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Interview Fill Up Form

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Full Legal Name: Nickname:

Age: Sex: Current home address:
Home town:
Birthdate: Birthplace: Religion:
Tribe: Rank: Contact number:
Email Address:

1. Select one:
 Single  Married  Divorced  Widowed  Living with intimate partner
 Dating

2. What is your current living situation?:

 Roommate  Significant other/romantic partner  Parents  Siblings
 Other (please specify: )


3. Please describe your ethnic/racial identity in your own words.

4. What language do you use in your tribe? Primary and Secondary languages.

5. What are your common hygiene practices learned from your tribe?

6. What are your clothings or ornamentation?

7. What are your religious practices among your tribe?
8. Do you have any rituals of death and birth? If yes, please describe.
9. In your tribe, what are your beliefs in the gender roles of your family in your
10. What are your food habits and dietary restriction?
11. What are your medical practices in your tribe?
12. When sick, what kind of treatment do you use? Include any medicinal herbs if
there’s any.
13. What are your food refusals in your culture, religion?
14. What are common resources in your community? How are they managed?
15. What is a proverb in your language that most appeals to you? Why?
16. What, if anything, do you see when you visualize yourself 10 years from now?
17. Are you currently employed?  Yes, full-time  Yes, part-time  No, currently
If yes, what type of work do you do?
18. Please indicate the number of adults & children living in your household:
adults children

19. How satisfied are you with your currently financial situation?
 Not Satisfied at all  Somewhat Satisfied  Very Satisfied

20. How many years of schooling have you completed?

21. Are you currently in school?

 Yes
 No
If yes, what are you studying?


22. Please provide the following information about your family:

Mother Full Name:
If deceased, year and cause of death:
If living, age and health status:
If living, where does she live now?
Her occupation (past and/or present)
Father Full Name:
If deceased, year and cause of death:
If living, age and health status:
If living, where does he live now?
His occupation (past and/or present)
Other guardians/parental figures (e.g., step-parent, partner of parent, aunt):
Full Name(s):
If deceased, year and cause of death:
If living, age and health status:
If living, where does (s)he live now?
His/her occupation (past and/or present)


Name Age Occupation Where located?

23. Have you had a physical examination within the last six months?  Yes  No
If yes, what were the results:

24. Are you currently receiving medical care?  Yes  No

If yes, please describe briefly:

25. Have you experienced any of the following health problems? Please check all that
 High blood pressure/Hypertension  Ulcer or gastrointestinal problem
 Cardiac/Heart problems  Kidney disorder
 Cancer  Chronic or frequent headaches
 Diabetes  Dizziness
 Respiratory problems  Fainting or Blackouts
 Chronic pain  Injury: What kind?
 Stroke  Seizures/Convulsions
 Headaches  Memory problems
 Thyroid Issues  Asthma
 Any other health problems?

26. Have you been hospitalized for illness or injury in the past 10 years? Yes  No
If yes, approximate dates and condition:

27. Are you currently taking any medications?  Yes  No

Type of Medication Average Dosage Frequency

28. Have there been any serious illnesses, accidents, deaths or other physical concerns
within your family in the past 5 years?  Yes  No
If yes, please specify:

29. Do you drink alcohol? Yes  No

If yes, how much do you drink? drinks per day
If yes, do you feel your drinking has caused any problems in your work, school, or
relationships?  Yes  No Please explain:

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