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Source and Amount of Carbohydrate in The Diet and Inflammation in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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Nutrition Research Reviews (2018), 31, 291–301 doi:10.

© The Authors 2018

Source and amount of carbohydrate in the diet and inflammation in women

with polycystic ovary syndrome

Luigi Barrea1*, Paolo Marzullo2, Giovanna Muscogiuri1, Carolina Di Somma3, Massimo Scacchi4,
Francesco Orio5, Gianluca Aimaretti6, Annamaria Colao1 and Silvia Savastano1
Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Chirurgia, Unit of Endocrinology, Federico II University Medical School of Naples,
Via Sergio Pansini 5, 80131 Naples, Italy
Division of General Medicine, IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Ospedale S. Giuseppe, 28921 Piancavallo-Verbania, Italy
IRCCS SDN, Napoli Via Gianturco 113, 80143 Naples, Italy
Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, Università di Milano, 20122 Milan, Italy
Department of Sports Science and Wellness, “Parthenope” University Naples, Via Ammiraglio Ferdinando Acton 38,
80133 Naples, Italy
Department of Translational Medicine, University of Piemonte Orientale, Via Solaroli 17, 28100 Novara, Italy
Nutrition Research Reviews

High carbohydrate intake and low-grade inflammation cooperate with insulin resistance and hyperandrogenism to constitute an interactive
continuum acting on the pathophysiology of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the most common endocrine disorder in women of
reproductive age characterised by oligo-anovulatory infertility and cardiometabolic disorders. The role of insulin in PCOS is pivotal both in
regulating the activity of ovarian and liver enzymes, respectively involved in androgen production and in triggering low-grade inflammation
usually reported to be associated with an insulin resistance, dyslipidaemia and cardiometabolic diseases. Although an acute hyperglycaemia
induced by oral glucose loading may increase inflammation and oxidative stress by generating reactive oxygen species through different
mechanisms, the postprandial glucose increment, commonly associated with the Western diet, represents the major contributor of chronic
sustained hyperglycaemia and pro-inflammatory state. Together with hyperinsulinaemia, hyperandrogenism and low-grade inflammation,
unhealthy diet should be viewed as a key component of the ‘deadly quartet’ of metabolic risk factors associated with PCOS pathophysiology.
The identification of a tight diet–inflammation–health association makes the adoption of healthy nutritional approaches a primary preventive
and therapeutic tool in women with PCOS, weakening insulin resistance and eventually promoting improvements of reproductive life and
endocrine outcomes. The intriguing nutritional–endocrine connections operating in PCOS underline the role of expert nutritionists in the
management of this syndrome. The aim of the present review is to provide an at-a-glance overview of the possible bi-directional mechanisms
linking inflammation, androgen excess and carbohydrate intake in women with PCOS.

Key words: Carbohydrates: Polycystic ovary syndrome: Low-grade inflammation: Hyperandrogenism

obesity and visceral adiposity occurring in 30–70 % of PCOS
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endo- women(5). Metabolic flexibility, i.e. the ability of the organism to
crine disorder in women of reproductive age(1). PCOS is often adapt fuel oxidation to fuel availability by switching from lipid
associated with severe insulin resistance as well as with defects oxidation to glucose oxidation and vice versa, is impaired in
in insulin secretion, and this appears to be related to the women with PCOS as the consequence of insulin resistance and
modulation of the activity of the key regulatory enzyme of compensatory hyperinsulinaemia(6). In PCOS women, serum
androgen biosynthesis, cytochrome P450c17(2). In addition, androstenedione levels are well correlated with insulin sensi-
hyperinsulinaemia inhibits the production of sex hormone- tivity, and the severity of glucose intolerance increases along
binding globulin, which increases local availability of bioactive with the severity of the hyperandrogenic phenotype(7). In line
testosterone(3), and works synergistically with increased levels with these observations, analysis of First National Health and
of luteinising hormone to enhance androgen production(4). The Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES I) data suggested
PCOS phenotype results in androgen excess, oligo-anovulatory that obesity and extreme obesity affecting women by the age of
infertility, polycystic ovaries on ultrasound examination, insulin 20–24 years up to 32–41 years could suggest an underlying
resistance and cardiometabolic disorders, with overweight/ PCOS state which deserves appropriate workup(8).

Abbreviations: AT, adipose tissue; CRP, C-reactive protein; DASH, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension; GI, glycaemic index; GL, glycaemic load; MNC,
mononuclear immune cells; PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome; ROS, reactive oxygen species.
* Corresponding author: Dr Luigi Barrea, email [email protected]

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292 L. Barrea et al.

PCOS shares a state of low-grade inflammation with other An increase in inflammation occurs acutely following meal
atherosclerosis-related non-transmissible chronic diseases, such ingestion and lasts for about 4–8 h, although it has been
as obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and CVD(9,10). Among reported to occur several times a day following eating(21).
several environmental determinants, a number of nutrients Unhealthy dietary patterns and single food components have
are known to cause or modulate the inflammatory status and been shown to induce inflammation through both direct and
contribute to the onset and maintenance of cardiometabolic indirect effects, these latter being mediated by accumulation in
diseases(11–13). Nevertheless, the spectrum of nutrients respon- white adipose tissue (WAT) of dysfunctional adipocytes and
sible for the onset of a pro-inflammatory state is also strictly immune cell infiltration leading to the release of inflammatory
associated with obesity, which per se is associated with chronic cytokines(14,17,22). Cell populations englobed in WAT consist of
low-grade inflammation(11,14). Besides the evidence linking pre-adipocytes and mature adipocytes, as well as immune and
inflammation and PCOS, uncertainty remains on the role of diet stromal cells. Pre-adipocytes have functional characteristics and
in controlling inter-individual variability in insulin resistance, transcriptional patterns of multipotent cells that are similar to
hyperandrogenism and chronic low-grade inflammation immune cells, and can transdifferentiate into macrophages both
in PCOS. in vitro and in vivo(23,24). Mature adipocytes share the ability
In light of the increased risk of reproductive and health-related with immune cells to secrete cytokines and activate the com-
issues in PCOS women across their life course, the aim of the plement cascade much like mononuclear immune cells (MNC),
present review is to provide an at-a-glance overview of the then promoting a shift toward dominance of pro-inflammatory
possible bi-directional mechanisms linking inflammation, andro- adipokines as opposed to anti-inflammatory adipokines(25).
gen excess and carbohydrate intake in women with PCOS. Upon fat accumulation, adipose tissue (AT)-derived factors can
activate CD8+ T cells and promote macrophage infiltration,
Nutrition Research Reviews

which perpetuates the inflammatory response within the AT(26).

Nutrition and inflammation WAT contains resident M2-like macrophages, which have a role
in AT homeostasis, and recruits M1-like macrophages, which
General concepts
are clustered in crown-like structures and contribute to
The innate (non-specific) immune system, the first-line defence inflammation and insulin resistance(27–30). Macrophage infiltra-
mechanism against invading pathogens(11), is able of promoting tion predominates in omental v. subcutaneous fat and becomes
a chronic low-grade systemic inflammation state(15,16), in the exaggerated with central obesity, which is at higher risk of
absence of any systemic or local infection(15), which is usually insulin resistance(31). Post-absorptively, abdominal adipocytes
defined by the occurrence of 2- to 3-fold increase in plasma and monocytes/macrophages show the ability to respond to
concentrations of cytokines and acute-phase proteins, with acti- acute postprandial elevation of several metabolic components
vation of a complex network of inflammatory signalling path- of the meal, for example, TAG, SCFA, oxysterols and glucose,
ways. Among the environmental modifiable risk factors for through a transient inflammatory response that is crucial for the
chronic inflammation, unhealthy nutritional patterns are emerging development of insulin resistance, the metabolic syndrome and
for their association with the aberrant activation of the innate atherosclerosis(21). The resulting excess of body fat and ectopic
immune system triggering chronic low-grade systemic inflam- fat storage could give rise to a condition of lipotoxicity and a
mation(17). Strategic interest in diet-induced inflammation stem- pro-inflammatory/pro-oxidative state, linking nutrition to
med from both experimental and clinical evidence depicting a increased cardiovascular risk(11). Because a detailed description
role for diet in driving atherogenesis through stimulation of the of the inflammatory effects of each single nutrient is beyond the
processes relating to initiation, progression and rupture of the scope of the present review, we will focus in the next sections
atherosclerotic plaque(18). Consequently, chronic low-grade sys- on the link between carbohydrates and inflammation, with
temic inflammation has been proposed as a potential link particular regard to the interactions between nutrition, insulin
between insulin resistance, the metabolic syndrome, obesity, resistance with compensatory hyperinsulinaemia, hyperan-
type 2 diabetes mellitus and CVD(19). As summarised in a recent drogenism and low-grade inflammation in women with PCOS.
review(11), the International Life Sciences Institute’s European
Branch (ILSI Europe) has extensively investigated the interaction
Carbohydrates and inflammation
between nutrition, food and inflammation. However, the varia-
bility in results across different dietary studies did not allow Postprandial hyperglycaemia, an independent predictor of
to draw final conclusions on the understanding of diet/nutrient- diabetes and CVD, may induce oxidative stress, i.e. the imbal-
driven inflammation(11). Despite the overall consensus on the ance between free radical production and in vivo antioxidant
ability of several foods and nutrients to modulate inflammation defences(32), which displays a positive correlation with the
both acutely and chronically, a debate currently exists on which degree of hyperglycaemia(33). Both oxidative stress and
circulating marker best reflects the low-grade inflammation, and inflammation have overlapping detrimental effects that make
which experimental condition most appropriately detects the their individual effects virtually indistinguishable(34). Acute
diet/nutrient-driven inflammation, i.e. the fasted v. the post- hyperglycaemia induced by oral glucose loading has been
prandial state(20). This controversy is further reinforced when demonstrated to increase inflammation and oxidative stress by
considering that circulating inflammatory markers may not generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) through different
necessarily reflect the inflammation in tissue compartments or mechanisms, including non-enzymic glycation and imbalance
what happens locally in response to inflammatory challenges(11). in the NADH:NAD ratio induced by glucose(35), in several cell

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Carbohydrates and polycystic ovary syndrome 293

types ranging from immune cells, including MNC, activated inflammatory effects of carbohydrates were analysed in asso-
macrophages and T and B cells, and non-immune cells like ciation with the glycaemic index (GI) of foods, an index
adipocytes. In immune cells, ROS production is essential for quantifying the postprandial blood glucose responses to the
eliminating invading pathogens, but it may also result in pro- carbohydrate in different foods(47,48), and the glycaemic load
moting sterile inflammation associated with the activation of (GL), the product of the GI of a specific food and its carbohy-
phagocytes(36). In particular, when an excess of glucose (or drate content(49), which provide an indication of glucose
NEFA) reaches MNC and activated macrophages(37), a large available for energy or storage following a carbohydrate-
number of reducing metabolites, including pyruvic acid and containing meal. There is evidence supporting the benefits of
acetyl coenzyme A, are oxidised in mitochondria, leading to an low-GI dietary patterns on insulin resistance(50,51), while foods
enhanced activity of the electron transport chain and single with a high GI exert opposite effects(52). Nevertheless, the
electron transfer, which finally results in an increased ROS relationship between dietary GI or GL and low-grade inflam-
production(38). ROS generation is an early key event in the mation remains debatable, and the usefulness of GI and GL has
onset and progression of a number of different diseases(39), and been questioned due to the failure to consider the high intra-
may cause oxidative modification of LDL-cholesterol, which is and inter-subject variation in insulin and glucose response to
considered to be a main determinant of the development of the ingestion of specific foods, as well as when foods are
atherosclerosis(40). ROS can act as a potential activator of a class combined in a mixed meal(53).
of proteins involved in innate immunity, known as Toll-like Among the pro-inflammatory dietary patterns, particular
receptors, thereby mediating the activation and expression in concern has been raised by high-energy diets with high content
MNC and activating macrophages of NF-κB, a family of tran- in complex carbohydrates, as well as foods with a high GI scale,
scription factors prone to control apoptosis and pro- low in fibres, rich in refined carbohydrate, or high in fat, all of
Nutrition Research Reviews

inflammatory cytokine expression via dissociation from the which are collectively included in the so-called Western
inhibitory protein, inhibitory κB(36). In immune and non- diet(46,54–56). The Western diet is responsible for supra-
immune cells, activated NF-κB translocates to the nucleus and physiological postprandial spikes in glucose and lipids, result-
promotes the transcription of cytokine genes capable of ing in a pro-inflammatory state(17,57,58). Hu et al.(59) observed a
enhancing the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as positive association between dietary GI and oxidative stress
TNF-α, a known mediator of insulin resistance, IL-6, IL-1β, markers as measured in healthy adults by two lipid peroxida-
monocyte chemotactic protein-1 and plasminogen activator tion markers, such as malondialdehyde and F2-isoprostanes,
inhibitor-1(41). Other pro-inflammatory transcription factors are thus concluding that a low-GI diet, not a low-carbohydrate diet,
also activated, including activator protein-1, forkhead box P3, could be beneficial in reducing oxidative stress. The pro-
interferon regulatory factor and signal transducer and activator inflammatory effects of high-GI diets have also been confirmed
of transcription families(42). Pro-inflammatory cytokines stimu- in large epidemiological studies. In particular, in the Harvard
late the liver to produce a variety of proteins known as acute- Women’s Health Study, serum CRP levels increased progres-
phase reactants, including C-reactive protein (CRP). CRP is sively across quintiles of dietary GI(60). In addition, high-GI
involved in endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerotic process, carbohydrates have been reported to increase NF-κB activation
and its level serves as an index of vascular inflammation and and NF-κB binding in MNC of young, lean healthy subjects(61),
major predictor of CVD risk(43). IL-6 plays a key role in the liver such that levels of NF-κB were expressed at three times higher
synthesis of CRP, and increased levels of IL-6 are correlated levels among lean subjects consuming high-GI meals when
with a greater occurrence of cardiac events(44). In addition, IL-6 compared with controls(62). On the other hand, studies have
regulates the secretion of TNF-α, which induces the expression suggested that healthy eating patterns are characterised by
of adhesion molecules, such as vascular cell adhesion protein-1 reduced postprandial glycaemia and lipaemia, and are asso-
and intercellular adhesion molecule-1(45). These latter have ciated with reduced concentrations of low-grade inflammation
been involved in the development of atherosclerosis and pro- markers. For example, dietary patterns with low GI(62,63) or high
duction of other inflammatory cytokines(44). fibre consumption are associated with lower serum concentra-
tions of CRP(64), which are conceivably related to a beneficial
effect on glycaemia(65). Likewise, diets low in GL and high in
Dietary carbohydrates and inflammation
whole grains were found to exert a protective effect against
The effect of postprandial glucose excursions mostly depends inflammation in diabetic patients(66), and an inverse relationship
on the time of exposure to the postprandial glucose peak, a was reported in epidemiological studies between CRP levels
major contributor of chronic sustained hyperglycaemia, as well and dietary intake of fibre, such as in individuals receiving the
as on the magnitude of postprandial spikes, a reflection of Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, which is
glucose variability, with both contributing to protein glycation naturally high in fibre (g fibre/d) or consists of a fibre-
and activation of oxidative stress and inflammation. These two supplemented standard diet (30 g psyllium fibre/d)(11). At
main mechanisms can lead to diabetic and cardiovascular odds with these observations, the Women’s Health Initiative
complications(11). Esposito et al.(46) reported that hypergly- Observational Study reported that a relatively high consumption
caemic spikes are able to affect cytokine concentrations more of both soluble and insoluble fibre (24 g/d) was inversely
than continuous hyperglycaemia, at least in the short term, associated with IL-6 and TNF-α but not with CRP levels(67).
suggesting that an oxidative mechanism could mediate the Probably, the inflammatory response may vary depending on
effect of hyperglycaemia. In a number of studies, the the type of carbohydrate. As such, Kallio et al.(68) reported that

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a 12-week oat–wheat–potato diet resulted in a higher post- demonstrated an increased ovarian sympathetic outflow and
prandial insulin response leading to late hypoglycaemia com- elevated intra-ovarian synthesis of nerve growth factor, which
pared with a rye–pasta diet. Moreover, a carbohydrate-rich diet may be involved in triggering ovarian disease(82). Patients with
up-regulated genes relating to metabolic stress in abdominal PCOS have evidence of increased muscle sympathetic nerve
subcutaneous AT of men and women with the metabolic syn- activity, altered heart rate variability and attenuated heart rate
drome, even in the absence of changes in body weight and recovery post-exercise, compared with age- and BMI-matched
insulin sensitivity(68). Finally, it is important to consider that controls, suggesting a generalised increase in sympathetic ner-
fructose, a common plant-derived sweetener that is habitually vous system activity(83). Whether targeting sympathetic over-
consumed in diets rich in carbohydrates and lipids, promotes a activity in this condition has favourable effects warrants further
greater pro-inflammatory state than glucose, and its effects are investigation.
amplified when it is associated with glucose and lipids. In fact, A potential key role in the pathophysiology of PCOS is played
chronic consumption of fructose generates 100 times more ROS by nutrients like glucose and saturated fat, which can promote
than glucose through different mechanisms, such as hepatic inflammation in women with PCOS and stimulate ovarian
phosphate deficiency, and its hepatic metabolism generates androgen production independent of excess adiposity and
potent glycation agents, such as methylglyoxal, leading to cel- insulin resistance(73,74). Most studies examining markers of the
lular stress and altered insulin signalling(69,70). Hepatic phos- pro-inflammatory state in PCOS have focused on the mea-
phate deficiency leads to the accumulation of AMP resulting in surement of circulating CRP and adiponectin levels(84,85). The
the increased production of uric acid, which in turn stimulates antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherogenic and cardio-
the production of ROS via activation of transforming growth protective effects of adiponectin are widely recognised, where
factor-β and NADPH oxidase 4(69). In addition, fructose has the high-molecular-weight isoforms represent the major rele-
Nutrition Research Reviews

been shown to promote the synthesis of SFA, such as palmi- vant forms in its insulin-sensitivity activities(86). However, pre-
tate(71), which are channelled to distinct cellular metabolic fates vious reports on serum adiponectin levels in women with PCOS
with direct and indirect involvement in the development of have provided conflicting results(87). Like in CVD and obe-
insulin resistance in adipocytes and skeletal muscle cells(72). sity(88), also in PCOS patients CRP levels are a reliable circu-
lating marker of chronic low-grade inflammation(11), although
adiposity is a potential confounding determinant of CRP ele-
Nutrition and inflammation in polycystic ovary syndrome
vations in PCOS, and CRP is expressed at levels that are below
A pro-inflammatory state has emerged as a key contributor to the range predictive of metabolic or CVD risk(76). Of note, MNC
insulin resistance and CVD risk factors in PCOS women(10). make use of ingested glucose and lipids for mitochondrial
Besides the established role of abdominal adiposity, there is a respiration during energy metabolism and generate NADPH
suggestion that metabolic and ovarian dysfunction associated oxidase, the ROS-producing enzyme, which in turn promotes
with PCOS could be enhanced by nutrient-induced oxidative the transcription of TNF-α and IL-6 genes. MNC have been
stress and inflammation(73). As well as in obesity and type 2 extensively investigated in relation to the link connecting diet to
diabetes mellitus, also in PCOS inflammation contributes to inflammation in PCOS, especially when considering that dietary
generate insulin resistance and compensatory hyper- components, such as glucose and lipids, can trigger an
insulinaemia(74), although peculiar mediators such as hyperan- inflammatory response in MNC(76). Glucose ingestion is a pro-
drogenism play a pivotal role in metabolic outcomes related to moting mechanism of inflammation in PCOS, as it has been
the syndrome. Both hyperinsulinaemia and hyperandrogenism shown to activate NF-κB in MNC and in MNC-derived macro-
act as promoters of inflammation in PCOS, and the triad of phages migrating into the stromal–vascular compartment of
insulin resistance, hyperandrogenism and low-grade inflam- expanded AT of obese individuals in response to cell
mation works bi-directionally in a self-perpetuating vicious hypoxia(28,74). González et al.(74) demonstrated that glucose
cycle that underlies the pathophysiology of PCOS(75). The direct ingestion in women with PCOS stimulated ROS-related oxida-
exposure of ovarian theca cells to pro-inflammatory stimuli tive stress and increased NF-κB activation independent of
in vitro increases androgen production, while in vivo circulat- obesity. These authors further observed that MNC-derived
ing and molecular markers of oxidative stress and inflammation cytokine release was inversely related to insulin sensitivity and
are highly correlated with circulating androgens(76). Pioneering directly related to androgens, thus leading to the hypothesis that
studies by Dunaif & Graf(77) demonstrated that circulating the glucose-stimulated inflammatory response from MNC
androgens are influenced by insulin levels independent of played an independent role in promoting insulin resistance,
variations of gonadotropin release only in PCOS women, while hyperandrogenism, as well as inflammation in PCOS(74). Gon-
such a correlation is not present in control women. It is also zález(76) summarised the evidence that TNF-α and IL-6 release
worth noting that up to 50 % of hyperandrogenic women with from circulating MNC is increased in PCOS both upon glucose
PCOS are of normal weight and insulin sensitive(78), and ingestion in vivo and after glucose exposure in vitro, and is
increased circulating androgens might exert anti-inflammatory associated with insulin resistance, thus suggesting that diet-
effects through their lipolytic action(79). It is also worth noting induced inflammation in PCOS is linked to insulin resistance
that the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which and atherogenesis. In this scenario, nutrition could represent
controls resting energy expenditure at the systemic and local a complementary component of a new ‘deadly quartet’ of
levels(80), is enhanced in PCOS as much as in obesity, insulin metabolic risk factors for PCOS in association with hyper-
resistance and hypertension(81,82). Rodent models of PCOS insulinaemia, hyperandrogenism and low-grade inflammation,

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Carbohydrates and polycystic ovary syndrome 295

with hyperandrogenism possibly acting as a precursor of positively related to ovulatory infertility in analyses adjusted for
diet-induced inflammation(76). The results of clinical trials set age, BMI, smoking, parity, physical activity, recency of contra-
up to investigate in vivo the effects of anti-inflammatory therapy ception, total energy intake, protein intake and other dietary
on circulating ovarian androgens in women with PCOS variables(106). In PCOS women, uncertainty remains on whether
following lipid ingestion and glucose infusion will lead to an manipulation of dietary components could aid the clinical
understanding of these intriguing nutritional–endocrine management of the syndrome. Recent interest has stimulated
connections(89). research on moderate increases in dietary protein as a strategy
Indeed, diet is a key determinant of excessive body weight in to tackle global problems of PCOS, for example, glucose intake,
PCOS and its relationship with PCOS is possibly influenced by androgen alterations, weight accrual and cardiometabolic
geographical determinants(90). A survey on overweight and risk(107,108). In a cross-over study, Douglas et al.(109) reported
obese US women with PCOS-related infertility showed poor that a low-carbohydrate diet (43 % of total energy) for 16 d can
dietary intake, particularly in terms of whole grains, fibre, and promote significant reductions in fasting and post-challenge
Fe, and eating behaviours inconsistent with achieving a healthy insulin concentrations, which may over time improve the
body weight, as well as low scores for PCOS-related quality of reproductive and endocrine outcomes of PCOS women. These
life(91). Dissimilarly, a study on overweight and obese Italian results were confirmed by Marsh et al.(110) in ninety-six PCOS
PCOS women found no difference in terms of energy, macro- women, in which changes in insulin sensitivity and clinical
nutrient and advanced glycosylated end-product intake as outcomes were assessed during a dieting programme achieving
compared with controls, yet PCOS women were characterised similar weight loss (4–5 % of initial body weight) after con-
by a higher consumption of cheese and high-GI starchy sweets sumption of a low-GI diet compared with a conventional
and a preference for raw oil rather than other cooked fats(5). healthy diet for 12 months. Both diets were designed as
Nutrition Research Reviews

Women with PCOS showed impaired satiation and alterations in reduced-energy, low-fat, low-saturated fat, moderate-to-high-
satiety–appetite hormones, for example, lower baseline levels fibre diets with similar macronutrient distribution but differing
and responsiveness of ghrelin to meals with varying carbohy- carbohydrate content (GI, 40 v. 59 %; GL, 74 v. 109 g). Of
drate content as well as higher leptin concentrations than interest, this study evidenced that with modest weight loss both
BMI-matched controls(92–94). On the other hand, it is widely the treatments led to similar improvements in blood lipids,
recognised that body weight reduction yields marked beneficial androgens and markers of inflammation, but only women on a
effects on insulin resistance, hyperandrogenic phenotype and low-GI diet showed improvements in menstrual disorders,
gynaecological problems of PCOS women(95) and PCOS may whole-body insulin sensitivity and levels of fibrinogen, an
even resolve after weight loss induced by bariatric surgery(96). acute-phase protein of inflammation(110). In evaluating the
A healthy dietary habit with an adequate ratio of complex to inflammatory pattern, Mehrabani et al.(111) investigated the
simple carbohydrates appears to be appropriate in light of the effects of a high-protein, low-GL hypoenergetic diet (40 % car-
link between nutrition, hyperinsulinaemia, hyperandrogenism bohydrates with <20 GL, 30 % protein, 30 % fat) as compared
and chronic low-grade inflammation, and a low-fat/high-com- with a conventional hypoenergetic diet (55 % carbohydrate,
plex carbohydrate diet can promote weight loss and ameliorate 15 % protein, 30 % fat) on reproductive hormones, inflammatory
metabolic, hormonal and reproductive homeostasis of PCOS(97). markers, lipids, glucose and insulin levels in sixty obese women
There is, however, evidence that the chemical structure of food with PCOS. Results demonstrated that both diets significantly
and botanical structure rather than the amount of fibre or the led to reduced body weight and androgen levels, but only the
type of cereal in the food determine postprandial insulin combination of high-protein and low-GL foods led to a sig-
responses to grain products and insulin resistance(98), and these nificant increase in insulin sensitivity and a decrease in high-
effects may be mediated through glucose insulinotropic peptide sensitivity CRP levels(111). Subsequently, Gower & Goss(112)
and glucagon-like peptide-1(99,100). It is also worth noting that evaluated if dietary restriction of carbohydrates would benefit
metabolic inflexibility in insulin-resistant individuals fails to body composition and metabolic health in thirty women with
adequately oxidise fatty acids, and it diminishes the ability to PCOS randomised to receive a low-fat diet (55, 18 and 27 % of
switch from glucose to lipid oxidation during overnight fasting, energy from carbohydrate, protein and fat, respectively) or a
thus leading to lipid accumulation in skeletal muscle and further low-carbohydrate diet (41, 19 and 40 %, respectively) for
impairment of insulin signalling(101). Weight loss can improve 8 weeks. The low-carbohydrate diet resulted in significant
insulin-mediated suppression of fatty acid oxidation in insulin- decreases in fasting insulin and glucose, and a significant
resistant individuals(102,103) and prevents the effects of hyper- increase in insulin sensitivity, while no changes were observed
insulinaemia on weight gain(104). consuming the low-fat diet. While markers of inflammation did
not change in response to either of the two diets, changes in
intra-abdominal AT were associated with changes in TNF-α
Dietary intervention in polycystic ovary syndrome
levels independent of changes in total body fat mass(112).
Dietary modifications that lead to a reduction in postprandial Different studies showed that carbohydrates from dairy pro-
glucose and hyperinsulinaemia could have important implica- ducts and starch-based foods caused greater postprandial
tions in improving fatty acid oxidation, promoting weight loss, insulin secretion than carbohydrates from non-starchy vege-
and preventing further weight gain in women with PCOS(105). In tables and fruits. In a prospective 8-week dietary intervention
a prospective study in infertile women seeking counselling, using a low-starch/low-dairy product diet, Pohlmeier et al.(113)
total carbohydrate intake and dietary GL were found to be reported that this approach proved useful in increasing fat

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oxidation in overweight and obese women with PCOS. More showed favourable effects on body composition, menstrual
recently, Eslamian et al.(114) investigated in a case–control study cyclicity, blood pressure, glucose homeostasis, dyslipidaemia and
the association between dietary carbohydrate components and surrogate measures of CVD risk(125). Likewise, the DASH diet has
PCOS using a validated semi-quantitative FFQ. The results of gained increasing interest in the dietary management of PCOS
this study showed higher dietary GI and GL values in women patients due to its dietary content of antioxidant foods, such as
with PCOS than controls, while fibre intake was inversely fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and ions
associated with PCOS. along with low saturated fats, cholesterol, refined grains and
In a study investigating the effects of fructose in PCOS, Johnson sweets(126). Compared with a control group, consumption of a
et al.(115) examined whether an 8-week low-fructose, low-energy hypoenergetic DASH eating pattern for 8–12 weeks in overweight
diet could be superior to a traditional low-energy diet based on and obese women with PCOS resulted in the improvement of
fructose-rich liquid meal replacements, with respect to improve- insulin resistance, TAG, VLDL-cholesterol and serum high-
ment of cardiometabolic risk factors and reproductive hormones. sensitivity CRP levels, and a significant increase in antioxidant
The authors failed to obtain significant differences between the levels along with improvements in abdominal fat accumula-
two diet regimens in terms of body weight reduction, modifica- tion(127–129). Together, this evidence suggests that women with
tion in cardiometabolic risk factors, including CRP levels and PCOS should be advised to consume a diet that includes an
androgens. Little but positive experience has been reported on a increase in fibre and a decrease in refined carbohydrates, as well
low-energy ketogenic diet (consisting of fewer than 20 g carbo- as a decrease in trans- and saturated fats and an increase in n-3
hydrate per d) in PCOS women in terms of body weight, free (and n-9) fatty acids. Foods that contain anti-inflammatory com-
testosterone, luteinising hormone:follicle-stimulating hormone pounds (fibre, n-3 fatty acids, vitamin E and resveratrol) could
ratio and fasting insulin(116). It is also expected that manipulation also help improving the metabolic and hyperandrogenic profile of
Nutrition Research Reviews

of dietary protein content could favour psychological outcomes in PCOS patients(130). In addition, vitamins such as vitamin C and β-
PCOS women, namely depression and self-esteem, and predis- carotene, inositol that belongs to the group of B vitamins, vitamin-
pose to improvement in satiety, dietary compliance and steroid like coenzyme Q10, minerals, such as Zn, Cu, Mg and Se, and
production(117). Regarding safety issues, it is until now unclear other compounds, including resveratrol and N-acetyl cysteine,
how low the carbohydrates content of a diet should be or for how have been suggested as auxiliary antioxidants in PCOS. All these
long a low-carbohydrate diet can be administered so as to achieve antioxidants could either stop directly the oxidation chain reaction
optimal results without potential adverse events(118). Challenging or enhance the activity of main antioxidants; nevertheless, sys-
these previous views, however, there is suggestion that energy tematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials
restriction seems more important than macronutrient composi- have been provided only on a restricted number of these
tion, and there is still little evidence to support a universal role compounds(131–134).
for high-protein diets on PCOS outcomes relating to fertility,
endocrine/metabolic parameters and weight loss(119,120).
Since oxidative stress and inflammation occur in PCOS even in
the absence of excess adiposity, a promising approach could be
represented by dietary strategies that are capable of preventing Epidemiological studies and large clinical trials have identified
inflammation, and hence insulin resistance. Anti-inflammation a number of potential diet-derived anti-inflammatory and
nutrition works upstream of primary molecular targets of pro-inflammatory components involved in the pathogenesis of
inflammation to reduce the dietary factors that activate NF-κB to PCOS, particularly those linking carbohydrate intake to low-grade
generate silent inflammation. Anti-inflammatory approaches chronic inflammation. Mutually with hyperinsulinaemia, hyper-
encompassing low-GL foods, low n-6 fatty acids content and high androgenism and low-grade inflammation, an unhealthy diet
n-3 fatty acids, combined according to the 1-2-3 nutritional rule- should be thus viewed as a key component of the ‘deadly quartet’
of-thumb proposed by the International Sports Sciences Asso- of metabolic risk factors associated with PCOS pathophysiology,
ciation for macronutrients ratio (approximately one part fat, two as depicted in Fig. 1. Although it is evident that the inflammatory
parts protein and three parts carbohydrates), have been shown to response driven by carbohydrates is highly variable and that a full
improve insulin resistance and metabolic outcomes in the general understanding of the source of heterogeneity is lacking, the
population(121). Also, dietary intake of nuts, a source of MUFA and results of large clinical trials set up to investigate in vivo the effects
n-3 PUFA, is increasingly seen as a strategy to exert beneficial of anti-inflammatory therapy on circulating ovarian androgens in
effects on lipids, androgens and possibly inflammatory markers in women with PCOS will lend support to the hypothesis of these
PCOS women(122). Growing interest is focusing on the effects of intriguing nutritional–endocrine connections. The recognition of a
the Mediterranean diet on PCOS outcomes(123,124). As such, robust diet–inflammation–health association makes the adoption
energy restriction and a healthy lifestyle along with an anti- of healthy nutritional approaches a key future preventive and
inflammatory nutrition approach are all reckoned as beneficial for therapeutic target in PCOS. A rational approach to the dietary
PCOS outcomes, particularly when low-GI foods are associated management of women with PCOS under the guidance of
with the Mediterranean diet, decreased red/processed meat, low registered dietitians will help the endocrinologists engage with
sugar and saturated fats, phytochemicals and antioxidants, as well these patients and increase the knowledge of how diet and life-
as small frequent meals(123). A 12-week study in seventy-five style factors influence the disorder and how they may be changed
overweight women using a Mediterranean-inspired low-GL to improve prognosis without exclusive reliance on only phar-
hypoenergetic diet (25 % protein, 25 % fat and 50 % carbohydrate) macological treatments. Considering the substantial role of

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family of transcription factors controlling apoptosis and pro-inflammatory cytokine expression, with increased release of pro-inflammatory cytokines into the
bloodstream. Pro-inflammatory cytokines stimulate the liver to produce a variety of proteins known as acute-phase reactants, including C-reactive protein (CRP) levels.
Inflammation, when present in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), contributes to the development of insulin resistance and compensatory hyperinsulinaemia(74),
although with different peculiarities linked to the pivotal contribution of hyperandrogenism, one of the hallmark features of PCOS. In turn, hyperinsulinaemia and
hyperandrogenism act as promoters of inflammation in PCOS(75). On the other hand, nutrient-induced inflammation per se could stimulate the ovarian androgen
production independent of excess adiposity and insulin resistance(73,74). In this complex scenario, nutrition could act as an additive element in depicting a new ‘deadly
quartet’ of metabolic risk factors together with hyperinsulinaemia, hyperandrogenism and low-grade inflammation, in the vicious cycle operating in the pathophysiology
of PCOS, where hyperandrogenism might act as the progenitor of diet-induced inflammation in the disorder(76).

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