Lab 2-V1
Lab 2-V1
Lab 2-V1
1. Objective
The objective of this lab is consisting of the following tasks:
2. Components Required
3. Overview Diagram
5. System Description
10 31.7
20 59.0
30 86.0
40 112.0
50 137.0
Table 1: Peak values of disruptive discharge voltage in kV for AC Voltage at power frequency, full LI and SI of
negative polarity, and DC voltage of both polarities
Disruptive discharge: Failure of insulation under electric stress, in which the discharge completely
bridges the insulation under test, reducing the voltage between electrodes to practically zero.
Disruptive-discharge voltage value of a test object: Value of the test voltage causing disruptive discharge,
as specified, for the various tests, in therelevant clauses of the presentstandard.
𝑝 273 + 𝑡0
𝛿= .
𝑝0 273 + t
𝑽𝒅 isthebreakdown voltage;
𝑽𝒅𝟎 is the breakdown voltage at normal conditions;
𝒑 is the air pressure;
𝒑𝟎 is the air pressure at normal conditions;
𝒕𝟎 is the temperature in ℃ at normal conditions;
𝒕 is the temperature in ℃
For measurement voltage below 72.5 kV, no humidity correction is applied. This experiment is purely designed
for the demonstration purpose and it is, therefore, recommended not to apply humidity correction factor at all
unless otherwise specified.
𝑪𝑷𝑫 PD measuring 90 nF
𝑪𝑪 Divider to peak 10m,1.035nF
voltmeter cable
Table 2: Rated capacitance values
Figure 1: Principle circuit diagram
The scale factor (𝑆𝐹) of the divider is calculated with the given equation and as per values tabulated in
Table 2.
This calculated scale factor of 1341 of the divider is without considering the stray capacitances and
without consideration of the influence of a connected PD measuring device.
According to the calibration report performance recorded as per IEC 60060-2, the assigned factor while
comparing thedivider with referencesystem is 1358.
9. Experimental Procedure
10. Measurement
10.1. Overview of measurements