St. Lawrence Parish: The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 17, 2023
St. Lawrence Parish: The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 17, 2023
St. Lawrence Parish: The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 17, 2023
WOMEN’S GUILD TEA & LUNCHEON Has the start of the new school year left
St. Martin de Porres Women’s Guild invites you with an urge to downsize and do-
all women of Family 21 to attend their mem- nate? If so, keep Ladies of Charity in
bership Tea Luncheon on Saturday, October mind. The volunteer organization, which
7th 12:00—2:00PM St. Charles Hall, is affiliated with Catholic Charities, ac-
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church, 317 Leroy cepts donations of new or gently used clothing, footwear, purs-
Avenue, Buffalo, NY. Guest Speaker: Nikia es and bags; and household items such as small kitchen appli-
Robinson, Community Outreach and En- ances, curtains and drapes, dishes and utensils and bed linens.
gagement Director Roswell Park Compre- Donations are used for the Ladies’ Lots of Clothes Thrift Store
hensive Cancer Center will present a pro- in Buffalo, the Wellsville Outreach Thrift Store, and for the
gram entitled: “Spilling the Tea on Breast Fresh Start program, which provides basic household goods for
Cancer Awareness and Prevention” RSVP by October 1st to those who have experienced home displacement for a variety of
[email protected] or text 716-308-1613. reasons. To schedule a donation in Buffalo, call 716-895-4001.
To schedule a donation in Wellsville, call 585-296-3757.