A Critical Comparison of Green Building Rating Systems
A Critical Comparison of Green Building Rating Systems
A Critical Comparison of Green Building Rating Systems
Dat Tien Doan, Ali Ghaffarianhoseini, Nicola Naismith, Tongrui Zhang, Amirhosein
Ghaffarianhoseini, John Tookey
PII: S0360-1323(17)30293-7
DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2017.07.007
Reference: BAE 4986
Please cite this article as: Doan DT, Ghaffarianhoseini A, Naismith N, Zhang T, Ghaffarianhoseini A,
Tookey J, A critical comparison of green building rating systems, Building and Environment (2017), doi:
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3 Dat Tien Doan 1*, Ali Ghaffarianhoseini1, Nicola Naismith1, Tongrui Zhang1, Amirhosein
4 Ghaffarianhoseini2&3, John Tookey1
5 [email protected]
7 Department of Built Environment Engineering, Auckland University of Technology, 55 Wellesley St E,
8 Auckland, New Zealand
9 Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
10 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya (UM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
12 Abstract
13 Various green rating systems are established globally to evaluate the sustainability of construction projects.
14 Their categories and criteria have been under constant updates to follow the sustainable trend of building
15 development. This paper aims to develop a systematic review of the development of green rating systems. The
16 specific objectives are: 1) discover how interest and research in green rating systems have developed; 2) identify
17 the similarity, difference, strength and weakness of green rating systems; 3) examine whether they fully assess
18 the projects in all aspects of sustainability. Specifically, LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental
19 Design), BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Assessment Method), CASBEE (Comprehensive
20 Assessment System for Building Environmental Efficiency) and Green Star NZ were analysed in this paper. The
21 results indicate that BREEAM, LEED, and CASBEE have been utilized since late the 2000s while Green Star NZ
22 is still in its earlier stages. 70% of the research papers focusing on BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE are developed
23 geographically in the USA, Canada, the UK, China, and Australia. Although these four rating systems were
24 initiated in different contexts with different standards, Indoor Environment Quality, Energy, and Material are
25 core common categories for all. Environmental concerns are the main focus in New Construction manuals while
26 Society is emphasized in Neighbourhood Development manuals. Currently, BREEAM has been the only tool
27 which could assess all four sustainable factors. Further in-depth research is anticipated to focus more on
28 economic and institutional factors to improve the capability of green rating systems for sustainability
29 assessment purposes.
31 Keywords: Green Rating Systems, Sustainability, BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE, Green Star NZ
34 The construction industry plays an important role in satisfying the needs of society, enhancing the quality of life
35 [1-3], and contributing to the economic growth of a country [3-6]. However, it has been heavily criticised for
36 being a major contributor to carbon emissions, environmental degradation, and global warming [7-11] due to its
37 utilization of a large proportion of natural resources and energy consumption [11-14]. The building sector
38 consumes a third of global resources [15, 16], one sixth of global freshwater withdrawals [17], 25% of wood
39 harvested [16], and 40% of all raw materials [16]. Approximately 10% of all global energy supply takes place
40 during the manufacturing of building materials [10, 15]. Also, the building sector generates a large amount of
41 construction and demolition waste, accounting for 40% of total solid waste in developed countries [18-20].
42 Moreover, the construction industry is responsible for major energy consumption, accounting for 40-50% of all
43 energy usage and anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions globally [21-25].
45 Recognizing the importance of sustainable building practices, “going green” and “environment sustainability”
46 has been introduced for many years [10, 26]. However, construction is still a major energy consumer based on
47 official statistics [10]. This could be due to the passive attitude of construction practitioners towards adopting
48 sustainable solutions [7]. Facing the rising energy costs and growing environmental concerns, the demand for
49 sustainable building facilities with minimal environmental impact has been pushed recently [27-29].
51 Authorities and organizations initiated the rating systems for green buildings to minimize/optimize consumption
52 of natural resources and control pollutions. Buildings certified by those rating systems are considered as
53 consuming less energy, providing a better living environment and contributing to the overall reputation of the
54 property [30]. It is estimated that there are approximately 600 green rating systems globally [31]. BREEAM
55 (Building Research Establishment Assessment Method) is known as the first rating tool to assess building
56 performance based on certain target values for different criteria [32-34]. In addition, numerous schemes such as
57 the United States’ LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), Canada’s LEED Canada, France’s
58 HQE (High Environmental Quality), Germany’s DGNB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen e.V.),
59 Australia’s Green Star, New Zealand’s Green Star, Japan’s CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment System for
Page 1 of 26
1 Building Environmental Efficiency), Hong Kong’s BEAM (Building Environmental Assessment Method),
2 Singapore’ BCA (Building and Construction Authority) Green Mark Scheme are currently being utilized to
3 evaluate building performances. BREEAM certified buildings could consume 6-30% lower energy costs than
4 non-certified buildings [35, 36] while LEED certified properties consume 18-39% lower energy usage than non-
5 certified properties [35, 37-39]. However, the focus on green credentials evidenced such as LEED misses the
6 larger picture, sustainable aspect [40]. According to Berardi [41], and Runde and Thoyre [40], the impact of
7 sustainability will extend far beyond green buildings in the near future. Concerning this, all leading green
8 building rating systems have been continuously updating their criteria. LEED had a major update in 2013 with
9 LEED v4, and it just updated its rating tools in mid-2016 [42]. While the major update to BREEAM happened
10 in mid-2014 with BREEAM UK New Construction [43]. Mid-2015 and mid-2016 saw the latest version of
11 Green Star Australia and Green Star New Zealand respectively [44, 45]. Besides, international standards about
12 sustainable buildings have also created. For example, ISO/TC 59/SC 17 was created in 2002 to implement
13 aspects of sustainability in the building sector [46].
15 Although green building rating certifications have been the focus of various researchers during the past 20 years,
16 there is still no systematic review of the detailed criteria and the updated process of each rating system. A
17 number of papers focused on the trend and credits in an individual rating tool, however, a comprehensive
18 comparison of tools has not been established. For example, Todd [47] focused on the global trends in LEED-NC
19 and LEED-EBOM besides investigating the achievement of individual LEED credits. Murakami [48] introduced
20 the concept and framework of the CASBEE-City. Cheng and Ma [49] adopted data mining techniques to
21 examine the relationship between LEED credits and climate factors. While other researchers made comparisons
22 among green rating schemes, studies to examine the update and the global trend of those schemes together or
23 research about their capability in promoting the sustainability are lacking. Lee and Burnett [50], for instance,
24 analysed the energy use assessment of HK-BEAM, BREEAM, and LEED. Schwartz and Raslan [37] examined
25 the impact of building energy simulation tools on BREEAM and LEED ratings. Ng [52] tried to find out the
26 properties and standards of various building environmental assessment ratings on evaluating carbon emissions.
27 Besides research papers, projects focusing on sustainable indicators for buildings had also been carried out. For
28 example, SuperBuildings project funded by European Commission was conducted during 2010-2012 by leading
29 European organizations and companies [53]. However, this project focused more on the European context where
30 BREEAM is accounting for 80% of the market [43, 54-56], which may not provide an inclusive view. This
31 paper, therefore, aims to develop a systematic review of the development of green rating systems focusing on
32 the well-known global schemes with LEED in the Americas, BREEAM in the Europe, CASBEE in the Asia,
33 and Green Star in the Australasia. The specific objectives are:
35 1. Discover how interest and research in green rating systems have developed
36 2. Identify the similarity, difference, strength, and weakness of green rating systems
37 3. Examine whether they fully assess the projects in all aspects of sustainability.
41 Green and Sustainable building have been used interchangeably [10, 40, 41, 57], but these two terms are far
42 from synonymous [40, 41, 57]. Cole [58] described Green as “building design strategies that are less
43 environmentally and ecologically damaging than typical practice” [59, 60] in 1999. While Kua and Lee [61],
44 and Yoshida and Sugiura [62] defined Green building as “one that meets certain criteria for environmental
45 performance” [61]. In 2008, it was indicated that Green is “a term encompassing strategies, techniques, and
46 construction products that are less resource-intensive or pollution-producing than regular construction” [63].
47 Howe [64] detailed it as using land and energy efficiently, conserving water and other resources, improving
48 indoor and outdoor air quality, and increasing the use of recycled and renewable materials. The concept of
49 Green building has been continually revised and its definition is commonly accepted as “providing people with
50 healthy, applicable, efficient space and natural harmonious architecture with the maximum savings on
51 resources (energy, land, water, materials), protection for the environment and reduced pollution throughout its
52 whole lifecycle” [65-67].
54 The definition of Sustainability has also suffered from ambiguity and uncertainty [41, 68, 69]. New definitions
55 incorporating over 100 concepts have been given [41]. One of the earliest of its definitions was given by
56 Brundtland Commission in 1987, which stated that “sustainable development is a development which meets the
57 needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” [41, 70,
58 71]. Although Sustainability has been defined concerning diverse aspects, environmental, social, and economic
59 impacts are its three main pillars [72-77]. Recently, the fourth pillar, institutional dimension, has gained
60 increasing recognition [75, 78-80]. Institution was introduced as the fourth pillar in 1995 by the Commission on
Page 2 of 26
1 Sustainable Development [81]. It is defined as “the results of interpersonal processes, such as communication
2 and co-operation, resulting in information and systems of rules governing the interaction of members of a
3 society” [82]. Its indicators, used to evaluate the institutional sustainability, were suggested by the United
4 Nations focusing on several aspects such as a participator political system, non-discriminatory education, social
5 security systems, gender equity etc. [81, 83].
7 It is clear that the concepts for both Green and Sustainability are simple and can be considered vague in the
8 beginning. However, they can be clarified in detail step by step. There are factors created to evaluate how Green
9 buildings are more environmental and ecological than the traditional ones such as energy, land, water, and
10 materials. While four main pillars are identified to determine the Sustainability of a project. It is noticed that
11 although the definition of Green has still been developing, the environment is always its core. Whereas,
12 Sustainability could be considered as a non-stop development concept depending on the sustainable building
13 practices. This is because Sustainability is multi-interpretations and an interdisciplinary concept [81, 84], and
14 the difference in current sustainable construction practices is occurring due to the various concepts of
15 sustainable construction among countries [85]. Wangel [86] stated that Sustainability should be a normative
16 concept established for a particular purpose than defining inductively. Shari and Soebarto [60] believed that
17 Sustainability could embrace all facets of human activity, and Yanarella [57] considered it as a concept tied to
18 the whole systems.
20 Up to date, Green (GRE) buildings embrace environmental improvements while Sustainable buildings focus on
21 four main pillars, including environmental (ENV), social (SOC), economic (ECO), and institutional issues (INS)
22 [78], see Figure 1. With the continuous update on the definition, it is anticipated that more and more pillars will
23 be established to assess the Sustainability of building practices. Council [87], Cities and Governments [88]
24 suggested Culture could be the next dimension of Sustainability while Redclift [89] determined Epistemology is
25 one of Sustainability’s dimension.
27 Figure 1. Sustainable framework
30 During this study, BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE, and Green Star NZ, were analysed in detail. The rationale to
31 select these rating systems is based on considering BREEAM, LEED, and CASBEE as globally well-known
32 leading ones alongside Green Star NZ, which in comparison is a relatively new system that has recently released
33 its latest version and New Zealand has subsequently seen a significant increase in the number of registered green
34 buildings.
36 3.1. BREEAM
37 BREEAM is seen as the first green building rating assessment in the world, launched and operated by BRE
38 (Building Research Establishment) in the UK [32-34]. It was introduced to the market in 1990 and was first
39 revised to assess offices in 1993 [33, 90]. It is widely accepted that almost all later major green rating systems
40 such as LEED, Green Star, and CASBEE are under the influence of BREEAM (Figure 2).
42 BREEAM is widely used owing to its flexibility. It not only assesses local codes and conditions but also allows
43 application in international buildings [91]. In addition, BREEAM enables evaluation of a building’s lifecycle in
44 view to design, built, operation and refurbishment; BRE provides New Construction, In-use, Refurbishment and
45 Fit-Out, Communities, and Infrastructure manuals for planners, local authorities, developers, and investors. As a
46 result, BREEAM has so far issued over 560,000 certifications [43]. This number is anticipated to follow its
47 increasing pattern (from 250,000 buildings in 2014 [92] to 425,000 buildings in 2015 [93], and 540,000
Page 3 of 26
1 buildings in 2016 [56]). A similar incremental pattern applied to the number of countries adapting BREEAM
2 since 1990 (50 countries in 2014 [92], 70 countries in 2016 [56], and over 75 countries in 2017 [43, 94]).
3 BREEAM certifications accounts for 80% of the European market share for sustainable building certifications
4 [43, 54, 55, 95]. Although all of the sustainability pillars could be assessed by BREEAM, the environmental
5 factor is still predominant with eight main categories including Management, Energy, Transport, Water,
6 Materials, Waste, Land Use & Ecology, and Pollution.
9 Figure 2. The relationship among green ratings (adapted from Mao [96])
11 3.2. LEED
12 LEED is a voluntary standard developed by USGBC (US Green Building Council) [97, 98]. It was first
13 launched in 1998 with a pilot version (LEED 1.0) [99, 100]. Although it was released after BREEAM, it is
14 considered as the most widely adopted rating scheme based on the number of countries, with over 79,000
15 projects [42, 101, 102] across 135 countries in 2012 [103, 104], reaching nearly 150 countries and territories in
16 2014 [92], and over 160 countries and territories at present [42]. The square footage of LEED-certified projects
17 has risen dramatically during 2008-2016 (approximately 100%), from around 0.15 billion to over 15 billion
18 square feet [42, 96]. Similar to BREEAM, LEED predominantly evaluates environmental factors including
19 Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Material and Resources, and Indoor Environment
20 Quality categories. All of the building’s lifecycle could be evaluated based on the criteria from Building Design
21 and Construction, Interior Design and Construction, Building Operations and Maintenance, Neighbourhood
22 Development manuals.
24 3.3. CASBEE
25 CASBEE was developed by the collaboration of academia, industry, and the local governments in 2001 in Japan
26 [105, 106]. Owing to its limitation to Japanese context, the number of certified buildings is still modest (330
27 buildings since 2004) [105]. However, it is the rating which evaluates the broadest context (Figure 3) and started
releasing a pilot version for worldwide use in 2015. CASBEE could assess the buildings starting from the design
29 to the renovation with criteria from CASBEE Buildings, CASBEE for Commercial Interiors, and CASBEE for
30 Temporary Construction manuals. While CASBEE for Urban Development and CASBEE for Cities manuals are
31 used as frameworks to evaluate a group of buildings.
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2 Figure 3. Overview of green rating tools
4 3.4. Green Star NZ
5 The Green Star NZ rating scheme was first launched in 2007 by NZGBC (New Zealand Green Building
6 Council), based on the Australian Green Star [45]. Compared to the rating schemes above, Green Star NZ is the
7 youngest. It is the only one that does not provide a manual to assess the building during its performance phase
8 (Figure 3). Since it has been in the market for a decade only, the number of certified buildings is still limited.
9 However, it has seen a positive trend (10 times increase since 2009) to reach 125 certifications [107].
12 BREEAM, LEED, and Green Star NZ were established by non-profit third parties, while the government plays a
13 dominant role in CASBEE besides the industry and academia. Due to the collaborations among various parties,
14 CASBEE could receive the feedbacks and consider them for future updates more frequently, precisely, and
15 thoroughly. This could be a reason why CASBEE is considered as a leader in the assessment of comprehensive
16 area development projects. This includes a group of buildings or a city with the release of CASBEE Urban
17 Development CASBEE City (see Figure 3), even though CASBEE was established after the leading global rating
18 systems BREEAM and LEED a decade and half of a decade, respectively. Green Star NZ is the latest
established rating systems compared to BREEAM, LEED, and CASBEE. Consequently, though it could
20 evaluate the majority of the whole life cycle of a project, operation stage assessment is still not covered (see
21 Figure 3).
23 The main features of BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE, and Green Star NZ are shown in Table 1. It is clear from the
24 Table that all of these four rating schemes just released their latest versions recently. Although the latest version
25 of LEED was released four years ago, it has the new update in 2017 [108]. This proves that all of the rating
26 systems are making efforts to revise and update their criteria more frequently to follow immediately with the
27 rapid development of sustainable construction.
29 Table 1. Main features of BREEAM, LEED, and Green Star NZ
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Management Management
Health & Indoor
Energy &
Wellbeing Environment
Energy Indoor Environment Quality
Location &
Transport Quality of Service Energy
Water On-site Environment Transport
Main categories Water
Material Energy Water
Waste Resources & Materials Material
Material &
Land Use & Off-site Environment Land Use &
Ecology Ecology
Pollution Emissions
Innovation Innovation
Pre-weighted Additive
Rating approach BEE ranking chart categories except
categories credits
for Innovation
Poor: BEE <0.5
Pass ≥ 30 Fairy Poor: BEE=0.5-1.0
Certified ≥ 40
Good ≥ 45 Good: BEE=1-1.5 Best practice ≥ 45
Silver ≥ 50 Very good: BEE=1.5-3; or
Rating level Very good ≥ 55 Excellent ≥ 60
Gold ≥ 60 BEE ≥ 3 and Q<50
Excellent ≥ 70 Leadership ≥ 75
Platinum ≥ 80 Excellent: BEE ≥3 and
Outstanding ≥ 85
Number of
certified 561,600 79,100 541 125
2 The flexibility or the application of CASBEE and Green Star NZ is still limited; it is suggested that they are
3 only capable of domestic projects leading to the modest certified projects, with 541 for CASBEE and 125 for
4 Green Star NZ. This is because CASBEE and Green Star NZ were just established around a decade ago and they
5 are still at the earlier stages compared to BREEAM and LEED. A pilot version for worldwide use was released
6 in 2015 to make CASBEE more flexible to gain the widespread adoption and the number of registered projects.
8 BREAM and LEED have a significant number of green certified buildings globally. Despite the different
9 regional characteristics, climate, culture, etc., countries other than the UK and the US could adopt BREAM or
10 LEED. This is because standards used to assess green criteria could be the international standards or local
11 equivalent standards. For example, LEED states that International Society of Arboriculture using ISA standard
12 method or local equivalents could be used to assess Sensitive Land Protection in LEED. While BREEAM also
13 allows national or local equivalents to ISO 7730:2005 used to evaluate Thermal Comfort sub-category.
15 BREAM and LEED differ significantly in their flexibility and the number of certified buildings. 561,600
16 buildings in total were certified by BREEAM, which is seven times higher than those for LEED. Regarding
17 geographic adoption, up to 160 countries and territories have adopted LEED for green project assessment in
18 comparison with 77 countries for BREEAM. This could be explained in three main reasons. Firstly, BREEAM
19 targets the European market where the majority of countries are well-aware of Sustainability. Secondly, LEED
20 is considered as a more transparent rating approach for calculating the final results, while BREEAM adopts the
21 pre-weighted categories method which is more complex and stricter. Finally, BREEAM is stricter in its criteria
22 for achieving credits. It sets absolute parameters while relative percentage improvement or reduction targets are
23 employed by LEED. For example, in the sub-category of Energy, Reduction of energy use and carbon
24 emissions, BREEAM provides guidance in the form of a table for Energy Performance Ratio for International
25 New Constructions benchmark scale, in which absolute values are targeted like 0.06 for achieving one credit and
26 0.9 for achieving 15 credits. While in the sub-category accounting for the highest credits of Energy and
27 Atmosphere of LEED, Optimize energy performance, a table is created to compare the difference in the
28 percentage of the assessed building energy simulation with the past energy simulation analyses or published data
Page 6 of 26
1 for similar buildings. If the simulation shows that the energy performance improves 6% for new construction,
2 one point will be achieved for a school project, and 16 points will be attained for 42% of the improvement. As a
3 result, BREEAM has many certified projects, but LEED gains global adoption.
5 Considering the number of main categories of the four rating schemes, it is clear that BREEAM has the highest
6 number of categories (10), which is slightly higher than those of LEED and Green Star NZ with nine categories
7 for each. It is worth noticing that BREEAM, LEED, and Green Star NZ share the same patterns in the
8 characteristics of categories. This is due to the strong influence of BREEAM on LEED and Green Star NZ, as
9 demonstrated in Figure 2. Although CASBEE is affected by BREEAM, it was established by the cooperation of
10 various parties, including the government, industry, and academia, thereby leading to the difference in the
11 assessed categories constituting only six main categories. These rating schemes have the common categories
12 such as Energy and Material, even though they are created based on their local contexts. This proves that these
13 same categories are the global concerns and should be considered thoroughly.
15 In view of the rating approach, LEED adds all credit points to sum up the final grade while BREEAM and
16 Green Star NZ pre-weight the categories before adding them up. Figure 4 shows the weightings of Green Star
17 NZ and BREEAM.
19 The weightings for Green Star NZ depend on projects types (Office, Education or Industry). For example, in an
20 Education project, Material constitutes a higher percentage than the one in an Office or an Industry project.
21 Likewise, Indoor Environment Quality is a more significant point of focus in Industry projects compared to the
22 others.
24 BREEAM further categorizes projects into Shell and core only, Shell only, and Fully fitted out. Although
25 BREEAM’s and Green Star NZ’s weightings are created based on two different local contexts and standards,
26 they have the same common in the weightings of characteristics. It is clear that Energy is the most important
27 category in both ratings, accounting for the highest proportion of the weighting scale. In other words, Energy is
28 seen as the priority criterion compared to the others. This is understandable due to the excessive energy
29 consumption of the construction industry. According to EIA (Energy Information Administration), buildings
30 constituted almost a third of the global energy consumption [109, 110]. Based on the IPCC (Intergovernmental
31 Panel on Climate Change) AR5 (Fifth Assessment Report), buildings consumed 32% of global energy and
32 emission of 19% of energy-related greenhouse gases [111]. Also, buildings were responsible for 40% of the EU
33 energy consumption [112].
36 Figure 4. Green Star NZ’s and BREEAM’s weightings
38 Besides the importance of the Energy criterion, the weighting scales for Material and Indoor Environment
39 Quality/Health & Wellbeing also reflect their major priorities in the building evaluation compared to other
40 criteria. The building construction industry is responsible for a substantial proportion of the global raw material
41 consumption exploiting 25% of wood harvest; 40% of stone, sand, and gravel, and 16% of water [113-115],
42 thereby leading to the high weighting scale in Material. Whereas Indoor Environment Quality/Health &
43 Wellbeing focuses on the wellbeing and health issues of building occupants [116, 117]. This is considered as a
44 key role in defining Green as: “providing people with healthy, applicable, efficient space and natural
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1 harmonious architecture” [65-67]. Therefore, the weighting for Indoor Environment Quality/Health &
2 Wellbeing is highlighted.
4 In any manual version of BREEAM or Green Star NZ, Energy, Material, and Indoor Environment
5 Quality/Health & Wellbeing are prioritized. However, in the later versions, the weighting percentages of Energy,
6 and Indoor Environment Quality/Health & Wellbeing tend to reduce. In contrast, those of Material show an
7 opposite tendency. For example, 20% is the figure of Indoor Environment Quality of Office version 1, which
8 reduces to 16% in the next three versions, as opposed to Material with a growth by 4% in Office version 09,
9 version 3, and version 3.1. This could be explained that previous building practices might show a positive trend
10 toward Energy and Indoor Environment Quality/Health & Wellbeing, while Material had not caught much
11 attention yet. These weightings have a strong influence on the final results of BREEAM and Green Star.
12 BREEAM and Green Star follow a similar approach to determine the final results based on “pre-weighted
13 categories”. Points will be given for each sub-category which are then summed up for total points of each
14 category. As individual categories have their own weighting scale (e.g. Figure 4), the total point of each
15 category will be multiplied by the weighting scale which is equivalent to the category before adding up for the
16 final results. In spite of this, LEED uses a simpler method called “additive credits”, where all credits are just
17 added up to calculate the final results regardless of the weightings.
19 In contrast to the rest, the assessment results for CASBEE are calculated in a complex way. It is worth noticing
20 that CASBEE has a different approach to calculating the final results. Instead of separating credits into different
21 green categories such as energy, transportation, etc., CASBEE evaluates two spaces, internal and external,
22 divided by the virtual boundary, see Figure 5 [105]. In other words, CASBEE evaluates two factors, Q (Built
23 Environment Quality) and L (Built Environment Load). Q is used to assess “improvement in everyday amenity
24 for the building users, within the virtual enclosed space boundary” [105] while L is used to assess “negative
25 aspects of environmental impact that go beyond the virtual enclosed space boundary to the outside (the public
26 property)” [105]. Credits for Q and L are calculated before putting on a BEE (Built Environment Efficiency)
27 chart which is divided according to the line gradient (Figure 6) for the final results or calculating by the equation
28 BEE=Q/L. An example is displayed in Figure 5 in which Q=80 and L=34. The point (80, 34) is in A gradient
29 translated as a very good building in Figure 5.
31 Figure 5. Built Environment Quality and Built Environment Load [105]
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2 S: Excellent A: Very good B+: Good B-: Fairy poor C: Poor
3 Figure 6. BEE ranking chart
5 A timeline of developments for the discussed four rating systems is displayed in Figure 7. It is noticeable that,
6 since 2005, they all have been furnished with new tools, most especially BREEAM with almost a new update
7 every year. In contrast to BREEAM and CASBEE, LEED and Green Star NZ have updated their tools
8 synchronously.
10 Although these four schemes are voluntary tools, they are being used as a mandatory requirement in some
11 regions or for particular purposes. BREEAM assessment is a mandatory requirement to achieve funding from
12 Department of Health and Education in the UK [118]. San Francisco is the first state in the U.S. which required
13 high-rise residential projects to be certified LEED silver by 2010 [119]. CASBEE assessment results have been
14 used as a mandatory for building permits by some local Japanese governments [120], whereas Auckland
15 Council has included requirements for Green Star NZ in the Proposed Unitary Plan [45].
Page 9 of 26
G1 G2 G3
C1 C3 C5 C7 C10
L1 L3 L4 L5 L6
B1 B2 B4 B5 B7 B9 B10 B12 B14
1990 1998 2000 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 20142015 2016
B3 B6 B8 B11 B13 B14
C2 C4 C6 C8 C9
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7
B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
LEED 1.0 LEED 2.1 LEED 2.2 LEED 1.0 LEED 2.1 LEED 2.2
C1 C2 C3
CASBEE for Building (New CASBEE for Building (Existing CASBEE for Building
Construction) Building) (Renovation)+CASBEE for Heat Island
C4 C5 C6
CASBEE for Detached House (New
CASBEE for Heat Island+CASBEE
CASBEE for Urban Development Construction)+CASBEE for Urban
School+CASBEE for Building
C7 C8 C9
CASBEE for Detached House CASBEE for Market
(Existing Building)+CASBEE for Cities Promotion+CASBEE for Cities CASBEE for Detached House+CASBEE
for Building+CASBEE for Market
C10 Promotion+CASBEE for Urban
CASBEE for Cities
G1 G2 G3 G4
Green Star v1 Green Star 2009 Green Star v3 Green Star v3.1
2 Figure 7. BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE, and Green Star timeline
5 This research utilized a two-step approach to review green certifications comprehensively, see Figure 8.
7 Figure 8. Methodology steps
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1 a. Initially, a systematic desktop search was carried out via major scientific databases namely, Scopus and
2 Web of Science (WOS), to identify the relevant journals for this study. WOS and Scopus are seen as
3 the most widespread databases covering publications in various fields [121]. WOS has a strong
4 coverage with papers published since 1990 and English is the main language in its most journals while
5 a superior number of journals is covered by Scopus [122]. To narrow the selected journals which
6 published many relevant papers, search keywords, including “LEED”, “BREEAM”, CASBEE”,
7 “Green Star NZ”, “Green Building”, and “Sustainable Building” were used under the “article
8 title/abstract/keywords” field for Scopus and “Title” for WOS. Journals publishing the largest number
9 of papers in these fields were identified as Energy and Buildings (E&B), Building and Environment
10 (B&E), Automation in Construction (A&C), Building Research and Information (BR&I), International
11 Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development (SBT&UD), Journal of Cleaner
12 Production (CP), Environmental Impact Assessment Review (EIAR), and Renewable and Sustainable
13 Energy Reviews (R&SER). They are also high-ranking journals in the construction field which are
14 ranked by Scimago Journal & Country Rank (http://www.scimagojr.com/), see Table 2. Therefore, they
15 are the mainstreams chosen for reviewing.
17 Table 2. Ranking of selected journals
Areas Journals Rank
B&E 3
E&B 5
Building and Construction A&C 13
BR&I 15
SBT&UD 115
Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment CP 21
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law EIAR 24
19 Due to the popular use of the chosen search keywords, irrelevant papers are possibly available in the
20 results. Thus, abstracts were read to filter out the irrelevant papers. Unless the papers mainly focused
21 on the green rating systems, they will be excluded. The aim of this first step is to a) observe the
22 development of green rating systems, b) find out how they are popular in the research, c) discover
23 which rating is more globally recognized, d) locate the countries concerning about green building.
25 b. In a latter step, manuals of BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE, and Green Star NZ were examined to
26 determine their developments, similarities, and differences along with their strengths and weaknesses
31 manuals represent for a large-scale development plans guidance. It “provides a framework to planners,
32 local authorities, developers, and investors through the master planning process, before embarking on
33 procurement, detailed building level design and construction” [123]. All of the examined manuals are
34 indicated in Table 3.
36 Table 3. Selected manuals of BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE, and Green Star NZ
Page 11 of 26
1 A total of 408 papers were identified in the above-mentioned eight journals; however, 206 papers were
2 delimitated as none of BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE, or Green Star NZ were the main focus. It was discovered
3 that the first set of LEED and BREEAM related papers were published in 1998, see Figure 9. This field attracted
4 the attention of researchers by the end of the 2000s. The number of published papers increased dramatically
5 from 8 papers in 2010 to 36 papers in 2016.
8 Figure 9. BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE, and Green Star NZ related papers published from 1998 to 2016
10 BR&I contributed the highest number of papers, accounting for 35% of total papers in eight selected journals
11 (Figure 10). This figure is almost double the total number of papers that E&B released during 1998-2016. A
12 significant increase in a number of published papers was seen in E&B, B&E, and R&SER from 2013-2016 (an
13 average of 16 paper each year for these three journals). While BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE, and Green Star NZ
14 have just received attention recently from A&C, CP, SBT&UD, and EIAR. Except BR&I, E&B, and B&E, the
15 rest of the journals published fewer papers, but they all shared a similar pattern, a growth in the number of
16 papers recently.
19 Figure 10. BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE, and Green Star NZ related papers published in each selected
20 journal
22 5.2. Attraction of BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE, and Green Star NZ topics
23 Despite the use of “BREEAM,” “LEED,” “CASBEE,” and “Green Star NZ” as search keywords, no
24 publications under “Green Star NZ” were found. This is a confirmation that Green Star NZ is still in its earlier
25 stages compared to the rest leading to the academia’s neglect. Figure 11 shows the statistics for the papers
Page 12 of 26
1 related to LEED, BREEAM, and CASBEE. LEED has attracted the most increasing attention with 63% of the
2 total papers (36% more than BREEAM-related publications). In contrast to BREEAM and LEED, with a
3 dramatic increase in the number of papers, the figures for CASBEE have only risen slightly at the beginning of
4 the 2010s.
30 30
18 18
15 15 15
10 10 10
8 8
7 7
5 5 5 55 5
4 4 4
3 3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
7 Figure 11. The proportions of BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE, and Green Star NZ in the research papers
12 this study examined the research origin of the first authors of the identified papers. 202 papers originated from
13 30 countries; however, only those countries contributing two or more papers are shown in Figure 12. It is noted
14 that almost a quarter of papers come from the USA (49 papers). Five leading countries in publications (the USA,
15 Canada, the UK, China, and Australia) have contributed to approximately 70% of the total papers. It is worth
16 noting that these countries are also the origins of widely utilized green rating schemes namely, LEED (USA and
17 Canada), BREEAM (The UK), and Green Star (Australia). Furthermore, developing countries such as Turkey,
18 India, Brazil, and Malaysia, are also aiming for green buildings.
Page 13 of 26
2 Figure 12. Research origin of BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE, and Green Star related paper published
4 The abovementioned statistics prove that green rating systems are globally well-known and have attracted the
5 attention of many countries including developed and developing ones. Although BREEAM and LEED have
6 been established for a long time, they caught the attention of researchers by the end of the 2000s, especially
7 2008 in which the number of LEED papers was doubled to reach ten papers per year, while BREEAM’s and
8 LEED’s figures were also increased.
13 This research compared New Construction manuals of the discussed green building rating systems (Figure 13).
14 Although different terminologies were used to describe BREEAM’s, LEED’s, CASBEE’s, and Green Star’s
15 assessment criteria, they generally share common purposes, focusing on environmental concerns, especially in
16 BREEAM, LEED, and Green Star NZ. Indoor Environment Quality, Energy, and Material criteria are all
17 assessed under these four systems which proves that they are global concerns. Also, the total points for each
18 category of Indoor Environment Quality, Energy, and Material are higher than those of the rest ones. In other
19 words, these categories are the main focus, and they are promoted by international organizations.
21 Establishing by non-profit organizations and strongly depending on BREEAM, LEED and Green Star NZ have
22 similar categories and total points with BREEAM as opposed to CASBEE. About the total points, BREEAM,
23 LEED, and Green Star NZ have around 150 points on the average. It is worth noticing that the later of the
24 version released, the more total points could be achieved. LEED has the most notable increase in points, from 69
25 points in version 2 to 145 points in version 4. BREEAM and Green Star NZ followed the same approach in their
26 latest version with their total points increased by over 15 points accumulating to 159 and 153 respectively. This
27 means that the evaluation of the rating systems is gradually comprehensive. Taking BREEAM for example, the
28 total points of Material in International New Construction 2013 are 11 which then increased by one in
29 International New Construction 2016. In the sub-category namely Responsible sourcing of construction
30 product, International New Construction 2016 assesses not only three credits which are same with 2013 manual
31 but also one more credit for sustainable procurement plan.
33 While points are gained for the assessment process of BREEAM, LEED, and Green Star NZ, levels are
34 determined for CASBEE evaluation. Point achievement could be seen as a flexible assessment method which
35 does not have any particular maximum points. These points are earned based on the important of the criteria. In
36 Energy of Green Star NZ version 3.1, for instance, total points achievement could be 10 for the first sub-
37 category, but it is only one for the second sub-category. It means that the important of the first sub-categories is
38 much higher than that of the second sub-category. This is opposite with CASBEE in which levels are given in a
39 particular range. Five levels are granted from Level 1 to Level 5. Level 1 is earned when the minimum
40 conditions requirement is satisfied, and Level 3 represents the achievement of the ordinary technical and social
Page 14 of 26
1 practices at the time of assessment. Despite the different important of sub-categories, five is the maximum level
2 that each sub-category of CASBEE could be attained. Put differently, the level or the important of each sub-
3 category is equal in CASBEE system in case weighting coefficients are not taken into account, which is totally
4 opposite with BREEAM, LEED, and CASBEE.
6 In view to the mandatory credits, ensuring a project achieves a certain minimum score in each category,
7 BREEAM, LEED, and Green Star NZ increased their credits to prevent greenwash action. Greenwash action is
8 defined as “the use of public relations or marketing in order to promote a misleading perception that a
9 company’s policies or products are environmentally friendly” [127]. In other words, mandatory credits are
10 created to prevent plans achieving green certifications by applying for the least necessary credits. Despite a big
11 difference regarding the total number of mandatory credits in BREEAM and Green Star NZ, they both have the
12 same tendency (a slight increase towards the mandatory credits in their updated versions). BREEAM and LEED
13 share a similar figure in the number of mandatory credits in the latest version while the figure for Green Star NZ
14 is still modest. It is clear from the schemes that Indoor Environment Quality and Energy are key categories,
15 accounting for a considerable number of points and including mandatory credits in any versions.
17 Although BREEAM, LEED, and Green Star NZ include a combination of mandatory and non-mandatory
18 credits, they have a different approach for the result calculation. Points could be achieved if a project satisfies
19 the requirement for mandatory credits in BREEAM and Green Star NZ as opposed to LEED when no point is
20 allocated for those credits but it is compulsory to comply with the credits.
24 Figure 13. A comparison of New Construction manuals
26 This research also investigated the development of sub-categories in these green rating systems (Figure 14). It is
27 noted that there is a slight rise towards the total number of sub-categories of BREEAM, LEED, and Green Star
28 NZ in the later versions, especially with the release of two new categories in LEED version 4, namely
29 Integrative Process and Location and Transportation. The categories of these rating systems are analysed in
30 more detail in which more sub-categories are created to assess projects in every angle of the category with the
31 development and the release of new versions of manuals. Energy is again emphasized with the rise in sub-
32 categories among BREEAM, LEED, and Green Star NZ. Besides, BREEAM, LEED, and Green Star NZ also
33 have a common increase in the number of Transport sub-categories.
Page 15 of 26
1 It is worth noting that despite the strong dependence on BREEAM, LEED and Green Star NZ have a different
2 way towards the total points and sub-categories breakdown. BREEAM, LEED, and Green Star NZ have a
3 similar total of points, but the total sub-categories of BREEAM are much lower than those of LEED and Green
4 Star NZ, see Figure 14. In other words, more points can be achieved in each sub-category of BREEAM than
5 those of LEED and Green Star NZ. Furthermore, the total sub-categories of BREEAM except for Innovation are
6 fairly equal in each category as opposed to those of LEED and Green Star NZ. Management is promoted in New
7 Zealand context while the US focuses on Sustainable Sites. However, Indoor Environment Quality, Energy, and
8 Material are emphasized in both LEED and Green Star NZ.
10 In CASBEE, due to the unavailability of manual in English, only CASBEE for Building (New Construction)
11 2014 is considered. Having the same trend with LEED and Green Star NZ, Indoor Environment Quality and
12 Resources and Material have the highest number of sub-categories. Besides, Quality of Service is taken into
13 account in Japan context. It is worth noticing that CASBEE is the only rating system having Earthquake
14 Resistance sub-category to cope with the high frequency of earthquake in Japan.
16 Despite the influence of BREEAM, these rating systems pay attention to different categories depending on their
17 contexts. However, Indoor Environment Quality and Material are the key common categories among all with
18 the highest number of sub-categories.
26 Green Star NZ is much higher than those of BREEAM. The figures for LEED and Green Star NZ are exactly the
27 same, with 68 sub-categories, while BREEAM and CASBEE share a common in the total sub-categories, 53 and
28 51 respectively.
30 Table 4. A comparison regarding sustainable aspects by sub-categories
Sub-categories BREEAM (53) LEED (68) CASBEE (51) Green Star NZ(68) Average
Management ≈4 Quality of Service ≈3 Management ≈10
Procedural Process =2 7.8%
Total ≈7.5% Total ≈5.9% Total ≈14.7%
Total ≈2.9%
Page 16 of 26
Location &
Management ≈1
Health ≈3
&Wellbeing ≈7 Sustainable Sites Indoor Environment
Energy ≈9 ≈13 ≈13
Quality ≈13
Transport ≈3 Water Energy ≈7
Energy ≈11
Water ≈4 Efficiency ≈7 Resources & Material
Transport ≈4
Environment Material ≈4 Energy & ≈10 80.2%
Water ≈2
Waste ≈6 Atmosphere ≈11 Off-site Environment
Material ≈9
Land Use & Material & ≈7
Land Use &
Ecology ≈4 Resources ≈10 Quality of Service ≈6
Ecology ≈5
Pollution ≈5 Indoor Total ≈84.3%
Emissions ≈6
Total ≈79.3% Environment
Total ≈75.0%
Quality ≈12
Total ≈82.4%
Location &
Health & ≈5 Quality of Service ≈1
Quality ≈1
Wellbeing ≈2 Material & On-site Environment
Society Transport ≈1 9.2%
Transport ≈3 Resources ≈2 ≈4
Material ≈1
Total ≈9.4% Regional Total ≈9.8%
Emissions ≈1
Priority ≈1
Total ≈5.9%
Total ≈11.8%
Management ≈1
Economy Total =0.0% Total =0.0% Total =0.0% 0.5%
Total ≈1.9%
Innovation =1 Innovation =2 Innovation =3
Extra Total =0.0% 2.3%
Total =1.9% Total =2.9% Total =4.4%
2 It is clear from the Table 4 that some sub-categories fall into Procedural in which none of Environmental,
3 Social, Economic, or Institutional factors is assessed. For example, some points can be achieved if a project
4 proves that accredited professional people participate in the project for Green Star, or the integrated design
5 process is recognized and encouraged for BREEAM and LEED. While CASBEE rewards levels for sufficient
6 maintenance plans. Approximately 15% of total sub-categories of Green Star NZ are divided into Procedural
7 compared to BREEAM, LEED, and CASBEE with a relatively low percentage. In other words, sub-categories
8 of BREEAM, LEED, and CASBEE are more sufficiency regarding the green or sustainable assessment in which
13 and Indoor Environment Quality/Health & Wellbeing; which are dominant in weighting coefficients, the
14 number of points, and the number of sub-categories; are all available under Environment. This confirms that
15 Environment is the main focus in the New Construction manuals.
Although Society has caught attention recently, the number of sub-categories for Social assessment is still
18 modest, with around five sub-categories on the average, accounting for approximately 9% of total sub-
19 categories, for these four rating systems. BREEAM is the only rating scheme considering economic aspects (2%
20 = one sub-category). Except for CASBEE, the rest three ratings have extra sub-categories for Innovation in
21 which more points could be achieved. These sub-categories have not been classified in any sustainable pillars.
22 Innovation points could be gained once a project achieves exceptional or innovative performances in which
23 these performances are not included or go beyond the requirement of the credit criteria. Therefore, depending on
24 the project stakeholders, these sub-categories could be categorized as Environmental, Social, Economic, or
25 Institutional factors. Innovation could improve the flexibility and capability of rating systems.
27 It is noticeable that all the rating systems except for Green Star NZ have similar figures for Procedural,
28 Environment, and Society despite the different local contexts which rating systems are implemented. Besides, all
29 these four schemes have failed to assess the Institutional pillar while Economy is only mildly evaluated in
30 BREEAM. It could be validated that New Construction tools could be only adopted to examine how green
31 buildings are and they could not be used for sustainable assessment.
33 5.4.2. Neighbourhood Development/Communities/Urban Development manuals
Page 17 of 26
1 Difference with New Construction tool assessing individual buildings, Neighbourhood
2 Development/Communities/Urban Development tools have been released to evaluate how sustainable a
3 comprehensive area development project will be. Although CASBEE was established much later than
4 BREEAM and LEED, it is the first organization releasing this type of tool in 2006 compared to the ones of
5 BREEAM and LEED in 2009 (see Figure 3). Till now, Green Star NZ is still the only system which does not
6 have a tool to evaluate a group of buildings.
8 A breakdown of sub-categories regarding the sustainable pillars was examined, see Table 5. LEED has the
9 widest scope regarding the Neighbourhood Development with 56 sub-categories, which is 15 and 27 higher than
10 those of BREEAM and CASBEE respectively. Compared to New Construction, none of the sub-categories falls
11 into Procedure which is unnecessary for sustainable assessment. As shown in the names of the tools,
12 Neighbourhood Development/Communities/Urban Development, Society is the most promoted pillar here. Over
13 60% of total sub-categories have been used to assess social factors in BREEAM and LEED, which doubles the
14 figure for CASBEE.
16 Table 5. A comparison regarding sustainable aspects by sub-categories in neighborhood development
17 manuals
Sub-categories BREEAM (41) LEED (56) CASBEE (29) Average
Resources & Energy Neighborhood Pattern
Resource ≈4
≈5 & Design ≈1
Nature ≈4
Environment Land Use & Green Infrastructure 26.97%
Artifact ≈1
Ecology ≈3 & Buildings ≈16
Total ≈31.0%
Total ≈19.5% Total ≈30.4%
Social & Economic
Smart Location &
Wellbeing ≈14
Linkage ≈14
Resources & Energy
Neighborhood Pattern Impartiality/Fairness ≈2
& Design ≈15 Safety/Security ≈4
Society Land Use & 52.63%
Green Infrastructure Amenity ≈4
Ecology ≈3
Traffic/Urban Structure
Social and
Neighborhood Pattern ≈4
Economy & Design ≈2 Growth Potential ≈3 15.13%
Wellbeing ≈3
Total ≈3.6% Energy System ≈3
Total ≈7.3%
Total ≈34.5%
Governance ≈4
Institution Total =0.0% Total =0.0% 3.27%
Total ≈9.8%
Innovation =1 Innovation =2
Extra Total =0.0% 2%
Total ≈2.4% Total ≈3.6%
19 Although Environment is not the main focus in these tools, a considerable proportion of sub-categories has been
20 still used to assess the Environmental factors. LEED and CASBEE share the same figure with almost a third of
21 total sub-categories, which around 10% higher than that of BREEAM. Urban Development marks the
22 impressive growth of CASBEE in Economic assessment. The Economy of a project could be assessed by over a
23 third of sub-categories of CASBEE, while the figures for both BREEAM and LEED are still very modest. It is
24 noticeable that CASBEE is almost equal not only in the level or the important of each sub-category but also
25 equal in the proportions of total-sub-categories for Environmental, Social, and Economic assessment. CASBEE
26 could be seen as a balanced tool in Urban Development assessment. BREEAM is one more time a leader of
27 sustainable assessment when it is the only tool could measure four pillars of sustainability, with few aspects of
28 the Institutional pillar.
30 In comparison with New Construction, these tools have evolved considerably to assess Social and Economic
31 factors, 52.63% and 15.13% of total sub-categories respectively; however, it is still far ahead for these tools to
32 be seen as sustainable assessment ones. In four pillars, only Environment and Society are paid much attention,
33 contributing around 80% of total sub-categories, while little emphasis is placed for Economy and Institution.
34 Limited knowledge or the vague of the sustainable concept leads to the uncertainty of the parameters in
35 sustainable assessment could be a reason for this unbalanced focus. Compared to the rest sustainable pillars,
Page 18 of 26
1 Environment has been defined and analysed for a long time, thereby all of the rating tools could assess the
2 Environmental factors properly. Society, the second appeared pillar, is known and analysed soon after the
3 Environment. This could be explained why Society is then promoted in Neighbourhood
4 Development/Communities/Urban Development tools while Economy and Institution have still on the way of the
5 development.
8 The comprehensive review of relevant papers provides strong evidence of the essence and the recognition of
9 green rating systems to the construction industry recently. BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE, and Green Star NZ
10 have been researched in 202 papers in eight journals during 1998-2016, and a dramatic increase in the number
11 of papers since the mid-2000s is noted. It is consistent with Eichholtz [128]’s statement in which the popular of
12 green building has greatly increased since 2000. The review confirms that BREEAM and LEED are dominant
13 regarding the breadth and a total number of papers published compared to CASBEE and Green Star NZ during
14 the research period. This could indicate that BREEAM and LEED are most widespread globally and more
15 commonly used in comparison to the other rating tools [129]. Also, the attraction of green rating systems
16 depends on their marketing as well as their transparency, which was proved by the case of BREEM and LEED
17 [130]. BREEAM focuses on the European market in which the Green/Sustainability definition seems to be more
18 well-aware of than the other markets, leading to the high number of certified projects. While LEED is more
19 transparency and easier to be certified than BREEAM which promotes the popular of LEED globally based on
20 the adoption of countries.
22 To follow the sustainable trend of building development, New Construction is continuously updated. More
23 points, sub-categories, and categories are added in the later versions to assess a project more comprehensively,
24 especially LEED with a double increase toward the total points and an available of two more categories in the
25 version 4. In New Construction, all assessment ratings concentrated mainly on Environment while Society
26 receives less attention. Besides, only BREEAM has one sub-category considering Economic aspects. Therefore,
27 New Construction could be considered as a green rating system rather than a sustainable rating system.
29 Due to the need to address issues in local contexts of individual countries or regions, different rating systems
30 have a different emphasis. The categories of LEED and Green Star NZ are fundamentally similar with
31 BREEAM while CASBEE could be seen as an independent scheme in which their categories and sub-categories
32 are set up based on Japan’s distinctive identity even though LEED, CASBEE, and Green Star NZ are all
33 influenced by BREEAM. However, Indoor Environment Quality/Health & Wellbeing, Energy, and Material are
34 the core categories in New Construction manuals in any ratings, accounting for major points, mandatory credits,
35 weightings, and sub-categories. In other words, Indoor Environment Quality/Health & Wellbeing, Energy, and
36 Material are widely concerned and international promoted. These are followed by Transport, Land Use and
37 Ecology.
39 Results in Neighbourhood Development/Communities/Urban Development indicate that although these tools
40 have developed significantly, their sub-categories have failed to address all aspects of Economy and Institutional
41 sustainability. While Environment and Social are placed great importance, only few sub-categories are
42 established to measure the Economy of a project and solely BREEAM takes Institutional dimension into
43 account. Despite dramatic evolving, Neighbourhood Development/Communities/Urban Development could only
44 assess two over four dimensions of sustainability. This could be explained that Environmental and Social
45 dimensions were critically analysed leading to the details of their factors in which these could be measured and
46 evaluated. While it is still struggling with precisely defining Economic and Institutional pillars to have their
Page 19 of 26
1 sustainable assessment when it could assess more aspects in both New Construction and Communities.
2 Otherwise, Green Star NZ should make more considerable efforts to have its tools more comprehensive in the
3 sustainable assessment. The process of attaining green certifications or implementing environmental activities
4 are considered as time-consuming and high spending [133-138]. Therefore, entirely transparent processes with
5 detailed guidance in manuals along with case studies confirming that green certified buildings are much less
6 costly in the long term than non-certified ones should be provided.
8 Table 6. Strengths and Weaknesses of rating systems (adapted from manuals in Table 3)
Corporations of
Only non-profit Only non-profit government, Only non-profit
third party third party industry, and third party
Only in Japan
Popular use in
(published a pilot
Market Penetration the European Global adoption Only in NZ
version for
international use)
Design, Built, Design, Built, Design, Built, Design, Built,
Building’s lifecycle assessment Operation and Operation and Operation and and
Refurbishment Refurbishment Refurbishment Refurbishment
Neighbourhood Urban Development
Large-scale projects manual Development manual, and City None
manual manual
Global Global
Attraction researchers and researchers and Limit None
organizations organizations
Results calculation Moderation Transparency Complex Moderation
Mandatory credits Use Use None Limit
Sufficient Sufficient Sufficient Sufficient
assessment assessment assessment assessment
Limited Limited Limited
Society Limited assessment
New Construction
assessment assessment assessment
Economy None None None
Institution None None None None
11 All of the building rating systems have evolved over the years and have been updated to become more
demanding in line with technological advances. This paper aims to develop a systematic review of the
13 development of green rating systems focusing on four well-known rating systems, namely BREEAM, LEED,
14 CASBEE, and Green Star NZ to 1) discover how interest and research in green rating systems have developed;
15 2) identify the similarity, difference, strength and weakness of green rating systems; 3) examine whether they
16 fully assess the projects in all aspects of sustainability.
18 The results indicate that green rating systems have become the focus point of various researchers recently. Since
19 1998, 408 papers mentioned BREEAM, LEED, or CASBEE in E&B, B&E, A&C, BR&I, SBT&UD, CP, EIAR,
20 R&SER while 202 of these papers focused on these ratings with a more in-depth approach. During the research
21 period of 1998-2016, the number of green rating related papers rises sharply from only 2 to 36 on an annual
22 basis. BREEAM is the first released green rating system in the world which certified approximately 560,000
23 buildings, but LEED is seen as the most flexible tool used in 160 countries and territories. In addition, there are
24 a significantly higher number of papers discussing LEED compared to BREEAM concerning the eight main
25 journal sources for this research since 1998. While the CASBEE and Green Star NZ related research papers are
26 still limited. Green or sustainable building assessment is a global concern in both developed and developing
27 countries. USA, Canada, the UK, China, and Australia have contributed up to approximately 70% of the total
Page 20 of 26
1 papers while Turkey, India, Brazil, and Malaysia are prominently considering green rating systems in their
2 research schemes.
4 The similarity, difference, strength, and weakness of green rating systems were also identified based on the
5 research manuals. The total categories, sub-categories, points, and mandatory credits tend to increase and more
6 comprehensive in order to completely assess the sustainability of a project. LEED is the particular scheme in
7 which the total points and mandatory credits were double in the version 4 since the version 2 besides the
8 addition of two more categories. BREEAM is considered as the strongest rating system in which Environment
9 and Society are carefully assessed along with the consideration in Economy and Institution. The weakest system
10 could be Green Star NZ when it could only focus on one pillar of the sustainability, Environment. While Society
11 is critically evaluated by LEED; and CASBEE is a well-balanced tool in Environment, Society, and Economy
12 assessment. However, no rating scheme could assess a project in all aspects of sustainability.
14 This paper could be valuable for both green practitioners and researchers to have an overall understanding of
15 BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE and Green Star NZ. Categories, points, and mandatory credits were discussed in
16 details to pinpoint the current status/tendency of the green building rating systems. In addition, strengths and
17 weaknesses of each rating system were also analysed. Besides, the difference between New Construction and
18 Neighbourhood Development/ Communities/Urban Development were also examined to identify which
19 sustainable pillars could be assessed by these tools.
21 It is recommended to include Economic and Institutional factors as supplementary assessment criteria and
22 manuals for green building rating systems for a more comprehensive and through review of the project. Further
23 research is needed to validate the impacts of adding Economic and Institutional factors to current green building
24 certification systems.
26 To provide a better background knowledge of green rating systems, Interior Design, Building Operation and
27 other manuals should be examined, but this research was only considered two main manuals, New Construction
28 and Neighbourhood Development manuals. In addition, only recently CASBEE’s manuals were analysed
29 because the previous ones are not in English. Furthermore, the examination in the four selected rating schemes
30 may not reflect the overall trend of hundreds of schemes worldwide. These could be the limitations of this
31 research.
34 This paper is a significant upgrade to the paper “Green Building Assessment Schemes: A critical comparison
35 among BREEAM, LEED, and Green Star NZ” presented at the International Conference on Sustainable
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• Indoor Environment Quality, Energy, and Material are the main focus in green rating systems.
• The total categories, sub-categories, points, and mandatory credits of analysed rating schemes tend to
increase and more comprehensive in order to completely assess the sustainability of a project.
• BREEAM is considered as the strongest rating system in which Environment and Society are carefully
assessed along with the consideration in Economy and Institution.
• Currently, no rating scheme could assess a project in all aspects of sustainability.