Prayer Books
Prayer Books
Prayer Books
Abegg, Jimmy
Ragamuffin Prayers. CMM/Harvest House. 2000
a’ Kempis, Thomas
The Imitation of Christ. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. 1981.
Aldrich, Joe.
Prayer Summits. Multinomah Press. 1992
Allen, Leonard
The Contemporaries Meet the Classics on Prayer. West Monroe, LA: Howard Publishing. 2003
Alves, Elizabeth.
Becoming a Prayer Warrior. Ventura, CA. Regal Books. 1998.
Anderson, Leith
Praying to the God You Can Trust. Bethany House.
Annacondia, Carlos
Listen to Me, Satan. Creation House.
Classical Prayer Leader’s Resources
Resources: Books
Anthony, Metropolitan
School of Prayer
Augustine, Saint.
The Confessions of Saint Augustine. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. 1977.
Baillie, John.
A Diary of Private Prayer. New York: Charles Schribner’s Sons. 1949; Fireside, 1996.
Bajema, Clifford.
At One with Jesus: Rediscovering the Secret of Lectio Divina. CRC Publications. 1988.
Bakke, Bob.
The Power of Extraordinary Prayer.
Baranowski, Arthus B.
Creating Small Faith Communities: A Plan for Restructuring the Parish and Renewing Community that is
Christian. Cincinnati: St. Anthony Messenger Press. 1988.
Barclay, William.
Prayers for the Christian Year. SCM Press. 1964
Prayers for Young People. Nashville: Abingdon. 1993
More Prayer for Young People. Nashville: Abingdon. 1993
Barth, Karl
Prayer. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press. 2002
Baughen, Michael.
Breaking the Prayer Barrier. Wheaton: Harold Shaw. 1981.
Beckman, Richard J
Prayer: Beginning Conversations with God. Minneapolis, MN. Augsburg Fortress. 1995.
Prayer for Wholeness and Healing. Minneapolis, MN. Augsburg Fortress. 1995.
Beltx, Bob
Becoming a Man of Prayer. Colorado Springs: Navpress. 1996.
Bernard, David.
Praying Up a Storm
Bickle, Mike.
Passion for Jesus. Orlando, FL. Creation House, 1993.
Biersdork, John.
How Prayer Shapes Ministry. New York: The Alban Institute, 1992.
Billheimer, Paul.
Destined to Overcome.
Destined for the Throne. Ft. Washington, PA: Christian Literature Crusade. 1975.
Bimler, Richard.
Pray, Praise and Hooray. St. Louis:Concordia. 1972.
Bisagno, John.
The Power of Positive Praying. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. 1965.
The Secret of Positive Praying. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. 1986.
Bloesch, Donald C.
The Struggle of Prayer. New York: Harper and Row. 1988
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich.
The Cost of Discipleship. Rivberside, NJ: Macmillan. 1967.
Life Together. New York: Harper and Row. 1976.
Bonner, Mickey.
Brokenness, The Forgotten Factor of Prayer. Houston, TX.
Hearing God’s Voice From Within. Houston, TX
Bounds, E.M.
The Essentials of Prayer. Grand Rapids: Baker. 1979.
The Necessity of Prayer. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. 1976.
The Possibilities of Prayer. Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship. 1978.
Power Through Prayer. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. 1972.
Prayer and Praying Men. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. 1977.
Purpose in Prayer. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. 1978.
The Reality of Prayer. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. 1978.
The Weapon of Prayer. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. 1975.
A Treasury of Prayer. Minneapolis, Bethany. 1961.
The Preacher and Prayer. Grand Rapids, Zondervan, 1950
Brase, Lee
Praying from God’s Heart, Colorado Springs, CO. Navpress. 1993
Bright, Bill
How you can Pray with Confidence. Orlando, FL: New Life Publications. 1981.
Preparing for the Coming Revival: How to Lead a Successful Fasting and Prayer Gathering. New Life
Publications. 100 Sunport Lane, Orlando, FL 32809.
Seven Basic Steps to Prayer and Fasting.
The Coming Revival. Orlando: FL: New Life Publications. 1995.
The Transforming Power of Prayer and Fasting. Broadman and Holman.
Changing the World through Prayer: An Interactive Prayer Seminar. Orlando: New Life. 2000
Brother Lawrence
The Practice of the Presence of God. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. 1975.
Brown, Susan
Can I Pray With My Eye’s Open? New York: Hyperion Books. 1999
Bruce, Will.
Rescue Our Teens Through Prayer. Overseas Missionary Fellowship International. (1-800-422-5330)
Bryant, David.
Concerts of Prayer. Regal Books. 1988.
Messengers of Hope. Grand Rapids: Baker. 1997.
In the Gap. Ventura,CA: Gospel Light. Regal Books. 1989.
Bulthuis, Lenue.
Journaling. CRCPublications.
Butterick, George.
The Power of Prayer Today. Waco, TX: Word Publishing. 1974.
Calvin, John
Heart Aflame: Daily Readings from Calvin on the Psalms. P & R. 1999.
Carretto, Carlo
Letters from the Desert.
I, Francis.
Caswell, Helen.
I Can Talk With God. Nashville: Abingdon. 1989.
Cedar, Paul.
A Life of Prayer. Nashville, TN. Word Publishing. 1998.
Cerullo, Marris
The Last Great Anointing.
Classical Prayer Leader’s Resources
Resources: Books
Chadwick, Samuel.
The Path of Prayer. Kansas City: Beacon Hill. 1963.
God Listens. Carol Stream, IL: Good News Publishers. 1973.
Chambers, Oswald.
My Utmost for His Highest. New York: Dood, Mead and Co. 1935.
Christenson, Evelyn.
A Time to Pray God’s Way. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers. 1996
What Happens when Women Pray? Wheaton, IL: Victor Books. 1975.
What Happens when We Pray for Our Families.
What Happens when God Answers Prayer? Waco, TX: Word Books. 1986.
Unleashing God’s Power: What God does when Women Pray. Waco, TX: Word.
Clayton, Graham
Time with God. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. 1982.
Coleman, Charles.
That Voice Behind You—God’s Guidance in Daily Decisions. Loizeaux Brothers. 1991.
Coleman, Robert
Dry Bones can Live Again. Grand Rapids, Revell. 1969.
Collins, Owen.
The Daily Book of Common Prayer: Readings and Prayers through the Year. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans.
Classic Christian Prayers. 2003.
Cornwall, Judson.
Praying the Scriptures. A Charisma Classic.
The Secret of Personal Prayer. Altamonte Springs, FL: Creation House. 1988.
Cowart, John W.
Why don’t I get what I Pray For? InterVarsity Press. 1993.
Crawford, Don R.
The Prayer-Shaped Disciple.
Cunningham, Loren
Is that Really You, God? Hearing the Voice of God. Youth with a Mission. 2001
Curran, Sue.
The Praying Church. Blountville, TN: Shekinah Publishing. 1987.
Damazio, Frank.
Season of Intercession. Portland, OR. BT Publishing. 1998.
Dawn, Marva
Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down: A Theology of Worship; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. `1995
Dawson, John.
Healing America’s Wounds. Ventura, CA.: Regal Books. 1994.
Taking Our Cities for God. Lake Mary, FL: Creation House. 1989.
Intercession: Thrilling and Fulfilling.
Dawson, Joy.
Intercession: Thrilling and Fulfilling. YWAM Pub. (1-800-922-2143)
Intimate Friendship with God through Understanding.
Principles for Effective Intercession.
Deere, Jack
Surprised by the Voice of God. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. 1996.
Surprised by the Holy Spirit. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. 1993.
De Foucauld, Charles
Meditations of a Hermit.
DeKruyter, Arthur.
Journey into Joy: The Disciplines of Your Spiritual Life. Revell. 1985.
DelBene, Ron
The Hunger of the Heart. Nashville: Disciple Resources. 1992
Dennis, Jay
The Prayer Experiment. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. 2001
The Prayer Experiment. (Lab Manual) Grand Rapids, Zondervan. 2001
DeVries, John.
The Neighborhood Prayer Ministry Devotional Guide. Mission21 India. 1992.
DeWill, Bruce.
Pastors Need Prayer Too! Overseas Missionary Fellowship International (1-800-422-5330)
Dobson, Shirley
My Prayer Coloring Book. Ventura, CA. 1994.
The Lord’s Prayer Coloring Book. Ventura, CA. 1995
Duewel, Wesley.
Mighty Prevailing Prayer. Grand Rapids, MI: Francis Asbury. 1990.
Touch the World Through Prayer. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. 1986.
Dunham, Maxie,
Alive in Christ. Nashville: Abingdon: 1982.
Unless We Pray
Workbook of Living Prayer. Nashville, TN: The Upper Room. 1974.
Workbook of Intercessory Prayer. Nashville, TN: The Upper Room. 1979.
Dunn, Ronald.
Don’t Just Stand There, Pray Something.
Eastman, Dick.
The Hour that Changes the World. Grand Rapids: Baker. 1978, 1990
The Jericho Hour. Orlando, FL: Creation House. 1994.
Love on its Knees. Tarrytown, NY: Chosen Books. 1989.
No Easy Road: Inspirational Thoughts on Prayer.
Beyond Imagination: A Simple Plan to Save the World.
Dick Eastman on Prayer
Rivers of Delight: Unleashing the Power of Intercessory Worship
Edwards, Tilden.
Living in the Presence: Disciples for the Spiritual Heart. San Francisco: Harper and Row. 1987.
Eldridge, John
The Sacred Romance Workbook and Journal: Your Personal Guide for Drawing Closer to the Heart of
Eliff, Thomas D.
Praying for Others. Nashville: Broadman Press. 1979.
A Passion for Prayer. Crossway Books.
Elliot, Norman
How to Be The Lord’s Prayer. Waco, TX: Word Publishing. 1968.
Ellul, Jacques
Prayer and the Modern Man. Seabury Press. 1970.
Epp, Theoldore H.
Praying with Authority. Lincoln, NE: Back to the Bible Publications. 1965.
Classical Prayer Leader’s Resources
Resources: Books
Neinast, Helen R. and Thomas C. Ettinger.
What About God? Now that You’re Off to College: A Prayer Guide. The Upper Room. 1994
Facius, Johannes.
Intercession. Cambridge, England. Sovereign World Limited. 1993.
Finney, Charles.
How to Experience Revival. Springdale, PA: Whitaker House. 1984.
Prevailing Prayer. Grand Rapids: Kregel. 1965.
Principles of Prayer. Minneapolis: Bethany House. 1980.
Fitzgerald. Annie.
Dear God Books. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress. 1984.
Fitzpatrick, Graham.
How to Recognize God’s Voice—Spiritual Growth Book. 1985.
Fletcher, Sarah.
Prayers for Little People. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress. 1974.
Floyd, Ronnie.
The Power of Prayer and Fasting. Nashville: Broadman and Holman. 1997.
How to Pray.
Forsyth, P.T.
The Soul of Prayer. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. 1916.
Foster, Richard J.
Celebration of Discipline: Paths to Spiritual Growth. New York: Harper and Row. 1978.
Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home. San Francisco: Harper, 1992.
Frangiapane, Francis.
The House of the Lord: God’s Plan to Liberate Your City from Darkness. Lake Mary, Florida: Creation
House, 1991.
The Place of Immunity.
The Three Battlegrounds.
Discerning the Spirits: Exposing the Accuser of the Brethren.
Frank, Leon
Helping the Church Become A House of Prayer (Prayer Valley, R2, Welsh Coulee Rd., LaCrosse, WI
Fuller, Marty
Giving Meaning to Your Child’s Prayer Life. Ventura, CA Gospel Light. 1989l
Gesswein, Armin, R.
Seven Wonders of Prayer. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1957.
Prayers that Avail Much Series.
With One Accord in One Place. Harrisburg, PA: Christian Publications. 1978.
Gire, Ken
Between Heaven and Earth: Prayers and Reflections that Celebrate an Intimate God. San Francisco:
Harper Collins. 1997.
Windows of the Soul: Experiencing God in New Ways. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. 1996.
Gividen, Kenn
The Prayers of Hannah: Eight Dynamics of Effective Christianity. 2002
Goforth, Rosalind.
How I Know God Answers Prayer. Moody Press.
Goll, Jim
The Lost Art of Intercession. Shippensburg, PA. Revival press. 1997.
Kneeling on the Promises. Grand Rapids: Chosen Books. 1999.
Goodwin, Bennie E.
Pray Right! Live Right! (Reflections on the Lord’s Prayer). InterVarsity Press. 1979.
Gordon, S.D.
Quiet Talks on Prayer. Old Tappen, NJ: Revell. 1980.
Gorman, Julie A.
Community that is Christian: A Handbook on Small Groups. Wheaton, IL. Victor Books. 1993.
Gothard, Bill.
The Power of Crying Out: When Prayer Becomes Mighty. Life Change Books.
Gregory of Nyssa.
From Glory to Glory. St. Vladimirs. 1979.
Griffith, Jill
How to Have a Dynamic Prayer Ministry: A Creative Guide for Mobilizing Believers to Pray. Colorado
Springs: Wagner Institute Publication. 1999
Gutzke, Manford G.
Plain Talks on Prayer. Grand Rapids: MI: Baker Books. 1973.
Haggard, Ted.
Primary Purpose. Orlando: Creation House: 1995.
Hall, Dudley
Incense and Thunder.
Hall, Thelma.
Too Deep for Words: Rediscovering Lectio Divina. New York: Paulist. 1988.
Hallesby, O.
Prayer. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House. 1975.
Breaking Strongholds.
Hardesty, Brian
Close to God: Prayer Journal. Nashville: Abingdon. 1997
Harper, Steve.
Devotional Life in the Wesleyan Tradition.
Prayer Ministry in the Local Church. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. 1976.
Hatchett, Marion
Commentary on the American Prayer Book. 1995
Hayford, Jack
Prayer is Invading the Impossible. Plainfield, NJ: Logos International. 1977.
Built by the Spirit. Ventura, CA: Regal Books. 1997.
Heald, Cynthia
Becoming a Woman of Prayer: A Bible Study. 1996.
Helms, Elaine
If My People Pray (A Church Prayer Ministry Manual). Marietta, GA: Noonday Baptist Association, 1998.
Henry, Matthew.
The Secret of Communion. Grand Rapids: Kregels. 1991.
Hepner, Ken
Overcoming Giants of the Heart. Mukjilteo, WA: Wine Press Publishing. 1998.
Heschel, Abraham
Man’s Quest for God. Aurora press. 1998.
Higgins, John J.
Thomas Merton on Prayer. Doubleday. 1973.
Holmstrum, John
When Prayers are Answered. 1995.
Hromas, Roberta
52 Simple Ways to Teach Your Child to Pray. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. 1991.
Hubbard, David.
The Practice of Prayer: A Guide for Beginners Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1983.\
The Problem with Prayer Is . . ., Tyndale. 1972.
Hunt, Art.
Praying with the One You Love.
Hunt. T.W.
The Doctrine of Prayer. Convention Press. 1986.
Hunter. W. Bingham.
The God who Hears. Downers Grove, FL: InterVarsity Press. 1986.
Icenogle, Garth W.
Biblical Foundations for Small Group Ministry: An Intergenerational Approach. Downer’s Grove, IL.
InterVarsity Press. 1994.
Ilnisky, Esther.
Let the Children Pray. Regal.
Jackson, Larry.
How to Pray with the Heart of Jesus.
Jacobs, Cindy.
Possessing the Gates of the Enemy. Chosen Books. 1994.
The Voice of God. Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 1995.
Jennings, Ben
The Arena of Prayer. New Life Publications. 1999.
Jeremiah, David.
Prayer, The Great Adventure. Multnomah.
Job, Reuben P.
A Journey toward Solitude and Community. Nashville, TN: The Upper Room. 1982.
Johnstone, Jill
You can Change Your World. (Vol. 1, 2) Grand Rapids: Harper Collins. 1993
Johnstone, Patrick
Operation World.
Jones, Stanley.
How to Pray. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1979.
Classical Prayer Leader’s Resources
Resources: Books
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Kamstra, Douglas A.
The Getaway Book. Grand Rapids: Baker. 1983.
The Praying Church Idea Book. Grand Rapids: Faith Alive. 2002
Keating, Thomas.
Open Mind and Open Heart: the Contemplative Dimension of the Gospel. Lockport, MA: Element. 1992.
Centering Prayer in Daily Life and Ministry. 1998.
Keller, Philip
A Layman Looks at the Lord’s Prayer. Chicago: Moody Bible. 1976.
His Way to Pray: A Devotional Study of the Prayer Life of Jesus.
Kelly, Douglas
If God Already Knows.
Kelly, Thomas R.
A Testament of Devotion. New York: Harper and Brothers. 1941.
Kelsey, Morton T.
The Other Side of Silence. New York: Paulist Press. 1976.
Kendrick, Graham
Public Praise. Creation House: 1992.
Kennedy, Nancy
Prayers God Always Answers: How His Faithfulness Surprises, Delights and Amazes.
Kitchenburger, James
Fun Devotions for Parents and Teenagers. Loveland, CO: Group Publishing. 1990.
Killinger, John
Beginning Prayer. Nashville: The Upper Room. 1993.
Kittle, Onie
But I don’t Know How . . .to Start a Prayer Ministry. Wagner Press.
Kizer, Kathryn
Tell Me About Prayer. New Hope Publishing (1-800-968-7301)
Klug, Lyn.
Praying: Meeting God in Daily Life. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1995.
Klug, Ronald.
How to Keep a Spiritual Journal. Augsburg/Fortress.
Kraft, Charles.
Deep Wounds, Deep Healing.
I Give You Authority.
Defeating Dark Angels. Ann Arbor: Servant Publications. 1992.
Kreft, Peter
Prayer for Beginnings. 2000.
Kreegbaum, Richard.
Leadership Prayers. Downers Grove, IL: Tyndale House. 1998
Lambert, Lance.
Spiritual Protection
Lavin, Ronald J.
You Can Grow a Small Group. Lima, Ohio: C.C.S. Publishing. 1976.
LaWac, Frank C.
Prayer, the Mightiest Force in the World. Revell. 1956.
Lawrence, Brother
The Practice of the Presence of God. 1999.
Lawrance, Peter.
Hearing from God. Sovereign World. 1992.
Lea, Larry.
Could You Not Tarry One Hour? Altamonte Springs, FL: Creation House. 1987.
The Hearing Ear. Altamonte Springs, FL: Creation House. 1988.
Leech, Kenneth
True Prayer. Harper and Row. 1980.
Lewis, C.S.
Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer. San Diego: Harcourt, Brace Jovanovick, 1973.
Mere Christianity. New York: Macmillan. 1981.
The Last Battle. New York: Macmillan. 1956.
Lindsell. Harold.
When You Pray. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. 1969.
Lindsay. Gordon.
Prayer and Fasting: The Master Key to the Impossible. Christ for the Nations. Dallas. 1989.
Lord, Peter.
Hearing God. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. 1988
Lloyd-Jones, Martyn
Revival. Westminister, IL: Crossway Books, 1987.
Lucado, Max.
The Great House of God. Word Publishing. 1997.
MacArthur. John.
Jesus’ Pattern of Prayer. Chicago: Moody Press. 1981.
MacDonald, Hope
Discovering How to Pray. Grand Rapids, Zondervan. 1976.
Manschreck, Clyde.
Prayers of the Reformers. Augusburg/Fortress. 1958
Martin, Ralph
The Worship of God: Some Theological, Pastoral, and Practical Reflections. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,
Hungry for God. Ignatius. 2000
MacNutt, Francis
Deliverance from Evil Spirits. Grand Rapids: Chosen Books. 1995.
McGeachy, P.D.
Help Lord! A Guide to Public and Private Prayer. John Knox Press.
McGloin, Joseph T.
Manual of Prayers.
McMurry, Doug
Fresh Bread. Winepress.
McNeal, Reggie.
A Work of the Heart: Understanding How God Shapes Spiritual Leaders. Jossey Boss. 2000.
Merton, Thomas.
Contemplative Prayer. New York: Doubleday. 1971
Thoughts on Solitude. Noonday press. 1999.
Miller, Calvin.
Disarming the Darkness: A Guide to Spiritual Warfare. Zondervan. 1998
Miller, Samuel
Prayers for Daily Use. Harper and Brothers. 1957.
Mitchell, Curtis.
Praying Jesus’ Way. Grand Rapids: Revell. 1977.
Montgomery, Jim
Dawn 2000: The Personal Story of the DAWN Strategy. Pasadena: William Carey Library. 1989.
Moody, D.L.
Prevailing Prayer. Chicago, IL: Moody Press. 1981.
Moore, Beth
Praying God’s Word: Breaking Free from Spiritual Strongholds. Broadman and Holman.
Morgan, G. Campbell.
The Practice of Prayer. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House. 1971.
Muck, Terry.
Liberating the Leader’s Prayer Life. Carol Stream, IL: CTi, 1985.
Mueller, Gertrude
To Dance with God: Family Ritual and Community Celebration. Nelson.
Muller, George.
Answers to Prayer. Chicago: Moody Press.
The Believers’ School of Prayer. Minneapolis: Bethany House. 1982.
Mindy, Linus
Prayerwalking: A Simple Path to Body-and-Soul Fitness. St. Meinrad, IN: Abbey Press. 1994.
Murphy, Ed
Handbook for Spiritual Warfare. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers. 1992.
Murray, Andrew
The Ministry of Intercession. Springdale, PA: Whitaker House. 1982.
The Prayer Life. Chicago: Moody Press.
With Christ in the School of Prayer. Old Tappen: N.J. Revell. 1953.
Myers, Glenn
100 Days: Prayers for the World from Operation World. 2002
Nee, Watchman.
Assembling Together.
Let Us Pray. New York: Christian Fellowship Publication. 1977.
The Prayer Ministry of the Church. New York: Christian Fellowship Publishers. 1973.
Nepstad, Verna
Prayer Adventures for Boys and Girls: Changing Our World Through Prayer. Springfield, MO: Gospel
Publishing House. 1993.
Norris, Kathleen
A Closer Walk.
O’Conner. Elizabeth.
Letters to Scattered Pilgrims. Harper and Row. 1982.
Search for Silence. Waco, TX: Word Books. 1973.
Call to Commitment. Harper and Row. 1963.
Omartian, Stormie.
The Power of a Praying Parent. Eugene, OR: Harvest House
The Power of a Praying Wife. Eugene, OR: Harvest House.
The Power of a Praying Husband. Eugene, OR: Harvest House.2001
The Power of a Praying Woman. Eugene, OR: Harvest House.2002
Praying through Life’s Problems. 2003
Lord, I Want to be Whole: The Power of Prayer and Scripture in Emotional Healing.
Orr, J. Edwin.
The Fervent Prayer: The Worldwide Impact of the Great Awakenings of 1858. Chicago: Moody Press.
The Flaming Tongue: The Impact of 20th Century Revivals. Chicago: Moody Press. 1973.
The Role of Prayer in Spiritual Awakening.
Ortburg, John
The Life You’ve Always Wanted: Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.
Osborne, Rick.
Teaching Your Child How to Pray. Moody Press. 1997.
Otis, George.
The Last of the Giants. Tarrytown, NY: Chosen Books. 1991.
The Twilight Labyrinth. Grand Rapids: Chosen Books. 1997
Strongholds of the 10/40 Window. Seattle: YWAM Publishing. 1995.
Informed Intercession. Ventura, CA: Renew 1999.
Spiritual Mapping Field Guide. Ventura, CA: Regal Books. 1997.
Parachin, Victor
Daily Strength: One Year in the Psalms. Ligouri-Triumph. 1996
Patterson, Ben
Deepening Your Conversation with God: Learning to Love to Pray. 2001
Paulsell, William O.
Taste and See: A Personal Guide to the Spiritual Life. Winona, MN: St. Mary’s Press. 1977.
Payne, Leanne
Listening Prayer: Learning to hear God’s Voice and Keep a Prayer Journal.
Restoring the Christian Soul. Grand Rapids, Baker. 1991.
Peace, Richard
Contemplative Bible Reading: Experiencing God Through Scripture. NavPress. 1996.
Spiritual Journaling: Recording Your Journey toward God. NavPress.
Penn-Lewis, Jesse
Face to Face.
Petersen, Bjorn.
Face to Face with God in Your Church: Establishing a Prayer Ministry. Augsburg Press (426 S. Fifth
Street, Box 1209, Minneapolis MN 55440) 1995
Peterson, Eugene.
The Contemplative Pastor. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. 1993.
Working the Angles. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. 1990
Subversive Spirituality. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997
The Wisdom of Each Other: A Conversation between Spiritual Friends. Grand Rapids: Zondervans. 1998.
Answering God.
Phifer, Kenneth G.
A Book of Uncommon Prayer.
Classical Prayer Leader’s Resources
Resources: Books
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Philips, F. Lee.
Prayers for Worship.
Pink, Arthur.
A Guide to Fervent Prayer. Grand Rapids: Baker. 1981.
Piper, John
A Hunger for God. Crossway Books.
Pohl, Louis J.
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Chicago: Loyola University press. 1951.
Pollard, Mark.
It’s Prayer Time. Regal
Postema, Don.
Space for God: The Study and Practice of Prayer and Spirituality. Grand Rapids: CRCPublications, 1997.
Price, Oliver
The Power of Praying Together. Kregel.
Prince, Derek.
Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting; Derek Prince Ministries International. P.O. Box 300, Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33302.
Rainey, Dennis
Moments together for Couples
Revival Praying. Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship. 1974.
A Treasury of Prayer. Ravenhill Books. 1973.
Why Revival Tarries. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1990.
Redpath. Alan.
Victorious Praying. Old Tappen, NJ: Revell. 1957.
Rees, Paul.
Prayer and Life’s Highest. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdman’s. 1956.
Rice, John R.
Prayer: Asking and Receiving. Sword of the Lord
Richards, Clift
Today God Says…
Rinker, Rosalyn.
Prayer: Conversing with God. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. 1959.
Communicating Love through Prayer. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. 1966.
Praying Together.
Robinson, Stuart.
Positioning for Power. Gospel Light/Regal Books.
Rockwood, Elizabeth
When prayers are Not Answered. Hendrickson Publications.
Roth, R.
Prayer Powerpoints.
Rumford, Doug
Soul Shaping.
Rumph, Jane
Stories from the Front Lines. Grand Rapids: Chosen Books.1996.
Sanders, Oswalk.
Prayer Power Unlimited. Minneapolis: World Wide Publications. 1977.
Schaefer, Francis.
True Spirituality. Tyndale. 1971.
Shedd, Charles.
How to Develop a Praying Church. Nashville, TN: Abingdon.
Where People Really Pray-The Exciting Church. Waco, TX: Word Publishing.
Classical Prayer Leader’s Resources
Resources: Books
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Sheets, Dutch.
Intercessory Prayer: How God can Use Your Prayers to Move Heaven and Earth. Regal Books. 1996.
How to How to Pray for Lost Loved Ones. 2000
The Beginner’s Guide to Intercession. 2001.
Watchmen Prayer: How to Guard and Protect Your Family Name and Community. 2001
Praying for America.
Sherman, Dean
Spiritual Warfare for Every Believer. Seattle: YWAM Publishing. 1990.
Sherrer, Quin
Praying Prodigals Home. 2000
Shoemaker, Helen
Prayer is Action. Morehouse-Barlow. 1969.
Silvoso, Ed
That None Should Perish. Ventura: Regal Books. 1994
That None Should Perish: How to Reach Entire Cities for Christ Through Prayer Evangelism. Regal
Books. 1994.
Sittser, Jerry
When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayer; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003.
Sjoberg, Kjell
Winning the Prayer War. Chichester, England: New Wine Press. 1991.
Sledge, Sharlande
With My Whole Heart: Knowing God through Prayer. New Hope Publishing.
Smith, Alice.
Beyond the Veil. Houston: Ventura, CA. Regal Books. 1996.
Forty Days Beyond the Veil. 2003.
Smith, Eddie
Help, I’m Married to an Intercessor: How Spouses, Pastors, and Friends Can understand and Unleash
Intercessors for God’s Glory. Ventura, CA: Regal Books. 1998.
Intercessors: How to Understand and Unleash them for God’s Glory.
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Praying People
The One Minute Intercessor
(Both booklets above are available from U.S. Prayer Track. 7710-T Cherry Park Drive, Suite 224, Houston Texas, 77095).
Smith, Rolland.
The Watchman Ministry. St.Louis, MO.: Mission Omega Publications. 1993.
Socias, James
Handbook of Prayers (Roman Catholic)
Sproul, R.C.
Effective Prayer. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House. 1989.
Spurgeon, Charles H.
The Power of Prayer in a Believer’s Wife.
Stam, Jeff.
Straight Talk About Spiritual Warfare: What the Bible Teaches, What You Need to Know. CRC
Stanley, Charles.
Handle With Prayer. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books. 1982.
How to Listen to God. Nashville, TN: Oliver Nelson Books. 1985.
Stedman, Ray.
Jesus teaches on Prayer. Waco, TX: Word Books. 1976.
Steere, Douglas V.
Dimensions of Prayer. New York: Woman’s Division of Christian Service, Board of Missions. The United
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