Heading Sensor: The Advantage Is The Accuracy
Heading Sensor: The Advantage Is The Accuracy
Heading Sensor: The Advantage Is The Accuracy
Customer Testimonials
“Our aluminum mussel dredge vessel has the new Airmar H2183 connected “As most of my days fishing for Cod and Tuna are 40 mile
to a Simrad AP35 autopilot. It is installed below deck. The dredge runs off of round-trip days off Gloucester, my autopilot is a necessity. The boat
the port side of the vessel which causes it to pull to port, thus has a Simrad AP35 autopilot, a very popular commercial grade
counter-steering and autopilot precision are a must, especially since we model. I replaced the manufacturer’s heading sensor with the new
dredge at 1 to 2 knots in 8 to 10 foot seas. The H2183 delivered stable and Airmar H2183 and saw immediate steering improvement. The
accurate heading to the Simrad AP35 autopilot over the manufacturer’s pilot steers straighter than ever, even when we are fishing in
compass. We are very impressed by the steering improvement of our autopilot 6 to 8 foot seas. We especially use the pilot when we are trolling
at slow speeds when dredging over mussel beds. We couldn’t get the same for tuna or cleaning cod and haddock while steaming home as
constant and stable heading using the existing autopilot’s gyrocompass at we are not at the wheel 100% of the time.”
slow speeds.” ASES Commercial Fisheries, France Capt. Kevin Twombly, Kayman Charters, Gloucester, MA
Technical Information
Static Compass Accuracy: 1° RMS when level
Dynamic Compass Accuracy: 2° RMS (Best-in-Class)
Heading Display Resolution: 0.1°
Settling Time: 1 second (adjustable) 113 mm
Heading Data Output Update Rate:
—10 Hz—NMEA 0183
—Adjustable up to 20 Hz—NMEA 2000®
Rate-of-Turn Range: 0° to 70° per second
ø 99.1 mm
Rate-of-Turn Accuracy: 1° per second (3.90”)
Rate-of-Turn Data Output Update Rate:
—2 Hz—NMEA 0183 (Adjustable up to 10 Hz)
34.9 mm
—Adjustable up to 20 Hz—NMEA 2000®
50.9 mm
63 mm
Pitch and Roll Range: ±50° (2.00”)
Static Pitch and Roll Accuracy: <1°
Dynamic Pitch and Roll Accuracy: <3°
Pitch and Roll Display Resolution: 0.1°
Pitch and Roll Boat Alignment: Yes (with software) ø 30.9 mm
Pitch and Roll Data Output Update Rate:
—2 Hz—NMEA 0183 (Adjustable up to 10 Hz)
—Adjustable up to 20 Hz—NMEA 2000®
Supply Voltage: 9 VDC to 40 VDC Adjustable bracket design
allows for adjusting H2183
Supply Current: <30mA toward the Bow, in any
mounting location. Bow
Operating Temperature Range: -25°C to 55°C (-13°F to 131°F)
Storage Temperature Range: -30°C to 70°C (-22°F to 158°F)
NMEA 2000® Load Equivalency Number (LEN): 1 FORWARD
As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specifications are subject to change without
notice. All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability,
however they should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for
traditional navigation aids and techniques. Other company or product names mentioned in
this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies,
which are not affiliated with Airmar.