CBD 10 16 35

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<> cabur CBD Series Ulsan ‘universal mounting for both PRYDIN and PRS, ‘als which meet the IC 60715 standard, "632" and TH/35 types | * cestlicate CESI 01 ATEX 090 U EX e (E2) 1MQ/112 GD temperature age fe 40 * CoC IEC Ex CES 09,0090 Ex eI + evalabl inthe standard version ego) orn aversion apororate for use with ‘intnsicaly safe 6) cuts (ue) + maximum continual operating temperature 100% (7 seid cas a be camectod an sig CBE cee aye aad ‘tp nn 00 CBD.10 CBD.16 CBD.35 (Ganderd version Cato. CB440 Cato. CB510 Cat.No. — CB610 omens cumacensnes ° ° ° ° . ° cep sox foxtrot ‘ost tragh taco cn om 1 ' S cv ts tae mm 05-16, 05-25 05-8 ‘as fm 05-16 05-25 05-9 i ete wd fom) er {0-wetont te. veteaza $5 wrsago raven rb crt gauge ext CTA77.1 TOV SFA 3 Mod Toker Toy Ske Iaeowlag aktaret/ ANG) korg trae "U. GDOV/GDA/2DGANG /T82KH GMI OA/299MG/I0DbH IOV! eA! ANG! 224 Bl Exe) rated voltage Ca / + | rated current ‘500V/ 630/57 A G30V/ 630/76 620/630 / 125 ‘eae we / hse et tis ens tus an sh fon) 4 t » Sorensen st ren fin) 12/19 8/3 2135 pata ices smiesrsim 58/4/10 arian 60/5016 rah ons ives team ratio erate be/se/ te DD £1 © Ws ££ Ws *# © APPROVALS FLEX 28 OS GAY te SEES. ALE tem See ve GOAT a ee coat vie SSTOPT eee GB en ST ee aman os conan Pion vcsonwariico Poaceae) pore PRM pHBG) Porm Png Pio eas AS Pinasne peso bane erin a,x vein FAL PLD ‘Rated cument caning capacity of jumper (same, Exe version) (A) 87 1 G7) 76 (76) 125 / (125) Suialscns crn rosie posse sie pose ost oss toe cnn ar Zion PHP ones POE FP 21 aes t>PMPNTo nes ‘Shunting screw and sleeve (same, Ex e version) ‘comes (CPxiG) —CPMOS (CPx) (ent AA -CPMA44 (CPx44)—CPMMIOG (CPIU6) —_CPMOK (CPD) Centon etn tte Dr ute hoes ra Cras resent ‘etre oreo ro roo bear oro Test oe 00 moore st rou rome ‘esata 02 von sone vome Soo voate Mt ett Esc r t : : Nts ‘nea pe craton emt bls Twos oe Trains MS MMBnSans TOS aot: tao Cont oe cn ter Se eer eur eee vars wis printer a ves) st ruses; En west cata. Mereonacess Gio BMerionshos ulus) BM wrtovouras Ie roots revue) Sto} BYOMPE ene Sn BUDWUPD chs I Brostolsmaay,” estoy BueaTosrmocny lum soar BUBaTOersen) las nr tig ee en ee bwin nC BITS FUDWAS oevinsss Pb: PRDNAS anevnsts PROM PRIDWAS ew sss FUOWALcacnun” x2 PAMMALvocnun,” foie PRIWAL annus Pm we Panera Smo PRR oe PRE Fae PRVVAS ve wtnon PROS ——PRPIAS ave hatmyPRTOS. PAS anes POS Sseriog bi caDrsH cm ——— 1» ——

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