3GPP TS 25.419
3GPP TS 25.419
3GPP TS 25.419
(Release 16)
The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.
The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organisational Partners and shall not be implemented.
This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organisational Partners accept no liability for any use of this
Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organisational Partners' Publications Offices.
Release 16 2 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
UMTS, radio
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© 2020, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TSDSI, TTA, TTC).
All rights reserved.
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Release 16 3 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
1 Scope..............................................................................................................................................7
2 References......................................................................................................................................7
3 Definitions and abbreviations.........................................................................................................7
3.1 Definitions...................................................................................................................................................7
3.2 Abbreviations..............................................................................................................................................8
4 General............................................................................................................................................8
4.1 Procedure Specification Principles.............................................................................................................8
4.2 Forwards and Backwards Compatibility.....................................................................................................9
4.3 Specification Notations...............................................................................................................................9
5 Services provided by SABP............................................................................................................9
6 Services expected from the Transport layer....................................................................................9
7 Functions of SABP.......................................................................................................................10
8 SABP Procedures..........................................................................................................................10
8.1 Elementary Procedures..............................................................................................................................10
8.2 Write-Replace...........................................................................................................................................10
8.2.1 General................................................................................................................................................10
8.2.2 Successful Operation...........................................................................................................................11
8.2.3 Unsuccessful Operation.......................................................................................................................12
8.2.4 Abnormal Conditions..........................................................................................................................13
8.3 Kill.............................................................................................................................................................13
8.3.1 General................................................................................................................................................13
8.3.2 Successful Operation...........................................................................................................................13
8.3.3 Unsuccessful Operation.......................................................................................................................14
8.3.4 Abnormal Conditions..........................................................................................................................14
8.4 Load Status Enquiry..................................................................................................................................14
8.4.1 General................................................................................................................................................14
8.4.2 Successful Operation...........................................................................................................................14
8.4.3 Unsuccessful Operation.......................................................................................................................15
8.4.4 Abnormal Conditions..........................................................................................................................15
8.5 Message Status Query...............................................................................................................................15
8.5.1 General................................................................................................................................................15
8.5.2 Successful Operation...........................................................................................................................16
8.5.3 Unsuccessful Operation.......................................................................................................................16
8.5.4 Abnormal Conditions..........................................................................................................................17
8.6 Reset..........................................................................................................................................................17
8.6.1 General................................................................................................................................................17
8.6.2 Successful Operation...........................................................................................................................17
8.6.3 Unsuccessful Operation.......................................................................................................................17
8.6.4 Abnormal Conditions..........................................................................................................................18
8.7 Restart Indication......................................................................................................................................18
8.7.1 General................................................................................................................................................18
8.7.2 Successful Operation...........................................................................................................................18
8.7.3 Abnormal Conditions..........................................................................................................................18
8.8 Failure Indication......................................................................................................................................18
8.8.1 General................................................................................................................................................18
8.8.2 Successful Operation...........................................................................................................................19
8.8.3 Abnormal Conditions..........................................................................................................................19
8.9 Error Indication.........................................................................................................................................19
8.9.1 General................................................................................................................................................19
8.9.2 Successful Operation...........................................................................................................................19
8.9.3 Abnormal Conditions..........................................................................................................................20
Release 16 4 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
Release 16 5 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
Release 16 6 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
This Technical Specification (TS) has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal
TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an
identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:
Version x.y.z
y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections,
updates, etc.
z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.
Release 16 7 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
1 Scope
The present document specifies the Service Area Broadcast Protocol (SABP) between the Cell Broadcast Centre (CBC)
and the Radio Network Controller (RNC). It fulfils the CBC - RNC communication requirements specified in TS
23.041 [5] and is defined over the Iu-BC – reference point.
2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present
References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or
For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document
(including a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in
the same Release as the present document.
[1] Void
[2] Void
[3] Void
[6] 3GPP TS 25.414: "UTRAN Iu Interface Data Transport and Transport Signalling".
[7] ITU-T Recommendation X.680 (2002-07): "Information Technology - Abstract Syntax Notation
One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation".
[8] ITU-T Recommendation X.681 (2002-07): "Information Technology - Abstract Syntax Notation
One (ASN.1): Information object specification".
[9] ITU-T Recommendation X.691 (2002-07): "Information Technology - ASN.1 encoding rules -
Specification of Packed Encoding Rules (PER)".
[10] 3GPP TR 25.921 (Version 7.0.0): "Guidelines and Principles for Protocol Description and Error
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions apply:
Elementary Procedure: SABP consists of Elementary Procedures (EPs). An Elementary Procedure is a unit of
interaction between the CN (CBC) and the RNC. These EPs are defined separately and are intended to be used to build
up complete sequences in a flexible manner. If the independence between some EPs is restricted, it is described under
the relevant EP description. Unless otherwise stated by the restrictions, the EPs may be invoked independently of each
Release 16 8 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
other as stand alone procedures, which can be active in parallel. Examples on using several SABP EPs together with
each other and EPs from other interfaces can be found in reference TR 25.931 [4].
An EP consists of an initiating message and possibly a response message. Two kinds of EPs are used:
- A signalling message explicitly indicates that the elementary procedure successfully completed with the
receipt of the response.
Message Reference: This is defined as consisting of the following parameters: Message Identifier, Serial Number, and
SAI (Service Area Identifier).
3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
4 General
The protocol described in the present document is the protocol between CN (CBC) and RNC needed for the CBC
Application. The CBC Application is described in TS 23.041 [5].
The following specification principles have been applied for the procedure text in clause 8:
- The procedure text indicates that the receiving node "shall" perform a certain function Y under a certain
condition. If the receiving node supports procedure X but cannot perform functionality Y requested in the
REQUEST message of a Class 1 EP, the receiving node shall respond with the message used to report
unsuccessful outcome for this procedure, containing an appropriate cause value.
Release 16 9 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
- The procedure text indicates that the receiving node "shall, if supported," perform a certain function Y
under a certain condition. If the receiving node supports procedure X, but does not support functionality
Y, the receiving node shall proceed with the execution of the EP, possibly informing the requesting node
about the not supported functionality.
- Any required inclusion of an optional IE in a response message is explicitly indicated in the procedure text. If the
procedure text does not explicitly indicate that an optional IE shall be included in a response message, the
optional IE shall not be included.
Procedure When referring to an elementary procedure in the specification the Procedure Name is written with
the first letters in each word in upper case characters followed by the word "procedure", e.g.
Write-Replace procedure.
Message When referring to a message in the specification the MESSAGE NAME is written with all letters
in upper case characters followed by the word "message", e.g. WRITE-REPLACE message.
IE When referring to an information element (IE) in the specification the Information Element Name
is written with the first letters in each word in upper case characters and all letters in Italic font
followed by the abbreviation "IE", e.g. Old Serial Number IE.
Value of an IE When referring to the value of an information element (IE) in the specification the "Value" is
written as it is specified in subclause 9.2 enclosed by quotation marks, e.g. "Abstract Syntax Error
(Reject)" or "Background ".
The RNC will open the connection only in case an error (Failure Indication Procedure) or recovery (Restart
Indication Procedure) is to be reported.
Release 16 10 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
7 Functions of SABP
The SABP has the following functions:
Message Handling. This function is responsible for the broadcast of new messages, amend existing broadcasted
messages and to stop the broadcasting of specific messages.
Load Handling. This function is responsible for determining the loading of the broadcast channels at any
particular point in time.
Reset. This function permits the CBC to end broadcasting in one or more Service Areas.
Error Handling. This function allows the reporting of general error situations, for which function specific error
messages have not been defined.
These functions are implemented by one or several SABP elementary procedures described in the following clauses.
8 SABP Procedures
Table 1: Class 1
Table 2: Class 2
8.2 Write-Replace
8.2.1 General
The purpose of this Write-Replace procedure is to broadcast new information or replace a message already broadcast to
a chosen Service Area(s).
Release 16 11 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
The CN shall initiate the procedure by sending a WRITE-REPLACE message to the RNC.
The presence of a New Serial Number IE will indicate that this is a new broadcast. The presence of both the Old Serial
Number IE and a New Serial Number IE will indicate that this message is a replacement of an existing broadcast.
The RNC will initiate broadcasting of a new message or replace a message already broadcast as requested to the service
areas as indicated in the Service Areas List IE.
The RNC shall uniquely identify the CBS message by the Message Identifier IE together with the twelve leftmost bits
of the serial number in the New Serial Number IE and the Service Area Identifier IE.
The RNC shall perform the broadcast according to the value of the Category IE as follows:
- The Category IE, if given in the WRITE-REPLACE message, shall be treated as follows:
1. If the value of Category IE is indicated as "High Priority", the RNC shall perform the broadcast immediately;
2. If the value of Category IE is indicated as "Background", the RNC shall perform the broadcast when no other
broadcast message indicated as "High Priority" or "Normal";
3. If the value of Category IE is indicated as "Normal", the RNC shall perform the broadcast according to the
Repetition Period IE.
- If the Category IE is not given in the WRITE-REPLACE message, the RNC shall perform the broadcast as the
same category indicated as "Normal".
The RNC shall pass the Data Coding Scheme IE transparently to the radio interface protocol.
The RNC shall pass the Broadcast Message Content IE Transparently to the radio interface protocol.
The RNC shall broadcast the message frequently according to the value of the Number of Broadcasts Requested IE. If
the value is set to "0", the RNC shall broadcast the message until the CN requests otherwise. If the value is different
than “0”, the RNC shall broadcast the message as many times as indicated in the Number of Broadcasts Requested IE,
and after the completion of the broadcast, the RNC shall release the involved messages and their status stored for each
service area.
Upon receipt of the WRITE-REPLACE message the RNC shall respond using the WRITE-REPLACE COMPLETE
message containing a New Serial Number IE indicating that resources are available as requested for the Service Area(s)
specified and a Number of Broadcasts Completed List IE to indicate the number of times the version of the old CBS
message identified by the Message Identifier IE and the Old Serial Number IE, has been successfully broadcast to the
particular Service Area(s). If the version corresponding to the Old Serial Number IE value is not recognized for a
particular service area, the number of broadcast completed shall be reported as ‘0’ and the Number of Broadcasts Compl
Info IE set to ‘unknown’.
Release 16 12 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
- contained a New Serial Number IE but not an Old Serial Number IE, the Number of Broadcasts IE within the
Number of Broadcasts Completed List IE is set to "0" for each included Service Area in the corresponding
- contained both the New Serial Number IE and the Old Serial Number IE, an entry is made in the Number of
Broadcasts IE in the Number of Broadcasts Completed List IE for each included Service Area in the
corresponding WRITE-REPLACE COMPLETE message. The RNC shall also release the involved old messages
and their status stored for each service area.
If Paging ETWS Indicator IE is included in the WRITE-REPLACE message, the RNC shall construct and send paging
message towards the UE. The paging message contains warning information based on Warning Type IE. If the
Broadcast Message Content Validity Indicator IE is included in the WRITE-REPLACE message then the RNC shall
ignore the contents of the Broadcast Message Content IE, Repetition Period IE and Number of Broadcasts Requested
If the Warning Security Information IE is included in the WRITE-REPLACE message sent from the CN, the RNC shall
send the Warning Security Information IE together with the paging message.
If there is at least one Service Area specified in the WRITE-REPLACE message for which the RNC cannot allocate all
the resources requested or for which the RNC cannot complete as requested, then the RNC shall return a WRITE-
REPLACE FAILURE message to the CN as an outcome of the procedure. A list of Service Area(s) where the requested
resources are unavailable or for which the RNC cannot complete as requested and appropriate cause value shall be
provided in this WRITE-REPLACE FAILURE message in the Failure List IE.
This WRITE-REPLACE FAILURE message may also include those Service Area(s) where the requested resources
were available and shall indicate in the Number of Broadcasts Completed List IE those Service Area(s) which
completed the request successfully.
- contained a New Serial Number IE but not an Old Serial Number IE, the Number of Broadcasts IE within the
Number of Broadcasts Completed List IE is set to ‘0’ for each included Service Area in the corresponding WRITE-
- contained a New Serial Number IE but not an Old Serial Number IE, and the CBS message is already used by the
RNC, it shall consider the Write Replace procedure as failed for this Service Area and return a WRITE-REPLACE-
FAILURE message with the Service Area Identifier of this particular Service Area included in the Failure List IE
together with the cause value “Message-reference already-used”.
Release 16 13 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
- contained both the New Serial Number IE and the Old Serial Number IE, an entry is made in Number of Broadcasts
IE in the Number of Broadcasts Completed List IE for each included Service Area in the corresponding WRITE-
- contained both the New Serial Number IE and the Old Serial Number IE, but if the old CBS message is unknown to
the RNC (i.e. it can not execute the kill request) for a particular Service Area, it shall consider the Write Replace
procedure as failed for this Service Area. When the procedure is completed, the RNC shall return a WRITE-
REPLACE-FAILURE message which includes the Service Area Identifier of this particular Service Area in the
Failure List IE together with the cause value “Valid-CN-message-not-identified”.
8.3 Kill
8.3.1 General
The purpose of the Kill procedure is to stop the broadcast of the indicated message.
The CN shall initiate the procedure by sending a KILL message to the RNC.
Upon receipt of the KILL message the RNC shall stop broadcasting the CBS message, which is indicated in the
Message Identifier IE and the twelve leftmost bits of the Old Serial Number IE, in the indicated Service Area(s) as
indicated in the Service Areas List IE.
The RNC shall respond using the KILL COMPLETE message, containing the Old Serial Number IE copied from the
request and the Number of Broadcast Completed List IE when all Service Areas successfully stopped the broadcast. It
shall indicate in the Number of Broadcast Completed List IE for each of these Service Area(s), the number of times the
version of the CBS message identified by the Message Identifier IE and the Old Serial Number IE received has been
sent to this particular Service Area(s) for broadcast. The RNC shall also release the involved messages and their status
stored for each service area. If the version corresponding to the Old Serial Number IE value is not recognized for a
particular service area, the number of broadcast completed shall be reported as ‘0’ and the Number of Broadcasts Compl
Info IE set to ‘unknown’.
Release 16 14 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
If the RNC fails to stop broadcasting the CBS message as indicated in the KILL message in at least one service area, the
RNC shall return the KILL FAILURE message to the CN. A Failure List IE indicating the list of Service Area(s) where
the CBS message was not recognized or the broadcast could not be stopped together with the appropriate cause value
shall be provided in the KILL FAILURE message. This response message may also – if applicable - indicate in the
Number of Broadcasts Completed List IE those Service Area(s) where the KILL message successfully stopped the
Release 16 15 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
The CN shall initiate the procedure by sending a LOAD QUERY message to the RNC. The message shall include a
Service Areas List IE. Upon reception of the LOAD QUERY message the RNC shall respond with a LOAD QUERY
COMPLETE message containing the Radio Resource Loading List IE indicating the available bandwidth of the Service
If the RNC contains Service Area(s) for which the RNC was not able to respond to, it shall respond with a LOAD
QUERY FAILURE message which includes the Failure List IE.
The LOAD QUERY FAILURE response message may – if applicable - also contain a Radio Resource Loading List IE
for which the LOAD STATUS QUERY reporting was successful.
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The CN shall initiate the procedure by sending a MESSAGE STATUS QUERY message to the RNC. The message
shall contain the Old Serial Number IE along with the Service Areas List IE containing the Service Area Identifiers the
status query is intended for. The status is requested for the version of the CBS message identified by the Message
Identifier IE and the full value of the Old Version Number IE.
Upon receipt of the MESSAGE STATUS QUERY message the RNC shall respond using the MESSAGE STATUS
Within this message the Number of Broadcasts Completed List IE contains each Service Area which successfully
performed the requested operation and for each of these Service Area(s), the number of times the version of this CBS
message has been sent to this particular Service Area(s) for broadcast. If the version corresponding to the Old Serial
Number IE value is not recognized for a particular service area, the number of broadcast completed shall be reported as
‘0’ and the Number of Broadcasts Compl Info IE set to ‘unknown’.
If the requested operation fails (e.g. because the CBS message is unknown, or when the RNC cannot send the status for
a known CBS message) the RNC shall send a MESSAGE STATUS QUERY FAILURE message to the CN containing
a Failure List IE for Service Area(s) for which the requested operation failed.
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The MESSAGE STATUS QUERY FAILURE message may – if applicable - also include the Number of Broadcasts
Completed List IE indicating those Service Area(s) for which the MESSAGE STATUS QUERY message was
8.6 Reset
8.6.1 General
The purpose of the Reset procedure is to end broadcasting in one or more Service Areas in the RNC.
The CN shall initiate the procedure by sending a RESET message to the RNC, in order to end broadcasting in one or
more Service Areas of the RNC.
Upon receipt of this message the RNC shall end broadcasting in the indicated Service Area(s) and shall respond using a
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If upon receipt of this message the RNC can not end broadcasting in the indicated Service Area(s), it shall respond
using a RESET FAILURE message. The RESET FAILURE message may contain the Service Areas List IE and shall
contain the Failure List IE indicating the relevant Service Area(s) in which the RESET message was successful and
unsuccessful respectively, along with the appropriate cause value.
The sum of the Service Area(s) included in the Service Areas List and Failure List IEs shall be the same as indicated in
the Service Areas List IE of the initiating RESET message.
The RNC shall initiate the procedure by sending a RESTART message to the CN. This message shall contain a Service
Areas List IE for reference and may also include the Recovery Indication IE to indicate whether the previous broadcast
information needs to be loaded. In the absence of the Recovery Indication IE, the CN shall interpret it as "lost".
Release 16 19 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
The RNC shall initiate the procedure by sending a FAILURE message to the CN. The FAILURE message shall contain
the Service Areas List IE to indicate which Service Area(s) has a Service Area broadcasting related problem.
Upon receipt of this FAILURE message, the CN will not generate further WRITE or REPLACE messages for these
Service Area(s) until the CN is informed by a RESTART message that the Service Area can resume normal Service
Area broadcasting operation.
When the conditions defined in chapter 10 are fulfilled, the Error Indication procedure is initiated by an ERROR
INDICATION message sent from the receiving node.
The ERROR INDICATION message shall contain at least either the Cause IE or the Criticality Diagnostics IE.
Examples for possible cause values for protocol error indications are:
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NOTE: The messages have been defined in accordance to the guidelines specified in TR 25.921 [10].
For each message there is, a table listing the signalling elements in their order of appearance in the transmitted message. Presence
All information elements in the message descriptions below are marked mandatory, optional or conditional according to
table 3
Abbreviation Meaning
M IE's marked as Mandatory (M) will always be included in the
O IE's marked as Optional (O) may or may not be included in the
C IE's marked as Conditional (C) will be included in a message only if
the condition is satisfied. Otherwise the IE is not included. Criticality
Each Information Element or Group of Information Elements may have a criticality information applied to it.
Following cases are possible.
Abbreviation Meaning Range
The Range column indicates the allowed number of copies of repetitive IEs/IE groups.
Release 16 21 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
This message is sent by the CN to the RNC.
Direction: CN RNC
Direction: RNC CN
Direction: RNC CN
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9.1.6 KILL
This message is sent by the CN to the RNC to stop broadcasting of a specific message.
Direction: CN RNC
Direction: RNC CN
Direction: RNC CN
Direction: CN RNC
Release 16 23 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
Direction: RNC CN
Direction: RNC CN
Direction: CN RNC
Direction: RNC CN
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Direction: RNC CN
9.1.15 RESET
The message is sent by the CN to the RNC to request that the RNC end broadcasting in one or more Service Areas.
Direction: CN RNC
Direction: RNC CN
Direction: RNC CN
Release 16 25 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
9.1.18 RESTART
This message is sent from the RNC to the CN to indicate a Service Area broadcasting related restart situation in one or
more of its Service-Areas.
Direction: RNC CN
9.1.19 FAILURE
This message is sent from the RNC to the CN to indicate that a Service Area broadcasting related problem exists in one
or more of its Service-Areas.
Direction: RNC CN
Direction: RNC CN
When specifying information elements which are to be represented by bitstrings, if not otherwise specifically stated in
the semantics description of the concerned IE or elsewhere, the following principle applies with regards to the ordering
of bits:
- The first bit (leftmost bit) contains the most significant bit (MSB);
- The last bit (rightmost bit) contains the least significant bit (LSB);
- When importing bitstrings from other specifications, the first bit of the bitstring contains the first bit of the
concerned information;
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9.2.1 MessageType
Message Type IE uniquely identifies the message being sent. It is mandatory for all messages.
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9.2.7 Category
Category IE is sent from the CN to the RNC, and is used to indicate the priority of the message.
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9.2.14 Cause
Cause IE indicates the reason for a particular error event for the SABP protocol.
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exceeded(7), Sent when the
RNC is unable to
store a CBS
message as the
RNC memory has
been exceeded.
broadcast-not- Sent when the
supported(8), SABCH/CN
related Radio
Resource is not
configured for a
broadcast-not- Sent when the
operational(9), SABCH/CN
related radio
resource is not
available because
of error conditions
or due to
reference already- Sent when the
used(10), recipient was
unable to act upon
the Write-Replace
message received
due to a previous
received with the
same message
Release 16 32 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
The Criticality Diagnostics IE is sent by the RNC or the CN when parts of a received message have not been
comprehended or were missing, or if the message contained logical errors. When applicable, it contains information
about which IEs that were not comprehended or were missing.
Release 16 33 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
● in case of a not
understood IE:
The number of
occurrences of the
reported IE up to and
including the not
● in case of a missing
The number of
occurrences up to but
not including the
missing occurrence.
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The ASN.1 definition specifies the structure and content of SABP messages. SABP messages can contain any IEs
specified in the object set definitions for that message without the order or number of occurrence being restricted by
ASN.1. However, for this version of the standard, a sending entity shall construct a SABP message according to the
PDU definitions module and with the following additional rules (Note that in the following IE means an IE in the object
set with an explicit id. If one IE needed to appear more than once in one object set, then the different occurrences have
different IE ids):
- IEs shall be ordered (in an IE container) in the order they appear in object set definitions.
- Object set definitions specify how many times IEs may appear. An IE shall appear exactly once if the presence
field in an object has value "mandatory". An IE may appear at most once if the presence field in an object has
value "optional" or "conditional". If in a tabular format there is multiplicity specified for an IE (i.e. an IE list)
then in the corresponding ASN.1 definition the list definition is separated into two parts. The first part defines an
IE container list where the list elements reside. The second part defines list elements. The IE container list
appears as an IE of its own. For this version of the standard an IE container list may contain only one kind of list
If a SABP message that is not constructed as defined above is received, this shall be considered as Abstract Syntax
Error, and the message shall be handled as defined for Abstract Syntax error in subclause 10.3.6.
- for special operator- (and/or vendor) specific features considered not to be part of the basic functionality, i.e. the
functionality required for a complete and high-quality specification in order to guarantee multivendor
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- by vendors for research purposes, e.g. to implement and evaluate new algorithms/features before such features
are proposed for standardisation.
The extension mechanism shall not be used for basic functionality. Such functionality shall be standardised.
Release 16 38 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
-- **************************************************************
-- Elementary Procedure definitions
-- **************************************************************
SABP-PDU-Descriptions {
itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)
umts-Access (20) modules (3) sabp (3) version1 (1) sabp-PDU-Descriptions (0)}
-- **************************************************************
-- IE parameter types from other modules.
-- **************************************************************
FROM SABP-CommonDataTypes
Release 16 39 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
FROM SABP-Constants;
-- **************************************************************
-- Interface Elementary Procedure Class
-- **************************************************************
[UNSUCCESSFUL OUTCOME &UnsuccessfulOutcome]
PROCEDURE CODE &procedureCode
[CRITICALITY &criticality]
-- **************************************************************
-- Interface PDU Definition
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Interface Elementary Procedure List
-- **************************************************************
SABP-PDU-Contents {
itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)
umts-Access (20) modules (3) sabp (3) version1 (1) sabp-PDU-Contents (1) }
-- **************************************************************
-- IE parameter types from other modules.
Release 16 42 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
-- **************************************************************
FROM SABP-Containers
FROM SABP-Constants;
-- **************************************************************
Release 16 43 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
-- Write-Replace
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Write-Replace-Complete
-- **************************************************************
Release 16 44 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
-- **************************************************************
-- Write-Replace-Failure
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Kill
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
Release 16 45 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
-- Kill-Complete
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Kill-Failure
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Load-Query
Release 16 46 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Load-Query-Complete
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Load-Query-Failure
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Message-Status-Query
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Message-Status-Query-Complete
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Message-Status-Query-Failure
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Reset
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Reset-Complete
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Reset-Failure
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Restart
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Failure
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Error-Indication
-- **************************************************************
Release 16 51 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)
umts-Access (20) modules (3) sabp (3) version1 (1) sabp-IEs (2) }
FROM SABP-Constants
FROM SABP-CommonDataTypes
FROM SABP-Containers;
-- A
-- B
Release 16 52 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
Broadcast-Message-Content ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (1..9968))-- This IE is sent from the CN to the RNC containing user information i.e.
-- the message.
-- C
-- D
-- E
-- F
-- G
-- H
-- I
-- J
-- K
Release 16 54 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
-- L
-- M
-- N
-- O
-- P
-- Q
-- R
available-bandwidth Available-Bandwidth,
iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RadioResourceLoadingListItemIE-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
-- S
-- T
-- U
-- V
-- W
-- X
-- Y
SABP-CommonDataTypes {
itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)
umts-Access (20) modules (3) sabp (3) version1 (1) sabp-CommonDataTypes (3) }
SABP-Constants {
itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)
umts-Access (20) modules (3) sabp (3) version1 (1) sabp-Constants (4) }
-- **************************************************************
-- Elementary Procedures
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- IEs
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Extension constants
Release 16 58 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Lists
-- **************************************************************
SABP-Containers {
itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)
umts-Access (20) modules (3) sabp (3) version1 (1) sabp-Containers (5) }
-- **************************************************************
-- IE parameter types from other modules.
-- **************************************************************
FROM SABP-CommonDataTypes
FROM SABP-Constants;
-- **************************************************************
-- Class Definition for Protocol IEs
Release 16 59 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Class Definition for Protocol Extensions
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Container for Protocol IEs
-- **************************************************************
-- **************************************************************
-- Container Lists for Protocol IE Containers
-- **************************************************************
Release 16 60 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
-- **************************************************************
-- Container for Protocol Extensions
-- **************************************************************
Release 16 61 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
10.1 General
Protocol Error cases can be divided into three classes:
Logical Error.
Protocol errors can occur in the following functions within a receiving node:
The information stated in subclauses 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4, to be included in the message used when reporting an error, is
what at minimum shall be included. Other optional information elements within the message may also be included, if
available. This is also valid for the case when the reporting is done with a response message. The latter is an exception
to what is stated in subclause 4.1.
2. receives IEs for which the logical range is violated (e.g.: ASN.1 definition: 0 to 15, the logical range is 0 to 10
(values 11 to 15 are undefined), and 12 will be received; this case will be handled as an abstract syntax error
using criticality information sent by the originator of the message);
Release 16 62 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
3. does not receive IEs or IE groups but according to the specified presence of the concerning object, the IEs or IE
groups should have been present in the received message;
4. receives IEs or IE groups that are defined to be part of that message in wrong order or with too many
occurrences of the same IE or IE group;
5. receives IEs or IE groups but according to the conditional presence of the concerning object and the specified
condition, the IEs or IE groups should not have been present in the received message.
Cases 1 and 2 (not comprehended IE/IE group) are handled based on received Criticality information. Case 3 (missing
IE/IE group) is handled based on Criticality information and Presence information for the missing IE/IE group specified
in the version of the specification used by the receiver. Case 4 (IEs or IE groups in wrong order or with too many
occurrences) and Case 5 (erroneously present conditional IEs or IE groups) result in rejecting the procedure.
If an Abstract Syntax Error occurs, the receiver shall read the remaining message and shall then for each detected
Abstract Syntax Error act according to the Criticality Information and Presence Information for the IE/IE group due to
which Abstract Syntax Error occurred in accordance with subclauses 10.3.4 and 10.3.5. The handling of cases 4 and 5 is
specified in subclause 10.3.6.
In addition, the criticality information is used in case of the missing IE/IE group abstract syntax error (see subclause
The receiving node shall take different actions depending on the value of the Criticality Information. The three possible
values of the Criticality Information for an IE/IE group are:
- Reject IE;
- Ignore IE.
The following rules restrict when a receiving entity may consider an IE, an IE group or an EP not comprehended (not
implemented), and when action based on criticality information is applicable:
1. IE or IE group: When one new or modified IE or IE group is implemented for one EP from a standard version,
then other new or modified IEs or IE groups specified for that EP in that standard version shall be considered
comprehended by the receiving entity (some may still remain unsupported).
2. EP: The comprehension of different EPs within a standard version or between different standard versions is not
mandated. Any EP that is not supported may be considered not comprehended, even if another EP from that
standard version is comprehended, and action based on criticality shall be applied.
1. Optional;
2. Conditional;
3. Mandatory.
Release 16 63 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
If an IE/IE group is not included in a received message and the presence of the IE/IE group is mandatory or the
presence is conditional and the condition is true according to the version of the specification used by the receiver, an
abstract syntax error occurs due to a missing IE/IE group.
Reject IE:
- If a message is received with a Procedure Code marked with "Reject IE" which the receiving node does not
comprehend, the receiving node shall reject the procedure using the Error Indication procedure.
- If a message is received with a Procedure Code marked with "Ignore IE and Notify Sender" which the receiving
node does not comprehend, the receiving node shall ignore the procedure and initiate the Error Indication
Ignore IE:
- If a message is received with a Procedure Code marked with "Ignore IE" which the receiving node does not
comprehend, the receiving node shall ignore the procedure.
When using the Error Indication procedure to reject a procedure or to report an ignored procedure it shall include the
Procedure Code IE, the Triggering Message IE, and the Procedure Criticality IE in the Criticality Diagnostics IE. IEs other than the Procedure Code and Type of Message
The receiving node shall treat the different types of received criticality information of an IE/IE group other than the
Procedure Code IE and Type of Message IE according to the following:
Reject IE:
- If a message initiating a procedure is received containing one or more IEs/IE groups marked with "Reject IE"
which the receiving node does not comprehend; none of the functional requests of the message shall be executed.
The receiving node shall reject the procedure and report the rejection of one or more IEs/IE groups using the
message normally used to report unsuccessful outcome of the procedure. In case the information received in the
initiating message was insufficient to determine a value for all IEs that are required to be present in the message
used to report the unsuccessful outcome of the procedure, the receiving node shall instead terminate the
procedure and initiate the Error Indication procedure.
- If a message initiating a procedure that does not have a message to report unsuccessful outcome is received
containing one or more IEs/IE groups marked with "Reject IE" which the receiving node does not comprehend,
the receiving node shall terminate the procedure and initiate the Error Indication procedure.
- If a response message is received containing one or more IEs marked with "Reject IE" which the receiving node
does no comprehend, the receiving node shall consider the procedure as unsuccessfully terminated and initiate
local error handling.
Release 16 64 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
- If a message initiating a procedure is received containing one or more Ies/IE groups marked with "Ignore IE and
Notify Sender" which the receiving node does not comprehend, the receiving node shall ignore the content of the
not comprehended IEs/IE groups, continue with the procedure as if the not comprehended IEs/IE groups were
not received (except for the reporting) using the understood IEs/IE groups, and report in the response message of
the procedure that one or more IEs/IE groups have been ignored. In case the information received in the
initiating message was insufficient to determine a value for all IEs that are required to be present in the response
message, the receiving node shall instead terminate the procedure and initiate the Error Indication procedure.
- if a message initiating a procedure that does not have a message to report the outcome of the procedure is
received containing one or more IEs/IE groups marked with "Ignore IE and Notify Sender" which the receiving
node does not comprehend, the receiving node shall ignore the content of the not comprehended IEs/IE groups,
continue with the procedure as if the not comprehended IEs/IE groups were not received (except for the
reporting) using the understood IEs/IE groups, and initiate the Error Indication procedure to report that one or
more IEs/IE groups have been ignored.
- If a response message is received containing one or more IEs/IE groups marked with "Ignore IE and Notify
Sender" which the receiving node does not comprehend, the receiving node shall ignore the content of the not
comprehended IE/IE groups, continue with the procedure as if the not comprehended IEs/IE groups were not
received (except for the reporting) using the understood IEs/IE groups and initiate the Error Indication
Ignore IE:
- If a message initiating a procedure is received containing one or more IEs/IE groups marked with "Ignore IE"
which the receiving node does not comprehend, the receiving node shall ignore the content of the not
comprehended IEs/IE groups and continue with the procedure as if the not comprehended IEs/IE groups were
not received using only the understood IEs/IE groups.
- If a response message is received containing one or more IEs/IE groups marked with "Ignore IE" which the
receiving node does not comprehend, the receiving node shall ignore the content of the not comprehended IEs/IE
groups and continue with the procedure as if the not comprehended IEs/IE groups were not received using the
understood IEs/IE groups.
When reporting not comprehended IEs/IE groups marked with "Reject IE" or "Ignore IE and Notify Sender" using a
response message defined for the procedure, the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE shall be included in the
Criticality Diagnostics IE for each reported IE/IE group. In the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE the
Repetition Number IE shall be included and in addition, if the not comprehended IE/IE group is not at message
hierarchy level 1 (top level; see annex A) also the Message Structure IE shall be included.
When reporting not comprehended IEs/IE groups marked with "Reject IE" or "Ignore IE and Notify Sender" using the
Error Indication procedure, the Procedure Code IE, the Triggering Message IE, Procedure Criticality IE, and the
Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE shall be included in the Criticality Diagnostics IE for each reported
IE/IE group. In the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE the Repetition Number IE shall be included and in
addition, if the not comprehended IE/IE group is not at message hierarchy level 1 (top level; see annex A) also the
Message Structure IE shall be included.
Reject IE:
- if a received message initiating a procedure is missing one or more IEs/IE groups with specified criticality
"Reject IE"; none of the functional requests of the message shall be executed. The receiving node shall reject the
procedure and report the missing IEs/IE groups using the message normally used to report unsuccessful outcome
of the procedure. In case the information received in the initiating message was insufficient to determine a value
for all IEs that are required to be present in the message used to report the unsuccessful outcome of the
procedure, the receiving node shall instead terminate the procedure and initiate the Error Indication procedure.
Release 16 65 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
- if a received message initiating a procedure that does not have a message to report unsuccessful outcome is
missing one or more IEs/IE groups with specified criticality "Reject IE", the receiving node shall terminate the
procedure and initiate the Error Indication procedure.
- if a received response message is missing one or more IEs/IE groups with specified criticality "Reject IE, the
receiving node shall consider the procedure as unsuccessfully terminated and initiate local error handling.
- if a received message initiating a procedure is missing one or more IEs/IE groups with specified criticality
"Ignore IE and Notify Sender", the receiving node shall ignore that those IEs are missing and continue with the
procedure based on the other IEs/IE groups present in the message and report in the response message of the
procedure that one or more IEs/IE groups were missing. In case the information received in the initiating
message was insufficient to determine a value for all IEs that are required to be present in the response message,
the receiving node shall instead terminate the procedure and initiate the Error Indication procedure.
- if a received message initiating a procedure that does not have a message to report the outcome of the procedure
is missing one or more IEs/IE groups with specified criticality "Ignore IE and Notify Sender", the receiving node
shall ignore that those IEs are missing and continue with the procedure based on the other IEs/IE groups present
in the message and initiate the Error Indication procedure to report that one or more IEs/IE groups were missing.
- if a received response message is missing one or more IEs/IE groups with specified criticality "Ignore IE and
Notify Sender", the receiving node shall ignore that those IEs are missing and continue with the procedure based
on the other IEs/IE groups present in the message and initiate the Error Indication procedure to report that one or
more IEs/IE groups were missing.
Ignore IE:
- if a received message initiating a procedure is missing one or more IEs/IE groups with specified criticality
"Ignore IE", the receiving node shall ignore that those IEs are missing and continue with the procedure based on
the other IEs/IE groups present in the message.
- if a received response message is missing one or more IEs/IE groups with specified criticality "Ignore IE", the
receiving node shall ignore that those IEs/IE groups are missing and continue with the procedure based on the
other IEs/IE groups present in the message.
When reporting missing IEs/IE groups with specified criticality "Reject IE" or "Ignore IE and Notify Sender" using a
response message defined for the procedure, the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE shall be included in the
Criticality Diagnostics IE for each reported IE/IE group. In the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE the
Repetition Number IE shall be included and in addition, if the missing IE/IE group is not at message hierarchy level 1
(top level; see annex A) also the Message Structure IE shall be included.
When reporting missing IEs/IE groups with specified criticality "Reject IE" or "Ignore IE and Notify Sender" using the
Error Indication procedure, the Procedure Code IE, the Triggering Message IE, Procedure Criticality IE, and the
Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE shall be included in the Criticality Diagnostics IE for each reported
IE/IE group. In the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE the Repetition Number IE shall be included and in
addition, if the missing IE/IE group is not at message hierarchy level 1 (top level; see annex A) also the Message
Structure IE shall be included.
10.3.6 IEs or IE groups received in wrong order or with too many occurrences
or erroneously present
If a message with IEs or IE groups in wrong order or with too many occurrences is received or if IEs or IE groups with
a conditional presence are present when the condition is not met (i.e. erroneously present), the receiving node shall
behave according to the following:
- If a message initiating a procedure is received containing IEs or IE groups in wrong order or with too many
occurrences or erroneously present, none of the functional requests of the message shall be executed. The
receiving node shall reject the procedure and report the cause value "Abstract Syntax Error (Falsely Constructed
Message)" using the message normally used to report unsuccessful outcome of the procedure. In case the
information received in the initiating message was insufficient to determine a value for all IEs that are required
to be present in the message used to report the unsuccessful outcome of the procedure, the receiving node shall
instead terminate the procedure and initiate the Error Indication procedure.
Release 16 66 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
- If a message initiating a procedure that does not have a message to report unsuccessful outcome is received
containing IEs or IE groups in wrong order or with too many occurrences or erroneously present, the receiving
node shall terminate the procedure and initiate the Error Indication procedure, and use cause value "Abstract
Syntax Error (Falsely Constructed Message)".
- If a response message is received containing IEs or IE groups in wrong order or with too many occurrences or
erroneously present, the receiving node shall consider the procedure as unsuccessfully terminated and initiate
local error handling.
When determining the correct order only the IEs specified in the specification version used by the receiver shall be
Class 1:
Where the logical error occurs in a request message of a class 1 procedure, and the procedure has a message to report
this unsuccessful outcome, this message shall be sent with an appropriate cause value. Typical cause values are:
- Semantic Error;
Where the logical error is contained in a request message of a class 1 procedure, and the procedure does not have a
message to report this unsuccessful outcome, the procedure shall be terminated and the Error Indication procedure shall
be initiated with an appropriate cause value. The Procedure Code IE and the Triggering Message IE within the
Criticality Diagnostics IE shall then be included in order to identify the message containing the logical error.
Where the logical error exists in a response message of a class 1 procedure, the procedure shall be considered as
unsuccessfully terminated and local error handling shall be initiated.
Class 2:
Where the logical error occurs in a message of a class 2 procedure, the procedure shall be terminated and the Error
Indication procedure shall be initiated with an appropriate cause value. The Procedure Code IE and the Triggering
Message IE within the Criticality Diagnostics IE shall then be included in order to identify the message containing the
logical error.
10.5 Exceptions
The error handling for all the cases described hereafter shall take precedence over any other error handling described in
the other subclauses of clause 10.
- If any type of error (Transfer Syntax Error, Abstract Syntax Error or Logical Error) is detected in the ERROR
INDICATION message, it shall not trigger the Error Indication procedure in the receiving Node but local error
- In case a response message or Error Indication message needs to be returned, but the information necessary to
determine the receiver of that message is missing, the procedure shall be considered as unsuccessfully terminated
and local error handling shall be initiated.
- If an error that terminates a procedure occurs, the returned cause value shall reflect the error that caused the
termination of the procedure even if one or more abstract syntax errors with criticality “ignore and notify” have
earlier occurred within the same procedure.
Release 16 67 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
Annex A (informative):
Guidelines for Usage of the Criticality Diagnostics IE
Note 1. The IEs F, J, and L do not have assigned criticality. The IEs F, J, and L are consequently realised as the
ASN.1 type SEQUENCE OF of "ordinary" ASN.1 type, e.g. INTEGER. On the other hand, the repeatable
IEs with assigned criticality are realised as the ASN.1 type SEQUENCE OF of an IE object, e.g.
Release 16 68 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
Level 1 A B C D
(top level)
Level 2 E K
Level 3 F H G J L
Level 4 G G G G G G G
Nth repetition
Figure A.1: Example of content of a received SABP message based on the EXAMPLE MESSAGE
Release 16 69 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
Level 1 A B C D
(top level)
Included in the
Message Structure IE.
Level 2 E K
Level 3 F H G J L
Level 4 G G G G G G G
1 4 6 9 10 13
2 7 11 14
3 8 12
If there is an error within the instance marked as grey in the IE G in the IE J shown in the figure A.2, this will be
reported within the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE within the Criticality Diagnostics IE as follows:
Note 2. The IE J on level 3 cannot be included in the Message Structure IE since they have no criticality of their
Note 3. The repetition number of the reported IE indicates the number of repetitions of IE G received up to the
detected erroneous repetition, counting all occurrences of the IE G below the same instance of the
previous level with assigned criticality (instance 3 of IE E on level 2).
Release 16 70 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
A.3.2 Example 2
Level 1 A B C D
(top level)
Included in the
Message Structure IE.
Level 2 E K
Level 3 F H G J L
Level 4 G G G G G G G
If there is an error within the second instance (marked as grey) in the sequence (IE L in the tabular format) on level 3
below IE K in the structure shown in the figure A.3, this will be reported within the Information Element Criticality
Diagnostics IE within the Criticality Diagnostics IE as follows:
Note 4. The IE L on level 3 cannot be reported individually included in the Message Structure IE since it has no
criticality of its own.
Release 16 71 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
A.3.3 Example 3
Level 1 A B C D
(top level)
Included in the
Message Structure IE.
Level 2 E K
Level 3 F H G J L
Level 4 G G G G G G G
If there is an error within the instance marked as grey in the IE G in the IE H shown in the figure A.4, this will be
reported within the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE within the Criticality Diagnostics IE as follows:
Note 5. The repetition number of level 4 indicates the number of repetitions of IE G received up to the detected
erroneous repetition, counted below the same instance of the previous level with assigned criticality
(instance 1 of IE H on level 3).
Release 16 72 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
A.3.4 Example 4
Level 1 A B C D
(top level)
Included in the
Message Structure IE.
Level 2 E K
Level 3 F H G J L
Level 4 G G G G G G G
1 4 6 9 10 13
2 7 11 14
3 8 12
If there is an error within the instance marked as grey in the IE G in the IE E shown in the figure A.5, this will be
reported within the Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE within the Criticality Diagnostics IE as follows:
Note 6. The repetition number of the reported IE indicates the number of repetitions of IE G received up to the
detected erroneous repetition, counting all occurrences of the IE G below the same instance of the previous level with
assigned criticality (instance 3 of IE E on level 2).
Release 16 73 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
A.3.5 Example 5
Level 1 A B C D
(top level)
Included in the
Message Structure IE.
Level 2 E K
Level 3 F H G J L
Level 4 G G G G G G G
1 4 5 8 9 12
2 6 10 13
3 7 11
If the instance marked as grey in the IE G in the IE E shown in the figure A.6, is missing this will be reported within the
Information Element Criticality Diagnostics IE within the Criticality Diagnostics IE as follows:
Note 7. The repetition number of the reported IE indicates the number of repetitions of IE G received up to but
not including the missing occurrence, counting all occurrences of the IE G below the same instance of the
previous level with assigned criticality (instance 3 of IE E on level 2).
Release 16 74 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
e E-List,
iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {B-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
f F-List,
h H-List,
g G-List1,
j J-List,
iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {E-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {F-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {H-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
Release 16 75 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {J-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
k K-List,
iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {C-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
l L-List,
iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {K-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {L-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL,
Release 16 76 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
Release 16 77 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
Annex B (informative):
Change history
Change history
TSG RAN# Version CR Tdoc RAN New Subject/Comment
RAN_07 - - - 3.0.0 Approved at TSG RAN #7 and placed under Change Control
RAN_08 3.0.0 - RP-000239 3.1.0 Approved at TSG RAN #8
RAN_09 3.1.0 011 RP-000377 3.2.0 Approved at TSG RAN #9
RAN_10 3.2.0 024 RP-000616 3.3.0 Approved at TSG RAN #10
RAN_11 3.3.0 030 RP-010114 3.4.0 Approved at TSG RAN #11
Change history
Date TSG # TSG Doc. CR Rev Subject/Comment Old New
March 01 11 - - Approved at TSG RAN #11 and placed under Change Control - 4.0.0
06/2001 12 RP-010377 036,0 Approved at TSG RAN #12 4.0.0 4.1.0
09/2001 13 RP-010582 051 1 SABP criticality 4.1.0 4.2.0
09/2001 13 RP-010582 052 1 Correction to the Error handling of the ERROR INDICATION 4.1.0 4.2.0
09/2001 13 RP-010582 056 1 Error handling of the Erroneously Present Conditional Ies 4.1.0 4.2.0
09/2001 13 RP-010582 058 1 Clarification of chapter 10 4.1.0 4.2.0
09/2001 13 RP-010582 060 1 SABP General Corrections 4.1.0 4.2.0
09/2001 13 RP-010582 062 2 Clarification of the usage of the Number of Broadcasts Requested 4.1.0 4.2.0
09/2001 13 RP-010582 064 1 Clarification of the usage of the SABP Reset Procedure 4.1.0 4.2.0
09/2001 13 RP-010582 066 2 Clarification of the usage of the Service Areas List IE within the 4.1.0 4.2.0
Reset Procedure
12/2001 14 RP-010852 068 1 SAI Clarification 4.2.0 4.3.0
12/2001 14 RP-010852 070 Bitstrings ordering 4.2.0 4.3.0
12/2001 14 RP-010852 072 Procedure Code Criticality in Error Indication 4.2.0 4.3.0
12/2001 14 RP-010852 074 2 Addition of amendment to clarify the PER encoding of bitstrings 4.2.0 4.3.0
12/2001 14 RP-010852 076 Section 9.2.0 missing 4.2.0 4.3.0
12/2001 14 RP-010852 078 2 CR on 25.419 (R4) Usage of ''Number of Broadcasts Completed 4.2.0 4.3.0
List' IE
12/2001 14 RP-010852 080 Correction the Clause 10 Error Handling 4.2.0 4.3.0
03/2002 15 RP-020167 082 Correction of the value Default in Category IE 4.3.0 4.4.0
03/2002 15 RP-020167 084 1 Correction of the wording of maximum value 4.3.0 4.4.0
03/2002 15 RP-020167 086 Service expected from the transport layer 4.3.0 4.4.0
03/2002 15 RP-020167 088 1 ASN.1 take precedence if contradiction between ASN.1 and tabular 4.3.0 4.4.0
03/2002 15 RP-020167 090 1 Mismatch the type of some IE between 24.419 and 25.324 4.3.0 4.4.0
Release 16 78 3GPP TS 25.419 V16.0.0 (2020-07)
03/2002 15 RP-020167 092 Correction of the usage of Write-Replace Failure message 4.3.0 4.4.0
03/2002 15 RP-020167 094 Error Indication correction 4.3.0 4.4.0
03/2002 15 - - Approved at TSG RAN #15 and placed under Change Control - 5.0.0
06/2002 16 RP-020404 097 Criticality Information Decoding Failure Handling 5.0.0 5.1.0
06/2002 16 RP-020404 100 1 Clarification for the usage of the cause value 5.0.0 5.1.0
06/2002 16 RP-020404 103 SABP: WRITE-REPLACE Procedure Clarification 5.0.0 5.1.0
09/2002 17 RP-020602 106 1 Correction to ASN.1 coding: criticality information missing 5.1.0 5.2.0
03/2003 19 RP-030057 108 1 Correction of Write and Replace functions 5.2.0 5.3.0
06/2003 20 RP-030315 112 1 Correction of Kill Unsuccessful Outcome 5.3.0 5.4.0
06/2003 20 RP-030326 117 Correction of Failure message used for logical errors 5.3.0 5.4.0
09/2003 21 RP-030445 118 Alignment of title and sub-clause text of chapter 5.4.0 5.5.0
09/2003 21 RP-030446 119 1 Removal of the note in chapter 10 5.4.0 5.5.0
09/2003 21 RP-030438 124 2 Correction of number of broadcast to be reported 5.4.0 5.5.0
12/2003 22 RP-030673 130 Correction of finite number of broadcast 5.5.0 5.6.0
12/2003 22 - - - Introduction of Release 6 specification 5.6.0 6.0.0
03/2004 23 RP-040063 132 1 Correction to 25.419 for Broadcast Message Content IE 6.0.0 6.1.0
12/2004 26 RP-040441 133 outdated ITU-T reference 6.1.0 6.2.0
03/2006 31 - - - Introduction of Release 7 specification 6.2.0 7.0.0
12/2008 42 RP-080857 135 2 CR on ETWS support in UTRAN SABP 7.0.0 8.0.0
12/2008 42 RP-080857 136 1 CR on Security Information for Primary Notification 7.0.0 8.0.0
12/2009 46 RP-091179 138 1 Correction of ETWS for Rel8 HSPA 8.0.0 8.1.0
12/2009 - - - - Creation of Rel-9 version based on v8.1.0 8.1.0 9.0.0
03/2011 SP-49 SP-100629 Clarification on the use of References (TS 21.801 CR#0030) 9.0.0 9.0.1
03/2011 Creation of Rel-10 version based on v9.0.1 9.0.1 10.0.0
06/2011 52 RP-110685 140 - Removal of unused references 10.0.0 10.1.0
09/2011 53 RP-111223 141 1 Correction of a typo in ASN.1 code 10.1.0 10.2.0
09/2012 Update to Rel-11 version (MCC) 10.2.0 11.0.0
03/2013 59 RP-130212 151 2 Invalidation of ETWS with security feature 11.0.0 11.1.0
09/2014 Update to Rel-12 version (MCC) 11.1.0 12.0.0
01/2014 66 RP-142094 152 3 Adding a new reference of TS 25.921 12.0.0 12.1.0
12/2015 Update to Rel-13 version (MCC) 12.1.0 13.0.0
Change history
Date Meeting TDoc CR Rev Cat Subject/Comment New
2017-03 SA#75 Promotion to Release 14 without technical change 14.0.0
2018-07 SA#80 - - - - Promotion to Release 15 without technical change 15.0.0
2020-07 SA#88-e - - - - Update to Rel-16 version (MCC) 16.0.0