C4CAM: A Compiler For CAM-based In-Memory Accelerators: Hamid Farzaneh João Paulo C. de Lima Mengyuan Li
C4CAM: A Compiler For CAM-based In-Memory Accelerators: Hamid Farzaneh João Paulo C. de Lima Mengyuan Li
C4CAM: A Compiler For CAM-based In-Memory Accelerators: Hamid Farzaneh João Paulo C. de Lima Mengyuan Li
Hamid Farzaneh João Paulo C. de Lima Mengyuan Li
TU Dresden, Germany TU Dresden/ScaDS.AI, Germany University of Notre Dame, USA
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Abstract—Machine learning and data analytics applications search operations. CAMs were originally used in network
increasingly suffer from the high latency and energy consumption routing and CPU caching [7]. Recently, they found applica-
of conventional von Neumann architectures. Recently, several tions in a wider range of data-intensive domains [4, 5, 8].
in-memory and near-memory systems have been proposed to
remove this von Neumann bottleneck. Platforms based on content- CAMs allow massively parallel search operations for an input
addressable memories (CAMs) are particularly interesting due to query, enabling the search to be performed across the entire
their efficient support for the search-based operations that form memory with a single operation. CAM’s high-speed parallel
the foundation for many applications, including K-nearest neigh- search makes it a popular component for constructing cutting-
bors (KNN), high-dimensional computing (HDC), recommender edge compute-in-memory (CIM) systems, aiming to provide
systems, and one-shot learning among others. Today, these plat-
forms are designed by hand and can only be programmed with an energy-efficient alternative to the von Neumann bottleneck
low-level code, accessible only to hardware experts. In this paper, in terms of both latency and energy consumption.
we introduce C4CAM, the first compiler framework to quickly CAM designs are broadly classified into binary, ternary,
explore CAM configurations and to seamlessly generate code multi-state, and analog CAMs (BCAM, TCAM, MCAM,
from high-level TorchScript code. C4CAM employs a hierarchy ACAM, respectively), with implementations based on either
of abstractions that progressively lowers programs, allowing code
transformations at the most suitable abstraction level. Depending conventional CMOS or emerging non-volatile memory (NVM)
on the type and technology, CAM arrays exhibit varying latencies technologies [4, 6, 9, 10]. Compared to CMOS technologies,
and power profiles. Our framework allows analyzing the impact NVM technologies, like magnetic RAM (MRAM), resistive
of such differences in terms of system-level performance and RAM (ReRAM) or ferroelectric (FeFET), are denser and
energy consumption, and thus supports designers in selecting more energy efficient, yielding more efficient CAM arrays
appropriate designs for a given application.
Index Terms—Content addressable memories (CAM), compute [11, 12, 13]. BCAMs and TCAMs use a bit-wise Hamming
in memory (CIM), TCAM, MLIR distance (HD) to compare the query and stored data, whereas
MCAMs and ACAMs apply a specific distance metric to
I. I NTRODUCTION compare the query with memory entries and determine which
Search operations come in numerous forms at the heart of memory entries match the query based on the distance metric.
many comparison-intensive applications. In the past decade, In terms of match types, CAMs can be classified into the exact
the revolution in machine learning, data analytics, and bioin- match (EX), best match (BE), and threshold match (TH) [13].
formatics has played a significant role in driving the de- Although CAM designs have shown better performance
mand for efficient hardware acceleration of these operations. than traditional methods for computing similarity in many
Domains such as network security [1], bioinformatics [2], domains [4, 5, 8], effectively mapping applications written
data mining and data analytics [3] heavily rely on exact in high-level programming languages onto CAM-based accel-
matching of the query pattern with pre-stored patterns. In other erators remains a challenge. This is due to the disparity in
applications, such as K-nearest neighbors (KNN) and genome the abstractions of the applications (high-level) and the (low-
analysis [4, 5], the emphasis lies on identifying similarities level) set of commands needed to program the CAM arrays.
rather than exact pattern matching. In approximate search, Presently, CAM arrays are programmed manually with low-
when the dissimilarity between a stored pattern and the query level code that only the device experts understand. Existing
pattern is within a predefined threshold, the stored pattern is re- design automation and compilation tools for in-memory com-
garded as a “match“. From the computational standpoint, both puting [14, 15] do not provide support for CAM primitives,
exact and approximate search operations are time-consuming highlighting the need for solutions that can support mapping a
and are often bottlenecks in comparison-intensive kernels [6]. wider range of applications and accelerate the design process.
Recently, there has been a surge in the adoption of content This paper proposes C4CAM, the first end-to-end automated
addressable memories CAM-based system designs for efficient framework that enables efficient mapping of applications from
a higher TorchScript program onto CAM arrays. C4CAM
Sense Amplifiers
Match Line driver
leverages the multi-level intermediate representation (MLIR) CAM cell CAM cell CAM cell
framework to seamlessly optimize and offload comparison- ML2
intensive kernels to CAM-enabled systems. CAM cell CAM cell CAM cell
Concretely, we make the following contributions: MLN
CAM cell CAM cell CAM cell ML
• An automated end-to-end compilation flow that (i) makes ScLN
CAM accelerators accessible to non-experts and (ii) en- Query Data ScL
ables device/circuit/architecture experts to explore design
trade-offs. C4CAM takes applications written in Torch- Fig. 1: Structure of a FeFET-based CAM array [20]
Script along an architectural model for retargetability and for control flow), or targets (e.g., gpu, cim). The llvm
generates code for the given architecture (see Section III). dialect models LLVM IR constructs. Abstractions in MLIR
• An extension to the MLIR front-end to express search can be progressively lowered (from high-level domain-specific
operations in PyTorch applications (see Section III-C). dialects to low-level platform-specific dialects) and raised [18].
• We extend the CIM abstraction from [16] to cater for
CAM accelerators. Specifically, we propose analyses to B. Content addressable memories
detect computational primitives in applications that can Content addressable memories (CAMs) are one type of CIM
be rewritten as search operations (see Section III-D1). fabric that enables fast and energy-efficient search operations.
• A novel CAM abstraction in MLIR that supports different CAMs support two main functions: search, which identifies the
CAMs types and search operations (see Section III-D2). memory entries that match the input query, and write, which
• Transformation passes to optimize for latency, power, and stores data entries in the memory cells. With CAMs, parallel
array utilization (see Section III-D2). searches can be performed on all stored data in memory in
• A comprehensive evaluation of the generated code, in- constant time (O(1)). The most common type of CAM is the
cluding validation and comparison to a GPU target and ternary CAM (TCAM), where each element of queries and
the hand-crafted implementations (see Section IV). stored data can be either 0, 1, or don’t care (‘x’), which is a
Our evaluation of C4CAM demonstrates that the generated wildcard state matching both 0 and 1. Figure 1 illustrates a
code achieves comparable results to hand-crafted designs. TCAM array with R rows and C columns. Each cell in a row
We also showcase the capabilities of C4CAM in performing is connected to a common match line (ML) and stores one of
design space exploration on different CAM architectures. the tree states. During a search operation, each cell Cij in row
i performs an XNOR operation between its content and the
II. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK query element qj . The ML implements a logic OR operation
This section presents background on the MLIR framework of all the cells in the row to determine the result for that row.
and CAM-based structures and describes our proposed archi- Different sensing circuits can be designed to realize different
tecture. It also motivates the need for automatic compilation match schemes, such as EX, BE, and TH. EX search is the
tools by explaining the challenges in the state-of-the-art pro- fastest search type due to its simple sensing requirement,
gramming models for CAMs. whereas best match search reports the row with the least
number of mismatching cells and is widely used for nearest
A. MLIR compiler infrastructure neighbor search. To find the best match, more sophisticated
MLIR is a framework that enables representing and trans- sensing circuits are needed, e.g., analog-digital-converters or
forming intermediate representations (IR) at various abstrac- a winner-take-all circuit, with the latter being more energy
tion levels, catering to diverse application domains and het- and area efficient but limited to finding the best matches only
erogeneous hardware targets [17]. It offers a customizable IR, within a certain number of mismatch cells [19].
with minimal built-in features, enabling compiler developers CAM’s efficient data retrieval capabilities, i.e., outputting
to incorporate their own abstractions. This empowers them the addresses of stored data that match the input search query
to optimize for specific domains or targets by leveraging based on a specific distance metric, make it highly suitable
matching techniques at the appropriate levels of abstraction. for applications that rely heavily on large-scale matching or
MLIR consists of a collection of reusable abstractions search operations. Recent works have demonstrated the use
organized into dialects. Each dialect incorporates custom of CAMs in various fields, e.g., bioinformatics [21], high
types, operations, and attributes, which serve as fundamental dimensional computing [22], reinforcement learning [23], few-
building blocks of the IR. In MLIR, values are associated with shot learning [24] and recommender systems [8].
compile-time known types, while attributes provide compile-
time information linked to operations. Dialects in MLIR C. Accelerator architecture
maintain preconditions for transformation validity within their For this work, we consider a general CAM-accelerator
IR, reducing the complexity and cost of analysis passes. design based on the state-of-the-art [22]. As illustrated in
Dialects are typically designed for specific domains (e.g., Figure 2, the CAM structure is organized into a four-level
linalg for linear algebra, TOSA for tensor operations), hierarchy comprising B banks, each bank containing T mats
representations (e.g., affine for the polyhedral model, scf where each mat consists of A CAM arrays which are further
the Torch IR which is the entry point into C4CAM and
encompasses ATen tensor library operations.
Torch MLIR is then lowered to the cim abstraction which is
a comprehensive solution for various CIM technologies, taking
over the shared responsibilities of host-device interfacing and
device mapping (see Section III-D1). The cim abstraction
has been previously investigated in [26] and [16], where a
Fig. 2: Hierarchical structure of a CAM-based accelerator programming model for CIM devices was introduced. C4CAM
partitioned into S subarrays. The subarrays can be operated extends this abstraction by incorporating the necessary analy-
and accessed independently. This hierarchical organization sis for CAM devices.
allows for scalable and flexible computation, as the number To enable the mapping, cim supports partitioning, rewrit-
of banks, mats, and arrays can be allocated according to ing, or modifying the functions to include device-compatible
the computational requirements of each application. Within sizes and operations, which the low-level dialects can then
each bank, all mats and arrays can perform parallel search process. Subsequently, the cim dialect is either lowered to
operations using the S CAM subarrays either in a sequential cam or loop, or other device dialects.
or parallel manner, providing further granularity for parallel The cam dialect and other device dialects at the same level,
processing and resource allocation. B banks operate inde- such as crossbar, offer an abstraction for programming and
pendently to allow for task-level parallelism. RecSys [8], for executing functions on the target device (see Section III-D2).
instance, can profit from CAMs in both filtering and ranking The cam dialect also provides transformation passes that
stages, where each stage executes different tasks on different enable mapping and optimization of the selected kernel, while
banks in parallel. accounting for the concrete hierarchy and other characteristics
of CAM-based architectures.
D. State-of-the-art programming models for CIM-CAMs
B. Architecture specification
Most of the current proposals for compilers targeting CIM In addition to the input application, C4CAM takes the
architectures primarily focus on crossbar-based accelerators architectural configuration as input, as shown in Figure 3.
[15, 16] or general-purpose logic-in-memory architectures This configuration outlines the hierarchy of the proposed
[14]. While the fundamental programming model of the CIM architecture (as discussed in Section II-C), as well as the
abstraction introduced by CINM [16] is generic and can access mode for each level of the hierarchy, whether it supports
be applied to any CIM architecture, it does not provide sequential or parallel accesses. Note that all active rows within
support for CAM accelerators. CINM primarily focuses on a subarray are accessed in parallel. However, through selective
facilitating arithmetic and logic operations, whereas CAMs are row accessing [27], it is possible to activate and pre-charge
specifically designed to handle search operations that involve only a subset of rows within a subarray. Furthermore, this
computing distances, similarities, or comparisons. Proposals input file specifies the optimization target which can be set to
for supporting CAM-based accelerators are relatively rare, latency, power, or array utilization.
such as DT2CAM [25], a framework for mapping and simu-
lating decision trees onto TCAMs. However, this mapping tool C. C4CAM front end
does not generalize to other comparison-intensive kernels and The PyTorch MLIR converter [28] is responsible for con-
requires programmers with a deep understanding of both the verting Python code written in TorchScript. However, certain
application and the accelerator architecture. Therefore, there operations from the ATen library, particularly those used in
is a considerable demand for a generalized framework capable search-based applications such as norm and topk, are not
of efficiently handling lowering high-level language programs supported. From the CAMs perspective, these are essential
for diverse input applications. This framework should also primitives in any input application. Since C4CAM is built
incorporate CAM array optimizations, such as selective row upon the MLIR framework and this is the only available front
precharging, to generate optimized code for the underlying end that enables lowering TorchScript input to the MLIR torch
architecture. In the following section, we introduce how hier- dialect, we extend the frontend to support the norm and topk
archical C4CAM framework effectively addresses this gap. primitives that are commonly accelerated on CAM arrays.
III. T HE C4CAM FRAMEWORK D. C4CAM progressive lowering
This section presents C4CAM, including the abstractions, The compilation flow begins with the Torch dialect, as
and the lowering, analysis and optimization passes. depicted in Figure 3. This dialect includes most of the ATen
tensor library operations. To enable support for the cim ab-
A. An overview of the compilation flow straction, we have introduced a torch-to-cim conversion
Figure 3 shows a high-level overview of C4CAM. The pass. This pass lowers the operations that are compatible with
TorchScript functions chosen for offloading to the CAM accel- the cim abstraction. Examples of these operations include
erators are transformed into MLIR’s representation using the topk, norm, sub, and matmul, which can be executed
PyTorch MLIR converter (see Section III-C). This produces individually or as part of a kernel on a CIM device.
TorchScript CAM accelerators
... PyTorch MLIR C4CAM lowering pipeline CAM Simulator
dist = torch.norm(x, ..., None) converter Abstraction over
knn = torch.topk(dist,... , False) CIM devices
return knn
Host backend
torch cim loops scf & arith llvm
Arch. specification Linker
- ProcessNode: 45 Generic optimizations &
Extended to add - acquire crossbar
- Wordwidth (bit): 64 conversion to LLVM IR
more functions, - execute
- Rows per array: 256 Host CPU
e.g., norm, topk - release Memristive lower to loops,
crossbar arrays and optimize
an abstraction to accumulate partial results. To this end, the memref<10x1xf32>, memref<10x1xf32> -> memref<10x1xf32>
cim dialect includes the cim.merge_partial operation.
It considers both the type of operation for which partial results Fig. 6: cam IR after mapping
are generated and the direction in which these results are The original program underwent partitioning at the CIM
accumulated. The partitioned version of Figure 5c for a device dialect without considering the hierarchy. This approach was
of size 32x32 is demonstrated in Figure 5d. chosen because dealing with synchronization and accumu-
The cim abstraction focuses on identifying operations that lation of partial results across different levels of the hi-
can be offloaded to the CAM accelerator and partitions them erarchy often requires hardware-specific information, which
based on the subarray size. It does not address the mapping of goes against the principles of the cim dialect. To map an
an input application or its partitions onto the CAM accelerator, application onto the CAM abstraction, the cam-map pass
nor does it incorporate any device-specific optimizations. The within the cam dialect can be employed. This pass transforms
latter are performed by the device-specific cam abstraction, the application into a nested loop structure according to the
which is discussed in the next section. provided specifications, incorporating the required hardware
calls at each loop level. measured using the NVIDIA System Management Interface
The code in Figure 6 shows the mapping The required nvidia-smi, and energy is derived thereof.
devices (bank, tile, array, subarray) and buffers for storing 2) Simulation infrastructure: We use the same simulation
the results (values and indices) are allocated at each level of infrastructure as in [8] [22]. It models the architecture and
the loop. Additionally, the necessary functions responsible for performs functional simulation of the functions called by
accumulating these partial results are called. In cases where C4CAM. We extend the simulator to include performance
the system size precisely matches the data size, the levels of and energy estimation. To handle large data dimensions and
the nested loop, starting from the outermost level, iterate over entry sizes, the extended simulator allows for fine-grain control
the banks, mats within each bank, arrays within each bank, and of the hierarchy, and models CAM queries to obtain energy
subarrays within each array. However, if the data size exceeds and latency based on real hardware behavior. The functional
the system’s capacity, an additional loop is introduced. This simulation generates CAM outputs that can be analyzed to as-
loop includes iteration over banks, allowing the system to be sess application accuracy. Moreover, the tool supports different
called multiple times to process the data effectively. underlying CAM designs and performs architectural modeling
The cim to cam conversion pass also performs bufferization for chip-level estimations. Additionally, it estimates the per-
of tensors involved in executing a kernel on the CAM. This formance cost of additional peripherals to provide application-
process determines how the memory is handled between the level results. For a fair comparison, we were also granted
host and the device. During the process of lowering from cam access to the same simulation and evaluation parameters.
to scf and subsequently to llvm, the cam operations are 3) Benchmarks: We evaluate C4CAM on two benchmarks.
mapped to function calls of a CAM simulator. The first one is K-nearest neighbor (KNN), a popular algorithm
Built-in optimizations: C4CAM provides an extensible used for classification, regression, and anomaly detection
and flexible framework that enables future research in code tasks. It works by identifying the K closest training examples
optimizations and auto-tuning. Currently, the framework uses in the feature space to a given test sample. It is especially
simple heuristics to optimize for different metrics, namely, interesting because of its versatility and interopretability, with
for latency/performance, power consumption and device uti- no training required. KNNs are both memory and computa-
lization. This is enabled by device-specific transformations tionally expensive, making their scalability and performance
that can be further composed by performance engineers. For strongly limited on conventional systems. We evaluated KNN
example, in order to minimize latency, C4CAM prioritizes on chest X-Ray images from the Pneumonia dataset.
maximizing the utilization of parallel-executing arrays in the The second benchmark is hyperdimensional computing
system. In contrast, to minimize power consumption C4CAM (HDC) which is a framework inspired by the human brain’s
reduces the number of enabled subarrays at a time inside ability to process information. It utilizes high-dimensional
an array. For devices that support selective search and if vectors known as hypervectors as a fundamental building
the standard data placement is not feasible due to a smaller block. Hypervectors are large binary vectors with thousands of
number of rows compared to the array, multiple batches of dimensions. We evaluated HDC on the MNIST dataset with 8k
data can be placed on the same array. By utilizing selective dimensions. HDC on MNIST is a commonly used benchmark
search, different queries can be searched on corresponding that allows us to validate the results of C4CAM and compare
rows of the same array in multiple cycles. As demonstrated them against existing manual implementations on GPUs and
in Section IV-C1, employing the same hierarchy specification CAM-based accelerators. The PyTorch GPU implementation
(mat, array, and subarray sizes) consistently leads to longer operates on int32 elements.
latency. However, the impact on latency varies depending on
the dimensions of the subarray, which subsequently alters the
B. Validation
number of banks. This variation can either increase or decrease
the energy consumption. In order to validate the C4CAM framework, we use the
CAM-design and hand-optimized mapping from [22] as a
baseline. We generate code for binary and multi-bit imple-
This section presents our experimental setup and gives a mentations of HDC for different CAM architectures, i.e., with
detailed analysis of the code generated with C4CAM. array sizes of 32×C where C is varied to 16, 32, 64, and 128.
A. Experimental setup For this evaluation, we use the same system configuration as
1) System setup and technology parameters: For the CAM in the baseline, i.e., four mats per bank, four arrays per mat,
technology parameters, we consider the 2FeFET CAM design eight sub-arrays per array, and as many banks as needed to
proposed in [20] at the 45nm technology node. Energy and store the whole dataset.
latency numbers for TCAM and MCAM operations were The validation results for latency and energy are shown in
extracted from Eva-CAM [29]. Since we are varying the array Figure 7a and Figure 7b, respectively. In this experiment, the
size for design space exploration, the search latency can vary observed deviation in the latency and the energy consumption
from 860ps to 7.5ns for array sizes of 16 × 16 and 256 × 256, is, on average (geomean), 0.9% and 5.5%, respectively (notice
respectively. For the GPU results, we use the NVIDIA Quadro that the y-axes do not start at 0 for better visualization). These
RTX 6000 GPU (16 nm process). The power consumption is small deviations can be attributed to slight differences in the
C4CAM-1b Manual-1b C4CAM-2b Manual-2b
consumption (pJ)
14 500
Latency (ns)
8 300
6 200
16 32 64 128 16 32 64 128
# of columns # of columns
(a) Latency comparison (b) Energy consumption comparison
Fig. 7: C4CAM validation against manual designs [22].
versions of the simulation environment rather than to funda- utilization of arrays and the system’s overall capacity, as
mental differences in the implementations. Hence, C4CAM shown in Table I.
effectively matches the quality of the manual designers. • cam-power+density: This configuration imposes limita-
To understand the latency results in Figure 7a, it is important tions on the number of enabled sub-arrays at a time.
to note that all search operations happen in parallel, and the Simultaneously, it incorporates selective search technique
ML discharges more slowly for larger columns. As for the to enhance the system’s capacity.
energy numbers shown in Figure 7b, larger C leads to lower For all sub-array sizes, the configuration remains consistent,
energy consumption because fewer peripherals and fewer with 4 mats per bank, 4 arrays per mat, and 8 sub-arrays
levels (arrays, mats, and banks) are required as C increases. per array. We use as many banks as needed to accommodate
Moreover, as observed in [22], we corroborate that binary the input data. Figure 8a and Figure 8b illustrate the energy
implementations are more energy efficient than multi-bit ones. consumption and latency of the configurations mentioned
This improvement is associated with the higher ML and data above respectively when executing the HDC application on
line voltages of the multi-bit implementations. the MNIST dataset with 8k dimensions.
GPU comparison: We compared end-to-end performance
In the cam-power configuration, only one sub-array within
against the GPU setup using the CIM setup described in [22].
the array is active at a time. With a sub-array of size 16 × 16,
The improvement in execution time is 48× which deviates
the power consumption is reduced to approximately 0.57×
only by 5% compared to the manual design, while the energy
with respect to the base configuration (Figure 8c). Similarly,
consumption improvement translates to 46.8× which is nearly
the power requirement for the largest array size is merely
the same since CAMs contribute minimally to the overall
20% of the base configuration. However, this reduction in
energy consumption in their CIM system.
power consumption results in increased latency. For instance,
TABLE I: Number of subarrays used to implement HDC. executing the application on a 32 × 32-sized subarray incurs
a latency increase of approximately 2× compared to the
16 × 16 32 × 32 64 × 64 128 × 128 256 × 256
cam-based 512 256 128 64 32 baseline. As the array size increases, the latency rises, reaching
cam-density 512 86 22 6 2 up to 4.86× the baseline for the largest sub-array size. The
C. Design space exploration overall energy consumption remains the same between the two
1) Fixed architectural parameters: While we could repro- configurations, cam-power and cam-base.
duce the results of single manual designs, the automation The analysis of the KNN benchmark is similar to the
provided by C4CAM allows for quick exploration of different analysis for HDC. For space reasons we summarize the results
software and hardware implementations. To demonstrate this, in Table II for EDP and power. The absolute values of energy
we evaluated systems consisting of sub-arrays with sizes of and latency are considerably higher than in the HDC case.
R × C, where C = R assuming values of 16, 32, 64, 128, and This is simply due to the sheer size of the Pneumonia dataset,
256 with different configurations for the same, as outlined in requiring many banks in the CAM accelerator.
Section IV-A1, namely: The cam-density configuration uses selective search to im-
• cam-base: In this configuration, applications are allocated prove resource utilization, as shown in Table I. In the case
to the CAM accelerator without incorporating the op- of the smallest array size (16 × 16), the execution time is
timizations discussed in Section III-D2. In this setup, less than twice compared to the base configuration. This trend
parallel execution is enabled at each level. scales further, and with the largest subarray size (256 × 256),
• cam-power: In this configuration, we implement a re- the execution time is nearly 23× longer compared to the
striction on the maximum number of sub-arrays activated cam-base configuration. The energy consumption for subarray
concurrently. Specifically, for each application, we have sizes ranging from 16 × 16 to 64 × 64 in the cam-density
chosen to enable only one sub-array per array at a time. configuration is, on average, 0.6× that of the corresponding
• cam-density: This configuration demonstrates the impact sub-array size in the baseline configuration. However, for sub-
of employing selective search [27] to enhance both the arrays of 128 × 128 or 256 × 256, the energy consumption
cam-base cam-density cam-power cam-density+power
Latency (ms)
101 101
Energy (µJ)
Power (mW)
100.5 10
10−1 100
16 32 64 128 256 16 32 64 128 256 16 32 64 128 256
subarray size (N × N ) subarray size (N × N ) subarray size (N × N )
(a) Energy (b) Latency (c) Power
Fig. 8: Impact of subarray size and C4CAM optimizations on latency, energy, and power.
TABLE II: EDP and power for KNN execution.
EDP (nJ·s) POWER (W)
subarray size 16x16 32x32 64x64 128x128 256x256 16x16 32x32 64x64 128x128 256x256
cam-based 0.75 0.30 0.15 0.08 0.05 44.14 16.30 5.97 2.34 0.86
cam-power 1.32 0.61 0.44 0.29 0.23 25.23 8.15 2.10 0.66 0.19
increases compared to the baseline, reaching 1.4× and 5.1×, iso-base iso-density iso-density+power
respectively. It is worth noting that by fixing the system
Latency (ms)
configuration and enabling selective search, the number of
banks required for application execution is reduced, thus 100
reducing the overall power consumption.
The cam-power-density configuration combines the ap-
proaches of both cam-power and cam-density to achieve the 10−1
most significant reduction in power consumption. A 16 × 16- 16 32 64 128 256
sized subarray utilizes only 23.4% of the base power, while subarray size (N × N )
the largest sub-array requires only 4.2% of the base power. (a) Latency
However, this reduction in power consumption comes at the
cost of significantly increasing the execution time. In the case
Power (mW)
the number of subarrays per array while keeping the capacity
fixed to 216 TCAM cells per array. To achieve this, we modify subarray size (N × N )
the subarray size, starting from 256 × 256 which corresponds (b) Power
to one subarray per array, and gradually decrease it to 16×16,
Fig. 9: Impact of optimizations on iso-capacity setups.
resulting in 256 subarrays per array. The numbers of arrays per
mat and mats per bank are fixed as in the previous sections. It for the cam-density and cam-power+density transformations,
is important to note that these systems are not iso-area since Figure 9b shows a significant decrease in power consumption,
each subarray has its own set of peripherals. This means that offering potential CAM configuration that can be used in
as the size of the subarrays is reduced, more peripherals are power-constrained system setups.
needed, and chip area increases.
Figure 9b shows that the energy consumption in iso-base
remains nearly constant across subarray sizes. Moreover, cam- We present C4CAM, a framework that enables the explo-
density and cam-power+density, on average, achieve 1.75× ration of CAM configurations and seamless code generation
energy improvement over iso-capacity-base, except for large from high-level TorchScript code. We introduce an MLIR
subarray sizes like 128 × 128 and 256 × 25. The total exe- abstraction named cam that is specifically tailored for CAM-
cution time across different subarray sizes also varies within based accelerators. This abstraction provides control knobs
a moderate range, i.e., from 58µs for 16 × 16 to 150µs for that allow for the tuning of various metrics by adjusting
256×256 , as shown in Figure 9b. Again, as the search latency the mapping of applications to the CAM arrays. To validate
increases for larger columns, the execution time also increases the effectiveness of C4CAM, we compare our results with
despite the consistent number of cells within an array. As those obtained from a hand-crafted design and demonstrate
that C4CAM produces comparable results. Moreover, we nal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices
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