BSBCMM511 Assessment Task 1
BSBCMM511 Assessment Task 1
BSBCMM511 Assessment Task 1
1. Explain how tone, structure and style of your communication may impact on others. In your
define tone, style and structure as they relate to communication.
Style gives your writing a type of personality when coupled together with tone. As with
the audience and format, it’s important that the style you choose matches with the
intended purpose of your message.
explain how the tone, style and structure impacts others.
Developing an appropriate business writing style will reflect well on you and increase
your success in any career. Misspellings of individual words or grammatical errors
involving misplacement or incorrect word choices in a sentence can create confusion,
lose meaning, and have a negative impact on the reception of your message.
use an example to illustrate your answer.
While we may be able to grasp the meaning of the message and understand some of the
abbreviations, this informal style is generally not appropriate in business
communications. That said, colloquial writing may be permissible, and even preferable,
in some limited business contexts.
3. Discuss three ways by which a business can ensure that confidentiality is maintained at
1. Use Employment Contracts with Confidentiality Clauses: By having new employees sign
an Employment Contract with a confidentiality clause, they legally agree to keep
confidential company information private. It also ensures employees will not compete
with your business by partaking in similar business, solicit other employees or reveal any
sensitive information during or after their employment.
2. Develop Confidentiality Training & Policies: Confidentiality training should be a key
component in every company’s on-boarding process. These programs can be integrated
as part of the employee handbook, through lectures or online training.
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3. Create a Response Plan & Employee Exit Procedure: Devise a response or contingency
plan in the event confidential information becomes revealed. Plan for specific situations,
such as published trade secrets or an employee divulging information to competitors.
The more circumstances you cover, the more prepared you will be should confidentiality
violations occur.
4. Explain the key principles of negotiation that should be used in the workplace to ensure
that agreements are reached.
1. The Principle of Reciprocity: People tend to give back to others what has been given to
them. While some people think of reciprocity in terms of exchanging money, goods or
services, the truth is, it involves much more.
2. The Principle of Scarcity: People want what they cannot have. That is why
advertisements that promise “limited time only” or “limited quantities available” are so
effective. In a workplace negotiation situation, it is important to describe the unique, or
otherwise unattainable, advantages of any recommendation or offer you propose to the
other party.
3. The Principle of Consistency: People feel compelled to be consistent with their prior
behaviours, opinions, actions or statements. When someone makes a commitment
actively, it is even more likely that they will follow through with that commitment. When
negotiating, you can activate the principle of consistency by recognizing a prior
commitment and linking it to your current request.
5. Explain the mediation process and at least three key principles that should be taken into
account when mediating at work.
Mediation is an informal and flexible dispute resolution process. The mediator's role is to guide
the parties toward their own resolution. Through joint sessions and separate caucuses with
parties, the mediator helps both sides define the issues clearly, understand each other's
position and move closer to resolution.
1. Mediators are impartial: The mediator does not take sides and is always there for both
of you. Mediators don’t give advice, although they do give information about legal
principles and guidance explaining what things you should be thinking about.
2. Mediation is voluntary: Both of you must want to mediate, and either of you can stop
the mediation process at any time. More and more the courts expect families to attempt
mediation before litigation begins, but mediation isn’t always suitable, and no-one can
be required to mediate.
3. Mediation is confidential: The information clients share with the mediator is kept
confidential, with some very limited exceptions (like the exceptions that apply to
lawyers, therapists and counsellors). Proposals put forward during mediation cannot be
referred to in court proceedings. If you try to mediate but it doesn’t work, the court will
never be told why the mediation wasn’t successful.
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1. Listen, Then Speak Out: You should simply listen to all parties involved to completely
understand the nature of conflict and then start troubleshooting solutions.
2. Do Not Postpone Conflict Resolution: Address the conflict immediately. Otherwise, the
situation could escalate and could affect employee performance. Just make sure not to
address the situation too quickly or without careful consideration, as your decision will
directly affect the demeanour and performance of your staff.
3. Be Impartial: In a leadership position, you shouldn’t display any sort of opinion that
favours one person over another. If you are partial towards one person, try to access the
situation from all sides to come up with a fair and reasonable solution.
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understand the individual words you have said, but not the context or the meaning. As a
result, you could end up confusing them or at worst, offending them.
- Keep it simple: In a cross-cultural conversation there’s no need to make it harder for
both of you by using big words. Just keep it simple. Two syllable words are much easier
to understand than three syllable words, and one syllable words are better than two
syllable words.
10. Outline at least five important considerations in ensuring that a meeting is structured.
1. What’s the purpose of the meeting: The first consideration, when attending a meeting
or organising your own, is its purpose. It sounds really obvious but some people go to a
meeting because their boss invited them to it, or they think they can’t refuse.
2. Setting an agenda: Your meeting will have a facilitator. A facilitator is different to the
traditional chairperson role, as a chairperson is generally involved in both the content
and the process of the meeting. A facilitator, on the other hand, is strictly only involved
with the process.
3. Agreeing the Meeting Content: When the purpose of the meeting is clear and the
agenda has been set it should be quite straightforward to agree the content. Research
from Harvard found that this isn’t always the case. They conducted a survey of top
companies worldwide.
4. Ensure great communication: The words we use the tone of our voice and our non-
verbal language all impact on the atmosphere and the outcome of the meeting. A lot of
meaning comes through non-verbal communication. When there is incongruence
between the spoken message and non-verbal communication, we pay vastly more
attention to non-verbal messages.
5. Follow up: Agree what the next steps are and who will take ownership of them
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12. Explain how organisational policies and procedures address:
presenting and negotiating
Specific forms of negotiation are used in many situations: international affairs, the legal
system, government, industrial disputes or domestic relationships as examples.
However, general negotiation skills can be learned and applied in a wide range of
leading and participating in meetings
If a meeting participant is performing ineffectively in the meeting, the leader has the
responsibility to correct the behaviour through effective meeting leader techniques
during the meeting and effective coaching outside of the meeting.
making presentations
Use a maximum of 15 slides, let the titles tell the story, layout counts, vary your format.
confidentiality of information.
The purpose of the Confidentiality Policy is to ensure that all staff, members and users
understand the organisations requirements in relation to the disclosure of personal data
and confidential information.
13. Select an industry and provide examples of media and government organisations, events
and communication channels relevant to an organisation in the chosen industry. Use the table
to complete your answer:
Industry Transport
Media and government organisations (at 1. Australian Broadcasting Corporation
least two): (ABC)
2. Nine Entertainment Co.
Events (at least two): 1. Social media leadership
2. Visual impact
Communication channels (at least two): 1. Video conferencing communication
2. Face to face communication
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