Instructional Supervisory Plan - Manaot Es
Instructional Supervisory Plan - Manaot Es
Instructional Supervisory Plan - Manaot Es
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division Office - Ifugao
2.Classroom Management 1.Ensure that the learning -Checking of learners profile September 2023 4 teachers Learning environment
environment is safe and conducted by the teachers (1 for developmental is safe and conducive
conducive using positive -Checking of daily lesson supervision and 3 for for learning
and non-violent learning plan clinical supervision)
-Checking of contextualized
remedial Plan
-Checking of LR’s made by the
2. Ensure that teachers -Checking the learners Journal October 2023 4 teachers Teachers managed
manage learners behavior -Checking of contextualized (1 for developmental learners behavior
constructively by applying learning monitoring tool of supervision and 3 for constructively
positive and non-violent teachers clinical supervision)
discipline to ensure
learning focused
3.Use of appropriate teaching See to it that teachers Checking of daily lesson plan September 2023 4 teachers Teachers selected,
and learning resources select, develop, organize, developed and
and use learning resources Checking of availability of (1 for developmental organized learning
to address learning goals learning resources for all supervision and 3 for resources to address
subject areas per grade level clinical supervision) learning goals.