План урока
План урока
План урока
Ознакомление с учебниками-
* Pupil’s Book (PB) Activity Book (AB),
информирование о наличии тетрадей
•1 общая тетрадь – рабочая тетрадь,
•1 общая тетрадь – словарь
(3 столбика по 10 клеток каждый –
слово/транскрипция/ перевод)
PRESENTATION Today the theme of our lesson is “Animal types ” and we‘ll
AND PRACTICE speak about their types and also we will find out new
But before starting the lesson we should get acquainted with the
new words.
Task 1. Look at the screen and open your dictionaries.
Pupils repeat 3 times
Word Transcription Translation
Mammal [ˈmæməl] млекопитающие
Reptile [ˈreptaɪl] пресмыкающие
Bird [bɜːd] птица
Elephant [ˈelɪfənt] слон
Snake [sneɪk] змея
Penguin [ˈpeŋgwɪn] пингвин
Млекопитающие- это те
- Good job! Now open your pupil’s book at p.4 животные, которые корм
- Look at the pictures. Which animal is a mammal? a своих детенышей молок
Пресмыкающиеся- это т
reptile? a bird?
кто откладывают яйца
Птицы- у кого есть кры
Write mammal, reptile, bird on board. Explain their
meaning (mammals feed their babies milk from their own
bodies, reptiles lay eggs and use the heat from the sun to
keep their blood warm, birds have feathers and wings and
in most cases can fly).
Answer key
1 snake 2 elephant 3 penguin Video material