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Meggi Lestari
Abstract. The English teachers at SMA Karya Ibu Palembang face numerous difficulties.
The difficulties stemmed from the students and the school's facilities. The purpose of this
study was to ascertain how teachers cope with difficulties in teaching English and to
ascertain their strategies for overcoming those difficulties. The teachers of English at
SMA Karya Ibu Palembang participated in this study. This study incorporated qualitative
research. The data were gathered via interview. Meanwhile, to ascertain the difficulties
encountered by teachers while teaching, the data gathered from the interview were
analysed using thematic analysis. The findings established It was discovered that five
factors contributed to teachers' difficulty in teaching English. This study demonstrates
that teachers faced obstacles such as limited mastery of instructional methods,
overcrowded classrooms, and insufficient facilities and resources. On the other hand,
students face additional difficulties due to a lack of vocabulary mastery, low
concentration, lack of motivation, pronunciation issues, and speaking issues. To address
these issues, teachers employ a variety of strategies when teaching English. To begin,
utilising a variety of teaching methods and techniques. Second, the teacher made the best
possible use of the available resources and facilities. The third is providing constructive
Teaching is the process by which teachers transfer knowledge and serve as role
models for their students. Brown (2000, p. 7) defines teaching as "demonstrating or
assisting someone in learning how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the
study of something, providing knowledge, or causing someone to know or understand."
However, teaching a language has a variety of distinct characteristics. According to
Songbatumis (2017, p. 55), a teacher not only teaches and monitors students' language
abilities, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking, but also assists, facilitates, and
encourages students' enthusiasm, positive attitude, and motivation for English. Thus,
language instruction requires a teacher to instruct students, and teachers must be capable
of developing all roles associated with the teaching and learning processes in the
Indeed, students encounter numerous difficulties while learning English, which
can pose difficulties for English teachers. Lynch (2008) identifies three critical issues
confronting English language teachers and students in the classroom: 1) a lack of
motivation on the part of students, 2) insufficient time, resources, and materials, and 3)
overcrowded English classes. (Abrar, 2016, p. 95). While Alrawashdeh & Zayed (2017,
p. 167) argued that teachers face a variety of challenges that contribute to the process
being slow and somewhat ineffective. This issue puts teachers in a bind when confronted
with the difficulties inherent in educating students for the future. In short, teaching
English presents a variety of difficulties, the sources of which can be students or teachers.
In general, Kajhloo (2013) identifies several difficulties in teaching English as
follows: a lack of interest and motivation for learning English, a lack of concentration in
the classroom, prominent students of others, a lack of proficiency in teaching English by
the majority of English teachers, and a lack of repetition and frequent practise by students.
Additionally, there are three additional difficulties not mentioned previously. Lynch
(2008) identifies three major impediments to English teaching and learning as follows: a
lack of student motivation, insufficient time, resources, and materials, and an
overcrowded classroom (as cited in Fajaryani, Masbirorotni, Nuraini, Nafrial & Nopianti,
2018, p. 67). This demonstrates the importance of taking the challenge of teaching
English more seriously.
According to my preliminary study at SMA Karya Ibu Palembang, an interview
with two teachers revealed some difficulties in teaching English at the school. To begin,
students face numerous writing difficulties. This occurred as a result of the students' lack
of vocabulary and grammar, particularly in terms of selecting appropriate words and
combining them into a coherent paragraph. Second, students frequently encounter
difficulties speaking English. They are unable to express their emotions and ideas in
English due to a lack of appropriate words. Additionally, they are unable to pronounce
the words correctly and have no idea what to say. Thirdly, the students are unmotivated.
This occurred as a result of the parents' lack of motivation. They do not allow their
children to master English by offering private lessons or enrolling them in English classes.
Parents expect the school to serve as a repository for their children's knowledge. Finally,
the school's facilities did not support the teaching and learning of English. The equipment
available, such as the LCD projector and sound system, was extremely limited.
Several previous studies have been conducted in this case to ascertain the
difficulties associated with teaching English. Songbatumis (2017) conducted the first
study at MTSN Taliwang, Indonesia, and discovered that teachers faced a lack of training,
limited mastery of teaching methods, ignorance of information and technology, a lack of
professional development opportunities, insufficient facilities and resources, and time
constraints. Milon (2016) conducted a second study in rural primary schools in
Bangladesh and discovered that teachers lacked adequate pedagogical knowledge, class
sizes were too large, contact hours were too few, teachers lacked proper quality, teachers
lacked proper training, and students lacked language skills. Then, in Birmingham,
England, Copland, Garton, and Burns (2014) demonstrated that teachers faced challenges
due to a lack of training, knowledge, and resources.
Considering the foregoing, this study will be conducted to ascertain the difficulties
encountered by English teachers. “English Teachers' Struggles at SMA Karya Ibu
Palembang” The study's problem was "what are the difficulties encountered by English
teachers in teaching English at SMA Karya Ibu Palembang?" The purpose of this study
was to ascertain the difficulties encountered by English teachers while instructing
students at SMA Karya Ibu Palembang.
The concept of Teaching
Teaching is process transferring knowledge, studying something, and doing
something until someone knows or understands what they learned. Harmer (2007, p. 105)
argues teaching as about the transmission of knowledge from teacher to students, or about
creating conditions in which, however, students learn for their own. Teaching is important
because its function is to provide guidance and help the students improve their thinking
in learning as defined by Brown (2000, p. 7) defined, teaching is guiding and facilitating
learning, enabling the students, regulating the conditions for students. According to
Arends (2009, p. 4), teaching offers a bright and rewarding career for those who can meet
the intellectual and social challenges of the job. Teaching is also an art that is based on
teacher experience and the practice of wisdom. It means that a teacher has responsibility
to guide the learners in learning process and also to fulfill the goal of studying itself.
1. Controller
The teacher takes full responsibility for the class, what students did, what they say
and how they say it. Teacher takes on this role when new language are introduced
and accurate reproduction and drilling techniques are required.
2. Prompter
The teacher encourages students to participate and provides suggestions on how
students can continue in an activity. Teacher should help student students only when
3. Participant
This role improves the atmosphere in the classroom when the teacher participates in
an activity. Also, the teacher puts a risk of dominating the activity while carrying it
4. Resources
The teacher is a kind of mobile resource center (monitor) that is ready to offer
assistance if required or provide any language that is lacking for students when
carrying out communicative activities. Teacher should make themselves available so
that students can consult with them when (and only when) they hope.
5. Tutors
The teacher takes part as a coach when students are involved in project work or
independent study. Teachers provide suggestion and guidance and help students
clarify ideas and limit assignments.
Meanwhile, Jagtop (2016, p. 3902) also describe the role of teacher, as follow:
1. Guide
Teacher is guide philosopher and friend of student’s teacher should guide to student
enthustically. Mostly time students live in school and front of teacher. Therefore
teacher find out which is qualities in our students. And teacher should give
opportunity to student’s qualities. Teacher can involve to student in various programs
in the school.
2. Counselor
Teacher understand the students’ problems. Study habits problems, lack of poor
achievement, frustration, economical problem, family problem teacher help to
students in these problems as a counselor.
3. Information provider
Teacher should update in our subject and education system, around the country, and
around the world. Teacher should understand new trends and research field of
education. Teacher enhances general knowledge of our students.
4. Facilitator
Teacher can do important role in school as facilitator. Teacher facilitate to students
our subject material, teacher facilitate to students magazines, newspaper,
motivational story book.
In addition, Harden and Crosby (200) state that there are six areas of activity of the
teacher. It can be summarized as: (1) the teacher as information provider, (2) the teacher
as role model, (3) the teacher as facilitator, (4) the teacher as assessor, (5) the teacher as
planner, and (6) the teacher as resource developer.
Student Factor
Problems that encountered by pupils can be causing problem for a teacher within
teaching process. Nadirah (2014) explained that learning difficulties of student can be
evident from the emergence;
1) Declining academic performance or a learning achievement.
2) Behavioral abnormalities (misbehavior), such as noise in the classroom, harassing
friends, fighting, often not attending school, often running away from school.
3) Broadly speaking, these factors that cause learning difficulties consist of two kinds,
a. Internal factors of students, example things or circumstances that arise from
within the students themselves.
b. External factors students, namely things or circumstances that come from outside
the student self.
These two factors include the various things and circumstances which, among
others, are below:
1) Internal Student Factor
Internal factors of students include disorders or lack of psycho-physical ability of
students, namely:
a. Cognitive (creative), such as low intellectual capacity / student intelligence;
b. Affective (flavor), such as emotional instability and attitude;
c. The psychomotor, among others, such as disturbances sensory devices and
listeners (eyes and ears).
2) External Factors Students
Student external factors include all circumstances and conditions surrounding
environment that does not support student learning activities.
These environmental factors include:
Teacher Factor
Besides student is factor, teacher is factor which has become a main problem in
learning. Dalyono (2010) mentioned some factors that the students themselves do not
only cause learning difficulties. The teacher factor is related to teachers’ qualifications,
teacher’s relationship, teacher ability, and teaching method. The teacher can also be the
cause of learning difficulties due to several things as follows;
1) Teachers are not qualified, either in the method that is used or the subject itself. This
may happen because the teachers' subject is less suitable, to less control even more
if less preparation so the way to explain is less clear, difficult to understand by
2) The teacher’s relationship with a student is not good. This starts with the nature and
attitudes of the teacher whom the students do not like, such as;
a. Rude, angry, mocking, never smile, do not like to help children, snap, and others.
b. Not clever to explain, cynical, arrogant.
c. Irritating, high-minded, stingy in scoring, unfair, and so on.
3) Teacher attitudes like this do not favor students, to inhabit development of children
and result in the relationship of the teachers with students is not good.
4) Teachers demand standard of learning above the students’ abilities. This is common
in young teachers who are inexperienced until they can measure students’ ability, so
that only a small percentage of students can succeed well.
5) Teachers lack skill in the effort to diagnose learning difficulties. For example in
talents, interest, traits, student needs, and so on.
6) Teaching methods used by teachers can lead to learning difficulties, as follows;
a. Teaching methods that cause students to become passive so that makes students
less active.
b. Teachers use unattractive teaching methods that cause students less interest in
following the lesson.
c. Teachers only use one method only and there is no variation of teaching
School Factor
Facilities and infrastructure provided by schools can help teachers and students in
the learning process. However, the lack of facilities and infrastructure can be a challenge
for teachers in teaching. Besides that, there is another problem such as; incondusive
classroom and classroom condition.
Poor room conditions will hamper learning process. If some requirements cannot
be fulfilled that will make learning and teaching cannot run effectively. According to
Dalyono (2010), the room must fulfill the health requirements such as;
1) The room should have a windows, enough ventilation, fresh air in the room, the light
can illuminate the room.
2) The walls should be clean and do not look dirty.
3) The floor is not muddy, slippery and dirty.
4) The state of the building is far from crowded places (markets, workshops, factories,
etc.) so that student can easily concentrate in learning.
Based on Vygotsky’s theory of social development, students’ learning
development can be determined by the classroom environment because students spend
their time learning mostly in the classroom, although learning can occur in other venues
(as cited in Wei & Elias, 2011 p. 240). Moreover, Yan (2006) said that classroom is the
main place for foreign language learners where they are frequently exposed to the target
language. Therefore, creating a conducive learning environment by providing a sufficient
classroom environment physically and social psychologically are important. p. 77). In
brief, a conducive classroom environment is needed in the teaching and learning process,
which is very influential on students’ learning development.
understand what language teacher education should be, it is important to take a closer
look at the knowledge base of foreign language teachers of English, their pre-service
education, and in-service training.
2. Poor ability
Arab students’ challenges in learning English usually spring from the following
reasons; a) school graduates have lack of information regarding the university or
collage they enrolled in, b) there is deficiency in the English language curricula
offered by some schools and universities, c) poor teaching methodology; and d)
problems with proper language environments. These conditions make the students
getting rare to participate in learning English.
3. Lack of management
The management can be defined as the minimum because they have limited
resources. The teacher will be easy to deliver the subject matter to the students if the
institution can provide a good management to the teachers.
6. There is no auditory and visual library for students to practice listening skill.
7. The deficient linguistic knowledge of the students.
ordinary classrooms to "a great deal of thirty-five or forty or even fifty or more learners
who are put into a lean language situation. The over-crowded class creates a number of
issues such as classroom discomfort, individual attention, evaluation, classroom
management, maintaining the effectiveness of learning, etc. These three important
challenges, as mentioned above, need to be addressed to improve the quality of English
language teaching.
The Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in the Learning Process in SMA Karya Ibu
In EFL classroom at Senior High School, either teachers, students, teaching
methods and teaching materials are expected to facilitate the aim of EFL teaching which
is intercultural communicative competence. Based on the documents emerged by the
Minister of National Education, the goals of English teaching at Senior High School level
- to improve communicative competence both in oral and written to gain functional
literacy level,
- to raise the awareness about the importance of English to raise the competitiveness
of the nation, and
- to develop students’ understanding about the connection between language and
Learning English, which is most commonly done in schools today, has the
following characteristics: teaching material is based on textbooks, learning actions are
mostly written, the learning step begins with the teacher's explanation of one or two
examples of text about the content and elements of language. Then, students work on
written questions in the textbook, and finally produce the text independently according to
the examples in the textbook and teacher's explanation (Ministry Education & Culture,
2013). Thus, the process of learning English must be done by learning the material in
accordance with the textbook and doing the task both oral and written.
In the learning process, the teachers need to guide the students. Guiding students
to find out, not being told and emphasizing language skills as a communication tool,
knowledge bearer, logical, systematic, and creative thinking (Ministry Education &
Culture, 2014). Language skills is needed but the teachers also have a role in guiding the
students. Moreover, in learning English using the 2013 curriculum, there are some
changes in the learning process, especially in English, as follows; a). The material
presented is emphasized in language competence as a communication tool to convey ideas
and knowledge.
English and the strategies in dealing with the challenges. This research was done during
6th July – 7th July 2020. The interview was done at the teacher’s room.
Data Collection
I used a semi-structure interview to collect the data. Interviews were considered
more powerful in eliciting narrative data that allows the researcher to investigate people
views in depth. The interview was used as another instrument to find the challenges faced
by English teachers in teaching English at SMA Karya Ibu Palembang. It took about 1, 5
hours. In addition, according to Cresswell (2012, p. 387), there were four types interview:
one-on-one interview, focus group interview, telephone interview, and electronic Email
interview. In this research, the writer used one-on-one interview. Creswell (2012, p. 340)
argues that one-on-one interview is how the interview gets the data by asking one
interview at a time. Thus, a one-on-one interview was one person interviewing another
person to get more result from the interviewee.
Open-ended questions were used to elicit information from teachers about the
factor of their challenges in teaching English. Then, open-ended responses to a question
allowed the participant to create the options for responding (Creswell, 2012, p. 220). In
the interview process, there were some steps; first, the writer prepared the instrument of
the interview. In this research, an interview protocol was an instrument in interviewing
the English teacher. Second, the writer recorded the interview section as the data and there
were 15 questions and the interview was end after the interviewee finished answering the
questions. Last, interview was conducted until the data collected.
Data Analysis
In analyzing the qualitative data, the writer used interview data to know the
teachers’ challenges in teaching English at SMA Karya Ibu Palembang. In analyzing the
qualitative data, the writer used semi-structure interview. In interview process, there were
some steps. The first step, the writer ensured the data collected from interviews with
English teachers at SMA Karya Ibu Palembang. The second step was generating initial
codes in this step, the writer coded the data from interview. The third was searching for
themes; the writer made themes based on code. The fourth was reviewing themes; the
writer reviewed the themes that the writer made. The fifth was defining and naming
themes; the writer redefined and renamed the themes to be more complex. The last was
producing the report, this the writer made the explanation of the result about challenges
in teaching English at SMA Karya Ibu Palembang.
In this study, trustworthiness was used to validate the data by applying member
checking. Creswell (2014) mentions eight strategies in validating the data: triagulate, use
member checking, thick descriptions, clarify the bias, present descrepant information,
long periods of time, peer debriefing, and using external auditors.
One of the strategies that used was member checking. According to Creswell
(2005), member checking is a process in which researchers ask one or more participants
in study to check the accuracy of the account. This examination involves bringing the
findings back to the participants and asking them (in writing or in interviews) about the
report's accuracy. In member checking, I delivered the transcript and data interpretation
to the participants to verify the data accuracy.
The study's findings begin with the difficulties encountered by the teacher while
teaching English to the participants. Participants included two English teachers:
participant 1 (Ridho, S. Pd) and participant 2. (Haryono, S. Pd). Interviews were used to
elicit information about the difficulties teachers face when teaching English. The English
teacher at SMA Karya Ibu Palembang faces numerous obstacles. The difficulties
encountered are diverse in nature and are related to students, teachers, and facilities. The
following are the specific reasons for their difficulties:
Based on your teaching experience so far, what are your difficulties in teaching
The first teacher said that “I am difficult to invite the students to speak, because
they have lack of vocabulary. I implemented monthly diary writing and applied various
games to improve their students’ vocabulary mastery. Also I asked the students to bring
dictionary when they have English class”.
However, the second teacher said that “the main challenge in achieving teaching
and learning goal was students’ lack of vocabulary mastery. Making the students to speak
is quite difficult. I provided the list of vocabulary behind the copies of the materials.
However, I selected simple words and diction to be used in teaching English when I
explained the material.
According to the statements above, the first teacher found it difficult to invite
students to speak due to their limited vocabulary. He implemented monthly diary writing
and used a variety of games to help students improve their vocabulary mastery in order
to solve problems. Additionally, he requested that students bring a dictionary to English
However, the second teacher stated that the primary obstacle to achieving teaching
and learning objectives was students' lack of vocabulary mastery. It's quite difficult to get
students to speak. To resolve the issues, he concealed the vocabulary list behind the copies
of the materials. However, he chose simple words and diction to explain the material in
LCD projector and sound system, were extremely limited, with each teacher having
access to only one device. To resolve the issues, and due to the limited capabilities of the
sound system, he taught listening exclusively through one's own voice.
However, the second teacher stated that K13-based books were scarcely available,
particularly for eleventh-grade students. He continued to use KTSP (School-Based
Curriculum) books to resolve the issue if the subject was similar.
What problems bother you related to your English teaching that you cannot stop
thinking about way have to solve it?
The first teacher said that “some students might have lack of vocabulary mastery
which makes them not actively participate in class”. Furthermore, the second teacher said
that “the students is difficult to pronounce and differentiate the spelling. For example,
they pronounce “name” (neim) as name. I used dialogues in order to teach
According to the statements above, the first teacher stated that some students may
lack vocabulary mastery, resulting in their inability to participate actively in class.
Additionally, the second teacher stated that the students have a difficult time pronouncing
and distinguishing their spelling. To address the issue, he used dialogues to instruct
students on proper pronunciation.
What problems do you face when teaching English with a large number of students?
The first teacher said that “the class is noisy and loud. It made me difficult to
control class and manage in learning process”. Meanwhile, the second teacher said that
“the students can play with their friends, disturb another students and the learning
process is not efficient”.
And according to statements above, the first teacher mentioned how noisy and
loud the class is. It made it more difficult for the participant to maintain control of the
class and manage the learning process. While the second teacher stated that students can
interact with their friends, causing disruption to other students, and that the educational
process is inefficient.
How do you describe your students’ motivation in learning English and to what extent
does their motivation become challenges for you in teaching English?
The first teacher said that “I caught a student who did not bring any books to
school due to forgetfulness, while the other students intentionally left their books in the
desk of the classroom. The first thing I do for students whose motivation is low is
motivating them orally. For passive students, I often gave them motivational feedback”.
While, the second teacher said that “some of my students got bored in studying English
when I taught a certain topic of the subject. It is because some of my students have already
studied that in their primary schools and private courses. Regarding students’ interest
towards English, I gave them advices to keep studying”.
According with statements above, the first teacher shared that some students did
not bring books to school due to forgetfulness, while others left their books on purpose in
the classroom desk. He advised students with low motivation to be motivated orally. He
frequently provided motivational feedback to passive students.
While the second teacher became dissatisfied with his students' progress in
studying English when he introduced a new subject. This is because several students have
already studied this material in their primary schools and private courses. In response to
students' interest in English, he advised them to continue studying.
The study's interpretation was based on data analysis, which aimed to confirm and
strengthen the findings. Based on the findings above, the researcher concludes that
teaching English as a foreign language in a school setting is not easy; the teacher at SMA
Karya Ibu Palembang faces numerous challenges.
The first is a lack of vocabulary mastery on the part of students. According to
Hasan (2016), one of the most difficult tasks that students face is mastering vocabulary.
The third issue is one of communication. The fourth issue is one of pronunciation. Khan
(2011) stated that "specific pronunciation, stress, and intonation problems become a
problem for students" (p. 72).
The second is overcrowded classes. The large classes create several problems such
discomfort in the class, less attention, evaluation, difficulty in managing class,
maintaining learning effectiveness, etc. (as cited in Fajaryani, Masbirorotni, Nuraini,
Nafrial, & Nopianti, 2018, p. 66). The third is inadequate resources and facilities. Ajibola
(2010) argued that ensuring the availability of sufficient textbooks, computers, listening
devices, hands-on tools, and other teaching instruments is a challenging assignment.
The fourth is students’ lack of motivation. According to Lynch (2008), there are
three most crucial challenges in teaching and learning English in the classroom: first,
lack of motivation, learners may not have inspired and interested in learning English.
They have even fear of failure in exams and even in classroom interaction and so they
cannot get involved easily in classroom interaction and learn the language comfortably.
They must be motivated by teachers and scope to learn English in classroom interaction.
Second, insufficient time allocation, resources, and materials, English is a foreign
language and hence it cannot be learnt and taught as easily as a mother tongue or first
language. And when it is learnt or taught as a second language, it requires a long time
and simultaneously adequate resources and materials to create an English classroom
climate which facilitates the teaching-learning process.
To address these issues, teachers employ a variety of strategies when instructing
students in English. To begin, utilising a variety of teaching methods and techniques. In
the classroom, teachers used a variety of teaching methods and techniques. The teachers
used pictures and role-plays in teaching, implemented monthly diary writing and applied
various games to improve their students’ vocabulary mastery. Additionally, according to
the Virginia Department of Education (2006), students can gain an understanding of
English by managing their classrooms.
The teacher described that if she finds students do not concentrate, she would
point them out and tell them to stop their activity. Brewster et al, (2002), when a teacher
wants to gain students’ attention, it can be done through “firmly name the children who
still talking and say stop talking please and maintain eye contact” (p. 221).
Another thing the teacher would do for disciplined and misbehaved students was
control and give them punishment, would not hesitate to involve smart students; those
who have learned English outside the school to help her teach certain topics of the subject.
Furthermore, in dealing with students’ lack of vocabulary mastery, two participants ask
students to bring a dictionary when they have English class or study club activity in the
school. Fatiloro (2015) says that dictionaries, grammar guides, and the web should always
be as the tool for consultation when teaching and learning English.
Second, the teacher used of available resources and facilities. The teachers agreed
that they made use of available books to solve the shortage of K13 (Curriculum of 2013)
books. They also argued that they still use KTSP (School-Based Curriculum) books if the
topic discussed was similar. Furthermore, one of teacher preferred to use anything
provided in the classroom i.e. chairs, whiteboard, window, and so on to be learning tools.
On the other hand, since there was a very limited sound system device, he teaches
listening only through her own voice. Mishra (2015) that “rural areas lack in the required
ambience, teachers can make much use of the easily available resources” (p. 42).
Furthermore, Songbatumis (2017) found that the teacher were challenged by their
lack of training, limited mastery of teaching methods, unfamiliarity to IT, lack of
professional development, inadequate facilities and resources, and time constraint. On the
other hand, the other challenges coming from students’ side include lack of vocabulary
mastery, low concentration, lack of discipline, boredom, and speaking problems.
However, Milon (2016) found that most of the rural schools’ students are weak in English
due to lack of skilled and trained teachers, proper teacher training, proper teaching
methods and materials, limited contact hours, class size, and inadequate knowledge
pedagogy and so on.
Bayuaji (2008) found that the teachers were challenged by the problems which
were divided into two categories, linguistic problem and non-linguistic problems.
Different pronunciation between English with Indonesian became the problem of
linguistics. While in non-linguistic problem, the main issues were class management,
limited time of teaching, students’ motivation to learn English, and the lack of ELT
Yulia (2013) found that students’ low motivation challenged the teachers; in fact,
the students’ eagerness to listen to the teachers as the models of English language
expressions was good. Teachers need to motivate students to learn English by improving
their teaching techniques as well as their speaking competence in class to achieve student
integrative motivation as English is valuable for them.
and propose solutions to mitigate or eliminate the problems. Thus, it is expected that this
study will serve as a reference for the next researcher who conducts research on this title.
Alhamdulillahirobbil‘alamin. Praise is to Allah SWT, the Almighty for the mercy
and strength so that I could finish this thesis. Invocation and peace go to Muhammad
SAW, the Holy Prophet, his family and his disciples. May Allah bless and give them
First of all, I would like to express the greatest gratitude to my beloved parents,
sisters, brother, and friends for their love, and support which they give to me. Hopefully,
Allah gives them the best of all. Furthermore, I would like to express my appreciation to
the school for their assistance and cooperation. I also would like to express my great
gratitude to my two advisors, Herlina, S.S., M.P.d and Hermansyah, M. Pd for their
encouragement in writing this thesis. I also very grateful to the head of English Education
Study Program and the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training And Education Pgri
University of Palembang for their assistance in administration matters. In addition, I
would like to express my deepest appreciation to my parents, brothers, and my classmates
for their love and support.