Planul Moodificat Clasa 2-A L.engleza
Planul Moodificat Clasa 2-A L.engleza
Planul Moodificat Clasa 2-A L.engleza
Module I
Listening 1.6.Understanding the meaning of Lesson 1 Hello!
simple, short instructions and directions Look!Listen!Repeat!Do it!
related to classroom activities,
Sit down! Stand up! Say
formulated directly, in commonly used
language, slowly and clearly, and ‘Goodbye!’: Ex.5p.3
repeated several times.
1.1.Recognizing sounds and groups of /m/, /n/, /z/, /j/, /w/, /t/,
sounds, pronounced in isolation and in /g/, /b/, /eı/ ,/ı/, /aı/, /əu/, /o/,
words. /o:/;
1.4.Identifying the intention of
communication and the formulas of
politeness used to establish social hello, good bye, I, am, name,
contact. my, is, your, what;
Spoken Interaction 2.1.Reproducing certain sounds and 1.Greeting people and saying
groups of sounds in isolation and in ‘Goodbye’: Hello, good bye;
words. 2.2.Reproducing certain 2.Introducing oneself: I am..,
intonation patterns. 2.3.Reproducing My name is.... What is your
simple sentences and the formulas of name? Ex.1,2,3,4p.3
politeness used to establish social
Culture 1.1.Creating and developing linguistic Talking about the importance
curiosity and interest towards studying of studying English and about
the English language and the cultures of the countries in which English
the English-Speaking world. 1.2.Raising is used as a mothertongue –
the students’ awareness of the English-Speaking countries.
existence of communities and ways of
behaviour different from their own.
Lesson 2 Meet My Friend
Listening 1.6.Understanding the meaning of Let’s talk! Let’s sing!
simple, short instructions and directions
related to classroom activities, /f/, /h/, /l/, /e/, /u:/, /ju:/,
formulated directly, in commonly used /i:/, /æ/, /r/,/з:/ /∫/;
language, slowly and clearly, and
repeated several times. 1.1.Recognizing meet, nice, you, he, she, friend,
sounds and groups of sounds, too, glad, his, her;
pronounced in isolation and in words.
1.4.Identifying the intention of
communication and the formulas of
politeness used to establish social
Spoken Interaction 2.1.Reproducing certain sounds and Introducing people and
groups of sounds in isolation and in oneself: Nice to meet you.
words. 2.3.Reproducing simple Meet my friend. He / she is my
sentences and the formulas of friend. His / her name is.....
politeness used to establish social Glad to meet you. Ex.1,2,3p.5
Culture 1.4.Discovering a new culture of
communication and acquiring other
norms of verbal and non-verbal
behaviour, while establishing social Song: ‘A Girl from London’:
contact. 1.8.Learning poems, songs and Ex.4p.5
short dialogues for children which
belong to the culture of the English-
Speaking world.
Lesson 3 How Are You?
Listening 1.1.Recognizing sounds and groups of /oı/; old, boy, girl, man,
sounds, pronounced in isolation and in woman, seven, eight, nine, ten
words. 1.2.Distinguishing in speech eleven, twelve;
words and simple, short sentences
containing sounds, patterns of
intonation and other specific
phenomena. The words and sentences
are pronounced slowly and clearly, and
repeated several times 1.Counting from 1 to 12:
Spoken 2.1.Reproducing certain sounds and Ex.1,2p.8
Interaction groups of sounds in isolation and in
words. 2.2.Reproducing certain 2.Talking about age:
intonation patterns and other How old are you? I am...
phenomena. 2.3.Reproducing simple Ex.3,4p.9
sentences and the formulas of
politeness used to establish social Song: ‘A Girl from London’:
contact. 2.5.Reproducing a simple short Ex.6p.9
Lesson 5 Where Are You from?
Listening 1.2.Distinguishing in speech words and
simple, short sentences containing /eə/, /ŋg/, /ð/; where, from,
sounds, patterns of intonation and other England, the USA, Australia,
specific phenomena. The words and Canada;
sentences are pronounced slowly and
clearly, and repeated several times.
Spoken Interaction 2.1.Reproducing certain sounds and Talking about one’s origin:
groups of sounds in isolation and in Where are you from? I am
words. 2.2.Reproducing certain from.... Ex.1,2,3p.10
intonation patterns. 2.3.Reproducing Ex.4,5p.11
simple sentences and the formulas of Song: ‘A Girl from London’:
politeness used to establish social Ex.6p.11
contact. 2.5.Reproducing a simple short
Spoken Interaction 2.4.Reproducing simple answers and Talking about origin: He / she is
questions concerning the students’ from.... Where is he / she
personal identification. from? Ex.1,2,3,4p.13
Written Interaction 4.1.Reproducing / copying letters Letter Pp
(capital and lower-case forms) in
Lesson 7 Round Up
Listening 1.4.Identifying the intention of
communication and the formulas of
politeness used to establish social
contact. 1.5.Recognizing simple, short
questions and answers referred to the
students’ personal identification.
Questions and answers are pronounced
slowly, clearly, and repeated several
Spoken Interaction 2.3.Reproducing simple sentences and 1.Greeting people.
the formulas of politeness used to 2.Introducing people. 3.Asking
establish social contact. 2.4.Reproducing about how people feel.
simple answers and questions 4.Talking about age. 5.Talking
concerning the students’ personal about places of origin. Song: ‘A
identification. Girl from London’: Ex.7p.15
2.5.Reproducing a simple short song.
Written Interaction 4.1.Reproducing / copying letters Letters Aa, Bb, Ee, Ll, Mm, Nn,
(capital and lower-case forms), groups Pp, Tt: Ex.6p.23
of letters in isolation or in familiar
words. 4.2.Reproducing symbols of
phonetic script.
Integrated Skill 1.2.Identifying colours.
Spoken Interaction 2.4.Reproducing simple answers and car, train, bus, plane, bike, kite,
questions concerning the students’ doll, happy; Describing people
familiar objects. and things: It’s a new toy.
Reading 3.1.Recognizing letters, groups of letters,
syllables in isolation and in words in a Ex.5p.31
handwritten text.
Written Interaction 4.1.Reproducing / copying letters Letters Hh, Kk, Uu, Yy:
(capital and lower-case forms), groups Ex.4,5p.31
of letters in isolation or in familiar
words. 4.2.Reproducing symbols of
phonetic script.
Lesson 2 My Family
Listening 1.2.Distinguishing in speech words and Aa - /a:/ father, /o/ what, /o:/
simple, short sentences containing ball, /ə/ and, a, an, etc. –
sounds and patterns of intonation. The p.104. mummy, daddy, granny,
words and sentences are presented grandpa, daughter, son,
slowly and clearly, and repeated twice. sister, brother, kind, tall,
pretty, young;
Spoken Interaction 2.1.Reproducing certain sounds and Talking about the family: Who
groups of sounds. 2.4.Reproducing is this? This is my mother.
simple answers and questions referred Ex.1,2,3,4,p.32-33
to the students’ familiar people – their
Reading 3.3.Understanding the meaning of
words, phrases and simple short
sentences which identify people of the
students’ familiar immediate
Written Interaction 4.1.Reproducing / copying letters Letters Jj, Xx, Vv, Ww: Ex.6p.33
(capital and lower-case forms), groups Ex.7p.33
of letters in isolation or in familiar
words. 4.5.Copying words, phrases and
simple sentences according to written
Culture 1.7.Identifying and comparing the
students’ families with typical families
from English-Speaking countries
(members of traditional families and
relations among them).
Lesson 3 What Is Your Father?
Listening 1.2.Distinguishing in speech words and Ii - /aı/ I, tie, nice, /ı/ is, it is,
simple, short sentences containing etc. -.104
sounds, patterns of intonation and other pupil, teacher, policeman,
specific phenomena. The words and housewife, doctor, driver,
sentences are pronounced slowly and shop-assistant;
clearly, and repeated several times.
Spoken Interaction 2.4.Reproducing simple answers and Talking about people’s jobs and
questions concerning the students’ occupations: What is your
familiar people. father? He is... Ex.1,2,3,4p.34-
Reading 3.6.Reading aloud simple, short Ex.4p.35
sentences with appropriate
pronunciation, stress, intonation, sense
groups, and etc.
Written Interaction 4.1.Reproducing / copying letters Letters Hh, Jj, Kk, Uu, Vv, Xx,
(capital and lower-case forms), groups Yy, Ww: Ex.6,7p.35
of letters in isolation or in familiar
words. 4.6.Establishing connections
between pronunciation and written
images of letters, groups of letters and
familiar words, and writing them.
Lesson 4 She Has a House
Listening 1.2.Distinguishing in speech words and Oo - /əu/ open, hello, / / frog,
simple, short sentences containing hop, etc. – p.104
sounds, patterns of intonation and other house, flat, window, door,
specific phenomena. The words and garage, garden, good, we;
sentences are pronounced slowly and
clearly, and repeated twice.
Spoken Interaction 2.4.Reproducing simple answers and Talking about the house:
questions concerning the students’ I have a... Do you have a...?
familiar world – their homes. Ex.1,2,3p.37
Lesson 4 About Me
Listening 1.6.Understanding the meaning of Point to your.....!
simple, short instructions and directions Ex.2p.50
related to classroom activities,
formulated directly, in commonly used oy - / ı/ boy, our - /ə/ colour,
language, slowly and clearly, and our - / :/ your, four, etc. -
repeated several times. p.105 eye, ear, nose, mouth,
1.2.Distinguishing in speech words and face, head, hand, finger, leg,
simple, short sentences containing toe, right, left, dirty, clean;
sounds, patterns of intonation and other
specific phenomena. The words and
sentences are pronounced slowly and
clearly, and repeated several times.
Spoken Interaction 2.4.Reproducing simple answers and Talking about the parts of the
questions concerning the students’ body: Ex.1,2,3p.51 Song:
personal identification, immediate ‘Alouette’: Ex.5p.51 Poem: ‘All
needs, familiar people and objects. about Me’: Ex.6p.51
2.5.Reproducing one simple short poem
and one song.
Lesson 5 The Seasons
Listening 1.2.Distinguishing in speech words and ee - /i:/ tree, three, green, ea
simple, short sentences containing - /i:/ teacher, please, ei - /eı/
sounds, patterns of intonation and other eight, ie – /e/ friend, ey - /eı/
specific phenomena. The words and grey, etc. – p.105 winter,
sentences are pronounced slowly and spring, summer, autumn, cold,
clearly, and repeated twice. warm, hot, cool;
Spoken Interaction 2.2.Reproducing certain intonation Talking about the seasons of
patterns and other phenomena specific the year:
to the English language. 2.4.Reproducing It’s winter. It’s a cold season.
simple answers and questions Poem: ‘The Seasons’: Ex.5p.53
concerning the seasons of the year.
2.5.Reproducing a simple short poem.
Reading 3.4.Defining connections between Ex.2p.53
sentences and pictures which go with
Integrated Skill 1.6.Identifying months and seasons of
Combinations the year.
Lesson 6 Twelve Months
Listening 1.2.Distinguishing in speech words and ar - /a:/ large, carpet, ir - /з:/
simple, short sentences containing girl, bird, skirt, ur - /з:/
sounds, patterns of intonation and other Thursday, turtle, or - / :/
specific phenomena. The words and shorts, floor, er - /ə/ mother,
sentences are pronounced slowly and sister, etc. – p.105
clearly. 1.5.Recognizing simple, short January, February, March,
questions and answers referred to the April, May, etc.
seasons and months of the year.
Questions and answers are pronounced
slowly and clearly.
Spoken Interaction 2.4.Reproducing simple answers and Talking about the months of
questions concerning the seasons and the year: Ex.1,2,3p.55
months of the year.
Spoken Interaction 2.4.Reproducing simple answers and st - /s/ listen, sw - /s/ answer,
questions concerning the students’ rh - /r/ rhyme,wr - /r/ write
actions. wear; Talking about actions
going on at the moment of
speaking: I am reading.
Reading 3.6.Reading aloud simple, short
sentences with appropriate Ex.2,3p.77
pronunciation, stress, intonation, sense
groups, and etc.
Integrated Skill 1.7.Reading and writing the names of
Combinations fruit and vegetables correctly.
Spoken Interaction 2.4.Reproducing simple answers and sea, beach, sun, water,
questions concerning the students’ sunbathe, swim, play, have
familiar environment. fun; Talking about vacation:
What will you do in the
Reading 3.6.Reading aloud simple, short Ex.3p.97
sentences with appropriate Control reading.
pronunciation, stress, intonation, sense
groups, and etc.
Integrated Skill 1.8.Listening to and singing songs. Song: ‘School Is Over!’:
Combinations Ex.6p.97
Lesson 7 Round Up
Spoken Interaction 2.4.Reproducing simple answers and Talking about holidays, pets,
questions concerning the students’ favourite things and vacation.
personal identification, immediate
needs, familiar people and objects.
Reading 3.4.Defining connections between Ex.3p.98
sentences and pictures which go with
Written Interaction 4.4.Writing legibly and neatly,
respecting the rules of writing capital
and lower-case forms of letters, and
making adequate spaces between
Practical 4.6.Establishing connections between Final Test-Paper
Application of pronunciation and written images of
Knowledge letters, groups of letters and familiar
words, and writing them.
Book Round Up
Spoken Interaction 2.4.Reproducing simple answers and 1.Talking about one’s personal
questions concerning the students’ identification: Ex.1,4p.100-101
personal identification, immediate 2.Talking about one’s familiar
needs, familiar people and objects. environment: Ex.2,3,5,6p.100-