Final Examination

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Republic of the Philippines


Luna Campus
San Isidro Sur, Luna, Apayao
Name: ___________________________ Score:
Test 1 Multiple Choice: Read the questions carefully. Select your best answer.
1. All classification of plants of plants has the means and corresponding structures
for reproducing asexually is called _____.
a. Gymnosperm
b. Angiosperm
c. Asexual plants
d. Sexually plants
2. The whorl that comprises of petals is collectively termed as ____.
a. Calyx
b. Corolla
c. Perianth
d. Petals
3. It is called the individual unit of the gynoecium and has stigma, style and ovary.
A. Pistil
B. Carpel
C. Calyx
D. Filament
4. In the flower structure, if all four whorls are present, the flower is described as a
a. Complete
b. Incomplete
c. Perfect
d. Imperfect
5. A small pore or opening in the apex of the integument of the ovule where the
pollen tube usually enters during the process of fertilization.
a. Nucellus
b. Chalaza
c. Micropyle
d. Integument
6. The basal tip of the hypocotyl, grows into the primary root or the embryonic root
a. Radicle
b. Plumule
c. Hypocotyl
d. Epicotyl
7. Plants can be reproduced by angiosperm and gymnosperm classification-
statement 1, Any planting material use for planting is called seeds, except
cassava stalks- Statement 2
a. Both statement is correct
b. Both statement is incorrect
Republic of the Philippines
Luna Campus
San Isidro Sur, Luna, Apayao
c. Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect
d. Statement 1 is incorrect and statement 2 is correct
8. It serves as the guard and protection of the embryo.
a. Micropyle
b. Testa
c. integument
d. Seed layer
e. None of the above
9. Dicotyledon- Glycine max; Monocotyledon- ___________.
a. Persia americana
b. Cocus nucifera
c. Samanea saman
d. Oryza indicum
10. Dispersal of seeds by wind is called anemochory while by animals is ________.
a. Animalchory
b. Hydrochory
c. Zoochory
d. None of the above
11. It is defined as the growth of seed into a young plant or a seedling is called
a. Seed science
b. Seed Germination
c. Imbibition
d. All of the above
12. For a seed to germinate it requires a moderate temperature of 25-35 oC-
statement 1, the final stage of seed germination is when the radicle and plumule
is fully developed.
a. Both statement is correct
b. Both statement is incorrect
c. Statement 1 is correct, statement 2 is incorrect
d. Statement 1 is incorrect, statement 2 is correct
13. Seeds with undeveloped or immature embryo is called _____
a. Seed dormancy
b. Dormant seed
c. Resting period seed
d. All of the above
14. Which of the following statement is true about the seed germination?
a. A seed germinates into seedling
b. A seedling grow into a new plant
c. Epigeal and hypogeal are two types of germination
d. All of these
15. The optimum temperature required for a seed to germinate varies from?
a. 200 to 300
Republic of the Philippines
Luna Campus
San Isidro Sur, Luna, Apayao
b. 250 to 300
c. 300 to 400
d. 300 to 450

16. The product of several factors related to genetics and environmental influences into
a. Seed vigor
b. Seed viability
c. seed test
d. All of the above
17. A process of vernalization lettuce seeds is a type of _______ test.
a. hot test
b. cold test
c. Accelerated aging test
d. Electric conductive test
18. the used of sand to determine viability of seeds is called______
a. Osmotic Stress Test
b. brick grit Test
c. viability test
d. None of the above
19. In the Rule of thumb, A good AA results is within _____of an acceptable germ test.
a. 14%
b. 15%
c. 18%
d. 24 %
20. The principle of this test is to stress seeds with high temperatures of (40-45°C/130-
139°F) and near 100% relative humidity (RH) for varying lengths of time, depending on
the kind of seeds, after which a germination test is made.
a. Cold test
b. Accelerated Aging test
c. Electric Conductivity Test
d. Osmotic stress test
21. What best definition that describe seed storage?
a. to maintain seed in good physical and physiological condition from the time they are
harvested until the time they are planted
b. It is important to get adequate plant stands in addition to healthy and vigorous plants.
c. for extended periods so to eliminate the need to produce the seed every season.
Republic of the Philippines
Luna Campus
San Isidro Sur, Luna, Apayao
d. All of the above
22.All are Factors affecting seed longevity storage except.
a. Kind or variety of seed
b. provenance
c. Relative Humidity and temperature during storage
d. Application of seed treatment
23. An internal factor that extending the shelf life of seeds under ideal storage
a. moisture content
b. humidity
c. temperature
d. environment
24. The seeds harvested in different climates (or) at different times show differences in
a. Provenance
b. moisture content
c. seed vigor
d. viability
25.Range temperature Activity of Microbes for rapid population growth relative to
harming seeds during storage.
a. 8-80 degrees Celsius
b. 26-28 degrees Celsius
c. 8-31% degrees Celsius
d. 20-40 degrees Celsius
26. The selective removal of undesirable plants from a seed crop on the basis of visual
field inspections for the basis of genetic purity
a. Weeding
b. Rouging
c. Hoeing
d. Cleaning
27. Seed purity is very important to all growers, In the seed class, How many percent
allowable off-types to certified seeds.
a. 0.26 %
b. 0.25 %
c. 0.20%
d. 0.30 %
Republic of the Philippines
Luna Campus
San Isidro Sur, Luna, Apayao
28. All are strategies to maintain seed purity in the field to avoid cross pollination
a. Physical barrier
b. Spatial isolation
c. Temporal isolation
d. land selection
29. If the given wet basis is 15 %, weight of wet sample is 85 Kg. How many weight of
a. 13%
b. 14.25 %
c. 12.75 %
d. 13.75%
30. If the seed sample in the rice warehouse accounts for 150 kg of moist grain, dried
and losses 30 kg of water. How many percent in dry basis?
a. 38%
b. 35.67%
c. 28.2%
d. 37.5%

31. This practice also permits early harvesting, long term storage of seeds, more
efficient use of land and manpower, the use of plant stalks as green fodder and
production of high quality seed
a. moisture content
b. Seed drying
c. seed selection
d. seed processing
32. These are the advantages of seed drying except.
a. Preservation of genetic purity
b. Reduce the seed moisture content to safe moisture limits to maintain its viability and
vigor during storage.
c. Minimize accumulation of moisture from the atmosphere during storage.
d. none of the above
33. The common drying techniques of farmer during wet season to minimize quality loss
and marketability.
Republic of the Philippines
Luna Campus
San Isidro Sur, Luna, Apayao
a. Physical drying
b. Natural drying
c. Traditional drying
d. B and C only
e. All of the above
34. Seed processing area should be having the characteristics except.
a. should be situated between the shed and ventilated storage building
b. should be connected to ventilated flat stores through a covered gallery for easy
movement of processed and packaged seed to seed stores.
c. Should be properly organized according to cultivars
d. Should have good temperature at 20 degrees Celsius for maize and rice.

35. In this operation, this is required to monitor the specific tools and equipment use in
the processing area.
a. Conveying
b. Matching capacity
c. Layout capacity
d. all of the above
36. This number indicates the percentage of extraneous material such as dirt, stems,
leaves, and seed parts in the seed lot.
a. weed seed
b. Inert matter
c. impurity
d. C and D only
e. all of the above
37. This date reveals the month and year in which the germination test was completed.
a. Test date
b. manufactured date
c. expiration date
Republic of the Philippines
Luna Campus
San Isidro Sur, Luna, Apayao
d. viability date
38. Local Seed grower can sell already the produce seeds after this done and issued by
Laboratories except.
a. Issued the Seed testing results
b. complied to the set requirement of the Field inspector
c. issued tagging to the sacks
d. Post visit from the NSQCS personnel.
39. Aims to produce and distribute high quality planting materials of superior crop
varieties of known genetic and varietal purity including freedom from the seed-borne
systemic diseases.
a. Plant Material Certification Section
b. Agricultural Seed and Vegetable Seed section
c. Seed Testing Section
d. all of the above
40. Accurate and prompt analysis of seed sample to determine the planting value of
seed based on the methodologies prescribed by the ISTA.
a. Seed sample
b. seed testing
c. Soil analysis
d. Soil and seed analysis
41. In the seed cycle, it is the combination of male and female gamete, a process
known as fertilization
a. Seed Formation
b. seed development
c. seed germination
d. all of the above
42. Refers to the development of fruit without fertilization is called _______.
a. Seedless
b. Parthenocarpy
Republic of the Philippines
Luna Campus
San Isidro Sur, Luna, Apayao
c. Monocarpy
d. Polynocarpy
43. What is true about seed Formation and development
a. All seeds can be produce through the fusion of male and female gametes of plants.
b. Pollen fertilize the ovule from the same flower is self-pollination
c. Pollen from one flower fertilize a different flower from the same or a different plant is
cross pollination
d. all of the above
44. What is not true about Angiosperm?
a. Angiosperm plants can be classified as Monocotyledon and Dicotyledon
b. True endosperm cells are triploid (3n)
c. production of seeds is only through angiosperm plants
d. All of the above
45. It is the portion of a seed that grows into a plant. It is sometimes called “starter kit” in
the seed development.
a. seeds
b. seedlings
c. embryo genesis
d. Embryo
46. The agency mandated for the provision of quality assurance and control services for
seed and planting material production, processing, storage and distribution, seed
research and seed training in seed quality control towards sustainable agriculture and
environmental protection.
a. National Seed Industry council
b. Bureau of Plant Industry
c. National Seed Quality Control Services Division
d. Department of Agriculture
47. The name and address of the person or company labeling the seed are given on the seed
label. They are responsible for the accuracy of the label’s information.

a. Seedsman
Republic of the Philippines
Luna Campus
San Isidro Sur, Luna, Apayao
b. seed vendor
c. Seed seller
d. all of the above
48. The weight given is that of the contents without the container.
a. net weight
b. gross weight
c. sack weight
d. All of the above
49. All are important function of the seed Testing except.
a. essential for seed certification issuance to the seed grower.
b. ensures the seed quality attributes of the seed lots which have to be offered for sale
c. Ensures that the seed attain proper moisture at 18% for good seed storage
d. There is a pre and post seed testing in the field.
50. The label of the seed package that allows consumer to be cautious about the seeds
being purchased.
a. Treated seeds
b. seed test applicable
c. Not for sale
d. All of the above
51. Specialized cells that lie adjacent to the egg cell in the female gametophyte of
angiosperms and play an essential role in pollen tube guidance and function.
a. central cells
b. egg cells
c. synergids
d. antipodal cells
52. After the Fertilization process, what comes next?
a. nucleus
b. embryo
Republic of the Philippines
Luna Campus
San Isidro Sur, Luna, Apayao
c. ovules
d. pollen grains
53. a types of ovary of the plants that an ovary attached to the receptacle above the
attachment of other floral parts.
a. Inferior ovary
b. superior ovary
c. Half superior ovary
d. subinferior ovary
54. all are the practices that can induce bud initiation except.
a. Use of PGR’s like Abscisic Acid
b. Pruning of the twigs and trunks
c. Defoliation treatment
d. Environmental factors like temperature
55. It is the physiological process in the plant by which the shoot apical
meristem becomes competent to develop flowers.
a. Flower induction
b. Floral initiation
c. Bud initiation
d. all of the above
56. In the principles of storage, all are its concept except one.
a. Seed storage conditions should be dry and cool
b. proper sanitation in seed stores
c. High Relative humidity is good for rice and maize
d. Storing of high quality seed relative to good ventilation
57. In the maintenance of seed moisture prior to storage, all are practice in conserving
MC of seeds except.
a. Use of desiccants
b. Store cereals in room temperature
c. Seed treatment to avoid fungus
Republic of the Philippines
Luna Campus
San Isidro Sur, Luna, Apayao
d. Tin Can for jute seeds
58. Activity of organism associated with seed storage can be control in this practice.
a. Store seeds in 21-42 oC to control insects
b. store seeds at 60-100% relative humidity for mites and fungi
c. the favorable limits of temperature and RH for germination are 16-42oC and 95-100
per cent respectively.
d. none of the above
59. In the classification of packing materials or container are the following except.
a. Moisture and vapor pervious containers
b. Moisture impervious but vapor pervious containers
c. Moisture and vapor proof containers
d. Deteriorative changes in seed and their consequences
60. Possible Sequence of changes in seed during deterioration are the following except,
a. Germination rate
b. rate-growth development
c. energy and synthesis mechanisms impaired
d. loss of germinability

Test II- True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and write FALSE if the
statement is incorrect and write the correct word or phrase to make it correct.
1. Spatial Isolation should be sown early or late by a margin of 15-20 days than
neighboring fields of same or other variety to prevent entry of foreign pollens in
the field of seed production. False- Temporal isolation
2. Seed storage is the preservation of seeds under controlled environmental
conditions to maintain seed viability. True
3. Field inspection should be done from flowering to harvesting stage by the seed
certification officer at least twice in the whole production cycle. False – thrice
4. The percentage of minimum physical purity of foundation and certified seeds
should be 85% with a minimum of 65% of germination capacity and 10% of
moisture content. False- 99%
5. Off types allowed into foundation seed is 0.10% at 700 meter. False- 500 meter
Republic of the Philippines
Luna Campus
San Isidro Sur, Luna, Apayao
6. A vertical batch drier, seed contained in a woven sack is placed on a grid through
which air is blown. A cylindrical storage bin with raised perforated floor arranged
to blow air underneath the floor can also be used. False- modified sack drier
7. Air-Distribution Systems consist of (a) a heater unit where fuel is burned and (b)
a fan to force the heated air through a canvas connecting duct into the air
distribution system of the drying bin. False- Heated Air Drying System
8. In the analysis of operation, processing sequence is important following the
leaner cum grader, and lastly indented cylinder. False- specific gravity separator
9. In the type of layouts, single level is the system that seed is carried by elevators
to the top floor and emptied into large bins. False- Multistorey
10. Receiving-cum-drying platform should have a big rolling shutter in the
processing plant to permit entry of seed processing equipment into the hall for
installation. False- Processing Area
Test III-
Matching Type: Match the terms from Column A with the description from Column B.
Write your answer from the space provided.
Column A Column B
a. Uptake of water into the seed; shifts seed
___1. Seed deterioration
from quiescent to active; phase 1 of germination
___2. Oils b. Factors imposed from within the embryo
c. Factors outside the embryo e.g.:
___3. Seed vigor impermeable seed coat; fix = scarification to
become permeable
d. Physical damaging/breaking of seed coat to
___4. Seed viability
induce germination
e. Cotyledons remain below ground during
___5. Seed treatments
f. Application of chemicals to seed to protect
___6. Seed enhancements
against pathogens/pests
g. The ability of a seed to germinate and grow
___7. Orthodox
h. Potential for rapid emergence of normal
___8. Growth
seedlings in field conditions
___9. Dormancy i. Type of seed food storage deteriorates faster.
j. changes within a seed over time that reduce
___10. Epigeal germination
the viability and vigor of the seed
k. Techniques performed on seeds after
___11. Hypogeal germination harvesting & conditioning to enhance
l. Seeds tolerant to desiccation; can be dried
___12. Scarification below 10% mc; germination depends on
Republic of the Philippines
Luna Campus
San Isidro Sur, Luna, Apayao
m. Committed stage of development after
___13. Exogenous dormancy
radicle emergence; phase 3 of germination
n. State in which a seed that is viable fails to
___14. Endogenous dormancy
o. Germination in which cotyledons are raised
___15. Imbibition
above the soil

Answer Key:
1. j 6. k 11. e
2. i 7. l 12. d
3. h 8. m 13. c
4. g 9. n 14. b
5. f 10. o 15. a

Test IV- Essay. Write your answer to the space provided. Lifted from internet is
1. Describe the internal and external factors happening during the seed germination
process. (5points)
2. Discuss your learnings in the Seeds and seedling vigor topic. How important the
different seed vigor test. (5 points)

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