Geopier-Handbook Final
Geopier-Handbook Final
Geopier-Handbook Final
of using ground improvement
to improve poor soils is that
Throughout history, humans have endeavored to build Does My Site Have Poor Bearing Soils? As with many things
magnificent structures that push the limits of what was in engineering, it depends! The suitability of the bearing This geotechnical solution
provides excellent settlement
the foundations and slabs
thought to be possible. The Egyptians built the Great soils to support the proposed structure depends on a few
Pyramid, the Greeks built the Colossus of Rhodes, and variables: control, particularly for heavily loaded can generally be designed as
structures. However, deep foundations are
the Chinese built the Great Wall. Today, we are building
skyscrapers that are over 2,700 feet tall (Burj Khalifa in
˴ What type of soils are at the project site? typically expensive (at least compared to other conventional spread footings
Dubai, UAE), bridges that are over 100 miles long (Danyang- ˴ How heavy is the structure? geotechnical solutions) and require structural slabs
and pile caps designed to resist the shear and bending
and slabs-on-grade.
Kunshan Grand Bridge in China), and dams that are almost
1,000 feet tall (Nurek Dam in Tajikistan). Each of these
˴ What is the settlement criteria for the structure? moments of the overlying structure. In addition, deep
structures, and their counterparts throughout the world, are To answer the first question, a site-specific subsurface foundations generally require several large pieces of
marveled for their beauty and engineering excellence. exploration should be performed by a professionally licensed equipment on site, which can be problematic on small
Geotechnical Engineer. A typical subsurface exploration sites or sites with existing development.
But we often take for granted the portions of these structures consists of soil borings supplemented with laboratory
that we do not see – the foundations. Generally, nobody Ground Improvement: Ground improvement
testing and engineering analysis. The Geotechnical Engineer
takes notice of the foundations unless something goes encompasses a broad swath of remedial measures,
will detail the subsurface conditions in their geotechnical
wrong. Would the Leaning Tower of Pisa be famous if the but in general, the concepts mostly revolve around
engineering report and provide foundation recommendations
improving soils in place using mechanical or chemical Rigid Inclusions:
foundations did not settle, or would it just be another tower? for the project team’s consideration.
means. A few variations are outlined below. Rigid inclusions are sort
And how is it that more structures have not suffered a similar
Poor soils generally consist of loose sands, soft clays, of a hybrid between aggregate
fate (or worse)? Surface Densification: This consists of using specialized
organic soils, and undocumented fill soils. However, even piers and deep foundations.
machinery to impart energy into poor soils to densify Rigid inclusions are generally very
Simply stated, not every project site is underlain by stiff clays and dense sands can be problematic for heavily
the material in place. The depth and magnitude of stiff, cementitious elements that transfer
competent bearing soils. For these sites, inaction could lead loaded structures. The Geotechnical Engineer will work
improvement depends on the soil type and the amount structural loads through weak soil layers and
to unfavorable consequences, such as excessive settlements with the Structural Engineer and the rest of the project
of energy imparted into the soil. The end result is into competent bearing soils (much like a deep
or even structural failure. In ancient times, builders would team to evaluate the various foundation options for support
a densified mass of soil with enhanced settlement foundation). Rigid inclusions are installed by either
overcome these challenges by removing the poor soils of the proposed structure and recommend cost-effective
characteristics. Common surface densification methods drilling through or displacing the in-situ soils. The
and replacing them with better materials (removal and foundation solutions.
include heavy surface compaction, rapid impact cemented nature of the rigid inclusion elements
replacement), mixing the poor soils with natural materials
Geotechnical Solution Options compaction (RIC), and deep dynamic compaction provides confinement and prevents bulging of the
(reeds, rocks, etc.) to reinforce them (ground improvement),
(DDC). If schedule allows, consideration can also be element into weak soils. This is particularly important
or driving timber through the poor soils and into competent
Removal and Replacement: The engineering behind given to preloading the site with a large mound of soil to for very soft clay and organic soil profiles. Rigid
bearing materials (deep foundations). Those three methods
removal and replacement has not really changed induce settlement of the poor soils. inclusions differ from deep foundations in that they are
have withstood the test of time and serve as the three basic
throughout history. If your site has poor soils, you can not structurally connected to the overlying foundation.
remedial options we use today. The only difference is that Soil Mixing/Grouting: Poor soils can be improved
simply “hog” them out and replace them with better Deep foundations are structurally connected to a
we have had centuries of technological advancements that in-situ by mixing in admixtures such as lime or cement
materials. It really does not get simpler than that, or pile cap/structural slab and carry shear and bending
have improved productivity and decreased costs. to create a mass with improved engineering properties.
does it? Certain site conditions can make this option stresses. Rigid inclusions are overlain by a gravel pad
This is generally done by mechanically mixing the
impractical. Poor soils can extend so deep as to make or load transfer platform and the footing and/or slab is
admixture directly into the soil. Grout can also be
removal and replacement cost-prohibitive or difficult, designed as a conventional spread footing and/or slab-
introduced to the soil mass to improve the engineering
even with modern equipment. Shallow groundwater can on-grade.
The Leaning Tower of Pisa, properties, typically by means such as permeation
necessitate a dewatering program. Adjacent structures
a medieval structure in grouting, jet grouting, or compaction grouting.
Pisa, Italy, is famous for its can require underpinning or sheeting and shoring.
differential settlement, which Environmentally impacted soils can greatly increase the Aggregate Piers: Poor soils can be reinforced by
caused it to lean 5.5 degrees - cost of haul off and disposal. All these factors can make replacing/displacing the weaker soils with a densified
about 15 feet off-center.
removal and replacement a less than favorable solution. column of aggregate generically known as an aggregate
pier. In this process, aggregate pier elements penetrate
Deep Foundations: Modern technology has resulted in weak soils to create dense columns of aggregate
many different types of deep foundation options; drilled surrounded by a soil matrix. The matrix soils adjacent
shafts, driven piles, ACIP piles, and micropiles to name a few. to the piers are also densified during pier installation.
Deep foundations mitigate the concerns associated with weak The end result is an improved mass of soil with
bearing soils by simply bypassing them. The very stiff deep enhanced settlement characteristics. Common types
foundation elements take the loads from the superstructure of aggregate piers include traditional vibratory stone
and transfer them through the weak soils and into suitable columns and Geopier’s proprietary Rammed Aggregate
bearing soils such as dense sands, hard clays, and bedrock. Pier® solutions. Geopier® Ground Improvement
effective, reliable engineered foundation systems through What Soil Types? Geopier’s Rammed Aggregate Pier® (RAP)
systems are ideal for nearly all soil types. We have “drill and
Rammed Aggregate Pier® solutions. fill” solutions for non-caving soils such as clays and silts. We
have displacement solutions for caving and squeezing soils
How do they work? The concept of RAPs is pretty simple –
remove/displace weak soils and replace them with columns
such as sands and soft clays. We even have variations to our of dense aggregate. But the mechanics and engineering
RAP systems that can be used in organic soils, but those are behind it is a bit more complicated. The RAP installation
discussed in the rigid inclusion section. process not only creates a dense aggregate pier, it also
densifies the matrix soils between the piers. The end result
For over 30 years, owners, general contractors, geotechnical What Types of Structures? RAP solutions have been is a stiffened mass of soil that provides improved bearing
engineers and structural engineers have relied on Geopier® successfully used to support just about any structure, capacity and excellent settlement control. This is all thanks
geotechnical design engineers to perform value engineering including: to our patented technology that has been field verified with
on their projects, using Geopier Intermediate Foundation®
˴ One-story retail to 20+ story high-rises thousands of load tests.
˴ Industrial/eCommerce warehouses and data centers Benefits: RAPs provide several benefits to the project team
History of Geopier: The concept of the Rammed Aggregate ˴ Heavily loaded mats and slabs including:
Pier (RAP) was developed in the late 1980s by Dr. Nathaniel ˴ Tanks and grain bins ˴ Cost savings of 20 to 50 percent on foundations
Fox. Dr. Fox saw a void in the geotechnical marketplace
between shallow foundations and deep foundations and
˴ Retaining walls and embankments up to 50+ feet in ˴ Reduction in construction schedule
decided to experiment with various concepts to develop a
˴ Wind turbines ˴ Minimal spoils/haul-off costs
more cost-effective alternative to deep foundations. Working
in a small test yard, Dr. Fox came up with what we know
˴ Excellent settlement control
today as the Rammed Aggregate Pier® (RAP), which he ˴ Increased bearing capacities (typically 4 to 8 ksf)
RAPs are also used for liquefaction mitigation! Please visit
aptly dubbed Intermediate Foundation®. And with this new for a more comprehensive list of the various
˴ Spread footings and slab-on-grade design
technology, Geopier Foundation Company was born.
different applications RAPs can be used for. ˴ Uplift and lateral resistance
Over the past 30 years, Geopier has expanded its core ˴ Liquefaction mitigation
technologies to overcome challenging soils and meet the
ever-growing needs of the marketplace. What started as
˴ Improved global stability
Geopier’s acceptance and growth in the marketplace is driven
one aggregate pier system in 1989 has expanded into an by our engineering excellence and innovative technologies.
arsenal of aggregate pier, rigid inclusion, and densification There are no soils to weak and no structures too heavy for
solutions, including geo-products specifically developed for Geopier’s patented technologies. Find out how Geopier can
slope stabilization and railroad track remediation. save you money and time on your next project.
By designing for
non-caving soils such as clays and silts (Cement Treated
Aggregate piers). We have displacement solutions for
higher bearing ˴ Increased allowable bearing pressures (typically 4 to 10 ksf)
caving and squeezing soils (Grouted Impact® piers and pressure, smaller ˴ Reduced footing sizes and the associated concrete and steel cost
GeoConcrete® Columns). We also have our Armorpact® footings result ˴ Excellent settlement control (total and differential)
system, which is ideal for shallow organic and soft clay in up to 50% ˴ Mitigation of liquefaction-induced settlements
deposits. CONCRETE ˴ Increased shear strength to mitigate global stability concerns
What Types of Structures? Rigid inclusion solutions have
SAVINGS ˴ The ability to construct adjacent to existing buildings and utilities
been successfully used to support just about any structure, ˴ Minimal spoils/haul-off costs
including: ˴ Rapid installation reduces construction schedule
˴ One-story retail to 20+ story high-rises Over 10,000 structures around the world are currently supported by Geopier® technologies. Each providing a safe,
˴ Industrial/eCommerce warehouses and data centers reliable, cost-effective solution that can help expedite your construction schedule and save money.
˴ Heavily loaded mats and slabs
˴ Tanks and grain bins
˴ Retaining walls and embankments up to 50+ feet in
˴ Wind turbines Submit your project data for a free feasibility
and cost-estimate at
Please visit for a more comprehensive list of the
various different applications rigid inclusions can be used for.
©2021 Geopier Foundation Company, Inc. The Geopier® technology and brand names are protected under U.S. patents and
trademarks listed at and other trademark applications and patents pending. Other foreign patents,
patent applications, trademark registrations, and trademark applications also exist.