Sirince Geometry
Sirince Geometry
Sirince Geometry
Adrien Deloro
Şirince ’22 Summer School
These are lecture notes with exercises for a two week course of 12×2 = 24 hours given
in 2016, 2107, and 2022 at the Nesin Matematik Köyü in Şirince, Turkey. They should be
accessible to a 3rd year student in mathematics; syllabus and prerequisites are described
below. I wish to thank Joshua Wiscons for useful conversations, and Fırat Kıyak for his
many questions and suggestions.
If found with flaws or mistakes, this document compiled on 9th August 2022 should
be returned to [email protected]. Please mention the date.
Introduction and prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1 Affine planes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Projective planes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3 The Desargues property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4 A detour through space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5 The coordinatisation theorem: Hilbert’s version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6 The Pappus property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
7 Semi-linear automorphisms of vector spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
8 Automorphisms of projective planes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
9 Group-theoretic analysis of Desargues and Pappus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
10 Artin’s coordinatisation (1): dilations and translations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
11 Artin’s coordinatisation (2): the skew-field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
12 Duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Further reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Each section corresponds to a lecture of 2 hours, with the introduction fitting into § 1.
The class can be taught in a different order as there are independences between lectures.
§§ 1–6 form the initial socle. Then §§ 7–8 are one block; so are §§ 10–11. Apart from
these dependencies, lectures § 7–11 can be permuted freely.
The real plane R2 may be studied with different notions and tools; these are called struc-
tural layers and are conveniently imagined as tracing sheets. The following list is not
comprehensive, and items may be combined or not:
• points and lines;
• coordinates and vectors;
• distances;
• areas;
• the dot product;
These lead to distinct mathematical theories, all developed in order to formalise our
intuition of what ‘the physical plane’ is.
In this course we restrict ourselves to the most basic layer where one has only points
and lines. The relevant notion is that of an affine plane. It is just a collection of points
and lines; a point can be on a line or not. Geometric intuition, or physical observation
in our small part of the universe (a sheet of paper can do) will suggest axioms describing
the behaviour. These axioms define abstract affine planes, and the usual affine plane R2
is only one example of such structures. Quickly one realises that projective geometry
behaves in a nicer way. Essentially it amounts to adding ‘points at infinity’ to an affine
plane. The resulting abstract projective planes are more homogeneous, more worth a
mathematician’s time. The course is dedicated to their study.
When compared to analytic number theory, differential geometry or algebraic topo-
logy, our topic is certainly elementary since there is no ‘higher’ structure (no topologies,
no categories, etc.). But the word elementary is no synonym of easy: it refers to a set of
methods, not to a level of difficulty. Incidence geometries were studied, among others,
by Hilbert, E. Artin, Tarski; and are therefore not an unworthy subject. Beyond the first
study of abstract projective planes lies combinatorial geometry, full of challenging open
problems. We will not go that far. Further reading is suggested at the end of the lecture
The course covers basic material on projective planes. It describes beautiful phe-
nomena. It returns to elementary aspects and therefore teaches one to separate struc-
tural layers. It exemplifies the power of group-theoretic language. And it is not part of
the standard curriculum. For all these reasons it is very suitable for a summer school.
The class is supposedly accessible to a third year student.
Geometry: High-school level. The use of cartesian coordinates; line equations, the dif-
ference between points and vectors.
Linear algebra: Basic knowledge. Vector spaces and coordinates. We shall need the
(lesser known) basic linear algebra over skew-fields, which works exactly the same
however confusing it might sound at first.
Fields and skew-fields: The definitions. One should be aware of the existence of the
latter as they appear everywhere in the course.
Group theory: Groups will play a prominent role in advanced sections like §§ 7, 8, 9,
10, 11. To follow them one should be fully comfortable with subgroups, normal
subgroups, and group actions (stabilisers, transitivity).
Fields and skew-fields; Wedderburn’s theorem
Definition (field). A field is a structure (F; 0, 1, +, ⋅) where:
• (F; 0, +) is an abelian group (called ‘the additive group’);
• (F ∖ {0}; 1, ⋅) is an abelian group (called ‘the multiplicative group’);
We shall not prove this classical number-theoretic result but it considerably clarifies
the picture. Though non-commutative skew-fields are therefore uncommon objects in
general mathematics, they play a central, unavoidable role in the study of affine and
projective planes. This involves doing some linar algebra over skew-fields.
Remark (linear algebra over a skew-field). One has to distinguish between left- and
right-vector spaces, not confusing them. (The risk is serious when V = Fn .) Basic linear
algebra such as elementary elimination theory and dimension theory still apply.
On the other hand, there is no fully satisfactory/fully accepted theory of determ-
inants over a skew-field. Therefore claiming invertibility of a matrix with entries in a
non-commutative skew-field because of its ‘determinant’ is simple nonsense.
1 Affine planes
Abstract. § 1.1 formalises the setting: incidence geometries. In common cases, the
abstract incidence relation can be taken to be set-theoretic membership. § 1.2 intro-
duces affine planes, and the notion of parallelism. § 1.3 associates to any skew-field
F a concrete affine plane A2 (F), which is the usual system of points and lines in F2 .
Not all affine planes are of this form.
1.1 Incidence geometries
The purpose of this course is a description of certain point-line configurations. There
are two natural approaches here:
• work with points only and a ternary collinearity relation (with intended meaning:
‘the three points are on some common line’);
• work with points and lines as objects of distinct types, and a binary incidence
relation (with intended meaning: ‘the point is on the line’).
Though the former option has its virtues, we retain the latter for better readibility.
1.1.1. Definition (incidence geometry). An incidence geometry is a triple Γ = (P , L, I)
• P is a set of objects called ‘points’ ;
• L is a set of objects called ‘lines’;
• I is a relation on P × L called ‘incidence’, which intuitively says when a point is
on a line or not.
Manipulating two distinct sets of objects requires using variables in a consistent
manner. From now on, a, b, . . . , a′ , b 1 , . . . , p, q, . . . will always denote points, while
ℓ, m, ℓ′ , m 1 , . . . will always denote lines. This is implicit in our notation. For instance,
(∀a) means: ‘for any point a. . . ’.
1.1.2. Definition (collinear). Given an incidence geometry, points a 1 , . . . , a n are collin-
ear if there is a line ℓ such that for each k one has a k Iℓ.
The incidence relation I is of an abstract nature; instead of ‘p is incident to ℓ’ one may
be more used to writing ‘p ∈ ℓ′ . Indeed replacing I by ∈ is allowed, up to isomorphism.
This requires a definition.
1.1.3. Definition (isomorphism). Two incidence geometries Γ1 = (P1 , L1 , I 1 ) and Γ2 =
(P2 , L2 , I 2 ) are isomorphic if there are bijections f ∶ P1 → P2 and g∶ L1 → L2 such that:
(∀a)(∀ℓ)(aI 1 ℓ ↔ f (a)I 2 g(ℓ)).
1.1.4. Proposition (reducing to membership). Let Γ = (P , L, I) be an incidence geo-
metry such that any two lines having the same points are actually equal. Then there is
an incidence geometry Γ′ = (P ′ , L′ , ∈) where incidence is set-theoretic membership, and
Γ ≃ Γ′ as geometries.
Proof. The idea is to keep the same points, and write new lines as sets of points. To
each ℓ ∈ L associate S ℓ = {p ∈ P ∶ pIℓ}, a subset of P. Now consider L′ = {S ℓ ∶
ℓ ∈ L}, a family of subsets of P. We claim that Γ = (P , L, I) and Γ′ = (P ′ , L′ , ∈) are
Let f be the identity function on P and g∶ L → L′ map ℓ to S ℓ . Clearly f is a
bijection and g is surjective. Actually g is injective: if S ℓ = S m then lines ℓ and m have
the same points, so by assumption they are equal. Finally for any (p, ℓ) ∈ P × L, one
has pIℓ iff p ∈ S ℓ . Hence ( f , g) is an isomorphism Γ ≃ Γ′ .
1.2 The definition
The definition of an affine plane (Definition 1.2.2 below) requires an auxiliary notion.
1.2.1. Definition (parallel). Two lines ℓ, m are parallel if either ℓ = m or there is no point
incident to both, viz.:
ℓ//m iff [ℓ = m] ∨ [(∀a)¬(aIℓ ∧ aIm)].
(Notice that it captures the intuition of R2 , not of R3 .) This notion plays a role only
when studying affine planes, and disappears when studying projective planes (§ 2).
1.2.2. Definition (affine plane). An affine plane A is an incidence geometry satisfying
the following axioms AP1 , AP2 , AP3 .
AP1 . (∀a)(∀b)[(a ≠ b) → (∃!ℓ)(aIℓ ∧ bIℓ)].
(Meaning: given any two distinct points, there is a unique line incident to both.)
AP2 . (∀a)(∀ℓ)(∃!m)[(aIm) ∧ (ℓ//m)].
(Meaning: through any point there is a unique line parallel to a given line.)
AP3 . There exist three non-collinear points.
1.2.3. Remarks.
• The axiomatisation is in the sole terms of points and lines; words such as angle,
distance, or even between are banned from the vocabulary. They would lead to
other (more powerful and less elementary, but equally interesting) mathematical
• AP3 removes degenerate configurations, the most extreme of which being P =
∅ = L. See exercice 1.4.3.
• By the axioms and proposition 1.1.4, one may suppose that the incidence relation
is ∈. See exercise 1.4.4.
1.3.1. Definition (affine plane over a skew-field A2 (F)). Let F be a skew-field. Let A2 (F)
be the following incidence geometry:
This generalises the familiar case of A2 (R) as it allows skew-fields. One should prac-
tice a little with skew-fields (using quaternions for instance).
1.3.2. Proposition. Let F be a skew-field. Then A2 (F) is an affine plane.
1.3.3. Remark (important). Not all affine planes are of the form A2 (F). The Desargues
property (§ 3) characterises those affine planes of the form A2 (F).
Proof. Points are pairs p = (x, y) ∈ F2 ; lines are sets of the form
v = {p + t v ∶ t ∈ F}
ℓ p,Ð
for p ∈ F2 and Ð →
v ≠Ð →
0 . Notice that one always has p ∈ ℓ p,Ð →
We must check axioms AP1 , AP2 , AP3 . Call two vectors proportional if both are
non-zero and one (equivalently, each) is a multiple of the other. (Since the field is non-
commutative, we do mean Ð v→2 = λ ⋅ Ð
v→1 with λ on the left. For a left-vector space we
never write ‘vector times scalar’.)
Step 1. Two lines ℓ 1 = ℓ p ,Ð → and ℓ 2 = ℓ p 2 ,Ð Ð→ Ð
1 v1 v→2 are equal iff [ v 1 and v 2 are proportional
vectors, and Ð
pÐ →
1 p 2 is a (possibly null) multiple of those].
q = p2 − Ð
pÐ → Ð → Ð→
1 p 2 + t v 1 = p 2 + (tµ − λ) v 2 ∈ ℓ 2 ,
proving ℓ 1 ⊆ ℓ 2 . ◇
are parallel this means that there is no point on both lines. Hence the equation:
p1 + t1 Ð
v→1 = p 2 + t 2 Ð
y 1 − x 1 λ = y 2 − x 2 λ + t 2 (b 2 − a 2 λ).
v→2 = (a 2 , a 2 a −1 −1 Ð
1 b 1 ) = a 2 a 1 ⋅ (a 1 , b 1 ) = a 2 a 1 v 1 ,
so Ð
v→1 and Ð
v→2 are proportional vectors. ◇
AP3 . Simply take (0, 0), (0, 1), and (1, 0). ◇
• Using the right action, define a geometry (F)2 A with ‘right-lines’ {p+ Ð
v t ∶ t ∈ F}.
• Points in A2 (F) and (F)2 A are the same, but lines may differ. Technically, sets
{p+t Ð →
v ∶ t ∈ F} and {p+ Ð →
v t ∶ t ∈ F} need not be equal. (This may seem confusing
at first, but the left- and right-linear structures are simply not the same.)
• (F)2 A is another affine plane: same proof as Proposition 1.3.2, exchanging sides.
• For a commutative field F, left- and right-lines are equal, so A2 (F) = (F)2 A. For
quaternions H, lines differ but A2 (H) ≃ (H)2 A (exercise 1.4.7). For arbitrary F,
planes A2 (F) and (F)2 A need not be isomorphic.
1.4 Exercises
1.4.1. Exercise.
1. Write AP3 in logical form.
2. (Tedious.) Using only points and a ternary relation for collinearity, define parallel-
ism, then axiomatise affine planes.
c d
One point is removed;
diagonals do not meet.
2 Projective planes
Abstract. § 2.1 defines projective planes and gives one class of examples: the struc-
tures P2 (F) for F a skew-field. Not all projective planes are of this form. § 2.2
explores the relationships between the classes of abstract affine planes and of ab-
stract projective planes by so-called projectivisation and affinisation. § 2.3 applies
these operations to the concrete examples A2 (F) and P2 (F).
The need to ‘add points at infinity’ where parallel lines would meet was felt during
the Renaissance, and cannot be separated from the history of Painting. Early school
pencil-and-paper practice shapes our first intuition of geometry, and is convincingly
rendered by affine planes. However, trying to represent on a planar support the physical
3-dimensional space, begs for other means than linear projections. Indeed, our seeing
device (the eye) is a nearly punctual object. The theory of perspective thus naturally
takes place in projective geometry.
Mathematically, projective geometry is even more natural than its affine version.
Statements there are more concise; the algebraic behaviour is more homogeneous. This
course is really about projective planes.
2.1.4. Remark. There also exists a right-version (F)2 P, which need not be equal nor
even isomorphic to P2 (F) (see Remark 1.3.4).
2.1.5. Proposition. Let F be a skew-field. Then P2 (F) is a projective plane.
2.1.6. Remark (important). Like in the affine case, not all projective planes are of the
form A2 (F). The Desargues property (§ 3) characterises those projective planes of the
form P2 (F).
2.1.7. Remark (continued). For instance, P2 (F9 ) has 92 + 9 + 1 = 91 points. But there
exist three more projective planes with 91 elements. To show that in total there are exactly
four, requires heavy computer assistance.2
Proof. We must check three things. This is easy as our construction relies on vectors
in dimension 3. Even though F need not be commutative, basic linear algebra remains
sound. We only use left-subspaces, and consequently omit ‘left’.
PP1 . Let α ≠ β be two projective points, i.e. two distinct vector lines L α , L β ⊆ F3 .
Then set H = ⟨L α , L β ⟩ ⊆ F3 , a vector plane of F3 . In projective terms, H is a line
λ. Now by definition, L α ⊆ H translates into αIλ, and βIλ likewise. Uniqueness
is clear as well, since there is no other vector plane containing both L α and L β .
PP2 . Start with two distinct projective lines λ ≠ µ. By construction they correspond
to distinct vector planes H λ ≠ H µ , and H λ ∩ H µ is a vector line L, which we see
as a projective point α. Obviously αIλ and αIµ, but uniqueness is clear as well.
PP3 . Vector lines spanned by vectors (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), and (1, 1, 1) define
suitable projective points.
The remarkable simplicity of the proof (cf. proof of Proposition 1.3.2) is already an
indication in favour of projective over affine geometry: even for ‘coordinatisable’ objects,
the projective version is easier to deal with.
2.1.8. Remark (projective coordinates). One can represent points of P2 (F) by equi-
valence classes of non-zero triples of coordinates, as follows. Consider the relation on
F3 ∖ {(0, 0, 0)}:
This is the equivalence relation of proportionality of non-zero vectors. The set of equi-
valence classes is naturally the set of vector lines in F3 , i.e. points of P2 (F).
Write [a 1 , a 2 , a 3 ] for the class of (a 1 , a 2 , a 3 ); they are projective coordinates, defined
up to (left-)multiplication by a non-zero scalar. If [a 1 , a 2 , a 3 ] = [b 1 , b 2 , b 3 ] and a 1 =
b 1 ≠ 0, then a 2 = b 2 and a 3 = b 3 .
Projective coordinates are useful when bringing matrices into the picture. However,
since we treat F3 as a left-vector space, matrices will act from the right, viz. by row-matrix
pp.187–195, 1991.
if ℓ//m//n then the same point should be added for the missing intersection ℓ ∩ m and
for the missing intersection m ∩ n. So one is not working with pairs of parallel lines, but
with whole sets of pairwise parallel lines.
Proof. This holds of A2 (F) for F a skew-field, as one has a detailed description of
parallelism from the proof of Proposition 1.3.2. But we want a general proof, a proof
using only axioms AP1 , AP2 , AP3 . Remember that in this abstract setting ℓ and m are
parallel iff ℓ = m or ℓ and m do not meet. We freely replace A by an isomorphic plane
where incidence is given by membership.
There are three things to check:
2.2.2. Notation. For ℓ an affine line, let [ℓ] be its equivalence class and call it its direction.
Intuitively one should add a new point ‘at infinity’ for each direction; there will also
be a line ‘at infinity’. But ordinary, affine lines ℓ are now too short: we must force a
projective line to contain the direction. This explains why we go through ℓ̂ below.
2.2.3. Definition (projectivisation  of an affine plane). Let A = (P , L, ∈) be an affine
plane. The projectivisation of A is the incidence geometry  = (P̂ , L̂, ∈) defined as
ℓ′2 [ℓ 1 ]=[ℓ ′1 ]
ℓ′1 [ℓ 2 ]=[ℓ ′2 ]
Complete each affine line ℓ into ℓ̂.
Do not forget line at infinity ℓ∞ .
Proof. There are three axioms to check.
PP1 . Let α ≠ β be two points in P̂. We see several cases.
• If α = a ∈ P and β = b ∈ P, then by AP1 there is a unique line ℓ ∈ L
containing both. Clearly α, β ∈ ℓ̂. We also have uniqueness. If another line
λ ∈ L̂ contains α and β, then λ cannot be ℓ∞ , so λ = m̂ for some affine
line m ∈ L. Then a, b ∈ m, so by uniqueness in AP1 one has m = ℓ and
therefore λ = m̂ = ℓ̂. So ℓ̂ is the only line of L̂ containing α and β.
• Suppose α = a ∈ P but β ∈ P̂ ∖ P = ℓ∞ (the other case is similar). Then
by definition, there is ℓ ∈ L with β = [ℓ]. Now by AP2 there is a unique
m ∈ L with a ∈ m and m // ℓ. Then on the one hand α ∈ m̂, and on the
other hand [ℓ] = [m] ∈ m̂. Now to uniqueness. If a line λ contains a and
β, then it cannot be ℓ∞ . So it is of the form n̂ for some affine line n. Now
α ∈ n̂ implies a ∈ n, and β = [ℓ] ∈ n̂ implies [ℓ] = [n], that is, ℓ // n. By
uniqueness in AP2 one has n = m, and therefore λ = n̂ = m̂.
• Now suppose α, β ∈ ℓ∞ . Clearly ℓ∞ is the only line in L̂ incident to both
α and β.
PP2 . Exercise.
PP3 . Obvious from AP3 and the definition of the projectivisation.
2.2.6. Remarks.
• The isomorphism type of P̌ λ depends on the line λ you chose to remove. Affinisa-
tion is not uniquely defined, one may not say ‘the affinisation’ without specifying
λ. (Cf. ‘’the projectivisation’, which is well-defined.)
2.3 Projectivising A2 (F), affinising P2 (F)
Applying the projectivisation/affinisation procedures to A2 (F) and P2 (F) gives what
one expects.
2.3.1. Proposition. Let F be a skew-field. Then:
(i) A 2 (F) ≃ P2 (F);
(i) We describe an isomorphism. Let H 0 ≤ F3 be a vector plane and x ∈ F3 be a
vector not in H 0 . Let H 1 = x + H 0 , an affine translate of H 0 . Clearly A2 (F), H 0 ,
and H 1 are isomorphic affine planes; in particular A ̂ 2 (F) and H ̂1 are isomorphic
projective planes. So it suffices to see that H ̂1 and P2 (F) are isomorphic, as
a x
x + L′
/ H 0 is mapped to a, while L′ ≤ H 0 is mapped to [x + L′ ].
2.4 Exercises
2.4.1. Exercise. Show that the following is the smallest projective plane, and identify it.
2.4.2. Exercise. Let P be a projective plane with line λ. Show that A = P̌ λ is an affine
plane and  ≃ P.
2.4.3. Exercise. Let F be a skew-field and P = P2 (F). Prove that for any line one has
P̌ λ ≃ A2 (F).
2.4.4. Exercise (the isomorphism type of P̌ λ depends on the line you remove).
1. Let A be an affine plane and α ∈ Aut(A) be an automorphism. Prove that α extends
to a unique automorphism of Â.
2. Let P be a projective plane with two lines λ 1 , λ 2 . Let A i be the affinisation with
respect to λ i . Suppose that A1 ≃ A2 , and prove that there is α ∈ Aut(P) sending λ
to µ.
3. Deduce that the isomorphism type of P̌ λ may depend on the line you remove. Hint:
there is a projective plane with whose automorphism group is not transitive on lines
(see Exercise 3.4.6).
4. Also deduce that there exist two non-isomorphic affine planes with isomorphic pro-
5. Prove however that if P ≃ P2 (F), then P̌ λ does not depend on the line you remove.
2.4.5. Exercise. Let P be a projective plane. Let ℓ 1 ≠ ℓ 2 be two lines and p ∉ ℓ 1 ∪ ℓ 2 . Show
that the following picture defines a bijection ℓ 1 ≃ ℓ 2 .
q1 q2
ℓ1 ℓ2
Remark. The integer n is called the order of n. It has been conjectured that for finite
P, the order is always a prime power; this is open. It is not even known whether there
is a projective plane of order 12; killing those of order 10 has been remarkably difficult.
Finitary aspects are fascinating but of astounding complexity.3
2.4.7. Exercise. Let A be a finite affine plane. Show that there is n such that: • every line
has n points; • every point is on n + 1 lines; • there are n 2 points in total; • there are n 2 + n
lines, falling in n + 1 parallel classes of n lines each. Hint: this exercise belongs to § 2, not
to § 1.
2.4.8. Exercise. Let G = SO3 (R). Let I = {i ∈ G ∶ i 2 = 1 ≠ i} be the set of involutions.
On I consider the relation iε j iff (i j = ji ≠ 1). Prove that (I, I, ε) ≃ P2 (R).
a′′ c ′′ b′′
One should practice drawing similar pictures, obtained as follows. 1. Choose
a point o and draw three lines from it. 2. ‘Hang’ two triangles on them (each
line contains exactly one vertex of each triangle). 3. Match sides of the tri-
angles and draw intersections of matching sides. 4. The resulting intersec-
tions are collinear.
3 C. Lam, The search for a finite projective plane of order 10, Am. Math. Monthly, 98 no. 4, pp. 305–318,
April 1991.
3.1.2. Remark. No assumptions nor conclusions about o being on (a′′ )–(b ′′ )–(c ′′ ).
The following definition is not for learning. One should be aware that depending on
the position of the line at infinity, the projective Desargues property will have several,
different-looking affine avatars.
3.1.3. Definition (affine desarguesian plane). An affine plane is desarguesian if it has the
following affine Desargues property, which is the following axiom.
Let abc and a′ b′ c ′ be triangles (involving six distinct points). Suppose that
lines (aa′ ), (bb′ ), (cc ′ ) are pairwise distinct, and either that they are par-
allel or that they meet at the same point. Then:
• either (ab)//(a′ b′ ), (ac)//(a′ c ′ ), and (bc)//(b ′ c ′ );
• or (ab)//(a ′ b ′ ) but (ac) ∩ (a′ c ′ ) = {b′′ } and (bc) ∩ (b ′ c ′ ) = {a ′′ }
satisfy (a ′′ b′′ )//(ab);
• or two similar cases (involving the intersection c ′′ of (ab) and (a′ b ′ ));
• or a ′′ , b′′ , c ′′ are collinear.
The following is straightforward.
3.1.4. Lemma.
(i) Let A be an affine plane. Then A is desarguesian iff  is.
(ii) Let P be a projective plane with fixed line λ. Then P is desarguesian iff P̌ λ is.
We therefore focus on the projective version.
3.1.5. Remark. There is a form of ‘converse’. Let Desargues’ be the following property
(which a plane may have or not).
If two triangles abc and a ′ b ′ c ′ are such that the intersection points a′′ =
(bc) ∩ (b ′ c ′ ), b ′′ = (ac) ∩ (a ′ c ′ ) and c ′′ = (ab) ∩ (a′ b′ ) are collinear, then
lines (aa′ ), (bb′ ) and (cc ′ ) are concurrent.
It turns out that this condition is equivalent to the original Desargues property. This is
proved in § 12.
Some projective planes satisfy the Desargues property (P2 (F) does, which will be
proved); some do not (§ 3.2). Hilbert characterised which do.
(1943), 229-277.
• Let X n be the set of unordered pairs {a, b} of distinct points of Pn which are not
connected by a line of Ln . Also let Yn be the set of unordered pairs {ℓ, m} of
distinct lines of Ln which do not meet in a point of Pn .
• For each {a, b} ∈ X n , add a new line ℓ{a,b} incident to a and b, but to no other
point. Also for each {ℓ, m} ∈ Yn , add a new point p{ℓ,m} on both ℓ and m, but on
no other line.
• Let Pn+1 = Pn ∪ {ℓ{a,b} ∶ {a, b} ∈ X n } and Ln+1 = Ln ∪ {p{ℓ,m} ∶ {ℓ, m} ∈ Yn }.
• Finally let P = ⋃N Pn and L = ⋃N Ln .
Then Γ = (P , L) is called the plane freely generated by Γ0 .
3.2.2. Remarks.
• In some sources one adds lines at odd stages and points at even stages, but this is
less symmetric (§ 12).
• Starting with no points and no lines, or just collinear points, or concurrent lines,
nothing will happen.
• Starting with Γ0 having bad incidence properties, the free geometry will retain
3.2.3. Definition (admissible incidence geometry). An incidence geometry Γ = (P , L, I)
is admissible if there are no two distinct lines sharing two distinct points.
a b
3.2.5. Example. Start with the admissible incidence geometry consisting of four points
and no lines.
3 0
0 0 2
3 2
Numbers indicate the stages of appearance of points/lines. Imagine the fol-
lowing next steps.
This example is vacuously desarguesian: there are no Desargues configurations.
3.2.6. Remark. More generally, let Γ κ be the free plane generated by κ points and no
lines (κ may be infinite). Their class behaves roughly like the class of free groups. Here
are a few (non-trivial) properties.
• A subplane of a Γ κ is another Γ λ (λ need not be smaller than κ).
• As κ varies the Γ κ are pairwise non-isomorphic.
• However, they all have the same elementary theory.
The model theory of the free projective plane has been studied only recently.5
3.2.7. Theorem. There exist non-desarguesian projective and affine planes.
3.2.8. Remarks.
• Although the example of a non-desarguesian plane we gave is obviously infinite,
there exist finite, non-desarguesian projective planes.
• Hilbert’s Grundlagen der Geometrie, Theorem 33, contains a completely different
example of a non-desarguesian plane. His construction is rather involved.
5 T. Hyttinen and G. Paolini. First-order model theory of free projective planes. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 172
3.3 Hilbert’s Coordinatisation Theorem
3.3.1. Theorem (Hilbert coordinatisation). Let P be a projective plane. Then the following
are equivalent:
(i) P is desarguesian;
(ii) there is a skew-field (unique up to isomorphism) F with P ≃ P2 (F);
(iii) P is isomorphic to a plane in some projective, 3-dimensional space (Definition 4.1.1
3.3.2. Remark. The Desargues property is therefore a strong dividing line in the theory
of projective planes; the latter come in two sorts:
• desarguesian projective planes (of the form P2 (F) for some skew-field): our know-
ledge is satisfactory, viz. as satisfactory as our understanding of skew-fields;
• non-desarguesian projective planes (not of the form P2 (F) for any skew-field):
we know extremely little, and presumably there is little to say in general.
In particular, contemporary computers are not powerful enough to help us classify (?)
finite projective planes. One would need new ideas.
Notice that the free, non-desarguesian construction of § 3.2 shows that there exist
non-coordinatisable projective planes.
3.4 Exercises
3.4.1. Exercise. Return to § 3.1; we say that (o; a, b, c, ; a′ , b ′ , c ′ ; a ′′ , b′′ , c ′′ ) is a Desar-
gues configuration seen from o.
1. Check that (a ′′ ; b, c ′′ , b ′ ; c, b ′′ , b ′ ; a′ , o, a) is a Desargues configuration seen from
a ′′ .
2. From how many points is it a Desargues configuration?
3. Suppose P has the Desargues property. Prove that it has the ‘converse Desargues
property’ (hint: a′′ ). (Such tricks are explained in § 12.)
3.4.2. Exercise (harder). The ‘generic’ Desargues configuration is the one where o ∉ (a′′ b ′′ ):
there are 10 points, 10 lines, and every point is on exactly 3 lines.
Determine the automorphism group of the generic Desargues configuration, viz. the
group of bijections of the 10 points and 10 lines which preserve all incidence relations.
3.4.3. Exercise. Prove the Desargues property in P2 (F) using projective coordinates. (If
any simpler, prove all affine versions using affine coordinates, then conclude.)
3.4.4. Exercise (affine versions).
1. Removing various lines, draw all affine versions of the Desargues property. Below is
b b′
2. Prove that a projective plane P is desarguesian iff for any line λ, its affinisation P̌ λ
3. Prove that an affine plane A is desarguesian iff its projectivisation is.
3.4.5. Exercise. Let Γ0 be an admissible incidence geometry satisfying PP3 . Show that if
the plane freely generated by Γ0 is some Γn from the construction, then Γ0 was a projective
plane already. Hint: exercise 2.4.5.
3.4.6. Exercise.
1. Let Γ0 be four points with no lines, and Γ be the free projective plane generated by
Γ0 . Prove that no substructure of Γ is isomorphic to the Fano plane of Exercise 2.4.1.
Hint: consider the least n such that Γn contains a copy of the Fano plane.
2. Let ∆ 0 be the Fano plane with an extra (not connected) point. Let ∆ be the free
projectiev plane generated by ∆ 0 . Show that ∆ contains a unique copy of the Fano
3. Deduce that there exist projective planes whose group of automorphisms does not
permute lines transitively.
3.4.7. Exercise (The Moulton plane6 ). Equip R2 with the following lines:
• all ordinary lines with non-positive slope (including horizontal and vertical lines);
• for each a > 0 and x 0 ∈ R2 , the set ℓ a,x 0 = {(x, 2a(x − x 0 )) ∶ x ∈ R≤0 } ∪ {(x, a(x −
x 0 )) ∶ x ∈ R≥0 }.
1. Draw a picture.
2. Check that this is an affine plane.
3. Prove that at least one instance of the affine Desargues properties fails. Hint: take
an ordinary Desargues configuration, translate and rotate so that nine points out of
ten are above zero, and two lines out of three passing through this point are ‘unbent’.
4. Conclude that there is a non-desarguesian projective plane.
4.1 Projective 3-spaces
4.1.1. Definition (projective 3-space). A projective 3-dimensional space is an incidence
structure (P , L, Π) consisting of points, lines, and planes (and incidence relations), sat-
isfying the following axioms PS1 –PS6 .
PS1 . Any two points are uniquely collinear.
PS2 . Any three non-collinear points are uniquely coplanar.
PS3 . Any line and plane meet.
PS4 . Any two planes share (at least) a line.
PS5 . There are four non-coplanar points no three of which are collinear.
PS6 . Every line has at least three points.
4.1.2. Example. Let F be a skew-field. Then P3 (F), where points are (left-)vector lines
in F4 , lines are 2-dimensional (left-)vector subspaces of F4 , and planes are (left-)vector
hyperplanes of F4 , is a projective space (for set-theoretic incidence).
It will be a consequence of Hilbert Coordinatisation that every projective 3-space is
of this form. (Cf. dimension 2: there exist projective planes not of the form P2 (F).)
Like in Proposition 1.1.4, every projective 3-space is isomorphic to one where incid-
ence relations are of the form p ∈ ℓ ⊆ π. This simplifies notation and terminology.
4.1.3. Lemma. Let S = (P , L, Π) be a projective 3-space, and let π ∈ Π. Let Pπ = {p ∈
P ∶ p ∈ π} and Lπ = {ℓ ∈ L ∶ ℓ ∈ π}. Then (Pπ , Lπ , ∈) is a projective plane.
Proof of (ii)⇒(iii): P2 (F) embeds into a projective 3-space. We prove that for any
skew-field, P2 (F) embeds into P3 (F).
This is trivial in projective/homogeneous coordinates; one not at ease with them
would argue as follows. Using linear coordinates, embed F3 into F4 , say on the ‘ho-
rizontal’ hyperplane: map (x, y, z) to (x, y, z, 0). This is a linear embedding, so it
certainly preserves collinearity. Moreover, it preserves inclusion of vector subspaces.
So it induces well-defined, injective maps :
• One can consider only points P and ‘subspaces’ S equipped with a dimension
function S → N. But this is unsatisfactory, logically speaking, as the description
of the geometry now relies on the purely non-geometric notion of the integers.
• An elegant solution, ‘à la Veblen’, is the following. Call projective space any incid-
ence geometry satisfying PP1 , PP3 , and the Pasch axiom:
if a, b, c, d are points such that (ab)∩(cd) ≠ ∅, then (ac)∩(bd) ≠ ∅.
a b
The Pasch axiom describes coplanarity without mentioning planes.
4.2.1. Lemma. Work inside a projective 3-space S. Suppose (o; a, b, c; a′ , b ′ ; a′′ , b′′ , c ′′ )
is a non-planar Desargues configuration in S. Then a ′′ , b ′′ , c ′′ are collinear.
Proof. By assumption, abc and a ′ b ′ c ′ do not define the same plane: otherwise all
points and lines would be in that plane. Say (abc) is in some plane π 1 and (a′ b′ c ′ ) in
some other plane π 2 ≠ π 1 .
a ′′ c ′′ b ′′
intersection of two distinct planes is exactly a line (exercise 4.4.2): whence collinearity
of the three points.
a c′
a′′ c ′′ b ′′
c 1′′
b ′′1
Imagine ‘slightly rotating’ the planar triangles by ‘slightly lifting’ the vertices a
and a′ into a 1 and a ′1 , still preserving collinearity of o, a 1 , a ′1 . Mathematically
this is achieved through choosing e ∉ π then a1 ∈ (ae).
• Let e ∈ S ∖ P.
Step 1. Points b′′1 and c 1′′ are well-defined ; triangles a 1 bc and a ′1 b′ c ′ satisfy the assump-
tion of the Desargues property and are not coplanar.
Verification. First, the ‘Desargues intersections’ a′′ , b ′′1 , c 1′′ do exist; this is no longer
trivial as lines in S need not intersect. Point a ′′ = (bc) ∩ (b ′ c ′ ) has not changed. By
PS2 , let π ′ be the plane containing o, a 1 , c. It then contains a′1 ∈ (oa 1 ) and c ′ ∈ (oc),
so π ′ also contains lines (a 1 c) and (a′1 c ′ ), which therefore meet: intersection b ′′1 is
well-defined. Similar argument for c 1′′ .
By construction, o, a 1 , a′1 are collinear. Since other vertices have not changed,
triangles a 1 bc and a ′ 1b′ c ′ meet the Desargues assumption. Moreover, these triangles
are not in the same plane. Otherwise that plane would be P; since a, a 1 ∈ P, one then
has e ∈ (aa 1 ) ⊆ P, a contradiction. ◇
Verification. This is the argument given in Lemma 4.2.1. Using axiom PS2 , let π 1 be
the plane containing a 1 , b, c and π 2 be the plane containing a′1 , b ′ , c ′ . Clearly these
planes are distinct, so π 1 ∩ π 2 contains a line ℓ.
By Lemma 4.1.3, π 1 ∩ π 2 = ℓ is a line. Observe how: a ′′ ∈ (bc)∩(b ′ c ′ ) ⊆ π 1 ∩ π 2 =
ℓ, and likewise for b ′′ and c ′′ . Finally a ′′ , b ′′ , c ′′ are on ℓ, hence collinear. ◇
We now project back. Let p be the projection function from e onto π, defined as
follows. For any point x ≠ e, let p(x) be the meeting point of line (ex) and plane π,
which does not contain it. (The value of p at e remains undefined.) Notice that:
• p is the identity on π;
• p preserves incidence, i.e. if x ∈ ℓ, then p(x) ∈ p(ℓ).
Step 3. p(b′′1 ) = b ′′ and p(c 1′′ ) = c ′′ .
Verification. Since (ea 1 ) = (ea) and a ∈ π, one has p(a 1 ) = a. But also (ea ′1 ) = (ea ′ )
so p(a ′1 ) = a′ . In particular,
Since p preserves incidence (and therefore collinearity), the images of a ′′ , b′′1 , c 1′′
remain collinear. Therefore p(a′′ ) = a ′′ , p(b ′′1 ) = b′′ , and p(c 1′′ ) = c ′′ are collinear.
4.3.1. Remarks.
• Essentially the ideas here come from Desargues (who treated only F = R).
• Baldwin and Howard gave a direct proof (i)⇒(iii) without introducing coordin-
ates.7 It is quite involved.
It remains to prove that a desarguesian projective plane can be coordinatised. This
was first done by Hilbert and we sketch his method in § 5.
7 J. Baldwin. Formalization, primitive concepts, and purity. Rev. Symb. Log. 6 (1), 87–128. 2013.
4.4 Exercises
4.4.1. Exercise. Return to Remark 4.1.4. Prove that Pasch’s axiom is equivalent to:
if a line meets two sides of a triangle, it also meets the third side.
4.4.2. Exercise. Let S = (P , L, Π) be a projective 3-space. Prove the following.
1. If π 1 ≠ π 2 are distinct planes sharing line ℓ, then π 1 ∩ π 2 = ℓ.
2. If p, q are points then there are at least two planes containing them.
3. If p ≠ q are distinct points on plane π, then (pq) ⊆ π.
4. Lemma 4.1.3.
We do not cover (2) entirely, and we entirely omit (3). Details are to be found in
Hilbert’s Grundlagen der Geometrie, chapter V. The proof starts here.
m mx
π→m, //n (x)
Notation for directions. Let ℓ, m, n be three pairwise non-parallel lines (later we shall
require them to be non-concurrent).
For x ∈ A we let:
• ℓ x be the line parallel to ℓ through x;
• m x be the line parallel to m through x;
• n x be the line parallel to n through x.
π→ℓ, //n ∶ A → ℓ
x ↦ ℓ ∩ nx .
Since n x // n is not parallel to ℓ, this makes sense. Define π→m, //n ∶ A → m similarly.
Notice that π→ℓ, //n is the identity on ℓ (and similarly for π→m, //n ).
ℓ → m
a ↦ a′ ∶= n a ∩ m
clearly a bijection between ℓ and m. For any x ∈ A one has (π→ℓ, //n (x))′ = π→m, //n (x).
Finally let 0 = ℓ ∩ m and notice 0′ = 0.
5.2 Addition
m mb
a′ p a,b
ℓ a′
0 a b a+b
Proof. Since ℓ and m are not parallel and // is an equivalence relation, p a,b is
uniquely defined. So is a + b ∈ ℓ. Neutrality is obvious as the construction then
degenerates: ℓ 0′ = ℓ so p 0,a = ℓ ∩ m a = a, and m 0 = m so p a,0 = ℓ a ′ ∩ m = a′ , whence
a + 0 = π→ℓ, //n (a′ ) = a.
m ma mb
b ′ ℓb′
p b,a qb
a′ ℓ a′
qa p a,b
0 a b
• q a = m a ∩ ℓ a′ ;
• qb = mb ∩ ℓb′ .
Step 1. Points 0, q a , q b are collinear.
qa r
Verification. Consider the Desargues configuration (q b ; p b,a , q a , p a,b ; b′ , o, b).
p b,a
0 qa
p a,b
Then (b ′ o) = m and (p b,a q a ) = m a are parallel, and also (ob) = ℓ and (q a p a,b ) =
ℓ a ′ are parallel. By the Desargues property, (b ′ b) = n b and (p b,a p a,b ) are parallel.
Since (p b,a p a,b ) // n, one has n p b,a = n p a,b . Hence b + a = π→ℓ, //n (p b,a ) =
π→ℓ, //n (p a,b ) = a + b.
Proof. Let a, b, c ∈ ℓ; we may suppose that all three are distinct, and distinct from 0.
Consider the following picture.
(b + c)′ p b+c ,a
(a + b)′ p a+b,c
b ′ p b,c
p b,a
a a+b c b+c
• We also know that ((a + b)′ (b + c)′ ) = m is parallel to (p b,a p b+c,a ) = m a ,
which is parallel to (p b,c p a+b,c ) = m c .
5.3 Multiplication
Let 1 = ℓ ∩ n; since ℓ, m, n not to concur, one has 1 ≠ 0.
t a,b
1′ α
0 1 b a⋅b
5.4.2. Proposition. A ≃ A2 (F).
Proof. Not as trivial as it seems. One key step is to show that the isomorphism type of
F = (ℓ; +, ⋅) depends on none of the choices we made (we fixed ℓ, m, n, 0, 1, . . . ). This
uses the Desargues property. Then ‘the same coordinates can be used everywhere’, and
one retrieves A ≃ A2 (F).
Proof. Suppose P is desarguesian and gives rise to two fields F and F′ . Then P ≃
P2 (F). But when applied to P2 (F), one can check step by step that Hilbert’s method
yields F. It follows that F′ ≃ F: the coordinatising skew-field is unique up to isomorph-
5.4.4. Remark (coordinatising the uncoordinatisable). One can still attempt to coordin-
atise non-desarguesian affine planes using weaker algebraic structures than skew-fields.
So-called ternary rings serve this purpose. A ternary ring is a pair (R, T) where R is a set
and T∶ R 3 → R a ternary operation of some form, which aims at capturing the behaviour
of (a, x, b) ↦ ax + b. These algebraic structures are arguably not ‘core mathematics’. 8
5.5 Exercises
5.5.1. Exercise. In a desarguesian affine plane, let x 1 , x 2 , y 1 , y 2 , r, s be such that (x 1 x 2 )//
(y 1 r)//(y 2 s) and (y 1 y 2 )//(x 1 s)//(x 2 r). Prove that if (x 1 y 1 )//(x 2 y 2 ), then (rs)//(x 1 y 1 ).
y2 s
y1 r
x1 x2
3. Let p = a ⋅ b; also let q 1 = (1p′ ) ∩ n b and q 2 = (1p′ )c ∩ n b⋅c . Draw and understand
the following picture.
8 One possible first reference for near-structures is C. Weibel, Survey of non-desarguesian planes, Not. ams,
(p ⋅ c)′
(b ⋅ c)′
b′ q1
a ′
0 1 b c b⋅c
α αb
6.1 Statement of the property
6.1.1. Definition (pappian projective plane). A projective plane is pappian if it has the
projective Pappus property, which is the following axiom.
If a, b, c are collinear points and a ′ , b ′ , c ′ are collinear points (being six non-
collinear points in total), then the intersection points a ′′ = (cb′ ) ∩ (bc ′ ),
b ′′ = (ac ′ ) ∩ (ca ′ ), and c ′′ = (ab ′ ) ∩ (ba′ ) are collinear.
o a b c
b ′′ c ′′
a ′′
a1 a2 o a1 a5 a3
a6 a3 a6
a5 a4 b′′ c ′′
a ′′
How to remember Pappus: draw two pictures, erase one. 1. Draw an ordinary
hexagon. You should see ‘opposite sides’. Imagine that points a 1 , a 3 , a 5 are
on one line ℓ 1 , and points a 2 , a 4 , a 6 are on another line ℓ 2 . 2. Draw two
lines ℓ 1 and ℓ 2 . Hang your hexagon on ℓ 1 and ℓ 2 (do not care for convexity,
not an incidence-theoretic notion) [dashed]. 3. Rematch opposite sides of
the hexagon: (a 1 a 2 ) with (a 4 a 5 ), and so on (it is worth looking at the left
picture here). Get resulting intersections [dotted]. 4. Draw the ‘Pappus line’
(a′′ − b′′ − c ′′ ) and erase the left picture.
6.1.2. Definition (pappian affine plane). An affine plane A is pappian if it has the affine
Pappus property, which is the following axiom.
Let a, b, c be collinear points and c ′ , b ′ , a′ be collinear points (being six
non-collinear points in total). If (ab ′ )//(ba′ ) and (c ′ b)//(b ′ c), then (ac ′ )//
(ca ′ ).
o c′ b′ a′
This is just one affine Pappus configuration. Draw the other one.
As one expects, pappianism is preserved under projectivisation/affinisation.
• i = (ab) ∩ (a ′ c ′ );
• j = (oi) ∩ (bc);
• j′ = (oi) ∩ (b ′ c ′ );
• k = (oa) ∩ (bc ′ ).
a k b′
o j
a ′′ b′′ c ′′
Hard to read, for reference only. The initial configuration,
with known collinearities; points o, i, j, j′ are collinear.
Verification. Consider the triples a, i, b and o, c, c ′ , in this order. Notice that they are
collinear by construction and the Desargues assumption.
o c c′
No notion of betweenness, but order matters.
• (ac) = (ab ′′ ) and (ic ′ ) = (a′ c ′ ) = (a ′ b ′′ ) so (ac) ∩ (ic ′ ) = b′′ ;
Verification. Now consider the triples i, a ′ , c ′ and o, b, b ′ . They are also collinear by
construction and the Desargues assumption.
o b b′
b c′ k
• (ic ′ ) = (a′ c ′ ) = (a ′ b ′′ ) and ( jk) = ( jb′′ ) by Step 1, so (ic ′ ) ∩ ( jb′′ ) = b ′′ ;
• (b j) = (bc) = (ba′′ ) and (c ′ j′ ) = (b ′ c ′ ) = (b ′ a ′′ ), so (b j) ∩ (c ′ j′ ) = a ′′ ;
• (ib) = (ab) = (ac ′′ ) and ( j′ k) = ( j′ c ′′ ) by Step 2, so (ib) ∩ ( j′ k) = c ′′ .
This is exactly the desired collinearity for the Desargues property. Of course we
treated only the case where all points where distinct. Rigorously speaking one ought
to handle the degenerate cases as well, but this is tedious.
As for the affine case, if A is pappian, then so is its projectivisation Â. By the
projective case, Â is therefore desarguesian. Now removing the line at infinity we just
added, A is desarguesian as well.
6.2.2. Remarks.
• Not treating annoying cases is always dangerous: Hessenberg’s proof was no more
fully rigorous than ours.9
• The converse fails: there exist desarguesian, non-pappian affine/projective planes.
• However, for finite planes, Desargues implies Pappus: Proposition 6.3.4 of the next
Step 1. A2 (F) is pappian iff P2 (F) is.
9 See A. Seidenberg. Pappus implies Desargues. Amer. Math. Monthly 83(3), 1976.
a τ1 b τ2 c
c′ b′ a′
Proof. The converse implication is one direction of Pappus’ Theorem 6.3.1. For the
direct implication, let P be pappian. Then by Hessenberg’s Theorem 6.2.1, P is desar-
guesian. Therefore by Hilbert’s Theorem 3.3.1, there is a skew-field F with P ≃ P2 (F).
Now P2 (F) is pappian, and by Pappus’ Theorem 6.3.1, F is commutative.
6.3.3. Remarks.
• Our argument goes through Hessenberg’s and Hilbert’s theorems. I am not aware
of a quicker proof directly producing coordinates from the Pappus property.
• As a consequence of Corollary 6.3.2, the theory of affine/projective planes is un-
Return to the implication ‘Pappus implies Desargues’. The general converse fails: let
F be any non-commutative skew-field, for instance the quaternions H. Then P2 (H) is
desarguesian but not pappian. However, in the finite case, the converse does hold.
6.3.4. Proposition. Let P be a finite, desarguesian projective plane. Then P is pappian.
6.3.5. Remark. This argument given here is quite algebraic as it relies on the introduc-
tion of a coordinate system, and its study using Wedderburn’s Theorem. The first essen-
tially geometric proof of Proposition 6.3.4 was found by Tecklenburg.11 But finitess is
important, so number-theoretic estimates must play a role. Tecklenburg’s proof relies,
in the very end, on cyclotomic polynomials—as a matter of fact, the very same kind of
argument that Witt so aptly introduced in order to prove. . . Wedderburn’s Theorem.
6.4 Exercises
6.4.1. Exercise. Draw the missing case of the affine Pappus configuration.
6.4.2. Exercise. Let P be a pappian projective plane. Show that P̌ λ is pappian (with respect
to any line). Conversely, show that the projectivisation of a pappian affine plane remains
7.1 The general linear group
The definition should be known, but skew-commutativity has unexpected effects.
7.1.1. Definition (general linear group). Let GL(V ) be the group of linear automorph-
isms, viz. of additive automorphisms such that for all λ, v one has g(λv) = λg(v).
These objects are also called automorphisms of the vector space V .
7.1.2. Remarks.
• Scalar maps need not be linear. More precisely let λ ∈ F. If the space is non-trivial,
then (v ↦ λv) is linear iff λ ∈ Z(F), the centre of F.
• We do not claim that F× Id is a normal subgroup of GL(V ). As a matter of fact,
F× Id need not be contained in GL(V ). (This is exactly the first remark.)
• In finite dimension, the map (v ↦ λv) is not represented by the diagonal matrix:
⎛λ ⎞
D=⎜ ⋱ ⎟.
⎝ λ⎠
Indeed linear maps (in finite dimension) can be represented by matrices acting
from the right on row vectors, and the linear map R ↦ R ⋅ D is not the scalar
action λ (the latter being ‘multiplication from the left’). One may check this with
Proof. Bear in mind that P2 (F) = P(F3 ) is the set of (left-)vector lines in F3 , with lines
the set of (left-)vector planes in F3 . Any g ∈ GL(F3 ) preserves (left-)proportionality,
so induces a map P(g)∶ P2 (V ) → P2 (V ) (in functorial notation), or [g]∶ P2 (V ) →
P2 (V ) (in equivalence class notation). Explicitly, define γ = P(g) = [g] by letting:
γ([v]) = [g(v)],
Proof. Let σ∶ F → F be a skew-field automorphism. This induces a map V (σ)∶ F3 →
F3 (in functorial notation). Explicitly, extend σ to a map f = σ̂ on F3 by letting, in
f ((x, y, z)) = (σ(x), σ(y), σ(z)).
The map f is an additive bijection, but not a linear one: f (λ ⋅ v) = σ(λ) ⋅ f (v) need
not equal λ ⋅ f (v). (Technically, f is called ‘σ-semi-linear’.)
Still, f preserves proportionality. Therefore (still in functorial notation), it induces
a map P2 (σ)∶ P2 (F) → P2 (F). Explicitly, define σ = P2 (σ) = P( f ) = [ f ] by letting:
σ([v]) = [ f (v)].
7.2.3. Remarks.
• In projective coordinates, σ([λ, µ, ν]) = [σ(λ), σ(µ), σ(ν)].
• The proof decomposes into two steps: first show that σ induces f = σ̂ on F3 , then
quotient down to an automorphism σ = P( f ) = P2 (σ) of P2 (F) = {non-zero
vectors}/proportionality. This motivates the study of maps like f .
(This is defined only for additive maps.) The sum of semi-linear maps attached to
distinct automorphisms is not semi-linear. This is a strong indication that we should
focus on the group structure and not look for ring structures. Indeed, the composition
of two semi-linear maps is a semi-linear map, for the composition of automorphisms;
and the inverse of a semi-linear additive automorphism is one, for the inverse field auto-
7.3.2. Definition (group of semi-linear automorphisms). Let ΓΛ(V ) be the group of
semi-linear additive automorphisms of V .
7.3.3. Examples.
1. Every g ∈ GL(V ) is linear, viz. IdF -semi-linear, so GL(V ) ≤ ΓΛ(V ). (Actually
GL(V ) ⊴ ΓΛ(V ) as one sees in Step 3 below.)
2. F× Id ≤ GL(V ). For λ ∈ F× , let σ λ (µ) = λµλ−1 be conjugation by λ, a field
automorphism. Then (v ↦ λv) is σ λ -semi-linear.
3. More generally, if σ ∈ Aut(F), then σ̂ of Lemma 7.2.2 is σ-semi-linear.
The following reduces semi-linear, additive automorphisms of a vector space into
two parts: linear and field-automorphic.
Step 1. ΓΛ(V ) preserves proportionality.
Verification. If f ∈ ΓΛ(V ) is σ-semi-linear, then for given λ and v, one has f (λv) =
σ(λ) f (v). So proportionality is preserved. ◇
Using independence, we see that σx (λ) = σx+y (λ) = σ y (λ) does not depend on x;
we write it σ. (The argument fails if dim V ≤ 1.) By construction, σ(1) = 1.
This proves (i). We now embed Aut(F) into ΓΛ(V ). For σ ∈ Aut(F) let σ̂ be
the automorphism defined as follows. Fix a (left-)basis B = {e i ∶ i ∈ I} of V . For
x = ∑ λ i e i let:
σ̂(x) = ∑ σ(λ i )e i .
This is a σ-semi-linear automorphism. Let Σ̂ be the set of operators σ̂; clearly Aut(F) ≃
Σ̂ ≤ ΓΛ(V ). (The construction depens on the choice of B.)
Step 3. ΓΛ(V ) = GL(V ) ⋊ Σ̂.
so f −1 g f is linear.
We prove GL(V ) ∩ Σ̂ = {Id}. If f ∈ GL(V ) ∩ Σ̂, then f = σ̂ is linear, so σ = Id
and f = Id ˆ = Id.
It remains to show that GL(V ) and Σ̂ generate ΓΛ(V ). Let f ∈ ΓΛ(V ); say f is
σ-semi-linear. We give two arguments.
• First option. Let g = f ○ σ̂ −1 , an additive automorphism which is σ ○ σ −1 -semi-
linear. This means that g is linear and we are done.
• Second option. The image f (B) is a basis and GL(V ) acts transitively on bases,
so up to composing on the left with some g ∈ GL(V ) we may assume that
f ∈ ΓΛ(V ) fixes B pointwise. But f is σ-semi-linear, so it coincides with σ̂
everywhere; hence f ∈ Σ̂ and we are done.
7.4 Exercises
7.4.1. Exercise. Let F be a skew-field and V be a non-trivial left-vector space. Prove that
Z(GL(V )) = Z(F× ) Id.
It must be borne in mind that the present section deals mostly with coordinatisable
(= desarguesian) projective planes.
8.1.1. Lemma. If α ∈ Aut(P2 (F)) fixes [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1] and [1, 1, 1], then it is
of the form P2 (σ) = [σ̂] for some skew-field automorphism σ.
Proof not covered in class.
q λ = [λ, 0, 1],
r µ = [0, µ, 1],
s λ, µ = [λ, µ, 1].
12 I follow A. Keedwell, Self-collineations of desarguesian projective planes, Am. Math. Monthly, 82 no. 1,
Step 1. There is a function σ∶ F → F such that for all λ ∈ F:
Verification. Since φ fixes each p i , it stabilises each line through two of them. There-
fore there is a map σ∶ F → F with φ(q λ ) = q σ(λ) . (We cannot prove yet that it is a
field automorphism.) In coordinates:
as claimed. ◇
Step 2. One also has φ([λ, µ, 1]) = [σ(λ), σ(µ), 1]. Moreover, σ(1) = 1.
Verification. In a similar way there is τ∶ F → F with φ([0, µ, 1]) = [0, τ(µ), 1]. But
φ(s λ, µ ) = φ((p 1 r µ ) ∩ (p 2 q λ ))
= (p 1 r τ(µ) ) ∩ (p 2 q σ(λ) )
= s σ(λ),τ(µ) ,
so σ ′ = σ. ◇
Verification. By the above,
proving multiplicativity.
This and σ(1) = 1 implies that φ fixes [1, 0, 1] and [0, 1, 1]. It therefore stabil-
ises the line through them, which is exactly {[λ, µ, λ + µ] ∶ λ, µ ∈ F}. Therefore
φ([λ, µ, λ + µ]) has the same form, which proves additivity of σ. Surjectivity is no
issue; it is a field automorphism. ◇
[ f ](p) = [ f (v)].
8.2.1. Theorem.
(i) The action of ΓΛ(F3 ) on P2 (F) induces a group homomorphism ΓΛ(F3 ) → Aut(P2 (F)).
(ii) The kernel of the action is F× Id, the group of scalar maps.
• In (iv), γ and β are well-defined but g is not; g is unique only up to Z(F× ) Id =
Z(GL(F3 )).
Proof. Let f ∈ ΓΛ(V ). Then f ∶ F3 → F3 maps vector planes to vector planes. There-
fore, the induced map P f ∶ P2 (F) → P2 (F) maps projective lines to projective lines. It
is obviously incidence preserving. Therefore P f ∈ Aut(P2 (F)).
Step 1. The kernel of the action is F× Id.
Verification. Suppose f ∈ ΓΛ(V ) acts trivially on P2 (F). Then for any x ∈ F3 there
is λ x ∈ F with f (x) = λ x x. Using the ordinary tricks, λ x does not depend on x. So
f = λ Id ∈ F× Id. (Recall that we do not assert linearity of these maps: neither did we
suppose linearity of f .) The converse is obvious. ◇
To prove surjectivity is not as easy. Let X be the set of 4-tuples of points in P2 (F)
no three of which are collinear.
8.2.3. Lemma. The group PGL3 (F) acts transitively on X, viz. if (p 1 , p 2 , p 3 , p 4 ) and
(q 1 , q 2 , q 3 , q 4 ) are in X, then there is φ ∈ GL3 (F) such that ψ = P(φ) maps each p i to
qi .
(1, 1, 1) ⋅ M λ = (λ 1 , λ 2 , λ 3 ) ⋅ A.
Verification. Let α ∈ Aut(P2 (F)). Consider the four points p 1 = [1, 0, 0], p 2 =
[0, 1, 0], p 3 = [0, 0, 1], and p 4 = [1, 1, 1]. No three of them are collinear, meaning
(p 1 , p 2 , p 3 , p 4 ) ∈ X. Let q i = α(p i ); no three of these are collinear so (q 1 , q 2 , q 3 , q 4 ) ∈
X. By Lemma 8.2.3 there is γ = P(g) doing γ(p i ) = q i . Up to considering γ−1 ○ α, we
may therefore suppose that α fixes each p i . Then by Lemma 8.1.1, there is a skew-field
automorphism σ such that α = [σ̂]. So α is induced by ΓΛ(V ). ◇
Verification. We use Proposition 7.3.4. Let α ∈ Aut(P2 (F)). Then there is f ∈ ΓΛ(F3 )
with α = [ f ]. Now f = g ○ σ̂ with g ∈ GL(F3 ) and σ ∈ Aut(F). Then α = [ f ] =
[g] ○ [σ̂] has the desired form.
It remains to check uniqueness. If also α = γ 2 ○ β 2 with γ 2 = [g 2 ] and β 2 = [σ̂2 ],
then [g 2−1 g] = [σ̂2 σ̂ −1 ], so letting h = g 2−1 g ∈ GL(F3 ) and τ = σ2 σ −1 ∈ Aut(F), we
have [h] = [τ̂]. For e i in the chosen basis, there is λ i such that h(e i ) = λ i e i ; by the
usual tricks λ does not depend on i. Now h = λ Id is linear, so λ ∈ Z(F× ). So g = λg 2
and therefore γ 2 = γ; we are done. ◇
(Notice that nothing is said about finite projective with given finite automorphism
group. Determining for which finite groups G there is finite P with Aut(P) ≃ G is likely
to be extremely difficult if not impossible.)
13 C.-A. Faure, An elementary proof of the fundamental theorem of projective geometry, Geometriae Ded-
However, there is another difficult result, known only for finite projective planes.15
8.3.2. Theorem (Ostrom-Wagner). Let P be a finite projective plane. If Aut(P) is doubly
transitive, then P is coordinatisable.
8.3.3. Remark. The suitable model-theoretic analogue is a research question.
Experts in projective planes tend to use the word ‘collineation’ for an incidence-
preserving (viz. collinearity-preserving) morphism. We do not see the point of introdu-
cing specific terminology where general algebraic language is sufficiently illuminating.
8.4 Exercises
8.4.1. Exercise. Let F be a skew-field.
1. Show that:
a b
[x ∶ y] ⋅ [ ] = [xa + yc ∶ xb + yd]
c d
defines an action of PGL2 (F) on F ∪ {∞}.
2. Prove that the action is always 3-transitive.
3. Prove that it is sharply 3-transitive iff F a commutative field.
4. Let F be a skew-field such that any two non-zero elements are conjugate in F× (these
do exist, but it is hard16 ). Prove that in this case, the action is even 4-transitive.
9.1.2. Proposition. Let P be a projective plane. Then P is desarguesian iff for all choices
of p and ℓ one has:
15 T.
Ostrom, A. Wagner, On projective and affine planes with transitive collineation groups, Math. Z., 71,
pp. 186–199, 1959.
16 Exercise 3 p. 238 in: P. Cohn, P., Skew fields, theory of general division rings, Encyclopedia of Mathematics
for each line m through p, the group G p,ℓ is transitive on m ∖ ({p} ∪ ℓ).
Step 1. Direct implication.
Verification. We only sketch the idea as it plays a key role in Artin’s proof of Hilbert’s
Coordinatisation Theorem.
Suppose desarguesianity. Take p, ℓ, then m through p and a, a ′ ∈ m ∖ ({p} ∪ ℓ).
If a = a then g = Id does; so suppose not, so that m = (aa′ ). We define a partial
We extend this ‘generically given function’ to all of P by trading the base pair
(a, a ′ ) for another one. Let b be any point in P ∖ (ℓ ∪ m ∪ {p}) and b ′ = ǧ a,a ′ (b).
Since a ≠ a ′ , one has b ≠ b ′ ; so let m′ = (bb′ ). Now for x ∈ P ∖ (ℓ ∪ m′ ∪ {p}), let
g(x) = ĝ b,b ′ (x).
This is well-defined. Indeed, if x ∉ (ℓ ∪ m ∪ m′ ∪ {p}), then ĝ a,a ′ (x) = ĝ b,b ′ (x)
reduces to a Desargues property, which holds.
b ′ = ǧ a,a ′ (b)
g(x) = ǧ a,a ′ (x) = ǧ b,b ′ (x)
tx tx tb
(using b) (using a)
9.1.3. Remarks.
• The action is then sharply transitive as there is a unique g ∈ G p,ℓ taking a to a′ .
This can be seen during the proof (at each step, there is no choice), or after the
proof. Indeed, once P is known to be desarguesian, it follows P ≃ P2 (F) for some
skew-field F. Removing ℓ has the effect of taking us to the affine plane A2 (b F).
Then the action of (the restriction of) G p,ℓ is either that of translations parallel to ℓ
(p ∈ ℓ) or of homotheties with centre p. In either case, there is only one possibility
for g: this is sharp transitivity.
• There is more group theory to do here, notably in the finite case. For example,
Gleason17 proved the following.
Let P be a finite projective plane. Suppose that for all p, ℓ with p ∈ ℓ, one has
G p,ℓ ≠ {1}. Then P is desarguesian.
André18 proved a similar result, quantifying over pairs (p, ℓ) with p ∉ ℓ.
9.2 Projectivities
This subsection and the next deal with local functions, viz. maps not defined on the
whole of a projective plane. We introduce a relevant group for the local analysis of
projective planes. Its elements are called self-projectivities. Defining it requires some
17 A. Gleason, Finite Fano Planes, Amer. Jour. Math, 78 no. 4, pp. 797–807, October 1956
18 J. André, Über Perspektivitäten in endlichen projektiven Ebenen, Arch. Math. 6, pp. 29–32, 1954.
9.2.1. Definition (perspectivity). Let ℓ ≠ m be two lines and p ∉ ℓ ∪ m. The perspectivity
ℓ Ð→ m is the map taking a ∈ ℓ to a ′ = (ap) ∩ m.
a p
ℓ m
9.2.5. Remarks (the projective line). In this remark we assume the presence of a co-
ordinate system, viz. P ≃ P2 (F) for a skew-field F.
• Since Proj(ℓ) does not depend on ℓ, we may focus on the line with equation z = 0,
viz. ℓ = {[x, y, 0] ∶ x, y ∈ F}. Hence ℓ ∈ P2 (F) can be represented as P1 (F) =
{[x ∶ y]; (x, y) ∈ F2 ∖ {(0, 0)}} = F ∪ {∞}.
9.2.6. Proposition. Let P be any projective plane with line ℓ. Then Proj(ℓ) acts 3-transitively
on ℓ.
Proof. Let f 1 , f 2 be two distinct points on ℓ: we show that the stabiliser of f 1 and f 2 in
Proj(ℓ) acts transitively on ℓ ∖ { f 1 , f 2 }. Let x and y be points there.
Let m 1 ≠ ℓ be a line through f 1 , and m 2 ≠ ℓ be a line through f 2 . Choose any
p ∈ m 1 ∖ ℓ. Now let q x = (px) ∩ m 2 and q y = (py) ∩ m 2 . Finally, let r = m 1 ∩ m 2 .
m2 m1
f1 f2 x y
ℓ Ð→ m1 Ð→ ℓ
qx qy
f1 ↦ f1 ↦ f1
f2 ↦ r ↦ f2
x ↦ p ↦ y.
• z = ℓ′ ∩ ℓ′′ .
o a b c
a′ ℓ′
q ℓ′′ z
b ′′ c ′′
a ′′
We must prove a ′′ ∈ (b′′ c ′′ ).
ℓ Ð→ ℓ′′ Ð→ ℓ′
′a a
a ↦ q ↦ a′
b ↦ c ′′ ↦ b′
c ↦ b′′ ↦ c′
o ↦ z ↦ z
Next consider this other projectivity (undefined point x plays no real role, since (xb) =
(bb ′ )):
ℓ Ð→ ℓ′′ Ð→ ℓ′
′ b b
a ↦ c ′′ ↦ a′
b ↦ x ↦ b′
c ↦ α ′′ ↦ γ′
o ↦ z ↦ z
Now the assumption that Proj(ℓ) is sharply 3-transitive on ℓ immediately implies
that for given lines m, m′ , there is a unique projectivity m → m′ taking a distinct triple
of m to one of m′ . This means that γ′ = c ′ .
Hence α ′′ ∈ (bγ ′ ) = (bc ′ ) and α ′′ ∈ (b ′ c) so α ′′ = a ′′ lies on ℓ′′ = (b′′ c ′′ ), as
9.4 Exercises
9.4.1. Exercise. Return to the proof of Step 2 in Proposition 9.1.2. Which Desargues prop-
erty is used?
9.4.2. Exercise (cross-ratio). In this exercise, F is a commutative field. We consider the
usual action of PGL2 (F) on ℓ = P1 (F). We extend field arithmetic to include ∞ with
1/0 = ∞, and so on. The cross-ratio of x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , x 4 is:
(x 1 − x 3 )(x 2 − x 4 )
γ(x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , x 4 ) = .
(x 1 − x 4 )(x 2 − x 3 )
Prove that the group of bijections of ℓ preserving γ is exactly PGL2 (F).
9.4.3. Exercise. Give a geometric proof that if P is pappian, then Proj(ℓ) is sharply 3-
transitive. (First prove that any product of self-projectivities is a product of at most two
10.1 Dilations
The group of automorphisms of A2 (F) is F+2 ⋊ ΓΛ(F2 ). To ‘reconstruct F from A2 (F)’,
one may prefer a soluble subgroup. On the other hand, behaviour of Aut(A) in an ab-
stract affine plane A is quite unpredictable. Artin’s method is to focus on a special sub-
group of Aut(A).
10.1.1. Definition (the group of dilations). A dilation of A is an automorphism which
takes any line to a parallel line, viz. satisfying:
10.1.2. Remarks.
• In projective terms, a dilation is an automorphism of  fixing the line at infinity
pointwise (more precisely: the restriction to A of such an automorphism):
(i) Suppose f fixes a and b. Using our convention to write x ′ for f (x), this means
a ′ = a and b′ = b. The proof will introduce two cases, points not on (ab) being
easier to understand. This kind of case division will be common.
a′ = a d b′ = b
10.2 Translations
10.2.1. Definition (translation). A translation of A is either the identity map IdA , or a
fixed point-free dilation. Let Trans(A) be their set (one must prove that it is a group).
10.2.2. Remark. The terminology is consistent with ordinary practice: if A = A2 (F),
then a translation in this sense is one in the usual sense.
Remember that given a point a and line ℓ, we use ℓ a to denote the unique line parallel
to ℓ through a. Moreover, for t a translation ≠ IdA and a a point, one has t(a) ≠ a so
line (at(a)) is well-defined.
10.2.3. Proposition.
(i) If t is a translation ≠ IdA then for any a, b ∈ A, one has (at(a))//(bt(b)).
(ii) If t ≠ IdA is a translation and b ∉ (aa′ ) then b ′ = (ab) a ′ ∩ (aa ′ )b .
a a′
b b′
(iii) Trans(A) ⊴ Dil(A) is a normal subgroup.
(iv) If two translations coincide at one point, they are equal.
Proof. Whenever working with only one dilation (eg. a translation), we implicitly use
notation x ′ = f (x).
(i) Suppose there is a counterexample. Then lines (aa′ ) and (bb ′ ); let c = (aa′ ) ∩
(bb′ ).
a a′
b b′
t2 t 1 (a)
t 1 (b)
• On the other hand, because t 2 t 1 is a dilation fixing a:
so t 2 t 1 (b) ∈ (ab).
If lines (b t 2 (b)) and (ab) are parallel, then reading the above computations we
see that (ab) = (a t 1 (a)), against the choice of b. So lines (b t 2 (b)) and (ab)
are not parallel, and their intersection is exactly b. Therefore t 2 t 1 (b) = b. But a
dilation fixing two points is the identity by Proposition 10.1.3. We are done.
(iv) If t 1 (a) = t 2 (a), then t ′ = t 2−1 t 1 is a translation by (iii). It has a fixed point, so
t 2−1 t 1 = IdA .
a a′
b b′
c c′
Two triangles on three parallel lines. If two pairs of sides are parallel, so is
the third.
The property is also called the small Desargues axiom.
10.3.2. Proposition.
(i) A has (p,p)-Desargues iff Trans(A) is transitive on A.
(ii) If this holds, then Trans(A) is abelian.
10.3.3. Remarks.
• Since distinct translations never coincide anywhere, there can be at most one
translation t mapping given a to given b. So in (i), transitivity is equivalent to
sharp transitivity.
• The converse of (ii) need not hold: one can construct affine planes with Trans(A) =
{Id} (which is abelian, but not transitive).
(i) First suppose that Trans(A) is transitive on A; we prove (p,p)-Desargues. Take
a (p,p)-Desargues configuration (a, b, c; a ′ , b ′ , c ′ ); suppose (ab) // (a ′ b ′ ) and
(ac)//(a ′ c ′ ). We want to show (bc)//(b ′ c ′ ). By transitivity, let t be the translation
mapping a to a ′ . Then by Proposition (ii), one has t(b) = (ab) a ′ ∩ (aa′ )b = b′
and t(c) = c ′ likewise. Now since t is a dilation, (b ′ c ′ )//(bc), as desired.
The converse is more interesting, and requires partial maps. Suppose (p,p)-
Desargues holds. For any pair of distinct points (a, a′ ), we define a partial map
ť a,a ′ ∶ A ∖ (aa′ ) → A by:
This defines a global map t a,a ′ ∶ A → A, and t a,a ′ (a) = a′ . We must prove that
t a,a ′ is a translation. Notice that if t a,a ′ (b) = b′ , then t a,a ′ = t b,b ′ .
Step 2. t a,a ′ is a dilation.
a a′
x x′
y y′
z z′
Finally t is a translation. Otherwise it has a fixed point b.
a a′
b′ = b
a t 2 (a)
t 1 (a)
as desired.
Case 2. Suppose a, t 1 (a), t 2 (a) are collinear, say on ℓ. The above no longer
applies. By AP3 take b ∉ ℓ. By transitivity, there is a translation t 0 taking a
to b. If t 1 t 0 (a) = t 1 (b) ∈ ℓ, then ℓ = (t 1 (a)t 1 (b))//(ab) and b ∈ (ab) = ℓ, a
contradiction. So t 1 t 0 (a) ∉ ℓ. Therefore, by case 1 applied to pairs (t 1 t 0 , t 2 )
and (t 0 , t 2 ):
10.3.4. Remark. Abelianity can be proved assuming only the existence of translations
having different ‘directions’ (see Definition 11.2.2 below). The latter is proved to be a
consequence of (p, p)-Desargues, but is weaker.
10.4 Exercises
10.4.1. Exercise. Let f ≠ IdA be a dilation. Suppose that for any a, b ∈ A one has (aa′ )//
(bb ′ ). Prove that f is a translation.
11 Artin’s coordinatisation (2): the skew-field
Abstract. A sequel to § 10. We recover a vector geometry from an affine plane,
paying attention to assumptions. § 11.1 introduces homotheties and another form
of the Desargues property. § 11.2 constructs the ring of direction-preserving endo-
morphisms of Trans(A), provided the latter is abelian. § 11.3 shows it is a skew-field,
provided A has (p,p)-Desargues. § 11.4 finishes coordinatisation, provided A has
(c, p)-Desargues.
b b′
Two triangles on three concurrent lines. If two pairs of sides are parallel, so
is the third.
The property is also called the big Desargues axiom.
11.1.4. Proposition. A has (c,p)-Desargues iff for any line ℓ and point o ∈ ℓ, Homo (A)
acts transitively on ℓ ∖ {o}.
11.1.5. Remark. Here again, since an element of Homo (A) already fixes o and a non-
identity dilation has at most one fixed point, sharpness is for free.
Proof. Exercise 11.5.1.
Proof. The statement is not obvious geometrically. We give an algebraic proof, using
the equivalences of Propositions 10.3.2 and 11.1.4. It suffices to show that Trans(A) acts
transitively. Let a, a ′ be distinct points of A.
Let o ∈ (aa′ ) ∖ {a, a ′ } (here we must assume that lines have more than three
points). By assumption, there is g 1 ∈ Homo (A) such that g 1 (a) = a′ . Also let b ∉ (ao),
and let b′ = (ab) a ′ ∩ (aa′ )b , then b ′′ = g 1 (b). By assumption, there is g 2 ∈ Hom a ′ (A)
such that g 2 (b ′′ ) = b′ .
o a a′
b b′
b ′′
• An endomorphism λ∶ Trans(A) → Trans(A) is direction-preserving if: for any
t ∈ Trans(A) ∖ {IdA }, one has λ(t) ≠ IdA and d λ(t) = d t .
Let F = {λ ∈ End(Trans(A)) ∶ λ is direction-preserving} ∪ {0}.
In particular a direction-preserving endomorphism of Trans(A) is injective by con-
11.2.3. Proposition. Let A be an affine plane such that Trans(A) is abelian. Then F is a
subring of End(Trans(A)).
Verification. Let λ, µ ∈ F; we may assume that neither λ nor µ is 0. Then both are
injective, and therefore λ ⋅ µ ≠ 0. Now for any t ∈ Trans(A) ∖ {IdA }, d(λ⋅µ(t) =
d λ(µ(t)) = d µ(t) = d t , so by definition, λ ⋅ µ ∈ F. ◇
λh ∶ T → T
t ↦ hth−1 .
Proof. The proof entirely relies on a geometric lemma, proved after its consequences.
11.3.3. Lemma. Suppose that A has (p,p)-Desargues. Let a ∈ A be fixed. Then for all
λ ∈ F ∖ {0} there is a unique h ∈ Hom a (A) with λ h = λ.
We first show how it implies the Proposition.
• Let λ ∈ F ∖ {0}. By the Lemma, λ = λ h for some h. Let µ = λ h −1 . Then µ ∈ F
and λµ = µλ = 1 in F, so F is a skew-field.
t λ(t)
t a,xx
λ(t a,x )
Verification. First notice that h is well-defined since t a,x exists and is unique. Also
h(a) = λ(IdA )(a) = IdA (a) = a since λ is a group endomorphism. But we have a
number of things to check that it is a dilation.
Let y ∈ A be another point. Then t a, y = t x , y t a,x since these two translations
coincide at a. Therefore, using that λ is a group endomorphism:
Step 2. λ h = λ.
Verification. Take any t ∈ Trans(A); say t = t a,b for some b. Then λ h (t) = hth−1 is
the translation taking a to hth −1 (a) = ht(a) = h(b) = λ(t a,b )(a) = λ(t)(a). So
λ h (t) = λ(t), for any translation; hence λ h = λ in F. ◇
(i) for t, t ′ ∈ Trans(A) ∖ {Id}, one has d t = d t ′ iff there is λ ∈ F with t ′ = λt;
(ii) Trans(A) is 2-dimensional as a left-vector space over F;
(iii) A ≃ A2 (F).
Proof. Recall from Corollary 11.1.6 that (c, p)-Desargues implies (p, p)-Desargues,
which in turn implies (sharp) transitivity of Trans(A) on A by Proposition 10.3.2.
Whevener a ≠ b ∈ A, we let t a,b be the unique translation taking a to b. Its direc-
tion is then the parallelism class of (ab).
(i) Let t, t ′ ∈ Trans(A) ∖ {IdA }. If there is λ ∈ F with t ′ = λt then λ ≠ 0, so by
definition, λ is direction-preserving; hence d t ′ = d t .
Now suppose d t ′ = d t , and say t = t o,a , t ′ = t o,a ′ . By (c, p)-Desargues, there is
h ∈ Homo (A) doing h(a) = a ′ . Then let λ = λ h . We know that:
λt = hth−1
= t o,hth −1 (o)
= t o,ht(o)
= t o,h(a)
= t o,a ′
= t′ .
(ii) It suffices to show that two translations with different directions span Trans(A).
These exist under (p, p)-Desargues. Let t 1 , t 2 have directions d 1 ≠ d 2 . Let t be
another translation. By (i) we may suppose that the direction of t is neither d 1
nor d 2 . Fix a ∈ A and let b = t(a).
d2 d1
a b
Lines (d 1 )b and (d 2 ) a are not parallel, so they meet at say c. Clearly c is neither
a nor b. So t c,b has direction d 1 , which is the same as t 1 . By (i), there is λ ∈ F with
t c,b = λt 1 . Likewise, the direction of t a,c is d 2 , so there is µ ∈ F with t a,c = µt 2 .
t = t a,b = t c,b ○ t a,c = (λ(t 1 )) ○ (µ(t 2 )),
as transformations of A, which in vector space notation rewrites: t = λ ⋅ t 1 + µ ⋅ t 2 .
(iii) Fix any o ∈ A. Then by sharp transitivity, A = Trans(A) ⋅ o is parametrised by
Trans(A) ≃ F2 as a left-vector space over F. So we may represent points in A by
pairs in F2 .
Let p 1 ≠ p 2 be two points in A. Then for any q ∈ A one has equivalences:
q ∈ (p 1 p 2 ) iff q = p 1 or (p 1 q)//(p 1 p 2 )
iff q = p 1 or d t p 1 q = d t p 1 p 2
iff (∃λ ∈ F)(t p 1 ,q = λt p 1 , p 2 ).
11.4.2. Remarks.
• I do not know which finite values of dimF Trans(A) are possible in abstract affine
• Objects Trans(A) and F are intrinsic, viz. do not depend on anything. On the
other hand coordinatisation does: it depends on the choice of o. Notice that we
do not introduce other extrinsic data; Artin’ method requires no axes.
• Hilbert’s and Artin’s methods have in common that one has to go to the affine part
of a desarguesian projective plane. I am not aware of proofs entirely taking place
in the original projective plane.
• I am not aware either of quicker arguments directly coordinatising ‘projective 3-
spaces’ (Definition 4.1.1).19
11.5 Exercises
11.5.1. Exercise. Prove Proposition 11.1.4, viz.: A has (c,p)-Desargues iff for any line ℓ and
point o ∈ ℓ, Homo (A) acts transitively on ℓ ∖ {o}.
For the direct implication, first construct a partial map ȟ o,a→a ′ defined on A ∖ ℓ.
19 To some extent, the following sketches an answer, but not a very satisfactory one as it resembles an in-
termediate stage between Hilbert and Artin. M. K. Bennett, Coordinatization of affine and projective space,
Discrete Mathematics 4, pp. 219–231, 1973.
11.5.2. Exercise. There is a (c, c)-Desargues property; draw its picture. Now give a geo-
metric proof that (c, p)-Desargues implies (c, c)-Desargues.20
(It is a consequence of coordinatisation that (c, p) implies all other affine forms.)
12 Duality
Abstract. § 12.1 dualises geometric statements; if a geometric statement φ holds in
all projective planes, then so does its dual statement φ∗ . § 12.2 dualises projective
planes, viz. attaches to each projective plane a dual plane, with dual properties.
§ 12.3 studies the behaviour of the Desargues and Pappus properties under duality.
We use the following notation from mathematical logical. For Γ an incidence geo-
metry and φ a geometric statement (one about points, lines, incidence), write Γ ⊧ φ if
Γ satisfies φ.
12.1 Duality
Return to the definition of a projective plane (Definition 2.1.1). There is a noticeable
symmetry in the axioms when one exchanges points and lines.
12.1.1. Definition (dual statement). Let φ be a statement about projective planes. Its
dual statement is the statement φ∗ obtained by exchanging the words ‘point’ and ‘line’,
and exchanging the symbols ∈ and ∋.
12.1.2. Example. The dual statement of PP1 is PP1 ∗ = PP2 . Likewise, PP2 ∗ = PP1 . This
is not surprising since φ∗∗ = φ.
12.1.3. Theorem (duality theorem). Let φ be a statement about projective planes. Then φ
holds in every projective plane iff φ∗ does.
Be careful that ‘being desarguesian’ does not hold in every projective plane, so it is
not a suitable φ. But ‘Pappus implies Desargues’ is an example of such a statement.
Proof using mathematical logic. Since φ∗∗ is always the formula φ, one implication
is enough. We want to argue by symmetry of the axioms for projective planes. We
know that PP1 ∗ = PP2 , but we should also do something about PP3 .
Step 1. Let Γ be an incidence geometry satisfying PP1 and PP2 . Then in Γ, PP3 is
equivalent to:
PP3 ∗ . There are four distinct lines, no three of which are concurrent.
Verification. Suppose PP3 . There are four points a, b, c, d no three of which are col-
linear. So lines (ab), (ac), (bc), (bd) are four in number and no three of them con-
cur. Hence PP3 ∗ holds. The converse can be obtained similarly. ◇
words ‘points’ and ‘lines’ in the proof (and revert incidence accordingly). The resulting
text is a proof of φ∗ using only axioms PP1 ∗ = PP2 , PP2 ∗ = PP1 , and PP3 ∗ . Since the
latter is a consequence of PP1 , PP2 , and PP3 , it holds in any projective plane. Therefore
so does φ∗ .
12.1.4. Remark. The proof is not very satisfactory as it relies on proof theory. § 12.2 gives
a better one.
Since axioms of a projective plane are self-dual, but axioms of an affine plane are
not, we focus on projective planes. (The dual geometry of an affine plane is not an affine
12.2.4. Remark. In general, P ≃/ P∗ . However P ≃ P∗∗ always and canonically.
Better proof of the duality Theorem 12.1.3. Suppose all projective planes satisfy φ.
In particular, for all projective planes P, one has P∗ ⊧ φ; hence P ⊧ φ∗ . So all projective
planes satisfy φ∗ . Applying to φ∗ , we get the converse.
Let F be a skew-field. Remember that the opposite skew-field Fop has same underly-
ing set, same addition, but multiplication:
a ⋅op b = b ⋅ a.
12.2.5. Remarks.
• There is a general notion of the opposite group G op , and one always has G op ≃ G
(using inversion). But knowing F× ≃ (F× )op is not enough as addition is not
necessarily preserved.
• F = Fop iff F is commutative.
• H ≃ Hop thanks to quaternion conjugation. In general, F ≃ Fop iff F admits an
• So in general, F ≃/ Fop .
12.2.6. Proposition. Let F be a skew-field. Then (P2 (F))∗ ≃ P2 (Fop ).
12.2.7. Remarks.
• In particular, if F is a commutative field, then (P2 (F))∗ ≃ P2 (F).
• The converse may fail. For instance, although H is not commutative, i.e. H ≠ Hop ,
one has H ≃ Hop . So (P2 (H))∗ ≃ P2 (Hop ) ≃ P2 (H).
Proof of the Proposition. One must pay attention to sides. There are three important
(λ ⋅op µ) ∗ v = (µ ⋅ λ) ∗ v
= v ⋅ (µ ⋅ λ)
= (v ⋅ µ) ⋅ λ
= λ ∗ (µ ∗ v).
If L ≤ K3 is a (left-K-)vector line, then L⊥ ≤ K3 is a (right-K-)vector plane, so
L ≤ F3 is a (left-F-)vector plane. Likewise, if H ≤ K3 is a (left-K-)vector plane, then
f ∶ P(PK ) → L(PF ),
L ↦ L⊥
g ∶ L(PK ) → P(PF ).
H ↦ H⊥
These are clearly bijections. Now let (p, ℓ) ∈ P(PK ) × L(PK ), say p = L ≤ K3 and
ℓ = H ≤ K3 . Since duality reverses inclusion:
First proof. One implication suffices since P∗∗ ≃ P. Suppose P is desarguesian. Then
using Hilbert coordinatisation, there is a skew-field F with P ≃ P2 (F). Then by Pro-
position 12.2.6, P∗ ≃ (P2 (F))∗ ≃ P2 (Fop ) is desarguesian as well.
• ω, β, β′ are concurrent;
• ω, γ, γ′ are concurrent.
To prove Desargues∗ is to prove that lines α ′′ = (β ∩ γ β′ ∩ γ′ ), β ′′ = (α ∩ γ α ′ ∩ γ′ ),
and γ′′ = (α ∩ β α ′ ∩ β ′ ) are concurrent.
c′ ω
a0 b0 c0
α′ γ′
α β β ′ γ
• b = α ∩ γ and b ′ = α ′ ∩ γ′ ;
• c = α ∩ β and c ′ = α ′ ∩ β′ .
With this notation we now have α ′′ = (aa′ ), and so on.
Consider the following Desargues configuration (mind the swap on line ω):
b c
The various collinearities occur on lines ω, α, α ′ . Now compute the ‘Desargues points’:
• (c 0 b) = γ and (b 0 c) = β meet at a;
• (c 0 b ′ ) = γ′ and (b 0 c ′ ) = β ′ meet at a ′ ;
• (b′ b) = β ′′ and (c ′ c) = γ′′ meet at say x.
Since P is desarguesian, x ∈ (aa′ ) = α ′′ . So α ′′ , β′′ , γ′′ concur at x, as desired.
Assuming the Pappus property, the conclusion can be made even stronger.
12.3.2. Theorem (Pappus implies self-duality). Let P be a projective plane. If P is pappian,
then P∗ ≃ P. (In particular P∗ is pappian.)
taking duals with Proposition 12.2.6:
12.3.3. Remarks.
• There is a geometric proof (without coordinatisation) that if P is pappian then so
is P∗ . This is much weaker than Theorem 12.3.2.
12.4 Exercises
12.4.1. Exercise. Prove that in an incidence structure satisfying PP1 and PP2 , the following
are equivalent:
12.4.4. Exercise. Give a geometric proof (in the spirit of Proposition 12.3.1) that a projective
plane P is pappian iff P∗ is.
Further reading
• E. Artin, Geometric algebra. Interscience Publishers, New York/London. 1957.
The coordinatisation theorem is proved in chapter 2. The whole book is a classic.
• P. Cameron, Projective and polar spaces. Queen Mary and Westfield Maths Notes,
13, London. 1992.
Available on the author’s webpage.21
• R. Hartshorne, Foundations of Projective Geometry. Harvard University Lecture
Notes, W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New York. 1967.
Technically out of print but on the internet one finds a modern typeset.
• D. Hilbert, Grundlagen der Geometrie. B. G. Teubner, Leipzig. 1899.
One may find a translation of this historical text online.22 Chapter 5 (on Desar-
gues’ Theorem) is the origin of the topic.