Minimum PPE required: Hard hat, safety glasses or goggles, hi-viz jacket, safety shoes
LS Likelihood / Frequency
CS Severity of consequence
HSJV Hyundai Samsung Joint Venture
Consequence: E – Environmental
H – Health
S – Safety
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Analysis criteria:
Insignificant (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic (5)
Rare (1) 1 2 3 4 5
Possible (2) 2 4 6 8 10
Likely (3) 3 6 9 12 15
Often (4) 4 8 12 16 20
Frequent (5) 5 10 15 20 25
15 – 25 Extreme Risk (E) Activity must not proceed in current form.
Activity must be modified to include further control measures and be subject to detailed HSE dept.
8 – 12 High Risk (H)
4–6 Moderate Risk (M) Activity can proceed subject to appropriate direct and continuous supervision and/or task modification.
1–3 Low Risk ((L) No action required. Activity can proceed subject to compliance with the specified control measures.
Descriptor Likely Frequency Probability
Environment Health and Safety
Frequent Continuous or will happen frequently. Occurs several times a year at location. 5
Occurs several times a year in similar industries in
Often 5 – 12 times per year. 4
Likely 1 – 5 times per year. Has occurred at least once in UAE 3
Possible Once every 5 years. Has occurred in industry (Worldwide). 2
Rare Less than once every five years Never encountered in industry. 1
Descriptor Consequence Severity
Environment Health and Safety
Long term severe / permanent impact on
Catastrophic Multiple fatalities 5
Major Significant widespread impact on ecosystem Fatality 4
Moderate Significant localized impact on ecosystem Serious injuries – off site medical treatment 3
Minor Minor changes to ecosystem Injuries – on site medical treatment 2
Insignificant Insignificant occasional change to ecosystem Minor injuries – first aid 1
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Action by PTW Need
4 Painting done Usage of Eye Injury, Injury 4 3 12 Trained people to operate the 2 1 2 L NO
mechanically equipment, to body parts equipment
(in case of compressor, Proper supervision
usage of sand blasting (H), (S)
compressor Effective use of PPE’S /
machine etc. Toolbox Talk
machines) Periodical Maintenance of all
3rd party certification of
compressor and pressure
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(E) solvents
Proper storage of materials
6 Working at heights 4 3 12 Provide proper platform with 2 1 2 L NO
Falling from Injury , Fatal accident
height hand rails
(H), (S) Scaffold erection should be
done with approved erectors
Conduct toolbox talk
Provide full body harness for
Provide proper signage
Follow good house keeping
Barricade the area
Provide proper training &
affective supervision
7 General outdoor working Summer time Heat tress 3 4 12 Follow mid-day break rule 1 3 3 L NO
Extreme Fatigue Ready supply of min of health
temperature Fatality (S) (H) approved fluids and shelter
Dusty and windy Dehydration Qualified first aider always on the
weather Serious injury site
condition First aid kit always available on site
and sufficient supply
Reduced hours for Ramadan
Rotation of workforce/shift working
Paramedical/ambulance support
Follow KEPCO procedure
P-133- heat stress
P07- Emergency response.
8 Travel to site Moving vehicle Fatality & injury 4 3 12 Monitor driver’s hour of work through 1 3 3 L NO
Pedestrians Asset loss site supervisor and foreman
Night Driving /damage(s) Driver should not be more than 10
Low visibility hour per day
Mobile phone Consider defensive driving
use Safe driving instructions issue to all
Spillage drivers
Over speeding Mobile phone use while driving
Use of visibility signs should be
placed on 200m
Follow KEPCO procedures
P56- Road and Traffic safety
9 Working in poor Slips trips and Fatality(S) 4 3 12 Work shop to be well illuminated 1 3 3 L NO
visibility/dusty/foggy/ falls Serious injury (Outdoor: Min 33 flux, Indoor: Min 55
conditions/ night work/ Collisions Pedestrian hit and flux, Emergency exit route in door :
fragile roofs/exposed between struck by moving Min 110 flux)
opening/untestable vehicles vehicle./equipment Movable materials by wing to be tied
structures down
No night work without review of this
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Provide proper lightings when
waste / materials handling and
house keeping
Keep wearing visibility vest
All working equipment/vehicle
should keep light/vehicle should
keep light/beacon on with alarms
10 Extreme weather Windblown Fatality(S) 4 3 12 Stop and review work if wind 1 3 3 L NO
materials Damage to plant and average wind speed for 10 miniutes
Hit by equipment is over 17knot(25KP)
windblown Environmental Restrict access to wok areas
objects ground contamination Tie down/stabilise potentially mobile
Dust and Windblown materials materials
particles Flooding Ensure the weather report received
inhalation Collapse of befor starting work
Spillage of structures of high Closed supervision especially
fuel/hazardous plant/vehicles outdoor works.
materials Follow KEPCO procedure
P07 – Emergency response
11 Night working Poor lighting Fatality serious 4 4 16 Avoid work at height at night unless 1 3 3 L NO
environment personal injuries absolutely necessary
conditions. Suitable rest and messing facilities
Trips. to be in place
Slips. Suitable lighting arrangement should
Contact and be provided
collision with Sufficient supervision for the work
other machinery and stopping work on bad weather
Place light to avoid creating
shadows and glare for the workplace
Competent supervision and
appropriate PPE
Follow KEPCO procedure for night
working P.33,PPE P.11
12 Housekeeping Sharp objects Minor injury or first 2 3 12 Dust mask and gloves to be 1 3 3 L NO
Heavy materials aid case incident(S) adequate resource to be used for
Trips Fall injury manual handling tasks
Slips uncontrolled Proper positioning while doing
materials(S) manual lift
Hand injury from Manual handling training
sharp objects (S) Follow KEPCO Procedure
Back or shoulder P14-Housekeeping
strain materials P39-Manual Handling
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Subcontractor Project Manager HSJV Name: JONG KUN NOH HSJV Site Manager Name: O.H Kwon
Name: Mohammad Inamul Quadir
HSE Manager
NO Position: Position:
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