Clutter by William Zinsser
Clutter by William Zinsser
Clutter by William Zinsser
Harwell claims that the ability to communicate effectively is 'a decisive factor' in the
career of professional technologists and scientists. What evidence does he provide?
4. Is Harwell's assertion that 'the basic elements of good writing are always the same'
challenged by any of the other readings? How does it square with the situational
approach advocated by Buehler in 'Situational Editing'? What, exactly, does Harwell
mean by his statement?
5. What are the four 'basic elements' of which Harwell speaks?
6. Harwell seems to focus primarily on grammatical elements as the means to good writing.
However, he cannot avoid speaking also of audience adaptation. To what extent, for
example, is the notion of clarity really a matter of accommodating the audience?
7. In her essay 'Situational Editing', Buehler distinguishes between a rhetorical
approach to writing and a grammatical one. Consider the extent to which the four
'basic elements' of good writing are rhetorical, rather than grammatical, issues.
8. Describe Harwell's style. How accessible is it? To what extent is readability a matter
of audience adaptation? What can be learned by reading something originally
addressed to an audience different from you?
9. Compare Harwell's passage with Glaser's 'Voices to Shun'. What differences do you
see? What similarities?
10. How useful are the diagrams of sentence structure that Harwell provides? Do they
make his point any clearer?
11. Harwell asserts that 'the best way to make a paper readable is for the writer to enjoy
writing it.' Compare this assertion with the advice offered by Peter Elbow in Three
Tricky Relationships to an Audience'. How does this square with Harwell's advice
about his 'four basic elements'?
William Zinsser
Fighting clutter is like fighting weeds—the writer speech. Consider what President Nixon's aide John
is always slightly behind. New varieties sprout Dean accomplished in just one day of testimony
overnight, and by noon they are part of American on television during the Watergate hearings. The
154 Part IV Observations on Style and Editing
next day everyone in America was saying 'at this any pain. If he had his own kid in the chair he
point in time' instead of 'now'. would say 'Does it hurt?'. He would, in short, be
Consider all the prepositions that are draped himself. By using a more pompous phrase in his
onto verbs that don't need any help. We no longer professional role he not only sounds more impor-
head committees. We head them up. We don't tant; he blunts the painful edge of truth. It's the
face problems anymore. We face up to them when language of the flight attendant demonstrating
we can free up a few minutes. A small detail, you the oxygen mask that will drop down if the plane
may say—not worth bothering about. It is worth should run our of air. 'In the unlikely possibility
bothering about. Writing improves in direct ratio that the aircraft should experience such an even-
to the number of things we can keep out of it that tuality', she begins—a phrase so oxygen-depriving
shouldn't be there. 'Up' in 'free up' shouldn't be in itself that we are prepared for any disaster.
there. Examine every word you put on paper. Clutter is the ponderous euphemism that turns
You'll find a surprising number that don't serve a slum into a depressed socioeconomic area,
any purpose. garbage collectors into waste disposal personnel
Take the adjective 'personal', as in 'a personal and the town dump into the volume reduction
friend of mine', 'his personal feeling', or 'her per- unit. I think of Bill Mauldin's cartoon of two hoboes
sonal physician'. It's typical of hundreds of words riding a freight car. One of them says, 'I started as a
that can be eliminated. The personal friend has simple bum, but now I'm hard-core unemployed.'
come into the language to distinguish him or her Clutter is political correctness gone amok. I saw
from the business friend, thereby debasing both an ad for a boys' camp designed to provide 'indi-
language and friendship. Someone's feeling is that vidual attention for the minimally exceptional'.
person's personal feeling—that's what 'his' means. Clutter is the official language used by corpo-
As for the personal physician, that's the man or rations to hide their mistakes. When the Digital
woman summoned to the dressing room of a Equipment Corporation eliminated 3,000 jobs
stricken actress so she won't have to be treated by its statement didn't mention layoffs; those were
the impersonal physician assigned to the theatre. 'involuntary methodologies'. When an Air Force
Someday I'd like to see that person identified as missile crashed, it 'impacted with the ground
'her doctor'. Physicians are physicians, friends are prematurely'. When General Motors had a plant
friends. The rest is clutter. shutdown, that was a Volume-related production
Clutter is the laborious phrase that has pushed schedule adjustment'. Companies that go belly-up
out the short word that means the same thing. have 'a negative cash-flow position'.
Even before John Dean, people and businesses Clutter is the language of the Pentagon calling
had stopped saying 'now'. They were saying 'cur- an invasion a 'reinforced protective reaction
rently' ('all our operators are currently assisting strike' and justifying its vast budgets on the need
other customers'), or 'at the present time', or for 'counterforce deterrence'. As George Orwell
'presently' (which means 'soon'). Yet the idea can pointed out in 'Politics and the English Language',
always be expressed by 'now' to mean the imme- an essay written in 1946 but often cited during
diate moment ('Now I can see him'), or by 'today' the wars in Cambodia, Vietnam, and Iraq, 'politi-
to mean the historical present (Today prices are cal speech and writing are largely the defense of
high'), or simply by the verb 'to be' ('It is raining'). the indefensible. . . . Thus political language has
There's no need to say, 'At the present time we are to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging
experiencing precipitation.' and sheer cloudy vagueness.' Orwell's warning
'Experiencing' is one of the worst clutterers. that clutter is not just a nuisance but a deadly tool
Even your dentist will ask if you are experiencing has come true in the recent decades of American
Zinsser: Clutter 1 55
military adventurism. It was during George W. Is there any way to recognize clutter at a glance?
Bush's presidency that 'civilian casualties' in Iraq Here's a device my students at Yale found helpful.
became 'collateral damage'. I would put brackets around every component in
Verbal camouflage reached new heights during a piece of writing that wasn't doing useful work.
General Alexander Haig's tenure as President Rea- Often just one word got bracketed: the unneces-
gan's secretary of state. Before Haig nobody had sary preposition appended to a verb ('order up'),
thought of saying 'at this juncture of maturization' or the adverb that carries the same meaning as the
to mean 'now'. He told the American people that verb ('smile happily'), or the adjective that states a
terrorism could be fought with 'meaningful sanc- known fact ('tall skyscraper'). Often my brackets
tionary teeth' and that intermediate nuclear mis- surrounded the little qualifiers that weaken any
siles were 'at the vortex of cruciality'. As for any sentence they inhabit ('a bit', 'sort of), or phrases
worries that the public might harbour, his message like 'in a sense', which don't mean anything.
was 'leave it to Al', though what he actually said Sometimes my brackets surrounded an entire
was: 'We must push this to a lower decibel of public sentence—the one that essentially repeats what
fixation. I don't think there's much of a learn- the previous sentence said, or that says something
ing curve to be achieved in this area of content.' readers don't need to know or can figure out for
I could go on quoting examples from various themselves. Most first drafts can be cut by 50 per
fields—every profession has its growing arsenal cent without losing any information or losing the
of jargon to throw dust in the eyes of the popu- author's voice.
lace. But the list would be tedious. The point of My reason for bracketing the students' super-
raising it now is to serve notice that clutter is the fluous words, instead of crossing them out, was
enemy. Beware, then, of the long word that's no to avoid violating their sacred prose. I wanted
better than the short word: 'assistance' (help), to leave the sentence intact for them to analyze.
'numerous' (many), 'facilitate' (ease), 'individual' I was saying. T may be wrong, but I think this
(man or woman), 'remainder' (rest), 'initial' (first), can be deleted and the meaning won't be affected.
'implement' (do), 'sufficient' (enough), 'attempt' But you decide. Read the sentence without the
(try), 'referred to as' (called), and hundreds more. bracketed material and see if it works.' In the
Beware of all the slippery new fad words: para- early weeks of the term I handed back papers that
digm and parameter, prioritize and potentialize. were festooned with brackets. Entire paragraphs
They are all weeds that will smother what you were bracketed. But soon the students learned to
write. Don't dialogue with someone you can talk put mental brackets around their own clutter, and
to. Don't interface with anybody. by the end of the term their papers were almost
Just as insidious are all the word clusters with clean. Today many of those students are profes-
which we explain how we propose to go about sional writers, and they tell me, 'I still see your
our explaining: 'I might add', 'It should be pointed brackets—they're following me through life.'
out', 'It is interesting to note'. If you might add, You can develop the same eye. Look for the
add it. If it should be pointed out, point it out. If clutter in your writing and prune it ruthlessly. Be
it is interesting to note, make it interesting; are we grateful for everything you can throw away. Reexam-
not all stupefied by what follows when someone ine each sentence you put on paper. Is every word
says, This will interest you'? Don't inflate what doing new work? Can any thought be expressed
needs no inflating: 'with the possible exception of with more economy? Is anything pompous or pre-
(except), 'due to the fact that' (because), 'he totally tentious or faddish? Are you hanging on to some-
lacked the ability to' (he couldn't), 'until such time thing useless just because you think it's beautiful?
as' (until), 'for the purpose of (for). Simplify, simplify.
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