Interview Fill Up Form
Interview Fill Up Form
Interview Fill Up Form
1. Select one:
Single Married Divorced Widowed Living with intimate partner
4. What language do you use in your tribe? Primary and Secondary languages.
5. What are your common hygiene practices learned from your tribe?
19. How satisfied are you with your currently financial situation?
Not Satisfied at all Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied
20. How many years of schooling have you completed?
25. Have you experienced any of the following health problems? Please check all that
High blood pressure/Hypertension Ulcer or gastrointestinal problem
Cardiac/Heart problems Kidney disorder
Cancer Chronic or frequent headaches
Diabetes Dizziness
Respiratory problems Fainting or Blackouts
Chronic pain Injury: What kind?
Stroke Seizures/Convulsions
Headaches Memory problems
Thyroid Issues Asthma
Any other health problems?
26. Have you been hospitalized for illness or injury in the past 10 years? Yes No
If yes, approximate dates and condition:
28. Have there been any serious illnesses, accidents, deaths or other physical concerns
within your family in the past 5 years? Yes No
If yes, please specify: