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Sub Code: CS6659


Unit: III
Course objective: To carry out knowledge inferences over production based and frame
based system and handle uncertainty and vagueness
Course Outcome: Students will be able to Identify, infer and design basic AI algorithms.


Q. Question Year Bloom’s

N Taxanomy
1 Why do you need a bi-directional search?
Bidirectional Search, as the name implies, searches in (APR/
two directions at the same time: one forward from the MAY 2017)
initial state and the other backward from the goal.
This is usually done by expanding tree with branching C
factor b and the distance from start to goal is d. The
search stops when searches from both directions meet
in the middle. Bidirectional search is a brute-force
search algorithm that requires an explicit goal state
instead of simply a test for a goal condition.
2 Demonstrate continuous random variables? Give (APR/
examples. MAY 2017)
A continuous random variable is a random variable
where the data can take infinitely many values. For
example, a random variable measuring the time taken
for something to be done is continuous since there are
an infinite number of possible times that can be taken.
3 Define Fuzzy reasoning. (NOV/DEC
Fuzzy Logic (FL) is a method of reasoning that 2017)
resembles human reasoning. The approach of FL
imitates the way of decision making in humans that
involves all intermediate possibilities between digital
values YES and NO.
4 Compare production based system with frame (NOV/DEC
based system. 2017)
Production systems are also known as rule based system.
A system whose knowledge base is represented as a set of
rules and facts is called rule based system. A rule based
system consists of a collection of IF-THEN rules, a
collection of facts, and some interpreter controlling the
application of the rules given the facts.
Limitations of Rule-Based Representations
• Can be difficult to create
– the “knowledge engineering” problem
• Can be difficult to maintain
– in large rule-bases, adding a rule can cause
many unforeseen interactions and effects
=> difficult to debug
• Many types of knowledge are not easily
represented by rules
– uncertain knowledge: “if it is cold it will
probably rain”
– information which changes over time E
procedural information (e.g. a sequence of tests to diagnose
a disease

Frame based System

A frame is a collection of attributes and associated values
that describe some entity in the world. Sometimes a frame
describes an entity in some absolute sense; sometimes it
represents the entity from a particular point of view.
 Fairly intuitive for many applications
o Similar to human knowledge
o Suitable for casual knowledge.
o Easier to understand than logic or
 Very flexible.

 It is tempting to use fames as definitions of
o Not appropriate because there may
be valid instances of a concept that
do not fit the stereotype.
o Exceptions can be used to
overcome this.
 Inheritance
o Not all properties of a class
stereotype should be propagated to
Alternation of slots can have unintended consequences in
Demonstrate on Bayesian Networks? (OR) (MAY/JUNE
5 Give the full specification of a Bayesian network. 2016)
A Bayesian network is a probabilistic graphical model that 2013)
represents a set of variables and their probabilistic
independencies. Otherwise known as Bayes net, Bayesian
belief Network or simply Belief Networks. A Bayesian
network specifies a joint distribution in a structured form.
It represent dependencies and independence via a directed A
graph. Networks of concepts linked with conditional

p(A,B,C) = p(C|A,B)p(A)p(B)

6 List out the properties of fuzzy sets. (MAY/JUNE

 Distributivity NOV/DEC
 Associativity 2016) K
 Commutativity
 Idempotency

7 Demonstrate fuzzy set theory.(or) (NOV/DEC

What are fuzzy sets. 2016)
Fuzzy set theory is a means of specifying
how well an object satisfies a vague description.
For example, consider the proposition "He is tall."
This proposition cannot be answered with an exact
"true" or "false" because it is relative. That is, if
the person is a three-year old and standing
alongside a baby, then he is tall. But if the person A
is standing beside his father. Then he is not tall.
Therefore, the degree of tallness needs to be
considered here. Fuzzy set theory treats Tall as a
fuzzy predicate and says that the truth value of
Tall(Nate) is a number between 0 and 1, rather
than being just true or false. The name "fuzzy set"
derives from the interpretation of the predicate as
implicitly defining a set of its members-a set that
does not have sharp boundaries.

8 Differentiate forward and backward chaining. (NOV/DEC

(or) 2015)
What factors determine the selection of
forward or backward reasoning approach for
an AI problem?

Forward chaining is an example of the general

concept of data-driven reasoning-ie) reasoning in A
which the focus of attention starts with the known
data. It can be used within an agent to derive
conclusions from incoming percepts, often without
a query in mind.
Backward chaining is a form of goal-directed
reasoning. It is useful for answering specific
questions such as “What shall I do now?” and
“Where are my keys?” As the name suggests, it
works backwards from the goal.

9 Define Dempster-Shafer theory. (NOV/DEC

The Dempster-Shafer theory uses interval- 2015)
valued degrees of belief to represent an agent’s
knowledge of the probability of a proposition. The
Dempster-Shafer theory is designed to deal with K
the distinction between uncertainty and ignorance.
Rather than computing the probability of a
proposition, it computes the probability that the
evidence supports the proposition. This measure of
belief is called a belief function, written as Bel(X).

10 Define Bayes’ rule. (NOV/DEC

The simple equation of Bayes’ rule underlies all 2012&
modern AI systems for probabilistic inference. MAY/JUNE
The product rule can be written in two forms 2013)
because of the commutativity of conjuction.
P (a  b) = P(a|b) . P(b)
P (a  b) = P(b|a) . P(a)
Equating the two right hand sides and dividing by
P(a), the Bayes’ rule is given as
P ( a|b ) P(b)
P(b|a) =
11 Define Certainty factors.
MYCIN represents most of its diagnostic
knowledge as a set of rules. Each rule has
associated with it a certainty factor, which is a K
measure of the extent to which the evidence that is
described by the antecedent of the rule supports the
conclusion is given in the rule’s consequent.

12 Define frame.
A frame is a data structure with typical
knowledge about a particular object or concept.
Each frame has its own name and a set of attributes K
associated with it.
Ex: Name, weight, age are slots in the frame

13 Define Inference.
Inference is the act or process of deriving
logical conclusions from premises known or K
assumed to be true. The conclusion drawn is also
called as idiomatic.

14 List various knowledge representation schemes.

 Rules
 Semantic nets K
 Schemata (frames, scripts)
 Logic

15 Define inheritance in frame based system

16 Illustrate semantic network

Formalism for representing information about objects,
people, concepts and specific relationship between them. C
Inheritance mechanism allows knowledge to be stored at
the highest possible level of abstraction which reduces the
size of knowledge base.
17 List out the advantages of Production based system.
 Simple and easy to understand.
 Straightforward implementation in K
computers possible.
 Formal foundations for some variants.

18 List out the disadvantages of Production Rules

 Simple implementation are very difficult
 Some types of knowledge are not easily
expressed in such rules. K
 Large sets of rules become difficult to
understand and maintain.

19 Define Forward chaining.

The problem solver begins with the given
facts and a set of legal moves or rules for changing
the state. Search proceeds by applying rules to
facts to produce new facts. This process continues
until (hopefully) it generates a path that satisfies
the goal condition.
Data-driven search uses knowledge and constraints
found in the given data to search along lines
known to be true. Use data-driven search if: K
 All or most of the data are given in the
initial problem statement.
 There are a large number of potential
goals, but there are only a few ways to use
the facts and the given information of a
particular problem.
 It is difficult to form a goal or hypothesis.

20 Define Backward chaining.

The problem solver begins with the goal to
be solved, then finds rules or moves that could be
used to generate this goal and determine what
conditions must be true to use them. These
conditions become the new goals, subgoals, for the
search. This process continues, working backward
through successive subgoals, until (hopefully) a
path is generated that leads back to the facts of the K
Goal-driven search uses knowledge of the goal to
guide the search. Use goal-driven search if;
 A goal or hypothesis is given in the
problem or can easily be formulated.
(Theorem proving; medical diagnosis;
mechanical diagnosis)
 There are a large number of rules that
match the facts of the problem and would
thus produce an increasing number of
conclusions or goals. (inefficient)
 Problem data are not given but must be
acquired by the problem solver. (e.g.,
medical tests determined by possible

Q. Question Year Bloom’s
N Taxanomy
1. Describe the production based knowledge (Nov/Dec C
representation technique(13) 2017)
2 Name the inferences in Bayesian network(16) (APR/
MAY 2017) K

3 State and compare Temporal model and Hidden (APR/

Markov model MAY 2017) E

4 Explain in detail about forward chaining and (NOV/DEC C

backward chaining with algorithms. (16) 2016)
5 What is Dempster - Shafer theory? Explain with (NOV/DEC
suitable example. (16) 2016) C

6 Describe the various issues in knowledge C


7 Explain knowledge representation using other logic in C

detail with example.(16)

Q. Question Year Bloom’s
N Taxanomy
1 (i)Demonstrate about Bayesian Theory and Bayesian (Nov/Dec AP
Network(6) 2017)
(ii)Describe in detail about Dempster-Shafer theory(7)
2 (i) Briefly explain how reasoning is done using fuzzy (MAY/JUNE
logic. (6) 2016) AP
(ii)Explain Dempster-Shafer Theory (10)

3 Define forward chainin (MAY/JUNE

g and how does it works? Explain the forward chaining 2016) AP
algorithm with example. (16)

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