Vivi Nur Saphira JOURNAL 08 07 2023
Vivi Nur Saphira JOURNAL 08 07 2023
Vivi Nur Saphira JOURNAL 08 07 2023
The research entitled “The Meaning of Different Ring Colors in Shang-Chi: The
Legend of Ten Ring (2021)” aims to find out the meaning of the different colors on
the rings worn by three different characters and the meaning of the ring itself. The
researcher uses qualitative methods in analyzing data. The main data from the
movie Shang-Chi: The Legend of Ten Rings (2021) by Daniel Cretton. In addition,
the researcher uses Barthes' Semiotics theory to examine the meaning of
denotations and connotations, as well as myths that are deduced from a collection
of data about symbols. Also, the researcher uses cinematographic theory,
especially the use of props in films. The results of this study indicate that there are
two different colors that emerge from the ring when worn by different characters
with different ambitions and characteristics. The first color is blue. The blue color
emanated from the ring when it was used by Shang-Chi's father. This blue color is
associated with rage as well as negative energy like Yin in Chinese legend.
Meanwhile, the yellow color emanates from the ring when Shang-Chi or his mother
is wearing it. The yellow color is associated with wisdom. The yellow color on the
ring used by Shang-Chi and his mother represents the philosophy of Yang in
accordance with his dominant character. Furthermore, the researcher found that
the meaning of the ring itself is ultimate strength as it is found in Chinese culture
that iron rings are often used in Chinese martial arts.
The appearance of color in the objects is pointed to meaning. For example,
the color in traffic lights, when the system displays red means stop, yellow means
caution, and green means to move. Since then, it means color is included in non-
verbal communication because humans know the action after the traffic light
system changes its color. However, those colors in traffic lights have another
meaning if placed in a different place which is adapted to the culture, location, or
environment of the local people in the community. It is emphasized by the
statement that stated color has a role in influencing one’s interpersonal (Yajun,
2008; Amirullah, 2018). Color, like language, can be utilized to transmit
'interpersonal' messages. Color can be used to indicate a range of things that are
common to certain places, people, and objects exclusively in terms of their
ideational function. The usage of colors on a flag, for example, identifies a specific
nation-state. As a result, color is one of the symbols.
THE RING (2021)
The research on semiotics was done before. For example, a study by Ari
Afidah, Mia Fitria Agustina, Ririn Kurnia Trisnawati entitled Colorful God and
Goddess as the representation of modern Greek mythology in Lore Olympus.
This research aims to describe the meaning of colors in the six characters of gods
Vivi Nur Saphira, Dr. Lynda Susana Widya A.F., M. Hum., Eni Nur Aeni S.S M.A | 3
and goddesses in Lore Olympus. The research found that the colors in the six
characters of gods and goddesses had a general and specific meaning that were
used to convey their personalities. Meanwhile, our research is going to examine
the color distinction in Chinese culture with film as the object; then, employ
Barthes’s theory to find the color distinct in this film. As a result, this study fills a
void by analyzing the meaning of color in the most recent Marvel film with a
Chinese cultural basis, Shang-Chi (2021).
The aim of this paper is to analyze the ring’s different colors and the
symbolism of the ring. There are two ring colors found in this film, namely blue
and yellow. The first part is the blue rings. Blue is one of the primary colors in the
rings that appear in Shang-Chi. Specifically, the appearance of this blue color can
be seen when Shang-chi’s father (a character in this film) is wearing it. Thus, the
use of blue in the rings in this film has a meaning behind it. The second part is the
yellow rings. The yellow color on this ring will appear when Shang-chi’s mother
and Shang-chi himself use it. Since the color change on the ring occurs based on the
character who uses it, the researcher assumes that the color difference represents the
ambition of each of these characters.
In order to analyze each meaning that appeared, it applied Barthes’s order
of signification theory. The order of signification in Barthes’s semiotics has three
levels of meaning. The first is the denotative meaning which is the literal meaning
of the sign. The second is the connotative meaning which involves cultural concepts
that surround the sign. The third is a myth which is a further interpretation of the
sign that has been processed through denotative and connotative levels.
THE RING (2021)
There are two ring colors: blue and yellow as a prop in the movie. The
blue ring is the first part. Blue is a prominent color in the rings found in
Shang-Chi The Legend of Ten Rings. Yellow, blue, black, white, and red are
the five basic colors in Chinese culture, according to Taylor (2019). The
connection and relationship between Yin and Yang, as well as between
phenomena, are described by the theory of the five elements. According to
Chinese philosophy, Yin is characterized by darkness, dampness, coldness,
passivity, dissolution, etc while Yang, is characterized by brightness,
warmth, dryness, activity, etc. (Ding, 2016:46). According to "The Five
Elements Theory," yellow is the color of the Earth as Yang while blue
represents Yin or the color of the wood. (2000) Dong-Soon et al.
The ring has a blue hue from the very start of the movie. The past, when
Wenwu exploited the ring to pursue money and the crown, is explicitly
discussed by the narrator. The Ten Ring has unquestionably evolved into a
true MCU Mandarin, played for eons by Tony Leung, and glows blue when
he uses it, according to Erdman (2021), who claimed this in an article that
was uploaded.
“The ring gives the power of the world and the gift of eternal life. He
could use it for good. However, he chose to make power in order to rule
the world. He has chased money and power for a thousand years, but he
still wants more.” (0:01:23-0:01:43).
At 0:01:46 when Wenwu fight the enemies show how strong and
affected Shang-Chi's father was when he used the ring. Wenwu's expansion
was merciless as seen by the extensive damage it inflicted to opposing
weapons and buildings. Some of the characteristics that appear to be
destroyed also have a vivid blue appearance that emanates from this ring is
represented by the color blue. Furthermore, when Wenwu swung the ring to
the enemy, property may have influenced the staging of action across time
and space, which may have contributed to the developing narratives
(Nelmes, 2012:89).
Vivi Nur Saphira, Dr. Lynda Susana Widya A.F., M. Hum., Eni Nur Aeni S.S M.A | 5
Yellow is the second ring color to be seen in the Shang-Chi film. If Ying Li and
Shang-Chi wear the ten rings, the yellow hue on them will come out. similar to when
Wenwu and Ying Li first met in Ta Lo, Ying Li's hometown. Ta Lo is a revered
location in the Marvel Universe that is home to a variety of supernatural objects (Egie,
2021). One of the village's residents, Ying Li, has unquestionably developed
superhuman power that rivals Wenwu's. In this movie, it is revealed how much the
residents of Ta Lo value peace in their community. To keep the Ta Lo villagers from
mingling with them, they guard a gate that is filled with many demons.
“Our people have been before 4000 thousand years, preparing for something we
hope never happens, we are the keepers of the dark gate from the evil behind the
Figure 4 demonstrates how the color of the ring changed from blue to
yellow depending on who was wearing it. The ten rings in the hands of a peasant
lady who supports peace with her simplicity and grows in an unpretentious
environment like Ying Li change to yellow if the Ten Rings are brought to war
or fury by Wenwu. You can see how tai chi highlights the tension between the
Vivi Nur Saphira, Dr. Lynda Susana Widya A.F., M. Hum., Eni Nur Aeni S.S M.A | 7
two in the hold-fist salutation, which is when your open palm is put over your
closed fist as a greeting (Trenholm, 2021).
Shang-Chi despises witnessing Wenwu lose control when angry, just like
his mother did. When Shang-Chi was younger, he questioned his mother how
she could subdue his father's strength, to which she responded:
Ying Li: "We were empowered by the magic of the great protector."
Shang-chi: “Do you still do that, Mom?” Ying Li: “I left that power in Ta
Lo with our dragon.”
If the ring is carried by figures or individuals who are able to restrict their ego and
regulate their feelings, Figure 5 suggests that the ring will emanate a yellow color.
Earth is yellow in the Yin element. It takes the form of cognition (Jang et al.). It also
stands for wisdom (Taylor, 2019). The researcher presupposes that thought in this
instance teaches how to think properly. When a prop is used repeatedly in a story or
mise-en-scene, it sometimes acquires symbolic significance (Nelmes, 89:2012).
Therefore, it can be claimed that the ten rings worn by Ying Li and Shang-Chi
himself are yellow to symbolize wisdom. The relationship between yellow and
knowledge is best explained as follows:
A symbol of wisdom
THE RING (2021)
There are two colors that appear on the ten rings when the three actors in this
film wear it. The first color is blue. The blue color of the ten rings appears when
Shang-Chi's father is wearing it. Blue is associated with rage. According to Chinese
Philosophy, blue is the color of wood as Yin. Yin is known to represent negative
energies such as darkness, passivity, and coldness. This film displays a lot of the
darkness of Shang-Chi's father not only to his enemies on the basis of power and
wealth but also to his biological children, Shang-Chi and his younger sister. Thus, it
can be said that the blue color on the ring used by Shang-Chi's father represents the
philosophy of Yin or negative energy in accordance with his dominant character in
this film, namely anger. The second color is yellow. The yellow color of the ten
rings appears when Shang-Chi and his mother are wearing it. Yellow is associated
with wisdom. According to Chinese Philosophy, Yellow is the color of the earth as
Yang. Yellow in the Yang element is Earth, it is represented as wisdom. Almost all
the scenes in this film show the dominant character of Shang-Chi and his mother as
people who are able to restrain their egos and control their feelings. Hence, the
yellow color on the ring used by Shang-Chi and his mother represents the
philosophy of Yang in accordance with his dominant character.
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