Prophesies of Jesus Christ

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Simple Studies 1.

Prophesies of Jesus Christ

some of the main questions we could ever answer: "is the bible real?" "is the bible really God's Word?" One
thing that no other religion has is Prophecies

Prophecy definition:
• : a statement that something will happen in the future
• : the power or ability to know what will happen in the future

2 Peter 1:20-21 Did prophecy come from man or God?

Jesus talked about the fulfillment of prophecies to His followers after His death and resurrection
Luke 24:25-27 and Luke 24:44-45

Some skeptics say that Jesus read the old testament and made sure that he could make the prophesies work.

Pro~hecies beiond Christ's Control:

AoDrox. ~ear Pro~hec:y: Fulfilled

739-686 B.C. Place of Birth Micah 5:2 Luke 2:3-7
i 740-680 B.C. Manner of Birth Isaiah 7:14 Matt. 1:18-23
1,000 B.C. Betrayed by friend Psalm 41:9 John 13:21-26 Matt.
\ 26:14-16, 47-50
520-470 B.C. Betrayal Price- 30 pieces of silver Zech. 11:12-13 Matt. 26:14-16

520-470 B.C. Betrayal money thrown down (not placed) in the house of God Matt. 27:3-5
Zech. 11:12-13
520-470 B.C. Betrayal money used to buy Potters Field Matt. 27:3-10
Zech. 11:12-13
520-470 B.C. Manner of Death Crucified Zech. 12:10 Matt. 27:35
1,000 B.C. Manner of Death Crucified Psalm 22:16 Matt. 27:35
1,000 B.C. Other People's reactions, Shaking head, mocking Psalm 22:7-8 Matt. 27:39, 43
1,000 B.C. Divided His Garments Psalm 22:18 John 19:23
1,000 B.C. Cast lots for Clothing Psalm 22:18 John 19:24
1,000 B.C. No broken bones Psalm 22:17, Psalm 34:20 John 19:33-36
740-680 B.C. Grave with rich at his death Isaiah 53:9 Matt. 27:57-60

Other prophecies:

Ap~rox. year Pro~hecv Fulfilled

539-333 B.C. Forerunner of Christ Malachi 3:1 Mark 1:2-8
740-680 B.C. Forerunner of Christ Crying in wilderness Isaiah 40:3 Matt. 3:1-3
520-470 B.C. Messiah ride into Jerusalem on Donkey Zech, 9:9 Matt. 21:4-11 '
740-680 B.C. Jesus was innocent but kept silent on trial Isaiah 53:7 Mark 14:60-61
1,000 B.C. Hostile/malicious/false witnesses Psalm 35:11 Matt.26:59
740-680 B.C. Hitting and spitting on face Isaiah 50:6 Matt. 26:67


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