Pregnancy Outcome in POCS
Pregnancy Outcome in POCS
Pregnancy Outcome in POCS
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine which maternal tension, preeclampsia, preterm delivery, cesarean delivery, operative
and neonatal complications are associated with polycystic ovary syn- vaginal delivery, SGA, and large-for-gestational age. Only gestational
drome (PCOS) in pregnant women. diabetes mellitus, pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia,
STUDY DESIGN: The studies that were included compared pregnancy preterm delivery, and SGA infants were found to be statistically
outcomes between women with PCOS and those without diagnosed significant.
PCOS. Our primary outcomes included gestational diabetes mellitus, CONCLUSION: This metaanalysis confirms the higher association of
pregnancy-induced hypertension, and preeclampsia. Secondary out- pregnancy complications and PCOS compared with patients who do not
comes included cesarean delivery rates, operative vaginal delivery have PCOS. Additionally, there may be a stronger association between
rates, preterm delivery, small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infants and PCOS and hypertensive disorders than has been shown previously.
large-for-gestational-age infants.
RESULTS: We found that PCOS in pregnancy was associated with Key words: complication, gestational diabetes mellitus, polycystic
higher rates of gestational diabetes mellitus, pregnancy-induced hyper- ovary syndrome
Cite this article as: Kjerulff LE, Sanchez-Ramos L, Duffy D. Pregnancy outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a metaanalysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol
Characteristics of included studies
Group, n
Women with
polycystic ovary Control
Study Outcomes included syndrome patients Conception method Study type
Altieri et al14 GDM, PIH, preeclampsia, cesarean 15 159 Spontaneous, ovulation Retrospective
delivery, OVD, PTD, neonatal induction, ART
Hu et al PIH, preeclampsia 22 22 Spontaneous Prospective
Li et al Preeclampsia, PTD, macrosomia, 34 70 Spontaneous and ART Prospective
Maliqueo et al LGA, SGA 30 34 Spontaneous Prospective
Palomba et al GDM, PIH, preeclampsia, cesarean 93 69 Spontaneous Prospective
delivery, OVD, PTD, LGA, SGA,
placental abruption
Diamant et al Preeclampsia 70 71 Ovulation induction Retrospective
Levran et al GDM 76 95 Spontaneous, ovulation induction Retrospective
Wortsman et al GDM 53 2306 Spontaneous, ovulation induction Retrospective
Cardenas et al GDM 31 78 Ovulation induction Retrospective
Urman et al GDM, PIH, preeclampsia, PTD, NICU 47 100 Spontaneous, ovulation Retrospective
admission induction, ART
Fridstrom et al GDM, PIH, preeclampsia 33 66 Spontaneous, ovulation Retrospective
induction, ART
Radon et al GDM, preeclampsia 22 66 Spontaneous, ovulation Retrospective
induction, ART
Kashyap and PIH 22 27 Spontaneous, ovulation Retrospective
Claman26 induction, ART
Vollenhoven et al GDM, PIH, PTD 60 60 Spontaneous, ovulation induction Retrospective
Mikola et al GDM, PIH, PTD 80 712 Ovulation induction Retrospective
Bjercke et al GDM, PIH, preeclampsia, cesarean 52 335 Ovulation induction, ART Prospective
delivery, OVD, PTD, NICU admission
Haakova et al GDM, PIH, cesarean delivery, PTD 66 66 Spontaneous, unspecified ART Retrospective
Turhan et al GDM, PIH, preeclampsia, cesarean 38 136 Not stated Retrospective
delivery, PTD, macrosomia,
neonatal malformation, abruption
Weerakiet et al GDM, PIH, preeclampsia, PTD 39 219 Spontaneous, ovulation Prospective
induction, ART
Sir-Peterman et al GDM, preeclampsia, PTD, LGA, SGA 47 180 Spontaneous, unspecified ART Prospective
Lesser and Garcia GDM 24 44 Unspecified ART Retrospective
Lo et al GDM 1542 84882 Not stated Retrospective
Sir-Peterman et al GDM, PIH 48 51 Not stated Prospective
ART, assisted reproductive technique; GDM, gestational diabetes mellitus; LGA, large-for-gestational age; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit; OVD, operative vaginal delivery; PIH, pregnancy-induced
hypertension; PTD, preterm delivery; SGA, small-for-gestational age.
Kjerulff. Pregnancy outcomes and polycystic ovary syndrome. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011.
This information should encourage tients are screened for these complica- lence and management of pregnancy
practitioners to be vigilant when caring tions, solely based on PCOS diagnosis. complications. As suggested in the 2006
for women with PCOS. Currently, there In addition to establishing causation, AE-PCOS task force report, pheno-
is insufficient evidence to establish cau- we also must investigate how the pheno- typic groups may include (1) full-blown
sation and to support changing how pa- typic variants of PCOS alter the preva- PCOS (hyperandrogenemia, hirsutism,
Summary of results
Group, n
Patients with polycystic Control patients with polycystic Odds ratio
Variable ovary syndrome Total ovary syndrome Total (95% CI)
Gestational diabetes mellitus 340 2385 5263 89,669 2.82 (1.93–4.10)
Pregnancy-induced hypertension 84 521 56 1317 4.07 (2.75–6.02)
Preeclampsia 63 589 57 2228 4.23 (2.77–6.46)
Preterm delivery 76 565 155 2129 2.20 (1.59–3.04)
Cesarean delivery 57 171 201 716 1.41 (0.96–2.07)
Operative vaginal delivery 43 160 62 583 1.56 (0.93–2.63)
Small-for-gestational age 29 204 16 353 2.62 (1.35–5.10
Large-for-gestational age 32 204 44 353 1.56 (0.92–2.64)
CI, confidence interval.
Kjerulff. Pregnancy outcomes and polycystic ovary syndrome. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011.
growth factor binding globulin-1 and Heterogeneity 2 ⫽ 10.87 (degrees of freedom ⫽ 11; P ⫽ .454); test of odds ratio ⫽ 1: z ⫽ 6.69; P ⫽ .000.
CI, confidence interval.
therefore may account for the increase in Kjerulff. Pregnancy outcomes and polycystic ovary syndrome. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011.
pregnancy-induced hypertension and