Cowpeas - - - 0.0073 0.0042 Cassava flour - - - 0.0012 0.0007 Dried Cassava - - - 0.0034 0.0020 Sugar 1.3553 0.6047 0.3600 1.7469 1.4348 Jam,Marmalade,Honey 0.1457 0.1331 0.3167 0.0546 0.0836 Sweets - - - 0.0116 0.0068 Baby Milk - Tinned - - - 0.0385 0.0225 Common salt 0.1105 - - 0.0359 0.0467
Food Seasoning (e.g. Royco, Knorr, etc), Vinegar, - 0.0967 0.0719
yeast, chilli,pilau masala - - Ginger-tangawizi/mustard/spices - - - 0.0008 0.0005 Coriander Leaves (Dania) 0.1551 0.1247 - 0.0573 0.0863 Fruit Juice 0.1681 0.2008 0.3453 0.0993 0.1409 Coffee - - - 0.0162 0.0095 Tea Leaves 0.4012 0.1698 - 0.3902 0.3445 Cocoa and Cocoa products 0.1047 - - 0.0332 0.0438 Mineral Water 0.1534 0.1318 0.5387 0.2676 0.2361 Squashes - - - 0.0051 0.0030 Sodas 0.4436 0.3350 - 0.5879 0.4919 Energy/Health Drink - - - 0.0012 0.0007 Cost of Milling - - - 0.2081 0.1216 Spirits 0.8772 0.7197 1.1018 0.8710 0.8632 Wines - 0.3129 - 0.1367 0.1217 Beer (Lagers,Stouts) 1.1668 3.5937 0.7083 1.8120 1.8455 Traditional beer - - - 0.1442 0.0842 Cigarettes 0.2234 0.1182 - 0.3225 0.2565 Miraa (Khat) 0.1079 - - 0.2267 0.1576 Material for Clothing 0.1354 0.1912 - 0.0918 0.1108 Men's Coat - - - 0.0077 0.0045 Men's Jacket - - - 0.0091 0.0053 Men's Suit 0.2516 0.1548 - 0.1105 0.1441 Men's Trousers 0.5617 0.3039 0.4871 0.4390 0.4521 Men's Shirt 0.2386 0.1632 0.5845 0.1916 0.2179 Boy's Shirt/ T Shirt - - - 0.0269 0.0157 Boy's Trousers/Shorts 0.3070 - - 0.2503 0.2177 Men's T-Shirts - - - 0.0068 0.0040 Men's traditional dress - - - 0.0042 0.0024 Women's Trousers - 0.2017 - 0.0833 0.0757 Kanga /Kikoi - - - 0.0670 0.0392 Women's Suits 0.2070 - - 0.0974 0.1049 Women's Dress 0.6121 0.5469 0.2477 0.6526 0.6094 Women's Skirts - - - 0.0386 0.0226 Women's Blouses(top) - - - 0.0186 0.0109 Girl's Dress - - - 0.2054 0.1200 Women's Kitenge (African dress) - - - 0.0093 0.0055 Buibui - - - 0.0066 0.0039 Women's Underpants/ Bikers - - - 0.0237 0.0139 Infant's clothing 0.1850 - - 0.0322 0.0619 Girl's School Uniform 0.4021 - - 0.1162 0.1617 Boys School uniform - - - 0.1054 0.0616 Headsquare/headscarf/Hijabu - - - 0.0022 0.0013 Tailoring Cost for Clothes/Repair of clothing charge - - - 0.0287 0.0168 Men's Shoes - Leather 0.4841 0.2520 0.3079 0.2311 0.2967 Men's Sports Shoes - - - 0.0223 0.0130 Men's Sandals (Akalas) - - - 0.0011 0.0007 Women's Shoes - Leather - 0.2316 - 0.1620 0.1257 Women's Shoes - Canvas/Rubber - - - 0.0038 0.0022 Women's Rubber Sandals/Slippers - - - 0.0056 0.0032 Sandals (Akalas) - - - 0.0015 0.0009 Boys' shoes leather - - - 0.0888 0.0519 Girl's Shoes - Leather - - - 0.0187 0.0109
COICOP Classification Of Individual Consumption according to Purpose

Table 3.17: Elementary Aggregates' Weights in the CPI Baskets (Cont'd)
Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi Rest of
COICOP1 Code Elementary Aggregate Name Lower Income Middle Income Upper Income Urban Areas Kenya Girl's Sandals (Akalas) - - - 0.0041 0.0024 Boy's Sports Shoes - - - 0.0007 0.0004 Actual monthly house rent - single room 5.4878 0.9769 0.1552 2.5159 2.8864 Actual monthly house rent - double room 0.7758 0.2032 - 0.7700 0.6581 Actual monthly house rent - bed sitter 0.6257 0.7933 - 0.5235 0.5582 Actual monthly house rent - 1 bedroom 2.0016 3.0057 - 0.9773 1.4400 Actual monthly house rent - 2 bedroom 3.1507 3.9686 2.6910 1.5679 2.3116 Actual monthly house rent - 3 bedroom - 1.6547 6.8827 0.7405 0.9900 Actual monthly house rent -more than 3 bedroom - 0.7989 - 0.0484 0.1350 Cement - - 0.1552 0.5719 0.3417 Plumbing items - - - 0.0198 0.0116 Paint - - - 0.0296 0.0173 Tiles - - - 0.0248 0.0145 Labour charges (Mason, painter,plumber & electrician) - - 0.1552 0.4149 0.2500 Water- Water Service Provider (WSP) 0.4357 0.6188 0.6158 0.5164 0.5165 Water- Vendors 0.3349 - - 0.5711 0.4116 Garbage and Refuse collection 0.1512 0.1448 - 0.0328 0.0738 Toilet/septic tank emptying - - - 0.0034 0.0020 Electricity 1.2026 1.5159 0.9863 1.2568 1.2656 Gas/LPG 1.3245 1.3290 1.2161 1.0515 1.1601 Kerosene/Paraffin 0.9005 0.1939 - 0.5504 0.5573 Firewood - - - 0.2503 0.1462 Charcoal 0.5679 0.1945 0.1630 1.1952 0.8649 Side Boards/Wall Units - - - 0.0401 0.0234 Sofa sets 0.2765 0.5116 1.7313 0.2901 0.3868 Chairs - - - 0.0153 0.0090 Beds 0.2392 - 0.4120 0.1912 0.1878 Mattresses 0.3822 0.4961 - 0.2370 0.2937 Coffee table - - - 0.0018 0.0011 Curtains And Accessories - - - 0.0368 0.0215 Blankets 0.3071 - - 0.0141 0.0796 Bed Sheets/Bed covers/Pillow Cases - - - 0.0017 0.0010 Refrigerator/Freezers - - - 0.0291 0.0170 Electric/Gas Cooker/Meko - - - 0.0081 0.0047 Cups /Glasses - - - 0.0561 0.0328 Plates/Bowls - - - 0.0326 0.0190 Cooking Sufurias/Pots - - - 0.0779 0.0455 Buckets/Basins - - - 0.0265 0.0155 Thermos flask - - - 0.0448 0.0262 Plastic containers - - - 0.0081 0.0047 Wheel barrow - - - 0.0011 0.0006 Water tank - - - 0.2011 0.1175 Muttock/Saw/Panga/Axe/Slasher - - - 0.0032 0.0018 Forks/Jembe/Rake/Spade/Muttock/file - - - 0.0083 0.0048 Torches - - - 0.0068 0.0040 Batteries (Dry Cells) - - - 0.1081 0.0632 Solar Lamps - - - 0.0425 0.0248 Electric bulb /Flourescent tubes 0.2342 - - 0.0332 0.0740 Padlocks - - - 0.0083 0.0048 Laundry Soap/Bar Soap 0.5404 0.3837 0.1711 0.6225 0.5494 Detergents 0.4167 0.3519 0.3247 0.5205 0.4641 Dish Washing Paste/Liquid - - - 0.0010 0.0006 Shoe Polish/Cream 0.1500 - - 0.0370 0.0566 Match Box - - - 0.0017 0.0010 Candles - - - 0.0172 0.0101 Gardener- full/part time 0.1779 - - 0.1870 0.1508 Watchman - - - 0.0580 0.0339 Domestic servants 0.3875 1.7420 2.4840 0.9409 0.9946 Drivers - - - 0.0192 0.0112 Dewormers - - - 0.0259 0.0151 Medicine for cancer - - - 0.1171 0.0684 Medicine for asthma - - - 0.0205 0.0120 Liver Salts And Other Anti-Acids - - - 0.0076 0.0044 Eye care medicine - - - 0.0203 0.0118 Anti- typhoid, amoebicides - - - 0.0581 0.0340 Cold Tablets/Cough Syrup/Tonics - - - 0.0826 0.0483 Anti-Malaria drugs 0.3659 - - 0.1372 0.1655 Fever/Pain Killers e.g. Paracetamol 0.3387 - - 0.2925 0.2497 Antibiotics - - 0.5380 0.0892 0.0784 Medicines for cholesterol and Blood pressure - 0.2358 1.4167 0.2296 0.2348
COICOP1 Classification Of Individual Consumption according to Purpose

Table 3.17: Elementary Aggregates' Weights in the CPI Baskets (Cont'd)
Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi Rest of
COICOP Code Elementary Aggregate Name Lower Income Middle Income Upper Income Urban Areas Kenya Medicines for diabetes - 0.5173 0.2690 0.1169 0.1504 Herbal Medicine - - - 0.0056 0.0033 High blood pressure apparatus - - - 0.0005 0.0003 Spectacles/Spectacle frames/Contact lens - - - 0.0818 0.0478 Herbalist/Faith healer /Traditional doctor's service - - - 0.0040 0.0024 Dental fees- tooth extracting, filling & root canal - - - 0.0822 0.0481 General Practitioner's services 0.5238 1.2075 3.4578 1.2237 1.1677 Gynaecological services - - - 0.0115 0.0067 Radiologist's services - - - 0.0013 0.0008 Delivery charges 0.4171 - 1.2937 0.0684 0.2000
Inpatient fees (Room, bed, Rehabilitation, and other charges)- Private/Public 0.2560 - - 0.1041 0.1205 X-Rays/Scan - - - 0.0608 0.0355 Laboratory Tests - 0.9270 1.2420 0.0355 0.2054 Ambulance Charges - - - 0.0007 0.0004 Car for personal use - 2.5884 8.6249 0.8322 1.2534 Pick-Up for personal use - - - 0.0045 0.0026 Motorcycle for personal use 0.1576 0.1397 - 0.2516 0.2025 Bicycle/Tricycles for personal use - - - 0.0595 0.0348 Motor vehicle tyres/ tubes - - - 0.0236 0.0138 Car battery - - - 0.0060 0.0035 Petrol 0.7692 1.7168 3.4317 1.0676 1.2003 Diesel - 0.2213 0.7859 0.0890 0.1200 Engine oil 0.1396 - - 0.0250 0.0472 Puncture repair/Wheel alignment and balancing - - - 0.0095 0.0055 Regular motor vehicle service and repair 0.4015 0.6593 2.5254 0.3621 0.5165 Car wash - 0.2005 - 0.0198 0.0384 Parking fees - - - 0.0447 0.0261 Driving license (renewal) 0.1857 0.3926 - 0.0059 0.0994 Driving lessons 0.3413 - - 0.2111 0.2031 Car rental - - - 0.0022 0.0013 City Bus/Matatu Fares (Town and Environs 5.1760 2.4321 0.4945 2.7434 3.1608 Country Bus /Matatu Fare (town to another town) 1.3019 0.4713 0.6991 0.8782 0.9134 Taxi Fare 0.2990 0.1786 0.7641 0.1134 0.1970 School bus charges_Primary/Secondary - - - 0.0979 0.0572 Boda Boda Fares (Motor cycle) 0.4749 0.1437 - 1.0644 0.7517 Boda Boda Fares (Bicycle) - - - 0.0016 0.0009 Tuk tuk fares - - - 0.0897 0.0524 Local Flights - 0.3982 0.3105 0.0775 0.1136 International Flights - 4.5966 - 0.0011 0.6161 Ferry/Boat Fares - - - 0.0014 0.0008 Post Office Private Rental Box - - - 0.0034 0.0020 Courier services - - - 0.0211 0.0123 Mobile Handset-basic/smartphone 0.6738 0.7205 1.9277 0.4091 0.5870 Computer (Laptop) 0.1995 0.4919 0.2415 0.1858 0.2326 Computer (Tablet) - - - 0.0021 0.0012 Woofers/speakers/tuitors - - - 0.0077 0.0045 Television 0.2942 0.4447 0.6663 0.2487 0.3061 Antennae (aerial) /Satellite/Decoder 0.1195 - - 0.0239 0.0418 Mobile Phone Airtime 6.0563 4.4904 2.7636 5.7320 5.4960 Internet Costs 0.2865 0.9758 1.1954 0.1143 0.3224 Repair of radio, TV, Computer and related items 0.2756 0.1464 - 0.0885 0.1355 TV subscription fees (private)( e.g. DSTV) 0.6674 1.0431 0.8125 0.5518 0.6569 Purchase/Hire of tent - - - 0.0083 0.0049 Toys and Games - - - 0.0149 0.0087 Foodstuff for pets - - - 0.0054 0.0031 Treatment/Vaccination/Castration /Deworming of pets - - - 0.0067 0.0039 Club Membership Fees - - - 0.0033 0.0019
Entry Fees (Cinema, Disco/Night Club /Theatre/concert Traditional Dances) - - - 0.0008 0.0005 Museum, Game Park, historical site Entry Fees - 0.2086 - 0.1914 0.1398 School textbooks- pre primary and primary 0.3841 0.2468 0.2122 0.4675 0.4061 School textbooks- secondary 0.5864 0.1781 0.6210 0.3718 0.4081 School textbooks- tertiary 0.1933 - - 0.0635 0.0822 Religious books - - - 0.0130 0.0076 Newspapers - 0.2358 0.5123 0.1147 0.1236 Exercise Books 0.3538 - - 0.3029 0.2593 Pencils/Pens/Ink/ Erasers/Book covers - - - 0.0309 0.0180 Tour/Honey moon packages - - - 0.3616 0.2544 Pre-primary tuition 0.4926 0.4486 - 0.3568 0.3834 Private tuition-Primary 1.3150 1.4339 - 1.2471 1.2270 Private secondary tuition 1.5692 1.9018 1.1573 1.5298 1.5708
COICOP1 Classification Of Individual Consumption according to Purpose

Table 3.17: Elementary Aggregates' Weights in the CPI Baskets (Cont'd)
Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi Rest of
COICOP1 Code Elementary Aggregate Name Lower Income Middle Income Upper Income Urban Areas Kenya Certificate course(s) fees - 0.1348 - 0.1155 0.0855
Vocational Training e.g Mechanics, Carpentry, Tailoring, Adult Education - - - 0.0025 0.0014 Diploma fees 0.4626 1.0499 0.2620 0.5795 0.5995 Undergraduate fees 1.0801 1.7273 1.3975 1.4842 1.4186 Post graduate fees - 0.9139 0.4367 0.2259 0.2755 Hotel and restaurant prepared foods 1.5241 2.4325 2.4615 3.5035 2.8485 Hotel and restaurant beverages 0.1052 0.3816 2.3480 0.8558 0.6906 Hotel and restaurant cakes and snacks - - - 0.1099 0.0642 Cafe and take-aways: prepared Food 0.3489 0.3638 0.1125 0.5062 0.4310 Food from Canteen/Kiosks 1.0203 0.5942 0.6188 0.7051 0.7599 Food From Vendors 1.2808 0.1461 - 0.9327 0.8631 Hotel boarding 0.3430 6.7620 8.9929 0.0245 1.4394 Lodging/Guest expenses - 0.9264 - 1.2618 0.8613 Primary school boarding fees - - - 0.0170 0.0100 Secondary school boarding fees - - - 0.1330 0.0777 Post-Secondary school boarding fees - - - 0.0051 0.0030 University boarding fees - - - 0.0861 0.0503 Medical insurance 0.7012 1.2000 0.5184 0.5331 0.6607 Motor vehicle Insurance 0.7626 2.1200 4.5664 0.7065 1.0970 Education Insurance - - - 0.0775 0.0453 Bankers Cheque charges - - - 0.0018 0.0011 ATM and other bank Charges - - - 0.0236 0.0138 Mobile Money Transfer Charges 0.4328 0.3694 - 0.4692 0.4244 Hair drier - - - 0.0265 0.0155 Electric shaver - - - 0.0032 0.0019 Napkins/diapers/pullups for infants 0.2831 - 0.9911 0.2134 0.2390 Sanitary towels/ tampons/ Cotton Wool/ panty liners 0.2112 0.2174 - 0.2586 0.2294 Toilet Paper/Tissue paper 0.3165 0.2683 - 0.2771 0.2715 Tooth paste/mouth wash 0.2666 0.2661 0.1966 0.2537 0.2555 Toilet Soap 0.2827 0.2961 0.1782 0.2553 0.2633 Petroleum Jelly 0.2340 - - 0.2371 0.1931 Hair Oil/cream 0.1217 - - 0.0587 0.0627 Weaves, Wigs and Hairpiece 0.2440 - - 0.2466 0.2010 Perfume - 0.3555 0.4117 0.1685 0.1661 After Shave Lotion - - - 0.0006 0.0003 Body Lotion 0.1748 0.2713 0.2227 0.2752 0.2487 Shampoo/Conditioner - - - 0.0035 0.0021 Hair Dressing 1.4057 1.2686 0.9500 1.2488 1.2733 Barber services 0.4246 0.3024 0.3383 0.3577 0.3649 Jewellery - - - 0.0050 0.0029 Watches/Clocks - - - 0.0211 0.0124 Coffin, Funeral Urns, And Tombstones - - - 0.0660 0.0386 Handbags (Ladies) 0.1764 0.3159 0.3827 0.2383 0.2413 School bag 0.1922 - 0.2679 0.1291 0.1333 Suit/Brief case & Travel Bags - - - 0.0354 0.0539 Baby carriage - - - 0.0008 0.0005 Umbrellas - - - 0.0095 0.0055 Legal Services fees - - - 0.0828 0.0484 Photocopying/ Scanning/ Typing 0.5186 - - 0.0045 0.1237 Passport / Visa / ID / Good conduct certificate fees - - - 0.0078 0.0046
100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000
COICOP Classification Of Individual Consumption according to Purpose

Table 3.18 (a): Consumer Price Index - Nairobi Lower Income Group, 2019 - 2020
Base Feb 2019 = 100
Alcoholic Housing,
Food and Beverages, Water, Furnishings, Personal Care, Social
Non- Tobacco Clothing Electricity, Household Equipment Recreation, Restaurants and Insurance and Protection and
Alcoholic and and Gas and and Routine Household Information and Sport and Education Accommodation Financial Miscellaneous Goods
Beverages Narcotics Footwear Other Fuels Maintenance Health Transport Communication Culture Services Services Services and Services Total
Weight (%) 36.316 2.375 3.385 16.952 3.112 1.901 9.254 8.569 1.702 4.922 4.624 1.896 4.993 100.000
2019 February 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
March 103.85 100.55 100.70 99.73 100.46 100.88 103.11 100.73 100.40 100.02 100.35 100.24 100.60 101.83
April 106.13 101.29 101.01 100.05 100.50 100.98 104.25 100.83 101.47 100.02 100.84 100.24 100.86 102.91
May 107.82 101.68 101.21 100.47 100.70 101.03 104.27 100.83 101.47 100.00 100.85 100.24 101.08 103.63
June 108.60 103.54 101.30 100.72 100.81 101.03 104.65 100.89 101.50 100.00 101.06 100.24 101.09 104.06
July 109.21 105.74 101.35 100.65 100.84 101.03 104.65 100.88 101.51 100.00 101.18 100.24 101.12 104.33
August 109.15 106.93 101.34 100.72 101.02 101.03 104.69 100.90 101.51 100.00 101.54 100.24 100.95 104.37
September 109.57 107.37 101.32 100.71 101.04 101.03 104.92 100.72 101.46 100.00 101.63 100.78 100.93 104.54
October 110.22 107.84 101.28 101.01 101.24 101.03 105.08 100.98 101.42 100.00 101.89 100.78 100.94 104.90
November 111.82 109.76 101.69 101.34 101.40 101.03 105.92 101.49 101.67 100.03 101.92 100.78 101.53 105.76
December 113.58 109.84 102.69 101.59 101.39 101.03 106.29 101.87 102.75 100.03 102.03 101.46 101.60 106.58
Average 108.18 104.96 101.26 100.64 100.85 100.92 104.35 100.92 101.38 100.01 101.21 100.48 100.97 103.90
2020 January 115.26 111.08 102.92 102.39 101.59 101.39 106.42 101.89 103.99 101.08 102.09 102.19 101.94 107.50

February 117.38 111.42 103.35 102.59 101.61 101.87 106.51 101.79 104.18 101.14 102.28 102.22 102.16 108.36
March 118.45 110.93 103.64 102.60 101.97 102.67 107.04 101.89 104.19 101.14 102.55 101.96 102.49 108.85
April 120.31 111.58 103.72 103.13 101.87 103.08 108.68 101.91 104.26 101.14 104.03 101.98 102.68 109.88
May 119.68 112.31 104.88 102.90 102.12 103.08 111.48 101.88 104.21 101.13 104.17 101.88 102.66 109.93
June 118.13 110.93 105.37 101.97 100.16 103.43 118.49 100.75 104.28 101.13 104.41 101.79 102.67 109.70
July 117.16 112.70 105.38 101.39 99.67 103.42 125.92 101.12 104.19 101.21 105.03 101.79 102.19 110.01
August 115.62 112.69 105.34 103.19 100.75 103.35 126.69 101.48 104.25 101.21 105.00 101.79 102.38 109.90
September 116.03 112.14 105.18 102.81 101.53 103.28 127.30 101.52 104.23 101.21 104.91 101.79 102.45 110.04
October 116.13 112.58 105.78 103.27 102.17 103.65 128.04 101.58 104.12 101.33 106.50 101.33 103.30 110.40
November 118.04 112.82 107.89 103.50 102.40 104.02 128.13 101.86 104.15 101.32 107.28 101.33 103.73 111.31
December 121.69 113.13 106.92 104.53 102.64 104.02 130.32 101.91 104.83 101.32 107.60 101.53 104.38 113.06
Average 117.82 112.03 105.03 102.86 101.54 103.10 118.75 101.63 104.24 101.20 104.65 101.80 102.75 109.91
Table 3.18 (b): Consumer Price Index - Nairobi Middle Income Group, 2019 - 2020
Base Feb 2019 = 100
Alcoholic Housing,
Food and Beverages, Water, Furnishings, Personal Care, Social
Non- Tobacco Clothing Electricity, Household Equipment Recreation, Restaurants and Insurance and Protection and
Alcoholic and and Gas and and Routine Household Information and Sport and Education Accommodation Financial Miscellaneous Goods
Beverages Narcotics Footwear Other Fuels Maintenance Health Transport Communication Culture Services Services Services and Services Total
Weight (%) 21.646 4.739 2.045 15.400 3.484 2.885 14.140 8.316 0.869 7.608 11.618 3.688 3.561 100.000
2019 February 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
March 101.40 100.00 100.12 100.29 100.20 100.00 99.31 99.81 99.82 100.00 99.79 100.00 100.22 100.23
April 102.91 101.12 100.13 100.31 100.37 100.00 99.22 99.73 99.81 100.00 99.90 100.06 100.49 100.62
May 104.10 101.12 100.13 100.79 100.44 100.00 99.60 99.85 99.81 100.00 100.05 100.09 100.53 101.04
June 104.82 101.45 100.29 100.84 100.44 100.05 100.16 99.85 99.89 100.00 100.05 100.09 100.54 101.30
July 105.29 102.18 100.29 101.06 100.46 100.05 100.30 99.85 99.89 100.00 100.05 100.09 100.65 101.50
August 105.45 103.38 100.13 101.06 100.60 100.05 100.76 99.90 99.95 100.00 100.10 100.11 100.82 101.67
September 106.39 104.43 100.11 101.02 100.83 100.05 100.83 99.85 99.95 100.00 100.10 100.11 100.83 101.93
October 106.71 104.52 100.02 101.11 100.83 100.25 101.07 99.79 99.95 100.00 100.10 100.11 100.87 102.05
November 107.72 106.73 99.92 101.09 100.94 100.25 101.09 99.75 99.95 100.00 100.10 100.11 101.00 102.38
December 108.92 107.25 99.68 101.05 100.90 100.25 101.60 99.62 99.74 100.00 100.10 100.11 101.08 102.71
Average 104.88 102.93 100.07 100.78 100.55 100.09 100.36 99.82 99.89 100.00 100.03 100.08 100.64 101.40
2020 January 110.15 107.59 99.62 101.11 100.83 100.27 101.23 99.59 100.17 100.52 100.06 100.11 101.30 102.99
February 111.39 107.53 99.48 101.35 100.93 100.59 101.47 99.59 100.37 100.52 100.06 100.11 101.32 103.34

March 111.73 107.53 99.48 101.26 100.97 100.59 102.24 99.59 100.37 100.52 100.06 100.11 101.50 103.52
April 113.05 111.16 99.48 101.51 100.81 100.59 102.54 99.55 100.45 100.52 100.06 100.07 101.37 104.04
May 112.23 107.53 99.25 101.02 100.74 100.40 103.72 99.25 100.26 100.54 100.06 100.07 101.19 103.74
June 111.70 107.50 99.25 101.95 100.83 100.40 106.34 99.18 100.26 100.54 100.06 100.07 101.13 104.14
July 110.42 107.50 99.25 102.05 100.85 100.40 106.71 99.18 100.26 100.54 95.23 100.07 101.19 103.37
August 109.77 107.46 99.25 102.27 100.85 100.40 109.59 99.15 100.26 100.54 93.76 100.07 101.19 103.49
September 109.74 107.46 99.25 102.33 100.85 100.40 110.72 98.89 100.26 100.54 93.76 100.07 101.11 103.63
October 109.80 106.30 99.72 102.22 100.98 100.76 110.92 98.39 100.78 100.69 100.63 100.07 101.62 104.42
November 110.15 106.31 100.45 102.18 102.17 100.76 110.89 98.39 100.93 100.91 102.38 99.98 101.71 104.76
December 112.97 106.34 100.66 102.28 102.06 100.93 111.45 98.84 100.93 100.72 103.69 99.98 101.81 105.65
Average 111.09 107.52 99.60 101.79 101.07 100.54 106.48 99.13 100.44 100.59 99.15 100.06 101.37 103.92
Table 3.18 (c): Consumer Price Index - Nairobi Upper Income Group, 2019 - 2020
Base Feb 2019 = 100
Alcoholic Housing,
Food and Beverages, Water, Furnishings, Personal Care, Social
Non- Tobacco Clothing Electricity, Household Equipment Recreation, Restaurants and Insurance and Protection and
Alcoholic and and Gas and and Routine Household Information and Sport and Education Accommodation Financial Miscellaneous Goods
Beverages Narcotics Footwear Other Fuels Maintenance Health Transport Communication Culture Services Services Services and Services Total
Weight (%) 16.805 1.807 1.628 13.018 5.123 8.214 17.630 7.608 1.345 3.251 14.542 5.087 3.942 100.000
2019 February 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
March 102.33 100.50 100.07 100.00 100.49 100.07 100.22 100.14 100.61 100.14 99.99 100.00 100.60 100.52
April 103.19 100.68 100.62 100.18 100.48 100.22 100.49 100.15 100.51 100.12 99.93 100.00 101.19 100.77
May 105.22 100.65 101.07 100.47 100.79 100.27 100.95 99.87 100.51 100.12 100.30 100.00 101.33 101.30
June 105.68 100.67 100.99 100.54 100.86 100.27 101.32 99.78 100.51 100.12 100.85 100.00 101.07 101.51
July 106.17 102.66 101.30 100.40 101.00 100.32 101.47 99.70 100.51 101.09 101.19 100.00 101.40 101.74
August 106.40 102.69 101.76 100.43 100.52 100.32 101.51 99.84 100.51 101.09 100.48 102.69 101.56 101.82
September 106.64 102.78 102.04 100.31 100.55 100.32 101.57 100.08 100.51 101.09 100.73 102.52 101.68 101.92
October 106.74 102.78 102.10 100.31 100.67 100.32 101.61 99.97 100.51 101.09 100.93 102.54 101.72 101.97
November 107.23 103.80 102.10 100.31 100.62 100.23 101.83 99.71 100.54 101.09 102.02 102.54 102.04 102.26
December 108.43 103.99 102.10 100.31 100.66 100.26 101.82 99.71 100.54 101.09 103.32 102.54 102.28 102.66
Average 105.28 101.93 101.29 100.29 100.60 100.24 101.16 99.90 100.48 100.64 100.89 101.17 101.35 101.50
2020 January 108.93 103.97 102.47 100.28 100.72 100.25 101.64 99.60 100.90 102.81 102.42 102.54 102.47 102.65
February 110.01 104.45 103.32 100.56 100.87 100.26 101.82 99.24 100.93 102.85 105.91 102.58 102.46 103.41

March 110.58 104.08 103.32 100.56 100.87 100.36 101.95 99.20 100.93 102.86 105.18 102.58 102.44 103.42
April 111.83 104.08 103.32 100.88 100.73 100.36 102.12 99.20 100.93 102.86 105.18 102.58 102.34 103.69
May 111.62 104.27 103.31 100.62 100.67 100.34 103.91 98.97 101.03 102.86 105.77 102.58 102.15 104.00
June 110.06 104.20 103.31 100.68 100.60 100.69 104.10 98.88 101.03 102.86 106.14 102.58 101.94 103.84
July 110.08 104.81 103.01 100.62 100.40 101.05 104.26 98.70 101.03 102.86 105.26 102.58 102.96 103.79
August 108.53 105.12 103.01 100.70 100.38 101.05 109.29 98.82 101.03 102.86 106.01 102.57 103.03 104.55
September 109.66 104.17 102.62 100.62 100.38 100.91 106.73 98.65 101.11 102.86 106.31 102.60 102.48 104.26
October 110.22 104.19 103.73 100.59 100.32 101.98 107.45 98.46 101.18 103.34 106.49 102.60 102.26 104.60
November 110.93 104.94 104.14 100.66 100.40 102.21 107.13 98.70 101.62 103.34 105.43 102.60 102.42 104.59
December 113.15 105.53 104.71 100.76 100.53 102.60 108.20 98.71 101.62 103.34 104.63 102.60 102.40 105.10
Average 110.47 104.48 103.36 100.63 100.57 101.00 104.88 98.93 101.11 102.97 105.40 102.58 102.44 103.99
Table 3.18 (d): Consumer Price Index - Nairobi Combined 2019 - 2020
Base Feb 2019 = 100
Alcoholic Housing,
Food and Beverages, Water, Furnishings, Personal Care, Social
Non- Tobacco Clothing Electricity, Household Equipment Recreation, Restaurants and Insurance and Protection and
Alcoholic and and Gas and and Routine Household Information and Sport and Education Accommodation Financial Miscellaneous Goods
Beverages Narcotics Footwear Other Fuels Maintenance Health Transport Communication Culture Services Services Services and Services Total
Weight (%) 29.300 3.070 2.747 15.990 3.468 2.959 11.811 8.375 1.392 5.591 8.041 2.848 4.409 100.000
2019 February 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
March 102.88 100.37 100.44 99.94 100.38 100.50 101.55 100.37 100.24 100.02 100.13 100.14 100.48 101.16
April 104.75 101.16 100.68 100.15 100.46 100.58 102.19 100.40 100.82 100.02 100.43 100.15 100.78 101.92
May 106.32 101.38 100.85 100.57 100.63 100.61 102.37 100.40 100.82 100.02 100.53 100.17 100.93 102.52
June 107.04 102.53 100.94 100.74 100.70 100.63 102.82 100.43 100.86 100.02 100.71 100.17 100.91 102.87
July 107.59 104.23 101.01 100.75 100.74 100.63 102.88 100.41 100.87 100.13 100.82 100.17 101.00 103.11
August 107.63 105.29 101.00 100.79 100.82 100.63 103.05 100.45 100.89 100.13 100.95 100.49 100.98 103.20
September 108.20 105.89 101.01 100.76 100.91 100.63 103.21 100.36 100.86 100.13 101.03 100.77 100.99 103.39
October 108.68 106.17 100.97 100.96 101.04 100.69 103.38 100.48 100.84 100.13 101.20 100.77 101.01 103.64
November 109.96 108.09 101.17 101.14 101.16 100.68 103.88 100.72 100.99 100.15 101.35 100.77 101.42 104.26
December 111.48 108.32 101.65 101.27 101.15 100.69 104.25 100.89 101.52 100.15 101.56 101.15 101.51 104.88
Average 106.78 103.95 100.88 100.64 100.73 100.57 102.69 100.45 100.79 100.08 100.79 100.43 100.91 102.81
2020 January 112.87 109.12 101.80 101.73 101.24 100.89 104.18 100.88 102.39 101.10 101.48 101.56 101.80 105.48

February 114.58 109.35 102.10 101.95 101.31 101.27 104.33 100.78 102.57 101.14 101.99 101.58 101.92 106.16
March 115.36 109.03 102.26 101.93 101.52 101.73 104.89 100.83 102.58 101.14 102.06 101.44 102.17 106.50
April 116.98 110.57 102.31 102.34 101.39 101.96 105.93 100.83 102.64 101.14 102.89 101.44 102.22 107.27
May 116.34 109.83 102.88 102.03 101.50 101.89 108.09 100.69 102.56 101.14 103.03 101.38 102.13 107.24
June 115.11 109.04 103.16 101.81 100.42 102.13 112.89 100.03 102.61 101.14 103.21 101.33 102.09 107.22
July 114.16 110.10 103.13 101.51 100.13 102.17 117.19 100.22 102.55 101.19 101.90 101.33 101.96 107.14
August 112.91 110.12 103.11 102.60 100.74 102.13 119.14 100.42 102.59 101.19 101.50 101.33 102.07 107.21
September 113.26 109.70 102.97 102.40 101.17 102.07 119.55 100.33 102.58 101.19 101.49 101.33 102.03 107.30
October 113.40 109.57 103.59 102.62 101.57 102.52 120.11 100.19 102.70 101.36 104.61 101.07 102.64 107.79
November 114.67 109.80 105.06 102.74 102.09 102.76 120.11 100.37 102.82 101.43 105.48 101.04 102.92 108.41
December 117.88 110.05 104.65 103.36 102.21 102.86 121.65 100.55 103.19 101.37 105.99 101.15 103.32 109.74
Average 114.79 109.69 103.09 102.25 101.28 102.03 113.17 100.51 102.65 101.21 102.97 101.33 102.27 107.29
Table 3.19: Consumer Price Index - Rest of Urban Areas, 2019 - 2020
Base Feb 2019 = 100
Alcoholic Housing, Household
Food and Beverages, Water, Equipment and Information Insurance Personal Care,
Non- Tobacco Clothing Electricity, Routine and Recreation, Restaurants and and Social Protection
Alcoholic and and Gas and Household Communicati Sport and Education Accommodation Financial and Miscellaneous
Beverages Narcotics Footwear Other Fuels Maintenance Health Transport on Culture Services Services Services Goods and Services Total
Weight (%) 35.476 3.513 3.165 13.632 3.929 2.878 8.107 7.364 1.957 5.542 8.140 1.812 4.485 100.000
2019 February 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
March 104.09 100.95 100.80 100.18 100.68 100.41 101.30 100.26 100.39 100.28 100.68 100.02 100.93 101.81
April 106.04 101.36 100.99 100.61 100.85 100.46 101.76 100.26 100.47 100.28 100.78 100.02 101.14 102.65
May 107.90 101.76 101.13 101.15 101.16 100.51 102.11 100.21 100.52 100.28 101.25 99.99 101.60 103.52
June 108.77 102.20 101.25 101.58 101.38 100.56 102.48 100.41 100.58 100.28 101.36 100.02 101.79 103.98
July 109.53 104.18 101.29 101.55 101.46 100.57 102.52 100.38 100.56 100.27 101.43 100.02 101.86 104.34
August 109.71 105.50 101.43 101.86 101.72 100.68 103.01 101.05 100.80 100.39 101.63 100.05 101.91 104.64
September 110.03 105.93 101.51 101.67 102.04 100.74 103.07 101.06 100.82 100.39 101.67 100.04 102.01 104.77
October 110.78 106.04 101.49 102.08 102.20 101.13 103.13 101.02 100.88 100.42 102.04 100.11 102.38 105.19
November 112.18 106.77 101.91 102.38 102.52 101.18 103.55 100.90 100.93 100.43 102.14 100.11 102.53 105.82
December 113.75 107.16 103.06 102.59 102.69 101.22 104.78 101.16 100.98 100.43 102.42 100.11 103.35 106.66

Average 108.43 103.80 101.35 101.42 101.52 100.68 102.52 100.61 100.63 100.31 101.40 100.04 101.77 103.94
2020 January 114.89 107.95 103.27 102.78 102.84 101.44 105.12 101.13 101.30 101.20 102.65 100.10 103.70 107.25
February 116.44 108.47 103.34 102.89 103.04 101.54 105.28 101.14 101.40 101.33 102.93 100.12 103.79 107.89
March 117.09 108.83 103.40 102.88 103.10 101.59 105.40 101.14 101.49 101.33 102.98 100.11 103.91 108.17
April 119.83 109.44 103.42 103.42 103.29 101.73 106.64 101.17 101.44 101.33 103.00 100.24 104.09 109.36
May 119.79 109.21 104.03 104.55 103.89 101.67 107.01 100.67 101.63 101.28 102.95 100.18 103.98 109.57
June 118.09 109.45 104.20 103.26 103.88 101.43 107.42 100.62 104.44 101.41 102.89 100.19 104.10 109.01
July 117.18 110.52 103.38 102.84 103.82 102.55 111.88 100.67 104.21 102.85 103.29 100.15 104.85 109.22
August 116.08 111.14 103.44 104.23 103.86 103.59 114.61 102.45 104.56 102.44 106.18 100.17 104.86 109.54
September 116.12 111.06 103.19 104.29 104.29 102.76 114.31 101.63 104.53 102.33 106.16 99.88 104.74 109.48
October 118.26 111.23 103.94 105.80 105.62 105.08 115.15 101.95 104.64 102.75 106.81 102.12 104.91 110.89
November 120.42 112.18 104.81 105.85 106.22 106.91 114.84 102.92 104.76 103.33 108.31 102.34 105.49 112.46
December 123.09 112.68 105.18 106.47 106.97 107.52 116.06 103.00 105.07 103.74 108.84 102.34 105.92 113.38
Average 118.11 110.18 103.80 104.11 104.24 103.15 110.31 101.54 103.29 102.11 104.75 100.66 104.53 109.69
Table 3.20: Consumer Price Index - Kenya, 2019 - 2020
Base Feb 2019 = 100
Alcoholic Housing, Household
Food and Beverages, Water, Equipment and Information Personal Care,
Non- Tobacco Clothing Electricity, Routine and Recreation, Restaurants and Insurance and Social Protection
Alcoholic and and Gas and Household Communicat Sport and Education Accommodation Financial and Miscellaneous
Beverages Narcotics Footwear Other Fuels Maintenance Health Transport ion Culture Services Services Services Goods and Services Total
Weight (%) 32.909 3.329 2.991 14.612 3.737 2.912 9.647 7.784 1.722 5.562 8.099 2.242 4.453 100.000
2019 February 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
March 103.59 100.71 100.65 100.08 100.56 100.45 101.40 100.30 100.33 100.17 100.45 100.07 100.74 101.54
April 105.50 101.28 100.86 100.42 100.69 100.51 101.94 100.32 100.62 100.17 100.64 100.07 100.99 102.34
May 107.24 101.60 101.01 100.91 100.94 100.55 102.22 100.29 100.65 100.17 100.95 100.06 101.32 103.11
June 108.05 102.33 101.12 101.23 101.10 100.59 102.62 100.42 100.70 100.17 101.09 100.08 101.42 103.52
July 108.72 104.20 101.17 101.22 101.16 100.59 102.67 100.39 100.69 100.21 101.17 100.08 101.50 103.83
August 108.85 105.41 101.25 101.41 101.35 100.66 103.03 100.80 100.83 100.28 101.35 100.23 101.52 104.04
September 109.27 105.91 101.30 101.29 101.57 100.69 103.13 100.77 100.84 100.28 101.40 100.34 101.59 104.20
October 109.91 106.09 101.27 101.61 101.72 100.95 103.23 100.79 100.86 100.30 101.69 100.38 101.81 104.54
November 111.26 107.32 101.60 101.86 101.95 100.97 103.69 100.83 100.95 100.31 101.81 100.39 102.07 105.17
December 112.81 107.64 102.48 102.04 102.05 101.00 104.56 101.05 101.20 100.31 102.06 100.55 102.59 105.92

Average 107.75 103.86 101.16 101.10 101.19 100.63 102.59 100.54 100.70 100.22 101.15 100.21 101.41 103.47
2020 January 114.05 108.43 102.66 102.34 102.17 101.21 104.73 101.02 101.76 101.16 102.16 100.71 102.91 106.51
February 115.67 108.83 102.83 102.50 102.32 101.43 104.89 100.99 101.88 101.25 102.54 100.73 103.01 107.17
March 116.37 108.92 102.93 102.49 102.44 101.65 105.19 101.01 101.94 101.25 102.60 100.66 103.19 107.47
April 118.65 109.91 102.96 102.97 102.50 101.82 106.34 101.03 101.94 101.25 102.95 100.74 103.31 108.49
May 118.36 109.47 103.55 103.50 102.90 101.76 107.46 100.68 102.02 101.22 102.98 100.68 103.21 108.60
June 116.85 109.28 103.77 102.66 102.44 101.72 109.69 100.38 103.68 101.30 103.02 100.66 103.27 108.27
July 115.92 110.34 103.28 102.29 102.29 102.39 114.09 100.48 103.52 102.16 102.71 100.64 103.65 108.35
August 114.76 110.72 103.30 103.55 102.56 102.98 116.50 101.61 103.74 101.92 104.24 100.65 103.70 108.57
September 114.93 110.49 103.10 103.50 103.00 102.47 116.48 101.09 103.72 101.85 104.22 100.48 103.61 108.57
October 116.24 110.54 103.80 104.48 103.93 104.02 117.21 101.22 103.83 102.17 105.90 101.68 103.97 109.60
November 118.03 111.19 104.91 104.56 104.50 105.19 117.03 101.86 103.95 102.54 107.14 101.80 104.43 110.78
December 120.92 111.59 104.96 105.18 104.99 105.58 118.38 101.98 104.29 102.76 107.66 101.85 104.84 111.87
Average 116.73 109.98 103.50 103.33 103.00 102.69 111.50 101.11 103.02 101.74 104.01 100.94 103.59 108.69
Table 3.21: Annual Average Retail Prices of Certain Consumer Goods in Kenya Included in the Consumer Price Index, 2011 - 2020
KSh per Unit
ITEM Unit 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Beef - with bones .. .. .. .. 1 Kg 284.98 322.95 342.47 369.09 392.53 399.59 410.28 439.04 426.66 436.76
Bread,White .. .. ... .. . .. .. .. 400 gms 41.32 46.08 47.47 49.24 48.86 49.16 49.55 50.24 48.41 48.29
Cabbages .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 1 Kg 37.65 48.79 48.97 41.42 42.87 59.13 66.52 40.84 43.02 38.52
Cigarettes Sportsman1 .. .. .. .. .. . 1 Pkt. 90.09 94.10 95.02 96.18 99.58 121.42 123.88 126.71 137.87 199.40
Coffee .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 gms .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 457.54
Cooking Fat - .. .. .. .. .. ... ... 500 gms 111.41 116.76 111.41 109.59 108.10 106.97 114.13 117.22 117.32 105.60
Eggs .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 dozen 129.38 146.22 152.40 157.30 164.69 168.07 173.29 174.71 176.09 170.30
Kerosene .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. 1 Litre 87.87 82.95 83.94 82.41 58.40 54.60 66.99 90.06 102.97 84.55
Maize Flour - Sifted .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Kg 54.34 56.65 55.76 53.22 46.46 47.19 60.30 53.37 50.67 60.81
Maize Grain - Loose .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Kg 37.92 41.65 42.30 45.18 43.09 42.77 57.66 49.20 47.20 49.79
Matches - Steamship .. .. .. .. .. Pkt. 1 3.25 3.71 3.84 4.10 4.33 4.41 4.68 4.92 5.06 33.84
Milk - Tetrapack3 . .. .. .. .. 1/2 litre 39.06 43.18 48.83 50.80 52.68 53.51 59.60 60.59 49.73 48.72
Rice, grade II4 .. .. .. ... 1 Kg 89.95 98.04 102.20 99.67 98.76 105.19 115.52 120.84 126.56 127.83
Sugar - Refined... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Kg 127.23 119.92 120.20 110.57 109.24 118.21 137.82 132.62 116.21 113.94
Tea leaves.. .. .. .. 100 gms 45.30 46.84 46.73 47.04 48.23 50.21 51.27 52.82 54.35 47.06

Wheat Flour .. .. .. .. .. ... 2 kg 134.20 134.93 137.88 136.37 129.05 124.25 131.29 122.28 121.94 119.37
Beer Tusker5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/2 Litre 110.16 118.63 125.85 135.15 137.78 156.19 157.30 163.15 174.52 184.36
Carrots .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Kg 59.51 64.67 80.06 70.47 75.44 78.41 76.07 59.65 67.62 70.78
Cooking Bananas .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Kg 55.72 64.90 70.45 60.55 53.27 57.57 64.85 66.03 70.12 65.20
Dry beans .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Kg 86.86 92.15 96.24 103.63 116.23 125.13 126.54 111.29 118.15 121.21
English Potatoes 1 Kg 47.64 55.67 52.72 49.33 63.04 77.05 81.14 67.86 71.07 67.28
Green Grams .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Kg 128.47 122.09 120.63 131.61 154.24 156.43 161.44 160.23 176.00 102.47
Kales - Sukuma-wiki .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Kg 36.09 36.27 41.82 38.77 38.37 40.06 52.82 50.75 44.19 49.08
Margarine .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 500 gms 138.18 149.49 149.33 154.34 161.12 166.76 172.93 175.02 177.96 184.89
Offals - Matumbo .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Kg 161.55 188.39 203.32 217.78 236.56 244.11 254.12 262.87 253.69 260.46
Onions .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Kg 84.61 102.51 106.65 105.57 113.91 128.14 126.38 123.51 94.82 111.20
Oranges .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. 1 Kg 71.72 78.16 79.48 75.34 83.40 112.47 109.59 92.57 116.43 64.36
Petrol (Super) 1 litre 113.57 114.05 113.11 112.79 94.65 90.28 99.30 110.86 110.50 103.25
Common Salt .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ..1 ..Kg.. 23.93 26.53 28.35 30.24 32.18 32.82 32.64 33.03 34.10 31.62
Sodas6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ..300 ml 23.58 26.41 26.81 27.77 28.42 30.56 31.19 31.82 32.42 59.42
Tomatoes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Kg 66.18 70.64 76.26 92.10 107.31 110.26 93.89 90.95 92.31 102.59
1 4
2020 annual average price is for cigarettes; 2020 annual average price is for broken white rice (aromatic or non-aromatic)
2 5
2020 annual average price is for 1 packet of match box 2020 annual average price is for beer (lagers, stouts)
3 6
2020 annual average price is for fresh packeted cow milk 2020 annual average price is for 500 ml of sodas
Table 4.1: Currency in Circulation, 2014 - 2019
KSh Million
Denomination as at Dec. 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Total Coins 6,674 7,393 7,951 8,566 9,107 9,346 9,553
1,000 Shillings 169,977 188,068 208,945 225,128 232,609 202,261 237,088
500 Shillings 20,505 20,131 18,509 17,826 17,093 18,761 21,215
200 Shillings 9,994 9,869 10,032 10,794 11,595 11,188 10,973
100 Shillings 10,270 10,884 12,286 12,311 12,894 12,494 13,604
50 Shillings 4,003 4,268 4,677 4,215 4,683 5,084 5,352
20 Shillings 199 199 199 198 198 198 197
10 Shillings 119 119 119 119 119 119 118
unspecified notes 188 - 16 - - - -
Total notes 215,255 233,538 254,783 270,593 279,192 250,105 288,548
Grand total 221,930 240,931 262,734 279,159 288,299 259,451 298,101
Source: Central Bank of Kenya
* Provisional
- Insignificant
Table 4.2: Central Bank of Kenya Assets and Liabilities, 2014 - 2019
KSh Million
ASSETS as at December 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
1. Foreign Exchange:-
1.1 Balances with External Banks .. ..608,203 585,544 580,215 485,322 392,126 316,693 200,502
1.2 Treasury Bills .. 81,195 133,828 131,717 229,344 414,902 560,287 638,788
1.3 Other Investments .. 32,641 44,266 36,232 38,693 40,304 56,101 85,285
1.4 Special Drawing Rights 1,241 1,489 3,747 1,487 2,577 5,974 2,868
TOTAL .. .. 723,279 765,127 751,911 754,846 849,909 939,056 927,442
2. Advances & Disc. to Banks .. 3,676 13,294 46,713 28,292 53,210 50,685 70,018
3. Direct Advances & Overdraft
to Kenya Government .. .. 30,929 45,258 29,956 42,335 64,843 63,729 132,877
4. Other Assets including Kenya
Treasury Bills & Bonds .. .. 28,325 61,523 37,914 80,507 50,937 81,476 33,397
TOTAL ASSETS .. .. 786,209 885,202 866,494 905,980 1,018,899 1,134,946 1,221,165
1. Capital 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 35,000 35,000
2. Currency in Circulation-
2.1 Notes .. .. 215,255 233,538 254,784 270,593 279,192 250,105 288,548
2.2 Coins .. .. 6,674 7,393 7,951 8,566 9,107 9,346 9,553
TOTAL CURRENCY .. .. 221,930 240,931 262,734 279,159 288,299 259,451 298,101
3. Deposits
3.1 Kenya Government .. .. 179,963 177,905 181,804 144,903 207,553 276,335 197,796
3.2 Kenya Banks 1 .. .. 158,111 151,499 148,411 159,619 203,725 202,148 179,321
3.3 External Banks .. .. 133,819 143,741 130,329 127,717 110,417 105,754 188,958
3.4 Other .. .. 26,729 29,634 55,129 41,389 71,704 73,371 100,670
TOTAL .. .. 498,622 502,778 515,673 473,628 593,398 657,607 666,745
4. Other Liabilities .. .. 60,658 136,493 83,087 148,193 132,202 182,888 228,876
TOTAL LIABILITIES .. .. 786,209 885,202 866,494 905,980 1,018,899 1,134,946 1,221,165
Source: Central Bank of Kenya
Deposits from commercial banks excluding Non-Bank Financial Institutions(NBFIs)

Table 4.3: Nominal Principal Interest Rates, 2014 - 2020
Per cent
Nominal Principal Interest Rates 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*


for 91 day Treasury Bills 8.58 9.81 8.44 8.01 7.34 7.17 6.90
Central Bank Rate.. …. 8.50 11.50 10.00 10.00 9.00 8.50 7.00
Repo rate.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.39 9.23 .. 7.75 7.72 7.45 6.93
Inter-bank rate.. .. .. .. 6.91 7.27 5.92 7.27 8.15 6.03 5.29
Average deposits 6.81 8.02 7.33 8.22 7.41 7.11 6.30
Savings deposits 1.85 1.56 6.37 6.91 5.13 4.02 2.70
Loan and Advances 15.99 18.30 13.69 13.64 12.51 12.24 12.02
Overdraft 15.86 18.48 13.49 13.54 12.17 11.67 11.51
Loans-Deposit Spread 9.18 10.28 6.36 5.41 5.09 5.14 5.73
Source: Central Bank of Kenya.
Weighted average commercial bank interest rates

.. Data not available

Table 4.4 (a): Assets and Liabilities, 2012 - 2020
KSh Million
As at end of December 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Currency and deposits 309,272 350,928 400,358 440,062 390,672 425,765 558,614 582,244 687,090
Currency held 49,532 56,563 58,306 61,214 62,828 64,505 69,057 72,464 72,020
Deposits 259,740 294,364 342,052 378,848 327,844 361,260 489,557 509,780 615,069
Securities purchased 533,682 601,144 678,280 755,273 896,838 1,035,020 1,193,071 1,347,930 1,642,664
Loans advanced 1,355,216 1,597,916 1,963,330 2,353,295 2,496,616 2,605,116 2,691,441 2,856,409 3,079,250
Financial derivatives 7,471 3,837 2,667 5,893 10,350 5,896 6,284 12,411 7,392
Other accounts receivable 109,295 140,863 183,329 214,914 221,985 252,231 269,813 280,473 378,782
Debtors (receivables) 13,231 9,317 17,864 16,175 34,431 34,134 25,052 33,761 29,903
Other assets 96,064 131,546 165,466 198,739 187,554 218,097 244,761 246,712 348,879
Shares and other equity 35,928 43,675 53,304 44,957 33,516 39,706 47,103 46,260 35,060
Fixed assets 124,490 142,216 156,450 179,782 200,106 211,818 226,524 263,976 281,570
Total assets 2,475,355 2,880,579 3,437,717 3,994,176 4,250,082 4,575,552 4,992,849 5,389,483 6,111,587
Deposits 1,761,632 1,985,472 2,346,687 2,714,189 2,806,552 3,098,724 3,431,179 3,612,969 4,075,106
Securities issued 14,892 15,968 21,161 22,893 20,415 13,414 17,065 4,885 5,120
Loans borrowed 126,225 197,460 250,963 341,884 366,593 347,873 291,030 382,426 428,953
Financial derivatives 8,211 3,775 2,697 4,607 9,302 4,583 5,450 5,544 11,230
Other accounts payable 202,476 247,518 287,571 356,354 460,417 485,388 621,556 690,377 833,745
Creditors (payables) 8,281 14,831 19,800 13,354 28,899 15,891 12,705 19,545 14,672
Other liabilities 194,195 232,688 267,771 343,000 431,518 469,497 608,851 670,832 819,073
Capital and reserves 361,921 430,386 528,638 554,248 586,804 625,568 626,568 693,282 757,433
Total liabilities 2,475,355 2,880,579 3,437,717 3,994,176 4,250,082 4,575,552 4,992,849 5,389,483 6,111,587
Source: Central Bank of Kenya

Table 4.4(b): Commercial Banks Deposit Liabilities and Liquid Assets as at 31 st Dec, 2007 - 2020
Deposit Liabilities2 Liquid Assets1 Current
Year (KSh.mn.) (KSh.mn.) liquidity ratio3
per cent
2007 687,286 284,281 41.4
2008 827,461 324,997 39.3
2009 989,690 396,671 40.1
2010 986,668 427,471 43.3
2011 1,451,189 548,300 37.8
2012 1,747,468 817,588 46.8
2013 1,970,227 925,443 47.0
2014 2,327,188 1,050,496 45.1
2015 2,661,140 1,162,557 43.7
2016 2,771,711 1,269,312 45.8
2017 3,068,724 1,444,155 47.1
2018 3,414,706 1,726,988 50.6
2019 3,634,996 1,911,337 52.6
2020* 4,100,921 2,315,961 56.5
Includes Notes and Coins,balances at Central Bank, net inter-bank balances in
Kenya and overseas (included only if positive)and Treasury Bills.
Liquid Assets are calculated as an average of three days balance.
Deposit liabilities are calculated as an average of three days balance.
Liquid assets as percentage of deposit liabilities.

Table 4.4(c): Commercial Banks' Bills, Loans and Advances , 2014 - 2020
KSh Million
As at end of December 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019*
Government1 567,131 648,820 790,966 930,174 1,057,217 1,177,091
Private Enterprises:
Agriculture 75,001 85,860 90,184 84,697 83,005 80,990
Mining and Quarrying 23,421 20,779 16,802 16,470 14,700 13,852
Manufacturing 237,422 283,277 276,407 314,176 334,618 365,351
Building and
Transport, Construction
Storage and 80,406 107,843 104,826 111,985 114,015 115,800
Communications 130,304 178,520 204,618 190,531 172,695 186,665
Trade 306,927 327,917 379,612 417,376 429,314 467,420
Real Estate 262,691 303,440 337,352 370,732 368,710 374,089
Financial Institutions 50,384 77,621 84,866 82,082 96,482 96,877
Other Business 306,166 457,292 359,647 315,720 346,249 400,709
Total 1,472,722 1,842,549 1,854,314 1,903,769 1,959,787 2,101,753
Private Households etc

Private Households 316,187 325,893 380,818 385,078 411,738 434,761

Other Activities (Nes) 108,696 56,561 105,912 125,878 115,190 127,867
Private Non-Profit Making
Organizations 424,883 382,454 486,730 510,956 526,928 562,628
Total 2,464,735 2,873,823 3,132,010 3,344,899 3,543,932 3,841,472
Includes Central Government,County Government and other Public Bodies
Includes Forestry, Fishing and Wildlife
Excludes portfolio investment by private enterprises and banks

Table 4.5: Money and Quasi-Money Supply, 2015 - 2020

KSh Million
Broad Money Supply Overall liquidity
M1 Quasi-Money M2 M3 L
2015 Dec 1,023,047 1,229,703 2,252,750 2,666,701 3,399,353
2016 Dec 1,310,016 1,050,186 2,360,202 2,764,507 3,708,694
2017 Dec 1,385,918 1,165,894 2,551,811 3,030,646 4,104,802
2018 Dec 1,477,526 1,278,447 2,755,973 3,337,832 4,550,971
2019 Dec 1,525,237 1,379,115 2,904,352 3,524,026 4,927,141
2020 Jan 1,524,030 1,391,678 2,915,709 3,527,005 4,957,775
Feb 1,568,052 1,402,049 2,970,101 3,596,050 5,051,668
Mar 1,595,107 1,423,750 3,018,857 3,661,011 5,180,182
Apr 1,595,268 1,443,383 3,038,651 3,695,953 5,227,100
May 1,602,094 1,479,236 3,081,331 3,752,781 5,311,081
Jun 1,666,550 1,534,707 3,201,257 3,863,633 5,416,072
Jul 1,683,552 1,553,156 3,236,708 3,905,444 5,514,168
Aug 1,655,723 1,527,030 3,182,753 3,846,971 5,508,924
Sep 1,665,778 1,514,748 3,180,526 3,843,500 5,519,778
Oct 1,741,975 1,481,554 3,223,529 3,922,750 5,615,435
Nov 1,759,898 1,478,291 3,238,189 3,952,313 5,673,496
Dec 1,720,337 1,529,886 3,250,223 3,990,901 5,742,695
Source: Central Bank of Kenya

Table 4.6: Consolidated Accounts of the Banking System, 2014 - 2020
KSh Million
As at end of year 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
1 Money (M1):
1.1 Demand Deposits .. .. .. 764,653 831,796 1,100,124 1,160,489 1,247,181 1,326,625 1,385,986
1.2 Currency outside banks .. 173,505 191,251 198,573 225,429 302,048 198,612 334,351
Sub-Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 938,157 1,023,047 1,298,697 1,385,918 1,549,229 1,525,237 1,720,337
2 Quasi-Money(MS):
2.1 Call + 7 days Notice
Deposits.. .. .. .. .. .. 102,373 118,970 101,494 112,677 123,646 133,425 178,160
2.2 Savings Deposits .. .. 290,355 337,426 288,979 320,819 350,689 378,424 211,116
2.3 Time Deposits .. .. .. 665,429 773,306 659,712 732,398 803,700 867,264 1,140,609
Sub-Total (quasi-money banks) .. .. .. .. .. 1,058,158
.. 1,229,702 1,050,186 1,165,894 1,278,035 1,379,113 1,529,885
Broad Money Supply (M2) 1,996,315 2,252,749 2,360,202 2,551,811 2,755,561 2,904,352 3,250,223
3 Foreign Currency Deposits 340,075 413,950 404,305 478,834 581,859 619,675 740,678
Broad Money Supply (M3) 2,336,391 2,666,701 2,764,507 3,030,646 3,337,420 3,524,026 3,990,901
4 Treasury Bill Holdings 619,078 732,652 944,187 1,074,156 1,219,282 1,403,114 1,751,795
Overall Liquidity(L) 2,955,469 3,399,353 3,708,694 4,104,802 4,556,702 4,927,141 5,742,695
5 Other Items (Net) 455,442 618,652 703,830 767,065 828,839 942,956 653,150
TOTAL LIABILITIES(M3+OIN) .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,791,833 3,285,353 3,468,337 3,797,711 4,166,259 4,466,982 5,089,545

6 Net Foreign Assets .. .. .. .. .. .. 479,654 491,461 495,165 518,393 716,108 806,441 748,602
7 Domestic Credit:
7.1 National Govt. (Net) 379,316 525,094 592,770 748,726 859,113 900,383 1,358,397
7.2 Other Public Bodies 48,402 82,447 104,719 112,399 100,950 92,284 91,204
7.3 Private Sector 1,884,460 2,186,350 2,275,683 2,418,192 2,490,088 2,667,874 2,891,342
Sub-Total 2,312,178 2,793,892 2,973,172 3,279,317 3,450,151 3,660,541 4,340,943
TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,791,833 3,285,353 3,468,337 3,797,710 4,166,259 4,466,982 5,089,545
Source: Central Bank of Kenya
* Provisional
(a) Broad Money , M2, is money supplied by the Central Bank, Commercial Banks and NBFIs.
The items include currency outside banking institutions, deposits held by non-banking institutions with Central Bank, all deposits as well as certificates of deposits held by the private
and other public sectors with banking institutions. Excluded are Central Government, Local Government and Non-residents deposits with banking institutions.

(b) Broad Money , M3, comprises M2 and foreign currency holdings by residents.

(c) Broad Money , L, comprises M3 and Treasury Bill holdings by the non-bank public.
(d) Other Items Net Includes SDR allocated by IMF.
(e) Net Foreign Assets includes Government reserve position in the IMF and deposits with crown agents.

(f) Treasury Bill holdings by the non-bank public is not included in total liabilities of the banking sytem.

Table 4.7: Agricultural Finance Corporation- Assets and Liabilities as at 30 th June, 2009 - 2020
KSh Million
Liabilities 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Current Liabilities 669 892 740 856 402 422 822 645 736 1,074 911 1,054
Loans and Liabilities .. 1,119 1,028 1,060 1,519 1,868 1,938 1,937 1,876 1,835 1,866 1,766 1,766
Equity 3,864 4,367 4,773 5,132 5,832 6,600 6,688 6,332 7,073 6,491 7,099 7,094
General Reserves .. .. 66 54 93 291 358 311 602 784 911 1,818 1,766 2,082
Total .. .. .. .. 5,718 6,341 6,666 7,798 8,460 9,271 10,049 9,637 10,555 11,249 11,542 11,996
Current Assets .. .. 1,072 1,251 1,004 993 777 866 3,324 2,709 2,596 2,499 3,311 347
Loans to Farmers .. 3,755 3,898 4,177 4,113 4,541 4,890 4,290 4,295 4,896 5,084 4,879 8,911
Other Loans 153 135 105 197 211 233 219 0 0 0 0 -
Deposits .. .. .. 197 243 596 1,276 1,608 1,806 911 713 1,118 1,571 1,962 780
Farm Properties.. .. 65 86 80 69 178 192 169 138 138 259 268 268
Fixed Assets .. .. 476 728 704 1,150 1,145 1,284 1,136 1,782 1,807 1,836 1,122 1,690
Total .. .. 5,718 6,341 6,666 7,798 8,460 9,271 10,049 9,637 10,555 11,249 11,542 11,996

Source: Agricultural Finance Corporation
Table 4.8 KSh Million
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Deposits .. .. .. .. 30,748 45,300 50,636 54,568 60,417 62,748 61,747
Withdrawals .. .. .. 33,056 46,826 48,680 53,612 59,299 61,081 59,980
Balance1 due to depositors 17,515 15,989 17,945 18,901 19,184 21,687 23,454
Save-you-Earn Deposits.. 595 634 717 763 801 994 1,138
Fixed Deposit Scheme .. 115 104 92 83 34 14 12
Total Assets/Liabilities 15,645 17,629 19,554 20,542 23,153 25,086 27,540
Source: Kenya Post Office Savings Bank.
* Provisional
Including interest credited to depositors accounts

Table 4.9(a): Life Insurance-Assets, 2015 - 2020
KSh Million
As at 31st December 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Cash in Hand 1,527 1,740 3,592 4,109 6,351 4,133
Balance with:
Banks and Institutions in Kenya 20,086 28,415 21,463 25,880 30,147 24,795
Banks and Institutions outside Kenya 1,089 - - - - -
Domestic Investments
Government Securities and Bills1 42,924 122,881 184,259 233,234 289,915 354,778
Local Government Securities - - - - - -
All Other 37,284 43,055 47,405 51,794 52,433 34,864
External Investments
Government Securities1 1,761 1,703 2,554 - - -
All Other 653 - 831 - - -
Loans and Advances
Policyholders 6,152 3,133 4,232 - 5,181 5,676
Public sector 22 - - - - -
Private sector2 1,504 1,072 3,086 8,129 3,168 3,271
Fixed Assets
Company Premises 5,253 3,369 6,822 2,608 2,046 2,912
Staff Housing 2,312 730 1,478 - - -
Other Real Estate 19,233 17,075 34,573 46,367 47,595 45,013
All Other 35,710 44,662 26,438 1,163 2,027 22,404
Other Assets
Outstanding Premiums 23,060 1,829 5,559 8,610 5,781 9,966
All Other 5,450 9,026 12,100 22,506 21,807 6,397
Total 204,019 278,691 354,392 404,399 466,451 514,208
Source: Insurance Regulatory Authority.
* Provisional
Includes Treasury Bill
Includes Loans and Advances to Private Sector outside Kenya

Table 4.9(b): Life Insurance-Liabilities, 2015 - 2020
KSh Million
As at 31st December 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Share Capital Paid up 43,218 44,840 41,932 47,673 59,047 56,392
Profit and Loss Account 6,819 7,712 8,606 8,844 9,875 8,736
Policy Liabilities:
Life Fund 123,018 176,570 254,297 329,208 346,713 396,332
Claims Outstanding 16,432 27,838 40,094 6,366 34,037 31,777
Current Liabilities
Head Office Expenses 8,630 8,575 5,309 8,326 11,731 11,504
All Other 5,902 4,557 4,153 3,981 5,049 9,467
Total 204,019 278,691 354,392 404,399 466,451 514,208
* Provisional
Source: Insurance Regulatory Authority.


Table 4.10(a):Non-Life Insurance-Assets, 2014- 2020

KSh Million
As at 31st December 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Cash in Hand 4,678 1,246 5,011 6,122 6,973 7,280 5,677
Balance with:
Banks and Institutions in Kenya 28,226 19,732 22,042 20,234 22,905 22,616 23,970
Banks and Institutions outside Kenya - - - - - - -
Domestic Investments
Government Securities and Bills1 32,865 35,341 55,643 51,883 67,592 75,057 85,456
Local Government Securities 1,339 - - - - - -
All Other 29,220 22,948 26,791 16,257 26,127 31,632 30,587
External Investments
Government Securities1 .. 208 - - - - -
All Other .. 653 - - - - -
Loans and Advances - - - - - - -
Policyholders .. 6 1,696 - - - -
Public sector .. 22 - - - - -
Private sector2 5,557 860 2,473 4,201 4,780 4,543 4,721
Fixed Assets - - - - - - -
Company Premises 4,457 5,253 5,810 4,770 6,369 6,086 5,508
Staff Housing - - - - - - -
Other Real Estate 29,894 14,819 35,574 29,203 37,430 36,016 36,374
All Other 2,397 28,801 2,375 12,161 2,395 2,326 1,863
Other Assets
Outstanding Premiums 4,870 20,409 38,005 28,052 33,163 29,751 29,810
All Other 35,907 25,741 19,853 10,691 22,903 21,246 23,167
Total 179,412 176,040 215,272 183,574 230,636 236,554 247,133
Source: Insurance Regulatory Authority.
* Provisional
Includes Treasury Bill
Includes Loans and Advances to Private Sector outside Kenya

Table4.12(b):Non-Life Insurance-Liabilities, 2014- 2020

KSh Million
As at 31st December 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Share Capital Paid up 77,882 57,211 85,890 72,384 95,374 103,544 103,290

Profit and Loss Account 3,730 7,567 4,129 1,910 6,088 1,518 2,311
Policy Liabilities:
Claims Outstanding 82,031 91,312 100,762 88,468 104,158 101,771 106,460
Current Liabilities
Head Office Expenses1 717 1,148 23,386 19,874 23,516 29,721 32,947
All Other 15,053 18,802 1,105 939 1,501 - 2,125
Total2 179,412 176,040 215,272 183,574 230,636 236,554 247,133
Source: Insurance Regulatory Authority.
Includes commissions due to agents and management expenses incurred
Assets and Liabilites are not necessarily equal incase of insurance incorporated abroad hence the difference in some of the totals
* Provisional

Table 4.11(a): Life Insurance - Analysis Of Loans and Advances1, 2015 - 2020
KSh Million
As at 31st December 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Government 2 .. .. .. 57,396 67,626 82,447
Private Enterprises: - - - - - ..
Agriculture 3 129 .. - .. - ..
Mining and Quarrying .. .. - .. - ..
Manufacturing .. 14 25 325 323 1,330
Building and Construction .. 12 21 .. - 124
Real Estate 85 10 18 9 6 6
Trade 114 .. - .. - ..
Electricity and Water Supply .. .. - 105 - 62
Transport, Storage and Communication .. .. - .. - 3,298
Financial Institutions 658 1,243 2,198 5,197 6,602 3,461
Other Business .. .. 2,262 96 - 19
Total 986 1,279 4,524 5,732 6,931 8,301
Private Holdings etc:
Private Holdings 4,812 2,621 4,635 4,009 5,796 4,890
Non-profit making Organisations .. 239 422 .. - ..
Total 4,812 2,859 5,057 4,009 5,796 4,890
Total Private and Public Sector 5,798 4,138 9,580 67,136 80,353 95,638
Source: Insurance Regulatory Authority.
* Provisional
Excludes loans and advances to private sector outside Kenya
Includes Central Government, County Government and other public Bodies
Includes Forestry, Fishing and Wildlife

Table 4.11(b): Non-Life Insurance - Analysis Of Loans And Advances 1, 2015 - 2020
KSh Million
As at 31st December 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Government2 .. .. .. .. 5,220 3,708
Private Enterprises: .. .. .. .. .. -
Agriculture 3 299 14 15 14 - 238
Mining and Quarrying .. .. .. .. - 490
Manufacturing .. 782 866 782 971 17
Building and Construction 1 2 3 2 - -
Real Estate 153 299 331 299 300 -
Trade .. 39 43 39 - 13
Electricity and Water Supply .. 11 12 11 - -
Transport, Storage and Communication .. .. .. .. 105 114
Financial Institutions 172 597 661 597 1,532 850
Other Business .. 323 358 323 147 10
Total 1 2,068 2 2,068 3,055 1,733
Private Holdings etc: - - - - - -
Private Holdings 824 1,727 .. 1,727 623 754
Non-profit making Organisations 5 .. 1,912 .. - -
Total 1 1,727 2 1,727 623 754
Total Private and Public Sector 1,455 3,795 4,201 3,795 8,898 6,194
Source: Insurance Regulatory Authority.
* Provisional
Excludes loans and advances to private sector outside Kenya
Includes Central Government, County Government and other public Bodies
Includes Forestry, Fishing and Wildlife

Table 4.12(a): Trend in Some Key Insurance Business Indicators, 2014 - 2020
KSh Million
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Gross Premium Income 157,732 174,039 196,636 207,680 216,262 229,500 232,953
Net Premium Written 126,333 139,377 158,362 164,716 172,322 182,658 186,958
Claims Incurred (general business) 42,678 48,811 54,857 54,861 56,928 58,962 57,362
Net commissions 14,333 10,833 12,579 12,176 11,488 10,958 11,596
Expenses of Management 49,249 35,992 39,983 39,827 44,073 45,702 42,594
Underwriting Results (general business) 1,605 (274) (2,126) 556 (2,589) (3,165) (1,179)
Investment Income(P&L) 11,095 6,295 5,339 14,372 44,514 10,752 4,777
Operating profit/loss after taxation 17,232 13,564 12,835 11,048 7,269 5,125 4,926
Investments 355,009 390,225 425,304 436,405 524,237 594,028 652,733
Assets 430,536 478,752 528,748 532,632 635,035 709,045 761,341
Shareholder’s Funds 114,141 125,830 134,455 116,359 149,135 161,635 169,154
Source: Insurance Regulatory Authority.
* Provisional

Table 4.12(b): Key Performance Indicators for Long-Term Insurance Business, 2014 - 2020
KSh Million
Indicators 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Gross Direct Premium 56,583 62,021 73,519 82,808 87,408 97,396 102,116
Outward Reinsurance 3,856 4,983 5,667 5,860 7,049 7,530 3,146
Net Premiums 52,719 57,081 67,852 76,948 80,360 89,866 95,799
Management expenses 28,460 11,279 12,364 12,072 13,928 15,362 14,084
Net Commissions 9,618 5,153 5,474 5,448 4,888 5,278 6,114
Life Fund C/F 193,294 231,886 255,648 301,571 333,263 387,781 437,386

Table 4.12(c) Performance of long term insurance business by class, 2014 - 2020
KSh Million
Indicators 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Life Assurances 14,364 16,783 18,881 21,375 24,332 28,187 29,571
Annuities 6,358 4,137 4,698 9,835 6,881 7,452 8,206
Pensions 14,100 22,002 28,119 29,086 33,914 37,724 40,678
Group Life 9,332 9,859 10,601 12,765 11,031 10,958 9,725
Group Credit 4,265 4,817 6,306 5,208 7,740 7,600 10,006
Permanent Health - - - - - - -
Investments 8,164 4,422 4,915 4,538 3,510 3,559 3,950
Total Gross Direct Premium 56,582.6 62,020.7 73,519.2 82,807.8 87,408.4 95,478.6 102,136.5

Table 4.12:(d) Life Assurance, Group Life And Pensions - Income And Out-Goings, 2014 - 2020
KSh Million
Indicators 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Life assurance
Gross Direct Premium 28,885 25,343 18,881 21,403 24,332 28,187 29,571
Outward Reinsurance 202 220 211 234 240 246 239
Net Premiums 28,685 25,123 18,669 21,175 24,092 27,735 29,332
Management expenses 12,122 7,141 6,865 6,106 6,995 7,968 7,481
Net Commissions 6,077 4,298 4,314 4,082 3,871 4,115 4,237
Life Fund 80,680 95,748 57,752 63,859 76,616 85,706 99,987
Group Life
Gross Direct Premium 13,597 14,675 10,601 12,925 11,031 10,958 9,705
Outward Reinsurance 3,654 4,763 4,188 5,711 3,014 3,545 2,907
Net Premiums 9,935 9,912 6,412 8,806 8,017 8,719 6,799
Management expenses 2,671 2,872 1,574 1,747 2,418 2,181 1,865
Net commissions 2,481 653 89 324 694 558 989
Life Fund 10,632 11,976 7,778 10,639 13,909 14,943 14,807
Gross Direct Premium 14,100 22,047 28,119 29,212 33,914 37,724 40,678
Outward Reinsurance - - - - - - -
Net Premiums 14,100 22,047 28,119 29,212 33,914 37,724 40,678
Management expenses 13,667 1,266 1,239 1,458 1,949 1,949 2,102
Net commissions 1,060 202 350 326 323 394 399
Life Fund 101,982 124,162 138,821 167,299 183,688 218,874 243,840
Source: Insurance Regulatory Authority.
* Provisional

Table 4.13: Non-Life Insurance-Income and Out-Goings, 2015- 2020
KSh Million
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Gross Premiums Written 11,517 12,128 12,701 12,420 13,087 13,175
Less Re-Insurance 5,973 5,223 5,954 5,907 6,184 7,327
Net Premiums 5,544 6,906 6,747 7,006 6,903 5,848
Employer's Liability
Gross Premiums Written 2,231 2,613 2,802 2,802 3,205 3,205
Less Re-Insurance 128 168 246 271 219 340
Net Premiums 2,103 2,446 2,557 2,531 2,985 2,865
Motor Vehicle
Gross Premiums Written 43,225 44,519 43,780 46,103 46,503 43,162
Less Re-Insurance 825 995 1,075 1,071 1,129 1,076
Net Premiums 42,400 43,524 42,705 45,033 45,373 42,086
Miscellaneous Accident
Gross Premiums Written 46,479 56,004 51,614 53,792 60,182 61,776
Less Re-Insurance 6,872 7,124 5,680 5,430 11,377 11,335
Net Premiums 39,607 48,880 45,933 48,362 48,805 50,441
Gross Premiums Written 2,900 2,649 3,630 3,500 3,285 3,161
Less Re-Insurance 902 722 888 866 779 1,072
Net Premiums 1,998 1,927 2,743 2,634 2,506 2,089
Aviation & Engineering
Net Premiums 4,547 4,167 4,572 4,431 4,267 4,419
Total Net Premiums 96,198 107,850 105,256 109,997 110,840 107,748

Other Income 20,511 22,468 1,959 1,165 586

Total Income 116,709 130,319 107,215 111,162 111,426 107,748
Class of business
Aviation 13 70 -49 28 9 36
Engineering 469 449 432 411 598 434
Fire Domestic 483 524 310 478 415 341
Fire industrial 1,178 989 1,100 1,141 825 1,125
Liability 431 662 341 598 399 510
Marine 631 503 725 669 669 607
Motor Private 12,724 14,968 14,182 14,301 16,636 14,086
Motor Commercial 12,858 12,750 12,647 13,619 15,305 10,387
Personal Accident 672 1,237 1,081 747 465 614
Theft 771 1,192 970 1,305 888 939
Workmen's Compensation 2,667 2,987 3,127 2,374 1,548 2,022
Medical 15,063 18,096 20,632 20,515 20,424 20,413
Miscellaneous 852 431 654 761 781 740
Tota gross claims1 49,051 54,857 56,152 56,928 58,962 52,253
Less Re-Insurance 508 397 424 296 12,744 11,509
Net claims 48,544 54,461 55,728 56,632 46,218 40,744
Mangement Expenses 36,272 39,983 41,197 44,073 33,693 31,035
Total Out-goings1 84,816 94,444 96,925 100,705 79,911 71,779
Source: Insurance Regulatory Authority.
Series revised1
* Provisional

Table 4.14: Hire Purchase Credit: number of agreements, settlements and values, 2020
KSh' 000
As at the end of
March June September December
ITEM No. Value No. Value No. Value No. Value
A. OUTSTANDING BALANCE (number of agreements and their value as at
the beginning of the quarter) ... … 22,911 598,120 22,780 696,018 23,131 995,412 22,601 989,383
Motor Vehicles: - - - -
Private .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 44,378 25 123,710 10 28,289 17 32,333
Commercial :Transport of goods .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - - - - - - - -
Commercial :Public Service Vehicle .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 52,310 15 144,893 5 23,927 9 49,639
Total .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 26 96,688 40 268,603 15 52,216 26 81,972
Household goods 28 747 66 1,629 - - 22 525
Funiture ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 5 198 1 23 - - - -
Gas cookers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. - - - - - - - -
Electric cookers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. - .. .. - - - - - - -
Refrigerators .. .. .. .. .. ... ... .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. 54 2,466 147 7,001 88 3,474 97 4,407

Television sets .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ..3 .. 111 - - - - - -
Sewing Machines .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - - - - - - - -
Washing Machines & Solar panels .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. - .. .. .. .. - - - - - - -
Radio and other Musical Instruments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 453 18,649 688 38,712 288 13,640 413 22,079
Other goods .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - - - -
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 543 22,170 902 47,366 376 17,114 532 27,012
Machinery and Equipment - - - - - - -
Agricultural and Fishing .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - - - - - - - -
Building and Construction ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 8,176 1 20,000 - - - -
Industrial Engineering .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - - 1 4,597 - - - -
Business Machines (Computers) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. - - - - - - - -
Office Equipment .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. - - - - - - - -
Medical and Scientific .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. - - - - - - - -
Hotel, Bakery and Butchery .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - - - - - - - -
Others (NES) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. -.. - - - - - - -
Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 8,176 2 24,597 - - - -
Total agreements during the Quarter .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 570 127,034 944 340,566 391 69,330 558 108,984
Total (A+B) ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. 23,481 725,154 23,724 1,036,584 23,522 1,064,742 23,159 1,098,367
C. FINALIZATION AND REPAYMENTS DURING THE QUARTER .. .. 701 29,137 593 41,172 921 75,360 1,339 173,959
D. BALANCE AS AT THE END OF THE QUARTER . .. .. .. .. .. 22,780 696,018 23,131 995,412 22,601 989,383 21,820 924,408
Table 4.15: Nairobi Stock Exchange 20-Share Index, 2004 - 2020
31st Dec 1966 = 100
Year / Month Jan Feb March April May June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
2004 3,158 3,175 2,771 2,708 2,689 2,370 2,708 2,709 2,671 2,830 2,918 2,946
2005 3,094 3,213 3,209 3,228 3,505 3,972 3,982 3,938 3,833 3,939 3,974 3,973
2006 4,172 4,057 4,102 4,025 4,350 4,260 4,259 4,486 4,880 5,314 5,615 5,646
2007 5,774 5,387 5,134 5,199 5,002 5,147 5,340 5,372 5,146 4,971 5,215 5,445
2008 4,713 5,072 4,843 5,336 5,176 5,186 4,868 4,649 4,180 3,387 3,341 3,521
2009 3,199 2,475 2,805 2,800 2,853 3,295 3,273 3,103 3,006 3,084 3,190 3,247
2010 3,565 3,629 4,073 4,233 4,242 4,339 4,439 4,455 4,630 4,660 4,395 4,433
2011 4,465 4,240 3,887 4,029 4,078 3,968 3,738 3,464 3,284 3,507 3,155 3,205
2012 3,224 3,304 3,367 3,547 3,651 3,704 3,832 3,866 3,972 4,147 4,083 4,133
2013 4,417 4,519 4,861 4,765 5,006 4,598 4,788 4,698 4,793 4,936 5,101 4,927
2014 4,856 4,933 4,946 4,949 4,882 4,885 4,906 5,139 5,256 5,195 5,156 5,113

2015 5,212 5,491 5,346 5,091 4,788 4,906 4,405 4,176 4,173 3,869 4,016 4,040
2016 3,773 3,871 3,982 4,009 3,868 3,641 3,489 3,179 3,243 3,251 3,247 3,186
2017 2,794 2,962 3,112 3,158 3,441 3,607 3,700 4,027 3,751 3,730 3,816 3,711
2018 3,737 3,750 3,854 3,735 3,333 3,286 3,320 3,203 2,876 2,820 2,797 2,801
2019 2,983 2,916 2,846 2,797 2,677 2,633 2,628 2,468 2,432 2,643 2,619 2,654
2020 2,600 2,337 1,966 1,958 1,948 1,942 1,804 1,795 1,852 1,784 1,760 1,868
Source: Nairobi Stock Exchange Index as in the first week of each month.
Notes and Definitions

The compilation of Government Finance Statistics (GFS) under Public finance, uses the GFS framework in
accordance with the Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM2014). This Chapter highlights the
overall performance and financial position of the general government and public sector. Some of the key
concepts used include:

Revenue: This is an increase in net worth resulting from a transaction

Expense: This is a decrease in net worth resulting from a transaction

Expenditure: This is the sum of expense and the net investment in nonfinancial assets

Nonfinancial assets: These are economic assets that are not financial in nature. Nonfinancial assets are
stores of value and provide benefits either through their use in the production of goods and services or in
the form of property income.

Net Leading/Borrowing: Is the summary measure indicating the extent to which government is either
putting financial resources at the disposal of other sectors in the economy or abroad or utilizing the financial
resources generated by other sectors in the economy or from abroad.

General Government: Consists of non-market resident institutional units that fulfill the functions of
government as their primary activity and perform the principal economic functions of government. In the
context of Kenya, the general government comprise of Central Government (consisting of Budgeted Central
Government and Extra Budgetary Units), County Government (consisting of the 47 counties) and the 2
Social Security Funds.

Central/National Government: Consists of the institutional unit(s) of the central government plus those
non-market Non-Profit Institutions (NPIs) that are controlled by the Central Government. The political
authority of the Central Government extends over the entire territory of the country.

Budgetary Central Government: A single unit of the Central Government that encompasses the
fundamental activities of the national executive, legislative and judiciary powers.

Extra Budgetary Units: Non-market institutional entities with individual budgets not fully covered by the
Budgetary Central Government.

Local/County Government Units: Institutional units whose fiscal, legislative and executive authority
extends over the smallest geographical areas distinguished for administrative and political purposes.

Social Security Funds: Government units that are devoted to the operation of one or more social security

Public Corporations: Consist of all resident financial and non-financial corporations controlled by
government units or by other public corporations and transact at economically significant prices.

Public Sector: Consists of all resident institutional units controlled directly, or indirectly, by resident
government units. This includes all units of the General Government sector and resident public
Debt: A debt instrument is defined as a financial claim that requires payment(s) of interest and/or principal
by the debtor to the creditor at a future date. The following instruments are debt instruments: Special
Drawing Rights (SDRs), Currency and deposits, Debt securities, Loans, Insurance, pension, and
standardized guarantee schemes, other accounts payable.

Classification of Function of Government (COFOG): This is a detailed classification of functions, of

socioeconomic objectives, that general government units aim to achieve through various kinds of
expenditure. In GFS, COFOG is applied only to expenditure, comprising expense and the net investment in
non-financial assets.

Stocks: These are the outstanding amounts of assets and liabilities at a given point in time (e.g., end of
month, quarter, or year) affected by all flows since the asset or liability was first acquired.

Nonfinancial assets: Nonfinancial assets are economic assets other than financial assets. Nonfinancial
assets may be produced or non-produced.

Financial assets: Financial assets consist of financial claims and gold bullion held by monetary authorities
as reserve assets.

Liability: A liability is established when one unit (debtor) is obliged, under specific circumstances, to
provide funds or other resources to another unit (creditor).

Net worth: The net worth of an institutional unit (or group of units) is the total value of assets (nonfinancial
and financial) minus the total value of liabilities:

Consolidation: This is the process of eliminating the flows and stock positions between the subsectors of
the public sector being consolidated (grouped together) to avoid double counting. It changes the
aggregates without altering balancing items.

Table 5.1: Statement of National Government Operations, 2016/17- 2019/21
KSh Million
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20* 2020/21+
1 Revenue1 ………………………………………………………………... 1,466,532.05 1,549,875.82 1,733,668.82 1,816,009.10 1,933,567.64
2 Expense(2.1+2.2)................................................................... 1,816,187.99 2,018,655.91 2,223,927.23 2,493,299.05 2,727,036.15
2.1 Current Expenditure ....................................................... 1,462,394.12 1,766,703.26 1,929,382.36 2,058,544.89 2,294,679.69
2.2 Capital Transfers ........................................................... 353,793.87 251,952.65 294,544.87 434,754.17 432,356.45
3 Gross Operating Balance(G.O.B) ( 1-2)............................... -349,655.94 -468,780.09 -490,258.40 -677,289.95 -793,468.51
4 Acquisition of Non-Financial Assets(net) ........................ 223,827.45 191,994.61 185,064.82 105,141.01 99,569.28
5 Net lending/Borrowing (3-4).................................................. -573,483.39 -660,774.70 -675,323.22 -782,430.97 -893,037.79
FINANCING (6-7)................................................................... -644,089.17 -689,225.50 -706,877.30 -717,804.68 -694,440.02
6 Net Acquisition of financial assets( 6.1+6.2)............................ 17,808.26 18,301.34 16,942.82 21,804.67 29,925.38
6.1 Domestic......................................................................... 17,808.26 18,301.34 16,942.82 21,804.67 29,925.38
6.2 Foreign............................................................................ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 Net Incurrence of liabilities (7.1+7.2)....................................... 661,897.43 707,526.84 723,820.11 739,609.34 724,365.40
7.1 Domestic......................................................................... 276,152.79 352,549.94 309,302.58 399,178.01 377,572.33
7.2 Foreign............................................................................. 385,744.64 354,976.90 414,517.54 340,431.33 346,793.07
MEMORANDUM ITEMS:.........................................................
8 Public debt Redemption (8.1+8.2)........................................... 216,943.22 344,334.90 475,483.17 280,451.50 499,662.41
8.1 External.............................................................................. 44,839.00 150,282.37 266,241.02 101,599.73 137,707.38
8.2 Domestic............................................................................ 172,104.23 194,052.52 209,242.15 178,851.77 361,955.03
Source: KNBS and National Treasury
Revised budget estimates
Includes grants and A-I-A

Table 5.2: Excise Revenue by Commodity 1, 2016 - 2020

KSh Million
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Beer............................................................................................... 24,443.46 24,842.54 27,627.32 27,772.48 19,112.87
Wines and Spirits........................................................................... 10,681.38 8,772.87 11,477.89 13,637.28 15,684.42
Mineral Water, Soft Drinks and Juices........................................... 3,318.56 3,464.11 4,156.94 3,743.25 5,216.29
Cigarettes...................................................................................... 12,440.94 13,052.09 12,804.50 12,236.22 11,466.16
Airtime............................................................................................ 15,540.89 16,129.29 26,285.35 28,609.96 37,210.80
Financial Transactions................................................................... 11,312.92 13,701.09 10,101.61 27,479.40 11,656.32
Other commodities2 ………………………………………………………… 2,642.24 2,881.04 829.79 3,379.01 2,368.45
Total............................................................................ 80,380.39 82,843.03 93,283.40 116,857.62 102,715.30
Source: Customs and Excise Deparment - KRA
Domestically manufactured commodities
Includes revenue from jewellery, cosmetics and locally assembled vehicles

Table 5.3:National Government Gross Receipts on the Recurrent Account, 2016/17- 2020/21 KSh Million
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20* 20120/21+
Taxes on income, profits and capital gains 625,050.38 640,546.17 685,329.95 707,146.57 685,013.95
Income tax from individuals (P.A.Y.E) .. .. …… 337,661.39 363,305.11 393,439.73 399,411.48 376,991.47
Income tax from corporations (other income tax) .. 287,388.99 277,241.06 291,890.22 307,735.09 308,022.48
Value Added Tax (VAT) …………………… 339,033.92 357,128.74 414,143.41 383,713.19 481,611.59
VAT on domestic goods and services .. .. .. .. . 194,233.86 206,242.94 230,775.54 213,884.17 262,864.82
VAT on imported goods and services .. . .. . 144,800.06 150,885.81 183,367.86 169,829.02 218,746.77
Taxes on other goods and services……… 249,382.05 274,126.48 292,413.82 290,102.09 340,501.96
Taxes on financial and capital transactions 2 11,190.88 28,928.42 13,258.70 13,758.24 17,575.28
Excise taxes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ………… 165,474.08 167,753.13 196,608.90 198,031.61 244,807.09
Taxes on use of goods and on permission to use the goods or to perform 1,383.67 1,580.25 2,222.19 1,809.97 2,466.60
Taxes onand activities
goods .. .. ……………………….
and services collected as AIA 71,333.42 75,864.67 80,324.03 76,502.27 75,653.00
Taxes on international trade transactions… 131,829.98 138,285.55 152,374.87 151,274.15 162,704.39
Custom duties .. .. .. .. .. 89,943.34 93,685.38 106,874.93 98,022.24 106,762.07
Other taxes on international trade and transactions . 41,886.64 44,600.17 45,499.94 53,251.91 55,942.32
TOTAL TAX REVENUE…………… 1,345,296.32 1,410,086.94 1,544,262.05 1,532,236.00 1,669,831.89
Social security contributions .. .. ………… 746.86 510.96 475.37 507.64 492.43
Property income .. .. .. .. .. 32,497.01 26,833.34 29,718.58 118,541.89 43,560.17
Sale of goods and services .. .. .. .. 15,470.12 16,094.97 24,767.80 19,284.54 19,760.48
Fines penalties and forfeitures .. ………… 1,930.44 2,078.74 2,601.59 2,266.90 1,811.80
Ministerial Appropriation in Aid………. 42,728.72 60,754.12 20,210.49 20,282.31 28,127.15
Other receipts not elsewhere classified .. .. .. 901.00 5,916.61 91,931.14 103,070.07 129,062.95
TOTAL NON-TAX REVENUE……………… 94,274.15 112,188.73 169,704.96 263,953.35 222,814.98
TOTAL ORDINARY REVENUE…………… 1,439,570.48 1,522,275.68 1,713,967.01 1,796,189.36 1,892,646.88
Source: The National Treasury
Revised Budget Estimates
What was initially classified under capital gains tax has been reclassified
under taxes on financial and capital transactions
Taxes on financial and capital transactions include what was initially
Capital Gain Tax, Second hand motor vehicle tax and stamp duty which
was previously classified under "Other taxes not elsewhere classified
P.A.Y.E - Pay As You Earn
A.I.A - Appropriation in Aid

Table 5.4: Economic Analysis of Expense,2016/17 - 2020/21
KSh Million
2016/17 2017/18 2019/20*
2018/19 2020/21+
Compensation of Employees
Salaries...................................................................... 263,639.02 337,143.67 368,710.89 332,573.24 369,492.39
Allowances................................................................. 139,779.97 130,088.58 143,613.81 182,724.70 191,097.81
Reimbursements........................................................ 498.27 626.38 457.13 644.83 877.83
Social contribution...................................................... 15,880.50 15,046.77 14,409.41 20,942.17 36,131.34
Total.............................................................. 419,797.77 482,905.41 527,191.25 536,884.94 597,599.37
Use of Goods and Services
Utility Supplies and Services................................. 4,903.47 5,485.36 5,253.89 4,823.60 5,615.24
Communication, Supplies and Services.................. 2,671.90 3,470.27 2,820.40 2,504.39 2,532.46
Domestic Travel and Subs. and other Transport..... 14,567.69 15,252.82 15,860.18 16,767.87 19,519.00
Foreign Travel and Subs. and other Transport....... 8,887.34 7,322.85 8,082.38 6,280.39 5,339.55
Advertising, Publicity and Information Supplies...... 4,047.34 3,428.59 4,984.57 2,828.79 4,260.75
Rental of Produced Assets..................................... 24,555.37 26,435.27 21,325.55 18,307.96 19,134.61
Training Expense..................................................... 9,656.92 9,524.88 9,393.02 9,339.45 11,161.33
Hospitality Supplies and Services........................... 9,728.81 8,581.54 12,218.05 9,154.80 8,308.17
Insurance costs...................................................... 14,908.28 14,288.29 14,041.40 12,850.52 13,683.77
Specialilised Materials and Supplies....................... 38,913.07 51,883.32 44,153.02 37,392.47 42,519.21
Office and General Supplies................................... 3,514.78 3,098.99 3,672.17 3,580.55 4,044.14
Fuel Oil and Librication........................................... 5,235.20 6,267.97 5,274.05 5,713.56 5,468.54
Other Operating Expense....................................... 60,461.04 72,381.84 62,347.67 72,801.28 89,909.55
Routine Maintainance- Vehicles............................. 2,449.59 2,892.23 2,968.05 2,703.94 2,704.72
Routine Maintainance- Other Assets...................... 2,405.62 2,842.08 2,693.10 3,828.93 8,678.72
Other charges......................................................... 2.73 2.90 1.79 1.18 1.91
Total.............................................................. 206,909.14 233,159.20 215,089.28 208,879.69 242,881.68
Subsidies................................................................... 29,970.48 55,477.04 60,278.98 61,372.62 64,136.94
Domestic Debt ....................................................... 171,323.40 239,469.90 272,351.03 315,362.00 339,992.18
External Debt ......................................................... 62,387.48 84,420.24 103,372.13 121,840.00 118,748.39
Total.............................................................. 233,710.88 323,890.14 375,723.16 437,202.00 458,740.58
Grants to:
International Organisation....................................... 2,619.73 3,517.71 3,858.25 4,175.27 4,268.01
General Government Agencies............................... 192,267.13 235,485.20 282,388.28 358,157.38 395,158.14
County Governments ............................................. 302,198.52 345,681.02 372,481.38 325,278.06 369,207.99
Other Transfer........................................................ 3,517.27 11,625.02 15,479.98 26,758.62 29,929.62
Total.............................................................. 500,602.65 596,308.96 674,207.89 714,369.32 798,563.77
Social Benefits............................................................ 66,755.73 71,983.70 75,889.99 97,399.85 126,395.26
Other Expense........................................................... 4,647.47 2,978.81 1,001.80 2,436.47 6,362.10
Capital Grants............................................................ 353,793.87 251,952.65 294,544.87 434,754.17 432,356.45
TOTAL EXPENSE..................................................... 1,816,187.99 2,018,655.91 2,223,927.23 2,493,299.05 2,727,036.15
Source: The National Treasury
Revised budget estimates

Table 5.5: Economic Analysis of Capital Revenue, 2016/17 - 2020/21
KSh Million
2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20* 2020/21+
External Borrowing
Long Term (net)..................................................... 304,985.50 385,744.64 354,976.90 414,517.54 340,431.33 346,793.07
Total.............................................................. 304,985.50 385,744.64 354,976.90 414,517.54 340,431.33 346,793.07
Domestic Borrowing
Long Term(Net)..................................................... 108,612.91 169,183.95 178,151.22 237,859.06 471,045.71 492,666.95
Short Term(Net)..................................................... 249,801.64 106,968.84 174,398.72 71,443.52 -71,867.70 -115,094.63
Total.............................................................. 358,414.55 276,152.79 352,549.94 309,302.58 399,178.01 377,572.33
Loan Repayments...................................................... 2,683.19 216,943.22 344,334.90 475,483.17 280,451.50 499,662.41
External Grants.......................................................... 29,596.68 26,961.57 27,600.14 19,701.81 19,819.74 40,920.76
Disposal of Non-financial Assets.............................. -19,169.21 -8,228.69 -2,778.24 -48,228.19 -46,878.59 -63,080.33
* Provisional
Revised estimates

Table 5.6: Economic Analysis of Capital Expenditure, 2016/17 - 2020/21

KSh Million
2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20* 2020/21+
Acquisition of Non-financial Assets 223,827 191,995 185,065 152,019.60 162,649.62
Residental Buildings................................................. 4,787.91 922.20 2,042.54 980.88 1,365.74 2,079.68
Non- Residential Buildings........................................ 13,692.45 7,204.70 6,463.36 11,239.08 9,762.89 12,621.91
Construction and Works............................................ 133,761.83 175,635.85 145,115.69 183,167.76 120,556.91 112,170.99
Plant,Machinery and Equipment .............................. 28,416.91 33,048.67 24,381.06 21,989.48 10,754.31 12,873.14
Transport Equipment................................................ 3,116.07 3,469.83 1,987.63 2,331.30 3,086.07 2,931.55
Research, feasibility Studies, Project Preparation.... 6,633.97 4,928.67 3,473.26 4,762.20 5,071.40 7,850.60
Acquisition of Strategic Stocks............................ 15.00 5,321.84 9,994.00 7,570.30 11,168.07
Purchase of certified Seeds, Breed Stock…....... 612.27 972.72 885.50 782.00 567.28 631.68
Land.................................................................... 2,431.35 551.65 429.82 470.00 855.00 322.00
Total.............................................................. 193,467.75 232,056.14 194,772.86 233,293.01 152,019.60 162,649.62
Disposal of Non-financial Assets............................... -19,169.21 -8,228.69 -2,778.24 -48,228.19 -46,878.59 -63,080.33
Total Non-financial Assets (Net)............................ 174,298.54 223,827.45 191,994.61 185,064.82 105,141.01 99,569.28
Acquisition of Financial Assets.............................
Shares and other equities.......................................... 39,248.00 17,808.26 18,301.34 16,942.82 21,804.67 29,925.38
less Loans repayment from domestic and onlending. 2,683.19 2,369.25 2,852.78 2,544.69 3,278.27 11,650.00
Total................................................................ 36,564.81 15,439.01 15,448.56 14,398.13 18,526.40 18,275.38
Loans Repayments (Principal):

Foreign Debt............................................................ 35,633.36 44,839.00 150,282.37 266,241.02 101,599.73 137,707.38

Domestic Debt......................................................... 187,263.32 172,104.23 194,052.52 209,242.15 178,851.77 361,955.03
Total.............................................................. 222,896.68 216,943.22 344,334.90 475,483.17 280,451.50 499,662.41
Revised estimates

Table 5.7: Functional and Economic Analysis of Expenditure - Summary, 2016/17- 2020/2021
KSh Million
2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21+
General Public Administration................ 216,909.96 229,195.29 228,135.76 221,614.57 277,355.59 426,388.86
Public Debt Transactions........................ 438,225.22 450,654.10 668,225.04 851,206.33 717,653.50 958,402.99
Transfer of General Character between
264,038.64 302,198.52 345,681.02 372,481.38 325,278.06 369,207.99
levels of govt….
Defense ................................................ 140,588.80 129,207.21 146,267.88 142,264.75 138,018.08 145,323.96
Public order and safety........................... 126,273.60 136,232.41 150,044.80 166,572.31 172,177.82 170,311.72
Economic affairs .................................... 369,503.41 486,799.04 381,577.91 444,039.38 487,058.25 529,306.82
Environmental protection ...................... 18,104.97 11,303.88 11,332.53 7,336.75 11,319.14 16,103.14
Housing and community amenities......... 43,184.48 62,551.28 62,956.42 84,255.81 86,994.00 100,313.25
Health .................................................... 34,654.64 56,605.96 61,841.28 76,684.03 103,125.17 119,804.19
Recreation, culture and religion ............. 6,583.31 8,926.84 8,400.45 8,305.98 14,594.06 18,324.67
Education ............................................... 313,377.32 325,476.95 412,454.96 455,079.84 464,669.62 506,156.65
Social Protection..................................... 75,907.39 83,844.15 99,146.96 119,805.09 149,331.55 59,629.31
TOTAL OUTLAYS.............................. 2,047,351.75 2,282,995.62 2,576,065.00 2,949,646.22 2,947,574.82 3,419,273.56
of which:
Compensation of Employees.................. 410,807.04 419,797.77 482,905.41 527,191.25 536,884.94 597,599.37
Use of goods and services..................... 198,947.90 206,909.14 233,159.20 215,089.28 208,879.69 242,881.68
Subsidies................................................ 30,324.21 29,970.48 55,477.04 60,278.98 61,372.62 64,136.94
Interest and Loan Repayment................ 438,225.22 450,654.10 668,225.04 851,206.33 717,653.50 958,402.99
Grants..................................................... 451,605.31 500,602.65 596,308.96 674,207.89 714,369.32 798,563.77
Social Benefits........................................ 58,120.99 66,755.73 71,983.70 75,889.99 97,399.85 126,395.26
Capital Transfers.................................... 219,705.73 353,793.87 251,952.65 294,544.87 434,754.17 432,356.45
Other Expense........................................ 7,119.59 4,647.47 2,978.81 1,001.80 2,436.47 6,362.10
Net acquisition of Non-Financial Assets. 174,078.54 223,827.45 191,994.61 185,064.82 105,141.01 99,569.28
Add: Disposal of Non-Financial Assets.. 8,228.69 2,778.24 48,228.19 46,878.59 63,080.33
Acquisition of Financial Assets.............. 39,248.00 17,808.26 18,301.34 16,942.82 21,804.67 29,925.38
TOTAL................................................ 2,028,182.54 2,282,995.62 2,576,065.00 2,949,646.22 2,947,574.82 3,419,273.56
Source:National Government Appropriation Accounts and KNBS
Provisional - -
Revised estimates

Table 5.8: Classification of Expenditure by Functions of Government, 2017/18-2020/21
KSh Million
2017/18 2018/19 2019/20* 2020/21+
Rec. Dev. Rec. Dev. Rec. Dev. Rec. Dev.
Total Total Total Total
Account Account Account Account Account Account Account Account
General Public Services ............................................... 166,588.45 61,547.32 228,135.76 161,097.87 60,516.70 221,614.57 210,942.30 66,413.28 277,355.59 324,128.17 102,260.69 426,388.86
Public debt transactions ............................................... 668,225.04 0.00 668,225.04 846,358.14 0.00 846,358.14 717,653.50 0.00 717,653.50 958,402.99 0.00 958,402.99
Transfers of general character
345,681.02 0.00 345,681.02 372,481.38 0.00 372,481.38 325,278.06 0.00 325,278.06 369,207.99 0.00 369,207.99
between levels of govt ….....................................
Defense ....................................................................... 146,267.88 0.00 146,267.88 142,264.75 0.00 142,264.75 138,018.08 0.00 138,018.08 145,323.96 0.00 145,323.96
Public order and safety................................................. 135,076.32 14,968.47 150,044.80 150,161.52 16,410.78 166,572.31 162,874.32 9,303.49 172,177.82 162,125.45 8,186.27 170,311.72
Economic affairs......................................................... 91,434.01 290,143.90 381,577.91 104,900.19 339,139.19 444,039.38 114,589.19 372,469.06 487,058.25 171,267.67 358,039.15 529,306.82
General economic, commercial & labor affairs............. 10,693.62 7,843.01 18,536.63 10,002.44 8,082.84 18,085.27 9,955.51 16,822.75 26,778.26 22,068.12 16,672.63 38,740.75
Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting ..................... 25,652.29 18,059.14 43,711.43 28,341.19 25,850.55 54,191.74 20,175.08 32,497.95 52,673.03 48,445.06 57,778.12 106,223.18
Fuel and energy ........................................................... 1,880.10 76,265.13 78,145.23 2,359.56 50,750.55 53,110.11 2,330.66 49,743.72 52,074.37 6,125.12 75,725.14 81,850.26
Mining, manufacturing, and construction ..................... 1,381.25 130.00 1,511.25 1,000.16 324.13 1,324.29 577.44 337.55 914.99 637.14 312.00 949.14
Transport ...................................................................... 45,605.96 176,166.24 221,772.20 53,172.48 231,741.55 284,914.03 69,233.89 256,379.29 325,613.18 75,951.63 183,508.25 259,459.88

Communication ............................................................ 3,578.90 11,082.13 14,661.03 6,229.87 21,453.44 27,683.31 6,498.90 16,078.73 22,577.63 8,399.11 19,732.20 28,131.32
Other industries ........................................................... 2,641.90 598.25 3,240.14 3,794.50 936.13 4,730.63 5,817.71 609.08 6,426.79 9,641.48 4,310.80 13,952.28
Environmental protection.......................................... 9,022.78 2,309.75 11,332.53 4,947.38 2,389.38 7,336.75 9,799.08 1,520.06 11,319.14 13,625.24 2,477.90 16,103.14
Housing and community amenities ......................... 9,936.95 53,019.47 62,956.42 13,441.84 70,813.96 84,255.81 13,166.75 73,827.25 86,994.00 14,520.58 85,792.68 100,313.25
Health........................................................................... 28,635.25 33,206.03 61,841.28 42,472.11 34,211.92 76,684.03 60,802.30 42,322.87 103,125.17 52,746.97 67,057.22 119,804.19
Outpatient services ...................................................... 804.86 8,368.20 9,173.06 2,650.04 9,364.00 12,014.04 2,637.35 6,681.24 9,318.59 3,991.28 8,670.22 12,661.50
Hospital services .......................................................... 13,618.56 503.06 14,121.61 22,952.41 487.23 23,439.64 26,905.60 1,772.78 28,678.38 27,577.87 2,169.83 29,747.70
Public health services................................................... 7,735.58 23,067.24 30,802.82 9,897.75 23,993.11 33,890.86 12,741.91 32,361.84 45,103.75 4,274.12 47,417.07 51,691.19
Health expenditure not elsewhere classified ................ 6,476.26 1,267.53 7,743.79 6,971.91 367.58 7,339.49 18,517.44 1,507.01 20,024.45 16,903.70 8,800.09 25,703.79
Recreation, culture and religion................................ 5,572.94 2,827.51 8,400.45 6,847.85 1,458.13 8,305.98 4,466.07 10,127.99 14,594.06 4,126.00 14,198.67 18,324.67
Education .................................................................... 391,359.77 21,095.18 412,454.96 428,200.60 26,879.24 455,079.84 449,349.24 15,320.38 464,669.62 481,117.34 25,039.31 506,156.65
Administration ............................................................ 17,344.40 1,793.46 19,137.86 2,148.72 0.00 2,148.72 2,668.28 0.00 2,668.28 3,308.61 0.00 3,308.61
Pre-primary and primary education .............................. 168,416.45 4,605.32 173,021.77 165,667.43 3,871.03 169,538.47 178,965.28 574.52 179,539.80 180,039.91 4,953.00 184,992.91
Secondary education ................................................... 103,519.09 2,510.09 106,029.18 135,263.34 2,724.53 137,987.88 138,827.34 2,678.90 141,506.24 151,280.09 7,899.80 159,179.89
Tertiary education ........................................................ 99,959.37 12,143.26 112,102.62 108,271.52 19,938.54 128,210.06 113,113.50 11,885.52 124,999.02 129,478.69 11,905.11 141,383.79
Education not definable by level ............................... 2,120.47 43.05 2,163.52 16,849.59 345.13 17,194.71 15,774.84 181.44 15,956.29 17,010.04 281.40 17,291.44
Social Protection ....................................................... 85,877.49 13,269.47 99,146.96 101,879.19 17,925.90 119,805.09 132,175.37 17,156.17 149,331.55 44,256.79 15,372.52 59,629.31
TOTAL OUTLAYS.................................................... 2,083,677.89 492,387.11 2,576,065.00 2,375,052.84 569,745.19 2,944,798.04 2,339,114.26 608,460.56 2,947,574.82 2,740,849.15 678,424.41 3,419,273.56
Revised estimates
Table 5.9(a): Cross Classification of Functional And Economic Expenditure, FY 2019/20
KSh Million
Use of goods Interest on Grants to Grants to Gen. Other Capital Total Social Other Total
n of Subsidies
and Services Public Debt Inter. Org Govt Agencies Transfers transfers Transfers Benefits Expense Expense
General public services 56,535.47 62,198.86 1,200.00 0.00 4,173.91 61,171.99 0.00 69,784.65 69,784.65 1,072.49 1,640.00 257,777.37
Public debt transactions 0.00 0.00 0.00 437,202.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 437,202.00
Transfers of general character betw. levels of govt . 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 325,278.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 325,278.06
Defense 82,810.85 55,207.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 138,018.08
Public order and safety 109,714.72 42,854.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,313.96 0.00 606.83 606.83 799.85 0.00 162,289.83
Economic affairs 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
General economic, commercial & labor affairs 3,026.19 3,761.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,438.58 0.00 13,830.02 13,830.02 22.31 0.00 25,079.01
Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting 2,939.75 8,102.46 1,393.63 0.00 0.00 16,199.09 0.00 18,145.90 18,145.90 68.62 -0.10 46,849.34
Fuel and energy 471.44 3,810.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,675.00 0.00 16,753.28 16,753.28 0.00 0.00 22,710.11
Mining, manufacturing, and construction . 374.53 242.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.14 0.00 646.81
Transport 1,642.77 1,560.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 67,055.32 0.00 183,443.16 183,443.16 6.34 0.00 253,708.50
communication 614.22 1,756.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,208.01 0.00 11,397.05 11,397.05 2.46 0.00 17,978.46
Other industries 201.19 323.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,394.91 0.00 300.00 300.00 21.79 0.00 6,241.34

Total .. .. .. 9,270.10 19,558.47 1,393.63 0.00 0.00 98,993.40 0.00 243,869.41 243,869.41 128.65 -0.10 373,213.56
Environmental protection 346.08 924.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,538.17 0.00 1,496.65 1,496.65 10.91 0.00 11,316.06
Housing and community amenities 4,332.81 3,785.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,105.81 0.00 54,053.79 54,053.79 526.68 0.00 69,804.83
Health 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Outpatient services 28.23 6,391.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,608.50 0.00 290.78 290.78 0.00 0.00 9,318.59
Hospital services 602.80 299.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,867.35 0.00 1,467.99 1,467.99 170.00 0.00 28,408.07
Public health services 861.53 5,127.57 0.00 0.00 1.36 11,225.84 33.42 23,171.41 23,204.83 2,725.10 461.00 43,607.24
Health expenditure not elsewhere classified 6,672.09 865.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,582.67 0.00 1,336.02 1,336.02 369.70 0.00 19,826.45
Total .. .. .. 8,164.64 12,684.56 0.00 0.00 1.36 50,284.37 33.42 26,266.19 26,299.62 3,264.81 461.00 101,160.35
Recreation, culture and religion 398.02 400.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,637.68 8.00 10,117.50 10,125.50 1.79 0.00 14,563.92
Education 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Administration 9,395.68 1,497.72 184.39 0.00 0.00 5,355.46 125.00 176.93 301.93 10.11 0.00 16,745.29
Pre-primary and primary education 167,580.75 1,035.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,349.17 0.00 574.52 574.52 0.00 0.00 179,539.80
Secondary education 76,676.51 3,101.61 58,594.60 0.00 0.00 454.62 0.00 2,678.90 2,678.90 0.00 0.00 141,506.24
Tertiary education 9,883.65 2,555.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 90,297.49 2,500.00 8,732.18 11,232.18 191.05 0.00 114,160.23
Education expenditure not elsewhere classified 85.48 81.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,303.96 0.00 4.51 4.51 0.00 0.00 1,475.45
Total .. .. .. 263,622.07 8,272.03 58,778.99 0.00 0.00 107,760.70 2,625.00 12,167.04 14,792.04 201.17 0.00 453,427.00
Social Protection 1,690.18 2,993.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,351.30 24,092.20 16,392.11 40,484.30 91,393.49 335.57 149,247.99
TOTAL OUTLAYS .. .. .. .. .. 536,884.94 208,879.69 61,372.62 437,202.00 4,175.27 683,435.43 26,758.62 434,754.17 461,512.79 97,399.84 2,436.47 2,493,299.05
Source: Appropriation Accounts and Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
Table 5.9(b): Cross Classification of Functional and Economic Expenditure , FY 2019/20
KSh Million
Acquisation of non- Disposal of non- Net Acquisation of non- Acquisition of Loan Total
financial assets financial assets financial assets financial assets repayments Total Expenditure
Gen. Admin. Service ........................................................... 13,251.40 -1,823.60 11,427.80 6,326.82 0.00 17,754.62 275,531.99
Public debt transactions .................................................... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 280,451.50 280,451.50 717,653.50
Transfers of general character betw. levels of govt ........ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 325,278.06
Defense ............................................................................... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 138,018.08
Public order and safety....................................................... 7,442.25 0.00 7,442.25 2,445.74 0.00 9,887.99 172,177.82
Economic affairs.................................................................. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
General economic, commercial & labor affairs ............... 1,549.25 -1.75 1,547.50 150.00 0.00 1,697.50 26,776.51
Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting ......................... 5,823.69 -939.05 4,884.64 0.00 0.00 4,884.64 51,733.98
Fuel and energy ............................................................... 29,364.27 -1.97 29,362.30 0.00 0.00 29,362.30 52,072.40
Mining, manufacturing, and construction .......................... 268.19 0.00 268.19 0.00 0.00 268.19 914.99
Transport .......................................................................... 71,904.68 0.00 71,904.68 0.00 0.00 71,904.68 325,613.18
communication.................................................................. 1,919.44 -1,841.32 78.12 2,679.73 0.00 2,757.85 20,736.31
Other industries ............................................................... 185.45 0.00 185.45 0.00 0.00 185.45 6,426.79

Total.................................................................................. 111,014.96 -2,784.09 108,230.87 2,829.73 0.00 111,060.60 484,274.16
Environmental protection................................................... 3.08 -0.06 3.02 0.00 0.00 3.02 11,319.08
Housing and community amenities .................................. 17,169.00 -8.50 17,160.50 20.17 0.00 17,180.67 86,985.50
Health.................................................................................... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Outpatient services ........................................................... 0.00 -13.52 -13.52 0.00 0.00 -13.52 9,305.07
Hospital services .............................................................. 270.31 -8,235.00 -7,964.69 0.00 0.00 -7,964.69 20,443.38
Public health services........................................................ 1,496.52 0.00 1,496.52 0.00 0.00 1,496.52 45,103.75
Health expenditure not elsewhere classified .................... 198.00 -17.99 180.01 0.00 0.00 180.01 20,006.46
Total.................................................................................. 1,964.82 -8,266.51 -6,301.69 0.00 0.00 -6,301.69 94,858.66
Recreation............................................................................ 30.14 -0.50 29.64 0.00 0.00 29.64 14,593.56
Education ............................................................................ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 430,674.29
Administration ................................................................ 403.82 0.00 403.82 0.00 0.00 403.82 17,149.11
Pre-primary and primary education .................................. 0.00 -14.92 -14.92 0.00 0.00 -14.92 179,524.87
Secondary education ........................................................ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 141,506.24
Tertiary education ............................................................. 656.58 -32,054.31 -31,397.74 10,182.22 0.00 -21,215.52 92,944.71
Education not definable by level .................................... 0.00 -1,926.09 -1,926.09 0.00 0.00 -1,926.09 -450.64
Total.................................................................................. 1,060.40 -33,995.33 -32,934.93 10,182.22 0.00 -22,752.71 430,674.29
Social Protection ................................................................ 83.55 0.00 83.55 0.00 0.00 83.55 149,331.54
TOTAL OUTLAYS............................................................. 152,019.60 -46,878.59 105,141.01 21,804.67 0.00 126,945.68 2,900,696.23
Source: Appropriation Accounts and Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
Table 5.10: Annual Debt Servicing Charges, 2015/16 - 2019/20
KSh Million
As at 30 June 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20*
Annual Debt Servicing Charges
External................................................................ 78,104.86 107,226.48 234,702.61 369,613.15 223,439.82
Internal................................................................. 360,120.36 343,427.63 433,522.43 481,593.18 494,213.71
Total............................................................. 438,225.22 450,654.11 668,225.04 851,206.33 717,653.53
Interest and Loan Repayment
External……………………………………………………….. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Internal................................................................. 2,683.19 4,865.74 4,507.32 5,055.62 4,395.80
Total............................................................. 2,683.19 4,865.74 4,507.32 5,055.62 4,395.80
Net Servicing Charges
External................................................................ 78,104.86 107,226.48 234,702.61 369,613.15 223,439.82
Internal................................................................. 357,437.17 338,561.89 429,015.11 476,537.56 489,817.91
Total............................................................. 435,542.03 445,788.37 663,717.72 846,150.71 713,257.73
Source: National Treasury and Central Bank of Kenya

Table 5.11: National Government Outstanding Debt by Source as at end June, 2016-2020
KSh Million
Outstanding as at 30 June 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Bilateral Lending Countries:
Germany.................................................................... 30,935.11 31,669.11 34,149.33 37,276.69 30,486.93
Japan......................................................................... 94,413.95 91,455.62 97,713.22 135,229.21 76,115.15
France ...................................................................... 59,371.47 63,262.08 60,803.04 72,567.94 79,719.38
USA............................................................................ 4,035.13 3,497.23 2,672.67 2,089.28 1,579.55
Netherlands .............................................................. 2,349.99 1,752.72 983.02 343.19 54.68
Denmark .................................................................. 1,540.67 1,355.76 1,049.23 874.88 604.16
Finland ..................................................................... 269.38 1,711.78 1,642.15 1,796.41 1,427.41
China ........................................................................ 313,127.34 478,606.83 560,534.48 661,058.54 719,359.13
Belgium .................................................................... 7,468.84 9,938.02 10,198.56 11,590.96 11,974.77
Other ........................................................................ 34,838.82 39,319.32 45,642.22 73,232.15 72,374.75
Total Bilateral.................................................... 548,350.70 722,568.47 815,387.92 996,059.25 993,695.91
Multilateral International Organisations:..............
IDA/IFAD ............................................................. 504,490.39 526,579.50 524,854.74 591,253.15 889,916.59
EEC/ EIB ............................................................. 21,073.19 20,399.45 19,544.23 17,240.62 16,795.86
IMF ...................................................................... 84,847.00 77,637.37 71,588.41 49,208.15 110,605.19
ADF/ ADB ........................................................... 179,226.58 197,490.09 204,706.87 229,638.40 263,748.67
Others ................................................................ 9,204.40 22,282.33 9,151.67 27,054.50 35,768.72
Total Multilateral .......................................... 798,841.56 844,388.74 829,845.92 914,394.82 1,316,835.02
Commercial banks .................................................. 154,346.23 426,685.45 426,452.14 471,733.98 372,615.43
International Sovereign Bond .............................. 278,031.05 285,207.18 479,987.50 624,019.63 649,786.64
Suppliers' Credit...................................................... 16,628.00 15,303.14 16,725.20 16,931.81 17,630.96
TOTAL EXTERNAL .......................................... 1,796,197.54 2,294,152.98 2,568,398.68 3,023,139.49 3,350,563.97
INTERNAL DEBT:.....................................................
Treasury Bills1 ………………………………………. 587,478.70 744,154.90 878,621.65 954,250.00 887,142.00
Treasury Bonds ........................................................ 1,152,041.17 1,331,975.09 1,511,872.67 1,748,602.57 2,219,444.00
Non Interest bearing debts2 ………………………….. 25,559.00 24,448.76 23,338.76 22,228.76 21,674.00
Others (includes stocks) .......................................... 50,391.63 11,131.70 64,447.02 60,854.77 49,267.00
Less govt deposits & on-lending ............................. (408,389.00) (434,475.22) (509,038.00) (507,429.01) (470,228.00)
TOTAL INTERNAL (net)3 .………………………… 1,407,081.50 1,677,235.21 1,969,242.09 2,278,507.09 2,707,299.00
TOTAL DEBT .......................................................... 3,203,279.04 3,971,388.19 4,537,640.77 5,301,646.58 6,057,862.97
Source: The National Treasury and Central Bank of Kenya
Excludes Repo Bills
Pre-1997 Govt. Overdraft debt(Repo T-bills)
Excludes Government deposits to Central Bank and Commercial Banks

Table 5.12: Debt Service Charges on External Debt related to Export of Goods and Services, 2016-2020

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

Debt Service charges on External Debt 78,104.86 107,226.48 234,702.61 369,613.15 223,439.82
(Financial year)..........................................................
Export of goods and services(calendar year)........... 1,006,194.14 1,080,501.25 1,171,459.05 1,169,967.15 1,040,673.71
Debt Service charges as a percentage of Exports
of Goods and Services KSh
Million……………………………………… 7.8 9.9 20.0 31.6 21.5
Including debt redemption.

Table 5.13: Annual County Governments Revenue , FY 2019/20-2020/21
KSh Million
Equitable Conditional Total
County Local
share Grant1 Revenue
+ +
2019/20 2020/21 2019/20 2020/21 2019/20 2020/21+ 2019/20 2020/21+
Baringo........................... 4,657.42 5,127.30 553.71 752.87 301.66 346.09 5,512.79 6,226.25
Bomet............................. 5,033.49 5,507.10 701.54 832.35 201.51 275.92 5,936.54 6,615.37
Bungoma........................ 8,128.80 8,956.95 1,140.47 876.59 777.46 700.00 10,046.72 10,533.54
Busia............................... 5,496.34 6,108.45 726.08 865.23 225.83 350.00 6,448.25 7,323.68
Elgeyo/Marakwet............ 3,529.23 3,861.30 545.25 735.21 131.10 80.00 4,205.58 4,676.51
Embu.............................. 3,934.22 4,557.60 1,003.32 1,012.40 509.65 909.00 5,447.19 6,479.00
Garissa........................... 6,422.04 7,026.30 1,245.95 1,651.83 109.92 150.00 7,777.91 8,828.13
Homa Bay....................... 6,161.69 6,741.45 582.68 719.52 274.60 385.51 7,018.96 7,846.48
Isiolo............................... 3,876.37 4,177.80 664.58 942.48 122.08 113.69 4,663.02 5,233.96
Kajiado............................ 5,872.40 6,393.30 881.98 939.28 616.80 1,500.00 7,371.18 8,832.58
Kakamega....................... 9,517.34 10,571.10 1,494.41 1,545.69 1,180.81 2,113.00 12,192.57 14,229.79
Kericho........................... 4,917.78 5,443.80 775.25 780.03 473.73 644.06 6,166.76 6,867.89
Kiambu........................... 8,620.57 9,843.15 2,762.21 1,436.75 2,466.26 3,669.55 13,849.04 14,949.46
Kilifi................................. 9,546.27 10,602.75 1,203.89 1,807.24 788.78 1,100.00 11,538.94 13,509.99
Kirinyaga......................... 3,876.37 4,272.75 631.35 602.77 374.74 400.00 4,882.45 5,275.52
Kisii................................. 7,116.31 7,817.55 1,315.24 1,266.83 333.15 650.00 8,764.71 9,734.38
Kisumu............................ 6,248.47 6,836.40 1,518.56 1,215.05 804.35 1,579.17 8,571.38 9,630.62
Kitui................................ 8,070.94 8,862.00 1,096.65 833.88 408.29 0.00 9,575.87 9,695.88
Kwale.............................. 7,116.31 7,659.30 973.15 1,164.15 254.45 365.64 8,343.90 9,189.09
Laikipia........................... 3,818.51 4,810.80 528.76 715.83 727.96 1,006.88 5,075.23 6,533.51
Lamu............................... 2,372.10 2,753.55 490.48 770.20 108.91 100.00 2,971.49 3,623.75
Machakos....................... 7,087.38 8,039.10 1,858.99 1,263.71 1,376.17 1,729.80 10,322.55 11,032.61
Makueni.......................... 6,769.18 7,279.50 921.47 825.71 465.94 1,065.00 8,156.58 9,170.21
Mandera......................... 9,343.78 10,222.95 898.25 1,158.45 124.96 0.00 10,366.99 11,381.40
Marsabit.......................... 6,190.61 6,868.05 639.24 1,070.97 126.71 150.00 6,956.56 8,089.02
Meru............................... 7,347.74 8,102.40 1,185.86 1,178.05 383.30 600.00 8,916.90 9,880.45
Migori.............................. 6,190.61 6,868.05 1,099.22 745.25 305.69 292.00 7,595.53 7,905.30
Mombasa........................ 7,057.95 7,437.75 1,117.07 2,076.40 3,260.01 5,252.45 11,435.03 14,766.60
Murang'a......................... 5,756.69 6,456.60 814.16 865.83 580.30 900.00 7,151.16 8,222.43
Nairobi City..................... 11,446.44 15,951.60 417.31 869.61 8,715.07 14,402.00 20,578.82 31,223.21
Nakuru............................ 9,575.20 9,748.20 1,968.31 1,228.94 2,551.21 1,800.00 14,094.73 12,777.14
Nandi.............................. 4,888.85 5,380.50 815.84 772.17 283.19 405.41 5,987.87 6,558.08
Narok.............................. 7,347.74 7,121.25 801.60 785.35 2,345.48 3,133.92 10,494.82 11,040.52
Nyamira.......................... 4,397.07 4,905.75 672.30 900.98 185.57 250.00 5,254.94 6,056.73
Nyandarua...................... 4,454.93 4,905.75 624.90 856.79 379.48 830.00 5,459.31 6,592.54
Nyeri............................... 4,946.71 5,095.65 1,013.27 1,182.60 664.86 1,000.00 6,624.83 7,278.25
Samburu......................... 4,223.50 3,987.90 575.38 602.39 215.67 280.31 5,014.56 4,870.61
Siaya............................... 5,293.84 5,855.25 617.18 870.51 179.43 1,100.00 6,090.45 7,825.76
Taita/Taveta.................... 3,876.37 4,399.35 624.33 1,120.24 296.04 363.00 4,796.73 5,882.59
Tana River...................... 5,351.70 5,602.05 592.34 919.77 64.47 72.60 6,008.51 6,594.42
Tharaka -Nithi................. 3,587.08 3,861.30 596.39 866.92 270.15 325.00 4,453.62 5,053.22
Trans Nzoia.................... 5,264.91 5,791.95 919.06 733.14 356.08 500.00 6,540.06 7,025.09
Turkana.......................... 9,633.06 10,571.10 658.70 1,295.35 176.23 150.00 10,467.98 12,016.45
Uasin Gishu.................... 5,785.62 6,045.15 1,096.87 877.39 779.33 991.00 7,661.82 7,913.54
Vihiga.............................. 4,252.43 4,525.95 852.04 737.84 148.20 216.10 5,252.67 5,479.89
Wajir............................... 7,810.59 8,545.50 581.07 1,288.48 60.42 0.00 8,452.07 9,833.98
West Pokot..................... 4,570.64 5,000.70 567.13 813.58 65.20 168.35 5,202.97 5,982.63
Total 286,783.59 316,500.00 43,363.80 47,372.61 35,551.15 52,415.45 365,698.55 416,288.06
Source: The National Treasury and Office of the Controller of Budget
Printed estimates
Includes Grants to Level 5 hospitals and conditional grant for Donor funded projects

Table 5.14: Consolidated County Governments Budget Allocation, FY 2020/21 +
KSh Million
County Recurrent Development Total
Baringo.................................................................................. 4,651.47 3,261.07 7,912.54
Bomet.................................................................................... 4,936.35 2,683.35 7,619.70
Bungoma............................................................................... 9,282.88 4,720.01 14,002.89
Busia...................................................................................... 5,672.19 4,746.72 10,418.91
Elgeyo/Marakwet................................................................... 3,502.64 2,449.10 5,951.74
Embu..................................................................................... 4,752.76 2,354.26 7,107.02
Garissa.................................................................................. 6,796.48 3,380.28 10,176.76
Homa Bay.............................................................................. 5,432.24 3,552.69 8,984.93
Isiolo...................................................................................... 3,724.33 2,037.29 5,761.62
Kajiado................................................................................... 6,452.02 3,598.61 10,050.63
Kakamega.............................................................................. 9,042.46 7,031.22 16,073.68
Kericho.................................................................................. 4,392.29 3,230.54 7,622.83
Kiambu.................................................................................. 11,824.58 6,053.82 17,878.40
Kilifi........................................................................................ 9,254.97 5,406.06 14,661.03
Kirinyaga................................................................................ 4,237.42 2,558.19 6,795.61
Kisii........................................................................................ 8,564.56 4,106.72 12,671.28
Kisumu................................................................................... 8,025.44 4,754.92 12,780.36
Kitui....................................................................................... 7,434.46 4,405.35 11,839.81
Kwale..................................................................................... 6,322.96 5,938.37 12,261.33
Laikipia.................................................................................. 4,813.08 2,685.54 7,498.62
Lamu...................................................................................... 2,761.87 1,944.79 4,706.66
Machakos.............................................................................. 8,734.18 4,754.39 13,488.57
Makueni................................................................................. 6,673.98 5,031.13 11,705.11
Mandera................................................................................ 7,573.66 5,637.70 13,211.36
Marsabit................................................................................. 4,152.95 4,562.15 8,715.10
Meru...................................................................................... 8,053.69 3,730.09 11,783.78
Migori..................................................................................... 5,447.75 3,709.04 9,156.79
Mombasa............................................................................... 10,564.82 5,069.76 15,634.58
Murang'a................................................................................ 5,805.86 3,079.05 8,884.91
Nairobi City............................................................................ 29,405.67 8,476.07 37,881.74
Nakuru................................................................................... 10,864.45 10,106.72 20,971.17
Nandi..................................................................................... 5,022.02 2,589.50 7,611.52
Narok..................................................................................... 8,042.74 3,622.90 11,665.64
Nyamira................................................................................. 4,657.80 2,142.44 6,800.24
Nyandarua............................................................................. 4,925.41 2,890.16 7,815.57
Nyeri...................................................................................... 5,899.44 3,198.58 9,098.02
Samburu................................................................................ 4,262.59 2,528.07 6,790.66
Siaya...................................................................................... 4,841.03 3,380.08 8,221.11
Taita/Taveta........................................................................... 4,060.71 2,054.02 6,114.73
Tana River............................................................................. 4,720.38 3,424.87 8,145.25
Tharaka -Nithi........................................................................ 3,882.57 1,975.26 5,857.83
Trans Nzoia........................................................................... 4,908.12 3,488.09 8,396.21
Turkana................................................................................. 9,131.47 5,347.37 14,478.84
Uasin Gishu........................................................................... 6,118.96 5,892.97 12,011.93
Vihiga..................................................................................... 4,072.61 2,511.94 6,584.55
Wajir...................................................................................... 6,780.59 4,163.51 10,944.10
West Pokot............................................................................ 4,396.86 2,593.31 6,990.17
Total 314,877.76 186,858.07 501,735.83
Source: Office of the Controller of Budget and KNBS
Approved estimates

Table 5.15: Economic classification of County Governments Expenditure, 2016/17 - 2020/21
KSh Million
* +
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
Compensation of Employees........................ 117,767.64 150,526.27 155,833.81 167,311.37 170,068.06
Salaries........................................................ 87,233.99 112,115.30 114,796.79 122,096.61 125,191.35
Allowances................................................... 28,673.89 35,088.75 37,723.26 40,631.41 40,384.80
Social contbributions.................................... 1,859.76 3,322.22 3,313.76 4,583.36 4,491.91
Use of goods and services........................... 70,879.15 74,033.21 88,944.57 85,904.58 84,432.14
Utilities, Supplies and Services................... 2,073.12 2,128.84 3,050.88 2,415.19 2,354.75
Printing , Advertising and Information
Supplies and Services 2,813.14 2,269.85 2,825.15 2,680.27 3,365.80
Rentals......................................................... 1,657.73 1,426.07 2,295.70 1,799.54 2,344.50
Communication, Supplies and Services .... 721.81 777.67 831.77 777.09 1,188.40
Transportation costs.................................... 13,309.25 13,474.53 14,063.19 15,861.19 13,488.20
Training Expenses ...................................... 3,854.77 4,307.96 7,261.60 3,671.13 4,411.45
Hospitality Supplies and Services............... 5,097.58 5,210.77 6,300.42 6,232.56 5,826.75
Insurance..................................................... 5,359.23 6,889.76 6,390.80 7,850.34 9,037.48
Specialised Materials................................... 11,450.18 11,797.26 14,096.59 14,688.70 14,152.10
Office and General Supplies and Services
and materials 1,774.43 1,756.93 2,202.19 2,202.23 2,519.53
Fuel Oil and Lubricants ............................... 2,740.61 2,676.42 3,312.88 3,280.36 3,421.38
Other Operating Expenses.......................... 14,750.40 15,531.06 18,986.53 17,196.85 14,947.61
Routine Maintenance................................... 5,276.91 5,786.09 7,326.87 7,249.14 7,374.20
Subsidies......................................................... 387.09 106.58 980.21 818.97 1,239.78
Interest............................................................. 6,819.50 3,652.36 5,607.34 8,537.25 4,144.92
Grants.............................................................. 12,454.56 13,986.57 34,216.97 49,659.29 81,949.16
Other expense................................................ 40,356.44 9,639.88 9,351.32 4,703.87 619.30
Social Benefits................................................ 10,282.42 7,639.18 2,025.57 2,360.47 2,855.78
Acquisition of Non-financial Assets............ 84,887.80 66,336.42 96,959.00 84,427.99 110,995.52
Building and Structures................................ 70,374.24 52,937.88 77,548.44 70,064.35 91,766.67
Plant and Machinery.................................... 10,420.25 9,247.47 12,473.17 9,775.68 12,193.05
Inventories.................................................... 1,336.22 1,757.06 2,214.96 1,749.40 1,869.67
Non-produced assets & Land...................... 2,757.08 2,394.01 4,722.42 2,838.56 5,166.12
Acquisition of Financial Assets................... 6,612.00 10,477.02 11,612.93 13,429.75 10,057.01
Total 350,446.59 336,397.48 405,531.74 417,153.55 466,361.67
Source: The National Treasury-IFMIS
Approved estimates

Table 5.16: Classification of Expenditure by Functions of County Governments (COFOG) , 2016/17- 2020/21
KSh Million
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20* 2020/21+
General Public Services................................ 145,768.03 130,647.39 133,667.56 137,001.84 159,160.33
Economic Affairs............................................ 67,319.94 58,715.78 88,250.79 81,821.80 87,513.97
General economic affairs........... 13,331.83 12,945.02 17,386.02 15,664.84 15,842.88
Agriculture................................... 12,963.41 11,783.83 21,055.53 21,792.72 25,187.91
Transport..................................... 38,407.28 29,496.22 45,608.79 39,924.98 43,487.05
Other economic Affairs............... 2,617.42 4,490.72 4,200.45 4,439.25 2,996.13
Environmental Protection............................. 10,164.82 10,809.34 14,391.45 11,840.48 13,271.70
Housing and Community Ammenities......... 24,814.79 22,671.51 37,915.84 38,986.15 46,427.92
Health............................................................... 70,774.35 83,978.29 92,023.58 106,727.14 113,678.12
Recreation, Culture and Religion................. 6,454.43 4,869.95 5,965.27 7,619.42 8,848.85
Education........................................................ 24,609.43 23,754.34 31,038.16 31,285.14 35,155.92
Social Protection............................................ 540.80 950.87 2,279.09 1,871.57 2,304.85
Total 350,446.59 336,397.48 405,531.74 417,153.55 466,361.67
Source: The National Treasury-IFMIS
Approved estimates

Table 5.17(a): Economic Classification of County Governments Expenditure, As at end of 2019/20
KSh Million
Acquisition of Acquisition
Compensation Use of goods Interest Social Non-Financial of Financial
County of employees and services on Debt subsidies Grants Benefits Other Expense Assets Assets Total
Baringo.................... 3,270.50 1,018.15 0.00 0.00 462.02 -0.31 254.49 1,316.83 1,578.86 7,900.53
Bomet...................... 2,722.21 1,333.37 145.43 0.00 773.38 29.63 4.40 2,038.59 40.00 7,087.00
Bungoma................. 4,845.54 2,839.16 235.96 0.00 2,163.59 29.08 0.19 2,167.40 14.96 12,295.88
Busia....................... 3,212.20 2,303.52 0.00 0.00 1,877.28 128.01 9.37 963.17 0.00 8,493.55
Elgeyo/ Marakwet.... 2,407.28 1,013.71 0.00 30.23 279.43 40.12 8.65 1,149.15 0.00 4,928.57
Embu....................... 3,000.54 1,031.35 0.00 0.00 225.47 25.79 33.48 895.12 0.00 5,211.75
Garissa.................... 4,580.74 908.63 0.00 0.00 440.87 9.59 501.14 747.09 971.68 8,159.74
Homa Bay................ 3,571.59 1,733.58 13.62 0.00 686.73 26.04 40.97 2,331.65 85.00 8,489.18
Isiolo........................ 1,750.66 806.20 0.00 0.00 1,082.18 23.07 94.26 834.03 636.61 5,227.01

Kajiado.................... 2,853.01 1,991.98 0.00 35.49 1,793.24 203.54 -17.63 1,493.92 0.00 8,353.55
Kakamega............... 4,852.25 2,445.70 0.00 371.89 2,258.25 16.20 -442.34 2,422.92 0.00 11,924.87
Kericho.................... 2,849.04 1,440.65 0.00 0.00 1,682.51 55.23 2.75 2,326.82 20.00 8,377.00
Kiambu.................... 6,890.37 2,534.25 0.00 0.00 3,567.78 49.63 70.37 2,207.50 50.00 15,369.91
Kilifi.......................... 4,307.05 2,602.24 44.40 0.00 1,596.66 44.08 368.66 3,596.21 32.00 12,591.31
Kirinyaga................. 2,620.94 1,155.71 131.09 34.50 476.10 21.62 45.81 680.89 9.30 5,175.96
Kisii.......................... 4,909.55 1,821.66 0.00 0.00 518.15 0.00 275.24 2,277.00 157.32 9,958.92
Kisumu.................... 4,816.89 1,499.95 0.00 0.00 1,997.61 43.82 9.38 1,777.24 15.00 10,159.88
Kitui......................... 4,711.64 2,103.32 0.00 81.29 909.05 26.47 48.04 2,978.32 7.32 10,865.45
Kwale...................... 3,015.88 1,783.31 0.00 0.00 1,059.25 0.00 117.95 2,394.55 2,539.84 10,910.78
Laikipia.................... 2,808.22 1,267.82 0.00 0.00 638.27 2.35 18.54 1,048.59 20.00 5,803.79
Lamu....................... 1,358.81 937.13 0.00 0.00 346.86 39.16 1.72 917.89 0.00 3,601.58
Machakos................ 4,563.53 1,505.22 0.00 0.00 2,990.70 271.67 -0.92 2,338.51 0.00 11,668.72
Makueni................... 3,732.99 3,622.10 0.00 0.00 107.38 18.83 27.95 2,272.88 50.00 9,832.13
Sub Total............ 83,651.42 39,698.71 570.50 553.40 27,932.78 1,103.63 1,472.46 41,176.27 6,227.89 202,387.06
Table 5.17(b): Economic Classification of County Governments Expenditure, As at end of 2019/20
KSh Million
Acquisition of Acquisition of
compensation Use of goods Social Other Non-Financial Financial
County of employees and services Interest on Debt subsidies Grants Benefits expense Assets Assets Total
Mandera............... 2,511.07 1,939.72 19.00 0.00 1,973.21 208.52 122.97 4,846.17 412.48 12,033.16
Marsabit................ 2,657.49 1,647.18 0.00 4.00 916.64 67.75 51.14 1,040.94 883.51 7,268.64
Meru..................... 4,910.02 1,486.51 0.20 21.68 2,310.53 46.00 1,178.20 838.13 13.69 10,804.95
Migori................... 2,792.93 2,087.15 0.00 0.00 1,407.47 72.43 62.57 2,257.03 29.99 8,709.58
Mombasa.............. 5,535.45 2,218.49 712.52 12.74 603.07 14.56 55.04 2,553.29 0.00 11,705.16
Murang'a............... 3,571.66 2,956.57 36.37 0.67 424.93 14.80 211.78 308.29 0.00 7,525.06
Nairobi.................. 10,678.33 5,683.89 4,889.74 0.00 564.12 62.47 0.00 2,568.51 0.00 24,447.06
Nakuru.................. 5,646.92 2,557.76 -66.63 91.03 2,485.89 40.63 147.91 2,781.65 1,545.94 15,231.09
Nandi.................... 3,693.17 1,132.99 0.00 0.00 106.11 25.93 560.35 1,188.18 10.00 6,716.73
Narok.................... 3,576.37 2,820.51 0.00 0.00 1,304.93 34.14 -109.66 2,386.22 0.00 10,012.52
Nyamira................ 2,996.53 1,477.98 0.00 0.00 839.12 88.73 4.43 934.31 20.00 6,361.10
Nyandarua............ 2,123.68 1,477.20 0.00 43.65 455.91 59.41 287.53 3,118.91 85.20 7,651.49

Nyeri..................... 3,812.69 1,374.13 0.00 0.00 714.23 154.02 0.34 1,240.30 40.00 7,335.71
Samburu............... 2,083.83 1,728.89 0.00 0.00 526.66 24.04 1.86 925.30 11.00 5,301.57
Siaya.................... 2,843.24 1,488.41 85.47 40.25 450.30 21.05 50.16 2,313.16 40.00 7,332.03
Taita Taveta......... 2,168.68 1,028.41 0.00 0.00 376.24 31.84 71.12 651.88 648.26 4,976.43
Tana River............ 1,756.41 1,491.64 2,052.92 51.55 491.95 14.48 45.92 292.61 0.00 6,197.48
Tharaka Nithi........ 2,092.26 809.91 0.00 0.00 360.83 37.00 10.84 1,259.04 0.00 4,569.88
Trans Nzoia.......... 2,616.28 1,508.53 178.76 0.00 845.76 14.34 10.00 1,618.48 0.00 6,792.16
Turkana................ 3,665.33 3,061.68 0.00 0.00 1,189.44 42.07 321.46 1,387.40 2,654.48 12,321.85
Uasin Gishu.......... 3,465.14 2,411.90 58.40 0.00 800.73 12.65 96.16 3,418.11 0.00 10,263.09
Vihiga................... 2,381.36 1,022.28 0.00 0.00 479.74 50.98 25.60 890.19 792.06 5,642.21
Wajir..................... 3,432.97 1,775.81 0.00 0.00 1,095.29 53.53 0.00 3,562.54 0.00 9,920.13
West Pokot........... 2,648.17 1,018.35 0.00 0.00 1,003.39 65.47 25.68 871.08 15.25 5,647.40
SubTotal 83,659.95 46,205.87 7,966.75 265.57 21,726.51 1,256.84 3,231.41 43,251.72 7,201.86 214,766.49
Grand Total 167,311.37 85,904.58 8,537.25 818.97 49,659.29 2,360.47 4,703.87 84,427.99 13,429.75 417,153.55
Table 5.18: Public Sector Statement of Operations, FY 2019/20
Central Government Public Corporation Sector
National Total Public
Government Sector
(Budgetary Central Extra-Budgetary Social Security Total Central County Total General
Government) Units Funds Consolidation Government Government Consolidation Government Non Financial Financial Consolidation
Revenue................................................ 1,816,009.10 465,992.35 95,768.86 -238,670.04 2,139,100.26 360,829.21 -326,097.03 2,174,651.42 361,653.22 108,375.14 -18.19 2,644,661.59
Tax revenue.......................................... 1,532,236.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,532,236.00 10,504.74 0.00 1,542,740.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,542,740.75
Social contributions............................. 507.64 0.00 45,987.15 0.00 46,494.79 0.00 0.00 46,494.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 46,494.79
Grants................................................... 19,819.74 238,670.04 0.00 -238,670.04 19,819.74 325,278.06 -325,278.06 19,819.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,819.74
International organisation................ 19,819.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,819.74 0.00 0.00 19,819.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,819.74
Other general government............... 0.00 238,670.04 0.00 -238,670.04 0.00 325,278.06 -325,278.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Other revenue....................................... 263,445.71 227,322.31 49,781.70 0.00 540,549.72 25,046.41 -818.97 565,596.14 361,653.22 108,375.14 -18.19 1,035,606.31
Sale of Goods & Services................ 19,284.54 195,971.36 17,185.46 0.00 232,441.36 22,639.23 -818.97 255,080.60 319,571.21 39,650.11 -18.19 614,283.72
Property income.............................. 118,541.89 13,696.48 28,462.90 0.00 160,701.28 2,385.64 0.00 163,086.92 443.20 41,554.13 0.00 205,084.25
Ministerial AIA.................................. 20,282.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,282.31 0.00 0.00 20,282.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,282.31
Fines, Penalties &Forfeits................ 2,266.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,266.90 21.54 0.00 2,288.44 0.00 3,238.62 0.00 5,527.06
Other transfers NEC........................ 103,070.07 17,654.46 4,133.34 0.00 124,857.88 0.00 0.00 124,857.88 41,638.82 23,932.27 0.00 190,428.97
Expense................................................ 2,529,157.69 412,480.68 82,211.40 -238,670.04 2,785,179.74 269,636.52 -326,097.03 2,728,719.23 370,759.99 63,278.00 -18.19 3,162,739.03
Compensation of employees........... 536,884.94 144,286.48 54,942.26 0.00 736,113.68 167,311.37 0.00 903,425.06 46,254.05 20,083.94 0.00 969,763.05
Use of goods and services.............. 208,879.69 201,250.37 9,834.79 0.00 419,964.85 85,904.58 0.00 505,869.43 236,496.16 21,714.67 0.00 764,080.26
CFC/Depreciation............................ 0.00 19,801.29 2,042.93 0.00 21,844.21 0.00 0.00 21,844.21 62,610.39 5,654.42 0.00 90,109.02
Interest............................................. 437,202.00 1,253.60 0.00 0.00 438,455.60 8,537.25 0.00 446,992.86 19,176.27 13,246.94 0.00 479,416.07
Subsidies......................................... 61,372.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 61,372.62 818.97 -818.97 61,372.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 61,372.62
Grants ............................................. 568,123.37 0.00 0.00 -238,670.04 329,453.33 0.00 -325,278.06 4,175.27 18.19 0.00 -18.19 4,175.27
International Organisation......... 4,175.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,175.27 0.00 0.00 4,175.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,175.27
Other General Government....... 563,948.10 0.00 0.00 -238,670.04 325,278.06 0.00 -325,278.06 0.00 18.19 0.00 -18.19 0.00

Current ( to EBUs)............... 217,187.81 0.00 0.00 -217,187.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.19 0.00 -18.19 0.00
Capital (to EBUs)................ 21,482.23 0.00 0.00 -21,482.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
County governments........... 325,278.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 325,278.06 0.00 -325,278.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Social benefits...................................... 97,399.85 6,082.88 307.09 0.00 103,789.82 2,360.47 0.00 106,150.29 0.00 1,488.54 0.00 107,638.83
Other expense...................................... 619,295.23 39,806.06 15,084.33 0.00 674,185.62 4,703.87 0.00 678,889.49 6,204.94 1,089.49 0.00 686,183.91
Net Operating Balance......................... -713,148.59 53,511.66 13,557.45 0.00 -646,079.47 91,192.69 0.00 -554,067.81 -9,106.77 45,097.14 0.00 -518,077.44
Acquisition of Non-Financial Assets. 105,141.01 177,647.48 4,200.07 0.00 297,742.87 84,427.99 0.00 382,170.85 38,775.80 5,597.32 0.00 426,543.98
Building and Structures............. 131,685.54 195,268.68 11,842.69 0.00 352,637.29 79,840.03 0.00 432,477.32 103,111.13 -1,024.47 0.00 534,563.97
Machinery and equipment .... 13,840.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,754.31 0.00 0.00 10,754.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,754.31
Inventories................................. 567.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 567.28 1,749.40 0.00 2,316.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,316.69
Non-produced Assets and Land 5,926.40 2,180.09 -5,599.69 0.00 2,506.79 2,838.56 0.00 5,345.35 -1,724.94 12,276.22 0.00 15,896.63
Disposal of non-financial assets -46,878.59 -19,801.29 -2,042.93 0.00 -68,722.81 0.00 0.00 -68,722.81 -62,610.39 -5,654.42 0.00 -136,987.62
Net lending/Borrowing......................... -818,289.60 -124,135.82 9,357.38 0.00 -943,822.34 6,764.70 0.00 -936,238.67 -47,882.57 39,499.82 0.00 -944,621.42
Net Financial Worth............................. -680,603.67 -124,135.81 9,357.38 0.00 -795,382.09 35,469.75 0.00 -759,912.35 -47,882.84 39,476.12 0.00 -768,319.07
Transactions in Financial assets ....... 59,005.68 283,510.64 74,359.25 0.00 416,875.57 36,609.08 0.00 453,484.65 272,283.79 128,519.45 0.00 854,287.89
Currency and deposits..................... 37,201.01 13,556.67 -875.76 0.00 49,881.91 22,643.98 0.00 72,525.89 -28,402.10 -175,805.04 0.00 -131,681.24
Debt securities................................. 0.00 466.22 20,486.60 0.00 20,952.82 0.00 0.00 20,952.82 -200.54 183,618.25 0.00 204,370.53
Loans............................................... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Equity and investment fund shares 21,804.67 19,488.51 1,725.40 0.00 43,018.58 0.00 0.00 43,018.58 19,358.39 -6,096.91 0.00 56,280.06
Accounts receivable ....................... 0.00 249,999.25 53,023.01 0.00 303,022.26 13,965.10 0.00 316,987.36 281,528.04 126,803.15 0.00 725,318.55
Transactions in Liabilities .................. 739,609.34 407,646.46 65,001.87 0.00 1,212,257.67 1,139.33 0.00 1,213,397.00 320,166.63 89,043.34 0.00 1,622,606.96
Currency and deposits..................... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Debt securities................................. 409,355.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 409,355.94 0.00 0.00 409,355.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 409,355.94
Domestic............................. 409,355.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 409,355.94 0.00 0.00 409,355.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 409,355.94
Foreign................................ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Loans............................................... 330,253.41 131,107.30 0.00 0.00 461,360.71 0.00 0.00 461,360.71 -15,751.45 67,881.28 0.00 513,490.53
Equity and investment fund shares 0.00 86,237.94 0.00 0.00 86,237.94 0.00 0.00 86,237.94 -10,432.94 -14,139.69 0.00 61,665.32
Accounts payable ........................... 0.00 190,301.22 65,001.87 0.00 255,303.08 1,139.33 0.00 256,442.41 346,351.02 35,301.74 0.00 638,095.18
Source: The National Treasury, Central Bank of Kenya and KNBS
Table 5.19(a) Public Sector Institutions
a) General Government
i) Central Government ii) County Governments iii) Social Security Funds
Budgetary Central Government (BCGs) Sub Entities within Budgetary Central Government 1 Bomet County 1 National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF)
1 Auditor General 73 Asian Officers Family Pensions Fund 2 Bungoma District 2 National Social Security Fund (NSSF)
2 Commission on Revenue Allocation 74 Asiatic Widows And Orphans Pensions Fund 3 Busia County
3 Controller of Budget 75 Business Registration Service- Office Receiver 4 Elgeyo Marakwet County
4 Directorate of Public Prosecutions 76 Civil Contingencies Fund 5 Embu County
5 Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission 77 Commission on Revenue Allocation Staff Mortgage Scheme
6 Garissa
Fund County
6 Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission 78 Covid-19 Emergency Response Fund 7 Homa Bay County
7 Independent Policing Oversight Authority 79 Equalization Fund 8 Isiolo County
8 Judicial Service Commission 80 Equalization Fund -MOH 9 Kajiado County
9 Kenya National Commission on Human Rights 81 Ethics and Anti Corruption commission Staff Car Loan Scheme
10 Kakamega County
10 Ministry of Defence 82 European Widows And Orphans Scheme And Fund 11 Kericho County
11 Ministry of Environment and Forestry 83 Government Clearing Agency 12 Kiambu County
12 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 84 Government Press Fund 13 Kilifi County
13 Ministry of Health 85 Humanitarian Fund 14 Kirinyaga County
14 Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning 86 IEBC - Staff Mortgage &amp; Car loan Fund 15 Kisii County
15 Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife 87 Intelligence Service Development Fund 16 Kisumu County
16 Ministry of Water and Sanitation 88 Kenya Energy Environment &amp; Social Responsibility 17
Kitui County
17 National Cohesion and Integration Commission 89 Kenya Local Loans Support Fund 18 Kwale County
18 National Gender and Equality Commission 90 Kenya National Commission on Human Rights-Mortgage19
Car LoanCounty
Scheme Fund
19 National Intelligence Service 91 Kenya Prison Service(Prison Industries Revolving Fund)20 Lamu County
20 National Land Commission 92 Kenya Slum Upgrading Low Cost Housing And Infrastructure
21 Machakos
Trust FundCounty
21 National Police Service Commission 93 Land Settlement Fund (LSF) 22 Makueni County
22 Parliamentary Service Commission 94 Management and Supervision Fund 23 Mandera County
23 Public Service Commission 95 Mechanical and Transport Fund 24 Marsabit County
24 Registrar of Political Parties 96 Mechanical and Transport Fund (NYS) 25 Meru County
25 Salaries and Remuneration Commission 97 National Cohesion and Integration Commission 26 Migori County
26 State Department for Youth Affairs 98 National Drought Emergency Fund 27 Mombasa County
27 State Department for Agricultural Research 99 National Fund for the Disabled of Kenya (NFBK) 28 Moyale County
28 State Department for Broadcasting & Telecommunications ## National Land Commission - Car Loan Scheme Fund 29 Murang'a County
29 State Department for Cooperatives ## National Land Commission - Mortgage Scheme Fund 30 Nairobi County
30 State Department for Correctional Services ## Occupational Safety and Health Fund 31 Nakuru County
31 State Department for Crop Development ## Office of Registrar of Political parties- Car Loan 32 Nandi County
32 State Department for Development of the ASAL ## Office of Registrar of Political parties- Mortgage Loan 33 Narok County
33 State Department for Devolution ## Parliamentary Car Loan Scheme Fund 34 Nyamira County
34 State Department for Early Learning & Basic Education ## Parliamentary Catering Fund 35 Nyandarua County
35 State Department for East African Community ## Parliamentary Mortgage Scheme Fund 36 Nyeri County
36 State Department for Energy ## Petroleum Development Levy Fund 37 Samburu County
37 State Department for Fisheries, Aquaculture and the Blue Economy
## Petroleum Development Levy Fund (The National Treasury
38 Holding
Siaya County
38 State Department for Gender. ## Petroleum Development Levy Fund-Energy 39 Taita-Taveta District
39 State Department for Heritage ## Petroleum Training Fund 40 Tana River County
40 State Department for Housing, Urban Development and Public Works
## Political Parties Fund 41 Tharaka-Nithi County
41 State Department for Immigration and Citizen Services ## Presidential Award Kenya 42 Trans-Nzoia County
42 State Department for Industrialization ## Public Complaints Committee on Environment 43 Turkana County
43 State Department for Information Communication & Technology &##Innovation
Railway Development Levy Fund (Operating Account) 44 Uasin Gishu County
44 State Department for Infrastructure ## Roads Annuity Fund 45 Vihiga County
45 State Department for Interior ## Rural Enterprise Fund 46 Wajir County
46 State Department for Irrigation ## State and Public Officers Car Loan Scheme Fund 47 West Pokot County
47 State Department for Labour ## State Officers House Mortgage Scheme Fund
48 State Department for Livestock ## Strategic Grain Reserve Fund
49 State Department for Mining ## Street Families Rehabilitation Trust Fund
50 State Department for Petroleum ## Supplies Branch Stores and Services Fund
51 State Department for Planning ## The National Treasury Provident Fund
52 State Department for Post Training and Skills Development ## Tourism Promotion Fund
53 State Department for Public Service ## Treasury Main Clearance Fund
54 State Department for Public Service and Youth Affairs ## Unclaimed Asset Trust Fund
55 State Department for Regional and Northern Corridor Development
## Veterinary Services Development Fund (VSDF)
56 State Department for Shipping & Maritime ## Witness Protection Agency -Staff Car Loan Scheme
57 State Department for Social Protection
58 State Department for Sports Development
59 State Department for Tourism
60 State Department for Trade
61 State Department for Transport
62 State Department for University Education
63 State Department for Vocational and Technical Training
64 State Department for Wildlife
65 State Law Office and Department of Justice
66 Teachers Service Commission
67 The Commission on Administrative Justice
68 The Judiciary
69 The National Assembly
70 The National Treasury
71 The Presidency
72 Witness Protection Agency

Table 5.19(b) Public Sector Institutions
Extra- Budgetary Units (EBUs)
1 AFFA Pyrethrum Processing Company of Kenya 57 Kenya Civil Aviation Authority
2 Agricultural Finance Corporation 58 Kenya Coast National Polytechnic
3 Agricultural Information Resource Centre Revolving Fund 59 Kenya Copyright Board
4 Agriculture and Food Authority 60 Kenya Cultural Center
5 Alupe University College 61 Kenya Dairy Board
6 Anti Counterfeit Agency 62 Kenya Education Management Institute
7 Anti Doping Agency of Kenya 63 Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limited
8 Anti Female Genital Mutilation (AFGM) Board 64 Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency /Brand Kenya Board
9 Assets Recovery Agency 65 Kenya Ferry Service
10 Athi River Water Services Board/ Athi Water Works Development Agency
66 Kenya Film Classification Board
11 Auctioneers Licensing Board 67 Kenya Film Commission
12 Bomas of Kenya 68 Kenya Forest Service
13 Bomet University College 69 Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI)
14 Bukura Agricultural College 70 Kenya Industrial Estates Limited
15 Business Services Registration Board 71 Kenya Industrial Property Institute
16 Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology in Africa 72 Kenya Industrial Research & Development Institute (KIRDI)
17 Child Welfare Society of Kenya 73 Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD)
18 Chuka University 74 Kenya Institute of Mass Communication
19 Civil Servants Housing Scheme Fund (CSHF) 75 Kenya Institute of Public Policy Research Analysis
20 Coast Development Authority 76 Kenya Institute of Special Education
21 Coast Water Services Board/Coast Water Works Development Agency77 Kenya Investment Authority
22 Commission for University Education 78 Kenya Law Reform Commission
23 Commodity Fund 79 Kenya Leather Development Council
24 Communication Authority of Kenya 80 Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute
25 Communication Authority of Kenya- Universal Service Fund 81 Kenya Maritime Authority
26 Competition Authority of Kenya 82 Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board (KLTTB)
27 Cooperative Societies Liquidation Fund 83 Kenya Medical Research Institute
28 Cooperative University College of Kenya 84 Kenya Medical Supplies Agency (KEMSA)
29 Council of Governors (COG) 85 Kenya Medical Training College
30 Council of Legal Education 86 Kenya National Accreditation Service
31 Dedan Kimathi University of Technology 87 Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
32 Egerton University 88 Kenya National Commission for UNESCO
33 Eldoret Polytechnic 89 Kenya National Convention Bureau
34 Embu University College of Kenya 90 Kenya National Examination Council
35 Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority Staff Mortgage 91 Kenya National Highways Authority
36 Energy Regulatory Commission 92 Kenya National Innovation Agency (KeNIA)
37 Engineers Board of Kenya 93 Kenya National Library Services
38 Ewaso Ngiro South Development Authority 94 Kenya National Qualification Authority
39 Ewaso Nyiro North Development Authority 95 Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board
40 Export Processing Zones Authority 96 Kenya Ordinance Factories Corporation
41 Financial Reporting Center 97 Kenya Petroleum Refineries Limited
42 Garissa University College of Kenya 98 Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services
43 Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) 99 Kenya Revenue Authority
44 ICT Authority 100 Kenya Roads Board
45 Inter-Governmental Relations Technical Committee 101 Kenya Rural Roads Authority
46 Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology 102 Kenya School of Government
47 Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology 103 Kenya School of Law
48 Kabete National Polytechnic 104 Kenya Scouts Association
49 Kaimosi Friends University College (KAFUCO) 105 Kenya Space Agency
50 Karatina University 106 Kenya Technical Trainers College
51 Kenya Academy of Sports 107 Kenya Tourism Board
52 Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examinations Board (KASNEB)
108 Kenya Trade Network Agency
53 Kenya Agricultural Research Livestock Organisation 109 Kenya Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Council
54 Kenya Animal Genetic Resource Centre 110 Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service
55 Kenya Bureau of Standards 111 Kenya Urban Roads Authority
56 Kenya Citizens and Foreign Nationals Management service 112 Kenya Utalii College

Table 5.19(b) Public Sector Institutions cont'
113 Kenya Veterinary Board 170 National Museums of Kenya
114 Kenya Veterinary Vaccines Production Institute 171 National Quality Control Laboratory
115 Kenya Vision 2030 Delivery Secretariat 172 National Research Fund
116 Kenya Water Institute 173 National Transport &amp; Safety Authority
117 Kenya Wildlife Service 174 National Water Conservation &amp; Pipeline Corporation
118 Kenya Yearbook Editorial Board 175 National Youth Council
119 Kenyatta National Hospital 176 National Youth Servie (NYS)
120 Kenyatta University 177 NEPAD Kenya Secretariat
Kenyatta University Teaching and; Referal and Research
121 Hospital (KUTRRH) 178 NGO Co-ordination
Northern BoardBoard/Northern Water works Development
Water Services
122 Kerio Valley Development Authority 179 Agency
123 Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) 180 Nursing Council Of Kenya
124 Kibabii University 181 Nyeri National Polytechnic
125 Kirinyaga University College 182 Pest Control Product Board
126 Kisii University 183 Pharmacy and Poisons Board
127 Kitale National Polytechnic 184 Policy Holders Compensation Trust Fund
128 Koitaleel Samoei University Collrge 185 Privatization Commission
129 Konza Technopolis Development Authority 186 Public Procurement Regulatory Authority
130 Laikipia University 187 Public Sector Accounting Standards Board
131 Lake Basin Development Authority 188 Public Trustee of Kenya
132 Lake Victoria North Water Service Board 189 Pwani University
Regional Centre on Groundwater Resource Education, Training and
133 Lake Victoria South Water Services Board 190 Research in Eastern Africa
134 LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority 191 Registration of Certified Public Secretaries Board
135 Maasai Mara University 192 Rift Valley Water Services Board
136 Machakos University College of Kenya 193 Rongo University College of Kenya
137 Maseno University 194 Rural Electrification Authority
138 Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology 195 School Equipment Production Unit
139 Media Council of Kenya 196 South Eastern Kenya University
140 Medical Practioners and Dentists Board 197 Sports Kenya
141 Meru University of Science and Technology 198 Sports,Arts and Social Development fund
142 Micro and Small Enterprises Authority 199 Taita Taveta University College
143 Moi Teaching And Referral Hospital 200 Tana and Athi Rivers Development Authority-TARDA
144 Moi University 201 Tana Water Services Board/Tana Water Works Development Agency
145 Multimedia University of Kenya 202 Techncial and Vocational Education &amp; Training Authority (TVETA)
146 Muran'ga University College of Technology 203 Technical University of Kenya
147 Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration (NCIA) 204 Technical University of Mombasa
148 National Aids Control Council 205 Tom Mboya University
149 National Authority for the Campaign Against Drug Abuse 206 Tourism Finance Corporation
150 National Biosafety Authority 207 Tourism Fund (Board of Trustees)
151 National Commission for Science Technology &amp; Innovation 208 Tourism Regulatory Authority
152 National Communications Secretariat 209 Tourism Research Institute
153 National Construction Authority Board 210 Turkana University College.
154 National Council for Children Services 211 TVET Curriculum Development Assessment and Certification Council
155 National Council For Law Reporting 212 Unclaimed Financial Assets Authority
156 National Council for Nomadic Education in Kenya 213 Unclaimed Financial Assets Trust Fund
157 National Council for Person with Disabilities 214 Universities Fund
158 National Council for Population and Development 215 University of Eldoret
159 National Crime Research Center 216 University of Kabianga
160 National Drought Management Authority 217 University of Nairobi
161 National Employment Authority 218 Uwezo Fund
162 National Environment Complaints Committee (NECC) 219 Veterinary Medicines Directorate
163 National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) 220 Water Resources Authority
164 National Environmental Trust Fund (NETFund) 221 Water Sector Trust Fund
National Government
165 National Government Constituencies
Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF)
Development 222 Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB)
166 Fund(Secretariat) 223 Water Towers Conservation Fund
167 National Government Constituencies Development Fund-Board 224 Women Enterprise Fund
168 National Industrial Training Authority 225 Youth Enterprise Development Fund
169 National Irrigation Authority
170 National Museums of Kenya

Table 5.19(c) Public Sector Institutions
b) Public Corporations
i) Central Government ii) County Government
Non Financial Corporations Non Financial Corporations
1 Agricultural and Cooperative Training &amp; Consultancy Services 1 Bomet Water Company LTD
2 Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC) 2 Busia Water and Sewerage Services Company
3 Agro - Chemical and Food Company 3 Eldama Ravine Water and Sewerage Company
4 Chemilil Sugar Company Limited 4 Eldoret Water and Sanitation Company LTD
5 DeKUTES Enterprises Company 5 Embe Water and Sanitation Company Ltd.0
6 East Africa Portland Cement Co Limited 6 Embu Water & Sanitation Company
7 Geothermal Development Company 7 Garissa Water and Sewerage Company LTD
8 Golf Hotel Limited 8 Gatamathi water and Sanitation Ltd
9 Jomo Kenyatta Foundation 9 Gatundu Water and Sanitation Company Ltd.
10 Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture &amp; Technology Enterprise Services10 Githunguri Water and Sanitation CO.LTD
11 Kabarnet Hotel 11 Gusii Water and SanitationCompany Ltd.
12 Kenya Airports Authority 12 Homabay County Water and Sanitation Limited Company
13 Kenya Broadcasting Corporation 13 Kakamega County Urban Water and Sanitisation CorporatioN
14 Kenya Electricity Generating Company Limited 14 Kapsabet Water And Sanitation Company LTD
15 Kenya Literature Bureau 15 Karuri Water and Sanitation Company Limited
16 Kenya Meat Commission 16 Kericho Water and Sanitation Company LTD
17 Kenya National Shipping Line Ltd 17 Kiambu Water & Sewerage Company Ltd
18 Kenya National Trading Corporation Ltd 18 Kibwezi-Makindu Water & Sanitation Company Ltd.
19 Kenya Pipeline Company 19 Kikuyu Water Company Ltd
20 Kenya Ports Authority 20 Kilifi -Mariakani Water and Sewerage Company Ltd
21 Kenya Power &amp; Lighting Co Limited 21 Kirinysga Water and Sanitation Company LTD
22 Kenya Railways Corporation 22 Kisumu Water and Sanitation Company Limited
23 Kenya Safari Lodges &amp; Hotel 23 Kitui water and Sanitation Company ltd
24 Kenya Seed Company Limited (Consolidates: Kibo TZ Similaw UG Similaw KE24&amp;
Elgon UG) Company Ltd
25 Kipchabo Tea Factory Limited (100 % Subsidiary of Nyayo Tea Zone) 25 Limuru Water and Sewerage Company LTD
26 Miwani Sugar Company 26 Malindi Water and Sewerage Company Ltd
27 Muhoroni Sugar Company Limited 27 Mathira Water and Sanitation Company Ltd.
28 Mwea Rice Millers LTD 28 Mavoko Water and Sewerage Company
29 National Cereals And Produce Board 29 Meru Water and Sewarage Services
30 National Housing Corporation 30 Migori County Water and Sanitation Company Ltd
31 National Oil Corporation of Kenya 31 Mombasa Water Supply and Sanitation Company LTD
32 New Kenya Cooperative Cremaries Limited 32 Municipal Council of Machakos Water and Sewerage CO. LTD
33 Numerical Machining Complex Ltd 33 Murang'a South Water and Sanitation Company LTD
34 Nyayo Tea Zones Development Corporation 34 Mwala Water abd Sanitation Company Ltd
35 Nzoia Sugar Company Limited 35 Nakuru Rural Water and Sanitation Company LTD
36 Postal Corporation of Kenya 36 Nakuru Water and Sanitation Services Company LTD
37 Rural Electrification And Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) 37 Narok Water and Sewerage Services Company Limited
38 South Nyanza Sugar Company 38 Naromoru Water and Sanitation Co. Ltd
39 Sunset Hotel Ltd 39 Nithi Water and Sanitation Company LTD
40 University of Nairobi Enterprises 40 Nyahururu Water and Sanitation Company Ltd
41 University of Nairobi Press 41 Nyandarua Water and Sanitation Company LTD
42 Western Kenya Rice Mills LTD 42 Nyeri Water and Sanitation Company LTD
Financial Corporations 43 Ol Kalou Water and Sanitation Company LTD
1 Capital Markets Authority 44 Olkejuado Water and Sewarage CO. ltd
2 Central Bank of Kenya 45 Othaya Mukuruwe-ini Water Services Conpany LTD
3 Consolidated Bank of Kenya Limited 46 Ruiru-Juja Water and Sewarage Company LTD
4 Development Bank of Kenya Ltd 47 Sibo (Siaya) Water and Sanitation Company Ltd.
5 Industrial and Commercial Development Corporation (ICDC) 48 Tana Water and Sanitation Company Limited
6 Industrial Development Bank 49 Tavevo(T.Taveta) Water and Sewerage Company Ltd.
7 Insurance Regulatory Authority 50 Tetu Aberdare Water and Sanitation Company LTD
8 Kenya Deposit Insurance Corporation 51 Thika Water and Sewerage Company LTD.
9 Kenya National Assurance Company (2001) Ltd 52 Wote Water and Sewerage Company Ltd
10 Kenya Post Office Savings Bank
11 Kenya Reinsurance Corporation
12 Local Authority Provident Fund (LAP FUND)
13 Retirements Benefits Authority
14 Savings and Credit Societies Regulatory Authority -SASRA


Notes and Definitions

1. General - All trade between Kenya and other countries is defined as "external". This trade is classified
under the headings of Direct Imports, Domestic Exports, and Re-exports.

2. Standard International Trade Classification (S.I.T.C) - The United Nations' Standard International
Trade Classification (S.I.T.C) regularly revised and modified to cater for Kenya's needs has been used since
January 1964. Currently, Kenya applies S.I.T.C Rev 4 following the successful revision of S.I.T.C Rev 3, in 2006.
The S.I.T.C is more suitable for economic analysis.

3. Direct Imports - These are defined as goods directly imported into Kenya for warehousing. Direct
Imports include Government imports and goods subsequently re-exported.

4. Imports for Home Use: Imports for home use mean goods: -
i. which on importation are cleared through Customs, plus
ii. released by Customs from bonded warehouses and
iii. entered into manufacturing plants, less
iv. nationalized re-exports, that is, re-export of goods originally cleared for home used but subsequently re-

In some cases transfers of goods imported in a previous year, or goods transferred at a higher value than when
originally imported, or transfers of goods initially imported by parcel post, may distort the relationship between
quantity and value, or a value out of proportion to the quantity.

5. Valuation of Imports - Direct Imports are valued at cost, insurance and freight (c.i.f) at the port or place
of entry into Kenya. However, customs duty and internal handling charges are excluded.

6. Country of Origin - The country in which the goods were grown or produced; in the case of
manufactured goods, the country in which the manufacturing process was substantially completed. When the
country of origin cannot be determined, the goods are shown as originating in the country from which they were
consigned. From 1976 imports are classified as originating from the country of last consignment.

7. Domestic Exports - These are defined as Kenya produce and manufactures exported to other countries
or sold at aircrafts, or ships' stores. From 1976 exports and re-exports are classified as destined to the country
of consignment except where such goods are consigned via another country.

8. Re-exports - These consist of imported goods re-exported in the same form to other countries or to
aircrafts' or ships' stores.

9. Valuation of Domestic Exports and Re-exports - These are valued at free-on-board (f.o.b) ship or
aircraft. The value includes any Kenya cess levy or export tax levied on the goods.

10. Country of Destination - The country to which the goods are finally sent, as far as is known at the time
of export.

11. Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) - The previous Preferential Trade Area
(PTA) member countries comprising of: Burundi, Comoros, DRC Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya,
Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sudan, South Sudan, Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia,
and Zimbabwe.

12. With the creation of the East African Cooperation that became East African Community, goods
can easily cross the borders without Customs documentation hence not accounted in large scale trade.
Information on these goods is compiled from Informal Cross Border Trade (ICBT) surveys, aggregated and
included as imports and exports depending on the direction of flow.

13. Gold - Import and export of gold is included in the external trade statistics.

14. Trade Indices - A Paascherized - Laspeyres formula has been used and 2009 taken as the base
year. Indices have been computed for Direct Imports and Domestic Exports.

15. Exclusions - Travelers' samples, passengers' baggage, motor vehicles moved on a triptyque or
carnet de passage de Duane, naval and military stores, duty free goods with a value of less than Sh.1,000
moved by air freight, goods in transit to neighbouring countries outside Kenya, diplomatic goods imported and
exports by parcel post are excluded from the trade statistics.

16. BPM6 - The Sixth edition of the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual.
This is the current compilation manual for Balance of Payments statistics.

17. Current account – shows flows of goods, services, primary income, and secondary income between
residents and nonresidents.

18. Capital account - shows credit and debit entries for non-produced nonfinancial assets and capital
transfers between residents and nonresidents.

19. Financial account - shows net acquisition and disposal of financial assets and liabilities.

20. Net Errors and Omissions - shows the imbalances of Balance of Payments accounts as a result in
practice from imperfections in source data and compilation.

21. Direct investment - a category of cross-border investment associated with a resident in one
economy having control or a significant degree of influence on the management of an enterprise that is
resident in another economy.

22. Portfolio investment - is defined as cross border transactions and positions involving debt or equity
securities, other than those included in direct investment or reserve assets.

23. Other investment - is a residual category that includes positions and transactions other than those
included in direct investment, portfolio investment, financial derivatives and employee stock options, and
reserve assets.

24. Reserve assets - are those external assets that are readily available to and controlled by monetary
authorities for meeting Balance of Payments financing needs, for interventions in exchange markets to affect
the currency exchange rate, and for other related purposes such as maintaining confidence in the currency
and the economy, and serving as a basis for foreign borrowing.

25. Exceptional financing - brings together financial arrangements made by the authorities (or by other
sectors fostered by authorities) of an economy to meet Balance of Payments needs.

26. Further Information - More detailed definitions and notes on International trade and Balance of
Payments statistics are contained in the International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) 2010 Manual and
the Sixth edition of the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position (BPM6) Manual,

Table 6.1: Balance of Payments, 2011 - 2020
KSh Million
BPM6 Concept 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018+ 2019 2020*
A. Current Account................................................................ -339,195.3 -356,389.1 -417,019.6 -560,761.1 -434,028.4 -409,550.4 -588,145.5 -506,912.1 -539,172.6 -491,656.8
Goods: exports f.o.b................................................................ 518,080.0 525,120.0 503,491.1 546,781.5 586,140.1 583,416.5 599,900.2 616,581.5 598,764.1 644,206.2
Goods: imports f.o.b................................................................ 1,260,124.3 1,312,483.6 1,385,669.8 1,488,446.8 1,408,739.8 1,364,123.5 1,653,359.8 1,649,818.6 1,688,325.5 1,541,580.8
Services: credit........................................................................ 367,168.9 422,069.7 441,986.5 441,739.9 455,369.8 422,777.6 480,601.1 554,877.6 571,203.1 396,467.6
Services: debit......................................................................... 189,975.2 201,910.3 190,061.0 294,498.4 326,014.9 277,354.2 319,742.2 393,166.0 393,155.0 359,016.7
Balance on goods and services......................................... -564,850.6 -567,204.1 -630,253.1 -794,423.8 -693,244.8 -635,283.6 -892,600.8 -871,525.6 -911,513.3 -859,923.8
Primary income: credit............................................................ 24,329.1 29,289.5 28,712.4 43,643.4 7,858.5 10,099.1 14,563.3 20,135.2 22,273.2 15,197.3
Primary income: debit............................................................. 35,900.6 55,973.1 80,383.9 119,981.0 87,642.7 112,651.2 170,568.2 162,519.3 188,815.2 174,038.3
Balance on goods, services, and primary income.............. -576,422.2 -593,887.6 -681,924.6 -870,761.4 -773,029.0 -737,835.6 -1,048,605.7 -1,013,909.7 -1,078,055.3 -1,018,764.8
Secondary income: credit........................................................ 241,347.7 240,850.5 268,925.2 327,853.4 345,217.9 333,477.1 466,247.6 511,848.0 544,457.2 535,310.5
Secondary income: debit......................................................... 4,120.9 3,351.9 4,020.2 17,853.1 6,217.3 5,191.9 5,787.4 4,850.5 5,574.5 8,202.5
B. Capital account................................................................. 20,860.9 19,890.0 13,644.0 24,204.0 25,718.0 20,878.0 19,046.0 26,593.0 21,146.0 14,023.0
Capital account: credit............................................................. 20,860.9 19,890.0 13,644.0 24,204.0 25,718.0 20,878.0 19,046.0 26,593.0 21,146.0 14,023.0
Capital account: debit.............................................................. - - - - - - - - - -
C. Financial Account............................................................. -304,129.6 -471,905.1 -448,096.6 -650,365.7 -377,719.4 -525,448.0 -574,793.8 -675,200.0 -610,831.4 -321,934.8
Direct investment: assets........................................................ 7,636.8 20,149.6 17,105.0 6,604.6 23,758.5 15,977.3 26,534.0 2,391.1 8,766.5 2,502.2
Direct investment: liabilities..................................................... 128,817.8 116,665.5 96,356.4 72,178.6 60,843.6 68,901.4 130,931.8 155,434.4 99,689.6 55,786.8
Portfolio investment: assets.................................................... 7,209.6 3,451.7 3,285.4 4,869.6 18,722.0 42,939.3 68,791.9 109,539.4 97,401.5 117,615.9
Equity and investment fund shares................................... 6,089.4 1,864.1 1,016.3 310.0 996.0 41,283.6 68,077.3 104,145.8 80,829.1 90,146.8
Debt securities................................................................... 1,120.3 1,587.6 2,269.1 4,559.6 17,726.0 1,655.7 714.6 5,393.7 16,572.4 27,469.1
Portfolio investment: liabilities................................................. 7,057.6 21,853.3 26,581.6 331,663.4 3,499.1 7,501.5 -12,785.4 178,795.1 228,302.9 -18,010.5
Equity and investment fund shares................................... 1,787.1 21,734.0 25,563.0 83,907.5 1,061.1 5,759.0 -13,046.5 -29,670.1 1,377.8 -28,629.4
Debt securities................................................................... 5,270.4 119.3 1,018.6 247,755.9 2,438.0 1,742.5 261.1 208,465.2 226,925.1 10,618.9
Financial derivatives: net......................................................... - - - - -1,595.0 1,090.4 447.6 -5,289.1 -8,062.3 -7,728.2
Financial derivatives: assets................................................... - - - - - - - 1,494.0 -530.0 -947.8
Financial derivatives: liabilities................................................ - - - - - - - 6,783.1 7,532.3 6,780.4
Other investment: assets........................................................ 62,838.5 -4,306.4 56,268.7 -505.0 61,842.8 -21,016.2 18,517.4 92,519.9 58,552.0 110,745.1
Other equity....................................................................... - - - - - - - 0.0 0.0 0.0
Other debt instruments...................................................... 62,838.5 -4,306.4 56,268.7 -505.0 61,842.8 -21,016.2 18,517.4 92,497.2 58,533.3 110,724.5
Central bank................................................................ - - - - - - - - - -
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank.. 60,061.0 -28,646.6 40,048.0 -7,067.2 52,282.0 -27,960.6 20,751.9 90,609.0 55,709.5 109,485.7
General government.................................................... - - - - - - - - - -
Other sectors............................................................... 2,777.6 24,340.3 16,220.7 6,562.2 8,320.3 6,944.3 -2,234.5 1,910.8 2,842.5 1,259.4
Other financial corporations................................... - - - - - - - 0.0 0.0 0.0
Nonfinancial corporations, households, and
2,777.6 24,340.3 16,220.7 6,562.2 8,320.3 6,944.3 -2,234.5 1,910.8 2,842.5 1,259.4
Other investment: liabilities..................................................... 245,939.3 352,681.1 401,817.7 257,492.8 416,104.9 488,035.8 570,938.2 540,131.8 439,496.6 507,293.7
Other equity....................................................................... - 1,930.3 1,859.1 -1,380.1 -274.6 11.7 883.5 0.0 0.0
Special Drawing Rights..................................................... - - - - - - - - - -
Other debt instruments...................................................... 245,939.3 350,750.8 399,958.6 258,872.9 416,379.6 488,024.2 570,054.7 540,131.8 439,496.6 507,293.7
Central bank................................................................ 5,284.2 2,737.9 -1,433.9 6,910.7 -217.0 -3,607.2 1,513.5 -17,426.6 -8.4 190.2
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank.. 41,115.8 45,130.5 44,300.8 51,500.4 52,282.0 -26,658.3 12,147.3 13,696.1 57,581.4 59,663.7
General government.................................................... 33,602.6 93,042.0 71,353.7 -21,877.9 202,052.1 200,087.9 297,287.9 249,739.9 139,550.9 200,372.8
Other sectors............................................................... 165,936.6 209,840.4 285,738.1 222,339.8 162,262.4 318,201.8 259,106.1 294,122.4 242,372.8 247,066.9
Other financial corporations................................... - - - - - - - - - -
Nonfinancial corporations, households, and
165,936.6 209,840.4 285,738.1 222,339.8 162,262.4 318,201.8 259,106.1 294,122.4 242,372.8 247,066.9
D. Net Errors and Omissions................................................ -65,408.6 -32,049.4 -12,955.5 14,033.7 3,850.5 -126,636.7 -17,715.1 -103,619.6 18,598.9 3,215.0
E. Overall Balance................................................................. 79,613.4 -103,356.6 -31,765.5 -127,842.3 26,740.6 -10,138.8 12,020.9 -98,719.4 -111,403.7 152,483.9
F. Reserves and Related Items............................................. -79,613.4 103,356.6 31,765.5 127,842.3 -26,740.6 10,138.8 -12,020.9 98,719.4 111,403.7 -152,483.9
Reserve assets....................................................................... 21,846.6 122,919.4 73,921.9 117,353.1 -33,301.9 3,321.4 -24,432.9 83,997.1 95,673.3 -87,470.8
Credit and loans from the IMF................................................. 25,228.5 16,314.8 15,252.4 -10,489.1 -6,561.3 -6,817.5 -12,412.0 -14,722.3 -15,730.4 65,013.1
Exceptional financing.............................................................. 76,231.5 3,248.0 26,904.0 - - - - - - -

Table 6.2: Volume and Balance of Trade, 2011 - 2020
KSh '000
Type of Trade 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Domestic .......... 484,506,943.7 479,705,767.6 455,688,650.9 460,571,766.9 503,023,276.2 510,042,251.6 534,392,769.2 542,856,494.8 520,787,353.6 567,370,433.0
Re-exports........ 28,097,164.4 38,141,173.5 46,597,702.7 76,664,248.2 81,336,899.0 71,519,039.6 63,511,314.7 71,459,186.1 75,889,268.7 76,335,751.5

Total.............. 512,604,108.1 517,846,941.2 502,286,353.7 537,236,015.1 584,360,175.2 581,561,291.2 597,904,083.9 614,315,680.9 596,676,622.3 643,706,184.5
Commercial....... 1,283,110,926.4 1,360,407,842.6 1,403,224,842.7 1,599,618,799.3 1,544,447,369.4 1,396,791,975.6 1,682,573,620.0 1,705,062,129.3 1,758,963,785.0 1,590,249,143.8
Government...... 17,638,506.2 14,179,081.8 10,090,755.8 18,702,496.3 36,825,674.1 42,013,895.0 53,898,523.9 59,409,339.8 47,370,840.3 53,310,911.0
Total.............. 1,300,749,432.6 1,374,586,924.5 1,413,315,598.5 1,618,321,295.6 1,581,273,043.5 1,438,805,870.6 1,736,472,143.9 1,764,471,469.2 1,806,334,625.4 1,643,560,054.8
Trade Balance..... -788,145,324.4 -856,739,983.3 -911,029,244.8 -1,081,085,280.5 -996,912,868.3 -857,244,579.4 -1,138,568,060.1 -1,150,155,788.3 -1,209,658,003.0 -999,853,870.3
Trade Volume..... 1,813,353,540.7 1,892,433,865.6 1,915,601,952.2 2,155,557,310.7 2,165,633,218.7 2,020,367,161.8 2,334,376,227.8 2,378,787,150.0 2,403,011,247.7 2,287,266,239.3

Table 6.3: Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), 2011 - 2020

KSh '000
Type of Trade 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Domestic........... 165,605,706.5 157,309,816.1 143,348,047.1 139,968,810.8 156,203,735.2 144,301,791.0 141,286,175.7 135,852,280.7 144,651,027.2 159,667,196.0
Re-exports........ 15,917,298.9 18,422,527.4 20,322,673.9 30,007,745.6 24,447,409.4 28,426,916.3 28,088,345.5 25,291,956.7 19,579,801.0 30,102,355.6
Total.............. 181,523,005.4 175,732,343.5 163,670,721.0 169,976,556.5 180,651,144.6 172,728,707.3 169,374,521.2 161,144,237.4 164,230,828.2 189,769,551.6
Imports............... 55,297,093.5 61,572,335.2 58,264,726.0 60,361,271.0 69,429,459.2 76,123,938.4 125,117,819.5 119,482,931.8 126,740,927.1 105,843,463.3
Trade Balance..... 126,225,911.9 114,160,008.4 105,405,995.0 109,615,285.4 111,221,685.5 96,604,768.9 44,256,701.7 41,661,305.7 37,489,901.1 83,926,088.4
Trade Volume..... 236,820,099.0 237,304,678.7 221,935,447.0 230,337,827.5 250,080,603.8 248,852,645.7 294,492,340.7 280,627,169.2 290,971,755.3 295,613,014.9
Table 6.4:Trade Balance by Geographical Area and Country, 2015 - 2020
KSh '000
2015 2016 2017
Exports and Exports and Exports and
Geographical Area and Country Re-exports Imports Trade Balance Re-exports Imports Trade Balance Re-exports Imports Trade Balance
Western Europe
European Union:
Austria 97,203.0 2,680,163.3 -2,582,960.3 114,242.6 2,707,321.0 -2,593,078.5 95,183.1 2,343,889.4 -2,248,706.3
Belgium . 4,539,817.2 14,965,786.4 -10,425,969.2 5,394,933.2 13,496,402.3 -8,101,469.1 6,025,487.9 15,364,037.2 -9,338,549.2
Denmark 976,528.2 4,097,356.5 -3,120,828.3 660,372.7 4,251,500.6 -3,591,128.0 743,628.6 3,763,604.0 -3,019,975.4
Finland 1,973,399.9 5,415,330.2 -3,441,930.3 1,412,003.4 3,339,334.1 -1,927,330.7 1,029,757.8 2,122,673.3 -1,092,915.5
France . 6,074,115.8 21,066,363.6 -14,992,247.8 6,412,097.6 21,534,183.4 -15,122,085.8 7,773,275.6 26,834,777.5 -19,061,501.8
Germany 12,507,594.1 47,380,775.3 -34,873,181.3 11,864,486.5 43,353,365.0 -31,488,878.5 11,740,910.3 42,988,803.9 -31,247,893.6
Greece . 246,895.0 1,681,646.7 -1,434,751.7 294,689.7 968,964.7 -674,275.0 538,676.3 1,124,174.7 -585,498.4
Ireland (Eire) . 1,462,613.9 7,524,506.5 -6,061,892.7 1,265,066.4 6,948,624.6 -5,683,558.1 1,346,987.5 3,255,800.8 -1,908,813.3
Italy . . . 5,248,029.9 22,721,935.0 -17,473,905.2 3,733,377.5 23,738,308.7 -20,004,931.1 3,408,665.3 22,387,953.7 -18,979,288.4
Luxembourg . 6,023.4 806,456.8 -800,433.4 5,001.1 421,580.3 -416,579.2 6,649.2 418,068.6 -411,419.4
Netherlands . . 42,041,405.7 20,527,453.0 21,513,952.7 43,492,322.3 16,510,416.0 26,981,906.3 43,891,840.6 19,539,457.5 24,352,383.1
Portugal 351,920.6 1,869,486.5 -1,517,565.9 385,604.9 2,108,890.2 -1,723,285.3 479,054.3 1,644,954.3 -1,165,900.0
Spain . 3,239,318.7 11,375,759.7 -8,136,440.9 2,301,663.4 11,023,222.4 -8,721,559.0 2,962,970.5 10,696,360.6 -7,733,390.1
Sweden . . 2,510,136.8 6,364,156.2 -3,854,019.4 3,066,092.1 5,843,631.7 -2,777,539.6 2,863,019.6 6,255,512.6 -3,392,493.1
Poland. 2,263,328.0 8,643,319.3 -6,379,991.3 1,804,098.5 6,020,455.6 -4,216,357.1 2,213,907.6 6,354,302.8 -4,140,395.1
Romania. 236,797.9 832,939.7 -596,141.8 312,680.6 1,888,381.2 -1,575,700.6 341,723.1 576,497.3 -234,774.2

Czech. 83,020.3 1,928,640.2 -1,845,619.8 76,416.1 3,299,998.7 -3,223,582.7 82,876.4 4,442,594.9 -4,359,718.5
Hungary. 142,205.1 2,565,265.0 -2,423,059.9 98,414.5 2,493,625.3 -2,395,210.8 154,220.2 1,252,515.5 -1,098,295.3
United Kingdom 40,668,295.5 42,969,967.7 -2,301,672.1 37,581,389.4 33,487,110.3 4,094,279.1 38,552,665.8 30,050,216.7 8,502,449.1
Other EU1 1,263,656.0 7,303,187.9 -6,039,531.9 992,516.8 9,131,221.4 -8,138,704.6 1,363,807.8 5,117,781.9 -3,753,974.1
Total EU 125,932,305.0 232,720,495.6 -106,788,190.7 121,267,469.1 212,566,537.4 -91,299,068.3 125,615,307.4 206,533,977.1 -80,918,669.7
Rest of Western Europe:
Norway 2,350,333.2 2,404,040.3 -53,707.1 2,450,315.9 1,511,237.8 939,078.1 3,096,234.8 3,493,793.9 -397,559.0
Switzerland 5,042,196.2 10,244,734.4 -5,202,538.2 4,844,624.3 8,604,809.0 -3,760,184.7 3,244,526.9 10,010,281.9 -6,765,755.0
Turkey 1,062,792.0 13,687,104.6 -12,624,312.6 2,258,184.4 13,267,937.1 -11,009,752.7 2,458,631.4 16,072,857.6 -13,614,226.2
Other Western Europe 71,885.9 776,109.5 -704,223.7 78,362.6 451,567.9 -373,205.3 146,262.8 119,421.7 26,841.2
Total Rest of Western Europe 8,527,207.3 27,111,988.8 -18,584,781.5 9,631,487.2 23,835,551.8 -14,204,064.6 8,945,656.0 29,696,355.0 -20,750,699.0
Total of Western Europe . 134,459,512.3 259,832,484.4 -125,372,972.2 130,898,956.4 236,402,089.2 -105,503,132.9 134,560,963.4 236,230,332.1 -101,669,368.7
Eastern Europe
Russia. 8,064,634.8 28,582,892.5 -20,518,257.7 6,995,513.1 24,260,383.3 -17,264,870.2 7,996,805.3 36,178,877.4 -28,182,072.2
Rest of Eastern Europe 3,419,432.5 7,176,562.5 -3,757,130.0 3,639,180.9 4,661,074.9 -1,021,894.0 4,427,955.9 10,305,726.1 -5,877,770.2
Total Eastern Europe. 11,484,067.3 35,759,455.0 -24,275,387.7 10,634,694.0 28,921,458.2 -18,286,764.2 12,424,761.1 46,484,603.5 -34,059,842.4
Total of Europe. 145,943,579.6 295,591,939.5 -149,648,359.9 141,533,650.3 265,323,547.5 -123,789,897.1 146,985,724.5 282,714,935.6 -135,729,211.1
Canada . 2,288,782.5 7,754,012.2 -5,465,229.6 5,728,961.8 7,806,505.9 -2,077,544.1 3,633,901.9 9,902,026.5 -6,268,124.6
U.S.A. . 40,724,629.1 126,040,938.9 -85,316,309.8 43,353,939.1 47,818,956.0 -4,465,016.9 47,269,894.9 57,377,422.5 -10,107,527.6
Rest of America 7,575,178.5 12,261,339.5 -4,686,161.0 3,807,664.6 9,564,609.4 -5,756,944.8 3,860,766.6 61,267,208.8 -57,406,442.2
Total America . 50,588,590.1 146,056,290.5 -95,467,700.5 52,890,565.5 65,190,071.4 -12,299,505.9 54,764,563.4 128,546,657.9 -73,782,094.5
Table 6.4:Trade Balance by Geographical Area and Country, 2015 - 2020
KSh '000

2018 2019 2020

Exports and Exports and Re- Exports and Re-
Geographical Area and Country Re-exports Imports Trade Balance Exports Imports Trade Balance Exports Imports Trade Balance
Western Europe
European Union:
Austria 131,699.5 2,593,907.7 -2,462,208.2 89,131.7 4,711,106.8 -4,621,975.0 139,470.3 2,787,123.4 -2,647,653.1
Belgium . 6,344,456.9 16,204,764.2 -9,860,307.3 7,368,463.9 14,586,868.8 -7,218,404.9 6,855,715.8 18,580,248.7 -11,724,532.9
Denmark 885,717.9 4,307,059.9 -3,421,341.9 1,076,692.2 4,083,442.9 -3,006,750.7 1,170,976.9 3,954,839.3 -2,783,862.3
Finland 736,933.5 2,972,248.4 -2,235,314.9 811,349.5 3,979,402.7 -3,168,053.2 984,396.8 5,234,582.6 -4,250,185.8
France . 7,924,762.4 23,929,493.9 -16,004,731.5 7,864,370.7 24,690,983.5 -16,826,612.8 9,150,625.6 23,283,102.0 -14,132,476.4
Germany 11,160,430.6 46,599,224.5 -35,438,793.8 11,306,152.0 46,439,143.0 -35,132,991.1 14,533,441.8 40,206,499.3 -25,673,057.4
Greece . 399,470.7 1,364,083.2 -964,612.5 390,790.6 881,924.7 -491,134.1 415,164.4 718,869.8 -303,705.4
Ireland (Eire) . 1,519,670.6 6,651,827.3 -5,132,156.7 1,716,531.8 10,134,108.8 -8,417,577.0 1,659,528.0 4,044,863.6 -2,385,335.5
Italy . . . 3,967,958.3 25,731,420.2 -21,763,461.9 3,479,601.9 21,125,168.0 -17,645,566.1 3,589,371.5 23,586,962.2 -19,997,590.6
Luxembourg . 17,911.9 1,264,223.8 -1,246,311.9 36,632.2 244,422.9 -207,790.7 69,141.5 307,019.8 -237,878.3
Netherlands . . 46,365,164.6 19,364,094.3 27,001,070.3 48,004,834.3 31,926,016.2 16,078,818.2 48,737,583.6 41,884,701.6 6,852,882.0
Portugal 504,726.5 1,538,672.8 -1,033,946.4 710,084.1 1,526,725.6 -816,641.5 571,569.7 1,606,889.4 -1,035,319.7
Spain . 4,443,461.9 10,586,060.3 -6,142,598.4 4,436,531.0 11,475,754.4 -7,039,223.3 5,372,529.8 10,079,401.0 -4,706,871.2
Sweden . . 2,829,322.6 7,338,587.9 -4,509,265.3 1,975,324.6 5,972,422.6 -3,997,097.9 2,252,559.2 6,285,972.1 -4,033,412.9
Poland. 2,220,410.5 4,620,346.8 -2,399,936.3 2,652,531.2 5,375,392.5 -2,722,861.3 2,375,156.9 5,421,954.7 -3,046,797.8

Romania. 435,673.8 1,525,665.5 -1,089,991.7 416,055.3 1,533,195.6 -1,117,140.3 492,926.6 1,295,517.8 -802,591.2
Czech. 88,869.4 4,078,624.7 -3,989,755.3 53,637.0 2,550,552.7 -2,496,915.7 81,551.7 3,587,996.3 -3,506,444.6
Hungary. 126,646.8 1,781,162.1 -1,654,515.3 446,073.9 2,480,839.0 -2,034,765.1 83,542.8 996,006.7 -912,464.0
United Kingdom 40,192,081.1 31,555,414.7 8,636,666.5 40,082,296.8 35,265,902.0 4,816,394.8 49,920,913.7 29,190,408.2 20,730,505.5
Other EU1 906,284.6 5,596,890.5 -4,690,605.9 477,838.8 6,444,530.1 -5,966,691.3 751,175.1 10,283,182.2 -9,532,007.0
Total EU 131,201,654.2 219,603,772.7 -88,402,118.5 133,394,923.7 235,427,902.8 -102,032,979.1 149,207,342.0 233,336,140.5 -84,128,798.5
Rest of Western Europe:
Norway 3,106,264.9 3,957,824.9 -851,560.1 3,266,234.7 1,697,737.4 1,568,497.3 3,824,715.9 2,164,987.7 1,659,728.2
Switzerland 3,521,856.4 8,678,848.1 -5,156,991.7 2,396,907.1 8,023,930.2 -5,627,023.1 2,692,473.9 7,210,348.1 -4,517,874.1
Turkey 2,489,722.9 19,415,797.2 -16,926,074.3 1,336,267.0 19,949,946.0 -18,613,679.0 2,678,924.0 20,036,998.9 -17,358,074.9
Other Western Europe 28,573.5 826,009.1 -797,435.6 23,010.1 480,402.3 -457,392.2 28,272.0 158,701.8 -130,429.8
Total Rest of Western Europe 9,146,417.7 32,878,479.3 -23,732,061.6 7,022,419.0 30,152,015.9 -23,129,597.0 9,224,385.8 29,571,036.4 -20,346,650.6
Total of Western Europe . 140,348,071.8 252,482,252.0 -112,134,180.1 140,417,342.7 265,579,918.8 -125,162,576.1 158,431,727.8 262,907,176.9 -104,475,449.1
Eastern Europe
Russia. 8,572,746.8 31,720,724.0 -23,147,977.2 6,348,330.8 33,733,448.6 -27,385,117.7 8,008,462.9 37,996,350.0 -29,987,887.2
Rest of Eastern Europe 3,812,525.9 8,358,058.4 -4,545,532.4 4,544,779.1 8,047,027.5 -3,502,248.4 5,078,529.1 8,497,566.7 -3,419,037.6
Total Eastern Europe. 12,385,272.7 40,078,782.4 -27,693,509.7 10,893,109.9 41,780,476.1 -30,887,366.1 13,086,992.0 46,493,916.7 -33,406,924.7
Total of Europe. 152,733,344.6 292,561,034.4 -139,827,689.8 151,310,452.6 307,360,394.9 -156,049,942.2 171,518,719.7 309,401,093.6 -137,882,373.9
Canada . 3,140,138.1 8,920,366.2 -5,780,228.1 2,926,373.4 13,891,518.4 -10,965,144.9 1,244,436.6 10,436,237.7 -9,191,801.1
U.S.A. . 47,340,975.8 53,245,146.3 -5,904,170.6 51,921,593.1 62,271,732.1 -10,350,139.0 49,377,980.2 56,306,313.5 -6,928,333.3
Rest of America 5,392,421.9 23,688,413.6 -18,295,991.7 1,227,597.9 30,510,040.0 -29,282,442.1 1,677,632.5 29,880,458.6 -28,202,826.0
Total America . 55,873,535.8 85,853,926.1 -29,980,390.4 56,075,564.4 106,673,290.4 -50,597,726.0 52,300,049.3 96,623,009.7 -44,322,960.4
Table 6.4: Trade Balance of Total Trade by Geographical Area and Country, 2015 - 2020 ( Cont')
KSh '000
2015 2016 2017
Exports and Exports and Exports and
Geographical Area and Country Re-exports Imports Trade Balance Re-exports Imports Trade Balance Re-exports Imports Trade Balance
Burundi . 6,594,983.3 223,662.6 6,371,320.7 7,242,222.6 68,353.0 7,173,869.7 7,381,994.2 59,481.4 7,322,512.9
Comoros 1,103,877.4 8.4 1,103,869.0 1,127,581.9 1,247.0 1,126,334.9 559,762.0 788.5 558,973.5
Congo, Democratic Republic 20,673,353.1 127,763.1 20,545,589.9 20,035,482.8 208,299.5 19,827,183.3 18,879,329.9 504,619.1 18,374,710.8
Djibouti 1,110,080.6 15,328.3 1,094,752.3 1,318,177.8 3,010.4 1,315,167.3 779,675.1 47,183.9 732,491.2
Egypt. . 20,166,293.2 25,816,668.5 -5,650,375.3 20,618,514.1 30,042,739.2 -9,424,225.1 19,005,227.8 35,382,586.2 -16,377,358.4
Eritrea 449,632.4 67.6 449,564.7 117,935.2 0.0 117,935.2 175,703.0 3,034.7 172,668.2
Ethiopia . . 8,158,710.2 853,489.2 7,305,221.0 9,141,551.0 905,520.2 8,236,030.8 8,230,358.8 3,209,521.9 5,020,836.9
Madagascar (Malagasy) 449,832.9 2,433,745.0 -1,983,912.2 205,534.7 801,749.3 -596,214.6 328,854.2 1,644,846.4 -1,315,992.2
Malawi 3,047,465.3 249,794.6 2,797,670.7 2,791,806.9 377,280.7 2,414,526.2 2,972,318.5 402,119.3 2,570,199.2
Mauritius 1,083,199.9 2,713,035.1 -1,629,835.1 976,999.2 5,173,580.4 -4,196,581.2 1,111,360.5 7,317,990.0 -6,206,629.5
Rwanda . . 17,949,830.9 789,703.7 17,160,127.2 17,499,629.7 774,593.3 16,725,036.3 17,124,028.3 1,683,595.7 15,440,432.6
Seychelles 321,580.8 64,171.4 257,409.4 161,718.1 236.2 161,481.8 174,562.3 0.0 174,562.3
Sudan . . 5,966,860.3 454,833.9 5,512,026.4 5,360,749.4 479,445.3 4,881,304.1 6,906,507.5 2,186,197.2 4,720,310.3
South Sudan 17,149,310.7 11,472.9 17,137,837.8 16,406,371.7 8,167.9 16,398,203.8 16,844,222.9 33,203.7 16,811,019.2
Swaziland 103,827.4 7,161,710.9 -7,057,883.5 24,153.7 6,397,799.6 -6,373,645.9 56,433.0 11,230,575.2 -11,174,142.3
Uganda 69,064,126.5 24,213,083.1 44,851,043.3 62,956,582.4 24,023,215.7 38,933,366.7 63,421,501.3 50,726,238.0 12,695,263.4
Zambia . . 5,909,279.1 3,894,810.7 2,014,468.4 5,171,559.3 4,200,643.5 970,915.9 3,868,968.5 7,739,372.0 -3,870,403.6

Libya 131,594.1 181,901.0 -50,306.9 126,329.6 0.0 126,329.6 47,493.3 0.0 47,493.3
Zimbabwe . . 1,217,306.6 224,209.0 993,097.6 914,061.8 1,256,194.3 -342,132.6 1,506,220.0 2,946,018.2 -1,439,798.2
Total COMESA 180,651,144.6 69,429,459.2 111,221,685.5 172,196,961.8 74,722,075.6 97,474,886.2 169,374,521.2 125,117,371.6 44,257,149.6
Rest of Africa:
Tanzania . 34,249,575.0 17,281,977.5 16,757,239.6 35,569,699.8 13,329,205.1 21,990,472.5 29,265,238.4 18,224,635.4 11,341,508.3
Angola 102,377.3 24,676.1 77,701.2 74,732.7 59,990.2 14,742.5 39,138.2 161,827.9 -122,689.7
Namibia 67,130.9 96,010.1 -28,879.2 12,544.8 50,299.9 -37,755.0 21,021.2 18,317.9 2,703.3
Somalia 15,486,067.1 28,697.6 15,181,285.2 18,041,853.6 52,822.6 17,879,084.1 19,745,139.3 94,168.4 19,567,320.2
South Africa 4,338,440.0 61,311,246.1 -56,972,806.1 4,149,032.5 49,857,193.6 -45,708,161.0 2,758,621.2 61,879,610.9 -59,120,989.7
Other African countries 9,732,861.2 4,664,353.9 6,853,671.4 7,473,762.6 9,220,389.7 2,819,224.9 6,437,113.3 5,898,230.0 7,396,070.6
Total Rest of Africa 63,976,451.5 83,406,961.3 -18,131,787.9 65,321,626.0 72,569,901.1 -3,042,392.0 58,266,271.6 86,276,790.5 -20,936,077.0
Total Africa 244,627,596.1 152,836,420.5 93,089,897.6 237,518,587.7 147,291,976.7 94,432,494.2 227,640,792.8 211,394,162.1 23,321,072.6
Middle East
Bahrain 496,490.7 5,759,183.9 -5,262,693.2 373,872.6 8,095,258.9 -7,721,386.3 974,812.4 8,845,096.1 -7,870,283.8
Iran 1,151,753.0 3,807,800.1 -2,656,047.1 1,757,172.5 6,134,317.0 -4,377,144.4 1,523,735.4 13,169,129.1 -11,645,393.7
Israel 1,448,756.0 10,409,610.3 -8,960,854.3 1,064,098.4 5,027,019.9 -3,962,921.5 747,452.7 6,292,568.7 -5,545,116.0
Kuwait 168,988.9 106,048.3 62,940.6 984,328.2 137,935.2 846,393.0 224,283.9 144,595.6 79,688.3
Saudi Arabia . . 5,551,050.9 55,306,178.3 -49,755,127.4 6,727,336.5 69,259,054.4 -62,531,717.9 7,845,687.1 114,606,888.6 -106,761,201.5
United Arab Emirates . 29,238,812.1 90,572,626.4 -61,333,814.3 30,974,265.2 91,482,002.2 -60,507,737.0 26,370,087.6 138,359,293.6 -111,989,206.0
Rest. of Middle East. . 7,151,223.2 12,555,351.8 -5,404,128.6 8,644,366.6 14,551,879.4 -5,907,512.8 13,688,595.1 11,982,794.3 1,705,800.8
Total Middle East . 45,207,074.8 178,516,799.1 -133,309,724.4 50,525,440.0 194,687,466.9 -144,162,026.9 51,374,654.2 293,400,366.0 -242,025,711.8
Table 6.4: Trade Balance of Total Trade by Geographical Area and Country, 2015 - 2020 ( Cont')
KSh '000
Far East , Australia & Oceania
Australia . 2,313,330.4 4,032,303.0 -1,718,972.6 2,203,312.7 2,878,050.9 -674,738.2 2,284,836.0 4,934,103.1 -2,649,267.2
China (Mainland) 8,470,738.6 320,815,548.0 -312,344,809.5 10,060,998.8 337,450,093.8 -327,389,095.0 9,997,520.8 390,622,261.7 -380,624,740.9
Hong Kong 1,650,746.2 6,839,666.1 -5,188,919.9 1,371,578.5 6,328,677.0 -4,957,098.5 6,409,618.9 6,923,851.5 -514,232.6
India . 8,954,117.8 252,523,487.0 -243,569,369.2 11,918,564.1 205,498,881.0 -193,580,317.0 5,981,683.0 170,410,212.5 -164,428,529.5
Japan 4,054,350.8 88,239,235.9 -84,184,885.1 4,071,164.3 82,409,647.4 -78,338,483.0 4,504,799.7 81,662,912.0 -77,158,112.3
Malaysia 752,086.7 10,555,841.7 -9,803,755.0 971,037.0 12,320,555.7 -11,349,518.7 946,328.4 17,867,584.0 -16,921,255.6
Pakistan . 35,249,588.0 18,347,168.9 16,902,419.0 40,254,311.5 18,175,136.5 22,079,174.9 64,057,799.0 25,496,635.9 38,561,163.1
New Zealand . 226,376.8 765,816.3 -539,439.5 216,035.3 618,819.6 -402,784.3 250,227.8 1,070,759.3 -820,531.5
Rest of Far East, Australia & Oceania 27,274,855.9 105,834,112.8 -78,559,256.9 25,066,897.5 100,380,937.2 -75,314,039.6 20,229,357.1 121,221,477.7 -100,992,120.6
Total Far East, Australia & Oceania. . 88,946,191.1 807,953,179.9 -719,006,988.8 96,133,899.8 766,060,799.2 -669,926,899.4 114,662,170.6 820,209,797.6 -705,547,627.0
Total for Asia(both Middle and Far East Asia) + Australia & Oceania 134,153,265.8 986,469,979.0 -852,316,713.2 146,659,339.8 960,748,266.1 -814,088,926.3 166,036,824.8 1,113,610,163.7 -947,573,338.9
All Other Countries 2 800,264.5 318,414.1 481,850.4 1,045,330.2 250,386.5 794,943.7 1,213,324.8 205,776.7 1,007,548.1
Ship Stores . . 7,372,706.4 0.0 7,372,706.4 1,264,829.8 1,622.5 1,263,207.3 1,262,853.5 447.9 1,262,405.6
Total other countries n.e.s plus shipstores 8,172,970.8 318,414.1 7,854,556.8 2,310,160.0 252,009.0 2,058,151.0 2,476,178.3 206,224.6 2,269,953.7
GRAND TOTAL . 583,486,002.4 1,581,273,043.5 -997,787,041.1 580,912,303.3 1,438,805,870.6 -853,677,998.1 597,904,083.9 1,736,472,143.9 -1,138,568,060.1
Burundi . 6,592,609.1 67,760.4 6,524,848.7 6,725,941.6 65,077.9 6,660,863.8 5,878,806.4 355,335.9 5,523,470.5
Comoros 444,515.6 2,064.2 442,451.5 247,215.9 15.2 247,200.7 145,384.3 14.4 145,369.9
Congo, Democratic Republic 15,177,067.8 1,289,056.1 13,888,011.7 13,466,012.9 1,951,927.4 11,514,085.5 14,298,069.1 2,754,354.8 11,543,714.2
Djibouti 641,115.9 980.2 640,135.8 675,277.3 112,828.0 562,449.3 728,207.2 4,658.3 723,548.8

Egypt. . 20,125,101.0 36,338,938.7 -16,213,837.7 18,927,359.3 42,571,055.9 -23,643,696.6 18,982,955.5 44,853,458.5 -25,870,503.0
Eritrea 129,399.0 0.0 129,399.0 140,220.3 0.0 140,220.3 73,329.8 32.2 73,297.6
Ethiopia . . 6,677,739.6 1,785,385.6 4,892,354.0 7,104,395.0 2,082,511.9 5,021,883.1 9,403,730.0 1,848,605.7 7,555,124.3
Madagascar (Malagasy) 353,157.0 749,642.9 -396,485.9 658,126.8 2,105,015.4 -1,446,888.7 216,939.1 1,898,424.6 -1,681,485.5
Malawi 3,223,000.1 1,410,425.4 1,812,574.7 3,631,902.5 3,284,611.8 347,290.7 4,115,243.4 2,988,290.3 1,126,953.1
Mauritius 1,211,628.2 6,100,113.1 -4,888,484.9 1,267,034.5 7,876,377.5 -6,609,343.0 1,149,942.8 4,747,981.0 -3,598,038.2
Rwanda . . 17,842,204.1 1,186,307.9 16,655,896.1 23,174,876.1 1,404,275.5 21,770,600.7 25,211,279.2 2,040,838.4 23,170,440.8
Seychelles 238,610.0 2,975.0 235,635.1 206,909.8 10,729.8 196,180.0 188,425.6 3,740.3 184,685.3
Sudan . . 6,201,573.1 665,631.2 5,535,941.9 5,824,133.3 3,214,940.5 2,609,192.8 8,269,478.3 448,465.4 7,821,012.8
South Sudan 12,967,744.5 16,554.5 12,951,190.0 12,574,655.3 26,955.4 12,547,699.9 23,194,679.8 55,993.1 23,138,686.7
Swaziland 222,192.4 8,628,195.8 -8,406,003.4 33,316.3 12,557,040.1 -12,523,723.8 59,923.3 8,661,804.9 -8,601,881.6
Uganda 62,628,771.2 52,586,404.5 10,042,366.7 64,106,065.0 38,478,296.7 25,627,768.3 72,219,585.0 25,900,422.2 46,319,162.8
Zambia . . 5,290,334.9 6,884,645.3 -1,594,310.5 4,364,091.9 6,685,124.1 -2,321,032.2 4,440,422.1 3,616,770.2 823,651.9
Libya 30,509.5 0.0 30,509.5 124,082.2 0.0 124,082.2 56,186.3 122.2 56,064.1
Zimbabwe . . 1,146,964.4 1,767,851.0 -620,886.6 979,212.1 4,314,144.0 -3,334,931.9 1,136,964.4 5,664,150.7 -4,527,186.3
Total COMESA 161,144,237.4 119,482,931.8 41,661,305.7 164,230,828.2 126,740,927.1 37,489,901.1 189,769,551.6 105,843,463.3 83,926,088.4
Rest of Africa:
Tanzania . 29,972,186.8 18,011,924.9 11,960,261.9 33,864,855.0 27,699,677.8 6,165,177.2 31,832,967.6 27,880,998.1 3,951,969.5
Angola 102,839.7 389,445.4 -286,605.7 68,561.2 565.9 67,995.3 155,715.1 21,661.4 134,053.7
Namibia 62,104.8 66,401.8 -4,296.9 118,089.8 49,904.0 68,185.8 209,669.4 63,357.9 146,311.5
Somalia 15,145,272.3 875,891.3 14,269,381.0 11,841,821.1 445,776.4 11,396,044.8 11,394,369.6 58,819.5 11,335,550.0
South Africa 4,386,989.9 64,733,515.6 -60,346,525.7 3,312,165.3 74,040,376.4 -70,728,211.2 3,480,852.8 45,779,182.4 -42,298,329.6
Other African countries 6,789,117.2 6,637,657.7 151,459.5 10,811,038.8 5,220,366.4 5,590,672.4 9,287,040.3 5,630,682.0 3,656,358.3
Total Rest of Africa 56,458,510.7 90,714,836.7 -34,256,326.1 60,016,531.2 107,456,666.8 -47,440,135.6 56,360,614.7 79,434,701.3 -23,074,086.6
Total Africa 217,602,748.1 210,197,768.5 7,404,979.6 224,247,359.5 234,197,593.9 -9,950,234.5 246,130,166.3 185,278,164.5 60,852,001.8
Table 6.4: Trade Balance of Total Trade by Geographical Area and Country, 2015 - 2020 ( Cont')
KSh '000
Middle East
Bahrain 456,586.8 5,408,533.6 -4,951,946.7 239,058.0 1,075,664.5 -836,606.5 1,098,193.5 4,197,495.6 -3,099,302.1
Iran 2,173,873.1 10,419,341.6 -8,245,468.4 2,123,465.9 6,089,114.1 -3,965,648.2 1,626,275.6 4,847,211.1 -3,220,935.5
Israel 922,077.8 6,302,281.3 -5,380,203.5 592,449.8 5,061,151.6 -4,468,701.8 623,522.8 4,453,156.6 -3,829,633.7
Kuwait 517,559.6 204,732.4 312,827.2 403,940.3 240,624.2 163,316.1 821,863.3 4,136,382.5 -3,314,519.3
Saudi Arabia . . 10,018,472.8 172,702,978.7 -162,684,505.9 8,903,054.0 127,164,769.0 -118,261,715.0 8,149,979.6 69,002,404.2 -60,852,424.6
United Arab Emirates . 35,008,783.2 147,416,675.4 -112,407,892.1 38,684,984.4 167,877,042.5 -129,192,058.1 34,434,895.1 92,282,892.3 -57,847,997.3
Rest. of Middle East. . 14,609,721.9 13,261,755.9 1,347,965.9 15,040,326.3 14,510,848.5 529,477.8 12,704,747.9 17,556,931.9 -4,852,184.0
Total Middle East . 63,707,075.3 355,716,298.9 -292,009,223.6 65,987,278.6 322,019,214.4 -256,031,935.7 59,459,477.8 196,476,474.2 -137,016,996.4
Far East , Australia & Oceania
Australia . 2,878,806.0 6,328,808.6 -3,450,002.5 2,411,800.6 5,386,769.2 -2,974,968.6 2,351,494.3 7,018,152.1 -4,666,657.9
China (Mainland) 11,132,895.1 370,826,377.8 -359,693,482.7 15,160,268.2 376,725,621.5 -361,565,353.3 14,794,526.9 361,366,693.5 -346,572,166.6
Hong Kong 6,985,392.5 5,577,749.0 1,407,643.5 1,668,580.5 6,031,848.2 -4,363,267.6 1,142,252.3 6,547,996.8 -5,405,744.4
India . 9,100,948.0 185,252,103.0 -176,151,155.0 5,404,419.4 178,873,436.4 -173,469,017.0 7,686,229.6 188,588,369.9 -180,902,140.3
Japan 5,072,461.7 99,822,684.7 -94,750,223.0 5,478,018.3 99,433,214.1 -93,955,195.8 4,789,772.1 87,594,282.4 -82,804,510.3
Malaysia 1,065,975.0 21,482,895.0 -20,416,920.0 1,133,537.0 25,651,059.6 -24,517,522.7 1,966,733.2 45,563,261.6 -43,596,528.4
Pakistan . 59,387,438.7 21,454,649.5 37,932,789.2 45,239,536.6 24,848,229.0 20,391,307.7 54,656,548.5 21,449,402.6 33,207,145.9
New Zealand . 288,838.4 852,804.5 -563,966.1 194,084.8 583,993.4 -389,908.5 230,309.8 482,214.9 -251,905.1
Rest of Far East, Australia & Oceania 25,698,192.7 108,423,085.4 -82,724,892.8 18,733,671.9 118,268,922.8 -99,535,250.9 13,158,275.5 134,985,067.4 -121,826,791.9
Total Far East, Australia & Oceania. . 121,610,948.2 820,021,157.5 -698,410,209.3 95,423,917.4 835,803,094.1 -740,379,176.7 100,776,142.3 853,595,441.2 -752,819,298.9
Total for Asia(both Middle and Far East Asia) + Australia & Oceania 185,318,023.5 1,175,737,456.3 -990,419,432.8 161,411,196.0 1,157,822,308.5 -996,411,112.4 160,235,620.1 1,050,071,915.4 -889,836,295.3

All Other Countries 2 1,269,353.9 121,279.3 1,148,074.6 1,585,377.9 277,188.0 1,308,189.9 873,767.0 2,185,871.5 -1,312,104.5
Ship Stores . . 1,518,675.0 4.5 1,518,670.5 2,046,671.8 3,849.7 2,042,822.1 12,647,862.1 0.0 12,647,862.1
Total other countries n.e.s plus shipstores 2,788,028.9 121,283.8 2,666,745.1 3,632,049.8 281,037.7 3,351,012.1 13,521,629.0 2,185,871.5 11,335,757.5
GRAND TOTAL . 614,315,680.9 1,764,471,469.2 -1,150,155,788.3 596,676,622.3 1,806,334,625.4 -1,209,658,003.0 643,706,184.5 1,643,560,054.8 -999,853,870.3
Source: KRA - Customs and Border Control Department/KNBS
Other EU includes data for new EU members namely; Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Slovenia and Croatia
All Other Countries not else where specified including duty free shops
Table 6.5: Values of Principal Commodities, 2011 - 2020
KSh '000
Commodity 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Food, Beverages and Tobacco....................................
Live animals, chiefly for food ...................................... 264,362.4 345,469.8 466,602.0 368,837.9 580,506.1 410,895.6 662,431.6 667,175.0 1,051,596.3 966,772.5
Meat and meat preparations:........................................ 2,274,759.1 2,050,230.9 2,235,316.1 2,810,265.2 3,079,115.9 3,841,540.0 5,405,679.5 5,848,454.2 7,359,424.6 7,358,128.6
O/W: Tinned meat and preparations .. ...................... 288,024.6 302,233.7 286,792.7 292,175.8 359,248.2 328,124.2 316,102.9 358,548.9 341,334.0 401,100.2
Bacon .. .. . .................................................... 314,386.9 221,722.5 240,262.6 340,980.0 345,343.1 350,735.2 293,367.9 186,001.1 103,786.0 88,127.8
Other meat and meat preparations ................ 1,672,347.7 1,526,274.7 1,708,260.8 2,177,109.4 2,374,524.6 3,162,680.6 4,796,208.7 5,303,904.2 6,914,304.5 6,868,900.6
Milk and cream .. . .. ................................................. 1,236,122.0 1,138,352.4 1,119,740.8 1,077,928.2 737,038.4 558,946.0 484,615.4 351,027.0 309,376.1 349,541.4
Butter and ghee . .. .................................................... 274,539.2 103,326.4 91,339.8 136,825.6 56,981.1 113,978.8 51,538.8 56,446.8 20,852.1 28,270.9
Eggs .. . . . ................................................................. 84,625.8 102,857.1 42,777.6 6,654.9 18,016.7 17,314.8 3,939.1 6,347.7 4,889.2 12,324.0
Fish and fish preparations .. .. ................................. 4,955,497.5 5,391,677.9 3,362,109.6 4,265,661.1 3,286,556.1 1,898,941.4 2,124,760.4 2,974,978.2 3,407,548.2 2,739,096.5
Maize, unmilled . .. .. . .. .............................................. 168,536.4 57,195.0 192,155.4 323,568.1 312,324.5 510,803.8 766,447.2 513,819.1 490,065.8 1,147,739.9
Meal and Flour of wheat .. ......................................... 159,097.0 290,167.7 144,704.9 87,304.3 137,793.7 64,521.2 72,044.5 88,941.8 66,995.8 150,759.5
Fruit and Vegetables:................................................... 38,736,549.9 36,844,715.8 42,281,923.4 41,777,702.6 48,484,601.2 53,260,492.2 50,743,819.8 59,531,277.8 55,744,192.4 66,578,311.4
O/W: Cashew nuts ... .............................................. 582,943.3 435,469.8 310,969.2 181,431.5 278,445.7 436,295.1 420,548.3 91,702.4 143,289.8 209,433.6
Pineapples, tinned.. . . .. ................................ 4,487,234.2 3,626,345.3 5,942,300.2 5,332,221.1 7,279,192.7 6,168,008.2 5,254,077.0 3,917,144.0 6,732,520.2 9,340,944.5
Beans, peas and lentils. . .. ........................... 13,605,539.9 12,640,406.0 13,301,225.5 10,534,442.1 9,062,059.8 9,364,202.7 7,438,816.7 3,173,171.7 6,733,377.9 3,982,498.9

Avocados.. . .................................................... 2,150,069.9 2,557,621.6 2,521,934.4 3,254,235.6 5,161,431.5 6,483,159.5 8,065,205.4 11,984,539.3 10,445,008.3 12,355,029.4
Other Vegetables.. . ........................................ 17,910,762.7 17,584,873.0 20,205,494.2 22,475,372.3 26,703,471.5 30,808,826.7 29,565,172.5 40,364,720.4 31,689,996.2 1,151.2
Coffee, not roasted .... ............................................... 19,295,646.3 22,271,424.9 16,327,609.0 19,913,100.8 20,579,721.9 21,371,444.8 23,452,676.0 23,094,893.5 20,309,560.8 22,242,662.8
Tea . .. ..................................................................... 102,235,537.3 101,440,917.5 104,648,068.7 93,995,770.6 123,024,528.4 124,496,681.9 147,250,806.3 138,835,510.1 113,518,122.0 130,353,427.2
Feeding stuffs for animals .. . ..................................... 270,465.7 503,789.7 688,783.9 1,054,900.3 1,119,981.2 1,015,573.3 1,217,637.5 2,182,886.7 2,395,602.7 2,340,031.4
Other .. .. . .. ............................................................... 16,690,860.0 15,981,820.3 55,087,879.9 14,363,069.4 16,586,420.1 16,954,772.0 19,508,495.1 19,916,699.9 21,963,397.5 24,846,270.1
Beverages and Tobacco .. .. . .................................... 22,806,573.3 21,783,613.4 19,222,930.6 21,930,227.8 21,760,178.6 18,961,766.5 17,748,786.0 18,128,993.7 16,244,048.2 19,266,351.0
Total .. ................................................................. 209,453,172.1 208,305,558.9 245,911,941.6 202,111,816.7 239,763,763.8 243,477,672.2 269,493,677.2 272,197,451.6 242,885,671.6 278,379,687.0
Basic Materials, Mineral Fuels and Lubricants..........
Hides and Skins, undressed .. .. ................................ 107,838.7 504,238.1 134,120.6 125,570.8 123,595.4 170,563.0 51,050.2 66,132.6 152,171.7 56,199.2
Oil seeds and oil nuts .. ............................................. 560,697.0 219,439.9 642,119.3 650,499.1 768,967.6 485,943.8 318,995.3 495,762.8 451,461.0 534,846.2
Timber(rough or simply worked) .. ............................. 7,246.2 27,731.1 54,081.8 3,828.0 11,457.4 30,978.9 14,339.3 60,336.1 1,763.2 4,379.3
Wool, raw .. ................................................................ 343,780.9 256,309.2 346,332.8 362,625.8 425,612.7 338,749.1 391,535.9 449,081.2 279,883.2 151,514.6
Cotton, raw .. . .. .. ..................................................... 45.9 13.2 2,178.5 489.1 27,588.5 29,563.9 8,515.2 12,473.5 0.0 76.2
Sisal Fibre and tow . .................................................. 1,211,869.9 1,184,454.7 1,020,083.8 1,325,343.7 1,517,044.2 1,762,019.1 1,220,344.9 1,399,033.6 1,458,977.4 1,514,481.5
Metal Scrap .. . . .. .. . .. .. ............................................ 1,050,977.6 2,826,923.1 2,497,507.9 3,453,455.2 3,322,070.6 2,893,348.7 3,721,118.7 4,262,933.6 3,388,366.3 3,082,308.1
Fluorspar .. . .. . .. ... ................................................... 3,928,232.0 3,272,087.3 1,714,285.0 1,883,154.2 1,427,685.5 842,504.3 158,832.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Pyrethrum flowers .. . .................................................. 31,366.9 42,649.1 17,690.5 0.0 0.0 3,241.9 3,172.0 0.2 6,850.4 39,034.4
Cut flowers ................................................................... 39,594,029.2 38,226,071.7 41,351,883.5 48,531,780.0 46,890,709.5 51,705,380.7 55,913,822.4 58,252,467.4 59,650,048.4 60,884,713.9
Pyrethrum extract . .................................................... 0.0 121,203.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Table 6.5: Values of Principal Commodities, 2011- 2020 (Cont') KSh '000
Commodity 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Petroleum products.. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. ........................... 9,591,080.1 5,976,688.1 3,387,057.5 5,885,912.0 6,162,599.0 4,336,045.8 5,073,434.5 4,018,921.6 3,559,203.3 5,474,981.5
Petroleum by-products.. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .................. 515,267.9 606,408.8 634,204.7 516,065.9 332,067.6 192,432.5 156,695.8 161,407.1 244,286.0 275,372.6
Other, not stated above.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. ................ 19,966,153.5 18,007,163.0 15,797,471.5 23,445,506.5 23,257,072.2 34,316,431.1 39,685,872.9 39,443,868.5 40,687,086.9 42,210,702.0
Animal and vegetable oils and fats.. .. .. ...................... 14,166,487.4 12,727,337.1 8,155,774.2 6,002,780.1 4,650,209.3 6,040,019.6 4,355,981.3 5,338,413.9 6,449,926.3 10,347,070.2
Total.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .............................................. 91,075,073.3 83,998,717.3 75,754,791.6 92,187,010.4 88,916,679.6 103,147,222.3 111,073,710.3 113,960,832.2 116,330,024.1 124,575,679.8
Manufactured Goods....................................................
Sodium carbonate.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .............................. 12,371,242.4 9,723,696.2 8,996,893.1 7,832,453.7 5,964,294.3 5,432,336.5 7,090,729.9 6,663,790.3 6,113,007.4 5,198,124.9
Other carbonates.......................................................... 170,817.8 133,480.9 130,641.5 126,031.7 180,538.4 124,035.0 185,600.7 190,916.3 194,427.3 191,758.4
Soap............................................................................. 8,206,107.3 7,887,075.9 5,399,484.3 3,974,751.8 3,644,471.2 3,865,614.9 4,510,180.7 5,106,139.5 6,170,616.0 8,007,349.7
Maize (corn) starch....................................................... 159,603.4 84,824.4 4,985.8 1,822.0 3,909.3 3,705.9 4,590.1 5,622.3 10,545.8 9,757.3
Glues............................................................................ 263,974.6 244,656.7 364,328.9 268,143.5 311,041.5 286,803.7 361,280.5 279,401.3 287,815.2 304,500.1
Wattle bark extract.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................ 112,276.6 118,431.1 96,884.0 96,884.5 114,146.0 143,711.5 111,032.2 105,914.4 88,019.0 11,689.5
Carbon dioxide.............................................................. 473,085.6 597,498.3 458,478.9 291,729.6 364,820.6 268,326.2 218,029.7 197,656.8 232,874.0 284,470.8
Sulphates of aluminium................................................ 74,815.5 133,789.1 87,113.2 134,515.9 179,975.6 162,618.6 169,635.9 217,962.0 235,574.2 301,236.7
Other.. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........................................ 27,697,049.9 27,972,163.0 25,372,359.7 27,841,740.2 34,763,851.2 32,666,155.4 29,507,372.8 32,690,441.8 32,294,138.5 35,439,902.6
Leather.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........................................... 7,207,775.2 7,036,009.1 8,491,066.9 7,597,078.7 6,222,024.4 4,605,269.6 5,088,270.0 4,420,421.9 2,947,879.4 2,086,351.9

Textile yarns, fabrics, made-up textiles, etc.................. 5,094,615.0 5,712,120.5 4,566,049.9 5,304,413.1 4,926,811.6 4,494,932.9 3,681,642.3 3,273,450.6 3,924,622.3 4,868,293.8
Wood carvings.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ......................... 192,541.3 139,774.2 158,730.2 146,083.0 124,238.1 107,000.2 135,199.5 149,089.5 90,854.6 69,832.0
Wood, other.. .. .. .. .. . .. ... .. . . .. . ... .......................... 886,419.1 818,622.6 2,367,783.2 592,524.1 437,538.4 335,507.8 223,727.5 225,153.2 410,178.4 453,786.4
Cement.. . .. .. . .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .................................... 8,897,988.4 8,118,287.3 8,291,887.2 7,540,641.8 7,721,335.9 4,360,175.9 3,505,190.5 1,482,593.2 654,804.9 1,148,160.6
Glassware.. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . ................................. 3,041,991.5 2,344,029.5 1,855,359.3 839,854.4 910,428.2 606,743.1 924,071.4 927,330.5 5.0 1,245,873.8
Paper and Paperboard.. .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. ............. 5,458,533.8 5,150,445.8 5,342,441.0 4,406,399.0 4,772,588.1 4,994,947.3 4,856,436.9 5,627,073.2 5,820,660.8 5,250,744.6
Steel doors and windows.. . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. . ............... 12,624.8 16,281.9 47,482.8 12,504.9 17,000.5 29,648.9 40,392.5 31,621.5 15,692.6 16,114.0
Aluminium ware, domestic.. .. .. .. .. ............................. 2,385,376.1 2,625,268.3 2,867,647.0 2,958,335.2 2,052,358.0 2,104,699.1 1,514,950.1 500,785.6 682,954.8 1,003,311.7
Metal Containers.. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .... ...................... 734,240.7 714,696.9 500,259.9 555,613.2 575,480.6 575,468.4 511,503.0 393,048.2 661,904.3 768,579.6
Machinery and transport equipment.. .. .. .................... 16,909,086.8 19,838,239.1 16,019,964.0 12,998,741.4 14,520,413.4 17,248,160.1 9,648,528.3 11,915,687.3 14,882,538.9 12,147,607.4
Footwear.. .. .. .. . .. .. ..... .. .. ....................................... 3,561,765.7 4,147,594.1 3,992,131.8 3,568,945.6 3,693,907.9 3,498,972.9 3,247,198.7 3,433,376.6 3,828,400.4 4,255,743.7
Printed matter.. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .... .. .. ... ......................... 4,097,582.6 4,345,798.8 3,441,821.0 4,271,318.6 6,363,339.8 5,205,034.4 5,682,568.3 6,859,940.8 3,237,815.5 5,578,804.7
Other manufactured goods.. .. .. .. ... .... .. ................... 69,946,772.3 65,394,498.5 27,517,032.9 74,435,099.2 75,402,451.8 71,190,644.7 71,254,110.1 70,821,411.7 75,980,051.2 74,738,466.4
Total.. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... ...................................... 177,956,286.3 173,297,282.1 126,370,826.6 165,795,625.1 173,266,964.9 162,310,513.1 152,472,241.6 155,518,828.4 159,831,621.8 163,380,460.8
Gold.. .. .. .. .. .. .... . . .. . .. . ......................................... 6,021,979.0 14,104,015.7 7,650,518.3 463,231.5 1,072,777.4 1,104,094.7 1,352,987.6 1,179,188.6 1,717,552.0 1,034,598.6
Other miscellaneous articles........................................ 433.5 194.0 571.7 14,083.4 3,090.5 2,749.2 152.0 194.0 22,484.0 6.8
Total.. .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . .... .. .... ............................... 6,022,412.5 14,104,209.7 7,651,090.1 477,314.8 1,075,867.9 1,106,843.8 1,353,139.6 1,179,382.6 1,740,036.0 1,034,605.4
Grand Total.. .. .. ..................................................... 484,506,943.7 479,705,767.6 455,688,650.9 460,571,766.9 503,023,276.2 510,042,251.6 534,392,769.2 542,856,494.8 520,787,353.6 567,370,433.0
Source: KRA - Customs and Border Control Department
Table 6.6: Quantities of Principal Commodities, 2011- 2020
Commodity Unit 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Food, Beverages and Tobacco..................................................
Live animals chiefly for food.. .. .. . .. .. .. .................................... No. 890,613,807.0 1,647,572,915.0 984,497,218.0 1,044,888,823.0 1,340,840,209.0 2,430,779,553.0 4,182,024,838.0 5,503,886,105.0 8,428,536,884.0 30,969,547.0
Meat and meat preparations.. .. .. .............................................. Tonnes 6,095.1 5,788.1 6,068.3 7,092.6 7,083.5 8,473.9 16,451.0 19,079.9 18,930.7 16,502.4
Milk and Cream dry.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .................................... " 10,894.1 9,397.1 10,642.3 10,350.1 5,781.9 3,737.8 3,258.0 1,804.6 1,313.3 1,614.2
Butter and ghee.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... . .. ...................................... " 900.2 262.4 210.2 327.9 116.7 272.6 105.7 134.8 48.8 58.2
Eggs.. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .............................................. '000 904.1 620.3 243.7 264.9 48.2 55.0 42.3 44.8 23.1 382.8
Fish and fish preparations.. .. .. .................................................. Tonnes 15,518.8 17,455.2 11,712.0 15,213.2 10,800.7 5,995.0 5,321.1 7,250.2 8,844.3 8,418.3
Maize, unmilled.. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ....................................... Tonnes 1,173.5 547.6 1,236.1 1,677.6 2,006.9 3,191.5 5,419.7 2,673.3 3,128.8 6,640.6
Cashew nuts.. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................. " 964.3 875.3 818.7 440.5 551.7 656.2 543.7 106.9 187.8 341.8
Pineapples, tinned.. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .................................... " 46,038.6 33,728.7 53,675.3 49,125.1 62,525.3 54,703.8 42,024.4 30,153.9 42,292.6 48,115.5
Potatoes.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .......................................... " 535.3 854.0 2,982.1 4,451.3 5,305.6 2,524.1 16,732.6 1,587.7 3,536.3 27,839.7
Beans, peas and lentils.. .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................. " 23,960.7 19,496.5 94,269.2 45,201.2 54,250.0 98,724.2 37,322.1 69,956.5 42,736.5 85,315.3
Coffee, not roasted.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ............................... " 37,570.1 51,712.7 48,890.0 47,438.0 43,599.5 45,303.4 43,469.4 44,679.6 48,735.1 43,407.0
Tea.. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... ................................................ " 385,425.4 376,996.4 446,033.2 456,491.8 420,527.3 479,969.3 467,032.9 501,785.7 475,502.9 576,052.9
Feeding stuffs for animals.. .. .. .. . .. .. .. ................................... " 32,123.5 57,889.5 64,044.2 76,997.6 84,992.0 91,479.1 89,998.4 150,138.5 169,398.1 176,695.9
Basic Materials, Mineral Fuels and Lubricants........................
Hides and Skins, undressed.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .............................. Tonnes 2,250.0 10,200.4 2,831.7 2,559.8 2,271.9 2,777.0 1,105.2 1,221.4 1,662.4 1,083.3
Oil seeds, oil nuts and kernels.. ... .. .. .. .. .. .............................. " 5,879.2 3,585.8 4,905.6 5,666.1 6,115.3 5,203.6 3,080.5 4,229.2 4,533.1 3,981.9
Timber(roughly or simply worked)1.. .. .. .. .. .. ........................... '000cu.m. 43.1 121.4 43.0 81.6 43.9 58.2 513.7 339.6 9.7 39.8
Wool, raw.. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ....................................... Tonnes 2,150.1 1,683.3 2,288.1 2,278.8 2,198.2 1,851.8 1,990.6 2,117.1 1,297.8 766.6
Cotton raw.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ........................................... " 0.1 0.0 0.5 3.2 190.1 191.7 50.3 65.4 25.7 2.3
Sisal Fibre and tow.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .................................. " 12,040.4 11,065.6 10,010.2 10,092.8 9,014.7 9,594.8 7,441.3 8,552.7 8,834.9 9,386.3
Flourspar.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ......................................... " 116,600.0 105,753.2 78,001.6 94,020.9 70,096.0 48,662.0 8,925.8 0.0 0.0 0.0

Wattle bark.. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ........................................... " 0.0 7,814.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Pyrethrum flowers.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ......................................... " 99.7 48.9 1.2 0.0 120.0 21.1 22.1 0.0 0.7 110.4
Pyrethrum extract.. .. . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ..................................... " 0.0 124.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Animal and vegetable oils and fats.. .. .. .. ................................. " 106,419.7 99,252.0 70,339.0 49,374.6 37,356.9 57,274.7 36,058.8 56,507.7 85,936.2 99,506.4
Petroleum products1.. .. .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. .. ................................. Mn litres 147.6 70.6 29.5 66.4 31.9 32.7 32.1 25.1 22.2 30.5
Manufactured Goods...................................................................
Sodium Carbonate.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................ '000 Tonnes 592.2 458.8 478.8 396.1 261.3 258.7 342.6 294.3 6.6 228.2
Wattle bark extract.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .................................... Tonnes 1,016.7 1,079.4 816.0 782.4 818.3 996.5 803.4 783.3 623.0 80.3
Cement.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .... .. .. .. .. ....................................... '000 Tonnes 708.4 737.5 826.9 720.5 681.7 420.2 387.6 144.3 60.2 120.0
Steel doors and windows.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................................... Tonnes 82.3 82.3 171.6 42.9 61.9 93.5 67.4 103.3 32.0 103.2
Aluminium ware, domestic.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. …............................ Tonnes 6,311.4 7,328.5 8,182.2 7,879.3 5,395.4 7,630.3 4,695.5 1,954.0 2,221.3 2,475.0
Metal containers.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................................... " 3,261.8 3,432.0 2,831.4 3,162.1 2,542.4 3,569.0 2,472.0 1,931.7 3,120.3 3,939.3
Footwear.. .. .. .. ... .. . .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................................... '000 pr. 47,287.6 51,711.7 52,021.4 40,092.4 32,634.4 38,029.3 34,651.5 33,998.9 39,268.7 35,800.4
Gold.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ............................................... Gm 1,848,763.0 5,237,706.0 2,840,740.0 171,895.6 398,389.4 4,659,456.0 52,315,651.0 14,310,154.0 229,442,114.0 166,443,447.0
Some goods classified under these heads are not included in this table because of differing unit quantities which are not indicated against the value of such export in the Annual Trade Reports.
Table 6.7: Principal Commodities, percentage of total value , 2011 - 2020
Commodity.............................................. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Coffee, not roasted ........................ 4.0 4.6 3.6 4.3 4.1 4.2 4.4 4.3 3.9 3.9
Tea . ............................................... 21.2 21.2 23.0 20.4 24.6 24.6 27.8 25.6 21.9 23.0
Petroleum products ........................ 2.0 1.3 0.7 1.3 1.2 0.9 1.0 0.7 0.7 1.0
Sisal fibre and tow ............................. 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3
Meat and meat preparations . ............ 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.4 1.3
Pyrethrum extract and flowers . ........ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Hides, skins and furskins, undressed..... 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Cement, building . ............................. 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.6 1.5 0.9 0.7 0.3 0.1 0.2
Wattle bark and extract . ................... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sodium carbonate . . ........................ 2.6 2.0 2.0 1.7 1.2 0.7 1.3 0.7 1.2 0.9
Pineapples, tinned .......................... 0.9 0.8 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.6
Cotton, raw . . . . .............................. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Wool, raw . ....................................... 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0
Cashew nuts . .................................. 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Beans, peas and lentils . ................ 2.8 2.6 2.9 2.3 1.8 1.8 1.4 0.6 1.3 0.7
Oil seeds, oilnuts and oil Kernels........... 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Scrap metal . . ................................. 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.5
Butter and ghee . . ............................ 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Maize, unmilled . . . . . ....................... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2
Horticulture . . . .................................. 17.3 16.8 19.6 21.1 20.2 21.8 21.4 23.6 22.2 21.6
Other . . ............................................ 46.1 47.5 43.4 44.1 41.8 41.8 38.8 40.5 44.8 44.6
Total . ................................................ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Table 6.8: Domestic Export Value of Principal Commodities by Destination, 2020*
KSh '000

Germany U.K. Netherlands U.S.A. Italy Sweden Finland France

Coffee not roasted.............................................................................................. 3,717,622.6 540,656.6 268,245.0 4,846,112.9 129,091.4 1,392,406.5 600,139.6 66,067.5
Tea....................................................................................................................... 231,270.5 14,604,376.4 475,391.5 618,524.1 10,583.1 1,120.3 3,497.6 1,316.7
Cut flowers and foliage ...................................................................................... 3,164,571.4 12,565,312.9 27,889,131.7 115,694.5 442,441.8 576,029.4 0.0 656,816.5
Pyrethrum flowers............................................................................................... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 20,799.3
Meat and meat preparations.............................................................................. 0.0 10.7 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Petroleum products............................................................................................. 14.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Hides, skins and Furskins, undressed.............................................................. 0.0 0.0 0.0 339.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Wattle bark extract.............................................................................................. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6,110.9 0.0 0.0 0.0
Pineapples (both fresh and canned ) and pineapple juice................................ 1,604,491.9 1,437,085.2 884,231.5 147,092.4 557,444.6 219,056.0 285,560.5 620,535.3
Cement, building................................................................................................. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sodium Carbonate (Soda ash) .......................................................................... 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Titanium ores and concentrates......................................................................... 238,379.3 1,218,215.9 1,306,481.9 4,224,643.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Salt ...................................................................................................................... 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Butter and Ghee.................................................................................................. 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,212.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Cotton, raw.......................................................................................................... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Leguminous vegetables- Beans, peas and Lentils........................................... 63,756.1 1,412,885.7 961,990.2 10,795.5 2,335.5 23,584.6 0.0 1,752,084.2
Wool, raw............................................................................................................ 0.0 16,479.2 0.0 61.0 48,171.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits,flours and meals.............................................. 46,468.0 10,313.4 65,562.6 17,335.4 2,885.3 0.0 0.0 181.1
Maize, unmilled................................................................................................... 0.0 711.8 213.0 253.4 0.0 1.5 0.0 714.9
Total for above................................................................................................... 9,066,574.0 31,806,047.8 31,851,247.4 9,982,079.5 1,199,064.1 2,212,198.3 889,197.6 3,118,515.5
All other Commodities......................................................................................... 4,707,665.1 17,705,568.8 12,716,023.8 38,232,599.6 1,690,488.7 39,967.9 95,199.2 5,572,104.7
Total.................................................................................................................... 13,774,239.0 49,511,616.7 44,567,271.2 48,214,679.2 2,889,552.8 2,252,166.2 984,396.8 8,690,620.1

Table 6.8: Domestic Export Value of Principal Commodities by Destination, 2020* (Con't)
KSh '000
India Canada Pakistan Egypt Stores** Other Countries Total
Coffee not roasted.............................................................................................. 67,485.3 349,583.6 0.0 14,598.3 159.6 10,250,493.7 22,242,662.8
Tea....................................................................................................................... 1,950,759.4 201,450.8 52,817,786.9 15,697,744.5 136,798.0 43,602,807.4 130,353,427.2
Cut flowers and foliage ...................................................................................... 7,482.0 61,201.6 59,927.1 63,688.3 565.2 15,331,493.4 60,934,355.7
Pyrethrum flowers............................................................................................... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18,235.2 39,034.4
Meat and meat preparations.............................................................................. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 19,694.4 7,338,418.6 7,358,128.6
Petroleum products............................................................................................. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 31,156.6 5,443,810.7 5,474,981.5
Hides, skins and Furskins, undressed.............................................................. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 55,859.8 56,199.2
Wattle bark extract.............................................................................................. 0.0 0.0 5,288.6 0.0 0.0 290.0 11,689.5
Pineapples(both fresh and canned ) and pineapple juice................................. 0.0 648.8 0.0 69,643.8 186.1 3,514,968.6 9,340,944.5
Cement, building................................................................................................. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 1,148,157.8 1,148,160.6
Sodium Carbonate (Soda ash) .......................................................................... 2,097,186.4 0.0 136,898.3 0.0 0.0 2,964,034.9 5,198,124.9
Titanium ores and concentrates......................................................................... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9,700,161.3 16,687,882.2
Salt ...................................................................................................................... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 44.9 4,806,386.6 4,806,435.3
Butter and Ghee.................................................................................................. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 525.2 26,532.7 28,270.9
Cotton, raw.......................................................................................................... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 76.2 76.2
Leguminous vegetables- Beans, peas and Lentils........................................... 314,561.4 14,409.1 781,435.6 0.0 244.9 2,466,039.5 7,804,122.2
Wool, raw............................................................................................................ 86,687.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 115.2 151,514.6
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits,flours and meals.............................................. 39,862.8 18.7 0.0 0.0 10.6 352,208.5 534,846.2
Maize, unmilled................................................................................................... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 1,145,843.7 1,147,739.9
Total for above................................................................................................... 4,564,024.9 627,312.5 53,801,336.4 15,845,674.8 189,389.8 108,165,933.7 273,318,596.3
All other Commodities......................................................................................... 2,898,838.4 596,757.7 664,974.6 2,887,642.9 106,154.4 206,137,850.9 294,051,836.7
Total.................................................................................................................... 7,462,863.3 1,224,070.2 54,466,311.0 18,733,317.7 295,544.2 314,303,784.6 567,370,433.0
** Aircraft and Shipstores

Table 6.9: Value by Country of Destination, 2011- 2020
KSh '000
Geographical Area and Country 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Western Europe................................................................................................
European Union:.............................................................................................
Austria............................................................................................................. 685,611.3 367,401.5 78,681.5 77,490.0 95,299.0 114,242.6 94,710.5 127,859.7 88,919.6 112,708.6
Belgium........................................................................................................... 4,387,551.3 5,257,179.2 6,191,729.8 6,590,286.6 4,534,998.9 5,393,190.9 6,025,487.9 6,320,400.9 7,210,172.3 6,791,108.0
Denmark.......................................................................................................... 188,674.9 392,271.4 294,123.2 472,274.3 552,147.9 615,321.9 740,775.5 883,220.6 1,069,878.3 1,161,168.6
Finland............................................................................................................ 1,227,044.6 1,476,048.4 1,104,144.4 1,446,537.9 1,557,947.4 1,411,871.6 840,719.4 736,933.5 810,970.9 984,396.8
France............................................................................................................. 5,600,757.2 4,902,094.0 5,364,056.4 5,484,948.2 5,644,016.9 6,142,204.9 7,490,136.8 7,905,690.3 7,543,212.4 8,690,620.1
Germany......................................................................................................... 7,560,483.0 9,755,446.3 8,234,678.5 10,059,511.0 10,383,380.5 11,419,026.4 11,387,583.9 10,974,354.7 11,161,044.6 13,774,239.0
Greece............................................................................................................ 180,620.7 187,540.0 264,785.6 263,329.9 174,923.6 294,389.2 379,824.8 398,846.0 387,238.1 415,164.4
Ireland ........................................................................................................... 1,000,843.5 1,306,121.3 1,182,628.9 1,108,089.9 1,422,453.9 1,265,066.4 1,344,908.6 1,519,377.0 1,703,483.1 1,650,764.6
Italy.................................................................................................................. 6,657,729.3 5,394,144.7 4,525,074.9 6,319,023.5 4,678,346.8 3,326,952.1 3,186,638.9 3,649,706.2 3,445,482.4 2,889,552.8
Luxembourg.................................................................................................... 172,093.4 9,100.2 6,081.6 11,309.9 6,023.4 5,001.1 5,940.5 17,911.9 36,401.4 69,141.5
Netherlands..................................................................................................... 32,765,537.6 31,017,283.9 32,315,546.8 38,156,932.8 36,185,686.2 39,826,647.2 41,281,446.4 45,308,998.0 45,000,714.7 44,567,271.2
Portugal........................................................................................................... 424,845.1 325,147.4 383,591.3 301,716.0 337,034.1 385,604.9 478,893.9 477,467.1 710,084.1 565,440.6
Spain............................................................................................................... 2,201,848.9 1,934,099.4 2,015,141.5 2,495,073.6 2,923,831.8 2,272,905.7 2,957,196.2 4,420,118.8 4,416,219.2 5,355,240.9
Sweden........................................................................................................... 2,889,722.5 3,800,984.1 2,485,157.5 2,731,438.4 2,439,154.4 3,066,092.1 2,862,967.7 2,824,787.3 1,957,572.1 2,252,166.2
Czech.............................................................................................................. 72,687.6 15,040.4 10,574.8 10,071.3 10,065.8 50,107.5 18,988.8 23,857.3 13,063.0 19,440.2
Hungary........................................................................................................... 21,906.6 8,320.3 11,299.8 49,598.3 70,950.7 39,812.8 77,922.8 76,417.4 424,661.7 77,640.1
Poland............................................................................................................. 1,523,783.4 1,289,790.1 1,629,661.9 1,845,252.9 2,250,606.4 1,801,999.7 2,182,323.2 2,191,337.2 2,648,150.4 2,128,187.4

Cyprus............................................................................................................. 235,858.6 177,570.3 187,549.7 194,160.6 177,168.0 180,447.2 236,056.3 330,350.1 161,592.3 236,576.1
Romania.......................................................................................................... 85,923.9 127,014.8 80,495.4 312,066.1 236,797.9 312,680.6 286,751.1 435,476.5 414,339.4 492,926.6
United Kingdom............................................................................................... 46,712,156.3 40,515,387.6 37,123,629.7 35,391,953.5 39,975,643.8 37,381,049.9 38,271,237.9 39,951,970.9 39,692,071.2 49,511,616.7
Other EU 1...................................................................................................... 253,319.0 216,912.6 290,544.5 248,436.4 262,803.3 340,163.9 711,759.8 504,572.2 264,534.9 513,955.1
Total EU............................................................................................................. 114,848,998.5 108,474,898.1 103,779,177.7 113,569,501.2 113,919,280.7 115,644,778.6 120,862,270.9 129,079,653.7 129,159,806.1 142,259,325.6
Rest of Western Europe:..................................................................................
Norway............................................................................................................ 1,145,714.6 1,734,223.8 1,856,162.2 2,010,907.2 2,292,054.5 2,450,315.9 3,096,234.8 3,105,730.5 3,266,024.7 3,824,714.8
Switzerland...................................................................................................... 7,676,753.9 3,115,280.6 4,125,890.9 4,130,631.4 4,559,029.3 4,793,667.5 3,240,268.0 3,507,770.7 2,295,310.1 2,683,823.9
Turkey............................................................................................................. 794,697.2 796,700.6 828,435.1 1,044,376.0 940,603.1 1,997,855.9 2,006,536.3 2,302,534.6 1,318,753.4 1,938,379.1
Other Western Europe.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................... 10,756.2 20,530.2 40,090.0 91,929.1 18,288.2 78,362.6 146,262.8 28,573.5 23,007.7 29,824.5
Total Rest of Western Europe........................................................................ 9,627,921.9 5,666,735.2 6,850,578.2 7,277,843.7 7,809,975.1 9,320,202.0 8,489,302.0 8,944,609.4 6,903,095.9 8,476,742.2
Total of Western Europe.. .............................................................................. 124,476,920.4 114,141,633.3 110,629,755.9 120,847,344.9 121,729,255.8 124,964,980.6 129,351,572.9 138,024,263.1 136,062,902.0 150,736,067.8
Eastern Europe.................................................................................................
Russia............................................................................................................. 5,785,465.4 6,576,875.3 6,749,909.1 7,075,608.3 7,896,537.5 6,954,146.1 7,985,734.9 8,484,895.1 6,337,324.8 7,992,407.0
Rest of Eastern Europe.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........................................................ 4,054,502.7 4,191,336.8 4,863,009.7 3,789,376.0 3,299,051.0 3,628,817.7 4,394,588.9 3,795,619.5 4,197,637.7 4,912,529.7
Total Eastern Europe....................................................................................... 9,839,968.1 10,768,212.1 11,612,918.8 10,864,984.3 11,195,588.5 10,582,963.8 12,380,323.9 12,280,514.6 10,534,962.6 12,904,936.8
Total of Europe.................................................................................................. 134,316,888.5 124,909,845.4 122,242,674.7 131,712,329.1 132,924,844.2 135,547,944.4 141,731,896.7 150,304,777.6 146,597,864.6 163,641,004.6
Table 6.9: Value by Country of Destination, 2011- 2020 (Cont') KSh '000
Geographical Area and Country 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Canada............................................................................................................ 1,163,023.0 1,515,599.5 1,295,737.6 1,316,495.4 1,473,336.3 1,417,168.7 1,296,038.0 1,314,107.5 1,341,683.8 1,224,070.2
U.S.A............................................................................................................... 25,708,323.1 26,398,982.9 29,626,568.0 38,204,855.7 40,406,452.1 43,098,326.3 46,943,137.5 47,105,631.9 50,082,364.8 48,214,679.2
Rest of America............................................................................................... 612,915.9 817,799.9 858,969.0 1,242,015.3 3,019,232.3 1,850,193.1 2,983,654.2 5,303,048.1 1,213,615.5 1,638,514.0
Total America.. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ............................................................................. 27,484,262.0 28,732,382.2 31,781,274.5 40,763,366.5 44,899,020.7 46,365,688.1 51,222,829.8 53,722,787.5 52,637,664.2 51,077,263.4
Burundi............................................................................................................ 5,643,821.7 5,060,243.9 5,064,400.2 6,327,412.2 4,852,744.5 5,120,284.1 4,831,901.0 4,977,132.1 5,583,680.8 5,297,728.7
Congo, Democratic Rep ................................................................................. 15,917,531.6 16,319,510.2 15,839,636.4 17,948,702.0 18,326,386.6 17,543,486.0 16,818,957.3 13,321,933.5 12,297,194.6 12,931,461.5
Ethiopia........................................................................................................... 4,491,713.6 4,129,440.7 4,134,649.7 5,442,756.1 4,908,545.6 5,342,556.0 4,855,181.9 4,000,957.0 4,443,831.1 6,210,529.5
Egypt............................................................................................................... 23,339,477.6 21,393,803.4 16,785,109.0 17,057,718.1 19,373,947.1 20,085,693.0 18,874,318.5 19,390,887.2 18,810,979.9 18,733,317.7
Malawi............................................................................................................. 5,695,554.2 4,504,487.2 3,269,886.3 2,959,555.1 2,707,352.6 2,602,267.3 2,791,116.3 2,879,657.9 3,368,580.1 3,901,181.5
Mauritius.......................................................................................................... 1,317,482.0 1,273,541.5 954,368.8 1,016,747.8 1,020,365.8 967,448.4 1,105,158.9 1,096,340.2 1,153,613.4 1,142,111.5
Rwanda........................................................................................................... 12,597,956.7 13,916,719.4 11,776,019.1 11,440,393.9 15,204,915.3 14,870,805.7 14,213,958.4 15,124,201.6 21,588,999.8 23,706,119.2
Sudan.............................................................................................................. 19,894,345.3 6,417,517.2 6,111,934.9 5,968,137.2 5,796,859.8 5,152,170.0 6,115,031.8 5,941,374.7 5,813,056.7 6,501,768.7
Uganda............................................................................................................ 66,146,575.5 57,399,120.5 52,342,420.3 48,692,649.9 62,020,331.4 52,034,912.8 51,588,581.1 51,752,429.1 53,511,307.6 59,732,582.7
Zambia............................................................................................................ 5,862,657.5 5,995,741.4 5,826,511.4 5,816,015.5 5,336,557.7 4,885,651.7 3,371,583.4 4,361,898.1 3,548,368.7 3,606,546.0
Zimbabwe........................................................................................................ 1,550,284.0 1,668,758.2 1,610,524.9 1,319,160.9 922,070.9 823,230.2 1,304,243.4 961,447.9 663,442.9 792,897.9
Other COMESA 2............................................................................................ 3,148,306.8 19,230,932.5 19,632,586.2 15,979,562.1 15,733,657.9 14,341,540.2 15,416,143.5 12,044,021.2 13,867,971.6 17,110,951.1
Total COMESA................................................................................................. 165,605,706.5 157,309,816.1 143,348,047.1 139,968,810.8 156,203,735.2 143,770,045.5 141,286,175.7 135,852,280.7 144,651,027.2 159,667,196.0
Rest of Africa:...................................................................................................

Tanzania ......................................................................................................... 39,605,629.6 40,158,784.4 35,143,569.3 34,158,567.4 27,143,120.2 26,465,337.6 23,465,474.2 25,079,837.7 28,705,565.5 29,992,552.7
Somalia........................................................................................................... 15,215,145.1 18,009,506.5 14,348,750.1 11,258,315.5 13,105,042.7 16,077,756.2 17,343,177.5 13,750,822.8 10,602,796.9 9,139,026.9
South Africa..................................................................................................... 2,668,864.9 2,419,213.8 2,537,442.1 2,443,318.8 2,908,084.0 2,876,729.7 2,416,267.4 2,148,214.9 2,722,925.2 3,050,888.7
Other African countries................................................................................... 4,799,003.1 6,353,896.2 5,968,318.0 4,974,576.8 5,862,258.3 6,248,201.7 5,930,286.5 5,761,340.5 4,638,739.3 8,302,851.5
Total Rest of Africa......................................................................................... 62,288,642.7 66,941,400.8 57,998,079.5 52,834,778.5 49,018,505.2 51,668,025.2 49,155,205.7 46,740,215.9 46,670,026.9 50,485,319.8
Total Africa........................................................................................................ 227,894,349.2 224,251,217.0 201,346,126.6 192,803,589.4 205,222,240.4 195,438,070.7 190,441,381.4 182,592,496.6 191,321,054.1 210,152,515.8
Table 6.9: Value by Country of Destination, 2011- 2020(Cont')
KSh '000
Geographical Area and Country 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Middle East......................................................................................................
Bahrain............................................................................................................ 118,814.3 115,249.2 99,414.2 108,743.4 147,578.8 158,136.9 178,602.9 242,348.2 239,058.0 1,073,796.7
Iran.................................................................................................................. 1,953,209.8 1,307,850.2 2,793,149.9 2,209,222.1 1,132,558.0 1,754,938.1 1,522,900.0 2,160,728.2 2,119,508.4 1,624,203.3
Israel............................................................................................................... 1,410,931.9 2,050,504.5 1,114,103.9 1,280,734.3 1,353,589.9 1,063,823.5 747,413.9 887,456.7 590,467.9 620,411.2
Kuwait............................................................................................................. 679,861.7 451,121.3 394,780.3 179,947.1 156,789.2 975,970.7 222,461.4 510,035.0 403,940.3 821,863.3
Saudi Arabia.................................................................................................... 2,344,671.3 3,312,764.6 3,071,200.9 3,915,238.2 5,191,800.0 6,220,706.2 6,395,688.9 7,176,882.8 7,731,673.8 7,954,321.4
Yemen............................................................................................................. 4,588,840.5 4,505,264.4 5,038,398.0 4,351,756.0 4,016,244.2 4,796,316.6 6,383,071.9 4,886,225.9 4,966,696.4 4,629,767.3
Rest. of Middle East. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ......................................................... 19,119,006.3 26,706,780.1 21,149,816.5 15,689,227.3 22,965,362.2 28,261,964.2 25,354,776.4 27,875,992.6 23,837,522.8 25,494,924.9
Total Middle East............................................................................................ 30,215,335.9 38,449,534.2 33,660,863.8 27,734,868.4 34,963,922.3 43,231,856.2 40,804,915.5 43,739,669.5 39,888,867.6 42,219,288.2
Far East , Australia & Oceania.......................................................................
Australia.......................................................................................................... 904,098.7 1,635,728.0 2,652,018.2 3,019,527.6 2,311,256.2 2,203,312.7 2,284,836.0 2,872,469.3 2,410,886.3 2,346,523.1
Hong Kong...................................................................................................... 2,914,999.7 2,767,840.5 3,266,954.0 2,535,604.0 1,578,319.0 1,256,395.0 6,314,775.7 6,901,908.8 1,608,252.8 1,002,171.5
Japan.............................................................................................................. 2,187,215.8 2,453,832.0 2,618,448.8 3,487,153.4 3,849,795.0 3,997,759.1 4,503,462.6 5,072,410.7 5,467,008.9 4,789,768.1
India................................................................................................................ 9,310,450.1 7,306,008.2 8,897,790.7 8,390,300.7 8,486,091.9 11,182,798.1 5,948,079.0 6,897,831.8 4,912,851.6 7,462,863.3
Malaysia.......................................................................................................... 470,635.9 442,695.8 476,953.9 420,015.5 668,840.8 955,624.7 935,295.4 982,689.0 1,038,743.3 1,911,145.7
New Zealand................................................................................................... 93,928.4 177,600.8 192,351.5 162,241.3 226,376.8 216,004.0 250,227.8 288,838.4 189,808.1 230,309.8
Pakistan.......................................................................................................... 20,835,275.1 23,747,718.3 23,990,765.5 21,912,040.1 35,102,735.4 40,129,167.0 63,924,195.1 59,041,748.7 45,049,058.3 54,466,311.0
China(Mainland).............................................................................................. 3,765,516.5 5,309,616.8 4,165,274.8 6,340,967.6 7,563,134.1 8,893,628.1 9,790,057.0 10,488,773.3 13,912,319.4 14,163,941.0
Rest of Far East, Australia & Oceania .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................... 18,557,506.2 19,107,325.6 20,149,159.5 18,732,942.5 25,063,005.2 20,461,526.3 16,030,304.9 19,707,566.7 14,945,803.0 12,993,227.9

Total Far East, Australia & Oceania. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................................. 59,039,626.4 62,948,366.0 66,409,716.9 65,000,792.8 84,849,554.4 89,296,215.1 109,981,233.3 112,254,236.8 89,534,731.7 99,366,261.4
Total for Asia(both Middle and Far East Asia) + Australia & Oceania......... 89,254,962.3 101,397,900.2 100,070,580.6 92,735,661.2 119,813,476.7 132,528,071.3 150,786,148.9 155,993,906.3 129,423,599.2 141,585,549.6
All other Countries 3........................................................................................ 2,073,578.1 330,913.2 184,896.2 190,140.0 101,472.7 91,780.3 111,461.9 153,453.2 719,447.2 618,555.5
Ships Stores.................................................................................................... 3,482,903.8 83,509.7 63,098.2 2,366,680.6 62,221.5 70,696.7 99,050.5 89,073.6 87,724.4 295,544.2
Total other countries n.e.s plus shipstores.. .. .. .......................................... 5,556,481.8 414,422.9 247,994.4 2,556,820.6 163,694.2 162,477.1 210,512.4 242,526.8 807,171.6 914,099.7
Total Domestic Export.. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................... 484,506,943.7 479,705,767.6 455,688,650.9 460,571,766.9 503,023,276.2 510,042,251.6 534,392,769.2 542,856,494.8 520,787,353.6 567,370,433.0
Source: KRA - Customs and Border Control Department/ KNBS
* Provisional
Other EU includes data for new EU members namely; , Estonia,Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Slovenia,Croatia
Other COMESA includes Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Comoros, Madagascar, Swaziland , Seychelles and South Sudan (from 2012)
All Other Countries not elsewhere specified including duty free shops
Table 6.10: Principal Commodities to the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), 2020*
KSh '000
Democratic Rep of
Commodity Burundi Comoros Egypt Eritrea Ethiopia Malawi Mauritius
Maize, Unmilled .............................................................................................................................. 156.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7,683.9 0.0 0.0
Vegetable, Fresh, Chilled etc .................................................................................................................. 70.4 270.8 2,196.5 0.0 0.0 84,398.8 0.0 0.0
Tea ................................................................................................................................................. 9.9 983.3 1,576.5 15,697,744.5 15,785.2 78,795.4 970.8 53,219.2
Beer from Malt......................................................................................................................................... 22,131.1 0.0 9,785.2 0.0 0.0 67.3 0.0 0.0
Cigarettes ....................................................................................................................................... 0.0 25,866.9 1,994,260.1 1,213,408.0 0.0 57.1 165,502.1 619,224.5
Common Salt (Sodium Chloride).............................................................................................................. 11,433.2 7,793.4 205,547.5 0.0 0.0 2,565.8 2,407.7 0.0
Natural Sodium Carbonate(Soda Ash)...................................................................................................... 0.0 283.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 133,909.0 10.1 597.4
Refined Petroleum Products .................................................................................................................... 18,619.5 0.0 401,770.9 0.0 0.0 102,167.7 37,475.7 0.0
Residual Petroleum Products .................................................................................................................. 3,090.0 0.0 2,756.5 0.0 0.0 3,559.9 18.0 0.0
Paints, Varnishes, Pigments, etc, ....................................................................................................... 195,542.4 0.0 302,987.4 0.0 0.0 393.7 65.3 0.0
Medicinal and Pharmaceutical products( Excluding Veterinary Medicaments) .......................................... 33,186.5 0.0 3,794.2 0.0 0.0 1,618.0 560.1 0.0
Oils, Perfumes, Polishing and Cleansing Preparations.............................................................................. 252,592.1 20.0 773,835.8 0.0 5,323.8 391,551.8 397,767.8 46,055.1
Polycarbonates, Alkyd resins & Other Polyesters & their plates …......................................................... 15,306.7 0.0 152.4 0.0 0.0 19,655.9 11,088.6 0.0
Polyvinyl Acetate...................................................................................................................................... 2,203.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Disinfectants, insecticides etc ................................................................................................................ 33,020.7 0.0 7,092.9 0.0 0.0 362,770.7 28,291.1 2,923.5
Paper, Paperboard etc........................................................................................................................... 334,654.8 5,274.8 285,811.2 763,614.6 0.0 71,293.4 100,582.8 201.0
Textile Yarn ..................................................................................................................................... 23,414.7 0.0 118,206.6 0.0 0.0 3,954.4 5,777.0 0.0

Fabrics, Woven or Made......................................................................................................................... 140.4 0.0 144.0 0.0 0.0 930.9 20,426.0 0.0
Made-up Articles .......................................................................................................................... 149,955.2 0.0 156,026.5 0.0 22,652.7 68,046.6 48,959.1 81.4
Cement for Building purposes ........................................................................................................ 5,526.3 0.0 8,423.0 0.0 0.0 727.3 0.0 0.0
Glassware ............................................................................................................................................... 1,611.4 6,704.5 2,088.1 74.1 0.0 4,949.6 0.0 4,871.2
Iron and Steel bars,rods,angles ,shapes and sections ............................................................................. 239,009.2 0.0 83,880.6 0.0 0.0 10,023.5 0.0 0.0
Flat rolled products of Iron and Steel ...................................................................................................... 445,464.0 0.0 1,702,486.4 0.0 0.0 57,742.8 15,366.9 0.0
Storage and Transport metal Containers.................................................................................................. 9,968.8 0.0 14,361.3 0.0 0.0 6,213.4 35,553.6 0.0
Manufactures of Base Metals ....................................................................................................... 64,001.4 1,172.4 49,971.6 0.0 0.0 76,766.4 0.1 0.0
Printed Matter .................................................................................................................................... 73,308.5 100.0 34,460.3 10.3 0.0 326,925.4 159,569.8 14.5
Office and Stationery supplies.................................................................................................................. 77,510.3 0.0 386.8 0.0 0.0 368,999.8 11,216.4 0.0
Total for above....................................................................................................................................... 2,011,927.8 48,469.9 6,162,002.3 17,674,851.4 43,761.7 2,185,768.7 1,041,609.0 727,187.8
All other Commodities.............................................................................................................................. 3,285,800.9 96,914.4 6,769,459.2 1,058,466.3 25,346.4 4,024,760.8 2,859,572.5 414,923.7
Total ............................................................................................................................................... 5,297,728.7 145,384.3 12,931,461.5 18,733,317.7 69,108.2 6,210,529.5 3,901,181.5 1,142,111.5
Table 6.10: Principal Commodities to the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), 2020* (Con't)
KSh '000
Commodity Rwanda South Sudan Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe Total
Countries 1
Maize, Unmilled .............................................................................................................................. 850,294.5 5,826.2 198,630.5 0.0 0.9 0.0 1,062,592.2
Vegetable, Fresh, Chilled etc.................................................................................................................... 32,588.3 195,928.1 1,724,255.0 404.4 0.0 27,902.1 2,068,014.3
Tea ................................................................................................................................................. 1,076.2 90,891.6 26,200.8 4,252.9 10.1 3,817,286.3 19,788,802.7
Beer from Malt ....................................................................................................................................... 28,246.2 1,179,816.6 272,396.4 0.0 0.0 4,121.3 1,516,564.0
Cigarettes ....................................................................................................................................... 233,201.0 153,188.6 645,383.8 44,555.1 0.0 18,621.7 5,113,268.9
Common Salt (Sodium Chloride).............................................................................................................. 553,894.7 134,962.5 3,221,303.7 1,644.4 0.0 129.7 4,141,682.6
Natural Sodium Carbonate(Soda Ash)...................................................................................................... 937.3 116.5 392,938.5 2,964.0 0.0 7.3 531,763.8
Refined Petroleum Products .................................................................................................................... 282,282.3 470,496.2 3,441,149.0 237,802.0 17,794.9 12,520.5 5,022,078.9
Residual Petroleum Products .................................................................................................................. 45,877.9 2,196.8 118,493.4 84,214.5 0.0 394.2 260,601.2
Paints, Varnishes, Pigments, etc, ....................................................................................................... 414,707.1 69,914.8 289,308.2 27,851.9 0.0 719.5 1,301,490.4
Medicinal and Pharmaceutical products( Excluding Veterinary Medicaments) .......................................... 34,742.2 16,401.1 136,041.1 900.6 0.0 26,279.7 253,523.8
Oils, Perfumes, Polishing and Cleansing Preparations.............................................................................. 3,045,076.8 350,151.6 2,452,358.8 157,071.1 11,514.1 232,656.4 8,115,975.2
Polycarbonates, Alkyd resins & Other Polyesters & their plates............................................................. 58,003.8 672.4 143,574.1 9,618.1 4,604.2 0.0 262,676.4
Polyvinyl Acetate...................................................................................................................................... 5,178.3 0.0 5,186.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 12,568.8
Disinfectants, insecticides etc ................................................................................................................ 149,573.0 53,223.8 1,011,664.5 49,947.1 45,789.6 14,524.8 1,758,821.8
Paper, Paperboard etc............................................................................................................................ 824,347.9 352,562.0 1,425,212.0 11,045.7 29,767.7 157,840.1 4,362,208.2
Textile Yarn ..................................................................................................................................... 133,979.3 61,317.7 385,203.9 200.7 0.0 4,284.6 736,339.0
Fabrics, Woven or Made.......................................................................................................................... 33,788.7 1,741.0 53,154.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 110,325.5

Made-up Articles .......................................................................................................................... 117,581.0 263,940.6 971,458.3 80,740.8 94.5 24,872.6 1,904,409.6
Cement for Building purposes ........................................................................................................ 695,408.6 282,211.3 137,442.8 0.0 0.0 228.8 1,129,968.0
Glassware ....................................................................................................................................... 338,359.0 3,856.1 579,269.0 21.0 0.0 42,990.4 984,794.4
Iron and Steel bars,rods,angles ,shapes and sections ............................................................................. 1,495,042.0 356,711.1 931,517.5 285.3 0.0 13,154.0 3,129,623.3
Flat rolled products of Iron and Steel ...................................................................................................... 528,689.4 651,046.0 3,872,852.7 0.0 0.0 373.9 7,274,022.0
Storage and Transport metal Containers.................................................................................................. 100,490.6 143,701.6 258,407.9 9,785.0 0.0 592.1 579,074.4
Manufactures of Base Metals ....................................................................................................... 155,553.5 20,131.8 514,188.4 36,558.6 2.2 17,407.7 935,754.1
Printed Matter .................................................................................................................................... 291,456.5 3,401,718.8 281,495.1 172,256.2 4,607.8 5,753.0 4,751,676.2
Office and Stationery supplies.................................................................................................................. 85,857.0 11,995.3 578,657.1 40.2 0.0 1,005.4 1,135,668.4
Total for above....................................................................................................................................... 10,536,233.3 8,274,720.4 24,067,743.8 932,159.6 114,186.1 4,423,666.1 78,244,288.0
All other Commodities.............................................................................................................................. 13,169,885.9 7,513,897.2 35,664,838.9 2,674,386.3 678,711.8 3,185,943.5 81,422,908.0
Total 23,706,119.2 15,788,617.6 59,732,582.7 3,606,546.0 792,897.9 7,609,609.7 159,667,196.0
Source: KRA -Customs and Border Control Department/ KNBS
Other countries include, Djibouti, Madagascar, Libya, Seychelles, Sudan, South Sudan and Swaziland
Table 6.11: Domestic Exports1 by Broad Economic Category, 2011 - 2020
KSh '000
Category 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
1. Food and Beverages.. .. .. ………………. .. .. 195,564,680.5 197,490,755.7 195,094,244.0 188,094,260.2 224,255,438.8 229,987,102.3 256,256,848.4 258,728,019.9 230,314,993.8 263,273,688.5
Primary.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ………………………. .. . 153,790,921.3 153,197,808.0 153,612,564.1 147,099,075.5 183,347,179.6 188,542,126.1 212,307,163.5 212,923,650.2 180,015,748.2 207,727,077.8
For Industry.. .. .. .. .. …………………….... . 22,447,944.1 23,894,550.6 18,981,594.2 22,100,849.8 22,955,618.9 23,917,350.3 26,920,646.0 25,380,877.9 22,720,535.7 25,643,507.5
For Household Consumption…………………. 131,342,977.2 129,303,257.4 134,630,969.9 124,998,225.7 160,391,560.6 164,624,775.8 185,386,517.5 187,542,772.3 157,295,212.4 182,083,570.4
Processed.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ………………... .. .. .. 41,773,759.2 44,292,947.7 41,481,679.9 40,995,184.7 40,908,259.2 41,444,976.2 43,949,685.0 45,804,369.7 50,299,245.7 55,546,610.7
For Industry.. .. .. .. .. ………………... .. .. .. . 7,157,514.7 8,071,199.3 5,256,173.1 4,311,929.8 2,544,316.1 3,605,635.0 3,335,619.3 3,939,597.2 4,079,220.3 4,755,985.1
For Household Consumption………………. .. 34,616,244.5 36,221,748.4 36,225,506.7 36,683,254.9 38,363,943.1 37,839,341.3 40,614,065.7 41,864,772.5 46,220,025.3 50,790,625.5
2. Industrial Supplies(Non Food).. .. .. ….... .. 146,601,371.1 142,019,077.8 126,192,165.0 124,452,093.1 130,123,172.2 125,074,856.3 126,525,737.9 127,684,450.2 124,660,424.3 134,916,950.9
Primary.. .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. . ………………..... 30,701,676.2 29,370,004.1 24,668,914.5 39,428,056.8 41,315,195.1 45,111,304.4 48,683,886.7 49,201,467.2 46,260,779.6 50,849,026.6
Processed.. .. .. .. .. .. …………………..... . . 115,899,694.8 112,649,073.7 101,523,250.5 85,024,036.4 88,807,977.1 79,963,551.9 77,841,851.2 78,482,983.0 78,399,644.8 84,067,924.3
3. Fuels and Lubricants.. .. .. .. ……………... .. 10,015,015.0 4,028,563.3 1,609,634.6 3,280,555.9 7,208,721.9 5,256,807.4 5,527,195.3 5,379,502.1 6,175,841.9 5,943,842.9
Primary.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ……………………... ... 10,273.9 8,004.4 7,522.9 5,254.4 9,210.4 13,036.5 48,062.1 48,455.1 1,691,528.6 25,387.6
Processed.. .. .. .. .. .. .. …………………….. .. 10,004,741.1 4,020,558.9 1,602,111.7 3,275,301.4 7,199,511.5 5,243,770.9 5,479,133.1 5,331,047.0 4,484,313.3 5,918,455.3
Motor Spirit.. . .. .. .. .. ... .. ……………….. .. . 538,456.1 395,188.0 190,026.8 59,885.7 49,422.6 139,738.3 63,492.7 62,717.2 149,302.9 12,509.7
Other.. .. .. .. .. .. ………………………….. .. .. 9,466,285.0 3,625,370.9 1,412,084.9 3,215,415.7 7,150,088.9 5,104,032.6 5,415,640.4 5,268,329.9 4,335,010.4 5,905,945.6
4. Machinery and Other Capital Equipment .... 11,213,510.2 13,713,225.4 9,735,554.1 7,503,174.3 9,586,618.2 13,330,043.6 7,172,191.2 6,810,305.9 10,073,755.9 9,529,166.7

Machinery and Other Capital Equipment.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,006,112.9
.. 11,864,071.5 7,867,291.9 6,116,287.9 7,623,778.8 11,911,563.3 5,939,118.1 5,407,376.2 7,981,131.1 7,818,960.8
Parts and Accessories.. .. .. .. .. ……………. .... 2,207,397.3 1,849,153.9 1,868,262.1 1,386,886.4 1,962,839.4 1,418,480.3 1,233,073.1 1,402,929.7 2,092,624.8 1,710,205.9
5. Transport Equipment.. .. .. .. ……………….. .. 7,545,043.3 7,858,197.2 8,130,096.1 7,234,617.0 7,156,951.0 5,868,592.4 4,479,610.0 6,089,418.2 6,365,665.6 4,975,105.6
Passenger Motor Vehicles.. .. .. .. ………... .. 160,051.9 102,956.2 121,535.5 92,104.0 455,067.0 517,506.3 259,994.9 224,674.0 381,239.9 164,647.6
Other.. .. .. .. .. . . .. ………………………….. .. 4,355,759.6 4,091,348.6 4,521,706.9 3,504,877.9 3,755,014.8 3,563,139.4 2,113,737.4 3,472,568.2 3,429,717.8 4,810,458.0
Industrial.. ..…………………………. . 4,245,193.8 3,942,249.1 4,402,090.4 3,249,939.6 3,570,926.5 3,474,367.8 2,012,463.3 3,352,495.6 3,188,672.3 1,771,956.1
Non-Industrial.. .. ………………….. .. 110,565.9 149,099.5 119,616.5 254,938.3 184,088.4 88,771.6 101,274.1 120,072.7 241,045.4 284,210.5
Parts and Accessories.. .. .. …………. .. .. .. . 3,029,231.8 3,663,892.3 3,486,853.7 3,637,635.1 2,946,869.2 1,787,946.7 2,105,877.7 2,392,175.9 2,554,707.9 2,754,291.4
6. Consumer Goods not Elsewhere Specified.. .. . . .. 113,450,120.9 113,869,214.7 113,536,686.8 128,463,414.3 124,661,323.5 130,448,286.9 134,415,559.1 138,145,308.2 143,173,401.2 148,714,116.4
Durable.. .. . .. .. …………………………. . .. .. 1,720,081.3 3,802,736.1 3,818,848.2 4,502,618.5 1,534,567.4 1,347,332.2 1,510,228.0 1,354,892.5 1,666,676.7 1,548,317.4
Semi-Durable.. .. .. .. . .. …………………. .. . . . 28,466,952.4 27,998,781.4 31,403,774.5 35,417,244.9 35,323,737.6 35,753,644.3 35,739,731.5 35,353,687.5 36,861,911.9 36,967,860.7
Non-Durable.. .. .. . .. ……………….. .. .. .. .. 83,263,087.2 82,067,697.2 78,314,064.1 88,543,550.9 87,803,018.5 93,347,310.4 97,165,599.6 101,436,728.1 104,644,812.7 110,197,938.3
7. Goods not Elsewhere Specified.. .. ……. .. .. 117,202.7 726,733.6 1,390,270.4 1,543,652.0 31,050.6 76,562.7 15,627.4 19,490.4 23,270.9 17,562.0
Total.. .. .. .. .. ………………………... .. .. .. .. 484,506,943.7 479,705,767.6 455,688,650.9 460,571,766.9 503,023,276.2 510,042,251.6 534,392,769.2 542,856,494.8 520,787,353.6 567,370,433.0
Source: KRA -Customs and Border Control Department
Includes data on Small Scale Cross Border Trade and Electricity
Table 6.12: Section Values by Destination, 2011 - 2020
KSh '000
Sudan 2 Rwanda, Indian Aircraft
Somalia Congo DR Ocean All Other and Ships
Section Year EU1 Uganda Tanzania Zambia Ethiopia Burundi Islands 3 Countries Stores TOTAL
Food.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ……………… 2011 12,957.8 248,543.5 49,340.8 26.8 472,969.6 25,257.1 0.0 427,028.3 0.0 1,236,124.1
2012 4,225.1 648,555.1 50,078.7 504.7 537,750.4 100,441.5 363.2 1,343,566.1 82.7 2,685,567.4
2013 2,076.6 1,697,199.3 193,271.3 1,363.7 1,501,280.3 490,601.6 3,071.3 1,266,881.9 0.0 5,155,746.1
2014 16,777.2 1,552,967.3 103,798.2 61,195.9 1,133,791.9 267,014.6 0.0 1,200,227.2 157.8 4,335,930.2
2015 57,506.0 2,031,037.8 224,909.0 1,658.9 4,040,984.5 635,023.9 1,134.2 259,416.0 0.0 7,251,670.4
2016 0.0 1,701,005.8 619,813.2 0.0 3,602,269.8 783,175.6 3,826.1 317,525.1 1,376.6 7,028,992.3
2017 0.0 2,603,569.3 1,223,092.3 307.6 4,201,517.2 628,921.4 16,558.4 250,606.2 36,620.7 8,961,193.0
2018 69,111.5 1,756,352.0 406,927.0 8,809.2 2,754,476.7 1,198,665.9 1,242.9 405,507.2 8,381.4 6,609,473.9
2019 59,582.6 1,991,539.3 104,483.1 3,113.3 1,858,270.8 300,325.7 250,055.8 335,966.4 36,018.4 4,939,355.5
2020* 15,760.5 2,959,531.6 45,995.0 769.2 9,193,959.6 326,707.0 3.6 527,368.6 149,886.6 13,219,981.7
Beverages and Tobacco.. .. .. ………. 2011 653.4 38,811.0 4,076.1 2,416.6 54,298.7 460,588.0 0.0 269,477.9 0.0 830,321.7
2012 5,190.7 22,796.5 9,280.6 0.0 11,832.7 551,906.1 0.0 414,034.9 0.0 1,015,041.4
2013 706.1 27,823.2 8,051.9 0.0 3,378.9 456,458.7 0.0 635,867.8 0.0 1,132,286.7
2014 23,066.3 56,524.1 18,863.8 0.0 31,135.3 486,032.1 0.0 620,882.7 18.1 1,236,522.6
2015 78,107.3 39,561.8 0.0 0.0 89,966.8 611,981.4 0.0 313,303.2 0.0 1,132,920.6
2016 18,880.8 42,001.0 163.2 0.0 56,127.8 576,618.9 0.0 452,929.8 1,652.3 1,148,373.8
2017 89,357.8 9,932.8 0.0 0.0 55,573.6 406,524.9 0.0 505,060.6 128,065.3 1,194,515.1
2018 76,306.7 37,484.8 0.0 0.0 26,423.7 423,866.9 3.2 547,358.6 2,754.3 1,114,198.2

2019 253,903.5 12,931.9 0.0 0.0 109,420.8 172,693.0 0.0 668,599.4 28,016.0 1,245,564.5
2020* 147,286.8 2,484.3 857.2 267.7 55,157.0 52,658.2 0.0 346,658.3 276,021.2 881,390.6
Crude Materials, inedible except fuels .. 2011 133.7 12,008.9 6,069.0 835.0 59,065.7 3,993.7 0.0 35,162.7 0.0 117,268.7
2012 0.0 6,756.2 8,575.7 69.2 31,292.7 8,128.5 0.0 2,449.0 0.0 57,271.3
2013 0.0 30,642.5 57,868.2 568.1 1,389.7 3,478.9 0.0 23,459.6 6.0 117,413.1
2014 4,707.4 266,077.0 205,414.4 355.7 10,390.3 23,188.9 2.2 65,832.3 220.8 576,188.9
2015 50.1 4,434.6 22,628.9 2,288.5 12,303.0 2,618.2 555.8 25,365.9 0.0 70,245.1
2016 1,995.1 20,125.6 40,852.9 9,843.7 2,361.7 15,525.0 0.0 3,642.2 39.9 94,386.0
2017 5,126.0 50,546.7 11,064.3 6,380.0 1,237.3 51,585.2 0.0 31,456.9 6.3 157,402.7
2018 2,568.9 29,971.3 38,988.1 76,972.7 5,440.9 30,075.0 0.0 33,297.0 6.0 217,319.9
2019 4,502.1 15,078.9 45,613.1 73,894.3 3,571.6 9,225.2 0.0 21,222.6 37.1 173,144.9
2020* 2,145.8 23,393.1 1,478.2 67,486.0 4,938.7 1,893.8 70.6 126,112.8 65.2 227,584.2
Mineral Fuels.. . .. .. ... .. .. ... ……….. 2011 0.0 4,733,041.4 145,103.8 1,732.6 338,004.4 700,563.6 6,517.7 2,664,411.0 3,244,489.6 11,833,864.1
2012 2,041.8 4,065,082.4 744,680.2 6,287.8 79,677.8 602,836.5 6,923.3 4,965,881.0 4,692,853.5 15,166,264.2
2013 683,338.7 3,325,696.8 934,535.6 1,088.3 79,918.3 516,455.0 16,342.7 7,432,349.9 1,810,755.9 14,800,481.2
2014 5,958,330.5 4,076,436.0 2,008,576.2 266,429.0 1,291,851.7 3,386,663.7 6,674.7 26,664,896.4 4,214,210.1 47,874,068.2
2015 11,717,865.6 1,655,254.1 1,033,535.2 122,439.9 3,018,408.3 2,548,657.6 153,533.0 26,331,033.0 7,307,106.7 53,887,833.4
2016 5,440,914.7 2,661,695.1 1,255,613.5 5,191.2 3,816,208.3 2,623,953.4 1,056.4 21,546,620.2 1,178,873.2 38,530,125.9
2017 3,964,603.9 1,480,321.1 779,231.3 361.5 1,519,605.7 2,532,408.4 474.4 19,986,654.6 963,211.8 31,226,872.7
2018 1,376,034.1 2,181,732.7 288,931.2 0.0 1,442,582.8 1,129,079.7 200.9 26,851,749.4 1,384,075.4 34,654,386.0
2019 3,245,596.3 2,132,392.4 262,338.4 9,968.9 40,690.7 522,807.2 0.0 32,370,149.4 1,753,293.5 40,337,236.9
2020* 6,169,334.8 239,102.7 47,250.2 16,397.8 720,306.7 502,546.4 4,317.0 18,180,656.0 11,565,696.9 37,445,608.5
Table 6.12: Section Values by Destination, 2011 - 2020 (Cont')
KSh '000
Sudan 2 Rwanda, Indian Aircraft
Somalia Congo DR Ocean All Other and Ships
1 3
Section Year EU Uganda Tanzania Zambia Ethiopia Burundi Islands Countries Stores TOTAL
Animal and Vegetable oils and fats .. .. 2011 0.0 4,422.4 9,397.0 0.0 279,843.3 5,798.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 299,461.3
2012 0.0 227,804.4 10,756.3 0.0 190,143.1 75,978.0 0.0 188,140.1 0.0 692,822.0
2013 0.0 151,021.8 28,516.8 0.0 202,650.1 38,235.5 0.0 81,306.9 57.8 501,788.9
2014 75,955.4 269,339.5 18,804.9 119.2 107,578.0 60,891.0 0.0 173,130.6 8.6 705,827.2
2015 0.0 206,933.2 83,380.4 0.0 244,331.8 153,031.1 0.0 6,961.7 0.0 694,638.2
2016 0.0 2,102,746.6 124,482.6 0.0 414,869.4 178,304.3 0.0 517.2 238.3 2,821,158.4
2017 0.0 2,553,436.9 16,685.1 0.0 186,587.4 285,114.5 0.0 29,370.7 1,618.9 3,072,813.5
2018 0.0 3,399,466.1 61,325.6 25,859.9 300,332.8 366,838.4 12,022.4 15,795.3 96.1 4,181,736.6
2019 0.0 3,696,587.1 35,807.7 0.0 223,592.7 424,465.0 0.0 131,159.0 490.5 4,512,102.0
2020* 11,411.8 5,430,650.9 21,302.5 1,656.0 397,527.8 334,952.0 0.0 261,798.3 339.5 6,459,638.7
Chemicals.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ………….. . 2011 14,445.3 2,261,650.5 442,551.3 64,354.9 502,150.8 146,124.2 0.0 441,210.6 0.0 3,872,487.6
2012 9,454.4 2,723,619.3 2,990,547.1 303,730.4 377,264.9 1,311,755.4 21,945.1 583,208.7 0.0 8,321,525.3
2013 10,254.4 3,912,494.7 1,802,835.6 250,057.9 466,081.0 1,091,577.9 2,895.4 748,233.6 0.0 8,284,430.5
2014 30,329.9 2,176,752.3 2,451,360.6 133,668.6 633,636.5 1,862,495.8 3,506.8 646,255.9 10.5 7,938,016.7
2015 69,062.1 814,153.7 1,068,850.0 100,789.7 741,480.3 876,876.9 5,707.4 592,461.9 0.0 4,269,381.9
2016 21,544.1 1,183,657.0 592,034.0 46,238.2 740,539.9 748,549.5 3,833.9 973,188.6 0.0 4,309,585.3

2017 35,017.1 1,249,916.9 366,552.0 138,535.2 1,159,058.2 1,571,298.4 3,139.6 852,806.6 8,360.2 5,384,684.2
2018 39,215.2 687,395.2 312,980.5 110,898.8 1,360,477.4 825,348.6 11,532.0 2,686,667.6 796.3 6,035,311.7
2019 160,362.5 270,665.1 210,292.8 118,044.6 1,694,432.3 849,831.8 98,332.7 890,892.5 62,442.0 4,355,296.2
2020* 114,512.5 620,617.1 313,968.7 287,709.8 2,156,029.3 802,413.4 4,577.3 801,001.6 214,128.1 5,314,957.9
Manufactured goods.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ….. 2011 15,352.7 185,346.7 89,812.1 34,262.4 159,026.2 740,446.0 0.0 345,398.9 0.0 1,569,645.0
2012 6,550.7 151,267.4 185,236.0 10,385.6 159,989.6 686,701.3 0.0 350,850.5 0.0 1,550,981.1
2013 2,782.1 330,831.9 320,534.7 52,774.8 520,690.9 724,624.1 13.0 950,387.7 843.4 2,903,482.7
2014 80,701.7 257,322.0 355,412.2 47,933.2 79,805.3 670,641.5 1,590.0 592,219.4 17.8 2,085,643.2
2015 19,381.4 166,603.1 1,134,006.2 11,825.0 359,631.0 1,010,619.9 9,077.5 524,958.9 0.0 3,236,103.0
2016 32,961.4 317,101.8 583,689.8 31,170.3 334,288.3 750,534.4 0.1 958,598.6 0.0 3,008,344.8
2017 20,961.0 957,605.7 441,246.9 69,498.0 148,031.8 635,965.0 16.6 571,377.7 1,444.4 2,846,147.2
2018 79,178.7 604,556.7 320,706.5 226,586.2 476,175.8 813,016.2 129.4 1,057,603.2 446.4 3,578,399.1
2019 61,504.5 204,985.3 221,577.1 63,407.8 405,892.4 677,531.6 4,189.3 1,059,616.2 2,695.6 2,701,399.9
2020* 40,834.7 554,556.0 105,764.8 51,815.5 566,284.0 429,908.1 2,423.8 871,983.6 10,004.7 2,633,575.1
Machinery and Transport Equipment .. 2011 61,991.6 2,091,365.8 1,357,587.7 167,229.9 1,883,957.9 683,220.3 23,241.9 1,376,705.4 0.0 7,645,300.4
2012 145,537.3 1,921,167.6 1,796,973.4 331,412.2 391,959.3 1,077,379.7 53,372.9 1,866,415.7 0.0 7,584,218.2
2013 137,560.0 2,906,024.5 1,769,556.2 146,537.1 607,747.2 1,315,556.1 19,374.5 4,744,915.8 0.0 11,647,271.6
2014 117,704.3 2,606,618.8 2,823,538.8 327,406.2 269,902.0 713,707.0 54,808.7 2,094,282.2 0.0 9,007,968.0
2015 48,885.0 2,897,793.6 2,941,547.3 220,980.6 721,009.8 857,715.2 69,533.7 1,186,764.1 0.0 8,944,229.3
2016 62,073.4 2,959,236.7 5,559,547.7 178,944.3 593,008.3 1,498,433.1 3,874.9 1,111,943.0 1,072.6 11,968,134.0
2017 554,581.7 2,642,298.3 2,804,598.2 222,882.1 486,959.3 1,302,320.8 17,854.0 1,440,682.8 4,012.1 9,476,189.3
2018 368,674.0 2,111,137.5 3,067,075.6 331,549.7 445,394.9 1,187,446.6 150,661.7 5,198,277.9 153.0 12,860,371.1
2019 390,499.9 2,220,474.6 4,110,047.1 488,732.0 649,485.0 831,583.0 230,238.9 6,804,764.9 11,189.7 15,737,015.0
2020* 366,710.9 2,514,216.5 1,280,800.6 394,822.0 1,234,919.5 842,078.2 60,058.3 1,839,970.5 76,931.1 8,610,507.5
Table 6.12: Section Values by Destination, 2011 - 2020 (Cont')
KSh '000
Sudan 2 Rwanda, Indian Aircraft
Somalia Congo Ocean All Other and Ships
1 3
Section Year EU Uganda Tanzania Zambia Ethiopia DR Burundi Islands Countries Stores TOTAL
Miscellaneous Manufactured goods .. ..
2011 11,074.7 233,787.3 33,827.3 4,491.1 228,298.4 69,930.2 6,170.9 99,634.2 0.0 687,214.1
2012 70,888.8 281,334.3 81,250.3 18,436.5 112,218.4 175,894.4 8,409.3 302,966.8 0.0 1,051,398.7
2013 19,794.1 637,751.6 237,753.7 8,794.5 271,629.9 218,481.9 3,357.4 645,834.4 1,273.4 2,044,670.9
2014 80,675.6 827,977.1 580,574.4 14,774.6 134,726.8 155,263.5 210.9 1,091,133.3 11,285.8 2,896,622.1
2015 22,166.8 75,545.1 625,360.6 112,738.7 343,686.7 137,596.7 13,146.6 517,369.7 2,266.3 1,849,877.2
2016 44,321.1 556,037.0 355,216.1 14,519.9 705,388.4 67,665.0 0.9 855,910.4 10,880.3 2,609,939.1
2017 83,388.9 285,291.4 157,293.5 59,420.6 175,471.9 106,397.0 787.9 302,982.4 20,463.4 1,191,497.1
2018 107,729.9 68,245.7 395,414.5 147,760.2 256,764.4 214,276.5 10,325.2 974,580.8 32,892.5 2,207,989.7
2019 59,166.3 50,102.7 169,130.2 58,562.2 294,062.9 108,493.0 2,418.8 1,081,452.9 64,764.7 1,888,153.9
2020* 80,018.6 142,450.2 22,997.6 12,952.3 293,192.3 194,905.2 10,482.6 726,263.9 59,244.6 1,542,507.2
Unspecified transactions…………... .. 2011 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5,477.4 0.0 5,477.4
2012 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16,083.9 0.0 16,083.9
2013 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10,130.9 0.0 10,130.9
2014 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7,461.2 0.0 7,461.2
2015 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2016 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

2017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2018 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2019 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2020* 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total…………………………..………………...2011 . 116,609.2 9,808,977.3 2,137,765.0 275,349.3 3,977,615.1 2,835,921.8 35,930.5 5,664,506.6 3,244,489.6 28,097,164.4
2012 243,888.7 10,048,383.3 5,877,378.3 670,826.5 1,892,128.8 4,591,021.4 91,013.8 10,033,596.6 4,692,936.2 38,141,173.5
2013 856,512.0 13,019,486.4 5,352,924.1 461,184.5 3,654,766.4 4,855,469.7 45,054.3 16,539,368.6 1,812,936.6 46,597,702.7
2014 6,388,248.3 12,090,014.2 8,566,343.5 851,882.3 3,692,817.8 7,625,898.1 66,793.3 33,156,321.2 4,225,929.5 76,664,248.2
2015 12,013,024.3 7,891,317.0 7,134,217.6 572,721.4 9,571,802.3 6,834,120.8 252,688.1 29,757,634.6 7,309,373.0 81,336,899.0
2016 5,622,690.6 11,543,606.6 9,131,413.1 285,907.6 10,265,062.0 7,242,759.2 12,592.3 26,220,875.1 1,194,133.1 71,519,039.6
2017 4,753,036.5 11,832,919.0 5,799,763.7 497,385.1 7,934,042.4 7,520,535.7 38,830.9 23,970,998.5 1,163,803.0 63,511,314.7
2018 2,118,819.0 10,876,342.1 4,892,349.1 928,436.8 7,068,069.3 6,188,613.7 186,117.7 37,770,837.0 1,429,601.5 71,459,186.1
2019 4,235,117.6 10,594,757.4 5,159,289.5 815,723.2 5,279,419.3 3,896,955.5 585,235.5 43,363,823.3 1,958,947.5 75,889,268.7
2020* 6,948,016.4 12,487,002.3 1,840,414.9 833,876.2 14,622,314.8 3,488,062.3 81,933.1 23,681,813.6 12,352,317.9 76,335,751.5
Source: KRA - Customs and Border Control Department/KNBS
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, U.K, Czech Rep,Austria, Greece, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary,Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Croatia,Slovakia and Slovenia
Data for Sudan is both for Sudan and South Sudan,since South Sudan came into being in 2011
Malagasy (Madagascar),Reunion, Seychelles, Mauritius.
Table 6.13: Value of Principal Articles, 2013 - 2020
KSh '000
Articles 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Food and Live Animals................................................................
Milk, dry . . . . ........................................................................... 1,514,238.6 1,698,652.7 2,819,829.4 1,625,447.3 4,905,139.1 2,814,867.8 4,143,928.5 6,575,261.6
Fish and fish preparations . . .... . .. . ........................................ 1,299,756.4 1,951,197.4 1,941,782.2 2,185,447.4 2,547,537.5 2,974,678.1 2,798,951.3 2,407,709.4
Wheat, unmilled . . …............................................................ 30,189,380.6 33,830,545.6 35,663,296.6 28,882,915.1 42,400,138.8 42,898,471.8 51,192,708.2 48,934,009.8
Maize, unmilled .. . ................................................................ 2,290,627.9 9,308,470.0 8,305,837.1 3,636,640.6 40,265,023.1 12,008,408.1 6,189,735.2 7,460,201.2
Rice ... . .. .. ............................................................................. 14,111,116.9 15,304,634.0 13,369,873.1 14,200,048.7 26,781,887.4 25,589,487.6 25,013,792.1 26,336,133.9
Malt . . ....................................................................................... 858,098.5 361,473.8 24,011.6 57,787.9 50,162.2 50,532.1 102,920.5 28,771.4
Fruit and vegetables ... ... …..................................................... 7,210,617.6 7,618,047.4 10,962,493.6 9,673,490.3 17,661,598.6 17,774,570.0 10,915,554.1 12,448,142.6
Sugar refined, beet and cane .. ............................................... 10,681,584.8 6,979,834.1 8,165,604.5 9,031,945.2 12,607,654.7 9,031,691.0 12,172,350.6 11,215,489.2
Sugar confectionery ................................................................ 320,497.3 368,548.4 404,613.2 308,550.6 278,832.2 442,955.2 339,632.8 379,129.4
Chocolate and cocoa products .. …. ....................................... 883,649.1 1,085,456.3 1,300,972.3 1,273,800.6 1,324,104.2 1,644,285.4 2,017,017.7 1,309,924.2
Tea . .. . .................................................................................. 1,652,192.1 1,568,870.1 1,755,535.8 1,217,858.8 1,466,813.3 1,826,182.8 1,192,923.1 1,587,499.1
All other foods .. . .. ................................................................ 25,585,969.2 26,265,263.5 33,558,090.9 39,686,215.7 96,739,484.7 56,442,311.6 64,985,552.7 50,649,648.9
Total . . .. . .. . .. . . ..................................................................... 96,597,729.0 106,340,993.4 118,271,940.2 111,780,148.2 247,028,375.8 173,498,441.6 181,065,066.9 169,331,920.6
Beverages and Tobacco..............................................................
Wines, cider and beer.. .. ..................................................... 299,655.6 471,173.4 465,137.4 450,575.9 638,994.7 801,846.5 512,071.3 595,441.9
Distilled alcoholic beverages.. . . …........................................... 1,787,565.3 2,276,725.5 2,624,188.4 2,995,218.0 3,190,212.5 3,858,184.2 5,287,916.2 5,046,074.0
Tobacco, unmanufactured . . .................................................. 8,084,602.6 5,847,107.4 4,424,177.7 5,233,739.0 3,780,838.8 5,051,798.1 4,836,078.8 1,677,048.9
All other beverages and tobacco …......................................... 2,358,404.2 2,476,939.5 2,326,280.9 2,901,386.1 3,100,497.1 3,965,996.9 4,102,868.0 3,603,093.0
Total . . ................................................................................... 12,530,227.7 11,071,945.9 9,839,784.4 11,580,919.0 10,710,543.1 13,677,825.8 14,738,934.3 10,921,657.8
Crude Materials, inedible-except fuels.......................................
Rubber, crude .. . ..................................................................... 1,450,793.8 892,852.5 1,182,916.6 457,826.7 565,803.9 789,354.3 580,400.2 621,455.5
Jute, including jute cuttings and waste .. ….. ........................... 71,731.3 3,491.1 13,255.1 2,164.6 17,852.8 33,771.1 25,717.7 21,495.3
Synthetic fibres.. .. . . . .. …...................................................... 4,588,339.7 5,311,762.7 6,228,885.4 5,942,443.0 4,893,566.7 5,952,881.2 6,027,918.1 6,051,510.1
All other Crude materials .. ..................................................... 19,502,033.3 22,178,658.0 24,582,981.3 24,373,281.2 23,613,000.2 28,584,342.7 36,595,964.8 34,225,846.7
Total .. . . . . ............................................................................. 25,612,898.0 28,386,764.3 32,008,038.4 30,775,715.5 29,090,223.5 35,360,349.3 43,230,000.8 40,920,307.6
Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials.........................
Coal and coke . . .................................................................... 2,899,276.6 3,995,686.1 3,787,869.5 3,800,259.2 4,782,206.7 7,484,736.4 5,113,324.1 6,203,129.3
Crude petroleum.. . . . .............................................................. 41,037,355.9 980.9 256.7 220.0 49.3 198.7 234.0 256.3
Aviation spirit.. . .. . . ................................................................ 407,954.0 232,517.5 321,669.7 250,613.3 338,618.0 198,335.3 184,241.6 196,097.9
Motor spirit .. . ......................................................................... 59,134,332.2 71,169,801.0 56,713,589.9 53,153,546.7 70,530,104.2 86,778,895.5 91,818,552.3 69,886,427.9
Kerosene, illuminating oil, jet fuel …........................................ 66,226,411.9 83,646,063.6 53,702,820.4 45,284,977.6 57,100,739.8 65,134,531.5 59,256,866.4 23,567,736.5
Gas oil, diesel oil and other fuel oils ........................................ 118,949,986.0 127,576,277.3 93,921,511.3 76,848,993.6 97,207,779.1 132,189,754.7 127,856,732.0 87,340,218.3
Lubricating oils and greases . .. …............................................ 33,983,030.0 50,859,300.9 19,989,780.8 20,323,594.5 34,962,470.6 27,975,936.1 27,697,660.6 19,539,586.8
Petroleum asphalt and bitumen.. . . .. …................................... 1,393,694.6 881,083.6 1,826,905.7 1,314,009.2 2,934,025.2 5,506,159.8 6,164,173.4 7,167,868.6
All Other mineral fuels, etc . .. …............................................... 9,287,615.8 15,359,139.2 13,928,432.5 11,766,434.1 15,954,883.9 18,424,220.9 20,758,947.3 19,249,478.5
Total .. ................................................................................... 333,319,656.9 353,720,850.1 244,192,836.6 212,742,648.3 283,810,876.8 343,692,768.9 338,850,731.8 233,150,800.2
Animal and Vegetable oils and fats............................................
Animal oils and fats ... .. .......................................................... 25,909.1 27,717.5 31,538.0 189,228.4 27,555.0 18,232.3 16,082.4 32,196.5
Vegetable oils and fats . ........................................................... 47,558,452.3 48,576,299.6 46,016,997.3 52,008,259.4 66,358,284.3 57,252,697.6 58,373,757.7 91,772,676.0
Oils and fats, processed, and waxes.. . .................................. 839,098.3 1,439,855.6 1,173,156.7 1,350,179.7 2,598,654.4 2,298,499.6 1,677,014.7 2,300,328.4
Total ..................................................................................... 48,423,459.7 50,043,872.7 47,221,691.9 53,547,667.5 68,984,493.7 59,569,429.5 60,066,854.8 94,105,200.8
Chemical elements and compounds.. . . . ................................ 22,302,934.4 21,860,456.7 22,559,723.5 22,677,066.9 26,044,503.1 30,318,478.3 26,485,515.6 27,955,719.1
Pigments, paints, varnishes,etc .............................................. 5,668,242.7 6,496,484.7 6,871,980.1 7,080,457.8 7,670,817.5 8,747,083.8 8,565,250.0 8,952,077.3
Medicinal and pharmaceutical products . .. …........................... 40,113,503.4 52,088,492.6 61,513,299.3 60,454,620.0 55,623,422.9 59,746,441.5 65,757,966.7 75,918,772.5
Perfumery, cosmetics, dentifrices etc ..................................... 3,087,467.3 3,379,509.5 3,343,087.5 3,348,647.5 3,411,346.0 4,025,162.2 4,678,371.4 4,062,408.4
Soaps, cleansing and polishing preparations .......................... 6,023,645.6 7,182,193.7 6,984,628.8 6,637,918.6 7,486,225.5 6,844,034.5 6,767,249.0 7,364,794.1
Manufactured fertilizers:............................................................. 27,956,810.8 19,330,884.3 23,467,875.4 23,064,028.7 29,159,218.8 23,492,287.2 27,010,647.9 27,413,765.8
O/W: NItrogenous .. . . . .. . . ................................................ 7,663,500.7 3,924,315.4 4,362,039.5 4,856,714.3 7,734,448.5 5,671,665.3 6,415,073.7 8,636,917.5
Phosphate .. ….......................................................... 237,237.4 449,994.8 729,570.7 1,504,569.2 979,959.3 75,142.5 204,648.3 88,257.4
Other manufactured fertilizers . . . . . . .. . . ................. 20,056,072.7 14,956,574.0 18,376,265.2 16,702,745.2 20,444,810.9 17,745,479.4 20,390,925.9 18,688,590.9
Synthetic Plastic materials . .. ................................................. 55,182,474.2 60,210,283.7 62,723,948.0 59,318,929.0 61,307,959.9 68,868,427.7 66,494,635.7 69,232,865.4
Insectsides, fungicides, disinfectants, etc. ............................... 10,878,604.0 10,797,635.7 11,334,819.6 11,381,315.2 11,867,556.3 14,033,958.0 11,255,692.6 16,538,143.3
All other chemicals .. ............................................................. 25,342,823.3 28,751,249.1 34,821,002.3 33,074,349.0 36,885,266.5 39,064,470.5 37,107,512.6 9,841,822.9
Total . ..................................................................................... 196,556,505.6 210,097,190.0 233,620,364.5 227,037,332.9 239,456,316.5 255,140,343.7 254,122,841.6 274,694,134.5
Manufactured goods classified chiefly by Material:.................
Materials of rubber.. . ….......................................................... 1,046,185.2 1,109,241.4 1,188,275.6 1,099,490.1 1,030,330.9 1,145,552.2 1,199,965.6 1,073,667.8
Rubber tyres and tubes ......................................................... 13,188,501.9 12,405,564.8 13,343,379.1 14,269,515.7 14,027,673.1 16,273,084.4 16,117,559.1 15,585,430.7
Wood and cork products.. . .. . .. . ..... ...................................... 2,014,133.2 2,394,662.9 3,165,547.6 4,171,399.0 4,247,860.8 6,223,465.7 6,206,806.8 7,359,692.4
Paper and paperboard manufactures:........................................
Newsprint paper.. . . .. . ... . . .. …............................................. 3,254,251.1 3,118,883.7 2,926,504.5 2,600,038.1 2,195,561.1 2,981,284.2 2,340,756.9 1,091,482.4
Printing paper.. . . . .. . …......................................................... 4,793,296.6 6,411,842.7 6,277,253.7 6,794,080.9 7,825,868.7 10,661,037.1 10,933,573.4 7,108,833.3
Packing paper.. . . . . .. …........................................................ 5,157,527.5 6,843,014.2 6,796,416.1 7,179,752.6 8,713,482.9 10,815,792.2 9,151,172.6 9,000,852.6
Other manufactures of paper . . …........................................... 8,151,024.7 9,016,253.4 9,099,207.7 9,653,102.2 10,484,661.7 12,976,301.2 12,282,111.2 11,862,524.1
Articles made of pulp, paper and paper-board . .. ................... 5,508,076.3 4,558,409.6 4,216,754.3 3,837,957.2 3,790,212.4 4,418,318.3 3,995,344.4 4,075,368.0
Cotton yarn and thread(bleached) . .... ….................................. 245,417.6 279,127.8 271,331.5 175,322.3 214,938.1 266,679.8 242,485.8 208,329.6
Yarn and thread of synthetic fibres and Spun glass.. . .. ........... 2,741,003.2 3,111,938.0 2,993,005.3 2,915,051.8 2,726,730.1 3,454,161.5 3,227,759.6 2,625,230.7
Cotton piece goods:...................................................................
Grey(unbleached) .............................................................. 69,770.9 170,099.2 52,433.3 103,066.8 114,601.8 138,114.4 127,867.7 33,393.0
Bleached.. . .. ...................................................................... 70,646.3 62,259.7 58,140.4 166,548.6 114,005.6 649,380.1 827,297.7 749,248.3
Fabrics of synthetic fibres . . .. ................................................. 4,862,398.3 5,349,442.1 5,257,577.3 8,000,768.5 9,242,935.7 13,400,305.7 15,018,786.1 16,927,013.0
Jute bags and sacks ............................................................. 324,127.1 310,309.9 338,806.7 317,066.5 331,508.1 306,821.1 289,346.7 280,063.2
Blankets-cotton . .. .. …........................................................... 19,351.8 15,820.6 7,970.4 58,045.3 69,045.2 34,554.8 26,601.6 36,131.7
All other types of blankets and rugs .. . .. …............................. 542,619.7 503,918.9 794,528.6 705,391.4 956,025.9 587,305.5 560,096.9 446,084.4
Bed, table, toilet and kitchen linen.. . . .. …............................... 420,541.4 465,332.7 540,774.9 693,247.8 527,231.8 514,497.5 716,083.5 528,907.3

Table 6.13: Value of Principal Articles, 2013 - 2020 (Cont') KSh '000
Articles 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Building materials of cement and asbestos ... …...................... 291,261.6 358,169.8 425,311.1 550,160.5 498,248.6 412,245.0 370,895.5 404,351.4
Glass and glassware ... .. …................................................... 4,590,748.8 5,856,294.5 6,870,207.5 7,183,785.1 6,984,666.1 7,145,994.0 7,921,929.6 7,098,208.4
Iron and steel:.............................................................................
Bar, rods, angles, shapes and sections .................................... 14,387,762.1 13,706,225.4 15,352,761.5 12,255,218.5 7,876,251.6 12,649,438.5 14,095,101.6 14,145,461.3
Universals, plates and sheets:...................................................
Uncoated . .. …................................................................... 33,775,870.5 32,280,144.5 31,218,057.1 26,668,638.4 35,493,911.2 44,775,192.8 44,583,929.2 38,821,908.7
Flats, coated . ....................................................................... 501,944.3 670,449.1 1,300,862.0 1,375,287.3 2,662,341.2 1,455,514.5 3,944,463.0 8,389,095.0
Corrugated, coated. .. . .... . . . . . . . ….................................... 837,669.1 941,489.8 873,898.3 864,897.0 1,125,478.6 1,703,641.3 1,606,395.9 2,760,474.3
Tinned .. ….......................................................................... 2,050,110.5 1,690,179.1 1,675,423.4 1,375,319.7 1,409,201.3 1,875,836.2 1,491,894.9 1,190,758.2
Railway Track Material ........................................................... 159,631.3 446,859.2 13,130,584.5 10,832,752.2 3,286,836.5 2,847,050.5 2,430,703.3 532,546.7
Wire.. . . .. . .. . …..................................................................... 1,630,224.9 2,020,157.7 2,223,398.6 2,001,512.3 2,083,525.4 2,546,167.8 3,218,315.8 2,950,858.4
Tubes and fittings . .. ….......................................................... 14,409,273.1 10,670,755.0 5,301,476.6 3,219,132.1 4,282,945.0 8,494,819.7 4,783,385.3 7,286,155.0
Other in base metal form . . .. . . .. . . .. …................................. 12,996,574.4 13,100,160.6 17,077,808.8 16,876,362.7 25,359,279.1 21,338,737.0 27,957,472.7 29,023,304.0
Non-ferrous metals:....................................................................
Aluminium and aluminium alloys, unwrought . ....................... 2,546,548.7 3,076,098.6 3,021,647.2 2,823,134.0 2,099,604.8 2,101,450.6 1,835,793.5 2,181,810.1
Aluminium and aluminium alloys, Worked . . .......................... 3,254,873.7 3,738,906.7 3,674,597.2 4,746,524.0 6,584,011.7 5,003,819.8 5,062,008.5 4,585,959.7
Zinc and zinc alloys . ............................................................... 19,429.0 29,282.7 55,493.9 169,267.9 87,083.1 17,805.2 16,160.1 185,042.9
Other .. . .................................................................................. 8,806,255.4 7,865,246.0 7,921,162.5 6,616,189.9 8,132,592.1 9,303,191.5 14,008,962.2 9,058,969.9
Nails, nuts, rivets, screws etc .. …........................................... 2,074,304.5 2,391,414.4 2,465,728.1 2,530,549.5 2,023,200.0 2,712,156.6 2,961,423.8 2,352,030.2
Hand tools:.................................................................................
Mechanics and other .. ......................................................... 1,757,614.6 2,441,155.3 1,638,864.1 1,138,199.4 1,085,104.7 1,071,114.1 240,106.7 1,141,133.7
Agricultural .. ....................................................................... 429,624.9 463,875.8 398,350.3 361,449.5 295,877.9 472,426.1 514,974.4 710,898.4
Domestic utensils of base metals.. . ….................................... 1,181,741.3 1,510,786.6 1,747,286.6 1,874,687.5 1,946,984.8 2,458,890.1 2,388,409.3 2,478,499.4
Locksmiths ware . . . . . …........................................................ 952,256.5 1,152,486.1 1,123,542.4 1,270,372.8 2,169,563.7 1,786,828.8 1,703,191.2 1,678,767.4
Metal containers ..................................................................... 3,131,848.9 4,223,224.2 4,118,131.1 3,496,224.2 4,547,057.2 4,804,400.1 3,298,136.8 3,407,089.5
Wire products . ......................................................................... 3,476,999.4 3,558,966.0 5,238,744.4 7,337,801.0 3,129,736.7 9,185,523.4 6,489,414.5 3,330,812.0
All other manufactured goods ................................................ 60,719,210.7 67,099,479.5 79,821,394.0 77,796,679.3 72,927,417.6 76,414,220.2 69,275,922.3 73,971,051.2
Total ........ ............................................................................... 226,390,651.0 235,417,928.3 264,002,638.3 256,103,989.8 262,703,592.7 305,423,119.4 303,462,605.8 296,677,438.2
Machinery and Transport Equipment Electrical......................
machinery, apparatus and appliances:.....................................
Electric power machinery and switchgear . …........................... 31,689,947.2 44,277,600.3 35,640,013.9 54,450,784.0 32,505,372.4 39,274,201.4 52,724,621.8 39,783,925.9
Insulated wire and cable ......................................................... 1,820,583.5 1,377,046.0 1,591,625.5 4,196,170.4 3,107,326.4 2,291,808.1 2,673,221.7 2,502,608.3
Wireless sets, domestic ......................................................... 488,767.3 134,998.6 118,393.6 1,190,835.8 190,621.0 628,527.4 309,704.8 433,118.5
TV sets . ................................................................................ 8,621,611.4 5,991,480.6 8,049,725.1 5,770,973.0 5,857,324.5 8,073,393.2 9,684,707.6 10,735,217.3
Telecommunications Equipment, n.e.s... . .. . ...................... 19,042,130.7 19,144,475.2 23,081,266.6 22,745,804.3 25,563,367.0 18,763,119.1 19,836,072.0 20,540,668.2
Batteries-motor vehicle .. . ...................................................... 709,063.9 725,341.6 855,995.8 716,301.0 816,151.8 1,053,648.9 1,250,597.1 1,253,686.0
Batteries-not motor vehicle .. . .. ….......................................... 1,046,083.3 1,102,607.8 457,815.7 1,516,268.5 1,401,668.1 1,139,597.6 1,455,035.1 1,439,942.0
Other, not stated above . ........................................................... 38,416,156.8 51,212,787.1 62,472,033.4 86,549,092.7 40,041,255.7 81,748,076.2 79,621,948.5 47,140,531.5
Machinery, other than electric Steam generating boilers........... 951,619.6 771,967.9 696,776.3 638,898.1 653,992.7 428,304.1 698,788.9 2,296,540.6
Aircraft engines, complete . .... ................................................. 11,713,308.2 4,512,925.9 2,185,301.2 4,146,043.0 4,291,742.6 2,409,717.4 5,988,418.4 1,201,462.9
############################################## 158,471.8 202,578.4 292,927.1 118,058.8 298,606.6 260,376.3 373,758.2 461,728.1
Agricultural machinery & implements incl. parts:..........................
Tractors.. . . .............................................................................. 4,583,304.9 4,735,112.5 4,970,963.2 4,468,844.4 3,890,863.7 3,531,193.4 3,460,576.1 4,698,681.8
Other ..................................................................................... 3,218,507.9 3,190,068.6 3,693,317.0 4,448,998.0 4,586,698.3 5,766,786.1 3,545,401.2 4,489,312.2
Office machines .... …............................................................. 17,407,011.2 12,312,577.3 13,246,151.8 20,958,932.3 28,258,022.9 14,508,908.8 21,926,848.9 15,859,284.0
Metal working.. . . ... . .. . . ….... ................................................ 3,964,033.3 5,381,839.6 6,433,869.3 4,329,456.3 4,694,840.4 5,731,934.1 5,758,984.9 5,114,127.7
Food processing. ..................................................................... 8,092,393.6 12,779,121.0 8,677,399.0 10,477,420.0 10,553,955.6 11,974,919.3 9,087,618.0 5,319,886.1
Construction and mining .. … .................................................... 20,203,794.7 43,324,620.7 30,592,386.1 18,465,798.5 21,408,049.9 17,831,845.7 16,762,824.0 12,559,965.4
Other machinery, not stated above.. ….. .................................. 21,244,658.4 44,635,269.2 42,155,505.8 47,274,051.2 53,694,813.8 28,362,619.5 96,615,216.7 60,062,053.7
Transport equipment:.................................................................
Railway locomotives .. . ........................................................... - 1,002,996.0 2,891,192.0 1,649,597.6 20,383,927.5 9,745,159.3 1,243.9 10,034,180.3
Passenger motor cars, complete ........................................... 42,753,095.7 49,340,053.1 54,124,671.0 48,041,351.8 51,959,787.5 56,066,413.1 58,015,240.5 47,065,559.0
Buses, trucks, lorries, etc, complete .. ................................. 19,422,483.0 15,313,392.5 20,838,329.2 13,364,607.7 10,923,323.3 13,153,393.1 13,435,599.0 14,071,239.8
Chassis with engines mounted:.................................................
For buses, trucks, lorries, etc, complete .. .............................. 235,981.9 301,051.8 234,511.1 61,078.5 112,428.1 49,646.3 2,507.8 10,334.8
For bicycles, not motorized .. . ................................................ 428,783.9 392,452.4 498,280.5 356,864.6 433,958.1 505,280.1 599,936.1 662,323.3
All other road vehicles and parts .. …....................................... 37,449,437.0 53,894,465.9 64,044,478.9 42,705,841.4 44,137,304.9 46,420,920.9 47,303,319.6 47,830,976.1
Aircraft, complete ................................................................... 16,238,904.8 124,522,032.8 77,854,191.8 4,777,553.7 971,914.0 2,451,945.6 941,855.5 2,066,938.4
Other transport equipment, not stated above including parts.. . 86,838,369.2 39,174,716.0 69,858,896.9 41,397,585.2 116,132,314.5 88,773,111.5 46,489,070.2 65,230,987.9
Total ....................................................................................... 396,738,503.2 539,753,578.9 535,556,017.7 444,817,210.7 486,869,631.2 460,944,846.3 498,563,116.7 422,865,279.6
Miscellaneous manufactured articles Sanitary,........................
plumbing fixtures and Fittings...................................................
Fittings . .. . ............................................................................ 1,230,740.9 1,514,061.5 2,176,307.4 1,701,270.0 1,618,088.7 1,448,476.9 1,496,303.1 1,589,899.2
Furniture and fixtures . …......................................................... 5,842,418.5 6,325,207.9 7,160,678.3 7,131,687.4 7,965,338.8 8,802,717.6 8,400,849.6 7,218,630.5
Clothing . . ….......................................................................... 6,094,085.1 6,308,521.0 4,538,349.0 7,323,433.9 13,544,528.6 16,751,136.8 16,959,907.8 16,410,394.7
Footwear .. . .......................................................................... 3,441,771.5 3,693,262.5 4,417,135.0 4,896,740.8 4,515,349.2 5,218,269.3 6,273,303.1 4,824,202.0
Scientific, medical, optical and controlling instruments .. ......... 17,913,835.5 17,125,120.6 16,411,733.5 16,053,895.7 19,790,698.4 19,962,983.5 18,761,345.5 17,112,311.0
Newspapers and periodicals . .. …........................................... 187,097.1 307,705.8 229,235.1 130,690.8 190,062.9 180,866.5 160,563.7 51,893.8
Books and pamphlets .. .......................................................... 1,850,673.5 1,924,660.0 2,351,915.6 2,642,348.3 5,323,682.4 3,051,281.3 3,107,113.3 1,387,053.0
Other, not stated above .......................................................... 39,163,577.5 44,828,498.6 58,844,549.1 50,513,327.6 54,670,717.6 61,624,259.8 56,043,082.4 52,175,354.7
Total . .. …............................................................................... 75,724,199.5 82,027,038.0 96,129,903.0 90,393,394.5 107,618,466.5 117,039,991.6 111,202,468.5 100,769,739.0
Miscellaneous transactions and commodities Parcel post............
ex overseas(not analyzed by articles)...........................................
Other .................................................................................... 1,421,767.7 1,461,134.5 429,828.4 26,844.2 199,624.0 124,353.0 1,032,004.0 123,576.4
Total . .. …............................................................................... 1,421,767.7 1,461,134.5 429,828.4 26,844.2 199,624.0 124,353.0 1,032,004.0 123,576.4
TOTAL IMPORTS ....................................................................... 1,413,315,598.5 1,618,321,296.0 1,581,273,043.5 1,438,805,870.6 1,736,472,143.9 1,764,471,469.2 1,806,334,625.4 1,643,560,054.8
Source: KRA - Customs and Border Control Department

Table 6.14: Quantity of Principal Articles, 2013 - 2020
Articles Units 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Milk, dry.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................. Tonnes 4,099.4 4,262.0 8,328.3 5,639.8 15,312.1 9,136.8 12,232.0 11,098.0
Fish and fish preparation.. .. .. ....................................................... " 14,751.4 23,151.2 22,425.1 22,032.4 25,511.5 26,383.0 22,813.1 19,891.8
Wheat, unmilled.. .. .. .. .. .. ........................................................... " 1,033,053.9 1,225,690.3 92,864.5 1,362,309.1 1,854,953.8 1,736,691.7 1,998,852.1 1,882,399.8
Maize, unmilled.. .. .. .. . .. ............................................................. " 93,473.3 458,940.1 480,123.7 148,558.1 1,327,971.7 529,558.3 228,783.5 271,454.1
Rice, not in husk.. .. .. .. .. .............................................................. " 409,576.4 459,165.2 442,736.1 507,998.7 625,142.7 599,338.8 608,601.9 604,450.2
Malt.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..................................................................... " 16,116.0 6,424.9 386.2 1,016.7 772.9 808.6 1,682.2 430.0
Fruit and Vegetables.. .. .. .. .......................................................... " 151,379.2 195,142.2 338,782.5 261,102.9 472,973.5 453,424.7 187,830.5 192,019.9
Sugar (beet and cane)refined.. . ................................................... " 176,886.3 129,433.7 150,790.8 167,123.8 217,697.4 180,031.3 250,257.7 209,096.6
Sugar confectionery.. .. .. .. ........................................................... " 2,155.3 2,447.6 2,365.1 1,006,481.3 1,323.8 3,539.4 1,633.6 2,183.0
Chocolate products.. .. .. ............................................................... " 2,291.3 2,647.4 3,493.2 3,014.9 3,258.1 3,513.4 4,061.0 2,339.0
Tea.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .................................................................... " 12,665.8 10,928.9 12,355.0 8,193.2 8,551.0 10,762.5 8,755.8 10,167.2
Beverages and Tobacco:...............................................................
Wines.. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................ '000 Litres 7,417.8 7,364.3 4,668.7 7,143.5 6,667.6 9,250.6 8,201.7 8,208.8
Beer.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................. " 3,080.4 4,772.0 4,922.2 6,866.5 8,915.2 10,104.0 6,607.0 7,407.1
Brandy, gin, whiskey and rum.. ..................................................... " 6,331.6 8,329.3 8,027.9 7,870.7 8,068.8 9,399.1 11,245.6 16,318.0
Tobacco, unmanufactured.. .. .. .. ................................................. Tonnes 19,923.3 18,798.9 15,046.9 19,126.2 13,139.7 17,803.1 18,137.4 6,617.7
Crude Materials, inedible except fuels ......................................
Rubber, crude.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........................................................... Tonnes 6,115.5 3,575.6 5,946.9 4,553.5 2,536.4 3,624.2 2,863.2 4,082.3
Jute, including cuttings and waste .. .. ........................................... " 676.5 188.1 853.2 74.9 184.1 265.4 194.0 206.4
Synthetic fibres.. .. .. .. .. ................................................................ " 13,968.8 15,755.7 17,189.2 18,280.4 16,847.1 20,478.8 20,685.6 22,925.2
Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials.............................
Coal and coke.. ..... .. .. ................................................................. '000 Tonnes 301.0 469.6 497.9 490.7 464.8 693.4 613.1 825.1
Crude petroleum............................................................................ " 51,397.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.1
Motor spirit.. .. .. .. .. ... .. ............................................................... Million Lts 927.0 1,191.7 1,394.3 1,528.8 1,660.3 1,670.7 1,940.7 1,459.4
Aviation spirit.. .. .. .. .. ................................................................... " 0.0 1.7 2.6 2.5 3.0 1.5 1.7 1.4
Kerosene, illuminating oil, jet fuel.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .............................. " 984.8 1,313.8 1,309.3 1,425.9 1,415.3 1,238.5 1,205.5 546.5
Gas oil, diesel oil and other fuel oils............................................... " 1,769.0 2,045.6 2,315.8 2,430.9 2,366.7 2,459.5 2,549.3 2,010.7
Lubricating oils.. .. .. .. .. ................................................................ " 522.1 811.0 407.9 516.9 779.1 499.8 531.1 384.4
Petroleum asphalt and bitumen.. .. .. .. . .. .................................... '000 Tonnes 22.0 16.2 38.0 36.0 72.1 163.3 135.5 180.9
Animal and Vegetable Oils and fats...............................................
Animal oils and fats.. .. .. .. .. ......................................................... Tonnes 47.0 62.8 76.5 147.2 64.0 31.9 49.4 59.9
Vegetable oils and fats.. .. .. .......................................................... " 625,592.7 605,781.6 669,885.0 735,663.1 823,383.3 835,224.0 980,483.1 1,177,629.6
Oils and fats, processed, and waxes .. .......................................... " 11,150.0 16,499.0 13,528.0 14,701.8 27,026.7 32,040.9 25,948.9 30,506.9
Pigments, paints, varnishes etc.. .. .............................................. Tonnes 28,172.2 29,690.4 34,410.4 38,003.8 43,287.1 55,936.4 44,341.8 49,433.2
Soaps and cleansing preparations .. ............................................. " 31,802.4 39,811.9 38,548.7 39,010.7 44,302.8 42,929.1 48,700.3 51,797.4
Manufactured fertilizers:-................................................................
Nitrogenous .. .. .. .. .. ............................................................... Tonnes 224,046.0 130,065.9 137,634.8 203,537.8 295,537.4 203,778.5 250,143.3 333,556.4
Phosphatic .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................. " 5,797.6 12,031.7 15,643.3 37,870.6 24,181.1 2,399.3 6,109.1 3,023.6
Other .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..................................................................... " 458,592.3 353,959.4 415,322.3 430,372.4 533,394.1 425,896.8 512,561.0 499,469.6
Synthetic Plastic materials .............................................................. " 377,340.0 400,160.6 455,431.8 469,426.3 452,746.8 471,676.2 501,391.7 569,327.8
Insecticides, fungicides, disinfectants, etc........................................ " 14,760.6 15,236.7 15,341.5 16,781.4 15,835.9 20,340.1 15,605.8 25,809.4
Manufactured Goods, Classified by Material................................
Materials of rubber* .. .. .................................................................. Tonnes 2,440.1 3,004.4 4,302.5 3,927.9 3,193.2 3,886.8 4,223.2 3,306.6
Motor vehicle tyres and tubes......................................................... '000 1,413.5 1,689.3 1,657.4 2,263.1 2,068.1 2,352.7 2,350.6 2,330.8
Bicycle tyres .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................... " 771.1 715.8 572.6 550.9 524.3 451.9 552.6 676.7
Plywood .. .. .. .. .. .. ........................................................................ '000sq.m. 6,269.2 8,368.1 10,035.2 14,457.2 12,407.8 21,736.9 27,366.0 45,251.6
Paper and paper board:..................................................................
Newsprint paper .. .. .. .. ............................................................. Tonnes 56,390.8 53,805.3 50,707.4 45,343.2 38,739.7 40,826.1 35,979.3 22,592.7
Printing paper .. .. .. .. ................................................................. " 53,964.7 64,860.3 63,374.6 69,471.3 78,488.7 96,251.5 97,471.4 64,664.8
Packing paper .. .. .. .. .. ............................................................. " 70,799.1 93,436.0 87,904.6 95,186.6 107,432.6 109,924.9 100,146.1 110,098.9
Other .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..................................................................... " 98,545.2 108,624.2 103,769.9 114,586.6 205,555.3 127,111.5 125,553.7 120,486.4
Articles made of pulp, paper & paper board..................................... " 26,169.1 30,448.7 25,379.6 24,097.2 22,861.6 26,023.1 21,488.9 20,264.4
Cotton yarn and thread bleached .................................................... " 1,019.4 1,195.2 1,227.1 818.2 977.3 1,156.9 1,018.5 922.0
Yarn and thread of synthetic fibres and spun glass .. .. .................. " 13,028.9 15,745.3 14,134.7 15,864.5 13,556.8 14,618.5 14,313.3 12,297.6
Cotton piece goods-total .. .. ........................................................... '000sq.m. 9,378.1 11,449.9 11,539.1 12,145.5 10,461.1 13,559.0 14,635.6 11,209.5
Grey(unbleached) .. .. .. .. .............................................................. " 113.0 432.1 76.5 178.9 168.2 305.3 185.6 85.2
Bleached . .. .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................... " 161.4 155.6 163.3 447.6 303.5 1,203.7 1,460.0 1,333.2

Table 6.14: Quantity of Principal Articles, 2013 - 2020 (Cont')
Articles Units 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Fabrics of synthetic fibres .. ............................................................ '000sq.m. 24,199.5 22,823.9 21,750.6 32,629.6 36,132.1 44,824.6 48,832.3 52,991.0
Jute bags and sacks.. .. .. .. ............................................................ '000 4,167.5 3,273.3 2,946.0 3,426.9 3,797.3 3,210.4 2,666.0 2,386.4
Blankets and rugs:..........................................................................
Cotton blankets .. .. .. .. .............................................................. " 53.0 57.1 54.9 200.7 373.5 225.3 151.6 225.2
Other* .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................... " 447.2 2,004.5 498.4 670.6 536.3 2,796.8 309.4 256.5
Building materials of cement and asbestos...................................... Tonnes 5,198.4 5,728.6 5,892.5 8,500.6 7,160.0 7,259.5 6,527.7 6,844.2
Sheet glass, unworked.. .. .. ............................................................ '000sq.m. 24.3 59.5 19.4 35.5 40.0 64.7 79.8 180.7
Glassware . .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................... Tonnes 32,648.2 45,602.0 58,895.1 60,543.7 61,269.3 56,394.6 64,828.3 56,156.6
Iron and Steel:-total .. .. .. ............................................................... " 1,217,864.7 1,196,273.1 1,530,741.1 1,443,869.2 1,374,712.5 1,313,823.7 1,594,243.0 1,737,985.8
Bar, rods, angles, shapes and sections .. .. .. .. .. .......................... " 233,325.3 240,765.3 310,478.2 245,158.3 181,857.2 176,193.3 211,018.6 235,612.7
Universal Plates and sheets :...........................................................
Uncoated .. .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................. " 588,065.4 577,807.4 618,463.9 600,069.8 605,628.0 645,077.8 711,742.1 682,109.0
Tinned .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................... " 19,538.7 17,247.0 16,431.8 15,467.4 14,788.6 17,779.7 16,151.4 13,068.0
Coated, corrugated .. .. .. .............................................................. " 10,477.5 12,519.4 11,655.0 11,022.4 15,673.7 20,481.6 18,566.6 31,025.3
Coated flat .. .. .. .. .. ...................................................................... Tonnes 103.3 267.5 393.6 51.7 428.5 27.4 46.0 63.8
Railway track material .. ................................................................ " 772.0 3,502.9 96,138.7 76,180.8 22,167.9 21,438.1 18,283.2 2,275.9
Wire .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....................................................................... " 19,010.2 26,639.3 30,942.6 31,350.1 28,212.9 29,875.7 40,748.1 36,289.2
Tubes, pipes and fittings ............................................................... " 91,946.7 60,872.3 65,670.9 24,194.9 40,468.3 46,812.8 27,815.2 29,658.2
Other .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..................................................................... " 254,625.6 256,652.0 380,566.3 440,373.9 465,487.4 356,137.3 549,871.8 707,883.6
Non-ferrous metals(total) .. ........................................................... " 52,597.1 53,316.2 51,010.3 51,397.1 46,035.8 46,321.9 40,226.0 48,484.9
Aluminium .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................... " 26,962.5 29,370.6 31,321.3 29,759.6 25,132.6 28,287.3 24,699.6 27,251.1
Other .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........................................................................ " 25,634.6 23,945.6 19,688.9 21,637.6 20,903.2 18,034.6 15,526.4 21,233.8
Metal manufactures:.......................................................................
Metal containers .. .. .. .. ............................................................... " 18,864.3 12,099.3 11,438.1 11,393.8 13,441.9 13,354.9 9,114.4 8,215.4
Wire products .. .. .. .. ................................................................... " 15,266.6 22,275.6 39,309.4 41,525.2 23,033.7 44,144.9 34,524.5 18,063.8
Nails, nuts rivets, screws etc.......................................................... " 6,275.0 17,303.5 18,223.8 23,147.2 17,671.5 20,024.5 17,797.6 13,697.6
Hand tools:......................................................................................
Agricultural .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................. '000 53.3 6,307.8 5,991.0 5,689.1 4,158.4 6,664.7 6,670.3 8,267.0
Domestic utensils of base metals................................................... Tonnes .. .. .. .. 69.4 110.1 118.6 101.8
Machinery and Transport Equipment; Electrical..........................
machinery, and appliances:............................................................
Electrical power machinery and switchgear.. .. .. .. .................... Tonnes 23,124.2 19,672.0 20,996.2 23,294.3 34,244.3 39,161.7 28,160.0 51,816.4
Electrical batteries not for motor vehicles .. .. .. .. ........................... '000 119,856.3 102,250.2 55,315.5 29,372.2 24,472.7 16,513.3 21,127.0 27,191.5
Insulated cables and wires for electricity .. .. .. .. .. .. ...................... Tonnes 1,486.7 2,641.9 2,606.4 1,610.1 2,533.6 1,433.0 1,335.8 1,138.5
Wireless sets domestic .. .. ............................................................. '000 1,047.3 759.8 280.0 927.0 685.1 662.5 874.8 880.1
TV sets .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...................................................................... '000 1,931.4 1,331.8 1,791.4 1,184.2 1,037.8 1,466.1 1,722.2 2,102.8
Machinery, other than electric:.........................................................
Steam generating boilers .. ........................................................ No 1,658,046.0 1,726,318.0 1,674,120.0 1,174,137.0 1,536,532.0 1,087,851.0 2,216,501.0 1,864,588.1
Aircraft engines, complete .. ....................................................... " 592.0 684.0 87.0 362.0 519.0 789.0 366.0 66.0
Stationary and marine internal combustion engines ................ " 949.0 4,332.0 3,533.0 820.0 1,230.0 2,151.0 2,151.0 2,482.0
Tractors complete .. .. .. .. ........................................................ " 2,457.0 2,547.0 2,717.0 2,167.0 1,965.0 2,020.0 2,001.0 2,684.0
Metal working machinery........................................................... " 789,231.0 539,035.0 885,848.0 813,828.0 3,807,430.0 955,322.0 1,148,715.4 581,967.0
Pumps for liquids .. .. .. ............................................................ " 776,437.0 783,408.0 980,542.0 821,664.0 1,022,121.0 957,985.0 1,076,776.3 3,374,457.0
Excavating, road construction & mining machinery, n.e.s.......... " 0.0 93.0 0.0 0.0 172.0 1,469.0 62.0 37.0
Other industrial machinery ............................................................ " .. .. .. .. ..
Transport Equipment:.....................................................................
Railway Vehicles-........................................................................
Locomotives, steam .. .. .. ....................................................... No. 0.0 9.0 17.0 8.0 39.0 28.0 3.0 90.0
Locomotives, not steam .. .. .................................................... " 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 0.0 31.0
Rolling stock, complete .. .. ..................................................... Tonnes 1,738.7 505.3 1,031.6 405.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Road vehicles-.............................................................................
Passenger motor cars .. .. .. .................................................... No. 74,120.0 80,576.0 83,308.0 69,562.0 81,585.0 85,866.0 92,244.0 77,787.0
Buses, trucks and lorries etc. complete .. .. .. .. .. .. ................. " 6,368.0 5,695.0 7,423.0 4,776.0 3,946.0 4,529.0 6,363.0 6,590.0
Chassis with engines .. .. ........................................................ " 170.0 212.0 142.0 25.0 59.0 25.0 1.0 3.0
Bicycles, not motorised .. .. ...................................................... " 165,984.0 140,102.0 161,644.0 108,084.0 151,219.0 159,665.0 198,785.0 210,553.0
Aircraft complete .. .. .. .. ............................................................... " 96.0 72.0 61.0 54.0 39.0 40.0 43.0 29.0
Ships and boats .. .. .. .. ................................................................ No. 13,374.0 4,181.0 3,515.0 5,474.0 4,213.0 3,495.0 21,986.0 14,066.0
Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles...........................................
Sanitary and plumbing fixtures and fittings.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................. Tonnes 12,766.1 16,445.4 20,246.5 19,472.3 17,125.9 18,524.0 19,182.4 21,920.3
Footwear .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................... '000pr 23,108.2 19,431.9 21,811.6 27,694.4 20,673.3 25,378.3 35,424.8 27,526.7
Cinematographic film, developed..................................................... '000m 32.9 47.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 0.0
Source: KRA - Customs and Border Control Department

Table 6.15: Value by Country of Origin, 2011 - 2020
KSh '000
Geographical Area and Country 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Western Europe.........................................................................................................
European Union:.........................................................................................................
Austria .................................................................................. 2,623,867.7 2,994,942.5 1,842,862.8 2,635,293.7 2,680,163.3 2,707,321.0 2,343,889.4 2,593,907.7 4,711,106.8 2,787,123.4
Belgium.... .. .. .. .. ...................................................................................................... 10,715,674.3 10,907,242.9 13,059,264.5 13,158,920.5 14,965,786.4 13,496,402.3 15,364,037.2 16,204,764.2 14,586,868.8 18,580,248.7
Denmark.. . .. .. .. .. .................................................................................................... 8,723,274.0 4,824,808.9 4,632,628.9 4,222,571.7 4,097,356.5 4,251,500.6 3,763,604.0 4,307,059.9 4,083,442.9 3,954,839.3
Finland ..................................................................... 4,782,541.9 2,245,439.1 3,665,224.4 3,839,897.8 5,415,330.2 3,339,334.1 2,122,673.3 2,972,248.4 3,979,402.7 5,234,582.6
France.. .. .. . .. . .. ..................................................................................................... 19,852,246.6 27,080,510.6 20,666,317.9 22,446,883.9 21,066,363.6 21,534,183.4 26,834,777.5 23,929,493.9 24,690,983.5 23,283,102.0
Germany.. .. .. .. ......................................................................................................... 31,871,601.4 41,474,174.1 37,487,554.6 47,408,592.2 47,380,775.3 43,353,365.0 42,988,803.9 46,599,224.5 46,439,143.0 40,206,499.3
Greece.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................................... 659,366.9 917,519.2 547,454.6 1,083,993.9 1,681,646.7 968,964.7 1,124,174.7 1,364,083.2 881,924.7 718,869.8
Ireland....................................................................................................................... 5,320,854.6 4,602,013.6 4,383,061.3 5,689,068.4 7,524,506.5 6,948,624.6 3,255,800.8 6,651,827.3 10,134,108.8 4,044,863.6
Italy... .. .. .. . . ........................................................................................................... 14,502,586.5 20,735,862.8 20,323,765.5 19,945,652.3 22,721,935.0 23,738,308.7 22,387,953.7 25,731,420.2 21,125,168.0 23,586,962.2
Luxembourg.... .. .. .. .. .. ............................................................................ 83,668.8 792,389.8 335,109.4 209,260.7 806,456.8 421,580.3 418,068.6 1,264,223.8 244,422.9 307,019.8
Netherlands.. .. .. .. ................................................................................................... 22,435,149.6 17,634,824.5 24,787,920.2 18,791,867.5 20,527,453.0 16,510,416.0 19,539,457.5 19,364,094.3 31,926,016.2 41,884,701.6
Portugal..................................................................................................................... 655,231.7 868,969.6 806,648.0 716,179.0 1,869,486.5 2,108,890.2 1,644,954.3 1,538,672.8 1,526,725.6 1,606,889.4
Spain.. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .................................................................................................. 6,372,152.5 7,980,846.2 8,365,194.4 12,515,665.0 11,375,759.7 11,023,222.4 10,696,360.6 10,586,060.3 11,475,754.4 10,079,401.0
Sweden.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................................. 8,406,670.5 8,117,231.3 7,091,125.5 6,233,132.8 6,364,156.2 5,843,631.7 6,255,512.6 7,338,587.9 5,972,422.6 6,285,972.1
United Kingdom.. .. .. .. .. .......................................................................................... 43,160,279.8 43,848,586.9 49,019,592.8 47,037,438.2 42,969,967.7 33,487,110.3 30,050,216.7 31,555,414.7 35,265,902.0 29,190,408.2
Other EU 2............................................................................................................... 13,340,254.5 9,107,607.8 10,614,093.2 19,481,588.7 21,273,352.2 22,833,682.2 17,743,692.4 17,602,689.6 18,384,510.0 21,584,657.6
Total EU..................................................................................................................... 193,505,421.3 204,132,969.9 207,627,818.0 225,416,006.2 232,720,495.6 212,566,537.4 206,533,977.1 219,603,772.7 235,427,902.8 233,336,140.5

Rest of Western Europe:.............................................................................................
Norway.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................................................. 2,522,758.1 2,554,974.8 2,073,331.1 1,556,523.1 2,404,040.3 1,511,237.8 3,493,793.9 3,957,824.9 1,697,737.4 2,164,987.7
Switzerland.. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................................. 14,631,106.7 6,464,381.4 7,261,898.4 7,932,355.4 10,244,734.4 8,604,809.0 10,010,281.9 8,678,848.1 8,023,930.2 7,210,348.1
Turkey.. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ......................................................................................... 16,757,567.7 11,406,305.5 14,062,060.1 10,108,496.8 13,687,104.6 13,267,937.1 16,072,857.6 19,415,797.2 19,949,946.0 20,036,998.9
Other Western Europe.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .............................................................. 182,333.7 984,649.6 571,499.9 637,547.8 776,109.5 451,567.9 119,421.7 826,009.1 480,402.3 158,701.8
Total Rest of Western Europe................................................................................... 34,093,766.2 21,410,311.3 23,968,789.4 20,234,923.0 27,111,988.8 23,835,551.8 29,696,355.0 32,878,479.3 30,167,339.2 29,571,036.4
Total of Western Europe.. .......................................................................................... 227,599,187.5 225,543,281.3 231,596,607.4 245,650,929.3 259,832,484.4 236,402,089.2 236,230,332.1 252,482,252.0 265,595,242.1 262,907,176.9
Eastern Europe:..........................................................................................................
Russia.. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ........................................................................................ 22,981,495.4 15,211,748.3 23,181,915.8 23,117,849.7 28,582,892.5 24,260,383.3 36,178,877.4 31,720,724.0 33,733,448.6 37,996,350.0
Yugoslavia.. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................................. 433,313.8 255,063.9 234,602.2 2,017,471.6 1,008,713.6 613,540.8 451,288.7 0.0 536.3 0.0
Rest of Eastern Europe.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................... 3,935,545.0 8,758,874.1 15,622,113.7 15,158,963.6 6,167,848.9 4,047,534.1 9,854,437.4 8,358,058.4 8,031,167.9 8,497,566.7
Total Eastern Europe... .. .. .. .. .. .. ........................................................................... 27,350,354.2 24,225,686.3 39,038,631.7 40,294,284.8 35,759,455.0 28,921,458.2 46,484,603.5 40,078,782.4 41,765,152.8 46,493,916.7
Total of Europe............................................................................................................ 254,949,541.8 249,768,967.6 270,635,239.1 285,945,214.1 295,591,939.5 265,323,547.5 282,714,935.6 292,561,034.4 307,360,394.9 309,401,093.6
Table 6.15: Value by Country of Origin, 2011 - 2020 (Cont')
KSh '000
Geographical Area and Country 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Canada.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................................................. 7,418,423.8 13,371,573.1 6,525,427.6 7,885,791.2 7,754,012.2 7,806,505.9 9,902,026.5 8,920,366.2 13,891,518.4 10,436,237.7
U.S.A... . .. .. .. . ......................................................................................................... 44,546,947.0 65,966,435.4 57,412,134.7 168,720,303.1 126,040,938.9 47,818,956.0 57,377,422.5 53,245,146.3 62,271,732.1 56,306,313.5
Rest of America.. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................... 27,202,884.7 39,954,701.5 20,539,381.2 10,869,472.6 12,261,339.5 9,564,609.4 61,267,208.8 23,688,413.6 30,510,045.1 29,880,458.6
Total America.. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ........................................................................................ 79,168,255.5 119,292,710.1 84,476,943.6 187,475,566.9 146,056,290.5 65,190,071.4 128,546,657.9 85,853,926.1 106,673,295.5 96,623,009.7
Tanzania 1.. .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................................................. 15,670,392.7 14,401,598.7 11,666,407.4 18,364,083.1 17,281,977.5 13,329,205.1 18,224,635.4 18,011,924.9 27,699,677.8 27,880,998.1
Burundi.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................................................. 468,844.7 310,423.7 52,577.3 29,446.4 223,662.6 68,353.0 59,481.4 67,760.4 65,077.9 355,335.9
Congo, Democratic Republic....................................................................................... 2,559,008.3 883,829.4 561,647.7 259,804.8 127,763.1 208,299.5 504,619.1 1,289,056.1 1,951,927.4 2,754,354.8
Egypt......................................................................................................................... 17,871,434.3 29,844,315.5 25,602,868.4 25,532,067.3 25,816,668.5 30,042,739.2 35,382,586.2 36,338,938.7 42,571,055.9 44,853,458.5
Malawi.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................................... 6,496,236.8 782,922.3 1,041,386.1 302,632.7 249,794.6 377,280.7 402,119.3 1,410,425.4 3,284,611.8 2,988,290.3
Mauritius.. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................................... 2,448,183.0 3,057,571.3 2,011,224.3 2,793,710.3 2,713,035.1 5,173,580.4 7,317,990.0 6,100,113.1 7,876,377.5 4,747,981.0
Rwanda.. .. .. .. .. . .. .................................................................................................. 422,246.4 822,285.6 1,005,755.4 715,591.0 789,703.7 774,593.3 1,683,595.7 1,186,307.9 1,404,275.5 2,040,838.4
Sudan.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................................................... 818,846.9 955,403.4 1,359,590.7 1,327.3 454,833.9 479,445.3 2,186,197.2 665,631.2 3,214,940.5 448,465.4
Uganda.. .. .. .. ..... ..................................................................................................... 10,337,155.1 15,322,810.0 16,085,806.1 17,549,421.2 25,289,593.9 25,398,679.8 50,726,238.0 52,586,404.5 38,478,296.7 25,900,422.2
Zambia.. .. .. .. .. .. ..................................................................................................... 5,573,694.0 2,879,769.4 2,893,584.1 4,380,297.0 3,894,810.7 4,200,643.5 7,739,372.0 6,884,645.3 6,685,124.1 3,616,770.2
Zimbabwe.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .............................................................................................. 1,661,125.6 1,056,067.8 819,547.8 494,673.8 224,209.0 1,256,194.3 2,946,018.2 1,767,851.0 4,314,144.0 5,664,150.7
Other COMESA 3....................................................................................................... 6,632,572.1 5,656,936.8 6,830,737.9 8,302,299.2 9,645,384.0 6,742,266.6 16,169,154.5 11,185,798.1 16,895,095.9 12,473,395.7

Total COMESA........................................................................................................... 55,289,347.1 61,572,335.2 58,264,725.8 60,361,271.0 69,429,459.2 74,722,075.6 125,117,371.6 119,482,931.8 126,740,927.1 105,843,463.3
Rest of Africa:............................................................................................................
Somalia.. .. .. ... .. .. .................................................................................................... 143,869.9 17,320.0 293,755.3 150,267.8 31,272.8 57,562.7 102,618.7 954,489.9 485,778.4 58,819.5
South Africa................................................................................................................ 70,682,532.8 61,953,797.2 70,724,146.2 63,893,352.8 61,311,246.1 49,857,193.6 61,879,610.9 64,733,515.6 74,040,376.4 45,779,182.4
Export Processing Zones (EPZ).. .. .. ... ..................................................................... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Other African countries............................................................................................... 9,467,935.3 2,809,999.8 6,890,138.1 3,372,411.1 4,782,464.9 9,325,939.7 6,069,925.6 7,014,906.2 5,230,834.3 5,715,701.3
Total Rest of Africa.................................................................................................... 80,294,338.0 64,781,117.0 77,908,039.6 67,416,031.6 66,124,983.8 59,242,318.5 68,052,155.2 72,702,911.8 79,756,984.0 51,553,703.2
Total Africa................................................................................................................... 151,254,077.8 140,755,050.9 147,839,172.8 146,141,385.7 152,836,420.5 147,293,599.2 211,394,162.1 210,197,768.5 234,197,588.9 185,278,164.5
Table 6.15: Value by Country of Origin, 2011 - 2020 (Cont')
KSh '000
Geographical Area and Country 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Middle East.................................................................................................................
Bahrain.. .. .. .. .. .. ..................................................................................................... 19,312,362.0 22,914,991.6 34,977,306.3 41,367,444.4 5,759,183.9 8,095,258.9 8,845,096.1 5,408,533.6 1,075,664.5 4,197,495.6
Iran.. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ...................................................................................................... 3,675,773.5 3,685,706.9 2,434,328.4 3,787,910.8 3,807,800.1 6,134,317.0 13,169,129.1 10,419,341.6 6,089,114.1 4,847,211.1
Israel.. .. .. .. .. .. ......................................................................................................... 6,345,158.1 7,229,564.7 9,436,809.7 5,659,136.2 10,409,610.3 5,027,019.9 6,292,568.7 6,302,281.3 5,061,151.6 4,453,156.6
Kuwait.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................................................... 5,362,313.2 16,882,454.4 2,733,862.2 2,315,193.1 106,048.3 137,935.2 144,595.6 204,732.4 240,624.2 4,136,382.5
Saudi Arabia.. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................................ 53,494,299.5 66,841,158.3 41,422,936.3 56,564,609.5 55,306,178.3 69,259,054.4 114,606,888.6 172,702,978.7 127,164,769.0 69,002,404.2
Rest of Middle East.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................ 211,420,840.0 166,563,041.5 128,874,655.2 118,274,918.6 103,127,978.3 106,033,881.6 150,342,087.9 160,678,431.3 182,387,891.0 109,839,824.2
Total Middle East.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ............................................................................... 299,610,746.3 284,116,917.4 219,879,898.1 227,969,212.6 178,516,799.1 194,687,466.9 293,400,366.0 355,716,298.9 322,019,214.4 196,476,474.2
Far East , Australia & Oceania..................................................................................
Australia.. .. .. .. .... .. .................................................................................................. 2,320,223.6 4,588,935.7 12,422,136.0 7,068,646.1 4,032,303.0 2,878,050.9 4,934,103.1 6,328,808.6 5,386,769.2 7,018,152.1
China(Mainland).. .. .. .. .............................................................................................. 143,816,706.2 167,206,282.1 182,355,611.3 248,648,319.8 320,815,548.0 337,450,093.8 390,622,261.7 370,826,377.8 376,725,621.5 361,366,693.5
Hong Kong.. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................................... 4,149,797.6 4,458,690.3 4,639,113.2 4,960,397.1 6,839,666.1 6,328,677.0 6,923,851.5 5,577,749.0 6,031,848.2 6,547,996.8
India.. .. .. .. .. .. .......................................................................................................... 148,566,630.1 195,230,087.4 258,229,692.2 264,536,255.6 252,523,487.0 205,498,881.0 170,410,212.5 185,252,103.0 178,873,436.4 188,588,369.9
Japan.. .. .. .. ... .. ...................................................................................................... 56,593,431.8 63,134,830.3 83,720,489.1 86,553,608.8 88,239,235.9 82,409,647.4 81,662,912.0 99,822,684.7 99,433,214.1 87,594,282.4
Malaysia.. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................................... 9,890,180.3 7,035,563.0 9,348,918.8 11,065,941.1 10,555,841.7 12,320,555.7 17,867,584.0 21,482,895.0 25,651,059.6 45,563,261.6
New Zealand.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................................... 674,639.0 566,422.8 605,321.6 410,122.5 765,816.3 618,819.6 1,070,759.3 852,804.5 583,993.4 482,214.9
Pakistan.. .. .. .. .. .... .................................................................................................. 17,256,793.3 12,880,891.2 15,646,525.8 18,020,342.5 18,347,168.9 18,175,136.5 25,496,635.9 21,454,649.5 24,848,229.0 21,449,402.6
Rest of Far East, Australia & Oceania......................................................................... 129,284,256.0 125,417,678.0 122,892,151.7 128,439,845.0 105,834,112.8 100,380,937.2 121,221,477.7 108,423,085.4 118,268,922.8 134,985,067.4

Total Far East, Australia & Oceania .. .. .. .. .. ... ...................................................... 512,552,657.8 580,519,380.9 689,859,959.7 769,703,478.4 807,953,179.9 766,060,799.2 820,209,797.6 820,021,157.5 835,803,094.1 853,595,441.2
Total for Asia(both Middle and Far East Asia) + Australia & Oceania...................... 812,163,404.1 864,636,298.3 909,739,857.8 997,672,691.1 986,469,979.0 960,748,266.1 1,113,610,163.7 1,175,737,456.3 1,157,822,308.5 1,050,071,915.4
Other countries n.e.s................................................................................................... 3,214,153.3 133,897.7 624,385.2 1,086,437.8 318,414.1 250,386.5 205,776.7 121,279.3 277,188.0 2,185,871.5
Aircrafts & Shipstores.................................................................................................. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,622.5 447.9 4.5 3,849.7 0.0
Total other countries n.e.s plus shipstores.. .. .. ...................................................... 3,214,153.3 133,897.7 624,385.2 1,086,437.8 318,414.1 252,009.0 206,224.6 121,283.8 281,037.7 2,185,871.5
Grand Total.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ............................................................................................. 1,300,749,432.6 1,374,586,924.5 1,413,315,598.5 1,618,321,295.6 1,581,273,043.5 1,438,805,870.6 1,736,472,143.9 1,764,471,469.2 1,806,334,625.4 1,643,560,054.8
Source: KRA - Customs and Border Control Department /KNBS
Tanzania was a member of COMESA up to 2000
Other EU includes data for new EU members namely; Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary,Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Slovenia
Other COMESA includes Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Comoros, Madagascar, South Sudan, Swaziland and Seychelles
Table 6.16: Import Values by Section and Country of Origin, 2011 - 2020 KSh '000
United States of
Section Year United Kingdom Japan Germany America France Italy India Belgium Netherlands Switzerland Rest of the world Total
Food and live animals 2011 1,197,209.7 75,085.7 938,577.6 4,984,012.7 1,212,122.6 946,706.0 4,258,283.2 545,209.6 910,672.8 224,064.6 83,485,212.4 98,777,156.9
2012 2,001,323.2 94,623.7 1,063,400.0 4,830,192.5 2,071,079.0 3,135,882.6 5,660,523.7 823,655.9 861,527.3 322,543.5 81,861,649.3 102,726,400.8
2013 1,090,271.6 265,888.1 1,163,403.0 5,131,494.3 1,746,508.0 2,132,632.1 4,057,606.4 671,688.7 1,236,457.5 155,379.6 78,946,399.7 96,597,729.0
2014 1,172,875.5 84,546.6 3,358,911.8 6,498,006.0 2,005,807.8 1,254,460.4 3,757,795.1 1,099,306.1 953,649.4 191,365.6 85,964,269.1 106,340,993.5
2015 1,442,969.7 146,883.4 5,901,519.6 5,250,881.9 2,328,558.8 2,385,647.8 8,514,238.1 1,538,633.1 926,346.5 241,840.3 89,594,421.2 118,271,940.2
2016 1,776,318.7 95,544.7 5,113,902.0 6,300,998.0 2,543,337.7 4,277,710.1 7,228,407.2 1,656,162.5 1,220,190.9 214,978.3 81,351,842.0 111,779,392.0
2017 1,513,357.3 111,101.3 3,767,801.5 8,398,441.0 3,767,479.2 4,321,401.7 6,275,075.2 2,739,699.3 1,903,901.3 218,269.8 187,508,130.5 220,524,658.1
2018 1,523,749.8 54,271.2 2,500,385.8 3,857,103.2 3,418,559.1 2,588,986.3 6,762,230.1 1,860,804.2 1,778,778.4 253,508.0 148,646,886.5 173,245,262.8
2019 1,759,510.4 12,242.3 3,855,412.5 6,209,705.3 1,649,484.4 1,832,296.2 4,747,211.4 2,702,834.1 1,579,410.5 239,220.5 156,581,245.4 181,168,573.1
2020* 1,598,796.0 8,593.8 6,218,895.1 1,422,876.1 4,762,432.5 431,723.9 7,124,896.0 2,211,528.8 1,922,176.6 86,663.1 143,543,338.8 169,331,920.6
Beverages and tobacco 2011 480,140.9 596.2 370,135.5 26,925.8 387,866.1 300,429.2 516,861.8 3,665.9 310,730.2 147,794.4 9,110,581.0 11,655,727.1
2012 363,877.3 744.5 31,309.2 28,941.6 428,522.9 156,520.5 118,409.1 357.7 308,728.3 175,037.7 6,903,216.0 8,515,665.0
2013 449,324.8 118.8 26,337.7 84,087.7 294,809.4 120,245.8 164,353.6 22,340.5 321,156.8 148,348.1 10,899,104.3 12,530,227.7
2014 649,531.2 1,020.6 30,956.7 93,432.4 274,882.5 109,646.0 267,603.6 9,516.3 335,532.4 147,388.3 9,152,435.9 11,071,945.9
2015 745,153.9 702.0 36,453.0 117,680.4 316,488.9 157,303.9 173,407.8 76,051.9 369,898.6 141,849.4 7,704,794.5 9,839,784.4
2016 1,036,581.1 2,983.2 49,488.2 100,305.1 277,806.7 176,149.5 181,385.0 69,414.8 462,071.5 98,559.8 9,126,095.7 11,580,840.6
2017 1,300,562.8 2,427.0 60,690.5 148,953.8 278,242.6 174,518.0 290,845.3 273,044.9 655,202.1 136,344.1 7,389,712.1 10,710,543.1
2018 1,748,406.4 6,888.3 80,052.8 163,976.4 313,091.8 179,229.6 463,583.0 381,414.8 841,220.0 67,925.1 9,432,037.6 13,677,825.8
2019 2,531,642.2 7,160.0 174,926.7 310,634.2 610,894.7 213,176.5 614,016.7 276,657.2 660,619.1 4,638.4 9,342,994.2 14,747,359.9

2020* 2,347,634.1 2,579.8 97,479.5 367,524.8 500,593.1 156,450.8 368,065.0 366,954.6 494,437.7 7,977.6 6,211,960.9 10,921,657.8
Crude materials, inedible, 2011 1,590,695.5 41,780.9 1,081,989.2 2,119,679.0 94,425.6 540,696.5 1,182,287.4 542,947.6 859,842.0 21,540.4 17,509,148.2 25,585,032.1
except fuels 2012 2,183,369.7 46,120.2 1,104,360.6 1,756,945.0 147,767.1 173,235.3 1,677,267.6 556,133.8 686,921.4 30,787.1 19,114,512.2 27,477,420.0
2013 2,063,017.5 2,202,159.6 1,047,842.0 1,791,343.7 158,156.8 179,997.5 1,342,357.5 331,666.9 625,046.3 196,058.9 15,675,251.2 25,612,898.0
2014 2,215,644.4 2,845,173.6 825,604.6 1,816,661.5 69,087.0 136,106.3 1,416,268.4 173,436.1 855,650.2 68,400.1 17,964,732.0 28,386,764.3
2015 2,139,997.1 2,601,729.6 946,875.2 2,003,045.2 65,951.3 209,333.7 2,201,373.7 374,038.4 708,828.4 46,523.5 20,710,342.2 32,008,038.4
2016 1,816,681.8 1,739,263.2 979,350.9 2,114,299.9 100,013.4 226,460.5 2,661,761.5 762,591.1 620,207.7 41,034.0 19,713,843.4 30,775,507.3
2017 1,628,748.6 1,112,383.0 876,412.5 1,575,455.7 94,507.1 123,007.8 2,114,395.6 92,643.5 484,245.0 12,728.3 20,975,696.5 29,090,223.5
2018 1,523,749.8 1,148,380.1 894,403.4 1,775,531.3 123,324.6 228,317.1 2,687,982.0 66,501.2 586,738.0 82,821.9 26,242,599.8 35,360,349.3
2019 2,053,231.3 2,223,066.3 1,080,313.8 2,721,086.2 155,988.5 204,474.5 2,283,039.1 88,020.7 506,307.8 10,274.1 31,928,911.0 43,254,713.3
2020* 1,000,606.7 1,412,929.5 883,453.2 2,394,802.7 173,814.3 224,615.5 2,859,692.4 168,060.2 454,540.2 119,956.7 31,227,836.2 40,920,307.6
Mineral fuels, lubricants 2011 73,759.6 41,780.9 294,343.0 565,870.1 524,761.6 161,265.3 46,991,579.9 142,511.7 4,915,700.3 9,032,860.8 291,879,250.5 354,623,683.6
and oils 2012 135,020.9 46,120.2 244,860.3 410,854.1 721,401.4 1,459,216.4 92,597,281.5 405,236.5 3,508,143.7 156,380.3 246,106,951.4 345,791,466.6
related materials . 2013 96,726.8 50,047.6 239,176.5 47,467.1 541,293.1 545,788.2 150,282,511.3 747,537.1 9,254,843.7 138,718.3 171,375,547.3 333,319,656.9
2014 2,046,270.4 42,735.0 144,581.1 277,307.5 242,574.2 660,767.9 145,443,718.3 508,875.8 4,969,724.7 10,513.8 199,373,781.4 353,720,850.1
2015 1,126,126.9 46,319.6 203,734.0 1,779,268.8 918,302.9 1,517,778.7 111,397,412.3 593,507.5 6,326,817.7 7,046.3 120,276,522.0 244,192,836.6
2016 53,675.0 46,011.5 271,105.4 1,104,741.9 288,456.5 300,578.4 63,218,623.5 160,004.7 4,087,022.3 1,620.8 143,209,369.0 212,741,209.0
2017 45,363.7 79,204.8 245,081.1 734,759.0 183,408.1 444,731.2 42,533,196.0 307,898.2 7,270,802.5 131,288.6 231,835,143.6 283,810,876.8
2018 73,285.8 95,343.3 325,386.3 1,068,046.5 232,374.3 2,596,798.1 35,867,326.5 3,100,631.9 5,478,216.6 336,204.8 294,519,154.7 343,692,768.9
2019 520,960.3 77,939.7 192,017.0 3,214,565.8 209,641.8 1,532,997.0 37,565,996.2 343,854.8 2,279,295.4 53,413.7 293,053,754.7 339,044,436.3
2020* 1,224,004.4 48,919.0 246,725.2 12,030,287.8 161,690.1 479,217.0 37,097,116.7 2,645,422.9 26,382,626.7 1,026,960.0 151,807,830.5 233,150,800.2
Table 6.16: Section Values by Principal Country of Origin, 2011 - 2020 (Cont')
KSh '000
United States of
Section Year United Kingdom Japan Germany America France Italy India Belgium Netherlands Switzerland Rest of the world Total
Animal and vegetable 2011 13,055.1 5.5 23,540.7 1,498,888.6 17.2 504,424.0 175,209.0 5,513.7 939.6 4,726.0 54,506,235.4 56,732,554.8
oils 2012 4,668.2 1,027.0 16,580.3 173,302.8 197.3 552,876.4 92,345.0 56,160.6 1,497.8 10,685.2 53,966,572.4 54,875,912.9
and fats. . . 2013 9,170.0 3,680.0 12,392.4 8,461.7 481.6 217,959.0 85,235.1 4,336.3 3,544.3 8,714.5 48,069,484.8 48,423,459.7
2014 7,466.7 119.7 20,339.6 275,483.7 441.0 111,405.9 278,347.5 2,743.4 17,482.3 2,093.3 49,327,949.6 50,043,872.7
2015 9,802.9 3.3 14,855.9 1,136,043.9 1,636.7 250,647.7 340,959.4 6,193.7 2,977.4 3,806.7 45,454,764.4 47,221,691.9
2016 83,570.1 0.0 115,241.8 414,480.7 1,819.1 64,376.1 358,091.4 2,098.1 3,242.7 2,437.8 52,501,947.4 53,547,305.2
2017 10,228.2 171.6 347,755.6 110,191.9 646.6 86,694.7 446,591.5 8,129.0 165,707.2 1,372.6 67,807,005.0 68,984,493.7
2018 13,807.2 0.0 372,049.3 988,877.2 3,294.2 69,035.1 353,612.4 36,219.5 14,078.9 230.8 57,718,225.0 59,569,429.5
2019 12,131.6 0.0 434,467.7 843,991.6 4,088.9 88,531.8 320,853.6 96,517.9 12,237.2 280.9 58,288,090.9 60,101,192.1
2020* 9,863.2 54.0 276,599.0 592,515.3 62,064.2 78,205.3 114,665.1 102,940.3 5,193.0 9,683.9 92,853,417.6 94,105,200.8
Chemicals . 2011 4,886,936.8 1,977,033.3 6,080,913.7 8,131,649.5 5,064,049.0 2,783,556.3 28,106,952.1 3,193,945.4 4,201,315.4 3,102,107.1 104,451,953.1 171,980,411.7
2012 4,713,643.0 1,988,300.9 6,789,364.9 11,003,122.9 5,989,309.0 2,841,508.4 31,309,830.5 4,072,552.9 3,852,300.2 3,119,478.4 100,123,993.7 175,803,404.8
2013 5,228,530.5 2,225,026.4 6,237,688.4 7,647,521.4 6,258,543.7 3,197,485.0 28,475,197.3 5,956,255.4 4,191,733.3 3,049,149.0 124,089,375.2 196,556,505.6
2014 5,468,563.9 1,308,019.9 9,265,774.5 6,808,155.0 5,746,922.4 2,830,736.2 37,757,455.4 5,830,588.4 4,249,199.3 3,856,321.3 126,982,494.0 210,104,230.2
2015 6,232,958.1 1,610,305.3 7,627,540.3 6,456,929.0 7,320,666.6 3,790,886.5 45,980,937.7 7,158,664.9 4,703,067.1 5,905,388.2 136,833,020.9 233,620,364.5
2016 5,966,984.5 1,521,276.5 7,773,737.5 5,108,605.8 8,137,448.6 3,706,076.5 48,781,468.5 6,536,019.6 4,234,352.9 3,688,827.4 131,580,999.1 227,035,797.0
2017 6,452,900.5 2,539,423.7 10,642,449.8 7,861,103.6 7,657,643.8 3,960,560.9 41,735,562.0 5,912,936.4 3,447,587.5 4,413,485.3 151,285,563.4 245,909,217.0
2018 6,369,455.5 1,858,786.5 9,964,846.4 9,312,581.3 9,004,618.9 4,548,699.0 48,207,090.0 7,021,970.8 4,252,448.6 2,601,175.1 151,998,671.6 255,140,343.7

2019 6,825,849.4 1,387,048.6 10,174,830.0 12,304,009.6 8,448,334.4 5,279,358.0 50,520,203.2 5,992,675.5 3,561,471.3 3,081,910.4 146,692,420.9 254,268,111.3
2020* 6,010,883.8 1,517,563.9 11,894,887.3 14,909,167.0 9,286,039.7 7,028,784.4 56,757,575.4 9,383,537.3 4,628,278.4 2,347,935.7 150,929,481.7 274,694,134.5
Manufactured goods 2011 3,711,506.5 14,247,791.9 2,704,259.5 3,871,641.2 2,102,147.1 1,458,493.4 27,284,694.3 1,361,069.5 1,119,977.5 197,434.7 140,369,752.9 198,428,768.5
classified 2012 4,444,068.1 13,049,557.4 2,779,435.6 5,668,500.7 3,025,040.1 1,844,829.0 25,122,713.9 1,767,863.5 1,098,906.0 332,136.0 135,702,875.3 194,835,925.7
by materials. . 2013 7,098,815.6 21,850,634.5 3,106,063.0 4,698,658.9 2,662,901.6 1,760,140.6 31,730,430.8 1,338,166.4 941,623.0 486,098.4 150,717,118.1 226,390,651.0
2014 6,040,580.0 17,577,492.1 3,919,553.7 4,467,767.4 2,653,651.6 2,275,946.8 28,955,122.0 1,527,562.8 1,421,988.4 303,210.9 166,266,897.6 235,409,773.2
2015 4,226,364.0 17,366,358.9 2,811,030.4 3,951,655.4 3,067,502.8 2,369,088.5 27,325,745.4 1,305,380.9 926,715.4 389,108.6 200,262,511.1 264,001,461.4
2016 3,248,802.4 15,433,841.0 2,789,492.9 2,923,461.4 2,468,278.8 2,053,114.6 31,020,987.4 857,642.7 617,720.2 184,871.7 194,504,044.3 256,102,257.2
2017 2,688,141.1 17,893,126.8 2,621,465.2 4,178,931.9 2,564,489.2 2,094,773.6 29,732,837.6 1,319,227.6 559,439.6 159,107.5 225,923,271.4 289,734,811.4
2018 3,052,066.4 19,903,219.4 2,614,107.9 3,347,542.6 2,569,334.5 2,665,487.0 36,587,975.6 926,074.2 652,963.9 274,885.9 232,829,462.1 305,423,119.4
2019 3,739,486.4 19,660,851.8 2,913,460.0 2,933,899.3 2,308,636.2 2,153,243.9 31,242,983.8 1,074,835.1 1,294,374.0 160,050.9 236,154,259.4 303,636,080.7
2020* 3,255,667.9 22,113,968.3 2,385,292.3 2,786,696.0 1,820,095.6 2,248,850.5 31,800,594.7 1,122,969.0 870,827.5 152,955.4 228,119,521.0 296,677,438.2
Machinery and transport 2011 26,068,898.9 39,644,548.5 18,571,430.8 19,274,364.4 7,156,910.7 6,700,991.3 36,568,284.1 4,434,998.2 7,978,409.2 1,405,375.0 159,158,086.5 326,962,297.6
equipment 2012 25,313,406.2 42,992,899.6 27,430,960.4 37,113,434.0 11,168,345.8 9,549,324.4 34,773,906.4 2,734,424.3 6,139,181.2 1,733,297.2 202,244,976.5 401,194,155.9
equipment. . . 2013 26,202,095.6 56,300,216.1 23,387,445.6 31,567,370.8 6,709,456.5 10,720,253.3 38,031,421.0 3,542,888.5 7,478,117.6 2,210,570.2 190,588,668.1 396,738,503.2
2014 23,074,082.3 63,639,054.6 27,212,626.7 142,133,139.1 9,209,816.4 10,967,817.6 41,435,979.6 3,440,294.4 5,168,124.0 2,406,072.6 210,935,284.0 539,622,291.4
2015 22,305,317.8 65,429,335.1 26,084,707.9 99,427,263.5 5,432,023.0 9,328,759.2 50,667,233.2 3,410,424.1 5,703,248.5 2,701,954.5 245,065,491.0 535,555,757.7
2016 15,969,339.0 62,921,978.2 23,370,309.5 24,364,543.1 6,036,486.6 11,467,196.8 44,357,471.1 2,948,478.3 4,016,372.0 2,747,880.6 246,614,146.2 444,814,201.4
2017 13,505,189.0 59,048,182.1 21,935,323.7 29,353,834.6 10,166,402.2 9,049,855.6 40,794,531.8 4,150,729.8 3,832,883.7 3,191,642.1 291,841,056.5 486,869,631.2
2018 11,820,949.0 75,698,440.4 26,601,411.4 27,137,779.9 6,018,145.2 10,496,398.7 46,125,404.1 2,395,132.2 4,492,484.8 3,614,972.5 246,543,728.2 460,944,846.3
2019 11,931,509.4 75,122,494.3 25,027,386.7 26,733,014.7 9,725,530.9 8,529,452.2 43,634,891.9 3,589,850.9 20,673,512.2 2,862,661.4 271,017,816.6 498,848,121.1
2020* 11,065,039.6 61,433,559.1 15,672,400.5 17,353,103.1 5,132,197.1 11,515,560.4 46,404,176.2 1,917,696.4 6,228,704.5 1,080,426.1 245,062,416.4 422,865,279.6
Table 6.16: Section Values by Principal Country of Origin, 2011 - 2020 (Cont') United States of KSh '000
Section Year United Kingdom Japan Germany America France Italy India Belgium Netherlands Switzerland Rest of the world Total
Miscellaneous 2011 5,138,076.8 564,808.9 1,806,411.3 4,073,915.6 3,309,946.8 1,106,024.5 3,482,478.3 485,812.7 2,137,562.6 495,203.7 33,403,558.9 56,003,800.2
manufactures . . 2012 4,689,210.2 4,915,436.8 2,013,902.7 4,981,141.9 3,528,848.0 1,022,469.9 3,877,809.5 490,857.9 1,177,618.6 584,036.0 36,085,241.2 63,366,572.7
2013 6,781,640.2 822,718.0 2,267,206.0 6,435,729.1 2,294,167.2 1,449,264.0 4,060,579.1 444,384.7 735,397.8 868,861.4 50,986,019.8 77,145,967.2
2014 6,362,423.8 1,055,446.6 2,630,243.7 6,350,350.4 2,243,700.9 1,598,765.3 5,223,965.7 566,597.2 820,516.8 946,989.4 55,821,574.5 83,620,574.3
2015 4,741,277.3 1,037,598.8 3,754,059.1 5,918,170.9 1,615,232.6 2,712,489.2 5,922,179.3 502,892.0 859,553.5 807,216.9 68,690,498.8 96,561,168.4
2016 3,535,157.7 648,749.0 2,890,736.9 5,387,520.2 1,680,536.0 1,466,646.2 7,690,685.5 503,990.6 1,249,235.8 1,624,598.7 63,751,504.3 90,429,360.7
2017 2,905,725.6 876,891.8 2,491,824.0 5,015,751.1 2,121,958.8 2,132,410.3 6,487,177.5 559,728.3 1,219,688.5 1,746,043.6 75,280,489.6 100,837,689.0
2018 5,429,944.8 1,057,355.3 3,246,581.1 5,593,707.9 2,246,751.4 2,358,469.3 8,196,899.2 416,015.3 1,267,165.2 1,447,124.0 86,157,509.9 117,417,523.4
2019 5,891,581.0 942,411.2 2,586,328.6 7,000,825.4 1,578,383.9 1,291,638.0 7,944,240.4 421,622.6 1,358,788.8 1,611,479.8 80,638,737.9 111,266,037.6
2020* 2,564,812.1 1,056,115.1 2,530,767.1 4,449,331.2 1,384,166.7 1,423,554.4 6,061,583.2 661,139.1 897,917.1 2,377,789.5 77,486,139.7 100,893,315.4
Total Imports 2011 43,160,279.8 56,593,431.8 31,871,601.4 44,546,947.0 19,852,246.6 14,502,586.5 148,566,630.1 10,715,674.3 22,435,149.6 14,631,106.7 893,873,778.9 1,300,749,432.6
2012 43,848,586.9 63,134,830.3 41,474,174.1 65,966,435.4 27,080,510.6 20,735,862.8 195,230,087.4 10,907,242.9 17,634,824.5 6,464,381.4 882,109,988.0 1,374,586,924.5
2013 49,019,592.8 83,720,489.1 37,487,554.6 57,412,134.7 20,666,317.9 20,323,765.5 258,229,692.2 13,059,264.5 24,787,920.2 7,261,898.4 841,346,968.6 1,413,315,598.5
2014 47,037,438.2 86,553,608.8 47,408,592.2 168,720,303.1 22,446,883.9 19,945,652.3 264,536,255.6 13,158,920.5 18,791,867.5 7,932,355.4 921,789,418.2 1,618,321,295.6
2015 42,969,967.7 88,239,235.9 47,380,775.3 126,040,938.9 21,066,363.6 22,721,935.0 252,523,487.0 14,965,786.4 20,527,453.0 10,244,734.4 934,592,366.2 1,581,273,043.5
2016 33,487,110.3 82,409,647.4 43,353,365.0 47,818,956.0 21,534,183.4 23,738,308.7 205,498,881.0 13,496,402.3 16,510,416.0 8,604,809.0 942,353,791.5 1,438,805,870.6
2017 30,050,216.7 81,662,912.0 42,988,803.9 57,377,422.5 26,834,777.5 22,387,953.7 170,410,212.5 15,364,037.2 19,539,457.5 10,010,281.9 1,259,846,068.6 1,736,472,143.9
2018 31,555,414.7 99,822,684.7 46,599,224.5 53,245,146.3 23,929,493.9 25,731,420.2 185,252,103.0 16,204,764.2 19,364,094.3 8,678,848.1 1,254,088,275.4 1,764,471,469.2
2019 35,265,902.0 99,433,214.1 46,439,143.0 62,271,732.1 24,690,983.5 21,125,168.0 178,873,436.4 14,586,868.8 31,926,016.2 8,023,930.2 1,283,698,231.0 1,806,334,625.4
2020* 29,077,307.9 87,594,282.4 40,206,499.3 56,306,304.0 23,283,093.3 23,586,962.2 188,588,364.7 18,580,248.7 41,884,701.6 7,210,348.1 1,127,241,942.6 1,643,560,054.8

Source: KRA-Customs and Border Control Department/KNBS
* Provisional
Table 6.17: Amount Of Import Duty Compiled by Division, 2011- 2020
KSh '000
Section 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Food and live animals.. .. .. .. .. .. ....................................... 7,522,035.1 8,974,476.0 10,560,838.8 12,724,248.1 14,877,702.5 16,617,906.8
Beverages and tobacco.. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. ............................ 443,311.8 482,418.6 632,941.8 788,726.3 843,180.0 1,049,804.0
Crude materials, inedible, except fuels.. .. .......................... 2,369,593.9 2,930,709.0 2,946,004.2 3,312,816.4 3,710,740.8 5,203,490.4
Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials.. .................. 967,297.6 1,201,955.5 1,186,312.7 1,338,134.2 1,413,228.3 1,195,698.4
Animal and vegetable oils and fats.. .. .. ............................. 213,769.9 227,923.2 170,997.9 310,450.3 442,949.3 873,177.0
Chemicals.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... . .. .......................................... 2,360,589.1 2,685,706.3 3,038,478.0 3,508,565.6 3,970,019.3 3,862,539.1
Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material............... 11,086,999.0 12,200,000.2 14,130,476.0 14,826,293.0 15,592,996.5 19,829,345.1
Machinery and transport equipment.. .. .. ........................... 16,535,684.6 19,036,478.2 22,822,378.1 24,699,662.2 26,244,313.3 25,571,951.6
Miscellaneous manufactured articles.. .. .. .......................... 4,822,086.1 5,316,952.0 6,255,382.1 7,179,537.6 7,924,095.5 9,246,592.8
Miscellaneous transactions and commodities, n.e.s... ........ 227.9 176.5 0.0 44.3 0.0 6.7
Total.. .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................. 46,321,594.9 53,056,795.7 61,743,809.7 68,688,478.0 75,019,225.6 83,450,512.0

Table 6.17: Amount Of Import Duty Compiled by Division, 2011- 2020 (Cont')

KSh '000
Section 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Food and live animals.. .. .. .. .. .. ....................................... 21,523,383.4 21,459,671.3 23,232,612.8 19,885,115.4
Beverages and tobacco.. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. ............................ 1,180,795.9 1,917,965.6 1,957,623.4 1,866,802.5
Crude materials, inedible, except fuels.. .. .......................... 5,241,905.3 6,280,360.6 6,729,613.9 4,645,220.2
Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials.. .................. 1,380,314.5 1,785,636.0 1,707,492.0 1,698,587.1
Animal and vegetable oils and fats.. .. .. ............................. 1,480,379.7 1,797,454.3 930,275.6 1,247,036.8
Chemicals.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... . .. .......................................... 4,049,703.3 4,641,960.1 4,933,822.1 4,229,259.0
Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material............... 17,266,667.4 30,000,467.0 20,985,734.6 19,368,689.5
Machinery and transport equipment.. .. .. ........................... 25,334,037.0 28,325,616.6 29,420,892.7 19,982,182.0
Miscellaneous manufactured articles.. .. .. .......................... 9,833,729.4 13,463,911.4 13,987,398.1 11,568,896.1
Miscellaneous transactions and commodities, n.e.s... ........ 35.0 60.7 15.9 0.0
Total.. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................. 87,290,950.8 109,673,103.4 103,885,481.0 84,491,788.5
Source: KRA-Customs and Border Control Department
* Provisional
Table 6.18: Import Values of Principal Commodities from The Common Market for East and Southern Africa, 2020*
KSh '000

Commodity Egypt Ethiopia Malawi Mauritius Sudan Swaziland Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe Other Total
Tea.. .. .. . .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. . .. ........................................................................................................ 2,987.6 5,783.8 2,391.9 0.0 55.3 0.0 628,258.5 2.0 0.0 589,618.1 1,229,097.3
Maize .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. ........................................................................................ 2,019.1 75,809.5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30,189.3 881,717.3 35,487.0 66.8 1,025,290.0
Animal Feeding stuffs.. .. .. .. . .. .. ... .............................................................................................. 514,725.1 516.6 312,650.2 0.0 0.0 238.5 1,036,604.6 537,847.6 0.0 130,240.3 2,532,822.9
Tobacco ummanufactured.. .. ... .. . . .... ......................................................................................... 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 960,226.0 1.9 341,606.3 2,640.8 1,304,475.4
Hides and Skins.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . ................................................................................................ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.8 0.0 0.0 172,258.0 172,271.8
Oil seeds etc.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ....................................................................................................... 649.1 332,809.1 703,709.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 94,952.9 5.5 0.0 331.4 1,132,457.8
Wooden Railway Sleepers etc.. .. .. .. .. . .. ..................................................................................... 0.0 8.9 1,105.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 392,031.8 0.0 0.0 2,139,919.7 2,533,065.4
Sugars, beet or cane, raw, in solid form .. .... .... .... .... .................................................................. 1,953,211.6 49.6 1,505,232.3 679,445.3 0.0 2,168,388.5 346,734.1 1,128,818.4 4,711,366.8 1,063,067.7 13,556,314.4
Salts and Peroxysalts of inorganic acids and metals .. .. .. . .. .. .................................................... 196,513.1 0.0 0.0 1,539.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 0.0 0.0 198,054.2
Disinfectants, insecticides, fungicides, etc...................................................................................... 312,097.8 0.0 0.0 4,820.7 0.0 0.1 56,663.8 1.5 0.5 0.0 373,584.5
Miscellaneous chemical products.. ... .. .. ....................................................................................... 45,592.3 383.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,024.5 1,543.3 0.0 638.7 50,182.4
Paper and Paper board and Articles of paper,pulp or paperboard.. .. .. ........................................ 3,754,511.5 379.6 66.8 273.2 24.6 0.0 141,390.0 0.0 5.5 37.1 3,896,688.3
Bars, Rods, angles, etc. of iron or steel . .. . ................................................................................... 1,533,915.3 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 157,337.4 0.0 0.0 0.6 1,691,253.9
Copper bars Rods, angles, etc.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .............................................................................. 14.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 543.0 0.0 0.0 557.1
Aluminium,both worked and unwrought.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................... 45,693.5 0.0 0.0 14,461.4 0.0 19.6 132,723.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 192,898.2
Zinc and zinc alloys unwrought.. .. .. .. .. ......................................................................................... 0.0 2,505.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3,767.6 1,574.6 0.0 0.0 7,847.5
Agricultural Machinery.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................................................................................ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.2 3.1 111.7 0.0 145.0

Automatic data Processing machines.. .. .. .. ................................................................................. 989.4 426.7 110.6 1,042.4 383.1 614.9 4,966.2 171.7 165.5 7,671.1 16,541.6
Transmitter receivers.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................................................. 331.2 15.4 0.0 14,487.0 0.0 0.0 33.2 0.0 0.0 524.8 15,391.5
Transformers, electrical.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .............................................................................................. 2,043.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,043.5
Passenger motor cars(excluding those for transport of ten or more people) .. .. .. .. .. .................. 0.0 0.0 1,270.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,944.7 1,269.2 0.0 4,483.9
Aircrafts and aircraft parts.. .. .. .. .. .. .... ......................................................................................... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,321.2 0.0 4,249.9 0.0 0.0 531.4 7,102.6
Artificles of plastic materials.. .. ...................................................................................................... 446,265.2 536.2 0.0 127.2 1,340.5 68.9 56,064.8 35.0 0.0 648.4 505,086.2
Total for above............................................................................................................................... 8,811,559.4 419,225.3 2,526,537.6 716,196.6 4,124.8 2,169,330.5 4,048,262.5 2,554,211.5 5,090,012.6 4,108,194.8 30,447,655.5
All other commodities.. .. .. .. .. .. .................................................................................................... 36,041,899.1 1,429,380.5 461,752.7 4,031,784.4 444,340.7 6,492,474.4 21,852,159.7 1,062,558.7 574,138.1 3,005,319.4 75,395,807.7
Total.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..................................................................................................................... 44,853,458.5 1,848,605.7 2,988,290.3 4,747,981.0 448,465.4 8,661,804.9 25,900,422.2 3,616,770.2 5,664,150.7 7,113,514.2 105,843,463.3
* Provisional
Other Countries are Burundi, Rwanda, Comoros, Congo DR, Djibouti, Seychelles, Eritrea, Madagascar,South Sudan and Libya
Table 6.19: Total Imports by Broad Economic Category, 2011 -2020
KSh '000
Category 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
1. Food and Beverages.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ....................... 105,966,556.1 109,073,564.2 101,590,267.1 111,837,656.4 125,618,562.7 119,134,168.7 250,067,035.6 176,149,521.6 186,763,590.4 176,314,539.0
Primary.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....................................... 57,397,662.6 52,591,813.1 48,048,324.8 59,437,112.1 68,097,702.3 51,683,890.5 117,580,581.4 88,962,310.8 87,431,368.8 80,460,926.7
For Industry.. .... .. .. .. .. .. ..................................... 48,967,398.3 43,342,228.6 39,623,617.0 50,766,633.7 54,671,193.8 38,953,015.8 92,555,105.8 63,494,493.3 67,078,924.2 64,378,684.7
For Household Consumption.. .. .. .. ..................... 8,430,264.3 9,249,584.5 8,424,707.9 8,670,478.4 13,426,508.4 12,730,874.7 25,025,475.6 25,467,817.5 20,352,444.5 16,082,242.0
Processed.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ................................... 48,568,893.5 56,481,751.1 53,541,942.2 52,400,544.3 57,520,860.5 67,450,278.2 132,486,454.2 87,187,210.7 99,332,221.6 95,853,612.3
For Industry.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................. 10,719,360.0 12,092,910.3 8,932,834.5 8,980,573.4 10,979,822.1 15,212,660.7 57,566,378.6 19,260,340.7 28,253,099.8 22,375,935.4
For Household Consumption.. .. .. .. ..................... 37,849,533.5 44,388,840.8 44,609,107.7 43,419,970.9 46,541,038.4 52,237,617.5 74,920,075.5 67,926,870.0 71,079,121.8 73,477,676.9
2. Industrial Supplies (Non-Food).. .. . .. .. ................. 406,010,055.2 407,224,667.9 450,478,979.1 462,171,672.5 524,701,476.6 518,933,211.6 551,420,667.1 610,090,409.1 604,125,061.9 638,952,255.4
Primary.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................... 24,359,594.8 23,318,685.7 25,861,940.4 26,050,872.3 29,358,719.5 30,459,161.1 29,245,198.6 34,146,943.4 36,937,217.1 28,370,063.7
Processed.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ............................... 381,650,460.4 383,905,982.2 424,617,038.7 436,120,800.2 495,342,757.1 488,474,050.5 522,175,468.4 575,943,465.7 567,187,844.8 610,582,191.7
3. Fuels and Lubricants.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ......................... 349,904,610.4 336,838,379.5 326,305,391.5 346,744,587.1 238,349,902.4 209,458,479.4 282,687,765.1 338,671,289.0 334,184,115.3 224,582,307.0
Primary.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .................................... 128,393,957.4 71,104,462.8 43,940,091.3 3,997,618.1 3,789,425.1 3,799,568.1 4,784,840.2 7,482,481.8 5,112,802.3 6,192,389.4
Processed.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................. 221,510,652.9 265,733,916.7 282,365,300.2 342,746,969.0 234,560,477.3 205,658,911.3 277,902,924.9 331,188,807.1 329,071,313.0 218,389,917.7
Motor Spirit.. .. .. . .. .. . .. ................................... 40,094,296.0 50,888,785.6 58,684,869.1 70,683,267.0 57,035,489.7 53,148,596.2 70,873,936.7 86,977,584.6 92,003,240.0 70,082,612.0
Other.. .. .. .. . .. ... .. .. .. ...................................... 181,416,356.9 214,845,131.1 223,680,431.1 272,063,702.0 177,524,987.6 152,510,315.1 207,028,988.1 244,211,222.5 237,068,073.0 148,307,305.7
4. Machinery and Other Capital Equipment.. .. ......... 210,023,917.6 253,280,621.0 250,873,354.7 278,709,240.2 287,546,401.7 312,080,463.1 310,776,574.6 290,555,959.9 324,531,786.7 278,805,884.5
Machinery and Other Capital Equipment................ 176,653,168.3 202,175,106.8 200,349,365.2 225,336,767.7 242,174,041.0 251,203,856.3 260,185,586.4 237,848,466.7 262,767,551.5 222,521,850.3

Parts and Accessories.. .. .. .. .. .. .......................... 33,370,749.3 51,105,514.2 50,523,989.5 53,372,472.5 45,372,360.7 60,876,606.8 50,590,988.1 52,707,493.2 61,764,235.2 56,284,034.2
5. Transport Equipment.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........................ 129,761,156.6 162,854,087.9 160,841,391.6 278,705,790.8 266,875,651.6 147,469,275.2 197,405,855.0 189,104,288.5 190,545,183.0 163,588,851.8
Passenger Motor Vehicles.. .. .. .. .. ........................ 29,086,714.2 35,796,344.9 44,604,383.1 51,429,961.4 56,138,072.3 50,047,721.9 53,894,971.6 58,200,288.4 60,287,027.4 49,180,301.2
Other.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....................................... 64,599,996.5 87,014,187.6 72,053,917.0 191,815,286.6 170,091,652.2 58,736,563.1 103,198,960.0 90,282,474.1 80,751,878.9 114,408,550.6
Industrial.. ..... .. ..... .. .. .. .................................. 56,034,028.8 80,140,526.3 61,998,474.8 181,962,643.7 158,163,602.6 48,950,744.8 90,421,749.4 77,632,487.7 65,602,464.3 57,141,311.9
Non-Industrial.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................ 8,565,967.7 6,873,661.3 10,055,442.2 9,852,643.0 11,928,049.6 9,785,818.3 12,777,210.6 12,649,986.4 15,149,414.6 15,164,795.9
Parts and Accessories.. .. .. .. .. .. .......................... 36,074,446.0 40,043,555.4 44,183,091.4 35,460,542.8 40,645,927.1 38,684,990.2 40,311,923.4 40,621,526.0 49,506,276.7 42,102,442.8
6. Consumer Goods not Elsewhere Specified.. ........ 93,075,437.1 95,965,352.3 96,298,910.8 113,536,643.5 126,220,693.3 127,473,408.1 138,920,190.4 148,661,721.9 156,442,875.0 157,065,127.0
Durable.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................... 14,766,580.8 17,202,801.2 24,386,111.3 22,468,624.9 23,910,381.5 23,763,452.4 25,801,980.8 31,010,106.8 30,979,746.1 31,132,713.6
Semi-Durable.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ............................... 24,932,800.3 21,603,219.7 20,737,970.8 27,853,149.6 32,415,390.2 31,556,266.4 39,638,383.0 41,413,588.1 42,697,954.6 44,166,442.0
Non-Durable.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ............................... 53,376,056.1 57,159,331.5 51,174,828.8 63,214,869.0 69,894,921.6 72,153,689.3 73,479,826.6 76,238,027.0 82,765,174.2 81,765,971.4
7. Goods not Elsewhere Specified.. .. .. .. .. ............... 6,007,699.4 9,350,251.7 26,927,303.6 26,615,705.2 11,960,355.2 4,256,864.4 5,194,056.2 11,238,279.2 9,742,013.1 4,251,090.1
Total.. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. ..................................... 1,300,749,432.6 1,374,586,924.5 1,413,315,598.5 1,618,321,295.6 1,581,273,043.5 1,438,805,870.6 1,736,472,143.9 1,764,471,469.2 1,806,334,625.4 1,643,560,054.8
Source: KRA-Customs and Border Control Department
Includes data on Small Scale Cross Border Trade and Electricity
Table 6.20: Price Indices, 2012- 2020
Percentage of
2020 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Food and Live animals.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................... 10.3 131.7 174.0 170.0 176.0 168.6 191.3 260.0 274.5 205.2
Beverages and tobacco.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .............. 0.7 139.8 172.0 136.0 133.3 149.6 125.2 176.0 191.8 170.7
Crude materials ,inedible.. . . . .. .. .. ................. 2.5 130.8 126.0 139.0 151.8 156.9 152.3 187.1 181.1 167.1
Mineral fuels.. .. . . . .. . . .. .. . .. ........................ 14.2 199.0 200.0 187.0 133.8 94.9 125.3 159.5 147.8 101.1
Animal and vegetable oils and fats.. .. . ............. 5.7 165.5 140.0 145.0 124.1 135.4 148.8 126.5 109.1 148.4
Chemicals.. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .......................... 16.7 131.8 158.0 147.0 145.4 142.8 161.2 184.5 190.8 158.6
Manufactured goods.. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . ................ 18.1 138.5 140.0 126.0 149.8 145.0 147.0 151.5 152.0 159.0
Machinery and transport equipment.. .. ............. 25.7 197.8 181.0 227.0 275.5 292.3 331.1 339.5 335.1 295.4
Miscellaneous and manufactured articles........... 6.1 150.0 164.0 189.0 169.2 150.1 159.3 160.8 177.3 218.5
All Imports.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................ 100.0 166.0 168.0 180.0 195.5 180.8 199.2 222.1 213.4 191.4
Non-oil Imports.. .. .. . .. ..................................... 85.8 157.6 160.0 178.0 213.6 209.4 221.6 241.8 233.4 219.7
Food and live animals.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................... 45.7 137.4 133.0 121.0 155.4 145.5 169.6 150.4 144.0 135.0
Beverages and tobacco.. .. .. .. . . . .. ................ 3.4 134.2 133.0 142.0 126.4 161.3 167.9 164.7 154.1 174.6
Crude materials, inedible.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ............... 19.1 97.6 126.0 125.0 123.9 103.1 113.9 141.1 146.9 201.1
Mineral fuels.. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .......................... 1.1 151.0 150.0 219.0 193.1 114.9 108.3 167.4 152.6 147.3
Animal and vegetable oils and fats.. .. .. .. ......... 1.8 151.5 125.0 128.0 135.9 156.4 125.8 114.4 157.3 135.0
Chemicals.. .. .. . .. ..... .. .. .... .. ........................ 8.8 126.8 114.0 134.0 155.0 185.4 116.0 156.2 123.4 126.1
Manufactured goods.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................ 7.2 123.3 113.0 112.0 117.0 108.3 132.3 109.4 106.2 119.6
Machinery and transport equipment.. . .............. 2.1 235.4 286.0 246.0 225.0 243.9 213.4 254.7 188.9 100.4
Miscellaneous and manufactured articles........... 10.9 135.1 188.0 165.0 183.4 184.1 190.6 189.2 200.2 172.0
All Exports.. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ............................... 100.0 130.9 136.0 132.0 148.6 142.5 150.4 151.1 145.1 146.1
Non-oil Exports.. . . .. .. ...................................... 98.9 130.6 136.0 131.0 147.9 142.9 151.2 150.8 145.0 146.0
Terms of Trade....................................................
All Items.. .. .. .. .. .. .......................................... 79.0 81.0 73.1 76.0 78.8 75.5 68.0 68.0 76.3
Non-oil Items.................................................... 82.8 85.0 73.1 69.2 68.2 68.2 62.4 62.1 66.5

Table 6.21: Quantum Indices, 2011- 2020
2009 = 100
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Food and live animals ............................................................................................ 91.0 90.4 64.0 73.0 78.0 76.5 148.7 77.2 76.3 94.9
Beverages and Tobacco ....................................................................................... 204.0 117.8 141.0 158.0 143.0 149.1 164.4 149.9 148.3 123.5
Crude materials, inedible ....................................................................................... 118.0 121.3 117.0 118.0 122.0 112.9 109.6 108.8 137.5 140.0
Mineral fuels ........................................................................................................ 146.0 103.0 99.0 112.0 108.0 132.3 133.3 127.3 135.3 135.7
Animal and vegetable oils and fats .......................................................................... 111.0 120.3 125.0 125.0 138.0 142.8 167.0 170.3 199.1 229.9
Chemicals ......................................................................................................... 127.0 130.2 122.0 139.0 157.0 154.6 144.1 134.7 129.7 169.1
Manufactured goods ............................................................................................. 116.0 129.3 149.0 171.0 162.0 161.7 163.2 184.9 183.0 171.4
Machinery and transport equipment ........................................................................... 67.0 85.6 92.0 100.0 82.0 64.0 61.7 57.2 62.6 60.4
Miscellaneous manufactured articles ........................................................................ 119.0 122.2 134.0 126.0 164.0 173.7 194.3 210.1 181.1 133.4
All Imports ............................................................................................................. 106.0 105.0 107.0 114.0 102.0 100.6 109.9 100.6 107.1 108.7
Non-oil Imports ..................................................................................................... 96.0 105.4 109.0 114.0 101.0 94.3 105.2 94.7 101.2 103.5
Food and live animals ............................................................................................ 103.0 107.6 110.0 116.0 109.0 119.6 113.7 130.0 121.2 147.4
Beverages and tobacco ......................................................................................... 124.0 118.9 105.0 111.0 124.0 84.8 75.3 78.5 75.2 78.3

Crude materials, inedible ....................................................................................... 125.0 137.6 103.0 135.0 138.0 182.6 178.9 149.1 142.7 108.6
Mineral fuels ........................................................................................................ 124.0 65.4 41.0 42.0 49.0 64.0 70.0 39.0 53.9 56.0
Animal and vegetable oils and fats ............................................................................ 136.0 145.5 112.0 80.0 58.0 66.4 58.4 79.3 69.2 127.1
Chemicals .......................................................................................................... 128.0 120.3 115.0 97.0 89.0 74.3 115.0 92.1 117.1 124.3
Manufactured goods ........................................................................................... 143.0 120.8 132.0 120.0 107.0 99.8 75.2 85.5 94.8 83.1
Machinery and transport equipment .......................................................................... 64.0 73.1 48.0 45.0 55.0 60.9 38.1 39.5 66.5 101.1
Miscellaneous manufactured articles ......................................................................... 107.0 112.2 84.0 108.0 100.0 98.4 96.3 98.0 90.7 109.1
All Exports ........................................................................................................... 114.0 113.4 104.0 110.0 105.0 111.6 109.2 110.9 110.8 119.6
Non-oil Exports ....................................................................................................... 113.0 114.5 105.0 112.0 107.0 112.6 109.9 112.6 112.1 121.1
Table 6.22: Domestic Export Price, 2011-2020
Item Unit of
Quantity 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Coffee, unroasted ............................................................................... Kg. 513.6 430.7 334.0 419.8 472.0 471.7 539.5 516.9 416.8 512.6
Tea .................................................................................................. " 265.3 269.1 234.6 205.9 292.5 259.4 315.3 276.7 238.9 226.4
Petroleum products:.......................................................................................
(a) Residual oils...................................................................................... Litre 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 42.9 49.0 45.3 55.2
(b) Motor spirit ................................................................................ " 57.8 72.5 76.1 110.4 68.3 60.7 91.9 49.6 56.1 109.9
(c) Diesel fuels .............................................................................. " 63.7 71.7 78.0 95.4 168.5 35.1 49.9 276.0 101.2 131.8
Meat and meat products ...................................................................... Kg. 373.2 354.2 368.4 396.2 434.7 453.3 328.6 306.5 388.9 445.8
Sisal ................................................................................................ " 100.6 107.0 101.9 131.3 168.3 183.6 164.0 163.6 165.1 161.4
Hides and skins, undressed .................................................................. " 47.9 49.4 47.4 49.1 54.4 61.4 46.2 54.1 91.5 51.9
Maize1 .................................................................................................... 100Kg. 14,362.1 10,444.5 15,545.8 19,287.4 15,562.2 16,005.2 14,141.8 19,220.7 18,671.5 19,999.6
Soda ash ........................................................................................... " 2,089.0 2,119.3 1,879.0 1,977.4 2,292.5 2,099.8 2,069.4 2,264.2 2,399.9 1,483.4
Cement ............................................................................................ " 1,256.1 1,100.8 1,002.7 1,046.6 1,132.7 1,037.7 904.3 1,027.6 1,101.2 934.4
Wattle extract ..................................................................................... Kg. 110.4 109.7 118.7 123.8 139.5 144.2 138.3 135.2 141.3 145.5
Raw cotton ........................................................................................ " 432.7 299.3 4,034.2 154.0 145.1 154.2 169.2 190.7 158.5 32.8

Tinned pineapples ............................................................................. " 97.5 107.5 110.7 108.5 116.4 112.8 125.0 127.6 127.6 132.5
Raw cashew nuts ............................................................................... " 604.5 497.5 379.8 411.9 504.7 664.9 773.5 857.9 763.1 612.7
Wool ............................................................................................... " 159.9 152.3 151.4 159.1 193.6 182.9 196.7 212.1 215.7 197.7
Pyrethrum flower ................................................................................... " 314.6 872.3 14,560.1 0.0 0.0 153.3 143.5 100.9 9,928.1 353.4
Animal feeds ..................................................................................... 100Kg. 842.0 870.3 1,075.5 1,370.0 1,317.7 1,110.2 1,353.0 1,453.9 1,414.2 1,324.1
Non-ferrous metal scrap ........................................................................ " 24,171.1 51,706.8 55,776.9 51,315.9 44,681.6 23,365.2 26,313.9 27,745.5 26,626.1 26,179.8
Beans, peas and pulses ....................................................................... Kg. 95.5 61.8 63.2 69.6 90.5 77.6 64.4 52.5 48.5 65.1
Butter and ghee ................................................................................. " 305.0 393.7 434.5 417.3 488.5 418.1 487.4 418.7 427.5 485.9
Oil seeds ........................................................................................... " 95.4 61.2 130.9 114.8 125.7 93.4 103.6 117.2 99.6 134.4
Wood and timber ................................................................................ Cu. metre 378.9 265.3 1,366.8 146.0 337.2 531.9 1,043.0 177.7 182.4 1,204.0
Cord, rope, twine of sisal ....................................................................... Kg. 52.7 118.6 68.2 64.1 65.7 101.6 116.7 130.9 178.0 163.3
Horticulture ....................................................................................... " 229.1 220.5 83.9 89.1 227.9 220.0 247.9 249.8 262.9 229.3
Special purpose maize sold at about three times the price of ordinary maize
Table 6.23: Unit Prices of Selected Imports C.I.F, 2011 - 2020
Article Unit of Qty 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Fish and fish preparations.. .. .. .. . .. .. ................... 100kg 6,583.2 5,948.5 8,811.1 8,428.1 8,659.0 9,919.2 9,985.8 11,275.0 12,269.1 11,320.6
Apples, fresh.. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ............................ 100kg 6,947.2 6,735.6 6,510.6 6,022.2 6,354.3 6,710.7 7,430.3 7,943.0 8,661.0 8,824.1
Hops.. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. ...... .. ............................ Kg 1,038.9 883.4 858.9 862.9 584.4 797.7 548.1 1,432.4 1,602.2 1,450.7
Refined sugar.. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. .. ..................... 100kg 6,542.3 6,251.9 6,038.7 5,392.6 5,415.2 5,404.3 5,791.4 5,016.7 4,863.9 5,351.4
Sugar and syrups.. .. .. .. .... . .. .. .. ......................... " 6,291.6 5,352.4 5,309.8 4,977.1 5,067.1 4,606.7 4,673.4 4,730.6 4,658.6 4,819.1
Milk foods for infants.. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ...................... " 69,649.1 57,635.2 67,508.2 68,746.5 72,127.8 72,179.0 78,096.8 82,033.0 39,985.6 17,609.8
Bakers and Household yeast.. . ... .. ... .. ................ " 19,131.1 14,827.5 16,758.6 23,476.6 25,886.7 25,651.4 19,286.2 22,316.8 25,091.5 25,166.6
Cigarettes.. .. .. .. ... .. .. ....... ................................... Kg. 2,462.0 3,293.2 2,425.3 2,043.1 2,837.8 2,429.6 2,984.2 1,497.7 3,528.5 4,351.1
Tobacco, unmanufactured .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ............. " 343.2 350.7 405.8 311.0 294.0 273.6 287.7 283.8 266.6 252.9
Natural rubber .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. ...................... 100 Kg. 41,857.6 30,491.8 24,649.2 19,250.9 14,543.4 14,229.7 16,297.6 15,591.8 12,490.6 12,793.1
Jute and cuttings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....................... Tonne 15,916.1 38,364.8 510,293.7 36,990.8 15,534.9 28,918.7 16,472.3 127,248.9 129,732.9 412,428.8
Sulphur .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ........................... 100 Kg. 2,838.1 2,973.6 2,249.3 1,932.9 2,483.1 2,143.1 1,647.2 2,081.4 1,948.6 1,532.0
Petroleum crude .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ...................... Tonne 69,995.5 68,289.0 72,321.1 364,380.1 452,725.9 226,094.4 121,605.3 162,632.4 354,084.6 161,917.8
Aviation spirit .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ........................... Litre 321.4 72.1 0.0 0.0 121.9 100.2 113.7 130.6 110.8 104.6
Motor spirit .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ............................ " 66.9 65.2 63.8 59.7 40.7 34.8 42.5 51.9 47.3 35.7
Jet fuel .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ............................. " 68.3 67.1 67.2 63.6 41.0 31.7 40.3 52.6 49.2 33.9

lubricating oils .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ........................ " 347.3 75.6 87.7 227.2 49.0 87.5 44.9 365.4 261.4 198.2
Glyceral and glycerine .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .................. 100 Kg. 8,269.2 7,708.0 8,744.8 8,199.9 7,306.9 6,825.6 7,974.8 10,316.0 7,725.1 7,355.5
Urea, more than 45% nitrogen .. .. .. .. .... .. ........... Tonne 38,882.7 51,563.5 35,999.7 34,887.7 32,934.6 25,387.5 27,697.0 31,543.9 29,418.8 31,144.3
Chlorine.. .. .. .. . .. ... . . . .. .. ... .. ............................ 100 Kg. 8,021.9 7,487.9 6,734.1 6,583.7 5,756.8 6,535.3 6,191.0 6,089.9 6,284.5 5,315.6
Caustic soda.. . .. . .. . ... .. .. . .. . .. .. ....................... " 5,080.9 5,483.3 5,172.2 4,525.7 4,869.5 4,684.6 6,886.8 7,542.7 5,721.9 4,486.2
Super-phosphates.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...................... Tonne 38,796.1 50,698.7 31,871.0 39,100.9 42,925.9 33,894.6 34,110.4 27,313.5 31,602.3 36,430.3
Sulphate of ammonia.. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ........................ " 80,218.5 74,878.9 21,696.0 18,947.9 19,878.6 19,121.3 17,734.6 17,918.1 17,973.5 20,275.8
Double salts and mixtures of Ammonium sulphate "
and ammonium nitrate.. 44,095.2 58,058.2 117,824.8 123,819.5 29,066.1 112,400.5 410,020.6 25,979.7 25,220.3 20,475.9
Paper and paper board ;......................................... "
(a)Newsprint paper.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................... 100Kg 6,739.8 6,010.5 5,770.9 5,796.6 5,771.4 5,734.1 5,667.5 7,302.4 5,751.6 4,834.1
(b)Other printing and writing paper uncoated.. ..... " 10,378.0 10,368.3 8,882.3 9,885.6 9,905.0 9,779.7 9,970.7 11,076.2 11,925.4 6,501.4
(c)Other printing and writing paper, coated.... ...... " 7,905.7 7,047.5 6,996.8 7,323.7 7,731.6 7,542.8 8,110.7 9,839.3 9,149.4 8,175.2
(d)Cigarette paper.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....................... " 29,008.4 29,333.5 29,924.8 31,780.3 29,822.4 31,306.5 26,728.3 26,456.8 24,158.6 28,448.7
Cotton fabrics, woven, other than gry:-...................
(a)Dyed.. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. .......................... Kg 710.9 624.0 688.5 573.2 558.1 559.3 622.3 639.6 635.1 613.2
(b)Printed.. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . . ......................... " 745.9 974.3 578.3 295.5 239.2 182.1 251.2 364.0 474.5 393.2
(c)Coloured.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ....................... " 930.9 1,073.3 544.4 539.5 575.9 848.6 644.9 776.0 516.1 240.2
Tractors, agricultural.. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. ..................... Number 1,643,493.3 103,268.2 1,867,075.0 1,864,561.5 1,831,308.0 2,063,819.2 1,981,055.6 1,747,111.8 1,722,922.9 1,739,871.5
Domestic refrigerators, electrical.. .. .. .. .. .............. " 0.0 0.0 15,129.8 13,108.0 15,537.8 22,515.3 14,562.4 18,771.3 15,578.1 16,010.1
Domestic washing machines.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........... " 12,863.7 21,076.2 23,185.4 20,180.5 14,372.5 14,223.7 16,952.9 20,491.0 18,917.8 19,680.0
Table 6.24: Central Monetary Authorities:Foreign Exchange Reserves, 2011 - 2020
KSh Million
Official Foreign Assets and Liabilities
Central Bank of Kenya Central Government Foreign

Foreign Total Net Reserves1 of

As at end of S.D.R.'s Exchange External Banks' Use of Fund Foreign Assets Reserve Other Total Reserves Central Monetery
(cash+gold) Deposits Credit of Central Bank Position in IMF Holdings of Central Govt Authorities
2011 December .. 1,431 349,877 8,829 59,507 282,972 1,690 68 1,757 353,065
2012 December .. 596 478,334 11,653 76,860 390,417 1,719 110 1,829 480,759
2013 December .. 1,369 532,041 10,377 92,333 430,700 1,765 127 1,892 535,302
2014 December .. 1,241 701,328 10,602 86,159 605,808 1,743 118 1,861 704,430
2015 December .. 1,551 739,273 17,876 86,365 636,583 1,936 56 1,992 742,816
2016 December .. 3,813 730,718 14,210 77,196 643,125 1,843 104 1,947 736,479
2017 December .. 1,487 735,262 17,301 69,816 649,632 1,975 116 2,090 738,839

2018 December .. 2,577 831,298 18,173 52,133 763,569 1,899 109 2,009 835,883
2019 December .. 5,981 911,428 30,120 36,548 850,734 1,877 111 1,988 919,390
2020* January .. 5,310 886,492 20,764 35,522 835,516 1,855 47 1,902 893,703
February .. 4,358 876,799 19,871 34,664 826,622 1,858 47 1,904 883,061
March .. .. 4,527 896,635 24,440 35,715 841,006 1,914 48 1,962 903,124
April .. .. 1,481 892,255 23,738 33,482 836,516 1,964 49 2,013 895,749
May .. .. 1,455 1,036,974 23,800 113,155 901,474 1,966 49 2,015 1,040,444
June .. .. 3,253 1,031,260 24,450 110,605 899,457 1,963 50 2,013 1,036,525
July .. .. 2,717 1,032,401 27,265 114,213 893,641 2,039 51 2,090 1,037,208
August .. 1,735 990,350 29,097 114,218 848,770 2,057 52 2,108 994,194
September .. 8,598 939,360 22,174 113,607 812,176 2,046 51 2,097 950,055
October .. 5,334 901,694 27,205 110,959 768,863 2,058 52 2,110 909,137
November .. 5,457 893,523 25,432 113,685 759,863 2,108 53 2,161 901,141
December .. 2,870 899,952 32,115 110,995 759,712 2,106 53 2,159 904,982
Source: Central Bank of Kenya.
Reserves constitute foreign assets which are readily available for meeting external financial needs
Table 4.4: Foreign Exchange Rates1 of Kenya Shilling as at 31st Dec for Selected Currencies, 2014 - 2020
Foreign Currency 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
1 Euro 116.84 108.96 112.33 116.73 119.63 114.18 106.47
1 US Dollar .. .. .. .. .. 87.92 98.18 101.50 103.41 101.29 101.99 136.73
1 Pound Sterling .. .. .. .. 144.88 150.17 137.66 133.20 135.25 130.18 113.61
1 Swiss Franc .. .. .. .. 96.18 102.04 103.04 105.04 103.58 102.62 11.62
1 Swedish Kroner .. .. .. 12.88 11.65 11.87 12.12 11.67 10.79 99.80
100 Japanese Yen .. .. 83.26 81.12 93.55 92.22 91.74 93.59 1.44
1 Indian Rupee .. .. .. 1.44 1.53 1.51 1.59 1.48 1.45 0.66
1 Pakistan Rupee2 .. .. 0.87 0.96 0.98 0.98 0.84 0.68 8.86
100 Burundi Francs .. 12.84 .. .. .. .. ..
100 Rwanda Francs2 .. 7.79 7.09 7.53 8.11 8.50 8.82 6.51
1 SA Rand .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8.10 7.72 6.93 7.77 7.69 7.06 21.76
TSh/KSh3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 18.93 20.73 21.54 21.63 22.48 22.63 34.93
USh/KSh3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 29.55 32.94 33.68 34.92 36.81 36.32 121.65
Overall Trade Weighted Index
2009 = 100 .. .. .. .. 108.10 114.30 114.83 116.52 115.66 113.04 115.37
Source: Central Bank of Kenya / Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
Annual average
Via US dollar exchange rates
Calculated as 1 Kenya Shilling to Uganda or Tanzania Shilling

Table 7.1: Categories of Agricultural Land (As of 2013)1
'000 Hectares
High Medium Low Total All Other Total
County Potential Potential Potential Land Land Area
Kiambu 386 5 24 415 78 493
Kirinyaga 98 10 - 108 35 143
Nyandarua 265 - 5 270 83 353
Nyeri 160 - 12 172 157 329
Kilifi 104 247 851 1,202 39 1,241
Kwale 126 162 508 796 30 826
Lamu 7 319 321 647 4 651
Mombasa 21 - - 21 - 21
Taita/Taveta 42 10 590 642 1,054 1,696
Tana River 73 58 3,393 3,524 345 3,869
Embu 66 186 - 252 19 271
Isiolo - - 2,561 2,561 - 2,561
Kitui 67 1,137 1,078 2,282 657 2,939
Machakos 125 771 454 1,350 68 1,418
Marsabit 4 - 7,045 7,049 346 7,395
Meru 241 95 315 651 341 992
Nairobi 16 - 38 54 14 68
Garissa - - 4,393 4,393 - 4,393
Mandera - - 2,647 2,647 - 2,647
Wajir - - 5,650 5,650 - 5,650
Siaya 432 29 - 461 - 461
Nyamira 220 - - 220 - 220
Homa Bay 566 5 - 571 - 571
Baringo 166 84 751 1,001 62 1,063
Elgeyo/Marakwet 104 - 92 196 77 273
Kajiado 22 - 1,760 1,782 314 2,096
Kericho 380 - - 380 109 489
Laikipia 130 - 768 898 74 972
Nakuru 291 39 231 561 141 702
Nandi 234 - - 234 40 274
Narok 908 - 704 1,612 240 1,852
Samburu 140 - 1,612 1,752 329 2,081
Trans Nzoia 208 - - 208 39 247
Turkana 12 - 5,937 5,949 - 5,949
Uasin Gishu 327 - - 327 51 378
West Pokot 103 - 365 468 39 507
Bungoma 253 - - 253 55 308
Busia 163 - - 163 - 163
Kakamega 325 - - 325 27 352
TOTAL 6,785 3,157 42,105 52,047 4,867 56,914
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries / Kenya Meteorological Service
The three categories are defined as follows:
High potential:annual rainfall of 857.5mm or more (over 980mm in Coast region).
Medium potential: annual rainfall of 735mm-857.5mm.(735mm-980mm in Coast region and 612.5mm-857.5mm in Eastern
Low potental:Annual rainfall of 612.5mm or less.

Table 7.2(a): Gross Marketed Production at Current Prices, 2014 - 2020
KSh Million
Commodity 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Maize 9,604.4 8,506.0 7,891.1 8,478.7 9,986.9 10,681.2 8,232.5
Wheat 7,618.0 8,198.2 8,028.1 5,283.1 11,744.7 13,373.4 10,281.5
Barley 2,375.1 2,465.2 1,358.1 961.0 908.1 1,733.8 1,263.6
Rice 2,653.6 2,322.2 3,449.4 1,374.9 2,711.4 4,538.2 4,130.3
Other Cereals 2,692.1 2,478.8 2,458.6 3,629.2 3,648.4 5,546.5 6,362.9
Total 24,943.2 23,970.4 23,185.4 19,726.9 28,999.5 35,873.1 30,270.8
Cut flowers 59,893.1 62,937.5 70,829.5 82,248.9 113,165.2 104,141.8 107,508.6
Vegetables 18,780.6 20,939.5 23,366.8 24,064.6 27,685.2 27,247.8 24,228.4
Fruits 5,410.6 6,561.8 7,317.3 9,009.3 12,831.1 13,189.0 18,426.9
Total 84,084.3 90,438.8 101,513.6 115,322.8 153,681.5 144,578.6 150,163.9
Temporary Industrial Crops
Pyrethrum2 61.1 51.0 22.0 19.2 28.5 68.5 57.0
Sugar-cane 20,294.5 22,397.1 24,221.3 20,133.8 20,985.5 17,576.9 25,207.3
Cotton 64.0 67.4 65.4 545.1 272.5 156.0 206.3
Tobacco 1,375.0 1,449.4 1,405.0 1,144.6 1,237.9 1,067.2 2,839.3
Total 21,794.5 23,964.9 25,713.7 21,842.7 22,524.4 18,868.6 28,309.9
Other Temporary Crops
Pulses 37.5 47.4 52.3 60.7 65.0 57.9 60.0
Potatoes 157.2 214.6 231.8 188.0 201.3 237.1 225.3
Other Temporary Crops 182.0 245.0 265.7 265.7 265.7 294.3 294.3
Total 376.7 507.0 549.8 514.4 532.0 589.3 579.5
Permanent Crops
Coffee 16,634.4 12,074.7 16,192.3 16,037.1 14,837.7 10,164.8 10,817.4
Sisal 2,944.8 3,595.0 4,729.6 3,557.8 3,794.3 4,379.6 4,981.1
Tea 84,854.6 118,391.2 116,547.3 134,826.0 127,669.3 104,072.6 122,161.6
Total ####### 134,060.9 137,469.1 154,420.9 146,301.3 118,617.0 137,960.1
Total Crops ####### 272,941.9 288,431.6 311,827.6 352,038.7 318,526.6 347,284.2
Livestock and Related Products
Cattle and Calves for slaughter 59,272.8 66,216.7 84,701.2 93,630.2 100,248.7 107,352.6 117,144.0
Sheep, goat and lambs for slaughter 9,207.8 4,854.7 5,767.4 6,782.4 7,758.8 7,591.4 8,527.1
Pigs for slaughter 1,398.4 1,317.4 1,838.1 2,216.2 2,324.3 1,887.7 2,019.8
Poultry and eggs 7,440.7 6,005.9 8,788.4 10,674.8 12,069.2 9,227.8 10,686.7
Wool 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2
Hides and skins 1,883.7 1,005.8 1,286.4 1,418.4 1,716.0 1,773.4 1,937.7
Dairy products3 18,785.0 21,205.4 23,020.1 23,047.9 23,026.7 20,576.2 22,721.5
Total 97,989.2 100,606.0 125,401.8 137,770.2 147,144.0 148,409.3 163,037.1
Grand Total ####### 373,548.0 413,833.5 449,597.9 499,182.7 466,935.9 510,321.3
* Provisional
Data refers to fresh horticultural exports only
Series revised from 2016 to 2019
Series revised from 2017 to 2019

Table 7.2(b): Gross Marketed Production at Constant (2001) Prices, 2014- 2020
KSh Million
Commodity 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Wheat ......................................................... 3,935.5 4,015.9 3,614.3 2,891.5 3,214.3 6,281.5 5,056.9
Maize........................................................... 5,600.6 4,092.7 3,888.1 2,975.0 6,231.9 4,306.5 3,553.2
Barley ......................................................... 1,008.5 1,099.0 514.3 394.5 414.3 633.9 488.5
Rice (paddy)................................................ 759.6 827.8 922.0 712.1 663.8 1,800.2 2,027.9
Other Cereals.............................................. 2,324.5 2,343.2 2,159.8 1,653.0 2,750.9 3,251.4 3,343.5
Total 13,628.8 12,378.7 11,098.5 8,626.1 13,275.2 16,273.5 14,469.9
Cut flowers.................................................. 35,088.7 37,553.4 40,865.6 48,907.6 49,294.7 53,114.1 44,649.3
Vegetables.................................................. 16,930.1 16,595.0 18,965.5 20,999.5 20,657.3 17,507.5 15,062.4
Fruits........................................................... 3,835.3 5,046.1 5,309.3 6,213.5 8,244.1 8,934.6 11,463.5
Total 55,854.0 59,194.6 65,140.4 76,120.6 78,196.1 79,556.2 71,175.2
Temporary Industrial Crops
Pyrethrum.................................................... 35.6 36.6 29.5 18.7 10.3 3.0 3.0
Sugar-cane ................................................ 13,052.5 13,801.2 14,410.6 9,574.5 10,598.6 9,269.0 13,701.8
Cotton ......................................................... 27.4 32.4 30.0 213.3 106.6 54.0 61.2
Tobacco....................................................... 680.7 630.9 584.4 388.7 408.1 310.7 1,208.6
Total 13,796.2 14,501.0 15,054.5 10,195.2 11,123.6 9,636.7 14,974.6
Other Temporary Crops
Pulses......................................................... 37.5 46.5 30.4 28.4 32.7 57.2 59.2
Potatoes...................................................... 157.2 192.6 134.9 87.9 146.4 162.9 154.7
Other Temporary Crops .............................. 182.0 245.0 154.6 124.3 191.4 182.0 182.0
Total 376.7 484.1 319.9 240.6 370.5 402.1 396.0
Permanent Crops
Coffee ......................................................... 4,998.9 3,793.8 4,671.8 3,971.9 4,337.2 3,956.8 4,345.4
Sisal............................................................ 952.0 875.8 1,001.9 909.9 951.3 1,096.8 1,249.3
Tea.............................................................. 58,259.8 52,252.8 61,679.9 57,573.0 64,528.7 60,065.4 74,541.9
Total 64,210.7 56,922.4 67,353.6 62,454.8 69,817.1 65,119.0 80,136.6
Total Crops 147,866.5 143,480.8 158,966.9 157,637.3 172,782.6 170,987.5 181,152.3
Livestock & Products
Cattle and Calves for slaughter.................... 18,690.4 20,470.6 23,804.6 25,060.9 26,829.0 27,727.2 28,313.2
Sheep, goats and lambs for slaughter ......... 4,249.8 4,542.2 4,905.0 5,493.6 5,713.2 6,302.0 6,435.2
Pigs for slaughter ........................................ 1,286.0 1,414.6 1,567.9 1,800.4 1,844.3 1,534.7 1,534.7
Poultry and eggs.......................................... 3,614.5 4,659.2 5,912.4 6,821.7 7,152.6 5,567.1 5,567.1
Wool............................................................ 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2
Hides and skins........................................... 838.5 1,005.8 1,067.9 1,121.3 775.3 801.2 818.1
Dairy products............................................. 7,037.6 7,804.8 8,453.7 6,964.2 8,361.6 8,916.3 8,897.0
Total 35,717.0 39,897.4 45,711.6 47,262.3 50,676.3 50,848.8 51,565.6
Grand Total 183,583.4 183,378.2 204,678.5 204,899.6 223,458.9 221,836.2 232,717.9
* Provisional
Data refers to Fresh Horticultural exports only

Table 7.3: Gross Marketed Production from Large and Small Farms, 2014 - 2020


Share of Small
Annual Annual Annual
KSh Million KSh Million KSh Million Farms (Per
Year Change Change Change
2014 87,998 (3.0) 239,131 (2.5) 327,129 (2.7) 73.1
2015 101,219 15.0 272,238 13.9 373,502 14.2 72.9
2016 111,587 10.4 301,697 11.0 413,284 10.8 73.0
2017 119,905 7.4 329,178 9.1 449,084 8.7 73.3
2018 134,137 11.9 364,514 10.7 498,651 11.0 73.1
2019 124,981 (6.8) 341,366 (6.4) 466,346 (6.5) 73.2
2020* 136,094 8.9 373,622 9.5 509,717 9.3 73.3
* Provisional
20 hectares and above

Table 7.4: Agricultural Value Added 1, 2016 - 2020

KSh Million; Base: 2016 = 100
+ + +
2016 2017 2018 2019+ 2020*
Output at basic prices 1,714,411 1,992,705 2,099,266 2,342,571 2,669,134
Intermediate consumption 318,135 365,519 378,805 418,885 478,311
Value added at basic prices, gross 1,396,276 1,627,186 1,720,461 1,923,686 2,190,823
Output at basic prices 1,714,411 1,689,721 1,785,520 1,849,638 1,957,541
Intermediate consumption 318,135 323,554 335,969 357,125 384,530
Value added at basic prices, gross 1,396,276 1,366,168 1,449,552 1,492,513 1,573,011
* Provisional.
Excludes Forestry and Fishing

Table 7.5: Production for Sale, 2014 - 2020
'000 Tonnes
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Wheat 1..................... 218.0 227.3 215.9 156.9 330.3 348.8 280.8
Maize2....................... 289.4 295.3 265.8 239.2 441.5 316.7 261.3
Rice paddy 1,+ .. ...... 46.2 43.7 78.8 83.6 117.8 147.3 156.0
Sugar-cane 1............. 6,500.0 7,164.8 7,151.7 4,751.6 5,262.2 4,606.1 6,799.9
Cotton 1 ................... 1.5 15.7 15.8 11.9 12.0 3.0 3.4
Coffee ....................... 42.5 32.2 39.7 33.7 36.8 45.0 36.9
Sisal........................... 23.1 21.2 24.3 22.5 23.1 26.6 30.3
Tea............................ 445.1 399.1 473.0 439.9 493.0 458.9 569.5
Source:Marketing Boards, Regulatory Boards and Millers
* Provisional.
Deliveries to factories/ginneries
Includes purchases by National Cereals and Produce Board and millers

Table 7.6: Average Prices to Producers, 2014 - 2020
KSh Per 100 Kg
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Wheat........................ 3,495.3 3,561.6 3,718.4 3,198.0 3,555.5 3,833.5 3,662.0
Maize......................... 3,318.5 2,870.1 2,968.8 3,987.3 2,261.8 3,372.6 3,152.6
Rice paddy+ 3,483.3 4,729.0 5,890.7 4,522.7 6,437.6 3,969.2 3,206.9
Pyrethrum extract+ 1,687,176.0 1,257,082.0 2,501,008.0 2,499,035.0 2,498,019.0 2,499,926.0 2,315,135.0
Sugar-cane................ 313.3 312.5 338.7 423.7 395.9 385.3 370.7
Cotton ...................... 4,200.0 4,200.0 4,200.0 4,600.0 4,600.0 5,200.0 5,903.8
Coffee1 39,185.9 37,480.0 40,815.5 47,547.7 40,286.4 30,227.2 44,304.0
Sisal........................... 11,122.1 16,924.7 19,463.4 16,121.7 16,445.4 16,459.0 16,424.2
Tea1........................... 19,064.0 29,656.3 24,732.4 30,652.2 25,896.5 22,681.0 21,414.4
Source: Marketing Boards, Millers and Ginneries
* Provisional.
Auction prices
Table 7.7: Purchases for Slaughter by Licensed Abattoirs, 2014 - 2020
'000 Head
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Cattle and Calves 2,076.7 2,274.5 2,460.2 2,590.0 2,781.7 3,080.8 1,953.7
Sheep and Goats 6,138.5 6,560.8 8,220.2 9,206.7 10,247.6 11,302.7 12,040.2
Pigs 257.2 282.9 313.6 360.1 388.2 413.5 396.7
Source: State Department of Livestock
* Provisional

Table 7.8: Dairy Production, 2011- 2020


Milk Production+ Wholemilk and cream Butter and ghee Cheese
(Mn litres) (Mn litres1) (Tonnes) (Tonnes)
2011 549.0 374.0 1,995.1 290.3
2012 495.2 331.6 1,800.7 254.9
2013 523.0 406.7 1,231.0 267.4
2014 540.0 419.6 1,444.5 265.7
2015 615.9 437.9 1,646.4 302.9
2016 648.2 448.6 1,444.9 311.2
2017 591.4 410.6 1,127.3 338.3
2018 652.3 468.4 1,249.4 384.3
2019 685.9 491.8 1,013.4 305.4
2020* 684.4 458.1 947.0 158.0
Source: Kenya Dairy Board.
* Provisional
Revised from 2017
Wholemilk equivalent.


Table 7.9: Price to Producers for Meat and Whole Milk, 2011- 2020
Beef Pig Meat Whole Milk1
(per Kg) (per Kg) (per litre)
2011 200.00 170.15 26.50
2012 209.78 181.76 26.50
2013 260.00 184.27 31.00
2014 275.00 202.68 34.70
2015 305.10 212.66 34.43
2016 359.05 226.66 35.43
2017 380.90 231.72 38.97
2018 381.22 231.91 35.30
2019 422.22 232.96 30.00
2020* 425.10 259.30 33.20
Source: Slaughter Houses, Farmers Choice and Kenya Dairy Board
* Provisional
Average price paid by milk processors

Table 7.10: Value of Agricultural Inputs, 2013 - 2020
KSh '000
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Material Inputs
Fertilizers 8,898,200 11,817,900 12,172,400 13,930,700 17,612,100 14,950,400 15,697,920 16,207,770
Crop chemicals 4,477,827 4,337,600 4,771,400 5,572,300 7,044,800 11,871,100 11,043,700 14,193,164
Livestock drugs and medicines1 2,988,434 2,688,300 3,606,600 4,179,200 4,610,700 2,296,700 2,888,800 1,947,509
Fuel 3,618,016 5,101,396 2,232,649 5,862,005 4,828,600 6,007,000 2,961,827 3,024,273
Power 8,586,676 10,013,684 10,646,851 11,308,295 12,801,800 10,371,700 13,854,913 14,147,027
Spares and maintenance �of machinery 775,711 747,123 759,123 805,810 1,018,757 982,344 1,008,617 1,075,183
Bags 110,600 121,900 128,800 130,200 135,200 139,300 127,300 131,924
Manufactured feeds1 6,192,200 7,073,200 7,983,500 8,628,300 9,519,100 7,900,000 7,669,700 9,865,557
Seeds 3,704,200 4,395,200 4,483,100 3,384,900 4,194,700 3,540,300 4,167,400 4,184,167
Office expenses 10,630 10,238 10,403 11,042 13,961 13,462 13,822 14,734
Small implements 193,500 186,368 189,362 201,008 254,127 245,044 251,598 268,203
Other material inputs 924,800 1,030,800 1,197,000 1,414,000 1,560,000 1,751,500 1,787,800 1,956,555

Total 40,480,794 47,523,709 48,181,187 55,427,760 63,593,845 60,068,850 61,473,396 67,016,067
Services Inputs
Marketing,research and publicity 1,113,597 1,398,227 1,590,646 1,851,437 1,957,425 1,846,638 1,884,874 1,882,501
Artificial insemination 1,742 2,187 2,488 2,896 3,061 2,888 2,948 2,944
Aerial spraying 15,761 19,790 22,513 26,205 27,705 26,137 26,678 26,644
Accounting,secretarial and �auditing services 200,048 251,180 285,746 332,595 351,635 331,733 338,602 338,176
Tractor services 204,997 257,393 292,814 340,822 360,333 339,938 346,977 346,540
Private veterinary services 3,941 4,948 5,629 6,552 6,927 6,535 6,670 6,662
Government seed inspection services 13,745 17,259 19,634 22,853 24,161 22,793 23,265 23,236
Farm planning and survey services 459 576 655 762 806 760 776 775
Government veterinary �inoculation services 16,862 21,171 24,085 28,034 29,638 27,961 28,540 28,504
Insurance 73,862 92,740 105,503 122,800 129,830 122,482 125,018 124,861
Transportation 461,861 579,910 659,716 767,878 811,836 765,887 781,746 780,761
Other 51,226 64,319 73,171 85,167 90,043 84,947 86,706 86,596
Total 2,158,100 2,709,700 3,082,600 3,588,000 3,793,400 3,578,700 3,652,800 3,648,200
Total Inputs 42,638,894 50,233,409 51,263,787 59,015,760 67,387,245 63,647,550 65,126,196 70,664,267
* Povisional
For details see Table 7.11, Next Page
Table 7.11: Chemical, Medicinal and Feed Inputs, 2013 - 2020
KSh '000
+ + +
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Crop Chemicals
Insecticides 2,912,784 2,821,569 3,103,751 3,624,729 4,582,577 7,722,040 7,183,824 9,232,544
Fungicides 877,361 849,886 934,882 1,091,806 1,380,319 2,325,958 2,163,842 2,780,937
Herbicides 572,768 554,831 610,319 712,764 901,114 1,518,456 1,412,621 1,815,480
Plant hormones 114,914 111,315 122,448 143,001 180,790 304,647 283,413 364,239
Total 4,477,827 4,337,601 4,771,400 5,572,300 7,044,800 11,871,100 11,043,700 14,193,200
Livestock Drugs and Medicines
Dips,Spray fluids 1,614,826 1,441,864 1,948,857 2,258,267 2,491,432 1,241,042 1,560,988 1,052,348
Vaccines 376,476 336,152 454,352 526,486 580,846 289,333 363,925 245,342
Other livestock drugs 997,131 890,330 1,203,391 1,394,447 1,538,423 766,325 963,887 649,810
Total 2,988,434 2,668,346 3,606,600 4,179,200 4,610,700 2,296,700 2,888,800 1,947,500
Manufactured Feeds
Pig feed 401,969 459,160 518,252 560,110 617,936 512,832 497,882 640,429
Poultry feed 4,016,273 4,587,691 5,178,114 5,596,332 6,174,107 5,123,955 4,974,582 6,398,847
Cattle feed 1,141,615 1,304,039 1,471,865 1,590,742 1,754,973 1,456,470 1,414,011 1,818,855

Other feeds 632,343 722,310 815,270 881,116 972,084 806,743 783,225 1,007,468
Total 6,192,200 7,073,200 7,983,500 8,628,300 9,519,100 7,900,000 7,669,700 9,865,600
* Provisional
Table 7.12: Irrigation Schemes, 2014/15- 2019/20

2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20*

Hectares cropped (Ha) 10,629 10,629 17,146 23,076 25,710 25,911
Number of plots-holders 7,178 7,178 7,178 7,684 7,684 7,684
Paddy yields (Tonnes) 91,624 78,760 59,291 89,960 120,996 141,920
Gross value of output (KSh Million) 5,727 4,726 3,558 6,122 8,748 9,017
Payments to Plot-holders (KSh Million) 4,780 3,938 1,816 3,522 5,759 5,177

Hectares cropped 1,687 939 718 670 1,255 1,255
Number of plots-holders 946 566 899 899 911 911
Paddy yields (Tonnes) 7,942 6,494 7,752 4,596 8,473 9,600
Gross value of output (KSh Million) 265 227 333 184 347 355
Payments to Plot-holders (KSh Million) 334 157 167 88 171 186

Hectares cropped 810 .. .. .. .. ..
Number of plots-holders 1,221 .. .. .. .. ..
Seed maize (Tonnes) .. .. .. .. .. ..
Gross value of output (KSh Million) .. .. .. .. .. ..
Payments to Plot-holders (KSh Million) .. .. .. .. .. ..

Hectares cropped 694 694 658 631 754 803
Number of plots-holders 253 1,394 1,393 1,393 1,415 1,495
Paddy yields (Tonnes) 4,600 4,522 3,632 3,741 3,686 3,492
Gross value of output (KSh Million) 184 158 136 138 125 119
Payments to Plot-holders (KSh Million) 133 106 70 66 93 29

West Kano
Hectares cropped 387 670 892 739 855 931
Number of plots-holders 780 817 817 817 817 817
Paddy yields (Tonnes) 2,039 4,634 4,083 4,527 9,423 5,704
Gross value of output (KSh Million) 330 162 143 158 209 211
Payments to Plot-holders (KSh Million) 318 112 53 73 110 103

All Schemes
Hectares cropped 13,988 14,586 21,949 27,383 32,277 31,591
Number of plots-holders 13,055 13,055 16,326 14,028 15,688 17,020
Paddy yields (Tonnes) 116,473 101,510 81,198 112,604 160,584 180,890
Gross value of output (KSh Million) 6,717 5,673 4,395 6,964 10,109 10,457
Payments to Plot-holders (KSh Million) 5,508 4,591 2,169 3,849 6,374 5,801
Source: National Irrigation Board and Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
* Provisional.
Data not available

Table 7.13: Membership of Cooperative Societies by Type of Society, 2013 - 2019
'000 Members
Type of Society 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Coffee 759 762 763 742 701 701 702
Cotton 34 34 33 33 33 33 33
Pyrethrum 75 73 74 73 68 69 71
Sugar 50 48 50 49 38 39 44
Dairy 384 427 452 480 464 476 485
Multi-Purpose 138 144 152 158 160 169 180
Farm Purchase 66 67 68 68 63 65 68
Fisheries 38 40 41 41 38 40 41
Other Agricultural 146 150 155 160 161 167 172
Total Agriculture 1690 1,745 1788 1,804 1,726 1,739 1,796
SACCOs 7,652 7,654 7734 7,837 7,811 7,863 7887
Consumer 48 50 51 52 51 52 54
Housing 86 94 100 99 110 115 123
Craftsmen 3 3 4 3 2 2 2
Transport 8 8 8 7 4 4 5
Other non-agricultural 339 342 348 353 354 358 365
Total non-agriculture 8,136 8,151 8245 8,351 8,332 8,358 8,436

Unions 660 670 679 685 691 698 698

Grand Total 10,486 10,566 10,712 10,840 10,749 10,831 10,930
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Co-operatives

Table 7.14: Total Number of Societies and Unions by Type, 2013 - 2020
Type of Society 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Coffee 597 600 605 613 616 651 659 662
Cotton 78 60 61 62 62 62 62 62
Pyrethrum 148 146 146 146 147 149 150 152
Sugar 191 191 192 199 206 211 211 214
Dairy 376 412 427 465 518 623 639 641
Multi-Purpose 2,068 2,118 2,169 2,222 2,289 2,364 2399 2,729
Farm Purchase 116 116 117 118 118 122 126 126
Fisheries 86 92 94 99 111 116 118 118
Other Agricultural 1,518 1,605 1,643 1,706 1,843 1,916 1983 2,757
Total Agriculture 5,178 5340 5,454 5,630 5,910 6,214 6,347 7,461
SACCOs 7,942 8,592 8,914 9,567 10,029 10,231 10463 11,723
Consumer 192 185 186 186 185 188 196 205
Housing 1,132 1,333 1,477 1,706 2,177 2,219 2243 3,382
Craftsmen 92 92 93 94 94 94 94 94
Transport 66 66 67 68 68 68 69 69
Other non-agricultural 1,253 1,262 1,208 1,225 1,389 1,433 1,489 2,592
Total non-agriculture 10,677 11,530 11,945 12,846 13,942 14,233 14,554 18,065

Unions 109 99 99 98 99 100 101 101

Grand Total 15,964 16,969 17,498 18,574 19,951 20,547 21,002 25,627
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Co-operatives

Table 7.15: Total Turnover (Income) of Societies and Unions, 2013 - 2019
KSh Million
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Coffee 4,785 4,763 4,769 4,755 4,751 4,756 4,768
Cotton 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Pyrethrum 36 27 27 24 24 25 26
Sugar 239 212 213 204 204 206 207
Dairy 5,405 5,491 5,497 5,554 5,589 5,603 5,626
Multi-Purpose 726 754 754 845 825 857 916
Farm Purchase 67 74 76 79 82 84 92
Fisheries 345 267 273 250 184 190 192
Other Agricultural 703 773 779 890 469 525 598
Total Agriculture 12,309 12,364 12,391 12,604 13,135 12,249 12,428
Saccos 62,516 68,077 72,617 82,518 85,252 86,438 89,130
Consumer 3 3 4 4 2 3 3
Housing 103 108 116 120 130 168 191
Craftsmen 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
Transport 51 100 101 98 69 91 94
Other non-agricultural 63 48 48 48 43 53 66
Total non-agriculture 62,738 68,338 72,888 82,790 85,497 86,754 89,485
Unions 6,875 6,159 6,291 6,058 5,515 5,472 5,781
Grand Total 81,922 86,861 91,570 101,452 103,143 104,475 107,694
Coffee 5.84 5.48 5.21 4.69 4.61 4.55 4.43
Cotton 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pyrethrum 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
Sugar 0.29 0.24 0.23 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.19
Dairy 6.60 6.32 6.00 5.47 5.42 5.36 5.22
Multi-Purpose 0.89 0.87 0.82 0.83 0.80 0.82 0.85
Farm Purchase 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.09
Fisheries 0.42 0.31 0.30 0.25 0.18 0.18 0.18
Other Agricultural 0.86 0.89 0.85 0.88 0.45 0.50 0.56
Total Agriculture 15.03 14.23 13.53 12.42 11.76 11.72 11.54
Saccos 76.31 78.37 79.30 81.34 82.65 82.74 82.76
Consumer 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Housing 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.16 0.18
Craftsmen 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Transport 0.06 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.07 0.09 0.09
Other non-agricultural 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.06
Total non-agriculture 76.58 78.67 79.60 81.61 82.89 83.04 83.09
Unions 8.39 7.09 6.87 5.97 5.35 5.24 5.37
Grand Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Co-operatives
* Provisional

Table 7.16: Total Share Capital, 2013-2019
KSh Million
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Coffee 2,210 2,297 2,382 2,387 2,267 2,369 2,458
Cotton 14 14 28 33 12 12 12
Pyrethrum 10 9 19 22 7 8 9
Sugar 18 18 39 48 17 17 18
Dairy 670 649 1,301 1,678 608 609 613
Multi-Purpose 126 132 262 314 148 163 181
Farm Purchase 9 9 18 22 9 9 11
Fisheries 107 106 212 253 102 105 117
Other Agricultural 479 480 965 1,163 485 488 494
Total Agriculture 3,643 3,714 5,226 5,920 3,655 3,780 3,913
SACCOs 378,278 290,157 290,157 310,639 323,190 334,201 345,187
Consumer 50 49 99 99 49 49 50
Housing 850 890 1,782 2,344 975 1,060 1,102
Craftsmen 34 33 66 78 31 31 31
Transport 20 21 42 51 23 25 26
Other non-agricultural 286 288 579 700 296 301 309
Total non-agriculture 379,518 291,438 292,725 313,911 324,564 335,667 346,705
Unions 460 464 927 1,130 475 586 681
Grand Total 383,621 295,616 298,878 320,961 328,694 340,033 351,299
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Co-operatives


Table 8.1: Forest Coverage by Category, 2016 - 2020

'000 Ha
Forest Category 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Natural Forests
Indigenous Mixed trees 3,884.4 3,925.0 3,925.0 3,925.0 3,925.0
Bamboo 58.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 59.0
Mangroves 52.0 49.0 49.0 49.0 49.0
Sub-Total 3,994.4 4,033.0 4,033.0 4,033.0 4,033.0
Public Plantation forests 140.8 142.4 144.3 148.8 151.9
Private Plantation forests 50.0 47.0 47.0 47.0 47.0
Total Forest Area 4,185.2 4,222.4 4,224.3 4,228.8 4,231.9
Grassland and Bushland 41,100.0 41,100.0 41,000.0 41,000.0 41,000.0
Total Area for Country 58,037.0 58,037.0 58,037.0 58,037.0 58,037.0
Forest percentage 7.22 7.28 7.28 7.29 7.29
Source: Kenya Forest Service
* Provisional

Table 8.2: Government Forest Plantation Stocking, 2016 - 2020

'000 Ha
Forest Stocking 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Previous plantation Area1 130.5 131.4 135.1 141.6 147.6
Area Planted 10.3 11.0 9.2 7.2 4.3
Total 140.8 142.4 144.3 148.8 151.9
Area clear felled 6.8 5.2 0.9 -
Planting failures /fire damages 2.6 2.1 1.8 1.2 2.3
Total Area 131.4 135.1 141.6 147.6 149.6
Source: Kenya Forest Service
Opening stock at the beginning of the year
* Provisional

Table 8.3: Recorded Sale of State Forests Products, 2016- 2020

Forest Products 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Timber- '000 true cu. metres-
Soft Wood 966.4 798.4 30.9 1.5 44.1
Hard wood 70.9 83.4 113.3 9.2 35.9
TOTAL 1037.3 881.8 144.2 10.7 80.0

Fuelwood/Charcoal ('000 stacked cu. Metres) 147.2 53.7 9.6 2.1 4.1
Power poles ('000 Numbers) 23.0 34.2 29.2 13.2 18.1
Source: Kenya Forest Service
* Provisional


Table 8.4: Quantity and Value of Fish Landed, 2016 - 2020

Quantity ( Metric Tonne) Value (KSh '000)

2016 2017+ 2018+ 2019 2020* 2016 2017+ 2018+ 2019 2020*
Fresh Water Fish
Lake Victoria 98,666.0 92,727.0 98,150.0 90,743.0 86,659.0 14,602,568.0 13,976,586.0 14,487,650.0 11,640,537.0 12,403,564.8
Lake Turkana 7,926.0 4,021.0 7,587.0 7,031.0 13,189.6 576,493.0 486,540.0 564,739.0 645,107.0 1,177,193.0
Lake Naivasha - Commercial 1,064.0 1,689.0 2,287.0 3,087.0 2,216.0 141,006.0 222,579.0 287,194.0 391,719.0 238,638.2
Lake Baringo 141.0 155.0 145.0 203.0 162.0 41,595.0 46,606.0 43,442.0 49,499.0 39,502.0
Lake Jipe 106.0 112.0 131.0 157.0 197.0 18,719.0 21,756.0 38,260.0 45,957.0 57,549.4
Lake Kanyaboli 110.0 127.0 203.0 300.0 264.0 9,870.0 26,346.0 29,656.0 43,826.0 60,201.0
Lake Kenyatta 30.0 45.0 14.0 140.0 167.0 4,560.0 3,473.0 1,330.0 5,844.0 16,671.3
Tana River Dams 444.0 422.0 297.0 394.0 283.0 72,229.0 84,500.0 37,373.0 60,571.0 50,959.5
Tana River Delta 30.0 115.0 46.0 94.0 62.8 1,970.0 9,296.0 5,069.0 14,476.0 10,984.0
Aquaculture/fish farming 14,952.0 12,356.0 15,120.0 18,542.0 19,945.0 4,253,844.0 3,691,046.0 4,480,875.0 5,581,142.0 6,303,617.0
Turkwel Dam 39.0 35.0 34.0 50.0 107.0 9,030.0 9,905.0 9,822.0 12,850.0 16,112.3
Riverline 5.0 10.0 320.0 380.0 411.0 3,500.0 2,368.0 86,400.0 106,371.3 115,048.9
Small Dams - 300.0 339.0 459.0 358.0 - 75,120.0 42,015.0 126,455.0 95,022.1
Total 123,513.0 112,114.0 124,673.0 121,580.0 124,021.4 19,735,384.0 18,656,121.0 20,113,825.0 18,724,354.3 20,585,063.5
Marine Fish by County:
Lamu 6,139.0 5,672.0 6,985.0 6,917.0 6,512.8 441,177.0 623,904.0 603,191.0 644,954.0 754,600.0

Tana River 1,282.0 1,104.0 1,153.0 462.0 521.2 35,098.0 131,672.0 125,554.0 60,993.0 96,851.2
Kilifi 6,245.0 6,295.0 4,997.0 3,507.0 4,968.7 1,921,407.0 1,237,927.0 881,438.0 780,534.0 975,283.0
Mombasa 1,615.0 1,636.0 2,216.0 1,394.0 1,338.7 402,873.0 408,593.0 600,305.0 415,848.0 399,375.6
Kwale 5,909.0 4,650.0 4,782.0 9,367.0 6,859.6 623,804.0 574,096.0 805,502.0 962,990.0 1,109,632.5
Total 21,190.0 19,357.0 20,133.0 21,647.0 20,201.0 3,424,359.0 2,976,192.0 3,015,990.0 2,865,319.0 3,335,742.2
Crustaceans by County:
Lamu 180.0 526.0 270.0 639.0 392.2 576,226.0 480,123.0 446,968.0 501,625.0 371,003.9
Tana River 45.0 73.0 63.0 41.0 41.2 117,304.0 27,298.0 29,821.0 27,719.0 15,516.1
Kilifi 226.0 333.0 238.0 161.0 123.9 77,870.0 169,357.0 148,276.0 108,799.0 74,078.9
Mombasa 220.0 456.0 492.0 507.0 295.6 10,813.0 176,665.0 176,313.0 218,129.0 110,994.6
Kwale 101.0 258.0 537.0 585.0 721.5 105,450.0 63,500.0 197,784.0 270,462.0 295,235.6
Total 772.0 1,646.0 1,600.0 1,933.0 1,574.3 887,663.0 916,943.0 999,162.0 1,126,734.0 866,829.2
Molluscs by County:
Lamu 302.0 233.0 270.0 254.0 184.5 6,108.0 66,119.0 58,478.0 67,952.0 81,373.5
Tana River 176.0 257.0 39.0 50.0 47.1 408.0 25,814.0 4,372.0 12,757.0 11,362.4
Kilifi 675.0 686.0 675.0 380.0 275.4 205,240.0 149,110.0 160,678.0 111,762.0 60,772.4
Mombasa 234.0 184.0 244.0 147.0 265.8 21,702.0 41,212.0 59,793.0 39,882.0 248,922.5
Kwale 816.0 921.0 873.0 1,233.0 1,136.2 145,061.0 115,636.0 159,386.0 253,171.0 226,945.8
Total 2,203.0 2,281.0 2,101.0 2,064.0 1,909.1 378,519.0 397,891.0 442,707.0 485,524.0 629,376.6
Marine Industrial - 449.0 1,038.5 1,994.0 1,972.0 - 126,376.0 252,559.0 405,820.0 793,981.0
Grand Total 147,678.0 135,847.0 149,545.5 149,218.0 149,677.8 24,425,925.0 23,073,523.0 24,824,243.0 23,607,751.3 26,210,992.5
Source: Kenya Fisheries Service
Table 8.5 (a): Wildlife Population Estimates1 in the Kenya Rangelands, 2016 – 2020
‘000 Number
Species 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Buffalo 18.7 17.8 19.6 19.1 19.5
Burchell’s Zebra 110.0 104.5 108.8 107.5 105.0
Eland 5.6 5.3 5.4 5.6 5.5
Gerenuk 12.0 11.4 10.8 10.7 10.7
Giraffe2 18.6 17.0 19.9 18.0 17.3
Grant’s Gazelle 112.1 106.5 105.3 103.9 101.0
Grevy’s Zebra 2.9 2.6 2.8 2.7 2.7
Hunters Hartebeest 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3
Impala 58.0 55.1 48.9 47.5 46.2
Kongoni 5.5 5.2 6.3 6.2 6.2
Kudu3 9.9 9.4 8.7 8.6 8.2
Oryx 10.0 9.5 12.3 12.2 12.2
Ostrich 28.4 26.9 27.2 27.5 28.1
Thomson’s Gazelle 42.6 40.5 38.2 38.1 37.0
Topi 14.9 12.0 12.7 11.4 10.5
Warthog 15.2 14.4 13.5 14.0 14.5
Waterbuck 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.5
Wildebeest 240.0 228.0 289.0 285.0 284.0
Source: Directorate of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (DRSRS)
* Provisional
Derived using aerial sample surveys
Includes the Masai and Reticulated Giraffes
Includes the Greater and Lesser Kudus

Table 8.5 (b): Endangered Wildlife Population Estimates in Kenya1, 2016 – 2020
Species 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Elephant 35,364 34,214 33,519 34,487 34,125
Black Rhino 678 696 766 794 853
White rhino 441 450 622 645 750
Hirola Antelope - - 430 - 475
Mountain Bongo 125 125 125 100 96
Lions 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,489
Roan Antelope 23 16 19 11 15
Sable Antelope 60 60 60 60 51
Spotted hyena 2000 - 4000 2000 - 4000 2,000-4,000 2000 - 4000 5,147
Cheetah 1,160 1,160 1,160 1,160 1,160
African wild dog 865 865 865 865 865
Leopard 600 600 600 600 600
Source: Kenya Wildlife Service
* Provisional
The constant number for some species are population estimates from studies done


Table 8.6: Quantity and Value of Mineral Production, 2016 - 2020

Quantity (Tonnes) 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

Soda Ash+ . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 303,618.0 303,580.0 294,856.0 282,049.4 254,578.8
Fluorspar1 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42,656.0 6,945.0 - - -
Salt . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23,425.0 43,245.1 28,841.0 13,727.9 4,702.7
.. .. .. .. Refined
Crushed .. .. .. Soda.
.. .. .. .... .... .... .. 741,000.0 538,952.2 511,976.7 388,460.0 159,553.5
.. .. .. ..Dioxide
Carbon .. .. .. .. .... .... .. .... .. .... 15,493.0 11,855.0 11,000.0 11,111.0 16,256.5
.. .. .. .. .... .... .. .... .... .. .. .. .. ..
Diatomite 1,237.6 1,406.0 1,548.3 921.0 928.1
Gold (kg) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 196.9 502.6 472.0 394.9 149.9
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..2 in.. ..000..carrats..
Gemstones(cut) .. .. .. .. 5,466.0 22,955.0 14,500.4 19,796.0 5,186.7
Gemstones (rough)2 .. .. .. .. .. 518.2 1,247.7 508.8 403.7 55.6
Titanium Ore Minerals 457,531.0 643,494.0 597,736.0 524,241.3 439,960.0
Illmenite .. .. .. .. . 359,885.0 491,003.0 463,000.0 352,000.0 334,900.0
Rutile .. .. .. .. . 69,975.0 87,167.0 98,132.0 85,796.0 72,836.0
Zircon .. .. .. .. . 27,671.0 65,324.0 36,604.0 48,356.0 32,224.0
Crude Oil ( in '000 Litres) . .. .. .. . - - - 38,089.3 -

Value of sales in KSh (Million)

Soda Ash+ . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,709.2 1,659.7 1,809.9 1,776.7 1,603.7
Fluorspar1 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 868.8 129.7 - - -
Salt . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 218.5 98.9 185.2 17.2 5.9
.. .. .. .. Refined
Crushed .. .. .. ..Soda .. .. .. .... .. .... 494.4 1,108.9 579.9 435.1 178.7
.. .. .. ..Dioxide
Carbon .. .. .. .. .... .... .... .. .. .... 831.8 589.4 225.8 286.9 455.2
.. .. .. .. .... .... .. .... .... .. .... .. .. ..
Diatomite 75.2 79.4 87.6 51.5 55.0
Gold .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 970.3 1,510.8 2,041.3 1,408.0 685.1
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..2 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Gemstones(cut) 77.5 128.6 107.5 84.9 91.7
Gemstones (rough)2 .. .. .. .. .. 936.0 238.3 416.5 440.0 100.6
Titanium Ore Minerals 10,087.1 18,526.8 20,297.6 19,643.0 19,487.9
Illmenite .. .. .. .. . 2,438.7 7,719.0 6,617.9 5,425.0 6,623.4
Rutile .. .. .. .. . 5,372.2 6,646.1 8,469.8 9,587.0 8,804.4
Zircon .. .. .. .. . 2,276.2 4,161.7 5,209.9 4,631.0 4,060.1
Crude Oil .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - - - 1,483.7 -
Total .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. 16,268.8 24,070.5 25,751.3 25,627.0 22,663.8
Source: Ministry of Petroleum and Mining
* Provisional
Flourspar mining ceased operation
Gemstones include corondum, garnets and vermiculite
NOTE: Gemstones include corondum,garnets and vermiculite


Table 8.7: Mean Annual Rainfall by Region, 2011 - 2020
Region 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
North Western 388.9 399.0 296.0 139.3 170.0 219.3 226.2 282.7 309.5 380.8
North Eastern 545.9 367.5 529.0 396.6 394.2 367.0 367.7 971.3 555.3 427.0
Western 1744.8 1880.0 1793.6 1508.4 1690.8 1407.2 1715.1 1830.5 1855.1 1971.7
C-Rift Valley 1037.9 1024.8 1173.5 744.0 901.8 888.7 786.3 1169.9 1062.6 1212.5
Central 1191.7 1305.2 1000.5 1032.9 1224.3 908.4 1033.4 1540.2 1582.8 1334.2
Nairobi 843.5 1154.5 902.0 686.8 1110.0 877.2 618.1 1195.5 1006.3 1061.0
South Eastern 581.6 608.2 621.0 491.5 573.4 392.7 601.6 1004.2 807.9 843.1
Coastal 888.7 829.6 1020.8 997.5 947.3 571.1 1061.2 1314.2 1482.0 938.5
Source: Kenya Meteorological Department

Region Weather Stations
North Western Lodwar
North Eastern Marsabit, Moyale, Garissa, Wajir and Mandera

Western Kitale, Kakamega, Eldoret, Kericho, Kisii and Kisumu
C-Rift Valley Nyahururu, Nakuru, Kabarak and Narok
Central Nyeri, Kangema, Embu and Meru
Nairobi Moi Airbase (Eastleigh), Dagoretti Corner, Wilson Airport, JKIA and Thika
South Eastern Machakos, Kitui, Makindu and Voi
Coastal Lamu, Malindi, Msabaha, Mtwapa and Mombasa
Table 8.8(a): Mean Annual Maximum Temperatures by Region, 2011 - 2020
Region 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
North Western 35.5 35.4 35.5 35.9 36.2 36.0 35.9 35.0 36.0 35.4
North Eastern 31.7 31.4 30.9 33.0 32.9 33.0 33.5 31.4 32.5 31.3
Western 26.3 26.3 26.2 26.2 26.9 26.6 26.2 25.3 26.6 25.8
C-Rift Valley 24.3 24.1 24.0 24.4 24.9 24.7 25.3 24.0 25.2 24.1
Central 24.6 24.4 23.9 24.0 24.6 24.0 25.0 24.1 25.2 24.4
Nairobi 25.7 25.7 25.5 25.7 26.3 25.8 26.0 24.4 25.3 24.7
South Eastern 29.1 29.3 28.6 28.5 29.2 28.9 29.0 28.2 28.9 28.3
Coastal 30.9 30.6 30.5 30.7 30.9 31.0 31.0 30.7 31.0 30.8
Country 28.5 28.4 28.1 28.5 29.0 28.7 29.0 27.9 28.8 28.1
Source: Kenya Meteorological Department

Table 8.8 (b): Mean Annual Minimum Temperatures by Region, 2011 - 2020

Region 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
North Western 23.6 23.6 24.3 24.2 24.7 24.9 23.8 24.7 24.3 24.7
North Eastern 21.4 21.0 21.1 21.1 20.9 21.4 22.5 20.6 21.6 21.7
Western 13.9 13.8 13.8 13.8 14.2 14.2 13.1 13.3 14.6 14.6
C-Rift Valley 10.4 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.7 10.5 10.2 10.7 11.2 11.7
Central 13.5 13.1 13.4 13.6 13.4 13.6 12.8 13.0 13.4 13.5
Nairobi 14.4 14.0 14.1 14.4 14.4 14.3 14.6 14.3 14.8 14.9
South Eastern 17.3 17.1 17.1 17.2 17.5 17.4 17.5 17.2 17.7 17.3
Coastal 23.8 23.7 23.5 23.7 23.9 24.0 24.0 23.5 24.3 24.2
Country 17.3 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.5 17.5 17.3 17.2 17.7 17.8
Source: Kenya Meteorological Department

Energy Statistics in the Statistical Abstract are compiled in line with the International Recommendation on Energy
Statistics (IRES) and using the Standard Industrial Energy Classifications (SIEC) codes for the Energy Products.

The statistics presented cover Electricity generation and consumption together with consumption of fuel oils. A
summary of the production, trade and consumption of Primary Energy is also presented at the end of the Energy

Data Sources
Statistics collected from various institutions are primarily extracted from administrative data while Biomass energy
demand is estimated from consumption patterns obtained from various Censuses/Surveys undertaken by Kenya
National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS).

Energy: Heat and Power produced for use by Humans/Machines from fuel commodities or Naturally occurring

Installed Capacity: Maximum amount of electricity that can be generated if a given power plant operates at one
hundred percent efficiency.

Cogeneration: Electricity generated from the steam left over from electricity generation in a power plant.

Transmission losses: Electricity lost during distribution and storage due to such factors as illegal connection or
faulty lines.

Fuel: Substances burned as a source of heat or Power. The heat is derived from the combustion process.

Biomass: Fossil fuels taken from Natural resources which were formed from biological and geological processes.


Table 9.1: Installed Capacity by Type of Power, 2011 - 2020
Type of power 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Hydro 735.0 788.4 812.3 818.3 820.4 818.7 826.2 826.2 826.2 834.0
Thermal 582.7 660.6 714.4 751.3 833.6 801.6 806.9 807.7 749.3 749.1
Geothermal 190.6 209.5 241.8 573.4 627.0 652.0 652.0 663.0 828.4 863.1
Wind .. 5.4 5.9 26.3 26.1 26.1 26.1 336.1 336.1 336.1
Solar .. .. .. .. 0.6 0.6 0.7 50.7 51.0 52.5
Cogeneration 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 2.0
Total 1,534.3 1,689.9 1,800.4 2,195.3 2,333.7 2,327.0 2,339.9 2,711.7 2,819.0 2,836.8
Source: Kenya Power and Lighting Co.Ltd and Kenya Electricity Generation Co. Ltd
Megawatt = Million Watts = 1,000 Kilowatts
* Provisional
.. .. Data not available

Table 9.2: Generation of Power by Type and Imports, 2011 - 2020

Million KWh
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Type of power
Hydro 3,217 3,977 4,386 3,411 3,463 3,960 2,777 3,986 3,205 4,233
Thermal 2,801 2,200 2,162 2,585 1,412 1,471 2,534 1,546 1,313 755
Geothermal 1,444 1,516 1,781 2,917 4,521 4,484 4,756 5,128 5,235 5,060
Cogeneration 81 105 56 50 - - 2 3 0 0
Wind 18 14 15 17 60 56 61 376 1,563 1,331
Solar - - - - - - - 14 92 88
Sub Total 7,560 7,812 8,399 8,981 9,456 9,971 10,130 11,053 11,409 11,467
From Uganda and
Tanzania 34 39 49 158 59 86 230 130 212 137
Total Generated and
Imported 7,594 7,852 8,448 9,139 9,515 10,057 10,360 11,183 11,621 11,604
Source:Kenya Power and Lighting Co.Ltd and Kenya Electricity Generation Co. Ltd
* Provisional

Table 9.3: Electricity Sales by Area1, 2010/11 - 2019/20

Million KWh
Region 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20*

Nairobi and Mount Kenya 3,735 3,841 4,046 4,374 4,067 4,104 4,344 4,268 4,351 4,341
Coast 1,118 1,147 1,134 1,256 1,312 1,338 1,389 1,435 1,477 1,464
Rift Valley - - - - 725 849 865 953 977 982
Western 932 1,003 1,056 1,121 525 368 399 449 480 499
North Eastern - - - - 461 671 704 776 862 869
Total 5,785 5,991 6,236 6,751 7,090 7,330 7,701 7,881 8,147 8,155
Transmission losses 1,180 1,329 1,507 1,596 1,624 1,905 1,932 2,244 2,724 2,689
Total 6,965 7,320 7,743 8,347 8,714 9,234 9,633 10,125 10,870 10,844
Source: Kenya Power and Lighting Co.Ltd.
Excludes sales to Rural Electrification Schemes (R.E.S)
* Provisional
N.B. Gigawatt hour = 1,000,000 Kilowatt hours
Megawatt hour = 1,000 Kilowatts hours

Table 9.4: Electricity Sales by Type of User, 2011-2020
'000 KWh
Commercial & Small Street Rural
Year Domestic Offpeak Industrial Commercial Lighting Electrification Total
2011 1,556,831 37,900 3,440,300 914,569 17,900 306,100 6,273,600
2012 1,666,000 36,000 3,409,200 902,500 20,600 380,050 6,414,400
2013 1,710,300 32,700 3,585,300 1,155,800 17,200 426,800 6,928,100
2014 2,029,000 33,700 3,891,500 1,244,700 22,500 478,700 7,700,100
2015 2,170,700 25,700 4,017,800 1,084,200 31,400 496,600 7,826,400
2016 2,176,300 31,800 4,146,300 1,139,400 46,300 513,100 8,053,200
2017 2,337,300 42,200 4,199,000 1,191,000 60,100 580,620 8,410,220
2018 2,355,700 30,400 4,336,500 1,310,300 68,200 601,300 8,702,400
2019 2,472,300 0 4,441,000 1,307,800 63,900 569,000 8,854,000
2020* 2,580,480 0 4,281,000 1,248,610 74,500 611,900 8,796,490
Source: Kenya Power and Lighting Co.Ltd.
* Provisional

Note: Offpeak category was dropped from classification in 2019

Table 9.5: Number of Customers Connected to Electricity by Region as at 30th June, 2011 - 2020

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Nairobi 814,251 921,548 1,042,216 1,258,555 1,334,390 1,700,152 2,099,574 2,235,010 2,349,703 2,482,707
Coast 178,095 201,425 221,410 248,058 297,985 400,679 490,290 543,009 537,383 580,873
Rift Valley 392,587 582,493 721,459 791,460 984,112 921,535
Western 275,033 322,885 368,800 438,998 215,237 265,700 396,691 454,108 326,402 507,726
Nyanza - 104,161 146,580 171,701 175,759 191,690
Mt. Kenya 176,682 210,136 244,992 293,820 244,936 320,137 412,605 487,120 519,602 565,945
North Eastern 423,579 545,033 645,573 746,473 765,644 822,726
REP Customers 309,287 382,631 453,544 528,552 703,190 972,018 1,269,510 1,332,209 1,409,256 1,502,943
Source: Kenya Power and Lighting Co.Ltd.
Note: From 2011 to 2014, the figures are aggregated as follows:
1. Thefigure for western refers to an aggregate of Rift Valley and West Kenya
2. The figure for Mt. kenya is an aggregate of Mt Kenya and North Eastern
Table 9.6: Number of Customers Connected to Electricity by Category as at 30 th June, 2011 - 2020

Commercial Small Street Rural
Year Domestic Offpeak & Industrial Commercial Lighting Electrification Total
2011 1,286,310 566 2,803 151,953 2,429 309,287 1,753,348
2012 1,485,292 537 2,842 164,397 2,926 382,631 2,038,625
2013 1,691,482 826 2,948 179,095 3,067 453,544 2,330,962
2014 2,045,288 785 3,115 187,071 3,172 528,552 2,767,983
2015 2,704,792 794 3,384 194,875 4,869 703,190 3,611,904
2016 3,704,032 796 3,556 203,947 6,024 972,018 4,890,373
2017 4,685,877 791 3,662 213,396 9,046 1,269,510 6,182,282
2018 5,188,398 1,110 3,887 225,749 9,845 1,332,101 6,761,090
2019 5,390,996 - 3,650 251,614 12,345 1,409,256 7,067,861
2020* 5,775,839 - 3,603 277,989 15,771 1,502,943 7,576,145
Source:Kenya Power and Lighting Co.Ltd.
* Provisional
Note: Offpeak category was dropped from classification in 2019

Table 9.7: Fuel Sales, 2011-2020
'000 Tonnes
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Liquified Petroleum Gas 91.6 93.6 92.9 149.7 148.6 151.7 189.3 222.3 312.1 326.2
Motor spirit 562.1 618.5 774.5 903.8 1,107.0 1,227.2 1,267.4 1,359.0 1,434.3 1,395.3
Aviation Spirit 2.8 1.8 2.2 2.3 18.7 4.8 3.8 18.8 10.2 1.9
Jet/turbo fuel 670.6 671.0 551.3 529.3 635.3 619.2 649.7 674.4 699.4 394.8
Illuminating kerosene 269.6 309.0 296.1 300.3 390.1 371.7 448.0 339.4 168.3 127.0
Light diesel fuel 1,461.8 1,486.3 1,601.2 1,721.4 2,080.9 2,318.3 2,086.2 2,173.1 2,198.7 2,157.6
Heavy diesel fuel 27.6 20.8 18.7 3.0 0.1 0.5 1.2 0.2 1.3 1.8
Fuel oil 771.8 437.0 371.0 328.1 357.8 350.9 525.0 402.0 382.8 273.9
Source: Ministry of Petroleum and Mining/Energy Petroleum Regulatory Authority
* Provisional


Table 9.8: Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy 1 by Primary Sources, 2019 - 2020
2019 2020*
COAL AND COKE….. .. .. .. .. ….. 2,561.7 3,504.1
LIQUID FUELS .. .. .. .. .. .. ……….
Imports of crude oil .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 0.0
Imported Petroleum .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27,355.4 24,358.0
Exports of Petroleum Fuels .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 265.0 128.0
Stock changes and balancing item .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 0.0

Total Local Energy Production.. .. .. .. 41,071.1 41,280.9
Local production of hydro power .. .. .. ………. 11,539.3 15,237.6
Local production of geothermal power .. ……... 18,844.8 18,215.2
Local production of thermal power .. …….. 4,727.8 2,716.2
Local production of wind .. ……... .. ………….. 5,625.8 4,792.9
Local production of Solar .. ……... …. 332.3 318.3
Local production of Co-generation .. ……... …. 1.1 0.7
Losses .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ………………………….. 9,901.8 10,046.4
Electricity Imports .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ………… .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ………… 763.2 492.1

Non-Renewable Feedstocks 73,090.7 142,673.1
Fuelwood 65,127.3 127,128.5
Wood Charcoal 5,629.8 10,989.4
Wastes or scraps 2,333.6 4,555.2

TOTAL Demand 144,577.1 212,180.2

TOTAL .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 79.0 86.7
* Provisional.
Terajoule (TJ) =10^12 Joules

Table 10.1: Quantum Indices for Manufacturing Production, 2016 - 2020
Base: 2017=100
% Change
Description 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020* 2020/2019
Meat and Meat Products 94.7 100.0 107.3 112.9 88.8 -21.4
Processing and Preserving of Fish 108.5 100.0 107.1 100.9 97.1 -3.8
Prepared and Preserved Fruits and Vegetables 101.5 100.0 103.8 87.0 86.5 -0.6
Animal and Vegetable Fats and Oils 97.9 100.0 104.8 115.0 116.4 1.1
Dairy Products 113.8 100.0 122.4 126.4 119.2 -5.7
Grain Mill Products 92.7 100.0 106.9 111.7 104.5 -6.4
Bakery Products 92.5 100.0 108.1 113.3 109.3 -3.5
Sugar 169.4 100.0 130.6 117.2 160.5 36.9
Cocoa, Chocolate and Sugar Confectionery 85.7 100.0 101.9 111.4 111.3 0.0
Food Products not elsewhere classified 107.8 100.0 112.2 107.1 111.9 4.5
Prepared Animal Feeds 92.0 100.0 93.5 93.7 96.8 3.3
Total Food Products 111.7 100.0 110.3 110.7 112.2 1.4
Beverages 100.0 100.0 105.2 111.7 93.1 -16.7
Tobacco Products 104.6 100.0 98.6 103.8 108.9 4.9
Beverages and Tobacco 100.6 100.0 104.1 110.5 95.6 -13.4
Textiles 102.2 100.0 102.7 108.5 104.4 -3.7
Wearing Apparel 94.7 100.0 102.1 104.0 104.2 0.1
Leather and Related Products 107.6 100.0 102.7 103.3 82.7 -19.9
Wood and Products of Wood 115.2 100.0 77.8 52.2 51.0 -2.3
Paper and Paper Products 90.7 100.0 104.0 105.1 104.3 -0.7
Printing and Production of Recorded Media 100.3 100.0 99.2 98.7 98.6 -0.1
Refined Petroleum Products 100.9 100.0 99.1 99.2 87.1 -12.2
Chemical and Chemical Products 100.2 100.0 102.6 106.9 116.9 9.3
Pharmaceutical Products 101.1 100.0 110.5 112.3 118.6 5.6
Rubber Products 98.2 100.0 97.0 95.5 87.8 -8.0
Plastic Products 104.5 100.0 94.9 101.5 103.8 2.3
Rubber and Plastic Products 94.4 100.0 95.0 101.2 103.2 1.9
Other Non-metallic Mineral Products 108.6 100.0 98.6 100.0 119.5 19.5
Basic Metals 96.1 100.0 106.7 109.6 110.8 1.1
Fabricated Metal Products, except Machinery and Equipment 102.6 100.0 96.2 92.3 93.8 1.7
Electrical Equipment 83.0 100.0 90.4 84.3 81.1 -3.8
Machinery and Equipment nec 90.1 100.0 105.0 110.1 113.1 2.8
Motor Vehicle, Trailers and Semi Trailers 131.9 100.0 113.7 138.1 125.9 -8.8
Manufacture of furniture 104.5 100.0 102.6 106.0 105.1 -0.9
Other Manufacturing nec 99.9 100.0 103.4 104.3 106.1 1.7
Repair and Installation of Machinery and Equipment 98.1 100.0 102.6 99.3 97.4 -2.0
Overall 100.8 100.0 105.6 107.5 108.6 1.0
* Provisional

Table 10.2: Producer Price Indices, 2016 - 2020
Base: March 2019=100
% Change
Description 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
2020 / 19
Mining of metal ores1 1.52 .. .. .. 102.82 107.24 4.3
Mining and Quarrying 0.81 97.91 93.99 99.00 102.12 101.42 -0.7
Manufacture of food products 37.30 97.42 106.51 104.62 103.63 103.33 -0.3
Manufacture of beverages 5.61 93.23 96.00 98.60 101.90 105.30 3.3
Manufacture of tobacco products 1.01 100.24 100.49 100.10 100.24 103.93 3.7
Manufacture of textiles 1.34 100.63 100.05 100.08 100.15 102.56 2.4
Manufacture of wearing apparel 2.47 100.15 100.41 100.13 100.03 95.03 -5.0
Manufacture of leather and related products 1.10 98.29 98.45 99.92 100.58 105.20 4.6
Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork except furniture 1.02 73.96 76.54 92.91 96.98 97.79 0.8
Manufacture of paper and paper products 3.74 89.42 91.67 97.44 98.46 95.37 -3.1
Printing and reproduction of recorded media 2.64 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.14 102.68 2.5
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 6.41 92.76 96.49 102.14 103.17 107.29 4.0

Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 1 1.52 .. .. .. 99.39 109.69 10.4
Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 4.41 93.46 93.06 93.92 99.38 97.15 -2.2
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 5.91 103.63 102.40 100.43 100.18 102.41 2.2
Manufacture of basic metals 6.99 89.21 93.95 96.74 100.19 97.39 -2.8
Manufacture of fabricated metal products except machinery and equipment 2.02 91.34 94.01 99.88 100.52 99.51 -1.0
Manufacture of electrical equipment1 1.30 .. .. .. 100.12 100.48 0.4
Manufacture of motor vehicles 1.92 96.96 97.60 97.37 97.63 94.84 -2.9
Electricity 9.23 97.31 102.22 99.13 102.21 99.84 -2.3
Water 1.72 96.66 104.01 98.92 100.00 100.30 0.3
Total 100.00 95.40 99.78 100.61 101.81 101.88 0.07
Overall percentage change 0.20 4.59 0.87 1.19 0.07
Products introduced after the rebasing in March 2019
* Provisional

Table 10.3: Compensation of Employees and Value Added in Manufacturing Sector +, 2016-2020
KSh Million
Compensation of Employees Value Added
Industry description 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020* 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Processing and Preserving of Meat 23,823 26,245 28,594 30,257 32,363 68,369 83,796 87,579 92,453 98,979
Processing and Preserving of Fish 1,054 1,135 1,264 1,454 1,399 2,172 2,222 2,601 2,690 2,936
Processing and Preserving of Fruits and Vegetables 1,722 1,931 2,150 2,462 2,367 15,056 18,005 24,633 27,232 29,149
Vegetables and Animal Oils and Fats 2,520 2,786 3,049 3,341 2,850 15,192 15,625 16,650 17,576 17,475
Dairy Products 3,543 3,705 4,058 4,415 5,111 31,391 27,442 30,490 33,740 33,054
Grain Mill Products 1,770 3,981 4,411 4,762 4,635 48,355 47,775 41,772 50,984 49,656
Bakery Products 6,029 6,828 7,675 8,605 7,568 33,745 47,740 43,856 53,276 50,617
Sugar and Confectionery 2,498 2,409 2,400 2,475 2,111 10,252 8,200 10,452 7,765 7,797
Other Food Products n.e.c 19,949 22,508 21,514 18,227 19,697 52,229 61,417 74,981 55,463 66,162
Prepared Animal Feeds 350 787 872 941 916 9,555 9,440 8,254 10,075 9,812
Total Food Products 63,258 72,315 75,987 76,940 79,016 286,317 321,662 341,268 351,252 365,636
Beverages 8,669 9,204 9,814 10,587 9,565 99,870 99,037 108,433 112,847 103,242
Tobacco Products 2,500 2,438 2,387 2,394 2,506 3,958 3,340 2,482 2,079 2,182
Textiles 10,527 12,103 13,772 15,296 13,853 16,778 17,094 17,123 17,597 16,471
Wearing Apparel 18,394 21,148 24,064 26,725 24,205 29,316 29,867 29,918 30,747 28,778
Leather and related products 1,608 1,708 1,825 1,978 2,129 17,580 16,159 17,460 17,034 14,682
Wood and Products of Wood and
Cork except Furniture 3,489 3,771 4,072 4,522 4,499 8,722 7,844 8,638 6,566 6,101
Paper and Paper Products 2,519 2,856 3,140 3,171 3,080 27,300 30,501 33,392 33,148 31,702
Printing and Reproduction of Recorded Media 2,413 2,622 2,821 3,110 2,990 18,881 18,592 18,613 18,222 18,258
Coke and Refined Petroleum Products 638 595 584 624 532 2,981 3,870 2,555 5,325 2,541
Chemicals and Chemical Products 5,440 4,938 5,204 5,630 5,380 51,653 55,138 60,427 61,465 70,465
Pharmaceuticals 4,039 3,974 4,973 5,366 6,180 13,933 12,779 17,997 20,298 24,966
Rubber and Plastic Products 2,749 2,984 3,175 3,441 2,977 11,909 8,644 8,927 10,358 9,544
Other Non-Metallic Mineral products 14,563 16,321 18,309 20,657 21,102 23,664 17,963 14,349 13,896 18,634
Basic Metals 7,103 7,833 8,627 9,638 8,773 24,302 25,785 26,758 27,362 25,394
Fabricated metal products Except
Machinery and Equipment 3,088 3,405 3,750 4,190 3,814 10,565 11,209 11,632 11,895 11,039
Electrical Equipment 2,922 3,330 3,559 3,760 4,030 6,298 6,910 6,507 6,301 6,624
Machinery and Equipment n.e.c 2,039 2,324 2,483 2,623 2,812 4,395 4,822 4,541 4,397 4,622
Transport Equipment 3,183 3,397 3,607 3,874 3,407 15,457 13,874 14,522 15,820 16,104
Furniture 3,936 3,996 4,386 4,637 4,641 12,119 12,555 14,076 15,098 14,868
Other Manufacturing 1,291 1,349 1,436 1,480 1,525 8,862 9,408 9,827 10,038 10,396
Repair and Installation of Machinery
and Equipment 7,839 7,728 8,445 7,707 8,549 13,019 14,321 15,925 16,070 16,102
TOTAL 172,208 190,339 206,420 218,349 215,564 707,880 741,376 785,369 807,814 818,353
Note: This data is based on all firms and establishments
* Provisional

Table 10.4: Value of Inputs and Outputs in Manufacturing Sector+, 2016-2020
KSh Million
Inputs (Intermediate Consumption) Outputs
Industry description
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020* 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Processing and Preserving of Meat 177,945 187,557 208,061 220,382 235,630 246,315 271,354 295,640 312,835 334,609
Processing and Preserving of Fish 3,562 3,653 4,233 4,290 4,448 5,734 5,875 6,834 6,980 7,383
Processing and Preserving of Fruits and Vegetables 18,313 23,497 30,477 32,515 38,366 33,369 41,501 55,110 59,747 67,514
Vegetables and Animal Oils and Fats 55,740 59,213 64,912 71,067 72,859 70,931 74,838 81,562 88,642 90,334
Dairy Products 32,693 31,249 37,407 39,801 40,028 64,084 58,691 67,896 73,541 73,082
Starches and Starch Products 93,387 113,941 118,690 133,647 131,853 141,743 161,716 160,462 184,631 181,510
Bakery Products 44,278 39,101 46,816 47,617 43,850 78,024 86,841 90,672 100,893 94,467
Sugar and Confectionery 35,152 29,220 30,456 25,509 36,583 45,404 37,420 40,908 33,274 44,380
Other Food Products n.e.c 134,010 149,499 125,904 111,589 120,252 186,239 210,916 200,886 167,052 186,415
Prepared Animal Feeds 18,454 22,515 23,454 26,409 26,055 28,009 31,956 31,708 36,484 35,867
Total Food Products 613,535 659,446 690,410 712,827 749,925 899,851 981,107 1,031,678 1,064,079 1,115,561
Beverages 80,173 86,709 91,816 102,814 95,065 180,043 185,746 200,249 215,661 198,307
Tobacco Products 15,006 15,151 15,626 16,078 16,825 18,964 18,492 18,108 18,157 19,007
Textiles 26,597 27,767 29,531 31,170 31,832 43,375 44,860 46,654 48,767 48,303
Wearing Apparel 46,472 48,515 51,599 54,462 55,619 75,788 78,383 81,516 85,208 84,397

Leather and Related Products 12,620 11,998 12,761 13,775 11,199 30,200 28,157 30,221 30,809 25,881
Wood and Products of Wood and Cork except Furniture 10,359 9,291 7,682 5,251 5,248 19,081 17,136 16,319 11,816 11,349
Paper and Paper Products 29,377 33,765 37,264 38,208 37,594 56,677 64,266 70,656 71,356 69,296
Printing and Reproduction of recorded media 15,460 16,012 16,641 16,947 17,140 34,341 34,604 35,254 35,169 35,398
Coke and Refined Petroleum Products 6,556 8,738 5,425 11,709 5,588 9,538 12,609 7,980 17,034 8,130
Chemicals and Chemical Products 71,032 74,681 79,810 84,977 94,588 122,685 129,819 140,237 146,442 165,054
Basic Pharmaceuticals and Pharmaceutical preparations 18,737 19,366 22,227 23,108 25,021 32,671 32,145 40,224 43,406 49,988
Rubber and Plastic Products 60,035 60,453 57,990 64,913 64,809 71,944 69,096 66,917 75,271 74,352
Other Non-Metallic Mineral products 74,010 71,108 72,764 75,093 91,337 97,674 89,071 87,113 88,989 109,971
Basic Metals 82,602 87,236 94,310 97,662 99,019 106,904 113,021 121,068 125,024 124,414
Fabricated Metal Products except Machinery and Equipment 35,909 37,923 40,998 42,456 43,046 46,473 49,133 52,631 54,350 54,085
Electrical Equipment 17,596 19,923 19,246 18,430 18,799 23,894 26,833 25,753 24,731 25,424
Machinery and Equipment n.e.c 12,278 13,902 13,430 12,861 13,118 16,673 18,724 17,970 17,257 17,741
Transport Equipment 25,625 23,775 26,291 32,053 32,593 41,083 37,649 40,813 47,873 48,697
Furniture 18,566 18,601 20,123 21,052 21,320 30,685 31,156 34,199 36,150 36,187
Other manufacturing 12,088 12,492 13,478 13,981 14,351 20,950 21,900 23,306 24,019 24,746
Repair and Installation of Machinery and Equipment 11,054 11,374 11,758 11,536 11,844 24,073 25,695 27,682 27,606 27,946
TOTAL 1,295,686 1,368,227 1,431,178 1,501,360 1,555,880 2,003,566 2,109,602 2,216,547 2,309,175 2,374,234
Note: This data is based on all firms and Establishments
* Provisional

Table 10.5: Production of Selected Commodities, 2014 - 2020

Commodity Unit 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

Sugar Metric Tonne 592,668 635,674 639,741 376,111 491,097 440,935 603,788
Soft drinks `000 litres 462,146 551,388 505,147 570,936 581,473 592,494 550,585
Paints `000 litres 47,767 63,685 65,134 66,472 72,634 75,278 83,655
Soap Tonne 221,302 225,526 228,483 230,581 237,495 248,170 269,373
Biscuits Tonne 11,531 12,184 12,135 13,013 14,857 14,878 13,577
Cement '000 Tonnes 5,883 6,353 6,715 6,230 6,070 6,163 7,474
* Provisional

Table 10.6: Consumption1 of Selected Commodities, 2014 - 2020

Commodity Unit 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

Sugar Metric Tonne 784,157 882,974 973,741 1,365,311 773,297 898,735 1,045,888

Soft drinks `000 litres 447,534 479,159 484,867 566,107 580,554 588,546 553,511
Paints `000 litres 38,686 59,803 65,800 95,320 105,694 109,448 118,189
Soap Tonne 177,980 189,953 191,131 194,442 180,877 184,514 183,243
Biscuits Tonne 9,755 14,168 13,633 15,106 16,969 17,800 16,179
Cement '000 Tonnes 5,197 5,709 6,310 5,858 5,949 6,129 7,376
* Provisional
Consumption includes stocks
Table 10.7: Production of Selected Food Commodities, 2014 - 2020

Commodity Unit 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

Maize Flour1 Tonne 571,173 570,661 609,729 669,356 686,855 707,394 657,619
Wheat Flour1 ,, 988,733 1,103,811 1,133,106 1,230,866 1,331,783 1,372,705 1,231,559
Rice ,, 60,498 73,378 63,951 51,155 70,941 101,169 113,961
Bread ,, 108,303 117,359 124,154 125,144 134,272 141,692 137,647
Ghee and Fats ,, 238,653 228,886 256,064 258,500 259,806 270,373 288,082
Cooking Oil ,, 186,143 208,248 208,259 214,996 235,549 256,830 269,800
Processed Milk `000 Litres 419,291 437,547 448,473 383,170 468,220 488,539 456,771
Animal feeds Tonne 523,522 545,285 556,854 602,454 621,152 563,268 572,718
Refined Salt Tonne 226,265 255,494 262,787 292,489 362,754 355,129 356,042
Data relates to production by formal millers
* Provisional

Table 10.8: Production of Selected Industrial Commodities, 2014- 2020

Commodity Unit 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Cotton Woven Fabrics Metre 11,100,035 11,859,142 10,843,800 12,074,655 13,266,104 12,238,708 9,759,915
Toilet Paper Rolls Tonne 11,990 12,195 14,577 17,214 20,148 23,198 23,240
Shirts Dozen 117,036 119,154 126,869 124,576 130,370 140,693 121,293
Blankets Number 2,339,078 2,873,700 2,930,174 2,670,704 2,606,821 2,410,580 2,416,358
Galvanised Sheet Tonne 284,508 256,829 268,652 262,759 270,437 274,425 247,700
Assembled Vehicles Number 9,514 10,181 6,541 4,877 5,653 7,802 7,725
* Provisional.

Notes and Definitions

The unit of analysis

Construction is the
statistics establishment
comprises of new construction and any repairs and maintenance done on construction structures within the reporting

Building statistics are compiled from data collected on building plans approved and building completed (private and public) from County
Governments. This is in form of new buildings, alterations and extensions of existing buildings during the reporting period.

Residential buildings are those those buildings which more than half of the floor area is intended for dwelling purposes. Eg single family, or
multi family or high-rise residential buildings.
Non-residential buidlings are all other buildings which are not classified as residential and not intended for dwelling purposes eg Industrial
building, Godowns, School, Church, commercial, institutional, public building not occupied as a dwelling, including hotels and motels.

A block of flats/maisionnettes is counted as a single building.

Large construction projects typically will have a longer duration exceeding the reporting period, valuation of such projects depends on progress
made and value is taken for the work done within the reporting period.

Table 11.1: Compensation of Employees, Gross Value Added, Inputs and Output in Construction +, 2016-2020
KSh Million
2016 2017 2018 2019+ 2020*
Compensation of Employees...............................
Construction of buildings ....................................... 63,633 115,160 137,915 155,520 182,725
Civil engineering .................................................... 111,089 148,715 178,101 200,834 235,966
Specialized construction activities........................... 74,958 30,612 36,661 41,340 48,572
Total....................................................................... 249,680 294,488 352,677 397,695 467,263
Gross Value Added..............................................
Construction of buildings ....................................... 99,204 178,255 213,380 240,390 293,839
Civil engineering .................................................... 173,187 230,194 275,553 310,434 379,456
Specialized construction activities........................... 116,859 47,384 56,721 63,901 78,108
Total....................................................................... 389,251 455,833 545,654 614,725 751,404
Construction of buildings ....................................... 144,822 241,823 267,276 294,174 341,990
Civil engineering .................................................... 252,825 312,284 345,153 379,889 441,637
Specialized construction activities........................... 170,595 64,281 71,047 78,198 90,908
Total....................................................................... 568,242 618,388 683,476 752,261 874,535
Construction of buildings ....................................... 244,026 420,077 480,655 534,564 635,829
Civil engineering .................................................... 426,012 542,478 620,707 690,323 821,094
Specialized construction activities........................... 287,455 111,665 127,768 142,098 169,016
Total....................................................................... 957,493 1,074,221 1,229,130 1,366,986 1,625,939
* Provisional
+ Revised

Table 11.2: Reported Number of New Private buildings completed, Floor Area and Cost of Construction in
Nairobi City County, 2016-2020

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

Number of New buildings
Residential.......................................... 8,806 9,864 10,785 11,802 13,221
Non-Residential.................................. 1,462 2,038 1,940 2,174 3,027
Total ....................................................... 10,268 11,902 12,725 13,976 16,248
Floor Area of New Buildings ('000 sq.
Residential........................................... 3,047 3,196 3,698 4,016 4,499
Non-Residential................................... 1,647 1,709 1,834 2,362 2,646
Total ....................................................... 4,694 4,905 5,532 6,378 7,145
Cost of Construction (KSh Million)
New Buildings: Residential.................. 67,625 74,347 77,722 80,347 85,240
New Buildings: Non-Residential.......... 10,125 11,781 12,405 13,636 14,802
Extensions: Residential....................... 3,724 3,956 4,012 3,845 4,079
Extensions: Non-Residential............... 1,845 1,934 2,028 1,756 1,906
Total Cost............................................... 83,319 92,018 96,167 99,583 106,027
* Provisional

Table 11.3 (a): Reported Number of New Private Buildings Completed, Floor Area and Cost of Construction in
Selected Counties, 2019

Details Nairobi Mombasa Nakuru Kisumu Other1 Total
Number of New Buildings
Residential .............................................. 11,802 492 472 302 532 1,829 15,429
Non-Residential....................................... 2,174 154 92 39 61 319 2,839
Total.................................................... 13,976 646 564 341 593 2,148 18,268
Floor Area of New Buildings ('000 sq. m)
Residential............................................... 4,216 495 118 63 104 805 5,801
Non-Residential....................................... 1,908 234 145 123 93 346 2,849
Total.................................................... 6,124 729 263 186 197 1,151 8,650
Cost (KSh Million)
New Buildings,Residential........................ 80,347 2,217 669 308 225 3,801 87,567
New Buildings Non-Residential................ 13,636 407 146 48 71 1,735 16,043
Extensions, Residential............................ 4,218 204 59 20 31 508 5,040
Extensions,Non-Residential..................... 1,982 49 20 24 52 498 2,625
Total.................................................... 100,182 2,877 894 400 379 6,542 111,274
Other Counties Include; Trans Nzoia, Kiambu, Nyeri, Kakamega, Embu, Machakos and Meru.

Table 11.3 (b): Reported Number of New Private Buildings completed, Floor Area and Cost of Construction
in Selected Counties, 2020*

Details Nairobi Mombasa Nakuru Uasin Gishu Kisumu Other1 Total

Number of New Buildings

Residential ................................................... 13,221 504 484 332 582 1,932 17,055
Non-Residential............................................. 3,027 170 98 47 61 401 3,804
Total.......................................................... 16,248 674 582 379 643 2,333 20,859
Floor Area of New Buildings ('000 sq. m)
Residential..................................................... 4,653 502 118 63 104 805 6,245
Non-Residential............................................. 2,015 248 145 123 93 346 2,970
Total.......................................................... 6,668 750 263 186 197 1,151 9,215
Estimated Construction Cost (KSh Million)
New Buildings,Residential............................. 85,240 2,018 701 402 302 4,912 93,575
New Buildings Non-Residential...................... 14,802 351 162 63 83 1,843 17,304
Extensions, Residential................................. 4,608 118 64 23 40 432 5,285
Extensions,Non-Residential........................... 2,043 32 27 19 65 527 2,713
Total.......................................................... 106,692 2,519 954 507 490 7,714 118,876
* Provisional
Other Counties Include; Trans Nzoia, Kiambu, Nyeri, Kakamega, Embu, Machakos and Meru.

Table 11.4: Reported Number of New Residential Buildings by Number of Habitable

Rooms in Nairobi City, 2016 - 2020
Habitable Rooms 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
One 2,956 3,433 3,814 3,940 4,056
Two 2,380 2,610 2,648 2,936 3,205
Three 1,512 1,511 1,772 1,928 2,217
Four 1,349 1,261 940 973 1,045
Five 784 690 750 752 804
Six or more 402 359 439 442 532
Total 9,384 9,864 10,364 10,971 11,856
* Provisional


Table 11.5: Number and Cost of Construction of Public Residential Houses Completed by National Housing
Corporation and State Department for Housing in Selected Counties, 2016 - 2020

County 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

Nairobi............................................... 600 1,000 430 530 2,670
Kisumu............................................... 400 100 .. .. ..
Nyeri.................................................. .. .. .. .. ..
Kisii.................................................... 62 64 .. .. ..
Total 1,062 1,164 430 530 2,670
Value (KSh Million)
Nairobi............................................... 2,086 2,000 1,546 1,509 9,084
Kisumu............................................... 1,000 300 .. .. ..
Nyeri.................................................. .. .. .. .. ..
Kisii.................................................... 700 47 .. .. ..
Total 3,786 2,347 1,546 1,509 9,084
Source: National Housing Corporation/State Department for Housing
* Provisional
.. data not available

Table 11.6: Private Building Plans Approved by Nairobi City County, 2016-2020

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

Number of Plans
Residential........................................ 54,159 52,002 49,876 50,328 46,146
Non-Residential................................ 8,387 7,128 5,438 3,518 2,825
Total 62,546 59,130 55,314 53,846 48,971
Estimated Cost (KSh Million)
Residential........................................ 185,509 150,093 131,839 132,058 109,158
Non-Residential................................ 122,852 90,658 78,458 75,567 44,417
Total 308,361 240,752 210,297 207,625 153,575
* Provisional


Table 11.7: Production and Consumption of Cement, 2016- 2020

000 Tonnes
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Production (Kenya)....................................... 6,715.4 6,230.3 6,069.9 6,163.0 7,473.6
Domestic Exports 420.4 388.4 144.3 60.2 120.0
To Uganda and Tanzania......................... 325.0 299.3 43.5 18.2 11.5
To Other countries.................................... 95.4 89.1 100.8 42.0 108.5
Imports......................................................... 15.1 14.7 23.0 26.4 22.0
Total Estimated Consumption 6,310.1 5,857.9 5,948.7 6,129.1 7,375.6
* Provisional
Includes stocks

Table 11.8: National Government Expenditure on Roads, 2016/17 - 2020/21

KSh Million
2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20* 2020/21+
Trunk and Primary Roads (A,B and C)......... 63,887.0 52,029.0 47,760.6 77,098.0 62,600.0
Secondary and Minor Roads (D and E)........ 29,291.5 40,869.0 37,784.2 59,106.0 35,420.0
Miscellaneous Roads (Including Urban)....... 20,004.0 11,883.6 11,116.5 13,251.0 9,002.0
Sub-Total.................................................... 113,182.5 104,781.6 96,661.3 149,455.0 107,022.0

Recurrent (Maintenance and Repair) .... 60,468.6 53,830.0 57,815.8 57,738.0 61,833.0
Total............................................................ 173,651.1 158,611.6 154,477.1 207,193.0 168,855.0
Source: State Department for Infrastructure and Kenya Roads Board
* Provisional.
Revised budget estimates

Table 11.9: Kilometres of Roads by Type and Classification, as at 30 th June 2016 - 2020
Earth/Gravel (Unpaved) Bitumen (Paved)
Types of classification of road 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020* 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Road Class
Super Highway (S)................................................ - - - - 80.9 80.9 80.9 80.9 157.0
International Trunk Roads (A)............................... 3,700.0 3,427.0 3,008.3 2,623.3 2,538.8 3,917.4 4,191.0 4,609.0 4,994.0 5,078.5
National Trunk Roads (B)...................................... 7,625.0 7,062.0 6,743.0 6,260.0 8,798.0 3,226.4 3,789.0 4,109.0 4,592.0 7,623.0
Primary Roads ( C ) ............................................. 18,706.2 17,325.0 17,131.1 15,950.0 15,899.0 2,739.3 4,120.5 4,313.9 5,495.0 5,546.0
Secondary Roads (D)........................................... 10,602.1 9,819.0 9,424.2 9,224.2 8,550.6 521.2 1,304.5 1,698.8 1,898.8 1,225.1
Sub-total.............................................................. 40,633.3 37,633.0 36,306.6 34,057.5 35,786.3 10,485.2 13,485.9 14,811.6 17,060.7 19,629.7
Minor Roads ( E)................................................... 13,276.4 12,973.8 12,842.8 12,642.8 10,539.0 771.2 1,073.7 1,204.9 1,404.9 717.0
Special Purpose Roads (F)................................... 9,309.8 9,185.9 9,122.2 9,057.2 8,953.7 315.8 439.3 503.5 568.5 465.0
Unclassified Roads (G)......................................... 85,198.4 84,624.9 84,524.9 84,398.9 83,523.8 1,461.4 2,034.9 2,135.1 2,261.1 1,837.0

Sub-total.............................................................. 107,784.6 106,784.6 106,489.9 106,098.9 103,016.5 2,548.4 3,548.0 3,843.4 4,234.4 3,019.0
Grand Total......................................................... 148,417.9 144,417.6 142,796.5 140,156.4 138,802.8 13,033.6 17,033.9 18,655.0 21,295.1 22,648.7
Source: Kenya Roads Board
* Provisional
Some road classes will be classfied to a higher class after construction and upgrading
A superhighway (S)-Highway connecting two or more cities/towns meant to carry safely a large volume of traffic at the highest legal speed of operation.
International Trunk Road (A) -Roads forming strategic routes and corridors, connecting international boundaries at identified immigration entry and exit points and international terminals such as international air or sea ports.

National Trunk Road (B) - Roads forming important national routes,linking national trading or economic hubs, County headquarters and other nationally important centres to each other and to the national capital or to Class A
Primary Road (C) - Roads forming important regional routes,linking County headquarters or other regionally important centers, to each other and to Class A or B roads. Required to collect regional and local traffic and channel
it to class A and B roads.
Secondary Road (D) - Roads linking constituency headquarters,Municipal or Town Council Centers and other towns to each other and to higher class roads. Required to collect local traffic from lower class roads and channel
it to the higher class roads.
Minor Road (E)- Major Feeder Roads linking important Constituency centres to each other and meant to carry local traffic and to channel it to class D roads.
Special Purpose Roads (F) -Provide direct access to individual or group of properties, and residential areas, or to places of specific social or economic activity, including industrial and commercial areas and government
institutions such as National Parks, schools, hospital, prisons and government housing.
Table 11.10: Quarterly Building Cost Index, 2020
Base: November 2019=100
No Product Weight Nov-19 Mar-20 Jun-20 Sep-20 Dec-20
1 Cement & Lime 14.18 100.00 99.73 98.45 97.24 96.31
2 Hard core 1.20 100.00 100.00 101.95 101.95 101.95
3 Quarry products (waste,dust & murram) 1.72 100.00 100.16 100.86 100.88 100.71
4 Sand 5.14 100.00 100.97 99.42 99.32 99.66
5 Ballast 4.50 100.00 100.27 101.24 101.64 101.40
6 BRC Mesh & Steel Reinforcement Bars 10.33 100.00 107.02 108.46 112.89 113.65
7 Stones (Machine Cut & Foundation Stones) 4.42 100.00 100.00 100.39 99.82 100.98
8 Damp Proofing & Anti-termite 0.12 100.00 100.38 100.43 99.90 97.82
9 Timber & Wood 3.70 100.00 102.79 101.48 99.65 99.94
10 Paving blocks 0.14 100.00 100.00 102.13 103.22 107.05
11 Roofing materials (Iron sheets,Tiles,Gutters,down-pipe&Nails 3.69 100.00 83.70 84.14 88.80 89.54
12 Doors 0.54 100.00 100.07 99.18 99.19 98.63
13 Windows 0.26 100.00 100.00 98.06 101.27 101.27
14 Glass & glass putty 0.41 100.00 100.42 99.56 98.86 99.13
15 Locks & iron mongery 0.24 100.00 99.75 99.73 99.17 102.86
16 Tiles (Wall & Floor) 1.25 100.00 102.56 101.93 101.08 100.89
17 Chip boards & MDF 0.78 100.00 99.25 98.03 97.62 97.06
18 Paints 1.61 100.00 100.01 99.11 99.13 99.25
19 Sanitary fittings 0.16 100.00 99.88 99.54 99.21 100.43
20 Water fittings 0.35 100.00 99.71 98.94 99.17 98.56
21 Water wastes 0.12 100.00 99.98 98.87 97.40 97.20
22 Electrical fittings 0.51 100.00 99.84 99.78 100.30 98.06
Total materials 55.36 100.00 100.50 100.33 101.00 101.06

23 Equipment-Concrete Mixer 5.16 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

24 Equipment-Concrete poker / Vibrator 2.36 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
25 Equipment-Excavator & Pedestrian Roller 2.64 100.00 100.11 99.96 99.63 99.63
26 Compressors 3.04 100.00 100.45 99.45 99.45 99.45
Total equipments 13.21 100.00 100.13 99.87 99.80 99.80

27 Transport 5.99 100.00 101.33 98.98 98.98 98.98

28 Fuel 3.99 100.00 96.93 76.50 88.83 85.32
Total fuel & transport 9.98 100.00 99.57 89.99 94.92 93.52

29 Casual 6.67 100.00 100.00 101.53 105.38 105.38

30 Watchman 2.01 100.00 100.00 103.47 106.49 106.49
31 Plumber/Electrician 0.52 100.00 100.96 100.96 102.38 102.38
32 Machine /plant operators 0.91 100.00 100.38 100.38 100.38 100.38
33 Carpenter/Painter/Welder/Mechanic 3.53 100.00 100.92 102.84 102.86 104.54
34 Mason/foreman 7.80 100.00 100.00 103.67 103.67 104.29
Total labour 21.45 100.00 100.19 102.64 104.16 104.66
Overall Building Cost Index 100.00 100.00 100.29 99.73 100.91 100.91
NOTE:-Prices are collected a quarterly basis on every 15th of the mid-month of the quarter

Table 11.11: Quarterly Civil Engineering Cost Index, 2020
Base: November 2019=100
No Product Weights Nov-19 Q1-2020 Q2-2020 Q3-2020 Q4-2020
1 Paving Grade Bitumen 1.70 100.00 101.47 98.53 105.88 110.29
2 Tackcoat 0.60 100.00 103.75 98.75 106.25 108.75
3 Ballast/Gravel and Graded crushed stones 6.42 100.00 100.00 99.27 101.51 101.10
4 Mix and precoated chippings 5.27 100.00 100.93 101.52 106.01 106.92
5 Cement 1.05 100.00 99.73 98.45 97.23 96.29
6 Steel and Reinforced Bars 1.90 100.00 100.00 103.88 106.43 107.05
7 Timber and Wood 0.52 100.00 102.76 101.17 99.42 100.00
8 Concrete and Asphalts 8.83 100.00 104.04 100.92 110.53 109.99
9 Paving blocks 3.94 100.00 99.76 99.03 98.78 98.78
10 Culverts and Inverted block drains 5.19 100.00 100.09 100.04 101.05 100.56
11 Kerbs 3.15 100.00 101.09 101.17 99.32 99.78
12 Dense Bitumen Macadam (DBM) 7.76 100.00 106.35 103.17 117.46 122.22
13 Paint 0.74 100.00 100.01 99.11 99.13 99.25
Materials 47.08 100.00 102.10 100.82 106.17 17.08
14 Rollers and Related Equipment 6.39 100.00 100.25 100.26 101.75 102.12
15 Concrete mixer 1.05 100.00 100.05 99.28 99.66 99.86
16 Excavators 8.59 100.00 99.93 99.93 99.93 99.93
17 Motor graders 8.62 100.00 113.39 113.50 113.78 114.98
18 Compressors and Vibrators 2.24 100.00 100.90 92.22 92.97 92.59
Equipment 26.89 100.00 104.41 103.69 104.21 104.66
19 Transport 4.30 100.00 99.27 98.30 99.60 101.24
20 Fuel and Lubricants 5.02 100.00 95.96 77.36 88.53 86.49
Transport, Fuel and Lubricants 9.32 100.00 97.48 87.02 93.64 93.30
21 Casuals 1.80 100.00 100.00 101.40 101.50 101.50
22 Watchman and Related workers 1.90 100.00 100.00 103.36 104.20 104.20
23 Laboratory technologist and Drivers 2.17 100.00 100.93 100.93 101.05 101.05
24 Machine /plant operators/drivers 5.52 100.00 100.16 101.40 101.97 101.97
25 Carpenter/Painter/Welder/Mechanic 1.73 100.00 100.46 101.88 103.36 103.36
26 Site agent/Surveyor 2.12 100.00 100.00 103.80 103.80 103.80
27 Mason/foreman 1.48 100.00 100.28 102.93 103.28 103.39
Total Labour 16.71 100.00 100.25 102.05 102.55 102.56
Overall Civil Engineering Cost Index 100.00 100.00 101.98 100.51 103.87 104.39
NOTE:-Prices are collected a quarterly basis on every 15th of the mid-month of the quarter

Table 11.12: Quarterly Overall Construction Cost Indices, 2020
Base: November 2019=100
Product Weight Nov-19 Q1-2020 Q2-2020 Q3-2020 Q4-2020
Hardcore 1.07 100.00 100.00 101.95 101.95 101.95
Quarry products(waste,dust and murram) 0.62 100.00 100.16 100.86 100.88 100.71
Cement 7.41 100.00 99.73 98.45 97.23 96.30
Sand 2.49 100.00 100.97 99.42 99.32 99.66
Ballast/Gravel and Graded crushed stones 5.49 100.00 100.13 100.22 101.57 101.25
Mix and precoated chippings 2.71 100.00 100.93 101.52 106.01 106.92
Concrete and Asphalts 4.55 100.00 104.04 100.92 110.53 109.99
Timber and Wood 2.06 100.00 102.78 101.32 99.53 99.97
Steel and reinforced bars 6.16 100.00 103.40 106.10 109.56 110.25
Paving blocks 3.03 100.00 99.88 100.53 100.93 102.79
Culverts and Inverted block drains 2.67 100.00 100.09 100.04 101.05 100.56
Kerbs 1.62 100.00 101.09 101.17 99.32 99.78
Dense Bitumen Macadam (DBM) 5.19 100.00 106.35 103.17 117.46 122.22
Stones 2.14 100.00 100.00 100.39 99.82 100.98
Damp Proofing and Anti-termite 0.28 100.00 100.38 100.43 99.90 97.82
Roofing sheets 0.34 100.00 83.70 84.14 88.80 89.54
Doors 0.12 100.00 100.07 99.18 99.19 98.63
Windows 0.13 100.00 100.00 98.06 101.27 101.27
Glass and glass putty 0.08 100.00 100.42 99.56 98.86 99.13
Locks and iron mongery 0.38 100.00 99.75 99.73 99.17 102.86
Tiles 0.73 100.00 102.56 101.93 101.08 100.89
Chip boards and MDF 0.49 100.00 99.25 98.03 97.62 97.06
Paints 0.89 100.00 100.01 99.11 99.13 99.25
Sanitary fittings 0.08 100.00 99.88 99.54 99.21 100.43
Water fittings 0.05 100.00 99.71 98.94 99.17 98.56
Water wastes 0.06 100.00 99.98 98.87 97.40 97.20
Electrical fittings 0.25 100.00 99.84 99.78 100.30 98.06
Materials 51.09 100.00 101.33 100.58 103.67 104.17
Pedestrian Rollers 4.57 100.00 100.18 100.12 100.72 100.91
Concrete Mixer 3.04 100.00 100.02 99.63 99.82 99.93
Excavators 4.43 100.00 99.93 99.93 99.93 99.93
Motor Graders 4.44 100.00 113.39 113.50 113.78 114.98
Compressors and Vibrators 3.77 100.00 100.57 95.86 96.24 96.05
Equipment 20.26 100.00 102.33 101.84 102.07 102.30
Transport 5.12 100.00 100.27 98.63 99.30 100.14
Fuel and Lubricants 4.52 100.00 96.43 76.94 88.67 85.92
Transport and Fuels 9.64 100.00 98.49 88.46 94.26 93.40
Casual non-skilled 4.16 100.00 100.00 101.46 103.38 103.38
Watchman and Related workers 1.95 100.00 100.00 103.41 105.31 105.31
Plumber/Electrician/Drivers 1.37 100.00 100.94 100.94 101.69 101.69
Machine /Plant Operators 3.29 100.00 100.27 100.91 101.20 101.20
Carpenter/Painter/Welder/Mechanic 2.60 100.00 100.68 102.35 103.12 103.93
Site Agent 1.09 100.00 100.00 103.80 103.80 103.80
Mason/Foreman 4.54 100.00 100.14 103.29 103.47 103.82
Labour 19.01 100.00 100.22 102.34 103.33 103.58
Overall Construction Cost index 100.00 100.00 101.05 100.00 102.37 102.64

Table 12.1: Reported Visitor Arrivals by Purpose, 2013- 2020
Purpose 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Holiday/ Business Visitors 1,293,953 1,415,402 1,239,439 1,420,794 1,462,496 1,754,874 1,562,170 305,924
Visitors in Transit 86,136 111,527 82,049 88,924 104,779 97,075 172,869 37,172
Other Visitors 139,462 144,924 137,978 156,329 211,150 175,774 300,402 236,464
Total 1,519,551 1,671,853 1,459,466 1,666,047 1,778,425 2,027,723 2,035,441 579,560
* Provisional

Table 12.2: Reported Visitor Departures by Purpose, 2013 - 2020

Purpose 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Holiday/Business Visitors 1,262,109 993,489 1,153,143 1,318,276 1,337,462 1,607,221 1,493,604 181,440
Visitors in Transit 82,091 93,526 77,720 90,235 115,838 88,587 149,286 15,770
Other Visitors 137,563 138,114 151,686 159,799 189,975 160,955 255,106 367,826
Total 1,481,763 1,225,129 1,382,549 1,568,310 1,643,275 1,856,763 1,897,996 565,036
* Provisional

Table 12.3: Reported Visitor Arrivals and Departures by Mode of Travel, 2013 - 2020
Mode of Travel 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Air 1,132,785 1,194,878 1,131,414 1,266,503 1,326,325 1,567,875 1,578,428 438,284
Sea 6,047 37,870 28,121 2,185 2,060 683 832 1,508
Other 380,719 439,105 299,931 397,359 450,040 459,165 456,181 139,768
Total Arrivals 1,519,551 1,671,853 1,459,466 1,666,047 1,778,425 2,027,723 2,035,441 579,560
Air 1,097,988 1,000,488 1,107,706 1,266,438 1,332,937 1,534,566 1,550,847 458,211
Sea 5,161 37,925 25,428 524 842 379 529 43
Other 378,614 186,716 249,415 301,348 309,496 321,818 346,620 106,782
Total Departures 1,481,763 1,225,129 1,382,549 1,568,310 1,643,275 1,856,763 1,897,996 565,036
* Provisional
Table 12.4: Number of Reported Visitor Arrivals and Departures + by Continent of Residence and Mode of Travel, 2016- 2020
Arrivals Departures
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020* 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Air 399,526 406,752 467,648 440,587 139,411 386,232 398,818 501,693 479,601 150,601
Sea 167 146 32 45 101 50 83 48 68 5
Other 286,059 325,215 344,681 363,584 111,274 211,424 202,591 177,473 197,558 62,059
Sub-Total 685,752 732,113 812,361 804,216 250,786 597,706 601,492 679,214 677,227 212,665
Air 169,647 176,487 227,624 254,770 70,167 177,597 186,433 211,919 228,302 67,009
Sea 803 512 210 267 390 80 61 42 88 7
Other 32,822 41,318 40,723 27,539 8,266 26,898 31,977 49,962 53,842 16,008
Sub-Total 203,272 218,317 268,557 282,576 78,823 204,575 218,471 261,923 282,232 83,024
Air 221,212 241,807 270,345 268,912 65,001 237,030 240,057 254,118 254,325 63,663
Sea 352 337 101 200 351 115 134 50 68 10
Other 36,183 20,467 17,038 17,131 3,934 16,324 19,407 27,942 28,106 7,043
Sub-Total 257,747 262,611 287,484 286,243 69,286 253,469 259,598 282,110 282,499 70,716

Air 438,514 458,721 552,669 527,751 153,272 437,109 476,934 535,657 520,025 168,373
Sea 282 451 214 206 331 99 141 141 235 13
Other 39,974 59,905 54,114 43,406 14,503 34,876 41,462 46,528 46,007 16,052
Sub-Total 478,770 519,077 606,997 571,363 168,106 472,084 518,537 582,326 566,267 184,438
Air 37,604 42,558 49,589 86,408 10,433 28,470 30,695 31,179 68,569 8,565
Sea 581 614 126 114 335 180 423 98 95 8
Other 2,321 3,135 2,609 4,521 1,791 11,826 14,059 19,913 21,107 5,620
Sub-Total 40,506 46,307 52,324 91,043 12,559 40,476 45,177 51,190 89,771 14,193
Air 1,266,503 1,326,325 1,567,875 1,578,428 438,284 1,266,438 1,332,937 1,534,566 1,550,822 458,211
Sea 2,185 2,060 683 832 1,508 524 842 379 554 43
Other 397,359 450,040 459,165 456,181 139,768 301,348 309,496 321,818 346,620 106,782
Grand Total 1,666,047 1,778,425 2,027,723 2,035,441 579,560 1,568,310 1,643,275 1,856,763 1,897,996 565,036
* Provisional
Revised 2016 - 2017
Table 12.5: Number of Reported Visitor Arrivals and Departures, 2016- 2020
Arrivals Departures
Visitors in Holiday/ Business Other Visitors in Holiday/ Business Other
Quarter Total Total
Transit Visitors Visitors Transit Visitors Visitors
2016 88,924 1,420,794 156,329 1,666,047 90,235 1,318,276 159,799 1,568,310
2017 104,779 1,462,496 211,150 1,778,425 115,838 1,337,462 189,975 1,643,275
2018 97,075 1,754,874 175,774 2,027,723 88,587 1,607,221 160,955 1,856,763
2019 172,869 1,562,170 300,402 2,035,441 149,286 1,493,604 255,106 1,897,996
2020* 37,172 305,924 236,464 579,560 20,092 179,407 365,537 565,036
1st Qr. 20,516 330,190 33,035 383,741 25,744 295,114 36,287 357,145
2 Qr. 22,974 305,054 39,796 367,824 21,388 284,085 37,068 342,541
3 Qr. 22,189 423,656 45,482 491,327 21,076 389,819 56,166 467,061
4th Qr. 23,245 361,894 38,016 423,155 22,027 349,258 30,278 401,563
1st Qr. 25,498 376,741 21,417 423,656 29,652 323,197 44,744 397,593
2 Qr. 43,764 345,646 33,301 422,711 29,180 319,467 41,411 390,058
3 Qr. 18,667 398,077 77,666 494,410 31,606 367,265 68,505 467,376
4th Qr. 16,850 342,032 78,766 437,648 25,400 327,533 35,315 388,248
1 Qr. 25,957 412,472 35,069 473,498 23,295 370,173 31,472 424,940
2 Qr. 24,829 371,772 52,989 449,590 22,469 336,444 47,953 406,866
3rd Qr. 22,641 526,619 50,429 599,689 21,530 500,797 47,956 570,283
4th Qr. 23,648 444,011 37,287 504,946 21,293 399,807 33,574 454,674
1st Qr. 33,805 385,220 60,060 479,085 28,277 364,421 50,569 443,267
2 Qr. 40,355 341,490 79,328 461,173 33,453 316,478 66,658 416,589
3 Qr. 53,327 445,323 97,986 596,636 48,147 435,122 88,980 572,249
4 Qr. 45,382 390,137 63,028 498,547 39,409 377,583 48,899 465,891
1st Qr. 24,988 205,655 158,960 389,603 10,960 126,104 255,645 392,709
2 Qr. 77 633 488 1,198 4,516 194 2,228 6,938
3 Qr. 3,083 25,372 19,614 48,069 1,323 15,218 30,851 47,392
4th Qr. 9,024 74,264 57,402 140,690 3,293 37,891 76,813 117,997
* Provisional

Table 12.6: Total Length of Stay1 of Departing Visitors by Purpose and Country of Residence, 2016 - 2020
Year/ Length of Stay Purpose Country of Residence
0-14 15-28 Over 28 Holiday Business Transit East Other U.K. Germany Other North Asia All Total
Days Days Days Africa Africa Europe America Others
2016 8,037.0 6,527.9 4,010.2 15,412.0 2,937.0 226.0 2,924.2 823.7 2,653.4 3,949.7 4,086.8 1,450.6 1,297.0 1,389.5 18,575.0
2017 8,160.7 6,668.1 4,059.2 15,321.0 3,277.0 290.0 2,964.4 823.2 2,691.6 4,016.9 4,203.0 1,449.4 1,300.5 1,438.9 18,888.0
2018 8,487.0 6,893.4 4,234.6 16,258.0 3,135.0 222.0 3,087.9 869.9 2,802.0 4,170.9 4,315.6 1,531.9 1,369.6 1,467.3 19,615.0
2019 8,525.5 7,030.2 4,381.2 16,064.5 3,501.7 370.7 3,127.9 911.9 2,843.9 4,212.4 4,356.6 1,573.9 1,413.6 1,496.7 19,936.9
2020* 1,994.1 1,644.4 1,024.8 2,023.0 2,565.9 74.3 1,020.1 735.0 446.1 197.6 685.2 878.4 583.6 117.1 4,663.2
1st Qr. 2,561.9 2,777.5 1,071.4 5,667.1 683.9 61.0 924.8 272.9 841.8 1,188.8 1,408.0 565.8 601.6 607.0 6,410.7
2nd Qr. 1,364.1 967.8 650.5 2,108.5 818.1 54.4 565.1 107.4 462.8 554.4 704.5 229.0 160.0 199.0 2,982.3
3rd Qr. 1,895.3 1,275.6 1,012.3 3,347.2 777.6 57.9 738.2 166.6 642.0 1,161.7 768.8 249.5 241.3 215.1 4,183.2
4th Qr. 2,215.7 1,507.1 1,276.0 4,289.2 657.5 52.6 696.1 276.8 706.8 1,044.8 1,205.5 406.4 294.0 368.4 4,998.7
1st Qr. 2,574.4 2,904.3 1,203.5 5,344.4 763.1 86.3 932.3 276.6 844.8 1,223.6 1,426.3 571.9 602.4 614.2 6,492.1
2nd Qr. 1,347.2 964.7 656.5 2,254.1 912.8 72.6 571.9 110.9 473.1 562.6 723.8 229.3 157.9 208.5 3,038.0
3rd Qr. 2,017.1 1,229.0 1,022.4 3,390.1 867.6 67.1 755.3 172.8 653.1 1,175.4 775.8 248.1 239.8 231.7 4,252.1
4th Qr. 2,222.1 1,570.2 1,176.9 4,332.4 733.6 64.0 704.9 263.0 720.5 1,055.4 1,277.1 400.1 300.3 384.5 5,105.8
1st Qr. 2,705.3 2,933.0 1,131.3 5,978.2 730.0 59.9 976.6 288.2 889.0 1,255.4 1,486.8 597.4 635.3 641.0 6,769.6

2nd Qr. 1,440.4 1,022.0 686.9 2,224.2 873.2 53.5 596.7 113.4 488.7 585.5 744.0 241.8 169.0 210.2 3,149.3
3rd Qr. 2,001.4 1,347.0 1,069.0 3,531.0 830.0 56.9 779.6 175.9 678.0 1,226.7 811.8 263.4 254.9 227.1 4,417.5
4th Qr. 2,339.8 1,591.5 1,347.4 4,524.7 701.8 51.7 735.0 292.3 746.3 1,103.3 1,273.0 429.2 310.5 389.0 5,278.6
1st Qr. 2,722.3 2,968.3 1,192.4 5,938.2 819.1 97.9 987.5 300.1 901.1 1,265.8 1,500.8 612.4 645.2 647.2 6,860.1
2nd Qr. 1,443.2 1,092.2 700.3 2,175.8 984.2 92.5 604.8 123.3 496.6 596.6 750.9 251.7 181.8 220.5 3,226.2
3rd Qr. 2,006.2 1,369.1 1,086.1 3,481.0 910.0 93.9 791.6 185.0 687.0 1,231.6 819.9 272.3 264.0 238.3 4,489.8
4th Qr. 2,353.8 1,600.6 1,402.4 4,469.6 788.4 86.4 744.0 303.4 759.2 1,118.4 1,285.0 437.4 322.6 390.7 5,360.7
1st Qr. 1,385.9 1,142.8 712.2 1,406.0 1,783.3 51.7 709.0 510.8 310.1 137.3 476.2 610.5 405.6 81.4 3,241.0
2nd Qr. 24.5 20.2 12.6 24.8 31.5 0.9 12.5 9.0 5.5 2.4 8.4 10.8 7.2 1.4 57.2
3rd Qr. 167.3 137.9 86.0 169.7 215.2 6.2 85.6 61.6 37.4 16.6 57.5 73.7 48.9 9.8 391.1
4th Qr. 416.4 343.4 214.0 422.5 535.8 15.5 213.0 153.5 93.2 41.3 143.1 183.4 121.9 24.5 973.9
* Provisional
Excludes visitors whose purpose of visit is "Other"
1 +
Table 12.7: Average Length of Stay of Departing Visitors by Purpose and Country of Residence, 2016- 2020
Year/ Purpose Country of Residence
Holiday Business Transit East Other U.K. Other North Asia All
Quarter Germany Total
Africa Africa Europe America Others
2016 17.8 20.0 1.9 16.2 5.6 14.6 20.3 20.7 8.5 8.9 10.6 13.2
2017 17.4 19.6 2.0 16.4 6.1 14.0 19.6 21.0 8.7 8.8 9.1 13.0
2018 16.5 17.0 1.3 14.9 6.3 13.6 16.3 16.7 9.0 8.7 7.5 11.6
2019 17.4 17.8 1.1 15.0 6.4 14.7 16.8 17.7 9.3 8.9 7.9 12.1
2020* 12.0 14.0 0.8 11.2 4.8 10.9 12.5 13.2 6.9 6.6 5.9 9.0
1st Qr. 21.8 21.3 1.9 16.6 7.3 14.5 21.1 23.5 9.3 14.7 12.1 14.9
2nd Qr. 16.4 25.2 2.9 13.6 4.3 15.7 11.3 16.7 7.7 4.1 8.1 10.2
3rd Qr. 18.3 17.3 1.1 19.5 5.5 15.3 25.5 19.7 8.1 8.3 9.2 13.9
4th Qr. 14.6 16.1 1.8 15.0 5.2 12.9 23.4 22.7 9.0 8.3 12.9 13.7
1st Qr. 19.6 19.8 1.9 18.4 9.1 16.5 19.2 26.1 10.7 15.5 13.7 16.2
2nd Qr. 15.9 26.3 2.5 13.1 3.8 13.8 12.1 15.3 6.3 4.1 5.2 9.2

3rd Qr. 18.2 19.7 1.9 18.6 4.9 14.1 25.4 19.4 8.7 7.3 6.6 13.1
4th Qr. 15.9 12.7 1.6 15.3 6.7 11.4 21.6 23.2 9.2 8.2 10.9 13.3
1st Qr. 19.2 15.5 1.1 15.2 9.5 16.2 17.3 17.2 10.2 14.1 9.3 13.6
2nd Qr. 14.3 23.0 1.5 12.3 3.2 13.3 12.6 14.2 6.6 4.4 5.2 9.0
3rd Qr. 15.4 17.5 1.5 17.1 5.0 13.1 16.5 15.3 9.2 7.8 6.5 11.3
4th Qr. 17.2 12.0 1.0 15.0 7.4 11.8 18.6 19.9 9.9 8.5 9.0 12.5
1st Qr. 19.4 18.6 1.0 15.3 9.6 17.3 19.0 19.0 11.1 14.5 10.0 14.5
2nd Qr. 14.3 24.2 1.4 12.3 3.3 14.1 13.0 15.6 6.8 4.5 5.3 9.4
3rd Qr. 18.5 17.3 1.0 17.2 5.3 14.6 16.0 16.0 9.4 8.0 6.7 11.7
4th Qr. 17.3 11.0 1.0 15.0 7.5 12.6 19.1 20.3 10.0 8.7 9.5 12.8
1st Qr. 18.4 19.9 1.1 15.9 6.8 15.5 17.8 18.8 9.8 9.4 8.4 12.8
2 Qr. 5.6 5.7 0.0 4.6 2.0 4.4 5.1 5.4 2.8 2.7 2.4 3.7
3rd Qr. 10.0 11.7 0.3 9.4 4.0 9.1 10.4 11.0 5.8 5.5 4.9 7.5
4th Qr. 14.0 18.7 1.6 15.0 6.4 14.6 16.7 17.6 9.2 8.8 7.9 12.0
* Provisional
Excludes visitors whose purpose of visit is "Other"
Table 12.8: Visitor Departures+ by Purpose and Country of Residence1, 2017- 2020
Holiday Transit Business Total
Country of Residence
2017 2018 2019 2020* 2017 2018 2019 2020* 2017 2018 2019 2020* 2017 2018 2019 2020*
United Kingdom 111.0 135.9 116.3 6.3 11.7 8.8 14.2 1.5 25.1 23.3 25.4 11.1 147.7 168.0 155.8 18.9
Germany 44.8 55.3 46.1 2.8 4.7 3.6 5.6 0.7 10.1 9.5 10.1 4.9 59.6 68.4 61.8 8.4
Italy 34.9 43.0 32.3 2.1 3.7 2.8 3.9 0.5 7.9 7.4 7.0 3.8 46.5 53.2 43.3 6.4
France 24.6 34.8 34.3 2.0 2.6 2.3 4.2 0.5 5.6 6.0 7.5 3.5 32.7 43.0 46.0 5.9
Switzerland 8.4 9.8 9.0 0.6 0.9 0.6 1.1 0.1 1.9 1.7 2.0 1.0 11.2 12.2 12.0 1.8
Scandinavia 33.2 42.1 35.7 2.6 3.5 2.7 4.3 0.6 7.5 7.2 7.8 4.5 44.2 52.1 47.8 7.7
Other Europe 87.4 109.5 113.4 5.1 9.2 7.1 13.8 1.2 19.7 18.8 24.7 9.0 116.4 135.4 152.0 15.3
Total Europe 344.3 430.3 387.1 21.4 36.3 27.9 47.1 5.1 77.8 74.0 84.4 37.8 458.4 532.2 518.6 64.4
U.S.A. 121.5 163.1 156.2 8.1 12.8 10.6 19.0 2.0 27.4 28.0 34.0 14.4 161.8 201.7 209.2 24.5
Canada 23.6 30.5 26.2 1.5 2.5 2.0 3.2 0.4 5.3 5.2 5.7 2.7 31.4 37.7 35.1 4.5
Total North America 145.1 193.6 182.3 9.6 15.3 12.6 22.2 2.3 32.8 33.3 39.8 17.0 193.1 239.4 244.3 29.0
India 77.6 91.9 76.6 3.4 8.2 6.0 9.3 0.8 17.5 15.8 16.7 6.0 103.3 113.6 102.6 10.1
Japan 7.7 9.5 8.8 0.4 0.8 0.6 1.1 0.1 1.7 1.6 1.9 0.8 10.3 11.8 11.7 1.3
Israel 4.0 4.5 3.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.3 5.3 5.5 4.4 0.5
Other Asia 83.1 102.6 93.5 4.2 8.8 6.7 11.4 1.0 18.8 17.6 20.4 7.5 110.6 126.9 125.3 12.7
Total Asia 172.4 208.5 182.2 8.2 18.2 13.5 22.2 2.0 38.9 35.8 39.7 14.5 229.5 257.8 244.1 24.7

Uganda 79.2 106.8 96.7 5.5 8.3 6.9 11.8 1.3 17.9 18.4 21.1 9.8 105.4 132.1 129.5 16.6
Tanzania 120.8 129.1 96.7 4.8 12.7 8.4 11.8 1.2 27.3 22.2 21.1 8.5 160.9 159.7 129.6 14.5
Other Africa 199.4 265.4 245.5 14.3 21.8 16.7 29.9 3.4 45.0 45.6 53.5 25.3 266.2 327.7 328.9 43.1
Total Africa 399.4 501.3 438.8 24.6 42.9 32.1 53.4 5.9 90.2 86.2 95.7 43.6 532.5 619.6 587.9 74.2
Australia and New Zealand 19.0 23.3 20.7 0.8 2.0 1.5 2.5 0.2 4.3 4.0 4.5 1.5 25.3 28.8 27.7 2.6
All Other Countries 11.0 14.6 15.1 0.8 1.2 0.9 1.8 0.2 2.4 2.5 3.3 1.4 14.5 18.0 20.3 2.4
All Visitors 1,091.1 1,371.5 1,226.3 65.5 115.8 88.6 149.3 15.8 246.4 235.7 267.3 115.9 1,453.3 1,695.8 1,642.9 197.2
* Provisional
Excludes visitors whose purpose of visit is "Other"
Table 12.9: Hotel Rooms, Beds Available and Occupied, 2016 - 2020

Nairobi Coastal Other

High Class Other Beach Other Maasai land Nyanza Basin Western Central Northern Hotels
Room Available ('000 nights) 2,002 1,103 3,336 432 527 1,136 990 1,442 2,095 496 13,557
Occupancy Rate (per cent) 44 33 41 37 23 34 29 30 27 18 317
Bed Available ('000 nights) 2,968 1,632 6,331 642 905 1,982 1,274 1,817 2,917 790 21,259
Occupancy Rate (per cent) 36 27 36 31 20 33 26 27 24 13 272
Room Available ('000 nights) 2,240 1,611 3,824 529 461 1,859 1,253 2,047 2,513 353 16,691
Occupancy Rate (per cent) 43 25 45 33 22 24 20 23 25 24 285
Bed Available ('000 nights) 3,062 2,071 5,397 766 790 2,991 1,607 2,545 3,318 440 22,987
Occupancy Rate (per cent) 38 24 49 27 22 24 18 22 22 23 273
Room Available ('000 nights) 2,509 2,155 4,472 576 384 1,375 966 1,785 3,669 437 18,327
Occupancy Rate (per cent) 49 27 52 41 24 40 22 30 26 27 338

Bed Available ('000 nights) 3,414 2,745 7,602 900 529 2,426 1,196 2,198 4,940 551 26,501
Occupancy Rate (per cent) 40 24 44 31 20 34 19 25 23 24 284
Room Available ('000 nights) 2,956 2,223 4,971 526 252 1,166 811 1,698 2,604 352 17,558
Occupancy Rate (per cent) 39 24 44 36 26 37 22 30 25 25 309
Bed Available ('000 nights) 4,326 2,922 9,013 803 337 2,020 1,090 2,145 3,648 530 26,836
Occupancy Rate (per cent) 33 26 39 36 33 40 35 32 26 26 326
Room Available ('000 nights) 3,150 1,742 2,458 379 531 874 1,024 2,284 2,156 490 15,087
Occupancy Rate (per cent) 16 16 37 21 16 14 14 14 16 14 178
Bed Available ('000 nights) 4,573 2,218 4,228 557 732 1,262 1,304 2,770 2,967 714 21,326
Occupancy Rate (per cent) 13 14 36 16 15 14 14 13 14 11 159
* Provisional
Table 12.10: Hotel Beds Occupied by Foreign and East African (EA) Residents, 2016 - 2020
'000 Bed-Nights
Nairobi Coastal Other
High Class Other Beach Other Coast Maasai land Nyanza Basin Western Central Northern Total Beds Occupied
Quarter Hinterland
For- EA For- EA For- EA For- EA For- EA For- EA For- EA For- EA For- EA For- EA For- EA
eign eign eign eign eign eign eign eign eign eign eign Total
2016 748.9 327.5 113.0 332.1 1,154.8 1,131.5 24.9 172.4 91.6 85.9 433.7 221.8 49.8 275.6 56.0 437.6 126.9 564.6 17.4 82.5 2,817.0 3,631.6 6,448.5
2017 850.3 315.2 164.5 342.8 1,426.1 1,244.3 25.1 183.9 102.4 71.4 524.5 207.6 22.8 272.4 78.5 493.4 180.0 565.5 26.9 76.4 3,401.3 3,773.0 7,174.2
2018 822.0 549.7 205.0 451.9 1,788.3 1,540.7 40.2 240.2 47.5 60.0 650.2 176.9 11.6 214.4 46.3 514.0 263.2 865.3 43.9 86.6 3,918.0 4,699.9 8,617.9
2019 907.1 523.4 346.7 427.6 2,067.3 1,424.0 84.4 200.7 60.0 52.0 624.3 176.7 144.4 238.1 185.9 509.1 329.1 618.7 78.6 60.1 4,827.7 4,230.6 9,058.2
2020* 277.8 295.9 78.9 239.4 609.4 893.2 9.8 77.5 38.0 72.1 69.8 101.5 6.1 175.1 10.8 346.6 62.8 358.3 16.5 63.8 1,179.7 2,623.3 3,803.0
1st Qr. 172.6 78.2 33.0 88.6 430.7 264.3 9.7 52.9 33.4 32.3 66.6 40.4 31.6 97.8 26.0 120.5 40.1 205.3 3.9 29.5 847.6 1,009.9 1,857.5
2nd Qr. 154.4 62.1 32.5 88.1 104.0 187.9 4.7 35.3 10.6 16.6 60.0 38.2 5.2 68.1 11.5 105.7 23.0 129.3 1.3 18.7 407.2 749.9 1,157.1
3rd Qr. 188.3 75.7 27.6 80.7 152.2 209.6 4.3 37.2 24.7 21.5 229.1 62.2 8.6 59.0 11.3 101.6 44.4 107.1 8.4 17.1 698.8 771.6 1,470.4
4th Qr. 233.5 111.5 19.8 74.8 468.0 469.7 6.2 46.9 22.9 15.6 78.0 81.0 4.4 50.7 7.3 109.9 19.5 123.0 3.8 17.3 863.3 1,100.2 1,963.6
1st Qr. 212.7 63.7 36.9 86.6 650.3 283.5 6.8 50.5 32.2 9.7 111.5 79.5 5.3 85.2 20.7 136.3 26.5 137.1 4.5 16.8 1,107.4 948.9 2,056.3
2nd Qr. 179.7 69.7 22.0 59.7 108.5 210.6 4.2 45.0 25.6 26.4 94.6 43.4 4.8 65.2 20.7 136.9 25.0 131.8 6.1 24.6 491.2 813.2 1,304.4
3rd Qr. 255.5 94.7 62.4 116.1 206.7 234.7 7.4 42.3 19.3 14.6 228.9 42.8 5.1 44.3 18.3 118.0 83.0 123.3 6.0 7.8 892.5 838.6 1,731.1
4th Qr. 202.4 87.1 43.2 80.5 460.5 515.6 6.7 46.1 25.3 20.7 89.6 41.9 7.6 77.8 18.8 102.2 45.6 173.3 10.4 27.3 910.1 1,172.4 2,082.5

1st Qr. 201.7 87.5 52.1 123.0 569.1 359.9 11.7 64.8 16.7 20.7 186.2 64.9 2.5 61.4 11.4 157.5 77.8 234.4 8.9 30.2 1,138.2 1,204.2 2,342.4
2nd Qr. 171.6 99.4 27.4 80.5 208.9 318.9 6.7 48.7 7.0 13.0 93.7 38.7 2.4 48.6 6.0 90.8 37.5 186.9 10.8 22.0 572.0 947.5 1,519.5
3rd Qr. 238.0 162.0 46.5 104.4 334.2 357.7 10.5 77.1 20.3 12.5 244.2 25.3 2.1 42.4 20.3 130.5 89.3 213.4 22.4 11.5 1,027.6 1,136.8 2,164.4
4th Qr. 210.6 200.9 79.0 144.0 676.2 504.2 11.3 49.6 3.4 13.7 126.1 48.0 4.6 62.1 8.5 135.3 58.5 230.7 1.8 23.0 1,180.2 1,411.4 2,591.6
1st Qr. 186.0 125.4 107.4 99.8 743.3 393.8 37.5 57.8 23.9 9.4 166.3 41.5 78.1 29.2 101.8 122.8 131.1 154.5 29.8 12.2 1,605.2 1,046.5 2,651.7
2nd Qr. 177.4 117.5 71.6 92.0 220.5 277.1 19.8 41.1 9.5 9.6 104.0 39.7 22.7 32.0 42.6 98.9 71.7 112.6 7.9 10.2 747.8 830.8 1,578.6
3rd Qr. 246.8 176.4 96.9 111.2 326.4 278.6 11.4 66.1 21.1 19.4 232.0 53.8 33.7 57.4 34.9 140.6 69.2 165.0 27.0 18.5 1,099.4 1,087.0 2,186.5
4th Qr. 296.9 104.1 70.8 124.6 777.0 474.5 15.7 35.6 5.5 13.6 122.0 41.7 9.9 119.5 6.5 146.8 57.1 186.6 13.8 19.2 1,375.2 1,266.3 2,641.5
1st Qr. 170.8 111.8 51.2 121.9 530.2 169.4 5.9 50.1 35.8 37.3 49.2 36.9 2.4 91.7 9.2 193.8 47.1 169.3 9.5 20.5 911.4 1,002.6 1,914.0
2nd Qr. 12.5 33.0 5.0 25.4 0.5 65.8 0.9 11.7 0.2 5.0 0.2 3.7 0.1 16.3 0.2 37.9 1.2 21.6 0.1 6.7 20.9 227.2 248.1
3rd Qr. 22.7 61.5 6.2 35.2 11.4 84.9 0.7 6.0 0.6 11.6 8.6 37.3 0.4 24.6 0.5 34.8 2.8 46.2 2.9 14.7 56.8 356.9 413.7
4th Qr. 71.7 89.5 16.4 56.9 67.3 573.0 2.3 9.7 1.4 18.2 11.7 23.6 3.2 42.5 0.8 80.1 11.8 121.3 4.1 21.8 190.6 1,036.6 1,227.2
Table 12.11a: Hotel Rooms and Beds Available and Occupied by Zone, 2019
'000 Bed-Nights
Rooms Beds Beds Occupied by Bed Room
of Occupancy Occupancy
Zone1 Number Foreign Residents Permanent
Available Occupied Available Occupied Tanzania Rate Rate
of Hotels Residents of Kenya Occupants
and (per cent) (per cent)
High Class 36 2,956.0 1,167.6 4,325.8 1,430.6 904.5 54.6 468.9 2.7 33.1 39.5
Other 124 2,222.8 542.7 2,922.0 774.3 340.8 34.0 393.6 5.9 26.5 24.4
Total 160 5,178.8 1,710.3 7,247.8 2,204.8 1,245.3 88.5 862.5 8.5 30.4 33.0
Coast Beach 136 4,971.1 2,166.3 9,013.1 3,491.3 2,061.6 36.2 1,387.8 5.6 38.7 43.6
Mombasa Island 40 525.9 189.3 802.9 285.1 73.3 9.1 191.7 11.1 35.5 36.0
Coast Hinterland
East 53 96.7 24.8 129.4 43.0 22.1 1.9 18.0 0.9 33.2 25.7
West 85 155.4 39.9 208.0 69.1 35.6 3.1 29.0 1.4 33.2 25.7
Total 138 252.1 64.8 337.3 112.0 57.7 5.0 47.1 2.3 33.2 25.7

East 61 254.1 53.9 385.0 111.0 71.7 2.0 33.5 3.7 28.8 21.2
West 82 911.7 373.8 1,635.5 690.0 534.7 9.6 131.6 14.1 42.2 41.0
Total 143 1,165.8 427.6 2,020.5 801.0 606.4 11.6 165.2 17.8 39.6 36.7
Nyanza Basin 201 810.6 176.7 1,090.4 382.5 137.6 6.5 231.6 6.8 35.1 21.8
Western 207 1,698.0 515.3 2,145.1 695.0 168.8 12.8 496.3 17.0 32.4 30.3
Central 269 2,604.4 657.8 3,648.5 947.9 300.6 12.6 606.1 28.5 26.0 25.3
North Kenya 72 351.6 89.2 530.1 138.6 77.3 1.0 59.1 1.2 26.2 25.4
Grand Total 1,366 17,558.3 5,997.3 26,835.7 9,058.2 4,728.7 183.2 4,047.3 99.0 33.8 34.2
Table 12.11b: Hotel Rooms and Beds Available and Occupied by Zone, 2020
'000 Bed-Nights
Rooms Beds Beds Occupied by Bed Room
of Occupancy Occupancy
Zone1 Number Foreign Residents Permanent
Available Occupied Available Occupied Tanzania Rate Rate
of Hotels Residents of Kenya Occupants
and (per cent) (per cent)
High Class 36 3,149.6 516.3 4,573.5 573.7 275.9 17.6 278.3 1.9 12.5 16.4
Other 124 1,741.6 275.9 2,218.3 318.3 75.7 16.6 222.8 3.2 14.3 15.8
Total 160 4,891.3 792.2 6,791.7 892.0 351.5 34.3 501.0 5.1 13.1 16.2
Coast Beach 136 2,458.0 916.1 4,228.1 1,502.6 607.2 4.1 889.1 2.2 35.5 37.3
Mombasa Island 40 378.9 77.8 556.7 87.2 8.7 2.0 75.5 1.1 15.7 20.5
Coast Hinterland
East 53 203.7 33.1 280.6 42.2 14.4 0.1 27.5 0.2 15.0 16.2
West 85 327.5 53.2 451.2 67.8 23.1 0.2 44.2 0.3 15.0 16.2

Total 138 531.3 86.3 731.8 110.0 37.4 0.4 71.7 0.5 15.0 16.2
East 61 422.4 51.7 548.9 61.0 25.5 0.3 34.6 0.6 11.1 12.2
West 82 451.4 70.6 712.6 110.2 43.3 0.3 66.2 0.4 15.5 15.6
Total 143 873.9 122.3 1,261.5 171.2 68.8 0.7 100.8 1.0 13.6 14.0
Nyanza Basin 201 1,023.6 146.0 1,304.4 181.2 2.5 1.6 173.4 3.6 13.9 14.3
Western 207 2,283.6 319.1 2,770.2 357.4 7.7 6.8 339.7 3.1 12.9 14.0
Central 269 2,156.4 336.6 2,967.3 421.2 49.8 6.4 351.9 13.0 14.2 15.6
North Kenya 72 490.0 67.5 714.3 80.3 16.1 0.0 63.7 0.4 11.2 13.8
Grand Total 1,366 15,086.7 2,864.0 21,326.1 3,803.0 1,149.7 56.3 2,567.0 30.1 17.8 19.0
For definitions see the first page of this chapter.
Table 12.12a: Hotel Guest-Nights by Area and Country of Residence, 2017

Nairobi Coastal Other1 Total

Country of Residence Bednights Bednights Bednights Bednights
'000 Per cent '000 Per cent '000 Per cent '000 Per cent
Kenya 581.1 34.7 1,467.4 48.1 1,596.7 65.2 3,645.1 50.8
Uganda 43.2 2.6 21.1 0.7 12.5 0.5 76.8 1.1
Tanzania 33.8 2.0 11.1 0.4 6.2 0.3 51.0 0.7
East & Central 88.7 5.3 15.9 0.5 6.2 0.3 110.7 1.5
West Africa 52.9 3.2 7.6 0.2 6.6 0.3 67.0 0.9
North Africa 33.5 2.0 3.5 0.1 3.3 0.1 40.3 0.6
South Africa 50.2 3.0 9.8 0.3 5.5 0.2 65.5 0.9
Other Africa 22.7 1.4 7.0 0.2 4.9 0.2 34.6 0.5
United Kingdom 86.9 5.2 111.9 3.7 59.9 2.4 258.6 3.6
Germany 31.1 1.9 685.3 22.4 46.3 1.9 762.7 10.6
Scandinavia 22.8 1.4 31.4 1.0 25.9 1.1 80.1 1.1
France 26.9 1.6 52.3 1.7 17.9 0.7 97.1 1.4
Switzerland 10.0 0.6 55.8 1.8 12.5 0.5 78.3 1.1
Italy 15.5 0.9 59.5 1.9 16.6 0.7 91.6 1.3

Other Europe 85.6 5.1 248.4 8.1 61.6 2.5 395.6 5.5
U.S.A. 121.3 7.3 31.3 1.0 134.6 5.5 287.3 4.0
Canada 25.4 1.5 7.5 0.2 21.8 0.9 54.6 0.8
Other America 18.2 1.1 5.8 0.2 15.4 0.6 39.4 0.5
Japan 19.8 1.2 5.3 0.2 17.2 0.7 42.4 0.6
India 71.9 4.3 17.4 0.6 75.8 3.1 165.1 2.3
Middle East 25.3 1.5 10.7 0.4 10.2 0.4 46.2 0.6
China 44.5 2.7 19.3 0.6 128.5 5.2 192.3 2.7
Other Asia 23.0 1.4 7.9 0.3 15.1 0.6 45.9 0.6
Australia and New Zealand 23.9 1.4 23.2 0.8 24.1 1.0 71.1 1.0
All Other Countries 107.6 6.4 87.0 2.8 52.8 2.2 247.4 3.4
Permanent Occupants 7.2 0.4 50.1 1.6 70.2 2.9 127.5 1.8
Total 1,672.8 100.0 3,053.3 100.0 2,448.1 100.0 7,174.2 100.0
Includes Persons staying in Lodges, Game Reserves and Parks
Table 12.12b: Hotel Guest-Nights by Area and Country of Residence, 2018

Nairobi Coastal Other1 Total

Country of Residence Bednights Bednights Bednights Bednights
'000 Per cent '000 Per cent '000 Per cent '000 Per cent
Kenya 912.9 45.0 1,811.3 48.7 1,835.6 63.9 4,559.8 52.9
Uganda 49.2 2.4 17.5 0.5 14.5 0.5 81.1 0.9
Tanzania 39.6 2.0 12.1 0.3 7.2 0.3 58.9 0.7
East & Central 109.0 5.4 16.4 0.4 8.0 0.3 133.4 1.5
West Africa 58.6 2.9 10.1 0.3 6.0 0.2 74.7 0.9
North Africa 21.0 1.0 4.2 0.1 3.2 0.1 28.4 0.3
South Africa 52.4 2.6 14.3 0.4 8.1 0.3 74.9 0.9
Other Africa 34.0 1.7 11.8 0.3 8.2 0.3 54.0 0.6
United Kingdom 74.7 3.7 132.1 3.6 78.8 2.7 285.6 3.3
Germany 38.3 1.9 836.8 22.5 59.1 2.1 934.2 10.8
Scandinavia 25.8 1.3 44.7 1.2 39.0 1.4 109.6 1.3
France 25.0 1.2 133.7 3.6 34.6 1.2 193.3 2.2
Switzerland 12.1 0.6 59.5 1.6 13.6 0.5 85.3 1.0
Italy 12.7 0.6 71.5 1.9 18.9 0.7 103.1 1.2

Other Europe 87.3 4.3 386.1 10.4 93.4 3.3 566.7 6.6
U.S.A. 134.0 6.6 35.2 0.9 176.8 6.2 346.0 4.0
Canada 26.8 1.3 11.6 0.3 30.9 1.1 69.3 0.8
Other America 14.5 0.7 7.7 0.2 22.4 0.8 44.6 0.5
Japan 22.0 1.1 6.1 0.2 20.1 0.7 48.2 0.6
India 56.2 2.8 19.5 0.5 91.5 3.2 167.2 1.9
Middle East 28.5 1.4 9.7 0.3 16.6 0.6 54.7 0.6
China 63.4 3.1 19.5 0.5 147.6 5.1 230.5 2.7
Other Asia 26.6 1.3 8.0 0.2 23.3 0.8 58.0 0.7
Australia and New Zealand 30.0 1.5 9.8 0.3 38.4 1.3 78.2 0.9
All Other Countries 68.2 3.4 18.7 0.5 46.6 1.6 133.5 1.5
Permanent Occupants 6.0 0.3 8.9 0.2 29.9 1.0 44.7 0.5
Total 2,028.6 100.0 3,716.9 100.0 2,872.4 100.0 8,617.9 100.0
Includes Persons staying in Lodges, Game Reserves and Parks
Table 12.12c: Hotel Guest-Nights by Area and Country of Residence, 2019

Nairobi Coastal Other1 Total

Country of Residence Bednights Bednights Bednights Bednights
'000 Per cent '000 Per cent '000 Per cent '000 Per cent
Kenya 862.5 39.1 1,626.5 41.8 1,558.3 52.6 4,047.3 44.7
Uganda 46.4 2.1 30.6 0.8 28.7 1.0 105.8 1.2
Tanzania 42.1 1.9 19.6 0.5 15.8 0.5 77.5 0.9
East & Central 108.3 4.9 35.1 0.9 27.5 0.9 171.0 1.9
West Africa 54.4 2.5 13.9 0.4 15.7 0.5 84.0 0.9
North Africa 20.0 0.9 6.9 0.2 8.9 0.3 35.8 0.4
South Africa 54.0 2.4 19.8 0.5 18.2 0.6 92.0 1.0
Other Africa 19.4 0.9 11.2 0.3 10.3 0.3 41.0 0.5
United Kingdom 94.0 4.3 142.6 3.7 104.8 3.5 341.3 3.8
Germany 65.2 3.0 961.2 24.7 106.2 3.6 1,132.6 12.5
Scandinavia 31.1 1.4 31.3 0.8 39.3 1.3 101.7 1.1
France 32.5 1.5 81.4 2.1 52.8 1.8 166.7 1.8
Switzerland 11.9 0.5 74.7 1.9 22.7 0.8 109.4 1.2
Italy 16.1 0.7 135.1 3.5 33.4 1.1 184.6 2.0

Other Europe 88.1 4.0 429.9 11.1 121.1 4.1 639.0 7.1
U.S.A. 166.6 7.6 57.8 1.5 202.5 6.8 426.9 4.7
Canada 34.3 1.6 12.4 0.3 34.6 1.2 81.2 0.9
Other America 16.9 0.8 8.1 0.2 22.0 0.7 47.1 0.5
Japan 28.2 1.3 10.0 0.3 26.1 0.9 64.2 0.7
India 65.6 3.0 33.2 0.9 103.3 3.5 202.2 2.2
Middle East 34.5 1.6 15.1 0.4 21.4 0.7 71.0 0.8
China 79.5 3.6 31.7 0.8 186.0 6.3 297.2 3.3
Other Asia 31.0 1.4 14.3 0.4 32.5 1.1 77.8 0.9
Australia and New Zealand 38.3 1.7 14.8 0.4 36.9 1.2 89.9 1.0
All Other Countries 155.6 7.1 51.9 1.3 64.4 2.2 271.8 3.0
Permanent Occupants 8.5 0.4 19.0 0.5 71.4 2.4 99.0 1.1
Total 2,204.8 100.0 3,888.4 100.0 2,965.0 100.0 9,058.2 100.0
Includes Persons staying in Lodges, Game Reserves and Parks
Table 12.12d: Hotel Guest-Nights by Area and Country of Residence, 2020

Nairobi Coastal Other1 Total

Country of Residence Bednights Bednights Bednights Bednights
'000 Per cent '000 Per cent '000 Per cent '000 Per cent
Kenya 501.0 56.2 1,036.3 61.0 1,029.7 85.0 2,567.0 67.5
Uganda 18.5 2.1 4.2 0.2 9.9 0.8 32.7 0.9
Tanzania 15.8 1.8 2.2 0.1 5.7 0.5 23.6 0.6
East & Central 28.7 3.2 4.9 0.3 2.0 0.2 35.7 0.9
West Africa 15.3 1.7 2.9 0.2 0.6 0.0 18.8 0.5
North Africa 8.0 0.9 1.9 0.1 0.8 0.1 10.7 0.3
South Africa 12.0 1.3 3.3 0.2 2.2 0.2 17.5 0.5
Other Africa 6.2 0.7 2.2 0.1 2.0 0.2 10.5 0.3
United Kingdom 28.8 3.2 38.8 2.3 13.6 1.1 81.1 2.1
Germany 13.0 1.5 155.8 9.2 14.0 1.2 182.7 4.8
Scandinavia 10.5 1.2 24.1 1.4 6.4 0.5 41.0 1.1
France 9.2 1.0 36.4 2.1 10.9 0.9 56.5 1.5
Switzerland 4.2 0.5 12.9 0.8 3.4 0.3 20.4 0.5
Italy 7.9 0.9 106.4 6.3 3.1 0.3 117.4 3.1

Other Europe 18.2 2.0 191.5 11.3 10.0 0.8 219.7 5.8
U.S.A. 70.0 7.9 12.8 0.8 39.4 3.3 122.3 3.2
Canada 11.7 1.3 4.6 0.3 4.9 0.4 21.2 0.6
Other America 7.2 0.8 1.4 0.1 3.4 0.3 12.0 0.3
Japan 7.6 0.9 2.8 0.2 2.7 0.2 13.2 0.3
India 12.3 1.4 8.8 0.5 7.7 0.6 28.9 0.8
Middle East 12.6 1.4 2.5 0.1 2.1 0.2 17.2 0.5
China 18.3 2.1 3.1 0.2 5.0 0.4 26.4 0.7
Other Asia 15.3 1.7 5.9 0.3 1.8 0.1 23.0 0.6
Australia and New Zealand 7.8 0.9 2.3 0.1 3.3 0.3 13.4 0.4
All Other Countries 26.5 3.0 28.0 1.6 5.4 0.4 59.9 1.6
Permanent Occupants 5.1 0.6 3.8 0.2 21.2 1.7 30.1 0.8
Total 892.0 100.0 1,699.9 100.0 1,211.2 100.0 3,803.0 100.0
Includes Persons staying in Lodges, Game Reserves and Parks
Table 12.13: Hotel Bed Occupancy, 2014-2020
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019+ 2020*
Permanent Occupants 98.7 102.3 87.0 127.5 44.7 99.0 30.1
Kenya Residents 2,948.7 3,154.1 3,495.9 3,645.1 4,559.8 4,047.3 2,567.0
Residents of Tanzania and Uganda 129.7 131.7 135.7 127.8 140.1 183.2 56.3
Other Foreign Residents 3,104.5 2,490.7 2,730.0 3,273.8 3,873.3 4,728.7 1,149.7
Total Beds Occupants 6,281.6 5,878.6 6,448.5 7,174.2 8,617.9 9,058.2 3,803.0
Total Beds Available 19,877.2 20,187.2 21,258.5 22,987.1 26,500.6 26,835.7 21,326.1
Bed Occupancy Rate (%) 31.6 29.1 30.3 31.2 32.5 33.8 17.8
* Provisional

Table 12.14: Number of Visitors to Parks and Game Reserves, 2014-2020
Park/Game Reserve 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Nairobi National Park 131,764 133,211 153,085 154,495 196,661 208,215 203,627
Nairobi Safari Walk 133,036 139,153 149,311 165,944 158,684 123,282 75,908
Nairobi Mini Orphanage 361,333 328,224 390,385 367,671 414,790 384,965 120,529
Amboseli National Park 117,050 87,027 114,644 145,526 175,798 191,656 55,076
Tsavo West National Park 50,958 32,871 50,232 55,320 74,143 61,309 24,966
Tsavo East National Park 103,230 75,212 84,763 120,543 167,018 177,938 75,134
Aberdare 43,817 34,668 41,270 43,714 43,228 46,866 17,720
Lake Nakuru National Park 225,981 188,937 214,699 216,008 241,980 232,999 50,877
Masai Mara 165,959 146,896 146,269 172,693 291,164 285,991 71,500
Haller's Park - Bamburi 116,159 115,376 121,121 117,868 165,841 301,592 30,600
Malindi Marine 28,877 28,797 31,451 31,579 29,061 28,777 12,496
Lake Bogoria 80,540 71,441 90,798 67,570 74,569 72,495 2,912
Meru National Park 19,226 17,362 19,801 16,671 18,849 17,700 6,345
Shimba Hills 17,602 17,177 21,173 24,041 25,570 24,175 10,561
Mount Kenya 20,185 18,547 19,082 20,154 25,945 24,759 13,545
Samburu 15,401 8,460 10,776 11,056 11,428 12,735 4,518
Kisite Marine 29,739 24,966 34,402 38,428 50,278 53,315 32,457
Mombasa Marine 27,429 26,235 29,471 32,174 39,848 40,799 21,129
Watamu Marine 31,317 24,251 33,918 43,506 67,463 72,582 43,757
Hell's Gate 114,086 121,835 154,385 206,485 165,817 165,617 35,147
Impala Sanctuary (Kisumu) 227,628 212,156 256,510 200,170 309,367 306,798 59,450
Other** 103,308 101,028 117,120 133,594 121,413 140,682 68,788
Total 2,164,625 1,953,830 2,284,666 2,385,210 2,868,915 2,975,247 1,037,042
Source: Kenya Wildlife Service
* Provisional
**Other includes: Mt. Longonot, Arabuko Sokoke, Ol-Donyo Sabuk, Marsabit, Saiwa swamp, Sibiloi, Chyulu, Ruma National Park, Mwea National Reserve,
Central lsland National Park, Kiunga, Mt.Elgon, Nasolot, Ndere and Kakamega.

Table 12.15: Number of Visitors to Parks and Game Reserves, 2019 - 2020
Other Non-Paying
Adult Residents Adult Non-Residents Children Season Ticket Holders Total Visitors
Park / Game Reserve Visitors
2019 2020* 2019 2020* 2019 2020* 2019 2020* 2019 2020* 2019 2020*
Nairobi National Park 99,557 136,342 71,882 21,434 36,776 45,851 0 0 0 0 208,215 203,627
Nairobi Safari Walk 61,598 48,804 8,346 2,616 53,338 24,488 0 0 0 0 123,282 75,908
Nairobi Mini Orphanage 126,073 67,129 11,113 3,081 247,779 50,319 0 0 0 0 384,965 120,529
Amboseli National Park 54,190 23,313 111,542 25,652 25,924 6,111 0 0 0 0 191,656 55,076
Tsavo West National Park 18,690 11,323 27,319 9,966 15,300 3,677 0 0 0 0 61,309 24,966
Tsavo East National Park 52,918 31,949 98,647 33,631 26,373 9,554 0 0 0 0 177,938 75,134
Aberdare 17,577 11,734 20,807 3,088 8,482 2,898 0 0 0 0 46,866 17,720
Lake Nakuru National Park 65,955 24,869 74,601 12,412 92,443 13,596 0 0 0 0 232,999 50,877
Maasai Mara 82,307 37,895 155,075 10,725 36,424 15,760 0 0 12,185 7,120 285,991 71,500
Haller's Park - Bamburi 98,800 18,807 8,706 5,480 184,910 5,283 7,826 2,380 0 0 300,242 30,600
Malindi Marine 17,677 8,966 4,619 1,467 6,481 2,063 0 0 0 0 28,777 12,496
Lake Bogoria 17,958 1,139 8,264 114 46,273 1,659 0 0 0 0 72,495 2,912
Meru National Park 6,044 4,171 2,174 694 9,482 1,480 0 0 0 0 17,700 6,345
Shimba Hills 8,873 5,912 7,718 2,553 7,584 2,096 0 0 0 0 24,175 10,561
Mount Kenya 11,796 9,311 7,823 2,313 5,140 1,921 0 0 0 0 24,759 13,545
Samburu 4,806 2,138 7,327 2,233 602 147 0 0 0 0 12,735 4,518
Kisite Marine 21,439 20,364 23,341 6,735 8,535 5,358 0 0 0 0 53,315 32,457
Mombasa Marine 23,568 14,436 6,953 2,035 10,278 4,658 0 0 0 0 40,799 21,129
Watamu Marine Park 27,045 21,632 34,893 15,117 10,644 7,008 0 0 0 0 72,582 43,757
Hell's Gate 70,861 21,021 26,210 5,765 68,546 8,361 0 0 0 0 165,617 35,147

Impala Sanctuary (Kisumu) 76,158 33,205 2,169 537 228,471 25,708 0 0 0 0 306,798 59,450
Others1 71,668 51,015 8,072 2,879 60,942 14,894 0 0 0 0 140,682 68,788
TOTAL 1,035,558 605,475 728,951 170,527 1,190,727 261,039 7,826 7,826 12,185 12,185 2,975,247 1,037,042
* Provisional
Other includes: Mt. Longonot, Arabuko Sokoke, Ol-Donyo Sabuk, Marsabit, Saiwa swamp, Sibiloi, Chyulu, Ruma National Park, Mwea National Reserve, Central lsland National Park, Kiunga, Mt.Elgon, Nasolot, Ndere and Kakamega.
Table 12.16: Visitors to Museums, Snake Park and Sites, 2013 - 2020
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
National Museum 130,925 52,527 264,014 278,686 222,917 220,019 239,700 32,084
Lamu Museum 2,828 1,726 1,478 2,725 2,871 3,693 3,913 3,084
Snake Park 94,810 32,972 23,983 26,086 28,734 19,408 19,601 3,139
Fort Jesus 152,118 113,373 121,278 150,463 130,458 229,217 195,683 43,438
Gede 54,584 47,498 39,856 55,605 62,569 89,006 92,387 12,433
Orlogesaile .. 2,695 1,055 403 1,985 3,335 12,602 1,057
Kariandusi 4,271 24,206 11,435 12,283 13,851 22,200 23,815 1,357
Hyrax Hill 5,888 11,604 8,723 29,055 20,664 24,699 18,683 5,228
Jumba La Mtwana 7,374 5,743 4,344 7,259 7,306 9,790 11,301 4,884
Kisumu 151,170 219,380 210,637 199,158 128,134 184,618 172,729 13,356
Meru 26,327 32,766 23,685 19,886 16,892 21,116 19,175 2,381
Kitale 54,330 64,752 33,497 55,806 62,802 66,585 59,624 11,127
Karen Blixen 44,701 45,205 25,862 35,791 42,401 48,746 51,012 11,867
Kilifi Mwarani 818 2,527 1,194 771 1,932 2,995 2,482 944
Others1 40,664 33,946 26,480 49,105 38,491 60,841 67,449 14,322
Total 770,808 690,920 797,521 923,082 782,007 1,006,268 990,156 160,701
Source: National Museums of Kenya.
* Provisional
Includes Kabarnet, Kapenguria, Pete Sites, Swahili house, German Post, Lamu Post, Narok, Takwa Ruins and Malindi Museum

Table 12.17: Game Lodge1 Occupancy, 2018- 2020

Game Lodge Beds Occupied ('000 Nights) Hotel Bed Occupancy

Location/Type of EA Residents Foreign Residents Percentage
Catering 2018 2019+ 2020* 2018 2019+ 2020* 2018 2019+ 2020*
National Parks 122.4 141.2 66.5 508.1 548.8 43.7 65.8 73.4 43.8
Game Reserves 141.1 95.6 98.7 186.0 154.0 42.6 34.2 26.6 56.2
Total 263.5 236.8 165.2 694.1 702.9 86.3 100.0 100.0 100.0
Of Which: ` `
Full Catering 157.1 156.6 111.7 635.6 554.7 80.8 82.8 75.7 76.5
Self Service 106.4 80.2 53.5 58.4 148.2 5.5 17.2 24.3 23.5
* Provisional
Lodges in National Parks and Game Reserves only.


Notes and Definitions

Railway Transport
Statistics on the operation of the Railways Corporation relating to: Traffic carried; Kilometres of lines
open for Traffic; and Stocks of transport equipment are derived from the Annual Report of the

Ports Statistics
As in the case of the Railways, statistics on Kenya Ports Authority relating to revenue and expenditure
are derived from the annual report of the Authority. Consequently, as noted above the definition
expenditure differs from the "economists" definition used elsewhere in this Abstract.

(a) Statistics relate to both steam and sailing ships engaged in international or coastwise trade,
arriving either with cargo or in ballast. A tug with lighters in two is counted as a single
steamship with a tonnage equal to the combined tonnage of the tug plus the lighters. Naval
craft are not included.

(b) The data is sourced from the following ports in Kenya; Mombasa, Malindi, Lamu, Kilifi and
Shimoni. Each call at a port is counted separately:

Air Traffic
a) All scheduled services are operated from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (Nairobi), Moi
International Airport (Mombasa) and Eldoret International Airport, while Wilson Airport
operates non-scheduled commercial services only.
b) Air Force/Military, Police, training, testing and private aircraft movements are not recorded.
c) Transit passengers are included once in the total number of passengers handled as from
d) Passengers in transit are those expected to continue their journey either in the same aircraft
or in another after a brief stopover.
e) Passengers landing or embarking are mainly those completing or commencing their journey, but
the statistics do include a small number of those changing aircraft or staying over for a few days.
f) Freight handled is weight of cargo and mail unloaded from or loaded into aircrafts. It does
not include aircraft fuel or stores or goods remaining in the aircrafts.
g) Movements - Each touchdown and take-off is counted as a separate movement.
h) 1 kilogram (kg.) = 2.205 lb., 1,000 kilograms = 2,205 lb. = 1 Metric Tonne.
i) For the purpose of direction of air traffic, countries of origin and destination of the aircraft
have been grouped into regions, in order to avoid disclosing the operations of individual
companies. The countries included in each region are as follows:-
(1) United Kingdom - includes Ireland.
(2) Continental Europe - Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Romania Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Bosnia, Croatia,Slovenia, Serbia,
Macedonian, Russia
(3) Middle East - Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey.


(4) Arabian Peninsula, Pakistan and India - Aden, Bahrain, Sri Lanka, India, Kuwait, Oman,
Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen.
(5) Africa North of the Equator (excluding Egypt) - Algeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic,
Chad, Dahomey, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco,
Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia, and Upper Volta.
(6) Africa South of the Equator and Adjoining Islands - Angola, Congo Brazzaville, Malagasy
(Madagascar), Mauritius, Malawi, Mozambique, Reunion, Republic of South Africa,
Zimbabwe, D.R.C and Zambia.

The Roads Department completed the road reclassification in 1970. All roads in Kenya now fall under
one of the following categories: -
A - International Trunk Roads - Link centres of international importance, and crossing international
boundaries or terminating at international ports.
B - National Trunk Roads - Link nationally important centres.
C - Primary Roads - Link locally important centres to each other and to higher-class roads.
D - Secondary Roads - Link locally important centres to each other and to higher class roads.
E - Minor Roads - Any link to a minor centre.
F - Special Purpose Roads - Include Parks, township, agriculture, fish and strategic roads.


Table 13.1: Transport and Storage - Value of Output +, 2011 - 2020
KSh Million

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Road Transport…………………………. 613,720 674,179 764,566 889,517 951,137 1,044,334 1,194,999 1,377,138 1,531,990 1,546,794
Air Transport…………………………….. 115,542 127,611 149,872 159,950 168,183 183,118 169,626 202,000 216,376 111,010
Services Incidental to Transport……….. 92,612 106,094 117,488 130,686 137,900 146,771 163,550 186,224 211,248 205,075
Water Transport…………………………. 25,811 28,822 30,117 33,547 39,837 42,738 45,957 52,750 54,868 52,482
Postal & Courier Services………………. 5,054 5,433 5,841 11,049 14,322 19,657 19,478 21,169 20,982 18,734
Pipeline…………………………………... 15,316 17,754 19,537 21,052 22,537 24,403 26,828 30,019 31,879 26,667
Railway Transport ……………………... 5,247 5,731 4,819 5,357 6,281 4,927 4,601 11,497 14,828 12,552
Total 873,301 965,624 1,092,240 1,251,158 1,340,197 1,465,950 1,625,039 1,880,797 2,082,170 1,973,314
* Provisional
Table 13.2: Road Transport - Value of Output +, 2011-2020
KSh Mllion

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Passenger Traffic………………………... 333,874 366,543 422,193 511,319 563,445 632,274 727,871 835,109 926,650 934,164
Freight Traffic…………………………….. 279,846 307,636 342,373 378,199 387,693 412,060 467,128 542,029 605,340 612,630
Total 613,720 674,179 764,566 889,517 951,137 1,044,334 1,194,999 1,377,138 1,531,990 1,546,794
* Provisional

Table 13.3: Earnings from Railway Traffic, 2011-2020
KSh Million
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Passenger Traffic………….…………….. 264 206 211 162 98 134 709 1,743 1,884 978
Freight Traffic…………………………….. 4,983 5,525 4,638 5,195 6,183 4,793 3,001 5,214 13,976 11,574
Total 5,247 5,731 4,849 5,357 6,281 4,927 3,710 6,957 15,860 12,552
Source: Kenya Railways Corporation
* Provisional

Table 13.4: Kilometres of Lines Open for Traffic, 2016 - 2020

Line 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Public Lines
Main Lines……………………………... 1,083 1,555 1,555 1,675 1,675
Principal Lines…………………………. 453 925 925 925 925
Minor and branch Lines………………. 311 670 670 670 670
Sub-Total……………………….. 1,847 3,150 3,150 3,270 3,270
Private Lines and Sidings 146 146 146 146 146
Total………………………………. 1,993 3,296 3,296 3,416 3,416
Source: Kenya Railways Corporation
* Provisional

Table 13.5: Railway Traffic, 2016 - 2020

Unit 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

Passenger Traffic:
Passenger carried1 NO. ''000 2,186 3,096 4,489 5,624 2,709
Passenger receipts KSh Million 134 709 1,743 1,884 978
Passenger train Kilometres Million 113 317 916 892 424
Goods Traffic
Public '000 Tonnes: 1,380 1,146 3,544 4,826 5,026
Railway " 50 50 50 50 50
Total " 1,430 1,196 3,594 4,876 5,076
Traffic Tonne Kilometres Million 1,141 857 1,675 2,334 2,488
Revenue (freight) KSh Million 4,793 3,001 5,214 13,976 11,574
Source: Kenya Railways Corporation
* Provisional
Includes seasonal tickets and urban commuter services

Table 13.6: Stocks for Transport Equipment, 2016 - 2020

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Locomotives……………………... 64 120 111 111 111
Coaching stock vehicles…... 85 210 210 211 211
Goods stock units1……………….. 2,818 2,818 4,438 4,438 4,438
Diesel Mutiple Units……….. 0 0 0 0 5
Source: Kenya Railways Corporation
* Provisional
Each bogie counted as equivalent to two units

Table 13.7: Registered Vehicles, 2016-2020
Type of Vehicle 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Motor and Auto cycles........................................... 1,116,629 1,308,230 1,497,224 1,714,649 1,967,250
Motor Cars…………….......................................... 906,358 973,056 1,047,855 1,130,338 1,196,054
Utilities, Panels Vans, Pick-ups, etc ................... 303,924 318,172 329,392 339,581 345,646
Lorries, Trucks and Heavy Vans ....................... 151,668 159,128 165,642 172,160 178,636
Buses and Mini-buses ......................................... 103,268 104,799 106,676 112,327 114,311
Trailers ......................................................... 49,395 51,348 53,431 55,070 57,452
Other Motor Vehicles1 ……………………………….. 72,242 75,055 80,714 83,985 95,490
Total …................................................................. 2,703,484 2,989,788 3,280,934 3,608,110 3,954,839
Source: Kenya Revenue Authority/National Transport and Safety Authority
Includes road construction vehicles and farm tractors

Table 13.8: New Registration of Vehicles, 2016 - 2020

Type of Vehicle 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Motor and Auto cycles……………………. 123,539 191,601 195,253 217,425 252,601
Motor Cars………………………………... 58,613 66,698 74,683 82,483 65,716
Utilities, Panel vans, Pick-ups, etc……….. 12,722 9,866 11,220 10,189 6,065
Lorries, trucks and heavy vans…………. 9,632 7,460 6,514 6,518 6,476
Other Motor Vehicles1 ……………………………….. 4,096 3,563 5,659 5,651 11,505
Trailers……………………………………. 2,829 1,953 2,083 1,639 2,382
Buses and Mini-buses…………………… 2,284 1,531 1,877 3,271 1,984
Total….......................................................... 213,715 282,672 297,289 327,176 346,729
Source: Kenya Revenue Authority/National Transport and Safety Authority
* Provisional
Includes road construction vehicles and farm tractors

Table 13.9: Licenses issued to Public Service Vehicles, 2016-2020

Type of PSV 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

Matatus……………………………………. 17,926 37,382 36,815 47,183 36,323

Mini Buses1 …………………………………………………. 8,213 4,246 7,861 7,786 5,836
Buses……………………………………… 7,210 12,064 13,273 8,969 7,401
Total …................................................ 33,349 53,692 57,949 63,938 49,560
Source: Kenya Revenue Authority/National Transport and Safety Authority
* Provisional
Includes Tour Vans

Table 13.10: Traffic Accidents, 2011-2020
+ + +
Description 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

Total Number of Reported Accidents 9,771 8,193 6,917 5,672 5,310 5,296 4,452 5,158 7,184 8,919
Persons Killed and Injured:
Killed………………………………………….. 3,055 3,302 3,141 2,907 3,057 2,965 2,919 3,158 3,586 3,975
Seriously Injured…………………………….. 9,327 8,647 7,434 5,140 4,731 4,691 3,950 4,673 6,952 8,026
Slightly Injured……………………………….. 9,739 7,144 5,037 3,971 4,350 5,503 4,346 5,046 5,209 4,969
Total 22,121 19,093 15,612 12,018 12,138 13,159 11,215 12,877 15,747 16,970
Vehicles Primarily Responsible:
Motor cars……………………………………. 3,157 2,184 2,123 2,331 1,987 1,891 1,484 1,620 2,890 3,494
Lorries, buses and taxis……………………... 2,327 2,078 1,649 1,382 1,268 1,352 1,191 1,380 1,760 1,829
Motor cycles………………………………….. 852 622 496 318 403 413 402 711 822 1,141
Pedal cycles…………………………………. 554 760 589 298 322 310 287 326 349 411
Animals/Hand Carts…………………………. 48 36 32 67 20 16 10 12 16 7
Matatus……………………………………….. 1,025 905 587 581 301 386 410 438 540 852
Others………………………………………... 1,808 1,608 1,441 695 1,009 921 665 623 807 1,185

Persons Primarily Responsible:
Drivers (Incl Motor Cyclists)……………….…. 5,284 4,259 3,486 3,038 2,936 2,853 2,617 3,024 4,693 5,132
Pedestrians……………………………………. 947 1,071 725 659 610 589 410 533 612 901
Pedal Cyclists…………………………………. 1,159 936 912 548 598 604 456 478 502 673
Passengers…………………………………… 401 423 401 286 316 322 309 317 389 374
Other causes………………………………….. 1,980 1,504 1,393 1,141 850 928 606 792 988 1,839
Times of Accidents:
Day……………………………………………. 6,429 5,125 4,028 3,354 3,268 3,292 2,436 2,918 4,172 5,490
Night…………………………………………… 3,342 3,068 2,889 2,311 2,042 2,004 2,016 2,234 2,952 3,429
Source: Kenya National Police Service
* Provisional

Table 13.11: Value of Imports of Road Transport Equipment , 2016-2020

KSh Million
Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Road Vehicles:
Passenger motor cars…………………... 48,041 51,960 57,589 58,015 47,065
Buses, Lorries and road tractors………. 13,365 10,923 8,574 13,435 14,071
Chasis with engines mounted (commercial
vehicles)……………... 61 112 50 3 10
Motor cycles…………………………….. 8,247 11,432 11,300 13,273 13,631
Bicycles…………………………………. 357 434 505 600 662
Tractors, other than road tractors……... 4,469 3,891 3,531 3,460 4,698
Rubber Tyres:
Motor Vehicles…………………………... 11,650 11,410 13,832 13,171 12,641
Bicycles…………………………………. 91 87 80 88 123
Motorcycles……………………………… 559 503 729 665 920
Rubber Tubes:
Motor Vehicles…….……………………... 31 42 71 57 66
Bicycles……….………………………….. 57 74 55 65 83
Motorcycles………………………………. 204 287 322 312 326
Source: Kenya Revenue Authority
* Provisional

Table 13.12: Quantity of Imports of Road Transport Equipment , 2016-2020

Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Road Vehicles:
Passenger motor cars…………………... 69,562 81,585 87,386 92,244 77,787
Buses, Lorries and road tractors……….. 4,776 3,946 5,606 6,363 6,590
Chasis with engines mounted (commercial
vehicles)……………... 25 59 25 1 3
Motor cycles…………………………….. 145,932 199,717 203,985 231,432 232,937
Bicycles…………………………………. 108,084 151,219 159,665 198,785 210,553
Tractors, other than road tractors…….. 2,167 1,965 2,020 2,001 2,684
Rubber Tyres:
Motor Vehicles…………………………. 2,263,073 2,068,052 2,385,572 2,350,598 2,330,828
Bicycles…………………………………. 550,886 524,283 451,901 552,596 717,590
Motorcycles…………………………….. 908,359 863,131 1,287,733 1,220,680 1,517,833
Rubber Tubes:
Motor Vehicles………………………….. 76,076 61,552 103,281 122,960 163,054
Bicycles………………………………….. 1,283,240 1,520,006 1,091,659 1,365,206 1,661,264
Motorcycles………………………………. 2,221,441 2,672,392 3,993,318 3,833,755 4,082,963
Source: Kenya Revenue Authority
* Provisional


Table 13.13: Road Network by Type and Classification 1, 2016 - 2020

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Category Bitumen Earth/Gravel Bitumen Earth/Gravel Bitumen Earth/Gravel Bitumen Earth/Gravel Bitumen Earth/Gravel
A - International Trunk Roads………………………………. 3,314 304 4,191 3,427 3,917 3,700 4,994 2,623 5,079 2,539
B - National Trunk Roads…………………………………… 1,578 1,067 3,789 7,062 3,226 7,625 4,592 6,260 7,623 8,798
C - Primary Roads………….……………………………… 3,560 4,298 4,120 17,325 2,739 18,706 5,495 15,950 5,546 15,899
D - Secondary Roads………………………………………. 2,200 10,602 1,304 9,819 521 10,602 1,898 9,224 1,225 8,551
E - Minor Roads…………………………………………….. 1,034 25,700 1,073 12,973 771 13,276 1,404 12,642 717 10,539
F - Special Purpose Roads2 ………………………………………………….. 9,310 439 9,125 316 9,310 568 9,057 465 8,954
Total……………………………………………………. 11,796 51,281 14,916 59,731 11,490 63,219 18,951 55,756 20,655 55,279
Source: Ministry of Transport & Infrastructure/ Kenya Roads Board
* Provisional
.. Data not available
For Definitions of the classifications used, see " notes and definitions " at the beginning of this chapter
Special purpose roads include Government access, Settlement, Rural access, Sugar, Tea and Wheat roads

Table 13.14: Traffic Handled at Mombasa Port, 2016-2020
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Container Specialised…………. 477 583 576 552 539
Passenger………………………. 11 7 6 2 3
Bulk & Oil Tankers……………… 452 521 492 519 507
General Dry Cargo……………… 240 215 131 165 117
Others……………………………. 427 441 400 437 455
Total…………………………….. 1,607 1,767 1,605 1,675 1,621
Departed………………………… 855 871 867 832 395
Arrived……………………………. 1,443 1,471 1,466 529 251
Total…………………………….. 2,298 2,342 2,333 1,361 646
Containers, TEUs
Full……………………………….. 699,315 755,100 832,129 897,004 873,509
Empty…………………………….. 392,056 434,857 471,733 519,650 486,070
Total…………………………….. 1,091,371 1,189,957 1,303,862 1,416,654 1,359,579
Nairobi ICD ………………………………… 27,603 30,459 257,972 418,830 393,152
Kisumu Port Traffic (Tonnes)…… 0 0 10,950 17,735 46,220
Naivasha Port Traffic (TEUs).. 0 0 0 0 10,089
Source: Kenya Ports Authority
Passengers from Cruise ships
Twenty-Foot Equivalent Units
Inland Container Depot

Table 13.15: Port Cargo Traffic, 2016-2020

'000 Tonnes
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Dry Cargo……………………….. 3,608 3,714 4,080 4,222 4,145
Petrol Oil Lubricants (in bulk) 36 62 35 37 36
Bunker Oils……………………... 15 18 10 18 24
Total……………………….. 3,659 3,794 4,125 4,277 4,205
Transit Outward……………….. 531 734 731 703 725
Total Domestic Exports…….. 3,128 3,060 3,394 3,574 3,480
Dry Cargo……………………….. 15,439 17,425 17,711 18,982 19,453
Petrol Oil Lubricants (in bulk)…. 7,043 7,413 7,023 7,638 7,295
Other Bulk Liquids……………... 634 766 741 938 1,023
Total………………………. 23,116 25,604 25,475 27,558 27,771
Transit Inward………………….. 7,217 7,903 8,873 9,244 9,446
Transshipments………………... 589 874 1,247 2,495 2,031
Total Domestic Imports…….. 15,310 16,827 15,355 15,819 16,294
Source: Kenya Ports Authority
* Provisional


Table 13.16: Principal Commodities Shipped 1, 2016-2020

'000 Tonnes

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

General Cargo:
Sugar…………………………………………………….. 356 1,085 376 363 682
Rice………………………………………………………. 572 628 535 198 626
Fertilizer (in bags)……………………………………….. 120 112 86 70 130
Iron & Steel………………………………………………. 1,594 1,633 1,598 1,829 2,073
Vehicle Tyres & Spares………………………………… 84 70 76 32 98
Agric. & other machinery……………………………….. 6 10 17 39 286
Maize in bags……………………………………………. 27 53 91 129 5
Wheat in bags……………………………………………. 2 7 9 0 0
Paper and paper products……………………………… 451 404 368 186 211
Others……………………………………………………. 6,400 6,940 7,471 8,507 7,322
SUB-TOTAL 9,612 10,942 10,627 11,353 11,433
Dry Bulk:
Fertilizer………………………………………………….. 560 721 539 622 686
Coal………………………………………………………. 455 458 583 562 816
Wheat…………………………………………………….. 1,896 2,595 2,416 2,680 2,426
Maize…………………………………………………….. 0 975 65 0 137
Clinker……………………………………………………. 3,084 2,722 3,929 3,299 3,525
Others……………………………………………………. 452 448 397 621 664
SUB-TOTAL 6,447 7,919 7,929 7,784 8,254
Bulk Liquids:
Petrol Oil Lubricants (in bulk)…………………………… 7,043 7,413 7,023 7,638 7,295
Others……………………………………………………. 634 766 741 938 1,023
SUB-TOTAL 7,677 8,179 7,764 8,576 8,318
GRAND TOTAL 23,736 27,040 26,320 27,713 28,005
General Cargo:
Coffee…………………………………………………….. 271 361 287 298 358
Tea……………………………………………………….. 548 571 607 570 679
Tinned fruits,veg. & juices………………………………. 116 111 116 129 164
Soda Ash (in bags)……………………………………… 269 165 35 33 12
Cement in bags………………………………………….. 0 0 1 0 0
Sisal………………………………………………………. 3 7 10 8 3
Others…………………………………………………… 844 1,072 1,306 1,219 1,200
SUB-TOTAL 2,051 2,287 2,362 2,257 2,416
Dry Bulk:
Soda Ash………………………………………………… 0 0 16 8 29
Titanium………………………………………………….. 589 547 550 433 390
Others……………………………………………………. 17 0 167 161 56
SUB-TOTAL 606 547 733 602 475
Bulk Liquids:
Bulk Oils………………………………………………….. 36 62 35 37 36
Bunkers………………………………………………….. 15 18 10 18 24
SUB-TOTAL 51 80 45 55 60
GRAND TOTAL 2,708 2,914 3,140 2,914 2,951
Source: Kenya Ports Authority
* Provisional
Tonnages shown here are for documented cargo and do not necessarily tally with cargo actually handled as shown in Table 13.15

Table 13.17: Traffic Handled at Main Airports, 2011-2020

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

Jomo Kenyatta International Airport,

Movements ('000 Number)………….. 98 93 91 100 100 109 109 114 116 58
Passenger (000):
Arrivals………………………….. 3,169 3,129 3,006 3,253 3,347 3,583 3,676 3,989 4,125 1,380
Departures……………………... 1,876 1,916 1,789 2,053 1,970 2,311 2,344 2,604 2,664 1,086
In Transit ……………………………………. 1,246 1,227 1,152 1,081 1,164 1,218 1,251 1,426 1,514 345
Total 6,291 6,272 5,947 6,387 6,480 7,112 7,271 8,019 8,303 2,811
Freight (Metric Tonnes):
Unloaded……………………….. 59,838 59,982 52,351 52,336 45,393 32,916 49,443 74,575 69,611 76,281
Loaded………………………….. 226,630 219,009 191,967 206,291 197,892 198,344 223,566 266,257 287,645 251,624
Total……………………………. 286,468 278,991 244,318 258,627 243,285 231,260 273,009 340,832 357,256 327,905
Moi International,
Movements ('000' Number)………….. 28 24 23 23 21 22 23 28 29 14
Passengers ('000):
Arrivals………………………….. 666 605 581 659 586 620 618 702 735 319
Departures……………………... 682 628 596 619 562 618 628 711 750 327
In Transit1 ……………………………………. 124 115 103 89 84 87 94 103 76 23
Total……………………………. 1,472 1,348 1,280 1,367 1,232 1,325 1,341 1,516 1,561 669
Freight (Metric Tonnes):
Unloaded……………………….. 1,866 1,537 1,534 1,834 2,621 1,685 2,404 1,064 732 189
Loaded…………………………. 6,066 2,703 2,290 2,711 2,021 1,296 1,195 2,971 2,336 1,192
Total……………………………. 7,932 4,239 3,824 4,545 4,642 2,981 3,599 4,035 3,068 1,381
Wilson Airport
Movements ('000 Number)………….. 86 95 95 91 89 96 100 102 93 59
Arrivals…………………………. 158 154 174 171 175 216 277 434 433 156
Departures……………………... 142 141 153 154 156 197 251 412 421 157
Total……………………………. 300 295 327 325 331 413 528 846 854 313
Freight (Metric Tonnes)
Unloaded……………………….. 3 13 5 5 2 5 5 4 1 0
Loaded…………………………. 2,911 3,875 4,485 3,939 3,180 3,125 2,533 2,046 206 32
Total……………………………. 2,914 3,888 4,490 3,944 3,182 3,130 2,538 2,050 207 32
Other Airports
Movements ('000 Number)………….. 54 52 50 56 57 71 70 75 79 37
Arrivals…………………………. 269 275 282 335 396 510 533 705 701 329
Departures……………………... 280 279 284 334 406 520 540 701 700 328
In Transit1 ……………………………………. 109 116 113 135 148 164 135 38 108 55
Total……………………………. 658 670 679 804 950 1,194 1,208 1,443 1,509 712
Freight (Metric Tonnes)
Unloaded……………………….. 6,164 6,915 8,477 10,467 11,646 11,922 11,626 11,832 14,131 12,084
Loaded………………………….. 3,563 1,021 607 1,798 283 197 0 0 0 16
Total……………………………. 9,727 7,936 9,084 12,265 11,930 12,118 11,626 11,832 14,131 12,100
Source: Kenya Airports Authority
* Provisional
Transit means passengers continuing with their journey after a stop-over either to change planes or just to continue in the same plane

Table 13.18a: Commercial International Air Traffic Handled at Nairobi (JKIA) and Mombasa (MIA) Arrivals, 2011-2020

Country of Origin 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Origin of Passengers (Number)
North America1 ……………………………………………………………. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,838 50,682 10,046
United Kingdom ……………………………………. 248,167 342,520 204,207 203,828 142,848 152,578 168,873 163,103 168,400 50,558
Continental Europe…………………………………. 180,001 309,687 219,476 220,521 392,740 409,279 473,778 548,331 587,557 168,219
Middle East (including Egypt)……………………… 262,456 265,781 224,559 223,987 453,542 524,822 554,027 586,170 621,966 187,542
Arabian Peninsula,India and Pakistan…………….. 93,334 149,387 153,400 154,434 199,197 197,381 202,352 227,616 232,064 64,213
Africa North of the Equator excl Egypt…………….. 305,676 340,128 373,764 371,698 376,695 427,091 403,818 619,984 657,816 186,583
Africa South of the Equator and Adjoining Islands... 501,856 649,897 580,090 594,200 999,519 1,042,252 1,111,759 981,331 1,026,050 255,889
Other………………………………………………… 46,617 198,563 129,922 131,479 85,717 69,131 102,751 136,060 111,454 88,950
Total…........................................................... 1,638,107 2,255,963 1,885,418 1,900,147 2,650,258 2,822,534 3,017,358 3,271,433 3,455,989 1,012,000
Origin of Cargo (Tonnes)
United Kingdom…………………………………… 10,583 10,486 9,752 9,829 9,860 9,831 11,875 12,933 15,815 17,499
Continental Europe…………………………………. 7,808 13,892 13,642 13,702 13,653 13,710 16,560 18,042 22,026 24,372

Middle East (Including Egypt)…………………….. 9,306 6,719 6,438 6,512 6,579 6,508 7,861 8,562 10,486 11,603
Arabian Peninsula,India and Pakistan…………….. 2,684 5,249 5,391 5,289 5,377 5,294 6,395 5,965 8,244 9,122
Africa North of the Equator excl Egypt…………… 1,194 894 798 802 808 781 943 1,027 1,269 1,405
Africa South of the Equator and adjoining Islands… 3,728 4,753 4,611 4,587 4,601 4,562 5,510 6,001 7,353 8,137
Other………………………………………………… 6,512 2,389 2,329 2,259 2,315 2,237 2,702 3,937 3,916 4,333
Total….......................................................... 41,815 44,382 42,961 42,980 43,193 42,923 51,846 56,467 69,109 76,470
Origin of Post Office Mail (Tonnes)
United Kingdom……………………………………. 9 9 11 10 8 12 13 18 18 15
Continental Europe…………………………………. 281 296 288 292 287 294 329 470 483 407
Middle East (including Egypt)……………………… 13 14 10 11 13 12 13 18 19 16
Arabian Peninsula, India and Pakistan……………. 8 11 15 14 12 16 18 26 25 21
Africa North of the Equator excl Egypt…………….. 7 9 13 12 12 10 11 16 18 15
Africa South of the Equator and adjoining Islands… 10 22 28 27 26 29 32 46 46 39
Other………………………………………………… 14 18 21 19 22 17 19 27 30 25
Total….......................................................... 342 379 386 385 380 390 435 621 638 538
* Provisional
Direct flights to New York commenced in October 2018
Table 13.18b: Commercial International Air Traffic Handled at Nairobi (JKIA) and Mombasa (MIA) Departures, 2011-2020

Country of Destination 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Passengers (Number)
North America1 ……………………………………………………………. - - - - - - - 7,856 53,298 13,032
United Kingdom……………………………………... 216,779 219,897 226,664 175,715 87,766 101,675 111,072 121,196 115,198 37,326
Continental Europe…………………………………. 279,273 281,273 227,164 178,123 285,306 319,841 342,480 397,525 361,667 133,473
Middle East(Including Egypt)………………………. 250,465 250,987 241,610 192,240 365,581 423,378 458,019 500,236 273,903 180,924
Arabian Peninsula, India and Pakistan……………. 108,521 147,460 145,832 146,121 55,371 61,666 62,183 73,590 59,410 28,442
Africa North of the Equator excl Egypt…………….. 330,352 425,353 429,914 378,200 208,894 283,953 289,258 409,459 397,969 137,703
Africa South of the Equator and Adjoining Islands... 641,921 674,607 626,017 587,212 434,569 455,914 450,854 402,983 388,050 131,984
Other………………………………………………… 236,106 178,032 47,533 43,227 71,279 81,461 114,634 108,413 172,579 88,416
Total…………………………………………… 2,063,417 2,177,610 1,944,734 1,700,838 1,508,766 1,727,888 1,828,500 2,021,258 1,822,074 751,300
Cargo (Metric Tons)
United Kingdom……………………………………... 26,295 26,597 26,903 26,876 26,896 45,397 51,295 57,827 62,969 57,908
Continental Europe…………………………………. 41,447 41,896 41,028 41,523 41,124 69,412 79,431 89,545 97,053 89,253
Middle East,(Including Egypt)……………………… 23,141 23,836 23,121 23,342 23,142 39,061 44,768 50,468 54,652 50,260

Arabian Peninsula,India and Pakistan…………….. 4,082 4,170 4,124 4,165 4,133 6,976 7,967 8,981 9,741 8,958
Africa North of the Equator excluding Egypt………. 7,860 7,946 8,033 7,952 8,041 13,572 15,522 17,498 18,920 17,400
Africa South of the Equator andAdjoining Islands… 12,932 12,968 12,726 12,801 12,741 21,505 24,465 27,580 29,957 27,549
Other………………………………………………… 764 725 680 677 709 1,167 1,314 1,483 1,617 1,487
Total…………………………………………… 116,521 118,138 116,615 117,336 116,786 197,090 224,762 253,382 274,909 252,816
Post Office Mail (Metric Tons)
United Kingdom…………………………………….. 76 79 81 80 78 40 44 55 109 222
Continental Europe…………………………………. 70 82 96 92 90 46 48 60 123 251
Middle East(Including Egypt)………………………. 8 6 5 5 4 2 3 4 7 13
Arabian Peninsula,India and Pakistan…………….. 7 9 12 10 11 4 5 6 13 27
Africa North of the Equator excl Egypt…………….. 23 27 32 29 33 17 19 20 43 88
Africa South of the Equator and adjoining Islands… 90 95 92 94 91 46 49 61 125 255
Other………………………………………………. 21 26 21 23 22 9 13 16 30 62
Total…………………………………………… 295 324 339 333 329 164 181 222 450 919
* Provisional.
Direct flights to New York commenced in October 2018
Table 13.19: Total Number of Post Offices/Couriers, 2011 - 2020
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

Departmental Offices………………………………. 501 477 476 476 477 477 493 446 399 435
Sub - Post Offices…………………………………… 196 157 146 146 146 146 146 146 186 140
Total……………………………….. 697 634 622 622 623 623 639 592 585 575
Private Courier Outlets…………………………….. 811 683 707 2048 2177 976 997 1,027 666 788
Private Letter Boxes ('000 Number)
Number Installed……………………………… 428 431 432 432 432 422 444 549 552 552
Number Rented………………………………. 366 382 383 380 382 385 365 373 375 370
Number Vacant……………………………….. 62 49 49 52 50 37 79 176 177 182
Source: Postal Corporation of Kenya/Communications Authority of Kenya
* Provisional

Table 13.20: Articles Handled, 2011-2020

Type of Article 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

Unregistered Correspondence ('000):

Domestic Posted………………………………. 87,794 68,443 63,393 64,098 66,912 63,592 53,279 56,467 62,000 44,000
International Correspondence ('000):
International Posted…………………………… 8,339 6,894 6,948 5,139 6,249 7,179 8,328 16,958 21,287 8,359
International Incoming………………………… 404 590 572 570 624 683 670 1,300 7,445 712
Total International……………… 8,743 7,484 7,520 5,709 6,873 7,862 8,998 18,258 28,732 9,071

Registered and Insured Items ('000)

Domestic Posted………………………………. 1,332 1,202 924 914 718 802 745 297 269 93
Domestic Delivered…………………………… 1,184 990 1,053 868 683 762 643 311 200 ..
Total Domestic 2,516 2,192 1,977 1,782 1,401 1,564 1,388 608 469 93
International Posted…………………………… 91 85 81 87 94 119 136 41 31 35
International Delivered……………………….. 62 61 86 86 86 86 57 45 43 ..
Total International……………… 153 146 167 173 180 205 193 86 74 35
Parcels ('000):
Inland Posted………………………………….. 26 26 18 26 12 53 54 24 16 19
Inland Delivered………………………………. 27 26 44 24 31 51 51 14 7 10
Total Inland………………………. 53 52 62 50 43 104 105 38 23 29
International Posted…………………………… 26 25 18 22 17 27 14 28 22 9
International Delivered……………………….. 57 52 136 54 39 38 17 18 11 4
Total International……………… 83 77 154 76 56 65 31 46 33 13
Source: Postal Corporation of Kenya
* Provisional
.. Data not available

Table 13.21: Money Orders, 2011-2020

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
(a) Issued (Number '000)
Domestic …………………………… 384 556 517 500 453 439 420 260 227 ..
International………………………… 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total………………………………. 386 556 517 500 453 439 420 260 227 ..
Value (KSh Million)
Domestic……………………………. 1,899 1,762 3,259 3,140 4,706 3,233 3,693 2,398 1,194 2,271
International………………………… 23 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total………………………………. 1,922 1,763 3,259 3,140 4,706 3,233 3,693 2,398 1,194 2,271
(b) Paid (Number '000)
Domestic……………………………. 444 533 499 321 246 179 99 107 44 12
International………………………… 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total………………………………. 446 533 499 321 246 179 99 107 44 12
Value (KSh Million)
Domestic……………………………. 2,927 3,704 3,159 1,538 2,513 2,548 546 462 248 ..
International………………………… 11 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0
Total………………………………. 2,938 3,705 3,161 1,540 2,515 2,548 546 462 248 ..
Source: Postal Corporation of Kenya
* Provisional
.. Data not available
ICT Statistics

Notes and Definitions

Office machines: Automatic data processing machines, storage units etc.
Part and accessories: Electronic calculating machines, cash registers, accounting
machines, postagefranking
machines, ticket issuing machines, reproducing and displaying machines with calculating
functions, duplicating machines and their parts/accessories etc.
Monitors and projectors and reception apparatus for television: For office machines
and data
processing machines
Reception Apparatus for radio broadcasting: Include Television sets, decoders etc
Recording equipment: Whether or not combined with sound recording or reproducing
apparatus or a
Telecommunications equipment: Sound recording, video recording or reproducing
apparatus including or not including a video tuner.

Table 14.1: Output, Intermediate Consumption and Value added from the ICT Sector +, 2013-2020
KSh Million
Year Output Consumption Value Added
2013 311,027.4 173,187.4 137,840.0
2014 344,685.6 186,253.9 158,431.7
2015 390,008.2 206,993.7 183,014.6
2016 432,139.3 225,384.4 206,754.9
2017 462,012.6 238,515.6 223,497.0
2018 494,269.2 254,149.3 240,119.9
2019 522,621.8 263,808.7 258,813.2
2020* 535,514.1 262,812.5 272,701.6
* Provisional

Table 14.2: Fixed and Mobile Network Services, 2013-2020

Fixed Telephony 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

Wireline Capacity ('000)…………………… 408 340 75 179 144 144 120 121

Total Connections ('000)…………… 206 180 85 72.8 69.9 22.6 21.6 17.1
Wireline Connections1 ……………………… 57 48 85 72.4 69.6 21.5 20.6 16.0
Wireless Connections2 ……………………… 149 132 0 0.4 0.3 1.0 1.0 1.1
Mobile Telephony
Mobile Telephone Capacity ('000)……………………. 55,077 65,077 62,800 71,600 70,000 85,950 88,700 96,700
Connections ('000)……………………………………… 31,309 33,633 37,716 38,982 42,815 49,502 54,556 61,409
Mobile Money
Mobile Money Transfer Agents …………… 93,689 123,703 143,946 165,908 182,472 205,745 224,108 264,390
Mobile Money Transfer Service Subscribers ('000) 26,016 26,023 26,753 31,997 30,005 31,627 28,976 32,460
Total Deposits though Agents in KSh Billion 1,033 1,269 1,347 1,536 2,194 2,464 2,584 3,231
Total Transfers, in KSh Billion 1……………… 1,902 2,372 2,816 3,356 3,638 3,984 4,346 5,214
Source: Communication Authority of Kenya
* Provisional
.. Data not available
As at June
Includes Local Loop Operators

Table 14.3: Phone calls and SMS Traffic, 2013-2020
'000 Minutes
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
International calls
Total international outgoing telephone traffic…………………….. 546,558 461,754 544,560 482,482 453,610 437,827 447,342 492,451
International outgoing Mobile traffic………………………………. 530,823 446,591 534,433 473,292 446,760 422,012 432,421 481,955
International outgoing Fixed line traffic…………………………….. 15,736 15,163 10,127 9,190 6,850 15,815 14,921 10,496
Total international incoming telephone traffic……………………. 676,267 591,022 628,403 713,969 603,110 599,523 606,687 531,985
International incoming Mobile traffic……………………………. 664,035 578,920 619,395 705,299 593,810 569,425 582,102 512,657
International incoming Fixed line traffic…………………………. 12,232 12,102 9,008 8,670 9,300 30,098 24,585 19,328
Total international telephone traffic…….. 1,222,825 1,052,776 1,172,963 1,196,451 1,056,720 1,037,350 1,054,029 1,024,436
Roaming by home subscribers abroad (outbound roaming)…………… 48,011 38,251 91,171 143,529 161,459 192,763 240,678 293,027
Roaming by foreign subscribers abroad (inbound roaming)………….. 41,382 48,060 103,612 122,023 140,149 169,550 226,741 202,328
Total Roaming ………….. 89,393 86,311 194,783 265,552 301,608 362,313 467,419 495,355
Domestic calls
Fixed to Fixed telephone traffic1…… 28,560 23,298 5,252 2,513 2,597 2,345 2,291 1,717
Fixed to Mobile telephone traffic…………………………. 101,722 117,053 47,702 41,394 43,353 41,586 23,210 19,753
Mobile to Mobile telephone traffic……………………… 29,758,949 30,473,694 39,068,816 42,070,692 43,944,431 55,772,953 58,646,518 60,164,844
Mobile to Fixed telephone traffic…………………………….. 52,334 66,564 75,394 63,240 88,787 71,684 58,642 65,398
Total Domestic traffic………………………………………………. 29,941,565 30,680,609 39,197,164 42,177,839 44,079,168 55,888,568 58,730,661 60,251,712

International Outgoing Fixed Voice over Internet Protocol(VOIP).. 8,101 7,335 4,785 3,938 2,865 2,883 1,662 2,737
Multimedia Messaging service (MMS)………. 9,761 12,011 13,686 .. .. ..
Total Sms sent …………………………….. 19,837,856 27,416,127 28,320,513 46,342,334 65,719,297 63,412,634 65,280,461 68,112,877
Domestic…………………………………………… 19,788,436 27,368,995 28,281,231 46,305,544 65,681,804 63,376,674 65,240,872 68,076,554
International ……………………………………… 49,420 47,132 39,282 36,790 37,493 35,960 39,589 36,323
Source: Communication Authority of Kenya
.. Data not available
This is for both fixed to fixed wireless and fixed to fixed telephone

Table 14.4: Internet Providers, Users and Subscriptions, 2013 - 2020
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018+ 2019 2020*
Licensed Internet Services Providers1 (ISPs)………………. 171.0 177.0 221.0 242.0 219.0 256.0 302.0 366.0
Total Wireless Internet Subscriptions………………. 13,107,459.0 16,357,239.0 23,814,546.0 26,559,184.0 33,166,725.0 45,401,832.0 39,229,398.0 43,812,041.0
Of which:
Terrestrial mobile data……………………………. 13,090,348.0 16,338,990.0 23,794,550.0 26,528,876.0 33,076,894.0 45,333,942.0 39,156,202.0 43,707,173.0
Terrestrial wireless data…………………………… 16,429.0 17,537.0 19,507.0 29,724.0 89,062.0 66,343.0 71,725.0 103,598.0
Satellite data………………………………………. 682.0 712.0 489.0 584.0 769.0 1,547.0 1,471.0 1,270.0
Total Fixed (Wired) Internet Subscriptions……………… 79,509.0 95,780.0 115,111.0 124,637.0 198,472.0 303,608.0 427,692.0 579,449.0
Of which:
Fixed Cable Modem (Dial Up) data ……………………. 25.0 25.0 25.0 86,139.0 96,876.0 126,808.0 158,188.0 178,224.0
Fixed Fibre Optic data……………………………….. 67,470.0 81,243.0 111,354.0 36,015.0 99,643.0 175,824.0 268,753.0 400,355.0
Fixed Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) data…………………………………….. 12,014.0 14,512.0 3,732.0 2,483.0 1,953.0 976.0 751.0 870.0
Total Fixed and Wireless Internet Subscriptions…………. 13,186,968.0 16,453,019.0 23,929,657.0 26,683,821.0 33,365,197.0 45,705,440.0 39,657,090.0 44,391,490.0
Source: Communication Authority of Kenya
* Provisional
Also includes Application Service Providers (ASPs)
Definition was changed in 2016

Table 14.5: Broadband Services, 2013 - 2020

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Capacity in Mbps
Total undersea Bandwidth Capacity 862,210 847,250 1,550,270 2,028,270 3,182,592 4,559,850 6,241,840 8,091,430
Satellite Bandwidth Capacity 264 273 498 473 559 5,720 5,520 5,460
Total available Bandwidth Capacity 862,474 847,523 1,550,768 2,028,743 3,183,151 4,565,570 6,247,360 8,096,890
Utilized bandwidth in Mbps
International undersea bandwith 365,330 498,015 854,300 860,300 916,287 1,137,100 2,717,560 4,008,010
International Satellite Bandwidth 83 106 251 270 448 5,222 2,700 2,580
Total International Bandwidth 365,413 498,121 854,551 860,570 916,735 1,142,322 2,720,260 4,010,590
Broadband Subscriptions
Fixed (Wired)- Broadband 69,140 84,631 111,129 127,877 205,172 311,087 429,382 580,213

Satellite broadband 474 495 481 445 769 1,547 1,425 1,215
Terrestrial fixed wireless broadband 15,367 16,687 19,507 29,556 82,362 58,864 60,436 92,746
Active mobile broadband 2,395,836 4,141,498 7,112,991 12,546,559 16,926,599 21,543,425 21,595,570 25,114,693
Total wireless broadband 2,411,677 4,158,680 7,132,979 12,576,560 17,009,730 21,603,836 21,657,431 25,208,654
Source: Communication Authority of Kenya
Mbps- Megabytes per Second


Table 14.6: Registered Domains, 2013 - 2020

Subdomain Users 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018+ 2019 2020*
.co.ke Companies…………………………………. 27,643 35,274 46,541 58,165 68,430 77,820 87,243 93,776
.or.ke Non profit making organisations or NGO's….. 1,159 1,190 1,485 1,860 1,981 1,976 1,831 1,930
.sc.ke Lower & middle institutions of learning………… 113 95 665 833 1,027 1,212 902 838
.ac.ke Institutions of Higher Education……………… 737 792 580 726 768 891 889 962
.go.ke Government entities………………………. 339 314 290 363 414 502 565 606
.me.ke Personal websites & email………………………. 413 650 260 326 386 345 219 182
.ne.ke Network Devices………………………………….. 46 65 140 175 466 277 96 51
.info.ke Information e.g. blogs………………………… 98 105 115 144 374 443 155 156
.mobi.ke Mobile content………………………………… 37 48 35 44 126 180 40 43
.ke Second Level Domain (SLD) .. .. .. .. .. 2,098 2,226 2,579
TOTAL DOMAINS………………………….. 30,585 38,533 50,111 62,636 73,972 85,744 94,166 101,123
Source: Kenya Network Information Center
* Provisional


Table 14.7: Local Daily/ Weekly Newspapers copies in Circulation, 2013-2020

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018+ 2019 2020*
Daily Newspapers
English 104.1 102.0 98.5 94.3 89.6 87.1 77.9 62.9
Swahili 5.9 5.8 5.2 4.4 4.0 4.5 3.9 3.5
Total 110.0 107.8 103.8 98.7 93.6 91.6 81.8 66.4
Weekly Newspapers:
English 16.8 15.9 15.0 13.7 12.9 12.2 11.6 9.8
Swahili 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.4 1.3 1.2 0.9 0.0
Total 18.6 17.8 16.8 15.2 14.2 13.4 12.5 9.8
* Provisional


Table 14.8: Media Frequencies and Mobile Transceivers, 2013 - 2020

Technology 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

TV Frequencies…… 336 245 302 312 333 324 327 330
FM Frequencies…… 553 561 608 687 740 850 917 908

2G 80,894 84,631 89,994 92,562 137,560 154,250 161,867 153,318

Mobile Transceivers1
3G 12,775 15,381 19,300 30,818 42,716 53,557 66,990 79,847
4G .. .. .. .. 3,873 7,469 17,744 25,191
Total Transceivers 93,669 100,012 109,294 123,380 184,149 215,276 246,601 258,356
Source: Communication Authority of Kenya
* Provisional
.. Data not available
As at June


Table 14.9: Key Indicators Measuring Information Society, 2013-2020

Represents Total Population 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019+ 2020*
Fixed telephone lines per 100 inhabitants……………………….. 0.49 0.42 0.20 0.16 0.15 0.05 0.05 0.04
Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 74.92 78.30 87.00 87.86 94.29 106.51 111.10 126.15
Wireless internet subscribers per 100 inhabitants……………….. 31.36 38.10 54.93 59.86 73.04 97.69 82.48 90.00
Internet subscribers per 100 inhabitants (Wireless and Fixed) 31.56 38.30 55.20 60.14 73.48 98.34 83.38 91.19
Bits per second per capita (Bps/person)…………………………. 9,168.22 12,157.90 20,668.90 20,337.70 21,168.70 25,773.45 59,969.34 86,389.65
Broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants (wireless)…………… 5.77 9.68 16.45 28.35 37.46 46.49 45.53 51.78
Broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants (Fixed and Wired) 5.94 9.88 16.71 28.63 38.09 47.15 46.44 52.98
Mobile money subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 62.26 60.57 61.71 72.11 66.08 68.05 60.92 66.68

Represents Population of Three (3) years and above

Fixed telephone lines per 100 inhabitants……………………….. 0.54 0.46 0.21 0.18 0.17 0.05 0.05 0.04
Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants 82.50 86.20 94.64 95.37 102.14 115.16 123.77 136.12
Wireless internet subscribers per 100 inhabitnats……………….. 34.54 41.92 59.76 64.98 79.12 105.62 89.00 97.11
Internet subscribers per 100 inhabitants (Wireless and Fixed) 10.42 42.17 60.04 65.28 79.60 106.33 89.97 98.40
Bits per second per capita (Bps/person)…………………………. 10,095.90 13,386.54 22,484.05 22,077.21 22,932.25 27,865.02 64,710.08 93,219.13
Broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants (wireless)…………… 6.35 10.66 17.90 30.77 40.58 50.26 49.13 55.88
Broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants (Fixed and Wired) 6.54 10.88 18.18 31.08 41.26 50.98 50.11 51.11
Data only shows total population and not by sex


Table 14.10: Trade on ICT Equipments, 2013 - 2020
KSh '000
Exports 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Office machines 1 24,153 17,078 113,289 65,815 80,297 154,834 70,079 81,618
Automatic data processing machines, storage units etc 980,308 330,907 358,548 442,147 231,832 346,990 498,847 651,384
Part and accessories 2 63,824 68,886 76,247 55,668 29,186 49,448 39,973 36,935

Monitors and projectors and reception apparatus for television 3 72,368 294,886 194,636 397,983 251,591 211,727 205,818 108,568

Reception Apparatus for radio broadcasting 4 30,498 8,760 12,547 22,058 10,823 21,957 17,598 11,107
Recording equipments 5 5,775 9,462 5,871 7,001 3,009 11,325 1,955 1,816
Telecommunications equipment 1,122,606 528,176 1,303,534 1,209,274 653,299 587,868 723,429 513,864
Total 2,299,531 1,258,154 2,064,670 2,199,946 1,260,037 1,384,149 1,557,698 1,405,292
Office machines 1 834,107 804,675 1,352,149 1,298,676 2,194,826 2,115,618 3,291,282 1,006,926
Automatic data processing machines, storage units etc 15,018,839 9,720,029 11,211,669 18,959,429 25,233,185 11,725,244 17,955,484 14,012,308
Part and accessories 998,947 1,034,134 682,334 700,821 830,012 668,046 680,083 840,050

Monitors and projectors and reception apparatus for television 3 8,621,611 5,991,481 8,049,725 5,770,973 5,857,324 8,073,393 9,684,708 10,735,200

Reception Apparatus for radio broadcasting 4 488,767 134,938 118,394 1,190,836 190,621 628,527 309,705 431,714
Recording equipments 5 592,214 369,977 462,330 343,990 572,309 558,224 701,730 323,062
Telecommunications equipment 6 24,159,717 23,622,185 29,444,004 28,693,913 32,014,737 25,512,001 26,055,163 25,911,582
Total 50,714,202 41,677,419 51,320,604 56,958,638 66,893,014 49,281,055 58,678,154 53,260,841
Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
Electronic calculating machines, cash registers, accounting machines, postage-franking machines, ticket issuing machines, reproducing and displaying machines with calculating functions, duplicating machines and their
parts/accessories etc
For office machines and data processing machines
Include Television sets, decoders etc
Whether or not combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus or a clock
Sound recording, video recording or reproducing apparatus including or not including a video tuner
Such as computer, laptops, networking equipments etc plus their parts and accessories such as telephone sets, microphones,electric sound amplifier sets Television cameras, digital or video cameras recorders, radio or tv
transmission apparatus etc

Education and Training


The statistics in respect of primary and secondary school enrolments refer to enrolment
for each year. The statistics cover all schools, i.e. both public and private schools. Data
on teacher training institutions by category and type, includes private and public
institutions for pre-primary, primary and secondary (diploma) teacher training colleges.
Data on Technical Training Institutes excludes enrolments at Kisumu and Eldoret
Polytechnics and the Technical Universities of Kenya and Mombasa. Enrolment at the
Kenya Technical Teachers College is included together with other Teachers' Training
Data on higher education consists of enrolments at the Universities of Nairobi, Moi,
Kenyatta, Egerton, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT),
Maseno University, Masinde Muliro University, University of Eldoret, Technical
University of Kenya, Technical University of Mombasa and Private Accredited

Schools maintained by the Central Government are classified as "Public" whereas those
which receive no grant from the Central Government are classified as "private" schools.
Teachers are categorized into professionally and non-professionally qualified groups. A
professionally qualified teacher must either have attended a teacher training college and
have been awarded a teaching certificate or be a graduate with a degree of Bachelor of
Education or a degree in any other discipline and a teaching diploma.
Any person registered as an examination candidate who immediately before registration
was not enrolled as a pupil/student in an educational institution is categorized as a
private candidate.


Table 15.1: Educational Institutions by Category/Type, 2014– 2020

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019* 2020*
Primary1 29,460 31,333 33,202 35,442 37,910 32,344 32,437
Secondary 8,747 9,440 9,942 10,655 11,399 10,463 10,413
Teacher Training 267 271 282 414 406 384 122
TVET Institutions1 755 874 1,300 1,962 1,769 2,140 2,301
Universities 53 53 60 61 63 63 64
Total 39,282 41,971 44,786 48,534 51,547 45,394 45,337
Source: Ministry of Education
* Provisional
Includes private and public institutions
Includes Private and Public institutions for pre-primary, primary and secondary (Diploma) teacher training Colleges

Table 15.2: Primary and Secondary Schools Enrolment, Teacher Trainees and TVET Students by Type of Schools and Colleges,
2014 - 2020
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Primary Schools 9,950,746 10,090,759 10,285,388 10,403,701 10,542,500 10,072,040 10,170,065
Secondary Schools 2,331,697 2,558,981 2,720,563 2,830,800 2,942,705 3,260,007 3,520,433
Teacher Training 39,853 41,402 41,707 42,131 42,351 31,737 17,938
TVET Institutions 147,821 142,418 195,857 267,365 359,852 430,598 451,205
Total 12,470,117 12,833,560 13,243,515 13,543,997 13,887,408 13,794,382 14,159,641
Source: Ministry of Education
* Provisional
Includes both Primary and Secondary Teachers' Colleges

Table 15.3: Teachers in Service by Type of School, 2014 - 2020

+ + + +
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Primary Schools
Trained Teachers 200,697 210,989 217,552 218,090 216,729 218,760 218,077
Secondary Schools1
Trained Teachers 78,719 85,435 88,810 94,824 99,272 105,234 113,155
Untrained Teachers 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
Technical Training
Trained Teachers 3,169 3,208 3,452 3,715 15,061 17,223 -
Untrained Teachers 197 201 213 226 0 0 -
Total 285,091 302,250 310,027 316,855 331,062 341,217 331,232
Source: Ministry of Education, TSC and TVETA
* Provisional.
Includes secondary schools and teacher training colleges
Includes Institutes of Technology
+ Revised

Table 15.4: Primary School Enrolment by County, 2013
- 2019
County 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Mombasa..................... 140,765 137,861 145,641 147,316 149,275 155,337 153,523
Kwale.......................... 178,166 183,591 186,268 188,411 190,917 203,634 219,103
Kilifi............................. 310,007 305,097 313,364 316,969 321,185 353,254 370,849
Tana River................... 49,668 51,451 54,046 54,668 55,395 59,674 56,746
Lamu........................... 27,416 26,820 27,799 28,119 28,593 32,359 34,510
Taita/Taveta................ 69,440 69,027 68,109 68,892 69,808 67,177 69,639
Garissa........................ 124,503 130,790 131,820 133,336 135,109 77,465 82,324
Wajir............................ 66,232 71,706 74,373 75,229 76,230 76,959 81,346
Mandera...................... 91,565 99,062 105,737 106,953 108,375 102,503 121,477
Marsabit....................... 59,011 57,939 58,730 59,406 60,196 64,787 61,776
Isiolo............................ 35,963 36,238 37,010 37,436 37,934 35,221 39,201
Meru............................ 331,184 327,648 327,437 331,203 335,608 317,333 302,896
Tharaka-Nithi............... 100,053 101,610 101,426 102,593 103,957 98,983 102,259
Embu........................... 123,241 128,821 129,935 131,430 133,178 124,774 110,689
Kitui............................. 346,022 345,160 343,103 347,050 351,666 335,078 445,227
Machakos.................... 289,962 291,880 289,557 292,888 296,783 284,390 284,322
Makueni....................... 282,866 278,357 272,610 275,746 279,413 255,093 239,354
Nyandarua................... 155,427 150,770 150,675 152,408 154,435 138,635 131,773
Nyeri............................ 146,838 136,278 136,149 137,715 139,547 124,881 124,367
Kirinyaga..................... 116,351 110,561 109,035 110,289 111,756 108,014 101,304
Murang'a ..................... 208,203 216,908 216,397 218,886 221,797 206,420 195,816
Kiambu........................ 326,770 309,862 327,464 331,231 335,786 347,510 328,065
Turkana....................... 205,582 221,168 223,732 226,306 229,316 162,543 170,213
West Pokot.................. 160,960 189,868 202,758 205,090 207,818 195,379 194,670
Samburu...................... 48,010 50,423 52,670 53,276 53,985 56,468 53,665
Trans Nzoia................. 241,525 258,907 268,628 271,718 275,332 274,605 268,294
Uasin Gishu................. 197,329 206,272 223,358 225,927 229,112 231,196 233,250
Elgeyo/Marakwet......... 120,619 122,234 121,107 122,500 124,129 123,818 122,694
Nandi........................... 235,537 242,734 245,583 248,408 251,712 231,836 229,755
Baringo........................ 147,344 155,599 157,780 159,595 161,718 161,919 155,105
Laikipia........................ 99,024 100,482 100,626 101,783 103,137 97,710 100,518
Nakuru......................... 435,819 440,183 447,114 452,257 458,272 478,057 451,255
Narok........................... 250,213 264,882 274,430 277,587 281,279 297,685 284,854
Kajiado........................ 158,064 156,649 167,048 168,970 171,217 191,184 197,969
Bomet.......................... 235,316 240,710 242,928 245,722 248,990 222,619 234,872
Kericho........................ 234,910 233,505 233,324 236,008 239,147 231,197 224,734
Kakamega................... 557,107 566,487 575,521 582,141 589,883 555,021 550,211
Vihiga.......................... 174,958 176,807 175,233 177,249 179,606 169,354 164,880
Bungoma..................... 519,362 548,904 549,510 555,831 563,224 500,157 497,153
Busia........................... 255,008 253,779 249,110 251,975 255,326 250,860 247,331
Siaya........................... 257,141 265,324 267,883 270,964 274,568 269,526 273,916
Kisumu........................ 263,750 267,928 272,413 275,547 279,212 287,164 290,516
Homa Bay.................... 322,495 327,218 327,391 331,157 335,561 313,666 330,212
Kisii............................. 321,082 316,635 325,425 329,168 333,546 277,454 314,415
Migori.......................... 307,931 311,602 316,949 320,595 324,859 346,500 327,092
Nyamira....................... 153,253 154,092 153,962 155,733 157,804 162,596 151,398
Nairobi City.................. 468,754 450,930 504,220 510,020 516,803 414,045 444,527
Total 9,950,746 10,090,759 10,285,388 10,403,701 10,542,500 10,072,040 10,170,065
Source: Ministry of Education
* Provisional.


Table 15.5: Secondary School Enrollment by Class and Sex, 2014

- 2019


2015 2016 2017

Class Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total

Form 1 380,448 352,216 732,664 382,774 375,130 757,904 405,466 396,066 801,532

Form 2 359,762 331,649 691,411 372,498 357,881 730,379 386,412 372,308 758,720

Form 3 331,147 296,366 627,513 345,005 324,349 669,354 356,003 335,694 691,697

Form 4 277,091 230,302 507,393 296,649 266,277 562,926 302,933 275,918 578,851
Total 1,348,448 1,210,533 2,558,981 1,396,926 1,323,637 2,720,563 1,450,814 1,379,986 2,830,800


2018 2019 2020*

Class Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total

Form 1 414,580 411,447 826,027 423,244 438,183 861,427 487,091 494,390 981,481

Form 2 408,710 392,501 801,211 450,786 457,305 908,091 455,891 466,491 922,382

Form 3 369,409 348,480 717,889 388,959 387,940 776,899 434,792 434,092 868,883

Form 4 312,570 285,003 597,573 363,067 350,523 713,590 373,793 373,893 747,686

Total 1,505,269 1,437,431 2,942,700 1,626,056 1,633,951 3,260,007 1,751,567 1,768,866 3,520,433

Source: Ministry of Education

* Provisional.

Table 15.6: Secondary Schools Enrolment by County, 2014 - 2020
COUNTY 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Mombasa............................ 27,542 31,111 33,389 34,742 36,976 36,553 42,798
Kwale.................................. 25,739 27,547 28,792 29,959 30,780 34,109 41,093
Kilifi..................................... 47,010 51,765 54,841 57,063 59,848 82,136 89,505
Tana River.......................... 5,782 6,467 6,769 7,044 7,357 8,816 9,977
Lamu................................... 5,932 5,954 5,998 6,241 6,602 7,319 8,272
Taita/Taveta........................ 20,776 21,897 22,229 23,130 23,168 25,275 29,026
Garissa............................... 14,756 16,328 19,335 20,118 21,377 24,004 20,867
Wajir.................................... 10,514 11,786 12,922 13,446 14,403 17,898 20,176
Mandera............................. 12,966 13,923 15,823 16,464 17,744 23,084 18,641
Marsabit.............................. 5,133 6,438 7,424 7,725 8,114 9,100 9,676
Isiolo................................... 4,474 4,460 5,364 5,581 5,788 6,684 7,528
Meru................................... 87,142 92,897 97,042 100,974 103,591 115,515 120,062
Tharaka-Nithi...................... 39,616 41,254 44,177 45,967 47,268 49,236 53,037
Embu.................................. 40,917 43,249 46,374 48,253 50,047 56,607 59,509
Kitui..................................... 74,252 80,417 84,480 87,903 90,777 100,263 102,560
Machakos........................... 94,932 101,529 104,867 109,116 111,223 118,197 123,120
Makueni.............................. 90,184 96,190 102,461 106,613 110,413 114,131 120,966
Nyandarua.......................... 49,447 54,312 56,943 59,250 61,148 66,737 68,677
Nyeri................................... 67,471 68,646 69,523 72,340 75,252 77,098 82,064
Kirinyaga............................. 41,308 43,708 45,047 46,873 47,548 52,909 55,798
Murang'a ............................ 95,842 103,250 106,151 110,452 112,380 122,152 141,997
Kiambu................................ 116,366 121,151 125,916 131,018 132,628 140,637 149,494
Turkana.............................. 14,097 20,780 24,965 25,977 26,748 21,552 20,775
West Pokot......................... 16,325 22,995 29,156 30,337 30,677 38,607 45,016
Samburu............................. 5,703 6,815 8,022 8,347 8,752 11,886 12,647
Trans Nzoia........................ 49,878 61,243 69,196 71,999 75,992 89,275 100,233
Uasin Gishu........................ 42,961 59,831 67,237 69,961 72,903 69,709 76,885
Elgeyo/Marakwet................ 29,750 30,264 32,902 34,235 34,904 42,179 46,582
Nandi.................................. 50,441 55,629 60,250 62,691 66,608 77,602 86,675
Baringo............................... 35,075 37,155 38,516 40,076 40,829 46,764 52,505
Laikipia................................ 29,120 30,955 32,385 33,697 34,568 39,339 42,906
Nakuru................................ 110,025 120,374 128,716 133,932 141,011 171,707 182,381
Narok.................................. 26,342 29,594 32,105 33,406 35,694 42,368 50,917
Kajiado................................ 24,709 28,535 29,320 30,508 31,611 38,952 44,137
Bomet................................. 52,251 61,354 66,382 69,072 74,020 80,592 92,037
Kericho................................ 54,421 59,908 62,793 65,337 67,413 83,320 91,146
Kakamega........................... 116,732 126,747 134,687 140,145 145,562 165,291 181,354
Vihiga.................................. 51,829 56,157 60,825 63,290 66,844 68,516 72,787
Bungoma............................ 104,986 117,190 127,323 132,482 141,465 153,688 163,284
Busia................................... 41,332 47,580 51,214 53,289 56,957 64,217 71,067
Siaya................................... 64,256 73,547 76,393 79,489 82,892 92,124 101,031
Kisumu................................ 66,826 71,000 75,842 78,915 81,680 93,291 101,814
Homa Bay........................... 74,453 80,431 84,224 87,637 90,308 103,617 111,998
Kisii..................................... 110,473 118,594 118,986 123,808 124,817 86,755 130,081
Migori.................................. 63,066 70,125 75,318 78,370 83,070 133,121 100,348
Nyamira.............................. 48,611 53,021 51,980 54,087 56,808 57,329 62,400
Nairobi City ........................ 69,934 74,878 85,958 89,441 96,137 99,746 104,584
TOTAL................................ 2,331,697 2,558,981 2,720,563 2,830,800 2,942,705 3,260,007 3,520,433
Source: Ministry of Education
* Provisional.

Table 15.7: Candidates by Sex and Mean Grade in KCSE, 2018 - 2020
2018 2019*
Total Female Male Total Female Male

Subject Code & Name No. Sat Mean % No. Sat Mean % No. Sat Mean % No. Sat Mean % No. Sat Mean % No. Sat Mean %
English................................... 664,232 34.75 323,323 35.68 340,909 33.86 695,565 41.34 340,623 42.24 354,942 40.44
Kiswahili................................. 663,754 31.79 323,126 33.02 340,628 30.63 694,959 38.75 340,352 39.86 354,607 37.65
Mathematics Alternative A..... 663,066 25.71 322,813 23.05 340,253 28.24 694,484 27.50 340,157 25.49 354,327 29.51
Mathematics Alternative B..... 1,254 10.07 574 9.21 680 10.80 1,124 6.58 508 6.68 616 6.47
Biology................................... 593,785 24.05 303,407 22.91 290,378 25.24 618,727 26.97 318,585 25.86 300,142 28.08
Physics................................... 173,611 33.72 53,197 31.97 120,414 34.49 184,590 34.79 57,810 33.98 126,780 35.60
Chemistry............................... 660,340 24.40 321,933 22.88 338,407 25.85 691,781 26.07 339,270 24.98 352,511 27.16
Biology for the Blind............... 113 24.14 51 22.12 62 25.81 109 18.16 39 13.77 70 22.54
General Science.................... 1,255 10.22 574 9.60 681 10.75 1,122 10.55 507 10.44 615 10.66
History & Govt........................ 461,547 40.46 224,168 36.78 237,379 43.94 483,744 41.52 236,081 39.13 247,663 43.90
Geography............................. 167,681 41.69 72,823 37.80 94,858 44.67 179,845 46.88 80,111 44.66 99,734 49.09
CRE....................................... 519,002 34.68 286,574 36.23 232,428 32.76 545,851 43.44 301,604 44.71 244,247 42.17
IRE......................................... 29,034 31.57 11,161 32.19 17,873 31.19 32,692 32.88 12,786 32.78 19,906 32.98
HRE....................................... 0 0.00 0 0.00 - 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 - 0.00
Home Science........................ 16,678 68.65 14,914 70.05 1,764 56.89 19,154 53.98 17,122 57.28 2,032 50.68
Art and Design....................... 1,322 57.43 477 61.40 845 55.20 1,520 58.64 513 60.02 1,007 57.26
Agriculture.............................. 280,241 25.64 132,052 23.97 148,189 27.12 288,232 32.33 136,798 30.80 151,434 33.87
Woodwork.............................. 319 64.08 3 24.00 316 64.46 389 66.26 1 60.00 388 72.52
Metalwork............................... 159 50.57 1 80.00 158 50.38 194 63.08 1 73.00 193 53.16
Building & Construction.......... 292 80.60 2 76.00 290 80.63 430 64.87 7 63.00 423 66.73
Power Mechanics................... 220 56.62 12 28.67 208 58.23 254 33.18 4 9.50 250 56.87
Electricity................................ 246 74.44 10 41.60 236 75.83 274 61.95 10 56.30 264 67.60
Drawing & Design.................. 744 76.78 2 48.00 742 76.86 899 54.73 3 41.33 896 68.13
Aviation Technology............... 117 68.85 8 52.00 109 70.09 176 57.63 19 57.21 157 58.05
Computer Studies.................. 15,698 62.81 6,350 60.84 9,348 64.16 19,407 61.40 8,137 59.91 11,270 62.90
French.................................... 3,720 54.27 2,505 54.20 1,215 54.42 3,901 50.67 2,590 50.46 1,311 50.88
German.................................. 779 69.42 480 70.13 299 68.28 830 59.22 471 59.62 359 58.82
Arabic..................................... 6,881 48.74 2,524 48.10 4,357 49.11 7,860 43.91 2,948 43.82 4,912 44.00
Kenya Sign Language........... 492 61.80 200 61.64 292 61.92 629 47.98 318 48.34 311 47.63
Music...................................... 1,430 60.52 877 60.87 553 59.96 1,485 53.24 902 53.09 583 53.40
Business Studies................... 277,981 31.20 139,576 29.09 138,405 33.33 284,127 38.02 143,820 36.35 140,307 39.70
Source: Kenya National Examinations Council
* Provisional

Table 15.8: Enrolment in Teachers Training Colleges, 2015 - 2020
Category of Teachers Academic 2015 2016 2017
Year Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Secondary School Teachers 1st 419 411 830 573 558 1,131 453 330 783
Diploma 2nd 300 280 580 392 369 761 418 401 819
3 305 256 561 404 344 748 402 329 731
Sub-Total 1,024 947 1,971 1,369 1,271 2,640 1,273 1,060 2,333
Primary School Teachers 1st 5,769 6,270 12,039 4,489 5,945 10,434 4,623 6,123 10,746
2 5,513 5,266 10,779 5,074 5,786 10,860 5,226 5,959 11,185
Sub - Total 11,282 11,536 22,818 9,563 11,731 21,294 9,849 12,082 21,931
Private Primary 8,102 8,511 16,613 8,401 9,372 17,773 8,418 9,449 17,867
Special Education 1,311 914 2,225 0 0 0 0 0 0
GRAND TOTAL 33,869 34,885 43,796 19,333 22,374 41,707 19,540 22,591 42,131

Category of Teachers Academic 2018 2019 2020*

Year Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Secondary School Teachers 1 420 302 722 213 189 402 121 133 254
Diploma 2nd 319 237 556 381 273 654 257 223 480
3rd 465 415 880 453 528 981 291 193 484
Sub-Total 1,204 954 2,158 1,047 990 2,037 669 579 1,218
Primary School Teachers 1st 4,715 6,276 10,991 0 0 0 0 0 0
2nd 5,103 6,137 11,240 4,615 6,496 11,111 5,527 6,749 12,276
Sub - Total 9,818 12,413 22,231 4,615 6,496 11,111 5,527 6,749 12,276
Private Primary 8,435 9,527 17,962 8,593 9,996 18,589 1,846 2,598 4,444
Special Education 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
GRAND TOTAL 19,457 22,894 42,351 14,255 17,482 31,737 8,042 9,896 17,938
Source: Ministry of Education
* Provisional

Table 15.9: Technical University of Kenya - Student Distribution by Faculty, 2013/14 - 2019/2020
Courses 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20* 2020/21*
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries............................................. 180 - - - - -
Architecture................................................................................. 1,530 984 987 1,135 3,039 2,029 2,878
Business and administration....................................................... 1,712 1,615 1,620 1,863 1,726 1,199 1,701
Computing................................................................................... 486 411 412 474 824 565 801
Education (Arts).......................................................................... - - - - - -
Education (Science).................................................................... - - - - - -
Engineering................................................................................. 1,784 2,889 2,899 3,332 2,840 1,754 2,488
Environmental Studies ............................................................... 48 228 229 263 89 51 72
Health and Welfare..................................................................... 263 399 400 460 514 418 593
Humanities and Arts.................................................................... 654 539 541 622 39 45 64
Journalism and Information......................................................... - 437 438 504 473 373 529
Law.............................................................................................. - - - - - - -
Life Science and Physical Science.............................................. 407 1,474 1,479 1,700 1,697 1,119 1,587
Manufacturing.............................................................................. - - - - 185 118 167
Mathematics and Statistics.......................................................... 352 187 188 216 190 109 155
Security and Conflict Resolution................................................. - - - - - - -
Services....................................................................................... - 724 726 835 604 440 624
Social and Behavioral Science.................................................... - 145 145 167 317 248 352
Teacher Training......................................................................... - - - - - - -
Veterinary.................................................................................... - - - - - - -
Other........................................................................................... - - - - - - -
Total Undergraduate Courses................................................. 7,415 10,032 10,066 11,572 12,537 8,468 12,011
Postgraduate Courses (PhDs & Masters)............................... - - 87 95 52 52 56
Diploma and Cerificate Courses.............................................. 7,201 6,988 3,674 4,658 2,817 1,707 4,338
Total ................................................................... 14,616 17,020 13,827 16,325 15,406 10,227 16,405
Source: Technical University of Kenya, Commission for University Education
* Provisional

Table 15.10: Technical University of Mombasa - Student Distribution by Faculty, 2014/15 - 2020/2021
Courses 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20* 2020/21*
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries............................................. - - - - - -
Architecture................................................................................. 681 - - - - - 217
Business and administration....................................................... 1,177 1,900 2,067 2,276 2,479 2,550 1,656
Computing................................................................................... 469 536 583 642 653 671 911
Education (Arts).......................................................................... - - - - - - -
Education (Science).................................................................... - - - - - - -
Engineering................................................................................. 1,237 1,901 2,068 2,277 2,279 2,345 2,678
Environment................................................................................ - 579 630 694 728 749 413
Health and Welfare..................................................................... 272 - - - - - 246
Humanities and Arts.................................................................... 503 - - - - - -
Journalism and Information......................................................... - 311 338 372 447 460 552
Law.............................................................................................. - - - - - - -
Life Science and Physical Science.............................................. 1,011 901 980 1,079 1,712 1,761 1,626
Manufacturing.............................................................................. - - - - - - -
Mathematics and Statistics.......................................................... - 347 377 416 319 328 556
Security and Conflict Resolution................................................. - - - - - - -
Services....................................................................................... - 298 324 357 274 282 466
Social and Behavioral Science.................................................... - - - - - - 541
Teacher Training......................................................................... - - - - - - -
Veterinary.................................................................................... - - - - - - -
Other........................................................................................... - - - - - - -
Total Undergraduate Courses................................................. 5,350 6,773 7,368 8,111 8,892 9,146 9,861
Postgraduate Courses (PhDs & Masters)............................... 70 100 115 127 133 137 139
Diploma and Certificate Courses............................................ 4,958 5,398 3,125 1,288 1,168 2,310 8,775
Total ........................................................................... 10,378 12,271 10,608 9,526 10,193 11,593 18,775
Source: Technical University of Mombasa, Commission for University Education
* Provisional

Table 15.11: University of Eldoret - Student Distribution by Faculty, 2014/15 - 2020/2021
Courses 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21*
1 Degree Course
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries............................... 2,044 2,376 4,663 3,076 1,768 1,426 1,299
Architecture.................................................................. - - 320 275
Business and administration......................................... 1,565 2,202 3,858 2,546 1,772 706 1,070
Computing.................................................................... - 486 495 507
Education (Arts)1 …………………………………………. 2,845 4,564 7,608 5,020 6,226 6,181 7,352
Education (Science)..................................................... - -
Engineering.................................................................. 283 310 453 299 394 183 183
Environment................................................................. 390 465 916 604 1,071 822 679
Health and Welfare....................................................... - - - - - - -
Humanities and Arts..................................................... - - - - - - -
Journalism and Information.......................................... - - - - - - -
Law.............................................................................. - - - - -
Life Science and Physical Science............................... 4,755 5,611 5,689 3,754 1,050 884 952
Manufacturing............................................................... - - - - - 407 317
Mathematics and Statistics........................................... - - - - 405 411 452
Security and Conflict Resolution................................... - - - - - - -
Services....................................................................... - - - - - 37 540
Social and Behavioral Science..................................... - - - - - 304 379
Teacher Training.......................................................... - - - - - - -
Veterinary..................................................................... - - - - - 156 103
Other............................................................................ - - - - - -
Total Undergraduate Courses.................................. 11,882 15,528 23,187 15,299 13,172 12,332 14,108
Postgraduate Courses.............................................. 684 134 606 104 1,285 1,199 587
Diploma and Cerificate Courses.............................. 343 461 - 442 331 308 223
Total 12,909 16,123 23,793 15,845 14,788 13,839 14,918
Source: University of Eldoret, Commission for University Education
* Provisional
Data includes that of Education Science

Table 15.12: University of Nairobi - Student Distribution by Faculty 1, 2014/15 - 2020/2021
Courses 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21*
1st Degree Course
Agriculture2 ………………………………………………… 2,579 4,325 3,067 2,912 3,492 2,436 2,086
Humanities and Arts..................................................... 15,168 13,866 9,829 9,335 8,372 103 88
Life Science and Physical Science............................... 5,166 7,509 5,323 5,055 6,325 5,332 4,566
Business and Administration........................................ 9,740 8,698 6,166 5,856 10,217 7,619 6,524
Journalism and Information.......................................... .. 2,366 1,677 1,593 2,588 265 227
Health and Welfare....................................................... .. 5,171 3,666 3,481 4,010 4,097 3,508
Environment................................................................. .. .. .. .. .. 922 789
Architecture and Building.............................................. 2,568 2,376 1,684 1,600 3,698 3,854 3,300
Engineering.................................................................. 3,537 5,139 3,643 3,460 2,757 2,535 2,171
Manufacturing............................................................... 1,409 999 949 531 964 825
Medicine3 …………………………………………………… 3,857 .. 2,362 3,026 0
Veterinary Science....................................................... 1,137 283 199 189 707 376 322
Mathematics and Statistics........................................... .. 2,314 1,640 1,558 1,468 1,254 1,074
Security and Conflict Resolution................................... .. .. .. .. .. -
Social and Behavourial Science................................... .. 12,999 9,215 8,751 2,289 12,054 10,322
Law.............................................................................. 3,549 .. .. .. 2,891 2,475
Education (Science)..................................................... 2,342 1,660 1,577 1,546 1,429 1,224
Education (Arts)............................................................ 9,503 11,684 8,283 7,866 6,573 5,982 5,122
Computer Science........................................................ 447 1,108 785 746 682 595 509
Services....................................................................... 282 241
Sub-Total.................................................................... 57,251 81,589 57,836 57,288 58,281 52,990 45,374
Postgraduate Courses (PhDs, Masters & Dip)......... 12,695 17,126 16,639 10,357 12,234 9,973 10,114
Diploma & Certificate Courses.................................. 3,021 .. 4,178 1,987 2,816 3,438 2,439
Total 72,967 98,715 78,653 69,632 73,331 66,401 57,927
Source: University of Nairobi, Commission for University Education
* Provisional
Includes parallel students
Includes Courses in Food Science and Technology and Range Management.
Includes Medicine,Dental Surgery, Pharmacy and B.Sc Nursing
Diploma & Certificate Courses: Figures upto 2013/14 include only Advanced Nursing & Adult Studies. Figures for 2014/15 include all courses
.. No data

Table 15.13: Moi University - Student Distribution by Faculty, 2014/15 - 2020/2021
Courses 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21*
1st Degree Course
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery................................................ 196 71 76 68 65 59 58
Architecture and Building............................................................ 303 273 293 260 232 210 207
Business and Adminstration....................................................... 10,976 13,197 14,146 12,567 12,069 10,903 10,773
Computing.................................................................................. 810 214 229 204 383 346 342
Education (Arts).......................................................................... 7,195 9,240 9,905 8,799 7,889 7,127 7,042
Education (Science).................................................................... 935 2,293 2,458 2,184 1,535 1,387 1,370
Engineering................................................................................. 168 1,731 1,856 1,648 1,156 1,044 1,032
Environment................................................................................ 220 22 24 21 67 61 60
Health and Welfare..................................................................... 1,160 2,525 2,707 2,405 1,912 1,727 1,706
Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences........................................ 8,081 3,531 3,785 3,363 1,535 1,387 1,370
Jounalism and Information.......................................................... 2,333 2,501 2,222 1,931 1,744 1,723
Law............................................................................................. 1,799 198 212 189 702 634 626
Life Science and Physical Science............................................. 1,649 669 717 637 1,295 1,170 1,156
Manufacturing............................................................................. 908 251 269 239 213 192 190
Mathematics and statistics.......................................................... - 574 615 547 502 454 449
Total Undergraduate Courses..................................................... 34,400 37,122 39,792 35,351 31,486 28,445 28,105
Postgraduate Courses (PhDs & Masters).................................. 3,702 2,182 2,878 2,556 510 499 500
Total ................................................................... 38,102 39,304 42,670 37,907 31,996 28,944 28,605
Source: Moi University, Commission for University Education
* Provisional
Social, cultural and development studies includes Social studies, creative arts and language & literature studies
+ Revised

Table 15.41: Kenyatta University - Student Distribution by Faculty, 2014/14 - 2020/2021

Courses 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21*
1st Degree Course
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery................................................ 1,885 1,461 1,480 1,398 1,362 924 1,298
Architecture and Building............................................................ 404 - - - 603 934 1,312
Business and Adminstration....................................................... 8,613 8,402 8,512 8,041 1,822 6,947 9,758
Education (Arts).......................................................................... 16,940 14,938 15,134 14,296 14,518 12,104 17,001
Education (Science).................................................................... 3,288 3,331 3,147 3,802 2,529 3,552
Engineering................................................................................. 560 1,442 1,461 1,380 1,194 970 1,362
Environment................................................................................ 2,612 2,487 2,520 2,380 2,085 1,004 1,410
Humanities and Arts .................................................................. 1,113 5,434 5,505 5,201 5,352 1,283 1,802
Law............................................................................................. 966 1,244 1,260 1,191 1,063 938 1,318
Jounalism and Information.......................................................... 60 61 57 290 265 372
Life Science and Physical Science............................................. 14,920 4,865 4,929 4,656 3,395 2,506 3,520
Services ..................................................................................... 1,539 2,522 2,555 2,414 2,294 1,126 1,582
Computing.................................................................................. - 1,555 1,575 1,488 1,212 1,073 1,507
Mathematics and Statistics......................................................... - 272 276 260 353 1,040 1,461
Veterinary................................................................................... - 484 490 463 265 190 267
Health and Welfare..................................................................... - 3,942 3,994 3,773 2,823 2,790 3,919
Security and Conflict Resolution................................................. - 962 975 921 1,049 1,473
Social and Behavioral Science................................................... 10,447 6,361 6,445 6,088 9,994 5,535 7,774
Total Undergraduate Courses.................................................... 59,999 59,719 60,503 57,154 52,427 43,207 60,688
Postgraduate Courses (PhDs, Masters & Dip.)........................ 16,880 11,772 11,927 11,927 12,405 15,054 8,964
Diploma and Cerificate Courses................................................ 4,182 142 144 4,361 7,958 6,053 5,620
Total 81,061 71,633 72,574 73,442 72,790 64,314 75,272
Source: Kenyatta University, Commission for University Education.
* Provisional

Table 15.15: Egerton University - Student Distribution by Faculty, 2013/14 - 2019/2020
Courses 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21*
1st Degree Course
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery............................................... 2,859 1,779 1,819 1,489 2,005 2,209 2,763
Business and Adminstration....................................................... 1,841 1,146 1,172 960 1,260 1,129 1,181
Education (Arts).......................................................................... 2,672 1,663 1,506 1,233 1,348 2,535 2,215
Education(Science).................................................................... - - - - 1,144 1,283 1,238
Computing.................................................................................. - 843 913 747 353 302 484
Architecture................................................................................ - 402 411 336 227
Engineering................................................................................ - 1,544 1,579 1,293 828 603 895
Environment............................................................................... - 13 21 17 304 535 124
Health and Welfare..................................................................... - 1,049 1,073 878 581 1,169 1,392
Law............................................................................................. - 22 59 48 93 191 99
Mathematics and Statistics......................................................... - 1,003 1,026 840 371 359 349
Life Science and Physical Science............................................. 4,504 2,803 2,849 2,333 4,228 1,120 858
Journalism and Information........................................................ - 253 259 212 177 287 120
Social and Behavioral Science................................................... 3,177 - - - 2,405 3,163 3,876
Manufacturing ............................................................................ .. .. .. .. .. 660 147
Services...................................................................................... .. .. .. .. .. 256 263
Veterinary................................................................................... .. .. .. .. .. 568 508
Other Undergraduate Courses (n.e.c.)....................................... 1,534 - - -
Total Undergraduate Courses..................................................... 16,587 12,520 12,687 10,387 15,097 16,596 16,512
Postgraduate Courses (PhDs & Masters) - 621 114 206 195 250 1,026
Diploma and Cerificate Courses ……………………………. 1,752 268 896 179 110 825 740
Total 18,550 13,409 13,697 10,772 15,402 17,671 18,278
Source: Egerton University, Commission for University Education.
* Provisional
Data for 2013/14 and 2014/15 was combined with undergraduate

Table 15.16: Maseno University - Student Distribution by Faculty, 2013/14 - 2019/2020

Courses 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21*
1st Degree Course
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries................................................. - 1,054 1,088 1,093 740 583 786
Architecture..................................................................................... - 254 262 263 242 243 545
Business and administration........................................................... - 2,182 2,253 2,263 2,162 2,651 5,197
Computing...................................................................................... - 563 581 584 584 727 1,070
Education (Arts)1............................................................................ 3,159 2,782 2,872 2,886 2,433 2,368 3,530
Education (Science)........................................................................ - 920 950 954 882 727 768
Engineering..................................................................................... - - - - - - -
Environment.................................................................................... - 607 627 630 245 167 289
Health and Welfare......................................................................... - 1,312 1,355 1,361 986 875 1,332
Humanities and Arts....................................................................... - 2,178 2,249 2,259 1,454 1,589 4,355
Journalism and Information............................................................. - 391 404 406 503 544 963
Law................................................................................................. - - - - - - -
Life Science and Physical Science................................................. 6,946 803 829 833 992 1,094 866
Manufacturing................................................................................. - - - - - - -
Mathematics and Statistics............................................................. - 1,328 1,371 1,378 1,160 1,185 1,605
Security and Conflict Resolution..................................................... - 597 616 619 -
Services.......................................................................................... - - - - -
Social and Behavioral Science....................................................... 6,574 766 791 795 2,601 2,758 1,045
Teacher Training............................................................................. - - - - -
Veterinary....................................................................................... - - - - 98 60 -
Other............................................................................................... - 156 161 162 -
Total Undergraduate Courses.................................................... 16,679 15,893 16,410 16,486 15,082 15,571 22,351
Postgraduate Courses (PhDs, Masters & Dip)......................... 403 414 1,937 114 2,135 3,337 500
Diploma and Cerificate Courses ……………………………. - - - 808 1,101 1,012 1,068
Total 17,082 16,307 18,347 17,408 18,318 19,920 23,919
Source: Maseno University, Commission for University Education.
* Provisional
Data for 2012/13 to 2014/15 includes Education Science

Table 15.17(a): Student Enrolment in Public Universities, 2014/15 - 2020/2021
Fields 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21*
Undergraduates………………………. 323,434 367,757 411,905 439,965 389,257 368,188 423,550
Postgraduates…………………………. 44,274 59,277 67,407 32,977 43,988 44,657 28,539
Other, i.e. Diploma, etc1 ………………. 32,510 2,786 3,978 21,954 24,755 29,224 37,244
Total 400,218 429,820 479,312 494,896 458,000 442,069 489,333
Source: Universities, Commission for University Education
* Provisional
+ Revised
Excludes data from Kirinyaga, Masinde Muliro, Murang'a, Taita Taveta and TUK Universities in 2018/19
Table 15.17(b): Student Enrolment in Private Universities, 2014/15 - 2019/2020
Private Accredited 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21*
Daystar University............................................ 4,170 5,024 5,593 5,084 4,597 3,852 3,296
Baraton University............................................ 2,198 1,870 2,082 2,883 3,399 2,898 4,451
Catholic University............................................ 7,025 5,827 4,918 3,241 4,897 6,966 4,993
United States International University- Africa.... 5,534 6,166 6,658 6,424 5,182 6,174 6,174
Scott Theological College................................. 588 51 84 519 584 688 688
Agha Khan University....................................... 500 191 952 .. .. .. ..
Strathmore University....................................... 6,848 4,646 5,047 4,085 4,824 6,641 6,642
Kabarak University........................................... 3,055 2,927 4,176 3,766 5,653 7,387 7,387
Nazarene University......................................... 3,935 3,267 2,970 2,767 2,746 3,263 198
Kenya Methodist University.............................. 11,859 7,819 9,131 9,926 6,571 7,150 7,150
Kiriri Women University of Sc.Tech.................. 253 771 858 .. 2,842 2,081 1,906
Mount Kenya University.................................... 26,740
Other Universities............................................. 39,924 39,370 42,726 42,233 44,922 49,528 24,985
TOTAL 85,889 77,929 85,195 80,928 86,217 96,628 94,610
Source: Universities, Commission for University Education
* Provisional
.. Data not available


Notes and Definitions

Vital Statistics: These are statistics pertaining to vital events in an individual’s life mainly births, including
stillbirths and deaths. These statistics further include relevant characteristics of the events and the
person(s) of concern.
Birth Weight: Birth weight is the first weight of a foetus or newborn obtained immediately after birth.
Underweight babies are those born with a birth weight less than 2,500 grams (UN Principles and
Recommendations for a Vital Statistics Rev 3). This information is vital in examining pregnancy outcomes
as low birth weight is closely associated with neonatal mortality as well as morbidity and mortality amongst
Gestational Age: Gestational age of a newborn or dead foetus is the elapsed time measured from the first
day of the last menstrual period of the mother to the date of delivery expressed in completed days or
weeks. Preterm babies are those born before 37 completed weeks of gestation (UN Principles and
Recommendations for a Vital Statistics Rev 3). This information coupled with information on birth weight is
important in providing a deeper insight into the known effects of low birth weight and preterm births on
neonatal and infant morbidity and mortality.
Still Birth/Foetal Death: A stillbirth is an infant born after 24 or more weeks completed gestation and
which did not, at any time, breathe, move or show signs of life. It is a general recommendation that
statistics on still births be presented alongside those on live births.
Statistics pertaining to still births, birth weight and gestation age presented in this chapter are for births
occurring in a health facility. Furthermore, in some instances the gestational age may be unknown and
birth weight may not be recorded.
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR): Deaths of children under one year of age per 1,000 live births.
Under Five Mortality Rate (U5MR): Probability of a child dying before reaching age 5 expressed per
1,000 live births.
Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR): Deaths during a given year among women while pregnant, during
delivery or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy but not from incidental causes, per 100,000 live
Crude Death Rate (CDR): Number of deaths occurring from all causes in a given population during in a
year per 1,000 population.
Health Statistics
COVID-19: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-
2 virus

Health Facility: These are places that provide health care

Health Professional: This is an individual who works in the field of human healthcare and applying
evidence-based practices

KEPH: This stands for Kenya Essential Package for Health. It is defined as the package of services that
the government is providing or is aspiring to provide to its citizens in an equitable manner

Medical laboratories: Classification of laboratories from ‘A’ to ‘F’ depends on the type of disease/ nature
of disease being tested, the nature of the specimen being handled by the laboratory (the higher the level,
the higher the specialty of the tests) and competence of the personnel. The category of Unknown
represents laboratories awaiting registration and/or subsequent classification from the Kenya Medical
Laboratory and Technicians and Technologists Board.
Morbidity: Refers to the existence of any form of disease, or to the degree that the health condition affects
the patient.
Outpatient morbidity: The number of cases a client visits a health facility for treatment without spending
the night (being admitted) in that facility.

Table 16.1: Registered Births by Sex, 2016 - 2020

Male Female Total Registered Sex Ratio

Year (Per Cent) (Per Cent) (Number) (Males Per 100 Females)
2016 51.1 48.9 948,351 104
2017 51.2 48.8 923,487 105
2018 51.2 48.8 1,138,654 105
2019 50.9 49.1 1,186,144 103
2020* 51.1 48.9 1,138,667 104
Source: Civil Registration Services

Table 16.2: Registered Births by Place of Occurence, 2016 - 2020

Health Facility Community Total

(Per Cent) (Per Cent) (Number)
2016 92.3 7.7 948,351
2017 92.6 7.4 923,487
2018 94.7 5.3 1,138,654
2019 95.6 4.4 1,186,144
2020* 97.7 2.3 1,138,667
Source: Civil Registration Services

Table 16.3: Coverage Rates of Births, 2016 - 2020

Registered Expected Births Coverage

(Number) (Number) (Per Cent)
2016 948,351 1,478,910 64.1
2017 923,487 1,515,301 60.9
2018 1,138,654 1,551,693 73.4
2019 1,191,507 1556157.0 76.6
2020* 1,138,677 1,359,456 83.8
Source: Civil Registration Services

Table 16.4: Registered Births by County, 2016 - 2019
County 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
KENYA.......................................................... 948,351 923,487 1,138,654 1,191,507 1,138,667
Mombasa...................................................... 29,388 30,250 32,963 35,994 31,146
Kwale ........................................................... 16,622 14,240 21,531 22,965 19,684
Kilifi .............................................................. 34,516 30,167 42,112 45,949 41,853
Tana River .................................................... 4,143 3,261 4,766 10,743 4,897
Lamu ............................................................ 2,824 2,840 3,513 3,958 3,572
Taita/Taveta.................................................. 8,426 5,787 8,189 8,448 8,296
Garissa ......................................................... 16,179 11,750 13,592 12,983 10,439
Wajir ............................................................. 5,513 4,892 9,412 6,327 5,905
Mandera ....................................................... 7,830 7,109 10,532 12,342 8,224
Marsabit ....................................................... 7,860 4,952 6,665 8,346 7,938
Isiolo ............................................................. 4,471 4,250 5,660 5,816 5,306
Meru ............................................................. 24,796 28,692 32,391 31,883 34,751
Tharaka-Nithi ................................................ 6,915 6,817 8,509 7,363 8,391
Embu............................................................. 12,611 12,501 14,156 14,042 13,597
Kitui .............................................................. 20,269 20,233 29,650 25,520 23,151
Machakos...................................................... 28,504 23,233 31,063 27,656 25,502
Makueni ........................................................ 14,443 12,986 18,117 18,247 19,207
Nyandarua .................................................... 14,603 12,096 11,660 11,196 12,017
Nyeri ............................................................. 14,565 15,385 15,614 15,788 16,815
Kirinyaga ...................................................... 11,420 12,245 11,531 11,506 13,357
Muranga ....................................................... 16,381 16,162 19,280 19,046 21,169
Kiambu ......................................................... 59,824 60,198 70,147 71,923 69,935
Turkana ........................................................ 13,596 11,750 13,291 15,665 16,866
West Pokot ................................................... 9,476 6,443 9,549 10,756 13,509
Samburu........................................................ 3,377 3,655 4,132 4,952 4,028
Trans Nzoia .................................................. 15,136 14,034 22,371 25,052 22,704
Uasin Gishu .................................................. 18,163 21,531 26,813 29,080 34,072
Elgeyo/Marakwet........................................... 9,790 8,717 11,246 10,564 11,111
Nandi ............................................................ 11,877 12,700 15,530 17,921 16,361
Baringo ......................................................... 8,796 10,368 10,998 12,487 12,857
Laikipia ......................................................... 7,296 9,529 14,491 16,932 14,473
Nakuru .......................................................... 49,683 47,677 55,569 68,156 58,093
Narok ............................................................ 11,200 9,100 14,914 18,838 20,819
Kajiado.......................................................... 14,844 13,954 21,552 25,084 27,553
Bomet ........................................................... 18,630 35,837 28,517 27,420 23,482
Kericho.......................................................... 18,712 15,776 21,425 33,166 24,947
Kakamega .................................................... 35,725 38,771 42,473 48,519 44,330
Vihiga ........................................................... 9,480 9,169 10,555 13,872 12,347
Bungoma....................................................... 33,811 30,893 44,197 46,058 47,320
Busia............................................................. 18,636 15,252 20,302 30,515 21,284
Siaya ............................................................ 19,785 19,344 34,516 29,988 29,328
Kisumu.......................................................... 29,722 28,318 35,033 32,275 31,849
Homa Bay .................................................... 30,515 25,162 31,961 29,174 28,100
Kisii .............................................................. 28,039 27,254 32,830 27,846 32,839
Migori ........................................................... 30,809 30,824 48,249 33,278 32,813
Nyamira ........................................................ 14,938 12,433 12,587 10,868 13,032
Nairobi City.................................................... 124,212 124,950 134,500 145,000 139,398
Source: Civil Registration Services

Table 16.5: Registered Births by Marital Status of Mother, 2016 - 2020
Marital Status 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Total............................................. 948,351 923,487 1,138,654 1,191,507 1,138,667
Percent of Total
Married.................................. 87.4 86.4 85.4 74.6 86.9
Not Married............................ 11.7 12.5 14.0 10.6 12.8
Unknown/ Not Stated............. 0.9 1.1 0.6 14.8 0.3
Source: Civil Registration Services

Table 16.6: Coverage Rates of Deaths, 2016 - 2020

Age of Mother 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Total............................................. 948,351 923,487 1,138,654 1,186,144 1,138,667
Percent of Total
<15......................................... 0.35 0.37 0.37 0.21 0.19
15 - 19................................... 12.27 11.69 11.78 11.84 10.99
20 - 24................................... 30.24 29.78 29.03 29.86 30.37
25 - 29................................... 27.43 27.33 26.42 25.42 25.28
30 - 34................................... 16.85 17.65 18.52 18.17 18.74
35 - 39................................... 8.20 8.33 8.87 8.24 8.64
40 - 44................................... 2.20 2.07 2.41 2.35 2.30
45 - 49................................... 0.30 0.37 0.38 0.26 0.21
50+......................................... 0.10 0.09 0.07 0.03 0.01
Age Not Stated/Unknown...... 2.10 2.31 2.15 3.61 3.26
Source: Civil Registration Services

Table 16.7 Hospital births by birth weight, gestation period and County, 2016 - 2020
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Pre-term Underweight Pre-term Underweight Pre-term Underweight Pre-term Underweight Pre-term Underweight
babies babies babies babies babies babies babies babies babies babies
County Live birth Per cent Per Cent Live birth Per cent Per Cent Live birth Per cent Per Cent Live birth Per cent Per Cent Live birth Per cent Per Cent
Kenya 968,671 3.0 4.9 865,698 3.2 4.8 1,078,631 3.0 5.1 1,127,261 3.3 5.3 1,143,987 3.1 5.5
Mombasa 28,651 4.9 7.4 29,710 6.1 7.3 33,398 4.7 6.9 34,146 4.5 5.7 30,053 4.6 5.8
Kwale 20,473 1.8 4.9 14,230 2.3 5.4 22,164 2.0 5.4 23,592 2.1 5.6 23,334 2.9 5.7
Kilifi 32,795 3.9 6.6 24,369 3.2 7.0 38,865 3.4 7.2 40,385 4.1 8.8 40,103 3.7 9.3
Tana River 4,587 3.0 5.6 3,311 2.3 3.7 5,537 4.8 6.0 6,616 3.2 5.2 6,449 2.0 4.2
Lamu 2,508 1.7 3.6 2,664 1.5 4.2 3,377 3.7 4.9 3,751 1.7 6.5 3,781 2.8 6.5
Taita Taveta 6,688 2.6 4.2 4,926 4.6 6.8 7,677 1.4 6.4 6,763 3.2 7.1 7,448 4.0 6.8
Garissa 11,278 1.6 2.6 10,931 1.1 2.6 14,378 0.9 3.1 14,457 0.9 3.4 19,393 1.1 4.1
Wajir 11,683 1.0 1.5 10,802 0.9 1.8 11,831 0.6 1.4 11,856 0.8 1.8 11,010 0.9 1.8
Mandera 13,034 0.5 1.7 13,060 0.2 1.9 20,898 0.5 2.3 19,670 1.0 1.3 20,852 1.9 1.6
Marsabit 6,065 2.7 3.9 4,860 1.7 3.6 9,060 2.1 2.6 9,274 1.6 4.1 9,454 1.5 3.9
Isiolo 4,357 1.8 5.3 3,402 1.5 2.8 5,256 2.1 2.3 5,255 2.2 2.9 5,029 1.3 3.1
Meru 29,250 2.5 5.7 28,364 2.5 5.5 28,914 2.2 5.8 31,427 3.5 5.7 30,764 3.1 6.7
Tharaka Nithi 6,404 4.1 8.3 5,238 1.9 5.2 7,647 3.8 5.8 7,342 3.6 6.2 7,996 3.9 6.8
Embu 10,945 3.4 3.8 8,617 2.4 4.6 12,134 2.2 3.9 13,377 1.7 3.9 12,731 2.0 3.9
Kitui 16,432 3.0 5.9 15,886 2.3 5.1 20,315 2.1 5.5 20,995 2.3 5.4 20,601 2.5 5.1
Machakos 25,055 1.3 4.8 21,810 3.7 4.6 25,809 3.1 5.4 26,253 3.6 6.3 26,102 3.2 6.2
Makueni 15,632 2.5 3.8 14,664 2.6 3.8 17,841 2.7 4.9 18,362 2.6 5.0 19,804 4.5 6.3
Nyandarua 10,281 5.3 6.3 9,199 2.7 4.5 10,297 4.2 5.6 10,935 2.1 5.4 11,029 4.1 6.4
Nyeri 14,129 2.8 6.2 13,890 2.7 5.1 14,907 2.3 6.9 16,140 4.1 8.5 16,052 4.2 7.4
Kirinyaga 11,017 2.9 5.8 11,427 1.9 6.7 11,622 2.8 7.4 11,361 2.8 6.9 12,902 3.0 7.6
Muranga 15,853 3.5 5.1 15,303 2.3 4.9 16,910 3.8 5.6 17,371 3.1 5.1 19,729 4.0 5.1
Kiambu 59,999 2.9 4.3 54,280 3.2 4.5 65,857 2.4 4.7 68,964 3.1 5.1 66,464 3.5 5.4

Turkana 12,501 2.8 5.9 12,718 1.9 5.3 17,937 1.9 4.6 21,256 1.6 4.3 20,525 1.9 5.9
West Pokot 9,739 3.7 7.3 8,002 3.5 6.3 12,912 3.7 7.7 13,811 3.9 7.9 16,213 2.2 6.2
Samburu 3,997 2.2 6.6 3,870 2.0 5.8 5,108 0.9 7.0 5,515 2.3 7.9 5,604 3.6 9.1
Trans Nzoia 15,163 7.1 3.9 10,682 4.0 4.5 17,730 4.7 3.9 19,733 2.2 5.1 20,082 2.4 5.7
Uasin Gishu 25,678 6.9 8.1 25,488 3.4 6.5 28,021 3.7 7.3 30,420 4.3 7.9 31,547 3.8 7.9
Elgeyo Marakwet 9,811 2.5 7.2 8,118 2.8 7.5 10,763 2.6 8.1 10,499 3.1 8.9 11,341 3.4 9.5
Nandi 14,050 1.5 4.3 12,290 2.4 4.3 14,524 1.8 6.4 15,329 1.6 7.5 15,849 1.6 5.3
Baringo 12,275 2.2 5.0 10,937 1.6 5.2 13,877 1.3 5.5 13,538 2.8 5.2 14,163 2.1 5.2
Laikipia 11,914 2.8 7.8 10,718 2.5 5.2 14,048 2.8 5.3 13,701 3.3 6.5 15,514 3.4 10.0
Nakuru 45,828 3.6 5.0 40,816 4.1 5.3 51,419 3.4 5.9 54,010 3.6 5.5 56,832 3.6 5.8
Narok 15,010 1.5 3.8 11,378 2.2 4.0 16,898 2.2 5.8 20,202 1.9 4.6 21,156 1.5 4.3
Kajiado 17,448 2.8 4.1 15,395 2.8 7.0 20,913 4.2 5.7 25,193 3.5 4.8 27,262 3.8 5.2
Bomet 11,670 4.0 5.3 14,930 2.9 5.9 15,933 2.7 5.5 18,255 2.9 4.7 18,570 2.3 4.6
Kericho 20,225 1.7 6.0 14,928 3.0 5.9 20,364 3.4 4.3 22,679 3.9 5.7 22,875 3.0 6.2
Kakamega 42,218 2.4 3.6 37,489 3.3 3.8 44,530 3.8 4.5 45,107 4.4 4.7 44,819 3.0 5.3
Vihiga 11,861 2.1 2.1 8,755 1.3 2.6 12,341 1.2 2.8 12,824 1.9 2.6 11,639 1.8 3.9
Bungoma 38,598 2.5 3.5 36,187 3.0 4.2 45,341 2.8 4.0 45,640 2.9 4.0 48,323 2.5 4.4
Busia 17,684 3.0 4.2 13,428 2.4 4.5 20,167 3.5 4.7 20,099 5.0 6.8 18,479 5.1 6.4
Siaya 23,983 1.9 3.5 20,598 2.9 4.0 25,144 2.6 3.8 26,761 2.4 4.5 27,741 2.1 5.1
Kisumu 28,615 3.9 6.2 24,824 3.0 5.2 32,372 4.5 5.5 31,147 4.2 6.1 31,628 3.7 5.9
Homabay 26,793 2.4 3.0 22,387 2.9 3.5 27,007 3.4 4.1 28,300 2.1 4.2 29,160 2.0 4.2
Kisii 32,694 2.9 4.2 28,367 3.1 3.8 31,430 1.4 4.1 31,080 3.5 3.1 32,352 2.0 3.9
Migori 30,472 4.0 4.0 26,644 4.9 3.7 36,873 4.0 3.6 37,745 4.6 4.2 38,341 3.0 4.9
Nyamira 18,475 0.6 4.8 12,101 0.6 1.6 12,122 1.0 3.4 13,772 0.5 4.0 14,115 0.5 2.6
Nairobi City 114,853 3.7 5.5 113,705 4.6 4.9 126,163 4.2 5.2 132,352 4.3 4.8 128,777 4.2 4.6
Source: Ministry of Health-Kenya Health Information System
Table 16.8: Registered Deaths by Sex, 2016 - 2020

Male Female
Year (Per Total Sex Ratio (Males Per
Cent) (Per Cent) (Number) 100 Females)
2016 54.8 45.2 189,930 121
2017 55.2 44.8 190,877 123
2018 55.5 44.5 192,019 124
2019 55.6 44.4 191,495 125
2020* 56.6 43.4 184,185 130
Source: Civil Registration Services

Table 16.9: Registered Deaths by Place of Occurrence, 2016 - 2020

Facility (Per Community Total
Year Cent) (Per Cent) (Number)
2016 57.1 42.9 189,930
2017 53.1 46.9 190,877
2018 58.8 41.2 192,019
2019 57.4 42.6 191,495
2020* 53.4 46.6 184,185
Source: Civil Registration Services


Table 16.10: Coverage Rates of Deaths, 2016 - 2020

Registered Deaths Coverage
Year (Number) (Number) (Per Cent)
2016 189,930 453,286 41.9
2017 190,877 463,607 41.2
2018 192,019 473,927 40.5
2019 191,495 443,764 43.2
2020* 184,185 500,808 36.8
Source: Civil Regristration Services

Table 16.11: Deaths by Age and Sex of the Deceased, 2016 - 2020

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Age Both Both Both Both Both
Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes Male Female Sexes
Under 1 11,009 10,466 21,475 9,484 10,411 19,895 10,598 9,752 20,350 7,778 7,355 15,133 9,148 9,647 18,795
1-4 4,388 3,823 8,211 3,763 4,425 8,188 3,958 3,345 7,303 3,019 2,571 5,590 3,641 2,163 5,804
5 - 14 6,785 5,241 12,026 3,809 4,796 8,605 7,017 5,316 12,333 2,857 2,249 5,106 3,475 2,619 6,094
15 - 24 11,489 9,570 21,059 5,366 7,011 12,377 11,383 9,026 20,409 4,375 2,935 7,310 5,935 3,597 9,532
25 - 34 13,290 10,069 23,359 9,551 11,536 21,087 13,671 9,578 23,249 7,832 5,437 13,269 10,385 6,767 17,152
35 - 44 12,267 8,390 20,657 9,652 13,456 23,108 12,518 8,788 21,306 8,872 5,702 14,574 12,163 7,426 19,589
45 - 54 4,712 3,848 8,560 8,365 12,414 20,779 4,558 3,680 8,238 8,115 5,197 13,312 11,506 7,160 18,666
55 - 74 22,041 15,750 37,791 16,523 22,714 39,237 23,020 16,485 39,505 18,612 13,353 31,965 26,434 17,438 43,872

75+ 18,149 18,643 36,792 19,086 18,515 37,601 19,595 19,731 39,326 14,263 15,498 29,761 19,479 21,786 41,265
Age NS1 - - - - - - - - - 30,991 24,484 55,475 2,017 1,399 3,416
Total 104,130 85,800 189,930 85,599 105,278 190,877 106,318 85,701 192,019 106,714 84,781 191,495 104,183 80,002 184,185
Source: Civil Registration Services
Data (Not Stated-NS) was affected by change of data collecting System
Table 16.12: Registered Deaths by County, 2016 - 2020
County 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
KENYA 189,930 190,877 192,019 191,495 184,185
Mombasa........................................... 5,964 5,719 5,856 6,220 5,819
Kwale ................................................ 2,544 2,631 2,629 3,037 2,965
Kilifi .................................................... 5,326 5,307 5,477 5,253 5,180
Tana River ......................................... 706 602 559 953 528
Lamu ................................................. 469 447 427 436 478
Taita Taveta....................................... 1,752 1,833 1,780 1,650 1,666
Garissa .............................................. 760 556 633 587 394
Wajir .................................................. 377 332 464 737 289
Mandera ............................................ 488 445 504 449 323
Marsabit ............................................ 1,367 580 648 949 679
Isiolo .................................................. 616 464 620 571 581
Meru .................................................. 6,522 6,640 7,247 6,339 6,243
Tharaka Nithi ..................................... 1,839 1,912 1,852 1,815 2,072
Embu.................................................. 3,311 3,239 3,639 3,571 3,438
Kitui ................................................... 4,558 4,747 5,238 4,041 4,900
Machakos........................................... 7,227 7,596 7,063 10,154 6,533
Makueni ............................................. 4,482 4,154 4,870 4,121 4,275
Nyandarua ......................................... 2,833 2,875 2,786 2,549 2,332
Nyeri .................................................. 4,912 4,785 5,067 4,898 5,318
Kirinyaga ........................................... 3,020 3,371 3,250 2,978 3,457
Muranga ............................................ 5,526 5,677 5,721 5,240 6,197
Kiambu .............................................. 9,766 10,374 10,720 10,510 10,281
Turkana ............................................. 2,121 2,439 1,814 1,917 1,923
West Pokot ........................................ 928 728 1,074 941 1,171
Samburu............................................. 352 344 348 355 320
Trans Nzoia ....................................... 3,790 4,321 3,699 4,442 3,957
Uasin Gishu ....................................... 6,139 6,163 7,039 6,950 6,493
Elgeyo Marakwet................................ 1,197 1,039 1,372 1,092 1,186
Nandi ................................................. 2,359 2,504 2,293 2,704 2,365
Baringo .............................................. 1,388 1,632 1,583 1,251 1,105
Laikipia .............................................. 1,717 2,072 2,404 2,320 2,301
Nakuru ............................................... 9,271 8,966 9,761 9,066 9,697
Narok ................................................. 1,612 1,318 1,187 1,517 1,499
Kajiado............................................... 1,764 1,701 1,866 1,725 2,213
Bomet ................................................ 2,942 3,140 2,780 2,728 3,441
Kericho............................................... 3,150 2,925 3,780 3,657 2,545
Kakamega ......................................... 9,230 9,691 9,355 9,659 8,900
Vihiga ................................................ 3,951 4,961 3,945 4,023 3,911
Bungoma............................................ 6,211 6,973 6,509 7,346 6,446
Busia.................................................. 4,119 4,341 4,187 4,576 3,837
Siaya ................................................. 6,725 6,386 6,105 6,148 5,627
Kisumu............................................... 7,823 7,761 6,920 6,537 6,567
Homabay ........................................... 3,738 3,996 3,800 3,133 3,154
Kisii .................................................... 6,961 7,074 6,782 7,269 2,820
Migori ................................................ 3,476 3,056 3,170 2,837 6,283
Nyamira ............................................. 2,097 1,866 1,789 1,494 1,740
Nairobi City......................................... 22,504 21,194 21,407 20,750 20,736
Source: Civil Registration Services

Table 16.13: Hospital Foetal, Neonatal and Maternal Deaths by County, 2016 -2020
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
County Live Total Still Neonatal Maternal Live Total Still Neonatal Maternal Total Still Neonatal Maternal Total Still Neonatal Maternal Foetal Neonatal Maternal
Live births Live births Live births
births Births deaths Deaths births Births deaths Deaths Births deaths Deaths Births deaths Deaths Deaths deaths Deaths
Kenya 968,671 21,251 11,141 1,276 865,698 20,047 8,171 1,045 1,078,631 22,387 11,380 1,032 1,127,261 22,818 11,745 1,076 1,143,987 22,627 10,847 1,332
Mombasa 28,651 1,048 375 52 29,710 1,077 387 56 33,398 1,029 547 50 34,146 814 509 76 30,053 754 297 73
Kwale 20,473 464 145 42 14,230 424 95 42 22,164 511 141 14 23,592 556 169 9 23,334 473 162 41
Kilifi 32,795 890 199 37 24,369 893 185 31 38,865 1,033 198 41 40,385 998 203 33 40,103 941 253 50
Tana River 4,587 156 24 20 3,311 138 19 6 5,537 232 43 10 6,616 231 27 10 6,449 193 20 8
Lamu 2,508 102 39 8 2,664 100 42 9 3,377 94 27 2 3,751 120 40 1 3,781 100 43 7
Taita Taveta 6,688 159 53 9 4,926 134 49 6 7,677 158 61 7 6,763 123 38 2 7,448 175 75 8
Garissa 11,278 274 74 28 10,931 213 82 17 14,378 343 103 29 14,457 299 69 31 19,393 538 104 65
Wajir 11,683 240 44 14 10,802 258 62 19 11,831 252 73 9 11,856 277 67 12 11,010 281 66 14
Mandera 13,034 314 12 14 13,060 309 9 6 20,898 519 34 17 19,670 450 25 22 20,852 477 32 20
Marsabit 6,065 199 43 10 4,860 153 35 12 9,060 243 50 13 9,274 291 53 16 9,454 280 40 12
Isiolo 4,357 129 48 6 3,402 70 18 2 5,256 123 29 6 5,255 112 51 9 5,029 136 50 6
Meru 29,250 650 311 65 28,364 534 268 68 28,914 650 370 23 31,427 602 366 40 30,764 613 321 29
Tharaka Nithi 6,404 277 85 7 5,238 190 70 4 7,647 137 92 9 7,342 118 83 3 7,996 130 73 3
Embu 10,945 238 208 12 8,617 240 122 9 12,134 305 290 12 13,377 286 221 17 12,731 274 160 14
Kitui 16,432 599 177 28 15,886 394 149 16 20,315 508 165 17 20,995 388 214 19 20,601 474 239 29
Machakos 25,055 385 319 29 21,810 325 149 15 25,809 484 209 8 26,253 563 210 15 26,102 519 216 27
Makueni 15,632 356 180 13 14,664 340 99 18 17,841 423 157 14 18,362 341 160 15 19,804 358 177 25
Nyandarua 10,281 146 83 10 9,199 130 52 2 10,297 168 50 8 10,935 201 53 12 11,029 187 46 11
Nyeri 14,129 263 166 13 13,890 287 173 17 14,907 330 148 21 16,140 268 191 19 16,052 302 156 16
Kirinyaga 11,017 150 144 12 11,427 215 123 4 11,622 164 101 6 11,361 159 72 9 12,902 222 86 11
Muranga 15,853 298 159 6 15,303 226 108 19 16,910 320 146 11 17,371 308 162 13 19,729 385 171 26
Kiambu 59,999 1,031 671 38 54,280 927 470 38 65,857 1,201 926 51 68,964 1,211 877 44 66,464 1,124 686 58
Turkana 12,501 296 153 34 12,718 244 158 26 17,937 362 207 30 21,256 387 192 21 20,525 378 234 23

West Pokot 9,739 350 123 13 8,002 375 87 12 12,912 365 105 18 13,811 394 158 16 16,213 440 136 16
Samburu 3,997 92 47 9 3,870 78 26 3 5,108 93 25 8 5,515 129 46 9 5,604 146 102 7
Trans Nzoia 15,163 353 209 25 10,682 238 111 15 17,730 372 236 24 19,733 370 271 17 20,082 481 255 9
Uasin Gishu 25,678 744 514 37 25,488 620 534 25 28,021 497 702 32 30,420 474 642 29 31,547 500 458 30
Elgeyo Marakwet 9,811 185 84 12 8,118 236 123 1 10,763 207 98 6 10,499 200 77 2 11,341 228 63 6
Nandi 14,050 291 109 10 12,290 261 50 5 14,524 325 120 7 15,329 362 100 8 15,849 326 79 7
Baringo 12,275 264 78 11 10,937 276 52 16 13,877 223 79 8 13,538 267 114 17 14,163 295 130 5
Laikipia 11,914 273 102 13 10,718 211 73 9 14,048 335 107 10 13,701 292 102 16 15,514 313 132 20
Nakuru 45,828 890 597 49 40,816 1,023 354 27 51,419 955 717 51 54,010 1,068 686 51 56,832 1,003 521 63
Narok 15,010 338 98 27 11,378 523 82 16 16,898 589 109 8 20,202 933 120 12 21,156 462 124 22
Kajiado 17,448 463 121 17 15,395 338 102 15 20,913 416 146 20 25,193 558 192 11 27,262 551 153 29
Bomet 11,670 390 109 17 14,930 426 200 15 15,933 332 116 18 18,255 436 147 15 18,570 452 76 11
Kericho 20,225 566 258 21 14,928 467 163 6 20,364 472 227 25 22,679 644 296 15 22,875 569 346 22
Kakamega 42,218 836 397 51 37,489 777 230 38 44,530 893 494 43 45,107 852 505 52 44,819 768 542 45
Vihiga 11,861 262 101 14 8,755 209 38 45 12,341 229 69 15 12,824 236 81 12 11,639 266 84 5
Bungoma 38,598 591 393 33 36,187 633 261 47 45,341 669 448 26 45,640 652 423 29 48,323 749 565 46
Busia 17,684 412 172 23 13,428 350 78 19 20,167 485 172 13 20,099 455 198 16 18,479 412 185 24
Siaya 23,983 469 207 27 20,598 468 166 19 25,144 598 246 13 26,761 640 290 12 27,741 570 250 32
Kisumu 28,615 663 342 64 24,824 644 197 42 32,372 671 399 49 31,147 606 308 55 31,628 652 400 75
Homabay 26,793 441 234 27 22,387 441 104 25 27,007 434 191 19 28,300 472 175 24 29,160 538 196 24
Kisii 32,694 519 496 34 28,367 473 202 15 31,430 544 319 40 31,080 457 253 35 32,352 415 215 28
Migori 30,472 544 133 29 26,644 448 108 23 36,873 494 171 36 37,745 520 173 35 38,341 527 185 46
Nyamira 18,475 177 94 13 12,101 76 27 5 12,122 180 44 1 13,772 214 126 2 14,115 163 92 5
Nairobi City 114,853 2,474 2,411 193 113,705 2,635 1,879 160 126,163 2,420 1,873 134 132,352 2,484 2,210 138 128,777 2,487 1,851 179
Source: Ministry of Health-Kenya Health Information System
Table 16.14: Confirmed Covid-19 Positive Cases and Deaths by Month, 2020

Month Positive Cases Deaths

March ............................................................... 84 5
April................................................................... 350 18
May................................................................... 1,694 57
June.................................................................. 4,723 125
July.................................................................... 14,594 317
August............................................................... 12,856 248
September......................................................... 4,412 128
October.............................................................. 17,157 307
November.......................................................... 28,296 388
December.......................................................... 12,446 163
Total 96,612 1,756
Source: Ministry of Health, Kenya Health Information System

Table 16.15: Outpatient Morbidity for Persons Below Age 5 Years by County, 2020

Condition Kenya Mombasa Kwale Kilifi Tana River Lamu Taita Taveta Garissa Wajir Mandera
Reporting Rates ( Per Cent)................................ 97% 100% 94% 93% 93% 93% 95% 92% 90% 88%
All other diseases ................................................. 2,712,006 92,853 71,562 114,584 14,517 168,819 19,851 23,777 18,795 80,594
Amoebiasis .......................................................... 16,553 60 10 72 412 46 17 204 208 20
Anaemia cases .................................................... 47,148 1,618 1,402 1,998 441 678 242 946 542 2,995
Asthma ................................................................ 72,852 3,195 3,532 5,944 1,090 554 708 3,351 460 1,800
Autism .................................................................. 764 9 4 15 1 4 6
Bilharzia (Schistosomiasis) .................................. 6,834 64 565 458 554 678 28 2,227 75 168
Brucellosis ........................................................... 3,830 10 3 8 16 61 5 46
Burns ................................................................... 93,333 1,266 2,464 4,520 522 547 691 1,088 1,763 2,146
Cardiovascular conditions ..................................... 2,998 48 21 64 2 12 14 2 7 7
Cerebral Palsy ..................................................... 3,820 60 66 191 1 6 7 9 4 16
Chicken Pox ......................................................... 32,315 1,074 1,117 3,613 453 131 239 171 134 78
Chikungunya ........................................................ 47 1
Cholera ................................................................ 289 3 1 10
Confirmed Malaria (only Positive cases) ............... 1,001,404 8,062 48,515 53,568 1,606 112 286 2,597 161 409
Cutaneous leishmaniasis ...................................... 256
Deaths due to Road Traffic Injuries ...................... 1,084 160 3 12 14 7 1 36
Dental Disorders .................................................. 47,499 731 828 747 151 311 267 470 294 695
Diabetes ............................................................... 5,581 73 154 87 11 35 90 62 37 141
Diarrhoea ............................................................. 967,552 20,369 20,350 38,523 12,757 6,598 5,081 14,675 18,522 37,183
Diarrhoea with no dehydration .............................. 253,037 4,987 4,833 9,794 4,638 1,818 1,705 5,584 9,745 9,985
Diarrhoea with severe dehydration ....................... 2,839 49 37 113 45 3 2 67 141 154
Diarrhoea with some dehydration ......................... 33,716 249 244 545 190 13 175 527 725 7,527
Dengue fever ....................................................... 620 51 2 43 15 4 2 315
Disease of the skin ............................................... 1,208,465 24,144 54,966 110,218 9,542 12,160 11,539 12,000 9,205 18,176
Dog Bites ............................................................. 8,943 43 156 170 36 29 51 25 14 11
Down's syndrome.................................................. 2,478 39 110 45 31 17 20 81 2 31
Dysentery (Bloody Diarrhoea) .............................. 16,929 131 1,406 1,789 271 72 93 205 80 946
Ear Infections/ Conditions ..................................... 264,814 5,398 7,478 14,121 2,734 1,837 1,300 5,384 8,795 11,796
Epilepsy ............................................................... 5,322 88 103 194 15 35 40 68 43 90
Eye Infections ...................................................... 254,385 2,666 5,716 8,672 1,858 912 1,397 3,678 5,616 7,840
Gastroenterirtis .................................................... 32,848 411 82 1,533 364 152 192 1,848 543 1,360
Hepatitis ............................................................... 1,448 33 45 23 43 1 1 6 4 17
Hypoxaemia (Spo2<90%) .................................... 743 17 7 1 1 8
Intestinal worms ................................................... 261,637 1,951 3,929 4,508 1,355 2,737 384 6,528 5,154 12,075
Jiggers Infestation ................................................ 6,645 222 602 340 168 47 112 13 18
Leishmaniaisis(Kalazar) ....................................... 577 3 24 36
Lower Respiratory Tract Infections ....................... 107,182 1,950 2,678 2,454 1,741 919 738 1,314 1,129 2,554
Malnutrition .......................................................... 36,237 1,003 645 1,356 282 352 212 1,589 2,996 3,940
Measles ............................................................... 6,185 62 25 100 570 10 1 22 26 10
Meningococcal Meningitis ..................................... 1,156 12 14 30 292 1 5 1
Mental Disorders .................................................. 10,324 991 494 110 147 233 138 152 66 197
Mumps ................................................................. 21,000 317 444 906 230 188 136 105 144 115
Neonatal Sepsis ................................................... 3,838 37 19 173 56 25 22 118 22 17
Neonatal Tetanus ................................................. 914 14 12 23 96 1 5
Other Diseases Of Respiratory System ................ 694,143 18,211 24,784 22,737 7,684 3,900 6,180 7,656 3,438 21,773
Other Bites ........................................................... 18,045 149 148 253 51 88 84 223 464 1,284
Other Central Nervous System Conditions ........... 1,863 16 32 8 2 1 1
Other Convulsive Disorders .................................. 13,508 257 532 138 16 17 54 8 14 15
Other Eye conditions ............................................ 53,705 1,708 1,703 1,682 321 375 284 489 1,190 1,489
Other injuries ........................................................ 180,466 3,769 3,713 6,946 666 1,206 1,308 1,375 1,652 2,797
Other Meningitis ................................................... 2,777 20 8 5 48 4 5 2 36
Plague ................................................................. 2
Pneumonia ........................................................... 496,188 10,562 13,479 21,085 6,539 2,999 3,641 8,687 10,327 21,755
Poisoning ............................................................. 9,665 1,718 111 481 33 62 80 33 97 115
Poliomyelitis (AFP) ............................................... 847 11 4 4 45 9 2 1
Presumed Tuberculosis ........................................ 5,265 182 94 227 31 12 43 51 2 6
Referrals from Community Unit ............................ 141,934 593 1,367 2,541 3,281 252 43 2,523 2,041 717
Referrals to Community Unit ................................ 135,855 799 2,276 1,646 746 147 8 1,287 1,735 204
Rheumatic Fever .................................................. 1,439 21 9 3 44
Rickets ................................................................. 6,619 111 95 9 5 5 4 2 6 19
Rift valley fever .................................................... 155
Road Traffic Injuries ............................................. 27,707 1,226 298 953 151 259 256 93 101 867
Sexual Violence ................................................... 4,268 74 67 178 44 13 22 31 7 26
Severe pneumonia ............................................... 11,050 69 25 316 86 57 28 304 116 86
Snake Bites .......................................................... 4,153 53 84 131 133 19 47 56 232 92
Suspected anthrax ............................................... 3
Suspected Childhood Cancers ............................. 125 1 1
Suspected Malaria .............................................. 1,871,220 21,469 100,249 72,315 2,987 458 365 3,209 901 5,396
Tested for Malaria ................................................ 1,157,359 11,642 11,548 25,270 901 119 2,586 4,733 395 953
Tetanus ................................................................ 2,654 101 106 14 159 11 9 17 4 18
Tonsilitis ............................................................... 380,673 9,399 3,712 6,028 1,447 1,945 1,872 8,280 7,550 16,380
Tryponosomiasis .................................................. 352 4 2
Typhoid fever ....................................................... 24,200 151 172 113 373 98 31 816 723 744
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections ....................... 4,655,210 68,984 133,908 184,566 37,435 25,597 36,851 56,756 80,515 76,010
Urinary Tract Infection .......................................... 138,119 2,491 2,453 5,859 893 818 768 4,840 5,845 7,991
Violence related injuries ....................................... 2,442 39 12 109 26 6 9 10 27 39
Viral Haemorrhagic Fever ..................................... 129 1
Yellow fever cases ............................................... 477 2
New Visits............................................................ 9,447,502 182,032 240,180 372,100 76,595 39,655 75,896 120,532 159,452 233,467
Re-visits............................................................... 5,919,679 157,988 188,281 283,332 36,454 39,611 43,110 51,500 47,091 105,282
Source: Ministry of Health, Kenya Health Information System

Table 16.15: Outpatient Morbidity for Persons Below Age 5 Years by County, 2020

Condition Marsabit Isiolo Meru Tharaka Nithi Embu Kitui Machakos Makueni Nyandarua Nyeri
Reporting Rates ( Per Cent)................................ 98% 79% 96% 100% 100% 97% 99% 95% 100% 99%
All other diseases ................................................. 19,270 17,519 92,071 43,333 51,361 48,023 70,413 70,900 33,018 57,200
Amoebiasis .......................................................... 9 151 318 1,023 1,032 784 415 663 163 466
Anaemia cases .................................................... 504 419 1,746 290 399 739 503 419 113 273
Asthma ................................................................ 372 817 2,032 641 402 1,507 1,082 1,380 396 1,914
Autism .................................................................. 4 4 1 15 18 2
Bilharzia (Schistosomiasis) .................................. 1 17 68 59 16 32 29 1 2
Brucellosis ........................................................... 40 132 122 1 24 13 13 1 17 4
Burns ................................................................... 769 525 2,915 974 984 2,110 4,310 2,367 1,021 1,791
Cardiovascular conditions ..................................... 6 53 63 7 36 23 6 5 12
Cerebral Palsy ..................................................... 1 12 27 17 24 44 57 108 4 18
Chicken Pox ......................................................... 15 109 785 174 230 281 452 244 497 672
Chikungunya ........................................................
Cholera ................................................................ 31 10
Confirmed Malaria (only Positive cases) ............... 999 1,562 1,228 689 301 652 417 165 63 38
Cutaneous leishmaniasis ......................................
Deaths due to Road Traffic Injuries ...................... 4 59 11 18 2 87
Dental Disorders .................................................. 241 410 649 570 1,444 474 934 2,553 882 1,405
Diabetes ............................................................... 10 2 120 14 18 95 210 47 39 30
Diarrhoea ............................................................. 16,612 6,135 20,083 7,248 8,241 15,160 29,525 18,490 8,169 10,003
Diarrhoea with no dehydration .............................. 2,855 1,699 4,589 2,494 2,264 3,540 7,006 5,115 2,168 3,289
Diarrhoea with severe dehydration ....................... 4 165 16 9 10 20 38 39 24
Diarrhoea with some dehydration ......................... 2,716 143 229 95 111 149 765 387 20 195
Dengue fever ....................................................... 1
Disease of the skin ............................................... 7,240 4,927 32,382 19,012 18,704 41,397 37,245 40,376 11,366 19,189
Dog Bites ............................................................. 56 50 268 110 64 334 351 307 119 185
Down's syndrome.................................................. 2 3 70 8 6 140 63 56 5 8
Dysentery (Bloody Diarrhoea) .............................. 446 220 305 327 47 218 222 256 16 37
Ear Infections/ Conditions ..................................... 2,988 2,191 11,298 3,021 1,541 4,395 10,573 4,535 1,931 2,920
Epilepsy ............................................................... 53 4 122 63 68 88 60 125 45 50
Eye Infections ...................................................... 3,472 2,669 8,350 3,405 3,263 5,820 7,909 7,086 3,011 4,645
Gastroenterirtis .................................................... 234 94 203 226 1,040 605 522 34 538
Hepatitis ............................................................... 1 1 20 9 3 9 6 1 1
Hypoxaemia (Spo2<90%) .................................... 1 4 8 17 55 1 10
Intestinal worms ................................................... 3,237 2,451 34,829 12,624 9,730 11,054 6,738 7,232 5,497 2,464
Jiggers Infestation ................................................ 41 147 207 82 10 35 58 53 63 147
Leishmaniaisis(Kalazar) ....................................... 5 1 9
Lower Respiratory Tract Infections ....................... 964 616 10,234 859 890 1,582 2,021 1,138 1,733 3,062
Malnutrition .......................................................... 291 314 927 287 622 757 905 970 67 622
Measles ............................................................... 2 9 18 21 3 40 22 4 66 5
Meningococcal Meningitis ..................................... 4 13 10 5 12 32 1 1
Mental Disorders .................................................. 29 35 345 82 45 207 314 195 77 152
Mumps ................................................................. 104 50 292 321 219 478 294 478 245 401
Neonatal Sepsis ................................................... 2 2 40 56 139 150 124 1 77
Neonatal Tetanus ................................................. 3 15 1 33 16 1
Other Diseases Of Respiratory System ................ 4,357 3,493 16,997 6,484 7,794 13,988 19,064 13,548 6,400 18,355
Other Bites ........................................................... 164 231 441 134 105 524 512 377 267 454
Other Central Nervous System Conditions ........... 1 14 4 3 8 175 2 28
Other Convulsive Disorders .................................. 9 39 538 116 240 144 256 232 61 327
Other Eye conditions ............................................ 237 229 1,765 436 435 1,456 1,637 1,022 442 930
Other injuries ........................................................ 1,111 875 4,285 1,188 1,678 3,286 6,755 5,045 2,450 5,286
Other Meningitis ................................................... 5 29 26 5 80 33 7 4 16
Plague .................................................................
Pneumonia ........................................................... 8,779 6,499 13,247 7,254 6,419 5,088 14,685 9,725 5,761 6,962
Poisoning ............................................................. 30 31 214 100 79 158 207 382 121 217
Poliomyelitis (AFP) ............................................... 1 9 1 1
Presumed Tuberculosis ........................................ 8 7 75 78 47 60 19 25 5 57
Referrals from Community Unit ............................ 3,011 77 271 618 128 383 1,223 881 69 242
Referrals to Community Unit ................................ 355 7 140 545 73 325 599 208 68 37
Rheumatic Fever .................................................. 118 1 28 6 1 7 1
Rickets ................................................................. 8 56 38 77 21 42 8 29 122
Rift valley fever .................................................... 82
Road Traffic Injuries ............................................. 97 60 965 113 69 416 378 261 79 153
Sexual Violence ................................................... 30 6 80 12 20 55 64 72 36 76
Severe pneumonia ............................................... 29 54 120 190 52 171 166 23 135
Snake Bites .......................................................... 53 23 168 17 58 86 103 81 12 61
Suspected anthrax ...............................................
Suspected Childhood Cancers ............................. 1 2
Suspected Malaria .............................................. 3,330 1,822 2,929 1,826 944 3,622 6,702 3,279 265 88
Tested for Malaria ................................................ 1,177 1,765 726 2,252 2,054 1,004 6,092 1,263 373 57
Tetanus ................................................................ 1 72 61 592 166 12 50
Tonsilitis ............................................................... 4,729 5,218 20,673 4,808 5,316 5,260 11,687 7,293 4,246 13,337
Tryponosomiasis .................................................. 17 7 6
Typhoid fever ....................................................... 438 684 338 90 90 194 190 103 204 8
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections ....................... 42,816 36,083 164,825 60,023 63,115 116,808 135,223 112,253 70,973 106,393
Urinary Tract Infection .......................................... 2,429 1,790 6,042 1,718 1,533 2,695 3,002 2,056 795 1,662
Violence related injuries ....................................... 8 190 4 7 37 73 18 27 43
Viral Haemorrhagic Fever .....................................
Yellow fever cases ............................................... 8 1
New Visits............................................................ 85,705 79,335 294,082 112,402 115,440 212,699 257,135 187,863 118,836 177,259
Re-visits............................................................... 235,657 46,073 147,578 76,554 111,427 143,541 196,336 184,712 53,966 122,059
Source: Ministry of Health, Kenya Health Information System

Table 16.15: Outpatient Morbidity for Persons Below Age 5 Years by County, 2020

Condition Kirinyaga Muranga Kiambu Turkana West Pokot Samburu Trans Nzoia Uasin Gishu Nandi
Reporting Rates ( Per Cent)................................ 100% 100% 100% 98% 97% 95% 98% 97% 93% 97%
All other diseases ................................................. 65,866 53,777 132,102 40,840 28,146 20,107 31,353 57,085 19,596 43,058
Amoebiasis .......................................................... 3,052 639 1,544 179 28 82 25 9 67 154
Anaemia cases .................................................... 225 288 1,194 1,998 499 209 952 524 182 334
Asthma ................................................................ 1,374 1,172 4,343 744 174 521 663 932 248 595
Autism .................................................................. 6 9 51 1 2 2 3 32 2
Bilharzia (Schistosomiasis) .................................. 19 109 107 2 2 52 7 33
Brucellosis ........................................................... 4 15 24 132 241 37 42 22 4 119
Burns ................................................................... 1,321 1,842 3,973 2,171 2,745 1,309 1,178 1,945 1,532 2,044
Cardiovascular conditions ..................................... 8 6 88 43 185 3 11 258 23 14
Cerebral Palsy ..................................................... 25 44 422 30 3 7 39 81 72 4
Chicken Pox ......................................................... 630 679 2,451 555 306 180 469 760 373 808
Chikungunya ........................................................
Cholera ................................................................ 77
Confirmed Malaria (only Positive cases) ............... 37 67 959 97,206 31,307 2,783 17,607 4,147 4,157 6,998
Cutaneous leishmaniasis ...................................... 16 1
Deaths due to Road Traffic Injuries ...................... 41 7 17 5 1 18
Dental Disorders .................................................. 2,067 931 2,283 387 854 104 112 2,740 220 798
Diabetes ............................................................... 5 82 155 94 87 39 21 63 12 51
Diarrhoea ............................................................. 22,822 13,625 38,282 47,160 28,475 13,030 11,761 22,915 14,254 17,440
Diarrhoea with no dehydration .............................. 5,419 4,702 8,907 11,689 8,567 3,007 3,901 4,610 3,834 3,631
Diarrhoea with severe dehydration ....................... 11 13 161 221 51 69 1 10 19 28
Diarrhoea with some dehydration ......................... 113 107 907 3,013 172 275 159 910 25 224
Dengue fever ....................................................... 2 13
Disease of the skin ............................................... 28,458 29,454 43,474 20,240 24,085 6,019 11,023 24,900 12,728 23,646
Dog Bites ............................................................. 116 166 518 460 135 356 116 307 144 243
Down's syndrome.................................................. 5 80 63 65 54 7 14 143 9 8
Dysentery (Bloody Diarrhoea) .............................. 262 52 345 930 450 380 93 57 138 37
Ear Infections/ Conditions ..................................... 3,380 3,062 20,861 8,351 2,133 3,225 1,528 4,200 1,868 3,484
Epilepsy ............................................................... 61 39 173 194 49 56 33 155 78 89
Eye Infections ...................................................... 5,939 4,854 11,322 14,594 4,134 6,351 1,983 5,349 2,320 4,265
Gastroenterirtis .................................................... 2,108 379 2,019 1,380 981 648 333 562 424 339
Hepatitis ............................................................... 4 4 36 124 8 4 25 27 1 8
Hypoxaemia (Spo2<90%) .................................... 70 32 17 8
Intestinal worms ................................................... 8,341 17,692 15,353 3,109 1,367 767 1,027 641 1,544 3,131
Jiggers Infestation ................................................ 105 198 194 20 75 56 68 73 28 205
Leishmaniaisis(Kalazar) ....................................... 34 104 24 34
Lower Respiratory Tract Infections ....................... 3,816 3,918 5,674 4,366 982 1,493 1,445 3,056 846 1,464
Malnutrition .......................................................... 381 200 1,860 1,093 254 343 217 127 65 267
Measles ............................................................... 1 92 164 24 228 356 21 49 18 137
Meningococcal Meningitis ..................................... 3 18 24 33 1 116 2 17 2 2
Mental Disorders .................................................. 97 164 410 229 103 107 35 148 18 143
Mumps ................................................................. 443 466 984 618 599 316 130 738 121 341
Neonatal Sepsis ................................................... 105 55 217 57 57 52 34 9 18 35
Neonatal Tetanus ................................................. 8 25 16 127 12 4
Other Diseases Of Respiratory System ................ 23,370 20,459 41,237 17,995 4,612 7,404 5,160 14,367 5,598 10,558
Other Bites ........................................................... 358 570 834 2,339 171 177 216 797 150 301
Other Central Nervous System Conditions ........... 9 14 265 4 1 1 13 92 1 13
Other Convulsive Disorders .................................. 422 260 1,791 138 38 24 139 542 31 87
Other Eye conditions ............................................ 1,278 908 2,247 1,432 533 464 465 2,240 440 708
Other injuries ........................................................ 4,771 3,966 11,167 3,674 2,843 1,191 2,801 7,960 3,712 5,639
Other Meningitis ................................................... 6 11 74 422 2 103 13
Plague .................................................................
Pneumonia ........................................................... 5,831 7,254 18,404 20,276 12,085 10,040 3,970 4,841 3,398 4,788
Poisoning ............................................................. 207 153 586 96 106 95 76 260 120 158
Poliomyelitis (AFP) ............................................... 2 1 4 3 1
Presumed Tuberculosis ........................................ 37 28 76 89 66 79 17 15 13 28
Referrals from Community Unit ............................ 41 132 824 28,915 4,929 2,228 1,098 865 107 149
Referrals to Community Unit ................................ 1 7 265 32,166 5,932 1,423 1,064 641 107 1
Rheumatic Fever .................................................. 17 40 5 1 3 1 2 4 3
Rickets ................................................................. 46 81 1,091 7 10 33 31 3
Rift valley fever .................................................... 73
Road Traffic Injuries ............................................. 313 468 627 567 299 91 368 494 61 2,571
Sexual Violence ................................................... 49 79 193 87 49 36 42 116 34 78
Severe pneumonia ............................................... 238 51 161 660 2,954 106 13 5 36 129
Snake Bites .......................................................... 46 106 63 404 67 116 41 186 22 67
Suspected anthrax ...............................................
Suspected Childhood Cancers ............................. 1 3 1 1 1
Suspected Malaria .............................................. 255 146 2,598 31,955 30,198 1,124 9,995 8,167 1,607 8,677
Tested for Malaria ................................................ 152 80 2,567 48,096 17,416 791 7,351 10,956 6,142 7,927
Tetanus ................................................................ 11 189 3 8 3 11 12 2 10
Tonsilitis ............................................................... 17,295 10,557 40,872 4,175 1,678 3,756 1,629 10,101 1,684 4,971
Tryponosomiasis .................................................. 15 15 15
Typhoid fever ....................................................... 91 116 1,118 549 2,729 221 279 267 96 103
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections ....................... 107,947 117,231 197,867 213,125 115,044 52,935 55,277 128,181 71,047 105,901
Urinary Tract Infection .......................................... 2,829 1,702 7,698 3,610 1,100 420 1,107 3,182 486 979
Violence related injuries ....................................... 14 26 85 104 37 13 32 89 18 27
Viral Haemorrhagic Fever .....................................
Yellow fever cases ............................................... 2 2
New Visits............................................................ 163,035 232,734 422,588 317,852 209,849 99,469 109,108 221,726 107,932 165,123
Re-visits............................................................... 134,698 132,779 347,281 174,291 54,093 40,501 38,921 102,852 36,836 72,869
Source: Ministry of Health, Kenya Health Information System

Table 16.15: Outpatient Morbidity for Persons Below Age 5 Years by County, 2020

Condition Baringo Laikipia Nakuru Narok Kajiado Kericho Bomet Kakamega Vihiga Bungoma
Reporting Rates ( Per Cent)................................ 99% 98% 100% 97% 87% 86% 99% 100% 97% 100%
All other diseases ................................................. 35,200 37,707 146,799 28,906 63,013 35,129 44,532 64,933 29,157 51,755
Amoebiasis .......................................................... 265 374 647 397 244 239 86 8 3 53
Anaemia cases .................................................... 666 2,120 1,200 516 1,310 428 296 1,246 406 2,383
Asthma ................................................................ 900 697 3,241 668 2,074 811 368 1,393 326 1,031
Autism .................................................................. 26 101 52 3 29 12 6 1 10
Bilharzia (Schistosomiasis) .................................. 66 32 59 26 33 16 1 29 12 128
Brucellosis ........................................................... 208 29 148 43 52 13 11 13 29 56
Burns ................................................................... 3,476 1,553 4,530 1,662 2,133 1,970 1,746 3,334 749 2,506
Cardiovascular conditions ..................................... 89 24 358 18 45 56 29 14 2 757
Cerebral Palsy ..................................................... 16 86 200 19 62 40 5 297 30 111
Chicken Pox ......................................................... 365 335 1,749 549 648 1,104 663 721 131 816
Chikungunya ........................................................ 6
Cholera ................................................................ 1 9 2
Confirmed Malaria (only Positive cases) ............... 15,483 156 3,445 4,089 1,297 5,477 400 124,631 23,279 94,979
Cutaneous leishmaniasis ......................................
Deaths due to Road Traffic Injuries ...................... 5 14 5 47 10 34 81 3 15
Dental Disorders .................................................. 739 869 5,796 261 1,057 1,075 422 572 154 924
Diabetes ............................................................... 114 54 870 75 118 36 35 103 43 274
Diarrhoea ............................................................. 16,987 11,179 42,492 15,542 29,165 20,923 25,115 30,916 5,210 21,208
Diarrhoea with no dehydration .............................. 4,275 2,913 11,808 6,551 7,803 5,040 6,745 8,176 1,121 6,422
Diarrhoea with severe dehydration ....................... 60 3 128 111 128 55 3 49 100
Diarrhoea with some dehydration ......................... 949 664 1,410 930 722 419 562 1,014 14 774
Dengue fever ....................................................... 45
Disease of the skin ............................................... 13,937 12,656 47,208 14,525 24,208 30,625 26,876 48,089 9,582 32,559
Dog Bites ............................................................. 473 220 398 357 235 137 161 171 19 329
Down's syndrome.................................................. 90 47 28 39 53 18 13 78 31 18
Dysentery (Bloody Diarrhoea) .............................. 694 68 376 500 460 83 65 324 23 533
Ear Infections/ Conditions ..................................... 3,108 8,886 18,702 2,860 11,516 5,201 2,213 5,147 1,228 3,475
Epilepsy ............................................................... 122 127 346 87 121 248 88 147 17 111
Eye Infections ...................................................... 5,479 4,902 12,555 4,556 11,507 3,802 3,173 6,548 941 4,693
Gastroenterirtis .................................................... 792 481 1,508 811 1,132 586 275 43 1,081
Hepatitis ............................................................... 97 15 42 33 13 12 3 330 1 17
Hypoxaemia (Spo2<90%) .................................... 1 23 25 2 9
Intestinal worms ................................................... 2,185 3,810 10,989 4,021 3,360 5,781 6,653 4,201 905 2,701
Jiggers Infestation ................................................ 69 46 164 82 136 197 12 498 105 238
Leishmaniaisis(Kalazar) ....................................... 26
Lower Respiratory Tract Infections ....................... 2,109 2,049 7,794 1,269 3,373 1,782 981 2,781 1,041 1,537
Malnutrition .......................................................... 428 387 1,005 698 861 263 127 528 269 692
Measles ............................................................... 33 21 165 108 130 145 53 686 4 49
Meningococcal Meningitis ..................................... 15 6 21 22 9 6 1 7 3 2
Mental Disorders .................................................. 240 71 802 134 420 65 237 150 38 160
Mumps ................................................................. 479 285 1,384 609 525 653 541 527 73 387
Neonatal Sepsis ................................................... 79 85 277 112 120 57 19 5 190
Neonatal Tetanus ................................................. 9 2 21 30 6 12 4 17 4
Other Diseases Of Respiratory System ................ 10,964 8,393 65,293 7,229 21,407 11,352 8,832 18,277 5,780 10,153
Other Bites ........................................................... 728 321 822 204 259 263 276 555 63 683
Other Central Nervous System Conditions ........... 27 22 31 4 17 10 11 4 30
Other Convulsive Disorders .................................. 130 280 1,074 88 259 127 98 246 127 140
Other Eye conditions ............................................ 651 576 3,985 616 1,657 1,072 776 1,203 135 1,133
Other injuries ........................................................ 3,391 2,457 7,589 3,014 3,940 6,734 5,146 6,331 1,709 6,299
Other Meningitis ................................................... 84 11 64 10 79 16 2 92 3
Plague .................................................................
Pneumonia ........................................................... 10,782 4,376 33,785 18,602 18,654 8,371 3,047 7,372 3,363 15,416
Poisoning ............................................................. 216 144 448 211 260 94 121 150 26 158
Poliomyelitis (AFP) ............................................... 1 8 6 2 48 147 6 11
Presumed Tuberculosis ........................................ 105 22 247 60 61 42 29 270 6 193
Referrals from Community Unit ............................ 5,198 56 4,969 2,199 140 283 963 10,341 2,478 5,078
Referrals to Community Unit ................................ 2,716 11 5,335 3,115 217 53 235 8,780 442 2,504
Rheumatic Fever .................................................. 46 4 38 10 2 32 11 2 214
Rickets ................................................................. 25 128 424 9 110 14 7 12 1 6
Rift valley fever ....................................................
Road Traffic Injuries ............................................. 269 747 2,085 410 745 378 368 755 227 749
Sexual Violence ................................................... 54 58 290 53 185 164 52 156 42 193
Severe pneumonia ............................................... 255 725 403 149 337 35 78 260 6 185
Snake Bites .......................................................... 75 37 98 36 83 47 71 93 16 103
Suspected anthrax ...............................................
Suspected Childhood Cancers ............................. 4
Suspected Malaria .............................................. 15,691 714 14,566 11,733 3,817 6,712 1,935 259,901 62,918 247,439
Tested for Malaria ................................................ 9,095 583 6,666 3,835 2,243 10,724 2,077 150,861 54,830 150,032
Tetanus ................................................................ 2 15 19 20 9 47 2 96 16 27
Tonsilitis ............................................................... 4,793 7,041 20,278 6,040 16,259 4,305 2,715 2,019 811 4,037
Tryponosomiasis .................................................. 2 3 1 4 3 6 3
Typhoid fever ....................................................... 1,347 145 882 493 261 133 39 483 122 493
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections ....................... 92,234 70,084 194,676 68,766 131,677 100,772 130,417 181,961 42,966 111,426
Urinary Tract Infection .......................................... 1,466 1,327 4,474 1,547 3,121 885 745 4,352 744 4,010
Violence related injuries ....................................... 72 9 68 54 51 17 27 115 10 138
Viral Haemorrhagic Fever .....................................
Yellow fever cases ............................................... 2
New Visits............................................................ 148,196 113,049 491,848 176,437 239,109 201,860 212,433 366,809 89,265 302,338
Re-visits............................................................... 68,297 95,443 283,021 39,534 162,594 91,692 70,188 214,779 41,022 147,536
Source: Ministry of Health, Kenya Health Information System

Table 16.15: Outpatient Morbidity for Persons Below Age 5 Years by County, 2020

Condition Busia Siaya Kisumu Homa Bay Migori Kisii Nyamira Nairobi City
Reporting Rates ( Per Cent)................................ 100% 100% 96% 100% 99% 86% 99% 87%
All other diseases ................................................. 34,968 40,206 55,992 39,533 55,247 44,938 17,611 285,990
Amoebiasis .......................................................... 14 20 81 28 212 108 33 1,889
Anaemia cases .................................................... 1,574 2,225 1,480 954 1,246 291 45 6,090
Asthma ................................................................ 822 1,013 984 3,341 714 1,098 404 11,024
Autism .................................................................. 4 23 25 46 2 3 3 227
Bilharzia (Schistosomiasis) .................................. 21 59 158 170 133 23 2 493
Brucellosis ........................................................... 2 15 8 83 126 11 10 1,817
Burns ................................................................... 1,040 1,842 1,398 1,831 1,581 1,733 1,555 5,861
Cardiovascular conditions ..................................... 10 72 11 80 42 72 7 285
Cerebral Palsy ..................................................... 35 15 226 67 16 68 19 1,109
Chicken Pox ......................................................... 154 220 578 901 727 757 712 3,505
Chikungunya ........................................................ 40
Cholera ................................................................ 2 143
Confirmed Malaria (only Positive cases) ............... 101,390 140,514 78,754 29,605 69,121 7,878 4,344 9,864
Cutaneous leishmaniasis ...................................... 3 68 83 85
Deaths due to Road Traffic Injuries ...................... 6 9 38 5 7 6 16 280
Dental Disorders .................................................. 363 530 579 653 377 889 284 7,403
Diabetes ............................................................... 23 26 38 50 102 267 20 1,449
Diarrhoea ............................................................. 17,649 15,341 20,524 18,802 35,651 16,540 8,215 72,605
Diarrhoea with no dehydration .............................. 4,285 2,921 4,410 4,030 4,275 4,063 2,000 19,824
Diarrhoea with severe dehydration ....................... 12 88 61 27 126 15 20 333
Diarrhoea with some dehydration ......................... 388 539 577 253 925 338 34 2,294
Dengue fever ....................................................... 63 7 14 43
Disease of the skin ............................................... 30,100 27,455 29,136 27,321 25,907 14,529 6,537 69,400
Dog Bites ............................................................. 87 210 147 196 150 64 64 585
Down's syndrome.................................................. 59 22 51 131 12 60 16 527
Dysentery (Bloody Diarrhoea) .............................. 411 268 373 573 479 189 87 1,592
Ear Infections/ Conditions ..................................... 2,593 2,938 4,656 3,616 3,343 2,983 2,507 23,514
Epilepsy ............................................................... 68 73 158 90 54 62 22 1,100
Eye Infections ...................................................... 3,919 3,613 4,062 4,216 2,925 3,327 2,167 22,904
Gastroenterirtis .................................................... 605 467 726 277 304 349 48 4,209
Hepatitis ............................................................... 2 23 30 48 38 65 3 211
Hypoxaemia (Spo2<90%) .................................... 40 13 27 12 334
Intestinal worms ................................................... 890 4,557 1,756 1,612 2,684 3,756 2,810 11,517
Jiggers Infestation ................................................ 121 212 181 398 98 163 66 472
Leishmaniaisis(Kalazar) ....................................... 1 16 12 89 7 152
Lower Respiratory Tract Infections ....................... 936 1,614 1,608 1,053 729 835 1,191 8,864
Malnutrition .......................................................... 413 684 534 606 587 225 136 4,850
Measles ............................................................... 12 79 122 105 225 214 97 1,831
Meningococcal Meningitis ..................................... 4 24 16 21 39 14 5 290
Mental Disorders .................................................. 33 133 142 123 104 106 33 1,870
Mumps ................................................................. 402 536 724 678 517 347 156 1,954
Neonatal Sepsis ................................................... 93 71 140 25 80 29 13 724
Neonatal Tetanus ................................................. 7 12 55 44 14 14 1 250
Other Diseases Of Respiratory System ................ 6,202 10,511 13,496 7,149 12,916 14,002 8,839 75,745
Other Bites ........................................................... 216 241 210 220 199 198 82 639
Other Central Nervous System Conditions ........... 184 121 66 26 3 6 131 462
Other Convulsive Disorders .................................. 126 318 275 72 67 76 47 3,473
Other Eye conditions ............................................ 467 454 2,584 769 903 559 488 7,132
Other injuries ........................................................ 2,189 2,411 2,954 2,541 2,542 4,114 2,994 10,996
Other Meningitis ................................................... 4 7 279 15 40 11 9 1,087
Plague ................................................................. 2
Pneumonia ........................................................... 3,409 5,630 9,442 7,534 13,110 12,402 6,261 40,252
Poisoning ............................................................. 59 126 91 95 92 138 78 1,032
Poliomyelitis (AFP) ............................................... 12 24 4 3 1 475
Presumed Tuberculosis ........................................ 393 189 397 57 531 150 3 1,033
Referrals from Community Unit ............................ 1,458 6,978 11,785 8,105 11,939 379 316 9,720
Referrals to Community Unit ................................ 2,157 12,259 12,310 8,138 11,792 45 223 12,711
Rheumatic Fever .................................................. 385 77 4 9 57 6 227
Rickets ................................................................. 1 6 22 10 3 14 12 3,856
Rift valley fever ....................................................
Road Traffic Injuries ............................................. 665 953 465 717 477 1,132 190 3,721
Sexual Violence ................................................... 54 125 69 69 81 210 112 625
Severe pneumonia ............................................... 161 624 138 35 163 140 182 794
Snake Bites .......................................................... 48 66 63 154 80 74 23 359
Suspected anthrax ............................................... 3
Suspected Childhood Cancers ............................. 29 8 72
Suspected Malaria .............................................. 209,131 234,837 197,126 67,001 145,339 47,350 4,150 13,982
Tested for Malaria ................................................ 134,588 141,732 142,012 31,731 90,388 32,694 2,927 13,953
Tetanus ................................................................ 4 67 118 105 32 38 8 387
Tonsilitis ............................................................... 1,736 2,577 3,728 2,853 2,635 3,999 2,286 56,663
Tryponosomiasis .................................................. 139 35 3 2 70
Typhoid fever ....................................................... 231 680 673 1,414 793 378 63 4,441
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections ....................... 92,381 81,247 72,520 72,363 59,234 90,698 40,577 247,522
Urinary Tract Infection .......................................... 2,484 3,029 3,577 2,833 3,111 1,704 589 19,328
Violence related injuries ....................................... 120 31 40 39 84 55 30 353
Viral Haemorrhagic Fever ..................................... 128
Yellow fever cases ............................................... 51 409
New Visits............................................................ 170,452 236,739 228,635 178,148 216,978 201,268 91,976 591,881
Re-visits............................................................... 151,262 128,208 120,295 70,553 95,393 83,132 24,308 626,749
Source: Ministry of Health, Kenya Health Information System

Table 16.16: Outpatient Morbidity for Persons of Age 5 Years and Above by County, 2020

Condition Kenya Mombasa Kwale Kilifi Tana River Lamu Taita Taveta Garissa Wajir Mandera Marsabit Isiolo Meru
Reporting Rate (Per Cent)....................... 97% 100% 94% 93% 93% 93% 95% 93% 90% 87% 98% 78% 96%
Abortion ..................................................... 91,452 1,927 1,742 3,493 729 481 568 380 397 706 398 303 2,718
Amoebiasis ................................................ 104,042 59 113 283 85 116 100 389 215 75 48 803 3,301
All other diseases ...................................... 13,483,604 410,108 370,252 513,568 49,210 64,625 117,487 82,126 57,684 120,138 83,273 58,759 501,433
Anaemia cases .......................................... 181,984 6,961 11,551 15,355 3,711 1,886 2,228 5,571 3,611 7,252 2,588 2,711 3,692
Arthritis, Joint pains etc. ............................ 1,881,579 26,269 22,414 36,705 6,109 5,982 17,521 8,114 12,027 15,268 9,697 10,982 184,674
Asthma ...................................................... 551,170 13,787 13,016 18,088 3,969 3,242 6,770 3,350 2,046 3,704 2,915 2,391 13,527
Bilharzia (Schistosomiasis) ...................... 41,396 374 6,891 8,778 3,870 4,013 442 1,580 294 8 109 175 702
Brucellosis ................................................. 133,477 41 400 23 354 55 321 1,638 735 1,036 3,237 1,999 1,417
Burns ......................................................... 115,266 2,144 3,037 5,013 471 865 1,214 854 1,121 1,458 798 649 3,755
Cardiovascular conditions ......................... 57,934 1,642 1,989 1,041 154 123 277 268 42 145 105 127 2,351
Central Nervous System Conditions ......... 83,194 967 1,426 1,286 85 112 561 191 208 52 75 100 1,432
Chicken Pox .............................................. 50,497 1,075 1,387 5,058 311 299 327 191 117 82 15 120 817
Chikungunya ............................................. 12 8 1
Cholera ...................................................... 791 5 2 2 39 148 1
Confirmed Malaria (only Positive cases) ... 3,065,007 27,532 180,487 229,406 5,527 321 1,423 4,080 526 625 4,238 4,098 4,660
Cutaneous leishmaniasis .......................... 74 1
Deaths due to Road Traffic Injuries ........... 18,692 161 507 1,233 93 219 103 11 28 39 9 25 238
Dengue fever ............................................. 934 537 5 278 30 5 4 70
Dental Disorders ........................................ 609,101 8,642 10,875 13,399 2,849 4,691 4,913 5,564 3,642 4,538 3,103 2,679 13,224
Diabetes .................................................... 533,741 22,627 7,203 11,766 1,452 3,026 3,890 3,306 2,052 2,188 1,894 1,252 27,637
Diarrhoea ................................................... 1,300,757 29,504 22,758 31,957 10,999 7,381 7,566 13,697 13,412 33,625 19,855 6,046 28,527
Diarrhoea with some dehydration .............. 20
Diarrhoea with no dehydration .................. 20
Disease of Puerperium and Childbirth ....... 61,506 4,039 1,376 2,445 502 192 634 914 1,008 574 301 148 835
Disease of the skin .................................... 3,064,544 59,315 101,270 166,842 14,243 20,677 30,983 20,099 18,711 19,598 16,937 9,719 91,548
Dog Bites ................................................... 99,673 329 1,303 1,298 91 284 905 81 38 4 287 274 1,645
Dysentery (Bloody Diarrhoea) ................... 51,839 401 1,727 1,882 438 185 259 494 247 1,452 1,216 504 992
Ear Infections/ Conditions ......................... 614,379 14,121 14,229 19,177 4,103 3,311 3,697 6,736 7,898 8,096 3,713 2,805 13,897
Epilepsy ..................................................... 96,917 737 4,051 4,897 249 447 1,249 864 571 603 478 211 3,826
Eye Infections ............................................ 625,408 6,799 13,594 17,422 3,408 2,883 5,133 5,830 8,850 9,194 7,128 5,365 18,000
Fistula (Birth related) ................................. 5,680 191 44 87 42 19 11 22 20 16 4 2 85
Hepatitis .................................................... 4,985 178 26 72 5 3 10 48 38 167 68 25 319
Hypertension ............................................. 1,495,734 34,441 37,874 65,645 8,908 7,063 14,065 7,405 4,346 4,281 5,171 2,287 81,797
Intestinal worms ........................................ 837,936 4,102 5,811 6,439 1,765 5,855 825 7,036 4,796 9,046 6,419 5,133 123,164
Jiggers Infestation ..................................... 34,001 529 1,692 2,032 377 450 461 291 119 54 70 62 1,051
Leishmaniaisis(Kalazar) ............................ 887 1 3 7 26 52 5
Lower Respiratory Tract Infections ............ 98
Malaria in pregnancy ................................. 82,119 598 2,541 2,174 304 24 65 98 25 322 106 454 334
Malnutrition ................................................ 32,680 752 686 628 256 239 430 736 1,802 1,802 160 186 1,037
Measles ..................................................... 1,882 67 37 100 3 1 6 51 8 11 1 1 93
Meningococcal Meningitis ......................... 1,543 7 2 17 199 1 2 3 1 4 36
Mental Disorders ....................................... 152,923 2,156 1,029 2,366 623 576 1,473 466 452 404 398 111 3,917
Mumps ....................................................... 32,386 548 634 953 94 191 137 122 83 78 181 63 491
Muscular skeletal conditions ..................... 486,947 18,692 15,640 16,205 3,132 3,305 4,931 2,647 1,463 1,424 1,802 1,389 13,569
Neoplasms ................................................ 25,318 1,065 481 799 47 14 121 38 3 5 4 5 1,415
Other Diseases Of Respiratory System .... 1,893,534 54,786 40,594 52,531 11,342 10,292 13,742 14,947 8,595 26,017 13,465 10,308 44,094
Other Bites ................................................ 132,196 972 1,262 1,908 397 636 886 1,099 1,363 1,987 1,226 798 2,712
Other Eye conditions ................................. 187,227 4,695 5,931 6,661 1,273 949 2,392 1,334 1,995 2,647 895 838 6,581
Other Meningitis ........................................ 1,914 17 9 26 25 1 2 4 3 32 1 7 27
Other injuries ............................................. 1,500,750 41,372 23,304 75,721 3,318 5,780 13,661 6,250 5,263 6,346 5,680 3,884 32,135
Overweight (BMI >25) ............................... 169,812 9,188 13,666 1,762 2 41 737 279 30 48 17 30 885
Physical Disability ..................................... 2,121 83 78 49 17 1 2 24 58 30 29 104
Plague ....................................................... 874 20
Pneumonia ................................................ 1,055,971 13,797 10,205 14,753 6,021 3,316 3,152 13,048 15,635 25,835 16,683 11,024 18,341
Poisoning ................................................... 61,308 1,899 624 1,391 222 624 518 173 144 326 200 183 2,635
Poliomyelitis (AFP) .................................... 382 20 8 1 1 1 1 2 4
Presumed Tuberculosis ............................ 25,555 898 210 385 131 45 113 186 73 103 285 59 716
Referrals from Community Unit ................. 363,498 5,514 3,937 3,695 8,997 1,154 564 6,233 3,696 727 7,651 394 2,858
Referrals to Community Unit ..................... 340,177 3,701 9,481 2,888 22 443 149 3,753 3,205 373 1,678 31 1,418
Rift valley fever .......................................... 31 7
Road Traffic Injuries .................................. 219,563 5,047 3,052 7,848 730 1,005 1,676 653 1,123 1,971 2,085 910 6,348
Sexual Violence ........................................ 45,845 1,067 578 1,182 186 161 352 70 75 129 109 80 1,102
Sexually Transmitted Infections ................ 322,644 9,042 9,406 14,440 1,689 1,210 2,004 2,791 1,254 2,240 827 1,195 8,112
Snake Bites ............................................... 21,057 140 900 1,612 233 228 228 295 944 198 320 153 396
Suspected anthrax .................................... 1,617 16 3 5 335 106
Suspected Malaria .................................... 5,441,158 87,258 104,225 229,925 7,996 957 1,594 6,372 1,087 6,798 7,238 3,927 10,081
Tested for Malaria ..................................... 827,163 8,575 6,798 11,719 609 108 2,237 3,020 283 453 757 973 535
Tetanus ..................................................... 606 58 8 7 8
Tonsilitis .................................................... 84
Tryponosomiasis ....................................... 270 4 1 2 9 12 1 3
Typhoid fever ............................................. 371,285 817 958 1,033 1,322 94 101 8,772 5,593 3,239 4,216 4,171 5,340
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections ............ 8,583,824 119,977 271,922 300,266 48,199 37,280 77,809 79,988 95,675 77,739 65,111 54,767 311,111
Urinary Tract Infection ............................... 2,352,997 68,295 77,798 90,978 19,273 19,793 18,331 67,674 59,062 77,077 22,833 17,382 87,651
Violence related injuries ............................ 161,650 2,685 1,387 2,716 576 641 785 864 495 408 423 528 6,514
Viral Haemorrhagic Fever ......................... 273 25 2 2
Yellow fever cases .................................... 19
New Visit .................................................. 32,242,388 605,611 806,442 1,137,539 159,710 119,170 244,170 287,860 270,177 313,083 230,946 197,800 1,065,793
Re-Visit ..................................................... 20,641,534 630,595 565,476 807,253 66,311 126,587 172,100 126,802 70,684 136,049 85,031 116,156 549,795
Source: Ministry of Health, Kenya Health Information System

Table 16.16: Outpatient Morbidity for Persons of Age 5 Years and Above by County, 2020

Condition Embu Kitui Machakos Makueni Nyandarua Nyeri Kirinyaga Muranga Kiambu Turkana West Pokot Samburu
Reporting Rate (Per Cent)....................... 100% 100% 96% 100% 94% 100% 99% 100% 98% 100% 97% 97% 94%
Abortion .....................................................
601 1,051 1,023 2,568 1,741 786 2,843 1,460 1,495 4,906 2,174 1,892 762
Amoebiasis ................................................
8,109 6,043 4,431 3,089 4,526 1,141 5,304 20,605 5,722 7,345 292 335 271
All other diseases ......................................
280,040 304,767 302,794 463,502 403,651 225,674 604,800 373,720 328,846 585,793 299,180 100,225 98,611
Anaemia cases ..........................................1,787 2,190 3,232 3,781 3,981 823 2,833 2,021 1,589 5,288 3,374 842 1,561
Arthritis, Joint pains etc. ............................
86,939 41,438 58,917 84,111 83,419 44,766 90,405 93,627 104,618 78,506 14,832 6,436 7,801
Asthma ......................................................
7,819 2,534 11,740 16,728 13,493 7,302 19,864 8,565 11,843 18,678 6,802 2,401 4,168
Bilharzia (Schistosomiasis) ...................... 1,000 5 698 1,197 547 160 232 506 939 263 43 3 84
Brucellosis .................................................
1,432 1,405 1,989 1,391 336 1,876 175 161 171 833 3,160 9,341 684
Burns .........................................................
1,783 1,499 3,225 4,185 4,794 1,197 2,542 2,251 3,408 3,942 2,089 1,689 1,174
Cardiovascular conditions ......................... 381 367 624 1,853 1,126 245 2,432 1,383 494 2,266 472 142 220
Central Nervous System Conditions ......... 472 547 396 3,357 1,901 646 2,911 2,406 2,286 3,257 581 35 704
Chicken Pox ..............................................250 425 386 311 411 956 782 581 852 1,964 1,145 857 95
Chikungunya .............................................
Cholera ...................................................... 4 326 1 227 2
Confirmed Malaria (only Positive cases) ... 2,703 1,098 4,640 1,664 1,092 360 298 201 188 3,121 281,140 61,899 7,936
Cutaneous leishmaniasis .......................... 1
Deaths due to Road Traffic Injuries ........... 70 35 177 811 183 20 376 88 615 196 179 284 196
Dengue fever ............................................. 3
Dental Disorders ........................................ 15,930 23,225 9,808 17,570 14,223 13,839 26,461 15,953 16,200 23,012 4,789 3,461 2,199
Diabetes .................................................... 10,684 1,310 17,392 24,994 23,619 9,992 11,803 7,938 23,510 33,723 3,209 1,362 995
Diarrhoea ................................................... 9,422 11,059 24,961 48,560 34,805 17,544 25,929 33,123 24,274 61,930 46,833 20,051 10,490
Diarrhoea with some dehydration ..............
Diarrhoea with no dehydration ..................
Disease of Puerperium and Childbirth ....... 1,323 390 1,017 1,806 916 520 1,917 537 667 1,718 1,960 741 780
Disease of the skin .................................... 77,627 56,506 109,220 126,748 133,499 41,511 77,777 71,019 113,239 102,298 42,493 48,713 13,415
Dog Bites ................................................... 1,031 653 2,665 3,256 3,036 966 1,227 1,044 1,377 2,057 1,556 659 1,224
Dysentery (Bloody Diarrhoea) ................... 1,420 258 710 2,476 567 61 155 462 241 932 1,737 934 763
Ear Infections/ Conditions ......................... 10,519 5,786 26,939 14,759 14,819 4,686 11,595 12,612 16,199 29,547 10,944 4,006 4,822
Epilepsy ..................................................... 4,208 694 9,383 2,010 4,478 1,474 865 592 2,734 2,050 2,141 280 714
Eye Infections ............................................ 13,195 10,699 21,524 25,121 24,662 8,847 19,574 19,468 19,481 19,407 20,719 5,113 7,576
Fistula (Birth related) ................................. 28 15 33 14 16 120 1,163 245 54 65 23 95
Hepatitis .................................................... 42 11 34 52 142 7 37 21 11 155 280 42 157
Hypertension ............................................. 46,936 4,356 65,920 85,823 83,369 30,567 14,861 22,973 67,135 67,542 6,279 3,121 1,788
Intestinal worms ........................................ 78,624 44,832 33,127 25,087 23,921 37,622 14,455 30,482 99,479 52,962 9,081 2,586 1,329
Jiggers Infestation ..................................... 879 406 230 321 1,365 227 783 788 1,213 1,544 83 353 299
Leishmaniaisis(Kalazar) ............................ 83 192 338
Lower Respiratory Tract Infections ............
Malaria in pregnancy ................................. 605 48 181 81 183 11 8 40 41 316 4,724 2,003 313
Malnutrition ................................................ 400 452 1,003 618 435 87 263 289 174 804 512 173 378
Measles ..................................................... 76 10 38 15 27 8 5 2 30 48 17 70 18
Meningococcal Meningitis ......................... 3 12 512 7 4 7 43 24 35 8 3 2
Mental Disorders ....................................... 24,265 1,300 2,726 3,908 4,554 3,203 7,608 2,194 10,511 5,354 3,037 797 415
Mumps ....................................................... 462 336 1,154 477 431 499 634 699 834 2,135 718 983 251
Muscular skeletal conditions ..................... 3,772 3,648 3,188 26,081 12,171 4,477 9,651 24,743 9,245 25,335 5,014 278 1,269
Neoplasms ................................................ 180 526 110 714 351 56 931 644 71 613 26 16 7
Other Diseases Of Respiratory System .... 27,036 28,425 54,054 69,809 42,726 24,370 68,691 80,062 49,099 98,090 41,938 8,685 18,406
Other Bites ................................................ 4,133 3,026 7,600 4,929 4,341 2,595 4,758 3,221 5,764 7,733 14,108 937 1,145
Other Eye conditions ................................. 3,377 2,638 6,624 7,753 6,064 2,264 5,995 5,284 3,572 6,502 5,697 1,203 1,149
Other Meningitis ........................................ 13 8 92 106 60 2 42 47 53 109 15 15
Other injuries ............................................. 19,298 19,983 33,891 72,476 57,100 28,616 58,970 45,253 40,930 55,447 18,748 16,959 7,518
Overweight (BMI >25) ............................... 309 3,250 1,006 3,400 4,061 1,195 2,492 1,581 983 18,218 197 6 53
Physical Disability ..................................... 5 10 105 25 23 3 116 10 36 64 64 3 2
Plague .......................................................
Pneumonia ................................................ 10,213 15,284 10,095 22,386 23,651 13,064 18,393 17,156 10,525 28,328 41,383 32,946 20,616
Poisoning ................................................... 1,060 1,079 1,868 1,507 1,955 931 1,647 1,641 2,628 3,467 641 597 787
Poliomyelitis (AFP) .................................... 3 1 100 1 1 4 2
Presumed Tuberculosis ............................ 252 404 318 722 541 51 494 296 212 1,031 550 525 143
Referrals from Community Unit ................. 5,450 715 2,199 3,940 3,362 1,383 795 481 907 2,276 47,188 7,781 3,383
Referrals to Community Unit ..................... 3,706 271 2,031 2,360 1,288 1,074 153 2 939 1,653 50,533 10,974 2,293
Rift valley fever .......................................... 24
Road Traffic Injuries .................................. 2,061 1,731 2,834 5,452 3,267 1,209 3,490 4,768 3,119 10,228 3,607 2,504 851
Sexual Violence ........................................ 460 343 1,034 1,135 606 427 755 469 1,830 1,547 1,372 592 398
Sexually Transmitted Infections ................ 7,295 3,642 6,141 11,171 9,683 4,457 7,228 6,324 5,308 16,450 3,867 3,276 4,328
Snake Bites ............................................... 192 118 702 448 488 23 91 252 333 210 2,236 309 361
Suspected anthrax .................................... 2 1 59 48 32
Suspected Malaria .................................... 9,652 3,550 12,908 24,318 13,004 1,041 386 989 346 6,586 77,182 52,362 3,077
Tested for Malaria ..................................... 1,748 1,514 587 4,688 681 368 45 115 35 1,463 37,124 9,588 478
Tetanus ..................................................... 20 52 25 2 5 2 2
Tonsilitis .................................................... 34
Tryponosomiasis ....................................... 1 4 1 8
Typhoid fever ............................................. 1,812 1,649 2,355 2,099 756 2,004 175 2,326 1,029 4,038 5,275 29,415 1,650
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections ............ 170,222 142,805 292,203 291,871 254,762 150,003 264,848 224,568 229,329 337,797 273,778 177,889 84,101
Urinary Tract Infection ............................... 45,642 41,646 72,124 104,627 104,546 25,029 42,162 83,916 44,259 108,884 40,646 26,397 9,724
Violence related injuries ............................ 1,782 1,470 1,813 6,345 1,853 1,484 2,197 2,533 2,834 6,222 5,484 2,300 494
Viral Haemorrhagic Fever .........................
Yellow fever cases .................................... 2
New Visit .................................................. 588,463 523,843 852,273 1,095,283 826,800 491,941 930,235 636,280 891,405 1,300,834 754,240 476,317 225,273
Re-Visit ..................................................... 352,753 598,405 589,405 860,484 801,477 303,403 749,418 553,481 499,113 1,063,330 329,054 121,622 85,987
Source: Ministry of Health, Kenya Health Information System

Table 16.16: Outpatient Morbidity for Persons of Age 5 Years and Above by County, 2020

Condition Trans Nzoia Uasin Gishu Nandi Baringo Laikipia Nakuru Narok Kajiado Kericho Bomet Kakamega Vihiga
Reporting Rate (Per Cent)....................... 97% 97% 92% 97% 97% 98% 99% 97% 86% 86% 99% 100% 97%
Abortion ..................................................... 1,445 2,526 1,214 1,068 1,318 1,492 8,643 1,663 2,830 1,495 600 2,871 514
Amoebiasis ................................................ 362 121 628 359 1,083 2,547 4,484 2,460 1,495 2,513 938 269 15
All other diseases ...................................... 162,008 421,859 164,550 273,079 124,215 244,268 934,420 134,960 244,776 290,161 499,828 356,365 128,458
Anaemia cases .......................................... 1,709 3,086 1,024 3,234 2,431 1,738 5,321 1,760 4,518 4,364 2,051 4,041 1,093
Arthritis, Joint pains etc. ............................ 11,632 41,171 27,049 32,504 28,572 47,281 83,340 18,858 27,224 35,176 24,980 47,051 14,902
Asthma ...................................................... 5,806 14,751 9,072 85,093 8,104 7,672 23,289 5,841 9,419 14,569 9,020 15,818 3,604
Bilharzia (Schistosomiasis) ...................... 12 83 52 88 114 403 327 125 392 317 41 292 71
Brucellosis ................................................. 6,105 7,281 7,062 11,118 4,870 731 10,804 7,961 2,387 5,911 1,317 2,321 709
Burns ......................................................... 1,364 2,784 2,598 3,944 2,181 1,762 5,361 1,443 2,305 2,684 2,584 4,886 973
Cardiovascular conditions ......................... 983 2,807 1,024 1,804 680 1,314 3,941 1,007 675 1,926 559 1,053 739
Central Nervous System Conditions ......... 930 4,619 394 4,096 815 2,515 3,141 795 1,548 1,082 538 1,189 809
Chicken Pox .............................................. 802 1,876 1,172 1,655 726 611 2,868 1,343 704 2,451 2,511 2,157 300
Chikungunya .............................................
Cholera ...................................................... 1 2
Confirmed Malaria (only Positive cases) ... 57,830 13,541 24,086 32,533 43,434 614 11,861 11,668 4,568 23,619 1,525 428,402 112,042
Cutaneous leishmaniasis .......................... 4
Deaths due to Road Traffic Injuries ........... 60 370 118 430 119 1,304 376 183 532 585 252 1,748 67
Dengue fever .............................................
Dental Disorders ........................................ 3,664 36,123 8,128 18,070 6,790 12,804 45,183 4,580 9,742 14,037 12,058 14,533 4,355
Diabetes .................................................... 4,345 16,799 4,175 10,083 6,769 13,866 38,226 5,102 10,065 4,558 6,312 11,750 5,040
Diarrhoea ................................................... 15,745 34,370 23,412 39,278 20,839 18,796 68,110 18,136 36,104 33,604 42,035 44,925 8,885
Diarrhoea with some dehydration .............. 20
Diarrhoea with no dehydration .................. 20
Disease of Puerperium and Childbirth ....... 656 1,045 824 702 748 1,351 2,988 1,366 2,057 829 286 1,319 542
Disease of the skin .................................... 24,676 66,124 54,020 77,206 42,181 35,352 133,040 33,304 54,820 98,746 90,631 121,741 29,800
Dog Bites ................................................... 1,161 2,802 1,278 2,403 1,877 1,094 3,373 1,800 1,491 1,425 1,627 34,641 365
Dysentery (Bloody Diarrhoea) ................... 261 262 1,172 145 1,110 365 1,343 939 1,213 200 266 982 78
Ear Infections/ Conditions ......................... 4,073 11,567 4,508 9,529 6,958 13,571 88,059 5,097 11,233 13,457 8,564 44,733 3,197
Epilepsy ..................................................... 545 1,889 1,304 2,581 1,535 1,367 3,113 864 1,575 1,560 2,611 3,941 1,213
Eye Infections ............................................ 4,018 16,210 7,519 14,761 10,422 14,708 42,767 7,564 14,614 12,536 10,762 18,002 3,533
Fistula (Birth related) ................................. 18 67 11 107 104 365 73 134 60 22 30 29 27
Hepatitis .................................................... 14 164 59 39 88 89 273 31 35 29 16 16 12
Hypertension ............................................. 14,489 48,461 8,427 27,840 15,038 38,313 65,865 9,785 24,369 17,453 17,700 47,008 25,746
Intestinal worms ........................................ 1,582 1,699 2,952 6,622 2,873 18,643 28,282 10,102 4,449 21,478 35,399 5,529 1,229
Jiggers Infestation ..................................... 357 447 320 662 440 611 836 603 591 578 298 1,572 1,126
Leishmaniaisis(Kalazar) ............................ 110 9 1
Lower Respiratory Tract Infections ............ 98
Malaria in pregnancy ................................. 1,371 422 335 1,066 2,022 125 634 755 959 488 47 10,336 1,506
Malnutrition ................................................ 211 149 91 2,324 437 206 781 428 782 705 188 362 129
Measles ..................................................... 57 19 44 4 53 58 28 92 23 16 15 4
Meningococcal Meningitis ......................... 12 7 52 35 6 49 11 39 13 2 45 7
Mental Disorders ....................................... 1,105 4,269 1,349 3,594 1,379 3,000 7,953 774 1,348 1,558 1,178 2,537 881
Mumps ....................................................... 186 656 242 1,777 547 542 1,412 717 931 682 831 1,131 101
Muscular skeletal conditions ..................... 4,971 11,082 3,967 17,739 6,849 6,630 15,818 5,348 14,029 29,091 6,068 11,951 5,873
Neoplasms ................................................ 17 1,739 306 403 107 363 1,714 79 215 300 19 389 165
Other Diseases Of Respiratory System .... 17,987 54,861 22,189 43,742 26,693 32,045 143,461 21,306 57,531 45,726 39,162 99,919 16,084
Other Bites ................................................ 1,445 3,965 1,849 2,872 2,259 2,093 5,851 1,327 1,696 2,454 2,679 3,817 675
Other Eye conditions ................................. 1,239 9,504 2,150 5,207 5,226 2,161 9,507 1,694 5,315 4,848 3,072 3,348 817
Other Meningitis ........................................ 23 32 4 6 34 41 164 56 41 31 8 36 14
Other injuries ............................................. 19,064 65,953 43,522 52,080 27,969 26,945 62,124 21,166 27,341 61,266 45,875 57,983 17,259
Overweight (BMI >25) ............................... 425 2,772 102 8,373 2,267 1,135 28,247 257 3,719 3,880 130 1,231 183
Physical Disability ..................................... 2 29 18 34 48 68 9 61 26 13 38 25
Plague ....................................................... 199
Pneumonia ................................................ 18,176 46,279 36,143 56,026 28,626 15,362 68,192 27,566 24,900 26,167 12,640 20,726 8,131
Poisoning ................................................... 792 1,581 1,108 1,252 1,573 888 3,042 1,420 1,564 1,651 818 1,336 560
Poliomyelitis (AFP) .................................... 1 8 1 2 1 10 40 4 1 2 4 10
Presumed Tuberculosis ............................ 256 510 281 232 235 181 4,087 352 240 260 122 527 130
Referrals from Community Unit ................. 4,836 2,901 565 371 8,105 394 17,747 6,840 720 2,033 2,176 27,689 9,829
Referrals to Community Unit ..................... 5,777 2,277 552 105 5,982 10 19,173 6,907 398 1,232 138 25,500 2,210
Rift valley fever ..........................................
Road Traffic Injuries .................................. 3,786 6,356 2,729 4,070 2,712 5,455 25,062 2,684 4,356 4,382 4,720 8,839 2,717
Sexual Violence ........................................ 1,568 955 514 1,456 536 369 2,172 1,530 1,144 1,202 382 1,901 401
Sexually Transmitted Infections ................ 4,181 6,837 2,204 3,998 3,370 4,258 17,375 5,559 8,804 3,614 3,320 15,371 2,051
Snake Bites ............................................... 176 226 283 228 482 119 424 153 334 184 77 451 100
Suspected anthrax .................................... 2 65 6 14 42
Suspected Malaria .................................... 26,691 25,019 9,329 37,817 38,271 2,619 43,657 37,074 8,661 27,151 11,475 890,271 280,864
Tested for Malaria ..................................... 6,183 9,229 5,571 6,821 6,340 499 4,183 2,266 729 8,538 1,807 117,608 45,282
Tetanus ..................................................... 1 15 1 1 17 4 22 36 79 1 25 1
Tonsilitis .................................................... 50
Tryponosomiasis ....................................... 3 27 1 3 1 5
Typhoid fever ............................................. 9,946 7,728 9,635 13,924 11,059 3,520 21,492 17,737 2,914 7,138 1,478 22,494 1,919
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections ............ 76,572 228,376 134,333 201,220 166,971 132,519 394,091 121,366 201,362 243,791 296,426 340,125 91,776
Urinary Tract Infection ............................... 22,509 48,504 15,140 33,178 17,046 28,536 87,441 32,237 58,589 38,523 34,006 62,522 13,403
Violence related injuries ............................ 5,614 6,341 3,207 5,269 1,916 938 5,095 2,468 2,480 2,317 2,418 8,563 1,850
Viral Haemorrhagic Fever ......................... 184 2
Yellow fever cases ....................................
New Visit .................................................. 357,185 809,121 474,029 712,140 447,851 461,516 1,642,070 508,581 642,130 959,955 892,897 1,378,991 367,386
Re-Visit ..................................................... 165,921 546,620 172,379 375,321 198,549 420,155 1,100,100 127,680 414,404 511,957 293,098 747,393 192,909
Source: Ministry of Health, Kenya Health Information System

Table 16.16: Outpatient Morbidity for Persons of Age 5 Years and Above by County, 2020

Condition Bungoma Busia Siaya Kisumu Homa Bay Migori Kisii Nyamira Nairobi City
Reporting Rate (Per Cent)....................... 100% 100% 100% 96% 100% 99% 87% 98% 86%
Abortion ..................................................... 2,852 1,264 1,878 2,039 1,444 2,280 2,588 744 11,540
Amoebiasis ................................................ 570 250 3,179 669 238 2,092 1,233 302 5,435
All other diseases ...................................... 213,211 143,047 194,768 230,011 148,484 229,703 316,575 138,018 1,090,574
Anaemia cases .......................................... 4,445 3,557 4,788 4,981 3,053 3,053 2,118 782 18,418
Arthritis, Joint pains etc. ............................ 19,666 18,303 29,432 25,961 21,195 19,932 49,413 33,487 72,873
Asthma ...................................................... 9,305 4,859 7,055 16,366 8,692 7,612 18,917 7,707 39,857
Bilharzia (Schistosomiasis) ...................... 167 165 336 1,107 867 896 152 43 2,433
Brucellosis ................................................. 8,969 944 778 960 2,053 4,619 7,553 2,112 2,702
Burns ......................................................... 2,362 1,252 2,453 1,941 1,872 1,805 3,267 2,286 8,002
Cardiovascular conditions ......................... 2,920 670 775 1,031 856 990 3,153 502 8,256
Central Nervous System Conditions ......... 1,839 1,134 1,048 1,407 1,188 881 1,427 14,121 11,684
Chicken Pox .............................................. 1,301 294 446 744 1,711 1,723 1,566 1,329 3,393
Chikungunya ............................................. 1 2
Cholera ...................................................... 1 7 4 2 17
Confirmed Malaria (only Positive cases) ... 194,072 262,564 409,595 255,026 88,145 194,364 33,802 11,923 20,530
Cutaneous leishmaniasis .......................... 43 23 1 1
Deaths due to Road Traffic Injuries ........... 76 296 780 377 528 471 351 383 3,390
Dengue fever ............................................. 2
Dental Disorders ........................................ 10,478 5,220 13,025 12,829 9,033 6,949 9,799 3,965 82,947
Diabetes .................................................... 11,120 5,882 6,481 13,481 5,498 8,516 13,244 8,222 65,383
Diarrhoea ................................................... 17,589 19,805 21,500 30,045 23,384 21,574 33,037 16,145 119,131
Diarrhoea with some dehydration ..............
Diarrhoea with no dehydration ..................
Disease of Puerperium and Childbirth ....... 1,309 686 860 1,330 1,118 1,669 1,912 506 10,143
Disease of the skin .................................... 51,920 62,351 68,104 73,756 53,492 60,378 64,583 35,661 148,651
Dog Bites ................................................... 2,377 1,174 1,974 1,773 1,496 2,574 1,014 749 3,915
Dysentery (Bloody Diarrhoea) ................... 708 1,188 1,426 1,560 2,467 10,810 741 506 3,584
Ear Infections/ Conditions ......................... 7,217 10,608 7,857 10,920 7,648 9,051 10,934 8,269 48,313
Epilepsy ..................................................... 1,818 2,367 1,627 3,615 2,324 1,153 2,077 699 7,333
Eye Infections ............................................ 14,209 11,917 12,628 13,343 9,818 8,707 13,629 6,812 37,937
Fistula (Birth related) ................................. 302 47 26 96 103 32 137 18 1,458
Hepatitis .................................................... 94 84 189 403 137 63 25 7 1,168
Hypertension ............................................. 37,285 25,013 24,346 40,024 20,464 21,244 30,425 24,084 138,402
Intestinal worms ........................................ 3,751 1,332 5,280 3,291 2,274 5,825 12,141 6,971 22,254
Jiggers Infestation ..................................... 1,391 374 1,283 844 705 1,197 1,188 527 2,372
Leishmaniaisis(Kalazar) ............................ 57 1 2
Lower Respiratory Tract Infections ............
Malaria in pregnancy ................................. 8,564 8,572 9,655 6,386 2,670 4,944 1,244 364 4,055
Malnutrition ................................................ 454 583 513 550 3,150 474 355 118 5,388
Measles ..................................................... 27 5 24 48 109 59 33 26 395
Meningococcal Meningitis ......................... 6 10 40 16 46 75 23 3 114
Mental Disorders ....................................... 4,361 883 1,143 1,888 1,069 895 2,090 789 25,037
Mumps ....................................................... 543 313 3,015 1,377 641 848 324 150 2,232
Muscular skeletal conditions ..................... 7,125 9,261 8,289 6,825 4,502 3,673 11,305 9,458 74,022
Neoplasms ................................................ 772 655 354 1,302 377 256 899 56 6,589
Other Diseases Of Respiratory System .... 14,727 13,976 30,152 35,115 16,124 21,933 35,346 20,141 173,210
Other Bites ................................................ 3,353 1,734 1,808 3,149 1,193 1,679 2,019 1,200 3,543
Other Eye conditions ................................. 3,504 1,955 3,501 4,148 3,406 2,671 3,302 1,645 14,694
Other Meningitis ........................................ 30 22 70 60 49 42 27 11 397
Other injuries ............................................. 39,940 16,706 21,668 22,354 18,362 22,241 39,440 29,498 64,091
Overweight (BMI >25) ............................... 560 1,817 13,826 12,730 1,055 1,732 1,368 2,140 18,427
Physical Disability ..................................... 129 9 76 107 133 42 47 32 234
Plague ....................................................... 1 654
Pneumonia ................................................ 20,043 9,564 16,163 21,737 19,084 23,365 47,429 22,833 70,969
Poisoning ................................................... 1,418 740 1,002 1,159 729 2,009 1,820 1,219 4,880
Poliomyelitis (AFP) .................................... 1 4 7 26 28 7 4 71
Presumed Tuberculosis ............................ 257 152 519 436 266 1,108 599 128 5,934
Referrals from Community Unit ................. 9,671 4,428 23,413 40,687 20,246 37,991 2,022 1,661 13,893
Referrals to Community Unit ..................... 6,967 4,100 38,722 41,773 24,457 39,290 277 520 9,391
Rift valley fever ..........................................
Road Traffic Injuries .................................. 7,934 4,841 6,569 5,258 4,700 6,328 9,231 4,482 14,783
Sexual Violence ........................................ 2,576 879 1,243 1,106 1,173 1,395 2,107 1,727 3,450
Sexually Transmitted Infections ................ 9,447 6,527 8,009 8,769 9,075 8,992 8,150 4,067 35,286
Snake Bites ............................................... 569 549 481 3,458 251 267 226 131 478
Suspected anthrax .................................... 22 311 222 326
Suspected Malaria .................................... 536,437 578,516 733,803 665,109 186,564 402,095 175,652 16,901 34,323
Tested for Malaria ..................................... 79,602 100,634 101,425 110,837 22,576 65,655 25,495 2,243 9,139
Tetanus ..................................................... 9 2 9 66 14 3 1 110
Tonsilitis ....................................................
Tryponosomiasis ....................................... 1 2 48 4 1 2 126
Typhoid fever ............................................. 19,276 10,123 10,600 26,750 36,897 15,059 8,595 1,115 21,647
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections ............ 129,548 124,000 156,946 171,944 138,045 147,342 145,813 83,136 424,102
Urinary Tract Infection ............................... 52,544 35,843 35,106 40,292 30,037 39,480 39,595 28,852 183,865
Violence related injuries ............................ 10,894 6,175 4,431 4,182 3,893 5,705 7,702 4,781 10,578
Viral Haemorrhagic Fever ......................... 58
Yellow fever cases .................................... 1 16
New Visit .................................................. 801,063 570,728 804,464 909,156 574,391 696,434 848,230 572,940 1,779,642
Re-Visit ..................................................... 433,277 394,637 422,327 534,386 226,203 298,905 495,799 117,997 2,090,746
Source: Ministry of Health, Kenya Health Information System

Table 16.17: Registered Health Professionals by Cadre, 2016 - 2020

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

No. Per No. Per No. Per No. Per No. Per
Professionals by Cadre
Number 100,000 Number 100,000 Number 100,000 Number 100,000 Number 100,000
Population Population Population Population Population
Medical Practitioners and Dentists
Medical Officers…………………………………..10,377 23.4 10,922 24.1 11,647 25.1 12,090 25.4 12,792 26.3
Dentists…………………………..................... 1,156 2.6 1,211 2.7 1,257 2.7 1,288 2.7 1,344 2.8
Pharmacists and Pharmtechs
Pharmacists……………………………………….. 3,169 7.1 3,373 7.4 3,512 7.6 3,825 8.0 4,069 8.4
Pharmaceutical Technologists…………………………....8,673 19.5 9,358 20.6 10,126 21.8 10,815 22.7 11,429 23.5
Graduate Nurses…………………………………. 4,002 9.0 4,819 10.6 5,961 12.8 7,242 15.2 7,959 16.3
Registered Nurses……………..………………….47,480 107.0 51,420 113.2 57,564 123.9 58,247 122.5 63,580 130.6
Enrolled Nurses………………..………………....22,820 51.4 23,068 50.8 23,783 51.2 28,822 60.6 38,120 78.3
Clinical Officers

Graduate Clinical Officers……………………….. 164 0.4 285 0.6 428 0.9 608 1.3 715 1.5
Clinical Officer Technologists…………………………....
16,917 38.1 18,396 40.5 20,216 43.5 21,131 44.4 22,930 47.1
Public Health Officers and Technicians
Public Health Officers…………………………… 1,684 3.8 3,064 6.7 3,506 7.5 4,390 9.2 5,824 12.0
Public Health Technicians…………………………....348 0.8 717 1.6 1,029 2.2 1,328 2.8 1,614 3.3
Medical Laboratory Techs
Laboratory Technologists……………………….. 9,956 22.4 10,603 23.3 11,687 25.1 13,144 27.6 14,219 29.2
Laboratory Technicians………………………….. 2,793 6.3. 3,062 6.7 3,602 7.8 3,886 8.2 3,979 8.2
Nutritionists and Dieticians
Nutritionists and Dieticians………………………. 1,853 4.2 2,106 4.6 3,066 6.6 3,570 7.5 3,795 7.8
Nutrition and Dietetic Technologists…………… 2,608 5.9 3,122 6.9 4,430 9.5 5,282 11.1 5,775 11.9
Nutrition and Dietetic Technicians……………… 500 1.1 619 1.4 813 1.7 921 1.9 951 2.0
Source: Health Regulatory Bodies
* Provisional
Table 16.18: Health Facilities by Level, Type and Ownership, 2016 - 2020

1 Type of Health Facility Ownership 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*

KEPH Level
Dispensary MoH……….. 4,019 4,350 4,459 4,652 4,818
Private…….. 121 126 138 147 153
FBO ………… 792 812 819 829 843
NGO……….. 20 21 23 27 36
Sub-Total 4,952 5,309 5,439 5,655 5,850
Medical Clinic MoH……….. 11 11 13 14 20
Private…….. 3,570 3,902 4,193 4,427 4,890
Level 2 FBO………… 10 11 16 17 23
NGO……….. 217 233 238 240 245
Sub-Total 3,808 4,157 4,460 4,698 5,178
Stand Alone MoH……….. 34 34 34 34 35
Private…….. 137 143 149 169 188
FBO……….. 22 22 22 22 22
NGO……….. 85 86 90 93 99
Sub-Total 278 285 295 318 344
Total 9,038 9,751 10,194 10,671 11,372
Medical Centre MoH……….. - - - - -
Private…….. 387 469 582 685 719
FBO……….. 3 3 7 8 9
NGO……….. 20 21 23 24 18
Sub-Total 410 493 612 717 746
Health Centre MoH……….. 1,014 1,023 1,028 1,039 1,093
Private…….. 10 11 12 13 14
FBO………… 198 201 202 204 214
Level 3
NGO……….. 30 37 37 39 47
Sub-Total 1,252 1,272 1,279 1,295 1,368
Nursing Home MoH……….. - - - - -
Private……... 194 214 249 286 226
FBO……….. 5 5 5 5 5
NGO……….. 8 8 9 10 10
Sub-Total 207 227 263 301 241
Total 1,869 1,992 2,154 2,313 2,355
Primary Care Hospital MoH……….. 358 353 354 356 357
Private……... 202 231 269 303 373
Level 4 FBO……….. 100 101 106 109 106
NGO……….. 12 12 12 14 13
Total 672 697 741 782 849
Secondary Care Hospital MoH……….. 9 13 13 13 13
Private…….. 2 2 2 2 2
Level 5 FBO………… 3 3 3 3 3
NGO……….. - - - - -
Total 14 18 18 18 18
Tertiary Referral Hospital2 MoH……….. 4 6 6 6 6
Private…….. - - - - -
Level 6 FBO……….. - - - - -
NGO……….. - - - - -
Total 4 6 6 6 6
Grand total 11,597 12,464 13,113 13,790 14,600
Source: Ministry of Health, Kenya Master Health Facility List
Level 1 facilities are community health facilities
KEPH Level - Kenya Essential Package for Health.
Comprehensive and Specialized Hospitals
FBO - Facilities owned by Faith Based Organizations

Table 16.19: Registered Medical Laboratories by Class and County, 2016 - 2020

County / Class1
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Kenya.................................... 333 716 982 1193 1301 141 247 326 437 543 209 318 418 524 538 216 450 578 748 894 16 19 22 25 49 347 361 434 476 413 1,262 2,119 2,767 3,403 3,738
Mombasa.............................. 10 38 42 48 51 12 15 22 27 35 12 19 22 23 23 20 34 39 44 51 - - - 0 2 6 10 11 13 8 60 116 136 155 170
Kwale..................................... - 6 7 8 9 - 2 3 4 6 - 2 2 3 2 2 7 7 9 8 - - - 0 0 1 2 2 4 2 3 19 21 28 27
Kilifi........................................ 5 31 30 31 29 1 3 3 8 13 4 9 10 10 10 6 17 19 22 27 - - - 0 0 9 11 12 13 10 25 71 74 84 89
Tana River............................ - - - 0 2 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 2 - 1 1 1 1 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - 1 1 1 5
Lamu..................................... - - - 0 0 - 1 1 1 1 - - - 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 - - - 0 0 3 6 5 6 4 4 8 7 8 8
Taita/Taveta.......................... 6 15 17 17 22 - 6 2 4 3 - - - 0 0 1 3 4 6 7 - - - 0 0 3 3 3 3 2 10 21 26 30 34
Garissa.................................. 4 13 12 12 14 2 4 3 5 7 4 8 6 6 7 - - - 0 2 - - - 0 0 8 8 8 8 8 18 33 29 31 38
Wajir...................................... - - - 0 3 - - - 3 15 1 1 2 6 7 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 13 29
Mandera................................ - - - 5 11 - - - 1 6 - - - 1 1 - 2 2 2 1 - - - 0 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 15 25
Marsabit................................ - 1 2 2 2 - 1 - 0 0 - 1 1 5 6 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 8 9
Isiolo...................................... - 1 4 3 5 1 - 1 2 3 1 1 5 5 4 - - 2 4 5 - - - 0 0 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 15 17 20
Meru...................................... 13 38 44 55 59 2 7 9 15 16 8 17 20 22 25 9 17 19 24 28 - - - 0 0 8 8 8 9 7 40 87 100 125 135
Tharaka - Nithi...................... - 7 8 9 8 - 4 4 5 5 - - 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 6 - - - 0 0 5 6 6 6 6 6 18 21 26 27
Embu..................................... 5 12 20 23 25 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 8 9 8 5 12 14 15 17 - - - 0 0 7 8 7 7 6 19 37 52 58 61
Kitui........................................ 2 6 9 10 12 - 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 3 4 1 5 5 6 11 - - - 0 0 6 6 6 6 5 10 21 25 27 33
Machakos.............................. 10 19 27 33 35 4 8 9 13 21 7 8 11 13 11 4 8 16 29 33 - 1 1 1 0 34 - 41 43 44 59 45 105 132 144
Makueni................................. 12 14 14 16 15 3 5 5 8 9 - 2 3 4 4 3 3 6 7 10 - - - 0 1 2 3 3 2 2 20 28 32 37 41
Nyandarua............................ - 1 5 7 9 - - - 0 0 - 1 2 3 3 - 1 2 3 4 - - - 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 10 14 17
Nyeri...................................... 3 9 16 17 18 1 2 4 6 7 4 8 9 12 11 9 19 25 29 31 - - - 0 0 5 5 6 7 6 22 44 61 71 73
Kirinyaga............................... 2 11 21 27 28 1 3 10 11 15 2 2 2 5 4 4 8 12 14 20 - - - 0 0 7 7 8 8 7 16 31 53 65 74
Murang'a............................... 1 3 11 17 18 - - 3 5 5 2 5 7 7 8 2 5 10 13 13 - - - 0 0 3 3 3 6 5 8 16 34 48 49
Kiambu.................................. 27 52 69 85 86 8 11 19 20 31 18 23 31 44 47 9 25 35 57 68 - - - 0 0 21 23 29 28 26 83 136 185 234 258
Turkana................................. - 1 1 2 3 - - 1 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 7 10 11
West Pokot............................ 1 3 3 4 2 1 3 4 4 3 - - - 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 - - - 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 4 8 9 10 8
Samburu................................ - - 1 4 4 - 1 - 1 1 - - 1 2 3 - 1 1 1 1 - - - 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 4 10 11
Trans Nzoia........................... 8 14 21 21 22 3 5 6 8 9 2 4 12 13 10 1 3 3 3 11 - - - 0 0 2 6 6 9 6 16 32 48 54 58

Uasin Gishu.......................... 19 28 48 55 50 6 9 12 16 15 6 7 8 10 9 6 17 21 27 35 1 3 4 6 6 6 7 9 9 8 44 71 102 123 123
Elgeyo/Marakwet.................. 2 5 5 5 6 - - 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 - - - 0 1 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 3 7 8 8 9
Nandi..................................... 4 12 12 15 20 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 4 4 7 9 11 - - - 0 0 - 1 1 2 1 10 19 24 30 36
Baringo.................................. 1 7 9 13 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 5 - 3 4 5 5 - - - 0 0 8 11 11 11 10 11 25 28 33 38
Laikipia.................................. 4 6 11 13 11 1 1 1 3 4 3 2 4 4 3 3 12 16 17 25 - - - 0 0 5 5 5 5 4 16 26 37 42 47
Nakuru................................... 12 44 76 97 99 8 16 19 26 24 8 22 28 36 40 16 32 36 42 43 - - - 0 1 18 20 23 24 22 62 135 183 225 229
Narok..................................... 3 7 16 21 24 2 2 2 4 5 - 5 5 5 6 - 3 3 5 5 - - - 0 0 12 14 14 14 9 17 31 40 49 49
Kajiado.................................. 16 24 32 40 46 6 16 18 21 23 11 13 16 20 21 7 16 20 27 32 - - - 0 0 20 21 21 21 19 60 90 107 129 141
Kericho.................................. 1 - 9 17 21 - 1 3 5 5 5 4 5 8 7 2 5 8 11 16 - - - 0 0 3 3 4 5 3 11 13 29 46 52
Bomet.................................... 4 5 6 13 13 2 2 2 3 3 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 - - - 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 8 10 15 23 23
Kakamega............................. 1 9 15 23 28 7 9 10 12 17 1 3 4 9 8 2 9 12 15 17 - - - 0 1 6 9 12 15 10 17 39 53 74 81
Vihiga.................................... - 2 4 7 7 - 1 2 2 4 - - - 1 1 1 5 5 7 7 - - - 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 11 12 19 21
Bungoma............................... 7 16 20 21 22 - 2 4 7 10 - 4 7 7 10 2 10 11 14 16 - - 1 0 1 3 8 8 7 7 12 40 51 56 66
Busia..................................... 7 9 15 18 21 1 1 1 1 3 - - - 0 1 3 3 5 5 5 - - - 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 12 14 22 24 30
Kisumu.................................. 11 21 26 33 40 5 11 13 16 19 4 13 19 21 23 12 21 25 30 37 - - - 0 1 12 12 14 16 15 44 79 98 116 135
Siaya..................................... - 1 6 9 12 2 1 2 3 5 - 1 3 7 10 1 2 3 4 7 - - - 0 0 2 3 5 7 5 5 8 19 30 39
Homa Bay............................. - 1 4 11 14 1 1 1 1 3 - - 4 6 6 1 2 3 5 8 - - - 0 0 4 4 4 8 6 6 8 16 31 37
Migori..................................... 3 6 14 20 15 3 3 6 9 9 3 5 6 7 7 2 2 7 9 11 - - - 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 15 20 37 49 46
Kisii........................................ 6 13 18 12 23 1 1 4 6 6 2 4 6 5 5 3 4 13 16 20 - - - 0 0 3 4 4 7 5 15 26 45 46 59
Nyamira................................. - 1 4 5 8 1 1 1 3 3 - - - 1 3 - 1 1 1 2 - - - 0 0 4 4 - 4 3 5 7 6 14 19
Nairobi City............................ 123 205 248 289 312 53 85 107 135 160 95 110 134 169 165 71 124 148 199 227 15 15 16 18 36 86 94 108 115 104 443 634 762 925 1,004
Source: Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board
Class 'B' is the lowest while class 'F' is the highest.
Classification of laboratories depends on ;
1. The type of disease /nature of disease being tested
2. The nature of specimen being handled by the lab(the higher the level,the higher the speciality of the tests)
3. Competence of the personnel
Governance, Peace and Security
Table 17.1: Crimes Reported to the Police, 2011 - 2020
Crimes1 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Homicide ............................................................................ 2,641 2,761 2,878 2,649 2,648 2,751 2,774 2,856 2,971 3,111
Offences against morality ................................................... 4,703 4,806 4,779 5,184 6,164 6,228 5,492 7,233 8,051 9,153
Other offences against persons .......................................... 20,144 20,698 19,344 19,911 21,174 22,295 22,515 25,049 27,196 19,288
Robbery ............................................................................. 3,262 3,262 3,551 3,011 2,865 2,697 2,713 2,935 2,858 2,384
Breakings ........................................................................... 7,325 7,578 6,397 5,656 5,591 5,621 6,131 5,970 5,976 4,252
Theft of stock ..................................................................... 2,269 2,377 1,965 1,848 1,961 1,918 2,136 2,077 1,962 1,556
Stealing .............................................................................. 13,797 14,111 11,455 10,042 9,528 10,361 11,656 12,845 13,954 8,709
Theft by servant ................................................................. 2,889 2,984 2,702 2,279 2,184 2,440 2,632 2,477 2,226 1,467
Theft of Vehicles and other thefts ........................................ 1,768 1,663 1,631 1,239 1,111 1,355 1,404 1,370 1,298 1,031
Dangerous drugs ................................................................ 4,649 4,181 4,316 4,850 5,525 6,160 5,565 8,021 8,011 4,477
Traffic offences .................................................................. 100 66 45 100 120 139 69 213 341 186
Criminal damage ................................................................ 3,345 3,769 3,603 3,709 3,983 4,307 4,262 4,783 4,852 3,530
Economic crimes ................................................................ 3,036 3,369 2,750 3,038 3,244 3,503 3,695 4,100 4,786 3,488
Corruption .......................................................................... 52 49 57 138 79 92 75 119 130 133
Offences involving police officers ....................................... 27 69 95 53 71 57 86 174 77 64

Offences involving tourists ................................................. 0 0 14 21 19 15 15 93 48 26
Other penal code offences ................................................. 5,726 6,109 6,250 5,648 6,223 7,047 6,772 7,953 8,674 6,790
Total 75,733 77,852 71,832 69,376 72,490 76,986 77,992 88,268 93,411 69,645
Source: Kenya Police Service
* Provisional
As categorised in description of offences
Governance, Peace and Security
Table 17.2: Persons Reported to Have Committed Crimes by Type of Offence and Sex, 2014-2020
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Type of Offence Male Female
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Against morality
Rape …………………………………………………. 710 145 855 758 135 893 750 173 923 694 90 784 875 46 921 923 27 950 924 49 973
Defilement …………………………………………………. 3,554 342 3,896 3,794 313 4,107 3,956 556 4,512 3,252 235 3,487 4,494 273 4,767 5,094 303 5,397 6,512 289 6,801
Incest …………………………………………………. 199 16 215 267 24 291 257 31 288 234 53 287 277 31 308 240 21 261 288 35 323
Unnatural/sodomy …………………………………………………. 107 6 113 101 8 109 74 7 81 90 17 107 67 4 71 89 2 91 52 2 54
Bestiality …………………………………………………. 23 4 27 25 5 30 39 5 44 23 3 26 5 0 5 20 0 20 16 3 19
Indecent assault …………………………………………………. 167 16 183 179 17 196 147 8 155 217 28 245 131 10 141 208 40 248 235 32 267
Abduction …………………………………………………. 60 15 75 46 16 62 48 5 53 66 72 138 40 12 52 60 11 71 59 11 70
Bigamy …………………………………………………. 6 0 6 11 1 12 11 2 13 15 53 68 9 3 12 25 1 26 53 5 58
Sub- total 4,826 544 5,370 5,181 519 5,700 5,282 787 6,069 4,591 551 5,142 5,898 379 6,277 6,659 405 7,064 8,139 426 8,565
Other offences against persons
Assault …………………………………………………. 11,574 4,079 15,653 10,788 3,741 14,529 10,838 3,720 14,558 10,256 3,353 13,609 11,331 4,757 16,088 12,350 3,954 16,304 10,280 2,859 13,139
Creating disturbance ………………………………………………….5,294 1,593 6,887 4,144 1,384 5,528 4,624 1,548 6,172 4,575 1,342 5,917 4,499 1,244 5,743 5,166 1,351 6,517 3,212 675 3,887
Affray (scuffle) …………………………………………………. 434 181 615 307 186 493 576 316 892 544 247 791 419 198 617 474 210 684 668 229 897
Sub- total 17,302 5,853 23,155 15,239 5,311 20,550 16,038 5,584 21,622 15,375 4,942 20,317 16,249 6,199 22,448 17,990 5,515 23,505 14,160 3,763 17,923
Murder …………………………………………….. 1,248 240 1,488 1,115 240 1,355 1,236 203 1,439 1,213 222 1,435 1,126 186 1,312 1,275 252 1,527 1,558 223 1,781
Manslaughter …………………………………………….. 30 6 36 44 13 57 49 9 58 48 11 59 31 8 39 80 12 92 83 14 97
Infanticide …………………………………………….. 6 25 31 11 19 30 9 26 35 5 21 26 11 23 34 9 27 36 9 43 52
Procuring abortion …………………………………………….. 8 37 45 8 25 33 4 28 32 17 18 35 6 12 18 7 45 52 23 27 50

Concealing Birth……………………… 23 53 76 21 44 65 13 61 74 7 31 38 22 31 53 4 54 58 7 43 50
Suicide …………………………………………….. 239 62 301 177 44 221 224 78 302 330 91 421 147 30 177 160 36 196 138 36 174
Causing death by dangerous driving ………….205 21 226 249 37 286 218 28 246 243 21 264 171 16 187 257 22 279 264 26 290
Sub-total 1,759 444 2,203 1,625 422 2,047 1,753 433 2,186 1,863 415 2,278 1,514 306 1,820 1,792 448 2,240 2,082 412 2,494
Robery, Breakings and Theft
Robbery ……………………………………. 2,983 379 3,362 2,485 298 2,783 2,096 475 2,571 2,192 317 2,509 2,343 332 2,675 2,716 351 3,067 2,502 422 2,924
Breakings …………………...…………… 6,176 587 6,763 5,326 563 5,889 4,760 885 5,645 5,318 555 5,873 4,767 507 5,274 5,162 561 5,723 3,878 468 4,346
Theft of stock …………………………. 2,091 182 2,273 1,688 223 1,911 1,682 245 1,927 1,606 203 1,809 1,647 243 1,890 1,699 161 1,860 1,472 131 1,603
Stealing ……………………………………. 7,404 2,145 9,549 7,346 1,847 9,193 7,769 2,107 9,876 9,096 1,942 11,038 8,472 1,965 10,437 9,428 2,196 11,624 6,339 1,421 7,760
Theft by servant ……………………….. 1,704 841 2,545 1,504 667 2,171 1,575 834 2,409 1,553 682 2,235 1,440 652 2,092 1,507 577 2,084 1,142 480 1,622
Theft of vehicle & other thefts ……….. 1,029 135 1,164 820 102 922 1,050 162 1,212 958 129 1,087 932 112 1,044 1,066 135 1,201 772 76 848
Sub-total 21,387 4,269 25,656 19,169 3,700 22,869 18,932 4,708 23,640 20,723 3,828 24,551 19,601 3,811 23,412 21,578 3,981 25,559 16,105 2,998 19,103
Dangerous Drugs, Criminal Damage,
Economic Crimes and Corruption
Dangerous Drugs ……………………………………..… 4,424 541 4,965 4,111 718 4,829 5,071 923 5,994 3,949 570 4,519 5,449 884 6,333 5,945 922 6,867 3,451 609 4,060
Criminal Damage ……………………………………………… 3,645 878 4,523 3,126 893 4,019 3,455 884 4,339 3,302 822 4,124 3,071 1,009 4,080 3,536 813 4,349 2,688 607 3,295
Economic crimes ………………………………………….. 2,233 913 3,146 2,078 831 2,909 2,389 717 3,106 2,501 717 3,218 2,319 732 3,051 3,402 981 4,383 2,324 753 3,077
Corruption ………………………………………………………… 78 26 104 247 84 331 82 15 97 221 54 275 105 56 161 296 92 388 161 34 195
Offences involving Police officers ………. 913 16 929 54 32 86 126 93 219 59 12 71 458 133 591 131 48 179 67 12 79
Sub-total 11,293 2,374 13,667 9,616 2,558 12,174 11,123 2,632 13,755 10,032 2,175 12,207 11,402 2,814 14,216 13,310 2,856 16,166 8,691 2,015 10,706
Source: Kenya Police Service
Note: The number of persons reported to have committed offences may differ with that of crimes reported to the police (Table17.3) because a person may commit more than one crime or a crime may be committed by more than one person
Governance, Peace and Security
Table 17.3: Persons Reported to the Police to have Committed Offences by Sex and Command Stations, 2014 – 2020
Year Command Stations Male Female Total
Other Command Stations............................................................... 62,469 16,233 78,702
Kenya Airports Police Unit.............................................................. 19 2 21
Railways......................................................................................... 141 13 154
Total 62,629 16,248 78,877
Other Command Stations............................................................... 55,750 14,520 70,270
Kenya Airports Police Unit.............................................................. 62 20 82
Railways......................................................................................... 129 34 163
Total 55,941 14,574 70,515
Other Command Stations............................................................... 58,272 16,453 74,725
Kenya Airports Police Unit.............................................................. 132 22 154
Railways......................................................................................... 104 24 128
Total 58,508 16,499 75,007
Other Command Stations............................................................... 58,171 14,426 72,597
Kenya Airports Police Unit.............................................................. 62 20 82
Railways......................................................................................... 129 34 163
Total 58,362 14,480 72,842
Other Command Stations............................................................... 60,692 15,309 76,001
Kenya Airports Police Unit.............................................................. 68 12 80
Railways......................................................................................... 130 24 154
Total 60,890 15,345 76,235
Other Command Stations............................................................... 67,054 15,125 82,179
Kenya Airports Police Unit.............................................................. 57 13 70
Railways......................................................................................... 125 24 149
Total 67,236 15,162 82,398
Other Command Stations............................................................... 53,932 11,001 64,933
Kenya Airports Police Unit.............................................................. 59 31 90
Railways......................................................................................... 44 16 60
Total 54,035 11,048 65,083
Source: Kenya Police Service
* Provisional
Note: The number of persons reported to have committed offences may differ with that of crimes reported to the police
(Table17.2) because a person may commit more than one crime or a crime may be committed by more than one person

Governance, Peace and Security
Table 17.4. Cases Handled by Various Courts, 2015/16– 2019/20*

Kadhis Magistrate Employment & Labour Environment and Court of Supreme

Year Status of Cases Court Courts High Court Relations Court Land Court Appeal Court Total
Filed ……………………………………. 3,735 404,158 41,999 6,159 5,329 1,374 38 462,792
2015/16 Pending ……………………………………. 3,256 333,014 127,958 11,309 20,875 2,861 68 499,341
Disposed of ……………………………………. 1,447 376,360 39,854 3,892 3,497 1,530 23 426,603
Filed ……………………………………. 5,504 300,655 20,553 6,082 9,770 1,578 38 344,180
2016/17 Pending ……………………………………. 3,927 373,350 120,524 13,723 24,338 3,387 90 539,339
Disposed of ……………………………………. 4,833 260,319 27,987 3,668 6,307 1,052 16 304,182
Filed ……………………………………. 7,556 356,085 25,049 5,645 5,834 2,013 61 402,243
2017/18 Pending ……………………………………. 4,821 416,073 107,891 15,707 22,285 4,205 112 571,094
Disposed of ……………………………………. 6,662 313,362 37,682 3,661 7,887 1,195 39 370,488
Filed ……………………………………. 8,439 435,413 30,695 2,672 4,494 2,540 96 484,349
2018/19 Pending ……………………………………. 7,010 438,154 101,588 14,151 19,617 5,445 119 586,084

Disposed of ……………………………………. 6,250 413,332 36,998 4,228 7,162 1,300 89 469,359
Filed ……………………………………. 7,207 298,838 23,602 2,015 3,156 2,620 72 337,510
2019/20* Pending ……………………………………. 8,956 485,496 102,455 12,598 17,255 6,991 115 633,866
Disposed of ……………………………………. 5,261 251,496 22,735 3,568 5,518 1,074 76 289,728
Source: Judiciary
1. Filed cases refer to all cases brought before a court during the year in reference
2. Pending cases refer to the cases which had not been determined/resolved by 30th June during the year in reference
3. Disposed of cases refers to all cases that were resolved/determined by 30th June during the year in reference.
Governance, Peace and Security
Table 17.5: Prison Population, 2011 - 2020
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Number of Persons committed for imprisonment 247,166 196,911 227,918 248,390 221,974 210,227 208,168 223,718 219,295 86,119
Sentenced to:
Less than 1 Month............................................................... 16,772 13,668 16,380 26,427 22,444 18,293 20,289 18,022 18,043 4,085
1 Month to < 2 yrs............................................................... 53,753 38,457 49,407 61,132 52,589 50,768 49,014 56,164 50,339 20,108
2 yrs or more....................................................................... 3,076 1,011 7,984 15,545 10,862 11,405 9,108 8,344 8,335 4,963
Life imprisonment................................................................ 2,023 2,038 2,156 2,624 1,161 1,207 1,182 981 511 130
Death sentence................................................................... 692 741 809 2,757 1,059 760 811 385 119 20
Total 76,316 55,915 76,736 108,485 88,115 82,433 80,404 83,896 77,347 29,306
Committed for civil debt ..................................................... 675 136 669 1,144 587 534 439 600 648 200
Committed to remand ......................................................... 170,175 140,860 150,513 138,761 133,272 127,260 127,325 139,222 141,300 56,613
Total 170,850 140,996 151,182 139,905 133,859 127,794 127,764 139,822 141,948 56,813
Previously convicted ........................................................... 22,586 12,949 22,910 34,927 17,683 14,724 17,824 16,987 17,749 8,171
Daily average population in prison...................................... 43,041 52,011 52,271 55,270 54,631 50,900 51,690 53,765 53,348 20,718

Deaths (Excluding Executions)............................................ 220 236 632 424 261 187 176 119 83 78
Source: Kenya Prisons Service
* Provisional
Governance, Peace and Security
Table 17.6: Convicted Prisoners by Type of Offence and Sex, 2013 - 2020
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Type of Offence1
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Order and administration
of lawful authority 8,862 345 17,171 415 10,235 457 9,113 355 8,143 366 10,274 460 9,334 420 3,823 178
Injurious to public 2,947 174 4,527 188 3,231 169 3,127 132 3,186 139 2,855 197 2,869 211 1,411 87
Against person 4,838 467 7,574 496 5,771 394 5,084 369 6,211 318 6,043 401 5,398 438 2,693 224
Related to property 9,393 374 13,762 503 9,382 333 8,269 334 7,953 353 8,065 415 8,011 416 3,762 186
Attempts & conspiracies 1,554 62 3,720 106 1,312 75 1,308 23 1,593 40 1,528 68 1,624 53 633 23
Employment 2,861 611 4,375 321 5,851 253 3,992 297 4,093 169 6,636 185 2,506 191 420 10
Liquor offences 12,309 3,899 18,828 6,485 18,292 8,564 20,967 7,969 20,879 5,145 19,163 6,698 15,716 6,406 4,440 2,028
Drugs related 3,361 59 5,246 221 5,174 249 4,264 114 5,243 154 4,733 136 4,993 273 1,509 112
Registration of persons2 2,204 139 4,609 208 408 40 111 2 97 6 83 4 49 0 16 0
Various other cases 20,545 1,732 18,303 1,427 16,111 1,814 15,554 1,049 15,002 1,314 14,488 1,464 17,030 1,409 6,900 851
Total 68,874 7,862 98,115 10,370 75,767 12,348 71,789 10,644 72,400 8,004 73,868 10,028 67,530 9,817 25,607 3,699

Total convicted 76,736 108,485 88,115 82,433 80,404 83,896 77,347 29,306
Source: Kenya Prisons Service
* Provisional
As categorised in description of category of offences
refers to offences outlined in the Registration of Persons Act Cap 107 such as illegal registrations
Governance, Peace and Security
Table 17.7. Convicted Persons Committed to Prison by Age and Sex, 2016-2020
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Age Groups
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Under 16 92 19 108 6 118 13 57 11 64 1
16 -17 1,665 211 1,393 31 2,028 82 1,162 55 255 27
18-20 12,040 1,343 11,886 865 13,572 1,126 10,831 932 3,998 355
21-25 22,444 2,818 24,559 2,560 22,428 2,448 19,597 2,324 7,275 859
26-50 29,557 5,256 28,384 3,849 29,280 5,342 30,503 5,313 11,972 2,085
Over 50 5,991 997 6,070 693 6,442 1,017 5,380 1,182 2,043 372
Total 71,789 10,644 72,400 8,004 73,868 10,028 67,530 9,817 25,607 3,699
Grand Total 82,433 80,404 83,896 77,347 29,306
Source: Kenya Prisons Service
* Provisional

Governance, Peace and Security
Table 17.8: Offenders Serving Probation Sentence by Sex and Type of Offence, 2016 - 2020
2016 2017 2018 2019+ 2020*
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Type of Offence Ad Juv Ad Juv Ad Juv Ad Juv Ad Juv Ad Juv Ad Juv Ad Juv Ad Juv Ad Juv
Murder (including attempt) ……………………………. 58 2 21 1 6 146 0 33 52 8 3 0 230 23 45 0 9 2 9 1
Manslaughter …………………………….……………………………. 86 6 30 0 12 79 0 31 80 6 14 0 128 10 29 2 27 0 9 0
Rape (including attempt) …………………………….……………………………. 84 133 10 0 105 199 0 8 205 74 6 1 452 24 46 2 41 52 0 3
Assault …………………………….…………………………….………. 894 63 307 38 208 2094 48 650 999 71 247 13 783 38 175 3 470 29 183 9
Other offences against persons …………………………….……………………………. 856 136 265 19 99 880 25 284 1059 111 279 19 988 48 199 19 80 3 78 1
Robbery and Allied offences …………………………….……………………………. 109 17 14 1 29 189 0 15 266 24 24 0 309 15 47 0 25 9 1 0
Breakings…………………………….……………………………. 319 183 18 3 148 550 0 18 551 137 19 4 263 51 29 0 261 88 7 3
Theft of Stock …………………………….……………………………. 177 36 4 2 33 314 0 12 226 42 2 10 76 7 4 0 76 12 7 0
General stealing …………………………….……………………………. 1043 374 158 38 221 1326 28 146 1335 202 122 16 1272 144 205 15 302 76 23 12
Theft of M/vehicle …………………………….……………………………. 14 5 5 0 4 99 0 10 66 12 4 0 18 0 1 0 3 0 0 0
Theft of M/vehicles parts …………………………….……………………………. 5 2 1 0 1 16 0 4 15 3 0 0 14 0 1 0 5 0 0 0

Theft from m/ vehicles …………………………….……………………………. 5 14 5 0 0 9 0 1 10 0 0 0 12 3 0 0 2 0 0 0
Theft of bicycles …………………………….……………………………. 15 1 2 0 0 13 0 2 11 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Theft by servant …………………………….……………………………. 239 29 29 8 15 222 0 81 141 5 38 3 105 5 29 0 44 0 7 2
Dangerous drugs1 …………….………… 987 79 237 21 80 879 16 161 1315 108 324 8 746 44 100 7 407 39 51 5
Handling stolen property …………………………….……………………………. 138 25 26 1 36 196 8 75 112 15 10 1 45 6 4 0 18 3 6 0
Corruption …………………………….……………………………. 33 2 21 2 0 26 0 5 43 0 3 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Causing death by dangerous driving …………………………….……………………………. 46 1 5 1 0 27 0 2 29 0 0 0 25 2 3 0 8 0 1 0
Other offences against property …………………………….……………………………. 521 88 90 19 46 661 6 78 771 73 107 11 326 30 78 4 623 12 126 4
All other penal code offences …………………………….……………………………. 1834 274 866 85 237 2611 98 678 2775 224 959 119 3233 147 810 26 798 78 561 19
Sub Total…......................................................
7,463 1,470 2,114 239 1,280 10,536 229 2,294 10,061 1,115 2,161 205 9,035 597 1,805 78 3,199 403 1,069 59
Total 8,933 2,353 11,816 2,523 11,176 2,366 9,632 1,883 3,602 1,128
Grand Total 11,286 14,339 13,542 11,515 4,730
Source: Probation and Aftercare Department
* Provisional
Revised +
Note: 1. “Ad” refers to adults (persons 18 years or above)
2. “Juv” refers to juveniles (persons under 18 years of age)
Governance, Peace and Security
Table 17.9: Offenders Serving Community Service Order by Sex and Type of Offence, 2016 - 2020
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Type of Offence Ad Juv Ad Juv Ad Juv Ad Juv Ad Juv Ad Juv Ad Juv Ad Juv Ad Juv Ad Juv
Murder (including attempt) ……………………………. 3 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Manslaughter …………………………….……………………………. 5 0 15 0 1 5 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Rape (including attempt) …………………………….……………………………. 42 76 8 0 7 11 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0
Assault …………………………….…………………………….………. 430 1 70 5 23 303 5 57 369 17 52 3 52 2 41 0 257 0 36 0
Other offences against persons …………………………….……………………………. 439 1 80 4 13 299 7 48 409 7 74 3 74 2 84 0 19 2 16 2
Robbery and Allied offences …………………………….……………………………. 17 2 3 0 0 9 0 0 66 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 20 1 1 0
Breakings…………………………….……………………………. 236 20 14 2 1 241 0 7 248 7 4 0 4 0 0 0 114 0 10 0
Theft of Stock …………………………….……………………………. 170 11 24 0 2 83 0 0 179 1 7 1 7 0 2 0 48 1 0 0
General stealing …………………………….……………………………. 852 33 67 0 29 630 16 51 646 24 36 4 36 5 34 0 477 13 24 0
Theft of M/vehicle …………………………….……………………………. 4 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Theft of M/vehicles parts …………………………….……………………………. 4 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Theft from m/ vehicles …………………………….……………………………. 40 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0
Theft of bicycles …………………………….……………………………. 56 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Theft by servant …………………………….……………………………. 76 2 34 2 0 114 1 44 59 0 15 0 15 0 5 0 224 3 3 0
Dangerous drugs ………………… 2,068 5 702 1 5 1,615 1 332 2,588 9 544 65 544 3 158 0 339 6 73 0
Handling stolen property …………………………….……………………………. 204 12 0 75 0 76 2 8 75 0 18 0 18 0 2 0 19 0 0 0
Corruption …………………………….……………………………. 3 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Causing death by dangerous driving …………………………….……………………………. 9 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 14 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Other offences against property …………………………….……………………………. 576 7 111 1 10 669 5 86 709 18 133 0 133 3 66 0 484 6 66 1
All other penal code offences …………………………….……………………………. 26,375 132 4,518 76 70 21,772 100 2,869 21,429 164 3,252 51 3,252 57 2,004 6 10,839 133 2,395 22
Sub Total…......................................................
31,609 302 5,652 166 161 25,866 137 3,503 26,823 247 4,140 127 4,140 72 2,396 6 12,852 165 2,624 25
Total …………………………………………… 31,911 5,818 26,027 3,640 27,070 4,267 4,212 2,402 13,017 2,649
Grand Total ………………………………….. 37,729 29,667 31,337 6,614 15,666
Source: Probation and Aftercare Department
* Provisional
Note: 1. “Ad” refers to adults (persons 18 years or above)
2. “Juv” refers to juveniles (persons under 18 years of age)
Governance, Peace and Security
Table 17.10: Offenders Serving Community Aftercare Rehabilitation by Sex and Type of Offence, 2016-2020
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Type of Offence Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Murder (including attempt) ……………………………. 8 1 52 0 108 0 12 2 0 0
Manslaughter …………………………….…………………………….20 0 10 2 59 0 7 2 0 0
Rape (including attempt) …………………………….……………………………. 139 1 96 0 86 0 80 4 30 0
Assault …………………………….…………………………….………. 105 19 28 3 59 1 16 2 4 0
Other offences against persons …………………………….……………………………. 67 12 67 0 88 4 25 3 3 0
Robbery and Allied offences …………………………….……………………………. 63 2 36 0 104 0 10 2 1 0
Breakings…………………………….……………………………. 150 0 122 0 90 2 10 1 3 0
Theft of Stock …………………………….…………………………….30 2 32 0 54 3 8 0 1 0
General stealing …………………………….……………………………. 430 15 232 6 133 2 65 3 20 0
Theft of M/vehicle …………………………….……………………………. 11 0 10 1 4 0 0 0 3 0
Theft of M/vehicles parts …………………………….……………………………. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 20 0

Theft from m/ vehicles …………………………….……………………………. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Theft of bicycles …………………………….……………………………. 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Theft by servant …………………………….……………………………. 21 4 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0
Dangerous drugs ………………… 60 10 25 1 33 0 16 1 6 1
Handling stolen property …………………………….……………………………. 18 1 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 0
Corruption …………………………….……………………………. 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0
Causing death by dangerous driving …………………………….……………………………. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other offences against property …………………………….……………………………. 68 3 35 0 21 4 31 1 0 0
All other penal code offences …………………………….……………………………. 299 42 88 30 138 3 243 16 3 0
Total…....................................................... 1,490 114 840 44 980 26 523 37 94 1
Grand Total 1,604 884 1,006 560 95
Source: Probation and Aftercare Department
Means prohibited harmful non pharmaceutical narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances listed in the first schedule of narcotic drugs and pschotropic substances
Governance, Peace and Security
Table 17.11: Registered Voters by County, 2020
County Code Name of County, Special domains No.of constituencies Registered Voters1
1 Mombasa..................................................................................... 6 588,534
2 Kwale........................................................................................... 4 281,893
3 Kilifi.............................................................................................. 7 515,823
4 Tana River................................................................................... 3 118,542
5 Lamu............................................................................................ 2 69,911
6 Taita Taveta................................................................................. 4 157,108
7 Garissa........................................................................................ 6 163,634
8 Wajir............................................................................................ 6 163,131
9 Mandera...................................................................................... 6 175,615
10 Marsabit....................................................................................... 4 141,827
11 Isiolo............................................................................................ 2 75,377
12 Meru............................................................................................ 9 707,787
13 Tharaka-Nithi............................................................................... 3 213,581
14 Embu........................................................................................... 4 311,163
15 Kitui.............................................................................................. 8 475,274
16 Machakos.................................................................................... 8 622,960
17 Makueni....................................................................................... 6 425,642
18 Nyandarua................................................................................... 5 337,544
19 Nyeri............................................................................................ 6 459,742
20 Kirinyaga...................................................................................... 4 350,811
21 Murang'a...................................................................................... 7 590,399
22 Kiambu........................................................................................ 12 1,187,783
23 Turkana....................................................................................... 6 193,103
24 West Pokot.................................................................................. 4 180,592
25 Samburu...................................................................................... 3 83,283
26 Trans Nzoia................................................................................. 5 340,359
27 Uasin Gishu................................................................................. 6 451,038
28 Elgeyo/Marakwet......................................................................... 4 181,343
29 Nandi........................................................................................... 6 347,821
30 Baringo........................................................................................ 6 235,246
31 Laikipia........................................................................................ 3 246,977
32 Nakuru......................................................................................... 11 951,932
33 Narok........................................................................................... 6 342,726
34 Kajiado......................................................................................... 5 411,857
35 Kericho........................................................................................ 6 377,933
36 Bomet.......................................................................................... 5 323,653
37 Kakamega................................................................................... 12 749,072
38 Vihiga........................................................................................... 5 275,182
39 Bungoma..................................................................................... 9 562,137
40 Busia............................................................................................ 7 353,268
41 Siaya............................................................................................ 6 461,258
42 Kisumu......................................................................................... 7 541,329
43 Homa Bay.................................................................................... 8 480,659
44 Migori........................................................................................... 8 389,418
45 Kisii.............................................................................................. 9 550,974
46 Nyamira....................................................................................... 4 280,220
47 Nairobi City.................................................................................. 17 2,257,382
48 Diaspora...................................................................................... 10** 4,390
49 Prisons......................................................................................... 103*** 5,512
Total 290 19,712,745
Source: Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission
** 10 voting stations
*** 103 voting stations
Number as at 31 December, 2019

Governance, Peace and Security
Table 17.12: New Identity Card Applications Made, Produced and Collected by County, 2016-2020
NPR Applications NPR IDs Produced NPR IDs Collected
S/No County 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020* 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020* 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
1 Mombasa ………………………... 24,046 21,640 17,547 21,298 12,793 26,165 23,255 16,760 19,194 13,004 22,966 24,165 16,105 15,305 14,251
2 Kwale ………………………… 37,846 21,808 22,139 27,608 11,924 38,688 27,311 19,204 15,862 13,971 33,417 29,828 17,751 28,602 16,222
3 Kilifi ………………………… 54,127 41,483 36,771 42,151 19,282 50,026 41,641 30,936 33,902 18,505 55,187 43,175 30,050 20,491 20,828
4 Tana River ………………………… 12,301 6,850 4,477 9,945 5,737 10,196 9,577 4,626 3,184 7,738 6,481 11,533 4,281 2,670 6,872
5 Lamu ………………………… 4,539 2,408 1,712 3,815 763 6,129 9,827 1,585 2,420 2,595 4,069 4,149 1,807 1,952 2,638
6 Taita Taveta ………………………… 9,566 9,258 7,631 9,934 5,903 10,556 3,248 7,147 8,012 6,039 9,728 9,649 6,590 7,751 6,409
7 Garissa ………………………… 19,831 6,242 9,753 4,363 5,901 13,813 18,341 10,744 6,563 5,443 7,785 8,781 4,266 2,322 3,614
8 Wajir ………………………… 20,386 9,189 10,156 10,275 8,022 17,188 15,187 7,611 4,776 9,260 14,201 9,248 7,436 2,406 7,683
9 Mandera ………………………… 16,901 13,563 7,059 14,206 7,702 33,518 18,977 8,534 7,241 9,846 24,926 8,539 5,075 3,772 9,561
10 Marsabit ………………………… 11,667 6,656 9,739 8,485 4,564 12,930 10,599 5,419 6,386 6,191 9,858 7,513 5,704 3,499 6,673
11 Isiolo ………………………… 3,728 3,446 3,209 4,097 3,394 4,094 5,414 3,232 1,858 2,954 2,221 5,131 3,367 1,274 2,442
12 Meru ………………………… 73,747 25,892 35,678 26,947 24,842 70,354 47,667 23,422 35,056 21,182 36,206 24,309 21,470 21,296 2,442
13 Tharaka Nithi………………………… 20,736 7,557 9,354 9,506 5,587 21,680 9,805 6,726 11,060 6,986 18,920 9,284 5,817 8,308 8,935
14 Embu ………………………… 26,404 13,670 11,554 16,733 8,365 24,742 15,929 10,322 17,167 9,138 17,101 17,011 9,030 13,323 10,052
15 Kitui ………………………… 46,591 38,491 34,656 44,712 18,950 48,371 38,547 30,831 42,339 19,817 45,740 39,898 30,299 36,727 22,364
16 Machakos ………………………… 41,294 37,870 28,695 40,316 15,958 36,323 37,535 27,080 33,773 18,065 30,487 37,450 24,032 29,190 18,379
17 Makueni ………………………… 33,376 36,014 29,629 39,646 14,924 37,069 36,002 28,311 35,487 17,550 33,468 36,313 22,459 32,396 19,112
18 Nyandarua ………………………… 29,285 21,095 14,420 23,326 9,789 25,114 21,368 11,535 18,435 10,276 22,892 21,335 10,544 15,627 12,819
19 Nyeri ………………………… 30,081 18,006 14,744 18,369 14,857 26,764 19,628 12,326 18,758 11,412 23,090 17,865 11,997 17,603 11,859
20 Kirinyaga ………………………… 27,517 16,164 10,905 15,633 8,269 21,869 18,733 9,622 14,187 8,196 15,581 16,186 8,500 11,380 8,279
21 Muranga ………………………… 54,021 31,176 20,100 28,709 16,486 43,570 33,699 17,615 27,827 17,715 36,605 53,748 17,097 25,592 18,035
22 Kiambu ………………………… 64,134 47,335 34,439 45,410 29,802 58,070 52,095 31,888 42,866 32,233 47,227 48,415 30,507 37,818 31,418
23 Turkana ………………………… 26,556 18,396 17,138 17,192 10,165 15,026 15,567 12,929 10,263 11,555 16,611 13,721 10,402 8,609 11,448
24 West Pokot ………………………… 34,517 19,050 16,776 19,149 5,026 29,275 22,019 13,613 12,240 6,721 23,094 23,039 12,404 7,948 9,784
25 Samburu ………………………… 8,868 7,964 4,385 9,037 2,761 8,125 6,982 3,872 4,936 3,614 7,058 6,275 3,122 3,752 5,034
26 Trans Nzoia ………………………… 28,092 30,731 30,885 30,999 15,994 28,586 31,169 24,337 24,344 16,820 23,019 26,701 20,171 16,779 15,727
27 Uasin Gishu ………………………… 31,005 31,223 20,614 26,393 13,725 25,288 33,989 19,627 25,197 14,722 24,026 31,792 19,641 19,580 16,126

28 Elgeyo Marakwet ………………………… 17,368 12,319 11,708 18,554 5,440 14,214 15,931 10,700 11,798 6,096 14,778 14,851 9,147 12,596 7,660
29 Nandi ………………………… 32,215 29,253 21,283 22,015 10,706 22,143 33,559 18,454 22,961 10,884 20,637 31,696 17,437 17,228 12,710
30 Baringo ………………………… 25,833 20,979 13,863 21,953 11,707 16,275 24,455 14,162 16,321 10,974 16,716 23,074 11,060 13,746 12,665
31 Laikipia ………………………… 18,137 12,059 8,289 13,580 7,608 17,597 13,434 8,679 11,112 7,227 15,601 14,310 8,027 9,086 7,889
32 Nakuru ………………………… 76,607 59,682 38,437 55,031 35,073 62,504 60,685 35,078 46,648 34,649 56,198 57,533 31,258 41,458 36,547
33 Narok ………………………… 30,753 23,007 17,316 30,875 17,568 31,614 29,905 16,518 20,416 17,763 27,515 25,886 15,967 17,440 17,941
34 Kajiado ………………………… 18,529 19,447 15,964 18,690 14,749 20,600 18,430 16,379 17,075 14,401 15,152 18,179 13,620 15,107 10,375
35 Kericho ………………………… 30,801 28,353 18,048 29,123 13,255 23,979 30,260 16,199 23,711 13,925 23,086 29,638 15,258 18,936 17,027
36 Bomet ………………………… 24,076 27,136 15,888 24,875 15,183 22,741 28,717 17,008 18,405 14,542 19,357 29,545 15,778 15,321 16,504
37 Kakamega ………………………… 59,574 62,483 51,897 70,331 25,373 55,388 59,022 45,909 57,284 30,753 51,356 58,715 39,673 50,688 38,116
38 Vihiga ………………………… 19,812 17,932 16,509 25,730 12,568 19,585 19,481 14,298 18,147 13,662 14,093 18,104 12,907 15,281 15,284
39 Bungoma ………………………… 55,514 53,513 44,867 58,973 24,128 52,781 50,665 36,390 39,804 30,464 42,983 50,029 31,405 33,603 30,876
40 Busia ………………………… 30,280 25,726 26,352 29,779 14,859 33,511 30,074 22,736 23,080 15,223 32,681 32,577 22,261 21,937 16,903
41 Siaya ………………………… 45,097 35,677 19,340 26,619 13,995 41,453 36,528 16,580 23,406 13,569 38,887 34,140 16,170 19,422 15,477
42 Kisumu ………………………… 39,774 46,898 25,829 33,831 16,027 39,613 43,027 18,958 29,920 17,280 35,158 40,842 19,228 25,039 18,416
43 Homabay ………………………… 34,782 43,788 19,088 28,831 13,621 36,599 43,094 16,785 24,588 15,080 33,881 38,296 15,160 20,927 17,443
44 Migori ………………………… 40,649 37,348 25,138 32,875 16,220 41,090 34,270 19,800 21,213 17,363 36,770 31,805 17,955 20,086 18,560
45 Kisii ………………………… 40,140 40,732 32,603 40,233 19,910 40,567 38,418 28,728 38,640 21,100 37,381 41,478 25,659 30,138 23,222
46 Nyamira ………………………… 24,085 22,443 16,653 21,461 10,150 19,506 18,824 14,318 17,580 11,018 18,342 18,010 13,151 15,101 10,869
47 Nairobi City ………………………… 74,233 71,316 63,671 71,190 48,016 75,273 69,203 57,602 64,920 49,779 78,569 69,095 51,674 73,360 51,386
48 Foreign Office ………………………… .. 881 743 1,454 912 532 654 884 1,060 607 532 654 884 1,060 607
Total 1,097,267 1,529,421 1,234,149 967,651 1,245,192 816,477 1,431,094 1,322,747 846,019 687,907 766,670 1,241,637 1,263,510 763,603 715,483
Source: National Registration Bureau
NPR - Not Previously Registred
These are produced in Nairobi for Kenyans abroad who applied through foreign office
* Provisional
.. Data Missing
Governance, Peace and Security
Table 17.13 Refugees and Asylum Seekers by Age, Sex and Country of Origin 2016-2020
A: Category 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Children (< 18 yrs)
Male ...................................................................... 149,972 134,109 132,999 140,159 141,221
Female................................................................... 134,173 138,994 122,178 127,749 129,024
Sub Total-children 284,145 273,103 255,177 267,908 270,245
Adults (18+ yrs)
Male ...................................................................... 100,781 103,299 105,318 109,652 116,914
Female................................................................... 109,937 112,013 111,229 112,187 117,695
Sub Total-adults 210,718 215,312 216,547 221,839 234,609
Total (all ages) 494,863
Male ...................................................................... 250,753 237,408 238,317 249,811 258,135
Female................................................................... 244,110 251,007 233,407 239,936 246,719
Total 494,863 488,415 471,724 489,747 504,854
B: Country of Origin
Somalia......................................................................... 326,562 284,346 257,318 264,265 272,490
South Sudan................................................................. 88,391 111,612 115,286 121,553 123,968
DR Congo..................................................................... 29,317 35,710 41,305 43,576 45,266
Ethiopia......................................................................... 27,237 27,880 27,701 28,416 29,204
Burundi......................................................................... 8,461 12,828 13,322 15,098 16,520
Sudan........................................................................... 9,306 10,008 10,106 9,926 10,109
Uganda......................................................................... 1,970 2,482 2,412 2,499 2,626
Eritrea........................................................................... 1,590 1,341 1,803 1,831 1,896
Rwanda........................................................................ 1,630 1,642 1,740 1,788 1,871
Other............................................................................. 399 566 731 795 904
Total 494,863 488,415 471,724 489,747 504,854
Source: Refugee Affairs Secretariat

Governance, Peace and Security
Table 17.14: Child Protection Cases Reported by Sex, 2016 -2020
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020*
Case Categories1
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Child Custody
Abandoned 1,518 1,353 2,871 1,391 1,317 2,708 3,406 3,005 6,411 3,825 3,518 7,343 2,441 2,356 4,797
Custody 6,319 6,124 12,443 5,561 5,249 10,810 12,760 12,294 25,054 12,122 12,442 24,564 10,068 9,790 19,858
Disputed paternity 154 135 289 141 118 259 275 243 518 243 222 465 158 140 298
Parental child abduction 564 507 1,071 576 559 1,135 1,487 1,436 2,923 1,472 1,443 2,915 1,099 1,088 2,187
Sub-Total 8,555 8,119 16,674 7,669 7,243 14,912 17,928 16,978 34,906 17,662 17,625 35,287 13,766 13,374 27,140
Child in need of
Birth Registration 285 228 513 215 224 439 1,010 931 1,941 820 855 1,675 407 453 860
Inheritance / Succession 124 67 191 108 75 183 166 148 314 148 132 280 112 104 216
Sub-Total 409 295 704 323 299 622 1,176 1,079 2,255 968 987 1,955 519 557 1,076
Child trafficking
Abduction 309 297 606 252 243 495 506 548 1,054 696 662 1,358 572 678 1,250
Child Labour 295 227 522 159 86 245 206 217 423 314 377 691 606 468 1,074
Trafficked child 18 33 51 21 38 59 78 105 183 62 95 157 44 70 114
Unlawful confinement 11 9 20 8 1 9 37 29 66 61 62 123 33 52 85
Sub-Total 633 566 1,199 440 368 808 827 899 1,726 1,133 1,196 2,329 1,255 1,268 2,523
Children in conflict
with the law
Child Delinquency 403 198 601 252 114 366 784 373 1,157 746 423 1,169 386 304 690
Child offender 296 149 445 150 28 178 367 95 462 931 280 1,211 705 203 908
Child radicalization 9 4 13 48 53 101 29 20 49 18 19 37 12 9 21
Child truancy 999 435 1,434 773 441 1,214 2,060 1,278 3,338 2,021 1,433 3,454 875 821 1,696
Drug and Substance Abuse 107 31 138 53 6 59 99 15 114 119 40 159 104 52 156
Sub-Total 1,814 817 2,631 1,276 642 1,918 3,339 1,781 5,120 3,835 2,195 6,030 2,082 1,389 3,471
Displaced Children
Internally displaced child 156 143 299 12 10 22 6 11 17 21 46 67 108 97 205
Refugee Children - 3 3 157 116 273 136 124 260 141 140 281 58 47 105
Sub-Total 156 146 302 169 126 295 142 135 277 162 186 348 166 144 310
Violence against
Child Marriage 46 401 447 10 276 286 26 800 826 34 622 656 62 701 763
Child pregnancy - 498 498 - 346 346 - 771 771 - 735 735 37 1,085 1,122
Defilement 95 883 978 81 893 974 250 2,647 2,897 321 2,421 2,742 453 2,808 3,261
Emotional Abuse 306 342 648 199 257 456 431 569 1,000 529 680 1,209 440 573 1,013
FGM - 103 103 - 37 37 - 111 111 - 74 74 - 139 139
Harmful cultural practice 11 57 68 7 11 18 15 22 37 22 20 42 22 18 40
Incest 10 39 49 11 38 49 21 95 116 61 109 170 30 128 158
Neglect 22,354 21,610 43,964 16,430 15,779 32,209 42,154 39,847 82,001 57,279 54,587 111,866 48,861 46,969 95,830
Online Abuse - - - - - - - - - 2 - 2 8 2 10
Physical Abuse/Violence 627 578 1,205 592 551 1,143 1,143 1,164 2,307 1,051 1,138 2,189 1,952 1,932 3,884
Sexual assault 15 55 70 25 107 132 37 105 142 40 103 143 39 110 149
Sexual Exploitation & abuse 12 111 123 8 72 80 48 153 201 41 91 132 29 92 121
Sodomy 46 1 47 45 2 47 99 3 102 94 20 114 83 5 88
Sub-Total 23,522 24,678 48,200 17,408 18,369 35,777 44,224 46,287 90,511 59,474 60,600 120,074 52,016 54,562 106,578
Vulnerable Children
Child Affected by HIV/AIDS 111 104 215 39 33 72 98 94 192 126 101 227 100 72 172
Child headed household 102 119 221 20 19 39 47 42 89 63 83 146 42 55 97
Child of imprisoned parent(s) 118 114 232 64 52 116 134 146 280 132 135 267 51 54 105
Child out of school - - - - - - - - - 333 220 553 158 214 372
Child Mother - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 17 19
Child with disability 148 115 263 69 50 119 118 112 230 162 98 260 169 176 345
Children on the streets 502 109 611 297 54 351 608 147 755 492 135 627 248 101 349
Missing Child (Lost & Found) 493 438 931 444 403 847 1,113 1,042 2,155 1,376 1,109 2,485 620 704 1,324
Mother (Relative) Offer - - - - - - - - - 11 8 19 9 11 20
Orphaned Children 1,347 1,220 2,567 858 857 1,715 2,094 2,159 4,253 2,131 2,315 4,446 1,422 1,395 2,817
Sick Child (Chronic Illness) - - - - - - - - - 16 18 34 62 12 74
Destitution - - - - - - - - - - - - 56 33 89
Sub-Total 2,821 2,219 5,040 1,791 1,468 3,259 4,212 3,742 7,954 4,842 4,222 9,064 2,939 2,844 5,694
Grand Total 37,910 36,840 74,750 29,076 28,515 57,591 71,848 70,901 142,749 88,076 87,011 175,087 72,743 74,138 146,881
Source: State Department for Social Protection, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection
.. Data Missing
* Provisional
See Appendix 3

Governance, Peace and Security
Table 17.16. Registered Persons with Disability by Type of Disability, Sex and Age as at 30th June 2016-2020
As at 30th June 2016 As at 30th June 2017 As at 30th June 2018 As at 30th June 2019 As at 30th June 2020*
Disability Type/Sex
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Persons with Disabilities 174,838 147,248 322,086 209,826 168,528 378,354 233,582 183,035 416,617 261,364 200,664 462,028 284,613 215,425 500,038
Visual 20,181 17,678 37,859 24,305 20,256 44,561 27,356 22,106 49,462 30,833 24,205 55,038 50,683 38,949 89,632
Blind 6,218 5,096 11,314 6,893 5,536 12,429 7,402 5,823 13,225 7,913 6,084 13,997 24,967 19,220 44,187
Other visual disability 13,963 12,582 26,545 17,412 14,720 32,132 19,954 16,283 36,237 22,920 18,121 41,041 25,716 19,729 45,445
Hearing 22,371 19,322 41,693 26,589 22,182 48,771 29,095 23,887 52,982 31,942 25,962 57,904 34,483 27,805 62,288
Deaf-able to talk 4,298 3,672 7,970 4,630 3,854 8,484 4,801 3,946 8,747 4,977 4,066 9,043 5,153 4,186 9,339
Deaf-Uses sign language 10,029 8,338 18,367 12,012 9,680 21,692 13,185 10,452 23,637 14,469 11,404 25,873 15,809 12,359 28,168
Other Hearing disability 8,044 7,312 15,356 9,947 8,648 18,595 11,109 9,489 20,598 12,496 10,492 22,988 13,521 11,260 24,781
Physical 100,189 84,064 184,253 120,333 95,882 216,215 133,708 103,780 237,488 149,681 113,511 263,192 162,805 121,481 284,286
Mental 32,398 26,048 58,446 38,876 30,154 69,030 43,178 32,940 76,118 48,067 36,255 84,322 51,938 39,089 91,027
All Other disabilities 14,628 13,064 27,692 18,110 15,704 33,814 20,916 17,812 38,728 24,267 20,437 44,704 27,261 22,941 50,202

Albinism 2,610 2,554 5,164 2,846 2,728 5,574 3,072 2,855 5,927 3,308 3,036 6,344 3,473 3,178 6,651
Autism 859 467 1,326 1,237 608 1,845 1,606 711 2,317 2,042 862 2,904 2,530 1,053 3,583
Cerebral pulse 3,153 2,994 6,147 4,263 4,104 8,367 5,338 5,179 10,517 6,666 6,507 13,173 8,060 7,901 15,961
Epilepsy 8,006 7,049 15,055 9,764 8,264 18,028 10,900 9,067 19,967 12,251 10,032 22,283 13,198 10,809 24,007
Source: National Council for Persons with Disabilities

Table 18. 1 Tenders Awarded Under AGPO by Public Procuring Entities, 2016/17-2020/21
Financial Year 2016/17+ 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20* 2020/21**
No. of Value No. of Value No. of Value No. of Value No. of Value
Category Procuring Entities Tenders KSh Million Tenders KSh Million Tenders KSh Million Tenders KSh Million Tenders KSh Million

Ministries................................................ 3899 7,508.6 2630 6,066.8 2,742 5,707.6 1,629 3,228.0 2,296 1,901.0
State Corporations................................. 5641 2,982.4 5234 3,832.0 5,943 3,962.2 4,749 3,359.9 4,982 5,241.7
Commissions.......................................... 882 332.2 752 228.0 898 332.0 713 193.6 286 95.9
Universities & Colleges.......................... 3088 509.1 1621 374.8 1,935 400.7 1,897 592.6 1,078 268.6
County Executives.................................. 468 710.4 1044 1,804.9 942 2,495.9 1,146 2,418.8 1,467 2,828.6
County Assemblies................................ 39 16.8 80 34.2 62 20.3 69 115.4 302 321.0
Sub-Total............................................... 14,017 12,059.5 11,361 12,340.7 12,522 12,918.7 10,203 9,908.3 10,411 10,656.8
Ministries................................................ 5101 7,703.1 2724 6,534.8 3,120 7,104.8 1,612 1,904.1 3,139 3,141.0
State Corporations................................. 7278 3,094.4 8220 5,153.0 8,674 5,801.8 7,242 5,584.0 6,453 7,533.6
Commissions.......................................... 953 473.3 906 228.8 1,043 367.0 759 334.9 577 239.6
Universities & Colleges.......................... 3556 474.6 1788 402.6 3,242 813.3 3,141 784.1 1,515 602.9
County Executives.................................. 283 554.4 856 1,290.1 848 1,445.6 1,112 2,229.0 1,154 2,162.2

County Assemblies................................ 17 2.9 23 14.4 38 14.7 72 70.0 241 137.3
Sub-Total............................................... 17,188 12,302.7 14,517 13,623.6 16,965 15,547.2 13,938 10,906.1 13,078 13,816.6
Ministries................................................ 409 312.1 196 569.5 342 722.9 113 81.3 151 60.0
State Corporations................................. 689 403.2 918 439.5 1,076 586.3 1,052 1,009.2 1,221 1,610.9
Commissions.......................................... 106 23.4 97 35.2 151 75.4 151 52.5 28 20.8
Universities & Colleges.......................... 375 40.5 201 26.6 440 76.2 373 77.2 190 48.8
County Executives.................................. 27 49.8 77 310.0 151 211.4 185 761.6 151 242.1
County Assemblies................................ 2 0.1 6 2.5 4 1.6 36 21.3 48 18.3
Sub-Total............................................... 1,608 829.1 1,495 1,383.3 2,164 1,673.8 1,910 2,003.1 1,789 2,000.8
Total....................................................... 32,813 25,191.3 26,916 26,794.6 31,651 30,139.7 26,051 22,817.5 25,278 26,474.2
Source: Public Procurement Regulatory Authority
** Estimates
Table 18.2 Amount Reserved and Awarded by Public Procuring Entities under AGPO, 2016/17-2020/21
No. of Reporting Amount Reserved Amount Awarded
Year Public Procuring Entities Procuring Entities Ksh Millions Ksh Millions
Ministries/State Departments.................... 42 16,160.3 15,523.8
State Corporations.................................... 94 26,024.7 6,480.0
Commissions & Independent Offices........ 17 4,237.8 828.9
2016/17+ Universities & Colleges............................. 25 1,072.9 1,024.2
Counties Executives.................................. 9 3,268.6 1,314.6
County Assemblies................................... 4 301.4 19.8
Sub-Total................................................. 191 51,065.7 25,191.3
Ministries/State Departments.................... 28 19,674.8 12,618.0
State Corporations.................................... 83 33,471.7 9,424.4
Commissions & Independent Offices........ 12 1,924.6 492.1
2017/18 Universities & Colleges............................. 29 1,734.0 804.0
Counties Executives.................................. 9 6,542.2 3,405.0
County Assemblies................................... 6 265.6 51.1
Sub-Total................................................. 167 63,612.9 26,794.6
Ministries/State Departments.................... 35 15,048.3 13,535.3
State Corporations.................................... 97 29,132.9 10,350.3
Commissions & Independent Offices........ 17 4,610.1 774.4
2018/19 Universities & Colleges............................. 31 1,715.5 1,290.2
Counties Executives.................................. 15 8,644.7 4,152.9
County Assemblies................................... 6 473.3 36.6
Sub-Total................................................. 201 59,624.8 30,139.7
Ministries/State Departments.................... 29 5,279.7 5,213.4
State Corporations.................................... 162 32,720.2 9,953.0
Commissions & Independent Offices........ 18 2,950.1 581.0
2019/20* Universities & Colleges............................. 56 3,649.2 1,453.9
Counties Executives.................................. 30 16,321.6 5,409.4
County Assemblies................................... 11 740.3 206.7
Sub-Total................................................. 306 61,661.1 22,817.5
Ministries/State Departments.................... 30 7,306.1 5,102.0
State Corporations.................................... 162 13,563.4 14,386.2
Commissions & Independent Offices........ 18 1,258.0 356.2
2020/21** Universities & Colleges............................. 60 1,931.3 920.2
Counties Executives.................................. 30 15,619.3 5,232.9
County Assemblies................................... 20 1,014.1 476.6
Sub-Total................................................. 320 40,692.2 26,474.2
Source: Public Procurement Regulatory Authority
** Estimates

Table 18.3: Participation in Selected Decision Making Positions in the Public Service, 2019-2020
2019+ 2020*
Positions Female Male Total % Female Female Male Total % Female
Cabinet Secretaries............................................................................ 7 14 21 33.3 7 14 21 33.3
Chief Administrative Secretaries......................................................... 8 19 27 29.6 9 19 28 32.1
Principal Secretaries.......................................................................... 8 35 43 18.6 8 35 43 18.6
Diplomatic Corps1 ............................................................................. 18 46 64 28.1 18 38 56 32.1
Heads of Constitutional commissions
and Independent offices................................................................ 8 7 15 53.3 8 7 15 53.3
Regional Commissioners.................................................................... 1 7 8 12.5 1 7 8 12.5
County Commissioners...................................................................... 6 41 47 12.8 6 41 47 12.8
Deputy County Commissioners.......................................................... 37 285 322 11.5 43 295 338 12.7
Assistant County Commissioners....................................................... 348 721 1,069 32.6 345 716 1,061 32.5
Chiefs ................................................................................................ 392 3,028 3,420 11.5 403 3,011 3,414 11.8
Assistant Chiefs................................................................................. 1,492 6,505 7,997 18.7 1,593 6,496 8,089 19.7
Governors .......................................................................................... 2 45 47 4.3 2 45 47 4.3
Deputy Governors............................................................................... 7 39 46 15.2 8 38 46 17.4
County Secretaries.............................................................................. 5 42 47 10.6 5 42 47 10.6
County Executive Committee Members............................................... 138 296 434 31.8 135 296 431 31.3

Senators............................................................................................. 21 46 67 31.3 21 46 67 31.3
Members of Parliament....................................................................... 76 273 349 21.8 76 270 346 22.0
Speakers ............................................................................................ - 2 2 - - 2 2 0.0
Members of County Assembly ............................................................ 737 1,456 2,193 33.6 736 1,450 2,186 33.7
Speakers............................................................................................. 5 42 47 10.6 4 43 47 8.5
Clerks.................................................................................................. 1 46 47 2.1 1 46 47 2.1
Supreme Court Judges....................................................................... 2 5 7 28.6 2 4 6 33.3
Court of Appeal Judges....................................................................... 7 12 19 36.8 7 12 19 36.8
High Court Judges.............................................................................. 40 45 85 47.1 40 42 82 48.8
Magistrates......................................................................................... 269 234 503 53.5 252 222 474 53.2
Kadhis................................................................................................. 0 53 53 - 0 53 53 0.0

Source: State Department for Interior and Citizen Services, County Assemblies Forum, Cabinet Affairs office, National Assembly, Senate, Council of Governors, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Intenational Trade, Judiciary
Ambassadors and High Commissioners
Table 18.4: Members of County Assemblies by Sex, 2019 and 2020
2019 2020*
Elected Nominated Total Elected Nominated Total
County Code County Female Male Female Male Female Male % Female Female Male Female Male Female Male % Female
001 Mombasa................... 4 26 10 2 14 28 33.3 4 26 10 1 14 27 34.1
002 Kwale.......................... 0 20 12 2 12 22 35.3 0 20 12 2 12 22 35.3
003 Kilifi............................. 2 33 17 2 19 35 35.2 2 33 17 2 19 35 35.2
004 Tana River.................. 2 13 5 3 7 2 77.8 2 13 5 3 7 16 30.4
005 Lamu.......................... 1 9 6 2 7 11 38.9 1 9 6 2 7 11 38.9
006 Taita/Taveta............... 1 19 11 2 12 21 36.4 0 20 11 2 11 22 33.3
007 Garissa....................... 1 29 17 3 18 32 36.0 1 29 17 3 18 32 36.0
008 Wajir........................... 0 30 16 2 16 32 33.3 0 30 16 2 16 32 33.3
009 Mandera..................... 0 30 16 2 16 32 33.3 0 30 16 2 16 32 33.3
010 Marsabit..................... 0 20 8 2 8 22 26.7 0 20 8 2 8 22 26.7
011 Isiolo........................... 0 10 6 1 6 11 35.3 0 10 6 1 6 11 35.3
012 Meru........................... 2 43 21 2 23 45 33.8 2 43 21 2 23 45 33.8
013 Tharaka-Nithi............. 2 13 4 1 6 14 30.0 2 13 4 1 6 14 30.0
014 Embu.......................... 0 20 11 2 11 22 33.3 0 20 11 2 11 22 33.3
015 Kitui............................ 6 34 12 2 18 36 33.3 6 34 12 2 18 36 33.3
016 Machakos................... 4 36 16 3 20 39 33.9 4 36 16 3 20 39 33.9
017 Makueni...................... 1 29 15 3 16 32 33.3 1 28 15 3 16 31 34.0
018 Nyandarua................. 1 24 12 2 13 26 33.3 1 24 12 2 13 26 33.3
019 Nyeri........................... 4 26 12 2 16 28 36.4 4 26 12 2 16 28 36.4
020 Kirinyaga.................... 0 20 11 2 11 22 33.3 0 20 11 2 11 22 33.3
021 Murang'a.................... 1 34 16 2 17 36 32.1 2 33 16 2 18 35 34.0

022 Kiambu....................... 1 30 59 3 30 62 32.6 1 59 29 3 30 62 32.6
023 Turkana...................... 2 28 15 2 17 30 36.2 2 28 15 2 17 30 36.2
024 West Pokot................. 0 20 11 2 11 22 33.3 0 20 11 2 11 22 33.3
025 Samburu..................... 0 15 10 2 10 17 37.0 0 15 10 2 10 17 37.0
026 Trans Nzoia................ 1 24 11 3 12 27 30.8 1 24 11 3 12 27 30.8
027 Uasin Gishu................ 1 29 15 2 16 31 34.0 1 28 15 2 16 30 34.8
028 Elgeyo/Marakwet....... 0 20 11 2 11 22 33.3 0 20 11 2 11 22 33.3
029 Nandi.......................... 1 24 7 2 8 26 23.5 1 24 7 2 8 26 23.5
030 Baringo....................... 2 28 13 2 15 30 33.3 2 28 13 2 15 30 33.3
031 Laikipia....................... 1 14 7 2 8 16 33.3 1 14 7 2 8 16 33.3
032 Nakuru........................ 6 49 21 2 27 51 34.6 6 47 21 2 27 49 35.5
033 Narok.......................... 1 29 15 2 16 31 34.0 1 29 15 2 16 31 34.0
034 Kajiado....................... 0 25 14 2 14 27 34.1 0 25 14 2 14 27 34.1
035 Kericho....................... 1 29 15 2 16 31 34.0 1 29 15 2 16 31 34.0
036 Bomet......................... 3 22 9 2 12 24 33.3 3 22 9 2 12 24 33.3
037 Kakamega.................. 3 57 27 2 30 59 33.7 3 57 27 2 30 59 33.7
038 Vihiga......................... 1 24 12 1 13 25 34.2 1 24 12 1 13 25 34.2
039 Bungoma.................... 7 38 13 2 20 40 33.3 7 38 13 2 20 40 33.3
040 Busia.......................... 1 34 16 2 17 36 32.1 1 34 16 2 17 36 32.1
041 Siaya.......................... 5 25 10 2 15 27 35.7 5 25 10 2 15 27 35.7
042 Kisumu....................... 5 30 11 2 16 32 33.3 5 30 11 2 16 32 33.3
043 Homa Bay.................. 2 38 18 2 20 40 33.3 2 38 18 2 20 40 33.3
044 Migori.......................... 3 37 16 1 19 38 33.3 3 37 16 1 19 38 33.3
045 Kisii............................. 2 43 22 2 24 45 34.8 2 42 22 2 24 44 35.3
046 Nyamira...................... 1 19 13 3 14 22 38.9 1 19 13 3 14 22 38.9
047 Nairobi City................. 4 81 36 2 40 83 32.5 4 81 35 2 39 83 32.0
National 86 1,330 681 97 737 1,442 33.8 86 1,354 650 96 736 1,450 33.7
Source: County Assemblies Forum
Table 18.5: County Executive Committee Members by sex, 2019 and 2020
County 2019+ 2020*
Code County Female Male Total % Female Female Male Total % Female
001 Mombasa....................... 2 3 5 40.0 2 4 6 33.3
002 Kwale............................. 3 5 8 37.5 3 5 8 37.5
003 Kilifi................................ 5 5 10 50.0 5 5 10 50.0
004 Tana River..................... 2 6 8 25.0 2 6 8 25.0
005 Lamu.............................. 2 3 5 40.0 2 3 5 40.0
006 Taita/Taveta................... 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
007 Garissa.......................... 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
008 Wajir.............................. 2 8 10 20.0 2 8 10 20.0
009 Mandera........................ 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
010 Marsabit......................... 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
011 Isiolo.............................. 2 4 6 33.3 2 4 6 33.3
012 Meru.............................. 4 7 11 36.4 4 7 11 36.4
013 Tharaka-Nithi................. 2 5 7 28.6 2 5 7 28.6
014 Embu............................. 3 7 10 30.0 2 7 9 22.2
015 Kitui............................... 0 7 7 0.0 0 7 7 0.0
016 Machakos...................... 4 6 10 40.0 4 6 10 40.0
017 Makueni......................... 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
018 Nyandarua..................... 4 7 11 36.4 4 7 11 36.4
019 Nyeri.............................. 5 5 10 50.0 5 5 10 50.0
020 Kirinyaga........................ 3 5 8 37.5 3 5 8 37.5
021 Murang'a........................ 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
022 Kiambu.......................... 2 8 10 20.0 2 8 10 20.0
023 Turkana......................... 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
024 West Pokot.................... 3 6 9 33.3 3 6 9 33.3
025 Samburu........................ 3 6 9 33.3 3 6 9 33.3
026 Trans Nzoia................... 4 6 10 40.0 4 6 10 40.0
027 Uasin Gishu................... 4 6 10 40.0 4 6 10 40.0
028 Elgeyo/Marakwet........... 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
029 Nandi............................. 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
030 Baringo.......................... 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
031 Laikipia.......................... 2 5 7 28.6 2 5 7 28.6
032 Nakuru........................... 2 7 9 22.2 2 7 9 22.2
033 Narok............................. 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
034 Kajiado........................... 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
035 Kericho.......................... 3 6 9 33.3 3 6 9 33.3
036 Bomet............................ 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
037 Kakamega..................... 2 8 10 20.0 2 8 10 20.0
038 Vihiga............................. 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
039 Bungoma....................... 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
040 Busia............................. 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
041 Siaya............................. 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
042 Kisumu........................... 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
043 Homa Bay...................... 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
044 Migori............................. 4 3 7 57.1 4 2 6 66.7
045 Kisii................................ 3 7 10 30.0 3 7 10 30.0
046 Nyamira......................... 2 7 9 22.2 2 7 9 22.2
047 Nairobi City.................... 4 5 9 44.4 2 5 7 28.6
National 138 296 434 31.8 135 296 431 31.3
Source: Council of Governors


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