Culture Media - Classification, Types, and Relevance - Conduct Science
Culture Media - Classification, Types, and Relevance - Conduct Science
Culture Media - Classification, Types, and Relevance - Conduct Science
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1/10/23, 2:39 PM Culture Media: Classification, Types, and Relevance - Conduct Science
Culture media are mediums that provide essential nutrients and minerals to support the
growth of microorganisms in the laboratory. 2/10
1/10/23, 2:39 PM Culture Media: Classification, Types, and Relevance - Conduct Science
Growing microorganisms in the lab involve mimicking the organisms’ natural habitat or
environment, and this is possible in the laboratory by formulating culture media that meets
their requirements. Therefore, many culture media were developed by scientists according to
the microbial species to be cultured.
The basic media contains a source of carbon & energy, nitrogen source, growth factors, and
some trace elements.[1] Some commonly used media components include peptone, agar,
water, casein hydrolysate, malt extract, meat extract, and yeast extract. In addition, the pH of
However, some additional components or nutrients are added to the media when growing
specific microorganisms.
Culture media can be classified in three ways: based on their consistency, nutritional
1. Solid media: In these media, the agar which is an unbranched long chain of
polysaccharides is added in the concentration of 1.5-2.0%. Most commonly, 1.3% agar is
used to prepare solid media in labs. The agar-containing media solidifies at 37 ºC.[1]
Sometimes, in the place of agar, some other inert solidifying agents are used, such as
gellan gum.
Solid media are used to grow microorganisms in their full physical form, prepare bacterial
pure cultures, or isolate bacteria to study colony characteristics.[1] The bacterial growth
on solid media varies in appearance as mucoid, round, smooth, rough, filamentous,
irregular, and punctiform. The media is not hydrolyzed by microorganisms and is free
from growth-inhibiting substances.[3] Examples of solid media are blood agar, nutrient
agar, McConkey agar, and chocolate agar.
2. Semisolid media: This media has 0.2-0.5% agar concentration, and due to the reduced
agar concentration, it appears as a soft, jelly-like substance. It’s mainly used to study the
motility of microorganisms, distinguish between motile and non-motile bacterial strains
(through U-tube and Cragie’s tube), and cultivate microaerophilic bacteria – bacteria on
this media appear as a thick line. Examples of semi-solid media are: Hugh and Leifson’s
oxidation fermentation medium, Stuart’s and Amies media, and Mannitol motility media.
3. Liquid media: These media do not contain any traces of solidifying agents, such as agar
or gelatin, and large growth of bacterial colonies can be observed in the media. Liquid
media uses
This website are also called
cookies to broths, they allow for uniform and turbid growth of bacterial strains
improve incubated
your at 37ºC
experience. By for 24hrs. The media is used for the profuse growth of
using this and fermentation studies. Examples include Tryptic soy broth, phenol red
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to carbohydrate broth, MR-VP broth, and nutrient broth.
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Other than these, there are also biphasic media, which consist of both solid and liquid media.
And sometimes in the place of agar, egg yolk and serum are added to the media as a 3/10
1/10/23, 2:39 PM Culture Media: Classification, Types, and Relevance - Conduct Science
While naturally, these substances are liquid, they are solidified by using heat, and the
prepared media is sterilized using the inspissation technique. Examples are Lowenstein
Jensen medium and Dorset egg medium, which contain egg yolk, and Loeffler’s serum slope,
1. Simple media: It’s a general-purpose media that supports the growth of non-fastidious
microbes, and it is primarily used for the isolation of microorganisms. Examples are
nutrient broth, peptone water, and nutrient agar.
2. Complex media: These are media containing nutrients in unknown quantities that are
added to bring about a particular characteristic of a microbial strain. Examples are
tryptic soy broth, blood agar, and nutrient broth.
3. Synthetic media: Synthetic media is a type of chemically defined media and is produced
from pure chemical substances. A defined media refers to a medium having a known
concentration of ingredients, like sugar (glucose or glycerol) and nitrogen source (such
as ammonium salt or nitrate as inorganic nitrogen). It is generally used in scientific
Basal media: These are routinely used simple media having carbon and nitrogen sources
that boost the growth of many microorganisms. They are also known as general-purpose
media and are considered non-selective media.
The basal media do not require enrichment sources for the growth of non-fastidious
Enriched media: This media is prepared by adding additional substances like blood,
serum, or egg yolk in the basal medium. It’s used to grow fastidious microorganisms as
they require additional nutrients and growth-promoting substances.
Examples are chocolate agar, blood agar, and Loeffler’s serum slope. Chocolate media is
used to grow N. gonorrhea while blood agar (which is prepared by adding 5-10% blood by
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to media allows the growth of certain microbes while inhibiting the
improve your of others. It’sBy
experience. an agar-based medium that is used to isolate microorganisms in you agree
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The selective growth of microbes is decided by adding substances like antibiotics, dyes,
bile more
salts, or by pH adjustments.
Below is a list of common selective media and the bacteria they’re used to culture:[2] 4/10
1/10/23, 2:39 PM Culture Media: Classification, Types, and Relevance - Conduct Science
Culture media Inhibiting substances Bacteria
1 Thayer Martin Agar Contains antibiotics; vancomycin, Used for Neisseria gonorrhoeae
colistin, and nystatin
2 MacConkey’s Agar Contains bile salts Used for Enterobacteriaceae members
3 Lowenstein Jensen Medium Addition of malachite green Used for M.tuberculosis
4 Mannitol Salt Agar Contains 10% NaCl Used to recover S.aureus
5 Crystal Violet Blood Agar Contains 0.0002% crystal violet Used for Streptococcus pyogenes
6 Thiosulfate citrate bile salts Have elevated pH of about 8.5-8.6 Used for isolating Vibrio cholerae
sucrose (TCBS) agar
7 Wilson and Blair’s Agar Addition of dye brilliant green Used for recovering S. typhi
8 Potassium tellurite medium Contains 0.04% Potassium tellurite Used to recover C.diphtheriae
9 Pseudosel Agar (cetrimide agar) Contains cetrimide (antiseptic agent) Used to recover Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Contains bile salts, brilliant green, and Used for the isolation of Salmonella,
10Enrichment media: It’sAgara liquidsodium
citrate used to increase the relative concentration of
which causes typhoid
certain microbes before culturing them on a solid medium plate. It’s used as a broth
medium and inhibits the growth of commensal species of microorganisms (those who
live in close association with each other) in the clinical specimen.
It’s also used in isolating fecal and soil microorganisms. Examples are selenite F broth
which is used to isolate Salmonella typhi from a fecal sample, tetrathionate broth, and
alpha, beta, and gamma hemolysis.[5] It allows the growth of many microorganisms,
however, their ability to lyse blood cells differs, and this helps to distinguish the
bacterial colonies.
For example, S. pyogenes completely lyse blood cells (beta hemolysis), thus causing
total clearing of the media around its colonies. S. pneumoniae partially lyse red blood
cells, resulting in a greenish-colored medium, while gamma hemolytic
microorganisms like Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, and
Staphylococcus epidermidis, can’t lyse red blood cells, thus causing no color change
in the medium.[6]
Thiosulfate citrate bile salts sucrose (TCBS) agar: The media contain sucrose, which
is utilized by ferment microbes and helps to distinguish them from non-ferment
microorganisms. Based on this characteristic, different colored bacterial colonies are
formed on the media that help to identify and distinguish them from each other. 5/10
1/10/23, 2:39 PM Culture Media: Classification, Types, and Relevance - Conduct Science
For example, V. cholerae ferment the sucrose and form slightly flattened yellow
colonies having opaque centers and translucent peripheries. Whereas, V.
parahaemolyticus can’t ferment the sucrose and forms green to blue-green colonies.
Transport media: Transport media are useful for clinical specimens which are required to
be transferred immediately to labs to maintain the viability of potential pathogens and to
prevent overgrowth of commensals or contaminating microorganisms. Some of them are
semi-solid in consistency, and examples include:
Sach’s buffered glycerol saline: It’s used to transport feces from patients suspected
to be suffering from bacillary dysentery.
Anaerobic media: This media is for anaerobic bacteria which require low oxygen levels,
extra nutrients, and reduced oxidation-reduction potential. It is supplemented with hemin
and vitamin K nutrients and oxygen is removed by boiling it in a water bath and sealing it
Assay media: It’s used for amino acids, vitamins, and antibiotics assays. For example,
antibiotic assay media is used to determine the antibiotic potency of microorganisms.
Storage media: It’s used to store microorganisms for a longer period, examples are chalk
Culture media is a source of nutrients and growth factors required for the growth of
microorganisms and even plants in laboratory conditions. Every organism has different
nutritional requirements based on its habitat or living conditions. Therefore, a single
formulation of culture media can’t be used to grow all organisms in labs.
Many types of culture media have been developed by scientists to grow selective or desired
microorganisms. These are classified based on their nutrient composition, consistency, and
application or use in life science laboratories.
This website
Culture usesserve
media cookies to purposes in labs like isolating specific strains of microorganisms,
improve your disease-causing
identifying experience. By pathogens, preparing pure culture of a microbial species,
using this websitebacterial
distinguishing you agreespecies, and studying their responses to certain antibiotics.
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Thus, before deciding which culture media to use, it is critical to determine the purpose of
your study morein some cases the type of microorganism you want to study. This narrows
down your choices and helps you to choose which media is best for your experiment, without
wasting your time and effort.
References: 6/10
1/10/23, 2:39 PM Culture Media: Classification, Types, and Relevance - Conduct Science
1. Tankeshwar Acharya (2021). Bacterial Culture Media: Classification, Types, Uses. Retrieved
2. Fatima Aiman (2022). Microbial Culture Media- Definition, Types, Examples, Uses.
Retrieved from
4. Aryal Sagar (2022). Salmonella Shigella (SS) Agar- Composition, Principle, Preparation,
Results, Uses. Retrieved from
5. Tankeshwar Acharya (2021). Blood Agar and Types of Hemolysis. Retrieved from
Anjali Singh
Anjali Singh is a freelance writer. Following her passion for science and research, she did her
Master’s in Plant Biology and Biotechnology from the University of Hyderabad, India. She has a
strong research background in Plant Sciences with expertise in Molecular techniques, Tissue
culture, and Biochemical Assays. In her free time outside work, she likes to read fictional books,
sketch, or write poems. In the future, she aspires to pursue a doctorate in Cancer Biology while
continuing her excellence as a scientific writer.
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