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Cerebral Cortex, May 2018;28: 1597–1609

doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhx055
Advance Access Publication Date: 10 March 2017
Original Article


tDCS Modulates Visual Gamma Oscillations

and Basal Alpha Activity in Occipital Cortices:
Evidence from MEG
Tony W. Wilson1,2,3, Timothy J. McDermott3, Mackenzie S. Mills3,
Nathan M. Coolidge3 and Elizabeth Heinrichs-Graham1,3
Department of Neurological Sciences, University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), Omaha, NE, USA,
Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neurosciences, UNMC, Omaha, NE, USA and 3Center for
Magnetoencephalography, UNMC, Omaha, NE 68198, USA
Address correspondence to Tony W. Wilson, Center for Magnetoencephalography, University of Nebraska Medical Center, 988422 Nebraska Medical
Center, Omaha, NE 68198, USA. Email:

Transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) is now a widely used method for modulating the human brain, but the
resulting physiological effects are not understood. Recent studies have combined magnetoencephalography (MEG) with
simultaneous tDCS to evaluate online changes in occipital alpha and gamma oscillations, but no study to date has
quantified the offline (i.e., after tDCS) alterations in these responses. Thirty-five healthy adults received active or sham
anodal tDCS to the occipital cortices, and then completed a visual stimulation paradigm during MEG that is known to elicit
robust gamma and alpha oscillations. The resulting MEG data were imaged and peak voxel time series were extracted to
evaluate tDCS effects. We found that tDCS to the occipital increased the amplitude of local gamma oscillations, and basal
alpha levels during the baseline. tDCS was also associated with network-level effects, including increased gamma
oscillations in the prefrontal cortex, parietal, and other visual attention regions. Finally, although tDCS did not modulate
peak gamma frequency, this variable was inversely correlated with gamma amplitude, which is consistent with a GABA-
gamma link. In conclusion, tDCS alters gamma oscillations and basal alpha levels. The net offline effects on gamma activity
are consistent with the view that anodal tDCS decreases local GABA.

Key words: direct-current stimulation, ERD, ERSGABA, magnetoencephalography

Introduction of stimulated neurons (Filmer et al. 2014; Fertonani and

Transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) is a neuromodu- Miniussi 2016). In the most simplistic dosing model, anodal
latory method that involves delivering low amplitude, direct- stimulation increases the excitability of the underlying brain
current to specific areas of the brain using sponges or small area by decreasing GABAergic activity, while cathodal stimula-
electrodes. The stimulation is typically bidirectional with one tion decreases neuronal excitability in the underlying tissues
electrode acting as the anode and the other as the cathode, and by decreasing glutamate (Nitsche and Paulus 2000, 2001;
this arrangement or “montage” is thought to create a semi Nitsche et al. 2003; Coffman et al. 2014; Filmer et al. 2014;
current-loop through the brain running from the anode to the Fertonani and Miniussi 2016). Data supporting this general
cathode. Of note, this stimulation is not strong enough to elicit framework has come from early animal studies (Bindman et al.
action potentials, but is believed to alter the response threshold 1964; Purpura and McMurtry 1965), human pharmacological

© The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:
1598 | Cerebral Cortex, 2018, Vol. 28, No. 5

studies (Liebetanz et al. 2002; Nitsche et al. 2004; many others, of these studies focused on the feasibility of source imaging
reviewed in Stagg and Nitsche 2011; Medeiros et al. 2012), tran- using MEG data that was collected concurrently (online) with
scranial magnetic stimulation (TMS; Di Lazzaro et al. 2005; tDCS (Soekader et al. 2013; Garcia-Cossio et al. 2016). Thus, the
Nitsche et al. 2005), and magnetic resonance spectroscopy impact of tDCS on oscillatory activity in visual cortices remains
(MRS; Stagg et al. 2009a, 2011; Kim et al. 2014; Bachtiar et al. to be determined, with the available data suggesting that any
2015). However, there are other views on the source of tDCS- potential online effect is small and/or inconsistent.
induced excitability changes (Jackson et al. 2016; Lafon et al. In this study, our goals were to further investigate whether
2017), and knowledge of the cellular and molecular neurobiol- tDCS modulates oscillatory alpha and/or gamma activity during
ogy of tDCS continues to evolve. visual processing, and to probe tDCS-induced changes in basal
Numerous behavioral studies have evaluated how tDCS activity levels in the same occipital cortices. Like previous stud-
affects visual processing in healthy participants. These studies ies (Hanley et al. 2016; Marshall et al. 2016), we used MEG and a
have shown that applying anodal tDCS to the occipital cortices visual stimulation paradigm that is known to elicit robust alpha
improves visual detection thresholds (Kraft et al. 2010; Olma and gamma oscillations. However, unlike these studies, we
et al. 2011), reduces phosphine detection levels (Antal et al. used a different stimulation montage and recorded MEG sub-
2003; Lang et al. 2007), enhances face and object perception stantially after the termination of tDCS (i.e., offline). Based on
(Renzi et al. 2015; Barbieri et al. 2016), and facilitates visuo- previous literature (Kuo et al. 2013; Filmer et al. 2014; Fertonani
motor coordination (Antal et al. 2004). The physiological altera- and Miniussi 2016), these differences in the tDCS protocol
tions that underlie these behavioral effects are largely should have a major impact on our results. Our central hypoth-
unknown, although several offline functional magnetic reson- eses were that anodal tDCS over the occipital cortices would
ance imaging (fMRI) studies have shown that tDCS generally modulate offline basal activity levels locally, increase gamma
alters activity in regions near the anode, as well as in distant but not alpha oscillations in occipital cortices during visual pro-
brain structures that are putatively connected to the region tar- cessing, and reduce the peak gamma frequency. Observing
geted for anodal stimulation (Baudewig et al. 2001; Jang et al. such changes in basal levels would be consistent with a prior
2009; Stagg et al. 2009b, 2014; Keeser et al. 2011; Polania et al. study (Marshall et al. 2016), while increases in gamma ampli-
2011a, 2011b; Pena-Gomez et al. 2012; Amadi et al. 2013; Weber tude with reductions in peak gamma frequency would be
et al. 2014; Hunter et al. 2015; Krishnamurthy et al. 2015; expected if anodal tDCS does indeed decrease local GABA activ-
Hilgenstock et al. 2016). Findings from online fMRI studies have ity (Filmer et al. 2014; Fertonani and Miniussi 2016). Finally, we
been less clear, but far fewer studies have been conducted to examined the exploratory hypothesis that anodal tDCS to the
date (Antal et al. 2011). Moreover, several electrophysiological occipital cortices would induce oscillatory gamma and alpha
studies have recently examined the neural oscillatory changes changes in brain regions distant from the site of stimulation.
induced by online tDCS, although their findings have been
complicated and much work remains to be done. For example,
Marshall et al. (2016) used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to Materials and Methods
evaluate the impact of an Oz-Cz tDCS montage on occipital Participant Selection
alpha and gamma oscillations. In their study, they used a vis-
ual annulus stimulus that is known to elicit robust occipital We studied 35 healthy participants (16 females; 3 left-handed),
gamma and alpha oscillations (Hoogenboom et al. 2010; all of whom were recruited from the community. The mean
Muthukumaraswamy and Singh 2013), and recorded MEG age was 24.23, with a range of 20–32 years old. Exclusionary cri-
concurrently with both anodal and cathodal occipital tDCS. teria included any medical illness affecting the CNS (e.g., HIV/
Surprisingly, they found no reliable alpha or gamma oscillatory AIDS), neurological or psychiatric disorder, history of head trau-
changes during tDCS, despite many exploratory analyses. ma, current substance abuse, and the MEG Laboratory’s stand-
Notably, they did report that cathodal stimulation over occipi- ard exclusion criteria (e.g., ferromagnetic implants). After a full
tal cortices decreased basal alpha and gamma activity, but description of the study was given to participants, written
these changes were not affected by the visual stimulus informed consent was obtained following the guidelines of the
(Marshall et al. 2016). In a closely related study, Hanley et al. University of Nebraska Medical Center’s Institutional Review
(2016) recorded MEG immediately before, during, and after tDCS Board, which approved the study protocol.
using 2 different montages and a visual grating stimulus that Once participants were consented, they were randomly
is also known to elicit robust occipital gamma responses assigned to sham (16 participants, 8 female) and active (19 parti-
(Muthukumaraswamy et al. 2009, 2010; Muthukumaraswamy cipants, 8 female) stimulation groups following a double-blinded
and Singh 2013; Swettenham et al. 2009; Perry et al. 2013). The 2 design. The 2 groups were matched on age (sham: 24.0 years;
montages were used in different blocks and were designed to active: 24.4 years), sex, handedness, ethnicity, and educational
target occipital (Oz-Cz) and left motor cortices (C3-Fp2) with level. With the exception of stimulation (active or sham), all par-
anodal stimulation. Across all trials, participants were ticipants completed the same experimental protocol.
instructed to fixate on the visual stimulus and push a button at
stimulus offset, thus eliciting both visual gamma and motor-
Transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation
related beta oscillations (Wilson et al. 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014a;
Heinrichs-Graham and Wilson 2015, 2016; Heinrichs-Graham The 5 × 7 cm anode pad was positioned over midline occipital
et al. 2016). As with the study by Marshall et al. (2016), the cortex near the calcarine fissure, while the 5 × 7 cm cathode
results were surprising in that neither occipital gamma nor pad was positioned over the right prefrontal cortices near the
motor beta oscillations were modulated by the regionally tar- area generally referred to as supraorbital in most tDCS studies.
geted tDCS montage. In fact, paradoxically, neither tDCS mon- Each tDCS sponge was soaked in saline solution and positioned
tage modulated motor-related beta activity, and only the motor on the head using the International 10/20 system (Jasper 1958),
montage altered occipital gamma (Hanley et al. 2016). Of note, 2 which is commonly employed in electroencephalography (EEG),
other MEG/tDCS studies were recently published, although both fNIRS, and tDCS studies (e.g., Wilson et al. 2014b). First, the
tDCS Modulates Occipital Gamma Oscillations Wilson et al. | 1599

distance from the nasion to the inion was measured and a MEG recording session to coincide with their period of maximal
mark was made on the scalp at the 50% point, then the dis- excitability, but acknowledge that there were important differ-
tance between the left and right periauricles was measured ences in the montage and targeting between the 2 studies.
and the midpoint was marked. The intersection of the inion/ Furthermore, there is no data supporting or denying that other
nasion plane and the periaruicle plane is, by definition, Cz. In brain areas will follow the same excitability time course as the
our experiment, the anode was positioned on the midline and motor cortex.
centered about 12.5% above the inion, which corresponds to
~2.5% superior to Oz. The cathode was centered directly lateral
MEG Experimental Protocol
to Fp2 by ~7.5%, which is one of the most common areas for
cathodal placement (Filmer et al. 2014). Importantly, Okamoto Throughout the experiment, participants were seated in a cus-
et al. (2004) and Okamoto and Dan (2005) have developed a tom chair within the magnetically shielded room (MSR) with
method for transforming the scalp-based International 10–20 their head positioned in the helmet-shaped MEG sensor array.
coordinate system to Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI)- Ambient lighting in the MSR was slightly dimmed, but equal
based coordinates. Briefly, using data from a large sample of throughout the study. Participants were instructed to remain
healthy adults, they developed a probabilistic distribution of still and fixate on a small square presented centrally on a gray
the cortical projection points in MNI space that corresponds background. After 0.5 s, a series of vertical, stationary, square-
to input coordinates from the International 10–20 system wave gratings (3 cycles per degree) appeared around the fix-
(Okamoto et al. 2004). Based on their data, coordinates in the ation box (Fig. 1). These gratings remained on the screen for
International 10–20 system (i.e., scalp-based) can be estimated 0.5 s duration, then shifted by one bar and remained on the
in MNI space with an average standard deviation of 8 mm screen for another 0.5 s before disappearing and leaving only
(Okamoto et al. 2004), which is almost negligible given the size the fixation box. The interval between the offset of the second
of our 5 × 7 cm tDCS sponges. Thus, we computed the coordi- series of gratings and onset of the first series (in the next trial)
nates of each of our sponges in the International 10–20 sys- randomly varied between 2.2 and 2.6 s, and each participant
tem, and then used the transformation methods provided by completed about 120 trials following active or sham tDCS.
Okamoto et al. (2004) to obtain the MNI coordinates that corre- Of note, such square gratings are known to elicit robust gamma
sponded to these scalp-based locations. These data indicated and alpha oscillations in occipital cortices (Muthukumaraswamy
that the anode was near the calcarine fissure, while the cath- et al. 2009, 2010; Muthukumaraswamy and Singh 2013;
ode was over right prefrontal cortices (Fig. 1). Swettenham et al. 2009; Perry et al. 2013), although the typical
Participants in the active stimulation group underwent paradigm does not generally include a shift in visual space. We
20 min of 2.0 mA DCS, plus ~30 s ramp-up and ramp-down peri- implemented the stimulus shift in this study to evaluate
ods, while passively viewing an animated movie. The sham whether tDCS modulated the neural response to such a visual
group received the same passive visual experience for 20 min, scene change occurring during the occipital gamma response.
but no stimulation outside of the ~30 s ramp periods. A Soterix
Medical (New York, NY, USA) tDCS system was used for stimu-
MEG and MRI Data Acquisition and Coregistration
lation. Following active/sham stimulation, participants were
prepared for MEG recording and seated with their head posi- All recordings were conducted in a one-layer MSR with active
tioned within the MEG helmet. The overall setup took about shielding engaged. With an acquisition bandwidth of 0.1–330 Hz,
35 min from the stop of stimulation to the initiation of the MEG neuromagnetic responses were sampled continuously at 1 kHz
session, which was by design given the findings of Kuo et al. using an Elekta system with 306 magnetic sensors, including 204
(2013). Briefly, this study found that the level of cortical excit- planar gradiometers and 102 magnetometers (Elekta, Helsinki,
ability in the motor cortex peaks about 20 min after the ces- Finland). MEG data from each participant were individually cor-
sation of tDCS, and then slowly dissipates over the next rected for head motion and subjected to noise reduction using
70–90 min. Of note, Kuo et al. (2013) used a montage targeting the signal-space separation method with a temporal extension
the motor cortex and a different size of cathode electrode, both (tSSS; Taulu et al. 2005; Taulu and Simola 2006).
of which differ from the current study. Thus, we aligned our Prior to MEG measurement, 4 coils were attached to the par-
ticipant’s head and the locations of these coils, together with
the 3 fiducial points and scalp surface, were determined with a
3D digitizer (Fastrak 3SF0002, Polhemus Navigator Sciences,
Colchester, VT, USA). Once the participant was positioned for
MEG recording, an electric current with a unique frequency
label (e.g., 322 Hz) was fed to each of the coils. This induced a
measurable magnetic field and allowed each coil to be localized
in reference to the sensors throughout the recording session.
Since coil locations were also known in head coordinates, all
MEG measurements could be transformed into a common
coordinate system. With this coordinate system (including the
scalp surface points), each participant’s MEG data were coregis-
tered with T1-weighted structural MRI (sMRI) prior to source
Figure 1. Task design and tDCS montage. (A) Participants were seated in a cus- space analyses using BESA MRI (Version 2.0; BESA GmbH,
tom MEG chair and were instructed to fixate on a red square presented cen-
Gräfelfing, Germany). The sMRI data were acquired with a
trally. After 0.5 s, a series of visual gratings appeared around the red square for
0.5 s duration, then the gratings shifted by one bar and stayed on the screen for
Philips Achieva 3 T X-series scanner using an 8-channel head
an additional 0.5 s. Participants completed about 120 trials. (B) The anode was coil (TR: 8.09 ms; TE: 3.7 ms; field of view: 240 mm; slice thick-
positioned near the calcarine fissure and the cathode was over the right ness: 1 mm; no gap; in-plane resolution: 1.0 × 1.0 mm). All sMRI
prefrontal. data were aligned parallel to the anterior and posterior
1600 | Cerebral Cortex, 2018, Vol. 28, No. 5

commissures and transformed into standardized space, along voxel space. Following convention, the source power in these
with the functional images, after beamforming (see below). images was normalized per participant using a separately aver-
aged prestimulus noise period of equal duration and bandwidth
(Hillebrand et al. 2005). In principle, the beamformer operator
MEG Preprocessing, Time–Frequency Transformation,
generates a spatial filter for each grid point, which passes sig-
and Statistics
nals without attenuation from the given neural region while
Cardiac artifacts were removed from the data using signal- minimizing interference from activity in all other brain areas.
space projection and the projection operator was accounted for The properties of these filters are determined from the MEG
during source reconstruction (Uusitalo and Imoniemi 1997). covariance matrix and the forward solution for each grid point
Artifact rejection was based on a fixed threshold method, sup- in the image space, which are used to allocate sensitivity
plemented with visual inspection. Epochs were of 1.8 s duration weights to each sensor in the array for each voxel in the brain.
(−0.4 to 1.4 s), with 0.0 s defined as the onset of the gratings and MEG preprocessing and imaging used Brain Electrical Source
the baseline being the −0.4 to −0.1 s window. Analysis software (BESA version 6.1; BESA GmbH, Gräfelfing,
Artifact-free epochs were transformed into the time–frequency Germany).
domain using complex demodulation (resolution: 2.0 Hz, 0.025 s), Normalized source power was computed for the selected
and the resulting spectral amplitude estimations per sensor frequency bands over the entire brain volume per participant at
were averaged over trials to generate time–frequency plots of 4.0 × 4.0 × 4.0 mm resolution. Prior to statistical analysis, each
mean spectral density. These data were normalized by dividing participant’s functional images, which were coregistered to
the amplitude value of each time–frequency bin by the respect- native space anatomical MRI prior to beamforming, were trans-
ive bin’s baseline amplitude, which was calculated as the mean formed into standardized space using the transform previously
amplitude during the −0.4 to −0.1 s window. The resulting quo- applied to the structural MRI volume and spatially resampled.
tient was then multiplied by 100%. The resulting 3D maps of brain activity were averaged across
The specific time–frequency windows used for imaging were all participants to assess the neuroanatomical basis of signifi-
determined by statistical analysis of the spectrograms corre- cant oscillatory responses identified through the sensor-level
sponding to each of the 204 gradiometer-type sensors across all analysis, and to allow identification of the peak voxels per
participants. Each data point in the spectrogram was initially oscillatory response.
evaluated using a mass univariate approach based on the gen- Voxel time series data (“virtual sensors”) corresponding to
eral linear model. To reduce the risk of false positive results the peak voxels in the averaged gamma and alpha images (see
while maintaining reasonable sensitivity, a 2 stage procedure below) were extracted from the left and right occipital cortices.
was followed to control for Type 1 error. In the first stage, one- Briefly, we averaged the gamma images across all participants
sample t-tests were conducted on each data point and the out- and identified the peak voxel in the left and right occipital
put spectrogram of t-values was thresholded at P < 0.05 to region. The time series corresponding to each of these voxels
define time–frequency bins containing potentially significant were then extracted from the participant’s data individually.
oscillatory deviations across all participants (sham + active). In The same procedure was followed for the alpha images. To
stage 2, time–frequency bins that survived the threshold were compute the voxel time series, we applied the sensor weighting
clustered with temporally and/or spectrally adjacent bins that matrix derived through the forward computation to the prepro-
were also above the (P < 0.05) threshold, and a cluster value cessed signal vector, which yielded a time series for the specific
was derived by summing all of the t-values of all data points in coordinate in source space. Note that this virtual sensor extrac-
the cluster. Nonparametric permutation testing was then used tion was done per participant, once the coordinates of interest
to derive a distribution of cluster values and the significance (i.e., one per cluster) were known. Once these time series were
level of the observed clusters (from stage 1) was tested directly extracted, absolute and relative activity values were computed
using this distribution (Ernst 2004; Maris and Oostenveld 2007). and subjected to statistical analyses, which consisted of two
For each comparison, at least 10,000 permutations were com- (relative and absolute) 2 × 2 × 2 mixed-model ANOVAs. In each
puted to build a distribution of cluster values. Based on these ANOVA, frequency range (alpha and gamma) and hemisphere
analyses, the time–frequency windows that contained signifi- (left and right) were within subjects factors, and group (sham and
cant oscillatory events across all participants were derived and active stimulation) was a between-subjects factor. Significant
subjected to the beamforming analysis. We defined the precise effects were followed up with two-tailed independent-sample
time–frequency parameters using the sensor with the highest t-tests. Finally, an exploratory, whole-brain analysis was con-
t-value, but the results would have been identical had we used ducted using a mass univariate approach based on the general
any of the gradiometers near the peak sensor. linear model to identify tDCS-induced alterations. Since this ana-
lysis was exploratory, the resulting group difference maps were
thresholded at P < 0.01, uncorrected.
MEG Imaging, Voxel Time Series Extraction, and
Using the time–frequency windows determined by the analysis
described above, cortical networks were imaged through an All participants completed the task successfully. Two sham and
extension of the linearly constrained minimum variance vector 3 active participants were excluded from all statistical analyses
beamformer (Van Veen et al. 1997; Gross et al. 2001; Hillebrand due to excessive artifacts in their MEG data, no discernable gam-
et al. 2005), which employs spatial filters in the frequency ma response to the visual gratings, or for exhibiting response
domain to calculate source power for the entire brain volume. amplitudes >2.5 standard deviation (SD) above/below the mean
The single images were derived from the cross spectral dens- for any neural event of interest. There were no statistical differ-
ities of all combinations of MEG sensors averaged over the ences in age (P = 0.90) or sex for the remaining 14 sham (mean
time–frequency range of interest, and the solution of the for- age: 24.07 years; 7 females) and 16 active (mean age: 23.94 years;
ward problem for each location on a grid specified by input 6 females) stimulation participants. Following artifact rejection,
tDCS Modulates Occipital Gamma Oscillations Wilson et al. | 1601

the average number of trials used in the analysis was 101.88 and a sharp decrease or event-related desynchronization (ERD)
(SD: 6.08) for the active and 102.36 (SD: 5.02) for the sham group. in the 10–16 Hz alpha range in bilateral occipital cortices.
This difference was not significant, t(28) = 0.24, P = 0.82. Images from each band were separately averaged across all
participants and the peak voxels in the left and right occipital
cortices were identified for gamma (Fig. 3A; peak MNI coordi-
MEG Sensor-Based Time–Frequency Analyses nates: −18, −96, 1, and 18, −96, 9) and alpha (Fig. 3B; peak MNI
Sensor-level time–frequency spectrograms indicated the typical coordinates: −13, −80, −3, and 10, −80, −3) activity. The absolute
response pattern of increased gamma and decreased alpha and relative time series data corresponding to these voxels
activity shortly after stimulus onset in all participants. These were then extracted. For clarity, “relative” responses are typic-
spectrograms were statistically examined using one-sample t- ally referred to as oscillatory neural responses and are com-
tests of the sensor-level plots from all participants to derive the puted by dividing the amplitude of each poststimulus data
precise time–frequency bins for subsequent beamforming ana- point by the mean baseline amplitude (−0.4 to −0.1 s), and then
lyses. Significant gamma increases were found in many occipi- multiplying the resulting quotient by 100%. Absolute responses
tal sensors in the 40–56 Hz range from about 0.025–1.225 s after are simply the amplitude of the current, irrespective of the
the onset of the first series of gratings (P < 0.001, corrected; baseline, and allow activity levels during the baseline to be
Fig. 2). In addition, there was a significant alpha decrease in the quantified. Both types of responses reflect the same underlying
10–16 Hz range in a large number of sensors that extended neural data; the baseline normalization is the only difference.
from about 0.175 to 0.425 and 0.675 to 0.925 s after the onset of The relative voxel time series data indicated strong gamma
the first series of gratings (P < 0.001, corrected; Fig. 2). In order ERS and alpha ERD responses in bilateral occipital regions
to identify the cortical dynamics of these responses, we imaged (Fig. 4). To identify tDCS-induced alterations, we first com-
a 0.3 s window surrounding the peak gamma response puted the mean amplitude of gamma ERS and alpha ERD activ-
(0.075–0.375 s) and a 0.25 s window that included the peak alpha ity during visual processing. Then, a 2 × 2 × 2 mixed-model
response (0.175–0.425 s), and extracted virtual sensor data from ANOVA was conducted on these relative mean amplitude
the peak voxels in each frequency range. Note that the gamma values, with frequency (alpha/gamma), hemisphere (right/left),
window for beamforming was limited to 0.3 s duration because and group (sham/active) as factors. This model indicated a sig-
this was the maximum duration allowable given the duration nificant three-way interaction F(1, 28) = 5.14 (P < 0.05), and
of our baseline. main effects of hemisphere F(1, 28) = 7.25 (P < 0.05) and fre-
quency F(1, 28) = 200.49 (P < 0.05). The group effect and the
two-way interactions were not significant. Follow-up t-tests of
MEG Voxel-Based Analyses the three-way interaction effect indicated significantly stron-
The square-wave gratings elicited a sharp increase or event- ger gamma activity in the right occipital cortices of the active
related synchronization (ERS) in the 40–56 Hz gamma range, relative to the sham stimulation group, t(28) = 2.1 (P < 0.05).
There was also a trend toward the same finding for gamma
activity in the left hemisphere. Relative alpha activity did not
statistically differ between groups.
A similar mixed-model ANOVA was conducted on the
mean absolute amplitude values from the baseline period in
the same voxels as were used for the relative analysis detailed
above. These analyses indicated a significant two-way group-
by-frequency interaction F(1, 28) = 5.60 (P < 0.05), and main
effects of group F(1, 28) = 5.15 (P < 0.05) and frequency F(1, 28) =
202.55 (P < 0.05). No other main effects or interactions were sig-
nificant. Follow-up t-tests indicated that the absolute alpha
amplitude during the baseline period was significantly stronger
in the active relative to the sham group in the left, t(28) = 2.24
(P < 0.05), and right occipital cortices, t(28) = 2.51 (P < 0.05;
Fig. 5). There were no statistical differences in absolute gamma
Figure 2. Sensor-level time–frequency analyses. In (A), a group-averaged spectro-
Of note, we evaluated whether the input data to the para-
gram from an occipital MEG sensor is shown with time (s) denoted on the x-axis
(0.0 s corresponds to stimulus onset) and frequency (Hz) on the y-axis. All signal
metric statistical tests described above (i.e., the mean absolute
amplitude data are expressed as a percent difference from baseline, with the col- amplitude during the baseline and the relative amplitude dur-
or legend shown to the far right. The baseline was defined as −0.4 to −0.1 s ing visual processing for both alpha and gamma) were normally
before stimulus onset. Data represent a grand averaged (active + sham) gradiom- distributed using Shapiro–Wilk tests of Normality. These tests
eter sensor near posterior and inferior occipital cortices (the same sensor was indicated that 2 variables violated the normality assumption.
selected in each participant). As can be discerned, there was a strong gamma
Thus, we applied a constant to all data to eliminate negative
synchronization (ERS) that emerged shortly after stimulus onset (~0.025 s) and
was sustained until after 1.2 s, as well as a strong alpha desynchronization (ERD)
numbers, then performed a log transform and reran all statis-
that began slightly later (~0.175 s) and extended until after 1.2 s. Note that the tical tests. These tests yielded the exact same findings, with
clear decrease in alpha ERD activity between 0.55 and 0.65 s reflects the shift in slightly smaller P values on average, and no new findings.
the visual gratings stimulus. The dotted white line indicates stimulus onset. In Given this, we have used the real values in all statistical tests
(B), 2D maps of the sensor array are shown to illustrate the sensors where sig- and figures reported in this paper, as they are much more
nificant gamma (top) and alpha (bottom) responses were detected. The sensors
straightforward to interpret.
marked for gamma had significant increases in 40–56 Hz activity from 0.025 to
1.225 s, whereas those for alpha had significant 10–16 Hz activity from 0.175 to
We also computed the peak gamma frequency for each par-
0.425 and 0.675 to 0.925 s (P < 0.001, corrected). Each square in the array corre- ticipant using the voxel time series data. Contrary to our hypoth-
sponds to 2 orthogonal gradiometers with both having significant activity. eses, these analyses showed that tDCS did not significantly
1602 | Cerebral Cortex, 2018, Vol. 28, No. 5

Figure 3. Group mean beamformer images (pseudo-t) of the gamma synchronization (ERS) and alpha desynchronization (ERD) collapsed across all participants. In (A),
the gamma ERS was imaged in each participant using 0.3 s window surrounding the peak gamma response (0.075–0.375 s). The output images were then averaged
across all participants and are shown in pseudo-t units (scale is below coronal slice). The same procedure was followed for (B), except that the alpha ERD was imaged
in each participant using a 0.25 s window that included the peak alpha response (0.175–0.425 s). The output images were again averaged and the scale is shown in
blue in the bottom right corner. These average images were computed to visualize the brain areas generating each oscillatory response that was detected in MEG sen-
sor space, and to enable identification of a peak voxel per response in each hemisphere. Time series data were extracted from these peak voxels and used to assess
tDCS-induced alterations in local neuronal activity.

Figure 4. Using the images shown in Figure 3, voxel time series were extracted from the peak voxels of each hemisphere for the gamma ERS and alpha ERD responses
in each participant. These time series were then normalized using the prestimulus baseline of each participant and plotted separately for each frequency bin and
hemisphere. In each plot, the active stimulation group is shown in red and the sham appears in blue. Time (in s, stimulus onset = 0.0 s) is denoted on the x-axis, while
relative amplitude (%) is shown on the y-axis. As shown, gamma oscillatory activity (ERS) was significantly stronger during visual processing (0.025–1.225 s) in the
active tDCS group relative to the sham group (top panel; P < 0.05), whereas anodal occipital stimulation appeared to have no effect on the local alpha ERD response.
The shaded area around each line denotes the SEM.
tDCS Modulates Occipital Gamma Oscillations Wilson et al. | 1603

Figure 5. Absolute voxel time series were extracted from the peak voxels of the left and right gamma ERS responses (top panel) and alpha ERD responses (bottom
panel) to identify basal shifts in neural activity in each frequency range. In each plot, the absolute amplitude time series is shown for the active (red line) and sham
groups (blue line). Time (in s, stimulus onset = 0.0 s) is denoted on the x-axis, while amplitude (nAm) is shown on the y-axis. Note that these responses are from the
same voxels as Figure 4 and show the same data, except that these data have not been normalized using the baseline period. As shown, active anodal tDCS did not
significantly affect basal gamma activity in occipital cortices (top), but did result in significantly elevated basal alpha activity during the prestimulus baseline, and
this largely held throughout the time course (bottom panel). The shaded area around each line denotes the SEM.

modulate peak gamma frequency (P = 0.28). To further evaluate Lastly, we conducted exploratory whole-brain statistical
the relationship between peak gamma frequency and amplitude, analyses using a mass univariate approach to identify possible
we conducted a canonical correlation using the amplitude and tDCS-induced alterations distant from the anodal stimulation
peak frequency of each hemisphere. Briefly, a canonical correl- site. Beyond occipital cortices, these analyses revealed signifi-
ation (Rc) is a multivariate method that can be used to determine cantly stronger gamma ERS responses in the left frontal eye
the strength of a relationship between 2 sets of variables. First, a fields, left prefrontal cortices, and bilateral superior parietal
composite (latent) variable is computed for each set of vari- cortices in the active compared with the sham stimulation
ables based on a linear combination of each variable in the set. group (P < 0.01, uncorrected; Fig. 6). In contrast, the sham group
This process is repeated on the residual variance until there had stronger gamma ERS in the right inferior parietal, as well
are as many orthogonal latent variables per set as the number as stronger alpha ERD responses in the right cerebellum and
of variables in the smaller of the 2 sets (Sherry and Hensen right anterior superior parietal compared with the active stimu-
2005). In this case, we computed the Rc between (left gamma lation group (P < 0.01, uncorrected; Fig. 6).
power and right gamma power) and (left gamma peak fre-
quency and right gamma peak frequency). We found a signifi-
cant correlation between gamma frequency and gamma power,
Rc = 0.58, Wilks λ = 0.66, F(4, 52) = 2.98, P = 0.027, that accounted In this study, we examined whether tDCS modulates oscillatory
for 33.5% of the variance. Standardized canonical correlation alpha and gamma activity during offline visual processing.
coefficients for this model were as follows: left power: −0.54, Participants in the active group watched a 20 min animated
right power: −0.55; left frequency: 0.85, right frequency: 0.40. movie while anodal tDCS was applied to the occipital cortices
Negative power correlation coefficients coupled with positive and cathodal was applied to the right prefrontal cortex. Sham
frequency correlation coefficients indicates a negative relation- participants watched the same movie with the same tDCS elec-
ship between the 2 sets of variables. The model of the residuals trode configuration, but did not receive real stimulation. About
was not significant, P = 0.713. 35 min after the movie and stimulation, all participants
1604 | Cerebral Cortex, 2018, Vol. 28, No. 5

increased gamma ERS responses in the right occipital cortices

(marginally in the left). Interestingly, anodal tDCS also shifted
basal alpha levels significantly higher during the baseline period
in bilateral occipital cortices. Finally, we found preliminary evi-
dence that tDCS modulates oscillatory activity in brain regions
distant from the electrodes. Regions where gamma activity was
most strongly modulated included those known to be involved
in visual attention circuits, such as prefrontal and superior par-
ietal cortices, as well as the frontal eye fields. tDCS also modu-
lated alpha oscillations in the cerebellum and lateral parietal
cortices. Below, we discuss the implications of these findings for
understanding the impact of tDCS on neural oscillatory activity
during offline visual processing, and the underlying mechan-
isms that may be involved.
One of our most important findings was that anodal tDCS
increased occipital gamma activity (ERS) during visual process-
ing. Demonstrating a connection between anodal stimulation
and changes in local gamma activity is of critical interest due
to the purported link between GABAergic activity and gamma
oscillations. Essentially, anodal stimulation is thought to
decrease GABAergic activity based on human pharmacological
studies (Nitsche et al. 2004), TMS work (Di Lazzaro et al. 2005;
Nitsche et al. 2005), and MRS (Stagg et al. 2009a, 2011; Kim et al.
2014; Bachtiar et al. 2015), and numerous cellular electrophysi-
ology studies have shown that cortical gamma activity is crit-
ically dependent upon the integrity of local interneuronal
networks, which function as GABA-gated pacemakers for neo-
cortical oscillatory activity (Singer 1999; Bartos et al. 2007; Fries
et al. 2007; Fries 2009, 2015; Uhlhaas et al. 2009; Buzsaki and
Wang 2012; Uhlhaas and Singer 2012; Vinck et al. 2013; Salkoff
et al. 2015). Thus, following this line of reasoning, anodal tDCS
should modulate local gamma activity and thereby provide a
powerful and exciting new tool to probe the relationship
between GABAergic activity and gamma oscillations. Several
studies have already connected MEG gamma oscillations in
humans with local GABA levels using MRS. The most com-
mon finding is likely a positive correlation between peak
gamma frequency and local GABA levels (Edden et al. 2009;
Muthukumaraswamy et al. 2009; Gaetz et al. 2011), but this
finding has not been entirely consistent (Hall et al. 2011;
Muthukumaraswamy et al. 2013). None of these studies found
a relationship between gamma amplitude/power and GABA
levels. Assuming that anodal tDCS decreases local GABA activ-
ity (Stagg et al. 2009a, 2011; Coffman et al. 2014; Filmer et al.
2014; Kim et al. 2014; Bachtiar et al. 2015; Fertonani and
Miniussi 2016), these data would appear to be inconsistent with
our main findings of increased occipital gamma amplitude,
with no change in peak gamma frequency, following anodal
tDCS. However, in agreement with our canonical correlation
Figure 6. Exploratory whole-brain analysis. Independent-samples t-tests were
conducted on the voxel-level beamformer data for the gamma ERS and alpha
findings, more recent studies have suggested that peak gamma
ERD responses. Beyond differences in occipital cortices, these analyses revealed frequency and gamma amplitude may have an inverse rela-
stronger gamma ERS responses in the left frontal eye fields (top), left prefrontal tionship with each other (Campbell et al. 2014; Lozano-
cortices (second panel), and bilateral superior parietal areas (not shown) in Soldevilla et al. 2014; Kujala et al. 2015). In fact, a multimodal
the active relative to the sham stimulation group (P < 0.01, uncorrected). Flumazenil-PET and MEG study found that GABAA receptor
Conversely, the sham group had stronger gamma ERS in the right inferior par-
density in the primary visual cortex was positively correlated
ietal area (third panel), as well as stronger alpha ERD activity in the right cere-
bellum and the right anterior superior parietal cortices relative to the active
with peak gamma frequency and negatively correlated with
stimulation group (bottom panel). All maps have been thresholded at (P < 0.01, gamma power during a visual task (Kujala et al. 2015). In other
uncorrected) and are shown in neurological convention. The color legend words, stronger gamma power was associated with reduced
appears at the bottom. GABAA receptor density, which is more closely related to
ongoing inhibitory neurotransmission than total GABA concen-
tration as measured with MRS, and thus a more direct assess-
underwent a MEG session during which they viewed a gratings ment of the relationship between GABA signaling and gamma
stimulus that was known to elicit robust gamma and alpha oscillations. When combined with the current results, the pat-
oscillations. Our primary results indicated that tDCS significantly tern of findings in the Kujala et al. (2015) study support the
tDCS Modulates Occipital Gamma Oscillations Wilson et al. | 1605

notion that anodal tDCS decreases local GABA activity and that activity in both left and right occipital cortices. This finding was
this is associated with an increase in gamma amplitude in the expected and is partially consistent with data from Marshall
target brain region. Their data also support the inverse relation- et al. (2016), as they found reduced overall alpha in the occipital
ship between peak gamma frequency and gamma amplitude cortices during cathodal stimulation relative to anodal and
that we observed (Kujala et al. 2015). Although much remains sham stimulation. For clarity, they did not find elevated occipi-
to be discovered, and the current literature has many discrep- tal alpha during anodal stimulation, and their overall decrease
ancies, determining the inherent connection between gamma during cathodal stimulation was across the whole time series
amplitude/power, peak gamma frequency, and local GABAergic and not just the baseline (Marshall et al. 2016), as we are report-
activity is of major importance, and our data suggests that ing; although Figure 5 of the current paper clearly indicates
tDCS could play a significant role in this effort. that overall alpha was also elevated. Interestingly, this increase
Beyond the current investigation, 2 other tDCS/MEG studies in basal alpha in the active stimulation group was of similar
have recently examined whether anodal stimulation modulates magnitude in the left and right hemisphere and did not appear
visual gamma activity using very similar stimuli (Hanley et al. to impact the amplitude of the alpha ERD response, as these
2016; Marshall et al. 2016). In contrast to our findings, neither of responses were remarkably similar between groups. As for the
these studies found that anodal tDCS of the occipital cortices mechanism, the link between GABA activity and alpha oscilla-
significantly altered local gamma activity, although there are tions is less well established than that for gamma, but several
several possible explanations for this discrepancy. For one, studies have reported alpha modulation and/or comodulation
both of these studies used an Oz-Cz montage where the 2 elec- of alpha and gamma in the context of GABA altering drugs
trodes were significantly more proximal than the current inves- (Campbell et al. 2014; Lozano-Soldevilla et al. 2014). However, in
tigation. Such configurations are generally associated with less the current study, tDCS affected alpha and gamma very differ-
current reaching the brain, as shunting through the skin is ently, as only basal alpha (not gamma) and gamma oscillations
more problematic when the electrodes are proximal (Rush and (not alpha) were affected. This may suggest that the mechan-
Driscoll 1968; Datta et al. 2008; Bikson et al. 2010; Moliadze et al. isms are largely distinct, and/or that alterations in one fre-
2010). Secondly, the amount and duration of current signifi- quency range are a secondary consequence of changes in the
cantly differed between our study and the Hanley et al. (2016; other. For example, decreased GABA may result in increased
1 mA for 600 s) and Marshall et al. (2016; multiple blocks of gamma activity, and this increase in local gamma could alter
2 mA for 120 s, which alternated with cathodal stimulation of the circuit dynamics, and thereby change the level of basal
the same amplitude and duration) investigations. We used activity in the alpha range. Of course, this is speculative and
2 mA for 20 min, which is obviously very different from these future studies should probe how these parameters interact in
2 prior studies. Thirdly, we had participants watch a movie out- the context of tDCS and GABA altering drugs.
side of the MEG room during the stimulation, whereas Marshall Finally, we also observed network-level tDCS effects in both
et al. (2016) used concurrent tDCS/MEG and Hanley and collea- the alpha and gamma range in an exploratory whole-brain ana-
gues recorded MEG before, during, and 5 min after tDCS. Thus, lysis. First, outside of the occipital cortices, we observed signifi-
in both of these studies, tDCS was performed as the partici- cantly stronger gamma ERS responses in the superior parietal
pants completed the target task. Whether the context of bilaterally, left prefrontal cortices, and the left frontal eye fields
stimulation delivery modulates the effect is not currently of the active tDCS group relative to the sham group.
understood, but intuitively it makes sense that the process- Interestingly, these regions are known to be involved in visual
ing state of the brain regions being stimulated should matter. attention and to be strongly interconnected (Petersen and
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we acquired MEG data Posner 2012). In this regard, we were surprised by the absence
in the current study about 35 min after the termination of tDCS of differences in the right prefrontal cortices, although the
(i.e., offline), which was design given the findings of Kuo et al. cathode was located near this region and that may have con-
(2013). This TMS study found that the level of cortical excitabil- tributed. A previous tDCS/EEG study also showed changes in
ity in the motor cortex peaked about 20 min after the cessation high gamma, but these changes were in local connectivity and
of tDCS, and then slowly dissipated over the next 70–90 min more proximal to the anode (Polania et al. 2011a, 2011b). As for
(Kuo et al. 2013). If their findings extend to the occipital cortex, alpha activity, the active stimulation group had significantly
then the key difference between the current work and previous reduced alpha ERD in the right cerebellum and right anterior
tDCS/MEG investigations may be that the MEG recording parietal region. The significance of these regions is less clear
occurred substantially “after” the termination of tDCS. Of note, and future studies should more closely evaluate network-level
Kuo et al. (2013) focused on the motor cortex and there is cur- changes following tDCS.
rently no evidence supporting or denying that other brain In conclusion, this was the first study to show that anodal
regions (e.g., occipital) will have the same cortical excitability tDCS applied to the occipital cortices modulates visual gamma
time course following tDCS. However, in the absence of data to oscillations. Anodal tDCS is thought to decrease local GABA,
the contrary, using the findings of Kuo et al. (2013) as a tem- and our finding of altered gamma activity supports this given
poral model more generally would appear to be beneficial to the purported connection between gamma oscillations and
using no model. Additional studies to tease apart the possible GABAergic activity. Future studies should confirm and extend
effects of stimulation context, amplitude and duration, mon- this link, as the capacity to modulate GABA activity in a tar-
tage, and the window of time between stimulation and record- geted and noninvasive way could lead to significant new
ing are direly needed. Lastly, note that we focused our insights. Notably, 2 previous studies used tDCS, MEG, and simi-
discussion on only the most relevant condition of the Hanley lar stimuli and found negative results in regard to gamma
et al. (2016) study, which included multiple other conditions modulation. We propose that these discrepancies are likely
and a different montage that targeted the motor cortices. attributable to the amount of time that elapsed between the
Another major finding of the current study was the basal termination of tDCS and the MEG recording, differences in
amplitude shift in occipital alpha following stimulation. Briefly, stimulation amplitude and duration, and perhaps other factors
active tDCS induced a significant increase in baseline alpha related to the stimulation. Future studies should probe how
1606 | Cerebral Cortex, 2018, Vol. 28, No. 5

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