Kapco Ar 2021
Kapco Ar 2021
Kapco Ar 2021
04 06 09 09 10
Key Figures Company Vision Mission Notice of 25th Annual
Information General Meeting
14 16 22 24 26
Profile of the Board of Code of Operational Whistle Blowing Board
Directors Conduct Highlights Policy Committees
29 31 39 40 42
Chairman’s Review Directors’ Report Directors’ Report Key Operating and Pattern of
(Urdu) Financial Data shareholding
45 46 48 52 53
Categories of Pattern of Corporates Holding Highlights Organizational
shareholders shareholding Additional 10,000 Shares and Structure
Information Above
56 58 61 62
Executive & Statement of Independent Auditor’s Independent
Management Compliance with Review Report to Auditor’s Report to
Committees Listed companies the Members of Kot the members of Kot
Addu Power Company Addu Power Company
Limited Limited
Review Report on
the Statement of Report on the Audit
Compliance contained of the Financial
in Listed Companies Statements
(Code of Corporate
Regulations, 2019
68 70 71 72 73
Statement of Financial Statement of Profit or Statement of Statement of Changes Statement of Cash
Position Loss Account Comprehensive in Equity Flows
74 125 127
Notes to the Financial Proxy Form (English) Proxy Form (Urdu)
Years of 01
• The Company has successfully completed Twenty-Five Years since its Privatisation in
June 1996. The Company is a success story of public-private partnership.
• The Provisional Listing of the Company on the Stock Exchange took place on February
14, 2005 and was followed by Formal Listing on April 18, 2005.
• This has been an eventful year for the Company. The Company settled its LDs Arbitration
Years of dispute with its Power Purchaser. Following settlement, the term of the Company’s
Power Purchase Agreement has been extended from June 27, 2021 to October 24,
2022. As part of the settlement, the Company received the first installment of 40% of
receivables at the cut-off date of November 30, 2020 amounting to Rs. 39.601 Billion
from the Power Purchaser in the form of one-third cash, one-third Government Ijara
Sukuk, and one-third Pakistan Investment Bonds.
Gross Profit Turnover
The Company is the only IPP in Pakistan whose business income has
been taxable since July 2006; and is amongst the top tax payers of the
Country ranking at number 13 on the ‘Top Tax Payers List’ under Prime
Minister’s Tax Privileges and Honour Card Scheme.
• To be a responsible corporate citizen
• To maximise shareholders’ return
• To provide reliable and economical power for our customer
• To excel in all aspects relating to safety, quality and environment
• To create a work environment which fosters pride, job satisfaction and
equal opportunity for career growth for the employees
25TH ANNUAL Company Limited (“Company”) will be held 1. To confirm the Minutes of the Eleventh Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held on October 2, 2021.
at the Islamabad Serena Hotel, Khayban-e- 2. To receive, consider and adopt the Annual Audited Accounts of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2021 together
3. To approve the final cash dividend of Rs. 3.50 per share, that is, 35% for the year ended June 30, 2021 as recommended
2021 at 10.00 a.m. to transact the following by the Board of Directors. This is in addition to the interim dividend of Rs. 6.50 per share, that is, 65% already paid making
business: a total cash dividend of Rs. 10.00 per share, that is, 100% during the year.
4. To appoint Auditors and fix their remuneration for the year ending June 30, 2021. The present Auditors, Messrs. A. F.
Ferguson & Co., Chartered Accountants being eligible, offer themselves for reappointment.
Appointment of Proxy received not later than 48 (forty-eight) hours before the Name & Shareholding Name & Shareholding
time of the Meeting. Conversion of Physical Shares into CDS CNIC propotions CNIC propotions
1. A Member entitled to attend and vote at the Meeting is (No of
(No of
entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote on his/her Members attending the Meeting in person will be 3. In compliance with the requirements of Section 72 of the
behalf, provided such proxy is also a Member. required to comply with SoPs protocols/guidelines for Companies Act, every existing listed company shall be In another clarification by FBR, valid tax exemption
their own and others safety. required to replace his/her physical shares with book- certificate for claim of exemption under section 150, 151
2. An instrument of proxy and the Power of Attorney or
Change of Address entry form in a manner as may be specified and from the and 233 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 is required
other authority (if any) under which it is signed, or a
date notified by the SECP, within a period not exceeding where statutory exemption under clause 47B of Part-IV
Notary Public certified copy of such Power of Attorney, in 6. Members are requested to immediately notify change four years from the commencement of the Companies of the Second Schedule is available. Such certificate
order to be valid, must be deposited with the Company’s of address to the Company’s Share Registrar at the Act, that is, May 30, 2017. U/S 159(1) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 issued
Share Registrar, THK Associates (Private) Limited not following address:
Members having physical share certificates are by concerned Commissioner of Inland Revenue is to be
later than (48) forty-eight hours before the time of holding
THK Associates (Private) Limited requested to convert their shares from physical form into produced to avail tax exemption.
the Meeting.
KAPCO Share Registrar book entry form as early as possible. It would facilitate Corporate shareholders having CDC accounts are
3. Form of Proxy is herewith enclosed. Plot No. 32-C, Jami Commercial Street 2 the Members in many ways including safe custody of required to provide their National Tax Number (NTN)
Phase VII, DHA shares, no loss of shares, avoidance of formalities to their participants. Corporate physical shareholders
CDC Account Holders Karachi, 75500 required for issuance of duplicate shares and readily should send a copy of their NTN certificate to the Share
4. CDC account holders are in addition required to follow available for sale and purchase in open market at better Registrar. The shareholders while sending NTN or NTN
the guidelines of Circular No.1 dated January 26, 2000
of the SECP for attending the Meeting:
Important Notes to the rates. certificates, as the case may be, must quote company
name and their respective Folio Numbers.
(i) In case of individuals: The account holder or sub
Shareholders Deduction of Income Tax from Dividend under Section
account holder and / or the person whose securities 150 Circulation of Annual Audited Financial Statements via
are registered on CDS; and their registration 4. The Government of Pakistan through Finance Act, CD/USB/DVD
details are uploaded as per the regulations, shall 1. Shareholders are requested to submit a copy of their 2019 made certain amendments to Section 150 of the 5. Annual Financial Statements of the Company for the
authenticate his/her identity by showing his/her valid CNIC (only physical shareholders), if not already Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 whereby different rates financial year ended June 30, 2021 have been placed
original CNIC or original passport at the time of provided to the Share Registrar of the Company. have been prescribed for deduction of withholding tax on the Company’s website www.kapco.com.pk.
attending the Meeting. Members are also required Corporate account holders should submit National Tax on the amount of dividend paid by the companies in the
Number, if not yet submitted. In case of non-submission Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
to bring their Participants’ I.D. Number and Account following manner:
of CNIC/NTN Certificate (copy), all future dividends will (SECP) vide its SRO No.470(1)/2016 dated May 31,
Numbers in CDS.
be withheld till provision of these documents. 2016 has allowed companies to circulate their Annual
(ii) In case of a corporate entity: Board of Directors For Active tax payers 15% Audited Financial Statements along with notice of
Resolution / Power of Attorney with specimen E-Dividend (Mandatory) For non-active taxpayers general meeting to its shareholders through CD/DVD/
signature of nominee shall be produced (unless USB at their registered addresses.
it has been provided earlier) at the time of the 2. In accordance with the provisions of Section 242 of the
Companies Act, 2017 and E Dividend Regulations of Active tax payers should ensure that their names duly Shareholders who wish to receive a hard copy of
the SECP through S.R.O. 1145(I)/2017 dated November appear on the Active Tax Payers List (ATL) of the Federal Annual Audited Financial Statements along with notice
6, 2017, it is mandatory for the Company to pay cash Board of Revenue (FBR). You may visit the FBR website of general meeting are advised to fill the request form
dividend to the Members only through electronic for assistance. Should the name of a shareholder be available on the Company’s website www.kapco.com.
mode directly into the bank account designated by the absent on the ATL, the Company will be constrained to pk and send the same to the Share Registrar or the
Member. deduct tax at 30% notwithstanding that such shareholder Company Secretary.
may be an income tax filer.
General Hussain joined the Pakistan Army in 1976 and graduated with distinction from PMA. He underwent his Mr. Naveed Asghar Chaudhary | Director
grooming in an Infantry Battalion. Having been employed on exalted positions including his employment in Interior
Sindh on anti-dacoit operations in 1992; and the Gulf War 1 in Saudi Arabia. He has attended courses in France and Mr. Naveed Asghar Chaudhry has appointed Director on February 19, 2020. He is Fulbright Scholar and has done
Indonesia. General Hussain has been privileged to command his parent Unit. His youth witnessed his distinctive his MS in Finance and MA in Economics from Georgia State University, USA and an MBA from Australian National
representation of Army in sports like Athletics, basket ball, squash and tennis. His employment as Defense Attache’ University. In addition, he has a BS in Electrical Engineering from University of Engineering & Technology Lahore.
in Jakarta exposed him to diplomacy for over three years. He had the privilege of being instructor in Army Command He belongs to the Pakistan Audit & Accounts Service and possesses more than 18 years of professional working
and Staff College, Quetta and lateron also as a Chief Instructor. experience. During his career he has served at senior positions including Director of a Department of the Auditor
General of Pakistan, Economic Specialist at US Consulate General Karachi and Directing Staff at Civil Services
Commanded an Infantry brigade and then as a Maj General went on to command most prestigious division in Academy, Lahore.
Gilgit Baltistan. His passion for adventurism lead him to phenomenal support of Gilgit Political Govt. and supported
them in exploring energy resources. His popularity with the people of Gilgit gives him a unique distinction. He He is a Member Finance/General Manager Finance of the Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority
commanded 30 Corps Gujranwala and supported the successful conduct of 2013 election in Gujranwala Division. (WAPDA). Mr. Asghar is also a Director on the Board of Directors of Neelum Jhelum Hydropower Company Limited,
Diamer Basha Dam Company and First Credit and Investment Bank Limited. He is Member of American Economic
His other Directorships are on the Board of Directors of Neelum Jhelum Hydroelectric Company Limited, Diamer Association, member of American Finance Association and Member of Pakistan Engineering Council.
Basha Dam Company, Pakistan Cricket Board and Private Power Infrastructure Board. He is a regular speaker in
seminars on Pakistan’s successful transition to democracy and economic positive trajectory in Universities in UK.
Mr. Aftab Mahmood Butt has been the Company Chief Executive since August 1, 2008. Prior to being appointed
Mr. Saad Iqbal | Director
Chief Executive, he was a Director of the Company (appointment: July 2007). From January 2007 to July 2008,
Mr. Saad Iqbal was appointed Director on November 4, 2016. Mr. Saad Iqbal is a graduate of Curry College, USA in
Mr. Butt held the position of General Manager Finance, Corporate Planning & Performance Monitoring in Pakistan
Business Communication. He is also holds a Postgraduate Diploma in International Business Management (2009)
Electric Power (Private) Limited (PEPCO). His other professional experience includes the position of Member
from Kingston University, United Kingdom.
Finance & Secretary Board in the Corporate and Industrial Restructuring Corporation, Ministry of Finance,
Government of Pakistan. Mr. Saad Iqbal is the Chief Executive of Gul Ahmed Bio Films Limited, Swift Textile Mills (Private) Limited and Metro
Solar Power Limited. His other Directorships are on the Board of Directors of Millat Tractors Limited, Metro Power
Mr. Butt is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan. He has more than 20 years
Company Limited, Metro Wind Power Limited, Metro Estate (Private) Limited, Tariq Glass Industries Limited and
experience in the corporate and finance sector in senior management positions. Mr. Butt previously served on
HUB Power Company Limited.
the Board of Directors of Central Power Purchasing (Guarantee) Limited, the Lahore Stock Exchange (Guarantee)
Limited, and the Lahore Electric Supply Company Limited.
Mr. Jamil Akhtar was appointed Director on April 15, 2021. He is the Member (Power) of the Pakistan Water
Mr. Aqeel Ahmed Nasir has been a Director since March 2015. Mr. Nasir is the Company Secretary & Chief Legal
and Power Development Authority (WAPDA). Mr. Akhtar has 35 years’ experience in operation, maintenance of
Counsel of United Bank Limited (UBL). Mr. Nasir has to his credit more than 20 years experience in the legal and
hydel power stations of WAPDA Hydroelectric and other power plants, procurement and contract management,
financial sector of both the public and private sector.
rehabilitation of old hydro power plants, negotiation with International donor agencies for project funding. He is also
Mr. Nasir is a Master of Laws (LL.M.) from the University of London, England. He is a Director on the Board of responsible for administrative, technical, financial, audit management and coordination with various Ministries for
Directors of United Executor and Trustee Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of UBL). He is also a director of Rehabilitation and Development Projects.
the Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance and Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited (CDC). His
Mr. Akhtar is a B.Sc. Engineering (Electrical) and registered with the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC). He has
previous employments include Sui Southern Gas Company Limited, Pakistan PTA Limited and ICI worldwide Group
also attended various trainings/short courses in Pakistan and abroad. He also a Member on the Board of Directors
of Neelum Jhelum Hydropower Company and Diamer Basha Dam Company.
Mr. Hafiz Muhammad Yousaf has been appointed Director of the Company with effect from June 21, 2019. Mr. Ms. Zunaira Azhar | Director
Yousaf is a highly qualified professional having diversified qualifications from the renowned Institutions of Pakistan,
USA, and Canada. He is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP), Fellow Ms. Zunaira Azhar has been appointed director of Company on December 31, 2018. Ms. Azhar has Masters
Member of American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and Member of Canadian Institute of Degree in Public Policy and Governance. She also qualified CSS (competitive examination) and holds M.Sc. in
Chartered Professional Accountants (CICPA) besides being member of many other renowned international Child Development.
professional institutions.
Ms. Azhar has civil services exposure, eight years of active broadcast journalism in the mainstream media outlets of
Mr. Yousaf possesses over three decades of diversified post qualification experience as a Chartered Accountant, Pakistan, and concurrently is a PhD fellow in UK. She has a multifaceted and dynamic exposure to the public sector,
(including two decades at a Big 4 accounting firm as Partner/Country Leader Consulting). His core areas of socio-political and security arena of Pakistan. A strong research and development has been her forte throughout
specialization are corporate finance and restructuring, corporate compliance and regulations, governance and her academic and professional stream. She was selected by the State Department (US) in 2012, to represent
oversight, assurance, consulting and financial advisory services. He has handled, directed and managed a wide Pakistan in the South Asian Group under the Edward. R Murrow Exchange Program. Under this initiative, young
variety of complex professional assignments for private and public sectors, national and international entities. emerging leader and journalists from throughout the globe were invited to observe and report the mechanism and
Mr. Yousaf has the honor of serving the council of ICAP for eight years (2009-17) in various leadership positions transparency of the electoral system in USA.
including being its President for 2015-16 term and represented Pakistan on various prestigious international forums
including International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), International Accounting Standard Board (IASB), Asian
Oceana Standards Setters Group (AOSSG), CA Worldwide (CAW) and South Asian Federation of Accountants for
many years on different meetings and conferences. He has also served on the Boards of State Bank of Pakistan
(SBP), and Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) including chairing their Audit and Oversight
Committees respectively besides being part of many other important committees of the Boards. Currently he is
also a Board Member of SAMBA Bank Limited, Pakistan Security Printing Corporation and Security Papers Limited.
14 Annual Report 2021 Years of 15
Introduction Section I • You will not, directly or indirectly, have a financial interest
with any individual, firm or company which does or
• You may accept gifts of reasonable value including for
commonly-recognised events or occasions, such as a
This Code of Conduct (this “Code”) establishes a standard of Compliance with Laws, Rules and seeks to do business with the Company whether as a promotion, new job, wedding, retirement, birthday or
conduct for Directors and employees of the Company; deters Regulations customer, supplier, contractor, sub-contractor or service holiday.
wrongdoing and promotes honest and ethical conduct of provider.
• You may receive awards from civic, charitable,
Directors and employees. It also promotes compliance with The Company, its Directors and employees are bound by the • You will not use your position in the Company to gain an educational or religious organisations of reasonable
applicable laws, rules and regulations which apply to the law. Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations must unfair advantage over a customer, supplier, contractor or value in recognition of services and accomplishments.
Company, its Directors and employees. not be compromised. No one will be subject to retaliation service provider including to the extent of obtaining any
because of a good faith report of a suspected violation. If • You may receive gifts, gratuities, amenities or favours
goods or services on credit, rebate or discount which is
an employee fails to comply with an applicable law, rule or received because of family or personal relationships
This Code is not meant to cover all possible situations that not available generally.
regulation, he/she may be subject to disciplinary measures, when the circumstances make it clear that it is those
may occur. It is designed to provide a frame of reference
upto and including termination of employment. relationships rather than business of the Company that
against which to measure activities. You should seek Conflicts of interest may not always be clear-cut. If in doubt
are the motivating factor.
guidance when in doubt about the proper course of action in you should consult with the Company Secretary. If an actual
a given situation, as it is ultimately your responsibility to “do To avoid inadvertent violations, you are encouraged to or potential conflict of interest arises, you are required to
ask questions when there is uncertainty. To encourage If you receive gifts, services or other items of value under
the right thing”. intimate the same in writing to the Company Secretary (or
open communication, you may discuss the matter with the the above, you are required to intimate the same in writing
with respect to the Company Secretary, the Chief Executive)
Company Secretary. to the Company Secretary (or with respect to the Company
You should always be guided by the following basic principles: forthwith; and the Company Secretary is to report the same to
Secretary, the Chief Executive) forthwith. The Company
the Chief Executive. The Company Secretary shall maintain a
Secretary shall maintain a record of such receivings.
• Avoid any conduct that could damage or risk the
Company or its reputation.
Section II record of such reporting.
If you are offered gifts, services or other items of value not in
Conflicts of Interest
• Act legally and honestly.
Section III conformity with the exceptions noted above, or if either arrives
• Put the Company’s interests ahead of personal or other A conflict of interest occurs when your personal interests at your office or home, you must report it to your superior in
interests. (financial or other) interfere, or even appear to interfere, in any Gifts, Meals and Entertainment writing with a copy to the Company Secretary (or with respect
way, with the interests of the Company. Conflicts of interest to the Company Secretary, the Chief Executive).
This Code is a living document, which may change over time. You will not seek, accept, offer, promise, or give (directly or
can also arise when you take actions or have interests, or a
indirectly) anything of value including payments, fees, loans,
This Code is not an employment contract between you and
member of your family has interests, that may make it difficult
for you to perform your duties to the Company objectively
services, entertainment, favours or gifts from or to any person Section IV
the Company. Violations of this Code may lead to disciplinary or firm as a condition or result of doing business with the
action and also culminate in termination of employment.
and effectively. When a potential conflict of interest arises,
Company. Outside Directorships and other Outside
it is important that you act with great care to avoid even the Activities
appearance that your actions were not in the best interest of
This Code does not supersede, change or alter any Company You may accept gifts, services or other items of value under
the Company. Outside of the Company, no activities shall be pursued if such
policies and procedures already in place or which may be put the following circumstances:
activities will interfere with the employee’s responsibilities
in place, from time to time.
Some examples for avoiding conflicts of interest are as follow: for the Company, or if they create risks for the Company’s
• You may accept meals, travel, lodging, refreshment, or
reputation or if they in any other way are likely to conflict with
This Code is not intended to and does not create any rights other normal business courtesies of reasonable value
• You will deal with all suppliers, customers, and all the interests of the Company.
in any employee, customer, supplier, competitor, shareholder either in the course of a business meeting or to satisfy a
other persons doing business with the Company in a
or any other person or entity. reasonable business purpose of the Company.
completely fair and objective manner without favour or Unless requested by the Company to take up a particular
preference based upon personal financial or relationship • You may accept meals and entertainment, such as the position or activity, an employee shall pursue outside activities
Scope considerations. occasional sporting event, provided that you do not
do so frequently or under circumstances where your
and positions at his own risk and within his spare time only
subject to the condition that such position or activity do not
• You will not accept from or give to any supplier or,
This Code applies to the Company’s Directors to the extent of judgment could be influenced, or where the cumulative in any manner whatsoever adversely impact the employee in
customer any gift or entertainment except as allowed
carrying out their director-related activities. value of the entertainment is excessive. Any meals the performance of his official duties and responsibilities and
under Section III (Gifts, Meals and Entertainment) below.
and entertainment involving substantial travel or an provided further that it is permissible to so do in terms of the
For the purposes of this Code, references to “employee(s)” • You will not do business on behalf of the Company extended number of days cannot be accepted without employees employment contract with the Company.
include officers, staff, trainees, temporary employees, and with a member of your family or a close relative, unless the permission of the Chief Executive.
contract employees (including those employed by third party the transaction is disclosed in writing, to the Chief An employee will not seek directorship in any company
• You may accept discounts or rebates on merchandise or
contractors). Executive, who determines that the transaction is on (public or private) without the prior written consent of the
services that do not exceed those available to members
arms-length terms and is consistent with the purposes Chief Executive (and in case of the Chief Executive, the Board
of the general public.
of this Principle. A close relative would include a spouse, of Directors); and the directorships in other companies shall
parent, parent-in-law, sibling, sibling-in-law, child or son/ be capped at 4.
engaging in transactions involving the Company’s shares (or • Refusal to cooperate in the investigation of an alleged
Weapons, Workplace Violence, Drugs, Section XIV violation.
any other equity or debt securities of the Company).
Alcohol and Gambling
Responding to Inquiries from the Press and • Failure by a violator’s supervisor(s) to detect and report
In the absence of the above conditions, you may make You will not display and/or carry weapons or explosives a violation, if such failure reflects inadequate supervision
investments in listed securities (including those of the
on Company premises (including the residential colony), or lack of oversight.
Company). unless as a security personnel you have a licensed weapon. Those of you who are not official spokespersons of the
Similarly, the Company will not tolerate any level of violence in Company shall not speak with any third party as Company
Section XVI
Section X the workplace or in any work-related setting or the residential
representatives. Officer(s) authorised by the Chief Executive
shall respond to requests for financial or other information Waivers and Amendments
Workplace Harassment about the Company from the media (print or electronic),
Without prejudice to the contents of the preceding paragraph, financial analysts, or the public. Requests for information The Board of Directors may waive or amend a provision of
The Company is an equal opportunity employer and is in case of a licensed weapon, you shall be required to give from regulators or the government should be referred to the this Code subject to any applicable regulation/law.
committed to cultivating a diverse work environment where written notice to the Security Manager and provide him with a Company Secretary. In each of these instances the Officer(s)
individual differences are appreciated and respected. It is true copy of the license (and renewal thereof). Further, it shall
Auto Transformer, T-6; 200 MVA (220/132 KV) Siemens make was
installed, commissioned and successfully energized in April 2021.
This flagship project will enhance grid system reliability for 132 KV
transmission lines emanating from KAPCO Grid and feeding consumer
grid stations in remote areas of Muzaffargarh, Layyah and Taunsa.
Commercial Availability Thermal Efficiency On June 30, 2021 the Company successfully completed 9,061,658
man hours worked (2,914 days) without a Lost Time Accident.
95.2% 44.5%
1. Policy Statement 2. What is Whistleblowing? 3. Who Does the Policy The Investigation
1.1 The Company is committed to achieving and maintaining 2.1 This Policy is designed to deal with concerns raised in Apply to? 4.7 The Disciplinary Committee will decide how to respond in
high standards of behaviour at work from its employees. relation to specific issues which are detailed in paragraph a responsible and appropriate manner under this Policy.
3.1 This Policy applies to all officers, staff, trainees, temporary
Employees are expected to conduct themselves with 2.2 below. An investigation will be conducted as speedily and
employees, and contract employees (including those
integrity, impartiality and honesty. The Company seeks sensitively as possible. An official written record will be
The Company’s other policies and procedures deal employed by third party contractors).
to develop a culture where inappropriate behaviour kept at each stage of the procedure.
with matters not covered by paragraph 2.2 below. The
at all levels is challenged. To achieve this, the relevant policy should be followed where appropriate. A decision as to whether a preliminary investigation
Company encourages reporting of genuine concerns
2.2 Whistleblowing is specific and means a disclosure
4. The Company’s should be carried out will be made within two (2) weeks
of malpractices, illegal acts or failures to comply with
recognised standards of work without fear of reprisal or of information made by an employee where he/she Whistleblowing Procedure of the complaint having been received. Where this is not
possible, the employee making the complaint will receive
victimisation. reasonably believes that one or more of the following
4.1 If you wish to disclose information as contemplated in an explanation of the delay.
matters is happening now, took place in the past or is
This Policy is accompanied by a Procedure that should this Policy you may send a written communication to
likely to happen in the future: 4.8 You are entitled to be accompanied by a work colleague
be followed when “blowing the whistle”. the Disciplinary Committee at the address and e-mail throughout the proceedings when reporting your
1.2 The Company will not tolerate harassment or victimisation • incorrect financial reporting; notified by the Company. concerns.
of a genuine whistle blower (including informal pressures) • unlawful activity; All incidences of whistleblowing to the Disciplinary
and will treat such conduct as gross misconduct, which if
proven, may result in dismissal.
• danger to health and safety of any individual; Committee are to be reported by the Disciplinary
Committee to the Members of the HR Committee of Outcome of the Investigation
• activity not in line with Company policy, including the the Board of Directors at the immediately next Board
1.3 The Board of Directors reserves the right to amend this 4.9 If there is a case to answer, and if appropriate, the
Code of Conduct; Meeting.
Policy and Procedure as necessary to meet any change disciplinary proceedings will be initiated against the
in requirements. • activity, which otherwise amounts to serious 4.2 The Disciplinary Committee shall consist on three (3) person(s) who are the subject of the allegation(s).
improper conduct; or members; and one of its members will act as Coordinator.
1.4 If there is anything which you think the Company should 4.10 You will be informed of the outcome of the investigation
know about, kindly use the Procedure. By knowing of a • deliberate concealment of information tending to The Chief Executive will appoint the members of the
within 5 working days of completion of the investigation
malpractice at an early stage, the Company can take show any of the above. Disciplinary Committee. To avoid a conflict of interest,
(including any disciplinary investigation). However, the
necessary steps to safeguard the interests of others and if a whistleblowing instance involves a member of
exact nature of any disciplinary action taken against any
protect the organisation. Please do not hesitate to “blow 2.3 This Policy does not extend to mismanagement which the Disciplinary Committee, the Chief Executive will
person will remain confidential.
the whistle” on wrongdoing. may arise from error of judgment or incompetence. reconstitute the Disciplinary Committee.
4.11 Whether there was a case to answer or not, and provided
2.4 This Policy does extend to matters arising out of a 4.3 Anonymous allegations are not automatically disregarded
that your disclosure was made in good faith because you
personal grievance which should continue to be pursued but given the safeguards which are in place for those
reasonably believed it to be true, the Company will ensure
through your line managers in accordance with your local making allegations under this Policy, anonymous
that you are protected from reprisal or victimisation as a
grievance procedure. allegations are less powerful than those from named
result of your complaint.
2.5 Only genuine concerns should be reported. Disclosures individuals.
4.12 Only where it is established that your allegations were
must be made in good faith with a reasonable belief that 4.4 The Disciplinary Committee will decide how the
false and made maliciously will disciplinary action be
any information and/or allegation is substantially true, investigation should proceed.
taken against you. Such disclosures will be treated as
and that the disclosure is not made for personal gain.
4.5 If you are unhappy with the response that you receive gross misconduct and may result in your dismissal
Malicious or false allegations will be treated as a serious you may report the matter to the Chairman of the Audit without notice or payment in lieu of notice.
disciplinary offence. Committee. This option will not apply where an allegation
4.13 If, as a result of investigations you are implicated in some
has been dismissed following an investigation.
way in any wrong doings disciplinary action may be taken
4.6 If in doubt, you should speak to the Company Secretary. against you. The fact that you have blown the whistle will
Your conversation will be treated in absolute confidence. be taken into account if an action is considered.
Name of Director No. of Meetings Attended Name of Director No. of Meetings Attended
e. Review of the Management Letter issued by the External as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.
Auditors and Management’s response thereto;
f. Ensuring coordination between the Internal Auditors and
External Auditors of the Company;
Appointed Member Audit Committee on April 15, 2021
Resigned from the Board of Directors on April 15, 2021
a success story of public-private partnership. Over the years These Board Committees work under approved terms of
the Company has not only met the dispatch requirements of reference and, as appropriate, these Board Committees
the Power Purchaser, but has also provided a good return on make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
investment to shareholders. Due to the excellent operating
I am pleased to present the Annual Report and maintenance regime put in place, the Power Complex The Board of Directors has requisite skills sets which include
of the Company for the financial year has a further useful life and so the Company has filed an engineering, financial, banking, legal experience and the
ended on June 30, 2021. application before the National Electric Power Regulatory media.
Authority (NEPRA) for renewal of its Generation License,
which is due to expire in September 2021. The Government Appropriate safeguards have been put in place by the
of Pakistan intends to create a competitive power market. The Company at its power plant and adjoining colony for
Company will actively participate in the competitive trading ensuring the safety of Company employees and their families
arrangements when these are implemented and become from COVID 19 pandemic. Measures have been put in place
fully operational. This arrangement will give the Company for ensuring the continuous and reliable availability of the
the option to sell electricity to bulk power consumers. For Company’s power plant for power generation.
preparedness, the Company has embarked on technical
evaluations on the remaining useful life of its Power Plant. Following completion of external surveillance IMS Audit, the
Company’s following certifications continue:
The Company’s profit before tax for the year is Rs. 14,411
Million; and profit after tax is Rs. 10,229 Million bringing its ISO 9001: 2015
earnings per share (EPS) for the year to Rs. 11.62 per share Quality Management Systems
of Rs. 10 each. The total cash dividend for the year being Rs.
10.00 per share (subject to shareholder approval). ISO 14001: 2015
Environmental Management Systems
This has been an eventful year for the Company. The
Company settled its LDs Arbitration dispute with its Power And the Company has successfully transitioned to the
Purchaser. Following settlement, the term of the Company’s following certification:
Power Purchase Agreement has been extended from June
27, 2021 to October 24, 2022. As part of the settlement, the ISO 45001: 2018
Company received the first installment of 40% of receivables Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
at the cut-off date of November 30, 2020 amounting to Rs.
39.601 Billion from the Power Purchaser in the form of one- The Company continues to reach out to the local community
third cash, one-third Government Ijara Sukuk, and one-third of Kot Addu through its Social Action Programme.
Pakistan Investment Bonds.
Years of 29
DIRECTORS’ Principles Activities of the
highest international standards in accordance with
Original Manufacturer Recommendations. Operating
and maintaining the Power Complex at these standards
Privatisation • Two Auto Transformers (100 +200 MVA) were installed for
Grid System Support.
It is heartening to note that the Company in June 2021 • Auto Transformer, T-6; 200 MVA (220/132 KV) Siemens
completed Twenty-Five Years of Privatisation. We take this make was installed, commissioned and successfully
opportunity to extend our warmest felicitations to you for being energized in April 2021.This flagship project will enhance
part of this journey! grid system reliability for 132 KV transmission lines
emanating from KAPCO Grid and feeding consumer grid
The Company was Privatised following international competitive stations in remote areas of Muzaffargarh, Layyah and
bidding on June 27, 1996. The Privatisation Commission (on Taunsa.
behalf of the Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority
• On the technical side, solutions were achieved for
(WAPDA)), sold around 18% of WAPDA’s shareholding to the
complicated turbines blade failure, high vibration on
general public under an Offer for Sale in February 2005; and
some Gas Turbines, and innovative remedial measures
with this the Company was listed on the Stock Exchanges of
to overcome compressor failure problem on two Gas
Pakistan. The public offering was a resounding success with an
oversubscription several times over! The Company has been a
KSE 100 index company. • A Fuel Oil Treatment Plant was successfully rehabilitated
and modified for treatment of both Low Sulphur Furnace
The last Twenty-Five Years have been eventful with improvements Oil (LSFO) and High Speed Diesel (HSD); and another
and enhancements to the Power Complex, which increased Fuel Oil Treatment Plant was installed to enhance LSFO
the reliability and availability of the Power Complex to meet treatment capacity.
dispatch requirements of the Power Purchaser. Since 2006, • Environmental Remediation Project was completed which
Pakistan has been faced a power crises. We are pleased to included oil effluent water treatment system, turbine wash
report that the Company has over this period been the biggest water treatment plant and sewage treatment plant.
supporter of the Power Purchaser/Government of Pakistan
from amongst the IPPs. To support the system, the Company • A Reverse Osmosis Plant was installed for availability of
not only continues to keep its Power Complex technically water for combined cycle.
available but also maintains credit lines of Billions of Rupees. • New Sodium Hypo Chlorite Plant installed for elimination
Some technical milestone achievements/improvements made of chlorine gases.
over the last Twenty-Five Years are given below:
• Up gradation of IT systems were carried out from time to
time to conform to the changing needs of the Company
• The Annual Dependable Capacity Tests successively
and its business.
carried out successive years have demonstrated an
excess in capacity over the Initial Dependability Tests
The technical milestone achievements/improvements have
conducted at the time of Privatisation.
directly impacted the Company’s financial performance, which
• The Complex Thermal Efficiency has been improved has been par excellence, despite challenges. A few financial
through implementation of various projects and achievements/contributions over the last Twenty-Five Years are
operating and maintaining the Power Complex at the given below:
The Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority has been substituted by Central Power Purchasing Agency
Years of
(Guarantee) Limited vide Novation Agreement dated February 15, 2021. Excellence
• The Company has over the last Twenty-Five years provided
a good return to shareholders in the form of cash dividend
14,411 Million (2020: Rs. 32,954 Million). Tax provision is Rs.
4,181 Million; and profit after tax is Rs. 10,229 Million (2020:
in the larger national interest agreed to amend the PPA
for sustainability of the power sector. A Memorandum of
Impact of Covid-19 on the
of Rs. 136,697 million which includes the amount of Rs.
65,511 million paid to WAPDA.
Rs. 23,613 Million) which gives earnings per share (EPS) of Rs.
11.62 per share of Rs. 10 each (2020: Rs. 26.83 per share) for
Understanding was executed on August 19, 2020 between
the Company and G-NC, subject to certain conditions. GoP,
Company and its Business
the year. thereafter set-up an Implementation Committee (G-IC) vide The Company follows proper guidelines at its Power Complex
• The Company arranged USD 45 Million KIBOR to LIBOR
notification dated October 7, 2020. G-IC, the Company and and adjacent colony to control the spread of COVID 19. Wearing
SWAPs in Pakistan in 2011.
As in previous years, Power Purchaser’s payment default CPPA-G (on behalf of WAPDA) entered into negotiations for tariff of masks at the Power Complex is made mandatory, facilities
• Issuance of first Short Term Islamic Sukuk in Power Sector continues. On June 30, 2021, the overdue receivables from the reduction and to resolve other outstanding issues between the for washing of hands has been made available alongwith the
of Pakistan for Rs 1.5 Billion in June 2011. This transaction Power Purchaser were Rs. 104,622 Million (for details refer to Company and the Power Purchaser including the settlement use of hand sanitizers. Social distancing measures have been
was awarded as highly commended Islamic deal in Note 20 to the Financial Statements). The advance paid, as on of the LDs Arbitration before the International Chamber of put in place at workplaces. Screening is carried out before
Pakistan by Triple A Asset Asia. June 30, 2021, to Pakistan State Oil Company Limited (PSO) Commerce (ICC) in Singapore. entry into the Power Complex on a daily basis. Significant
• KAPCO was awarded “Partner in Excellence Award” by for fuel oil supplies is Rs. 4,557 Million and amount payable to number of employees have been vaccinated. From time to time
FBR in 2006. Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) for gas (RLNG) The Company and the Power Purchaser (WAPDA) on instructions are issued through office orders to govern leave
supplies amounts to Rs. 1,557 Million. The Company continues February 11, 2021 signed the Master Agreement and the Third approvals, testing, isolation, restriction at entry and exit etc. The
• The Company is the only IPP in Pakistan whose business to pursue the Power Purchaser and the concerned Ministries of Amendment to the Power Purchase Agreement. On May 21, Company’s Crises Management Team is fully engaged. The
income has been taxable since July 2006; and is amongst GoP for resolution of the matter. 2021 the Amendment to the Facilitation Agreement and the Company is committed to taking necessary steps to protect
the top tax payers of the Country ranking at number 13 Amendment to the GoP Guarantee were executed between the power plant operations / business and its employees and
on the ‘Top Tax Payers List’ under Prime Minister’s Tax As on June 30, 2021, the Company does not have any long- the Company and the President of the Islamic Republic of their families.
Privileges and Honour Card Scheme. term debt obligations other than those of operational nature. Pakistan for and on behalf of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
• The Company has successfully settled the LDs Arbitration The Company obtained requisite shareholders’ approvals for,
with the Power Purchaser, which were imposed for not As part of settlement of the LDs Arbitration dispute, on June 4, inter alia, the settlement of the LDs dispute at the Extraordinary Social Action Programme
meeting dispatch requirements due to inability of the 2021, the Company received Rs. 39.601 Billion from the Power General Meeting held on March 24, 2021.
Company to purchase fuel because of delayed payments Purchaser in the form of one-third cash, one-third Government As part of the Company’s Social Action Programme, the
from the Power Purchaser. Details of the LDs settlement Ijarah Sukuk, and one-third Pakistan Investment Bonds. This Following completion of conditions precedent, the Company construction of library, availability of furniture and books is
are given in a following section. constitutes the first instalment of 40% of receivables as of the and Power Purchaser filed a joint application for withdrawal being progressed in the vicinity of Kot Addu.
cut-off date of November 30, 2020. of the LDs Arbitration before the ICC in Singapore. The
As a responsible corporate citizen, the Company under its Arbitral Tribunal issued a Consent Order dated July 13, 2021
CSR Programme made a donation to the President’s Relief acknowledging the settlement of disputes, and the withdrawal Directors’ Training
Fund for earthquake victims in October 2005; and made a Operational Highlights of all claims and counterclaims as per the settlement terms of
During the year, Messrs. Naveed Asghar Chaudhry and Jamil
donation for flood relief in 2010. Kot Addu and its adjoining the Third PPA Amendment Agreement. The ICC vide its letter
The Company sold 3,562 GWh of electricity to its customer, Akhtar participated in Directors Training Programme carried
areas were severally impacted by these floods. Fortunately, the dated August 5, 2021 acknowledged agreement of the parties
representing a cumulative load factor of 30.3%; overall out by the Lahore University of Management Sciences. Ms.
flood waters receded without entering the Company’s Power for withdrawal of claims under the LDs Arbitration.
commercial availability of 95.2%; and thermal efficiency of Zunaira Azhar participated in the assessments carried out
Complex and its colony. The Company reached out to the local
44.5%. Fuel generation during the year mix was 65.0% on gas by the Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance under its
communities by providing cooked food on daily basis to the By way of settlement of the LDs dispute, the parties agreed to
(RLNG), 31.7% on low sulphur furnace oil and 3.3% on high Corporate Governance Leadership Skills – Directors Education
affected people along with medical and other support. The treat the outage period (financial years 2009 to 2016) due to
speed diesel. Programme. A total of seven Members of the Board are
Company also made its premises and infrastructure available fuel shortage as an Other Force Majeure Event (OFME) under
to various governmental agencies, the Pakistan Army and local the PPA. The total number of days that the OFME subsisted was certified Directors.
and foreign NGO’s and aid agencies working in the area for The Company’s Power Complex is being maintained at the equivalent to 485 days (approximately 16 (sixteen) months).
highest international standards in accordance with the Original
relief operations.
Equipment Manufacturers’ recommendations to ensure
Hence, the term of the existing PPA has been extended from
June 27, 2021 to October 24, 2022.
Directors’ Remuneration
Having successfully completed Twenty-Five Years of its PPA, technical availability of the Power Complex in accordance with
Non-executive Directors and the Independent Directors are
the Company will be evolving by facilitating the power market the terms of the Power Purchase Agreement (as amended)
transition from the current single buyer to competitive market (PPA). During the year, eight combustion inspections were duly Novation of PPA entitled to a Directors’ fee for meetings attended.
in accordance with the legal and regulatory regime as agreed carried out as per approved outage plan; and major overhaul of
in the Master Agreement dated February 11, 2021 between the two gas turbines and one steam turbine was completed. The Company, WAPDA and CPPA-G on February 15, 2021
signed a Novation Agreement2 to transfer the rights, obligations
Change on Board of Directors
Company and the Power Purchaser.
and liabilities of WAPDA under the PPA (as amended by the
Here in after is the Directors’ Report for the year ended June
Settlement of LDs Dispute, Third PPA Amendment Agreement) in favour of CPPA-G.
One casual vacancy on the Board of Directors’ due to the
resignation of Mr. Javed Akhtar was filled-in by the appointment
30, 2021. Withdrawal of Arbitration CPPA-G is the Market Operator, inter alia, facilitating the power
market transition from the current single buyer to competitive
of Mr. Jamil Akhtar.
Proceedings and Extension of market. In line with other IPPs, the Company’s PPA has also
Financial Highlights been novated to CPPA-G. Board of Directors Composition
Existing PPA
Turnover for the year is Rs. 69,636 Million (2020: Rs. 71,543 The Board of Directors as at June 30, 2021 consists of:
Million); and the cost of sales are Rs. 45,098 Million (2020: Rs. GoP set-up a Committee for Negotiations (G-NC) with Generation License
50,065 Million). The gross profit earned is Rs. 5,251 Million Independent Power Producers (IPPs) vide Notification
(2020: Rs. 21,478 Million); and profit before tax stood at Rs. dated June 3, 2020 for alteration in the existing contractual The Company has within the statutory period filed an application
arrangements. The Company, at the request of GoP and before the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
(NEPRA) for renewal of its Generation License, which is due to
expire in September 2021 and the same is being progressed.
Appointed Director of the Company on April 15, 2021 5
Appointed Member Audit Committee on April 15, 2021
34 Annual Report 2021 4
Resigned from the Board of Directors on April 15, 2021 6
Resigned from the Board of Directors on April 15, 2021 Years of 35
36 Annual Report 2021 Years of 37
38 Annual Report 2021 Years of 39
Key Operating and Financial Data
of the Last Six Years
Financial Year Ending June 30, 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Net profit PKR in Million 10,229 * 23,613 13,112 10,617 9,447 9,071
EPS PKR per share 11.62 * 26.83 14.90 12.06 10.73 10.31
* The numbers have been adjusted to take impact of ‘Adjustment to Capacity Purchase Price’ as referred to in note 8.1 to the
financial statements.
Shareholders Category No. of Shares Held Shareholders Category No. of Shares Held
Associated Companies Directors, CEO, their spouses and minor children
Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority 354,311,133 Lt. General Muzammil Hussain (Retd.) 1
KAPCO Employees Empowerment Trust 48,252,429 Mr. Aftab Mahmood Butt 1,000
Mr. Aqeel Ahmed Nasir 500
Mutual Funds Mr. Hafiz Muhammad Yousaf 1
Mr. Naveed Asghar Chaudhry 1
Mr. Saad Iqbal 84,500
Mr. Jamil Akhtar 1
Ms. Zunaira Azhar 1
Executives 321,576
CDC - TRUSTEE UBL GROWTH AND INCOME FUND 571,500.00 Public Sector Companies and Corporations -
Banks, Development Finance Institutions, Non Banking Finance
Companies, Insurance Companies, Takaful, Modarabas and 232,573,063
CDC - TRUSTEE HBL ENERGY FUND 579,000.00 Approved Funds (Pension Funds, Provident Funds, Gratuity Funds etc.)
CDC - TRUSTEE NBP STOCK FUND 1,099,500.00 General Public (Local) 208,182,802
General Public (Foreign) 24,458,868
MC FSL TRUSTEE JS - INCOME FUND 251,500.00 Shareholders holding 5% or more voting interest
MC FSL - TRUSTEE JS GROWTH FUND 1,044,000.00 Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority 354,311,133
CDC - TRUSTEE ALFALAH GHP STOCK FUND 495,000.00 United Bank Limited - Trading Portfolio 67,900,000
CDC - TRUSTEE ALFALAH GHP ALPHA FUND 264,500.00 KAPCO Employees Empowerment Trust 48,252,429
CDC - TRUSTEE FIRST HABIB STOCK FUND 123,000.00 None of the CEO, Directors, CFO, Company Secretary, Head of Internal Auditors, Executives and their spouses and minor
CDC - TRUSTEE LAKSON EQUITY FUND 1,040,463.00 children have traded in the shares of the Company during the year ended June 30, 2021
No of shares No. of
Name purchased shares sold
CDC - TRUSTEE AWT INCOME FUND 73,500.00 Mr. Saad Iqbal, Director - 3,700,000
CDC - TRUSTEE ABL PENSION FUND - EQUITY SUB FUND 58,000.00 Mr. M. Rabnawaz Anjum, CFO 5,000 -
Mr. Waheed Sohail, Executive 25,000 -
CDC-TRUSTEE NITPF EQUITY SUB-FUND 13,000.00 Mr. M. Jamal Younus, Executive 50,000 -
CDC - TRUSTEE NBP SAVINGS FUND - MT 38,500.00 Mr. Muhammad Ahmed Javed, Executive 43,500 1,000
9,000 100
8,000 90
4,000 3,562
3,000 3,500 30
1,000 10
08-09 10.2
14-15 12.3
15-16 15.8
09-10 6.8
10-11 8.0
11-12 6.9
12-13 3.1
13-14 4.8
0 0
Actual Forecast
GM Finance GM GM Legal /
/ CFO Engineering Company Secretary
Thermal Efficiency %
Senior Manager
45 Financial Senior Manager
44.4 44.5 Business
44.0 44.0 Controller Operations
44 43.7 43.7
44.0 Development
43.3 43.3 43.5 43.5
43.1 43.2
43.0 42.9 Head of Internal Audit
42.2 42.2
Internal Auditors (EY)
42.0 42.0 41.8
42 41.6 Senior Manager Senior Manager
Contracts & Commercial &
40.2 Procurement Performance
39 38.5
Maintenance Block - II
10,000 90
40 Functional Reporting
30 Administrative Reporting
2,000 20 * Board of Directors’ and Senior Management of the Company.
1,000 10
0 0
Management Committee:
The Management Committee consists of the Departmental Heads and the Senior Managers and is chaired by the Chief
Executive. Its function include in-depth Departmental reviews so as to create synergies within the Company. The Management
Committee meets regularly.
Name of Company
Audit Committee 16. The statutory auditors of the Company have confirmed
that they have been given a satisfactory rating under
Kot Addu Power Company Limited Mr. Hafiz Muhammad Yousaf Chairman the quality control review programme of the Institute of
Year Ended Chartered Accountants of Pakistan and registered with
Mr. Naveed Asghar Chaudhry Member
Audit Oversight Board of Pakistan; that they and all their
June 30, 2021 Mr. Saad Iqbal Member partners are in compliance with International Federation
Mr. Jamil Akhtar Member of Accountants (IFAC) guidelines on code of ethics
as adopted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants
The Company has complied with the requirements of 6. All the powers of the Board have been duly exercised
of Pakistan and that they and the partners of the firm
the Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance) and decisions on relevant matters have been taken by HR Committee involved in the audit are not close relatives (spouse,
Regulations, 2019 (the “Regulations”) in the following the Board/shareholders as empowered by the relevant
parent, dependent and non-dependent children) of the
manner: provisions of the Companies Act, 2017 (the “Act”), the Mr. Aqeel Ahmed Nasir Chairman
Chief Executive, Chief Financial Officer, Head of Internal
Company’s Articles of Association and the Regulations. Mr. Aftab Mahmood Butt Member/Chief Executive
1. The total number of directors are eight (8) as per the Audit, Company Secretary or Directors of the Company.
following: 7. The meetings of the Board were presided over by the Mr. Naveed Asghar Chaudhry Member
17. The statutory auditors or the persons associated with
Chairman and, in his absence, by a Director elected by
a) Male: Seven (7) them have not been appointed to provide other services,
the Board for this purpose. The Board has complied LDS Committee except in accordance with the Act, the Regulations or
with the requirements of Act and the Regulations with
b) Female: One (1) any other regulatory requirements and the auditors have
respect to frequency, recording and circulating minutes Mr. Aqeel Ahmed Nasir Chairman
confirmed that they have observed IFAC Guidelines in
2. The composition of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of meetings of the Board.
Mr. Aftab Mahmood Butt Member/Chief Executive this respect.
is as follows:
8. The Board has a formal policy and transparent procedure Mr. Saad Iqbal Member
18. We confirm that all requirements of the regulations 3, 6,
for remuneration of Directors in accordance with the Act
Category Names 7, 8, 27, 32, 33 and 36 of the Regulations have been
Independent • Mr. Aqeel Ahmed Nasir
and the Regulations.
Special Committee complied with.
Directors • Mr. Hafiz Muhammad Yousaf 9. Training programmes were arranged for the following
Mr. Naveed Asghar Chaudhry Chairman
• Mr. Saad Iqbal directors:
Mr. Aftab Mahmood Butt Member/Chief Executive For and on behalf of the Board
• Ms. Zunaira Azhar
• Mr. Naveed Asghar Chaudhry
Mr. Aqeel Ahmed Nasir Member
Executive • Mr. Aftab Mahmood Butt (Non-Executive Director)
Directors (Chief Executive)
• Mr. Jamil Akhtar 13. The terms of reference of the Board Committees have
Non-Executive • Lt. General Muzammil Hussain (Retd) (Non-Executive Director)
been formed, documented and advised to members for
Directors • Mr. Naveed Asghar Chaudhry
• Ms. Zunaira Azhar compliance.
• Mr. Jamil Akhtar
(Non-Executive Director) Aftab Mahmood Butt Lt. General Muzammil Hussain (R)
14. The frequency of Board Committee (year ended June
3. The Directors have confirmed that none of them is serving Chief Executive Chairman, Board of Directors
10. The Board has approved the appointment of the Chief 30, 2021) meetings are as follows:
as a director on more than seven listed companies,
including the Company. Financial Officer and Head of Internal Audit including August 17, 2021
Audit Committee Seven (7)
their remuneration and terms and conditions of Lahore
HR Committee Three (3)
4. The Company has prepared a “Code of Conduct’’ and employment and complied with relevant requirements of
LDs Committee Four (4)
has ensured that appropriate steps have been taken to the Regulations. The Company Secretary was appointed
Special Committee One (1)
disseminate it throughout the Company along with its prior to the listing of the Company.
supporting policies and procedures.
11. The Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer duly 15. The Board has outsourced the internal audit function
5. The Board has developed a vision/mission statement, endorsed the financial statements before approval by to EY Ford Rhodes, Chartered Accountants who are
overall corporate strategy and significant policies of the Board. considered suitably qualified and experienced for
the Company. A complete record of particulars of the purpose and are conversant with the policies and
significant policies along with the dates on which they 12. The Board has formed Board Committees comprising of procedures of the Company.
were approved or amended has been maintained by the following:
AUDITOR’S REPORT Review Report on the Statement of Compliance contained in Listed Companies
(Code of Corporate Governance) Regulations, 2019
To the members of Kot Addu Power Company Limited
Report on the Audit of the Financial Statements We have reviewed the enclosed Statement of Compliance with the Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance)
Regulations, 2019 (the Regulations) prepared by the Board of Directors of Kot Addu Power Company Limited for the year ended
June 30, 2021 in accordance with the requirements of regulation 36 of the Regulations.
The responsibility for compliance with the Regulations is that of the Board of Directors of the Company. Our responsibility is
to review whether the Statement of Compliance reflects the status of the Company’s compliance with the provisions of the
Regulations and report if it does not and to highlight any non-compliance with the requirements of the Regulations. A review is
limited primarily to inquiries of the Company’s personnel and review of various documents prepared by the Company to comply
with the Regulations.
As a part of our audit of the financial statements, we are required to obtain an understanding of the accounting and internal
control systems sufficient to plan the audit and develop an effective audit approach. We are not required to consider whether
the Board of Director’s statement on internal control covers all risks and controls or to form an opinion on the effectiveness of
such internal controls, the Company’s corporate governance procedures and risks.
The Regulations require the Company to place before the Audit Committee, and upon recommendation of the Audit Committee,
place before the Board of Directors for their review and approval, its related party transactions. We are only required and have
ensured compliance of this requirement to the extent of the approval of the related party transactions by the Board of Directors
upon recommendation of the Audit Committee.
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention which causes us to believe that the Statement of Compliance does not
appropriately reflect the Company’s compliance, in all material respects, with the requirements contained in the Regulations as
applicable to the Company for the year ended June 30, 2021.
A. F. Ferguson & Co
Chartered Accountants
Name of engagement partner: Amer Raza Mir
Date: September 24, 2021
A.F. FERGUSON & CO., Chartered Accountants, a member firm of the PwC network
23-C, Aziz Avenue, Canal Bank, Gulberg-V, P.O.Box 39, Lahore-54660, Pakistan
Tel: +92 (42) 3571 5868-71 / 3577 5747-50 Fax: +92 (42) 3577 5754 www.pwc.com/pk
Years of 61
INDEPENDENT Following are the key audit matters:
S. No. Key audit matters How the matter was addressed in our audit
The annexed notes from 1 to 42 form an integral part of these financial statements.
Aftab Mahmood Butt M. Rabnawaz Anjum Hafiz Muhammad Yousaf Aftab Mahmood Butt M. Rabnawaz Anjum Hafiz Muhammad Yousaf
Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Director Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Director
Cost of sales 25 (45,098,016) (50,065,134) - Re-measurement of net defined benefit obligation - net of tax 365,322 (462,689)
Gross profit 5,251,010 21,478,165
Other comprehensive income / (loss) for the year - net of tax 365,322 (462,689)
Administrative expenses 26 (952,620) (872,749)
Other income 27 13,220,591 20,806,245 Total comprehensive income for the year 10,594,746 23,150,504
Operating profit 17,518,981 41,411,661
The annexed notes from 1 to 42 form an integral part of these financial statements.
Finance cost 28 (3,108,239) (8,457,417)
Profit before tax 14,410,742 32,954,244
The annexed notes from 1 to 42 form an integral part of these financial statements.
Aftab Mahmood Butt M. Rabnawaz Anjum Hafiz Muhammad Yousaf Aftab Mahmood Butt M. Rabnawaz Anjum Hafiz Muhammad Yousaf
Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Director Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Director
The annexed notes from 1 to 42 form an integral part of these financial statements.
Aftab Mahmood Butt M. Rabnawaz Anjum Hafiz Muhammad Yousaf Aftab Mahmood Butt M. Rabnawaz Anjum Hafiz Muhammad Yousaf
Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Director Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Director
2 Basis of preparation In line with the Agreements referred above, the existing PPA will now expire on October 24, 2022. Furthermore, the
2.1 These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting and reporting standards as Company’s generation license with NEPRA is also due to expire on September 21, 2021.
applicable in Pakistan. The accounting and reporting standards applicable in Pakistan comprise of:
However, the management of the Company strongly believes that the PPA will be extended for an additional term
– International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board following the expiry of the extended term since as per the terms of the Master Agreement, the Power Purchaser has
(IASB) as are notified under the Companies Act, 2017; agreed to consent to this, subject to terms and conditions to be mutually agreed. Accordingly, the management has
taken up this matter with the relevant Authorities and initiated the legal formalities in this regard including those required
– Islamic Financial Accounting Standards (IFAS) issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan for renewal of generation license. The recent correspondences with such Authorities indicate a strong likelihood for
(ICAP) as notified under the Companies Act, 2017; and extension of the PPA beyond the extended term as well as renewal of generation license.
– Provisions of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017. The other factors which supports the management’s stance for extension of the PPA and renewal of generation license
are as follows:
Whenever the requirements of the Companies Act, 2017 or the directives issued by the SECP differ with the requirements
of IFRS or IFAS, the requirements of the Companies Act, 2017 and the said directives, shall prevail. • its significance to the Power Purchaser due to its certain distinct capabilities such as being a multi-fuel power
plant, having a black start facility, providing an extensive fuel storage facility and its contribution to the national
2.2 PPA expiry and going concern assumption power grid;
The existing PPA which was initially for a term of 25 years was due to expire on June 26, 2021. In line with terms and
• its strategic location in mid of the country and being a major feeding source for distribution companies of central
conditions of the PPA, the Company had taken-up the matter for renewal / extension or revision of PPA with the Water
and lower Punjab; and
and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) and other relevant quarters of the Government of Pakistan (GoP).
• the remaining useful life of the plant is at least 10 years as per the life assessment study carried out by an
On June 03, 2020, the Government formed a negotiation committee (the Committee) to initiate discussion with
independent foreign consultant in the month of June 2021.
Independent Power Producers (IPPs) on various matters, which inter alia, included tariff concessions and other terms
and conditions of respective PPAs and also to coordinate with other GoP institutions, including Ministry of Energy,
Furthermore, the GoP intends to create a competitive power market. As per the terms of the Master Agreement,
CPPA-G, WAPDA, National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA), National Transmission and Dispatch Company
the Company shall actively support and participate in the competitive trading arrangement when it is implemented
(NTDC) etc. for this purpose. After several discussions with the Committee, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
and becomes fully operational. Under this arrangement, the Company will also have the option to sell electricity to
was signed between the Committee and the Company on August 19, 2020.
other Bulk Power Consumers through wheeling arrangements. The Company is currently in discussion with certain
Bulk Power Consumers for supply of electricity. The Company has also shared the technical evaluation of remaining
Subsequent to the MoU, the GoP through notification dated October 7, 2020 constituted the Implementation Committee
useful life of the plant, carried out by an independent foreign consultant referred above with one of the Bulk Power
to finalize the binding agreement based on the MoU referred above. After several discussions with the Implementation
Consumers who is currently evaluating the same.
Committee, WAPDA signed the Third Amendment to the PPA and Master Agreement (the Agreements) on February
11, 2021. Thereafter, these Agreements were approved by the Shareholders of the Company vide an Extra Ordinary
Accordingly, the management believes that the Company will continue as a going concern in the foreseeable future.
General Meeting on March 24, 2021. Furthermore, the required amendments to the Facilitation Agreement and GoP
Therefore, these financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis.
Guarantee were approved by the Federal Government on May 21, 2021 after which these Agreements were binding
on the relevant parties.
2.3 New accounting standards / amendments and IFRS interpretations that are effective for the year ended June 30, 2021
Pursuant to the terms of these Agreements, the outages due to fuel shortage during the period 2008-2016 have Certain standard amendments and interpretations to approved accounting standards are effective for the accounting
been treated as Other Force Majeure Event (OFME) under the PPA and consequently, existing Term of PPA has been periods beginning on or after July 1, 2020 but are considered not to be relevant or to have any significant effect on the
extended by 485 days (16 months). During this extended period of 16 (sixteen) months (OFME Period Extension), the Company operations and are, therefore, not detailed in these financial statements.
Company has waived and foregone any right to receive payment for any portion of the Capacity Purchase Price (CPP)
d) The Company has other long term employee benefits which includes the encashment of frozen leaves for eligible 4.3.1 Change in accounting estimate - useful life of assets
employees and a lumpsum amount payable to staff under Charter of Demand settlement. Frozen leaves can be As described in note 2.2 to the financial statements, the PPA of the Company has been extended for a period of 16
encashed upto 180 days at the time of retirement. Lumpsum amount is payable to staff members at the rate of Rs months, therefore the remaining useful lives of all assets have been revised during the year so that the depreciable
450,000 or Rs 510,000 per person according to the grade of respective staff member at the time of retirement. The amount of assets is written off over the economic life or the extended term of PPA, whichever is lower. Such a change
liability is calculated in present value terms by taking into account the expected date of retirement of employees, the has been accounted for as a change in an accounting estimate in accordance with IAS 8 ‘Accounting Policies,
available balance of frozen leaves and/or the expected salary at the date of retirement. Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors’.
Retirement benefits are payable to all regular employees on completion of prescribed qualifying period of service Had these useful lives not been changed, the depreciation / amortisation for the year would have been higher by Rs
under these schemes. 1,156 million and profit after tax for the year would have been lower by Rs 821 million (EPS impact – Rs 0.93 per share).
Future profits before tax would increase by Rs 1,156 million as at that date.
The Company’s policy with regard to actuarial gains/losses is to immediately recognise all actuarial losses and gains
in other comprehensive income under IAS 19, ‘Employee Benefits’. 4.4 Intangible assets
4.3 Property, plant and equipment Expenditure incurred to acquire computer software are capitalised as intangible assets and stated at cost less
accumulated amortization and any identified impairment loss. Intangible assets are amortized using the straight
Property, plant and equipment except freehold land are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any identified line method so as to write off the depreciable amount of an asset over its estimated useful life at the annual rates
impairment loss. Freehold land is stated at cost less any identified impairment loss. Cost represents the acquisition mentioned in note 14.
price of assets transferred to the Company in accordance with the Transfer Agreement signed between WAPDA and
the Company on June 26, 1996 based on a valuation by M/s Stone and Webster using depreciated replacement cost Research and development expenditure that do not meet the criteria mentioned above are recognised as an expense
basis. as incurred. Development costs previously recognised as an expense are not recognised as an asset in a subsequent
period. Such expenses are charged to ‘cost of sales’ and ‘administrative expenses’ in the statement of profit or loss,
Depreciation on all property, plant and equipment is charged to profit or loss account on the straight line method so as as and when incurred.
to write off the depreciable amount of an asset over the economic useful life or the remaining term of PPA, whichever
is lower, using the annual rates mentioned in note 13 after taking their residual values into account. Amortization on additions to intangible assets is charged from the month in which an asset is acquired or capitalised,
while no amortization is charged for the month in which the asset is disposed off.
The assets’ residual values and estimated useful lives are reviewed at each financial year end and adjusted if impact
on depreciation is significant. For change in accounting estimate for the year ended June 30, 2021, as referred to in The Company assesses at each reporting date whether there is any indication that intangible asset may be impaired.
note 4.3.1, the Company has revised it’s useful lives of assets due to extension of the PPA. The residual values have If such indication exists, the carrying amount of such assets are reviewed to assess whether they are recorded in
been determined based on the expected selling prices of items at the end of the useful lives or expiry of the PPA, excess of their recoverable amount. Where carrying values exceed the respective recoverable amount, assets are
whichever is earlier. written down to their recoverable amounts and the resulting impairment loss is recognised in income currently. The
recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and value in use. Where an impairment loss
Depreciation on additions to property, plant and equipment is charged from the month in which an asset is acquired is recognised, the amortization charge is adjusted in the future periods to allocate the asset’s revised carrying amount
or capitalised while no depreciation is charged for the month in which the asset is disposed off. over its estimated useful life.
4.9 Stock-in-trade
– where possible, uses the recent third party financing received by the Company as a starting point, adjusted to
reflect the changes in financing conditions since third party financing was received; Stock-in-trade except for those in transit are valued at lower of cost based on First In First Out (FIFO) and net realisable
– uses expected terms of third party financing based on correspondence with the third party financial institutions,
where third party financing was not received recently; and Materials in transit are stated at cost comprising invoice value plus other charges paid thereon.
– makes adjustments specific to the lease e.g. terms and security. Net realisable value signifies the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less costs necessarily to be
incurred in order to make a sale. Provision is made in the financial statements for obsolete and slow moving stock-in-
Lease payments include fixed payments, variable lease payment that are based on an index or a rate, amounts trade based on management’s best estimate.
expected to be payable by the lessee under residual value guarantees, the exercise price of a purchase option if the
lessee is reasonably certain to exercise that option, payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease term 4.10 Financial instruments
reflects the lessee exercising that option, less any lease incentives receivable. 4.10.1 Financial assets
In determining the lease term, management considers all facts and circumstances that create an economic incentive In accordance with the requirements of IFRS 9 ‘Financial Instruments’, the Company classifies its financial assets at
to exercise an extension option or not to exercise a termination option. Extension options (or periods covered by amortised cost, fair value through other comprehensive income or fair value through profit or loss on the basis of the
termination options) are only included in the lease term if the lease is reasonably certain to be extended (or not Company’s business model for managing the financial assets and the contractual cash flow characteristics of the
terminated). While making this assessment, the Company considers significant penalties to terminate (or not extend) financial asset.
as well as the significant cost of business disruption.
a) Financial assets at amortised cost
The lease liability is subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. It is remeasured Financial assets at amortised cost are held within a business model whose objective is to hold financial assets in order
when there is a change in future lease payments arising from a change in fixed lease payments or an index or rate, to collect contractual cash flows and the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash
change in the Company’s estimate of the amount expected to be payable under a residual value guarantee, or if flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding. Interest income from these
b) Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income For debt instruments at amortised cost (other than trade receivables and contract assets) and fair value through
OCI, the Company applies the low credit risk simplification. At every reporting date, the Company evaluates whether
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income are held within a business model whose objective
the debt instrument is considered to have low credit risk using all reasonable and supportable information that is
is achieved by both collecting contractual cash flows and selling financial assets and the contractual terms of
available without undue cost or effort. In making that evaluation, the Company reassesses the internal credit rating of
the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on
the debt instrument. In addition, the Company considers that there has been a significant increase in credit risk when
the principal amount outstanding.
contractual payments are more than 30 days past due.
As at reporting date, the Company does not hold any debt instruments classified as fair value through other
The Company writes off financial assets when there is information indicating that the amount is not recoverable due
comprehensive income.
to the conflict in invoices with customer. Financial assets written-off may still be subject to enforcement activities
under the Company’s recovery procedures, taking into account legal advice where appropriate. Any recoveries made
c) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
against financial assets written-off are recognised in profit or loss.
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are those financial assets which are either designated in this
category or not classified in any of the other categories. A gain or loss on debt investment that is subsequently 4.10.3 Financial liabilities
measured at fair value through profit or loss is recognised in statement of profit or loss in the period in which it
Financial liabilities are classified, at initial recognition, as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, and
financial liabilities at amortised cost, as appropriate. All financial liabilities are recognised initially at fair value and, in
the case of loans and borrowings and payables, net of directly attributable transaction costs.
Financial assets are initially measured at cost, which is the fair value of the consideration given and received
respectively. These financial assets and liabilities are subsequently remeasured to fair value, amortized cost or cost
The Company’s financial liabilities include trade and other payables and loans and borrowings including running
as the case may be. Any gain or loss on the recognition and derecognition of the financial assets and liabilities is
finance facilities.
included in the statement of profit or loss for the period in which it arises.
A financial liability is derecognized when the obligation under the liability is discharged or cancelled or expired. Where
As at the reporting date, the Company classifies the investments relating to Pakistan Investment Bond (PIB) and GoP
an existing financial liability is replaced by another from the same lender on substantially different terms, or the terms
Ijarah Sukuk as fair value through profit or loss.
of an existing liability are substantially modified, such an exchange or modification is treated as a derecognition of the
original liability and the recognition of a new liability, and the difference in respective carrying amounts is recognized
Equity instrument financial assets / mutual funds are measured at fair value at and subsequent to initial recognition.
in the statement of profit or loss.
Changes in fair value of these financial assets are normally recognised in statement of profit or loss. Dividends
from such investments continue to be recognised in statement of profit or loss when the Company’s right to receive
4.11 Offsetting of financial assets and liabilities
payment is established. Where an election is made to present fair value gains and losses on equity instruments in
other comprehensive income there is no subsequent reclassification of fair value gains and losses to statement of Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount is reported in the financial statements only when there is
profit or loss following the derecognition of the investment. a legally enforceable right to set off the recognised amount and the Company intends either to settle on a net basis or
to realise the assets and to settle the liabilities simultaneously.
Financial assets are derecognised when the rights to receive cash flows from the assets have expired or have been
transferred and the Company has transferred substantially all risks and rewards of ownership. Assets or liabilities that 4.12 Long term loans and deposits
are not contractual in nature and that are created as a result of statutory requirements imposed by the Government Loans and deposits are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an
are not the financial instruments of the Company. active market. They are included in non-current assets for having maturities greater than 12 months after the reporting
date. Initially they are recognised at fair value and subsequently stated at amortized cost.
4.10.2 Impairment of financial assets
The Company recognises an allowance for expected credit losses (ECLs) on financial assets, except for financial 4.13 Trade debts
assets due from Government. ECLs are based on the difference between the contractual cash flows due in accordance Trade debts are carried at a value to be received less an estimate made for loss allowance based on a review of all
with the contract and all the cash flows that the Company expects to receive, discounted at an approximation of the outstanding amounts at the year end. Bad debts are written off when identified. Furthermore, the Company holds
original effective interest rate. The expected cash flows will include cash flows from the sale of collateral held or other the trade debts with the objective of collecting the contractual cashflows and therefore measures the trade debts
credit enhancements that are integral to the contractual terms. The Company performs impairment testing of trade subsequently at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method.
debts relating to Government receivables, using the incurred loss method in accordance with the requirements of IAS
39 ‘ Financial Instruments - Recognition and Measurement’.
4.19 Provisions
Provisions are recognized when the Company has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of past events,
it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and
a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. Provisions are reviewed periodically and adjusted to
reflect the current best estimates.
4.20 Dividend
Dividend distribution to the Company’s shareholders is recognised as a liability in the period in which the dividends
are declared.
253,000 253,000 Ordinary shares of Rs 10 each The amount of future payments of the lease and the period in which these payments will become due are as follows:
fully paid in cash 2,530 2,530
Ordinary shares of Rs 10 each Minimum Future Present value
issued as fully paid for lease finance of lease
880,000,228 880,000,228 consideration other than cash 8,800,002 8,800,002 payment charge liability
880,253,228 880,253,228 8,802,532 8,802,532 (Rupees in thousand)
5.1 There has been no movement in the ordinary share capital of the Company during the year. 2021
Not later than one year 7,660 555 7,105
Ordinary shares of the Company held by associated undertakings are as follows: Later than one year and not later than five years 3,586 143 3,443
2021 2020 11,246 698 10,548
(Number of shares)
Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) 354,311,133 354,311,133 Not later than one year 15,543 1,255 14,288
KAPCO Employees Empowerment Trust Later than one year and not later than five years 11,614 549 11,065
[Formed under Benazir Employees’ Stock Option Scheme (BESOS)] 48,252,429 48,252,429 27,157 1,804 25,353
402,563,562 402,563,562
2021 2020
5.2 All ordinary shares rank equally with regard to the Company’s residual assets. Holders of these shares are entitled to Note (Rupees in thousand)
dividends as declared from time to time and are entitled to one vote per share at general meetings of the Company.
Contract liability
6 Capital reserve Adjustment to CPP 8.1 19,287,369 –
Less: amount recognised as revenue during the year 24 (159,071) –
This represents the value of fuel stock taken over by the Company at the time of take over of Kot Addu Gas Turbine
19,128,298 –
Power Station from WAPDA. The value of stock was not included in the valuation of assets at the time of take over.
Less: current portion of contract liability (14,515,237) –
2021 2020 4,613,061 –
Note (Rupees in thousand)
8.1 Adjustment to CPP
Lease liabilities
As described in note 2.2, the Company signed a Master agreement and the Third Amendment to the Power Purchase
Present value of minimum lease payments 7.2 10,548 25,353
Agreement on February 11, 2021 which later became binding on May 21, 2021. Pursuant to the terms and approval
Less: Current portion shown under current liabilities (7,105) (14,288)
of these Agreements, the outages due to fuel shortage during the period 2008 to 2016 have been treated as Other
3,443 11,065
Force Majeure Event (OFME) under the PPA and consequently, existing Term of PPA has been extended by 485 days
(approximately 16 months). Pursuant to a letter of understanding signed by both parties on March 30, 2021, it has
7.1 Reconciliation of carrying amount
been agreed that the amount of Rs 19,287 million representing Capacity Purchase Price (CPP) of the OFME period
The Company has obtained motor vehicles on lease. Reconciliation of the carrying amount is as follows: (485 days) already received will be treated as advance against future CPP. During the OFME extension period, no
2021 2020 CPP invoices will be raised. Accordingly, this advance will be adjusted, and the related revenue will be recorded over
(Rupees in thousand) the period from June 27, 2021 to October 24, 2022 upon satisfaction of the underlying performance obligation i.e.
ensuring the availability of the Plant.
Opening balance 25,353 38,082 2021 2020
Additions during the year – – Note (Rupees in thousand)
Interests on lease liability 1,542 4,133
Payments made during the year (16,347) (16,862) 9
Deferred liabilities
Lease liability as at June 30 10,548 25,353 Deferred taxation 9.1 8,285,535 7,260,685
Current portion shown under current liabilities (7,105) (14,288) Staff retirement benefits 9.2 938,255 1,245,150
Long term lease liability as at June 30 3,443 11,065 9,223,790 8,505,835
1. Weighted average duration 10.1 Finances under mark-up arrangements available from various commercial banks amount to Rs 29,967 million (2020:
of the benefit (Years) 15.20 15.75 16.10 16.65 Rs 30,572 million) and finances available under musharika and murabaha arrangements amount to Rs 20,400 million
(2020: Rs 24,587 million). The rate of mark-up ranges from 7.0 percent to 10.6 percent (2020: 8.8 percent to 15.1
2. Distribution of timing of benefit percent) per annum on the balances outstanding. In the event, the Company fails to pay the balances on the expiry
payments (time in years) of the quarter, year or earlier demand, mark-up is to be computed at the rate of 20 percent to 24 percent (2020: 20
1 2,236 1,879 5,541 5,160 percent to 24 percent) per annum on the balances unpaid.
2 5,235 4,294 12,875 11,712 10.2 Letters of credit and bank guarantees
3 6,491 5,261 15,666 14,166
Of the aggregate facility of Rs 240 million (2020: Rs 227 million) for opening letters of credit and Rs 2,504 million (2020:
4 7,941 6,477 18,785 17,246
Rs 4 million) for guarantees, the amounts utilised as at June 30, 2021 were Rs 108 million (2020: Rs 83 million) and
5 9,649 7,806 22,211 20,601
Rs 2,504 million (2020: Rs 4 million) respectively.
6 to 10 75,009 62,345 174,329 164,148
10.3 The aggregate running finances, short term finances and letters of credit and guarantees are secured by joint pari
9.2.2 Movement of other long term benefits passu charge over current assets up to a limit of Rs 90,792 million (2020: Rs 90,792 million) and ranking charge over
current assets up to a limit of Rs 1,334 million (2020: Rs 1,334 million).
July 1, Charge for Payments during June 30,
10.4 The finances under mark-up arrangements include Nil (2020: Rs 527 million) payable to Samba Bank Limited, a
2020 the year the year 2021
related party.
(Rupees in thousand)
2021 2020
Other long term benefits: Note (Rupees in thousand)
Provision for leave encashment 65,299 34,697 (11,270) 88,726
Provision for lumpsum payment 11
Trade and other payables
to employees 17,430 87,867 (13,020) 92,277 Trade creditors 11.1 1,619,081 705,209
82,729 122,564 (24,290) 181,003 Accrued liabilities 11.2 670,282 514,915
Liquidated damages payable to CPPA-G 55,025 55,025
Mark-up accrued on:
9.2.3 Risk exposure
- Finances under mark-up arrangements - secured 563,274 1,253,959
Since the scheme is unfunded, consequently exposure of the funds related to medical and electricity benefits are - Lease liabilities 88 147
similar to the risks faced by the Company. - Credit supplies of raw material 9,889,243 14,510,551
10,452,605 15,764,657
Deposits - interest free repayable on demand 11.3 561 1,066
Workers’ Welfare Fund 11.4 378,099 659,091
Differential payable to CPPA-G 11.5 3,938,209 2,800,765
Provident fund payable 11,934 12,264
Others 52,120 271,622
17,177,916 20,784,614
11.2 Accrued liabilities include Rs 9 million (2020: Rs 5 million) to CPPA-G, an associated undertaking, against purchase (ii) Additional Commissioner Inland Revenue (ACIR) amended the assessment of tax year 2016 and issued order dated
of electricity. October 13, 2017 by disallowing certain expenses and created a demand of Rs 1,162 million which was later reduced
to Rs 1,077 million through rectification order. The Company filed an appeal before CIR(A), which was partially decided
11.3 These represent security deposits received against rent and utility charges of shops rented out in colony. None of in favour of the Company vide order dated January 04, 2018 and the demand was reduced to Rs 779 million.
these deposits is utilisable for Company for other purpose. This amount is kept in separate bank account especially
maintained for such purpose in accordance with the provisions of section 217 of the Companies Act, 2017. Being aggrieved, both the Department and the Company filed appeals before the ATIR. The ATIR proceeded to
uphold the order passed by the learned CIR(A). Being aggrieved both the Department and the Company filed appeals
2021 2020 before the LHC. The LHC remanded the case back to ATIR for fresh proceedings vide order dated February 13, 2019.
(Rupees in thousand) The ATIR partially decided the case in favor of the Company vide order dated December 16, 2020. Being aggrieved,
the Company filed an appeal in LHC which is pending adjudication.
Movement in Workers’ Welfare Fund is as follows:
Opening balance 659,091 397,052 (iii) ACIR amended the assessment of tax year 2018 vide order dated May 28, 2019 and created a demand of Rs 277
Provision made during the year 378,099 659,091 million by disallowing certain expenses. The Company filed an appeal before CIR(A) against the said order, which
1,037,190 1,056,143 was partially decided in favor of the Company vide order dated July 23, 2019. Being aggrieved, the Company filed an
Payment made during the year (659,091) (182,030) appeal before ATIR, which is pending adjudication.
Adjustment – (215,022)
Closing balance 378,099 659,091 (iv) ACIR re-initiated proceedings for the tax year 2018 and created a demand of Rs 1,121 million by charging tax on true-
up income on accrual basis instead of receipt basis. The Company filed an appeal before CIR(A), which was decided
11.5 This represents income tax differential payable to the Power Purchaser in accordance with clause 6.7 and 6.15(a) of against the Company vide order dated May 28, 2020. Consequently, the Deputy Commissioner Inland Revenue
Part I of Schedule 6 of PPA on account of difference in income tax rate as provided for in the PPA and the current tax issued recovery notice. Being aggrieved, the Company filed appeal before ATIR, which is pending fixation along with
rate as applicable to the Company. the stay of demand.
12 Contingencies and commitments (v) ACIR amended the assessment of tax year 2019 vide order dated March 05, 2020 and created a demand of Rs
2,203 million on account of chargeability of tax on true-up income, late payment income from Power Purchaser and
12.1 Contingencies
inadmissibility of certain deductions and tax credits under section 65B. The Company filed an appeal before CIR(A),
12.1.1 Income Tax which was partially decided in favor of the Company vide order dated May 28, 2020 and the demand was reduced to
Following are the various contingencies relating to Income Tax matters: Rs 1,604 million. Being aggrieved, the Company filed an appeal before ATIR which is pending adjudication.
(i) Income tax returns of the Company for tax years 2003 to 2007 were filed, wherein, only normal tax depreciation was (vi) ACIR amended the assessment of tax year 2020 vide order dated February 01, 2021 and created a demand of Rs
claimed. However, the aforesaid returns were revised thereby depreciation and initial allowance earlier claimed in 6,121 million on account of chargeability of tax on true-up income, late payment income from Power Purchaser and
respect of assets in the original income tax returns for tax periods upto June 27, 2006 were not claimed being the date inadmissibility of few deductions by disallowing certain expenses. Being aggrieved, the Company filed an appeal in
upto which the Company was exempt from levy of income tax. CIR(A) against the said order, which is pending fixation.
Tax depreciation in income tax return for tax year 2008 was also claimed with resultant written down value carried (vii) The Deputy Commissioner Inland Revenue (DCIR) issued an order dated June 10, 2021 for non-payment of third
forward from tax year 2007, as computed in the revised return of income in accordance with position explained quarter advance tax under section 147 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 by creating a demand of Rs 1,510 million.
above. Such return and revised returns for tax year 2003 to 2007 were amended by Tax Authorities by restoring the DCIR rejected KAPCO’s filed estimate of the taxable income on the premise that expense claimed as result of third
earlier position and were also endorsed by Commissioner Inland Revenue (Appeals) ‘CIR(A)’. The Company preferred amendment to PPA amounting to Rs 19,287 million is a penalty and hence disallowed. Being aggrieved, Company
appeal before Appellate Tribunal Inland Revenue (ATIR) against the decision of CIR(A) which was decided in the filed an appeal before CIR(A), which is pending fixation.
Company’s favor on April 14, 2012.
The management and taxation expert of the Company believes that there are meritorious grounds to defend the
Subsequently, the Tax Department (Department) filed miscellaneous application for rectification before ATIR which above mentioned demands relating to the respective cases, consequently, no provision for current taxation has been
was decided against the Company. Being aggrieved, the Company filed reference with the Honorable Lahore High recorded in these financial statements with respect to the above matters.
Court (LHC) against this order. LHC proceeded to set aside the miscellaneous applications and declared the same
to be pending before ATIR vide order dated November 12, 2018. Being aggrieved, the Company applied for leave of
appeal from the Honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan, which was remanded back to LHC vide order dated August 9,
Pursuant to the 18th Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan, the matter of WPPF is now a devolved subject and
(ii) DCIR issued an assessment order dated August 05, 2020 by rejecting the credit notes claimed by the Company
under provincial jurisdiction.
during the tax period from October 2014 to November 2016 and created a demand of Rs 1,100 million. KAPCO filed
an appeal before CIR(A). Consequently, the matter was remanded back to CIR for fresh adjudication. CIR finalized the
Accordingly, in the year ended June 30, 2018, the Government of Punjab issued Companies Profits (Workers’
remand back proceedings and confirmed the aforesaid demand vide order dated June 30, 2021. Subsequent to the
Participation) (Amendment) Ordinance 2018 and accordingly the Company made contribution to WPPF for the year
year end, the Company has filed an appeal with CIR(A).
ended June 30, 2018. During the year ended June 30, 2019, this Ordinance expired and no further enactment has
been made by the Government of Punjab till date. Keeping in view this, the contribution of WPPF for the year ended
(iii) For tax year 2004-2009, a show cause notice was issued by the DCIR in 2015 rejecting KAPCO’s deferred refund
June 30, 2018 amounting to Rs 790 million was refunded to the Company by the Fund / Trust during the year ended
amounting to Rs 61 million. The Company filed an appeal before CIR(A) who vide its order dated January 30, 2020
June 30, 2019. Further, no contribution has been made for the years ended June 30, 2020 and June 30, 2021.
remanded the case back to DCIR for fresh verification of all the documents pertaining to refund. Subsequently, DCIR
issued an assessment order dated June 25, 2021 wherein all the deferred refunds of the Company were rejected
In case the liability materializes, the cumulative principal amount of WPPF for the year ended June 30, 2016 upto
along with imposition of penalty. Being aggrieved, the Company has filed an appeal with CIR(A) against the said
the year ended June 30, 2021 would amount to Rs 5,362 million (2020: Rs 4,642 million). If it is established that the
scheme is applicable to the Company and the Company is liable to pay contribution to the Workers’ Welfare Fund,
then these amounts would be recoverable from the Power Purchaser as a pass-through item under the provisions of
The management and taxation expert of the Company believe that there are meritorious grounds to defend the above
mentioned demands relating to the respective cases, consequently, no provision has been recorded in these financial
statements with respect to the above matters.
(ii) Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) has raised claims of late payment surcharge amounting to Rs 766 million
(2020: Rs 775 million). The management is of the view that these claims are not as per the underlying agreements,
12.1.3 Others
therefore such claims have been disputed.
(i) Before introduction of amendments in Finance Act 2006, the Company had not established Workers’ Profit Participation
Fund under the Companies Profit (Workers’ Participation) Act, 1968 (the Act) based on the opinion of the legal advisor The management and the legal advisor of the Company believe that there are meritorious grounds available to defend
that it did not employ any person who fell under the definition of Worker as defined in the Act. the foregoing claims. Consequently, no provision has been recorded in these financial statements.
Further, the question whether a company to which the Act and its scheme applies but which does not employ any (iii) The Company has provided bank guarantees in favor of SNGPL on account of payment of dues against gas sales
worker is nevertheless obliged to establish and pay contributions into the Fund under the Act and thereafter transfer etc., amounting to Rs 2,504 million (2020: Rs 4 million).
the same to the Fund established under the WWF Ordinance, 1971 is subjudice before the Sindh High Court, as the
Supreme Court of Pakistan accepted the petition of another company and remanded the case to the Sindh High Court
for fresh decision in accordance with its order.
The cost of fully depreciated assets which are still in use as at June 30, 2021 is Rs 5,039 million (2020: Rs 4,269 million).
14 Intangible assets 16
Long term loans and deposits
Net carrying value basis of computer software Loans to employees - considered good 16.1 509 10,647
Year ended June 30 Security deposits 10,646 13,223
Opening net book value (NBV) 7,235 4,252 11,155 23,870
Additions (at cost) – 5,916 Less: Receivable within one year (4,736) (11,362)
Adjustment (696) – 6,419 12,508
Amortisation charge (3,010) (2,933)
Closing net book value 3,529 7,235 16.1 These represent unsecured loans to non-executive employees for the purchase of plot, car, construction of house
etc. and are repayable in monthly installments over a maximum period of 120 months. These loans carry interest of 9
Gross carrying value basis of computer software percent per annum (2020: 9 percent per annum). Included in loans to employees are loans amounting to Nil (2020:
Cost 65,841 66,537 Rs 0.03 million) given to employees who were victims of flood. These are interest free and repayable up to 10 years.
Accumulated amortisation (62,312) (59,302)
Net book value 3,529 7,235 2021 2020
Amortisation rate % per annum 20 - 41.38 20 - 92.3 Note (Rupees in thousand)
14.1 Amortisation charge for the year has been allocated to cost of sales. 17 Post retirement benefits
Pension asset / (liability) 17.1 435,286 (402,319)
14.2 The cost of intangible assets as on June 30, 2021 include fully amortised assets which are still in use amounting to
Rs 55 million (2020: Rs 53 million). 17.1 Pension
The amounts recognised are as follows:
14.3 The intangible assets primarily comprise of computer software and systems purchased that have been implemented
to integrate the different functions of the Company. Fair value of plan assets 3,846,875 2,974,569
Present value of defined benefit obligation (3,411,589) (3,376,888)
2021 2020 Asset / (liability) as at June 30 435,286 (402,319)
(Rupees in thousand)
(Asset) / liability as at July 1 (402,319) 348,784
15 Right of use assets Charge to profit or loss account (111,383) (13,331)
Net carrying value basis Contribution paid by the Company 508,496 3,839
Year ended June 30 Remeasurement gain / (loss) recognised in other comprehensive income 440,492 (741,611)
Opening net book value (NBV) 19,064 34,721 Asset / (liability) as at June 30 435,286 (402,319)
Additions (at cost) – –
Transfers / disposals (at NBV) (5,957) (3,174) The movement in the present value of defined benefit obligation is as follows:
Depreciation charge (5,652) (12,483)
Closing net book value 7,455 19,064 Present value of defined benefit obligation as at July 1 3,376,888 2,475,094
Gross carrying value basis Current service cost 73,060 59,830
Cost 29,796 57,883 Interest cost for the year 307,430 344,338
Accumulated depreciation (22,341) (38,819) Benefits paid during the year (198,930) (197,197)
Net book value 7,455 19,064 (Gain) / loss due to change in financial assumptions (130,178) 681,491
Depreciation rate % per annum 25 25-34.3 (Gain) / loss due to change in experience adjustments (16,681) 13,332
Present value of defined benefit obligation as at June 30 3,411,589 3,376,888
15.1 Depreciation charge for the year has been allocated to administrative expenses.
15.2 The cost of fully depreciated assets which are still in use as at June 30, 2021 is Rs 15 million (2020: Rs 10 million).
15.3 The lease contracts that the Company has are related to motor vehicles.
The movement in fair value of plan assets is as follows: Maturity profile of the defined benefit obligation
Fair value as at July 1 2,974,569 2,823,878 1. Weighted average duration of the benefit (Years) 8.75 10.77
Expected return on plan assets 269,107 390,837
Contribution paid by the Company 508,496 3,839 2. Distribution of timing of benefit payments (time in years)
Benefits paid during the year (198,930) (197,197) 1 164,991 182,121
Remeasurement gains / (losses) on plan assets 293,633 (46,788) 2 427,594 199,633
Fair value as at June 30 3,846,875 2,974,569 3 295,091 521,224
4 343,329 289,198
2021 2020 5 312,875 328,331
6 to 10 1,931,473 1,812,450
Plan assets are comprised as follows:
Mutual funds 42% 42% 17.2 Funding
Interest bearing instruments 56% 51%
The pension plan is fully funded by the Company. The funding requirements are based on the pension fund’s actuarial
Other 2% 7%
measurement framework set out in the funding policies of the plan. The funding is based on a separate actuarial
100% 100%
valuation for funding purposes for which the assumptions may differ from the assumptions used in determining
defined benefit liability. Employees are not required to contribute to the plan.
The present value of defined benefit obligation, the fair value of plan assets and the surplus or deficit of pension fund
is as follows:
17.3 Expected future costs
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
(Rupees in thousand) Expected future contributions for the year ending June 30, 2021 is Nil (2020: Rs 402 million).
As at June 30 17.4 The sensitivity analysis is prepared using same computation model and assumptions as used to determine defined
Fair value of plan assets 3,846,875 2,974,569 2,823,878 2,819,945 2,939,808 benefit obligation based on Projected Credit Unit Method.
Present value of defined
benefit obligations (3,411,589) (3,376,888) (2,475,094) (2,938,507) (2,880,932) 17.5 Risk Exposure
Surplus / (deficit) 435,286 (402,319) 348,784 (118,562) 58,876 Through its defined benefit plans, the Company is exposed to a number of risks, the most significant of which are
detailed below:
Experience adjustment
on obligation - (gain) / loss (146,859) 694,823 (683,418) (135,521) 42,297 Interest rate risk - The present value of the defined benefit plan is calculated using a discount rate determined by
Experience adjustment reference to the market yields at the end of the reporting period on high quality corporate bonds, or where there is no
on plan assets - gain / (loss) 293,633 (46,788) (173,364) (246,426) 120,149
deep market in such bonds, by reference to market yields on government bonds. Currencies and terms of bond yields
used must be consistent with the currency and estimated term of the post-employment benefit obligations being
Year end sensitivity analysis on present value of defined benefit obligation:
discounted. A decrease in bond interest rates will increase the liability, and vice versa.
2021 2020
(Rupees in thousand)
Salary rate risk - The present value of the defined benefit plan is calculated by reference to the future salaries of plan
participants. As such, an increase in the salary of the plan participants will increase the liability and vice versa.
Discount rate + 0.50% 3,262,351 3,195,036
Discount rate - 0.50% 3,574,086 3,527,190
Pension rate risk - The present value of the defined benefit plan is calculated after taking into account the future
Increase in salary level + 0.50% 3,428,720 3,373,126
pension growth of plan participants. As such, an increase in the pension growth rate of the plan participants will
Increase in salary level - 0.50% 3,394,940 3,334,754
increase the liability and vice versa.
Increase in pension + 0.50% 3,525,293 3,472,032
Increase in pension - 0.50% 3,306,417 3,244,523
Withdrawal rate risk - The present value of the defined benefit plan is calculated by reference to the best estimate
of the withdrawal rate / attrition rate of plan participants. As such, an increase in the withdrawal rate may increase /
decrease the liability and vice versa depending on the age-service distribution of the exiting employees.
2021 2020 The trade debts are Pakistan rupee denominated and secured by sovereign guarantee from the Government of
Note (Rupees in thousand) Pakistan under the Facilitation Agreement. These are in the normal course of business and are interest free, however,
a late payment surcharge of SBP discount rate plus 4 percent per annum is charged in case the amounts are not paid
17.6 Defined benefit obligation recognised during the year within due dates (25~30 days from invoice date) as prescribed in the PPA i.e. default by the Power Purchaser in timely
Gain recognised in profit or loss 111,383 13,331 payment.
Gain / (loss) recognised in other comprehensive income 440,492 (741,611)
Aging analysis of trade debts is given in note 39.1(b). Due to delays in settlement by the Power Purchaser, the
Stores and spares Company has financed the trade debts via short term financing arrangements (Note 10), trade creditors (Note 11) and
Stores and spares 18.2 5,019,467 5,694,495 from own sources.
Provision for store obsolescence 18.3 (1,838,044) (1,839,131) 2021 2020
3,181,423 3,855,364 (Rupees in thousand)
18.1 Stores and spares include items which may result in fixed capital expenditure but are not distinguishable. 20.2
Provision for doubtful debts
Opening balance as at July 1 192,555 229,102
18.2 Stores and spares include items in transit amounting to Rs 16 million (2020: Rs 146 million) and items valuing Nil Provision for the year 106,276 –
(2020: Rs 60 million) which are being held by the following suppliers for inspection / refurbishment purposes. 298,831 229,102
Reversal of provision – (33,358)
2021 2020 Trade debts written off (369) (3,189)
Note (Rupees in thousand) Closing balance as at June 30 298,462 192,555
GE Energy Manufacturing Technology Centre, Saudi Arabia – 1,297 21 Investments at fair value
GE Middle East, UAE – 2,208 2021 2020
MJB International, UAE – 56,113 Cost Carrying Cost Carrying
– 59,618
(Rupees in thousand)
Provision for store obsolescence
Opening balance as at July 1 1,839,131 1,863,504 Fair value through profit or loss -
Add: Provision for the year 14,996 – Government Securities
1,854,127 1,863,504 Pakistan Investment Bond 12,738,300 12,780,336 – –
Less: Stores written off against provision (16,083) (24,373) GoP Ijarah Sukuk 12,762,400 12,890,024 – –
Closing balance as at June 30 1,838,044 1,839,131 25,500,700 25,670,360 – –
Stock-in-trade Particulars of debt securities are as follows:
Furnace oil 4,613,907 1,865,809 Maturity Effective Yield 2021 2020
Diesel 1,288,401 822,199
(Rupees in thousand)
Coal 19,579 12,664
5,921,887 2,700,672
Pakistan Investment Bond 18-Jun-30 7.868% 12,780,336 –
GoP Ijarah Sukuk 09-Dec-25 7.084% 12,890,024 –
Trade debts
25,670,360 –
Trade debts 20.1 104,920,893 120,096,066
Less: Provision for doubtful debts 20.2 298,462 192,555
21.1 These instruments pertain to the first tranche payment received in lieu of the Third Amendment to the PPA where an
104,622,431 119,903,511
amount of Rs 39,605 million (2020: Nil) was received in the current period out of which Rs 25,500 million (2020: Nil)
comprised of financial instruments as shown above.
In addition to above, salaries, wages and benefits also include Rs 49 million (2020: Rs 49 million) in respect of
Energy Purchase Price under the PPA 24.1 48,737,102 53,663,274
provident fund contribution by the Company and other long term benefits amounting to Rs 123 million (2020: Rs 30
Sales tax (7,043,354) (7,769,577) million).
Net Energy Purchase Price 41,693,748 45,893,697
Capacity Purchase Price for the year under PPA 24.1 27,942,647 25,649,602 25.2 Cost of sales include Rs 791 million (2020: Rs 144 million) for stores and spares consumed.
24.2 69,636,395 71,543,299
Tax recognised directly in other comprehensive income The related parties comprise associated undertakings, key management personnel, directors and post retirement
Defined benefit obligation 149,329 (188,985) benefit plans. The Company in the normal course of business carries out transactions with various related parties.
149,329 (188,985) Amounts due to / from related parties are shown under payables and receivables and remuneration of the key
management personnel, including directors, is disclosed in note 30. Other significant transactions with related parties
are as follows:
i. Associated undertakings
Sale and purchase transactions with related parties are carried out on mutually agreed terms. 2021 2020
(Rupees in thousand)
31.1 Following are the associated undertakings / companies and post retirement benefits plans along with basis of their
relationship with the Company with whom the Company had entered into transactions during the current year; 35 Cash generated from operations
Profit before tax 14,410,742 32,954,244
Name of related parties Direct shareholding Relationship Adjustments for:
- Depreciation on property, plant and equipment 1,067,380 2,255,076
WAPDA 40.0% Associated undertaking - Amortisation on intangible assets 3,010 2,933
KAPCO Employees Empowerment Trust 5.0% Common management - Depreciation on right of use assets 5,652 12,483
CPPA-G N/A Common control - Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment (516) (856)
Central Depositary Company N/A Common directorship - Interest income on investments at fair value (145,999) –
Samba Bank Limited N/A Common directorship - Income on bank deposits (31,453) (75,746)
Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance N/A Common directorship - Adjustments / write-off of fixed assets 696 –
Post retirement benefit plans: - Bad debts written off 2,059 –
- KAPCO Employees pension fund trust N/A Post employment benefits plan - Provision for doubtful debts 106,276 –
- KAPCO Employees provident fund trust N/A Post employment benefits plan - Liabilities written back (1,127) –
- Provision for store obsolescence 14,996 –
32 Subsequent events after the reporting date - Staff retirement benefits accrued 322,362 165,907
- Finance cost 3,108,239 8,457,417
32.1 The Board of Directors of the Company have proposed a final dividend for the year ended June 30, 2021 of Rs 3.5 - Fair value gain on investments at fair value (169,660) –
(2020: Nil) per share amounting to Rs 3,081 (2020: Nil) at their meeting held on August 17, 2021 for approval of - Adjustment to CPP 19,128,298 –
members at the Annual General Meeting to be held on October 22, 2021. These financial statements do not reflect Profit before working capital changes 37,820,955 43,771,458
this proposed dividend.
32.2 As referred to in note 2.2, the Company and CPPA-G filed a joint application before ICC Tribunal for withdrawal of
claims and counterclaims and termination of the Liquidated Damages Arbitration Proceedings. Subsequent to the
Effect on cash flow due to working capital changes: The Company’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (including currency risk, other price risk
- Decrease / (increase) in stores and spares 658,945 (390,283) and interest rate risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. The Company’s overall risk management program focuses on the
- (Increase) / decrease in stock-in-trade (3,221,215) 6,765,784 unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to minimize potential adverse effects on the financial performance.
- Decrease / (increase) in trade debts 15,173,296 (4,105,124)
- (Increase) / decrease in loans, advances, deposits, prepayments Risk management is carried out by the management in accordance with the Financial Risk Management Policy
and other receivables (4,891,743) 889,557 approved by the Board of Directors. This policy covers specific areas such as foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk,
- Increase / (decrease) in trade and other payables 1,706,479 (16,588,949) credit risk and investment of excess liquidity. All treasury related transactions are carried out within the parameters of
9,425,762 (13,429,015) this policy.
47,246,717 30,342,443
(a) Market risk
36 Cash and cash equivalents (i) Currency risk
Cash and bank balances 23 1,283,523 835,246 Currency risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of
Finances under mark-up arrangements - secured 10 (36,257,334) (44,062,195) changes in foreign exchange rates. Currency risk arises mainly from future commercial transactions or receivables
(34,973,811) (43,226,949) and payables that exist due to transactions in foreign currencies.
37 Reconciliation of liabilities arising from financing activities The Company is exposed to currency risk arising from various currency exposures, primarily with respect to the United
July 1, Accruals / Payments June 30, States Dollar (USD), Great Britain Pound (GBP) and Euro. Currently, the Company’s foreign exchange risk exposure
2020 Dividend declared 2021 is restricted to the amounts receivable/payable from/to the foreign entities. The Company’s exposure to currency risk
is as follows:
Lease liabilities:
-current lease liabilities 14,288 – (7,183) 7,105 2021 2020
-non current lease liabilities 11,065 – (7,622) 3,443
Unclaimed dividend 794,671 1,320,380 (1,304,218) 810,833 Trade and other payables - USD (136,634) (158,211)
Unpaid dividend – 4,401,266 – 4,401,266
Trade and other payables - GBP (4,630) –
38 Earnings per share
Trade and other payables - Euro (1,358,395) (173,213)
38.1 Basic earnings per share
Profit for the year Rupees in thousand 10,229,424 23,613,193 The following exchange rates were applied during the year:
Weighted average number Rupees per USD
of ordinary shares Numbers 880,253,228 880,253,228 Average rate 160.40 158.94
Earnings per share Rupees 11.62 26.83 Reporting date rate 158.30 168.75
The following are the contractual maturities of financial liabilities as at June 30, 2021: Assets:
Investments at fair value 25,670,360 – – 25,670,360
Carrying Less than One to five More than
amount one year years five years There were no investments held by the Company for the year ended June 30, 2020. There were no transfer of financial
(Rupees in thousand) assets between level 1, 2 and 3.
39.3.1 Financial assets at fair value have been shown under note 39.2.
39.4 Capital risk management
The Company’s objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the Company’s ability to continue as a going
concern in order to provide returns for shareholders and benefits for other stakeholders and to maintain an optimal
capital structure to reduce the cost of capital. In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Company may
adjust the amount of dividends paid to shareholders, return capital to shareholders through repurchase of shares,
issue new shares or sell assets to reduce debt. Consistent with others in the industry and the requirements of the
lenders, the Company monitors the capital structure on the basis of gearing ratio.
being a Member of Kot Addu Power Company Limited (the ‘‘Company’’) holding shares
of who is also a Member of the Company, as my/our proxy to vote for me/us, and on my/our
behalf at the 25th Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on Friday, October 22, 2021 at 10:00 am at
1. Signature
Name: Revenue Stamp
CNIC: Rs 5/-
2. Signature
The Signature should agree with the
CNIC: Specimen signature registered with
the Company
1. This Proxy, duly completed, signed and witnessed, must be deposited at the offices of the Company’s Registrar,
THK Associates (Private) Limited, Plot No. 32-C, Jami Commercial Street 2, Phase-VII, DHA, Karachi 75400,
Pakistan not later than forty-eight (48) hours before the time appointed for the Meeting.
2. No person shall act as proxy, if he is not a Member of the Company (except that a corporation may appoint a
person who is not a Member).
3. If a member appoints more than one proxy and more than one instruments of proxy are deposited by a Member
with Company’s Registrar, all such instruments or proxies shall be regarded invalid.
4. The Proxy shall produce his/her original CNIC or original passport at the time of Meeting.
5. Attested copy of CNIC or passport of the beneficial owners and the proxy shell be provided with the proxy form.
6. ln case of a corporate entity, the Board of Directors Resolution/Power of Attorney with specimen signature of the
nominee shall be submitted alongwith the Proxy (unless it has been provided earlier).
10:00 � 2021 22