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Preprint 18-007: SME Annual Meeting Feb. 25 - 28, 2018, Minneapolis, MN

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SME Annual Meeting

Feb. 25 - 28, 2018, Minneapolis, MN

Preprint 18-007


F. Wolf, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany

H. Mischo, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany
R. Ellmies, Gecko Exploration (Pty) Ltd, Otjiwarongo, Namibia

Fluorspar is one of the most important industrial minerals. It has a
wide range of applications, for example it is used in the steel and
aluminum industry, and is also the raw material to produce hydrofluoric
acid, Teflon or Gore-Tex. There are only a few major fluorspar mines
worldwide, with China being the most important fluorspar producer
(U.S. Geological Survey National Minerals Information Center, 2017).
At Okorusu, Namibia, fluorspar has been mined with conventional
open pit mining methods from 1955 until 2014 from a large scale
metasomatic fluorspar deposit with seven identified orebodies. There
are about 7 million tons of measured resources left with an average
grade of 27.5 % CaF2.
This paper is based at an MSc thesis at Technical University
Freiberg and describes the design of an underground mine for the A
and D orebodies with an annual production rate of 100,000 t acid-
grade fluorspar product. By comparing different mining methods and
adapting variants of access to the underground orebodies the paper
will emphasize on the selection of a suitable mining technology, with a
special focus on the economic considerations to decide about the most
profitable operation. Figure 1. Overview of the Okorusu mine. In the front the mine village
and processing facilities; in the background the pits. (Gecko Namibia,
Mining holds an important part in the economy of Namibia. In DEPOSIT AND RESOURCES
2016 11.1 % of the GDP was made through mining activities with 22
active mines (The Chamber of Mines of Namibia, 2016). Only one of The resources were estimated from the given company data. A
them consists an underground mining operation. block model was created with the mine designing software “Maptek
Vulcan”. The block model is based on the borehole data and given
The global annual production of fluorspar is approximately 6 to 7 orebody models. The overall geological formation can be described as
million t (U.S. Geological Survey National Minerals Information Center, a vein deposit that consists of several lensoidal orebodies. Table 1
2017). Okorusu produced on average about 50.000 t annually in recent gives an overview of the location and extension of the orebodies.
years (U.S. Geological Survey National Minerals In-formation Center, Orebody A can be further divided into three individual bodies. The 3D
2015). models the two orebodies are illustrated in Figure 2 and Figure 3.
Okorusu Mine is Namibia’s only fluorspar mine. Fluorspar was Table 1. Location and extension of the orebodies A and D (Gecko
mined in an open pit mine with four individual pits (A-D) since 1980. In Namibia, 2017)
2014 the mine closed due to the increased stripping ratio and A1 A2 A3 D
beneficiation problems. The mine assets were bought by Gecko 43-57 46-60 48-57 66-63
Namibia. Currently Gecko uses parts of the processing plant for Dip gon to gon to gon to gon to
beneficiation of graphite from a neighboring mine. Figure 1 shows a N N N NNE
panoramic view with the four pits and the mine village. Bearing NE-SW E-W E-W SE-NW
Bearing length 260 m 325 m 100 m 538 m
The intent is to develop a concept for the further underground
Deepest point AMSL 1,331 m 1,369 m 1,422 m 1,298 m
development of the mine. There are still about 7 million t of measured
resources left in the deposit, with an average grade of 27.5 % CaF2. Highest point AMSL 1,510 m 1,519 m 1,550 m 1,655 m
This study focusses on the underground mine design. The above- Max. depth 290 m 140 m 150 m 280 m
ground plant and facilities are considered as remaining unchanged. Thickness of veins 1-10 m 5-20 m 1-10 m 1-20 m

For solving the task to design the mine, a site visit for data Orebody A has resources of 549,840 t with an average CaF2-
collecting was conducted. Resource estimations were calculated grade of 55.76 %. In orebody D estimated resources are 1,709,833 t
based on existing drill data, and consequently, block models were with an average 37.71 % CaF2. These resources differ significantly
created. The development of the mine design included the selection of compared to the historical resource calculations made by
the most suitable mining method, mining technology and mine Solvay/Gecko Namibia; e.g. the tonnage in orebody D has doubled
organization. Moreover, some economic considerations are pointed assuming an underground mining operation instead of an open pit.
out, followed by a profitability assessment. This can be mainly attributed to the use of different software,
estimation parameters and orebody models. Nevertheless, the current
estimation was used for the further mine design.

1 Copyright © 2018 by SME

SME Annual Meeting
Feb. 25 - 28, 2018, Minneapolis, MN

The given parameters for mine design were annual production for reasons of safety. For the selected mining method the use of
rate of 100,000 t acid-grade fluorspar product with 97.2 % and a mine mobile equipment, like trucks, has been preferred. In Figure 4 are
life of 10 years. It is deemed necessary to also take into consideration shown design alternatives for the underground access in Okorusu.
the beneficiation process capacity of the ore with a grade of 35-40 % These scenarios include two ramps from orebody A (R1 or R2), one
CaF2 to produce acid-grade fluorspar. By comparison, different common ramp from A and D (R3 or R4) with connection drifts to each
recoveries and reserve estimation scenarios were applied, determining orebody (VD3+VA3 or VA4+VD4), a spiral ramp for each orebody (D1
annual production rates of 90,000 t in A and 262,000 t in D with an or D2 and A), a connection between A and D (V) and a ventilation hole
average grade of 39.5 % CaF2. Consequently, the estimated life of in A and D (WBA and WBD).
mine changes to 7.5 years.
By comparing the costs for developing the excavations, further
transportation costs (also considering the surface topography) and
ventilation costs for 10 years, it became apparent that a further
transport with a decline at each orebody is the most reasonable
alternative. The necessary excavations for each orebody include a
spiral ramp down from the lowest pit level with a cross-section of
27.5 m² and a ventilation shaft with a diameter of 1.5 m.
The total of all planned drifts for orebody A are depicted in Figure
5. Cross-drifts will be developed from the spiral ramp towards each
level to the orebody. In the left and right direction of the cross-drifts,
stope-drifts will provide access to every part of the orebody. The ramp
and the cross-drifts will be developed in the host rock and the stope-
drifts in the ore.

Figure 2. 3D model of orebody A in Maptek Vulcan. Technology

Owing to the rock strength of up to 250 MPa the favorable
extraction method is drilling and blasting both in host rock and in ore.
For drilling it is planned to purchase a face drill rig (Atlas Copco
Boomer 282) and a long-hole production drill rig (Atlas Copco Simba
S7). An explosive truck is already available. With respect to higher
safety standards and due to local experience, an emulsion bulk
explosive will be used. The development of the drifts will be done with
horizontal boreholes with a length of 3.3 m. The stopes will be
extracted with a vertical fan of boreholes, drilled upwards.

Figure 3. 3D model of orebody D in Maptek Vulcan.

Figure 4. Possible opening excavations for the orebody A (right) and
Mining Method
The estimation of resources was followed by a technical
comparison of underground mining methods. Caving methods were
excluded owing to the possible resumption of open pit mining in other
close to surface orebodies and the maintenance of the public
communication station at the top of the Okorusu Mountain. The
possible mining methods were the following – all with backfill:
• cut-and-fill stoping,
• undercut-and-fill stoping,
• top slicing/crosscut method,
• underground benching and
• sublevel stoping with longitudinal stopes.
A major difference between these mining methods can be
attributed to the different size of the excavations. Mining methods with
smaller excavations are favorable, because of the low stability of
fluorspar ore. More-over, the grade of mechanization, productivity and
a complete deposit extraction are essential factors that determine the
selection of a mining method over another. (Hamrin, 2001) Figure 5. Overview over the planned drifts and the ventilation hole in
orebody A (red: stope-drifts, green: cross-cut-drifts, dark blue: spiral
Sublevel stoping with longitudinal stopes with backfill combines ramp, dark green: ventilation hole, turquoise: connection from
the advantages of safety through small excavations with a very high ventilation hole, grey: connection from ramp to cross-cut-drifts).
productivity and a nearly complete deposit extraction. (Reuther, 2010)
The sublevels can have a distance of 12 m. The first sublevel in each As already mentioned, mobile equipment will be used for haulage
orebody lies 12 m below the deepest point of the pit. and transportation purposes. With regard to a profitable operation, five
of the existing trucks (BELL B40D), which were already used in the
Development open pit mining, are going to be used underground as well. Loading is
The next step was designing the openings and development drifts done with the existing underground LHD (Load-Haul-Dump) loader
to access the deposit with respect to haulage. By definition, every (CAT R1700G) and two smaller underground LHD loaders (CAT
underground mine needs two openings; one for ventilation and another R1300G). The smaller LHD loaders are equipped with remote control
SME Annual Meeting
Feb. 25 - 28, 2018, Minneapolis, MN

for loading in the stopes, so that the workers can be permanently machines costs due to the planned time for each process. Accordingly,
under a stable roof. the costs for drift development are between 1,468 €/m for a drift with a
cross-section of 27.5 m² up to 221 €/m for the stope-drifts (18 m²). The
The stability of host rock differs at a wide range in the existing extraction costs are up to 5.46 €/tdo (do - disposable output) including
open pits and at a larger depth is also assumed that the rock stability is costs for backfilling up to 0.88 €/tdo. Ventilation costs 0.62 €/tdo. In
compromised due to a number of dikes and oxidized iron carbonate these specific costs the expenses for personnel, health & safety issues
lenses. This is supported by the experience gained from open pit and machinery are not included.
mining. Therefore, the drifts in the ramp and cross-cuts should be
supported on demand with split-set-bolts, mats and shotcrete. The total costs comprise the extraction costs and the non-mining
costs for engineering, management, ministerial reporting, royalties,
The waste rock from the former open-pit mine will be used as transport FOB, administration, beneficiation and exploration. Except for
backfill material to support the voids in the planned underground mine. the extraction costs, all non-mining cost information is provided by the
Transportation of backfill will be done at the return run of the trucks into mining company. Based on the historically reported resources and
the mine. Underground backfill will be handled with LHD loaders as assumed costs, the total costs are 80.12 €/tdo or 282.30 €/tacid-grade. In
drop stowing from the upper level into the extraction excavation. the diagram shown above (Figure 7) the allocation of the total costs is
Airflow will be provided through the ventilation hole and upcast at illustrated.
the spiral ramp. The main ventilator will be located above-ground at the It is shown that the non-mining costs are twice the extraction
entrance of the ventilation shaft. Problems with gases are unlikely to costs (Figure 7) which gives an enormous potential for cost reduction.
occur; also a theoretical inflow of radon will be controlled. The overall costs for open pit mining at Okorusu were calculated at
37 underground staff members will be necessary for the operation 179.9 €/tacid-grade (Gecko Namibia, 2017) which is competitive to a
of the underground mine: similar fluorspar mine in Germany are approximately 230 €/tacid-grade
(Schilka, 2017).
• one engineer,
• two overseers, The profitability of the planned mine was evaluated by adding a
• seven tradesmen, contingency of 20 % for all costs. The price for fluorspar acid-grade
• 24 machinists and was estimated at 195.19 €/t (South Africa) (Deutsche Rohstoffagentur,
• three unskilled workers. 2017). Responding all costs and procedures for a total timespan of 13
years till the mine closure, the mine will generate losses of about 65.33
The work regime will provide an 8 h work day with 250 days of million €. The resulting income value is – 48.63 million €, which was
production. calculated with a long-term interest rate of 10 %.
Time Planning CONCLUSION
The life of mine has originally been estimated at 7.5 years based
on the historically reported resources. A Gantt-chart with an overview Operation and development of an underground mine at Okorusu
over time planning for mining processes is given in Figure 6. The seams to be technically easy feasible. The annual production aims at
preparatory phase of the mine re-opening will take two years for 100,000 t of acid-grade fluorspar per year. The open pit mine was
planning, exploration and improvement of beneficiation. After that the mothballed in 2014 because production of acid grade fluorspar by the
development will start to access both orebodies up to the first main previous means of mining and processing became uneconomic.
level with the spiral ramps and the ventilation shafts. Following the two Currently, only a part of the flotation plant is used for graphite
years of development, production can start, while simultaneously the beneficiation by Imerys-Gecko Graphite. The majority of equipment
backfill will be stowed. The two mines in A and D will be developed and and buildings for a potential future fluorspar operation are readily
operated at the same time. available at Okorusu.
The presented mine concept includes only the exploitation of
orebodies A and D with underground mining operation. The plan is to
mine each orebody separately with a connective surface access. The
recommended underground mining method is sublevel stoping with
longitudinal stopes. The access to the orebodies will be accomplished
through spiral ramps and ventilation shafts. Extraction will be made by
drilling and blasting, while haulage by LHD loaders and trucks.
The negative economic outlook of this study can be attributed to
the extremely high non-mining costs, which exceed the mining costs by
more than a factor of two. These are significantly higher costs than for
Figure 6. Gantt-chart with time planning for mine operating, starting example at a currently operating fluorspar underground mine in
with year 1. Germany where wages are higher and which required construction of
all plants and buildings. Therefore, there is significant potential for cost
reduction in this first underground mining proposal for Okorusu
especially in the reduction of administration, engineering and
beneficiation costs. Gecko currently conducts beneficiation tests to
reduce costs and improve the recovery of fluorspar in the acid-grade
product line.
Under the ownership of the chemical industry giant Solvay,
Okorusu only produced acid grade fluorspar. Okorusu’s economic
outlook will significantly improve if metallurgical grade fluorspar is
produced from its vast low grade resources (20-30 % CaF2) such as at
orebody E.
Figure 7. Allocation of total costs, non-mining costs on the left and In addition, systematic exploration of the Okorusu complex will
mining costs pointed out on the right. likely result in the discovery of additional, fluorspar ore bodies. In the
past, orebody A in particular was not systematically explored, whereas
ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS the knowledge about orebody D is better. Larger resources will directly
As far as the economic analysis is concerned, all extraction costs impact the mine’s economy as life of mine will increase.
were calculated including handling the material, operating and
SME Annual Meeting
Feb. 25 - 28, 2018, Minneapolis, MN

Finally, the low price for acid-grade fluorspar at the time of writing
this paper is projected to increase within the next two years which will
have a leverage effect on the economy of Okorusu mine.

1. Deutsche Rohstoffagentur, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften

und Rohstoffe (2017), "Preismonitor Januar 2017".
cpl_17_01.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=2 (last accessed
29.03.2017). (in German)

2. Gecko Namibia (2017), "Confidential Data provided by Gecko

Namibia ".

3. Hamrin, Hans (2001), "Underground Mining Methods and

Applications", in Underground mining methods, W. A. Hustrulid
and Richard C. Bullock, Little-ton, CO, Society for Mining
Metallurgy and Exploration, pp. 3–14.

4. Reuther, Ernst-Ulrich (2010), "Lehrbuch der Bergbaukunde", 12th

ed., Essen, VGE-Verlag. (in German)

5. Schilka, Wolfgang (2017), "Personal communication, Topic:

Diploma thesis - Economic considerations", E-Mail. (in German)

6. The Chamber of Mines of Namibia (2016), "Annual Review 2016".

reviews/ (last accessed 17.05.2017).

7. U.S. Geological Survey National Minerals Information Center

(2015), "Mineral Commodity Summaries 2015 Fluorspar".
-2015-fluor.pdf (last accessed 29.03.2017).

8. U.S. Geological Survey National Minerals Information Center

(2017), "Mineral Commodity Summaries 2017 Fluorspar".
-2017-fluor.pdf (last accessed 29.03.2017).

9. Wolf, Franziska (2017), "Technical-Economical Comparison of

Underground Mine Design of Ore Bodies A and A in the Fluorspar
Mine Okorusu, Namibia", Diploma Thesis, TU Bergakademie
Freiberg, Freiberg. (in German)

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