Pauline Eschatology
Pauline Eschatology
Pauline Eschatology
Theses & Dissertations Dissertations and Theses (pre-1964)
Boston University
... d ···:· :···· • ·.:J·· ......~JW:··-~·F- ·)I~~
Doctor of Philosophy
. BY .
First Reader
~,;z; p
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Second Reader».t?.J~ .. 8 • • 8 • • • •
Chapter Page
2. Definitions 3
3. Limitations • e • • • • • 4
1. Backgroun!f .. ........... 25
2. Methodology • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 26
5. External Relationships • • • • • • • • • 32
6. H. ]. Boltzmann e • • • • • " a • • e. • 37
9• SUDlDlary Q • • • • • • • • "" • •
4. Uniform Eschatology • · • • e • • • o e • • so
5. Eschatological Redemption . ... . . .. 53
9. Summary .. • • • • • • • • • • • .. .. 66
3. Genuineness .. .. . .. • • . . . a .. 74
2. Background ~ G .. ~ ., » ~ ~ .. .. a .. • • • • . • • • • • 84
5. Possible Solutions • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • 90
7. Conclusion • • • • • • • • . • . ·• . • • • • . . • • 91
3. Philippians 94
4. Colossians .................. . 95
5. Ephesians 104
6. Summary • • • 109
1. Introduction ..
,. ~. 110
2. A Terminus a Quo 0
• • • • • • 110
4. Galatians . 114
5. Summary 115,
1. I Thessalonians • • 116
2. I I Thessalonians • • • 119
3. I Corinthians 120
4. II Corinthians 125
5. Romans . . 126
6. Galatians • • 129
7. Colossians • • • • 129
~ •
8. Philemon • • 131
9. Philippians . 131
i. Ephesians . • • . • •
Chapter Page
i. I Thessalonians • 134
v. Romans .. 140
vi. Galatians e e • • • e • e
i. I Thessalonians • 143
iii. I Corinthians • • .. •
SUiniJiary .. • • • • • 0 • • 154
i. I Thessalonians • • • • • • • • • • 4J • .. • • 157
v. Romans 162
viii. Philippians .• . • 9 • •
1 .. II Thessalonians . . 169
8. Tabulation ~ • .. • . .. .• . 181
BIBLIOGRAPHY • • • • • • ~ 0 • • • • • 8 v- • • 0 • • • .. 194
dom of God was based on the memory of the teachings of Jesus.l The fact
that that hope remained unfulfilled did not vitiate the Christian faith.
But, the hope was transformed in such a way that the Christian faith was
three issues in the history of the I>rimitive church; the struggle for
' .~
of God.l
2. Definitions
fined as the concepts dealing with those events which immediately pre-
future life.1 the mechardca .of resurrection, and ldndJ:•ed matters. The
use oX the Parousia as the focal point of eschatological study- permits
concentration upon a more sharp~ defined body of material, and is the
l. Ibid., p .. 6,3;5.
2. '"fil~ idea that (Romans) .i~ a compendium of Pauliniam1 in which the
Apostle set d.,own his dogmatic theology and ethics, that cha:ra,cter-
istic idea beloved of many a Pauline scholar pi' earlier day, at the
Yery least implie$ a great Gustav Adolf Deismna.n,
S:b. PaUl; A. S:tu in Social and Reli ious Risto ,; trans.- :Lionel
R • .ll, .strac an 1iew Yor l Bod er an ugh. on; 1911), p. 2,3.
have appeared since then, attention has been directed toward non-
outlined in 1911.6
1. Typical studies are: Morton Scott Enslin, The Ethics of Paul (New
York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1930)e Francis Greenwood Peabody,
The Apostle Paul and The Modern World (New York: The Macmillan Co.,
1923). Charles Harold Dodd, The Meaning of Paul for Today (New York:
Living Age Books [l92Q] 1957). John Knox, Chapters in a Life of Paul
(New York: Abingdon-Gokesbury Press, 1950)o Archibald Thomas Robert-
son, Paul and the Intellectuals (Garden City, New York: Doubleday,
Doran and Company, 1928).
2. F. Jo Foakes-Jackson, The Life of Saint Paul (New York: Boni & Live-
right, 1926). Martin Dibelius, Paul, edo Werner Georg Kummel
(Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1953). Arthur Darby Neck,
St. Paul (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1937). Deissmann, Op. Cit.
3. Geerhardus Vos, The Pauline Eschatolo (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Berd-
mans Publishing Company, 1930 1953).
4. Ibid., P• 172.
5. Ibid.
6. Schweitzer, Paul and His Interpreters.
7. Schweitzer, The Mysticism.
Harvey King McArthur's ..The Apostle Paul and the Resurrection of the
Christu by Robert Leland Palmer,S are two other studies which examine
Another study aimed more at method than doctrine is "Was Paul Consistent
ology, and the genuineness and dating of Paul's letters. The proble~s
found acceptance only when it had been first demonstrated that contrary
tained that the letters of Paul could be classified in terms of their re-
It was Baur's view that the two parties moved together, gradually coales-
place of two parties identified with two early Christian leaders, a dicho-
tomy was established in which primitive Jewish concepts were set beside
fication with justification, and law with grace, convinced the majority
Paul's thought 11
developed."2 Plfeiderer in 1873 noted the difference of
of development.
conceptions.4 He does not say "Hellenic.," Thus the argument about "where""
the influences come from is avoided. It was on this point that the eschato-
1. Charles was the editor of the Oxford Edition of the Apocrypha and
Pseudipigrapha, 1913.
2. The developmental position has been restated numerous times. •ryet
while these evidences of Messianic expectation are abundant in
Paul, the deeper note of spiritual and ethical teaching is not less
audible," Peabody. Op .. Cit., p. 144. "Christianity overcame the
competing religions of the East because it Hellenized itself more
thoroughly than they." Wilamowi tz-Mollendorf, ''Die griechische
Literature des Al tertums, n Die Kul tur der Gegen'Waxt ·:. (I • . viii,
3 te Auflage, 1912), quoted by Peabody, Op. Cit., p. 135. For
other similar opinions see Foakes-Jackson, Op. Cit., p. 276; Nock,
Op. Cit .. , p. 222; Bultmann, Op .. Cit., p .. 172ff; George Holley Gil-
bert, Greek Thought in the New Testament (New York: The Macmillan
Co., 1928), Chap. III; J. Gresham Machen, The Origin of Paul's
Religion (New York: The Macmillan Co .. , 1921), p. 255ff. Though
Machen is attempting a defense of the unique independence of Paul's
thought, he finds it impossible to rule out the influence of Hellen-
istic pagan religion.
3. Charles, Op .. Cit.,, p. 437.
4. ~·
there is not perfect consistency in these stagese This should not be ex-
pected because the Apostle's thought was in transition and did not reach
offer conflicting views on the Parousia. He feels that despite some pro-
blems they can be considered together because some time elapses between
the Apostle "were in a constant state of flux."l Charles does not raise
the Apostasy and the Antichrist. Here Charles draws .heavily on II Thessa-
lonians.2 The end of the wo.x:ld is built upon the "direct intervention of
God when evil has reached-its climax.tt3 The day of the. Lord depends upon
the initial coming of the man of lawlessness who is the son of perdition.4
He is the consummation of evil now present,5 and his coming will be accom-
panied with "pretended signs.and wonders ... 6 The son of perdition claims
lo Ibid., P• 438.
2. ~references to this topic are from II Thess. This would
strengthen the position ·Of those who find II Thess. out of
ha.x:mony with Paul's authentic lette.x:s, ~ ... g .. , Schweitzer.
3. Charles, Op. Cit., :P• 438.
4. II Thess. 2:3.
5. II Thess. 2:7.o
6. II Thess. 2:9.
7. II Thess. 2:4.
8. Charles, Op• Cit., P• 439.
lieves that II Thessalonians 2:6 and 7, show that it is Rome which re-
that the concept of the son of perdition does not reappear in Paul's
later teachings.3
The second topic is that of the Parousia and Final Judgment. Paul
expects the Parousia of Christ in his own lifetime.4 It will follow im=
of c6mmand, the archangel's call and sound of the trumpet of God.7 Judg-
ment also takes place• The Antichrist of II Thessalonians is annihilated.8
The godless, careless, and actively hostile are destroyed.9 Here Charles
suggests that Paul thinks within the narrow Jewish eschatological into!-
1. II Thess. 2:8.
2. ttThe power of Rome had repeatedly protected the Apostle from the
attacks of the Jews".(Acts 18:12-16, 19:35-41, 22:22-20). See
especially Romans 13:1. Charles, Op. Cit., p. 440. Cohu holds
the same opinion, Qp• Cit., P• 321.
3. Charles, Op. Cit., p .. 440.
4. I Thess. 2:15, 3:13, 4:15, 5:23.
s. II Thess. 2:1-4.
6. Charles, Op• Cit., P• 442. I Thess. 5:1-3.
7. I Thess. 5:16.
8. II Thess. 2:8.
9. I Thess. 1:9, 4:6 •. II Thess. 1:8.
erance. 1
is occasioned by a concern of the church for those who were dying prior
to the Parousia. Paul solves this problem by having the dead rise first
and then nwe who are alive."2 It is possible that the risen saints are
those who accompany the Lord, but it may be angels~3 The meru1ing hinges
on the interpretation
. ,,
of a.yro£ , either as "faithfultt or ttangels. tr4
Charles believes that angels are but the agents of divine judgment,S
and hence the resurrection of the faithful should occur at such a time
the resurrection occurs after the advent. Charles concludes that the
language is ,.vague" and "the teaching on this p0int is not quite clear. ul
air and remain with bim.2 A heavenly life follows in which the blessed
the short time left, the believer ought to .give up the "legitimate joysn
the final judgment and resurrection which bring about the new age. Some
scholars, leaning heavily on verse 25, "for he must reign until he has
put all his enemies under his feet," have concluded that . this passage re-
parison is made between Adam_ and Christ. Those in fellowship with Adam
died; those in fellowship with Christ shall be made alive.3 The rela-
tionship is ethical and spiritual, not natural or genealogical.4
after the Parousia.8 However, Charles notes that the doctrine of the
risen body has no organic connection the traditional Jewish view.
Charles concludes that thi.s doctrine of the risen body points to a re-
surrection occurring at the time of the death of the believer, and un-
connected with any future external event.l Paul is not fully conscious
Charles notes that Paul's previous views are under the influence
revelation of the man of sin.l The Parousia follows upon the culmina-
jection of the Jews simply brings about the conversion of the Gentiles,
and when the Gentiles are all saved, then Israel shall be saved.3 The
Parousia as in II Thessalonians.
The Parousia is close at hand, and all men must appear before
the judgment seat.4 Both Christ and God are judge.5 Romans emphasizes
1. Ibid.
2~ Romans 11:25.
3~ Romans 13:11~ 12.
4~ Romans 14:10.
5~ II Cor. 5:10, Romans 14:10.
6. Romans 2:6, but note "1:17~
7. Charles, 0)2 .. Cit., p. 457.
be alive when the Lord comes, but in any event, upen death ene comes into
there is a full manifestatisn of glory already psssessedby the faithfu1.2
' .l?aul no longer speaks ef __ th~ resu~rect.ion sf the. faithful to glory at the
world was effected through the Son,3 while the consummation was to be re-
alized in the Father. In these late epistles, the Son is "the principle
ended by the Kingdom. of God who is "all in a.ll..'' All mediating functions
of the Kingdom of Christ are ended.5 The new goal of the universe is the
1. Ibid., P• 458.
2. ibid., P• 460. ·
3. IC'Or. 8:6.
4. Charles, qp. Cit., p.· 461. Col. 1:.16,17.
s. Charles believes I Cor. 15:~4-28 describes a kingdom of.
everlasting duration.
Kingdom of Christ and God.l Charles elaborates this idea with several
for a wicked eeing, either human or angelic. Thus every being is finally
7. Summary
1. Ephesians 5:5.
2. Charles, Op. Cit., P• 462.
3~ Phil. 2:10.
4. Charles, Qp. Cit., P• 463.
s. See Cohu's parallel opinion: '~e can trace a clear development
in his eschatology from the.crude, popular, traditional views
of Thessalonians to the far more spiritual and quite modern
teaching of II Corinthians, Philippians and Colossians." Cohu,
Op• Cit., P• 318.
stage except that all references to the "man of sin" are missing. The
the "severe trials.,. Judgment f.ollows after the Parousia and Christ is
the judge. The new doctrine of the resurrection body clearly applies to
even for judgment. Charles concludes that there is the implication that
Despite the implications of this new idea, judgment still follows the
after death for the righteous only, II Corinthians 5:1-8. This doctrine
clearly states what was only hinted at in the preceding stage.. The ob-
sharp departure from the issues considered above. Christ is the creator
and goal of the universe. The Kingdom of Christ is not equated completely
with the Kingdom of God and all sense of temporary millennialism, as sug...
this refers to Satanic beings for a judgment of some kind still remains.
portant new ideas and that his thought shifts sharply to accommodate the
declining eschatological hope. The main ide~s which are lost are: (1)
The main ideas which are introduced aret (1) The resurrection
1. Background
in 1906 under the title Von Reimarus zu Wredeo~·l Schweitzer felt that
Schweitzer was aware that the history of dogma began with the second cen-
History of Dogma, starts with "solid mason work'' only in the Greek perioo.•4.
fine the position of Paul."2 He was concerned with the place that Paul
stage in this process, but on the other hand, his thought could be con-
for granted, for Paul's thought did not seem easily explainable. Also,
ing the Hellenization of the Gospel would be more acute. Schweitzer ori-
his major work of Pau-l;; but, as the research expanded, he decided to pre-
2. Methodology
science.••3 However, Schweitzer did not develop his new view of Paul by
develop and defend his view in a separate work entitled Die Mystik des
•Apostels Paulus which was to appear at an "early date ."1 This early date
turned out to be 1930, though the first draft was completed in 1906.
f ou~d that his limite~ acquai:r;ttance with the English language nraised a
barrier."2 The one exception was that of The Hibbert Lectures of 1888
by Edwin Hatch entitled The Influences of Greek Ideas and Usages Upon
Reformation had a dogmatic interest in Paul and until the opening of the
nineteenth century, no real critical progress had been made~ At the con-
elusion of this first period, about 1820, literary criticism had reached
the point where the genuineness of the Pastorals was doubted.5 Semler had
noted the confusion within II Corinthians and had suggested that Romans
However, in this early period the relationshi~ of these two ideas was
not defined.
Party .in the Corinthian. Church. nl He·::suggested that Paul "developed his
munity, and that only when this is recognized can we expect to grasp the
peculiar character of the Pauline ideas."? There were two parties in the
teachings of the original Apostles, and a Pauline Party which held diver-
These two parties gradually coalesced into the single united church under
the pressure of ..
Pauline thought. ·He suggested that any letter of Paul~,,, may be evaluated
in terms of its relationship to the two parties. When this is done it may
be spurious, for they show evidence of the c.ombat against. Second Century
declare only Galatians, Romans and I and II Corinthians as the four cer-
order that the two parti~s might. coalesce.! Bau.r did not emphasize es-
He noted that in Paul • ~ thought there are some points which are in com-
mon with jewish Christianity, but Ritschl was not able· to say exactly
"took it seriously.u3
based upon a genuine letter which had been worked over by a later hand.
as compared to the earlier letters. It was felt that these ~~o letters
broad conception of the flesh in which sin came about by free will.4 Re-
1. Ibid., P• 21.
2. ~ensuing discussion is graphically summarized in Appendix C,
P•189t which traces 19th century opinions on Pauline study.·
3. Schweitzer, Interpreters, P•; 28.
4. ~·• P• 29.
flesh in a more narrow way with sin proceeding from it as a natural neces-
sity. Redemption came about only with the "abolitionof the The
redemptive act was baptism and the whole system rested particularly on the
resurrection of Christ.
veloped, his "'real .. view tended to assert itself. Thus Galatians empha~
1. P• 29.
2. ~-, P• 30.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid., Po 31. See above, Chap. II, P• 11.
s. See above, Chap. II, Po 11.
p. 32 ..
that the scholars of the post-Baur period all grouped Paul's thought un-
der dogmatic loci which prevented them from arriving at any essential
tailed but t.hey failed 'to grasp the paradoxes and contradictions., For
example, they did not ·[email protected] whether the law was abolished by the death
failure to grasp the notion that Paul's utterances.may have rested upon
mental theory may only have revealed the failure to understand the pre-
s. External Relationships
The next logical step in Pauline study was to determine the re-
and the milieu of his time. The conclusions of this line of study would
test the theories which had been spun by Ludemann, Pfleiderer, and the
others. Schweitzer notes that this comparative study had been delayed
1. Ibid., P• 35.
2. Ibid., P• 37.
3. Ibid., p. 38.
because the scholars of the middle nineteenth century all assumed that
fully by Ritschl, who reduced the difference between Paulinism and primi-
tom, taught the same thing.3 The question remained why Paul did not quote
the sayings of Jesus and thus shelter himself behind their authority. This
tive Christianity and Ritschl's effort to reduce the differences showed his
failure to place Paul in his proper position. For Ritschl, Paul was still
an independent phenomenon.
the fact that Paul did not attach himself to Old Testament ideas. He was
1. Ibid., P• 40.
2. ~., P• 41.
3. P•
4. Ibid., P• 45.
5. P•
doctrine still prevented anyone from trying a new path in Pauline inter-
the giving of the law; Demons were the power behind the heathen gods.
Christ's death and resurrection abolished all evil powe~ and believers
in Christ were liberated from their sway. Legalism was the corruption
logy did not develop; rather, the Apostle drew on it whenever he wished
1. ~., P• 54.
2. lli.!!·' P• 56.
3. ~., P• 57.
4. ~., P• 58.
5. ~., p .. 61.
~hrilled with the eager desire fer 'life; shaken with the dread
fl.f destructi•n. His ·faith~ hope, and fear all revolve about
one center - the abelitien. of corruption and the bestowal of
Kabisch attempted to explain the Pauline doctrine of the Spirit purely on
the ground of the late Jewish metaphysic. In this he did not succeed,
partly because he failed to give a clear and simple picture of the order
Kabisch did succeed in a new fDrmulation of Paul's thought and had sue~
ism and Greek thoughte Scholars were continually. confusing the two ideas
The issue in Pauline study was whether or not Paul received any influence
From the time of Baur onward, most scholars assumed that Greek
search into .Greek thought. The .p.oint at. which the principle was first
Apostle's thought to depart from the Bharisaic mold. under the pressure of
1. Ibid., P• 59.
2. Ibid., P• 65.
tian community. In I Carinthians 15, the Greek ideas were observable and
ualizing future hape displaced the. Jewish Pharisaic hGlpe.. But Schweitzer
into disrepute and, Schweitzer concludes, w.ith Kabisch, that "A Helleniza-
Paul introduced Greek thought into the primitive Gospel, then the later
1. ~., P• 70.
2. Ibid., P• 71.
3. Ibi'd. t p. 12.
4. Ibid., p. 73.
s. Ibid., pp. 74, 76. Though Kabisch reached this conclusion in
1893, English schalarship has not generally.followed this opinion,
as has been shown above (Chap. II, P• 13).
of 1885.1 The history of dogma began after Paul, not with Paul. Edwin
Thus it was not Paul that recast the Gospel in the molds of Greek
Gentile church, which Hellenized the Gospel for itself. After a lengthy
6. H. J• Holtzmann
1897, followed the !2£! method. Holtzmann took Paul's objective state-
1. ~., P• 81.
2. ~., P• 82.
~·· P•
3. 99.
4. !lli•t P• 106.
s. ~-
6. ~., P• 109~
Greek influence on Paulinism. From Holsten he took the theory that this
system had its birth in the Damascus road experiencee But though these
two views can be reconciled, Boltzmann could never bring into harmony
Greeks should not have recognized and understood it? Thus Holtzmann's
It was Bruno Bauer, in 1850, who led the way in the radical
ness and obvious problems, the "radical Dutch school" under Pierson,
Loman, Steck, and van Manen revived Bauer's position about 1880 and
2. _Ibid .. , P• 120.
at one with the TUbingen School and Schweitzer concludes that if either
position must perish, the other would go down with it.2 The emphasis of
the Greek element in Paul's thought thus drew the two positions together.
The consideration of the time required for a transition of the Gospel from
Jewish to Greek thought, forced the radical critics into pushing the dating
of Paul's letters down into the second century. Whenever the TUbingen cri-
tics considered the time question, they, too, were forced into speculative
thought regarding dating and Gnostic influences and thus joined the radical
Dutch critics.
Steck believed that Paul was the starting point of the theology
the Apost1e.3 The question then became one of determining the interpola-
t:i.ons and reactions which had taken place on primitive authentic Pauline
1. Ibid., P• 125.
2. Ibid., Po 137.
Ibid., P• 141.
ments in Paul's letters. Yet the assumptions for his criticism still
8. Compa-rative Religions
dual has a place; his view turned attention again to the Parousia. Wrede's
formation. Wrede saw here a close dependence upon late Judaism, but the
There was a growing suspicion by Wrede that dying and rising with
Christ was "physical" and that late judaism did not provide this mysti-
cism. Since Paul did not create it out of his own consciousness, there
1. ~., P• 147.
2. Ibid., p. 166. Wrede's Paulus appeared in 1904.
Ibid., P• 178.
by Dieterich and Reitzenstein, served only to show that Paul was not de-
more than a restatement of the original Baur thesis using "mystery reli-
gion" instead of ••Hellenism.'' Schweitzer returned to. the idea that Paul
9. Summary
second question by a dogmatic belief that Paul was the Hellenizer of the
primitive Gospel. They were foiled by their loci method which served only
ever the loci method was abandoned, by men such as Ludemann and Kabisch,
1. ~., P• 228.
ted that Paul had little relationship with Hellenism. the notion of dev-
from this standpoint alone. Paul's eschatol.ogy must .receive its full
such as these with which Schweitzer proposes to deal in his second work
on Paul.
out ·in 1906, but the cha]>ter which was to have served as the introduc-
tion grew to the book, Paul and His Interpreters, first published in
1911.1 At that time Schweitzer expected to complete his Pauline study
by 1913, but preparations for Lam.b?Xene overruled his plans. During his
first leave in Europe he was prevented from continuing his Pauline studies
his studies on Paul until 1927, on his second leave in Europe. Work at
this time involved the reshaping of the original manuscript which had lain
the literature about Paul in the same way as in the 1911 volume. Neverthe-
43 .
nal principle in all of his writings is that the preaching of Jesus could
centu~ is thus how a purely eschatological belief developed into the He!-
lenistic one. The purpose of the book is to outline Paul's place in this
gical along with Jesus and that the Hellenization process began after Paul.
The bridge from Jesus to Ignatius is through Paul, but Paul was not the
and others.3
P• viii.
2. .!Ei!!·
3. ~., P• ix.
4. Ibid.
cism. He notes that Paul is the only Christian thinker that knows only
Paul does not use the concept of rebirth. but speaks only of resur-
light the sharp distinction ~rlth Hellenism. Paul considers baptism as the
In the Hellenistic mystery religionst the sacraments reach into the mys-
sary.4 He illustrates this with Biblical incidents which happened only once
such as the Red Sea crossing? wanderings beneath the cloud, manna, and the
drinking of water from the rock, all of which occurred during the Exodus.S
ary system of thought. He believes that Paul was so dominated by his es-
chatological conviction that he built for one generation only and that sue~
ceeding generations found him hard to understand. Far from being the Hel-
and was little used until Marcion, precisely because Paul's eschatological
hope was unusable. Marcion, the only one who did understand Paul, really
thus again tries to show that eschatology is the most important thing in
understanding Paul and that he must be clearly separated from the Hellen-
istic trend.
pians and Philemon and finds them unquestionably genuine.! A primary argu-
ment against II Thessalonians is that it opposes the idea that the return
come from that period when Christian teachers were seeking to reconcile
problems because they have so much in common with other genuine epistles
speaks of the .. holy Apostles" as though he did not belong to the same gen-
with the rest of the Pauline letters and must be placed along-side of them.
1. Ibid., P• 41.
2. Ibid., P• 42e II Thess. 2:1-12.
3. ~., P• 42.
in Ephesus during Paul's two and a quarter year's stay, in the midst of
the letter to the Romans was composed. "The three main epistles thus ori-
which may have been written in Caesarea or some other place of Paul's im~
sixties." He next considers whether or not the letters of Paul have come
1. Acts 19:8-10.
2. Schweitzer, Mysticism, P• 44.
3. Philippians 4:22.
4. This c±±tical problem is treated by most scholars who attempt an
analysis of the Pauline corpus, and the references to this issue
are many. James Maffatt, An Introduction to the Literature of the
New Testament (3rd ed. rev.; Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark [191~ , 1949),
P• 89, is a good example of the fragmentary approach. Moffatt places
every letter under suspiciont even Galatians. Schweitzer's views are
moderate by comparison.
four letters which have been assembled into the two bulky canonical lit-
erary units. The distribution of the four letters cannot be done with
certainty!>~ ·:
ters Letter (II Corinthians 10-13). This is the tearful, scornful letter
dence and Schweitzer believes that these problems are best explained by
in Romans 16:1-23 are probably not original and may belong to a letter
to the Ephesians. The directions on the flesh and wine and other things
of Rome, 14:1-lSt 15:13, may well be part of another letter for the speci-
ments of additional letters. There is little doubt that there has been
some working over of the Pauline text. Also, it is possible that some
letters of Paul have been lost and the astonishing thing is how such
4. Uniform Bschatol0gy
whom he raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the
wrath to eome.u
you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept
is clear.
1. Ibid., PP• 52, 53. The ngenuine" letters are those defined by
Schweitzer. II Thess., Colossians, and Ephesians are omitted.
good to all men, and especially to those who are of the house-
grown very short; from now on, let those who have wives live
warning, but they were written down for our instruction, upon
though they had no dealings with itQ For the form of this
10.. I Corinthians 6:3. ''Do you not. know that we are to judge an...
for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed with
fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has
done. If the work which any man has built on the foundation
and drink the cup, you proclaim th~ Lord's death until he
13 • I Corinthians 1:7-8. "So that you are nat lackipg .in any
14. I Corinthians 16:22. "Tf any one has no love for the Lord,
16., II Corinthians 5:10. "For we must all appear before the judg-
18. Romans 8:19. nFor the creation waits with eager longing for
19. Romans 13:11, 12. "Besides this you know what hour it is,
how it is full time now for you to. wake from sleep. For sal-
night is far gone, the day is at hand.. Let us then cast off
20. Romans 16:20. ''Then the God of peace will soon crush Satan
under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
you ...
21. Philippians 1::6. "And I am sure that he who began a good work
22. Philippians 1:10. "So that you may approve what is excellent,
5. Bschatological Redemption
nJesus Christ has made an end of the natural world and is bringing
1. Ibid., P• 54.
2. Ibi~.
. ·•?.;}·
another and has a share in the final cosmic event. 1his eschatology
angels. The evil in the world is because the demons and the angelic
beings have come between God and mankind. Redemption puts an end to
this condition.2 Jesus and Paul both follow this Jewish eschatology.3
The historic Jesus did not die for humanity as a whole, but only
for the elect.4 Together, Jesus and the elect faced tribulation and death,
God having delivered them for a time into the power of the nevil One." The
to his disciples.s His sending forth of the disciples begins the pre-Mes-
sianic tribulation at the end of which time the Kingdom of God shall come.
the Son of Man.6 This is not what was planned. Jesus then withdraws and
God has simply appointed him to die alone, a ransom to free the elect from
This original idea of Jesus was lost for two reasons. First,
Jesus was obscure about the matter simply because all would be clear
shortly following his death. Second, the failure of the Messianic King-
dom to arrive forced ideas to change. Thus Jesus' concept of his own death
as the substitute for the pre-Messianic tribulation was soon lost. Jesus
expects his immediate resurrection and the immediate coming of the Mes-
If Jesus suffers death which God can accept as the equivalent of that tri-
Messiah who will soon appear.4 By his death and resurrection he is exalted
above all angelic beings but full authority awaits the beginning of the
Messianic Kingdom.5
lieves that because of the death of Jesus, his followers are no longer sub-
ject to angel powers as before, even though the evidence of the Messianic
Kingdom is not yet obvious. Paul understands the coming redemption to have
God instead of the angels of the Presence.6 Though the angels still have~
-e~,:- on earth to torment, before God, the elect are above the power of angels.
powers.4 Paul expects the whole of nature will pass through a transforma-
with the final overcoming of Death, the Messianic Kingdom comes to a close.
The length of the Messianic .Kingdom is uncertain.. Paul does not saye The
Apocalypse of Ezra says 400 years;6 The Apocalypse of John says 1000 years.7
Paul has Satan bound at the beginning of the Messianic Kingdom.8 Revelation
everyone who has ever lived on earth, unless they have already risen during
the Messianic Kingdom. Then follows the last judgment where the final de-
cisions are made.l Paul does not mention these events specifically in
I Corinthians 15:23-28, for they are grouped by him under the general cate-
to God so that God will be all in all. World history then comes to a close.
way for Gnosticism.3 The Law was given by angels to make men subservient.4
With the death of Jesus, the angel pow~r is broken and the Law is no longer
in force. The death of Jesus was done in ignorance by the angel powers who
did not know that their power would thereby be lost.S The death of an un-
the end of the Law's power for here was a flat violation of the Law.7
of the Kingdom, the Messianic Period. The realization of this present re~
demption needs to be more clearly felto The elements of Gnosticism are here
that the God of the Jews is not the same as the supreme spiritual Being.
1. Rev. 20:6,14,15.
2. I Cor. 15:24.
3. Schweitzer, Mysticism, P• 71 ..
4. Gal. 3:19,20. •
5. Schweitzer, Mysticism, P• 71.
6. Deut. 21:22,23.
7. Gal. 3:13,14.
·... -- . ~ l..•~ .-?~
synthesis of the Prophetic eschatology and the Danielic uson of Man~, and
tial kingdom with supernatural powers. This rule was to be the consumma-
place the Messianic Kingdom. Typical of this view was Malachi and Isaiah
24-27, dating from 400 to 300 B.c. This notion was refined by Daniel (168-
164 B.C.), so that the Kingdom of God was ruled by the Son of Man acting as
.. sifting out" of God's people was expanded inta a revelation of glory among
the heathen in Isaiah.2 In Daniel, the God opposing world power wreaked its
rage upon the saints who are called to his kingdom. But most important,
Daniel introduced the idea of resurrection. Before Daniel, only the imme-
diate living participated in the Kingdom of God. But with Daniel, the dead
rose and were judged.l Thus Daniel demonstrated the kingdom, not as the out-
was emphasized.
though Daniel and Enoch had never been written. This was because the wri-
ter of the Psalms of Solomon was a student of scripture and returned to the
Maccabean Kingdom restored the old Messianic hope. The destruction of that
kingdom by Pompey set up once again the same exilic conditions which fos-
The Psalms of Solomon did not have a resurrection of the dead prior
to judgment, and entrance into the kingdom was for those elect who were
up to the time of Jesus~' John the Baptist's position is not cleart but
1. Daniel 12:1-3.
2. Schweitzer, Mysticism, p. 78.
3. Psalms of Solomon 17:44-45.
life unimportant.5
The final tribulation is not the work of God but of forces opposing
God.6 Daniel holds the elect to be immune from this evil power for they
are under the protection of the angel Michael.7 However, Daniel did al~ow
for the righteous to die as in the earlier exilic views. The elect come
combine the Messiah with the pressing issue of the supernatural Son of Man.
1. Matthew 13:40.
2. Matthew 13:42, 15:41.
3. Matthew 8:11, 12:24-25. Daniel 12:3. Enoch 104:2.
4. Matthew 13:43.
5. Matthew 8:35, 10:28.
6. Schweitzer, Mysticism, P• 78.
7. Daniel 12:1, 7:25, 11:33.
B. Daniel 11:35.
the eternal Kingdom of God. The Messianic Kingdom is pictured exactly as tin
the Exilic prophets, the elect being those who are alive.
happy time and will last for 400 years, according to Ezra~ The Messiah
The living of the Messianic Kingdom are transformed into the resurrection
David. The Son of Man does not figure in the eschatological scheme of
There are two judgments, the judgment of the Messiah upon living
survivors at the beginning of the Messianic Kingdom and the final judgment
of God at the end of the Messianic Kingdom upon the whole of risen human-
ity. There are also two kingdoms, the temporary Messianic and the eternal
theocracy. Jesus accepts one judgment, that of the Messiah which is eter-
nal, and one kingdom, the eternal kingdom ef the Son of Man Messiah. Thus
Jesus places the resurrection at the beginning of the Messianic Kingdom and
the fact that it approximates Paul's system. Though Baruch and Ezra date
after the fall of Jerusalem and thus could not have directly influenced
Paul, they nevertheless represent the thinking of the Scribes which Paul
apparently shared.
Paul believes that death is destroyed only at the end of the Mes-
sianic Kingdom and that the immediate living elect participate in the
Messianic Kingdom. Those who have died prior to the Messianic Kingdom
remain dead until the final resurrection and eternal blessedness.2 Paul
does not use the expression "Son of Man" (nor does Baruc:h)~ but he regards
logy and that of the Scribes. The elect of the last generation have al~
ready obtained the resurrection mode of existence at their entry into the
Messianic Kingdom. : Even if they have died prior to the Messianic Kingdom,
Thus Paul introduces a second resurrection of the elect which takes place
by the elect. Yet Paul talks about the resurrection mode of existence in
blems which he raises by his forced interpretation and he goes out of his
He even appeals to a saying of the Lord.2 The dead which are in Christ
who arise first are the elect of the Messianic Kingdom. This special re-
seems to guarantee an entrance into the Messianic Kingdom even though death
comes before Jesus* return. The delay of jesus~ coming thus presents this
the glory of the Messianic Kingdom just as much as the other elect of the
tives continued to follow the older view that only the living were able to
take part in the Messianic Kingdom. Paul counters this objection with
1~ Ibid., p. 91.·
2. !Tii'ess. 4:15, "For this ·we declare to you by the word of the Lord • • ,.
3. Schweitzer, Mysticis~, Po 92.
I ••
Kingdom thus severely limiting the eschatological hope to those who are
alive at the coming of the Messiah. Such an extreme view reflects the
Psalms of Solomon and the pre-exilic prophets.2 In any event, Paul may
Flesh and blood will not enter the kingdom.4 In this idea, Paul sounds
like Jesus but he could not have taken it from Jesus for his teaching does
not follow Jesus' much simpler eschatological scheme. Rather, Paul consi-
Those who have died in Christ are resurrected. Thus, in the kingdom, Paul
conceives of all men in a resurrected state, even though only the dead were
literally resurrected.
The immediate problem then presented is how the living of the last
days can enter into a resurrected state without death when the Messiah comes.
Paul's answer is a mystical one - the "being in Christ .... Believers myster-
iously share the dying and rising of Christ and are swept up out of ordin-
ary humanity - be they living or dead, and f.orm a special category of human
1~ I Cor. 15:13,16.
2~ Schweitzer, Mysticis~, P• 93.
3~ Ibid.~ P• 94.
4~ ~r. 15:50-53.
s. I Thess. 4:14.
beings. At the coming of the Messiah the dead in Christ rise first and
then the living are transformed. Paul's need for proving this doctrine
is the immediate cause for his emphasis on the "dying and risingu in
event of the rising of the dead in general. Jesus is "the first fruits
of those that had fallen asleep.n2 Hence Paul concludes that he is liv-
ing in the supernatural age, the resurrection period, even though the
work within the created world. The natural and supernatural are inter-
mingling in this, the beginni~~ of the Messianic age. The immediate re-
turn of Jesus would manifest the supernatural world which was already
under way. Thus Paul is able to develop a mystical concept of the present
age which does not obliterate the eschatological hope, but rather is buiit
upon an intensification of that hope. The time of waiting for the coming
speru{s of outward appearances and inward reality. The powers which were
manifest in the death and resurrection of Jesus are already at work in the
9. surmnary
tion. The resurrection of Jesus began the Messianic Age and Paul seeks
side with the natural powers. The concept of '''being in Christ" and es-
pecially the doctrine of dying and rising with Christ, are not outside of
the eschatological framework, but stem directly from the unfulfilled hopes
of the last generation before the Parousia. Paul is thus not the Helleni-
thought forms.
and Ephesians, wnich he feels are not related .to the primary streams of
Paul chooses the scribal eschatology of Baruch and Ezra and does
not follow the simpler eschatology of Jes~s. He introduces the new con~
to explain the problem of the delay in the coming of Christ. The develop-
the Messianic Kingdom. A resurrection mode for both the living and the
Paul's thought on this general topic does not change in his various
letters, but again is consistent throughout. The parallels from Baruch and
Ezra come from the period following the fall of Jerusalem and thus could
not have influenced Paul. Rather, Paul may be considered the creator of a
tation. Paul does not Hellenize nor does he show any accommodation for
eschatological issue which was not really accepted by the early church
until the middle of the second century, namely with Mar cion. This restate-
ment hardly needed modification in the short time that Paul wrote, and cer-
1. Developmental .Eschatology
the second stage, hamely I Corinthians.. Schweitzer would agree with Charles
is not very important because Charles and Schweitzer do not interpret the
logical hope continues, though with modification such as the new emphasis
after death. 4
that of Philippians, Colossians, and Bphesians 9 has little left of the imw
minent hope. The cosmic Christ occupies Paul's attention and Charles does
2. Eschatological Chronology
no such theory but applies all of the eschatological evidence to one re-
ing critical passages. Charles states flatly that there can be no resur~
rection of the wicked.3 The exceptions to this view found in Acts 24:15;
John 5:28, 29; and Revelations 20:12, 13~ are variously dismissed as being
or from the ~Judaistic source of the book ... 4 Thus when Paul speaks in
1. Charles, Op, Cit., P• 437. See Chapo II, P• 12.
2. Schweitzer, Mysticism, p. 94. See above p. 62.
3. Charles, Op. Cit., P• 444 -Footnote 1.
4. There are no exceptions to this view in the Pauline correspondence,
as will be shown below. Charles prefers not to defend his position
from the narrower base of Paul's writings alone but seeks to demon~
strate that the resurrection of the righteous is the universal teach~
ing of the New Testament. Though his arguments are well taken, the
passages, especially in Revelation and John, raise serious problems
which are beyond the scope of this dissertation. This distinction
is important because Schweitzer attempts to prove the opposite point
of view, namely a general resurrection, on the same non-Pauline evi-
• . "1.1
but in Christ.ttl
ing the pattern of Baruch and Ezra in which everyone is judged and the
Schweitzer for the temporary nature of the Messianic Kingdom.2 But even
though the Messianic Kingdom is doomed to corruption, Charles does not see
dence. The whole matter would have been greatly simplified if both
men had confined themselves to the Pauline evidence. This issue is
discussed pelow in Chap. XI, Section 4, p .. 173.
1. Charles, Op. Cit., p. 449.
2. ~., p. 451. ~oting Baruch 40:3, 74:2.
3. Baruch 41:55.
4. I Cor. 15:51, 52.
s. Charles, Op. Cit., P• 451.
of the individual.
resurrection but he never attributes to Paul the idea that this occurs
upon death. Rather, those in Christ are raised prior to the Messiahts
Schweitzer suggests that the dead in Christ will be raised very soon with
Pauline mysticism and the Kingdom of God. Both Schweitzer and Charles
Charles suggests that when Christ comes that glory will be manifested.3
began the Messianic age.l The coming of the Messiah simplY: manifests
ology occuxsin Charles' fourth stage where the eternal duration of the King~
pletely with God as "all in all.u3 Again Charles notes the Kingdom of
1. Schweitzer, Mysticism, Pe 95 •
2. I Thess. 4:14.
3. Ephesians 1:23; Col. 3:11.
4. Charles, Op. Cit., p. 462•
5. Schweitzer, Mysticism, P• 313.
6. Charles, s:p. Cit., p. 447.
7. ~., P• 448.
3. Genuineness
the struggle with Gnosticism and must be dated at the beginning of the
second century.
tures of his first stage. The first stage is delineated by the figure
salonians. If it were not for this difference, the second stage, I Cor-
1. II Thess. 2:1-12.
2. Schweitzer, Mysticism, p. 42.
3. Charles, Op. Cit., P• 445.
4. Ibid., P• 438.
not rule out II Thessalonians because "some time elapses between the
Charles does not use the Pastorals in the main body of his argu-
Charles either does not find much eschatological material in the Pastorals
or does not wish to draw upon this source, being aware of the doubtful
with their similiarity to the genuine Pauline letters, yet with their
Philippians. The clumsier and more elaborate use of compound words and
the length of the periods set Ephesians and Colossians apart~3 Schweit-
two letters. Paul can speak of the .,Holy Apostles" as though he did not
tion of Paul's teaching. The material within the letters does not udove-
1. Ibid.
2. Ibid., footnote on p. 462.
3. ~eitzer, Mysticism, p. 42.
4. Ephesians 3:5.
tail" into the rest of Paults letters "but must in some way be allowed
sians and Ephesians but uses this fact to delineate the fourth stage.
Charles' order of Paul's letters may be taken from his four stages.
by Schweitzer.
duced marked changes in the thought of Paul. Thus he explains the differ-
shifted during that time. Charles believes that between the writing of I
views of the future,.tt3 Charles sees these changes taking place in an or-
derly fashion. In the final stage, Charles is convinced that Paul may not
Galatians, I and II Corinthians and Romans belong to the middle of the fif-
ties or perhaps to the second haif of that decade. Philippians and Phile-
Ephesus in the third missionary journey, Paul wrote the first letter to the
Corinthians in the spring. The second letter to the Corinthians was writ-
the epistle to the Romans was composedo Thus the three main epistles ori=
two bulky letters which have come down to us. The distribution of the
1. I Corinthians.
4. II Corinthians 1-9.
letters would not prove nor disprove his thesis for "perfect consistency
1. I Cor. 15.
2. Charles, Op. Cit., p. 437.
3. Schweitzer, Mysticism, p. 42. No reason is given.
Charles holds?
doctrinal basis and thus supports his case. Charles makes II Thessalonians
the defining feature of his first stage. Clearly, some more neutral stan-
dards must be found for measuring the worth of II Thessalonians than the
dards are available, it would help in measuring the relative worth of each
these two letters as the basis of his fourth stage. Again, it appears
these letters. Are there more neutral standards by which to measure these
enough for a change in Faults thought regarding the Parousia and im-
of the second coming which does not necessarily conflict with I Thessa-
the Gospels. A definition of genuineness in Paul can begin with the uni-
School of Pierson, Loman, and Bruno Bauer, there has been unanimous
F. c. Baur and the Tubingen School defended these four letters. In addi-
be made.
2. Background
not entirely settle the matter, for opinions divide on Paul's grammar,
there has been a more critical attitude t6ward ..~LI.:;Thess.a:t0rlians· a.moJ:lg, German
and 1unerican
,, scholars have held to the authenticity of both letters
several studies.ll There are two central issues which raise questions
II Thessalonians 2:1-12, notes that the day of the Lord will not come un~
til the rebellion comes first.! In addition, the man of lawlessness must
be revealed and take his seat in the temple of Gode2 Signs and wonders
Charles, noting these distinct differences, says "I have with some
hesitation used both epistles as depicting the first stage in st. Paul's
come" and concludes that this would support the position that II Thessa-
lonians does not emphasize a long delay.? But Enslin warns that Paul no-
1. II Thess. 2:3.
2. II Thess. 2:4.
3. II Thess. 2:9.
4. Charles, Op. Cit., p. 438.
5.. Ibid.
6. Enslin, Op .. Cit., p. 24L
7. Ibid. II Thess. 2:2. Arndt and Gingrich support Enslin's views. The
three passages which suggest "imminence"' or tr:threateningn can all be
translated "presen1:" or nhas come ... Arndt and Gingrich, Op. Cit .. ,
p. 266. See also Gerhard Kittel, Theologisches Wortebuch zum Neuen
Testament, verlag von W. Kohlhammer (Stuttgart, 1942); Vol. ii,EYE~T~K€V
must not be rendered imminent, n p. 54\J. ·
where else suggests that the day of the Lord has already come.l It has
been noted above that Schweitzer believes that this is what Paul ~ be-
lieve, that the resurrection of Jesus inaugurates the Messianic age, and
that in these last days, the believers are already partaking of the bene-
fits of the Messianic age.2 The coming of the Lord becomes the manifesta-
the "question of time sequence does not arise."3 The preliminary events
alluded to might well be extremely close to. the day of the Lord, so close
that there would be no essential lapse of time between the appearance of
Schweitzer would find apocalypticism not too distant from the central cri-
means of judging what Paul did or did not write. The criterion of histori-
automatically rule that letter out. Neil even believes that the apoca~
lyptic section may well be the most genuine and authentic bit of the whole
1etter .. 3
There are occasional words such as Kpfcrcs ··1.15, epof:w 212, which are not
found in the other genuine epistles of Paul, though they are common in
not for a subtle change in mood. The warmth and affection are absent and
5. Possible Solutions
public use and hence lacks the familiarity of the earlier letters.
For the purpose of this dissertation, all but the first of these·
1~ Ibid., p. 243.
2. For a detailed discussion of these·alternatives see Neil, Op.·cit.,
pp. xxiii- xxvi; Enslin, Op~ Cit., p. 243; Moffatt, Op. Cit.,
pp .. 76-81; Barnett, Op. Cit .. , pp. 3'9-,.41; McNeile, Op .. Cit., pp. 1~9-
133 (six theories); Scott, Op. Cit., ·p. 122; Bailey, Op. Cit .. ,
pp. 249-250.
6. External Evidence
with the letter.2 Justin Martyr may echo some of the eschatological sec-
tions.3 This evidence, along with its inclusion in the Canon of Marcion,
nprove the existence of the writing early in the second century and there-
fore tell against any theory of its composition between 100 and 120 A.D."4
7. Conclusion
questioned. Since then, the grounds for rejecting it have been shifted
Yet, when all the arguments are considered, the burden of proof
mentize the letter and find different strands and layers of authorshi~,
redactions, and editings. Such theories produce more problems than they
over the creation. Paul may have dictated directly, he may have simply
did not directly dictate or write the letter, we may consider it close
to his thought.
the three pastorals, I and II Timothy and Titus, have generally been re-
jected as authentic Pauline letters. Some scholars hold that there may
uine letters of Paul to Timothy and Ti tu~ are here present. ''2 This posi-
tion has been held by such scholars as Harnack, von Soden, E. F. Scott,
ing this position among others are Julicher, Enslin, Goodspeed, and
1. The Council of Trent aiso a:eclared Hebrews Pauline. This posi-
tion is generally modified by modern Roman scholars such as Ronald
Knox, Op. Cit., p. 2. Its inclusion in the Pauline Corpus has not
been seriously considered since Calvin by non-Roman scholars.
2. Benjamin w. Bacon~ An'Introduction to the New Testament (New York:
Macmillan Company, 1900), p. 128.
3. Fred D., Gealy ~ tti and II Timothy, Titus'', Interpreters Bibl.e.,
Vol. 11, p. 344.
4. !.!?.,g.
s. B. s. Easton, The Pastoral Epistles (New York: Charles Scribner'.s
Sons, 1947), p. 16,.
ments although Charles has one footnote in which I and II Timothy .axe
2. Philemon
with his rejection of the other imprisonment letters. Since Baur, this
3. Philippians
they both place this epistle among Paul's genuine lettersa There is gener-
tions of style and content. The chief objection was the lack of authen-
tic Pauline polemic without which no letter could be genuine. This cri-
terion has long since been seen to be faulty.4 The various objections
raised can all be readily handled and since the Tllbingen attack no cri-
4. Colossians
i. Introduction
genuine Pauline letters may have an important bearing upon the relative
Alexandria, Tertullian and Origen •.4 Marcion and Valentinus also re-
ine Ephesians while others like De Wette believed that Ephesians was a
hoff. The end result of this elaborate criticism was to bring into sus-
opposite was true and the doctrinal objections on the basis of Gnosti-
small letter.l This extreme .position helped to bring about the general
brought by the Tiibingen school has now largely been. answered, the case
tween Colossians and the accepted epistles, the nature of the relation-
while the last problem is a new issue relating to the general matter
1. !£!£., P• lviii.
The features which help to cast doubt upon the authenticity (of
Colossians) are • • • the long involved sentences; the concatena-
tion of genitives; the measured liturgical cadences; the absence
of the quick and eager dialectic.2
same mind.l
sitate the complete separation of the letter from the hand of Paul.
There is much to argue that evidence will not support such a radical
to suppose that he may have had the time for more reflective or specu-
lative thought. The "nervous vigor" of the earlier letters could well
cisms raised. The involved long sentences of 2:8-15 and 1:9-20, have
6-9; Philippians 3:8-11.2 There are also many turns of expression which
are strikingly Pauline, such as 2:4, 8, 17, 23; 3:14; 4:6, 17.?·
1. ~-
2. Abbott, Op. Cit., P• liii.
3. ~·· p. lii.
alleged absence of Paul's favorite terms and turns of expression are not
have added to his current choice of words and might bring some new ex-
main upon those who would declare for non-genuineness of Pauline author-
6:21, 22.2 Similarities of style are frequent and the liturgieal ca-
The problem of dependence has been attacked from both sides ever
labour and minuteness. tt5 Be deduced that a genuine epistle to the Colos-
sians was used by the writer of :Bphesians and later interpolated. Bence
Colossians, Ephesians.
the question of authorship must remain open.2 However, despite the fact
to set the work aside from the genuine writings of Paule The reaction to
which Pauline authenticity has been measured; the narrow confines of doc-
the breadth and creative power of Paul. In such an atmosphere, the authen-
ticity of Colossians tends to become more secure. For the purpose of this
5. Ephesians
are many. The genuineness of Ephesians has been under heavy attack
ever since the TUbingen school opened the way on doctrinal grounds.
i. External Evidence
contains two quotations f·rom Ephesians •.4 The Shepherd of Hermas has
an allusion.5
From the above external evidence it seems probable that the letter ex-
gen school rejected Ephesians along with the other Imprisonment Letters
grounds. The TUbingen position has fallen with the almost universal
by Colossians."6
has brought forward the theory that Ephesians is a cover letter accom-
Its address was not .Ephesus, but simply "to the saints who are also
and occasion and purpose. Though these issues affect the question of
Pauline authorship.
written messages.!
which have occurred. Christ is the "head of the body" in both epistles.6
In Colossians the body is the t~O<iflOS while in Ephesians the body is the
) \ ,/
E: KK 1\ Yl_uW,
would make the letter a circular, does not fit the personal method of
ease the situation for the question immediately arises why it is neces-
epistles. Almost every commentator has noted this fact, 1 with the typi-
cal frequent conclusions that "Another mind than that of the Apostle is
at work in Ephesians."2
Against them is the general argument that Ephesians bears the stamp of
sians argues for, rather than against, Pauline authorship, and the com-
plicated style does resemble Romans which is not altogether lucid and
dered post-Pauline.4
6. Summary
great enigmas, nor is there much reason to hope that it wil~ ever be
against Charles.
against Schweitzer.
1. Introduction
den traumatic way. On the other hand, if evidence for similar stages
2. A Terminus a Quo
1. Acts 15:36ff.
second is from the crisis to the great mission in Asia Minor, Macedonia
but it is after the death of Jesus in the early apostolic period, the
48-49 A.D.
This maturity would argue for Schweitzer's view that Paul had reached
vague, for lack of external evidence~ the internal evidence gives several
was in the middle of the second journey, no doubt during the eighteen
and II Corinthians and Romans were written. I Corinthians wa.s tW:i tten
from Bphesus,4 toward the end of his three-year stay.S Soon afterwards,
the three major letters of Paul could all fall within a six-month period.
autumn, and Romans in the winter. In any event, these three letters
The amount of time separating the first period from this second
period is about four years, allowing approximately three years for the
Ephesian ministry and a few months £or. the campletion af the se.cond
ment when Colossians, Philippians, . and Philemon .were written.2 Paul was
"'h1o whole years" in Rome.3 The letters cauld.have been written any
time during this stay • The separation of time between the second and
these two places,· ••;. it • the old view that. the Epistle was sent from
1. Acts 18:1~23.
2. Acts 28:14-31.
3. Acts 28:30.
4. Acts 20.
s. Acts 21:15...17.-
6. Acts 21:18-;;.23; 30.
1. Acts 23:26.
s. Acts 27:1-28; 16.
9. Scott, Phil:lppians, P• .6, Scott's balanced. .of the evidence
is persuasive. See also Moffatt., Op •. Cit., .p •. 169, who summarizes
the arguments against Caesarea.·
.10. .!!?.!2.•• P• 170. For a note Barnett, Qg. Cit., P• 82.
4. Galatians
the first mission tour which makes it the earliest of the Pauline letters.
Romans. The letter thus can fall almost any time in the first and second
Galatians is limited and the dating of this letter is not critically im-
5. Sunnnary
Galatians ? ?
Second Period
Third Period
1. McNeile's dates are slightly later. I and II Thess. 51; I Cor. 55;
II Cor. 56; Romans 57; Col. 61; Phil. 62. This would al:Low more
time for development between periods. Barnett, Op. Cit •., agrees
with the dates as given above excep_t_that he puts Co:l. at 61-62.
will now be set forth. Some of the passages will be of distant relevance
1. I Thessalonians
1:3b Your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope
in our Lord Jesus Christ.
~ / /
It is possible to connect TOU. Ku.ptou. with Tt'CCST~ws or
) /
a.yo.rryts , but it seems better to let roQ t-<uplou. simply
. ; \ 'r
quall.fy 6/\'Titoos as an objective genitive.!
l:lOb And to wait for His Son from heaven, whom he raised from the
dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.
2:12 To lead a life worthy of God~ who calls you into his own kingdom
and glory.
f3a.crc!.eCQ , infrequently used by Paul, "denotes the redeemed
society of the future over which God rules."2
2:19 For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our
Lord at his coming?
1. Ibid., p. 502; c.d. For parallels see below Col. 3:6, p.131
and Ephesians 5:6, p.· 132.
2. Frame, ap. Cit., p. 105. But note Romans 14:17 which puts the
kingdom into the present experience of the believer, though not
ruling out an eschatological interpretation. Schweitzer regards
the kingdom as beginning immediately though its manifestation
may be delayed, Mysticism, p. ·120.
3. Frame, Op. Cit., p. 114.
4. Ibid., P• 185. See a:so Bailey, Op. Cit., p. 279.
s. Other uses of na.pou<rCQ by Paul may be cited in I Thess. 3:13,
4:15, 5:23; II Thess. 2:1, 8; I Cor. 15~23.
suggests that ~~VTWV places the event at a time after the Parousia.2
4:13-17 But we would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning those
who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no
hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose ag<cin, even so,
through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep.
For this we declare to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are
alive, who are left until the coming of the L9rd, shall not precede
those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend
from heaven with a cry of command, with the archangel's call, and
with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will
rise first; then we who are alive, who are left, shall be caught up
together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and
so we shall always be with the Lord.
5:2-5 For you yourselves know well that the day of the Lord will come
like a thief in the night. When people say, "There is peace and
security,n then sudden destruction will come upon them as travail
comes upon a woman with child, and there will be no escape. But
you are not in darkness, brethren, for that day to surprise you.
like a thief. For you are all sons of light and sons of the day;
we are not of the night or of darkness ..
of night. .This meaning would. tend to. diminish the sharp con-
5:23 May the God of peace himself sanctify. y.ou wholly; and may your
spirit and soul and body be kept sound and b1ame1ess at ·the com-
ing of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2. II Thessalonians
1:7-11 • • • and to grant rest with us to you who ar.e afflicted., :.when the
Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven .with.his .. mighty. . angels in flam-
ing fire, inflicting vengeance upon. those. who .. do not knoiW God and
upon those who do. not. obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They shall
suffer the punishment of eternal destruction and exclusion from the
presence of the L0rd and from. the . glor:y. Gf his. might, when he comes
on that day to be glorified in ..his saints,. and at in
all who have believed, because our. tes.timony . to y.ou. was believed.
To this end we always pray. for. you, that.our. Goo may mal:e you worthy
of his call, and may. fulfill eveey.good. resolve and work of faith
by his·power,
2:1-12 Now concerning the c.oming. of .our Lord .Jesus. Christ. and .()Ur assem-
bling to meet him, we beg. .you,. brethren,. no.t. to. be quickly shaken
in mind or excited,.either by spirit or by. word,. or by Jletter pur-
porting to be from us, to the effect that. the day of the~ Lord has
come. Let no one deceive you in any .way; for that day vlill not
come, unless the rebellion comes first,. and .the man of :Lawlessness
is revealed, the son of perditioa, whG opposes . and exal·l;s himself
against every so-called god or.. object of worship, so th:a.t he takes
his seat in the temple of God,. proclaiming.. himself to be God. Do
you not remember that when. I .was still .. with you I. told 'YOU this?
And you. know what. is. restraining him .now .so.. that. he. maY be revealed
in his time. For the myst.ery of law~essness. is. already at work;
only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way.
An4 then the lawless .one will. be reveaied,.and .. the.Lord Jesus will
1. Thue was a curious belief in the early church .that .the Lcl1rd was to
ret12;01 at night, especially on :Saster. ..Bve. So.Jerome on Matt. 25:6
·and Lactantius, Institutes .7:19. Frame, Op. Cit •• P• 180.,
slay him with the bre~ "of hi.s mouth and destroy hlm by his
appearing and coming. The coming af t.he lawless one by ithe
activity of Satan wi.ll be with all power and with pretencled
signs and wonders t and with all' wicked·.· decepti:on for tho:~ who
are to perish, because they refused to love the truth and so be
saved. Therefore God sends upan .them ;t. .. st.r.ang delusion, to malte
them believe •hn is false., so that all.may. be condemned who di.d
not believe the truth but had pleasure in.unrighteousness •
2:13 • • •' because God chose. y.ou £r0111. the beginning to be saved.
The phrase .. to be saved".only. servesto.~ive.ageneral impression
2:14 • • • so that you may obtain.the glory.of our Lord Jesu~~ Christ.
3. I Corinthians
1:7 • • • so that you are not. lacing .in any spi1:itual gift, a:s you
wait for the revealing of our. Lord Jesus Christ.
1:8 • • • who will sustain you to .the end, gui1tless in the day of
our Lord Jesus Christ.
1. For the many citations in'Volving -h]J-~pa... ~s the day of jud{~ent and
specifically Christ• s day,. see Arndt. and. Gingrich,. Qp. Cit•• p,. 347,
3t b.
/ ) I
The •~passing away" Ka.Ta.pyov.Jlevwv refers to the o.pxovTwV
tological emphasisa
3:14 If the work which any man has built on the foundation survives,
he will receive a reward.
3:15 If any man•s work is burned up, he will suffer less, though he
himself will be saved, but only as through fire~
3:18 ... • If any one among you thinks that he is wise in this age, o ••
gi~al significance .. 4
1. For the eschat0l0gical use of rrvp (fire) see Arndt and Gingrich,
Op. Cit., P• 737, b ..
2. The eschatological use of .. reward" may be found in Arndt and Ging-
rich, Op. Cit., p. 525, ao
3. For example see 6~3, 10:11; Gal. 1:4. The extensive use of
is summarized in Arndt and Gingrich, Op~ Cit., PPa· 26, 27.
4.. Archibald Robertson and Alfred Plummer, "First Epistle of St. Paul
to the Corinthians," International Critical Commentary (New York:
Charles Scribner's Sons, 1911), p. 73. These scholars tend to find
little eschatological significance throughout their commentary, per-
haps representative of English criticism of 1910. For example, note
the laborious non-eschatological interpretation of lO:llb or 13:12.
4:5 Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the
Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in
darkness and will disclose· the purpose of men's hearts.. Then
every man will receive his commendation from God.
4:9 For I think that God has exhibited us apostles as last of all • o •
5:5 • • • that his spirit may be saved in the day of the I.ord Jesus.l
6;2 Do you not know that the saints will judge the world?
This passage may be a reference to the Messianic Kingdom of
6:3 Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more
matters pertaining to this life!
6:9-10 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom
of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolators;
nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor
drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of
6:14 And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power.
7:29 I mean, brethren, the appointed time has grown very short;
no eschatological force.3
10:11 • • • but they were written down for our instruction, upon whom
the end of ages has come.
10:13b • • • God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond
your strength, but with the temptation will also provide the way
of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
1. Robertson and Plummer, Qp. Cit., P• 155. William Sanday and Arthur
c. Headlam, "The Epistle to the Romans, .. The International Critical
Commentary (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1895), p. 379.
2. Robertson and Plummer, Op. Cit., P• 156. See Arndt and Gingrich,
Op. Cit., P• 805.
3. Clarence T. Craig, '"'Exegesis on I Corinthians," Interpreters Bible
(New York: Abingdon Press, 1953), p. 85.
4. See above 2:6, 3:18. Robertson and Plummer, gp. Cit., p. 208.
11:32 But when we are judged by the Lord, we are chastened so that we
may_not be condemned along with the world.
1.3:10 • • • but when the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away.
13:12 ~or now we see in a mirror climl.y, but then face to face. Now I
know in part; then I shall,understand fully • • •
15:16-20 For if the dead are not raised, then Christ.ha.s not been raised.
If Christ has not been raised, your. faith is futile and you are
still in your sins. Then those also who have died in Christ have
perished. lf in this .life we who are in, Christ have only hope,
we are of all men most~ to be pitied•. fact Christ has been
raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen
15:23-28 But each in his own order: Christ the first. fruits, then at
his coming those who belong to Christ. Then. comes the end, when
he delivers the kingdom. of God the Father. after destroying every
rule and every authority and power. For he must reign until he
has put all his enemies under his, feet •. The last enemy to be
destroyed is death. "For God has put all things in subjection him.•• lt is plain that. he. is excepted who put all things
under him. When all things are subjected to him, then the Son
himself will also be him who.put.all things under
hiln, that God may be everything to every one•
15:49 • • • we shall also bear the image .0£ .the man of heaven.•
15:51,52 Lo! I tell you a mysterye We shall not all sleep, but we shall
all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the
.last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be
raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.
16:7 For I do not want to see you now just in passing; I hope to spend
some time with you, if the Lord permits.
The phrase "if the Lord permits" may not have any particular es-
tain to him.2
The best form of this phrase is ) 80.. and should be consi-
form Fua~tJ';.•V
r"" O.J e;:;...... is translated uThe Lord has come'• or "is
4. II Corinthians
1:10 • • • on him we have set our hope that he will deliver us again.
It is possible that Paul here considered delivery only from the
recurring sins of his life and not from death or any future event.
1. !bidet P• 375.
2. ~s 1:10.
3. See Arndt and Gingrich, QE• Ci~., P• 492.
4. See I Cor. 1:8 above.
4:14 Knowing tmthe who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also
with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence.
5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so
that each one may receive good or evil, according to what he
has done in the body.
5. Romans
1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungod-
liness and wickedness of men who by their wickedness suppress
the trt,tth.
2:5 But by your hard and impenitent heart you are storing wrath for
yourself oh the day of wrath when Godts righteous judgment will
be revealed ..
1. See Plummer, 0£._. Cit., pp. 155-160, for a lengthy commentary on 5:10.
Plummer's additional note on II Cor. 5:1~10, pp. 160-164, examines
the relationship of the above to I Cor. 15. The interpretation of
this passage depends upon the conclusions regarding immediate resur-
rection which will be considered in the following chapter, P• 157.
The conclusions of Plummer are presented. below, Chap. X, p. 161, n. 7 •
... ,, Stud;<,le,:.ofl the relationship of the vocabulary of the
Wisdom oisbiomon and this passage.
~. Plummer, Qe• Cit., P• 191.
The day of wrath is generally equated with the Day of the Lord
or day of judgment.!
2:9 There will be tribulation and dis.tress for every human being who
does evil, the Jew first and also the Greek.
2:12 Ail who sinned without the law will. also perish without the law,
and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law.
cipation of judgment.
5:9b • • • much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God.
5:17 If, because of one man's trespass, death reigned through that
one man, much more will those who receive the abunqance of grace
and the free gift of righteousness reign 1n life through the one
man Jesus Christ.
· 1. Sanday and Headlam, OJ2.. Cit., P• 56. C. H. Dodd .. The Epistle of Paul
1:6 t.iie Rbi:IU:ilis,n The Moffatt New Testament Commentary (New York:
Harper and Brothers, 1932), P• 20.
2. J. B. Light£ oat, Notes on Epistles of St. Paul (London: Macmillan and
Qompany, 1895), p. 260.
6:5 For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we
shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.
9:28 • • • for the Lord will execute his sentence upon the earth with
rigor and dispatch."
13:11,12 Besides this you know what hour it is, how it is full time now
for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to
than ~hen we first believed; the night .is far gone, the day is at
hand. Let us then cast off the works of darkness and put on the
armor of light;
14:10b • • • For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God:
15:12 • • • and further Isaiah says, "The root of Jesse shall come,
he who rises to rule the Gentiles; in him shall the Gentiles
6. Galatians
1:4 • • • who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from the pre-
sent evil age, according to the will of our God and Father;3
6:9 And let us not graw weary in well-doing, for in due season we
shall reap, if we do not lose heart.
7. Colossians
1. ~., ~· 389.
2. Ibid., P• 399.
3. se;-note an I Cor. 3:18 above •. p. 121.
this verse than simply the appearance of men before God on the
3:4 When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear
with him in glory.
Hellenistic framework.!
3:6 On account of these the wrath of God is coming upon the sons
of disobedience,
3:24 .. . knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheri-
tance as your reward; • • •
8. Philemon.
9.. Philippians
1:6 And I am sure that he who began a good work in you will bring it
to completion at the day of Jesus Christ •
1:10 • • • so that you may approve what is excellent, and may be pure
and blameless for the day of Christ.
2:16 • • • holding fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ
I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain.
The passages cited below are not related to the main body of
i. Ephesians
1:12 We who first hoped in Christ have been destined and appointed
to live for the praise of his glory •
1:21 • • • not only in this age but also in that which is to come • • •
2:7 That in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of
his grace • • •
4:30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed
for the day of redemption •
5:6b • • • for it 'is because of these things that the wrath of God
comes upon the sons of disobedience.
Apart from the tttwo-age view" of 1:21, and 2:7, there is little
1.. I Timothy
4:10 For to this end we toil and strive, because we have ou~ hope
set on the living God, who is the Savior of all men, e~pecially
of those who belie~e.
6:14 I charge you to kee~ the commandment unstained and fre~ from
reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ • • •
:2.. II 'timothy
3:1 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times
of stress.
4:1 I charge you in the presence of Ood and of Christ jesus who is
to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his
4:3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching • • •
4:18 The Lord will rescue me from every evil and save me for his heavenly
kingdom • • •
i. I Thessalonians
return of the Lord within his lifetime.! Inasmuch as Paul was certainly
in middle age, seventeen years having elapsed since his conversion, the
ceed a few years. The anticipation of the Lord's coming was sufficiently
worrying about those who had already died. The only reasonable explana-
tion of this concern, to which Paul address himself, was that it was the
1. I Thess. 4:15.
common belief that the coming kingdom was inherited by the living only.l
the immediacy of the return of the Lord that they had not even thought
brink of the finale of history when Paul intimates that the judgment has
already commenced.2
near despite appearances to the contrary.3 Paul thus believes that the
charted, analyzed and tised as a prediction. The Lord· comes "like a thief
in the night,"4 and the mere fact that life proceeds as no~al is no indi-
cation that the eschatological hope is fading. Such an argument would have
objectors who might point out a reason for delay. It thus falls into
1. Frame, Op. Cit., p .. 172 .. "Paul thus betrays the expectation that
he and his contemporary Christians will remain alive until Christ
comes... See also Neil, Op. Cit., p. 90.
2. I Thess. 2:16b. "But God's wrath has come upon them at last .. "
In view of the eschatological bearing of rl¢8a..G€V this disputed
passage cannot refer to a specific event in the past such as the
loss of Jewish independence or the famine (Acts 11:28) nor the
banishment from Rome (Acts 18:2) nor even to the destruction of
Jerusalem. The passage must refer ttsimply to the day of jldgment
which is near at hand.~· Frame, OJ.?.• Cit., p .. 114.
3. I Thess. 5:3.
4. I Thess. 5:2.
hope for the return of the Lord though none of them can be pressed into
ii. II Thessalonians
terms,4 with such elements as mighty angels and flaming fire.5 The con-
the introduction of events which precede the Parousia, the effect of which
&s .to delay the day of the Lord.7 These events are the rebellion, there-
ness as God in the temple seat.l Other signs and wonders will take
However the reasons for retaining the confidence in this epistle are out-
lined above4. and the thought of the second chapter may be related to the
thought on the basis of the passage of time.s The amount of time is not
suggested, .. some,.. time being the only word. Rather than attempt to ex-
assume a very short time lapse in which the reaction to Paul's first let-
ter produces the immediate conditions for which the second letter was
.A likely reaction to this would be the belief and credulity which would
produce an agitation among the Thessalonian readers. This mood would fit
Paul's reaction precisely in 2:2: nwe beg you, brethren, not to be quickly
1. II Thess. 2:3,4.
2. II Thess. 2:9.
3. The sons of light, howevert are not surprised in I Thess. 5:4,5
which would accommodate II Thess. See above Chap. IX, p. 119.
4. See Chap. VI, P• 91.
s. Charles, ep.- Cit., Footnote, P• 438.
6. Frame, O_p. Cit., P• 19.
7. See above, p. 134ff.
shaken in mind or excited •• •" The .issue then resolves as to whether
not be modified a bit for future use. This would be the nat~ral conse-
ing delay, but this evidence, when seen in the context of the situat_ion,
reveals again the imminent eschatological hope of the first letter, both
iii. I Corinthians
appointed time has grown very short." other passages which reveal an im-
minent hope are 1:7, 4:5, especially 7:26, as well as much of the fifteenth
chapter, and also Paul's closing salutation of 16:22: uour Lord Come."
pite this parallel and others, the general concept of the Parousia seems
this change could occur at the conclusion of the events of the "man of
that Paul retains a simple hope of the imminent conclusion of this age.l
iv. II Corinthians
of I Corinthians. There are but six passages with any reference to es-
"day of the Lord Jesus .. "4 This identification with the previously de-
fined idea argues for an imminent expectationo But one passage strongly
suggests immediacy and this is 6:2: "Behold, now .is the acceptable time;
now is the day of salvation... Paul here conceives of the new age, and
the nnow" rightly refers to the time between the writing of the epistle
v. Romans
There are two quite specific references dealing with imminence, 13:1lb.
12: "For salvation is nearer to us now than w:t;en we first believed; the
night is far gone, the day is at hand.'' The second reference is 8:22:
"we know that the whole creation has been gro-aiti:p:g i:n' traviil., togeth~it ilmtil
imminent expectation of the Parousia and that the passage of time may well
vi. Galatians
There are but two references in Galatians which can be even dis-
minence. Verse 1:4 reflects the two-age view of Paul as noted above.2
The other reference employs the phrase "For in due season we shall reap,
vii. Colossians
eschatological event. Paul speaks of a ''hope laid up for you in heaven, "2
ttknowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your
Christ who is our life appears~ then you also will appear with him in
glory." Note also 2:17: ..these are only a shadow of what is to comee ..
viii. Philippians
in 1:6 as "the day of Jesus Christ'' and in 1:10, 2::16, as nthe day of
I Thessalonians Conclusive
I Corinthians Conclusive
Colossians Probable
Philippians Conclusive
It will be seen from the above table that the evidence for the
of the letters· and appears from all three periods of Paul's writings.
Philemon and Galatians, all of which are aimed at a narrow and well-
defined issue.1
i. I Thessalonians
is the deliverer.3 This wrath apparently is upon those who oppose God
and ''all men,n Paul having himself in mind at this point.4 In terms of
both cases it will be those who are in Christ who are raised.3 The meet-
ing place of bGth groups is with the Lord in the air.4 It is not clear
if the dead are raised prior and descend with the Lord,5 or whether their
The end result of this resurrection is that all are with the Lord always.7
moment of judgment.9
as follows:
1. I Thess. 3:13.
2. I Thess .. 4:14.
3. I Thess. 4:16-17.
4. I Thess. 4:17.
s. I Thess. 4:14.
6. I Thess. 4:16.
7. I Thess. 4:17.
s. I Thess. 5:3.
9. I Thess. 5:4,9.
of the dead is not clear but the implication is that the destruction is
first. Two reasons appear: (1) 2:16b speaks of the wrath in most im-
minent terms, the resurrection being clearly at some future time, and,
(2) the sudden destruction following on peace and security sets up the
at hand is only of the .iighteouse Apparently the sinful dead stay dead
ii. II Thessalonians
There is suffering among the readers of the epistle which Paul believes
is making them worthy of the Kingdom of God..l The "peace and securityn
by the introduction of mighty angels and flaming fire who inflict ven-
geance upon those who do not know God.2 Their punishment is eternal
destruction and exclusion from the presence of the Lord at the Earousia.3
the Parousia. A rebellion must come first and the man of lawlessness,
1. II Thess. 1:5.
2. II Thess. 1:8.
3. II Thess. 1:9.
who takes the seat in the temple, proclaims himself to be God.l Jesus
will finally slay the lawless one.2
tion of the blessed after the Parousia, apart from their presence in the
pears to take place at the coming of the Lord. The resurrection is for
those who are saved, having been pre-destined by God from the beginning.3
sonable to press this common figUre into a special usage at this juncture.
1. The rebellion.
1. II Thess. 2:4.
2. II Thess. 2:8.
3. II Thess. 2:13.
4. See below, p- 149.
iii. I Corinthians
Paul introduces the concept of the "two age" view and the contrast
is drawn sharply between "this age" and the "age to come."3 "This age"
·is headed by evil rulers who crucified the Lord of glory.4 The end of
this age is the coming of the Lord at which time there is a resurrection
of the righteous dead.S Paul here repeats the argument \rith which he re-
and is equated with the resurrection of the righteous which occurs at the
has put all his enemies under his feet.8 Every rule, authority and power
God and subjects himself to God's power ttso that God may be everything to
after the coming of the Lord if it were not for the evidence which suggests
saints judging the world make greatest sense.2 Paul expects his Corin-
judgment is redundant in the face of the Lord's mighty power unless some
Christ is the ruler and judge. The righteous in Christ are resurrected
to partake in this kingdom. The evil who are living are progressively
destroyed by Christ and his saints until death itself is subdued. Then
evidence of 15:24.
clearly this is impossible in view of 15:23 and 24, in which the righteous
in Christ are raised and then Christ's reign begins: . •• • then at his
coming those who belong to Christ. Then comes the end, • • • For he must
reign • • ." The only way to interpret this passage to support a non-
an unwarranted interpolation.'
1. I Cor. 115:25.,_
2. I Cor. 6:2.
3. Charles, Qp• Cit., P• 448.
Messianic period or the future moment when all powers are delivered to
God. ttFlesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, ttl but this does
not help to differentiate between the two because the resurrection occurs
the kingdom here means. "The kingdom" is the description of the Christ's
reign in 24; but not the "kingdom of God." In 4:20, the phrase seems to
5. Destruction of death.
iv. II Corinthians
1. I Cor. 15:50.
2. I Cor. 1:8, 3:15, 7:26, 7:31b, ~sp. 10:13b, 11:32.
time of "momentary affliction and testing."! The day of the Lord will
Paul here speaks of the living and there is no evidence to suggest any
general resurrection.4
3. Resurrection of righteous.
4. Judgment of living.
v. Romans
thought of Romans. The ""day ·of the Lord" becomes the "day of wrath
Christ Jesus6 and is based on works.? The judgment is for all men, Jew
render the honor and glory and peace to the .Jew first.8 The tribulation
; .
will be with .. rigor and dispatch"2 which would preclude the extended
The letter has but one reference, in 6:5, which suggests a res-
sturection of the righteous. The judgment of all men, Jew and Greek,3
or general resurrection.
a temporary Messianic Kingdom.5 But the connection with the day of wrath6
as meaning ••righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 11 9 This
1. Romans 2:9.
2. Romans 9:28.
3. Romans 2:10.
4. Romans 13:12.
5. Romans 2:9.
6. Romans 2:5.
7. Romans 9:28.
s. But note Sanday's contrary opinion on 15:12~ 0£. Cit., P• 399.
9. Romans 14~!1.
2. Resurrection of righteous.
3. Judgment by Christ.
vi. Galatians
vi·i. Colossians
distresses.2 This kingdom has not begun by any judgment, but is a des-
for the Kingdom of God.3 Though this may refer to some future event,
kingdom has already begun and will be terminated at some future time. How~
ferences to the present must be interpreted apart from the usual antici-
viii. Philippians
sake in the present age.l Paul speaks of the power of Jesus' resurrec-
tion and his desire to know that power.2 There is no mention of the
1. Suffering.
3. Resurrection (?).
ix. Summary
with particular reference to the Messianic Kingdom and the dual resur-
rection may now be summarized.:
1. Phil. 1:29.
2. Philo 3:10.
1 2 3 4 5
Thessalonians, a great deal occurs prior to the Lordts coming; the judg-
ment and resurrection are by God alone and are all completed when the
ing of the Lord along with the destruction of the man of lawlessness by
Christ with his mighty power.1 In I and II Corinthians, the coming of the
of testing precedes his coming. In Romans, the day of wrath is at the be-
the coming of the Lord. However, there is also the persistent eschatol~
from the unsettled minds of the people on the matter of the Parousia. In
Pauline world that a new appraisal of the present age was necessary? Or
1. The various events prior to that coming have been noted. See
above, P• 146.
be that Paul's tension with society was increasing, culminating with his
of Paul's letters. The righteous are raised, at one time or another, but
the evil dead remain dead. ~1 judgment apparently refers to the living
of the final age. The need for a general resurrection would not have been
i. I Thessalonians
terms of trumpets, meeting in the air, and the cry of command.l The
1. I Thess. 4:13-18.
who had died prior to the Parousia could not have arisen if there was
ii. II Thessalonians
does not outline a specific moment when resurrection takes place, there
the events listed in 2:1-12. The glory of the Lordl is something obtained
at the Parousia.
iii. I Corinthians
ship with Christ that makes the resurrection possib1e.3 Hence, if the
can be immediate.4
In the discussion of the resurrection body,5 Charles makes the
1. II Thess. 2:14.
2. I Cor. 6:14, see also II Cor. 4:14 •. Robertson and Plummer,
Op. Cit., p. 347.
3. I Cor. 15:22.
4. Charles, Op. Cit., P• 448.
s. I Cor. 15:35-40.
The perishable body of this life cannot inherit the kingdom.2 The im-
perishable body or spiritual body is the clothing of the new age and this
takes place upon the death of the physical body.3 Charles does not see
the "sowing~ as mere burial but as the total life upon earth of the physi~
cal man:
At death the energies of the human spirit are set free to organize
from its new environment a spiritual body •• 9Thus in a certain
sense the resurrection of the faithful would follow immediately
on death, not to be adjourned to the Parousia.4
tion. No sooner has Paul finished his elaborate discussion of the resur-
the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable. •t6 If
dence of this adjacent passage for Paul conceives of the -state of death
obvious application of Paul's parable of the seed is that upon death the
individual is returned to the ground~ as the seed is. But Paul makes the
important point that the seed is not dead and hardly the form of what will
eventually grow.l To press this figure in terms of the two~age view re-
quires more imagination than this obvious simple application. Paul is not
the condition of dead persons.2 The interpretation should stay with this
idea. Paul is attempting to deal with the problem of death in the inter-
vening time preceding the Parousia. His illustration of the seed with its
perfectly illustrates the existing condition of the dead at the time Paul
was writing.
forced and does not satisfactorily meet the evidence. There remains no
iv. II Corinthians
the immediate resurrection of the body upon death based on 5:1-8: "For
ing from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens ... Charles
1. I Thess. 15:37.
2. I Thess. 15:35,42. Note Plummer, Op. Cit., p. 160f.
The new body in Christ is something which is put on at the time of conver-
tion and the new body. As Charles rightly notes in verse 4, Paul prefers
to see the Parousia while still a~ive.2 But Paul's desire to be alive at
the Lord's coming springs from his reluctance to face death. Paul wants
Paul still is aware that some will die before the Lord comes and that bas own
Cl.eath-~. is a possibility. 'He, still holds the position that death brings
readers that even if death comes and there is a time of disembod&me~t~ there
is a guarantee from the Spirit that the heavenly dwelling will soon trans-
v. Romans
Though Charles does not use Romans in the development of the idea
into service. In 6:5, Paul compares the believers' resurrection with that
within a day or two. In 8:21, creation is set free from decay into the
have the first fruits of the spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adop-
tion as som, the redemption of our bodies ... l Despite the possibilities
is nearer to us now than when we first believed; the night is far gone,
God. 1'2 The emphasis on judgment in Romans tends to group the other es-
the present life does away with the need for judgment despite such pas-
to the image of his Son.tt3 Judgment is for a11,4 and this judgment is
Hence, the epistle of Romans does not allow for an immediate re-
the necessity for judgment, and the absence of any clear evidence to the
vi. Galatians
firm conclusions about immediate resurrection. The phrase nin due season
we shall reap,. tends to confirm the anticipation of the Parousia and what-
1. Romans 13:11,12.
2. Romans 14:10b.
3. Romans 8:29.
4 .• Romans 2:6, 14:12, 14:10b.
5. Romans 2:5.
vii. Colossians
that Paul conceives of the resurrection as part of this delivery into the
new kingdom: "• •• and you were buried with him in baptism, in which you
were also raised with him through faith in the working of God, who raised
him from the dead."3 Note also "If you then have been raised with Christ
"for you have died, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ,
who is our life appears, then you will also appear with him in glory."5
communion with Christ which will not be fully manifested until the Parousia.
The real issue is whether or not communion with Christ in the present carries
over directly after deathQ In view of the above evidence, such a possibility
is certainly suggested.
1. Gal. 6:9.
2. Col. 1:13, 1:22.
3. Col. 2:12.
4. Col. 3:1.
s. Col. 3:3, 3:4.
6. See above, P•
cipating of the Parousia in such a way that Paul preserves much of his
previous thought while allowing for communion with Christ in the ublank"
viii. Philippians
pians: ''My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far bet-
ter."l Paul considers the alternatives of life with further service, and
death with the presence of Christ, and though he prefers the latter, he
will do the former out of a sense of duty'.2 Paul insists that one put no
confidence in the flesh3 and that whatever losses come about in present
life simple help one to gain Christ.4 He further equates death and resur-
1. Phil. 1:23.
2. Phil. 1:19-26.
3. Phil. 3:3e
4.. Phil. 3:7.
s. Col. 3:1.
6. Phil. 3:21.
7. Phil. 1:21.
minent eschatological hope, as noted previously.! But Paul can now also
conceive of death with hope. Gone is the feac and concern of I Thessalonians
in which the fact of death prior to the Parousia poses major problems.
death and its results with the imminent hope of the Parousia. Such an
explanation, though harmonizing these two ideas, does nof fit the evidence.
valent of "being with Christtt3 is placed side by side with the imminent
eschatological hopew4
summarized as follows:
I Corinthians no evidence
The lack of evidence for an immediate resurrection in the first three let-
opinion on this letter thus does not challenge the point of development;
the question is really only that of time of change.. The evidence in Romans
parent1y had reached the p0int in his thoughtwhere the problem of death,
the hope of the Parousia. A further question is whether or not this may
two positions.
1. II Thessalonians
basic reasons, language and content.l The issues of language have been
cient to reject Pauline authorship.2 The argument from content has less
Charles notes the difference in the two e}i>istles on the matter of "signs 01
neither enriches nor makes clearer the picture of Paul's doctrine aris-
ing from the other epistles, has some validity in view of the lack of
coherence.4 But !!Thessalonians does add evidence and the opinion that
style and grammar but makes his major objection from ~he doctrinal posi-
and no longer has the same clear outlines of the other epistles. This is
of thought can hardly have much standingo Again the TUbingen criticism
Charles uses Colossians five times in the fourth stage of his argument.5
Colossians.! From the survey it is clear that the arguments from Bphe-
sians are not determinative.2 Apart from two references to the two-age
3. Imminent Eschatology
is not found in all letters but seems to occur at random in both early
and late writings. This is normal, for Paul should not be expected to
his fourth stage conceals the fact that he does not draw upon it in any
letter is of unequal strength. This does not work against the theory of
both in early and late letters, i.e., Galatians and Colossians or Philemon.
The issue is not uniformity of evidence but the assumption of the underly-
4. Eschatological Chronology
general resurrection:
• for the hour is co~ng when all who are in the tombs will hear
his voice and come forth, those who have done good, to the resurrec-
tion of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of
"And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books
ment for it follows upon a 1000 year Messianic Kingdom,2 a concept con-
resurrection of both the just and the unjust.u These are the reported
on this point.3
covery and sheds light on the New Testament eschatology. Yet one cannot
1. Revelation 21:22ff.
2. Revelation 20:7.
3. "Nor does (Paul) show any literary dependence upon any non-canonical·
apocalypse, even the similitudes of Enoch," Foakes,..Jackson, Op. Cit.,
p. 277.
4. See above, Chap. IV, Section 6, "The Background of Pauline Eschatology,"
p. 58.
Schweitzer's first book, Paul and His Interpreters, which was admittedly
Mysticism of Paul the Apostle. The fact remains that however brilliant
dismiss the whole idea are not convincing.3 Schweitzer here is on much
not found in Paul nor is there any hint of the duration of the kingdom.
Pauline chronology.
the evidence but both have over-stated their positions. There is no evi-
rect on these points. On the other hand, the evidence for a Messianic
other New Testament evidence and the testimony of the Apocalypses of Ezra
from Ezra and Baruch are interesting and have been duly noted by Charles,
5. Immediate Resurrection
builds his case on I and II Corinthians,2 but the evidence will not sup-
Philippians are applied to Paul alone in some special way in the manner
of Enoch, Elijah, Ezra and Baruch.l Paul does not re-interpret his es-
theory. Paul goes so far in his personal resurrection that he can con-
his martyrdom.
pians. Schweitzer would not hold for any general change of eschatological
there is the novel conclusion that Charles rejects the evidence and admits
the principle, while Schweitzer rejects the principle and admits the evi-
the evidence with Schweitzer and the principle with Charles. Thus Paul
6. Developmental Thought
thought.! The coming of the Lord tends to move toward the beginning of
one another, it is tmwise to press this evidence too far, but a coherent
picture is presented.
7. Developmental Chronology
the writing of the letters. Are these sufficient to allow for the changes
which appear?
is combined with II Corinthians and Romans. These three letters are all
written within about nihe months. This dating would argue against any
sharp separation between Charlest second and third period. Charles char-
this may be added the possibility of a multiple source theory of the Carin-
there should be ample opportunity for any person to shift his position,
should not be forgotten that seventeen years elapsed between Paul's con-
version and the writing of I Thessalonians. This would argue for consis-
8. Tabulation
Developing Thought
Developmental ChronolOE[
ductionl and the preliminary questions of Chapter V,~ may now be drawn:
tent imminent hope for the Parousia throughout. Paul's letters supports
uniform, the passibility of his own death priGlr to that event opens the
way for the dactrine af the immediate resurrection upon death. This new
1. See P• 3.
2. See p. 79-81.
ing of the Lard upon the death of the individual as.suggested in the Im-
prisonment Letters.
the evidence of the Pauline letters .on eschatel.agy.. Charles' most glar-
major letters and the composite Carinthians and other letters.
fast Academy and continued at QUeens College, Belfast, and Trinity Col-
lege, Dublin. He received his A.B. degree from Queen University in 1877,
with first honors in classics. In 1880, his M.A. followed. Honorary de-
grees were a D.D. in 1898, from Dublin, and a D. in 1907, from Oxfard.
gan in 1890.
1898, and the Jowett Lectures in 1898-1899, and many lectureships there-
Theology at London University. Fr0111 1919, until his death, he was the
Period one is from 1893-1900, during which time he edited and published
his major Apocryphal studies. These were the Book of Enoch translated
out into varied fields. ·.His major writings from this period are The
the Old and New Testaments (1914), The Apacalypse, edited with text ;t~ans
lations and cammentary (1920). In addition, he was the General Editor and
of the New Testament an Divorce (1921), Adventure Inta the Unknown (1923),
the Decalogue (1924), Gambling and Betting (1925), Divorce and Nullity
of Men and Other Sermons (1930), and Courage, Truth, and Purity (1931).
January 14, 1875, so:Q of Louis Schwei.tzer, pastor .a.t .Gunsbach. His
1913, he completed. his medical .s.tudies at. Strasbeurg and was awarded the
varied talents allewed him to be . organist of. the Paris Bach Society
from 1905-1911.
The major service of his life began in 1913, with his first visit
interned by the Fre11ch during the. war and was unable to return to Lam-
barene for seven years. He resumed his wor~ in 1924,.and has continued
at the hospital since that time. He has made several visits to Europe
and one to America in 195.2. He was awarded the. Goethe Memorial Prize in
RITSCHL (1853)
SCHWEGLER (1846) PAULUS (1831)
Paul equals primitive Rationalislli, z
non Leci
Christianity ,...._
WEISS (1860)
LIPSIUS (1853)
Development g
I z ~
HOLSTEN (1868)
Grkt 2 That, Loci.
2 That, non Loci
a ~·
I '' ~
'' ('1)
TEICHMANN (1896) v
Loci ''
EVERLING (1888) KABISCH (1893)
demonology non Loci, non
I devel. ~
HATCH (1888) HOL~~ (1897) Eschatology ti.)
t Davidic ~~ssiah
.Earthly Kingdom (no resurrection)
Sifting out
Revelation of Glory
r- King-of ~~ (no resurrectiot?-)
Malachi, Isaiah 24-27
Among Heathen
S of Man '<
DANIEL, .ENOCH . Death Tribulation tj SUPERNATURAL Kg • - g
Satan's Power J
R of-Elect ~
- !11
~ M to Heaven
no son of Man Kg of-Ged
BARUCH, EZRA Tribulation Mf Messianic Kg for Elect
400 years - good time R - General .• "'
J - living only J - Final .
M Messiah
J Judgment
R Resurrectic:m
JESUS - primitive 'I
Second Coming
!j! \,I------
. > ~
' tdbulati0n ' Kg of God
~ i'd-
Secend Coming TI1
\~ of~
PAUL - early
- - · · Kg
'-Sudden Judgment
5 b:l
Secend Coming
Eternal Kg of God ~ ~
\ ~~----~---
PAUL - final form
tribulation I Time of Transforming
.J· L ......!!!.
Temporary Messianic Kg/ ...or<l
. ment ~
t Judgment / General Resurrection
1f ~
Barnett, Albert E. The New Testament, Its Making and Meaning. New York:
Abingdon Cokesbury Press, 1946.
The Last Things. 5th ed. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1905.
Cohu, J. R. St. Paul in the Light of Modern Research. New York: Long-
mans, Green and Company, 1911.
Conybeare, W. J., and Howson, J. s. The Life and E istles of Saint Paul.
Hartford, Conn.: S. S. Scranton and Company, 1852 1895.
Dodd, Charles Harold. The Epistle of Paul to the Romans, (The Moffatt
New Testament Commentary). New York: Harper and Brothers, 1932.
• The Meaning of Paul for Today. New York: Living Age Books,
---[192Ql 1957.
Duncan, George Simpson. The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians. New York:
Harper and Brothers, 1934.
Farrar, F. W. The Life and Work of St. Paul. New York: E. P. Dutton
and Company, 1880.
Findlay, George G. The Epistles of Paul the Apostle. New York: Wilbur
B. Ketcham, n.d.
Foalces-Jackson, F. J. The Life of Saint Paul. New York:' Boni and Live-
right, 1926.
Gilbert, George Holley •. Greek Thought in the New Testament. New York;
The Macmillan Company, 1928.
Knox, Ronald. St. Paul's Gospel. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1951.
Nock, Arthur Darby. St. Paul. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1937.
Parsons, Ernest William. The Religion of the New Testament. New York:
Harper and Brothers, 1939.
Peabody, Francis Greenwood8 The Apostle Paul and The Modern World.
New York: The Macmillan Company, 1923.
Rall, Harris Franklin. According to St. Paul. New York: Charles Scrib-
ner's Sons, 1944e
Ramsay, William M. St. Paul the Traveller and The Roman Citizen. London:
Hodder and Stoughton, 1900.
Smith, David. The Life and Letters of St. Paul. New York: George H.
Doran Company, 1919_.•
Smith, Gamaliel, (Jeremy Bentham). Not Paul, But Jesus. London: John
Hunt, 1823.
Wood, C. T., The Life, Letters and Religion of St. Paul. Edinburgh:
T. & T. Clark, 1925.
Kingdom of God was based on the memo~ of the teachings of Jesus. The
fact that that hope remained unfulfilled forced a transformation of
the Christian faith which enabled it to survive the failure of the
original expectation.
The place of Paul in this transformation has been uncertain.
His early letters show a strong expectation of the Parousia, but scholar-
ly opinion on the later letters remains eontradictor,y. R.H. Charles has
suggested that in Paul's later letters there is a noticeable decline in
eschatological thought and, in effect, a transf0rmation 0f·Paul's ori-
clearly shown by arranging Paul's letters into four stages on the basis
Schweitzer regarded this explanation as unfounded and attempted to
Paul and the Hellenistic world. Paul's thought thus did not develop
in any Hellenistic direction but remained consistently Jewish eschato-
logical throughout his literary production.
The two positions are first compared on the basis of their rela-
tionship to critical norms regarding the Pauline corpus. These norms re-
ject the authenticity of Ephesians and the Pastorals and establish the
This last heading is subdivided into the problem of the temporary Mes-
sianic Kingdom and a dual resurrection. The results of this analysis are
applied to an evaluation of the two positions with the following results:
the Parousia, Paul revises his concept of the time of the resurrection
in the Imprisonment Letters, arriving at a new doctrine of immediate
nology and after two semester?~ enlisted in the United States Navy.
received his A.B. degree in 1949. After one semester at the University