Growth Curve

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Bacteria are a diverse group of small, single-celled organisms in the kingdoms

Eubacteria and Archaebacteria. Found in virtually every extreme of all
habitats, they have existed on earth longer and are more widely distributed
than any other group of organisms. Bacteria have their genetic material
organized in a circular DNA molecule that is not surrounded by a nuclear
membrane. Reproduction is by binary fission with the formation of two equal
size progeny. During active bacterial growth the size of the population
continuously doubles, one cell becomes 2, 2 become 4, etc. in a geometric
progression. When bacteria are inoculated into a fresh medium, the resulting
culture exhibits a characteristic growth curve of four distinct phases (Fig. 1).
During the lag phase the cells prepare for synthesis of DNA and enzymes
needed for cell division There is no increase in cell number. This is followed
by the log phase where the culture reaches its maximum rate of growth for
specific conditions. The time required for the population to double is known as
the generation time. The generation time varies between organisms and
under different environmental conditions. The graphical determination of
doubling time can be made by extrapolation (Fig. 2). As the bacteria multiply,
nutrients are exhausted and inhibitory metabolic end products accumulate.
These conditions give rise to the stationary phase which represents no net
increase in numbers (growth rate equals death rate). Eventually there will be a
decline in cell number-the death phase.

Figure 1. Bacterial Growth Curve Figure 2. Determination of Generation Time

In this lab you will estimate numbers of bacteria by the two most widely used
methods:viable plate count and spectrophotometric analysis. In liquid culture,
the mediumappears more and more cloudy as the bacteria increase in
number by division. A tube of bacteria will tend to reflect light so that less light
is transmitted through the tube. A spectrophotometer can measure the
amount of light passing through the tube, or conversely the amount of light
absorbed. These measurements of turbidity or optical density (OD) are not
direct measurements of bacterial numbers, but an indirect measurement of
cell biomass that includes both living and dead cells. As the bacterial cell
population increases, the amount of transmitted light decreases, increasing
the absorbance reading on the spectrophotometer. (Fig. 3,4). If one takes
readings of the same culture over time, the absorbance readings will increase
as the cell number increases.

Figure 3. Flask on left contains sterile medium; flask on right medium inoculated with E. coli
the day before. Note the turbidiy in second flask due to bacterial cells.

This can then be graphed to show the growth curve for the particular
conditions being tested. There are some limitations with this method, though.
A growth curve that includes the lag, log, and stationary phase will take
several hours to complete and the relationship between cell number and
absorbance will begin to deviate from linearity at high cell densities. Generally
an absorbance reading or O.D. of 0.8 is about as high as one should try to
measure. To give you an idea of how the turbidity measurements correspond
to actual numbers, more than a million cells /ml need be present in order to
get even a trace of a measurement on the spectrophotometer.

Figure 4. Spectrophotometric determination of cell densities

To quantify viable cells a plate count is done. A sample of bacteria is diluted in

a sterile medium until the numbers are very low. This diluted sample of acteria
is then transferred onto an agar plate and spread out evenly so that each cell
is separate from the others. Each viable cell will continue to divide into a
discrete colony of millions of bacterial cells which can now be seen with the
naked eye. These colonies can then be counted. Keeping in mind that each
colony arose from a single cell that was plated onto the agar, the number of
colonies can be used to determine the number of bacterial cells present in the
original culture. For this portion of the lab you will use Escherichia coli, a
bacterium which is found by the hundreds of grams in the human lower
digestive track. Of all microbes, E. coli is probably the most utilized by
biologists and biochemists. It has fairly simple growthrequirements and a
rapid growth rate making it possible to observe its growth curve in one
laboratory period.

Laboratory Procedure
A. Growth Curve
1. Each group will receive a 125 ml flask containing 50 ml of nutrient broth
(pre-warmed to 37oC--why?). The lab instructor will then add E. coli that is in
“log phase” (exponential growth phase) to each flask.
2. Swirl the flask so there is an even suspension of bacteria. Pipette 3.0 ml
out of the flask into a cuvette (this will be your 0 time point, be sure to record
the time). Replace the cap and put flask back in 37oC incubator (the culture is
shaken to keep it mixed and aerated). Dispose of pipets in the appropriate
3. Read absorbance of 0 time point :
a. Set the wavelength at 660 nm.
b. “Blank” the spectrophotometer with a cuvette containing nutrient
broth (why this?)
c. Read the absorbance of the culture. Record. Discard the material in
the cuvette in the appropriate container.
4. In order to obtain a good growth curve you should take 4 more turbidity
(absorbance) measurements, roughly one every 20 minutes following
steps 3ac above. Try to do them as quickly as possible. To avoid cooling the
culture take out the 3 ml needed for an absorbance reading and immediately
return the stoppered flask to the 37oC incubator, then take reading.

B. Plate Count – Serial Dilution

1. At each table will be a set of four dilution tubes along with a flask of sterile
saline (0.85% NaCl). Using one pipette tip for the series, add 9.9 ml of saline
to tubes #1 and # 2, and 9.0 ml to tube #3 and #4.
2. Label the bottom of 3 petri dishes with the date, some identifying name,
and A,B or C.
3. At one of the time points for the turbidity measurements (in this case
where the O.D. is between 0.08 and 0.1) remove 0.1 ml from your growing
culture and add it to the first tube of your dilution series. Thoroughly mix.
4. Remove 0.1 ml from dilution tube #1 and deposit it into tube #2. Mix
5. Remove 1.0 ml from tube #2 and deposit the entire 1.0 ml into tube #3.
Thoroughly mix. With the same pipette tip deposit 0.1 ml from tube #2 onto
the appropriately marked agar dish. Spread the bacteria evenly over the entire
surface of the agar with a sterile loop and replace the cover. Dispose of loops
in designated container.
6. Remove 1.0 ml from tube #3 and deposit the entire 1.0 ml into tube #4.
Mix. With the same pipette tip deposit 0.1 ml from tube #3 onto another petri
dish. Spread as directed above.
7. Deposit 0.1 ml from tube #4 onto a third plate. Spread. Dispose of all pipets
and loops in appropriate containers.
8. After approximately 10 minutes turn the petri dishes upside down to prevent
condensation from falling on the agar. Why? Place plates in 37oC incubator.
9. The following day come to lab and count the bacterial colonies on the one
plate with 30-300 colonies. Do NOT open plates. Dispose of plates in
appropriate container.

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