Mine Operation Manual

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Table of Contents
2. Intruduction 2
2. About Health And Safety At Work..............................................................................................................
3. Influence Factors Mining Work Health, Safety and Environment..............................................................
4. Health and safety impact assessment process..............................................................................................
4.1 Hierarchy of Control.............................................................................................................................
5. Enviroment Management..........................................................................................................................
5.1 Sediment Control.................................................................................................................................
5.2 Rehabilitation......................................................................................................................................


pg. 0

The world of mining is a job with a high level of work risk, this is of course in
line with the level of work accidents if it is not supported and supported by
knowledge and work standards. Minimizing work risks is done by making standard
work safety rules.
This handbook considers one aspect of the impact mining operations can have
on local communities-namely health and safety. This aspect includes the risk of
traumatic injury and illness that can arise as a result of mining activities. The risk of
traumatic injury includes tripping, slipping and falling, and being hit by a moving
object. Furthermore, examples of work-related illnesses include psychiatric disorders,
noise-induced hearing loss, infectious and parasitic diseases, and respiratory diseases.
Mine operational activities can also have a positive impact on the health and safety
behavior of local residents. Community members and groups can receive education
and support to promote important social issues, such as mental health issues, the
provision of sports and medical health facilities and equipment, and other more
general health benefits related to long-term employment.
Mining is a high-risk industry with a number of operational risks that can
endanger health and safety. The most vulnerable to these risks are mining workers,
however, some mining risks can also have an impact on the health and safety of
residents living around mining areas.
Therefore it is important that safety standards are applied in all lines of the
mining area whose aim is to avoid the risk of work accidents when operating the unit,
reducing the negligence of workers in carrying out their work activities. For this
reason, a special department has been set up in the mining world to handle Safety,
Healthy and Environment or in companies it is known as the SHE Department.
The following are regulations regarding safety standards that can be used as a
reference in the world of mining, which are expected to increase the awareness of
workers in maintaining their own safety, the safety of others and also the safety of
their family's future.

pg. 1

A. Definition of Occupational Safety and Health

-According to OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational safety and health are all conditions
and factors that can have an impact on safety and health of workers and other people
in the workplace.
-According to the Science of Occupational Safety and Health is all Science and its
application to prevent Occupational Disease Accidents, Explosion fires and
environmental pollution.

B. Hazard
Situations, materials, activities, events, or environments that have the potential to
cause injury or health problems (OHSAS 18001-2007. Everything that has the
potential to cause injury/illness to humans, damage to assets/property and pollution to
the environment.

C. Risk
The combination of the "likelihood" of occurrence of a hazardous condition or
exposure and the "severity" of injury or illness caused by the event or exposure.
(OHSAS 18001 – 2007)

D. Incident
Occupational incident that caused or nearly resulted in injury, illness or death.
(OHSAS 18001 – 2007) Accident..?? something that happens, including:
- Not planned
- Unwanted
- Unsuspected
- Anywhere
- Overrides anyone

E. Types of Hazards and examples

- Physical Hazards
The danger comes from the laws/physical symptoms. For example: gravity,
radiation, sound waves, temperature, etc.
- A Chemical Hazard

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Hazards originating from the properties of chemicals and their interactions. For
example: gasoline, diesel, pesticides, feum, etc
- A Biological Hazard
Danger originating from living things. For example: Animals, plants.
- Mechanical Hazard
Hazards originating from mechanical movement in equipment. For example:
Rotating gears.
- Psychosocial Hazards
The danger that comes from a person's Psychology.
- Environmental Hazards
Hazards originating from environmental or natural conditions. For example:
slope, dark, wet, dry.

3. Influence Factors Mining Work Health, Safety and Environment

- Air pollution
Emissions of gases and airborne particulates have the potential to cause health
problems for the community, while dust and odors can cause discomfort and cause
Dust originating from the mechanical breakdown of rock and soil is the largest
and most widespread emission from mines and occurs in a wide range of particle
sizes. Health impacts are small fragments—particles under 10 microns in diameter
(PM10) and especially those under 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5). Small
particles more easily enter the lungs, and can cause irritation and disease. In
general, small particles can be carried by the wind to a greater distance than larger
particles so that they can have an impact on the surrounding communities.
The impact of dust on amenity is generally associated with coarse particulate
matter and particles larger than PM10. The impact of dust from nearby mines on
the comfort of residents depending on the distance to the mine site and climatic
conditions, such as wind speed and direction. Concerns about the impact of dust
on comfort are generally related to the 'visibility' of dust collection and dust
sources. Visible dust is generally due to a series of high emissions that occur in
the short term, such as from explosions. Another impact on comfort also includes

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adhering dust on fabrics (such as laundry) or on roofs, and the transfer of dust
from roofs to water tanks when it rains.
Mine gas emissions contain a number of pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen dioxide, which have obvious effects on human health. Blasting at mine
sites in Australia generally uses a mixture of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, or
ANFO. ANFO detonations can generate explosive clouds of orange nitrogen
dioxide that travel along the mine boundary into surrounding areas. These clouds
usually spread very quickly and do not pose an acute health risk, but under certain
conditions these gas collections can persist and can affect people or local residents
who are in a place with the direction of the wind from the blasting location.
Symptoms from high-level exposure include:
• eye, nose, throat and cough irritation
• dizziness and headaches
• respiratory disorders
• wheezing
It is known that serious pneumonia (pulmonary oedema) can occur several
hours after exposure to very high levels of nitrogen dioxide (NSW Government,
n.d.). Further detailed information on site air pollutants affecting miners and
communities is in the leading practice Airborne contaminants, noise and vibration
(DITR 2009a; note that this handbook has not been updated) handbook.
- Lighting
Excessive or glaring artificial light from mine operations or from stages of the
logistics chain, such as hauling, can impact local communities. Light sources
include fixed lighting around infrastructure, mobile and mobile lighting machines,
and lighting from fixtures. When artificial outdoor lighting is considered
distracting and not really needed, it is referred to as light pollution. Light pollution
can be divided into two main types:
• light that interferes with natural lighting or dim lighting settings
• excessive light causes discomfort and adverse health effects.
There is a scientific study which shows that light pollution can have long-term
adverse effects on human health, including sleep disturbances and disruption of
melatonin mechanisms (Chepesiuk 2009). Lighting is an important matter to
consider to ensure that it does not adversely affect communities or
accommodation camps and settlements.

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- Noise
Noise is one of the most significant issues for communities living around
mining projects, especially due to mining operations that take place 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week. Mining activities such as blasting, drilling, digging and
loading and unloading of coal as well as the operation of excavators, trucks,
conveyor belts and other machines which result in an increase in environmental
noise levels. This can be especially disturbing for local rural communities who are
used to a quiet environment. In some areas, there may be more than one mining
site affecting the same community, resulting in a cumulative impact. Cumulative
noise impacts are currently generally an issue of major concern to communities
surrounding mining areas, including those in remote areas (such as the Bowen
Basin) as well as those in central areas (such as the Hunter Valley) (see Franks et
al. 2010 ). Noise can also occur throughout all stages of the logistics chain,
including transport by trains and trucks and port activities.

4. Health and safety impact assessment process

Health and safety impact assessments systematically analyze potential health and
safety impacts and help develop options to maximize positive impacts and minimize
negative impacts. An OSH risk assessment can be combined with a community health
and safety impact assessment for strategic planning reporting on health and safety.
The model shown in Figure 3.1 is a modification of ICMM (2009, 2010). This model
describes the steps that need to be taken for an effective and comprehensive health and
safety impact assessment. Although this model is presented as a linear process, in
practice it is an iterative process and the steps may need to be reviewed as new or
additional information becomes available. Each step needs to be managed to ensure that
the acquisition and use of appropriate and relevant information.
The following ICMM documents provide detailed information on how to complete a
health impact assessment:
- Good practice guidelines on health impact assessment (2010)
- Good work practice guidelines on occupational health risk assessment (2009).

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Figure 4.1: Health impact assessment process model

Steps in Performing Risk Management :

- Hazard Identification
Find potential hazards around the workplace.
- Calculate the risk of the identified hazard
Assess the “likelihood” and “consequences” of the identified hazards and give
them a risk rating.
- Define Control Measures
Use the "Hierarchy of Control" in selecting corrective actions. Supervise the
Implementation of Control Measures Monitor the effectiveness of control
measures, revise and evaluate if control measures are not effective enough to
control/reduce risk

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4.1 Hierarchy of Control
- Elimination (100%)
Eliminate the source of the hazard
- Substitution/Engineering Design (75%)
Replace (processes, materials, activities, etc.) with less risky ones
- Engineering / Engineering (75%)
Provide technological / technical elements to control hazards
- Isolation (50%)
Removing/isolating the source of the hazard
- Administration (30%)
Make administrative arrangements (work shift patterns, SOP, JSA, Rules) to
reduce the risk of a hazard
- Training (20%)
Providing training, socialization
- PPE (10%)
Use of
must be in
with the potential
hazards that can occur and the quality standards set. Consist of:
a. Helmets
Protects from falling objects, impact of hard objects, exposed to heat and
b. Safety Glasses / Goggles / Welding Mask
Protects from welding rays, glare, flying particles, flying powder, radiation,
splashes of dangerous liquids
c. Earplugs/Ear protectors/Earmuff
Protects against prolonged painful sound, with a noise limit above 85 db.

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d. Mouth/nose/oxygen mask Protect against work that uses chemicals/powders,
contaminated air, dust, smoke, low oxygen levels.
e. Cover all
Clothing that protects the worker's body.
f. Gloves / rubber / leather / cloth / plastic Protect hands from corrosive
chemicals, sharp / rough objects, keep materials clean, electric shock.
g. Safety Shoes/Foot protectors Protect feet from sharp objects, tripping over
hard objects, pressure and blows, wet, slippery and muddy floors, according
to the type of hazard

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pg. 9
Figure 2.1: Personal protection equipment in workplace safety

5. Enviroment Management

Considering the large impact caused by mining activities, planned and measurable
management efforts are needed. Environmental management in the mining sector usually
adheres to principles Best Management Practices. US EPA (1995) recommends several
measures that can be used to control the impact of mining activities on water resources and
vegetation. Some of these control efforts are :
5.1 Sediment Control

5.1.1 Fasility Drainage

The project facilities such as the Port areas (excluding stockpiles), Accommodation
Camp and Mine Area will all have localized drainage from the hardstands and buildings
(offices, accommodation modules, and workshops, etc.). Surface water from hardstands will
be collected in open drains and directed to a sediment pond located at the outer edge of the
facility. Roof water will generally be discharged from the roofs to ground level via
downpipes and be collected in open drains and sent to a sediment control pond for
convenience (although the latter is not strictly necessary). In some instances, roof water may
be collected in a piped network and this instance can be discharged directly to existing

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Figure 1. Drainage

5.1.2 Sediment Pond

Due to the topography, high rainfall and soil conditions, there will be a high sediment
load in the runoff water generated from the Project sites during construction and operations.
The soil material is lateritic with the red colored surficial limonite classified as a clayey silt.
Due to the fine nature of the soil particles, it is challenging for this material to settle out in
ponds very quickly. The sediment control philosophy is to remove the sediment from the
surface water management system as close as possible to the source and not rely on large
downstream ‘last line of defense’ sediment dams although these may be required in some
Sediment control should focus on preventing erosion ‘at source’ with the use of erosion
control matting, tackifiers and hydro mulching/revegetation amongst many of the available
techniques. It should be supported with sediment control devices (such as decanters, rock
filter check dams, etc.) installed in conjunction with the regular drainage infrastructure to
limit the requirement for large sediment ponds. Where required, sediment control ponds will
be constructed to treat large disturbed areas such as platforms, where the smaller sediment
control devices will have a lesser effect. The primary function of the sediment control basin
is to provide detention of runoff water to allow settlement of suspended solids (sediment).
The size of the sediment pond will be based on the volume required to hold the water in
accordance with the above design criteria and provide ‘dead’ storage for accumulated
sediment equivalent to 30% of the design volume.
Next at the edge/ boundary of mining activities, make a check dam to trap all the water
runoff from the front mining and the stockpile ETO into the sediment pond and give time for
the deposition process (Figure 4-8). Water coming out of the sediment pond expected not to
contain mud or have very small amount of suspended sediments anymore so that it can be
disposed to river waters without damaging the quality of existing river or stream water. The
size of the channel and check dam will be adjusted to the water runoff debit.

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5.2 Rehabilitation Figure 2. Sediment pond

Rehabilitation will commence after mined-out excavations ae backfilled and in-pit

dumps are established. The details of the work programme within a given area depend on the
local bench configurations and ultimate landform design. Some small steep benches will be
left exposed, while mined out areas will be backfilled and graded to maintain long-term
stable slopes. Buffer zones will be setup along the slopes and haul roads and at the margins
of the pit extents. The buffer zones will perform filter, barrier and sink functions for the
project emissions and effluents.
The progressive rehabilitation methodology will minimize the extent of disturbance and
the time of exposure of disturbed areas. Mitigating measures such as sumps, mini-rock dams
and settling ponds will be constructed to minimize erosion impact. The rock dams will
prevent sediments from moving downhill and impacting areas adjacent to construction or
mining sites. The settling ponds will slow down water and provide some time for the
sediment to drop out of suspension leaving a cleaner water effluent.
During the mining stage, the local residents living in the vicinity of the ML boundary
will be relocated according to the mining phasing plan, the details and migration sequence
will be referred to the Resettlement Plan submitted separately.
When the land rehabilitation is complete, the mine out will be replanted so that the
nursery house must be a mandatory thing that will be built by the company.

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