Krnjaic 2021
Krnjaic 2021
Krnjaic 2021
Light new vector bosons can be produced gravitationally through quantum fluctuations during inflation;
if these particles are feebly coupled and cosmologically metastable, they can account for the observed dark
matter abundance. However, in minimal anomaly-free Uð1Þ extensions to the Standard Model, these
vectors generically decay to neutrinos if at least one neutrino mass eigenstate is sufficiently light. If these
decays occur between neutrino decoupling and cosmic microwave background (CMB) freeze-out, the
resulting radiation energy density can contribute to ΔN eff at levels that can ameliorate the Hubble tension
and be discovered with future CMB and relic neutrino detection experiments. Since the additional neutrinos
are produced from vector decays after Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), this scenario predicts ΔN eff > 0
at recombination, but ΔN eff ¼ 0 during BBN. Furthermore, due to a fortuitous cancellation, the
contribution to ΔN eff is approximately mass independent.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.103.123507
aðt0 Þ 3 −ΓV ðt−t⋆ Þ
ρV ðtÞ ¼ ρ0V e ; ð9Þ
GORDAN KRNJAIC PHYS. REV. D 103, 123507 (2021)
pffiffiffiffiffi ffi
appreciable fraction of the ρV redshifts like radiation at 4π g⋆ mf 5 × 10−10 ; f ¼ e
recombination. Since inflationary V production is sharply g≲ ¼ ; ð16Þ
peaked around modes that enter the horizon at H ∼ m, from αMPl 7 × 10−9 ; f ¼ μ
Eq. (6) only masses below m ≲ 10−30 eV will be quasir-
elativistic around T CMB . However, from Eq. (4) such small where g⋆ is evaluated at T ¼ me ; mμ , respectively.
masses yield negligible inflationary production for all The stronger electron-based bound here applies to
HI ≲ 1014 GeV allowed by CMB limits on tensor modes most anomaly-free Uð1Þ extensions—including
[25,32], so we can safely neglect this contribution. gauged B − L, B − 3Le , Le − Lμ , Le − Lτ —as they
all require V to couple to electrons for anomaly
cancellation [19]; the main outlier is gauged Lμ − Lτ
IV. INTERACTIONS WITH THE SM PLASMA for which muon-induced thermalization is the dom-
The above discussion assumes that the early Universe V inant process at low temperatures [27], so the bound
population arises entirely to inflationary production and is is somewhat weaker. Both of the requirements in
unaffected by the SM radiation bath. However, for any value Eq. (16) are presented as dotted horizontal black
of the gauge coupling, there is irreducible sub-Hubble curves in Fig. 2 and the parameter space above these
“freeze-in” production of additional V [27,33–35] and, if regions is excluded if the model in question features
the coupling is sufficiently large, the V population can the corresponding e or μ coupling.
thermalize with the SM plasma; which yields additional We emphasize that the parameter space shown in Fig. 2
contributions to ΔN eff . is extremely weakly coupled, such that there is no danger of
(i) Inverse decays: Independent of any other assump- the inflationary V population thermalizing with the SM
tions about ultralight V particles beyond their plasma or of any appreciable contributions from SM
coupling to neutrinos, there is a bound on thermal- processes that produce additional V particles via inverse
izing with the SM plasma via population via ν̄ν ↔ V decays or SM scattering reactions. For a careful study of
decays and inverse decays. If thermalization occurs such processes in the context of the models studied here,
before neutrino decoupling, this scenario predicts see [27], which identifies the parameter space where freeze-
ΔN eff ≈ 2.5, so avoiding this fate requires in production via inverse decays contributes to cosmologi-
cal observables including ΔN eff .
Γν̄ν→V g2 m2 MPl −5 eV
∼ ≪ 1 ⇒ g ≲ 10 ; ð15Þ
H T 3ν;dec m
where T ν;dec ∼ MeV is the temperature of neutrino
decoupling via the SM weak interactions. If, instead, In this section we review the results of Ref. [21], adapted
thermalization occurs between T ν;dec and T CMB as in to the case of inflationary vector production. The neutrinos
Ref. [36], then ΔN eff ∼ 0.2 independent of mass and in our scenario arise from V decays and if the entire
coupling [27].3 Since this contribution is fixed only population decays in the early Universe, the present day
by the neutrino coupling, it must be added to the number density is
component from the inflationary population. 0
(ii) Production from charged particles: If V also couples f 0V ΩDM ρcr −3 fV eV
δnν ðt0 Þ ¼ ≈ 130 cm : ð17Þ
to charged fermion f, dangerous f̄f → γV and mV 0.05 m
fγ → fV processes can thermalize V with the SM
radiation bath, thereby yielding ΔN eff ≈ 2.5, which If these decays occur between neutrino decoupling and
is excluded by both BBN and CMB observables recombination, Eq. (17) can be rewritten [21]
[25,27,30,31].4 The V production rate can be esti-
mated as Γf̄f→Vγ ∼ Γfγ→fV ∼ αg2 T=4π, so these ΔN eV 10 3
δnν ðt0 Þ ≈ 103 cm−3 eff
: ð18Þ
processes grow relative to Hubble until T ∼ mf , 0.28 m τV
when they become Boltzmann suppressed. Ensuring
that the maximum rate not exceed Hubble expansion Although the number density of additional neutrinos in
requires Eq. (18) can exceed the ∼300 cm−3 number density of the
CνB as predicted in the Standard Model, as long as the
Although Ref. [27] specifically considered the gauged corresponding value of ΔN eff satisfies observational
Lμ − Lτ scenario, this conclusion holds for any ultralight vector bounds, the energy density of this population is always
m ≪ me with a coupling to neutrinos, which includes all subdominant and remains empirically viable.
anomaly-free Uð1Þ extensions that gauge global SM quantum For some parameter choices, this additional neutrino
numbers [19].
This ΔN eff ≈ 2.5 prediction assumes that the thermalized V population may be observable with the PTOLEMY experi-
population does not decay before neutrino decoupling, which is ment using inverse beta decay reactions from captured relic
true for the entire parameter space we consider here. neutrinos [22]. Assuming a detector target mass of MT ,
To see this, note that the late time flux of neutrinos from
V decays is
dϕ f 0 Ω ρ Γ e−ΓV ðt−t⋆ Þ
¼ V dm cr V Θðt − tν;dec Þ; ð22Þ
dΩdEν 2πmV Eν Hðzc Þ
where Eν is the observed energy of a present day neutrino
emitted atpredshift z with energy Eν ð1 ffi þ zÞ ¼ mV =2,
HðzÞ ¼ H0 ΩΛ þ Ωm ð1 þ zÞ3 þ Ωr ð1 þ zÞ4 is the Hubble
rate, H0 ¼ 67 km=sec=Mpc [25], and zc ¼ ½mV =ð2Eν Þ − 1.
The theta function ensures that decays before neutrino
decoupling do not contribute to the flux; this population
will thermalize with CνB. In Fig. 3 we show representative
flux spectra for both early (tν;dec < τV < tCMB ) and late
time ðτV > tCMB Þ decaying populations. From Eq. (21),
early decaying V with low ∼ few eV masses can yield
appreciable PTOLEMY signal rates, but as we see in these
FIG. 3. Present day neutrino flux spectra from V → ν̄ν decays
spectra, the fluxes similar to the CνB unless mV much
for representative benchmark points (dashed). Also shown are
spectra from the cosmic neutrino background (CνB), primordial
greater, which trades off against the overall rate as
neutron decays during BBN (n → ν), tritium decays during BBN R ∝ m−1V . It is possible to get an appreciable PTOLEMY
(T → ν), and solar neutrinos [21]. From Eq. (21), is clear that the flux for a low mass particle, but obtaining a distinctive
early decaying parameter points (green and red) only yield spectral shape requires late time decays, which do not
appreciable (≳ few) events at PTOLEMY for lower values of affect ΔN eff .
mV , which are difficult to distinguish from the CνB spectrum, but
might be detected as an enhancement over the Standard Model VI. CONCLUSION
signal rate. As the mass is increased, the spectrum gets harder, but
the rate becomes unobservable with a feasible exposure; for the In this paper we have studied the fate of massive vector
50 keV benchmark, we find R ∼ 10−3 events=yr at PTOLEMY. particles produced gravitationally from inflationary fluctu-
For later decaying particles (blue dashed curve) the rate and ations. If these vectors only interact with the SM via kinetic
spectrum can be favorable, but there is no contribution to ΔN eff . mixing, for m < 2me, the only allowed decay is V → 3γ
which is sharply suppressed, so V is generically metastable
electron neutrino fraction f νe , neutrino capture cross section can serve as a dark matter candidate [15]. However, if the
on tritium σ ¼ 3.83 × 10−45 cm2 , and the excess neutrino vector arises in well-motivated, minimal Uð1Þ gauge
density from Eq. (18), the signal rate is estimated to be [21] extensions from Eq. (2), it must couple to neutrinos, so
if at least one neutrino mass eigenstate is sufficiently light,
5 MT f νe fV eV V → ν̄ν decays can efficiently deplete this inflationary
R≈ ; ð19Þ population and increase the relic neutrino density, thereby
yr 100 g 0.5 0.05 mV
predicting ΔN eff ≠ 0. For certain regions of parameter
which only assumes that the V decay after decoupling. space, the same neutrino population may be observable
However, for V that also decay before recombination, the at late times with the PTOLEMY experiment; for long-lived
fraction satisfies [21] vectors that decay after recombination, it is also possible to
obtain an appreciable PTOLEMY signal even
0 ΔN eff 10 yr though ΔN eff ¼ 0.
f V ≈ 0.42 ; ð20Þ Intriguingly. due to a cancellation, this contribution
0.3 τV
depends only on H I and g as long as the V lifetime falls
so the rate for early decaying V can be written within this time window. For a wide range of model
parameters, the ΔN eff prediction in these scenarios is
10 M T f νe ΔN eff 10 eV within reach of CMB-S4 projections [20]. We note that,
R≈ ; ð21Þ outside of the narrow parameter region where
yr 100 g 0.5 0.3 mV
50 keV ≲ T decay ≲ MeV, this scenario predicts ΔN eff ≠ 0
which may be detectable with a year of exposure at only in CMB data because nearly all of the V decays occur
PTOLEMY, whose projected CνB sensitivity is at the after BBN has completed; decays before BBN thermalize
∼10 event level. Note that there is general tension between with the SM, so T ν =T γ does not deviate from the SM
having an appreciable ΔN eff signal and having a prediction. However, for parameter space in which decay
distinguishable neutrino spectrum with a detectable occurs after recombination, the resulting neutrino popula-
PTOLEMY rate. tion may be observable directly at PTOLEMY [21,22].
GORDAN KRNJAIC PHYS. REV. D 103, 123507 (2021)
Furthermore, since the mechanism studied here is intriguing that the contributions required to reduce its
sensitive to the Hubble scale during inflation, future statistical significance are readily accommodated in the
measurements of inflationary B-modes at CMB-S4 experi- parameter space studied in this class of models.
ments will have important implications for this class of
scenarios. The forecasted sensitivity to the scalar-to-tensor
ratio r ∼ 10−3 implies a sensitivity to HI ∼ 1012 GeV [37],
which yields observable ΔN eff from V decays in the upper We thank Asher Berlin, Nikita Blinov, Dan Hooper,
half of Fig. 2. Kevin Kelly, Rocky Kolb, and David McKeen for helpful
Finally, it has been shown that contributions to ΔN eff ∼ conversations. This manuscript has been co-authored by
0.5 may play an important role in alleviating the discrep- employees of Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under
ancy between early and late time determinations of the Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the U.S.
Hubble tension [23,24]. Although models with nonzero Department of Energy, Office of High Energy Physics.
ΔN eff do not completely eliminate the tension, it is
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