Mosfet Note 2
Mosfet Note 2
Mosfet Note 2
Management, Kolaghat
Lec.-13, 14 and 15
Prof. Anup Gorai
Circuit symbols for n-channel and p-channel enhancement
and depletion type MOSFETs:
The abbreviations
used for the device
terminals are: G for
the gate, D for the
drain, S for the
source, and B for
the substrate (or
Fig.: Circuit symbols for n-channel depletion-type MOSFETs.
The work function difference (φGC) between the gate and the
channel reflects the built-in potential of the MOS system,
which consists of the p-type substrate, the thin silicon dioxide
layer, and the gate electrode. Depending on the gate material,
the work function difference is
where the parameter γ
Also, it is assumed that the entire channel region between
the source and the drain is inverted, i.e.,
Equation (8) represents the drain current ID as a simple
second-order function of the two external voltages, VGS and
VDS. This current equation can also be rewritten as
So, ……………..(12)
Fig.3:ID vz. VD
Channel Length Modulation
Consider the inversion layer charge QI that represents the
total mobile electron charge on the surface, given by eq.(3).
and the inversion layer charge at the drain end of the channel
is ………………..(15)
The electrons traveling from the source toward the drain
traverse the inverted channel segment of length L', and then
they are injected into the depletion region of length ΔL that
separates the pinch-off point from the drain edge. As seen in
Fig. 4, we can represent the inverted portion of the surface by a
shortened channel, with a channel-end voltage of VDSAT. The
gradual channel approximation is valid in this region; thus, the
channel current can be found using eq.(13).
Note that this current equation corresponds to a MOSFET with
effective channel length L', operating in saturation. Thus, eq.(20)
accounts for the actual shortening of the channel, also called
channel length modulation. Since L'< L, the saturation current
calculated by using eq.(20) will be larger than that found by
using eq.(13) under the same bias conditions. As L' decreases
with increasing VDS, the saturation mode current ID(sat) will also
increase with VDS. By approximating the effective channel length
L'= L-ΔL as a function of the drain bias voltage, we can modify
eq.(20) to reflect this drain voltage dependence.
Now, rewrite the saturation current as follows:
The first term of this saturation current expression accounts
for the channel modulation effect, while the rest of this
expression is identical to eq.(13). It can be shown that the
channel length shortening ΔL is actually proportional to the
square root of (VDS - VDSAT).
Here, λ is an empirical model parameter, and is called the
channel length modulation coefficient.
Assuming that λ.VDS << 1, the saturation current given in
eq.(20) can now be written as:
Current-voltage equations of the n-channel MOSFET:
Current-voltage equations of the p-channel MOSFET: