Environmental Scanning and Monitoring
Environmental Scanning and Monitoring
Environmental Scanning and Monitoring
It consists of a process of gathering, analyzing, and dispensing
information for tactical or strategic purposes about the environments
in which an organization is operating.
Some organizations regularly carry out the processes of environmental
scanning and monitoring to provide them with early warning about
important future changes in an effort to “keep ahead of the pack”.
Environment scanning and monitoring helps the signals of potential
changes in the environment. It also detects the changes that are
already under way.
It normally reveals ambiguous, incomplete, or unconnected data and
information. It involves a detailed and micro study of the environment.
Hence, it is also called the X-ray of the environment. The environment
uncertainty, complexity and dynamism are studies to assess the trend
of environment. It is the base of environment analysis. It is normally
done when there is high level of uncertainty in the environment. It is a
continuous process.
It also helps to evaluate the long term strategic plan that will be aligned
with future business conditions.