The Buffalo Study Outcome and Associated Predictors in Endodontic Microsurgery A Cohort Study
The Buffalo Study Outcome and Associated Predictors in Endodontic Microsurgery A Cohort Study
The Buffalo Study Outcome and Associated Predictors in Endodontic Microsurgery A Cohort Study
The Buffalo study: outcome and associated predictors in endodontic microsurgery: a cohort study
1Division of Endodontics, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA; 2College of Dentistry, King Saud bin
Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; 3Department of Psychology, University at
Buffalo, Buffalo, NY USA.
Dr. Adham A. Azim
Clinical Associate Professor – Division Head & Director, Advanced specialty Program in Endodontics
Address: School of Dental Medicine, University at Buffalo, 240 Squire Hall, Buffalo, NY 14214, USA
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 (716) - 829-3602
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Accepted Article
Aim To 1) evaluate and compare the success rate of endodontic microsurgery (EMS) using periapical
radiographs (PAs) and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans; 2) identify prognostic factors
affecting the outcome; and 3) correlate the effect of guided tissue regeneration (GTR) on the pattern of apical
bone remodeling.
Methodology Eighty-two patients (101 teeth) who received EMS were included and followed-up using clinical
and radiographic examination (PAs and CBCT scans). Two calibrated endodontists evaluated the radiographic
healing (favorable or unfavorable) by assessing PAs and CBCT. The success (favorable radiographic outcome
with no clinical symptoms) and survival rates (tooth retention without clinical symptoms) were calculated, and
the cause of failure (diseased or fractured) was identified. Pretreatment (Age, sex, tooth type, position,
sequence of treatment, quality of root canal before surgery, presence/absence of through-and-through lesion,
presence/absence apico-marginal defect) and treatment (presence/absence of errors during surgery, type of
error (major or minor), retro-preparation depth, presence/absence of an isthmus, retro-filling material used,
presence/absence bone graft material and/or resorbable membrane) factors were recorded. Data were
statistically analyzed to determine the inter-observer, intra-observer, and inter-radiographic agreements.
Univariate, bivariate, and logistic regression analysis were used to determine prognostic factors affecting the
outcome, and the effect of GTR on the pattern of apical bone remodeling. The significance level was set at 5%.
Results Sixty-eight patients (83 teeth) presented for outcome evaluation (Recall rate: 84%). The survival rate
was 93%. The success rate was 88% using PA and 86% using CBCT when vertical root fracture (VRF) cases
were included. 94% using PAs, and 91% using CBCT when VRF cases were excluded. The intra- and inter-
observer agreements were substantial using CBCT, slight to a fair agreement using PA (P < 0.001), and slight
to moderate for inter-radiographic agreement. The presence of a major procedural error during the surgery was
the only negative predictor for the outcome of EMS (P = 0.013). GTR did not affect the success rate or the type
of healing using PA but affected the type of healing on CBCT (complete vs incomplete healing) and the pattern
of cortical plate remodeling (P < 0.001)
Conclusion The success and survival rate of endodontic microsurgery was very high, and the occurrence of a
major procedural error during surgery was the only factor affecting the outcome. GTR did not improve the
outcome but it affected the quality of apical bone remodeling following EMS.
Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has been widely used in endodontics for diagnosis and treatment
planning (Mota de Almeida et al. 2014, Patel et al. 2019), and has been recommended as the appropriate image
modality for pre-surgical assessment and evaluation by the European Society of Endodontology (ESE) as well
as the American Association of Endodontics (AAE) (AAE/AAOMR 2016, ESE 2019). It has also been adopted
for outcome evaluation if used during pre-operative assessment (AAE/AAOMR 2016). CBCT has been used
for outcome evaluation with higher sensitivity and specificity in detecting post-treatment disease compared to
periapical radiographs (PAs) (Kanagasingham et al. 2017, Curtis et al. 2018). Only a few studies have reported
the outcome of endodontic surgery using CBCT and were often qualitative in nature (Schloss et al. 2017,
Curtis et al. 2018, Safi et al. 2019). Chen et al. (2015) proposed a quantitative method that allows three
different areas on the scan (cortical plate, resection plane, and apical area) to be scored when evaluating the
outcome of endodontic surgery. von Arx et al. (2016) later adopted the same scoring system and created an
index to evaluate the outcome of endodontic surgery called the “B index”. However, none of the previous
criteria included the interpretation for clinical cases with a significant amount of bone loss (through-and-
through and apico-marginal defects) or assessed the outcome following placement of radiopaque bone grafting
material that can mimic healthy bone structure radiographically.
Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) techniques have been proposed as a potential adjunct to enhance hard tissue
formation in surgical defects during EMS procedures (Taschieri et al. 2008a, 2008b). The techniques for GTR
During the radiographic evaluation, the two endodontists independently reviewed all the PAs first, followed by
the CBCT DICOM files to prevent any bias. Each evaluator reviewed the cases and recorded their findings to
calculate the inter-observer agreement. After two months, the PAs and scans were re-evaluated to calculate the
intra-observer agreement. For the CBCT evaluation, DICOM files were exported to a 3D viewer software
(Horos, Horos project), and pre-operative, and follow-up CBCT images were reviewed simultaneously on two
27-inch iMac screens (Apple, Cupertino, CA, USA). In case of disagreement on any of the 2D or 3D readings,
both endodontists discussed the case until consensus was achieved.
Data collection
The following host and treatment variables were recorded from each procedure to evaluate their impact on the
treatment outcome:
1- Patient’s age
2- Patient’s sex
3- Tooth type (anterior, premolar or molar)
4- Tooth position (maxillary or mandibular)
Statistical analysis
Cohen Kappa analysis was performed to calculate the inter-radiographic agreement between the 2D and the 3D
analysis using the 4 radiographic healing categories and the two radiographic outcome categories mentioned
above. Intra- and inter-observer agreements were calculated for the CBCT scores (0-6), and for the healing and
The correlation between the prognostic factors and the success rate was analyzed using Pearsonճ chi-square
(2) tests at an -value of .05, with and without including cases with VRF. Initial analysis was followed by
posthoc testing using Bonferroni with adjusted p-value to protect from type I error. Binomial logistic regression
analysis was then performed to test the predictability of significant variables from the bivariate analysis on the
treatment outcome with an -value set at 0.05. Pearsonճ chi-square (2) analysis was also used with Yates
correction to establish a relationship between the utilization of GTR and a) the type of favorable radiographic
outcome using 2D and 3D imaging (complete (score 6) or incomplete (score 5 or 4) healing; b) the quality of
healing (complete vs. incomplete or no healing) within each index in cases with a favorable outcome on the 3D
scan. All the tests were performed at an -value of 0.05 using SPSS software (version 25, IBM, NY).
Survival rate
A total of 82 patients (101 teeth) met the inclusion criteria. Sixty-eight patients (41 females and 27 males) with
a mean age of 54.7yrs and a median age of 57.6yrs presented for the follow-up examination (mean follow up
time: 18.8 months; median: 15 months) and were included to evaluate the outcome (Recall rate: 84%). 85 teeth
were clinically evaluated and six patients (6 teeth) presented with clinical signs of failure, two of which
presented before the 1-year recall time with clinical symptoms. The overall survival rate without further
intervention was 93%.
Inter-radiographic agreement
Cohen Kappa analysis revealed a slight agreement between the PAs and CBCTs when the healing was divided
into four categories (K= .197; P < 0.001) and moderate agreement when dichotomized into favorable and
unfavorable (K= .416; P < 0.001). The agreement between the 2D and the 3D evaluations was the highest in
cases with complete healing (97%) or unsatisfactory healing (100%). The results are displayed in Table 4.
A total of 77 asymptomatic and functional teeth were included to assess the effect of follow-up time on
predicting the total score. The ordinal regression model showed that the follow-up time did not significantly
predict the total score for every case (P = 0.891), or the radiographic healing category (P = 0.868). A binary
logistic regression revealed that time was also not predictive of a favorable or unfavorable radiographic
outcome (P = 0.360).
In this study, the scoring system proposed by Chen et al. (2015) for CBCT evaluation was adopted; however,
the interpretation was modified regarding two aspects: 1) the cortical index, to clarify various healing patterns
that can be encountered in cases with apico-marginal defects or through-and-through defects; and 2) the apical
index, which was modified to include the entire peri-radicular structure, now called the “P index” ( Fig. 1.) The
scoring system used herein was based on summing the results from each index ranging the scores from 0 to 6
(Fig. 4, 5, & 6). Statistical analysis revealed that the radiographic healing assessment relied on the scores from
all the three indices to predict the outcome with high loaded meaningful values for each index (>.50).
von Arx et al. (2016) proposed using the “B index” to interpret the individual scores from the three different
indices. The B index, however, lacks specificity as it combines all the cases that fall between complete healing
(score 6) and no healing (score 0) in one category. It was clear from the results that minor improvements in the
bony structure can be achieved at the follow-up visit, even in failed or fractured cases. In this study, cases that
received a score 3 were the most difficult to interpret. In some cases, a favorable radiographic outcome can be
achieved if the case is monitored for extended periods (Fig. 5a-d). In other cases, the outcome may not
improve further, but the case will not present with any clinical or radiographic signs of failure (i.e. scar
formation) (Fig. 5e-h). While, in other cases, the outcome can potentially become unfavorable. It should be
noted that none of the cases presenting with score 3 had any clinical symptoms and only cases with scores 0, 1,
or 2 did present with clinical symptoms of failure or fracture (6/7 cases with unsatisfactory healing presented
with clinical symptoms of failure).
The success rate presented herein was 3% lower when CBCT was used for outcome evaluation. The findings
agree with previous studies (Tanomaru et al. 2015; von Arx et al. 2016; Safi et al. 2019). These studies,
however, had a larger difference in the results between the two radiographic methods, that ranged between 8%
to 27%. Differences in results may stem from the CBCT criteria used to interpret the radiographic findings, as
well as the categorization of theses interpretations to success and failure. While it was evident that more
radiographic defects were noted during the CBCT analysis, these defects are not clinical failure per se but
might rather represent incomplete or defective healing of a successful case, as illustrated in Fig. 4 (e – l). It was
noted that 85% of the cases with incomplete healing on the 3D scan were mistaken for complete healing during
Prognostic factors
In this study, an attempted was made to study multiple outcome predictors with and without including cases
with VRF, to avoid statistical bias, since the cause of VRF may not be related to the surgical intervention as
discussed earlier. In both analyses, the presence of major procedural errors during surgical treatment was the
only factor affecting the outcome of EMS. Unlike non-surgical treatments where the outcome can be affected
by non-procedural factors such as remaining bacterial load, extra-radicular infection, or true cystic lesions
(Nair 2006), the outcome of EMS appears to be primarily operator dependent. Previous studies showed that the
tooth position, location, and the presence of an isthmus, were outcome predictors for EMS (Song et al. 2013,
Kim et al. 2016). This, however, was not evident in the present findings. The difference in results may stem
from the potential presence of a major procedural error in posterior teeth or teeth with isthmus resulting in
missing a canal, root perforation, or improperly sealing the root canal space (Fig. 2e-h). While such errors may
often be missed or questioned on PAs, they were well observed on the CBCT scan. Having a minor procedural
error, on the other hand, did not impact the treatment outcome. However, it was very prevalent and occurred in
23% of all the treated teeth.
Non-surgical retreatment has been often recommended as the treatment modality of choice following a failure
of an initial root canal treatment (Torabinejad & White 2016). The odds of failure have also been shown to be
higher when the quality of the root canal filling was inadequate at the time of the surgery (Safi et al. 2019). The
present results, however, disagree with these findings and revealed that neither the root canal quality before
surgery nor the treatment sequence had a significant impact on the surgical outcome (P > 0.05). That being
said, deeper retro-preparations (> 3 mm) were always considered when the quality of the root canal treatment
was inadequate. While the depth of retro-preparation did not result in any significant improvement in the
treatment outcome (P = 0.24), there was a lack of patient randomization. The results suggest that the decision
to proceed with a surgical or a non-surgical approach following the failure of a root canal treatment could be
made based on what is in the patient’s best interest rather than a particular treatment sequence. Clinicians,
however, may consider longer root-end retro-preparation if the root canal quality was poor or inadequate to
address the entire root canal space. The outcome in this study was also not affected by the type of retro-filling
material used, whether RRM or MTA, confirming the results from Safi et al. (2019). The combination of BC
sealer and RRM putty, also known as the “lid technique”, appeared to be a valid retro-filling technique with a
Previous studies often excluded cases that presented with a through-and-through lesion or an apico-marginal
defect (Christiansen et al. 2009, Kruse et al. 2016, Safi et al. 2019, von Arx et al. 2019a). These defects
represented around 20% of the cases that were referred for surgical treatment in this study, and excluding them
would not reflect the true outcome for cases requiring intervention by means of EMS. While historically such
cases have had a poor prognosis when surgically treated (Taschieri et al. 2008, Song et al. 2013), our results
showed that these defects did not affect the treatment outcome (P > 0.05). This can be attributed to the GTR
techniques used, as indicated in previous studies (Dietrich et al. 2002, 2003, Taschieri et al. 2008). Results,
however, should be interpreted with care due to the small patient sample size in these categories.
There was a complete reestablished of the cortical plate (score 2) in around 86% of the cases with GTR,
compared to 38% in those without GTR (Fig. 7). While further improvement in the cortical plate may occur
with time, it is less likely to occur in cases where the cortical plate is reestablished in a concave/regressed
position (von Arx et al. 2019c). To avoid misinterpreting a healthy site for a site masked by the radiopaque
Crossen et al. (2019) illustrated that the amount of linear cortical plate regression following apical surgery was
minimal with less than 0.25 mm, and thus questions the necessity of GTR in endodontic surgery. However,
their study had a small patient sample size (only 12 cases) with no information on the size of the defect at the
time of the surgery. The present observation disagrees with their findings, as the cortical plate regression varied
within the un-grafted cases reaching up to 3mm linear cortical plate regression, three years after treatment (Fig.
7h). The results, however, should be considered preliminary. Future research should explore more carefully the
recommendation for GTR beyond apico-marginal defects and through and through lesions to identify clinical
scenarios that may benefit from its application. Further studies with larger sample size and immediate post-
operative scans are needed to elucidate better a direct relationship between the post-surgical defect size and the
amount of cortical plate regression. In the meantime, clinicians may consider grafting surgical endodontic
defects to avoid regression in the bucco-lingual/palatal ridge thickness. This might be beneficial if the tooth is
lost, under any circumstances, and a dental implant needs to be placed.
Endodontic microsurgery appears to be a very predictable treatment with a high success and survival rate. The
success rate appears to be slightly higher when PA is used to evaluate the outcome, compared to CBCT.
However, CBCT evaluations were more consistent. The presence of a major procedural error during surgery
that compromised the apical seal or the integrity of the supporting structure was the primary cause of
unfavorable radiographic outcome and treatment failure. The sequence of treatment, the quality of endodontic
treatment before the surgery, and the use of GTR did not affect the success rate of EMS procedures. GTR,
however, affected the type of 3D healing (complete vs incomplete) and bone remodeling of the cortical plate
following EMS.
uncertain healing 1 1 1 1 4
unfavorable unsatisfactory 0 0 0 6 (5 are VRF) 6 10
radiographic healing
44 27 5 7
71 12
Favorable healing in 3D
Complete healing (score 6) 44 39 5
Incomplete healing (score 5 or 4) 27 11 16 <0.001*
Total 71 50 21