7.L19 L24 Black Body Radiation
7.L19 L24 Black Body Radiation
7.L19 L24 Black Body Radiation
……………… (2)
Emission of Radiation
Classification of objects
Objects susceptible to exchange energy are classified into
three categories:
Transparent objects that allow radiation to pass through
without attenuation. This is the case with glass, transparent
plastic material, etc.
Opaque objects that absorb radiation and get heated. This
is the case with solid bodies (metals, rocks, etc.), cardboard
and some viscous liquids, such as paint.
Translucent objects that absorb a part of the radiation and
allow the rest to pass through. For these objects, radiation
propagation is accompanied by absorption that increases
the energy of the medium. A familiar example is that of oil.
Black Body and Gray Body
A black body is an ideal object that has the specific
property of perfectly absorbing the electromagnetic
radiations irrespective of their frequency.
The adjective “black” highlights only the fact that the
object absorbs all the radiations of the visible spectrum so
that it appears to be black.
In other words, a black body is an ideal body which allows the whole of the
incident radiation to pass into itself (without reflecting the energy) and
absorbs within itself the whole incident radiation. This propety is valid for
radiation corresponding to all wavelengths and to all angels of incidence.
Therefore, the black body is an ideal absorber of incident radaition.
Any object whose absorption coefficient α = 1, is termed as black body.
Gray Body: Please note that a gray body is not necessarily gray. This term
designates any object whose absorption coefficient is α < 1.
Black body and Gray body
There are two types of bodies:
He heated the box up, wait for the system to reach a stationary state (at a
fixed temperature) and see what kind of electromagnetic radiation (intensity
as a function of frequency) comes out of the hole. He calculated correctly
that the black body would emit electromagnetic radiation having a distribution
of frequencies. However, the larger the frequency the larger its intensity,
leading to what is known as ultraviolet catastrophe. There is a serious
discrepancy between the results of classical theory and the experiment,
especially for large frequencies. Only after assuming the existence of energy
quanta, theory and experiment can be reconciled.
Black-Body Emission Spectrum
What is Radiant Exitance or Radiant Emittance?
Radiant exitance or Radiant Emittance is the radiant flux emitted by a
surface per unit area,
The SI unit of radiant exitance is the watt per square metre (W/m2), while
that of spectral exitance in frequency is the watt per square metre
per hertz (W·m−2·Hz−1) and that of spectral exitance in wavelength is the
watt per square metre per metre (W·m−3). Radiant exitance is often called
"intensity" in branches of physics other than radiometry, but in radiometry
this usage leads to confusion with radiant intensity.
Meo = σT4
For a gray body surface, the radiant exitance (Me) is given by:
Me = єMeo = єσT4
As a function of wavelength
As a function of frequency
Where, є is the emissivity of the
Isotherms of a black body: experimental Facts
By definition, the electromagnetic energy density denoted by du in the
band of angular frequency between ω and ω+dω (or of wavelength
between λ and λ+dλ) is given by the expression:
du = u (ω) dω = u (λ) dλ -----------------------------------(1)
The physical quantity u (ω) or u (λ) is called the spectral density of
electromagnetic energy. u (ω) is expressed in J ⋅ rad−1⋅ s and u (λ) in J ⋅
They explain the black body isotherms and the relation between
radiance L of the gray body and radiance L0 of the black body.
The First Law: all black bodies at the same temperature have the same
The Second Law: among all the objects brought to the same
temperature, the black body is the most luminous.
Considering a gray body of coefficient of absorption α, the mathematical
expression of Kirchhoff’s second law leads to the relation between
radiance L of the gray body and radiance L0 of the black body, which is:
L= α.L0
Beyond this slide, contents are not
included in the Mid-Sem Exam
Black-Body Radiation Laws
Black-Body Radiation Laws
λmaxT = σw
Where, σW is a constant , known as Wien's displacement constant, which is
σW = 2.8977685 × 10–3 m. K = 2.8977685 × 106 nm . K.
Wien’s law shows that the value of λmax shifts toward short wavelengths
when the temperature T increases.
Isotherm curve of the black body at temperature T
λmaxT = σw
Wien’s second law
The ordinate M0λmax of the maximum monochromatic exitance is proportional
to the fifth power of temperature, which is:
M0λmax = BT5
It is noticed that when the wavelength of radiation is such that λ < 0.5λmax,
there is practically no more radiated energy (approximately 1%).
Furthermore, there is practically no more radiated energy when λ > 4.5λmax.
By definition, the wavelength range 0.5λmax <λ < 4.5λmax is called the useful
spectrum of the considered isotherm (hatched part in Figure).
Useful Spectrum (Hatched Part of the Isotherm Curve)
Frequency (Hz)
Summary of Black-Body Properties
It has been shown that the blackbody possesses certain fundamental
properties that make it a useful standard for quantifying the properties of
real radiating bodies. These properties are the following:
2. Roughly we can say that the stars radiate like blackbody radiators. This
is important because it means that we can use the theory for blackbody
radiators to infer important properties about stars.
4. Blackbody radiation does not depend on the type of object emitting it.
Entire spectrum of blackbody radiation depends on only one parameter,
the temperature, T.
Summary of Black-Body Properties
5. The total (including all wavelengths) radiant exitance (total emissive
power) of a blackbody into a medium is given by the Stefan–Boltzmann
M0 = σT4
6. The blackbody spectral and total intensities are independent of the
direction so that emission of energy into a direction θ away from the
surface normal direction is proportional to the projected area of the
emitting element, dA cosθ. This is known as Lambert’s cosine law.
λmaxT = σw
• As the temperature
increases, the peak
λmax . T = σW
λmax = (2.898 x 10-3 m . K ) / 6000 K
= 0.483 x 10-6 m
= 483 x 10-9 m
= 483 nm
Since the wavelength range 0.5λmax <λ < 4.5λmax is called the useful spectrum
of the considered isotherm.
The maximum monochromatic exitance, M0λmax , is proportional
to the fifth power of temperature, which is:
M0λmax = BT5
= 1.28 * 10-11 *(2500)5
= 1.25 *106 Wm-2μm-1
Climate Forcing
Weather and Climate
Weather - refers to the state of the
atmosphere at a given place and time.
IPCC (www.ipcc.ch)
What makes climate to change?
Natural processes
● Changes in the Insolation
● Changes in the earth's orbit
● Changes in the atmosphere
● Changes in ice sheets
● Volcanic eruptions
● Tectonic Plate Movement
Human Activities
• Any activity that releases “greenhouse gases”
into the atmosphere
● Internal Wiggles (for example El Nino)
The surface temperature of seawater primarily depends on the latitude and season.
Global Average Annual Sea Surface Temperature
Vertical Profile of Ocean Temperature
If thermal energy from solar radiation Temperature (0-300 C)
is largely absorbed by the surface
layers, how can it be carried deeper?
1. Conduction – a slow process
2. Turbulent mixing by winds and
o Weathering process involves oWeathering process is a sink for
a chemical reaction atmospheric carbon dioxide (an
important greenhouse gas)
o Carbonic acid is formed when
carbon dioxide dissolves in oRemoving carbon dioxide from the
water atmosphere weakens the
greenhouse effect, cooling the
o Acid rain contains carbonic
o Another chemical reaction is oChemical weathering occurs more
initiated when acid rain falls on rapidly in hotter climates, which
rocks, dissolving minerals and are associated with higher levels
breaking down their structure of carbon dioxide
In the Earth system, positive and negative feedbacks are
essential components that play an important role in
maintaining a more or less stable state.
A negative feedback mechanism stabilizes a system,
preventing an extreme state.
Currently the overall effect of climate
forcers is warming the planet.
Greenhouse Gases
Nitrous Oxide
• Other greenhouse gases are emitted in smaller quantities, but they trap
heat far more effectively than CO2, and in some cases are thousands of
times stronger.
Greenhouse Gases - Carbon Dioxide
In the past, the amount of varied thermal energy received by the earth from the
Sun and also impacted by the earth’s orbital changes, plate movement, volcanism
etc reflected in the change in temperature of the earth first and then subsequently
methane and carbon dioxide changed. But currently, both methane and carbon
dioxide increased all time high without causing similar changes in temperature. The
processes, giving rise the all-time high concentrations of methane and carbon
dioxide, are different. Fossil fuel usage, industrial practices, agricultural practices,
change of land cover etc have played important roles in increased concentrations of
greenhouse gasses. It appears that other processes (chemical weathering,
increased cloud formation, high rainfall, increased aerosols etc) are working as
negative feedback to the earth climate system to keep the temperature optimum.
Further, the increase in temperature is regulated by the oceans due to high specific
heat capacity of ocean water.
The cooling trend is slower that warming trend
because of following reasons": Cooling means
reduction in air temperature. This forces humidity of
air to reduce and thereby decrease in snow fall and
therefore build-up of glacier takes more time. These
signify longer elapsed time during the cooling.
Whereas, due to increase in insolation, glaciers melt
which further resulted decrease in albedo of earth and
thereby trapping more insolation and therefore rapid
increase in temperature.
What does this graph mean?
Climate Changes Currently Happening
Summary on Climate forcing ……….…Contd.
Using the data above yields a value for Te of 256 K. Mercifully, the
average temperature of the earth is not a Siberian 17⁰ C, otherwise life
would be a very unpleasant experience for the majority of humans on this
The reason why our planet has a hospitable higher average value of
290 K is the greenhouse effect. For thousands of years, absorption of
some of the emitted infra-red radiation by molecules in the earth’s
atmosphere (mostly CO2, O3 and H2O) has trapped this radiation from
escaping out of the earth’s atmosphere (just as a garden greenhouse
Some is re-radiated back towards the earth’s surface, thereby causing an
elevation in the temperature of the surface of the earth. Thus, it is the
greenhouse effect that has maintained our planet at this average
temperature, and for this fact we should all be very grateful!
This phenomenon is often called the ‘primary’ greenhouse effect. It is,
therefore, a myth to portray all aspects of the greenhouse effect as bad
news; it is the reverse that is true.
Black-body emission curves from the sun (T ~5780 K) and
the Earth (T ~290 K), showing the operation of Wien’s Law
that ʎmax α (1/T).