Darunday, Ezra M. Rot II (Final)
Darunday, Ezra M. Rot II (Final)
Darunday, Ezra M. Rot II (Final)
College of Nursing
Zamboanga City
Answer the provided questions comprehensively following the subsequent format.:
A. Use the Times New Roman Font Style with 12-point font size, 1.5 spacing, 8.5 x 13 paper size
B. Utilize at least three (3) or more references
C. References should be at least from the year 2015 onwards
D. Refer to the rubrics for alternative learning system for the rating system of your output
Ms F ,a 35 year old woman in her first pregnancy was admitted in Labor Room. On examination, she was
tachycardiac and had postural hypotension and ketonuria. Ms F was admitted and treated with intravenous fluids
of normal saline / PNSS 1L to run at 30gttds/minute and metoclopramide(Plasil), 10 mg IV every 8 hours . A
viable intrauterine pregnancy was confirmed on ultrasound scan; she improved on the above therapy and was
discharged 2 days later.
In the subsequent 2 weeks, she had three further admissions with hyperemesis gravidarum (HG). On the third
occasion, she was severely dehydrated, had lost 7 kg in weight and was ketotic. She was admitted, rehydrated and
given regular cyclizine, 50 mg intravenously three times daily. Over the following week, she improved and was
sent home with oral antiemetic of metoclopramide 50mg as need for nausea and vomiting. folic acid (5 mg) and
thiamine hydrochloride (25 mg three times daily).
Vital Signs:
1) Blood pressure (BP) : 90/60 mmhg
2) Heart rate (HR) : 102 bpm
3) Respiratory rate (RR) : 22 b/min
4) Temperature : 36.7 0 C
5) Height : 158 cm (5’4)
6) Weight : 82.7 kg (starting weight)
a.) Hyperemesis gravidarum during an earlier pregnancy
b.) Being overweight
c.) Being a first-time mother
Laboratory results:
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Appearance hazy Clear-very slight cloudy Abnormal
Color Dark yellow Pale light yellow – Yellow Abnormal
pH 5.0 4.5-8 Normal
Protein 4+ Negative Abnormal
Sp. Gravity 1.025 1.010-1.030 Normal
Glucose Negative Negative Normal
Casts None 0-5 Normal
WBC 1–2 <=2-5 Normal
RBC 0–1 <=2 Normal
Color Dark brown Shades of Brown Normal
Consistency Soft formed Soft-firm Normal
Occult blood negative Negative Normal
Ova parasites None seen None Normal
Based on the Physical exam and history, the patient is diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Your Tasks:
1. Determine the need for the required laboratory and diagnostic examinations
• Give the indications for the abnormal result/values
2. Illustrate the organ involved and label accordingly.
3. Discuss the normal function of the organ involved.
4. Explain the pathophysiology based on the patient’s diagnosis.
5. Explain the pathophysiology based on the diagnosis.
A. Create the pathologic pathway of the pathogenesis (the development of the disease and the chain
of events leading to the illness) contributing to the patient’s illness condition.
Indications for Abnormal Results or Values
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the urine is. It may indicate Or also that the patient is taking
that a patient is dehydrated. good amounts of fluid.
Larsson A, Palm M, Hansson L-O, et al. Reference values for clinical chemistry tests during normal pregnancy.
Br J Obstet Gynaecol 2008;115:874. Lockitch G. Handbook of Diagnostic Biochemistry and Hematology in
Normal Pregnancy. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1993.
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A. outputt Template
(3) Complications of
Gravidarum; A Disease
Page 6 of 16
of Both Mother and
Fetus, Review Article,
2018, Abanoub Gabra,
Chief Resident,
Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Assuit
University, Egypt
Page 7 of 16
IV set Intravenous purpose For intravenous medication and fluid
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3. Nursing Care Plan
Imbalanced Short term goals: Independent The patient reported
Subjective Cues: Nutrition: less than The patient will report decreased severity of
• client stated that "These
Determine the cause of Assessing the patient The patient had been
body requirements decreased severity or nausea and vomiting with the causes of diagnosed with hyperemesis nausea and
days, I throw up at any
random moments, and I don't
related to nausea elimination of nausea. nausea will guide the gravidarum. demonstrated behaviors
have an appetite to eat and vomiting choice of interventions and lifestyle, such as
because of this." secondary to Long term goals: to be used. Treatment sticking to healthy fiber
Hyperemesis The patient will demonstrate may not be needed if diet to regain and
gravidarum as behaviors and lifestyle the stimulus is maintain appropriate
Objective Cues: evidenced by loss changes to regain and weight during
• had postural hypotension
7kg in 2 subsequent maintain appropriate weight pregnancy.
• tachycardiac
• ketonuria/ketotic weeks. during her pregnancy. Determine lifestyle factors Socioeconomic The patient is 35 years old
• three further admissions with that may affect weight. resources, amount of with viable intrauterine
hyperemesis gravidarum money available for pregnancy. Initially, she’s
• had lost 7kg purchasing food, the 87kg at 5’4 ft height with 33
• severely dehydrated proximity of grocery BMI classified as obese.
store, and available After 2 weeks diagnosed
storage space for food with HG, she had lost 7kg in
are all factors that may just 2 weeks.
impact food choices
and intake.
Encourage a rest period of 1 Helps reduce fatigue The patient had rest before
hour before and after meals. during mealtime and and after meals in small
Provide frequent small provides an frequent feedings to avoid
feedings opportunity heavy vomiting.
to increase total caloric
Page 9 of 16
Weigh, as indicated Useful in determining 2/20 – 80kg
caloric needs, setting 2/27-80.3kg
weight goals, and
evaluating the
adequacy of nutritional
Consult dietitian or feeding and caloric Consulted dietitian for
nutritional support team to requirements are based modification of patient’s
provide easily digested, on the individual diet.
nutritionally balanced meals. situation and specific
needs to provide
maximal nutrients with
minimal client effort
and energy
Establish an ongoing method To assist in Established an ongoing
of evaluating intake determining both method of evaluating food
amount of food taken intake.
and what food groups
are consumed or left
uneaten, to identify
nutritional deficits
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Discuss with to preserve those that Negotiate with client aspects
client/significant other (SO) are valuable or of diet that need to be
aspects of diet that can meaningful to changed
remain unchanged individual, and
enhance sense of
Doenges, M. E., Moorhouse, M. F., & Murr, A. C. (2018). Nursing diagnosis manual: Planning, individualizing, and documenting client care. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.
In Herdman, T. H., In Kamitsuru, S., & North American Nursing Diagnosis Association,. (2018). NANDA International, Inc. nursing diagnoses: Definitions & classification 2018-2020.
Doenges, M. E., Moorhouse, M. F., & Murr, A. C. (2019). Nursing care plans: Guidelines for individualizing client care across the life span. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co.
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4. Drug study
Blocks dopamine/serotonin receptors in chemoreceptor trigger
zone of the CNS. Enhances acetylcholine response in upper Side effects: Baseline Assessment:
GI tract, causing increased motility and accelerated gastric • drowsiness • Antiemetic: Assess for dehydration
emptying without stimulating gastric, biliary, or pancreatic • restlessness (poor skin turgor, dry mucous
secretions; increases lower esophageal sphincter • fatigue membranes, longitudinal furrows
tone. Therapeutic Effect: Accelerates intestinal transit, • lethargy in tongue).
promotes gastric emptying. Relieves nausea, vomiting. • dizziness • Assess for nausea, vomiting,
• anxiety abdominal distention, bowel
BRAND NAME: Plasil INDICATION: • headache sounds
• insomnia Intervention/Evaluation
• altered menstruation • Monitor for anxiety, restlessness,
• symptomatic treatment of diabetic gastroparesis extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS)
• gastroesophageal reflux • constipation
during IV administration.
IV/IM • rash
• Monitor daily pattern of bowel
DRUG • symptomatic treatment of diabetic gastroparesis • dry mouth
activity, stool consistency.
• placement of enteral feeding tubes • galactorrhea
• Assess skin for rash.
• prevent nausea • gynecomastia
• Evaluate for therapeutic response
• stimulate gastric emptying and intestinal transit barium
from gastroparesis (nausea,
when delayed emptying interferes with the radiological Adverse Reaction:
vomiting, bloating).
examination of the stomach and/or small intestine. • extrapyramidal reactions
• • Monitor renal function, B/P, heart
To facilitate small bowel intubation in adults and • akathisia
children. rate.
• neuroleptic malignant syndrome Patient/Family Teaching
• fever • Avoid tasks that require alertness,
• unstable Blood pressure motor skills until response to drug
• muscular rigidity is established.
• Report involuntary eye, facial,
Pharmacotherapeutic: Dopamine, Serotonin • Hypersensitivity to metoclopramide • Avoid alcohol
receptor antagonist • Concurrent use of medication likely to produce
Clinical: GI agent, Antiemetic extrapyramidal reactions.
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• History of seizure disorder
Nausea/Vomiting • pheochromocytoma
kg 30 min before chemotherapy; repeat
q2h for 2 doses, then q3h for 3 doses.
The vomiting centre possesses neurons which are rich in muscarinic
cholinergic and histamine containing synapses. These types of neurons Side effects: Baseline Assessment:
are especially involved in transmission from the vestibular apparatus to • drowsiness • If pt is having an reaction, obtain a
the vomiting centre. Motion sickness principally involves overstimulation • blurred vision history of recently ingested foods,
of these pathways due to various sensory stimuli. Hence the action of • dry mouth drugs, environmental exposure,
cyclizine which acts to block the histamine receptors in the vomiting • headache emotional stress.
centre and thus reduce activity along these pathways. Furthermore, • constipation • Monitor B/P rate; depth, rhythm,
since cyclizine possesses anti-cholinergic properties as well, the type of respiration; quality, rate of
muscarinic receptors are similarly blocked. pulse.
Adverse Reaction: Intervention/Evaluation
• extrapyramidal reactions • Monitor B/P.
BRAND NAME: Cyclizine INDICATION: • hemorrhage • Monitor effect of sedation
• liver problems Patient/Family Teaching
Oral • anaphylaxis • Tolerance to antihistaminic effect
• symptomatic treatment of diabetic gastroparesis • psychomotor impairment does not occur
• gastroesophageal reflux • Tolerance to sedation may occur
IV/IM • Avoid task that requires alertness
DRUG ILLUSTRATION: • symptomatic treatment of diabetic gastroparesis • Dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness
• placement of enteral feeding tubes may be an expected response to
• prevent nausea drug.
• stimulate gastric emptying and intestinal transit barium when • Avoid alcohol
delayed emptying interferes with the radiological examination of
the stomach and/or small intestine.
• To facilitate small bowel intubation in adults and children.
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Pharmacotherapeutic: Piperazine- • Hypersensitivity to cyclizine
derivative antihistamine, antimuscarinic • Taking anti-depressants
agent Clinical: Antivertigo, Antiemetic • Hypotension
• Prostatic hypertrophy
Nausea and vomiting • Urinary retention
Adult: As hydrochloride: 50 mg up to • Hepatic disease
tid, up to 200 mg/day. For prevention of • epilepsy
motion sickness, 1st dose should be given
30 min before travelling.
Child: 6-12 yr: As hydrochloride: 25 mg
up to tid. For prevention of motion
sickness, 1st dose should be given 30 min
before travelling.
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B. Rubric for ALS
4 3 2 1
Follows and
Follows Demonstrat
Exceeds Follows
CATEGORY some but es little
expectations instructi
not all comprehens
noted in ons
instructions ion
I. STUDY OF ILLNESS CONDITION (total score = 48 points)
1. Assessment
• Differentiates between subjective and
objective cues
• Analyzes laboratory examinations
2. Anatomy
• Indicates and labels the affected organ
• Cites reference/s & Paraphrases
3. Physiology
• Discusses the normal functions of the
organ involved
• Cites reference/s & Paraphrases
4. Pathophysiology
• Explains the pathophysiology based on
the diagnosis
• Develops the pathologic pathway of the
patient’s current illness
• Cites reference/s & Paraphrases
5. Analysis
• Correlates signs & symptoms to the
illness condition
• Relates laboratory / diagnostic exams to
the illness condition
• Indicates the normal values and
significance of the laboratory results
46 – 48 = 1.0
44 – 45 = 1.25
42 – 43 = 1.5
39 – 41 = 1.75
37 – 38 = 2.0
34 – 36 = 2.25
32 – 33 = 2.5
30 – 31 = 2.75
29 = 3.0
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