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Clinical Kidney Journal, 2023, vol. 0, no.

0, 1–12

Advance Access Publication Date: 24 April 2023
CKJ Review


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Chronic kidney disease in children: an update
Luigi Cirillo1,2 , Letizia De Chiara2 , Samantha Innocenti1 ,
Carmela Errichiello1 , Paola Romagnani1,2 and Francesca Becherucci 1,2

Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Meyer Children’s Hospital IRCCS, Florence, Italy and 2 Department of
Biomedical, Experimental and Clinical Sciences “Mario Serio”, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Correspondence to: Francesca Becherucci; E-mail: francesca.becherucci@meyer.it

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major healthcare issue worldwide. However, the prevalence of pediatric CKD has never
been systematically assessed and consistent information is lacking in this population. The current definition of CKD is
based on glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and the extent of albuminuria. Given the physiological age-related modification
of GFR in the first years of life, the definition of CKD is challenging per se in the pediatric population, resulting in high
risk of underdiagnosis in this population, treatment delays and untailored clinical management. The advent and
spreading of massive-parallel sequencing technology has prompted a profound revision of the epidemiology and the
causes of CKD in children, supporting the hypothesis that CKD is much more frequent than currently reported in
children and adolescents. This acquired knowledge will eventually converge in the identification of the molecular
pathways and cellular response to damage, with new specific therapeutic targets to control disease progression and
clinical features of children with CKD. In this review, we will focus on recent innovations in the field of pediatric CKD and
in particular those where advances in knowledge have become available in the last years, with the aim of providing a
new perspective on CKD in children and adolescents.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a devastating disease for which no cure is currently available. Lack of awareness,
genetic predisposition and difficulties in measuring kidney function as a tangible sign of CKD in the pediatric
population have contributed to delay the identification of effective treatments as well as the causes behind disease
progression. In this review, we provide an up-to-date description of the most recent findings in terms of hereditary
disorders, pathological mechanisms, novel therapeutic options and nutritional evaluations in children with CKD. We
will also discuss the most recent advancements and challenges in effectively determining kidney function in young
patients. Collectively, we aim to provide a novel perspective on CKD in children to boost the translation into clinical
practice of the most recent discoveries.

Keywords: chronic kidney disease, genetics, innovative therapies, nutrition, pediatric

Received: 22.1.2023; Editorial decision: 27.3.2023

© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the ERA. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact journals.permissions@oup.com

2 Chronic kidney disease in children

INTRODUCTION populations [13]. As for those used in the adult population [e.g.
Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD), Chronic Kidney
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major healthcare issue
Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI), FAScrea/cysC , etc.],
worldwide. Recent estimates report that at least 10% of the
this equation has some limitations. It loses accuracy in sub-
general adult population is affected by a certain degree of CKD
jects with mGFR >75 mL/min/1.73 m2 and hyperfiltration [14],
[1, 2] and similar projections are becoming available in children
potentially resulting in relevant treatment delay [15]. The small
[3]. However, the prevalence of pediatric CKD has never been
proportion of patients <5 and >15 years old in the testing cohort
systematically assessed and consistent information is lacking
represented an additional flaw. To overcome these limitations,
in this population. Currently available data are derived primarily
in 2021 a new equation (named CKiD U25) was validated from
from kidney replacement therapy registries in Western coun-
data of the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children study enrolling

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tries [4, 5], thus significantly underestimating the global burden
patients up to 25 years old [16]. It employs serum creatinine and
of disease. Providing patients with appropriate management
cystatin C, patient age and gender without including height,
and therapies along with defining the actual CKD prevalence in
therefore avoiding the issue of anthropometric data as limiting
children represent unmet medical needs that urgently require
factors of the bedside Schwartz’s equation. CKiD U25 proved
solutions. The current definition of CKD is based on glomerular
to be more reliable in assessing CKD in adolescents and young
filtration rate (GFR) and the extent of albuminuria [6], which
adults in comparison with the other previously used equations
have proved to reliably predict long-term outcomes in adults
[16], which were shown to underestimate (Schwartz formula) or
[1]. Given the physiological age-related modification of GFR in
overestimate (CKD-EPI) GFR [17]. Of note, CKiD U25 was shown
the first years of life, the definition of CKD is challenging per se
to better intercept initial eGFR decline during adolescence in
in the pediatric population. Moreover, pediatric CKD presents
healthy children, making it a candidate for a promising tool for
an additional complexity represented by an extremely variable
CKD screening in this population [18].
spectrum of clinical presentations, ranging from completely
In solitary functioning kidney, renal length is considered as
silent disease (common for structural disorders) to severe
surrogate of kidney function in the first years of life [19]. An
kidney function impairment that markedly affects the life ex-
updated ultrasound-based kidney length normative value based
pectancy and quality of life of patients and their caregivers [7].
on body weight and surface area in addition to age and gender
The advent and spreading of massive-parallel sequencing (MPS)
was recently proposed to increase accuracy [20]. These aspects
technology has recently opened an interesting opportunity to
highlight the importance of linking kidney function with kidney
promote a revision of the epidemiology of CKD in children,
structure and nephron endowment in young patients who may
supporting the hypothesis that CKD is much more frequent
have not yet developed hypertension or albuminuria, early
than currently reported in children and adolescents. As in other
markers of kidney impairment. Since these patients often have
fields of medicine, genetics is pushing our understanding of
“normal” values of serum creatinine and eGFR, it could be
the pathomechanisms of kidney diseases. Ideally, this acquired
incautiously claimed that they do not present “implications
knowledge will eventually converge in the identification of the
for health” related to CKD. However, recent studies suggest a
molecular pathways and cellular response to damage, with new
not negligible risk of CKD that emerges in late adolescence
specific therapeutic targets to control disease progression and
and middle-adulthood [21, 22]. These observations support
clinical features of children with CKD.
the need to consider these patients at risk of developing CKD
In this review, we will focus on recent innovations in the
and to promote disease awareness to limit the number of
field of pediatric CKD and in particular those where advances
missing diagnoses [21]. New cutting-edge research and imaging
in knowledge have become available in recent years: (i) the chal-
techniques (e.g. multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging,
lenge of measuring kidney function and defining CKD in the pe-
positron emission tomography, etc.) are being implemented
diatric population; (ii) the impact of genetics in the clinical man-
to better define the kidney function, nephron number and
agement and in the epidemiology of pediatric CKD; (iii) the novel
hence prognosis [23–25]. Until then, surrogate indicators like
insights into mechanisms of CKD progression in children; (iv)
prematurity, low birth weight (LBW) and pregnancy stressors
the role of nutrition in balancing CKD progression and growth;
will still be essential to identify children at risk of CKD [26].
and (v) the new therapeutic options for pediatric CKD. By bring-
The assessment of kidney function has many limitations in
ing together the most recent advances in those fields, we will
newborns. Serum creatinine is an unreliable marker in the first
provide a new perspective on CKD in children and adolescents.
72 h of life, as it crosses the placental barrier, mostly reflect-
ing maternal values [27]. Cystatin C represents a valuable al-
ternative [28]. Furthermore, in newborns GFR is physiologically
<60 mL/min/1.73 m2 , reflecting organ maturation rather than
kidney damage. A recent meta-analysis showed that the trend
The 2012 KDIGO guidelines define CKD based on cause, GFR and of GFR has a biphasic increase, doubling in the first 5 days of
albuminuria [8]. Beyond its apparent simplicity, this definition life (from 19.6 to 40.6 mL/min/1.73 m2 ), with a subsequent grad-
presents some challenges and pitfalls that are peculiar to the ual increase to about 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 by 4 weeks of age, then
pediatric population. reaching an asymptotically maturation by 18–24 months [29]. An
GFR can be measured (mGFR) using exogenous markers by updated k coefficient for Schwartz’s equation and new reference
iohexol and iothalamate clearance or renal scintigraphy [9–12]. intervals for serum creatinine and blood urea related to gesta-
However, these investigations are costly, time-consuming and tional age have been proposed for this group [30]. The same au-
relatively difficult to perform, with limited applicability in thors described an association between some maternal comor-
clinical practice. Therefore, equations using serum creatinine bidities (e.g. pre-eclampsia, diabetes, CKD, hypertension, etc.)
have been developed to estimate GFR (eGFR). In the pediatric and higher newborns’ serum creatinine and urea levels suggest-
setting, the most widely used equation is the 2009 revised ing that maternal conditions should be considered on kidney
bedside Schwartz’s formula, which estimates GFR from serum function evaluations in newborns and infants [30]. Preterm in-
creatinine, patient’s height and a constant (k) for all pediatric fants have a slower maturation of kidney function with a higher
L. Cirillo et al. 3

Albuminuria (ACR) T


eGFR A1 A2 A3

stage ml/min/1.73 m2 (< 30 mg/g) (30–300 mg/g) (> 300 mg/g)

nephrotoxic drugs, reduced kidney size, genetic


abnormalities, low nephron endowment, etc.

G1 ≥ 90


LBW, prematurity, previous AKI,

G2 60–89 10% 28%
G3a 45–59

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meta thies/


disea olic
G3b 30–44



G4 15–29
56% 29%

G5 < 15

s ti

LBW, prematurity, previous AKI, s
nephrotoxic drugs, reduced kidney size, genetic us
abnormalities, low nephron endowment, etc. ll a n
Mis ce
Figure 1: Staging of CKD in children and adolescents. This picture illustrates CKD
definition and staging according to KDIGO guidelines. This definition is based Figure 2: Causes of CKD in children and young adults and frequency of genetic
on eGFR and proteinuria. Colors (from green to red) refer to the risk of progres- forms. The inner circle represents the primary kidney disease distribution in
sion toward kidney failure. Additional clinical features and events significantly percentage at the start of kidney replacement therapy in Europe in the pediatric
increase the risk of developing CKD and staging worsening in the pediatric pop- population (data from ESPN/ERA-EDTA Registry, Annual Report 2018). The outer
ulation. These features need to be taken into account in order to properly assess circle represents the proportion of genetic diagnosis according to each group of
and stage CKD in children and adolescents. ACR, albumin-to-creatinine ratio. diseases (data from [45, 58, 62, 163–165]). HUS, hemolytic–uremic syndrome.

risk of neonatal acute kidney injury (AKI) and lifelong CKD [31– ical practice [39, 40]. Pediatric nephrology represents the field
33]. In the most recent years, pediatric nephrologists and neona- where this knowledge was initially built. According to epidemi-
tologists have made significant efforts to raise awareness about ology and registry data, the primary cause of CKD and kid-
neonatal AKI and to prevent its occurrence [34]. When suspect- ney failure differ in the pediatric and adult population [41, 42].
ing CKD in newborn/infants, an accurate evaluation of the trend In children and young adults (i.e. younger than 25 years old)
of GFR would probably allow an early identification of an altered congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT),
nephron recruitment or low endowment. Moreover, cystatin C steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome, chronic glomerulonephri-
could be more accurate than serum creatinine for GFR estima- tis and ciliopathies account for >70% of cases [3, 43]. These
tion in the first month of life, especially in preterm born and very disorders show a monogenic cause in 10%–60% of cases [43–
LBW neonates, with values >2 mg/dL likely suggesting AKI or 45] (Fig. 2). Since copy number variations account for an ad-
reduced eGFR setting aside the need for urinary output or eGFR ditional proportion of cases, the role of genomics in pediatric
using serum creatinine [35]. CKD can be underestimated [39, 40]. This is particularly rele-
In conclusion, although many useful tools to estimate kidney vant for CAKUT [46]. Variants in intronic and regulatory regions
function are available in the pediatric population, physicians are or in genes modulating chromatin organization probably repre-
called to identify the correct method for each patient (Fig. 1), and sent additional sources of genetic predisposition [26]. These data
clinical features are essential for a global and accurate evalua- have been strengthening the concept that CKD and kidney fail-
tion. ure can be of genetic etiology in children, making genetic testing
a key tool in the diagnostic pathways of patients, thus informing
CHANGING THE LANDSCAPE OF PEDIATRIC prognosis, treatment options and familial counseling, together
with epidemiology [39].
The application of genomic strategies in pediatric patients
The technological revolution that has been progressively re- with CKD has provided support to understanding that mono-
placing traditional Sanger sequencing with MPS represents genic forms of kidney disorders are not exclusive to children.
the foundation of the “genomic era” in clinical medicine, in- Recently, few studies explored the role of genetics in adult
cluding nephrology. The impressive expansion of the num- nephropathies and CKD [47–52], with conflicting results. Differ-
ber of genes associated with specific kidney phenotypes (e.g. ences in diagnostic yields are due to nonuniform selection cri-
steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome, primary tubulopathies, teria, sequencing strategies [i.e. gene panels, exome sequenc-
nephronophthisis, atypical hemolytic–uremic syndrome, etc.) ing (ES), etc.], bioinformatic analysis and variant prioritization.
promoted the introduction of genetic testing with MPS in clin- Though better performances have been obtained in cohorts of
ical practice, with the aim of defining etiological clues under- patients with specific phenotypes or diseases, genetic testing
lying clinical pictures, and to inform prognosis and therapeutic has clearly shown utility also in dissecting the cause of CKD of
management [36]. To date, more than 600 genes are listed as the unknown origin (CKDu) [53, 54]. Of note, genetic testing with ES
cause of kidney diseases, with almost monthly updates [37, 38]. proved to have ,efficacy in detecting a monogenic cause of CKD
Currently available sequencing platforms allow clinicians to ex- in a large unselected population of adult patients with kidney
plore them simultaneously, with relevant implications for clin- diseases, providing a diagnostic yield of nearly 10% [52].
4 Chronic kidney disease in children

While disease awareness about genetic forms of CKD is cer- [71–73]. This condition in conjunction with other risk factors
tainly robust among pediatric nephrologists, how to integrate (AKI or genetic predisposition) can promote CKD development
genetic testing in routine clinical practice, together with cost at any stage [74]. Defects in nephron differentiation [75] or de-
concerns, are still debated aspects that risk representing a bot- pletion of progenitor stem cell pool [76] account for some of the
tleneck to further implementation in daily clinical practice [45, cellular mechanisms leading to CAKUT, the major contributor
47, 53]. As an answer to the constantly increasing demand of to CKD in children [77]. This scattered progenitor population is
genetic testing in patients with CKD, organizations and health- maintained also in the adult kidney, but its ability to replace lost
care systems have been trying to set up service delivery mod- cells after damage is rather limited [78], implying that the kidney
els for the optimization of genomic strategies into routine prac- has to adapt to an injury rather than fully regenerate. Despite
tice [55]. Although providing significantly different results, these this, children and young adults have a remarkably higher capac-

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preliminary experiences agree upon the clinical utility of ge- ity to withstand kidney injury in comparison with adults [79, 80].
netic testing in patients with kidney diseases and CKD [49, 50, This is thought to be mostly due to the higher renewal capacity
56–60]. An economic evaluation showed that early ES is effec- of progenitor cells in childhood [77] which declines over time but
tive in diagnosing monogenic kidney disease and leads to sub- is impaired in patients with congenital abnormalities affecting
stantial cost savings in children with glomerular disorders [49, these cells. Lost nephrons are then replaced by fibrotic tissue to
61]. We recently confirmed these data in a large cohort of pa- maintain kidney architecture and these structural changes mark
tients with CKD, where the prospective application of a clini- CKD development [81].
cal workflow based on patient selection, genetic diagnosis by The classical view regards the glomerulus as the epicenter
ES, reverse-phenotyping and multidisciplinary board discussion, of kidney disease progression while tubular injury is generally
provided a diagnostic rate as high as 67% irrespective of pa- considered secondary to glomerular involvement [82]. Nonethe-
tient’s age, and proved to be cost saving [62]. These observa- less, diseases originating in the glomerulus account for a rel-
tions have important implications for optimizing the use of atively small portion of CKD in children [83]. These patients
diagnostic investigations. Future perspectives are represented progress more quickly to kidney failure and are generally older
by longitudinal, cross-sectional, prospective, long-term studies at disease onset when compared with children affected by other
assessing efficacy and cost-effectiveness of genomic-first ap- causes of CKD [84]. In contrast, diseases that primarily affect the
proaches to CKD. In the next future, they will include whole- tubulo-interstitial compartment (e.g. CAKUT, ciliopathies, tubu-
genome sequencing to improve diagnostic efficacy. Prelimi- lopathies, etc.) account for the majority of cases of CKD in chil-
nary results including rare kidney diseases have already been dren and usually show a slow progression [3]. Increasing evi-
published [63]. dence shows that damage to tubular epithelial cells (TEC) has
Increasing evidence suggests that heritability of kidney func- a central role in promoting CKD progression in tubulointerstitial
tion exceeds that of monogenic Mendelian traits [64], and that diseases [85, 86]. Unlike progenitor cells, TEC are terminally dif-
the genetic make-up of CKD is more complex than previously ferentiated cells incapable of regeneration [85]. Tubulointersti-
thought. Genome-wide association studies are currently used to tial fibrosis and CKD are triggered by injury that in tubular cells
illuminate the genetic underpinnings of complex human char- promotes cell hypertrophy via polyploidization [85, 86]. Polyploid
acteristics, such as CKD. High-frequency and low effect-size vari- cells can turn senescent and drive CKD progression over time
ants in APOL1, UMOD, COL4A3 and other genes have been re- [86]. Evolutionarily, polyploidization is an adaptive mechanism
ported to increase the risk of developing kidney diseases and that allows the rapid increase of DNA content in response to
CKD [64, 65]. The combination of multiple variants in polygenic an injury, without undergoing cell division [87]. Genetic or drug-
risk scores or genome-wide polygenic scores [66, 67] and their induced defects in the DNA damage response can trigger poly-
clinical utility in identifying individuals with a high genetic pre- ploidization [88–95]. In children, mutations in DNA repair genes
disposition for CKD and in optimizing therapeutic and preven- such as FAN1 and ERCC1 [89–91] drive tubulointerstitial fibro-
tive measures is an additional active area of research [64, 68]. sis and CKD with a pathology picture of karyomegalic nephritis,
characterized by massive tubulointerstitial fibrosis and the for-
mation of enlarged nuclei in the kidneys and other tissues [89,
90, 92]. These patients experience proximal tubular dysfunction,
often manifested as Fanconi’s syndrome, leading to progressive
kidney impairment at a young age [90]. This condition is also ob-
The mechanisms underlying CKD progression are multifactorial served in CKD secondary to ifosfamide [94] or other drugs used
and only partially understood [1]. The still low disease aware- to treat pediatric tumors [95] as well as viruses integrating into
ness further contributes to a general lack of effort in identi- the genome [96, 97]. Similar to genetic mutations, these insults
fying the causes behind its progression [1, 7]. The scenario is can affect the ability of the DNA to repair. Studies conducted be-
particularly complex in children and young adults where CKD tween 1980 and 2010 reported that CKD affects up to 30% of chil-
results mainly from hereditary disorders, birth defects or ag- dren treated with ifosfamide and is dose-dependent [98–104].
gressive treatments causing AKI (e.g. use of chemotherapeutic The scarcity of more recent data on this subject urgently calls for
drugs). The lack of uniformity in the use and timing of nephro- data renewal due to the increased survival rates after childhood
protective therapy (e.g. antiproteinuric drugs) can represent ad- cancer [105] and the growing use of ifosfamide in children [106].
ditional influencing factors. This is even more relevant when considering that ifosfamide,
Kidney is a slowly proliferating organ with a limited capacity like cisplatin and other chemotherapy drugs, can cause AKI [104,
for regeneration. During nephrogenesis and fetal development, 107] which was recognized as an important risk factor for CKD
progenitor stem cells give rise to all the different portions of the only recently [108]. Due to technical limitations in defining AKI
nephron [69]. Termination of nephrogenesis around the 34th– in children, pediatric AKI is still largely underdiagnosed. Despite
36th gestational week in humans marks the end of new nephron this, it was found to be common in pediatric intensive care units
endowment [70]. Premature and LBW babies frequently display with an incidence that spans from 10% to 35% of the admitted
incomplete kidney development and low nephron endowment children [109].
L. Cirillo et al. 5

Etiology Disease Mechanisms Available treatments

Toxic (chemotherapeutics,
antibiotics, NSAIDs) Polyploidy (including
Stop/avoid insult,
Glomerulonephritis AKI karyomegalic nephritis,
supportive measures, dialysis
Ischemia (dehydration, TEC senescence)
etc), obstruction

Polyploidy (including
Toxic (chemotherapeutics) Tubulointerstitial Stop/avoid insult, steroids,
karyomegalic nephritis,
Immunologic diseases supportive measures, dialysis

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TEC senescence)

Environmental factors Low nephron Reduction of nephron overload
(nutritional deficit in endowment (RAS blockers, SGLT2-inhibitors)
pregnancy, etc.)

Genetic Ciliopathies Supportive measures, dialysis
structural abnormalities

Glomerular polyploidy,
Genetic Supportive measures,
Glomerulopathies structural/functional
Immunologic immunosuppressors, dialysis

Figure 3: Mechanisms of CKD progression in children. Scheme summarizing the main mechanisms of pediatric CKD progression and available treatments according
to the etiology of CKD. NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; TEC, tubular epithelial cell; RAS, renin–angiotensin system.

Collectively, chemotherapy and tubulointerstitial damage in CKD and in CKD progression are still open questions. Final
secondary to nephrotoxic drugs, AKI and congenital conditions adult height in CKD pediatric patients is significantly reduced
can cause CKD in children [95] via TEC dysfunction suggesting compared with the healthy population [115]. All these aspects
that TEC may have a more prominent role in many different contribute to creating a gap between children and adolescents
forms of CKD than previously thought, especially in children affected by CKD and their peers, influencing the emotional, psy-
(Fig. 3). chological and social state of these patients [116]. In this view,
CKD should be considered as a “social” disease. Along with other
different disease manifestations, growth impairment severely
impacts on children’s quality of life [116]. In the CKD popula-
tion, growth is influenced by nutrition more than the growth
PATIENTS: IS NUTRITION THE KEY? hormone–IGF-I axis [3, 110]. Patients frequently receive a re-
CKD is the result of the imbalance between the functional ca- duced intake of nutrients due to the limits imposed by CKD and
pacity of the kidney and the metabolic needs of the body. A pe- by restrictive “renal diet” [110, 117], which lead to an inadequate
culiar feature of the pediatric population is that this equation energy reserve with respect to the body requests. Drugs, loss
is unstable by definition. In growing children metabolic require- of appetite due to increased anorectic hormones and taste al-
ments substantially increase with time, while at the same time terations further contribute to poor nutrition [112, 118]. On the
in progressive CKD the kidney’s capacity to handle metabolic other hand, patients experience altered absorption of nutrients
load declines. From a clinical perspective, this mismatch can due to increased uremic toxins and bowel inflammation [119,
result in growth failure [110, 111]. The degree of growth im- 120]. For these reasons nutritional plans should be tailored to the
pairment increases as GFR declines [3, 112] and is linked to patient’s needs: age, gender, race, nutritional and growth param-
the other CKD features: anemia, metabolic acidosis, electrolytes eters, degree of physical activity, cause of CKD (i.e. presence of
anomalies, mineral-bone disorders, sexual hormones dysregu- particular electrolyte imbalance, presence of residual diuresis)
lation and malnutrition [112]. are relevant [110, 117]. The 2009 KDOQI Clinical Practice Guide-
In patients with CKD, different compensatory mechanisms line for Nutrition in Children with CKD and The Clinical Practice
are established to offset progressive loss of nephron mass. Stud- Recommendations from the Pediatric Renal Nutrition Task Force
ies in preterm and LBW infants suggest that hyperfiltration of published in 2019 suggested that the initial prescription for pro-
remaining nephrons is a key adaptive mechanism to support tein intake should be at the upper end in patient with CKD to
residual kidney function and to some extent growth [113, 114]. support growth and modulated based on urea levels and growth
Unfortunately, the tradeoff of these strategies is progressive CKD [118, 121]. To this end, the proposal to revise the use of protein
development [113]. Whether poor growth is merely a conse- restriction recently came to the stage. Recommendations on a
quence of CKD or even represents itself a factor promoting pro- low protein diet in the adult population were based on only few
gression, which is the cost-to-benefit ratio of pursuing growth in studies with weak evidence of actual effects on slowing the CKD
children with CKD and which is the role of nutrition in growth, progression [122]. According to this, it may be more important
6 Chronic kidney disease in children

Table 1: Pipeline clinical trials in pediatric CKD patients.

Clinical target Mechanism Drug Trial phase Trial identifier

Bone metabolism Calcium-sensing receptor agonist Cinacalcet III NCT02138838

Bone metabolism Calcium-sensing receptor agonist Cinacalcet III NCT01290029
Bone metabolism Calcium-sensing receptor agonist Cinacalcet II NCT01439867
Bone metabolism Calcium-sensing receptor agonist Cinacalcet III NCT02341417
Bone metabolism Calcium-sensing receptor agonist Etelcalcetide III NCT03633708
Bone metabolism Calcium-sensing receptor agonist Etelcalcetide I NCT02833857
Bone metabolism Calcium-sensing receptor agonist Etelcalcetide III NCT03969329

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Anemia HIF2 inhibitor Vadadustat III NCT05082571
Anemia HIF2 inhibitor Vadadustat III NCT05082584
Anemia HIF2 inhibitor Roxadustat III NCT04925011
Hypertension MRAs Finerenone III NCT05196035
Hypertension MRAs Finerenone III NCT05457283
Bone metabolism Phosphate binder Lanthanum Carbonate II NCT01696279
Hyperkalemia Potassium binder Patiromer II NCT03087058
Inflammation Triterpenoid Bardoxolone III NCT03749447

to take into account the protein kind rather than the amount, thropoietin. They also seem to improve the absorption and use
as not all proteins produce the same amount of acids to be neu- of iron from food. Roxadustat is currently being tested in a clini-
tralized [122]. Given the issue of increased risk of growth impair- cal trial in pediatric CKD patients (NCT04925011) [137]. Although
ment, such reevaluation would have a great impact on the clin- the results are not yet available, these new drugs will constitute a
ical management of pediatric CKD patients. further tool to address resistance to erythropoiesis-stimulating
Enteral nutrition is recommended to support and improve agents in children. However, long-term safety still remains to be
the nutritional status of patients with low oral caloric intake or assessed.
in patients without weight improvement despite the optimiza- In children with CKD, the treatment of calcium/phosphorus
tion of the nutritional scheme [123, 124]. The first 6 months of life axis dysfunction is essential as it markedly affects growth. The
are critical for growth and can be particularly affected by mal- constitutive activation of the parathyroid hormone (PTH; i.e. sec-
nutrition requiring a more aggressive nutritional approach [112, ondary hyperparathyroidism) already occurs in the intermedi-
123, 124]. ate stages of CKD [138, 139]. Therefore, the timing of action is
The role of a plant-based diet in the management of CKD has narrow as the lost growth potential of first years is not recov-
been consolidating in recent years [125, 126]. Interventional tri- erable [140]. Calcimimetics are a class of drugs that lower the
als in adults have shown benefits in controlling metabolic acido- threshold for calcium-sensing receptors’ activation by extracel-
sis and in slowing CKD progression. Pleiotropic benefits on blood lular calcium ions, thus reducing PTH release from parathyroid
pressure, intestinal permeability and gut dysbiosis as well as re- cells [141]. These drugs are already in use in adult CKD patients
ducing the medications burden have been suggested [119, 125– on dialysis. Recently, a small number of sponsored trials has
127]. Although promising, studies on the ability of vegetarian di- been completed using cinacalcet, available for children over 3
ets to satisfy nutritional needs and optimize growth in pediatric years old on dialysis with hyperparathyroidism not controlled
patients with CKD are lacking. with standard-of-care therapy. First results showed the reduc-
In conclusion, nutrition could represent a tool for slowing tion of PTH level in up to 57.1% of enrolled patients [142]. Etel-
down CKD progression, reducing the use of drugs and improving calcetide is under study in a phase III trial (NCT03633708) [143].
growth in pediatric patients with CKD. However, a personalized Additional drugs acting on calcium metabolism have been pro-
approach should be tailored to each patient to ensure the appro- posed to enter into use for the pediatric population in the next
priate balance among all clinical needs. few years [139].
Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (MRA) are used for
treating low-renin or refractory hypertension [144, 145]. Previ-
ous MRA antagonists, spironolactone and eplerenone, did not
receive wider use in CKD patients mainly for safety concerns
related to hyperkalemia [146] and for sex hormone–related ad-
Given the burden of CKD, new therapies allowing better clini- verse events due to affinity for progesterone and androgen re-
cal management and slowing disease progression are needed. ceptors [145]. Recently, a new highly selective, non-steroidal
The most recent years have been characterized by excitement MRA, finerenone, has been shown to be effective in improv-
for new therapeutic options that have just entered clinical prac- ing renal outcome in patients with diabetic CKD in two trials:
tice for the adult patients. Some of them will be tested in pedi- FIDELIO-DKD [147] and FIGARO-DKD [148]. These trials enrolled
atric patients (Table 1) [128]. mainly albuminuric patients, therefore data on the efficacy in
New therapeutic options became available for CKD-related non-albuminuric patients with diabetic and nondiabetic kidney
anemia. Large trials using hypoxia-inducible factor 2 prolyl disease are still missing. The FIND-CKD study (NCT05047263)
hydroxylase inhibitors (HIF2-PHIs; roxadustat, vadadustat and investigating finerenone in adult nondiabetic CKD is ongoing
daprodustat) were completed in adult patients with positive re- [149]. Interestingly, finerenone is currently being tested in two
sults [129–136]. These compounds act by slowing the degrada- phase III open-label trials (FIONA, NCT05196035; FIONA OLE,
tion of HIFs, thus enhancing the production of endogenous ery- NCT05457283) for pediatric CKD patients [149–151].
L. Cirillo et al. 7

Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) were FUNDING

originally designed for diabetic patients with CKD and then
This study received funding by the European Research Council
were found to be protective even in the adult population with
(ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and in-
nondiabetic CKD [152]. They reduced the risk of kidney disease
novation program (grant agreement no. 101019891) to P.R.
progression up to 37% (relative risk 0.63, 95% confidence in-
terval 0.58–0.69) and improved kidney and cardiovascular out-
comes, making them a game-changer historically comparable DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
only to renin–angiotensin system inhibitors [153]. The long-term
protective mechanisms are still being elucidated, however it is No new data were generated or analysed in support of this
thought that in the kidney they may act mainly through the research.

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tional in CKD, reducing hyperfiltration [154, 155]. Other proposed
mechanisms are the systemic metabolic reset linked to nutrient
deprivation signaling with its cytoprotective effects and reduc- P.R. is member of the CKJ editorial board. The other authors have
tion of mitochondrial oxidative stress in proximal tubular cells no conflict of interest.
[155]. Interestingly, a recent analysis showed that SGLT2i can
provide a substantial reduction in costs related to CKD, mainly
driven by the reduction in the outcomes and by the cardio- and
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