Comparative Study Between Hydrostatic and Pneumatic Reduction For Early Intussusception in Pediatrics
Comparative Study Between Hydrostatic and Pneumatic Reduction For Early Intussusception in Pediatrics
Comparative Study Between Hydrostatic and Pneumatic Reduction For Early Intussusception in Pediatrics
Comparative Study between Hydrostatic and Pneumatic Reduction For Early Pediatric Surgery
Intussusception In Pediatrics
Hossam Eldin H. Taher 1*M.B.B.Ch; Mohammed A. Abdel Aziz 1MD; Ahmed A. Mostafa 2MD;
Youssef M. Ali 1MD
The invagination of one intestinal segment inside a limitations, such as evidence of peritonitis,
more distal segment is known as intussusception 1, 2. perforation, or a hemodynamically unwell patient 5,6.
It is the most prevalent reason for intestinal blockage When nonsurgical therapy is prohibited or has failed,
in infants, typically happening between the ages of 4 surgical techniques will be used. Nonsurgical
and 10 months 3. decrease success rates have been reported to vary
Intussusception results when the ileum invaginates from 46% to 94% in the literature 7. Under
into the cecum through the ileocecal valve in most ultrasonography or fluoroscopy, a hydrostatic or
infants. pneumatic pressure enema could be used. pneumatic
decrease employing air in the therapy of
The bowel's blood supply is pulled along as it intussusception is a very efficient option that offers
intussuscepts. leading to intestinal ischemia and extra benefits such as reduced cost, and a lower
potentially perforation. Intussusception can be lethal perforation risk 8. On the other hand, children with
. intussusception will be exposed to radiation if the
Intussusception is a frequent abdominal emergency pneumatic decrease approach is used under
in infants and children, with a one-to-four occurrence fluoroscopy. An alternate approach that avoids
in 2000 4. Idiopathic intussusception and pathologic radiation is ultrasound-guided hydrostatic decrease
lead-point intussusception are the two most common using normal saline. Both of these approaches have
types of intussusception. claimed rates of success of 80–90% 9.
The majority of instances are idiopathic, Non- Nevertheless, there is still debate over the best way to
surgical and surgical techniques are currently reduce mortality and morbidity while maximizing
available for intussusception therapy. If there are no rates of success.
AIMJ April 2022
As a result, we performed a randomized controlled The pressure gauge was connected to a hand-held
trial to examine the safety and efficacy of hydrostatic pump. The air was insufflated through the rectum
and pneumatic reductions with ultrasound and using a 3-way Foley's balloon catheter. The pressure
fluoroscopic monitoring, respectively. has been monitored using a sphygmomanometer
connected to the Foley catheter, which was
The goal of this research is to compare the efficacy connected to the pump's inlet. The age of the patient
and safety of hydrostatic and pneumatic reductions detects the caliber of the catheter that range from
using ultrasound and fluoroscopic monitoring, 18FG to 22FG.
respectively, as non-operative management for early
intussusception in pediatrics and to evaluate both Technique:
techniques with regard to time required for reduction,
maximum pressure used, number of attempts, success Under fluoroscopy, the Foley's catheter has been
rate of reduction, and complications during and after inserted into the rectum and the balloon has been
reduction inflated using 20 to 40 cc of air, the patient's gluteal
folds have been tied together.
The hand pump was used to insufflate air with
This prospective single-blinded randomized intermittent fluoroscopy monitoring to a maximum
comparative study was undertaken by the Pediatric pressure of 100 mmHg. For three minutes, the
Surgery Unit of Al-Azhar University Hospitals. pressure was kept up. The insufflation was repeated
Twenty patients were enrolled in the study, all of after a minute. Three insufflations have been
whom had been admitted to the department in the conducted in total, each lasting 3 minutes. If the
time period from November 2020 to November 2021 intussusception had not been reduced by the conclusion
and diagnosed with intussusception. of three insufflations and the patient's vital signs were
stable, the operation would have been repeated
The study included patients with ages eligible for following a 4-to 12-hour interval. When the
study: 3 months- 3 Year of age, haemodynamically intussusception had not been reduced following the
stable children with no significant abdominal second try, the pneumatic reduction had been declared a
distention, no clinical or radiological signs of failure, and the patient had been referred to surgery 10.
peritonitis and symptoms less than 24 hours.
Ultrasound guided hydrostatic reduction:
While patients with shock, which isn't easily
corrected by intravenous hydration, significant Equipment:
abdominal distention, signs of peritonitis, symptoms
lasting more than 24 hours and clinical a. Initial abdominal ultrasound scan was done to
manifestations of small intestinal obstruction were confirm diagnosis. b. A Foley catheter has been
eliminated from the research. placed in the rectum of the child. c. A 30-ml syringe
was used to inject normal saline solution through the
Patients have been allocated into two groups at Foley's catheter.
Group A, which was comprised of 10 patients who
had hydrostatic reduction under US-guided. Following lubricating the rectum with KY jelly, the
child was placed in a left lateral position and a 3-way
Group B, which was comprised of 10 patients who Foley's catheter was inserted.
had pneumatic reduction under fluoroscopic guided.
In order to inflate the catheter's balloon, 30 mL of
These cases were diagnosed by: water has been injected. To achieve a tight anal seal,
the patient has been positioned in a supine position
History taking: (detailed history from parents): with and his thighs have been manually squeezed together.
stress on the following points: a. Age, b. Sex, c.
Presenting symptom(s): (colic, bleeding/rectum, A fluid line has been used to link one litre of normal
vomiting ), d. Feeding solid foods, e. History of saline (pre-warmed to normal body temperature) to
upper respiratory tract infection, f. History of the catheter, which has been suspended 100 cm
gastroenteritis, g. History of previous similar attacks. above the bed level. Under the influence of gravity,
normal saline was permitted to flow freely into the
Clinical Examination (and reporting the following rectum. Real-time ultrasound has been used to
points): body weight, temperature, lethargy or not, monitor the colon's gradual distension and the
abdominal distention, palpable abdominal mass, red intussusception's retrograde movement toward the
currant jelly stool, and palpable mass on PR. caecum.
Investigations: complete blood count, arterial blood A total of three tries at hydrostatic reduction have
gases, abdominal Ultrasound :(L.S: psuedokidney been performed, with every episode lasting three
sign &T.S: doughnut sign , pathological lead point, minutes, the abdomen was reexamined and the
free fluid), cases were selected randomly for either ultrasound is repeated to ensured success. If the
pneumatic or hydrostatic reduction. reduction fails, we can repeat the operation after a 4-
Informed consent: was obtained after detailed to 12-hour interval 11.
discusion with the parents.
Statistical analysis:
Pneumatic reduction technique: The statistical package for the social sciences,
Equipment: version 23.0, was employed to analyze the data
Taher et al – Hydrostatic, pneumatic reduction of intussusception
Pediatric Surgery
collected (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). When and percentages were also employed to represent
the distribution of the quantitative data was qualitative variables. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov and
parametric (normal), the mean±SD, and ranges were Shapiro-Wilk tests were employed to determine data
reported. However, non-normally distributed normality. P-values of less than 0.05 were deemed
variables (non-parametric data) were represented as significant.
median with an inter-quartile range (IQR). Numbers
In comparing both groups, the median age was equal (8 months) and, in terms of other population data, no
statistically significant differences existed between the two groups.
Demographic data Group A Group B Total Test p-
(Hydrostatic) (Pneumatic) value value
(n=10) (n=10)
Age (months) 3-36 8(5-12) 4-35 9 (6-15) 3-36 8(5-14) 0.983 0.442
Median (IQR)
Gender 6 (60%) 4 (40%) 5 (50%) 5 11 (55%) 9 FE 0.661
Male (50%) (45%)
Body weight (kg) 5.5-12 6-13 5.5-13 0.399 0.695
Range 8.32±2.07 8.67±1.85 8.57±1.94
Table 1: Comparison of groups based on demographic data.
Different presentations and their distribution between both groups are enlisted in table (2). Notably, none of those
variables showed statistical significant difference when both groups were compared.
Group A (Hydrostatic) Group B (Pneumatic) p-value
(n=10) (n=10)
Colic 10 (100%) 10 (100%) 1.000
Vomiting 9 (90%) 8 (80%) 0.542
Fever 2 (20%) 4 (40%) 0.342
Lethargy 3 (30%) 4 (40%) 0.648
Mild distention 1 (10%) 3 (30%) 0.648
Palpable mass 2 (20%) 4 (40%) 0.342
Red currant jelly stool 9 (90%) 9 (90%) 1.000
Leukocytosis 4 (40%) 6 (60%) 0.383
Table 2: Different presentations of study groups.
When contrasted to the hydrostatic group (60%), the pneumatic group had a higher rate of success (80%), but the
difference was insignificant (p-value 0.05 NS).
Success rate after 2nd trial: was higher in the hydrostatic group (50%) when compared to the pneumatic group (0%)
The result was equal in both groups, with success rate of 80%
Incidence of perforation in hydrostatic group was zero percent after 2nd trial, and it was zero percent in pneumatic
group in table (3).
Group A Group B Test value p-value
(Hydrostatic) (Pneumatic)
(n=10) (n=10)
Perforation 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0.000 1.000
Table 3: Perforation rate in both groups.
Regarding the time of the procedure, it was significantly shorter in the pneumatic groups (table 4). It ranged from
10 to 30 minutes in the hydrostatic group with a median time of 21 (13-28) minutes whereas in pneumatic group, it
ranged from 2 to 20 minutes with the median time 10 (4-17) minutes.
Reduction time “min” Group A Group B Test p-value
(Hydrostatic) (Pneumatic) value
(n=10) (n=10)
Range 10-30 2-20 8.682 <0.001**
Median (IQR) 21 (13-28) 10 (4-17)
Table 4: Reduction time of both groups.
Second trial enema reduction:
AIMJ April 2022
There were 6 cases who underwent second trial enema reduction with success rate of 33.3%
There were 4 cases in hydrostatic group underwent 2nd trial with success rate 50%. In pneumatic group only 2
cases required 2nd trial with success rate zero percent.
In the present study, palpable abdominal mass was Of the 20 cases of our study, 6 cases underwent 2nd
found in 30% of cases. This is comparable to the trial for failed initial attempt. 2/6 cases had showed
results of Van den Ende et al., (20) and Kaiser et al., 15 successful reduction at success rate of 33.3%. The
who found an occurrence of 35% and 24% success rate for delayed repeat trials ranges from 57
respectively, but lower than the incidence of 50% to 72% 31,32. Our research exhibited a lower success
reported by Tareen et al. 19. In the present study, the rate of delayed repeat enema. This can be explained
presence of palpable mass did not significantly affect as most cases requiring a delayed repeat enema
the outcome of reduction. McDermott et al. 17, present late with symptoms lasting longer than 12
Okuyama et al., 22, and Fragoso et al. 18 referred to hours.
the same observation. However, other studies have In the present study, there were 4 cases in hydrostatic
reported that palpable abdominal mass significantly group underwent second trial with success rate 50%.
affect poor outcome 21. In pneumatic group only 2 cases required second trial
In the present study, we found that successful with success rate 0 %. Successful second trial of
reduction after 1s trial was 80% in pneumatic group pneumatic reduction is 59%, 50%, 43% 32,33,34
while 60% in hydrostatic group. Zulfiqar MA et al., respectively. At least 30 mins following the first
reported that the rate of success of pneumatic partial resolution, a successful second trial of
reduction is greater than the success rate of ultrasoud guided saline enema reduction is 15% 35.
hydrostatic reduction and his explanation was that as Hospital admission is a routine policy after
air surrounds the intussusceptum more fully, it exerts successful enema reduction in our department. A 24-
more continuous pressure, which may lead to less hour in- hospital observation is required for possible
friction and, as a consequence, easier reduction. In early recurrence or post-reduction complication.
Contrastingly, Jinzhe et al 36 stated outpatient
Taher et al – Hydrostatic, pneumatic reduction of intussusception
Pediatric Surgery
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be obtained using transverse and longitudinal scans..
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