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Arunesh Chandra
Krishna Institute Of Engineering And Technology
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Editor-in-Chief (EiC)
Dr Guoxiang Liu
University of North Dakota
United States of America
Dr Rosli
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn
242 - 256 Analysis of Hand Anthropometric Dimensions of Male Industrial Workers of Haryana State
Arunesh Chandra, Pankaj Chandna, Surinder Deswal
257 - 267 Averaging Method for PWM DC-DC Convertors operating in Discontinuous Conduction
Mode With Feedback
Mohammed S. Al-Numay, N.M. Adamali Shah
268 - 276 Semantic Web Mining of Un-structured Data: Challenges & Opportunities
Manoj Manuja, Deepak Garg
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the thirty-seven hand anthropometric characteristics of
the industrial worker of the Haryana state. A survey of convenience sample of eight hundred and
seventy eight male industrial workers was conducted in the year 2009. Paper contains data from
all the four divisions of Haryana state of India and from the five age groups. Minimum, maximum,
mean, standard deviation, skewness, coefficient of variation, 5th, 50th, and 95th percentile for each
hand anthropometric dimension were calculated for the entire state. The normality assumption
was evaluated for each hand dimension, separately. It was found that in most hand dimensions
there were differences between five age groups. Additionally, the statistical analysis was carried
out to correlate various hand dimensions and to obtain prediction equation between different
variables. It has been found that most of the hand dimensions are correlated significantly with
each other. The data gathered may be used for the design of hand tools, gloves, machine access
spaces and hand-held devices and for selection of hand tools for use by Industrial worker
working in the Haryana state of India.
The economic growth and technological improvements have lead to greater demand and
development of machines and devices used in industrial settings. With these dramatic changes
there has also been greater interaction between man and machines. Anthropometric data are one
of essential factors in designing machines and devices as described by [1 & 2]. Incorporating
such information would yield more effective designs, ones that are more user friendly, safer, and
enable higher performance and productivity. According to [3 & 4] the lack of properly designed
machines and equipments may lead to lower work performance and higher incidence to work
related injuries [5] have discussed that for years, anthropometry has been used in national sizing
surveys as an indicator of health status. Anthropometric measurement of human limbs plays an
important role in design of workplace, clothes, hand tools, manual tasks or access spaces for the
hand and many products for human use.
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Arunesh Chandra, Pankaj Chandna & Surinder Deswal
Many studies have been conducted in the past to study the hand anthropometry. The depth and
breadth of each segment of the hand were measured at points that were spaced at equal
distance between the joints of the hand by [6]. Data on the mean length of the proximal and
middle phalangeal segments for the fingers was published by [7]. Also [8] described that the
interaction of handle size and shape with the kinematics and anthropometry of the hand have a
great effect on hand posture and grip strength. Anthropometric survey measuring 18 dimensions
of the right hand female workers living in Western Nigeria was conducted by [9] and the means of
the collected data were compared with those females from USA, UK and Hongkong. Grip tasks
for six subjects were studied using the hand measurement system by [10] the result showed that
the flexion angle for the five fingers decreased with increasing grip span. [11 & 12] have stressed
the importance of interplay of hand anthropometry and handle size or shape in influencing hand
posture, grip span or grip strength. [13] estimated internal biomechanical loads of the hand from
external loads and finger lengths that were themselves estimated from measured hand length
and breadth; and found that hand anthropometric measurements, especially palm width, are
better predictors of hand strength than stature and body weight. The effects on hand grip forces
by relatively small changes in hand or handle size have also been demonstrated by [14] for
torquing on cylinders [15] for gripping cylinders and [16] for gripping and squeezing on parallel
handles of a standard handgrip dynamometer. Hence, measurement of small difference in hand
size is important in understanding gripping forces. An important implication of the above
discussion is that the anthropometry of the hand must be known for any target population for
whom hand tools and other manual devices are to be designed. [17] stated that today, there is a
growing demand among professional hand tool users to have ergonomically designed product.
Further [18, 19 & 20] have discussed that poor ergonomic hand tools design is a well known
factor contributing to biomechanical stresses and increasing the risk of cumulative trauma and
carpal tunnel syndrome disorders of users. According to [21]) hand anthropometry is useful for
determining various aspects of industrial machineries so as to design the equipment and
machines for better efficiency and more human comfort. [22] discussed the potentially harmful
effects of ignoring anthropometric differences between populations may be manifested when a
developing nation, for example, imports equipment from a developed nation since the latter tends
to design their equipment based on the anthropometric data of their own population. Reliable data
on the association between hand injuries or disorders and hand anthropometry are almost absent
in the developing countries. According to [23 & 24] the continued reliance on muscular power in
tool use, in developing countries, and the widespread use of hand tools that do not fit the hands
properly results in problems of health, safety and task performance. Further data on relevant
anthropometric dimensions of the populations of the importing countries for equipment design
may help alleviate the problems. Only a limited work has been reported in connection of hand
anthropometry data for the populations of developing countries by [25, 26, 27, 28, 29 & 30].
Keeping the above-mentioned factors in consideration, the present analysis is an attempt to study
the impact of collected hand anthropometric data of male industrial worker of Haryana state. As
Haryana state of India has total geographical area of 44212 sq. meters. As per Census data 2001
male population of state is 11364000 with about total 498656 (5%) of male population working in
almost about 72643 registered industrial units with output @ 6430 Crores with major SME (small
manufacturing enterprises) clusters and SEZ (small economic zone) in the Haryana State of
India. These movements and others provide incentives for foreign suppliers and investors to open
factories and service sectors in Haryana state of India. Many of the industries being developed,
therefore, would depend heavily on tools and equipment imported from IC (Industralized
Countries) with the negative consequences as described above, if no attempt will be made to
match equipment design with human characteristics. The present study thus represents an effort
for analysing hand anthropometry data of male industrial worker. The data from this study will
also help to understand the anatomical relationships among the various segments of the hand
within the Haryana Industrial worker population.
International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (5) : Issue (3) : 2011 243
Arunesh Chandra, Pankaj Chandna & Surinder Deswal
2.1 Subjects and Apparatus
Sets of thirty-seven hand dimensions were measured for each industrial worker. Selection of
these dimensions were made on the basis of their relevance to the design of industrial tools,
machine guarding and other manual equipments, and also because they have been measured in
previous research studies in different populations. The figures of the hand dimensions are
provided in figures 1(a) and 1(b). A total of 878-convenience sample of participants were
measured from thirty-eight small and medium scale industries located in different divisions of the
state. The range included companies from the automobile, tools and instruments, railway
workshop, agricultural and metal sectors, among other, mainly located in the four different
divisions (Ambala, Rohtak, Gurgaon and Hisar) of the Haryana state of the India. Subjects were
selected according to their availability and willingness to participate without payment or any other
kind of reward they were informed with the objectives of the study, anthropometric dimensions,
clothing requirements, measurements procedures and freedom to withdraw. Age of the subjects
varied between 18 and 62 years old with an average age of 37.91 years, whereas average
stature height and body weight of the subjects was found out to be 1653.23 mm and 65.14 kg
respectively. The sample comprised essentially individuals from industry. Underlying the choice of
subjects from industry is the fact that this account for approximately 5% of active adult male
population of Haryana state (Census, 2001). The methods of hand anthropometric measurements
were same as stated by [31 & 32]. Regular measurement tools are used such as Hardenpen
anthropometer for stature measurement and arm length measurement, small anthropometer for
elbow length measurement, digital vernier caliper for length, breadth and depth measurement of
hand, measuring tape for circumferential measurements, a wooden cone designed locally and
specially to measure internal grip diameter, inner caliper for measurement of grip span and the
body weight was measured by portable weighing digital scale. Table 1 describes the age
distribution of the sample of the subjects measured.
FIGURE 1(A): Selected right hand Anthropometric dimensions of Male Industrial worker Defined In Table 3
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Arunesh Chandra, Pankaj Chandna & Surinder Deswal
FIGURE 1(B): Selected right hand Anthropometric dimensions of Male Industrial worker Defined In Table 3
According to [33 & 34] there are many factors in human measurements that intervene as sources
of error and results can be systematically different in spite of the measures being highly trained.
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Arunesh Chandra, Pankaj Chandna & Surinder Deswal
In anthropometric research the measurer cannot perceive the anomalous measures, as the norm
has a very wide range and the size differences among the subjects of a sample are much higher
than the accuracy of experimental devices, sometimes a factor of 10 or higher. Thus the data
collected was further analyzed using SPSS statistical package (version 16.0) for normality
distribution of each hand dimension, using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and using the Shapiro-Wilk
test at the 5% level of significance, the results of the tests are shown in table 2. Outputs are also
obtained from box-plots generated from the explore command and the extreme outliers that is
1.77% of the collected readings are rejected for further analysis as they are not following the
normal distribution curve as these may be systematic or bias errors which are possible which may
not be clearly noticeable and occasionally these may be systematic errors in the measurement
processes which could have a significant effect on both mean values of experimental variable and
their standard deviation could cause mistaken conclusions over considered population.
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Arunesh Chandra, Pankaj Chandna & Surinder Deswal
TABLE 2: Comparison of the empirical distribution of the sample vs. the theoretical (Normal) distribution for
Male Industrial Worker
With consideration of normal distribution table 3 provides the minimum, maximum, mean,
standard deviation, coefficient of variation, skewness of each hand dimension and the values of
th th th
each hand dimension at the 5 , 50 , and 95 percentile.
S. Percentile
Hand Skew
N Min. Max. Mean SD CV th
dimensions ness 5 50th 95th
Finger tip to root
1 49.79 68.10 59.13 3.39 5.73 -0.117 52.97 59.95 66.89
digit 5
First joint to root
2 27.31 41.58 34.23 2.76 8.06 -0.040 28.16 34.37 39.33
digit 5
Second joint to
3 12.93 22.55 17.52 1.96 11.19 0.046 14.12 17.45 21.53
root digit 5
Finger tip to root
4 69.79 90.80 79.05 4.31 5.45 0.384 71.44 79.18 88.41
digit 3
First joint to root
5 43.76 60.51 52.06 3.54 6.80 0.091 45.13 52.51 59.36
digit 3
Second joint to 10.61
6 19.46 32.41 25.53 2.71 0.139 21.24 25.72 30.52
root digit 3
Breadth at tip
7 10.62 15.84 12.97 1.04 8.02 0.021 11.22 13.13 15.28
digit 5
Breadth at first
8 12.72 17.60 15.10 0.93 6.16 -0.024 13.53 15.27 17.14
joint digit 5
Breadth at
9 second joint 14.73 19.79 17.06 0.99 5.80 0.276 15.50 17.17 19.26
digit 5
Breadth at tip
10 12.85 18.56 15.79 1.12 7.09 -0.082 13.54 16.02 18.07
digit 3
Breadth at first
11 15.07 19.64 17.35 0.90 5.19 0.191 15.76 17.49 19.53
joint digit 3
Breadth at
12 second joint 17.90 22.45 20.21 0.94 4.65 0.187 18.37 20.27 22.23
digit 3
Depth at tip digit
13 9.46 13.86 11.37 0.86 7.56 0.293 10.02 11.53 13.45
Depth at first
14 11.22 16.31 13.70 0.99 7.23 0.078 12.06 13.78 15.84
joint digit 5
Depth at second
15 13.84 19.97 16.50 1.24 7.51 0.388 14.57 16.55 19.32
joint digit 5
Depth at tip digit
16 10.32 15.35 12.99 0.98 7.54 -0.103 11.39 13.17 14.99
Depth at first
17 12.83 17.85 15.51 1.13 7.29 -0.036 13.60 15.69 17.84
joint digit 3
Depth at second
18 16.53 22.30 19.08 1.13 5.92 0.310 17.40 19.18 21.47
joint digit 3
19 Grip span 82.32 114.66 98.07 6.30 6.42 -0.019 86.71 99.15 109.56
Max. breadth of
20 95.00 110.00 101.83 3.38 3.32 0.278 95.00 102.00 110.00
the hand
Breadth of the
21 78.00 92.00 84.85 2.82 3.32 0.082 80.00 85.00 92.00
22 Hand length 170.00 202.00 185.77 6.32 3.40 0.216 175.00 187.00 201.00
23 Palm length 94.00 118.00 105.59 4.57 4.33 0.188 97.00 106.00 115.00
24 Depth of the 24.00 32.00 28.04 1.68 5.99 0.010 25.00 28.00 31.00
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Arunesh Chandra, Pankaj Chandna & Surinder Deswal
Max. depth of
25 35.00 54.00 44.62 3.41 7.64 0.071 40.00 45.00 51.00
the hand
26 Fist length 89.00 113.00 100.05 4.99 4.99 0.009 92.00 101.00 110.00
First phalanx
27 60.00 74.00 65.85 2.92 4.43 0.442 62.00 66.00 72.00
digit 3 length
28 252.00 305.00 277.65 10.57 3.81 -0.093 259.00 280.00 305.00
29 225.00 265.00 243.82 8.52 3.49 -0.100 228.00 245.00 262.00
Max. hand
30 310.00 379.00 344.50 12.87 3.74 -0.251 319.00 346.00 373.00
Index finger
31 60.00 77.00 67.28 3.76 5.59 -0.075 61.00 68.00 74.00
32 149.00 185.00 164.54 6.92 4.21 0.153 152.00 165.00 180.00
33 Arm length 692.00 847.00 771.16 27.36 3.55 -0.025 727.00 776.00 821.00
34 Elbow length 423.00 501.00 459.91 15.70 3.41 0.260 434.00 462.00 493.00
35 Elbow flexed 223.00 320.00 263.72 18.11 6.87 0.113 234.00 266.00 295.00
Max. internal
36 35.00 52.00 42.68 4.05 9.49 0.163 35.00 44.00 50.00
grip diameter
Middle finger
37 palm grip 12.00 22.50 16.33 2.47 15.12 0.188 12.50 17.50 21.00
TABLE 3: Hand Anthropometric data of sample (N=878, All measurements are in Millimeter)
In addition to the above analysis the male industrial worker groups were divided further into five
age groups of 18-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, and above 56 years, for which mean and standard
deviations, were calculated separately as shown in table 4. Based on these values, the 5th, 50th
and 95th percentiles can be calculated separately.
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Arunesh Chandra, Pankaj Chandna & Surinder Deswal
digit 3
Depth at tip
13 11.24 0.82 11.40 1.01 11.56 1.13 11.92 0.99 11.98 0.87
digit 5
Depth at first
14 13.40 0.93 13.61 1.00 13.84 1.42 14.41 1.04 14.01 0.89
joint digit 5
Depth at
15 second joint 16.11 1.14 16.47 1.58 16.84 1.63 17.15 1.21 16.91 1.22
digit 5
Depth at tip
16 12.76 0.97 12.88 1.13 13.25 1.03 13.52 1.08 13.38 1.09
digit 3
Depth at first
17 15.30 0.97 15.31 1.30 15.84 1.33 16.10 1.25 16.32 1.07
joint digit 3
Depth at
18 second joint 19.00 1.24 18.92 1.19 19.31 1.23 19.75 1.35 19.66 0.92
digit 3
19 Grip span 99.93 6.58 98.08 7.08 98.54 6.60 99.38 6.72 94.64 5.04
Max. breadth
20 101.41 4.51 101.85 4.11 102.68 3.80 103.54 4.26 102.26 4.30
of the hand
Breadth of the
21 84.56 3.24 85.26 3.19 85.61 3.48 86.21 3.84 85.08 3.95
22 Hand length 186.41 8.32 187.25 8.28 188.30 7.96 188.10 7.88 182.82 7.52
23 Palm length 107.40 5.12 105.39 5.25 106.40 5.19 106.21 5.61 102.46 5.46
Depth of the
24 27.43 1.71 27.64 1.68 28.59 1.82 28.46 2.01 27.88 2.00
Max. depth of
25 43.96 3.12 44.08 3.17 45.76 3.73 46.24 4.01 44.46 2.66
the hand
26 Fist length 99.79 5.87 100.39 6.03 101.13 5.18 101.52 4.92 99.25 4.67
First phalanx
27 66.48 3.15 66.56 3.62 66.13 2.98 66.69 2.99 65.23 3.07
digit 3 length
28 275.41 11.14 277.65 13.33 281.00 13.08 284.39 13.42 278.98 15.97
29 242.08 10.22 243.44 10.84 247.99 9.29 248.37 11.52 239.94 10.21
Max. hand
30 342.91 13.59 344.92 17.97 348.32 13.63 347.83 18.22 345.77 17.27
Index finger
31 65.52 3.90 66.27 3.74 68.82 3.34 69.59 3.92 68.24 3.34
32 161.59 7.06 163.65 7.50 167.14 7.56 168.72 8.84 165.18 9.87
33 Arm length 772.81 30.49 777.05 33.50 773.12 31.06 773.60 27.53 768.04 27.73
34 Elbow length 463.21 17.58 462.43 20.93 462.61 16.20 463.50 16.87 456.50 13.91
35 Elbow flexed 262.79 19.78 263.30 18.24 268.10 16.29 267.75 20.13 267.64 19.92
Max. internal
36 43.82 3.78 43.80 4.13 42.16 4.84 43.44 4.46 42.16 5.03
grip diameter
Middle finger
37 palm grip 17.09 2.69 16.87 2.67 16.21 2.79 16.17 2.65 15.51 2.26
TABLE 4: Hand Anthropometric data of sample classified by Age (Mean values and standard deviation) all
measurements are in millimeter
Table 5 shows the correlation coefficients between different hand anthropometric dimensions.
These coefficients were calculated to see to what extent these dimensions are related to each
other and to what extent equipment design decisions could be based on such correlation. The
simple and multiple regression analyses were done between hand length, hand circumference
and other hand dimensions in order to find out the best set of predictors related to hand length
and hand circumference and are provided in Table 6(a) and 6(b).
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Arunesh Chandra, Pankaj Chandna & Surinder Deswal
From 32486 measured hand variables, 578 measured readings are rejected using stem-and-leaf
plots, histograms and box plots on SPSS software, based on the modifications of the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk test as it is suitable for continuous distribution to examine
the test of normality distribution of data. Thus rejecting 1.77% (578) sample data which may due
to certain type of error while measuring the hand dimensions the result obtains indicates that the
hand variable have statistical distribution that can fit closely to normal distribution curve, as usual
in from the result of the normality test given in Table 2. These test indicates that the thirty five out
of thirty seven hand variables were normal with some deviation in other two variables, these two
variable maximum internal grip diameter and middle finger palm grip diameter are also
approximately normal (p < 0.05) knowing that a dimension is normal makes it possible to easily
derive percentiles in the distribution using the standard normal (Z) table. Otherwise, the
cumulative distribution may be used. The frequency distribution would look like a symmetrical
bell-shaped or normal curve, with most subjects having values in the mid range and with a
smaller number of subjects with high and low scores. As all the hand anthropometric dimensions
follow a normal distribution curve and errors made in using the normal distribution are either not
significant, statistically or are of little practical importance thus the probability density function of
the underlying distribution is estimated based on a sample from the population without any prior
knowledge of the mean, variance etc. of the population
Table 3 presents the summary data obtained for mean and standard deviation, as well as other
important statistical information namely minimum, maximum, and coefficient of variation,
skewness, and important percentile values for all the hand measurements of the male industrial
worker. Coefficient of variation (the ratio of standard deviation to mean) among the thirty seven
hand dimensions ranged from 3.32 to 15.12 % with 34 of them below 10% far lower than we can
assume or suggested by [35]. As the skewness of all the thirty-seven hand dimension is less than
plus or minus one (<+/- 1.0); thus hand dimension is atleast approximately normal and skewness
is not significantly different from normal, and hence we can use the mean, standard deviation and
different percentile values to easily determine the proportion of the population who fall within a
specific range of value for a given hand dimension. These values may also be used for
comparison with those published for other population.
The values of mean and standard deviation (SD) for five age groups of male industrial workers
surveyed, namely 18-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, and > 56 years; pertaining to thirty seven hand
anthropometric dimensions were calculated and are presented in table 4. The data show an
increase in most hand dimensions in the middle age before declining with an increasing age. This
classification revealed that there are clear differences between the five groups. Moreover young
and middle aged worker are smaller than 56 and above age industrial worker in breadth at
second joint digit 5, depth at tip digit 5 and depth at first joint digit 3. However in other hand
dimensions, the 56 and above age industrial worker are generally smaller than both the young
and the middle aged. Figure 2 illustrate the average values obtained of hand length and hand
circumference for five different age groups. This shows that, hand length and hand circumference
vary significantly with age. These differences are very important and should be taken into
consideration in designing the hand tools or equipment that should be controlled by hands of
different age groups. [36] and many others researchers support these findings that
anthropometric data have indicated difference among age groups. It will be interesting to find out
whether these are significant difference between different age groups most of the hand
dimensions with significant differences with were not related to vertebral compression. The exact
reason for the significant differences remain unknown we could not identify them in this study.
The differences found in the hand anthropometric dimensions of the different age groups
emphasize the usefulness of this study and of the results presented herein.
Correlations among measured hand segments were performed among hand length and hand
circumference. Testing the significance of correlation revealed that almost all values are
significant and positively correlated between the hand length and hand circumference, suggest
that it is possible to predict hand dimensions with 95% confidence, by measuring the hand length
International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (5) : Issue (3) : 2011 250
Arunesh Chandra, Pankaj Chandna & Surinder Deswal
and hand circumference alone. Linear regression equations are provided in Table 6(a) and 6(b)
respectively. The statistically significant correlation between the hand lengths (L) related variables
are coded by Y1 to Y28 and the hand circumference (C) related variables are coded by Y29 to Y34.
Coefficient of
Code Variable Prediction Equation
L Hand length - -
Y1 Finger tip to root digit 5 0.602** Y1 = 0.4346L – 20.736
Y2 First joint to root digit 5 0.486** Y2 = 0.3866L – 35.296
Y3 Second joint to root digit 5 0.299** Y3 = 0.2098L – 21.258
Y4 Finger tip to root digit 3 0.697** Y4 = 0.5322L – 18.892
Y5 First joint to root digit 3 0.610** Y5 = 0.4082L – 23.512
Y6 Second joint to root digit 3 0.470** Y6 = 0.2922L – 28.622
Y7 Breadth at tip digit 5 0.110* Y7 = 0.12L – 8.9
Y8 Breadth at first joint digit 5 0.139** Y8 = 0.1276L – 7.886
Y9 Breadth at second joint digit 5 0.181** Y9 = 0.12L – 5.09
Y10 Breadth at tip digit 3 0.038 Y10 = 0.1478L – 11.988
Y11 Breadth at first joint digit 3 0.168** Y11 = 0.125L – 6.03
Y12 Breadth at second joint digit 3 0.272** Y12 = 0.1518L – 8.458
Y13 Depth at tip digit 5 0.060 Y13 = 0.0952L – 5.792
Y14 Depth at first joint 5 0.163** Y14 = 0.1292L – 9.452
Y15 Depth at second joint 5 0.152** Y15 = 0.1746L – 14.786
Y16 Depth at tip digit 3 0.022 Y16 = 0.1188L – 8.688
Y17 Depth at first joint digit 3 0.141** Y17 = 0.1332L – 8.642
Y18 Depth at second joint digit 3 0.243** Y18 = 0.1386L – 6.046
Y19 Grip span 0.419** Y19 = 0.6674L – 24.464
Y20 Maximum breadth of the hand 0.466** Y20 = 0.46L + 17.4
Y21 Breadth of the knuckles 0.415** Y21 = 0.38L + 15.2
Y22 Palm length 0.290** Y22 = 0.6L – 6.0
Y23 Depth of knuckles 0.411** Y23 = 0.18L – 4.8
Y24 Maximum depth of hand 0.254** Y24 = 0.38L – 25.8
Y25 Fist length 0.306** Y25 = 0.58L – 5.8
Y26 First phalanx digit 3 length 0.455** Y26 = 0.34L + 4.6
Y27 Elbow length 0.607** Y27 = 1.9796L + 101.2653
Y28 Arm length 0.582** Y28 = 3.44L + 141.6
TABLE 6(a): Coefficient of Correlation between Hand Length and related variables for Haryana State
Industrial Workers and the corresponding prediction equation
International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (5) : Issue (3) : 2011 251
Arunesh Chandra, Pankaj Chandna & Surinder Deswal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
1 1
2 .833 1
** **
3 .619 .752 1
** ** **
4 .649 .516 .312 1
** ** ** **
5 .553 .550 .366 .852 1
** ** ** ** **
6 .378 .384 .428 .640 .746 1
7 .118 -.043 .083 .089 -.009 -.006 1
** * **
8 .157 -.043 .116 .057 -.037 .040 .623 1
** ** ** ** **
9 .161 .042 .143 .174 .066 .071 .511 .684 1
- - ** ** **
10 .029 * .055 -.014 ** -.046 .556 .562 .404 1
.091 .171
* * * ** ** ** **
11 .086 .005 .098 .098 .025 .111 .435 .621 .619 .595 1
** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
12.183 .105 .173 .276 .233 .166 .342 .468 .634 .343 .592 1
** ** ** ** ** **
13 .006 -.066 .002 .036 -.077 -.009 .516 .513 .534 .441 .480 .507 1
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
14.148 .014 .132 .170 .048 .188 .416 .513 .543 .294 .417 .501 .545 1
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
15.219 .069 .049 .211 .072 .141 .356 .397 .461 .350 .330 .341 .447 .605 1
- - ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
16 -.050 ** -.057 .000 * .017 .444 .478 .449 .483 .460 .348 .631 .515 .487 1
.174 .093
* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
17 .051 -.061 .025 .101 .019 .157 .309 .500 .488 .318 .535 .490 .451 .596 .528 .553 1
** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
18.160 .073 .091 .240 .186 .218 .234 .362 .443 .268 .517 .572 .442 .555 .502 .489 .662 1
** ** ** ** * ** *
19.179 .165 .027 .171 .126 .026 .061 -.085 -.032 -.036 .031 .093 .173 -.046 .104 .058 .009 .083 1
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
20.304 .166 .124 .299 .180 .058 .339 .362 .355 .335 .315 .273 .291 .224 .286 .251 .257 .273 .262 1
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
21.250 .135 .145 .389 .265 .262 .326 .366 .368 .345 .297 .338 .371 .303 .364 .302 .304 .272 .181 .668 1
** ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
22.602 .486 .299 .697 .610 .470 .110 .139 .181 .038 .168 .272 .060 .163 .152 .022 .141 .243 .419 .466 .415 1
** ** ** ** ** ** ** * * ** ** ** ** ** **
23.393 .305 .173 .329 .256 .229 .077 .077 .072 .000 .086 .149 .053 .115 .095 .017 .164 .158 .512 .377 .290 .772 1
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
24.192 .073 .118 .232 .127 .135 .294 .375 .434 .292 .419 .460 .301 .318 .308 .336 .406 .374 .031 .398 .411 .254 .204 1
** ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * **
25.127 .012 .021 .146 .092 .051 .273 .301 .384 .370 .392 .398 .271 .269 .212 .216 .289 .346 .069 .397 .254 .205 .099 .411 1
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
26.378 .294 .226 .390 .413 .365 .201 .180 .343 .045 .282 .391 .153 .351 .383 .157 .375 .408 .215 .341 .306 .569 .512 .362 .371 1
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
27.578 .436 .278 .735 .632 .423 .180 .166 .300 .084 .220 .488 .230 .311 .266 .118 .270 .388 .191 .393 .455 .717 .466 .397 .284 .515 1
** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
28.144 -.056 .010 .319 .161 .113 .370 .370 .378 .234 .225 .290 .233 .320 .258 .245 .285 .238 .104 .619 .555 .390 .274 .449 .388 .251 .346 1
** * ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
29.265 .082 .114 .269 .101 .079 .432 .427 .452 .463 .375 .383 .371 .379 .315 .314 .309 .307 .125 .770 .649 .388 .278 .525 .596 .372 .394 .682 1
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
30.388 .202 .137 .327 .219 .142 .322 .222 .238 .252 .224 .246 .227 .244 .199 .167 .143 .182 .269 .584 .381 .503 .400 .386 .435 .398 .408 .510 .697 1
** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
31.152 .031 .095 .207 .060 .046 .369 .448 .567 .366 .416 .494 .422 .513 .423 .352 .455 .406 .083 .467 .463 .242 .172 .549 .547 .391 .374 .496 .631 .354 1
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
32.256 .085 .156 .288 .135 .124 .315 .364 .513 .328 .330 .456 .277 .409 .328 .224 .290 .359 -.043 .561 .506 .284 .093 .473 .486 .301 .373 .592 .709 .450 .603 1
** ** ** ** ** ** * * * * ** * ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * **
33.471 .298 .160 .545 .434 .298 .105 .101 .114 .035 .107 .138 .043 .096 .159 .056 .103 .194 .303 .382 .365 .607 .440 .168 .202 .295 .514 .309 .391 .436 .100 .294 1
** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
34.255 .133 .124 .238 .117 -.028 .214 .269 .413 .197 .277 .395 .242 .264 .156 .242 .216 .257 .122 .533 .402 .286 .223 .363 .418 .251 .343 .439 .579 .331 .395 .579 .366 1
** ** ** ** ** ** - - - - ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
35.408 .390 .191 .517 .475 .270 -.010 -.056 -.044 ** -.021 .074 -.069 * -.008 ** ** .016 .383 .318 .153 .585 .365 .013 .041 .216 .359 .185 .121 .334 -.047 .133 .446 .052 1
.131 .098 .175 .167
** ** ** ** ** - - * ** ** ** ** ** * ** * ** ** **
36.290 .227 .034 .371 .306 .160 -.004 -.051 -.019 * * .080 .024 .018 .099 -.017 -.002 .032 .399 0.181 .120 .400 .233 -.031 .052 .112 .275 0.103 .046 0.231 .039 .080 .248 .017 .681 1
.111 .103
** ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
37.481 .297 .179 .549 .442 .351 .110 .071 .185 -.025 .088 .237 .048 .143 .219 .014 .153 .251 .264 .347 .320 .582 .463 .226 .206 .432 .580 .279 .382 .424 .158 .280 .799 .336 .369 .220 1
TABLE 5: Matrix of the Pearson Correlation Coefficients obtained between the different Hand Anthropometric dimensions as per order provided In Figure 1 and
Table 3
**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2- tailed) *Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2- tailed)
International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (5) : Issue (3) : 2011 252
Arunesh Chandra, Pankaj Chandna & Suriendra Deswal
Coefficient of
Code Variable Prediction Equation
C Hand circumference - -
Y29 Maximum hand circumference 0.510** Y29 = 1.6552C – 65.1724
Y30 Index finger circumference 0.496** Y30 = 0.3621C – 19.569
Y31 Wrist circumference 0.509** Y31 = 0.8448C – 38.3276
Y32 Elbow flexed 0.391** Y32 = 1.7414C – 158.8793
Y33 Maximum internal grip diameter 0.121** Y33 = 0.431C – 63.5345
Y34 Middle finger grip diameter 0.046 Y34 = 0.181C – 27.2845
TABLE 6(b): Coefficient of Correlation between Hand Circumference and related variables for Haryana State
Industrial Workers and the corresponding prediction equation
The tests of hypothesis that the intercepts or the slopes are zero were rejected for the level of
significance shown in Table 6(a) and 6(b) Predictions should be confined to the ranges of hand
length and hand circumference as prescribed by the regression analysis. The minimum and
maximum values for hand length were 170 mm and 202 mm respectively and the counter values for
the hand circumference were 225 mm and 244 mm respectively. Although this hand anthropometric
data will be of great value in practical application it should be noticed that these are static
anthropometric measurers. Therefore, the use of such data in design of equipment, tools, and
workstation in which functional hand anthropometric data is needed, must be done considering the
differences between the two referred types of hand anthropometric data
Hand Circumference (mm)
187 244
186 242
185 240
Hand length (mm)
182 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-Above
181 Age group (yrs)
18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-Above
Age group (yrs)
FIGURE 2: Variation of Hand Length and Hand Circumference (Mean Values in mm) for Age Groups (Yrs.)
Thirty-seven hand dimensions of eight hundred and seventy eight male industrial workers of
Haryana state belonging to thirty-eight industries of Haryana state of India have been analysed in
this work. This will be useful for the new designs/design modifications for hand tools, workstations,
hand apparel, tools and protective equipment and other practical applications. Mean and standard
deviation of the sample of different age groups shows that values of most of the hand
anthropometric dimensions are higher in the middle age groups and lower with higher and lower
age groups. With respect to the above analysis there are a few important remarks, which need to be
• This study investigated assumptions of normality commonly made by designers in
establishing workplace, equipment, as well as tool design recommendations and the
objective of this analysis is to check precision in anthropometric measures. It was observed
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that 98.23% of collected reading of 37 hand variables of hand anthropometric dimensions fit
closely to a normal distribution curve.
• The correlation coefficients among different hand dimensions were calculated to see to
what extent these dimensions are related to each other. It was observed that 77% of
correlation coefficients are significant at the 1% level, 5% of the correlation coefficients are
significant at 5% level, and 18% of the remaining values are insignificant. Correlation
among measured hand segments was performed among hand length and hand
circumference and almost all values are significant and positively correlated.
• The sample size used (878) was satisfactory for all variables. Therefore designers for
industrial worker of Haryana state can utilize the statistics presented and prediction
equations present in this study to set specifications for the system used, such as hand tools
and other hand held devices. These prediction equations can be used to predict 34 hand
variable dimensions with 95% confidence by measuring the hand length and hand
circumference alone.
• There is a need to enlarge the sample size, not only in terms of age range, namely to
compensate for low frequency observed below 25 and above 56 years, but also to
encompass other occupational groups such as agricultural worker, household worker,
constructional workers and of female workers as their numbers are increasing day to day in
the state.
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Mohammed S. Al-Numay & N.M. Adamali Shah
In this paper, a one-cycle-average (OCA) discrete-time model for PWM dc-dc converter based
onclosed-loop control method for discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) is presented. It leads
toexact discrete-time mathematical representation of the OCA values of the output signal even
atlow frequency. It also provides the exact discrete-time mathematical representation of
theaverage values of other internal signals with little increase in simulation time. A comparison of
thismodel to other existing models is presented through a numerical example of boost
converter.Detailed simulation results confirm the better accuracy and speed of the proposed
PWM converters are widely used for operating switch controlled systems. These systems
areusually operated in two modes of operation, namely: continuous and discontinuous
conductionmodes [5]. The discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) of operation typically occurs in
dc/dcconverters at light load.The boundary between the continuous conduction mode (CCM)
andDCM depends on the ripple current in the inductor or the ripple voltage in the capacitor.
Forlowpower applications, many designers prefer to operate in the DCM in order to avoid the
reverserecovery problem of the diode. DCM operation has also been considered a possible
solution tothe right-half plane (RHP) zero problem encountered in buck-boost and boost derived
topologies. In single-phase ac/dc converters with active power factor correction (PFC), the input
inductorcurrent becomes discontinuous in the vicinity of the voltage zero crossing; some PFC
circuits areeven purposely designed to operate in DCM over the entire line cycle in order to
simplify thecontrol. Proper analytical models for DCM operation of PWM converters are therefore
essentialfor the analysis and design of converters in a variety of applications (see [11] and
referencestherein). These modes of operation are also very much useful for efficiently extracting
maximumpower from the photovoltaic panel (PV) which is another main application [12]. These
powerconverters are connected between the PV and load or bus. Due to the variety of
applications ofPWM converters operating in DCM, there is a need for an accurate model for the
analysis anddesign of such converters. Many efforts have been taken in this view for past three
decades [8,11].
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Mohammed S. Al-Numay & N.M. Adamali Shah
In this paper, a sampled-data model for PWM converters operating in DCM with feedback
isformulated. This gives the exact discrete-time mathematical representation of the values of
theoutput and internal signals with feedback loop at low frequency. A discrete-time model to
providethe one-cycle-average (OCA) signals of PWM converters operating in DCM with feedback
is proposed.This model provides the exact discrete-time mathematical representation of the
averagedvalues of the output signal. It also provides the average values of other internal signals
with littleincrease in simulation time. The main motivation for the new model is based on the fact
that, inmany power electronic applications, it is the average values of the voltage and current
rather thantheir instantaneous values that are of greatest interest. Numerical simulations show
the accuracyof the propose model.
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Mohammed S. Al-Numay & N.M. Adamali Shah
, τ
The DCM PWM converter can be described by
, τ
, τ
, τ
m n p
Where u∈R is the input vector, x∈R is the state vector, and y∈R is the output vector.
Thesystem switches between three topologies (A1, B1, C1), (A2, B2, C2), and (A3, B3, C3),
withswitching intervals determined by
1 2
Where T is the switch period, (dk +dk ) ∈ [0, 1] are the switch duty ratios, and k is the discrete-
time index. All auxiliary inputs will be assumed to be piecewise constants, i.e. u(t) = uk for all t ∈
[kT, (k+1)T]. This assumption is not necessary and is made for convenience only; more general
cases would only require more complex notations. This is the exact switching model which will be
used as the base model for comparison of different methods.
The state space matrices A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3,C1,C2, and C3of boost converter shown in Figure1 are
0 0 1
defined as
1 !; #! ; $0 1%
0 1
# '; #! ; $0
1 1 1%
0 0
1 !; 0
( ) ; $0 1%
The control scheme given in is applied, where the modulation signal is m(t)=Vref- k1 i(t) - k2 v(t)
with Vref=0.13, k1 =0.174, and k2 = -0.0435 as in [1, 7].
.1 1
*+ */ ,*/
,- 0 2
International Journal of Engineering (IJE), Volume (5) : Issue (3) : 2011 259
Mohammed S. Al-Numay & N.M. Adamali Shah
*+ ,/ -0 *
3 23
, Φ Φ Φ
, Φ Φ Г Г Г
The arguments d1T, d2T, and (1-d1-d2)T for (Φ1andΓ1), (Φ 2andΓ2) and (Φ3andΓ3) respectively are
omitted from the above equations for notation simplicity. Where
Φ8 е :; <
Г8 = > :; τ @A τ
This section introduces the new average discrete-time model for PWM converter operating
inDCM with feedback loop. Description of the original system and derivation of the proposed
modelare discussed here. The one-cycle average (OCA) representation of the output signal [1] is
The signal, y*(t) is used to develop a new discrete-time model for PWM converters operating
inDCM. This model provides the basis for discrete-time simulation of the averaged value of
anystate in the DCM PWM system, even during transient non-periodic operating conditions.
Where the input nonlinearities A(d 1, d 2), B(d 1, d 2), C(d 1, d 2)and D(d 1, d 2) are given by
, Φ Φ Φ
, Φ Φ Г Г Г
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Mohammed S. Al-Numay & N.M. Adamali Shah
The arguments d1T, d2T, and (1 - d1- d2)T for (Φ1, Φ1*,Γ1, andΓ1*), (Φ 2, Φ2*,Γ2, andΓ2*) and (Φ 3,
* *
Φ3 ,Γ3, andΓ3 ) respectively are omitted from the above equations for notation simplicity. Where
ΓA t C = > :; J @A E
Note that the averaging operation adds “sensor” dynamics to the system;as a consequence,
thelarge-signal model equations (7) and (8) is not in standard state-space form. By defining
theaugmented state vector x* ∈Rn+psuch that
C K , L
G ,
An equivalent (but standard form) representation of the OCA large-signal model is given by:
B , B
, 0N O P
B , M Q
, 0P O P
B ,
, K L
G ,
B , $0P O N RN O P %
Note that not only the OCA values of output signal will be available but also the values of
thesignals (without averaging) at the beginning of every switching period as well.
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Mohammed S. Al-Numay & N.M. Adamali Shah
at each time instant k, where the sawtooth function is shown in Fig. 2 and
mathematicallyrepresented by tri(t, T)= (t/T)-floor(t/T). For reasonably high switching frequency,
the value ofx(kT+t ) can be approximated by neglecting the higher order terms in the Taylor
expansion of the nonlinear functions Φ1andΓ1. That is
Φ B R B ^_R B
^ _ R B
Noting that tri(t*,T) equals to t*/T for t*∈ [kT, (k+1)T], we get
Y 1
Which provides a closed from solution for dk. The duty ratio dk can be computed without
approximation by solving the nonlinear equation (9) for t*.
Since all of the aforementioned averaged models have been controlled with the same
controllerdesign, a comparative study is carried out to investigate the accuracy and speed of the
proposedmodel as compared to the existing averaged model. It should be noted that no
approximation ismade in deriving the new discrete-time model, and all simulations were
performed using Matlab.The results of all models are computed using built-in Matlab nonlinear
equation solver. The state variables are x1= iLand x2= vC.
The steady-state average values of the output voltage are v C= 8.1125 V for SSA model andvC=
8.3174 V for the proposed model. It should be noted that the accuracy of the SSA
methoddecreases as the switching frequency decreases, while the proposed model does not
depend onthe switching frequency as discussed below.
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Table 1 summarizes the normalized simulation times for ideal boost converter with feedback
fordifferent simulation methods.
Simulation Time
Switched 42
CDTM 8.4
DCM OCA 8.81
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Mohammed S. Al-Numay & N.M. Adamali Shah
This paper proposed a new model which provides a discrete-time response of the one-cycle-
average(OCA) value of the output signal for PWM dc-dc converters operating in the DCM
withfeedback. It is compared to existing models through a numerical example of boost converter.
Asa result of variations in the circuit parameters such as switching frequency and load
resistance,a significant deviation in the average values of the converter’s signals is predicted by
the existingaveraging method. On the other hand, the proposed model is fast and can accurately
simulatethe average behavior of the output voltage even though there is a large variation in the
circuitparameters without any approximation in the design.
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DCM”,International Journal of Modeling and Simulation, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 46–51, 2009.
[5] N. Femia and V. Tucci.“On the Modeling of PWM Converters for Large Signal Analysis in
Discontinuous Conduction Mode”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 9, no. 5, pp.
487–496, September 1994.
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[7] B. Lehman, and R. M. Bass. “Switching Frequency Dependent Averaged Models for PWM
DCDCConverters”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 89-
[12] K. K. Tse, M. T. Ho, Henry S. H. Chung, and S. Y. (Ron) Hui. “A Novel Maximum Power
Point Tracker for PV Panels sing Switching Frequency Modulation”, IEEE Transactions on
PowerElectronics, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 980–989, November 2002.
[14] R. C. Wong, H. A. Owen and T. G. Wilson,“An efficient algorithm for the time-domain
Simulationof regulated energy-storage dc-to-dc converters”, IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, vol.2(2), pp. 154–168, 1987.
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Manoj Manuja & Deepak Garg
The management of unstructured data is acknowledged as one of the most critical unsolved
problems in data management and business intelligence fields in current times. The major reason
for this unresolved problem is primarily because of the actuality that the methods, systems and
related tools that have established themselves so successfully converting structured information
into business intelligence, simply are ineffective when we try to implement the same on
unstructured information. New methods and approaches are very much necessary. It is a known
realism that huge amount of information is shared by the organizations across the world over the
web. It is, however, significant to observe that this information explosion across the globe has
resulted in opening a lot of new avenues to create tools for data management and business
intelligence primarily focusing on unstructured data. In this paper, we explore the challenges
being faced by information system developers during mining of unstructured data in the context of
semantic web and web mining. Opportunities in the wake of these challenges are discussed
towards the end of the paper.
The last few years have seen growing recognition of information as a key business tool for the
success of the organizations across the world. The organizations which effectively identify,
accumulate, study, scrutinize and thereafter act upon the information are definite winners in this
new “information age”. Further to this, the realization of “web” has critically changed the
perspective of how the organizations extract information from the available data in today’s world
of dynamic business.
Therefore, the most important differentiator between a successful and an unsuccessful business
is how an organization manages its data. The critical aspect in today’s business scenario is how
data is converted into Information and subsequently how information is converted into knowledge.
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It is very easy to extract useful knowledge from structured data using proven algorithms and
patterns. But the problem comes when we have unstructured data to work with. It becomes very
difficult to extract knowledge from the un-structured data because of non-availability of proven
algorithms, schemas, patterns and information systems. Through this paper, we shall explore
various challenges in the field of unstructured data mining using semantic web techniques and
also available opportunities in the wake of these challenges.
Most of the business information exists as unstructured data – commonly appearing in e-mails,
blogs, discussion forums, wikis, official memos, news, user groups, chatting scripts on social
networking sites, project reports, business proposals, public surveys, research and white papers,
marketing material, official and business presentations and most of the web pages on WWW.
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In the context of unstructured content [3], there is no conceptual and data type definitions
available in textual documents, and we find it very tricky to extract information from the content
[4]. Therefore, proficient algorithms duly supported by human intercessions are necessary to
make the unstructured data smoothly readable and understandable by a computer machine [5]. A
vast proportion of this unstructured data contains informal and semi-formal, internal and external
communications of a given organization [6]. Usually humans can understand such text
straightaway. However, with enormous quantity of such data content being available nowadays,
both online and inside the enterprise, it becomes critical to mine such text using computers as it
becomes very difficult and complex for a human being to mine huge data manually.
We can think of using available data mining generalized models to represent unstructured data
also but with very less efficiency and proper outcome. There are a few algorithms available to
extract useful information from unstructured data including Opinion mining [7] from noisy text
data, but a generalized, rugged approach is still missing.
Ontology Modeling
Query Engine
Process Modeling
Semantic web mining intends at two emergent research areas of semantic web and web mining
[9,10]. The idea is to improvise the results of web mining by taking advantage of the new
semantic structures on the Web; and also, making use of web mining, for building up the
semantic web by extracting similar meanings, useful patterns, structures, and semantic relations
from existing web resources.
Figure 1 shows proposed solution architecture for semantic web mining. The architecture is
primarily divided into three logical modules, namely knowledge extraction block, knowledge
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Manoj Manuja & Deepak Garg
authoring block and domain specific knowledge base. The availability of prevailing search
engines has to a great extent improved our ability to carry-out a meaningful data search on the
web. But, such search option is still primarily restricted to structured data. In semantic technology,
the focus is generally to formulate flexible data model (called Triples) from the user friendly
domain query. Semantic search engines are yet to prove themselves in the huge periphery of
web search.
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• To develop web mining techniques that will enable the power of www to be realized. These
constitute development of web metrics and measurements, process mining, temporal
evolution of the Web, web services optimization, fraud and threat analysis, and web mining
and privacy.
• To design and develop search engines specifically focused towards mining un-structured
databases. This is the need of the hour as the success and failure of semantic web mining of
unstructured data will primarily depend on the availability of suitable and relevant search
• To design and develop information systems for exploring unstructured data available in bulk
on web primarily extracting content, structure and usage mining. An enterprise system
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Manoj Manuja & Deepak Garg
integrating these three spheres of web mining is very critical to the success of this field of
research [15].
• To design and develop knowledge extraction and un-structured text processing algorithms
which are either available as proprietary algorithms with some big organizations or not
available at all for general usage and exploration.
• To design and develop models for concept and ontology extraction from unstructured data.
This extraction is very important after the enormous explosion of social networking.
• To design and develop an ontology modeling algorithm which also addresses rule and
process modeling in a particular industry vertical or domain area.
• There are not many KDIS available across the organizations which can help them feel the
pulse of their customers, employees and vendors. Mining the opinion from a huge
unstructured data available on www is one of the hottest research areas in current time.
Extracting sentiment and opinion of customers’ feedback is an exciting problem to work on.
• A few enterprises and research groups are working to make standards for semantic web, web
mining and semantic web mining. This is one of the most critical fields in today’s world which
will provide directions to the research community on semantic web mining.
• To develop a user-friendly database management system to manage the entire process of
information extraction [16]. To develop a data model which addresses representational issues
of un-structured data with newer index structures is an important unexplored field. An end-to-
end solution which may provide knowledge extraction and retrieval will be a big opportunity
for the developers to develop.
• To standardize process for Information Extraction (IE); design efficient algorithms for data
cleaning and fusion; design mechanism to find out relationships between uncertainty
management in the context of IE and probabilistic databases.
Research in the field of semantic search engines is focused on various approaches and
classification theories. Miller et al. [18] talked about Navigational Searches which points to the
classification of documents based upon the intention of the user. Mangold [19] focused on
architecture, coupling, user context, query modification, transparency, structure of ontology and
relevant technology as parameters to realize semantic search. In another critical research on
semantic search engine [20], it is pointed out that augmenting traditional keyword search with
semantic techniques is considered as the important parameters to implement the semantic
search engine.
Hildebrand et al. [21] suggested a search system based upon query construction in section with
custom search algorithms. Dietze and Schroeder [22] suggest a new classification approach
based on 9 criteria which include structured/unstructured file, text mining type, type of documents,
number of documents, Ontologies, clustering, result type, highlighting, scientifically evaluated.
Dong et al. [23] present a extended classification with semantic search algorithm based on the
Graph, methodology on distributed hash tables and logics-based Information retrieval.
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Semantic web mining is relatively new sub-field of data mining. It has a vast scope for
investigation keeping in view of the availability of tons of unstructured data on WWW. Lack of
available global standards on this subject opens up a enormous prospect for the research
community to focus on this area in a big way. Non-availability of a rugged database management
system to manage semantic web mining opens up new avenues for the researchers to develop
KIMS (Knowledge extraction management system) for unstructured data available on the web. A
user-oriented semantic search engine is the need of the day. These fields if explored in a right
manner will provide unlimited opportunities to extract knowledge from the goldmine of
unstructured data available across the globe.
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