Pure Changelog
Pure Changelog
Pure Changelog
Pure 0.15
- core: sky shader, reduce sun shape saturation to 50% to have a better glare
behavior (CSP 1.76p12 +)
- track adaption:
# added first simple base, to adapt tracks.
# In track config file, you need to set:
# [Pure]
# FOG_SHAPE = 0.00
# I want to keep this simple, so for the start i just have 1 parameter,
# ta_fog_shape wil correct the different maps. It like a factor to shrink the fog
extents, to look right on different maps.
# For example: a track like SRP does not need such correct, it has no "fake
distant" textures or objects.
# But a track like "ks_barcelona" needs a big correction factor. It has very near
texture walls, which are faking a distant.
Pure 0.16
- Pure improvements:
# trying to minimize memory allocations to the lowest level
# converting functions to access an existing variable and not creating new ones
- added ambient light calculation from sky color, fog and night light pollution
- pp: controlling VAO Exponent with directional ambient light and PP exposure
Pure 0.17
- ppfilter, pure.lua
# some adjustment to HDR parameters for better brightness in HDR mode (CSP's DXGI
Pure 0.18
- core: C++ LUTs, activated code (With the new CSP 1.77 C++ LUTs will work, it will
give a little more performance)
- sky:
# little tweaks of the hue with sunangles between 0-9° (more purple with very low
visible sun)
# little lower saturation for sunangles between 3-20° (less artifical look)
# lower brightness of sun opposite sky with twilight
Pure 0.19
- files:
# added install guide
# added wiki
Pure 0.20
- fog: Mist, changed 80%-100% paramters. visible distance reduces much more. With
100%, visible distance is nearly 0.
- fog: added a resulting index to all fog stages. This gives a simple value for
further using like to retrieve it with Pure_get_Fog()
- fog: darker distance fog with sunset
- ambient ligth: a little bit lower in twilight, a little bit higher with sunset
- Pure sharing
# added Pure_get_Overcast()
# added Pure_get_Fog()
- PPfilters/scrips
# added some fog related Glare changes to all Pure PPfilters
# many AE tweaks of the EYE filters.
# some new AE compensation for the EYE filters, to have a better fitting image for
sunset times
- night light pollution: checking CSP feature to avoid error with wrong CSP version
Pure 0.22
- added AI functions
# added Headlights control (ambient light + fog)
- PPfilters/scrips
# pureEYE, a little bit brighter
Pure 0.23
Pure 0.24
- Pure sharing
# added Pure_get_LightSource_color()
# added Pure_get_AmbientLight_color()
Pure 0.25
Pure 0.26
Pure 0.27
Pure 0.28
- fog: some tweaks on the humidity look, more white with higher values (>80%)
Pure 0.30
!!! I recommend to use CSP 1.76p134 (possible fps improvements) !!!
- fog: fixed some bugs with new online dynamic weather (black or nuked screen)
# double checking paramters and correcting them
- stellar:
# added solar eclipse
# added lunar eclipse
- debug:
# added FPS
# added camera
# added nlp - night light pollution
- settings:
# added cloud's render distance multiplier
# added sound settings
# added ppoff brigtness (ppoff doesn't make much sense in Pure, but its now
possible to also use Pure with deactivated post processing)
Pure 0.32
- ppfilters added a very simple ppfilter with the new CSP 1.76 autoexposure
# pureSIMPLE.ini
# It is a copy of the default_bright ppfilter with added CSP AE settings
# has no script to control it
Pure 0.33
- config: added config system:
# pure_config.ini is saved in AC root folder \extension\config-ext\Pure
# added all settings from pure_settings.lua
# added light color HSV parameters for sun, ambient, directional_ambient and sky
Pure 0.34
- config: added:
# pp hue, saturation, brightness and contrast
Pure 0.35
- pure sharing: colors and vectors must be retrieved via container variables!
# see "Pure_scripting.pdf" for more details
Pure 0.36
Pure 0.38
Pure 0.39
Pure 0.40
- core: added reflections emissive boost, calibrated it, came up with 8.0 as
default value
Pure 0.41
(CSP 176p163 is needed!)
Pure 0.42
(CSP 176p163 is needed!)
Pure 0.43
(CSP 176p171 is needed!)
Pure 0.44
(CSP 176p171 is needed!)
Pure 0.45
- core: fixed Pure Script States not showing at startup (only after manual Pure
- pp: fixed idle exposure calculation with varying daylight multiplier
- script: pureEYE
# added parameters to control minimum and maximum exposure
# adaption of cubemap brightness estimation to daylight multiplier (will be later
in Pure's PP core functions)
Pure 0.46
- ppfilter/script: pureHDR-EYE, its a fork of pureEYE, but with less AE control and
more contrast
Pure 0.47
- core/lights:
# some balancing of ambient light level and sun light saturation for sunangles>40°
to get neutral colors
# new method to calculate additional ambient light from fog stages
Pure 0.48
Pure 0.49
Pure 0.5
Pure 0.51
Pure 0.52
Pure 0.53
Pure 0.54
- config: fixed storing the right values
Pure 0.55
Pure 0.56
Pure 0.57
- Pure sharing:
# added Pure_get_Solar_eclipse()
# added Pure_get_Lunar_eclipse()
Pure 0.58
- ppfilters/scripts: "pure"
# better exposure control
# Color LUT for softclipping hightones
# adjusted HDR parameters
Pure 0.59
Pure 0.60
Pure 0.61
Pure 0.62
Pure 0.63
- ppfilter "pure":
# switched to tonemapping function 5
# adjusted saturation to work with function 5
# added a slider "photo", which results in a different tonemapping, like "photo
Pure 0.64
Pure 0.65
- sky: some nice tweaks to the sky look in sunsets and twilight times
Pure 0.66
- exposure:
# outsourced the calculation for exposure, no more needed in the scripts
# "pure" ane "pure_nopp" script using it already (therefore less code in those
# completely calculated by Cubemap Brightness Estimation
# works for PP on, AE off or on and PP off
# also automatic active, if ppfilters have no script (needs still some adjustments)
- pp / pp off
# many improvements of the code to have the same functionalities like exposure
# many fixes with VR behaviors
- pp off
# much better look, esp. sky and clouds
- VR
# much better compatibility in VR, like the whole starting process with deactivated
or activated PostProcessing
Pure 0.67
- world lights:
# fixed display lights control
# fixed lights control for pp off
Pure 0.68
- exposure:
# !!! Pure's internal exposure calculation is activated by default !!!
# if you don't want it, please switch it off via PURE__use_ExpCalc(false) in the
script's init function
# added PURE__ExpCalc_set_Target(1.0), a multiplier before the limiting
# added PURE__ExpCalc_set_Sensitivity(1.0), an exponent multiplier within the CBE
# a higher sensitivity results in a higher reaction to dark sceneries
- obsolete:
# removed all Yebis AE code
# removed PURE__set_IDLE_EXPOSURE_LUT(t)
# removed PURE__return_IDLE_EXPOSURE()
- ppfilter/script "pure":
# better color grading control
# better visibility while twilight
Pure 0.69
- ambient light:
# higher advanced ambient light while day
- config:
# added vao.amount, default = 1.0
# added vao.track_exponent, default = 0.5
# added vao.dynamic_exponent,default = 0.334
- sharing:
# added PURE__set_PP_Tonemapping_FactorMultiplier(x), to set a multiplier for the
tonemapping factor
- obsolete:
# removed Pure_get_VAO_exponent_additive()
# removed Pure_set_VAO_exponent_additive()
- ppfilter/script "pure"
# tweaked the "optimized photo look"
# tweaked the red tones in the color grading
Pure 0.70
- ppfilter: default_script
# a little logic to set Pure's exposure to fit a ppfilter without a script
pure 0.71
pure 0.72
CSP 1.77p58 needed!
- exposure:
# some tweaking to sensitivity
# changed function of "target", its now a multiplier before the limiters
Pure 0.73
again compatible with CSP 1.76 and higher
- Pure Config: CSP settings check with CSP 1.76 and higher
Pure 0.74
- ambient/fog light: some better ambient light calculation for bad weather
# accessing exposure calculation as well, to improve the exposure level for bad
- install script: some changes to remove "wall of text"
Pure 0.75
- PP off:
# ambient saturation adaption with overcast
# better CSP light adaptions
- scripts: "pure_nopp"
# higher lowest ambient light, to improve night visibility
Pure 0.76
- pure_install.bat
# added make dir of \config\Pure if not exist
# now copies everything
# added Sol weather presets
Pure 0.77
- Pure Config:
# added clouds method switch
# added 2d clouds page
Pure 0.78
- Pure Config 0.78, added check for CSP version number if skydomes want to be used
Pure 0.79
- skydomes:
# added more textures to default set
# more configured weather
- sharing:
# added Pure_get_CloudShadow() to get the current cloud shadow value
# I recommended to use this instead of ac.getCloudsShadow()
# In the future this will have more conditions to work with the different 2d cloud
Pure 0.80
Pure 0.81
Pure 0.82
Pure 0.83
Pure 0.84
- skydomes / script:
# prevent duplicating a weather into itself
# added "PURE__2DCLOUDS_get_weather(name)"
- skydomes
# fixed texture unloading
# took skydome cover into account for PP godrays multiplicator - prevents godrays
# texture mask is now crossfaded too
- installer:
# fixed sol 2.2 controller file copy
# fixed position of status text output
Pure 0.85
Pure 0.86
- stellar: a proper lightsource fade with moon and sun (light source is faded out,
if source is at horizon)
# ta_sun_dawn and ta_sun_dusk are taken into account
# sun and moon position are handled right
# all values are interpolated, so with very flat sun trajectories, there are no
Pure 0.87
- scripting:
# PURE__use_SpectrumAdaption(x), x can be boolean or number (to customize the mix),
"false" = 0.0, "true" = 1.0
# PURE__use_VAOAdaption(x), x can be boolean or number (to customize the mix),
"false" = 0.0, "true" = 1.0
Pure 0.88
Pure 0.89
Pure 0.90
- ambient light: fixed a bug with additional fog ambient light. Made the ambient
light too greenish at day.
- ppfilter/script: pureEYE,
# some color balance fixes
# new colorgrading, better gamma while day, better gamma change when exposure rises
- skydome set default: some small fixes + "few clouds" (low) texture fix
Pure 0.91
- skydome set default: some small fixes + "clear" (sunset) texture fix
Pure 0.92
- ambient light: some small fix with fog and advanced ambient light
Pure 0.93
- ambient light: some small fix with bad weather and advanced ambient light
Pure 0.94
- ambient light: better curve of advanced ambient light (fake radiocity) while
Pure 0.95
- ambient light/ adv. ambient light: fixed calculations for sunangles between 17° -
# removed a peak, where ambient light was too high for 9° sunangle
Pure 0.96
- ambient light/fog: some important changes in the fog engine and ambient light
# I fixed some routines and changed the calculation fog the ambient light, with
much more influence of the technical fog.
# So the look of ambient light has a better match to the sky and the fog stages.
- ambient light/ adv. ambient light: some tweaks to better curve/brightness while
- sky: some tweaks to better curve/brightness while twilight for sun opposite sky
- fog: some fixes with the different fog layers and overcast modulator
- fog: some tweaks to sand material, darker
Pure 0.98
- ambient light: some tweaks to advanced ambient light with fog and overcast in
twilight times
- ambient light: some noPP tweaks
- config: fixed a bug, clouds2d parameters were not able to modify them relatively
Pure 0.99
- fog: tweaked the LUTs further for ambient and sun loss
- pp: more tweaks of spectrum adaption
# recalibrated white point at 45° sunangle
# added badness modifier
- ppfilter/script: pureEYE
# better ColorGrading to compensate the negative influences of sensitometric
tonemapping on colors
# repairing the yellow tones
# lowering red tones a bit
Pure 0.100
- ambient: added fog engine's scatter index, to lower ambient gain of fog with
lower sun
- ambient: added a ksAmbient compensation
# with very high sunangles, ksAmbient adds too much light (>70°)
Pure 0.101
Pure 0.102
- fog:
# tweaked atmosphere fog, lower exponent
# better humidity LUT, better transition, better look
# a link of atmosphere and humidity fog, exponent raises faster with humidity
(dense air look)
- ppfilter/script: pureHDR-EYE,
# added 2dclouds brightness/contrast raise (those skydomes can have more dynamic
range in HDR)
# adjusted brightness
# added dynamic contrast
Pure 0.104
Pure 0.105
Pure 0.106
- default script (for ppfilter without a script): added sliders for interior and
exterior exposure adaption.
# Pure's CBE exposure is used, but mixed with YEBIS Autoexposure
Pure 0.107
- pp: some tweaks to "spectral adaption", more colortemp adaption for lowest
Pure 0.108
Pure 0.109
- fog/skyshader: added a new LUT to compensate the sundisk look, when it is covered
by fog
# before a linear function was trying to compensate the fog cover
# now a LUT with nonlinear values compensate it much better
- skydomes:
# fixed wrong interpolation of hue, using angle interpolation instead of lerp
# added texture function "setDirectionalAmbient(hue, sat, level)", to define an
additional ambient ligth, which fits with the look of the texture
- skydome set: "default", added directional ambient light to the low sun sections
of dry weather
Pure 0.110
- 3d clouds: fixed moving direction (corrected wind direction with CSP 1.79p25)
Pure 0.111
- core: reorganized Pure utilities and app functions to work with multiple apps
- ambient light / directional ambient light: some improvements with cloud shadows
Pure 0.112
- core: added functions to connect and state library, to retrieve their parameter
- shader list: added functions to add states, to show values in the "shader" tab of
Pure Config
- LUA UI: added functions to add whole parameter or state blocks automatically by
category name
- fog: more fog backlit, this will improve low sun fog look, but also daylight
overcast look
- fog: some tweaks to "atmosphere" look:
# for real distance tracks, a decent distance look with 0% humidity
- Pure Config: changed design generation, Pure config parameters and states are
addressed by name, not by id
Pure 0.113
Pure 0.114
- fog: adaptions of the materials layer (sand, rain, smoke) to real distance tracks
(FOG_SHAPE = -1)
- PPfilter/script: pureEYE, some tweaks to the brightness modulation with fog and
bad weather
Pure 0.115
- pure sharing: PURE__set_Lambert_Gamma(v) is automatically calling
ac.setColorTexturesGamma() or ac.setLambertGamma(), depending on the CSP version
# ac.setLambertGamma() will come with CSP 1.79
Pure 0.116
- ambient light: added distant ambient light support (CSP 1.79p32 and higher)
# distant ambient light is the ambient light in the distant
# so the near ambient light (the standard one) can be brighter, without influencing
the distant look of a track
Pure 0.117
- Pure Planner:
# some work on the time multiplier design
# added live tab + live weather functions
# added custom location selection (! CSP will not update the track location - sun
trajectory is not changed)
- Pure Controller:
# added pureCtrl
# This is a very lightweigth script. It will only transfer the Pure Planner data to
CSP weather controller data.
# Due to the better data link with LUA apps, all calculations can be done in Pure
Pure 0.118
- scripting:
# added Pure_get_Ambient_Luminance(), to retrieve the luminance of ambient light
Pure 0.119
- apps: Sol Planner 2.3, prevent time manipulation, if Sol Controller is not
- PureConfig:
# using groups for "pp adjustments" and "shaders"
- sdk: added a sdk, which will route functions with uniform names to the internal
Pure functions you know from the scripting pdf.
# This will bring more order into scripting
# f.e.:
# "Pure_get_Overcast", but "pure.world.getOvercast" can be used instead of it
# "Pure_getVector(VECTORS.CAM_DIR)", but "pure.camera.getDirection" can be used
instead of it
# "__SCRIPT__UI_SliderFloat", but "pure.script.ui.addSliderFloat" can be used
instead of it
# Please look in pureEYE as a first example of the new order.
# For a complete list of the name aliases, just havbe a look in \sdk\pure_sdk.lua
Pure 0.120
- Pure Planner: added "date, time,..." group to expand and collapse the time
# right mouse click is removed
- fog: some changes to atmosphere and humidity look of real distance tracks
# atmosphere is denser, to get a better distant look
# humidity becomes more denser with lower values
Pure 0.121
- UI: prevent slider mousewheels edit, when user scrolls the page
- UI: fixed slider height and margin for proper focus detection
- skydomes:
- added a section function (section:set3dCloudShadow_SunCover(opacity, size)), to
customize the sun cover, when using 3d fake cloud shadows
- skydome set "default": added some custom sun cover values for "Squalls", "Broken
CLouds", "Few Clouds" and "Windy"
Pure 0.122
Pure 0.123
Pure 0.124
- distant ambient light: temporary workaround for distant ambient light is not in
the CSP global brightness (distant ambient is blown out).
Pure 0.125
- exposure: higher cbe exposure in low-mid bright areas (litten night scenery)
- script: new tooltip option for script UI elements (text is limited to 100
# __SCRIPT__UI_Checkbox(name, bChecked, tooltip)
# __SCRIPT__UI_SliderFloat(name, value, min, max, tooltip)
# __SCRIPT__UI_SliderInteger(name, value, min, max, tooltip)
# pure.script.ui.addCheckbox(name, bChecked, tooltip)
# pure.script.ui.addSliderFloat(name, value, min, max, tooltip)
# pure.script.ui.addSliderInteger(name, value, min, max, tooltip)
- ppfilter/script: fixed pureAltTonemap exposure
Pure 0.126
- core: removed some additional controlling of clouds brightness (2d + 3d) and
advanced ambient light.
# Before adv. ambient light made the clouds brighter.
# Now clouds nearly stay at their brightness
- exposure: in dark sceneries, exposure now does not drop that much, when going
into CSP lights
- ambient light:
# more overall saturation
- directional ambient light: some tweaks and fixes of generating dir. ambient light
in overcast sceneries
# using less adv. ambient light
# using more directional ambient light, to create an illusion of diffuse light
coming from sun direction
Pure 0.127
- Pure Config app: if parameter values differ from the default values, then they
are displayed yellow
- directional ambient light: removed code for adding light, if cam is in cloud
# There should always be directional light from bright clouds
- skydome default set: added directional ambient light to all clouds weather,
dependent on the cloud dense
Pure 0.128
- exposure: more stable value in daylight, but better reaction to very high content
- ambient light: advanced ambient light is dependent of cloud coverage with low
Pure 0.129
Pure 0.130
Pure 0.131
- core: lowering the whole light to 0.2 times the former value
# This will restore the CSP reflections debug usage
- pureEYE: removed CSP lights boost, changed CBE analysis values, more black tone
lift in the colorgrading
Pure 0.132
Pure 0.133
- ppfilter/script: pureEYE
# simulation of much more daylight
# all CSP lights are gained by 1.5
# less low tones boost in the colorgrading
Pure 0.134
- exposure:
# added a function, which adapts to cloud coverage. So exposure does not lower this
much with a with sky
# removed cloud shadow adaption
- ambient light:
# some tweaks to advanced ambient light
# some tweaks to overcast ambient light
- skydomes:
# many tweaks to overcast weather and overcast light LUT
# fixed cloud coverage calculation
- ppfilter/script: pureEYE,
# some AE adjustments, higher Lambert Gamma
# CSP lights at 1.25
Pure 0.135
- exposure:
# some tweaks to twilight scenes
# more exposure CSP light litten scenes
- 3dclouds: added some standard cloud coverage calculation, to fit ambient light
- ppfilter/script: pureEYE
# bounced light, emissives are dependent on exposure
# removed nighttime CBE target boost - done in Pure's internal exposure calculation
Pure 0.136
Pure 0.137
- ppfilter/script: pureLinear
# some improvements of overall brightness
# lowered skydomes brightness to have more headroom for overall brightness
Pure 0.138
- skydome:
# some tweaks to Scattered Clouds
# lower directional light for Overcast high sun domes
- exposure:
# some better adaption of cloud coverage
# minimum CBE dependent usage of the cloud coverage adaption
- files:
# updated install_pure.bat, fixed some things.
# added uninstall_pure.bat, removes also the Pure settings
# updated Pure install guide.pdf, added uninstall page
Pure 0.139
- default script: added godrays fix for CSP pre 1.78 versions
- ppfilter/script:
# dynamic reflections level - With higher exposures, reflections getting a bit
# More comments to help with scripting and understanding the filter
Pure 0.140
- ambient light:
# removed occlusion control from advanced ambient light
# some more advanced ambient light with overcast and low sunangles
- core: fixed a bug with double initialized custom script parameters with VR
Pure 0.141
Pure 0.142
Pure 0.143
- sun light: reverted to some more sunlight with very low sunangles
Pure 0.144
- ambient: fixed daylight multiplier influence on ambient and adv. ambient light
Pure 0.145
- ambient light: fixed the calculation sequence. Lowest ambi light and night light
pollution are added at the end after daylight multiplier
- skydomes: changed night lighting LUT for windy, overcast, broken clouds (just to
test it - needs better textures later)
Pure 0.146
- core: basics, using io. functions for file and folder work, removed windows
command calls
Pure 0.147
Pure 0.148
Pure 0.149
- core: saven utils connect and state, added an additional entry to the connect
struct, to be sure there is 1 element left to be nil
- exposure: added a new logic for daytimes, to adapt CBE input values.
# In daytimes, minimum and average CBE is gained, if the camera's occlusion "look"
value is high.
# This will prevent a misscalculated CBE if something is above the camera, like a
Pure 0.150
- ambient light:
# smoothen the advanced ambient light curve
# modified the calculation of adv. ambi light, the difference between high noon and
twilight values is lower
# better calculation of adv. ambient light of foggy weather in twilight times
# a bit higher ambient light saturation with sunangle from 12° to -3°
- fog: added a scatter index to materials (rain, sand, smoke). This avoids wrong
ambient light
- files: including new Sol Planner 3.7 and Sol 2.42 controller
Pure 0.151
- Pure config/scripts: added a script execution time state at the end of the script
- files: !!! ppfilter script location for live editing has changed !!!
# Put your ppfilter scripts in \common\assettocorsa\extension\weather\pure\
Pure 0.152
Pure 0.153
- files: pure_install.bat
# added removing of default skydomes sets ("default" + "default_16k")
# removed VAO line
Pure 0.154
- Pure Config / config: "default_16k" is automatically selected, if no "default"
set is present
- files: pure_install.bat
# changed ascii design
# checking folder when removing
Pure 0.155
- audio: correct scaling of rain sounds with CSP 1.80p115 and later