Mosfet Note 2

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College of Engineering and

Management, Kolaghat
Lec.-13, 14 and 15

Prof. Anup Gorai
Circuit symbols for n-channel and p-channel enhancement
and depletion type MOSFETs:

The abbreviations
used for the device
terminals are: G for
the gate, D for the
drain, S for the
source, and B for
the substrate (or

Fig.: Circuit symbols for n-channel depletion-type MOSFETs.

Fig.: Circuit symbols for p-channel depletion-type MOSFETs.

A MOS transistor which has no conducting channel region at
zero gate bias is called an enhancement-type (or enhancement-
mode) MOSFET. If a conducting channel already exists at zero
gate bias, on the other hand, the device is called a depletion-type
(or depletion-mode) MOSFET.

Fig.3: Formation of a depletion region in an n-channel

enhancement-type MOSFET.
The simplest bias condition that can be applied to the n-
channel enhancement-type MOSFET is shown in Fig: 3. The
source, the drain, and the substrate terminals are all
connected to ground. A positive gate-to-source voltage VGS is
then applied to the gate in order to create the conducting

For small gate voltage levels, the majority carriers (holes)

are repelled back into the substrate, and the surface of the p-
type substrate is depleted. Since the surface is devoid of any
mobile carriers, current conduction between the source and
the drain is not possible.
Now assume that the gate-to-source voltage is further
increased. As soon as the surface potential in the channel
region reaches –φFp, surface inversion will be established, and
a conducting n-type layer will form between the source and
the drain regions.
This channel now provides an electrical connection between
the two n+ regions, and it allows current flow, as long as there
is a potential difference between the source and the drain
terminal voltages.

The value of the gate-to-source voltage VGS needed to cause

surface inversion (to create the conducting channel) is called
the threshold voltage VT0. Any gate to-source voltage smaller
than VT0 is not sufficient to establish an inversion layer; thus,
the MOSFET can conduct no current between its source and
drain terminals unless VGS > VT0 .
Fig.4: Band diagram of the MOS structure underneath the gate,
at surface inversion. Notice the band bending by |2φF| at the
For gate-to-source voltages larger than the threshold voltage, a
larger number of minority carriers (electrons) are attracted to
the surface, which ultimately contribute to channel current
conduction. Also note that increasing the gate to- source
voltage above and beyond the threshold voltage will not affect
the surface potential and the depletion region depth. Both
quantities will remain approximately constant and equal to
their values attained at the onset of surface inversion.
The Threshold Voltage:
Following physical parameters affecting the threshold voltage
of a MOS structure.
(i) the work function difference between the gate and the
(ii) the gate voltage component to change the surface
(iii) the gate voltage component to offset the depletion region
charge, and
(iv) the voltage component to offset the fixed charges in the
gate oxide and in the silicon-oxide interface.

The work function difference (φGC) between the gate and the
channel reflects the built-in potential of the MOS system,
which consists of the p-type substrate, the thin silicon dioxide
layer, and the gate electrode. Depending on the gate material,
the work function difference is

So, this first component of the threshold voltage accounts for

part of the voltage drop across the MOS system that is built-in

Now, the externally applied gate voltage must be changed to

achieve surface inversion, i.e., to change the surface potential
by -2φF. This will be the second component of the threshold
Another component of the applied gate voltage is necessary
to offset the depletion region charge, which is due to the fixed
acceptor ions located in the depletion region near the surface.
We can calculate the depletion region charge density at
surface inversion (φ S =- φF).
Note that if the substrate (body) is biased at a different voltage
level than the source, which is at ground potential (reference),
then the depletion region charge density can be expressed as a
function of the source-to-substrate voltage VSB.


The component that offsets the depletion region charge is

then equal to -QB/COX, where Cox is the gate oxide
capacitance per unit area.

In the oxide layer, there always exists a fixed positive charge

density Qox at the interface between the gate oxide and the
silicon substrate, due to impurities and/or lattice
imperfections at the interface. The gate voltage component
that is necessary to offset this positive charge at the interface
is -QOX/Cox.
Now, we can combine all of these voltage components to find
the threshold voltage. For zero substrate bias, the threshold
voltage VT0 is expressed as follows:

For nonzero substrate bias, on the other hand, the depletion

charge density term must be modified to reflect the influence
of VSB upon that charge, resulting in the following generalized
threshold voltage expression.
The generalized form of the threshold voltage can also be
written as


Now, from the eqs.(3)& (4), we get


Thus, the most general expression of the threshold voltage VT

can be found as follows:

where the parameter γ


is the substrate-bias (or body-effect) coefficient.

The eq.(9) applicables for both the p-channel and n-channel
MOSFET, but we have to careful on the polarities of the
MOSFET Operation:

The MOSFET consists of a MOS capacitor with two p-n

junctions placed immediately adjacent to the channel region
that is controlled by the MOS gate. The carriers, i.e.,
electrons in an n-MOS transistor, enter the structure through
the source contact (S), leave through the drain (D), and are
subject to the control of the gate (G) voltage.
To ensure that both p-n junctions are reverse-biased initially,
the substrate potential is kept lower than the other three
terminal potentials.
We have seen that when 0 <VGS<VT0 the region between the
source and the drain is depleted; no carrier flow can be
observed in the channel.
As the gate voltage is increased beyond the threshold voltage
(VGS > VT0 ), however, the intrinsic Fermi energy level at the
surface is pulled below the Fermi level, causing the surface
potential φs to turn positive and to invert the surface.
Once the inversion layer is established on the surface, an n-type
conducting channel forms between the source and the drain,
which is capable of carrying the drain current.
Next, the influence of drain-to-source bias VDS and different
modes of drain current flow will be examined for an nMOS
transistor with VGS > VT0.
At VDS = 0, thermal equilibrium exists in the inverted channel
region, and the drain current ID is equal to zero.
If a small drain voltage VDS > 0 is applied, a drain current
proportional to VDS will flow from the source to the drain
through the conducting channel.
The inversion layer, i.e., the channel, forms a continuous current
path from the source to the drain. This operation mode is called
the linear mode, or the linear region. In linear region operation,
the channel region acts as a voltage-controlled resistor.
For more increment of drain voltage, the inversion layer
charge and the channel depth at the drain end start to
decrease. Eventually, for VDS = VDSAT, the inversion charge at
the drain is reduced to zero, which is called the pinch-off
For VDS > VDSAT, a depleted surface region forms adjacent to the
drain, and this depletion region grows toward the source with
increasing drain voltages. This operation mode of the MOSFET
is called the saturation mode or the saturation region.
For a MOSFET operating in the saturation region, the effective
channel length is reduced as the inversion layer near the drain
MOSFET Current-Voltage Characteristics

The analytical derivation of the MOSFET current-voltage

relationships for various bias conditions requires that several
approximations be made to simplify the problem. Without
these simplifying assumptions, analysis of the actual three-
dimensional MOS system would become a very complex task
and would prevent the derivation of closed form current-
voltage equations. In the' following, we will use the gradual
channel approximation (GCA) for establishing the MOSFET
current-voltage relationships, which will effectively reduce the
analysis to a one-dimensional current-flow problem.
Fig.1: Cross-sectional view of an n-channel transistor,
operating in linear region.
Gradual Channel Approximation:
To begin with the current-flow analysis, consider the cross-
sectional view of the n channel MOSFET operating in the
linear mode, as shown in Fig..
Here, the source and the substrate terminals are connected
to ground, i.e., Vs = VB = 0. The gate-to-source voltage (VGS)
and the drain-to-source voltage (VDS) are the external
parameters controlling the drain (channel) current ID. The
gate-to-source voltage is set to be larger than the threshold
voltage VT0 to create a conducting inversion layer between
the source and the drain.
We define the coordinate system for this structure such that
the x-direction is perpendicular to the surface, pointing down
into the substrate, and the y-direction is parallel to the
surface. The y-coordinate origin (y = 0) is at the source end of
the channel.
The channel voltage with respect to the source will be
denoted by Vc(y). Now assume that the threshold voltage VT0
is constant along the entire channel region, between y = 0
and y = L.
In reality, the threshold voltage changes along the channel
since the channel voltage is not constant. Next, assume that
the electric field component Ey along the y-coordinate is
dominant compared to the electric field component Ex along
the x-coordinate.
This assumption will allow us to reduce the current-flow
problem in the channel to the y-dimension only. Note that
the boundary conditions for the channel voltage VC are:

Also, it is assumed that the entire channel region between
the source and the drain is inverted, i.e.,


The channel current (drain current) ID is due to the electrons

in the channel region traveling from the source to the drain
under the influence of the lateral electric field component
Let Q(y) be the total mobile electron charge in the surface
inversion layer. This charge can be expressed as a function of
the gate-to-source voltage VGS and of the channel voltage
V(y) as follows:

Figure 2 shows the spatial geometry of the surface inversion

layer and indicates its significant dimensions.

Fig.2: Simplified geometry of the surface inversion layer (channel

Now consider the incremental resistance dR of the differential
channel segment shown in Fig. 2. Assuming that all mobile
electrons in the inversion layer have a constant surface
mobility μn, the incremental resistance can be expressed as
follows. Note that the minus sign is due to the negative
polarity of the inversion layer charge QI.


The electron surface mobility μn used in eq.(4) depends on the

doping concentration of the channel region, and its magnitude
is typically about one-half of that of the bulk electron mobility.
We will assume that the channel current density is uniform
across this segment. According to our one-dimensional
model, the channel (drain) current ID flows between the
source and the drain regions in the y-coordinate direction.
Applying Ohm's law for this segment yields the voltage drop
along the incremental segment dy, in the y direction.


This equation can now be integrated along the channel, i.e.,

from y = 0 to y = L, using the boundary conditions given in
The left-hand side of this equation is simply equal to L.ID.
The integral on the right-hand side is evaluated by replacing
QI(y) with eq.(3).

Assuming that the channel voltage Vc is the only variable

in eq.(7) that depends on the position y, the drain current
is found as follows.

Equation (8) represents the drain current ID as a simple
second-order function of the two external voltages, VGS and
VDS. This current equation can also be rewritten as


where the parameters k and k' are defined as



The ratio of (W/L) is one of the most important design

parameters in MOS digital circuit design.
The current equation (8) is MOS Transistor valid only for the
linear mode operation. Beyond the linear region boundary,
i.e., for VDS values larger than VGS - VT0, the MOS transistor will
be assumed to be in saturation

So, ……………..(12)

This saturation drain current level can be found simply by

substituting eq.(12) for VDS in eq.(8).

Fig.3:ID vz. VD
Channel Length Modulation
Consider the inversion layer charge QI that represents the
total mobile electron charge on the surface, given by eq.(3).

The inversion layer charge at the source end of the channel is

…………………. (14)

and the inversion layer charge at the drain end of the channel
is ………………..(15)

Note that at the edge of saturation, i.e., when the drain-to-

source voltage reaches VDSAT,
the inversion layer charge at the drain end becomes zero,
according to eq.(15). In reality, the channel charge does not
become exactly equal to zero (remember that the GCA is just a
simple approximation of the actual conditions in the channel),
but it indeed becomes very small.

Thus, we can state that under the bias condition given in

eq.(16), the channel is pinched-off at the drain end, i.e., at y =
L. The onset of the saturation mode operation in the MOSFET
is signified by this pinch-off event. If the drain-to-source
voltage VDS is increased even further beyond the saturation
edge so that VDS > VDSAT, an even larger portion of the channel
becomes pinched-off.
Figure4 :. Channel length modulation in an n-channel MOSFET
operation in saturation mode.
Consequently, the effective channel length (the length of the
inversion layer where GCA is still valid) is reduced to

where ΔL is the length of the channel segment with QI = 0 (Fig.

4). Hence, the pinchoff point moves from the drain end of the
channel toward the source with increasing drain-to-source
The remaining portion of the channel between the pinch-off
point and the drain will be in depletion mode. Since QI(y) = 0
for L'< y < L, the channel voltage at the pinch-off point remains
equal to VDSAT, i.e.,

The electrons traveling from the source toward the drain
traverse the inverted channel segment of length L', and then
they are injected into the depletion region of length ΔL that
separates the pinch-off point from the drain edge. As seen in
Fig. 4, we can represent the inverted portion of the surface by a
shortened channel, with a channel-end voltage of VDSAT. The
gradual channel approximation is valid in this region; thus, the
channel current can be found using eq.(13).

Note that this current equation corresponds to a MOSFET with
effective channel length L', operating in saturation. Thus, eq.(20)
accounts for the actual shortening of the channel, also called
channel length modulation. Since L'< L, the saturation current
calculated by using eq.(20) will be larger than that found by
using eq.(13) under the same bias conditions. As L' decreases
with increasing VDS, the saturation mode current ID(sat) will also
increase with VDS. By approximating the effective channel length
L'= L-ΔL as a function of the drain bias voltage, we can modify
eq.(20) to reflect this drain voltage dependence.
Now, rewrite the saturation current as follows:

The first term of this saturation current expression accounts
for the channel modulation effect, while the rest of this
expression is identical to eq.(13). It can be shown that the
channel length shortening ΔL is actually proportional to the
square root of (VDS - VDSAT).

To simplify the analysis even further, we will use the

following empirical relation between ΔL and the drain-to-
source voltage instead:

Here, λ is an empirical model parameter, and is called the
channel length modulation coefficient.
Assuming that λ.VDS << 1, the saturation current given in
eq.(20) can now be written as:



This simple current equation prescribes a linear drain-bias

dependence for the saturation current in MOS transistors,
determined by the empirical parameter λ.
Fig.5: Current-voltage characteristics of an n-channel MOS
transistor, including the channel length modulation effect.
Substrate Bias Effect
Note that the derivation of linear-mode and saturation-mode
current-voltage characteristics in the previous pages has been
done under the assumption that the substrate potential is
equal to the source potential, i.e., VSB = 0.

In many digital circuit applications, on the other hand, the

source potential of an nMOS transistor can be larger than the
substrate potential, which results in a positive source-to-
substrate voltage VSB > 0. In this case, the influence of the
nonzero VSB upon the current characteristics must be
accounted for.
Recall that the general expression for the threshold voltage VT
already includes the substrate bias term and, hence, it reflects
the influence of the nonzero source-to-substrate voltage upon
the device characteristics.

We can simply replace the threshold voltage terms in linear-

mode and saturation-mode current equations with the more
general VT(VSB) term.


Current-voltage equations of the n-channel MOSFET:



Current-voltage equations of the p-channel MOSFET:



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