Tissue Processing
Tissue Processing
Tissue Processing
Prepared by: Ms. Roselin Tsauses
Anatomical Pathology 2A (ANP611S)
March 2022
Quiz on previous lectures
• Define fixation.
• Fixation refers to the preservation of biological tissues from decay due to
autolysis or putrefaction.
• Name the chemical that is used to fix tissue?
• 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin (NBF)
• What do we mean by buffered?
• To lessen or moderate the impact of something. E.g., 10% formalin
solutions are usually buffered to pH 6.8 – 7.2
• Why is formalin buffered?
• To avoid the formation of formalin pigments.
• Name any two (2) tips for better grossing.
• Avoid Specimen Trauma
• Avoid Overloading Cassettes
Pre-learning activity
• Fixation:
• Prevents autolysis and stabilizes tissue to maintain cellular structure.
• Dehydration:
• Removes water and unbound fixative from the tissue.
• Clearing:
• Displaces dehydrating solutions, making the tissue components
receptive to the infiltrating medium.
• Infiltration:
• Permeates the tissue with a support medium.
• Embedding:
• Orientation of the tissue sample in a support medium to create a tissue
“block” suitable for sectioning.
Revision: Fixation…
• The size and type of specimen in the tissue cassette determines the
time required for complete fixation and processing.
• The tissue should be dissected to 2 – 4 mm in thickness.
• Care must be taken not to overfill the cassette, as this would impede
the flow of reagents around the tissue.
• If possible, larger and smaller pieces of tissue should be separated
and processed using different schedules.
• The most commonly used reagent for the fixation of histological
specimens is:
• 10% NBF
• The usual 10% formalin used in fixation of tissues is a 10% solution of
formalin; i. e. it contains about 4% weight to volume of
• Collection of specimen
• Fixation
• Grossing
• Dehydration
• Clearing
• Infiltration/ impregnation
• Embedding
• Microtomy
• Staining
• Mounting
• Microscopy
Histo-technique Steps
Sectioning of Tissue
Remove paraffin wax
Microscopy Observation
Alcohol Alcohol
Formaldehyde 90% 96%
Fixing Alcohol Alcohol
70% 96%
Polymere Alcohol
Wax 100%
Wax:Xylene Alc:Xyl
1:1 1:1
Xylene Xylene
100% 100%
Biological Staining
Embedded material must be orientated properly &
levelled on microtome block
Ensure proper staining with stain & counterstain