Unit 2 Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller
Unit 2 Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller
Unit 2 Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller
Q 1: Draw the block diagram of microcontroller 8051 (4) or Q 2: Draw the architecture of
microcontroller 8051 (4)
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
Features of microcontroller 8051
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
Pin configuration of 8051 :
Q. Draw the Pin diagram of 8051 microcontroller (4) or Q : Explain the Pin configuration of 8051 (6).
P1.0 1 + Vcc
P1.1 2 P0.0 ( AD 0 )
P1. 2 3
38 P0.1 ( AD 1 )
Pin1-8 P1. 4 36 P0. 3 ( AD 3 ) Port 0
P1. 6 7 P0. 5 ( AD 5 )
P1. 7 8 P0. 6 ( AD 6 )
RST 9 P0. 7 ( AD 7 )
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
Pin 1 to Pin 8 are the port 1 pins for bit 0 to bit 7 respectively.
Pin 9 : RST ; It is reset pin . It is active high input pin. Normally is at logic low level. When
logic high level is applied to this pin , 8051 resets & all the ports act as output ports. Also PC = 00 H.
Pin 10 to Pin 17 have dual functions. Pin 10 to Pin 17 act as a port 3 pins for bit 0 to bit 7 respectively.
Pin 16 : WR ; Write Strobe ; It is active low write enable pin for memory.
Pin 17 : RD ; Read Strobe ; It is active low read enable pin for memory.
Pin 18 : XTAL 2 & Pin 19 : XTAL 1 are the crystal input pins .
Pin 21 to Pin 28 : P2.0 – P2.7 / A8 – A15. Pin 21 to Pin 28 act as port 2 pins for bit 0 to bit 7
respectively. Also act as higher byte address pins for memory.
Pin 29 : PSEN , It is output pin stands for Program Store Enable. It is active low. When program
codes are stored in external ROM , PSEN pin is connected to OE ( output Enable ) pin of
external ROM.
i] ALE :- Address Latch Enable . It is active high output pin. When external memory is connected
to 8051, ALE is used for de-multiplexing the address & data by connecting it to the strobe pin of latch
( IC 74 LS 373 ) . Now port 0 acts as AD0 – AD7 for communication of address & data with external
ii] PROG :- The dual function of pin 30 is to receive Program pulse for EPROM programmer.
i] VPP :- During programming of EPROM the programming voltage is applied to this pin.
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
ii] EA :- External Access:- When external memory is connected to 8051 & if EA = 0 then program
code are fetched from external memory only. If EA = 0 then program code are fetched from internal
memory when (PC) are less than 1FFF H. When ( PC ) are greater than 1FFF H then program code are
fetched from external memory.
Pin 32 – Pin 39 : ( P0. 7 – P0.0 ) / ( AD7 – AD0 ) :- These pins have dual functions.
i] ( P0. 7 – P0.0 ) :- These pins act as port 0 pins for bit 7 to bit 0 respectively.
ii] ( AD7 – AD0 ) :- These pins act as address / data pins for memory.
Pin 40 : + VCC : This pin is power supply pin for 8051 & has operating voltage of + 5 V.
1] ALE :- Address Latch Enable . It is active high output pin. When external memory is connected to
8051 , ALE is used for de-multiplexing the address & data by connecting it to the strobe pin of latch (
IC 74 LS 373 ) .Now port 0 acts as AD0 – AD7 for communication of address & data with external
2] PSEN :- It is output pin stands for Program Store Enable. It is active low. When program codes are
stored in external ROM , PSEN pin is connected to OE ( output Enable ) pin of external ROM.
CPU registers :
Q : Explain the functions of following registers .
1] CPU Registers:-
i. Micro-controller 8051 contains 34 general purpose registers or working registers. Register A & B
holds results of many instructions e. g. arithmetic & logical operations of 8051 CPU.
ii. The other 32 registers are arranged a part of internal RAM in 4 register banks as B0, B1, B2, B3 each
comprises the mathematical core.
iii. Accumulator A is most versatile & used for many operations like +, -, integer multiplication &
division and Boolean bit manipulation.
iv. A is also used for data transfer between 8051 & external memory.
v. Register B is also used with register A for multiplication , division & has no other function other than
as a location where data may be stored.
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
ii. Program instruction bytes are fetched from memory location having address in program counter.
iii. The program ROM on-chip may have address from 0000h to 0FFFh.
v. The PC is automatically incremented after each instruction byte is fetched from memory.
vii. The PC is 16 bit register that does not have internal address.
i. Data pointer is 16 bit register made from two 8 bit registers named as DPH & DPL
ii. DPTR is used to furnish memory address for internal & external code access & external data access.
iii. DPTR is under the control of program instruction & can be specified by it’s 16 bit name.
iv. DPTR or DPH & DTL does not have internal address. DPH & DPL each are assigned address.
i. Flags are 1 bit registers provided to store result of certain program instructions.
ii. Other instructions can test the conditions of flags & make decisions based on flag states.
iii. The flags are grouped inside PSW & power control registers PCON.
iv. Micro-controller 8051 contains four math flags that responds automatically to result of math
v. It has three general purpose flags that can be set to 1 or reset to 0 by programmer as desired.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
Bit Symbol Function
7 CY Carry Flag ; used in arithmetic , jump, rotate & Boolean instruction
6 AC Auxiliary Carry flag ; used for BCD arithmetic.
5 FO User Flag 0
ii. They can be used as timer to generate time delay using internal clock or as counter to count number of
events outside the microcontroller.
iv. Each timer register can be accessed as two separate 8 bit register as lower byte & higher byte as TH 0
TL 0 & TH 1 TL 1
Timer 0 Register :- The 16 bit register of Timer 0 can be separately accessed as lower byte TL0 & higher
byte TH0.
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
These register can be accessed like any other register such as A , B , R0 , R1 etc.
TH 0 TL 0
Timer 1 Register :- The 16 bit register of Timer 1 can be separately accessed as lower byte TL1 & higher
byte TH 1.
These register can be accessed like any other register such as A , B , R0 , R1 etc.
TH 1 TL 1
Timer 0 & Timer 1 uses same mode control register called as Timer Mode Register ( TMOD )to set
various timer operations
It is 8 bit register in which lower 4 bits are used for Timer 0 & upper 4 bits for Timer 1.
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
For Timer 1 For Timer 0
SETB TRX ( Start ) & CLR TRX ( stop ) if TR 1 / TR 0 is Set in TCON register.
When Gate =1,Timer / Counter starts only when INTX pin is high & TRX pin is Set.
6/3 C/T : When C / T = 0 , Timer 1 / Timer 0 acts as a timer to count internal clock frequency
M1 M0 Mode
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 2
1 1 3
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
TCON register.
TF 1 TR 1 TF 0 TR 0 IE 1 IT 1 IE 0 IT 0
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
Stack and Stack Pointer (SP) : -
Q : Explain the Stack operation in 8051. OR Explain the PUSH and POP operations on Stack.
i. Stack is a area of internal RAM used to store certain op codes & take out data quickly.
ii. The register used to access the stack is called Stack Pointer ( SP ) register SP is 8 bit register.
iii. It is used by 8051 to hold an internal RAM address called as top of the stack.
iii. The SP is set to 07 h when 8051 is reset & can be changed to any internal RAM address by the
When data is to be placed on the stack , the SP increments before storing data on the stack so that stack grows
up as data is stored. The following example illustrates the PUSU operation on the stack.
Show the stack and stack pointer for the following program.
MOV R6 , # 25 H
MOV R1 , # 12 H
MOV R4 , # 08 H
0B 0B 0B 0B 0B
0A 0A 0A 0A 08
09 09 09 12 09 12
08 08 25 08 25 08 25
Start SP = 07 SP = 08 SP = 09 SP = 0A
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
i. With every POP operation , the top byte of the stack is copied to the register specified by the
instruction and then the stack pointer is decremented by one to indicate new stack top
ii. The following example illustrates the POP operation on the stack
iii. Examining the stack , show the contents of register and SP
0B 0B 0B 0B 0B
0A F9 0A F9 0A 0A
09 76 09 76 09 76 09
08 6C 08 6C 08 6C 08 6C
Start SP = 0B SP = 0A SP = 09 SP = 08
Internal RAM
Micro-controller 8051 contains internal RAM of 128 bytes divided into three different areas as
1] Working registers :-
iii. Each register is addressed by it’s name ( when it’s bank is selected ) or by it’s RAM address.
iv. The bits RS1 & RS0 in PSW determines which bank of register is currently in use at any time when
program is running.
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
iv. Register banks not selected can be used as general purpose RAM. Bank 0 is always selected on reset
of 8051.
i. Bit Addressable Area of internal RAM consists of 16 bytes having address from 20H to 2FH.
iii. Addressable bits are useful when program needs only binary event (switching ON & OFF light)
It is RAM area above bit addressable area having address from 30H to 7FH as addressable bytes.
7F H
Scratch pad RAM
2F H
Bit Addressable RAM
20 H
Register Bank 3
Register Bank 2
Register Bank 1
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
Q : Explain the internal ROM of 8051 with diagram .
i. Internal ROM of 8051 contains the internal program codes having address space from 0000h to
ii. PC is ordinarily used to address program code bytes from address 0000h to 0FFFh.
iii. The program address higher than 0FFFh will cause 8051 automatically to fetch code bytes from
external program memory.
iv. When External Access pin ( EA pin 31 ) of 8051 is grounded , PC uses same address space from 0000h
to 0FFFh to fetch program codes from the external memory.
v. i.e. When EA = 1 , the 8051 will fetch program codes from internal ROM ; if PC contains address from
0000h to 0FFFh. And , the 8051 will fetch program codes from in external ROM ; if PC contains address
higher than 0FFFh.
vi. i.e. When EA = 0 , the 8051 will fetch program codes from external ROM , in this case PC uses
same address space from 0000h to 0FFFh & has nothing to do with the operation codes in the internal
ROM. It implies that , when EA = 0 , only external ROM is accessible.
4 K Byte
Internal ROM
0000 H
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
Oscillator & Clock
Q : Explain the oscillator & clock circuit used by 8051.
i. Oscillator & clock circuit generates the clock pulses that synchronizes all internal operations.
ii. XTAL1 & XTAL2 pin are provided to 8051 to connect external resonating circuit to form the
iii. Generally a quartz crystal & capacitors are connected to form a clock circuit as shown in figure.
C1 C2
iv. The clock circuit is designed for specific minimum & maximum frequency typically 1 MHz to 16
MHz .
v. The clock freq should be above min value to operate internal dynamic memories to avoid the loss
of data .
vi. Serial data communication needs a discrete frequency so that the basic clock rate must be divided
by internal counters to result a standard communication baud rate ( bits /sec. ).
vii. Ceramic resonators are also used but they have poor frequency stability & accuracy.
viii. Ceramic resonators are not useful in high speed serial data communication & in critical timing
ix. The time required to execute the instruction is given by ,
Tinst = C x 12 / crystal frequency. Where C = no. of clock cycles for the instruction.
1. Microcontroller 8051 has internal RAM & ROM but an external RAM , ROM / EPROM can be interfaced
to 8051 .
2. Microcontroller 8051 access external ROM when EA ( External Access ) pin is grounded .
3. When EA = 1 , microcontroller 8051 can access internal ROM if PC contains the address higher than
0FFF h ( i.e. above the last address of the 4 K byte internal ROM ) .
4. If the PC contains the address less than 0FFF h , 8051 can access the internal ROM having address space
from 0000 h to 0FFF h.
5. When EA = 0 , 8051 access external ROM only & uses same address space 0000 h to 0FFF h.
6. Figure shows the external memory access. During many memory cycles , PORT 0 is time multiplexed .
7. It provides lower byte address for external memory & then acts as bidirectional data bus to read & write
memory data.
8. PORT 2 provides higher byte address for external memory during entire memory Read / Write cycle.
9. The lower byte address of the memory must be latched into external register to save the byte .
10. The address byte save is done by ALE clock pulse then PORT 0 pins act as data pins.
11. When memory access is for program code in ROM then PSEN ( Program Store Enable ) will go low to
enable ROM & place a byte of program code on the data bus.
A15 A15
8051 64 K Byte
AD7 AD7 A7 A7
Latch D7 D0
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
Port 0, 1, 2, 3 & Circuits
Q. Draw port 0 circuit & explain it as Input , Output & I / O port.
Port 0 circuit :-
1. Port 0 circuit consists of D Latch , Tri State buffer TB1 to read latch bit , Tri State buffer TB2 to read
pin data and MOSFET M1 as shown in figure.
2. Port 0 circuit do not use internal pull up resistors so it allows multiplexed lower byte ADDRESS /DATA
lines for external memory interfaced using IC 74LS 373 Latch
3. Port 0 is used as I/O port.
4. ON RESET , PORT 0 acts as output port.
5. To use PORT 0 as input port , 1 must be written into port latch
6. Now Q = 1 and Q= 0 so that MOSFET M1 is off and causes the port pin to float so external pull up
resistor is necessary to use port 0 as a simple I/O port.
Internal Bus
Pin 0 . X
Write to Latch
Read Pin data
Port 1 circuit :-
1. Port 1 circuit consists of D Latch , Tri State buffer TB1 to read latch bit , Tri State buffer TB2 to read
pin data and MOSFET M1 as shown in figure.
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
2. Port 1 circuit uses internal pull up resistors
3. Port 1 simply acts as a I/O port.
4. On reset , port 1 acts as a output port.
5. To use PORT 1 as input port , 1 must be written into port latch .
TB 1 + VCC
Internal Bus D Q
Pin 1 . X
Write to Latch M 1
1. Port 2 is 8 bit port used as a input & output port similar to port 1.
3. When port 2 supplies higher byte address for external memory , it’s pins are momentarily changed by address
control signal .
4. Port 2 pins remains stable when external memory is addressed & do not turn around for data input as in case
of port 0 pins.
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
Read Latch Bit
TB 1 + VCC
Write to Latch M1
1. To use Port 2 pin as input, 1 must be written into the latch by program.
2. This turns FET OFF, the pin & input to pin buffer is pulled high
3. When the external input is low, the external circuit can overcome high impedance pull up & drive the
pin low.
4. If the external input is high, it is left high to indicate 1 state on the pin.
2. The I / O functions can be programmed under the control of Port 3 latches & different special
function registers.
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
Read Latch Bit
TB 1 + VCC
Write to Latch M 1
1. To use Port 3 pin as output , the pin latches containing 1 can drive input of external circuit high through
pull up.
2. If 0 is written to latch , lower FET is ON & pull up FET is OFF and pin can drive the input of external
circuit to low.
3. Each pin of port 3 may be individually programmed as a input or output or for one of the alternate
1. In mode 0 , the timer 1 / timer 0 works as a 13 bit Timer / counter as shown in figure.
2. TL – TH can hold values between 0000 H to 1FFF H.
3. When timer rolls from 1FFF H to 0000 H then Timer over flow flag TF 1 / TF 0 is set to 1.
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
8 bit 5 bit over flow flag
4] keep monitoring TF flag with JNB TFX , Target instruction to see if TF is set.
1. In mode 1 , the timer 1 / timer 0 works as a 16 bit Timer / counter as shown in figure.
2. TL – TH can hold values between 0000 H to FFFF H.
3. When timer rolls from FFFF H to 0000 H then Timer over flow flag TF 1 / TF 0 is set to 1.
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
Steps to program Timer in mode 1 :-
4] keep monitoring TF flag with JNB TFX , Target instruction to see if TF is set.
C/T=0 TR = 1 THX
8 bit.
4] Keep monitoring timer flag ( TF ) with JNB TFX , Target instruction to see whether it is raised .
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
5] Get out of loop when TFX goes high.
TH 0 8 bit TF 1
f / 12 Interrupt
TR 1 bit in TCON
SCON Register is 8 bit register used to program the start bit, stop bit and data bits of data framing with other
things as shown.
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
SM1 :- Serial Mode Specifier
TI :- Transmit Interrupt flag , Set by hardware at the beginning of stop bit in mode 1.
RI :- Receive Interrupt flag , Set by hardware halfway through stop bit time in mode 1.
Interrupt Enable (IE) Register is 8 bit special function register having bit format as shown .
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit
4 : ES : Enable serial port interrupt : Cleared by program to disable serial port interrupt
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane
2 : EX1 : Enable External Interrupt 1 : Cleared by program to disable External interrupt 1
Interrupt Priority ( IP ) Register is 8 bit special function register having bit format as shown .
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit
SYBSC. Ele-402. Unit-2. Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller Prof. Anil Sonawane