Chapter 2 Physical Flow of Logistics
Chapter 2 Physical Flow of Logistics
Chapter 2 Physical Flow of Logistics
The objective of logistics process is to get the
right quantity and quality of materials
(or services) to the right place at the right time,
for the right client, and at the right
The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals
(CSCMP) defines the logistics management as follows:
2 materials management
3 outbound logistics
inbound logistics
1. Road Rail 2.
01 02
3. Air Water 4.
5. Pipeline Digital 6.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Cost effective; • Subject to traffic delays;
• Flexible (door-to-door) and versatile • Subject to breakdown;
(having the widest range of vehicle • Goods susceptible to damage through
types). careless driving;
• Fast delivery; • Bad weather;
• Ideal for short distances, national or • Driving regulations can cause delays;
mainland; • Legislative control and driver fatigue
• Ideal for transporting perishables (e.g. are some problems of motor carriers’
fruits and vegetables). long journeys
• Easy to monitor location of goods.
• Easy to communicate with driver.
• Ideal for sending by courier shortages
to customers.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Fast delivery; • Subject to unforeseen delays;
• Capacity; • Reliance on rail freight operator’s
• Cost Effective; timetable;
• Safe mode of transport; • Suppliers/customers are not always
• Reliable located near a rail freight depot and
delivery to/from the depot can be
costly and time consuming.
Airfreight offers the shortest time in transit (especially over long distances)
of any transport mode, most shippers consider air transport as a premium
emergency service because of its higher costs.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Fast delivery, usually between 24 • Flight delays and/or cancellations
hours and 48 hours. • Customs and Excise restrictions
• Customer is not kept waiting for order • Costly
• Reduced lead time on supplier.
• Improved service levels.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Ideal for transporting heavy and bulky • Longer lead/delivery times
goods • Bad weather
• Suitable for products with lead times • Difficult to monitor exact location of
goods in transit
• Customers and Excise restrictions
• Could be costly
Advantages Disadvantages
• They are ideally suited to transport the • It is not flexible, i.e., it can be used
liquids and gases. only for a few fixed points.
• Pipelines can be laid through difficult • Its capacity cannot be increased once
terrains as well as under water. it is laid.
• It involves very low energy • It is difficult to make security
consumption. arrangements for pipelines.
• It needs very little maintenance. • Underground pipelines cannot be
• Pipelines arc safe, accident-free and easily repaired and detection of
environmentally friendly leakage is also difficult.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rail Rail Rail Rail Road Road Road Water Water Air
Road Water Air Pipeline Air Water Pipeline Air Pipeline Pipeline
These are combinations in theory, but in practice only a few of them turn out to be convenient.
The most frequent combined intermodal services are railroad (“piggyback”),
roadwater (“fishyback”), and roadair (“birdyback”). Roadwater combinations are gradually
gaining acceptance, especially for international shipments of high-valued products. However,
only railroad combinations have seen widespread use throughout the world
In addition to the options previously explained, there exist other important entities in
transportation systems. These entities, whether unimodal or multimodal in scope, include -
third parties that provide various services to shippers. Themajor alternatives are:
Freight Intermodal
Small Package
Forwarder Marketing
A distribution channel is
the network of businesses
or intermediaries through
which a good or service
passes until it reaches the
final buyer or the end
consumer. Distribution
channels can
include wholesalers, retail
ers, distributors, and even
the internet.
Producer: Producers combine labor and capital to create goods and
services for consumers.
Agent: Agents commonly act on behalf of the producer to accept
payments and transfer the title of the goods and services as it moves
through distribution.
Wholesaler: A person or company that sells large quantities of goods,
often at low prices, to retailers.
Retailer: A person or business that sells goods to the public in small
quantities for immediate use or consumption.
End Consumer: A person who buys a product or service.
1. It protects the goods until they are moved to the factory (to be
used in production) or to the market (for sale).
2. It provides place for goods that are received in bulk.
3. It facilitates easy sale of goods when it is located near the
4. It facilitates uninterrupted sale. ‘Out of stock’ situation is
5. The ‘warehouse receipt‘ issued to a merchant, who has
stored his goods in a public warehouse, also enables him to
get financial assistance. A warehouse receipt is a document
of title.
6. It helps to equalize price by matching the demand and supply
Advantages of Warehouse
1. Public Warehouse
A public warehouse is a warehouse owned by governmental
entities that are available to private sector companies. These
types of warehouses can be rented out for business or personal
use. Public warehouses are an especially attractive option for
business owners that might need to only store inventory for a
short amount of time as other warehouse options might be more
expensive. Public warehouses are commonly used by new or
growing businesses, such as e-commerce companies and
startups, due to their affordability versus a private warehouse.
Public warehouse
2. Private Warehouse
Another popular warehouse option is a private warehouse,
oftentimes referred to as proprietary warehousing. While a public
warehouse is owned by a government body or a third-party,
private warehouses are owned by a company division. If a
business is interested in a private warehouse they will need to
make a large upfront investment to secure the building, facilities
management, and general maintenance and upkeep. Private
warehouses are a popular option for wholesalers, distributors,
and manufacturers. While a private warehouse is a more
expensive option than a public warehouse, they offer business
owners more overall control of their inventory management.
Public warehouse
3. Smart Warehouse
An increasingly popular warehouse option is a smart warehouse,
which is a warehouse where the storage and fulfillment processes
are automated with AI, such as robots and drones. The AI is
responsible for packing, weighing, transporting, and storing raw
materials, with many incoming orders being automated to be
fulfilled immediately. Smart warehouses have been a go-to option
for large e-commerce companies such as Amazon that seek to
make their order fulfillment and inventory management a more
accurate and expedited process.
Public warehouse
4. Cooperative Warehouse
A cooperative warehouse is a warehouse owned by multiple
organizations or businesses. These companies tend to work
closely together and access to the cooperative warehouse can
save money for both companies. Cooperative warehouses are
especially common among farmers or wineries, as these
businesses can easily store their products in a mutual space.
Both businesses that utilize a cooperative warehouse can reduce
their spending for inventory storage, increasing all of the co-op
member’s profits in the long run.
Public warehouse
5. Consolidated Warehouse
Consolidated warehouses are warehouses that collect small
shipments from numerous different suppliers into one
geographical location to combine them into a bigger, thus more
economical, shipping load to one area. The grouping together of
these smaller shipments is an attractive feature for companies
that might not have a very large amount of inventory, such as new
companies or startups. The only caveat of this warehouse type is
that these shipments will need to be intended for only one area,
which might be restrictive for companies trying to expand.
Public warehouse
6. Bonded Warehouse
A bonded warehouse is a type of warehouse that stores imported
goods before customs duties are completed and paid for the
products. Customs clearance can be an extensive process, and
bonded warehouses provide a safe space for these goods in the
meantime. Government bodies provide businesses a bond to rent
the space to ensure the business doesn’t suffer from any loss of
profits once products are ordered. These features of bonded
warehouses can be attractive for importers that might need short-
term or long-term storage for items that would usually be
Public warehouse
7. Government Warehouse
A government warehouse is owned by the government that is
available for either public or private businesses to
use. Government warehouses are often seen as a more ideal
option than public warehouses as they tend to have increased
security, which might be a necessity for certain products or goods.
While the increased security of the facility is an appealing option,
government warehouses tend to involve an intense application
and extensive paperwork to store products in those facilities.
Another drawback of government warehouses occurs in the case
of a business failing to pay their rent, as the government can
easily dispose of inventory to recover that rent.
Public warehouse
9. On-Demand Warehouse
With the increase in online commerce, on-demand warehousing
has only become more popular. On-demand warehousing, or on-
demand storage, is warehousing provided to businesses that
need to connect to companies with an excess of warehousing
space. Since the company utilizing the warehouse might not need
the extra space, on-demand warehousing provides an attractive
option to businesses that might need storage for temporary or
seasonal needs for the warehouse. Similar to cooperative
warehouses, on-demand warehouses are great for merchants
that are willing to combine their inventory needs.
Public warehouse