Dsa-Unit 2
Dsa-Unit 2
Dsa-Unit 2
Linked list consists of series of nodes. Each node contains the element and a pointer to its
successor node. The pointer of the last node points to NULL.
Insertion and deletion operations are easily performed using linked list.
In an array implementation, elements are stored in contiguous array positions as shown in the
below figure.
A 2D array ‘a’ of size 3 X 4 will be declared as follows: int a[3][4]. The tabular representation
of the 2D array ‘a’ is shown as follows:
a[0][0] a[0][1] a[0][2] a[0][3]
An Arrays in data Structure is a container which can hold a fixed number of items and
these items should be of the same type.
• Arrays are used to implement mathematical vectors and matrices, as well as other kinds
of rectangular tables. Many databases, small and large, consist of one-dimensional
arrays whose elements are records.
• Arrays are used to implement other data structures, such as lists, heaps, hash
tables, deques, queues and stacks.
• One or more large arrays are sometimes used to emulate in-program dynamic memory
allocation, particularly memory pool allocation. Historically, this has sometimes been
the only way to allocate "dynamic memory" portably.
• Arrays can be used to determine partial or complete control flow in programs, as a
compact alternative to (otherwise repetitive) multiple “if” statements. They are known
in this context as control tables and are used in conjunction with a purpose-built
interpreter whose control flow is altered according to values contained in the array. The
array may contain subroutine pointers (or relative subroutine numbers that can be acted
upon by SWITCH statements) that direct the path of the execution.
//To Insert An Element In An Array
int insertElement(int arr[], int elements, int keyToBeInserted, int size)
if (elements >= size)
return elements;
arr[elements] = keyToBeInserted;
return (elements + 1);
int main()
int array[20] = { 23,35,45,76,34,92 };
int size = sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]);
int elements = 6;
int i, keyToBeInserted = 65;
printf("\n Before Insertion: ");
for (i = 0; i < elements; i++)
printf("%d ", array[i]);
elements = insertElement(array, elements, keyToBeInserted, size);
printf("\n After Insertion: ");
for (i = 0; i < elements; i++)
printf("%d ",array[i]);
return 0;
Before Insertion: 23 35 45 76 34 92
After Insertion: 23 35 45 76 34 92 65
Main function call the insert function to insert an element in an array by passing the parameters
arr[] = array, elements = number of elements present in the array and keyToBeInserted =
element to be inserted in the array with the size of the array. It checks if the maximum space
of the array is already full and return the elements. If not then the element is inserted at the last
index and the new array size is returned.
//To Delete An Element In An Array
int deleteElement(int array[], int size, int keyToBeDeleted)
int pos = findElement(array, size, keyToBeDeleted);
int i;
if (pos == - 1)
printf("Element not found");
return size;
for (i = pos; i < size - 1; i++)
array[i] = array[i + 1];
return size - 1;
int findElement(int array[], int size, int keyToBeDeleted)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (array[i] == keyToBeDeleted)
return i;
return - 1;
int main()
int array[] = { 31, 27, 3, 54, 67, 32 };
int size = sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]);
int i, keyToBeDeleted = 67;
printf("n Before Deletion: ");
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
printf("%d ", array[i]);
deleteElement(array, size, keyToBeDeleted);
printf("n After Deletion: ");
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
printf("%d ",array[i]);
return 0;
Before Deletion: 31 27 3 54 67 32
After Insertion: 31 27 3 54 32
Main function call the delete function to delete an element by passing the parameters array[] is
the array from which element needs to be deleted ,size of the array and keyToBeDeleted is the
element to be deleted from the array. If element is not found then it prints Element not found.
Else it deletes the element & moves rest of the element by one position.
//To Search an Element in an Array
int findElement(int array[], int size, int keyToBeSearched)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (array[i] == keyToBeSearched)
return i;
return - 1;
int main()
int array[] = { 41, 29, 32, 54, 19, 3};
int size = sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]);
int keyToBeSearched = 67;
int pos = findElement(array, size, keyToBeSearched);
printf("n Element %d not found", keyToBeSearched);
printf("n Position of %d: %d", keyToBeSearched ,pos+1);
return 0;
Position of 19:5
Main function call sub function to search the element in the given array by passing the
parameters the array from which element needs to be deleted, size of the array and keyToFind
is the element to be search from the array. Running a for loop for Finding & returning the
position of the element.
A matrix is a two-dimensional data object made of m rows and n columns. Generally, a
matrix is represented to have m X n values. When the value of m is equal to n, then it is
called as a square matrix.
There may be a situation in which a matrix may contains a greater number of ‘0’ values
(elements) than NON-ZERO values. Such matrix is known as sparse matrix. But when a
sparse matrix is represented with 2-dimensional array with all ZERO and non-ZERO
values, lot of space is wasted to represent that matrix.
For example, consider a matrix of size 200 X 200 containing only 10 non-zero elements.
In this matrix, only 10 spaces are filled with non-zero values and remaining spaces of the
matrix are filled with zero values. That means, totally we allocate 200 X 200 X 2 = 80000
bytes of space to store this integer matrix. And to access these 10 non-zero elements we
have to make scanning for 80000 times. This results in an increased time and space
complexity. An example sparse matrix is given below:
For example, consider a matrix of size 5 X 6 containing 6 number of non-zero values. This
matrix can be represented as shown in the image.
In above example matrix, there are only 6 non-zero elements (those are 9, 8, 4, 2, 5 & 2) and
matrix size is 5 X 6. We represent this matrix as shown in the above image. Here the first row
in the right-side table is filled with values 5, 6 & 6 which indicates that it is a sparse matrix
with 5 rows, 6 columns & 6 non-zero values. The second row is filled with 0, 4, & 9 which
indicates the non-zero value 9 is at the 0th-row 4th column in the Sparse matrix. In the same
way, the remaining non-zero values also follow a similar pattern.
A sparse matrix could be represented using a linked list data structure also. In linked list, each
node has four fields. These four fields are defined as:
• Row: Index of row, where non-zero element is located
• Column: Index of column, where non-zero element is located
• Value: Value of the non-zero element located at index – (row, column)
• Next node: Address of the next node
For example, consider a 4 X 5 matrix,
The first field of the node holds the row index, second field will have the column index, third
field will have the value of the element and the address of the next node will be stored in the
next field.
A node in a sparse matrix could be declared as follows:
Linked list consists of series of connected nodes. Each node contains the element (a piece of
data) and a pointer to its successor node. The pointer of the last node points to NULL. A linked
list can grow or shrink in size as the program runs. A linked list representation requires no
estimate of the maximum size of the list. Space wastage is reduced in linked list representation.
The below figure shows a node structure with data and a pointer to the next node and a list of
elements (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) stored using linked list representation. Insertion and deletion
operations are easily performed using linked list, when compared to using arrays.
Each node points in a singly linked list has a successor. There will be NULL value in the next
pointer field of the last node in the list
In a doubly linked list, each node points to not only successor but the predecessor also.
There are two NULL: at the first and last nodes in the list. Advantage of having a doubly linked
list is that in given a list, it is easy to visit its predecessor. It will be convenient to traverse lists
In a circular linked list, The last node points to the first node of the list.
A node in a linked list is usually of structure data type. The declaration of the node structure
using pointers is as follows:
• Each node contains a value and a link to its successor (the last node has no successor)
• The header points to the first node in the list (or contains the null link if the list is empty)
• The entry point into a linked list is called the head of the list.
• It should be noted that head is not a separate node, but the reference to the first node.
• If the list is empty then the head is a null reference.
// Creating a new node
newNode = new ListNode;
newNode->value = num;
// If it’s the first node set it to point header
head->next = NULL;
//If already elements are there in the list
newNode->next = head;
Initially, the linked list has elements 20 and 30. Node with data 20 is the first node, whose
address is stored in the head. Now to insert a new node with data 10, copy the address of node
with data 20 from head and store in new nodes next pointer. Then make the head point to the
new node.
Steps involved in inserting a new node at the end in the list are as follows:
Step 1: Create a newNode with given value and newNode → next as NULL.
Step 2: Check whether list is Empty (head == NULL).
Step 3: If it is Empty then, set head = newNode.
Step 4: If it is Not Empty then, define a node pointer temp and initialize with head.
Step 5: Keep moving the temp to its next node until it reaches to the last node in the list
(until temp → next is equal to NULL).
Step 6: Set temp → next = newNode.
1. Use a Node Pointer to trace to the current position
2. If the Node pointer does not points to NULL then move the Node pointer to the next
node until it points to NULL
3. When it reaches NULL append the newNode at the last
nodePtr ->next=newNode;
Routine To Insert An Element At The End
Steps involved in inserting a new node in the middle of the list are as follows:
Step 1: Create a newNode with given value.
Step 2: Check whether list is Empty (head == NULL)
Step 3: If it is Empty then, set newNode → next = NULL and head = newNode.
Step 4: If it is Not Empty then, define a node pointer temp and initialize with head.
Step 5: Keep moving the temp to its next node until it reaches to the node after which we
want to insert the newNode (until temp → data is equal to location, here location is the node
value after which we want to insert the newNode).
Step 6: Every time check whether temp is reached to last node or not. If it is reached to last
node then display 'Given node is not found in the list!!! Insertion not possible!!!' and
terminate the function. Otherwise move the temp to next node.
Step 7: Finally, Set 'newNode → next = temp → next' and 'temp → next = newNode'
1. Use a Node Pointer to trace to the current position and to store the value of the next
3. The New Node Pointer find the next node to insert the node
Routine to Insert a New Node in Between
In a linked list, deleting a node has the following possible cases.
1. Delete at the front
2. Delete at the back
3. Delete in the middle
DELETING A NODE AT THE FRONT (Deleting from Beginning of the list)
Steps involved in deleting a node from the beginning of the list are as follows:
Step 1: Check whether list is Empty (head == NULL)
Step 2: If it is Empty then, display 'List is Empty!!! Deletion is not possible' and terminate
the function.
Step 3: If it is Not Empty then, define a Node pointer 'temp' and initialize with head.
Step 4: Check whether list is having only one node (temp → next == NULL)
Step 5: If it is TRUE then set head = NULL and delete temp (Setting Empty list conditions)
Step 6: If it is FALSE then set head = temp → next, and delete temp.
1. To delete the first element, change the link in the header
1. Use a Node Pointer to trace to the current position and also to store the value of the next
2. Use a Previous Node Pointer to trace to the current position
3. If the element to be deleted is found then
free( temp1);
Routine to delete a specific node
Where the ai are nonzero coefficients and the ei are nonnegative integer exponents
such that em-1 > em-2 > … > e1 > e0 ≧ 0 .
We will represent each term as a node containing coefficient and exponent fields, as well as
a pointer to the next term. A node structure for a polynomial is shown below.
Assuming that the coefficients are integers, the node structure will be declared as follows:
struct link
int coeff;
int pow;
struct link *next;
• To add two polynomials, we examine their terms starting at the nodes pointed to by a and
• If the exponents of the two terms are equal
• add the two coefficients and create a new term for the result.
• If the exponent of the current term in a is less than b
• create a duplicate term of b and attach this term to the result, called d
• advance the pointer to the next term in b.
• We take a similar action on a if a->expon > b->expon.
The figure shows generating the first three term of d = a+b below.
From the above figure it is observed that when the exponents of a and b are equal, coefficients
of a and b are added in the new polynomial d. Else if the exponent of a is bigger than exponent
of b, link the corresponding node of a to d and vice versa. Routine to create a linked list for a
polynomial is give below.
Routine to Add Two Polynomials
If linked lists are required and pointers are not available, then an alternate implementation
must be used. The alternate method we will describe is known as a cursor implementation.
The two important items present in a pointer implementation of linked lists are
1. The data is stored in a collection of structures. Each structure contains the data and a pointer
to the next structure.
2. A new structure can be obtained from the system's global memory by a call to malloc and
released by a call to free.
Our cursor implementation must be able to simulate this. The logical way to satisfy condition
1 is to have a global array of structures. For any cell in the array, its array index can be used
in place of an address. The type declarations for a cursor implementation of linked lists is
given below.
We must now simulate condition 2 by allowing the equivalent of malloc and free for cells in
the CURSOR_SPACE array. To do this, we will keep a list (the freelist) of cells that are not
in any list. The list will use cell 0 as a header. The initial configuration is shown in the figure
Notice that if there is no space available, our routine does the correct thing by setting p = 0.
This indicates that there are no more cells left, and also makes the second line of cursor_new a
nonoperation (no-op). Given this, the cursor implementation of linked lists is straightforward.
For consistency, we will implement our lists with a header node.
An example of cursor implementation of linked list is shown below. In the figure, if the value
of L is 5 and the value of M is 3, then L represents the list a, b, e, and M represents the list c,
d, f.
Circular linked list is a linked list where all nodes are connected to form a circle. There is no
NULL at the end. A circular linked list can be a singly circular linked list or doubly circular
linked list.
head = new;
Step 4 - If it is Not Empty then, define a Node pointer 'temp' and initialize with 'head'.
Step 5 - Keep moving the 'temp' to its next node until it reaches to the last node (until
'temp → next == head').
Step 6 - Set 'newNode → next =head', 'head = newNode' and 'temp → next = head'.
Step 3 - If it is Empty then, set head = newNode and newNode → next = head.
Step 4 - If it is Not Empty then, define a node pointer temp and initialize with head.
Step 5 - Keep moving the temp to its next node until it reaches to the last node in the list
(until temp → next == head).
Step 3 - If it is Empty then, set head = newNode and newNode → next = head.
Step 4 - If it is Not Empty then, define a node pointer temp and initialize with head.
Step 5 - Keep moving the temp to its next node until it reaches to the node after which we
want to insert the newNode (until temp1 → data is equal to location, here location is the
node value after which we want to insert the newNode).
Step 6 - Every time check whether temp is reached to the last node or not. If it is reached
to last node then display 'Given node is not found in the list!!! Insertion not
possible!!!' and terminate the function. Otherwise move the temp to next node.
Step 7 - If temp is reached to the exact node after which we want to insert the newNode
then check whether it is last node (temp → next == head).
Step 8 - If temp is last node then set temp → next = newNode and newNode →
next = head.
Step 8 - If temp is not last node then set newNode → next = temp → next and temp →
next = newNode.
In a circular linked list, the deletion operation can be performed in three ways those are as follows...
There are n people standing in a circle waiting to be executed. The counting out begins at some
point in the circle and proceeds around the circle in a fixed direction. In each step, a certain
number of people are skipped and the next person is executed. The elimination proceeds around
the circle (which is becoming smaller and smaller as the executed people are removed), until
only the last person remains, who is given freedom. Given the total number of persons n and a
number m which indicates that m-1 persons are skipped and m-th person is killed in circle. The
task is to choose the place in the initial circle so that you are the last one remaining and so
• Each node contains a value, a link to its successor (if any), and a link to its
predecessor (if any)
• The header points to the first node in the list and to the last node in the list (or
contains null links if the list is empty)
• A simple node structure of a doubly linked list is shown below:
A node structure in doubly linked list is declared as follows:
struct node
struct node *left;
int data;
struct node *right;
1. Node Creation
2. Insertion at beginning
3. Insertion at end
4. Insertion after specified node
5. Deletion at beginning
6. Deletion at end
7. Deletion of the node having given data
8. Searching
9. Traversing
struct node
struct node *left;
int data;
struct node *right;
struct node *head;
void insert_at_begin()
struct node *tempptr;
int item;
tempptr = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
printf("\nEnter Item value");
tempptr->right = NULL;
tempptr->right = head;
} printf("\nInsertion
void insert_at_last()
struct node *tempptr,*temp;
int item;
tempptr = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
printf("\nEnter value");
if(head == NULL)
tempptr->right = NULL;
tempptr->left = NULL;
head = tempptr;
temp = head;
temp = temp->right;
temp->right = tempptr;
tempptr ->left=temp;
tempptr->right = NULL;
printf("\n insertion completed \n");
printf("Enter the location");
temp = temp->right;
if(temp == NULL)
printf("\n There are less than %d elements", loc);
printf("Enter data");
tempptr->data = item;
tempptr->right = temp->right;
tempptr -> left = temp;
temp->right = tempptr;
printf("\n insertion completed \n");
void delete_at_begin()
struct node *tempptr;
if(head == NULL)
printf("\n UNDERFLOW");
else if(head->right == NULL)
head = NULL;
printf("\nnode deleted\n");
tempptr = head;
head = head -> right;
head -> left = NULL;
printf("\nnode deleted\n");
void delete_at_last()
struct node *tempptr;
if(head == NULL)
printf("\n UNDERFLOW");
else if(head->right == NULL)
head = NULL;
printf("\nnode deleted\n");
tempptr = head;
if(tempptr->right != NULL)
tempptr = tempptr -> right;
tempptr -> left -> right = NULL;
printf("\nnode deleted\n");
void display_full_list()
struct node *tempptr;
printf("\n printing values...\n");
tempptr = head;
while(tempptr != NULL)
struct node
struct node *prev;
struct node *next;
int data;
struct node *head;
void insert_at_begin();
void insert_at_last();
void insert_after_spcific_node();
void delete_at_begin();
void delete_at_last();
void deletion_specified();
void display_full_list();
void search();
void main ()
int option =0;
while(option != 9)
printf("\nChoose option from below menu\n");
printf("\n1.Insert begining\n 2.Insert last\n 3.Insert any random location \n 4.Delete
the first node \n 5.Delete the last node\n6.Delete the node after the given
printf("\nEnter your option?\n");
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
printf("Please enter valid option..");
Choose option from below menu
1.Insert begining
2.Insert last
3.Insert any random location
4.Delete the first node
5. Delete the last node
6.Delete the node after the given data
Enter your option?
Enter Item value 10
Insertion completed.
Choose option from below menu
1.Insert begining
2.Insert last
3.Insert any random location
4.Delete the first node
5. Delete the last node
6.Delete the node after the given data
Enter your option?
Enter Item value 20
Insertion completed.
Choose option from below menu
1.Insert begining
2.Insert last
3.Insert any random location
4.Delete the first node
5. Delete the last node
6.Delete the node after the given data
Enter your option?
Printing values…
This program having many functions each performing one operation in doubly linked list.
When the program is executed, list of options or operation that we can perform in the linked
list displayed. Each option is associated with one function which is called by the switch case
based on the user input. When the input 1 is given after executing program, the function
insert_at_begin(); is called. It creating the new node with the user entered data 10. Again new
node is inserted at the beginning using the same function with value 20. Right now the doubly
list having the two node. The first node data is 20 and second is 10. We can display the list by
calling display full list function through option 8. Then the first node is deleted from the list by
giving option 4 that calling deleting_at_begin function. After this operation, the list would have
only one value that is 10. Likewise, all the operation in the doubly linked can be performed
using above writing function.