Indian Independence Moment
Indian Independence Moment
Indian Independence Moment
Indian Nationalism
India has been unified under many empires in its history like the Mauryan
Empire and Mughal Empire. A sense of oneness has been there for ages –
even though most of the centralized administration in India didn’t last long.
With the end of Mughal rule, India broke into hundreds of princely states.
The British – which was instrumental in the fall of the Mughal Empire – held
control over the princely states and created the British Indian Empire.
However, most Indians were extremely dissatisfied with the exploitative
foreign rule. The educated Indians realized that the British always gave
priority to their colonial interests and treated India only as a market.
1. It was this event that first brought Mahatma Gandhi to world attention.
2. It was the first nationalist activity in which women participated in large
numbers. Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay had persuaded Gandhi for this
3. It was the Salt March that forced upon the British the realisation that
their Raj would not last forever, and that they would have to devolve
some power to the Indians.
The award granted separate electorates in British India for the Forward
Caste, Lower Caste, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Indian Christians, Anglo-
Indians, Europeans and Untouchables (Dalits) etc.
The Mountbatten plan led to the enactment of the India Independence Act
of 1947.
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