A Study of Factors Promoting Performance Enhancement in Construction Project Management and Quality of Deliverables
A Study of Factors Promoting Performance Enhancement in Construction Project Management and Quality of Deliverables
A Study of Factors Promoting Performance Enhancement in Construction Project Management and Quality of Deliverables
Science (IJAEMS)
Peer-Reviewed Journal
ISSN: 2454-1311 | Vol-9, Issue-9; Sep, 2023
Journal Home Page: https://ijaems.com/
Article DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaems.99.4
Received: 22 Jul 2023; Received in revised form: 28 Aug 2023; Accepted: 07 Sep 2023; Available online: 14 Sep Aug 2023
Abstract— This study evaluates the effectiveness of existing quality management frameworks and strategies
in the Saudi Arabian construction context. It examines the challenges faced by practitioners in implementing
these strategies and proposes tailored recommendations to bridge the gap between theory and practice. The
findings of this study provide valuable insights for construction firms, policymakers, and regulatory bodies,
aiding in the formulation of strategies to enhance project quality and overall performance. Ultimately, this
study contributes to the body of knowledge surrounding construction project management in Saudi Arabia
by shedding light on the nuanced dynamics between quality management practices and project performance.
It offers a roadmap for stakeholders to navigate the complexities of the construction industry, optimize
resource utilization, and elevate the quality standards of projects, thereby fostering sustainable development
and growth in the country.
Keywords— Quality management frameworks, Saudi Arabian construction, Implementation challenges,
Recommendations, Project performance
while reading it. Yes, since these very strenuous endeavors leaders may help shape a company's culture is by
also demand making judgments on a consistent basis. consistently rewarding and recognizing desired behaviour
and making the values of the organization clear to everyone.
In his book The Culture Code, Daniel Coyle argues that
high-performing organizations share a commitment to
To ensure a high-quality product, diagrams and lettering safety as a core value. Coyle found that his most successful
MUST be The concept of range of project management teams allowed themselves to be vulnerable, which aided in
strategies, constructability approaches, construction their development. They were given a chance to provide and
operations and best practices, efficiency of the management receive feedback that would push them to improve. Due to
of construction projects is discussed here in brief. The RFI the risk involved, there has to be solid trust amongst team
(Request for Information), for instance, inquires about members. Before trust could be established amongst each
issues with constructability, construction drawings, and other, individuals needed to feel safe. As was said
requirements in order to get clarity and direction. The previously, Bill was in charge of the project for the telecom
amount and nature of the information flow will vary business, and he'd decided the foreman might dispute
depending on the intended recipients and the extent to which headquarters' orders. Because of this, the foreman felt
they are responsible for the project. As a result, this comfortable approaching Bill with any future problems,
instrument is always within reach in the building trade. knowing that Bill would hear him out and work with him to
Negotiating. Negotiations in the construction industry may find a solution. One's own safety can never be guaranteed.
cover a broad variety of issues, but the exchange of money Far too many major decisions are made with little to no
for the delivery of services is by far the most prevalent. input from the general public. They opt out because they
You'll need this expertise in a variety of contexts, including don't want to be the one whose opinion is ignored or who
negotiating the proposed costs and determining the scope has to endure the awkwardness of being punished for having
and cost of contract revisions. an alternative position.
This skill is useful in an almost infinite range of situations. But what project manager wouldn't want team members
In construction scheduling, for instance, a safe and who would see and communicate the truth? Project
economically controlled sequence of site operations is management has come a long way from its initial modern
achieved by the proper sequencing of construction use in the construction industry in the late 1950s. Today,
activities. If the events were timed properly, this would be project management is a well-established field that provides
the case. A labor dispute between trade unions is an example executive management of all phases of development, from
of a more complex issue because it involves resolving both the initial client idea through funding coordination,
the corrective action and the preventative action necessary planning approval, sustainability, design delivery, team
to address the problem, as well as integrating the difference selection and procurement, construction, commissioning,
between the causes and effects of the issue. When handover, review, and coordination of facilities
constructing a structure, experts are involved in every step management. The client's notion serves as the starting point,
of the process. Value planning, budgeting, scheduling, and and the process continues all the way up to the coordination
risk management are all intertwined with the design creation of facilities management. Project managers are designated
process, as are the hiring of contractors, the management of as the client's representative under this Code of Practice,
workers on the job site, the use of constructability although their specific roles may vary depending on the
techniques, the settlement of conflicts, and the ultimate nature of the project at hand.
closeout. Additional expertise that is generally seen as
So, we can say that project management is "the overall
crucial includes health, safety, and environmental policies;
planning, coordination, and control of a project from
rules and regulations of the jurisdictional authority; contract
inception to completion, with the goal of meeting a client's
management; and public relations. In specifically, the
requirements to produce a functionally and financially
strategy phase is when the objectives of the control systems
viable project that will be completed safely, on time, within
are determined. These worries go well beyond the usual
authorized cost, and to the requirements of the requisitions."
quality, timeliness, and cost worries.
In its sixth iteration, this Code of Practice has established
itself as the go-to source for information on the theory and
IV. PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT practice of project management in the construction and real
estate sectors. This data is helpful for clients, project
If peak performance is the objective, members of the team
management firms, schools, and students, as well as
should make it a practice to provide and receive constructive
individuals in the construction and development industries.
feedback in an open and honest way. One way in which
A large chunk of the information given in the Code of
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©2023 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication, This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Moizuddin and Jha International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 9(9) -2023
Practice is also relevant to the project management examine key performance indicators (KPIs) to track and
practitioners who operate in other business disciplines. evaluate the sustainability of ongoing building projects.
Twenty-two sustainability indicators were identified and
whittled down after a thorough review of the relevant
literature. Separate buckets were created for environmental
A literature survey is a strategy that gives the correct elements and socioeconomic considerations. After that, a
thought and understanding of the subject of research. This survey was drafted and sent to UAE-based construction
section presents an overview of the existing literature industry professionals. Thirty-one participants used AHP to
relevant to the research presented in this research. do a side-by-side comparison of two indications in order to
Establishing communication of a high quality in determine which was more important. The study's authors
construction projects is vital to ensure effective cooperation concluded that a global weight of 0.164 was the best
and sustaining understanding among project stakeholders, measure of the importance of the indicator of the usage of
according to Ali Rahimian (2022). As a matter of fact, poor renewable sources of energy (environmental group). The
communication is often at the root of low output and subpar indicator of building site safety, on the other hand, had the
results. Nobody understands how the degree of heaviest global weight (SEG) of 0.093. This work is
communication impacts people's performance in their significant because it addresses a previously unrecognized
employment, even though it is commonly known that gap in the literature. Companies in the construction industry
workers' interpersonal skills have a direct influence on the might also benefit from this study by learning more about
quality of their communication. This study fills a the sustainability indicators that would work best for their
knowledge vacuum by creating a metric for gauging projects throughout the design and construction phases.
construction workers' communication skills. The purpose of
this literature review is to identify the most crucial aspects
of interpersonal competence. Leadership, communication,
team building, and setting clear goals are all covered. We have chosen Saudi Arabia as the study zone and
Approximately 180 responses were collected from a additionally we have gathered samples from different
questionnaire designed to elicit construction professionals' respondents such as Manager, Project management officer,
perspectives on the impact of these skills on the quality of Workers, Customers etc., located inside the study zone. We
communication. Then, a communication quality prediction have assembled tests from 500 respondents utilizing
(CQP) model is constructed using artificial neural networks. random sampling strategy, who responds to the various
Predictions regarding the quality of interactions between requests.
workers may be made with high confidence using this
approach. The model achieves an accuracy of 87% during
training but only 79% during testing. CQP is then put to
work in a real-time environment, where it achieves an
accuracy rate of 80% for its predictions, proving its
reliability. In the construction business, this study is the first
to provide a quantitative and predictive model connecting
interpersonal skills with the efficacy of communication. For
a clearer picture, the CQP can foresee possible interpersonal
problems and guide construction managers in the creation VII. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
of training programs for interpersonal skills. The considerable effect of the regulatory framework and
In 2022, Sareh Rajabi argues that enhancing the compliance on quality management and performance
sustainability performance of construction projects is improvement in construction project management inside
essential to the long-term survival of regions, governments, Saudi Arabia is one of the most important conclusions of
and the world as a whole. Key performance indicators this study. The study was conducted in Saudi Arabia. The
(KPIs) for sustainability have the potential to contribute regulatory climate is a critical component in the formation
significantly to the development of sustainable construction of the standards and practices that are implemented in
methods. The lack of appropriate sustainability KPIs that building and construction projects. Participants in the poll
can be used by contractors throughout the execution phase emphasized how important it is to secure excellent results
of construction projects is a problem despite the numerous by following to local building norms as well as international
studies that have been undertaken on indicators of standards. On the other hand, it was pointed out that
sustainability. The purpose of this research is to develop and ambiguities and contradictions in the legislation can be a
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©2023 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication, This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Moizuddin and Jha International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 9(9) -2023
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